0313 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
0313 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
100 Years L A K E WO O D C O U N T RY C LUB SEPTEMBER 2013 T WO G REAT N EW E VENTS AT L AKEWOOD C OUNTRY C LUB ! M OTHER ’ S DAY O UT S PA DAY Wednesday, September 25, 2013 11am – 2pm The children are back in school and things are back in full swing. Need a break already? Come to your Club and relax with spa treatments and lunch. Buffet lunch will be offered from 11am – 2pm Spa Treatments will be offered from 11am – 2pm You can come and stay the whole time or come for any length of time you prefer. Treatments Available by Millennium Salon and Spa ~ Chair Massages ~ Hot Stone Massages ~ Scalp Massages ~ Mini Facials ~ Facial Waxing ~ Blow Outs, Hair Styling and Extensions ~ Dry Manicures ~ Dry Pedicures ~ Microderm on Hands Still have a little one at home? Not a problem! We will offer Kidz Klub during this time so they can play and you can relax. $15.00 + tax per child. Price includes set menu lunch. Reservations are required. All treatments will work on a sign up sheet basis and will last about 15 minutes each. All Millennium Salon and Spa technicians are licensed cosmetologists. Guests are welcome. So, plan on getting a group of ladies together to escape reality for a while and get pampered. $38.00 + tax per person. Price includes lunch and as many treatments as time allows. Call for reservations ~ 214.821.1491. Cancellation Deadline: Saturday, September 21, 2013 by 4pm PUTTERS , PINOTS AND PILSNERS Saturday, September 28, 2013 • 6pm – 9pm Enjoy a nice fall evening at the environs of the putting greens. A variety of pinots, beers and light hors d'oeuvres will be provided. Plus we will have putting games and mini lessons. This event is open to all Members and guests. $45.00 + tax per person Call for reservations: 214.821.1491 Cancellation Deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 by 4pm C LUB M ESSAGES PRESIDENT ’ S M ESSAGE Dear Members, Summer is quickly winding down and from all accounts it has been very successful. Membership has remained full with a waiting list in a couple of categories, the usage of the Club has never been higher, the Garden Room and Family Terrace are complete, good rains (and Mike Plummer and crew) kept the course in great shape and the weather was remarkably pleasant the last couple of weeks. The Men’s Club Championship takes place over the Labor Day Weekend along with the season ending festivities at the pool. As we head into the fall season I wanted to provide an update on the projects recommended by the Long Range Planning Committee and supported by your Board. The next major project will be the golf course renovations, which are primarily directed toward the replacement of our 25-year-old irrigation system and re-doing the 60 bunkers. The work will begin immediately after the Member Guest in late October. The Grounds and Greens Committee are trying to balance getting the work performed in an efficient/cost effective manner while allowing some usage during the construction. Current thinking is the south side of La Vista will close initially, leaving the north side open for play until early January. In the near future the Pro Shop will provide additional information for arrangements being made to play at other clubs during this project. As we get closer to construction start date and the detailed timeline takes firmer shape, additional information will be communicated. Plans to remedy the locker room wet areas are being finalized. The goal is to start actual construction during the first week of November. Replacement of the terrazzo floors represents a large portion of the work. This will occur in both the ladies’ and men’s locker rooms. Additional information will be communicated closer to the start date. Several Committee Members continue to explore the Tennis, Swimming Pool and Parking improvement plans. The Swimming Pool and Tennis Building construction plans are being finalized and once completed will allow us to go out to bid for hard numbers. With the high usage of the fitness center, the appreciation of Chef Koval’s cuisine and the upgrades to the Clubhouse, the utilization of the Club has never been higher and the parking challenges, due to our limited land footprint, have become more apparent. The Board is vetting all these plans and issues and will make a recommendation to the Membership in the very near future on a prescribed course of action. If we had unlimited land and unlimited funds it would be easy to solve these challenges. Unfortunately, we have constraints in both areas which means the solutions are more complicated requiring creativity, thoughtfulness and flexibility to resolve. Enjoy the last holiday of the summer! Bill Leiser President HauteSouth L ABOR DAY C ELEBRATION Monday, September 2, 2013 Celebrate the last day of summer at the Club with family, friends, and a little Southern Hospitality and Flair! Come on ova, sit a spell and then enjoy an all-inclusive buffet in the Snack Bar, BINGO, face painting and more! Pool Open ~ 10:00am – 9:00pm Snack Bar Food Court ~ 11:00am-8:00pm DJ ~ 11:00am-3:00pm Face Painter ~ 12:00pm-4:00pm Glitter Tattoos ~ 12:00pm-4:00pm BINGO ~ 2:00pm-4:00pm T HE H OLIDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER ! Looking for a venue to host your Holiday events? Look no further than Lakewood Country Club. Call or e-mail to reserve a room for your Holiday Brunch, Luncheons, Dinners and Cocktail Parties. We would love to help you plan a great event! For more details on booking your event, please call Sheila Rigelsky at 214.821.1491, extension 202 or e-mail sheilar@lakewoodcc.com. E MPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER Let’s congratulate our Employee of the Quarter, Andrea Coldwell. Andrea has been employed at Lakewood Country Club since May of 2010. She began as a lifeguard during the summer and working the fitness desk during the winter. By the end of the summer of 2011, she had worked her way up to head lifeguard, where she has served since. She is currently a sophomore at The University of Texas at Austin, where she is studying computer science. We thank her for all of her dedication and hard work here. Andrea Coldwell C LUBHOUSE C ORNER C LUB N EWS The Swimming Pool will be closed for the season after our Labor Day “Haute South” celebration, and I hope you are able to join us for this farewell to summer party. And what a great summer it was! Even the weather was really nice – No hail storm this year! IN SEPTEMBER MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR: 3rd ~ the Club will be closed 10th ~ The return of Family Night 14th ~ Oktoberfest 17th ~ Brice Cutrer Jones - Emeritus Vineyards Wine Dinner 25th ~ Mother’s Day Out Spa Event with Kidz Klub provided 28th ~ Putters, Pinot and Pilsners at the Golf Course Putting Greens SOMETHING NEW ABOUT THE MENUS AT LAKEWOOD COUNTRY CLUB ~ Kentucky Limestone Salad, Candied Walnuts, Crispy Pancetta, Dried Cherries, Gorgonzola, Crouton, Maple Cayenne Vinaigrette ~ Caprese Salad, Italian Buffalo Mozzarella, Vine Ripe Tomato, Oregano, Olive Oil, Basil M ISPLACED AN I TEM AND T HINK YOU L EFT I T AT T HE C LUB ? For two days only, all items from lost and found will be on display in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Come by and look for your lost items. ——————————————————————— Wednesday, September 11 and Thursday, September 12 5:30pm – 8:30pm ——————————————————————— After these two days, items not claimed will be given to Goodwill. ~ Seared East Coast Halibut, Jumbo Lump Crab Brandade, Brown Butter, Caper, Tomato, Lemon, Parsley ~ Colorado Lamb Chops, Creamy Ricotta and Goat Cheese Polenta, Chanterelle, Basil, Pine Nut, Arugula Tomato Salad ~ Bacon Jalapeno Wrap Chicken, Cream Cheese, Jalapeño Emulsion, Flour Tortilla ~ Pizza by the Slice (Available Wednesday - Saturday) ~ Chipotle Deviled Eggs The Wine Room is now serving a tasting menu giving William Koval the ability to use seasonal ingredients in his creations. This menu is $70.00 plus tax, and each course can also be paired with wines for $145.00 plus tax per person. The menu is emailed out each week. FEATURED WINE FOR SEPTEMBER: Emeritus Vineyards “Hallberg Ranch”, Russian River Valley, 2010 ~ $65 This wine is medium crimson color with a full body. It is definitely a big Pinot, very muscular style. Lots of spiciness and darker red, tending toward black fruits, on the nose with some faint hints of vanilla. Very smooth, silky palate with a big mouthful of raspberries and cherries, underpinned with some soft spice. REMINDERS: • The Ladies’ Card Room is now open and staffed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 3:00pm – 8:30pm. • The Child Minding services have been extended from 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Tuesday through Saturday. • As a reminder, for reservations in the Mixed Grill and the Wine Room, parties larger than ten (10) adults will be offered a limited menu and possibly a private room. Finally, as always, let me know, if there is anything I can do to enhance your Club experience. I can be reached at 214.821.1491 ext. 203 or mberlioux@lakewoodcc.com. Marcel Berlioux, CCM Clubhouse Manager S PORTS CAMP C LUB E VENTS J OIN US FOR FAMILY N IGHT Every Tuesday Night 5:30pm – 8:30pm —————————————————————————————— September 10th & 24th ~ Tex-Mex September 17th ~ Asian —————————————————————————————— Make plans now to attend this fun fall event! Adults ~ $16.95 + tax per person, Children Ages 4-12 ~ $6.95 + tax per person Children Ages 3 and Under ~ Complimentary Saturday, September 14, 2013 6:00pm – 9:00pm Lakewood Country Club Driving Range This fun, new event will be an all-adult party outside on the driving range. Come enjoy authentic German food, live music, entertainment and of course a variety of beers. $40 + tax per person Call for Reservations ~ 214.821.1491 Limited open seating will be available. Cancellation Deadline: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 by 4pm. Mark your calendars for the Children’s Halloween Party and come enjoy all the batty fun as your Club transforms into ABA9C"D*!E;8$('/&%!F;8$!@;88$/! !"#$%&'()*+,%-%.,+/"*+)#%0,"1+%2')+/% ! "#$%&'()!*$+,$-.$/!01)!2304! !56'-+'78$!9$:$+,;<8!=!>?43!+-! @;88$/!=!1?33!+-!! C LUB T RANSYLVANIA ! Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:00pm – 8:00pm Join us for a frightfully fun evening for all the family! Be sure to put on your dancing shoes for the Transylvania Twist and dance with all the other monsters, ghosts, goblins and princesses, enjoy the Halloween feast, hop on the haunted hayride and end the night by having your Halloween photo taken. We will have plenty of contests and prizes for the best costumes and game winners. Big Vampires ~ $19.95 + tax per person Little Vampires 2-12 ~ $12.95 + tax per person Baby Vampires 1 & Under ~ Complimentary Reservations are appreciated. Open seating available. !"#$%&'($)*+$%,-$%,-(./ 3+)(%% ! !!!!!!!!!! !"#$%#&'()*(+(%,-.')/)@#:G!H'/&<)!5<8I;,!<I!@#:G)!H$-<8!J/;<:6$! J/';%$&!B#%6/<<-)!K',$!56<#L! "#8')!9;:<,,')!K/$%$/M$&!H$-<8)!5<8$! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!0-12,)!.312()/)*+'8;%6!N:,<+#%! !!!!!!!!!!!!! OM<:'&<)!9'P!E$7$,'.Q$%)!K$,;,$!R/$$8%)!K$'/)!N/'87$)!E'8;QQ'! ! 4(+.'5)!.312()/)F6<Q$!5#.'8!9<'%,$&!K;7! K</:;8;!9;%<,,<)!@',$%)!O:</8!J#,,$/!H$-<8!*'#:$! ! 6#-')!.312()/)J/';%$&!F'(7#!*6</,!9;.! F6;,$!J$'8)!O#%,/'Q;'8!JQ':G!"/#IIQ$!K#/$$)!"/#IIQ$!N;Q)!JQ<<-%&'Q$!*+;8':6)!! 9<'%,$&!5'//<,)!56'8,$/$QQ$!J/';%;87!H;S#;&!! ! 0.31,"))!.312()/)J$QQ$,<;Q$!T!5<P%!-;QG)!1UV!"/;+Q$!5/$'-% % 4")+/% A-$/;,#%!E;8$('/&%!W9#.(!9#.(W!*';78$X)!9#%%;'8!9;M$/!E'QQ$(!2302!! A-$/;,#%!E;8$('/&%!YZ'QQ.$/7!9'8:6[!K;8<,!\<;/)!9#%%;'8!9;M$/!E'QQ$()!2303!! 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S E P T E M B E R 2013 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 H OURS OF O PERATION GOLF MEN’S CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS Breakfast Buffet 9am-1pm 8 TENNIS JUNIOR GRAND PRIX 5:30pm LABOR DAY CELEBRATION ~ “Haute South” Swimming Pool Opens at 10am 9 All Facilities Closed 10 Steak Night 6pm-9pm 11 Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm 12 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm 13 Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 14 15 All Facilities Closed 16 OKTOBERFEST 6pm-9pm Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Tex-Mex 17 Steak Night 6pm-9pm 18 Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm 19 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm 20 Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 22 23 EMERITUS WINE DINNER 6:30pm 24 Dining Tuesday – Thursday 7:00am – 9:00pm Sunday 7:00am – 5:00pm Family Patio & Adult Deck Tuesday – Saturday 11:00am – 8:30pm TENNIS JUNIOR GRAND PRIX 5:30pm All Facilities Closed Child Minding Tuesday – Saturday 7:00am – 9:00pm Friday – Saturday 7:00am – 10:00pm 21 Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Asian Breakfast Buffet 9am-1pm Sunday 8:00am – 8:00pm Accounting Office Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm LOST AND FOUND NIGHT 5:30PM-8:30pm Breakfast Buffet 9am-1pm Switchboard Tuesday – Saturday 8:00am – 9:30pm Steak Night 6pm-9pm 25 Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm 26 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm 27 Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm Sunday 11:00am – 5:00pm Fitness Center Monday 5:00am – 1:30pm 28 Tuesday – Saturday 5:00am – 9:00pm Breakfast Buffet 9am-1pm 29 Breakfast Buffet 9am-1pm All Facilities Closed 30 Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Tex-Mex October 1 All Facilities Closed MOTHER’S DAY OUT 11am-2pm KIDZ KLUB 11am-2pm Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Asian PUTTERS, PINOT & PILSNERS 6pm-9pm Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm Steak Night 6pm-9pm 2 3 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 4 5 LWGA MEMBER~ GUEST PARTY LWGA MEMBER~ GUEST TENNIS JUNIOR GRAND PRIX 5:30pm Steak Night 6pm-9pm Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm GOLF SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm Sunday 5:00am – 8:00pm Golf Shop Tuesday – Sunday 8:00am – 9:00pm 214.821.7690 Tennis Shop Monday – Sunday 8:00am – 9:00pm 214.821.8440 Address 1912 Abrams Road Dallas, Texas 75214 214.821.1491 www.lakewoodcc.com G OLF N EWS F ROM T HE FAIRWAYS SWING FROM THE PRO Member Question: Why are they still hand watering the greens? It is not even hot anymore. LAKEWOOD TEAM GOLF “LAKEWOOD ACES” We joined the NTPGA’s Team Golf Program this summer with our own “Lakewood Aces”. We currently have a seventeen junior roster coached by Grady Randle and Ryan Dodd. They practice twice each week and send a six player team to each tournament. The first tournament for our team was at Sherrill Park where Hunter Cecil, Andrew Petruzzelli, Rob Williamson, Tate Laczkowski, Andrew Laczkowski and John Foster finished in third place winning a medal! The second event was at Shady Valley where Andrew Petruzzelli, Rob Williamson, John Vasallo, Colton Speer, Stone Thornhill and Hunter Cecil represented the team finishing in secAndrew Petruzzelli awarded a Trip to the Masters Putt Pitch and ond place. The juniors play in a Drive Finals and interviewed by the Golf Channel. two man team format accumulating points for where they finish in each division. Twelve club teams participated. Great job to our juniors and their coaches! Superintendent’s Answer: At the end of the hot summer the Bentgrass has very little functioning root system. Heat, disease, traffic, etc. and some others all contribute to a decline in the root system. It is documented in turf grass research that soil temperatures above 86°F cause decline. On our sand-based greens, soil temps can reach triple-digits. By the end of the season, our Bentgrass greens are similar to being newly sodded. They have to be watered frequently. The old recommendation of irrigating deeply and infrequently does not work in the case of new sod and it will not work on our Bentgrass greens in September and October. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is Bentgrass in Texas. Member Question: Why can’t we tee off earlier? Can’t you guys just start earlier? Superintendent’s Answer: We are a neighborhood Club with adjacent homes. There are noise ordinances in place that we try to follow. I can promise you that most homeowners do not like the sound of mowers and blowers early in the morning. Our Staff begins their workday at 6 am already, so I don’t think we really need to start any earlier. We try to start most early morning tasks on interior golf holes first to reduce any neighborhood complaints. This means that we barely are ahead of players on #1 due to the fact that we can not start on it first. We would like to start blowing, mowing, raking bunkers, etc., on the first hole and proceed in order to stay ahead of play. We can not do that because there are adjacent homes at #1 green, all of #2, all of #3, #4 etc. We want to have the course acceptable in condition and ready for members and guests. If play is allowed to go off any earlier, then we can not get the course “set-up” properly. NOTE TO PLAYERS: If you are carrying your bag or forget your sand bottle, please still repair your fairway divot. You can use your golf club or the heel of your shoe and do a pretty good job. Mike Plummer Golf Course Superintendent IN THE SHOP The new TaylorMade SLDR driver has arrived. We have six in stock in regular and stiff shafts as well as a demo for you to try. The SLDR has a 460cc clubhead with a sliding weight port where you can move a 20 gram weight to influence shot shape. The weight slot also moves the center of gravity to a low-forward position which lowers spin rate. The driver is available in 8, 9.5, 10.5 and 12 degree loft heads that can all be adjusted another 1.5 degrees in either direction. The SLDR will sell for $399. Also new from Nike is the Impact golf shoe. Inspired by the Free running shoe, the outsole conforms to the natural motion of the foot while providing the protection and traction of a lightweight performance golf shoe. Available now in three colors for $129. We are also starting our end-of-summer sale with assorted shirts and shorts marked down from 25 to 50%. Keep an eye on our sale tables for nice bargains. We added Puma Junior apparel to the Golf Shop with boys shirts and shorts. New for the men are Peter Millar summer performance shirts and shorts. Great moisture wicking fabric in cool summer colors. Also new are FootJoy M Project golf shoes. These shoes incorporate that low profile, barefoot feel with very lightweight, waterproof leather. PARENT / C HILD G OLF T OURNAMENT R ESULTS SPECIAL RECOGNITION We hope you saw the August issue of Avid Golfer magazine as it included a very nice article about Lakewood and our Tour Pro Program. If you missed it you can go to http://www.avidgolferonline.com/issues/2013/1308agdfw/feature-honorary-membership-at-Lakewood.aspx. We have a new Member in our Tour Pro program. PGA Tour winner Jordan Spieth will now be playing out of Lakewood. Jordan has been a familiar figure here during his junior career having won the Byron Nelson Junior three consecutive times and recently jump starting his summer by qualifying for the US Open at Lakewood. We look forward to seeing him around as he is not only a great golfer but a fine young man. Congratulations to our Night Golf scramble winners Crystal and Timm Baumann, John Stevens and Ryan Dodd. All 36 players had a big time playing until midnight! DON’T WALK AWAY FROM YOUR DIVOTS! Most Members do a fine job of filling fairway divots using the sand bottles provided on the carts. However, please remember, if you are walking and forgot your sand bottle, do not just walk away. I repaired the divot in the photo in seconds using my clubhead and the toe of my shoe. You can make a divot completely playable without the aid of divot sand. So do not just walk away, clean up that divot! See you on the course! Gilbert Freeman, PGA Head Golf Professional 2013 G OLF S CHEDULE OCT ...5-6 .......Men’s Senior Championship 18-19 ...Women’s Club Championship 23-26 ...Lakewood Invitational NOV...3 ..........Couples Championship 8-9 .......Turnpike Cup Sunday, August 18, 2013 1st Place..........Paul & Andrew Pertruzzelli ..............39 2nd Place ........Scott & Max Elkman .......................41* 3rd Place .........Tom & Luke Aldinger ......................41* *Decided by a scorecard playoff Champions ~ Paul & Andrew Petruzzelli Closest to the Pin.......Hole #5 .................Jake Aldinger Hole #7 .........Andrew Petruzzelli G OLF N EWS LWGA – L ADIES ’ G OLF N EWS Fall is coming and that means the beginning of college football, cooler weather ~ maybe ~ and tournament play for LWGA. Lakewood Cup Champions The Green Team In September, the Lakewood Women’s Golf Association will host the Dallas Women’s Golf Association for one of their play days of the year. It is a great opportunity to show women from other clubs around the Dallas area what a fabulous course we have the privilege to play. September is the month we also have our annual FunFest. This two day eclectic tournament is set up for a Member to pair with another Member. Twosomes try to improve on each hole on the second day in order to turn in an 18 hole total for the two days. Be sure to mark Sunday, September 22nd on your calendars! That date is our Lakewood Couples Tournament. The winning couple in gross score and the winners in net score will get their names on the Lakewood Couples trophy for 2013. We hope to see plenty of competition on the course. Debbie Dunlap, Publicity Chairman, Ladies’ Golf Association W ELCOME N EW M EMBERS SHAREHOLDER William Byerley is a CPA at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP. He is married to Susan. Zach Pope is the Director of Electronic Services at Equivalent Data. He and his wife, Lindsay, have two children, Porter and Tucker. Andrew Wright is an Attorney at Energy Future Holdings Corp. He and his wife, Laura, have three children, Kristen, Drew and Tessa. Jesse Holmes is in Software Development and Construction at Vickery Research. INTERMEDIATE Field Harrison is a Dentist/Business Owner of Mint Dentistry. He and his wife, Sabrina, have one child. TENNIS Chris Borman is in Sales at SAP America. He and his wife, Beth, have two children, Claire and Elena. I N M EMORIAM Matthew Davis is an attorney at Locke Lord, LLP. He is married to Elizabeth. Adair P. Chapman, Jr. July 12, 2013 Member Since 1974 ———————————————————————— N EW A DDITIONS Byron Johnson is the Human Resources Senior Director at Pepsi Co. He and his wife Kerri, have two children, Sadie and Graham. John Stuart is a Restructuring Advisor at Alvarez and Marsal. He and his wife Pamela, have one child, Ford. SOCIAL Patrick Giles is the Director of Investment Services at Case Commercial Real Estate Partners. Gregory Kemp is a Consultant at GSK Consulting. He and his wife Cayce, have four children, Margaret, Mary, Mac and Martin. Thomas Kennedy is an Attorney at Bragalone Conroy PC. He and his wife Susan, have one child, William. William Murphy is a Consultant and Senior Director at Agility Project Logistics, Inc. He is married to Barbara. Jennifer and Mark Shuff, along with siblings Mary-Michael and Mark Jr., proudly announce the birth of their son Finn Matthew Shuff June 6, 2013, 1:34am 7 pounds 11 ounces, 20 and 1/2 inches long Laura and Mark Whitfield, along with siblings George and Mary Clare, proudly announce the birth of their daughter Katherine Sophia Whitfield June 11, 2013 4 pounds 3 ounces, 18 inches long Annamari and Matthew Lannon, along with big sister Lennox, proudly announce the birth of their son JohnPaul V. Lannon June 23, 2013 Jorie and Brian Wages, along with big sister, Lillian, proudly announce the birth of their son Pierson “Pierce” Edward Wages July 14, 2013 6 pounds 5 ounces, 19 and 1/2 inches long To announce your new “special delivery”, call Sheila at 214.821.1491 x202 or e-mail sheilar@lakewoodcc.com. T ENNIS N EWS F ROM THE C OURTS Dear Tennis Players and fans, What a nice, busy summer it has been here at the Club! Many thanks for braving the heat and hitting the courts! We are looking forward to fall leagues, teams and clinics. At the moment we are gearing up for the Pro-Am and kick off event on the 27th and tournament on September 28th. Like last year, it will include two hours of tennis with fantastic local pros for women at two levels (3.5+ and 3.5-) and men at two levels at the same time. Sign up by September 7th — there are only 36 total spots. The $150 fee includes a player prize and dinner! We have sponsorship opportunities, too! WOMEN’S QUICK START FALL CLASS OF 2013 Fridays from 10:45am to 12:15pm. This is our women’s beginner class. Class runs for five fun weeks beginning October 4th. Entry Fee: $330 per player, which includes a brand new, custom-fit, premium graphite tennis racquet (a $230 value). In this class: beginning tennis players make friends and learn solid tennis technique. We have tailor-made the class for beginners who want to learn tennis the right way from the very beginning. The fine print: Any rainouts will be made up in November. The fee for the whole course is just $330. That fee includes a custom-strung, custom-sized premium graphite racquet! As with all of our tennis programming, this clinic is open to Tennis, Intermediate and Stock Members. If there is room, we sometimes have a spot or two for Social Members and guests (with an additional $50 guest fee). Here’s to a great fall season of tennis! Adrien Chabria, USPTA, UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES Gold Underwriter: $500 (6 available) - Name listed on one court during the event - Font on the banner hung outside the Tennis Courts during the event - Four Drink tickets - Verbal recognition during the event - 1 30 minute session with a pro of your choice - 5 1hr ball machine sessions good for 1 year Silver Underwriter: $250 - Font on the banner hung outside the Tennis Courts during the event - Verbal recognition during the event - 2 1hr ball machine sessions good for 1 year. Director of Tennis Tennis Camp 2013 LCC J UNIOR T ENNIS G RAND PRIX C HALLENGE N IGHT CALENDAR ——————————————————— September 6th and 20th October 4th and 18th November 8th December 6th ——————————————————— *LCC JUNIOR TENNIS GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE NIGHTS are Fridays from 5:30pm to 7:15pm. 8 years and under (36 foot tennis court) and 10 years and under (60 foot tennis court). Followed by 14 years and under (full Tennis Court) at 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Entry Fee: $25 Junior Grand Prix Junior Tennis 2013 William P. Leiser....................................President James C. Brownlee.................................Vice President Garry N. Black.......................................Treasurer Carman R. Allen ...................................Secretary B OARD OF G OVERNORS Jeffrey Cash John M. Davis Rex A. Gunter J. Scott Jackson Theodore A. Johns Charles A. Keller M. Scott Kipp Stephen M. Parel C LUB S TAFF Raymond M. DeTullio, CCM................General Manager Marcel A. Berlioux, CCM.....................Clubhouse Manager Javier Gallegos .......................................Assistant Manager Moises Rodriguez ...................................Service Manager Don C. Heckmann, CPA ......................Controller Sheila P. Rigelsky, CWP ........................Event Coordinator William A. Koval ..................................Executive Chef MacKenzie A. Triana.............................Purchasing Director A. Gilbert Freeman, PGA.....................Head Golf Professional Michael D. Plummer .............................Golf Course Superintendent Adrien J. Chabria, USPTA ...................Director of Tennis D’Ann S. Garza .....................................Membership Coordinator/ Administrative Assistant Everyone works on their serve ~ Macie Burgard, Chloe Douglass, TJ Skipworth, Thomas Barnicoat and Connor Webster Jake Darlak and Matthew Goldman, facing off on a Friday night. Katie Resnick Taylor Lewis, Lane Walker, Margaret Armstrong and Phoebe Johnson posing with a picture of themselves from 5 years ago. What a crew! w w w . l a k e w o o d c c . c o m Lakewood Country Club 1912 Abrams Road Dallas, Texas 75214 214.821.1491 C LUB N EWS O FFICERS OF THEC LUB
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