Marc Bauer Cinérama


Marc Bauer Cinérama
Press kit
Marc Bauer
Exhibition from July 4th to October 31st 2015
In partnership with the FRAC Auvergne, FRAC Alsace, the Swiss Consulate of Marseille, the Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Gallery of Zurich, The School of art and design Marseille-Mediterranée and
the Dock des Suds.
With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Foundation for Culture.
Côte d’Azur
20, bd de Dunkerque +33 (0)4 91 91 27 55
13002 Marseille
Le FRAC est financé par la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
et le ministère de la Culture et de la communication /
Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Il est membre de Platform, regroupement des Fonds régionaux d’art contemporain
et membre fondateur du réseau Marseille Expos.
Marc Bauer, Call of Duty I, 2011, dessin, crayon gris sur papier, 71 x 101 cm, courtesy de l’artiste et Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Table of contents
Press conference
Partners and aid
Press contact
The FRAC’s Documentation center
Around the exhibition
Showcase on art: Marc Bauer 6
List of works
Marc Bauer 's biography
Galerie Freymond-Guth, Zurich
FRAC Auvergne
FRAC Alsace
Consulat général de Suisse à Marseille
Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture.
Galeries Lafayette Marseille
Le Domaine de la Solitude
Partenaire média
The FRAC 19
Practical informations
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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Marc Bauer
July 4th to October 31st 2015
Invitation for the press
Friday, July 3rd from 11 am
Friday, July 3rd from 6pm to 9pm
From Saturday, July 4th, 2015 to Saturday, October 31st 2015
Fridays July 24th 2015, August 28th, September 18th, October 9th, Free
entry from 6pm to 9 pm
Pascal Neveux
Partners and aid
In partnership with the FRAC Auvergne, FRAC Alsace, the Swiss
Consulate of Marseille, the Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Gallery of
Zurich, The School of art and design Marseille-Mediterranée and
the Dock des Suds.
With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Foundation for Culture.
The Frac receives assistance from the Domaine de la Solitude,
Châteauneuf-du Pape
Press contacts FRAC
Communication: Marie-Aurélie Elkurd
+33 (0)4 91 90 30 47
Public Relation: Patricia Joannides +33 (0)6 12 24 01 11
Access to press releases
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The FRAC’s Documentation center
Call of Duty I, 2011
Courtesy Galerie Freymond–Guth
(Zürich) and Marc Bauer
Publications and ephemeral library - Marc Bauer
Marc Bauer lends suggestions via his “ephemeral library”;
regarding a selection of publications and films with a privileged
look into his exhibit’s project and inspiring readings and reference
This selection, designed as an extension of the exhibition and
accompanied by the artist’s publications is an invitation, unveiling
another angle of Marc Bauer’s work.
MUET 2 Marseille Méditerranée’s School of art and Design
(ESADMM). Showcasing a selection of original drawings as
featured in MUET.
This MUET is the second notebook of drawings from a collection
created at the School of art and design Marseille-Méditerranée
A wide representation of students, having chosen the option
art and design, artist-teachers, guests – including artist Marc
BAUER, as well as international students have herein reproduced
their definition of a certain territory built around their defining
Tools, gesture and mediums are experimented upon, motifs evolve,
motivations meet head to head.
Julien Cyril Abie /Rémy Arcucci /Victor Aube-Martin /Marc Bauer /
Zélie Belcour /Sabrina Belouaar /Geoffrey Blan /Aurélien Bouillet /
Patrice Carré / Pierre-Laurent Cassière /Catherine Cointe /Béata
Czudor /Olek Do Sophie Durastante /Gérard Fabre /Sylvie
Fajfrowska /Norma Foschia /Isciane Gastal /Laura Giner /Lusine
Ghukasyan /Laurane Gourdon-Fahrni/Antoine Grullier /FrançoisXavier Guiberteau /Filip Harna /Claudius Hausl /Caroline Jalinot /
Charlie Jeffery /Kailim /Ronan Kerdreux /Hélio Levacher /
Frédérique Loutz /Xi Luo /Clara Marciano /Daniel Mitelberg /
Timothée Monier /Vince Musy & Livia Ripamonti//Gaëlle Oder /
Alexis Ori /Pierre Pauselli /Pierre Pauselli & Antoine Grulier /
Nicolas Pérez /Hervé Priou /Rafaël Rabaud /Juliette Righetti /Alain
Rivière / Romain Rondet /Sébastien Roulet /Marta Rueda /Sabrina
Salese-Klasser /Carine Santi-Weil /Pauline Scopetani /Hélios
Sebastian I Mélissa Sid /Su-mei Tang /Maël Traica /Nathalie Tworek
/Pierre-Etienne Ursault /Li Yuhang /Lyu Yun-Shan .
Cover: Frédérique Loutz & Nicolas Pérez
Project initiated and brought to conception by Frédérique Loutz
and Marta Rueda.
Original productions are all in black and white, maximum format
Sale price: 25 euros
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The book entitled The Architect was published expressly for three
exhibits devoted to Marc Bauer by the FRAC Auvergne, FRAC Alsace
and the FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Cinema-concert Kafka & Marc Bauer
Thursday, October 8th 2015 at 9pm
Dock des Suds, 2 rue Urbain V, 13002 Marseille
An animated film of Marc Bauer’s film The Architect will be
projected, accompanied by a live performance by Kafka, author of
the sound recording. Concert version of Jean Renoir’s silent film
the Little Match Girl”, 1928 after Andersen’s fable.
KAFKA: Guillaume Mazard (bass), Rémi Aurine-Belloe (guitar,
vibraphone), Rémi Faraut (drums, percussion), Emmanuel
Siachouet (guitar).
Showcase on art: Marc Bauer
July 2nd – July 29th 2015
opening; Thursday July 2nd 2015
Galeries Lafayette located at 40-48 rue Saint Ferréol, 13001
In the framework of this event, the FRAC and Galeries Lafayette
have invited Marc Bauer to showcase his work in a window at
Galeries Lafayette, Saint Ferréol, Marseille. This installation echoes
an exhibit presented at FRAC PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR
throughout the summer.
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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After the FRAC Auvergne (spring 2014 and the FRAC
Alsace 2014-2015), the FRAC PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D’AZUR
subsequently opens its doors for the third chapter of the solo
exhibit entitled Cinerama, dedicated to Marc Bauer.
Z1, 1936 (0,176kB memory),
Drawing grey pencil on paper,
213cm x 303cm, 2013
Marc Bauer’s work is built upon an enlarged practice around
drawing in varied formats and mediums ranging from traditional
paper to a projection of images and mural drawings.
“Marc Bauer’s work is based on an inquest into the manner
History has been written while imbedded in the story of those writing
it or when partially falsified by way of contaminating, invented
elements.. History has always been treated in major works as an
incomplete, resembling a matrix of narration, like a poetic field
wherein events become objects of re-appropriation, submitted to
a kind of faltering beginnings, derived from a partially damaged
archeology, comprised of bits and pieces assembled with the glue of
personal memories. This exhibit, entitled Cinerama, broadens the
artist’s research, staging them from a viewpoint of filmic territory,
including the film The Architect, based on F.W. Murnaus’s film
Nosferatu, whose horrific symphony dated 1922 is a culmination
[….]” (J.C. Vergne)
From filmic image to intimate souvenir, Marc Bauer’s work
is thus imbued with narrations taking form there where layers of
the past combine with that of the imaginary. With a great economy
of means, the artist unravels his universe from a series of collective,
familial or autobiographical stories, he unveils as freeze frames of
a same sequence. Bearers of a language we can easily appropriate,
the material sketches itself out for the eye as a screen subject to
new projections. In his graphic work, Bauer transgresses notably
technical conventions and, through qn qngle of dilution the
disappearance of motifs. This freedom he often accords himself
allows his drawing to brush up against pictorial dimensions.
Working on diverse types of mediums and formats, exploiting
both assembling and projection, he likewise uses other techniques
including his allegorical tapestry Melancholia, produced in
Aubusson. 1
Marc Bauer fills both floors during the FRAC’s exhibition
as well as the multimedia floor. His show will be punctuated with
encounters held at the FRAC notably in the documentation center
for the presentation of his publication including the Architect (coedition: FRAC Auvergne, FRAC Alsace, FRAC Provenc-Alpes-Côte
d’Azur, 2014) and the launching of his magazine MUET 2 produced
in the framework of Marc Bauer’s invitation at the School of art and
design Marseille-Méditerranée (ESADMM).
extract from the accompagnying leaflet created by
the FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte
d'Azur text by Nizza Santiago
Hors les murs / off site, The FRAC PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE
D’AZUR has invited Marc Bauer to show his work for the seventh
edition of “Art Showcases” in July followed this Autumn by a
Cinema-concert Kafka &Marc Bauer at the Dock des Suds Marseille.
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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List of presented work
Stage exhibition 1 & 2 (provisional order)
Cinéma, 2013
Drawing grey pencil on paper
45 x 64 cm
Courtesy of the artist and FreymondGuth Fine Arts, Zurich
Portrait en Sphinx, Mathieu Amalric, 2013
1 drawing: 70 x 70 cm
2 texts: 2 x (52 x 45 cm)
2 drawings: 2 x (32 x 45 cm)
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Sceneries Metropolis, 1927, 2013
Oil painting on Plexiglas sheets
17 x (30 x 40 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Skeletthaus, 2009
Black and white slides
80 slides 24 x 36 mm in a carousel cart
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Triumph, 2009
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
211 x 301 cm whole set
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Cinéma, 2013
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
45 x 64 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Boy, 2010
Drawing, grey, black and color pencil on paper
216 x 309 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
The Astronaut, 2013
Animated black and white film, silent. Blu-Ray
40 seconds (looped)
Screening ~60 x 80 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Planet of the Apes, 1968, 2013
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
5 x (32 x 45 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
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Call of Duty I and II, 2011
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
(71 x 101 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Boy, 2010
Drawing, grey, black and color pencil
on paper
216 x 309 cm
Courtesy of the artist and FreymondGuth Fine Arts, Zurich
Abendland, 2007
Text, drawing, grey pencil on paper
45 x 32 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Abendland Supernova, 2013
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
45 x 64 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Z1, 1936 (0,176kB memory), 2013
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
213 x 303 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Original copy sheets of the animated film, The Architect, 2013
Oil painting of Plexiglas sheets
45 x (30 x 40 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Monument, 2009
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
20 x (32 x 45 cm)
Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, acquired by Gesellschaft der Freunde bildender Kunst 2011/2012
Roman-Odessa, 2009
Drawing, grey, black and color pencil on paper
17 x (32 x 45 cm), including 2 frames and 1 x (102 x 72 cm, Amnézia)
Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, acquired by Gesellschaft der Freunde bildender Kunst 2011/2012
Salò, 2009
Drawing, grey and black pencil on paper
4 x (70 x 70 cm)
Collection of the Contemporary Art Funds of the City of Geneva
Melancholia I, 2013
Wool (weaving), cotton (chain)
H 3,60 m x L 300 cm
Loom setter: Patrick Guillot
International museum of tapestry, Aubusson
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Wall drawings
Cinéma, 2014
Digital printing on paper
Variable dimensions
Courtesy of the artist and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich
Call of Duty I et II, 2011
Drawing, grey pencil on paper
(71 x 101 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and FreymondGuth Fine Arts, Zurich
Germania, 2014
Wall drawing, black chalk
Variable dimensions
Warship, 2014
Wall drawing, black chalk
Variable dimensions
No title, 2015
Wall drawing, black chalk
Variable dimensions
Multimedia Stage
The Architect, 2013
Animated film, in sound, black/white and colored
29 minutes
FRAC Auvergne collection
Filmstill of The Architect - 2013 Oil painting on Plexiglas sheets 30x40 cm Courtesy Freymond-Guth Fine Arts,
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama Page 10
Biography Marc Bauer
Marc Bauer was born in 1975, in Geneva
He lives and works in Zurich and Berlin
He is represented by the Freymond-Guth Gallery in Zurich
> Ecole Supérieure d'Art Visuel, Geneva
> Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam
Solo exhibitions
> FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Marseille. Cinerama
> Deweer Gallery, Otegem. Static / Unfolding Time
> Museum Folkwang, Essen. Der Sammler - Nachbilder
> FRAC Alsace, Sélestat. Cinerama
> Le Quartier, Quimper. In the Past, Only
> FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand. Cinerama
> Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Ltd., Zürich. The Astronaut
> Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris. Le Collectionneur
> La Station, Nice. Pleins Pouvoirs, Septembre
> Musée d'art de Pully, with Sara Masüger, Lausanne. Le ravissement mais
l'aube, déjà
> Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz/Basel. Nature as Territory
> Freymond-Guth, Zürich. Der Sammler
> Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen. Totstell-Reflexe. Part in cooperation
with Christine Abbt
> CAR Projects gallery, Bologna. E la neve e il trionfo
> MAMCO, Geneva. Premier conte sur le pouvoir
> Praz-Delavallade gallery, Paris. Ambassade
> Frac Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand. LAQUE
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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> Statements, Art Basel 39. Panorama, Todtnauberg
> Substitut, Berlin, DE. Stomme Doos
> Galerie Elisabeth Kaufmann, Zürich. Gegen mein Gehirn. Part in cooperation with Christine Abbt
> attitudes, espace d'arts contemporains, Geneva. History of Masculinity,
> Praz-Delavallade, Paris. History of Masculinity IV, Abendland
> o.T. Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Luzern. Geschichte der Männlichkeit
> Nicolas Krupp, contemporary art gallery, Basel. Eine kleine Geschichte der
> Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Solothurn Overthrowing the King in his Own
Mind, with Shahryar Nashat and Alexia Walther
> Store Gallery London. Happier Healthier
> SMBA (Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam), Amsterdam. Tautology
> Espace "&" Daviet-Thery, Paris
> attitudes, Geneva. Archeology
> Art-Magazin, Zürich. Swiss Room
Group exhibitions
> S.M.A.K., Ghent. The Bottom Line. Curated by Martin Germann and
Philippe van Cauteren
> Musée des beaux-arts, Le Locle. 8th Triennial of Contemporary Prints
> Kunsthaus Zurich. Europa, Die Zukunft der Geschichte. Curated by
Cathérine Hug
> Albertina Museum, Vienna. Drawing Now. Curated by Elsy Lahner
> Kunstverein Konstanz. Meeting Point. Curated by Axel Lapp
> Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Ltd., Zurich. Borrowed Alibis
> Drawing Room, London. Drawing Biennial
> Kunstverein Speyer. Hans-Purrmann-Preise 2015 - Ausstellung der
> Kunsthaus Zurich. Meisterzeichnungen, 100 Jahre Grafische Sammlung
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> Liverpool Biennial. A Needle Walks into a Haystack curated by Mai
Abu ElDahab and Anthony Huberman
> Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Docking Station
> Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Ltd., Zurich. Le Salon Particulier
> Migros Museum, Zurich. Sacré 101 – An Exhibition based on The
Rite of Spring. Curated by Raphael Gygax
> Centre Pompidou, Paris. Donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain.
Curated by Jonas Storsve
> Les Abattoirs, Toulouse. Les Pléiades - 30 ans des Frac
Public collections
Musée Jenisch, Vevey - Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau - Museum
Folkwang, Essen - Migros museum für gegenwartskunst - Zurich.
Centre Pompidou - Musée d'art de Pully, Lausanne - Kunstmuseum
St. Gallen - Kunstmuseum Solothurn - Kunsthaus Zürich Sturzenegger Stiftung, Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen Frac Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand - Frac Alsace, Sélestat
> The Bottom Line, catalogue. Published by S.M.A.K. Ghent
> Drawing Now: 2015, catalogue. Published by Albertina Museum,
> Triennial of contemporary prints, catalogue. Published by the
Musée des beaux-arts, Le Locle
> Europa, die Zukunft der Geschichte, catalogue, Published by
Kunsthaus Zurich
> Meisterzeichnungen, 100 Jahre Grafische Sammlung, catalogue.
Published by Kunsthaus Zurich
> The Architect, artist book, designed by Vincent van der Marck. For
the exhibition Cinerama in the Frac's Auvergne, Alsace and PACA.
ISBN: 978-2-907672-17-7
> The Collector, artist book, designed by Marie Lusa. For the exhibition Le Collectioneur at the CCS Paris. ISBN: 9782909230139
> The Beirut Experience, catalogue. Published by attitudes, Geneva.
ISBN: 9782940178193
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> Le réel est inadmissible, d’ailleurs il n’existe pas, catalogue.
Published by ESBA, Nantes
> Marc Bauer, monographic catalogue, designed by Vincent van der
Marck. Published by Kehrer Verlag and Kunstmuseum St.Gallen.
ISBN: 9783868281606
> STEEL, artist book, designed by Vincent van der Marck. Published
by Frac Auvergne. ISBN: 9782907672078
> History of masculinity, artist book, designed by Vincent van der
Marck. Published by attitudes, Geneva. ISBN: 9782940178117
> Documents, Marc Bauer: Tautology, writings.
Published by Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam
> Overthrowing the king in his own mind, catalogue.
Published by Kunstmuseum Solothurn and Revolver Editions.
ISBN: 9783865880598
> Happier Healthier, artist book, designed by Vincent van der Marck.
In cooperation with Store Gallery, London
> Across the Great Channel, artist book. Published by Memory Cage
editions, Zürich. ISBN: 3907053141
> City hospital Triemli, Zurich. Wall drawings on concrete and editions for one of the floors
Kaufleuten Restaurant, wall drawing on a 7 by 4 meter wall
>Wall drawings Der Sammler - Nachbilder. Museum Folkwang, Essen
> Tapestry in cooperation with Aubusson Tapestry Museum,
Melancholia I. Musée de la tapisserie d’Aubusson
> Exhibition curated by and with interventions of Marc Bauer,
La Révolte et L'Ennui. Frac Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
> Animation film, The Architect. With Kafka
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> Künstlertragetasche for MIGROS Switzerland
> Space intervention and exposition Der Sammler at Victoria bar,
> Shortlist Drawing prize Daniel & Florence Guerlain, Paris
> Prize of the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie et de l‘Art Tissé,
> Prix culturel Manor, Geneva
> Swiss Art Awards, Basel
> Swiss Art Awards, Basel
> Festival Videoex, Zürich
> Swiss Art Awards, Basel
> Bern Art Museum residency in Beijing
> Swiss Institute, Rome
> L'Architecte, ciné-concert with Kafka. Febuary, Opéra-Théâtre de
> The Architect, ciné-concert with Kafka. June, Art Basel
Parcour, Basel
> The Architect, ciné-concert by Kafka. May, Migros Museum,
> L'Architecte, ciné-concert by Kafka. January, Théâtre Sévelin 36,
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> L'Architecte, ciné-concert by Kafka. January, la Comédie de
> Anteferno II, screenings curated by Renske Janssen and Nicolaus
Schafhausen for the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2007.
Witte de With, Rotterdam
> Anteferno I, II, III and Tautology. Da Sodoma a Hollywood –
Turin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Voice Over section, Torino
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Galerie Freymond-Guth, Zurich
Freymond-Guth Fine Arts
Limmatstrasse 270
CH — 8005 Zürich
Telephone +41 (0)44 240 0481
Facsimile +41 (0)44 240 0487
FRAC Auvergne
6 rue du Terrail
04 73 90 50 00
FRAC Alsace
Agence culturelle d’Alsace
1 espace Gilbert Estève
Route de Marckolsheim
BP 90025
F-67601 Sélestat Cedex
tél. : + 33 (0)3 88 58 87 55
Consulat général de Suisse, Marseille
7 Rue d'Arcole
13291 Marseille Cedex 6
Tel +33 4 96 10 14 10/11
Fax +33 4 91 57 01 03
Ecole supérieure d’art et de design Marseille-Méditerranée
184, Avenue de Luminy
CS 70912 -13 288 Marseille cedex 9
Tél + 33 (0) 4 91 82 83 23
Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture.
The Frac has the support of the Domaine de la Solitude,
EARL Domaines Pierre Lançon
Domaine de la Solitude - BP 21
84231 Châteauneuf-du-Pape Cedex – France
Tél : 04 90 83 71 45
Fax: 04 90 83 51 34
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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Galerie Lafayette Marseille
40-48 rue Saint Ferréol
13 001 Marseille
« Vitrine sur L’Art »
Le Dock des Suds
12 rue Urbain V
13002 Marseille –
04 91 99 00 00
Le Domaine de la Solitude
Domaine de la Solitude – BP 21
84231 Châteauneuf-du-Pape Cedex – France
Tel: 0490837145
Media partner
Press Kit Marc Bauer Cinérama
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The FRACs were created 30 years ago to build up public collections
of contemporary art and to support artistic creation. The Frac
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the only Frac of the new generation to
be found in an urban “hyper-center,” has a new building of 5,400
m2 (of which 1000 m2 are dedicated to exhibitions). It also hosts all
of the activities corresponding to its missions on the same site:
acquisitions, diffusion and mediation. The Frac Provence-AlpesCôte d’Azur’s collection includes 1,016 works by 440 international
artists. The Fonds régional d’art contemporain is financed by the
Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Ministère de la Culture
et de la communication / Direction régionale des affaires
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. It is a member of Platform, a collective
of FRACs and is a founding member of the Marseille Expos
Practical informations
Frac Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur
20, bd de Dunkerque
13002 Marseille
t +33 (0)4 91 91 27 55
Opening hours during the exhibitions
Tuesday to Saturday from 12pm to 7pm
Sundays from 2pm to 6pm (free entry)
Closed on Mondays and national holiday
Nocturnal showings monthly, free admittance on Fridays, from 6
pm to 9 pm.
Groups welcome upon appointment from Tuesday to Saturday 12 to
7 pm:
Price: Full price: 5€ - Discount rate: 2.5 € (terms verified on site)
How to come to the Frac
Metro and Tramway Joliette
Bus lines 35 and 82: stop Joliette. Line 49: stop Frac
Access: highway A55
The restaurant Taste welcomes you at the Frac for calm break.
One lunch = a discount rate entry at the Frac.
Tel: 06 28 04 91 38
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