PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : NAZRIL HAFIZ BIN MOHAMAD Date of birth : 13TH DECEMBER1990 Title : DEVICE AND CIRCUIT LEVEL PERFORMANCE OF SILICON NANOWIRE FIELDEFFECT TRANSISTOR WITH BENCHMARKING AGAINST A NANO MOSFET Academic Session : 2012/2013 I declare that this thesis is classified as : CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by : SIGNATURE 901213-03-5361 (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) NOTES : * SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR DR MICHAEL TAN LOONG PENG NAME OF SUPERVISOR If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Electronics)” Signature : …………………..………….. Name of Supervisor : DR. MICHAEL TAN LOONG PENG Date ………………….….……….. : DEVICE AND CIRCUIT LEVEL PERFORMANCE OF SILICON NANOWIRE FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR WITH BENCHMARKING AGAINST A NANO MOSFET NAZRIL HAFIZ BIN MOHAMAD A report submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Electronics) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2013 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Device and Circuit Level Performance of Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor with Benchmarking against a Nano MOSFET” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : …………………..……….. Name : NAZRIL HAFIZ BIN MOHAMAD Date : ………………..………….. iii Dedicated to my mother, father, brothers, sisters and friends. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O ALLAH, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah Praise to Allah for the blessing, this project was successfully completed and finished. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my project supervisor, Dr. Michael Tan Loong Peng for all his time, guidance, patience, support, consideration and encouragement throughout finishing this project. Besides that, I would like to thank my family especially my mom and dad who had give me lot of support to finish this project till the end. Lastly, I would like to convey my warmest gratitude to all my friends who had directly or indirectly contributed in the completion of this project. v ABSTRACT As the devices dimension had reduce drastically, new alternatives had been introduced to meet the requirements of Moore’s law. Various field-effect transistor (FET) had been introduced in order to replace the convenient Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) that had been used nowadays. Among the entire new field-effect transistor that had been introduced, Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor (Si NWFET) had been given a lot of attention as candidate for Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology because of its unique advantages as it was based on silicon, the material that had been working by the semiconductor industries for a period of time candidates and also due to its short-channel effect immunity, improved transport property and CMOS compatibility [1]. In order to understand the device physics in depth and to assess the performance limits of Si NWFET, simulation of performance is very important to make sure Si NWFET will become a promising candidate as a semiconductor material in nanotechnology devices and applications. This thesis will discuss the performance of the Si NWFET against the nano Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (nano MOSFET). A SPICE model of Si NWFET is constructed by deriving and modifying a FETToy MATLAB script proposed by A. Rahman [2] and then extended by Jing Wang [3] of Purdue University. The SPICE model specifications are determined by further study and research on various ballistic reports and thesis. Next, a USCF equation is obtained by using fitting method for the Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) script and later on the USCF equation was used to simulate the I-V characteristic for the Spice model and projected in CosmoScope to view the result. Then, the logic circuit such as inverter, NOR and NAND are built. For the nano MOSFET, a 32nm MOSFET is modified the vi parameters so the I-V characteristic for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET match and a fair assessment can be done [4]. vii ABSTRAK Oleh disebabkan dimensi bagi peranti telah berkurang secara drastik, alternatif- alternatif baru telah diperkenalkan bagi memenuhi kehendak hukum Moore. Pelbagai Transistor Kesan Medan (FET) telah diperkenalkan bagi menggantikan Transistor Kesan Medan Logam Oksida Separuh Pengalir (MOSFET) yang telah digunakan pada masa kini. Antara keseluruhan transistor kesan medan baru yang telah di perkenalkan, Silikon Wayar Nano Transistor Kesan Medan (Si NWFET) telah diberikan banyak perhatian sebagai pengganti kepada CMOS teknologi kerana kelebihan unik ia yang berdasarkan silikon, suatu bahan yang telah digunapakai didalam industri semikonduktor untuk satu tempoh masa dan juga disebabkan imuniti kesan saluran kecil, pengangkutan yang lebih baik dan keserasian CMOS [1]. Untuk memahami dengan lebih mendalam peranti fizik dan menilai had prestasi Si NWFET, simulasi prestasi adalah sangat penting bagi memastikan Si NWFET akan menjadi calon yang sesuai sebagai bahan semikonduktor di dalam peranti teknologi nano dan aplikasi. Tesis ini akan membincangkan prestasi Si NWFET dan dibandigkan dengan Transistor Kesan Medan Logam Oksida nano Separuh Pengalir (nano MOSFET). Satu model SPICE Si NWFET dibina dengan mengurai dan mengubah suai skrip FETToy MATLAB yang dicadangkan oleh A. Rahman [1] dan kemudian dilanjutkan oleh Jing Wang [2] di Universiti Purdue. Spesifikasi model SPICE ditentukan dengan kajian lanjut dan penyelidikan mengenai pelbagai laporan balistik dan tesis. Seterusnya, persamaan USCF yang diperolehi dengan menggunakan kaedah persamaan untuk Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) skrip dan kemudian persamaan USCF itu digunakan untuk mensimulasi ciri-ciri I-V bagi model Spice dan diunjurkan dalam CosmoScope untuk melihat hasilnya. Kemudian, litar logik seperti penyongsang, NOR dan NAND dibina. Untuk nano MOSFET, satu MOSFET 32nm diubah suai parameter supaya ciri-ciri I-V bagi kedua-dua Si NWFET dan nano MOSFET selari dan penilaian yang adil boleh dilakukan [3]. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION OF THESIS ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENT viii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statements 3 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Scopes of Work 4 1.5 Project Gantt Chart 5 1.6 Thesis Organization 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Overview 8 2.2 Silicon 8 2.3 Silicon Nanowire 9 2.4 MOSFET 11 ix 2.5 Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor 14 2.6 Fabrication of Metal Oxide Semiconductor 15 Field-Effect Transistor 2.7 Fabrication of Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect 16 Transistor 2.8 Compact Model of Si NWFET 17 2.9 SPICE Modeling and device specification for 20 SPICE model 2.10 3 4 24 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 25 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 MATLAB 27 3.3 HSPICE 28 3.4 CosmosScope 28 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 30 4.1 Introduction 30 4.2 SPICE model 31 4.3 USCF equation 32 4.4 Device Circuit Analysis 36 4.4.1 Inverter 37 4.4.2 NOR2 38 4.4.3 NAND2 40 4.4.4 NOR3 42 4.4.5 NAND3 43 Performance result 45 4.5.1 Power Delay Product (PDP) 47 4.4.2 Energy Delay Product (EDP) 48 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 51 5.1 Conclusions 51 5.2 Future Work 53 4.5 5 Curve Fitting x REFERENCES 54 APPENDICES 57-75 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 4.1 Device Model Specification at V gs = 1V 31 4.2 Truth Table for inverter 37 4.3 Truth table for NOR2 39 4.4 Truth table for NAND2 40 4.5 Truth table for NOR3 42 4.6 Truth table for NAND3 44 4.7 Propagation Delay (TPD), Average Power 46 (AVG_POWER), Power Delay Product (PDP) and Energy Delay Product (EDP) 4.8 Propagation delay computation between Si NWFET and nano MOSFET 49 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Moore’s Law 2 1.2 Project Gantt chart for semester 1 5 1.3 Project Gantt chart for semester 2 6 2.1 Face Centered Cubic 9 2.2 Silicon Nanowire with different shape 10 2.3 Scale of nanowire compare with other nano material 11 2.4 N-channel and P-channel MOSFET 12 2.5 Cross section for pMos and nMos 13 2.6 3D model of MOSFET 13 2.7 Examples of Si NWFET 14 2.8 3D model of Si NWFET 14 2.9 Fabrication process for MOSFET 15 2.10 Fabrication process for Si NWFET 17 2.11 Stereoscopic and cross sectional schematic of 18 compact model 212 Energy-band diagram of n-type compact model 18 2.13 I ds –V ds with different dimensions (R = 10 and 5 nm) 19 2.14 I ds –V ds 19 with different doping concentrations (symbols: TCAD; lines: model) 2.15 Ids–Vgs with different radii. 20 xiii 2.16 I-V curves for the n-type/p-type SNWT with 21 D=1.36nm and the ratio of the p FET ON current to the n FET’s vs. D. The oxide thickness is assumed to be 1nm and the temperature is 300K. 2.17 I DS vs V DS for SiO 2 22 2.18 Fermi energy level for different types of materials 23 3.1 Research methodology flowcharts 26 3.2 Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) programmed 27 3.3 HSPICE simulator 28 3.4 CosmosScope simulator 29 4.1 Self consistent voltages versus drain voltage 32 4.2 Compared result of USCF equation and SPICE model 33 4.3 I-V characteristic of Si NWFET 34 4.4 I-V characteristic for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET 34 4.5 I-V characteristic for n-type 35 4.6 I-V characteristic for p-type 36 4.7 Input and output waveforms of inverter for Si 37 NWFET 4.8 Input and output waveforms of inverter for nano 38 MOSFET 4.9 Input and output waveforms of NOR2 gate for Si 39 NWFET 4.10 Input and output waveforms of NOR2 gate for nano 39 MOSFET. 4.11 Input and output waveforms of NAND2 gate for Si 41 NWFET 4.12 Input and output waveforms of NAND2 gate for nano MOSFET. 41 xiv 4.13 Input and output waveforms of NOR3 gate for Si 42 NWFET 4.14 Input and output waveforms of NOR3 gate for nano 43 MOSFET. 4.15 Input and output waveforms of NAND3 gate for Si 44 NWFET 4.16 Input and output waveforms of NAND3 gate for nano 45 MOSFET 4.17 PDP of Si NWFET versus nano MOSFET 48 4.18 EDP of Si NWFET versus nano MOSFET 49 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FET - Field-Effect Transistor MOSFET - Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Si NWFET - Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor IC - Integrated Circuit Si - Silicon Si NW - Silicon Nanowire FCC - Face Centered Cubic PMOS - P-Channel Mosfet NMOS - N-Channel Mosfet Au - Gold KI - Potassium Iodide CVD - Chemical Vapor Deposition Sb - Antimony B - Boron EDP - Energy Delay Product FET - Field-Effect Transistor TPD - Propagation Delay AVG_POWER - Average Power 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In the computing world, packing more transistors on a chip leads to higher speed and potentially, it also gives rise to more functions integration. According to Moore Law, the numbers of a transistor in Integrated Circuit (IC) on a die would double in every 18 months [5]. Meanwhile, the size of the transistor decrease by a double for every three years .Moore’s Law was driven by three factors which are to reduce the transistor size, increase the size of the microchip, and also increase the circuit cleverness. Semiconductors industries are currently in nano MOSFET range [6]. The performance of the transistors has been increase in order to produce a better device performance. This is the results from extreme scaling of MOSFETs with short channel effects coming into place. 2 Figure 1.1 Moore’s Law [7] Semiconductor industries today are currently facing various challenges to produce a new device that satisfy the requirement of Moore’s Law. As the devices dimension had reduce drastically, new alternatives had been introduced to meet the requirements. Some of the examples of the alternatives that has been introduced are by producing entirely new field-effect transistor such as Carbon Nanotube FieldEffect Transistor, FinFets and as well as tri-gate transistors. Among the entire new field-effect transistor that had been introduced, Si NW can be prepared with a diameter of several nanometers and be shaped in cylindrical, rectangular or triangle [8] and controllable dopant type and concentration, thus make it a powerful building blocks for nano electronics devices such as field-effect transistors. Because of its unique abilities for controllable dopant type and concentration [9], Si NWFET attracts more attention and more readily to be integrated into the silicon industry processing and fabrications [10]. Previous work had focused on fabricating Si NW in different shape such as cylindrical, rectangular and triangular. Details on fabrication of Si NW can be found by previous work by Jing Wang et al [8]. In this research, we focused on studying the device and circuit level performance of Si NWFET with benchmarking against a nano MOSFET. The process technology that we used is 32nm. The performance of this same scale field- 3 effect transistor is compare to come out with better understanding of both transistor performances in this case will help future research. 1.2 Problem Statement Si NWFET had been paid attention as one of the promising FET for future usage. However, in order to understand the device physics in depth and to assess the performance limits of Si NWFET, simulation of performance is very important to make sure Si NWFET will become a promising candidate as a semiconductor material in nanotechnology devices and applications. Few problems statement had been listed for this thesis. • What are the characteristic of Si NWFET and nano MOSFET? • What are the differences between Si NWFET and nano MOSFET? • What are the strength and weaknesses of both nano structures in term of device and circuit performance? • What are the performance Si NWFET and nano MOSFET in different gates? • What are the advantages of Si NWFET compare to nano MOSFET? 1.3 Objectives This project focused on the SPICE circuit simulation of Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor (Si NWFET) with benchmarking against a nano MOSFET. The performance will be analyzed based on the I-V characteristic on drain current versus drain voltage, drain current versus source voltage and drain current versus gate voltage. The objectives of the projects are; 4 • To investigate and evaluate the characteristic of Si NWFET and compare against 32nm MOSFET. • To construct a SPICE model Si NWFET and compare against a 32nm MOSFET and simulate its performance by using HSPICE simulation based on MATLAB script. • To compare the strength and weaknesses of both nano structures in term of device and circuit performance • To analyze and evaluate the performance Si NWFET and nano MOSFET in different logic gates such as NAND, NOR and inverter. • To carry out circuit analysis and performance evaluation of Si NWFET based on the I-V characteristic and DC analysis comparison to nano MOSFET. 1.4 Scope of Work There are several scopes that need to be considered in order to achieve the objectives of this research. The scopes of this project are as follows; This research project involves a good understanding, fully utilization and master of all the functions in MATLAB .This will be useful in the process to construct a SPICE model for Si NWFET and also to obtain I-V characteristic for SPICE Si NWFET design. The research requires knowledge on the characteristics of a Silicon Nanowire which includes the changes in the doping agent for N-type and P-type on Fermi energy, change of parameter for fabrication effect on the I-V characteristic and also knowledge on the characteristic and performance of nano MOSFET. 5 This research also requires a fully understanding on the function of HSPICE and CosmosScope software in the process for simulation of performance for Si NWFET SPICE model. This software will help to obtain better result for this thesis. 1.5 Project Gantt Chart Figure 1.2 below shows the project gantt chart for semester 1. Gantt chart is the timeline to show the progress of the work during the whole process in order to finish the project systematically and within its time limits. Week/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Activities Topic Research Proposal Literature review SPICE model building FYP 1 presentatio n FYP report Figure 1.2 Project Gantt chart for semester 1 18 19 20 6 Week/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Activities Literature review Designatio n and simulation Analysis of result Testing and comparing FYP 2 presentatio n Thesis writing Figure 1.3 Project Gantt chart for semester 2 Figure 1.3 above shows the project gantt chart for semester 2. It shows the timeline of the work progress and the whole process for finishing the project during first semester 1.6 Thesis Organization The thesis was organized into 5 chapters. Chapters 1 consist of the introduction. It consists of the background of this research, problem statement, objectives, scopes of work, and also gantt chart for this thesis. While, chapter 2 were consists of the fundamental for this thesis. It consists of literature review that related to this project. Basically, it has basic theories on Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. Next is Chapter 3. The methodology to accomplish this thesis is discussed thoroughly. Step by step methods to carry out this thesis is explained. Chapter 4 7 contains the results and discussion. All the results obtained from this thesis is discuss to analyze the result. Lastly, chapter 5 consists of the summary and future suggestion for this research. 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview This chapter will discuss the properties of Silicon Nanowire (Si NW), Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor (Si NWFET) and nano Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (nano MOSFET). A brief study on previous thesis, articles, ballistic reports and journals had been carried out to understand the concept of Si NWFET. This chapter will also explain briefly on the characteristic, performance and other related information regarding Si NWFET and also nano MOSFET. 2.2 Silicon Silicon, (Si) had been used widely in semiconductor industries and had become one of the most important materials in this industry. It was chosen among other materials as it is cheap and easily available everywhere on the earth. Si is a group IV element in the periodic table weighting 28.09 amu and 14 number of atomic [11]. The Si has a diamond structure. The lattice constant “a” is 0.55nm and Si is two Face Centered Cubic (FCC) lattices where one of the FCC lattices is 9 displayed by one fourth in the body diagonal direction. There is 4 atom per cell for FCC. The band gap energy for Si at room temperature is 1.12eV [11]. Figure 2.1 2.3 Face Centered Cubic [11] Silicon Nanowire A nanowire is the connector with a diameter of 10-9 meters (10-11) feet) or nanostructures with a 20 nm or less diameter of thickness and unconstrained length, which is extremely small. These connectors were also known as quantum wires, are used to connect tiny components together into very small circuits. They are smaller than a tenth of a nanometer wide. They cannot grow more than a few nanometers in height but there is no restriction on how wide they can grow. Nanowires are still in experimental process and are not available in commercial or industrial applications. The conductivity and small size make them ideal for future computer processors and connectors. By controlling their shape, crystalline, size and doping level, these nanostructures can produce different performance in functional devices. As 10 nanofabrication technology is rapidly advancing, silicon nanowire (Si NW) with less than 20nm diameters has been studied for potential applications in nano electronics. Material reduced in 2D to create quantum confinement. Figure 2.2 Silicon Nanowire with different shape [8] By using nanowire as a transistor, smaller and faster microprocessor components for the computer and electronic industry can be produced. Although the performance of nanowire transistors is better than the current transistors, the current costs to produce them is higher become the barrier for mass production. One of the advantages of silicon nanowire is its small sizes that make their electronic and electrical properties dependent on growth direction, size, morphology and surface reconstruction. 11 Figure 2.3 Scale of nanowire compare with other nano material [12] Silicon nanowires also suitable for electronics and other application because of their compatibility with the existing silicon-CMOS integrated circuit technology. In addition, single nanowires device could be contacted and connected so that it can be used in a complex design or networks. Examples of different uses of silicon nanowires are nanowire memory cell, nanowire LED and nanowire solar cell. 2.4 MOSFET MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are four terminals. Voltage-controlled switches. MOSFET is the most common field-effect transistor used in both analogue and digital circuits Nowadays MOSFET had become smaller as time goes by. Today's MOSFETS used in ICs were in 32 nanometers scale. Smaller MOSFET have more advantages as it allow more current to pass as MOSFET works as a variable resistor in the on state and a shorter resistor causes smaller resistance and energy dissipated. Besides that, the smaller gate will decrease the capacitance and also the charging 12 time in hence increase the switching time and the processing power. Lastly, more transistors can be packed in the chip, thus will increase the processing power per chip and reduce the cost per chip. MOSFET consist of p-channel and n-channel MOSFET that operate in enhancement and depletion mode. Besides, MOSFET also have source and drain terminals. Every terminal is been doped and separated by bulk region. These regions can be either p type or n type, but their types must be opposite type to the body region. Figure 2.4 N-channel and P-channel MOSFET Figure above shows the cross section for both PMOS and NMOS. The source and drain are the n+ regions in n-channel, while p-type region is the body. When there is sufficient gate voltage applied, holes from the body will move from the gate, and a n-chanel or inversion layer is formed at the interfaced between the p region and the oxide. After the formation of the inversion layer, a conducting channel is created between the drain and source terminals [13]. Current will enter at the drain and leave at the source while electron flows from the source to the drain region. While, the source and drain are the 'p+' regions in p-channel and the body is a ‘n+’ region. A negative gate voltage is applied to connect p-type source and drain regions creating an inversion layer of holes so the drain and source regions can be connected by a channel layer of holes. Current will enter at the source and leave at 13 the drain while holes will flow from the source to the drain region [13]. In a depletion mode region, a p-channel region will exist even when there is no applied voltage. Figure 2.5 Cross section for pMos and nMos Figure 2.6 3D model of MOSFET 14 2.5 Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor Si NWFET is a field-effect transistor that uses silicon nanowire as its main material. Si NWFET was made from silicon which happened to be used for a period of time in semiconductor industries. Si NWFET can benefit from the maturity of silicon industry fabrications and processing techniques. Taking this advantage, Si NW can be prepared precisely and tailored in different sizes, shapes, and dopant. Because of the reason Si NW could be well-controlled during the wire growth, the performance exhibits high reproducibility. Hence, the n-/p-type semiconducting property, doping density, and charge mobility in a Si NWFET can be designed in advance. Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8 Examples of Si NWFET [14] 3D models of Si NWFET 15 2.6 Fabrication of Metal Oxide Field-Effect Transistor There are many variants ways patent to fabricate a MOSFET. One of it is by fabricating on hydrogen terminated surface of diamond. First of all, the deposition of gold, (Au) and patterned in rectangle as in figure below. Then, the surface of p-type layer is insulated with the exposure of Ar+ ions where Au functions as stopping mask of Ar+ ions. This process is called device isolation. Next, the p-tyoe surface conductive layer is protected by Au. Next, potassium iodide (KI) is used to etch the centre of the Au rectangle forming the channel, drain and source. Then, Silicon monoxide and metal were deposited on the channel by using a vacuum evaporator. By overhanging the photo resist, the gate metal and gate insulator will self aligned with the drain and source. Finally, the MOSFET is finished by using lift-off method where the separations distance between gate and Au ohmic contact is defines by the undercut of the Au beneath the photo resist [15]. Figure 2.9 Fabrication process for MOSFET [15] 16 2.7 Fabrication of Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor There are two types of technique to fabricate a Si NWFET which are topdown and bottom-up. The first type is known as top-down method (a) where electron-beam technique is combined with lithographic processes. Si NWFET is physically being etching as a single-crystalline silicon wafer. First of all, the whole silicon layer is doped with low- density boron or phosphorous. Then, a specific region is defined with a photo mask pattern and the specific region is doped heavily. Next, the micrometer-sized source and drain electrodes are finished by RIE etching. Lastly is the most important part where the nanometer-sized Si NW is fabricated with an electric-resist pattern [16] and finished by an E-beam etching [17]. The second type for Si NWFET fabricating is known as bottom-up processes (b). The process starts with the growth of Si NW, normally in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reaction via the VLS mechanism where the Si NW is synthesis by the VLS [16]. Next, the Si NW is deposited and aligned on a silicon substrate. Then, a photo mask is pattern to define the source and drain electrodes. This process is also known as photolithographic writing or electron beam lithographic procedures. Next, a thermal evaporation of metal electrodes is carried out to deposit the source and drain contacts. Lastly, the remaining photo resist is lift-off with remover PG. Figure below show the step to fabricate a Si NWFET for both approaches [17]. 17 Figure 2.10 2.8 Fabrication process for Si NWFET [17] Compact Model of Si NWFET A compact model for SNWFET has also been developed for circuit simulation in recent years [18]. Previous research by Jie Yang et all proposed a compact model for Si NWFET. Figure below show the stereoscopic schematic and cross sectional schematic of the model. 18 Figure 2.11 Stereoscopic and cross sectional schematic of compact model [18]. Figure below show the energy-band diagram of an n-type Si NWFETT. tox = 2 nm, R = 10 nm, L =1 μm, and metal gate with mid gap work function is used unless otherwise specified in all comparisons with TCAD [18]. Figure 2.12 Energy-band diagram of n-type compact model [18]. The compact model was compares with another corresponding numerical results obtained from the Synopsys TCAD Sentaurus Device simulation tool. The result from the comparison between the model prediction and TCAD numerical 19 solution on the I-V developed are used to compare between the bias, doping concentration and dimension of the Si NWFET [18]. Figure 2.13 Figure 2.14 I ds –V ds with different dimensions (R = 10 and 5 nm) [18]. I ds –V ds with different doping concentrations (symbols: TCAD; lines: model) [18]. 20 Figure 2.15 Ids–Vgs with different radii [18]. 2.9 SPICE Modeling and device specification for SPICE model The SPICE model was build based on the FETtoy model proposed by A.Rahman [2] and continued by Jing Wang. However a new model was built to be compared with a nano MOSFET. The new SPICE model created was differed on many aspects based on various study. The value used for the thickness for the gate insulator is 1.0nm. The value is differ compare to the model proposed by Jing Wang which is 1.5nm. The reason to choose that value is because based on further performance evaluation of ballistic Silicon Nanowire transistor by Jing Wang proposed in order to obtain similar I-V curves for P-FET and N-FET the oxide thickness is set to 1nm and the temperature is 300K. Moreover it is selected to guarantee that only the lowest sub band at each valley is occupied [19]. 21 Figure 2.16 I-V curves for the n-type/p-type SNWT with D=1.36nm and the ratio of the p FET ON current to the n FET’s vs. D. The oxide thickness is assumed to be 1nm and the temperature is 300K [19]. Next, The gate insulator dielectric constant used for this SPICE model is similar with the one proposed by Jing Wang which is 3.9 [8]. The reason is because the value for dielectric constant, k for a SiO 2 layer is 3.9. Figure below show the I DS vs V DS characteristic of the simulated Si NWFET with a SiO 2 layer 3.9. 22 Figure 2.17 I DS vs V DS for SiO 2 [8] . The value for transport effective mass used for the SPICE model is same with the default value which is 0.19. The value was set to be sufficiently small so the device reaches the Quantum Capacitance Limit (QCL). For a nanowire FET, I ON increases with a decreasing mt and saturates when mt is sufficiently small. The value used for nanowire diameter in the SPICE model is 1.36nm differ with the model proposed by Jing Wang which used a 1.0nm nanowire. Based on figure above, the transport effective mass is depend on the value of the diameter. Decreasing the diameter will produce smaller transport effective mass. The ballistic p-SNWT delivers half the ON-current of a ballistic n-SNWT for large diameter nanowires. However, the ON-current of the p-type SNWT approaches that of its ntype counterpart for small diameters nanowire. The value used for the valley degeneracy is 2 and the temperature used for the SPICE model is same with the value used previously which is 300 Kelvin which is at room temperature. The terminal voltages used for SPICE model is set at 11 volt it can be limited up to 11 volt. The voltage ranges for the SPICE model is set in 23 between 0 volt and 1 volt. The value is used as the voltage use for transistor was very small between 0 and 1 volt. The Fermi level energy choose for SPICE model are differs for the n-type and p-type doping materials. The Fermi energy was selected based on energy gap for silicon which is 1.12 eV. Antimony (Sb) was selected as donor agent for n-type while Boron (B) was used as acceptor agent for p-type. Antimony (Sb) has a -0.039 eV Fermi energy and Boron (B) has a 0.045 eV [20]. Figure 2.18 Fermi energy level for different types of materials [21] The gate control parameters are the same for the SPICE model and previous model which is 0.88.The drain control parameters also same for the SPICE model and previous model which is 0.035. These values were both calculated by Jing Wang [8]. 24 2.8 Curve Fitting Uscf, is the equation summarized from the essential aspect of this Spice model. It consists of three capacitors, CS, CG and, CD which describe the electrostatic [22] couplings between the top of the barrier and the gate, the source and the drain, respectively [19]. The potential at the top of the barrier is obtained as where VG, VS, and VD are the applied biases at the gate, the source and the drain, respectively, and QTop is the mobile charge at the top of the barrier, which is determined by Uscf, the source and drain Fermi levels (EFS and EFD) and the E-k relation for the channel material [23]. 25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This project is focused on comparing the performance of Si NWFET with benchmarking against nano MOSFET in terms of its I-V characteristic and DC analysis. The logic gates performance will be evaluated in term of power consumption, energy and delay for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. The research methodology for this thesis was divided into several parts • First of all, literature review of previous thesis, journals, ballistic reports and many others was done on Si NWFET. The properties and characteristic of Si NWFET was study to have better understanding on Si NWFET • Secondly, a SPICE model for Si NWFET was built and then analyzed in MATLAB. Curve fitting was done to obtain the USCF equation that going to be used in HSPICE. Using HSPICE software, later on the USCF equation was used to simulate the I-V characteristic for the Spice model and projected in CosmosScope to view the result. Then, the logic circuit such as inverter, NOR and NAND are built and simulate the result in CosmosScope • Then, a 32nm MOSFET is modified the parameters in the HSPICE script so the I-V characteristic for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET match and a 26 fair assessment can be done. The logic circuits for nano MOSFET also are built. • Lastly, the performance for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were evaluated in term of power consumption, energy and delay. The flowchart for the research methodology is shown in Figure 3.1. Literature review on Si NWFET Parameters for SPICE model Curve Fitting of USCF equation HSPICE Comparison Logic circuit modeling Analysis of performance Figure 3.1 Research methodology flowcharts 27 3.2 MATLAB Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) was developed by MathWorks in late 1970s. It is a high level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. It can be used to develop algorithm, analyze data, and build models and applications. MATLAB can be used for a variety of applications, including signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, computational finance, and computational biology. The language, tools, and built-in math function can be explore by multiple ways and it also reach solution faster than other programming languages such as C/C++ or Java. Figure 3.2 Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) programmed 28 3.3 HSPICE HSPICE was commercialized by Shawn and Kim Hailey of Meta Software and now was owned by Synopsysis. HSPICE is a very popular circuit simulator as it can provide accurate circuit simulation and offers foundry-certified MOS device models with state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms. Figure 3.3 3.4 HSPICE simulator CosmosScope CosmosScope is used for simulation of data. CosmosScope such as the powerful analysis and measurement capabilities, patented waveform-calculator technology, and scripting language based on the industry standard Tcl/Tk make it has unparalleled capability and flexibility to analyse design performance and ensure design quality. The advantages of using CosmosScope are: • It supports all synopsys simulation products such as HSPICE. • It provides scripting language for easy customization. • It can perform post-processing of analog and digital simulation results 29 • The graphs can be annotated automatically with design information. • The graphs can be saved and stored for further editing. Figure 3.4 CosmosScope simulator 30 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction A SPICE model for Si NWFET is build based on FETToy MATLAB script proposed by A.rahman and extended by Jing Wang. The SPICE model was modified the parameter by further study and research on ballistic report and thesis so the result will be based on Si NWFET. I-V characteristic for the Si NWFET also determined from the MATLAB script. Based on the self consistent voltage versus drain voltage result from the MATLAB, a USCF equation is obtained by using fitting method for the graph. Later on the USCF equation was used to simulate the I-V characteristic for the Spice model in HSPICE and projected in CosmosScope to view the result. Then, the logic circuit such as inverter, NOR and NAND are built. For the nano MOSFET, a 32nm MOSFET is modified the parameters so the I-V characteristic for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET match and a fair assessment can be done [4]. 31 4.2 SPICE model The SPICE model was modified from FETToy model proposed by A. Rahman and extended by Jing Wang. Few parameters had been changed so the SPICE model is suitable to be used as Si NWFET. Here are the details on the changes on the SPICE models; No INPUT PARAMETERS SYMBOLS VALUE USED IN SIMULATION 1 Gate insulator thickness t 1.0e-9m 2 Gate insulator dielectric epsr 3.9 constant 3 Transport effective mass mt 0.19 4 Nano wire diameter d 1.36e-9n 5 Valley degeneracy Degan 2 6 Temperature T 300K 7 Terminal voltage NV 11V 8 Voltage Range V VI=0,VF=1.0 9 Fermi level Ef -0.039eV(n type) 0.045eV(p-type) 10 Gate control Parameter Alpha g 0.88 11 Drain control parameter Alpha d 0.035 Table 4.1 Device Model Specification at V gs = 1V. Based on the SPICE model, a simulation on the MATLAB script was carried out. Next, curve fitting was done on self consistent voltage versus drain voltage graph from the SPICE result in order to obtain the USCF equation as shown in figure 4.1 32 0 -0.05 Self Consistent Voltage -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 -0.4 -0.45 0 0.1 Figure 4.1 4.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 Drain Voltage (V d) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Self consistent voltages versus drain voltage USCF equation Using the MATLAB software, the new equation for USCF, was obtained by curve fitting the drain voltage (V D ) versus Self Consistent Voltage as shown in figure 4.1. The equation that was obtained from the curve fitting method later was used in HSPICE to simulate the result and projected resulted in CosmosScope since the MATLAB script cannot be implemented into the HSPICE script. The USCF equation result is compared with the result from SPICE model as in figure below to make sure the equation is valid. 1 33 -5 7 x 10 6 Drain Current, Id [Ampere] 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -0.8 Figure 4.2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Drain Voltage ,Vd [Volt] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Compared result of USCF equation and SPICE model Before implementing the logic circuit, the IV characteristic for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET are determined as to study the behavior of these materials. The IV characteristic for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET are shown in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4. 1 34 -5 7 x 10 6 Drain Current, Id [Ampere] 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 Figure 4.3 -0.4 -0.2 0 Drain Voltage ,Vd [Volt] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 I-V characteristic of Si NWFET -5 7 x 10 6 Drain Current, Id [Ampere] 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -1 -0.8 Figure 4.4 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Drain Voltage ,Vd [Volt] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I-V characteristic for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET Figure 4.5 is the I-V characteristic for n-type and for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. In figure 4.5, the saturation on current for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET is approximately 60.6µA.Both models are designed to provide similar current strength for a fair assessment between both models [4]. The rising slope for nano MOSFET is smaller than the Si NWFET in figure 4.5. It shows that n type for nano 1 35 MOSFET is reaching the stability much lower compare to Si NWFET with steeper slope. -5 7 x 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Figure 4.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 I-V characteristic for n-type Figure 4.6 is the I-V characteristic for p-type for both models. In this figure, the saturation on current is approximately 61µA. The rising slope for p-type nano MOSFET is also smaller than the Si NWFET shows that nano MOSFET is reaching the stability much lower compare to Si NWFET with steeper slope. 36 -5 7 x 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -1 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 Figure 4.6 4.4 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 I-V characteristic for p-type Device Circuit Analysis Logic gates are the basis for building transistor. Logic gates were built to analyze the potential of Si NWFET and nano MOSFET in circuit design by using HSPICE and simulated in CosmosScope. The logic gates are implemented into inverter, 2-inputs NOR gate (NOR2), 2-inputs NAND gate (NAND2), 3-inputs NOR gate (NOR3) and 3-inputs NAND gate (NAND3). The function to implement the Si NWFET and nano MOSFET into logic gates is to compare the performance of both models in terms of devices performance. 37 4.4.1 Inverter Inverter or Not gate is a logic gate which will complement the logic inputs. The output from inverter will always inverse from the inputs [24]. Below are the truth tables and output simulation for inverter. INPUT OUTPUT A NOT A 1 0 0 1 Table 4.2 Figure 4.7 Truth Table for inverter Input and output waveforms of inverter for Si NWFET 38 Figure 4.8 Input and output waveforms of inverter for nano MOSFET. From the result, both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were succeeded to be implemented into inverter. There is no problem showed by both models. 4.4.2 NOR2 NOR2 is a two inputs not OR gate and can be implemented by combining inverter gates with 2 inputs OR gates. The output from NOR2 gates will always be HIGH if both of the inputs are LOW and the output will always will be LOW if either one or both of the input is HIGH. NOR2 is also can be looked as an inverted inputs AND gate [24]. NOR2 is commonly used in building transistor and below is the truth table for NOR2 gate. 39 INPUT OUTPUT A B NOR2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Table 4.3 Figure 4.9 Figure 4.10 Truth table for NOR2 Input and output waveforms of NOR2 gate for Si NWFET Input and output waveforms of NOR2 gate for nano MOSFET. 40 From the result, both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were succeeded to be implemented into NOR2 gates. There is no problem showed by both models except for several noises produced by both models. 4.4.3 NAND2 NAND2 is a two inputs not AND gate and can be implemented by combining inverter gates with 2 inputs AND gates. The output from NAND2 gates will be LOW if both of the inputs are HIGH and the output will always will be HIGH if either one or both of the input is LOW [24]. NAND2 is commonly used in building transistor and below is the truth table for NAND2 gate. INPUT OUTPUT A B NAND2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Table 4.4 Truth table for NAND2 41 Figure 4.11 Figure 4.12 Input and output waveforms of NAND2 gate for Si NWFET Input and output waveforms of NAND2 gate for nano MOSFET. From the result, both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were succeeded to be implemented into NAND2 gates. There is no problem showed by both models except for several noises produced by both models. 42 4.4.4 NOR3 NOR3 is a three inputs not OR gate and can be implemented by combining inverter gates with 3 inputs OR gates. The output from NOR3 gates will be HIGH if all the three inputs are LOW and the output will always will be LOW if either one or both or all of the input is HIGH [24]. Table below is the truth table for NOR3. INPUT A B C Y 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Table 4.5 Figure 4.13 OUTPUT Truth table for NOR3 Input and output waveforms of NOR3 gate for Si NWFET 43 Figure 4.14 Input and output waveforms of NOR3 gate for nano MOSFET. From the result, both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were succeeded to be implemented into NOR3 gates. There is no problem showed by both models except for several noises produced by both models. 4.4.5 NAND3 NAND3 is a three inputs not AND gate and can be implemented by combining inverter gates with 3 inputs AND gates. The output from NAND3 gates will be LOW if all the three inputs are HIGH and the output will always will be HIGH if either one or both or all of the input is LOW [24]. Table below is the truth table for NOR3. 44 INPUT A B C Y 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Table 4.6 Figure 4.15 OUTPUT Truth table for NAND3 Input and output waveforms of NAND3 gate for Si NWFET 45 Figure 4.16 Input and output waveforms of NAND3 gate for nano MOSFET. From the result, both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET were succeeded to be implemented into NAND3 gates. There is no problem showed by both models except for several noises produced by both models Based on the simulation results of the logic gates, the output waveform of Si NWFET show a better result compared to nano MOSFET. As the logic circuit become more complicated to the NAND3 gate, the noise spikes that occur on the output waveform nano MOSFET is more obvious. Noise is an external interference of a random and unwanted voltage that is induced into electronic circuits. logic gate must have a certain amount of noise margin to not be influence by noise. These noises can be eliminated by adding an on-chip decoupling capacitance to the circuit. Thus, the spike that generated by the logic circuits will flow into the capacitor [25]. 46 4.5 Performance result The average power (AVG_POWER) and propagation delay (TPD) was obtained from the simulation result of Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. While, the power delay product (PDP) and energy delay product (EDP) is calculated from the output by using the formula as given as PDP = AVG_POWER × TPD EDP = PDP × TPD = AVG_POWER × TPD × TPD Where AVG_POWER is the average power of V dd and TPD is the propagation delay. The performance resulted of Si NWFET and nano MOSFET are tabulated in table below. Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor LOGIC INVERTER NAND2 NAND3 NOR2 NOR3 GATES TPD 1.8332e-13 AVG_POWER -1.9811e-06 PDP EDP -3.6318e-19 -6.6579e-32 3.7404e-13 5.6859e-13 3.3374e-13 5.7072e-13 -2.1205e- -1.7560e- -2.1157e- -1.7559e- 06 06 06 06 -7.9314e- -9.9845e- -7.0609e- -1.0021e- 19 19 19 18 -2.9666e- -5.6772e- -2.3565e- -5.7192e- 31 31 31 31 47 Metal Oxide Field-Effect Transistor LOGIC INVERTER NAND2 NAND3 NOR2 NOR3 10.8819e-12 19.518e- 26.967e- 13.898e- 30.516e-12 12 12 12 GATES TPD AVG_POWER -611.75e-06 -1.222e-03 -1.832e-03 -3.237e-03 -5.337e-03 PDP -6.6570 e-15 -23.86e-15 -49.43e-15 -44.99e-15 -162.9e-15 EDP -7.244e-26 -4.657e-25 -1.333e-24 -6.253e-25 -4.970e-24 Table 4.7 Propagation Delay (TPD), Average Power (AVG_POWER), Power Delay Product (PDP) and Energy Delay Product (EDP) 4.5.1 Power Delay Product (PDP) Power delay product is the value of average power times with propagation delay. A device with lower PDP is better than device with higher PDP as the delay will be smaller. Hence the device is more efficient and faster. Figure 13 shows the difference between power-delay product (PDP) between Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. The simulation results show that the PDP of Si NWFET is lower than that of MOSFET by several magnitudes [4] 48 Power Delay Product -12 10 Power Delay Product -14 10 MOSFET SiNWFET -16 10 -18 10 -20 10 INV Figure 4.17 4.5.2 NAND2 NAND3 NOR2 Logic Gates NOR3 PDP of Si NWFET versus nano MOSFET Energy Delay Product (EDP) Energy delay product is the value of PDP times with propagation delay. A device with lower EDP is better than device with higher EDP as the energy will be smaller. Hence the device will consume less power and this is necessary to make sure the device is energy- efficient low power architecture. Figure 14 shows energy-delay product (EDP) between Si NWFET and nano MOSFET. The EDP for Si NWFET is also lower than the EDP for nano MOSFET. Based on these two figures, it shows that Si NWFET is better in terms of energy-efficient low power architecture [4]. 49 Energy Delay Product -22 10 -24 Energy Delay Product 10 -26 10 MOSFET SiNWFET -28 10 -30 10 -32 10 INV Figure 4.18 NAND2 NAND3 NOR2 Logic Gates NOR3 EDP of Si NWFET versus nano MOSFET Table 4.8 below shows the propagation delay (TPD) for logic gates NOT, NAND2, NAND3, NOR2, and NAND3 for Si NWFET and nano MOSFET Logic gate Table 4.8 MOSFET Propagation delay (TPD) Si NWFET nano MOSFET Inverter 1.8332e-13 10.8819 e-12 NAND2 3.7404e-13 19.5184 e-12 NAND3 5.6859e-13 26.9674 e-12 NOR2 3.3374e-13 13.8984 e-12 NOR3 5.7072e-13 30.5164 e-12 Propagation delay computation between Si NWFET and nano 50 It is found that for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET, NAND3 and NOR3 among the other logic gates has the largest propagation delay. This is because both of NAND3 and NOR3 has multiple fan-in and fan-out each [4]. 51 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 5.1 Conclusion As a conclusion, a SPICE model of Si NWFET has been developed and verified through the experimental data. Previous work by Jing Wang et al proves that Si NWFET has many benefits and these research objectives to compare the performance between Si NWFET and nano MOSFET proves the theory. With the flexibility for dopant type and concentration, Si NWFET are really potential candidates for the next transistor as it will be extremely useful for modeling, process monitoring, as well as to circuit designer’s applications[10]. This thesis discusses the device and circuit level performance of Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor (Si NWFET) with benchmarking against nano Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (nano MOSFET). The SPICE model for Si NWFET was verified and the performance is compared with nano MOSFET. This section will summarized the entire work done in order to complete this thesis. 52 Chapter 1 is the introduction to this project. It provides the background for the research including the problem statement, objective, scope, gantt chart and outline of the thesis. Chapter 2 discusses the literature review and the resource regarding to this topic. It consists of the overview for this thesis. Various studies had been done based on journals, thesis papers, ballistic reports and other to study the characteristic of Si NWFET. The fabrication of Si NWFET and compact model of Si NWFET also been studied to have better understanding on the materials. The SPICE model for Si NWFET was build based on the study on the literature review. Chapter 3 consists of the methodology for this thesis. The step by step process of this thesis is explained thoroughly. It also include the explanations on the software that had been used to carry out this thesis which is MATLAB, HSPICE and CosmosScope. Chapter 4 provided all the results obtained in this project. The USCF equation obtained is one of the contributions of this thesis. The I-V characteristics of Si NWFET and nano MOSFET is compared at similar current strength shows that Si NWFET is better tha nano MOSFET in terms of reaching stability. Next, the logic gates based on inverter, NAND2, NOR2, NAND3 and NOR3 are built for both models shows that the noise spike produce increase as the logic circuits becomes more complicated. The performance of both models then be studied shows that Si NWFET is better than nano MOSFET in terms of energy- efficient low power architecture. It also found that the delay increase as the logic circuits become more complicated. Overall, the research is successfully develop the I-V characteristic for both Si NWFET and nano MOSFET models and compare the performance of both models in terms of circuit and device performance. It also shows that the circuit performance of 53 Si NWFET is better than nano MOSFET in terms of EDP and PDP. Further adjustment need to be done to Si NWFET so other characteristic can be improved more for better device and circuit performance. 5.2 Future Work (i) More research works have to done since there are still some limitations in order to manufacture Si NWFET. (ii) The performance of Si NWFET should be compare against other new field-effect transistor such as Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor, FinFETS and tri gate transistor. (iii) Release a set of guidelines that can be used to manufacture Si NWFET. 54 REFERENCES [1] T. Yu, R. S. Wang, R. Huang, J. A. Chen, J. Zhuge, and Y. Y. Wang, "Investigation of Nanowire Line-Edge Roughness in Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire MOSFETs," Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 57, pp. 2864-2871, Nov 2010. [2] A. Rahman, J. Wang, J. Guo, M. S. Hasan, Y. Liu, A. Matsudaira, S. S. Ahmed, S. Datta, and M. Lundstrom, FETToy, 2006. 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Lundstrom, % "Theory of Ballistic Nanotransistors", to appear in IEEE TED, 2003. % % Adapted for SiNWFETToy by : Jing Wang % Latest Version Updated by : Sayed Hasan (05/24/2004) % Modified By Michael Tan (29 April 2013 4:33pm) %------------------------------------------------------------------%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 58 %% Original Note by Anisur Rahman %% %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------------%% %% Name: FETToy %% %% Written by Anisur Rahman, Purdue University, Dec 24, 2002 %% %% email: rahmana@purdue.edu %% %% Routines used: input.m, plot_output.m, fermi.m, Uscf_zero.m, write_results.m %% %% %% %% Reference: %% %% [1] A. Rahman, J. Guo, S. Datta, and M. Lundstrom, %% %% "Theory of Ballistic Nanotransistors", to appear in IEEE TED, 2003. %% %% %% %% Analytically calculates the ballistic I-V of a Double Gate ultra thin body %% %% MOSFET assuming that only the lowest unprimed subband is occupied (All %% %% constants are in MKS unit except energy, which is in eV) %% % Physical constants m0=0.91e-30; hbar=1.05e-34; kB=1.38e-23; q=1.6e-19; eps0=8.85e-12; m=mt*m0; % Transverse mass of electron kT=kB*T/q; % Thermal voltage. V=linspace(VI,VF,NV); % Voltage (gate or drain) steps. Cins=2*pi*epsr*eps0/log((t+d/2)/(d/2)); CG=Cins; C_SIG=CG/alphag; % C_SIG=sum of capacitors (see eq. (7b) in [1]). U0=q/C_SIG; % Charging energy (eq. (8b) in [1]). % degeneracy is modified by Sayed Hasan (05/26/2004) N1D= degen*m/hbar*(2*kT*q/pi/m)^0.5; % Effective 1D density of states (include both +k and -k, valley degeneracy is 1) % End degen. modification N0 = N1D*fermi(Ef/kT,1,-1/2); % Electron concentration at the top of the barrier in neutral device. I0 = degen*(q*kB*T/pi/hbar); % Valley degeneracy is given as input in "degen" N=zeros(NV,NV); I=zeros(NV,NV); Ef_mat=zeros(NV,NV); Esub_max=zeros(NV,NV); barrier. % Mobile charge density. % Current. % Source Fermi level. % Energy at the top of the 59 for % Bias loop begins. for kV=1:NV Vg=V(kVg); Vd=V(kV); mu1=Ef; mu2=mu1-Vd; Source and drain fermi levels. UL=-(alphag*Vg)-(alphad*Vd); Laplace potential. kVg=1:NV % % % Uscf=fzero(@Uscf_zero,0,optimset('tolx',1e12),N1D,mu1,mu2,kT,UL,U0,N0); Uscf= ... ( -49821.90664 *Vg.^(8)+( 276605.122964749 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( -572162.606643442 ) *Vg.^(6)+( 573747.932958612 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( -298144.198888112 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( 79535.103278405 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( -10290.716810145 )*Vg.^(2)+( 508.056933400 )*Vg+( 6.070806718 ))*Vd.^(8)... + ( 196872.2107 *Vg.^(8)+( -1109234.487759260 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( 2316213.672502400 ) *Vg.^(6)+( -2337935.809217750 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( 1220226.704813460 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( -326274.007912830 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( 42302.679427669 )*Vg.^(2)+( -2102.545925492 )*Vg+( -27.19614939 ))*Vd.^(7)... + ( -312692.829 *Vg.^(8)+( 1800600.496701210 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( -3810666.720886790 ) *Vg.^(6)+( 3881675.713082960 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( -2038198.159335660 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( 546739.433373932 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( -71087.204801527 )*Vg.^(2)+( 3567.061344487 )*Vg+( 51.0970026 ))*Vd.^(6)... + ( 253070.1009 *Vg.^(8)+( -1508712.355813510 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( 3258255.782258070 ) *Vg.^(6)+( -3363537.270613450 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( 1781557.287609530 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( -480115.128448274 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( 62675.629581024 )*Vg.^(2)+( -3190.414180341 )*Vg+( -52.28496904 ))*Vd.^(5)... + ( -108169.5365 *Vg.^(8)+( 685944.804259376 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( -1531344.742644380 ) *Vg.^(6)+( 1614121.745432760 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( -866416.711570166 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( 235160.879016970 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( -30883.588707723 )*Vg.^(2)+( 1609.076098899 )*Vg+( 31.64868694 ))*Vd.^(4)... + ( 22271.53089 *Vg.^(8)+( -161171.785884126 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( 382459.258754723 ) *Vg.^(6)+( -417734.084840510 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( 229232.491274840 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( -62960.734906854 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( 8348.074489455 )*Vg.^(2)+( -453.519779289 )*Vg+( -11.50947092 ))*Vd.^(3)... + ( -1549.327801 *Vg.^(8)+( 16638.401391004 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( -44882.821776885 ) *Vg.^(6)+( 52335.381299725 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( -29858.153049092 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( 8378.347701676 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( -1128.377353262 )*Vg.^(2)+( 66.790567412 )*Vg+( 2.433815329 ))*Vd.^(2)... + ( 36.87600022 *Vg.^(8)+( -738.997042369 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( 2239.568783041 ) *Vg.^(6)+( -2766.250583763 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( 1642.588988959 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( -473.774070097 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( 64.339954577 )*Vg.^(2)+( -4.562704937 )*Vg+( -0.287117619 ))*Vd.^(1)... + 0.486995525 *Vg.^(8)+( -0.058767876 )*Vg.^(7)+ ( -2.782055017 ) *Vg.^(6)+( 3.986354963 )*Vg.^(5)+ ( -1.504827571 )*Vg.^(4)+ ( -0.629335510 )*Vg.^(3)+ ( 0.608392156 )*Vg.^(2)+( -0.326077033 )*Vg+( -2.34E-06); 60 load zb.mat nu=8; na=8; Answer=0; check=na; for ni=1:na+1 Answer= Answer+ polyval(zb(ni,:),Vg).*Vd.^(check); check=check-1; end Uscf=Answer; dN=0.5*N1D*(fermi((mu1-Uscf)/kT,1,-1/2)+fermi((mu2Uscf)/kT,1,-1/2))-N0; % Mobile charge induced by gate and drain N(kV,kVg)=dN; eta1=(mu1-Uscf)/kT; eta2=(mu2-Uscf)/kT; % Vd changes along fixed column and Vg changes along fixed row. I(kV,kVg)=I0*(fermi(eta1,1,0)-fermi(eta2,1,0)); Esub_max(kV,kVg)=Uscf; Ef_mat(kV,kVg)=mu1; % Added by Sayed Hasan 5/26/2004 Us(kV,kVg) = Uscf; % Calculate Quantum Capacitance and average velocity %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% added by Sayed Hasan 05/24/2004 if ((kV==2)|(kV==NV)), deltaU = 0.002*kT; if (kV==2), N_U2 = 0.5*N1D*(fermi((mu1-Uscf+deltaU/2)/kT,1,1/2)+fermi((mu2-Uscf+deltaU/2)/kT,1,-1/2))-N0; N_U1 = 0.5*N1D*(fermi((mu1-Uscf-deltaU/2)/kT,1,1/2)+fermi((mu2-Uscf-deltaU/2)/kT,1,-1/2))-N0; CQ(1, kVg) = q*(N_U2-N_U1)/deltaU; elseif (kV==NV), N_U2 = 0.5*N1D*(fermi((mu1-Uscf+deltaU/2)/kT,1,1/2)+fermi((mu2-Uscf+deltaU/2)/kT,1,-1/2))-N0; N_U1 = 0.5*N1D*(fermi((mu1-Uscf-deltaU/2)/kT,1,1/2)+fermi((mu2-Uscf-deltaU/2)/kT,1,-1/2))-N0; CQ(2, kVg) = q*(N_U2-N_U1)/deltaU; v_ave(kVg)=I(kV,kVg)/q/(dN+N0); end end end end % Bias loop ends. % Transconductance, gm and output conductance, calculated at highest gate and drain biases gm=(I(NV,NV)-I(NV,NV-1))/(V(NV)-V(NV-1)); gd=(I(NV,NV)-I(NV-1,NV))/(V(NV)-V(NV-1)); Av=gm/gd; vinj=I(NV,NV)/(q*N(NV,NV)); gd and vinjare 61 % Calculate S and DIBL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 09/09/2003 Ie1=log10(I(NV,:)); Ie2=log10(I(2,:)); vv1=interp1(Ie1,V,log10(I(NV,1)),'spline'); vv2=interp1(Ie1,V,log10(2*I(NV,1)),'spline'); vv3=interp1(Ie2,V,log10(I(NV,1)),'spline'); S=(vv2-vv1)/log10(2)*1000; DIBL=(vv3-vv1)/(V(NV)-V(2))*1000; added by Jing Wang %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OUTPUT (Sayed Hasan: 5/25/2004) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot_output; % Plot results % save_charge; % Save q*N % save_current; % Save I % save_uscf; % Save Us % write_results; % Write results in results.m file save rawdata; % save matlab variables Plot Output MATLAB script % Plotting Results % Original: Anisur Rahman % Modified By: % Jing Wang % Sayed Hasan (05/26/2004) %-----------------------------------------------------------------------lwpl=2; % Plot line width lwbor=1; % Border line width fsize=18; % Font size string_matrix=[]; for m=1:NV, string_matrix = strvcat(string_matrix, ['Vgs num2str(V(m),3)]); end % Plotting Id-Vg (Semilog) figure(2); if (NV > 1), h1=semilogy(V,I([2,NV],:)); set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); = legend(['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(2),3)],['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(end),3)], 2); else h1=semilogy(V,I, 'k'); end set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); xlabel('V_G [Volt]'); ylabel('I_{DS} [A]'); set(h1,'linewidth',[lwpl]); set(gca,'xlim',[V(1) V(NV)]); print -dpsc Id_vs_Vgs_log; % Plotting Id-Vg (linear) figure(1); if (NV > 1), ', 62 h1=plot(V,I([2,NV],:)); set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); legend(['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(2),3)],['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(end),3)], 2); else h1=plot(V,I, 'k'); end set(h1,'linewidth',[lwpl]); set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); xlabel('V_G [Volt]'); ylabel('I_{DS} [A]'); set(h1,'linewidth',[lwpl]); set(gca,'xlim',[V(1) V(NV)]); print -dpsc Id_vs_Vgs_lin; % Plotting Id-Vd figure(3); % load predict.mat xi=0:0.1:1; % yi = interp1(Vpredict, Ipredict, xi, 'cubic'); load ori Inew = interp1(V, I, xi, 'cubic') ; h1 = plot(-xi, Inew, '-b'); hold on; h1 = plot (xi, Inew, '-b'); hold on; plot(V,Iori,'.r') legend(string_matrix, -1); %set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor],'plotboxaspectratio' ,[2,1,1]); set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); set(h1,'linewidth',[lwpl]); xlabel('V_D [Volt]'); ylabel('I_{DS} [A]'); set(gca,'xlim',[-1 V(NV)]); print -dpsc Id_vs_Vds; figure(4) h2 = plot(V, q*N([2,NV],:)); set(gca,'Fontsize',[fsize],'linewidth',[lwbor]); xlabel('V_G [Volt]'); ylabel('mobile charge [C/m]'); set(h2,'linewidth',[lwpl]); set(gca,'xlim',[V(1) V(NV)]); legend(['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(2),3)],['V_{Ds}=',num2str(V(end),3)], 2); print -dpsc N_vs_Vgs_lin; save rawdata; % save matlab variables 63 load rawdata figure(100) h1=plot (V,Us); set(h1,'linewidth',2.3); set(gca,'Fontsize',14,'linewidth',3,'FontWeight', 'FontName','Arial'); ylabel('Self Consistent Voltage') xlabel('Drain Voltage (V_{d})') fh = figure(100); % returns the handle to the figure object set(fh, 'color', 'white' 'bold', Interactive % SiNWFETToy (Toy model to simulate I-V characteristics of Si NanoWire(NW) FETs) % % % Input % ----% Device Specification: % Gate Insulator Thickness, t (m) % Gate Insulator Dielectric Constant, epsr % Transport Effective Mass, mt % Wire Diameter, d (m) % Temperature, T (K) % % Terminal Voltage: Number of Bias Points, NV % Voltage Range, VI,VF (V) % % Analytical Model: Source Fermi Level, Ef (eV) % Get Control Parameter, alphag % Drain Control Parameter, alphad % % Output % -----% 1. Text files: % A. current_data.txt % B. results.txt % % 2. Following plots: % A. Id vs. Vgs At 2nd and Last Drain bias (Smilog) : Filename: Id_vs_Vgs_log.ps % B. Id vs. Vgs At 2nd and Last Drain bias (Linear) : Filename: Id_vs_Vgs_lin.ps % C. Id vs. Vds At Different Vgs (Linear) : Filename: Id_vs_Vds.ps % D. Mobile at top of the barrier vs. Vds @ Different Vgs : Filename: N_vs_Vds.ps % E. Quantum Capacitance vs. Vgs at Maximum Vds : Filename: CQ_vs_Vgs.ps % F. Average Velocity vs. Vgs at Maximum Vds : Filename: Velocity_vs_Vgs.ps % % 3. Matlab Rawdata: % A. Rawdata.mat % % Interface Script Written by : Sayed Hasan (05/24/2004) %------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 clc; clear all; close all; % ----------------% Input Parameters % ----------------fprintf('Si NanoWire MOSFET Simulation ...\n'); % Device Specification: %========================================== fprintf('Device Specifications:\n'); fprintf('======================\n'); % Gate Insulator Thickness, t (m) t = []; while isempty(t) fprintf(' Gate Insulator Thickness (m): '); t = input('t = '); if isempty(t) t = 1.0e-9; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 1.0e-9 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Gate Insulator Dielectric Constant, epsr epsr = []; while isempty(epsr) fprintf(' Gate Insulator Dielectric Const.: epsr = input('epsr = '); if isempty(epsr) epsr = 3.9; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 3.9 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Transport Effective Mass, mt mt = []; while isempty(mt) fprintf(' Transport Effective Mass: mt = input('mt = '); if isempty(mt) mt = 0.19; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 0.19\n'); end end '); '); % NT Diameter, d (m) d = []; while isempty(d) fprintf(' NanoWire Diameter (m): '); d = input('d = '); if isempty(d) d = 1.36e-9; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 1.36e-9 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Valley Degeneracy 65 degen = []; while isempty(degen) fprintf(' Valley Degeneracy: degen = input('g = '); if isempty(degen) degen = 2; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 2 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Temperature, T (K) T = []; while isempty(T) fprintf(' Temperature (K): T = input('T = '); if isempty(T) T = 300; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 300 (Using Default ...)\n'); end fprintf('\n'); end % Terminal Voltage: %========================================== fprintf('Terminal Voltage:\n'); fprintf('=================\n'); % Number of Bias Points, NV NV = []; while isempty(NV) fprintf(' Number of Bias Points: '); NV = input('NV = '); if isempty(NV) NV = 11; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 11 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Voltage Range, VI,VF (V) VI = []; VF = []; while isempty(VI) | isempty(VF) fprintf(' Voltage Range (V):\n'); fprintf('\t\t\t'); VI = input('(Initial) VI = '); if isempty(VI) VI = 0; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 0 (Using Default ...)\n'); end fprintf('\t\t\t'); VF = input('(Final) VF = '); if isempty(VF) VF = 1.0; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 1.0 (Using Default ...)\n'); end fprintf('\n'); end % Analytical Model: %========================================== fprintf('Analytical Model:\n'); fprintf('=================\n'); '); '); 66 % Source Fermi Level, Ef (eV) Ef = []; while isempty(Ef) fprintf(' Source Fermi Level (eV): '); Ef = input('Ef = '); if isempty(Ef) Ef = -0.039; % Default value fprintf('\b\b -0.039 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Get Control Parameter, alphag alphag = []; while isempty(alphag) fprintf(' Gate Control Parameter: '); alphag = input('alphag = '); if isempty(alphag) alphag = 0.88; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 0.88 (Using Default ...)\n'); end end % Drain Control Parameter, alphad alphad = []; while isempty(alphad) fprintf(' Drain Control Parameter: '); alphad = input('alphad = '); if isempty(alphad) alphad = 0.035; % Default value fprintf('\b\b 0.035 (Using Default ...)\n'); end fprintf('\n'); end % Call Main Program % ================================ I = SiNWFETToy( t,d,epsr,mt,degen,T, VI,VF,NV, Ef,alphag,alphad ); EDP PDP Matlab Script clear all close all clc load edp.mat load pdp.mat load edpm.mat load pdpm.mat figure(1) semilogy(edpm([1:5],1),edpm([1:5],2),'.r','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',4) hold on semilogy(edp([1:5],1),edp([1:5],2),'b','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',4); set(gca,'Fontsize',14,'linewidth',3,'FontWeight', 'FontName','Arial'); 'bold', 67 h_legend=legend('MOSFET','SiNWFET'); set(h_legend,'FontSize',12,'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontName','Arial') legend('location','East') legend('boxoff') title('Energy Delay Product') w=['INV ';'NAND2';'NAND3';'NOR2 ';'NOR3 ']; set(gca,'xtick',[1 2 3 4 5],'xticklabel',w); set(gcf,'Color','w') set(gca,'xlim',[0 6]); xlabel('Logic Gates'); ylabel('Energy Delay Product'); figure(2) semilogy(pdpm([1:5],1),pdpm([1:5],2),'.r','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',4); hold on semilogy(pdp([1:5],1),pdp([1:5],2),'b','LineWidth',3,'MarkerSize',4); set(gca,'Fontsize',14,'linewidth',3,'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontName','Arial'); h_legend=legend('MOSFET','SiNWFET', -1); set(h_legend,'FontSize',12,'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontName','Arial') legend('location','East') legend('boxoff') title('Power Delay Product') w=['INV ';'NAND2';'NAND3';'NOR2 ';'NOR3 ']; set(gca,'xtick',[1 2 3 4 5],'xticklabel',w); set(gcf,'Color','w') set(gca,'xlim',[0 6]); xlabel('Logic Gates'); ylabel('Power Delay Product'); 68 APPENDIX B HSPICE netlist for Si NWFET Csmike.lib * Library name: CSmike ******************************************************************** .LIB CSmike .PROTECT .OPTIONS PARHIER=LOCAL .OPTIONS EPSMIN=1E-99 .OPTIONS EXPMAX=37 .INC 'param.lib' ******************************************************************** * N-CNFET Level 1 Sub-circuit Definition ******************************************************************** .SUBCKT nCNT Drain Gate Source Efi=Ef ********************************************************************* * Parameter definition ********************************************************************* * The 4-piece cubic spline coefficient .PARAM *+ Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs)='-0.035*(Vd-Vs) + 0.6815*(Vg-Vs)^(4) - 0.90332*(Vg-Vs)^(3) + 0.36015*(Vg-Vs)^(2) - 0.92247*(Vg-Vs) + 0.00039056' + Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs)='(-49821.90664* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (276605.122964749)* (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (- 572162.606643442)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (573747.932958612)* 298144.198888112)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (79535.103278405) (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (- *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (- 69 10290.716810145)*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (508.056933400) *(Vg-Vs)+ (6.070806718 )) *(Vd- Vs)^(8)+\\ (196872.2107* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (-1109234.487759260)* (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (2316213.672502400)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (-2337935.809217750)*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (1220226.704813460)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (-326274.007912830)*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (42302.679427669) *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ Vs)^(7)+ (-2102.545925492)*(Vg-Vs)+ (-27.19614939)) *(Vd- \\ (-312692.829* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (1800600.496701210)* 3810666.720886790)*(Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (3881675.713082960)* 2038198.159335660)*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (546739.433373932) 71087.204801527)*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (- (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (- *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (- ( 3567.061344487)*(Vg-Vs)+ (51.0970026)) *(Vd- Vs)^(6)+ \\ (253070.1009* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (-1508712.355813510)* (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (3258255.782258070)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (-3363537.270613450)*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (1781557.287609530)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (-480115.128448274)*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (62675.629581024) *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (-3190.414180341)*(Vg-Vs)+ (-52.28496904)) *(Vd- Vs)^(5)+\\ (-108169.5365* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (685944.804259376)* 1531344.742644380)*(Vg-Vs)^(6)+ 866416.711570166)* (1614121.745432760)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ 30883.588707723)*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (235160.879016970) (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ ((Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (- *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (- (1609.076098899) *(Vg-Vs)+ (31.64868694)) *(Vd- Vs)^(4)+ \\ (22271.53089* (382459.258754723)* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (-161171.785884126)* (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (-417734.084840510)* (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (229232.491274840)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (-62960.734906854) *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (8348.074489455) *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (-453.519779289) *(Vg-Vs)+ (-11.50947092)) *(Vd-Vs)^(3)+ \\ (-1549.327801* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (16638.401391004)* (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (- 44882.821776885)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (52335.381299725)* (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (-29858.153049092)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (8378.347701676) *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (-1128.377353262) *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (66.790567412) *(Vg-Vs)+ (2.433815329)) *(Vd-Vs)^(2)+\\ (36.87600022* (2239.568783041)* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (-738.997042369)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (-2766.250583763)* (Vg-Vs)^(4)+ (-473.774070097) (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (1642.588988959)* *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (64.339954577) 4.562704937) *(Vg-Vs)+ (-0.287117619)) *(Vd-Vs)^(1)+\\ (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (- 70 0.486995525* 2.782055017)* (Vg-Vs)^(8)+ (-0.058767876)* (Vg-Vs)^(6)+ (3.986354963)* Vs)^(4)+ (-0.629335510) (Vg-Vs)^(7)+ (- (Vg-Vs)^(5)+ (-1.504827571)* *(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ (0.608392156) (Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ (-0.326077033) *(Vg-Vs)+ (-2.34E-06) ' + ans(Vg,Vd,Vs)='4*q*KB*T/h*(log(1.0+exp(q*(Ef-Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs))/KB/T))- log(1.0+exp(q*(Ef-Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs)-(Vd-Vs))/KB/T)))' * End of parameter definition ********************************************************************* * The voltage controlled current source GCNT Drain Source CUR='ans(V(Gate),V(Drain),V(Source))' Edrain Vdrain Gnd VCVS Drain Gnd 1 Egate Vgate Gnd VCVS Gate Gnd 1 Esource Vsource Gnd VCVS Source Gnd 1 .ENDS nCNT * End of nCNT Sub-circuit Definition ******************************************************************** * P-CNFET Level 1 Sub-circuit Definition ******************************************************************** .SUBCKT pCNT Drain Gate Source Efi=Ef ********************************************************************* * Parameter definition ********************************************************************* * The 4-piece cubic spline coefficients + Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs)=' ( -49821.90664 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( -276605.122964749 Vs)^(7)+ ( 573747.932958612 79535.103278405 -572162.606643442 *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( - )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( -298144.198888112 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( -10290.716810145 508.056933400 )*(Vg-Vs)+( Vs)^(7)+ ) 6.070806718 ( 196872.2107 ( 2316213.672502400 )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ ( - ))*(Vd-Vs)^(8)- \\ *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( +1109234.487759260 )*(Vg) *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( +2337935.809217750 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( 1220226.704813460 ( )*(Vg- +326274.007912830 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( 42302.679427669 +2102.545925492 )*(Vg-Vs)+( )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ -27.19614939 ))*(Vd-Vs)^(7)+ \\ 71 Vs)^(7)+ ( -312692.829 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( -1800600.496701210 ( -3810666.720886790 ) )*(Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( - 3881675.713082960 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( -2038198.159335660 )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( - 546739.433373932 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( -71087.204801527 )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ ( - 3567.061344487 )*(Vg-Vs)+( 51.0970026 ( 253070.1009 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( +1508712.355813510 )*(Vg- ( 3258255.782258070 Vs)^(7)+ ))*(Vd-Vs)^(6)- \\ ) *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( +3363537.270613450 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( 1781557.287609530 ( +480115.128448274 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( 62675.629581024 +3190.414180341 )*(Vg-Vs)+( Vs)^(7)+ ( -108169.5365 ( -1531344.742644380 )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ -52.28496904 ))*(Vd-Vs)^(5)+ \\ *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( -685944.804259376 ) )*(Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( - 1614121.745432760 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( -866416.711570166 )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( - 235160.879016970 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( -30883.588707723 )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ ( - 1609.076098899 )*(Vg-Vs)+( 31.64868694 ( 22271.53089 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( +161171.785884126 ( 382459.258754723 Vs)^(7)+ ( ) +62960.734906854 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( 8348.074489455 +453.519779289 )*(Vg-Vs)+( -1549.327801 ( -44882.821776885 Vs)^(7)+ ) )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( -8378.347701676 )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ ( -66.790567412 ( 36.87600022 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( +738.997042369 ( 2239.568783041 ) 1642.588988959 )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( +4.562704937 )*(Vg-Vs)+( ) )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ 64.339954577 0.608392156 ( )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ -0.287117619 ))*(Vd-Vs)^(1)+ \\ *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( -3.986354963 )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ ( )*(Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( +2766.250583763 0.486995525 *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( +0.058767876 -2.782055017 )*(Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( -52335.381299725 ))*(Vd-Vs)^(2)- \\ +473.774070097 1.504827571 )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ 2.433815329 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( ( -11.50947092 ))*(Vd-Vs)^(3)+ \\ )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( -1128.377353262 )*(Vg-Vs)+( )*(Vg-Vs)^(4)+ *(Vg-Vs)^(8)+ ( -16638.401391004 )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( -29858.153049092 )*(Vg- *(Vg-Vs)^(6)+( )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( 229232.491274840 Vs)^(7)+ ( ))*(Vd-Vs)^(4)- \\ +417734.084840510 ( ( +0.629335510 )*(Vg-Vs)^(2)+ ( )*(Vg-Vs)^(7)+ ( )*(Vg-Vs)^(5)+ ( - )*(Vg-Vs)^(3)+ ( +0.326077033 )*(Vg-Vs)+( -2.34E-06)' 72 + ans(Vg,Vd,Vs)='-4*q*KB*T/h*(log(1.0+exp(q*(Ef-Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs))/KB/T))- log(1.0+exp(q*(Ef-Vsc(Vg,Vd,Vs)+(Vd-Vs))/KB/T)))' * End of parameter definition ********************************************************************* * The voltage controlled current source GCNT Drain Source CUR='ans(V(Gate),V(Drain),V(Source))' Edrain Vdrain Gnd VCVS Drain Gnd -1 Egate Vgate Gnd VCVS Gate Gnd -1 Esource Vsource Gnd VCVS Source Gnd -1 Evdd VddM Gnd VCVS Drain Gnd 1 EVgg VggM Gnd VCVS Gate Gnd 1 EVss VssM Gnd VCVS Source Gnd 1 .ENDS pCNT * End of pCNT Sub-circuit Definition .UNPROTECT .ENDL CSmike 73 APPENDIX C HSPICE netlist for nano MOSFET NTYPE * NMOS and PMOS model .LIB "PTM32nm.txt" CMOS_MODELS .options POST .options AUTOSTOP .options INGOLD=2 DCON=1 *.options GSHUNT=1e-20 RMIN=1e-20 .options ABSTOL=1e-5 ABSVDC=1e-4 .options RELTOL=1e-2 RELVDC=1e-2 .options NUMDGT=4 PIVOT=13 *************************************************** *Beginning of circuit and device definitions *Supplies and voltage params: .param Supply=1 .param Vg='Supply' .param Vd='Supply' ******************************************************************** * Define power supply Vdd Drain Gnd Vd Vss Source Gnd 0 Vgg Gate Gnd Vg 74 ******************************************************************** * Main Circuits M1 Drain Gate Source Source nmos L=32n W=35n * pFET *M2 Drain Gate Source Source pmos L=32n W=70n ******************************************************************** * Measurements * test nFETs, Ids vs. Vds .DC Vdd START=0 STOP='Supply' STEP='0.01' + SWEEP Vgg START=0 STOP='Supply' STEP='0.1' ******************************************************************** .print I(Vdd) .end PTYPE * NMOS and PMOS model .LIB "PTM32nm.txt" CMOS_MODELS .options POST .options AUTOSTOP .options INGOLD=2 DCON=1 *.options GSHUNT=1e-20 RMIN=1e-20 .options ABSTOL=1e-5 ABSVDC=1e-4 .options RELTOL=1e-2 RELVDC=1e-2 .options NUMDGT=4 PIVOT=13 *************************************************** *Beginning of circuit and device definitions *Supplies and voltage params: .param Supply=1 .param Vg='Supply' .param Vd='Supply' *********************************************************************** * Define power supply 75 Vdd Drain Gnd Vd Vss Source Gnd 0 Vgg Gate Gnd Vg *********************************************************************** * Main Circuits * nFET *M1 Drain Gate Source Source nmos L=32n W=35n * pFET M2 Drain Gate Source Source pmos L=32n W=70n *********************************************************************** * Measurements * test nFETs, Ids vs. Vds .DC Vdd START=0 STOP='-Supply' STEP='-0.01' + SWEEP Vgg START=0 STOP='-Supply' STEP='-0.1' *********************************************************************** .print I(Vdd) .end