RS3 DCS Controller Configuration
RS3 DCS Controller Configuration
Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 SECTION INDEX Page: 1 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 SHEET NO. PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 General Controller Configuration ---------------------------------------- 2 PART 2 EXECUTION 2.01 Regulatory Control ---------------------------------------------------------- 9 2.02 Flow Totalizers --------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2.03 Motor Control ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.04 On/Off Valve Control ------------------------------------------------------- 27 2.05 Interlocks/Shutdowns ------------------------------------------------------- 36 Appendix A- Configuration Examples A.1 AIB I/O Block ----------------------------------------------------------------- 40 A.2 AOB I/O Block ---------------------------------------------------------------- 40 A.3 CIB/DIB I/O Block ----------------------------------------------------------- 41 A.4 COB/DOB I/O Block -------------------------------------------------------- 41 A.5 TIB Block ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 A.6 Manual Block ----------------------------------------------------------------- 43 A.7 PID Control Loop ------------------------------------------------------------ 45 A.8 Cascade Control Loop ----------------------------------------------------- 47 A.9 Ratio Control Loop ---------------------------------------------------------- 50 A.10 Stack Totalizer --------------------------------------------------------------- 53 A.11 Group 1 – Start/Stop Motor ----------------------------------------------- 56 A.12 Group 2 – Start/Stop Motor ----------------------------------------------- 64 A.13 Fail-Closed Valve ------------------------------------------------------------ 65 A.14 Fail-Open Valve -------------------------------------------------------------- 71 A.15 Motor Control Schematic -------------------------------------------------- 77 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 PART 1 1.01. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 2 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 GENERAL General Controller Configuration A. Control Processor Setup 1. The MPC scan time for all control processors shall be set to 1.0 second. All loops shall be configured to operate at the MPC scan time. All loops that require less than 1 sec scan time will be configured on the same MPC (e.g. batch charging). 2. Local Inhibit shall be set to "YES". 3. Control processor redundancy shall be specified by the project team. 4. The Status of every MPC (multipurpose controller) card must be “Norm” (Normal) to provide control functionality. After a power cycle (beyond where battery backup is active (> 15-20 minutes typically)), all MPC cards power up in “Stby” (Standby) mode as a safety feature built in to the RS3 system. In Standby mode, all control blocks can read inputs and track signals but cannot generate a link or set outputs to any other control block or to the field. It is recommended that configuration be provided to automatically set each MPC card to Normal mode so that the process control system automatically resumes control functionality after power cycles. If certain Control Blocks should power up in Standby mode, requiring operator input to place the card in Normal mode after conditions are safe, then these Control Blocks should be segregated to one MPC card in an area and configuration to automatically set that MPC card to Normal mode (shown below) should not be configured. To automatically set a MPC card to Normal mode, configure the last logic step (p) in the last Control Block of the MPC card as follows: p=> 1 On=> snorm Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 B. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 3 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 I/O Block and Control Block Tag Name Convention 1. Point tags in the Rosemount RS3 can contain a maximum of sixteen (16) alphanumeric characters. 2. All Control Blocks will have the same tag name as indicated on the P&ID’s, which includes a 3-digit number prefix designating the plant area followed by a “-“. Therefore it is recommended that the Tag Mask be set to mask the first 4 digits of tag names. Note, with the Tag Mask set this way, the actual tag names include the area number prefix, but faceplate displays do not show the prefix. 3. The input/output point (I/O block) will have the same tag name as the field device tag name. 4. Below are examples showing the tag name convention for analog devices and controllers. I/O Block Tags (Block Type) 069-FT-V10A (AIB) 069-FY-V10A (AOB) 069-PT-V10A (AIB) 069-PY-V10A (AOB) 069-LT-V10A (AIB) 069-LY-V10A (AOB) 069-SI-P102 (AIB) 069-SY-P102 (AOB) – speed output 4-20ma 069-AIT-V10A (AIB) 069-AY-V10A (AOB) 069-TT-V10A (AIB) 069-TY-V10A (AOB) 069-TIT-V10A (AIB) 069-TE-V10A (TIB) Controller Block Tags (Block Type) 069-FIC-V10A (PID) 069-FI-V10A (MAN) 069-PIC-V10A (PID) 069-PI-V10A (MAN) 069-LIC-V10A (PID) 069-LI-V10A (MAN) 069-SIC-P102 (PID) 069-SI-P102 (MAN) 069-AIC-V10A (PID) 069-AI-V10A (MAN) 069-TIC-V10A (PID) 069-TI-V10A (MAN) Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 5. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Below is the tag name convention for discrete motor-driven devices and controllers. IO tag names reflect motor switches and confirms. The controller tag name is the name of the device that is operated by the motor. Motor Start/Stop Output (COB/DOB) Motor Start Ouput (COB/DOB) Motor Stop Output (COB/DOB) Motor Status Input (CIB/DIB) Pump Motor Control Block (DMC) Agitator Motor Control Block (DMC) Where 6. Page: 4 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 HS HR HI R S I P A #### 069-HS-#### 069-HR-#### 069-HS-#### 069-HI-#### 069-P-#### 069-A-#### = Hand (Electric) Start / Stop Switch = Hand (Electric) Run Switch = Hand (Electric) Switch Indicator – motor status = Run Command = Stop Command = Run Confirm = Pump = Agitator = Device Name from P&ID’s Below is the tag name convention for discrete valves and controllers. IO tag names reflect valve position switches and actuating solenoid valve. The controller tag name is the same as the valve name. Actuated Discrete Valve with Indication Switches Solenoid Valve Output (COB/DOB) 069-SV-##### Open Limit Switch Input (CIB/DIB) 069-ZSO-##### Closed Limit Switch Input (CIB/DIB) 069-ZSC-##### Discrete Valve Control Block (DVC) 069-XV-##### Actuated Discrete Valve with No Indication Switches (Solenoid Valve) Solenoid Valve Output (COB/DOB) 069-SV-##### Discrete Valve Control Block (DVC) 069-XV-##### Non-Actuated Discrete Valve with Indication Switches Only Open Limit Switch Input (CIB/DIB) 069-ZSO-##### Closed Limit Switch Input (CIB/DIB) 069-ZSC-##### Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Discrete Valve Monitor Block (DISC) Where 7. SV ZSO ZSC XV HV Page: 5 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 069-HV-##### = Actuating Solenoid Valve = Open Position Switch = Closed Position Switch = Actuated Discrete Valve = Hand Operated Valve Below is the tag name convention for limit switches and alarms. 069-LSL-##### 069-LAL-##### 069-TSH-##### 069-TAH-##### 069-TSHH-##### 069-TAHH-##### low level field switch input block (CIB/DIB) alarm for low level switch (DISC) HI temp field switch input block (DIB/CIB) alarm for HI temp switch (DISC) HHHI temp field switch input block (DIB/CIB) alarm for HIHI temp switch (DISC) 8. Control Blocks used for executing Interlock logic shall be tagged with letter “I” preceded by the area number and followed by a sequential three-digit number. This naming convention should be used independent of whether the trip signal is linked to the Control Block @j “shutdown” or @k “interlock” register. For example, the first Control Block tag name for interlocks in the Area 69 is 069-I-001, the second 069-I-002. An interlock Control Block may contain multiple inputs for a particular interlock and multiple outputs (interlocks for multiple devices). 9. When the second letter in an output block tag name is "Y", such as 069-FY-#####, it indicates that the output block is an analog signal connected to a signal converter such as an I/P transducer or a frequency drive. If the second letter in a Control Block tag name is a "Y", the Control Block is a calculation Control Block used internally by the DCS. 10. When using multiple signal conditioners or calculation blocks within a single control loop use alpha characters as suffixes to distinguish each signal conditioner or calculation block. The letter "A" should be used as the suffix for the I/P transducer in the loop. For example, a Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 6 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 flow control loop 069-FIC-##### has a lead/lag Control Block for a signal conditioner and an I/P transducer connected to an AOB. The AOB tag name should be 069-FY-#####A and the lead/lag signal conditioner Control Block tag name should be 069-FY-#####B. 11. Each Control Block will be given a 24-character word descriptor. The Control Block descriptor is displayed on the faceplate when selected from a process graphic. The descriptor spans three lines with each line containing 8 characters each. If a Control Block alarm is configured, the descriptor will be displayed at the console screen bottom in a single line when the alarm occurs. The appropriate message pair or process variable value will also be displayed with the alarm. 12. Do not exceed 7 characters on lines 1 and 2 if all three lines will be used. Always use a semicolon when entering the descriptor to start the next line. Remember 8 characters can be used on the last line. See the examples below. Descriptor Entry B26 MC;TRAY #2 B26 FC;REBOILER B26;RESIDUE; RECEIVER Faceplate B26 MC TRAY #2 B26 FC REBOILER B26 RESIDUE RECEIVER Alarm Banner B26 MC TRAY #2 B26 FC REBOILER B26 RESIDUE RECEIVER As shown, the semicolon makes the vertical faceplate descriptor and alarm banner both easy to read. If spaces were used instead of the semicolon to make the faceplate look the same, the alarm banner would have additional spaces between words (see example below) Descriptor Entry B26 RESIDUE RECEIVER Faceplate B26 RESIDUE RECEIVER Alarm Banner B26 RESIDUE RECEIVER Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 13. C. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 7 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Test all alarms and verify the alarm banner is easy to read and understand. Analog Inputs 1. Hardware alarms for analog inputs, if used, shall be set as follows (these correspond to 1 mA over and under the standard 4-20 mA range): Inst High = 106.25% Inst Low = -6.25% 2. All analog inputs will have the Low Cut-Off set as follows: Low Cut-Off=-10% of span in Engineering Units D. 3. Critical and Advisory process alarms SHALL NOT be entered on AIB blocks whose output is linked and displayed in a Control Block (e.g. RS, PV, FF, RV signals). The alarm limits shall be entered on the Control Block Continuous Diagram Page. 4. Example A.1 describes the detailed configuration for an AIB I/O block Discrete Inputs 1. Field devices that generate alarms, such as temperature and pressure switches, shall be wired fail safe, (de-energized=alarm). The alarm then generates when the DCS receives an OFF signal. 2. The default CIB/DIB block configuration is as follows: Field Contact = NO Filter Type = None 3. Example A.2 describes the detail configuration for a DIB/CIB I/O block. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 E. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 8 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Discrete Outputs 1. The default COB/DOB block configuration is as follows: Contact Type = NO Output Hold = None 2. F. G. Examples of discrete output I/O block configurations are described for motor control and ON/OFF valve control in sections A.11 through A.14 Pulse IO Inputs 1. When the flow measuring instrument sends a pulsed or frequency signal to the DCS, the device must be wired to a pulse-type FIC card and the IO block must be configured as a pulse input/output block (PIOB). Note: a Smart 4-20 mA transmitter is preferred. 2. A PIOB can be configured to measure frequency of pulses (where frequency is typically proportional to process variable, e.g., flow rate), duration of pulses (output is in seconds), or to count pulses. 3. PIOB’s link to Control Blocks. Frequency and duration PIOB outputs send an analog signal (derived from the pulses) to the Control Block. The analog range is entered on the PIOB measuring frequency (and on the Control Block input register); the analog range for duration type PIOB’s is the range on the Control Block input register in engineering units corresponding to the duration of the pulses in the PIOB. A PIOB configured to measure counts is typically used to totalize based on counts received from a device. See “Flow Totalizers” in Section 2.02 below. Modes Definitions for RS3 systems 1. IO blocks can be in Manual or Auto mode and are normally locked in Auto mode (input block reads field signals, output block reads Control Block link). Input IO blocks can be simulated in Manual mode and output IO blocks can be forced in Manual mode. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 9 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 2. RS3 Control Blocks can be in one of four modes: Local, Operator/Manual, Auto, and Remote. Modes operate differently in different Control Block types. For Continuous Functions like PID controllers, mode determines the action of the output Q register alone. For Discrete Motor and Valve Controllers (DMC and DVC), mode determines which discrete inputs act to start or stop the device. For all types of Control Blocks, the actions of Control Block logic steps are determined by each logic step’s mode which can be either Manual or Auto. Any logic step in Manual mode is listed at the bottom of the Control Block discrete diagram pages. 3. Local mode is the initial mode a Control Block is in after it is created or after the block has been modified in certain ways, e.g., a register has been deleted. In Local mode, the operator directly manipulates Q from the console and Q cannot be overridden by logic. 4. Operator/Manual mode: for PID controllers, the operator directly manipulates Q from the console and Q can be overridden by logic. For DMC’s and DVC’s, the device is started by pressing the “OPERATOR >start” button (linked to @a momentary ON discrete input) on the faceplate from the console, and the device is stopped by pressing the “OPERATOR >stop” button (linked to @b momentary ON discrete input) on the faceplate from the console. Auto start (linked to @d discrete input) and Auto stop (linked to @e discrete input) states are ignored. 5. Auto mode: for PID controllers, the controller function manipulates Q to attempt to make the process variable PV equal to the local setpoint LS, and Q can be overridden by logic. For DMC’s and DVC’s, the device is started by other controllers linked to or batch tasks writing to the Auto start discrete input link @d and the Auto stop discrete input link @e. In Auto mode, the “OPERATOR >start” and “OPERATOR >stop” buttons are ignored. 6. Remote mode: This is the normal mode for cascade slave (secondary) PID loops. The controller function manipulates Q to attempt to make the process variable PV equal to the remote setpoint RS (linked to a master (primary) PID loop output), and Q can be overridden by logic. Remote mode does not apply to DMC’s and DVC’s. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 PART 2 2.01 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 10 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 EXECUTION Regulatory Control A. General PID Loop Configuration 1. Regulatory control valves shall be configured such that 0% output on the control faceplate implies a closed valve-position, and 100% implies a fully opened valve. For "Fail-Open" (FO) valves, the output action on the AOB block shall be configured as REVERSE acting. 2. Output High and Low Limits shall be configured as 100% and 0% respectively unless otherwise specified or for a master cascade loop. 3. High and Low Limits for Setpoint, Ratio, Remote Setpoint, etc. shall correspond with their Eng Zero and Eng Max values. 4. The ACTION field on the Continuous Faceplate screen of regulatory control loops specifies whether the controller output is direct or reverse acting. A controller whose output increases with a decreasing process variable is defined as REVERSE acting. The controller action and the AOB action are independent settings. 5. The local setpoint (LS) shall not track PV unless specified by project team. 6. Output tracking logic shall be generated within the Control Block logic steps a-p. When the output is to track another variable originating outside of the Control Block, the variable shall be linked through continuous register-G of the PID Control Block. 7. The CONVERT field on the CB Continuous Links page shall be left blank, resulting on no conversion (to engineering units or normalized units). Any conversions to different scaling should be done in the Eng Zero and Eng Max fields of analog registers and in math expressions in logic steps. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 8. The HOLD FORWARD option on the CB Continuous Links page shall be configured "NO" for all inputs with potential affect to the output of a PID Control Block (e.g. PV, FF, RV, etc.). 9. Default Configuration for PID block options shall be as follows: PI Action Derivative Action LS-PV Track Setpoint Rate Limit Output Rate Limit 10. B. Error PV No None None Example A.7 describes the setup of a standard PID Control Block. Default Tuning Constants Control Type Flow Temp. (Slow loop) Temp. (Fast loop) Level Pressure (Slow loop) Pressure (Fast loop) C. Page: 11 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Gain 0.50 5-10 1.50 2-5 2.50 0.50 Integral Time (I) 10.0 sec 10.0 min 1.0 min 5-10 min 1.0 min 10.0 sec Derivative Time (D) 0.0 sec 60.0 sec 0.0 sec 0.0 sec 0.0 sec 0.0 sec Alarm Setpoints 1. The project team or Production Engineering shall specify all required alarm settings. 2. Unless otherwise specified, the Critical High and Low alarms shall be 95% and 5% of the signal span and Advisory High and Low alarms shall be 90% and 10% of span with a 2% Dead Band. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 D. E. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 12 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Cascade Control 1. For all cascade control strategies, the slave loop LS shall configured to track the PV in the MANUAL mode. Additionally, TRACK INPUT field of the slave loop should be set equal to Remote Setpoint (RS) so that the master loop output will track slave LS when the slave loop is in MANUAL or AUTO. be the the the 2. If the slave loop contains logic affecting the controller output (Q), a logic step of the master loop shall be configured such that the master loop output tracks the LS of the slave loop as long as the logic is active. To accomplish this, the Logic Active Status Bit (LA) of the slave loop will be linked via discrete input register-@a (e.g. Input @a='slave loop tag/LA') and tested in the master loop logic. The LS of the slave loop shall be linked to continuous register-G in the master loop. If logic is active on the slave loop output, LA will be true and the output of the master loop shall track register-G (LS of the slave loop). 3. Section A.8 provides a sample configuration for a Cascade Control Loop. Ratio Control 1. A ratio controller is configured by selecting the RATIO option on the PID block Continuous Faceplate Display. Ratio control is active when the PID block is in the REMOTE mode. The RATIO option provides for calculation of the Remote Setpoint (RS) from the formula: Where 2. RS RV RA BI = = = = RV*RA+BI Ratio Variable or Wild Variable Ratio Factor Bias Continuous input-B (LS) shall be selected and highlighted on the Continuous Faceplate so that it is enterable from the operator keyboard when selected from the process graphic. The Discrete Faceplate side of the loop shall be configured for operator entry of the Ratio. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 3. 4. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 13 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 On the Continuous Links Display, the SOURCE fields shall be entered as follows: PV = AIB block tag (controlled) LS = *ENTRY RS = *VALUE RV = AIB block tag (wild) RA = *ENTRY BI = *NONE, 0, or a constant value The ENG ZERO value for RA shall equal 0; the ENG MAX value for RA is calculated from the formula: ENG MAX RA = (MAX PV - ZERO PV) / (MAX RV - ZERO RV) 2.02 5. The HOLD FORWARD option for both the PV and RV shall be configured as “NO”. 6. Section A.9 provides an example of a Ratio Control Loop. Flow Totalizers A. Two types of totalizers are available for use with analog flow meters: a SETPOINT TOTALIZER and a STACK TOTALIZER. Both integrate a flow rate signal received from the AIB or PIOB (frequency or duration type only) I/O block and the accumulated value is collected in the output Q register. Both totalizers can be configured to reset Q to zero automatically (when Q reaches the Output High Limit) or manually by using a logic step to set Q to zero when a momentary button is pressed on the totalizer faceplate. The stack totalizer can also reset Q to zero periodically based on time (e.g., reset Q every 24 hours). If the “treset” function is used to reset the stack totalizer, the last three totalized values (between resets) will be stored in registers B, C, and D. B. Totalizers totalize the PV input signal times gain K. K is normal set at 1, but can be different if the units of the IO block are different from the desired totalized units. For example, set K=2.2 if the AIB IO block is kg/min and the desired totalized value is lb; or set K=.001 if the AIB IO block is lb/min and the desired totalized value is M lb (thousand lb). Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 2.03 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 14 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 C. The integration time is the time that it takes the output to go from 0% to 100% when the input is at 100%. Set the integration time so that the output does not exceed 100% between resets. Note: the output Q does totalize beyond 100% but will not be visible via the bar display if allowed to do so. D. Totalizer integration is active (Q values accumulate) in Auto mode and inactive (Q value freezes) in Operator/Manual mode. Placing a totalizer in Operator/Manual mode does not reset the Q value to zero – resetting Q is a separate operation. E. Non-analog flow meters that send pulse signals to indicate volume amounts can be totalized using the pulse input/output block (PIOB). The PIOB is configured as a counter and linked to a Control Block to totalize counts. The output of the PIOB shall be linked to a DISC Control Block to provide target values and reset flags. The target value and reset flags in the Control Block are communicated back to the PIOB to reset the PIOB counter. The engineering units associated with the counts (e.g., “FT is calibrated at 100 gallons per count”) should be documented as a comment in the DISC Control Block. F. When using a PIOB to count the number of pulses, set the “Prescale” value equal to Maximum input frequency/500 Hz. If the exact value is not available, choose the next greater option available. A prescale value of n increments the PIOB counter by 1 for each n input pulses. G. The target values configured in the DISC block are in counts, so totalizing to and engineering unit endpoint must consider the number of engineering units associated with a count. Motor Control A. Motor Control Philosophy Note on DMC discrete motor controllers: Logic steps c, i, and l can be configured only using MPC2 or MPC5 controllers. Logic in these steps using MPC1 controllers will not work. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 1. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 15 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Motors controlled from the DCS fall into one of the three following groups: Group 1 The DCS as well as local start/stop stations can operate motors in Group 1. Motor run status is displayed on the DCS. Two momentary digital outputs from the DCS are used for the start and stop command and local start/stop stations are also monetary. All future installations will utilize this design (see example A.11). Refer to the schematic in example A.16 for MCC detail. Group 2 The DCS as well as local hand/off/auto (HOA) stations can operate motors in Group 2. Motor run status is displayed on the DCS. A single latching digital output from the DCS is used for the start/stop command, mimicking the operation of field HOA switches. Group 2 motors exist throughout the plant but no future installations of this design will be allowed (see example A.12). Group 3 Local start/stop (or HOA) stations only can operate the motor. Motor run status is displayed on the DCS. 2. B. All DCS controlled motors shall be equipped with field mounted START/STOP buttons that retain an equal control priority with the DCS under normal process conditions. If a process interlock is active on the DCS, the interlock shall prevent operation of the device from the DCS and all field START buttons. This is only possible with Group 1 motor controllers. Motor Control Configuration (Group 1) 1. The DMC Control Block shall be used to control motors with both DCS start and stop capability. 2. In general, options (found on Continuous Faceplate) for the DMC block shall be configured as follows: Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 STRT TMR Target STOP TMR Target Interlock Confirm Off Retry Security Lockup Trip Delay MCC Alarm Ignore Confirm On 3. Page: 16 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 5 sec 2 sec Yes or No No No No No No No DMC links shall be as follows. Only those differing from the DMC defaults are shown. CB is an abbreviation for the Control Block. Input @d @e @g @k @n A B C K Source Eng Zero Eng Max Units CB/A CB/B run confirm CIB/DIB *ON – if no interlock address is linked *VALUE – written to from batch task *VALUE 0 1 AUTO ON *VALUE 0 1 AUTO OFF *VALUE 0 1 MODE *TIMER 0 1 SECS If applicable, a signal representing all process interlocks shall be linked to @k. The @k link interlocks the DMC OFF if the signal is OFF. The DMC interlock can be bypassed with a supervisor’s key. If applicable, a signal representing all process shutdowns shall be linked to @j. The @j link shuts the DMC OFF if the signal is ON. The DMC shutdown cannot be bypassed. If @k or @j links are used, they shall be displayed on the faceplate. 4. The start output from the DCS to the motor control circuit shall be a normally open (NO) momentary contact, mimicking field START buttons The stop output from the DCS to the motor control circuit shall be a normally closed (NC) momentary contact, mimicking field Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 17 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 STOP buttons. The action directions (NO or NC) of the DCS outputs are determined by a combination of the logic in the steps linked to the output IO blocks, the output IO block contact type, and the optical isolator (opto) type. The pulse logic of the contact output can be configured in the logic step or by latching the logic step and setting the OUTPUT HOLD field in the output IO block to “pulse” and entering a HOLD TIME. 5. Logic step “a” shall be linked to the DCS start contact/discrete output block (COB/DOB). Step “a” of a DMC contains default logic that latches step “a” ON to start and latches step “a” OFF to stop. The COB/DOB linked to the “a” logic step shall be configured as Contact Type “NO”, Output Hold “None”, and use a NO opto. The “a” output step cannot be turned ON if an interlock or shutdown is active. 6. Logic step “m” shall be linked to the DCS stop contact/discrete output block (COB/DOB). Step “m” of a DMC contains user-configured logic (see below) that latches step “m” ON to stop and latches step “m” OFF to allow to start. The COB/DOB linked to the “m” logic step shall be configured as Contact Type “NC”, Output Hold “Pulse”, Pulse Time “3 sec”, and use a NO opto. The resulting output to the motor control circuit is a normally closed momentary ON when step m transitions from OFF to ON, mimicking field stop buttons. The “m” output step cannot be turned OFF if an interlock or shutdown is active or if the Control Block is in Auto mode with Auto STOP active. 7. The table below summarizes the start and stop output command configuration for Group 1 DMC’s. Block Input Block Output Contact Type Output Hold Hold Time Opto Type Opto Fail State Start COB/DOB DMC Step “a” control circuit DCS start NO Pulse 3 sec NO Stop Stop COB/DOB DMC Step “m” control circuit DCS stop NC NONE ------NO Stop Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 8. 9. 10. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 18 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 The motor run confirm shall be linked to discrete input @g. The table below summarizes the run confirm configuration for Group 1 DMC’s. Run Confirm CIB/DIB Block Input motor controller auxiliary contacts Block Output DMC link @g Field Contact NO Filter Type None Opto Type NO Opto Fail State Stopped Logic conditions and actions can be configured on the Control Block Discrete Diagrams screen. Each Control Block has 16 Discrete Diagrams or “steps”, steps a-p, but many are pre-configured and not available for user-configuration. RS3 uses a double “==” as a ”relational equality” and a single “=” as an “assignment”. For instance, x==y means “if x is equal to y, the expression is true”, and x=y means “write the value of y to x”. Place only conditions in the top CONDITIONS window. For instance, the expression C=5.5 should not be entered on the CONDITIONS window (it works but this is unnecessary and confusing). Rather, to accomplish this enter “1” in the logic step field in the CONDITIONS window (turning the step ON) and enter C=5.5 in the ON field in the ACTIONS window. The actions in logic step “a” write a single discrete input @n to analog registers A and B (A equals the state of @n, B equals the opposite state). The values in analog registers A and B are written to @d and @e discrete inputs (see above), which are the Auto Start and Auto Stop input registers for DMC Control Blocks. This configuration allows a single discrete input (@n) to toggle the DMC from Auto Start to Auto Stop. If the @n input alone acts on the Auto Start/Stop command, logic step “a” shall be configured as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=@n; B=~@n Off=>A=@n; B=~@n The ~ symbol represents “NOT” Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 19 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 If other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Start/Stop command or if actions are required when the Auto Start/Stop command is changed, logic step “a” shall be modified as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=n; B=~n Off=>A=n; B=~n 11. Logic step n would then contain @n, other data that activates the Auto Start/Stop command, and perhaps actions that occur when the Auto Start/Stop command is changed. Logic step “b” can be used to lock motors that are not started automatically (only started by the DCS console keyboard, not by another DCS device or batch task) in OPERATOR mode. For motors requiring this, logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: b=> Predefined function On=> setmode 1 Off=> setmode 1 12. Logic step “c” can be used to change the Control Block mode based on a value written to it from a batch task. If batch tasks are used to change Control Block mode, the logic step “c” shall be configured as follows: c=> C>0 Rise=> setmode C On=> C=0 Writing a 1 to the C registers changes the Control Block mode to Operator/Manual, 2 to Auto, and 3 to Remote. Note: if using a MPC I controller, logic in step c will not work. If this logic is required, move it to step p. 13. Logic step “d” is used to set the 15 user flags of the A analog register equal to the 16 Control Block discrete input values. These user flags can then be linked to other Control Blocks and graphic objects (discrete input links cannot be linked to other Control Blocks or graphic objects). Logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 20 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 d=> Predefined function On=> A.u=R.u Off=> A.u=R.u For example, with A.u=R.u true in Control Block P-100, discrete input @e is linked to another Control Block or graphic object by linking P100/A/e (or in some cases P-100.A.e). 14. Logic step “e” is a predefined step which turns ON when the device fails (e.g., the motor fails to start within 5 seconds of a DCS start command, or the run confirm of a running motor is lost). This should trip a critical alarm. Logic step “e” shall be configured as follows: e=> Predefined function Rpt> Crit When> On 15. Logic step “l” may be configured to provide an advisory alarm if the motor is started from the field. The alarm will clear when a DCS START command is issued (either automatically or manually), or the motor subsequently stops. Logic step “l” shall be configured as follows: l=>(rise @g)&~a Rpt> Adv When> Rise Note: if using a MPC I controller, logic in step l will not work. If this logic is required, move it to step p. 16. Logic step “m” for Group 1 motors shall be used to drive the DCS stop COB/DOB and shall be configured as follows: m=>~(@k|d) SET >(@b&(mode==1))|(@e&(mode==2))|e|@j CLEAR >wait(3,K,m)&~(@e&(mode==2))&~@j&(@k|d) Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 21 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 The “m” step output is linked to the motor control circuit DCS stop COB/DOB. Under normal conditions, step m pulses ON for 3 seconds after either the manual or auto stop command is activated. The m step instead latches ON if an interlock or shutdown is active or if the Control Block is in Auto mode with Auto Run active. The COB/DOB reverses the “m” step signal so the resulting output acts like a NC momentary button under normal conditions and a button latched OFF under interlock conditions, preventing devices from being started even from field start stations. 17. Logic step “n” is used if other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Stop/Start command or if actions are required when the Auto Stop/Start command is changed. Below are examples of how logic step “n” may be configured: n=> @n Rise=> setmode 2 Fall=> setmode 2 or n=> @n&(L<25) 18. Logic step “o” shall be used to provide a critical alarm when an interlock or shutdown becomes active while the device is running. Logic step “o” shall be configured as follows: o=> (@j|~@k)&@g Rpt> Crit When> Rise C. Motor Control Configuration (Group 2) 1. The DMC Control Block shall be used to control motors with both DCS start and stop capability. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 2. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 In general, options (found on Continuous Faceplate) for the DMC block shall be configured as follows: STRT TMR Target STOP TMR Target Interlock Confirm Off Retry Security Lockup Trip Delay MCC Alarm Ignore Confirm On 3. Page: 22 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 5 sec 2 sec Yes or No No No No No No No DMC links shall be as follows. Only those differing from the DMC defaults are shown. CB is an abbreviation for the Control Block. Input @d @e @g @k @n A B C Source Eng Zero Eng Max Units CB/A CB/B run confirm CIB/DIB *ON – if no interlock address is linked *VALUE – written to from batch task *VALUE 0 1 AUTO ON *VALUE 0 1 AUTO OFF *VALUE 0 1 MODE If applicable, a signal representing all process interlocks shall be linked to @k. The @k link interlocks the DMC OFF if the signal is OFF. The DMC interlock can be bypassed with a supervisor’s key. If applicable, a signal representing all process shutdowns shall be linked to @j. The @j link shuts the DMC OFF if the signal is ON. The DMC shutdown cannot be bypassed. If @k or @j links are used, they shall be displayed on the faceplate. 4. The single start/stop output from the DCS to the motor control circuit shall be a latched contact, mimicking field HOA switches. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 23 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 5. Logic step “a” shall be linked to the DCS start/stop contact/discrete output block (COB/DOB). Step “a” of a DMC contains default logic that latches step “a” ON to start and latches step “a” OFF to stop. The COB/DOB linked to the “a” logic step shall be configured as Contact Type “NO”, Output Hold “None”, and use a NO opto. The “a” output step cannot be turned ON if an interlock or shutdown is active. 6. The table below summarizes the start/stop output command configuration for Group 2 DMC’s. Block Input Block Output Contact Type Output Hold Hold Time Opto Type Opto Fail State 7. The motor run confirm shall be linked to discrete input @g. The table below summarizes the run confirm configuration for Group 2 DMC’s. Block Input Block Output Field Contact Filter Type Opto Type Opto Fail State 8. Start COB/DOB DMC Step “a” control circuit DCS start/stop NO None ------NO Stop Run Confirm CIB/DIB motor controller auxiliary contacts DMC link @g NO None NO Stopped Logic conditions and actions can be configured on the Control Block Discrete Diagrams screen. Each Control Block has 16 Discrete Diagrams or “steps”, steps a-p, but many are pre-configured and not available for user-configuration. RS3 uses a double “==” as a ”relational equality” and a single “=” as an “assignment”. For instance, x==y means “if x is equal to y, the expression is true”, and x=y means “write the value of y to x”. Place only conditions in the top Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 24 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 CONDITIONS window. For instance, the expression C=5.5 should not be entered on the CONDITIONS window (it works but this is unnecessary and confusing). Rather, to accomplish this enter “1” in the logic step field in the CONDITIONS window (turning the step ON) and enter C=5.5 in the ON field in the ACTIONS window. 9. The actions in logic step “a” write a single discrete input @n to analog registers A and B (A equals the state of @n, B equals the opposite state). The values in analog registers A and B are written to @d and @e discrete inputs (see above), which are the Auto Start and Auto Stop input registers for DMC Control Blocks. This configuration allows a single discrete input (@n) to toggle the DMC from Auto Start to Auto Stop. If the @n input alone acts on the Auto Start/Stop command, logic step “a” shall be configured as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=@n; B=~@n Off=>A=@n; B=~@n The ~ symbol represents “NOT” If other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Start/Stop command or if actions are required when the Auto Start/Stop command is changed, logic step “a” shall be modified as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=n; B=~n Off=>A=n; B=~n Logic step n would then contain @n, other data that activates the Auto Start/Stop command, and perhaps actions that occur when the Auto Start/Stop command is changed. 10. Logic step “b” can be used to lock motors that are not started automatically (only started by the DCS console keyboard, not by another DCS device or batch task) in OPERATOR mode. For motors requiring this, logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 25 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 b=> Predefined function On=> setmode 1 Off=> setmode 1 11. Logic step “c” can be used to change the Control Block mode based on a value written to it from a batch task. If batch tasks are used to change Control Block mode, the logic step “c” shall be configured as follows: c=> C>0 Rise=> setmode C On=> C=0 Writing a 1 to the C registers changes the Control Block mode to Operator/Manual, 2 to Auto, and 3 to Remote. Note: if using a MPC I controller, logic in step c will not work. If this logic is required, move it to step p. 12. Logic step “d” is used to set the 15 user flags of the A analog register equal to the 16 Control Block discrete input values. These user flags can then be linked to other Control Blocks and graphic objects (discrete input links cannot be linked to other Control Blocks or graphic objects). Logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: d=> Predefined function On=> A.u=R.u Off=> A.u=R.u For example, with A.u=R.u true in Control Block P-100, discrete input @e is linked to another Control Block or graphic object by linking P100/A/e (or in some cases P-100.A.e). 13. Logic step “e” is a predefined step which turns ON when the device fails (e.g., the motor fails to start within 5 seconds of a DCS start command, or the run confirm of a running motor is lost). This should trip a critical alarm. Logic step “e” shall be configured as follows: e=> Predefined function Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 26 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Rpt> Crit When> On 14. Logic step “l” may be configured to provide an advisory alarm if the motor is started from the field. The alarm will clear when a DCS START command is issued (either automatically or manually), or the motor subsequently stops. Logic step “l” shall be configured as follows: l=>(rise @g)&~a Rpt> Adv When> Rise Note: if using a MPC I controller, logic in step l will not work. If this logic is required, move it to step p. 15. Logic step “n” is used if other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Stop/Start command or if actions are required when the Auto Stop/Start command is changed. Below are examples of how logic step “n” may be configured: n=> @n Rise=> setmode 2 Fall=> setmode 2 or n=> @n&(L<25) 16. Logic step “o” shall be used to provide a critical alarm when an interlock or shutdown becomes active while the device is running. Logic step “o” shall be configured as follows: o=> (@j|~@k)&@g Rpt> Crit When> On Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 D. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 27 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Motor Control Configuration (Group 3) 1. A Manual or Discrete Control Block shall be for motors with DCS indication only. 2. All Group 3 motors shall be locked into the AUTO mode by configuring step-b ACTION as follows: b=> Predefined function On=> setmode 2 Off=> setmode 2 3. The motor run confirm shall be linked to discrete input @g. The table below summarizes the run confirm configuration for Group 3 DMC’s. Block Input Block Output Field Contact Filter Type Opto Type Opto Fail State 4. Run Confirm CIB/DIB motor controller auxiliary contacts DMC link @g NO None NO Stopped Logic step “d” is used to set the 15 user flags of the A analog register equal to the 16 Control Block discrete input values. These user flags can then be linked to other Control Blocks and graphic objects (discrete input links cannot be linked to other Control Blocks or graphic objects). Logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: d=> Predefined function On=> A.u=R.u Off=> A.u=R.u 2.04 ON/OFF Valve Control Note on DVC discrete valve controllers: Logic steps c, i, and l can be configured only using MPC2 or MPC5 controllers. Logic in these steps using MPC1 controllers will not work. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 A. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 28 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 General 1. The DVC Control Block shall be used to control ON/OFF valves. 2. In general, options (found on Continuous Faceplate) for the DVC block shall be configured as follows: OPEN TMR Target CLS TMR Target Interlock Confirm Close Confirm Open Security Lockup 3. 30 sec 30 sec Yes or No Yes or No (as required) Yes or No (as required) No DVC links shall be as follows. Only those differing from the DVC defaults are shown. CB is an abbreviation for the Control Block. Input @d @e @g @h @k @n A B C Source Eng Zero Eng Max Units CB/A CB/B open confirm CIB/DIB close confirm CIB/DIB *ON – if no interlock address is linked *VALUE – written to from batch task *VALUE 0 1 AUTO OPN *VALUE 0 1 AUTO CLS *VALUE 0 1 MODE If applicable, a signal representing all process interlocks shall be linked to @k. The @k link forces the DVC to the passive (typically closed) position if the signal is OFF. The DVC interlock can be bypassed with a supervisor’s key. If applicable, a signal representing all process shutdowns shall be linked to @j. The @j link forces the DVC to the passive (typically closed) position if the signal is ON. The DVC shutdown cannot be bypassed. If @k or @j links are used, they shall be displayed on the faceplate. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 29 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 4. For single acting spring return valves, the output from the DCS energizes a 3-way (air supply port, air to actuator port, and vent port) 2-position (pressurize and vent) solenoid valve to move the ON/OFF valve to its active position (typically open) and de-energizes the solenoid valve to allow the spring to move the ON/OFF valve to its passive position (typically closed). A single acting valve is FAIL CLOSED (FC) if the spring forces it closed and is FAIL OPEN (FO) if the spring forces it open. For double acting valves, the output from the DCS energizes a 4-way (air supply port, air to one side of the actuator port, air to the other side of the actuator port, and vent port (5-way if both actuators have separate vent ports)) 2-position (pressurize one side of the actuator / vent the other, and visa versa) solenoid valve to move the ON/OFF valve to its active position and de-energizes the solenoid valve to move the ON/OFF valve to its passive position. A double acting valve equipped this way fails in the PASSIVE position with loss of electrical signal and fails in LAST POSITION with loss of instrument air pressure. The DCS output signal for both types of ON/OFF valve must be latched ON to energize the solenoid valve and latched OFF to de-energize the solenoid valve. An alternate design for a double acting valve is to energize two solenoid valves (one to move the ON/OFF valve to one position and the other to move the ON/OFF valve to the other position) from two opposite acting DCS output blocks. The ON/OFF valve with this arrangement fails in LAST POSITION with loss of electrical signal or loss of instrument air pressure. 5. Logic step “a” shall be linked to the DCS open/close contact/discrete output block(s) (COB/DOB). Step “a” of a DVC contains default logic that latches step “a” ON to energize a solenoid valve and latches step “a” OFF to de-energize a solenoid valve. For single acting valves and for double acting valves fitted with a multi-port solenoid valve, the “a” logic step shall be linked to one COB/DOB configured as Contact Type “NO”, Output Hold “None”, and use a NO opto. For double acting valves fitted with a solenoid valve on each side of the actuator, the “a” logic step shall be linked to two COB/DOB’s, one configured as Contact Type “NO” and one configured as contact type “NC”, both configured as Output Hold “None”, and both using NO optos. The “a” output step cannot be turned ON if an interlock or shutdown is active. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 6. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 30 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 The table below summarizes the open/close output command configuration for DVC’s. Single acting valve or double acting valve fitted with a multi-port solenoid valve Single acting Double acting Open/Close Open/Close COB/DOB COB/DOB Block Input DVC Step “a” DVC Step “a” Block Output solenoid valve solenoid valve Contact Type NO NO Output Hold None None Hold Time ------------Opto Type NO NO Opto Fail State Passive (spring return) Passive (*) Inst Air Fail State Passive (spring return) Last position * the position the ON/OFF valve moves towards when the solenoid valve is de-energized. Double acting valve fitted with a solenoid valve on each side of the actuator Position 1 Position 2 COB/DOB COB/DOB Block Input DVC Step “a” DVC Step “a” Block Output solenoid valve 1 solenoid valve 2 Contact Type NO NC Output Hold None None Hold Time ------------Opto Type NO NO Opto Fail State Last position Last position Inst Air Fail State Last position Last position 7. ON/OFF valves should be installed with an open confirm, close confirm, or both. Open confirms shall be linked to discrete input @g and close confirms shall be linked to discrete input @h. The table below summarizes the confirm configuration for DVC’s. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Block Input Block Output Field Contact Filter Type Opto Type Opto Fail State Open CIB/DIB Open confirm switch DVC link @g NO None NO Not Open Page: 31 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Close CIB/DIB Close confirm switch DVC link @h NO None NO Not Closed 8. Logic conditions and actions can be configured on the Control Block Discrete Diagrams screen. Each Control Block has 16 Discrete Diagrams or “steps”, steps a-p, but many are pre-configured and not available for user-configuration. RS3 uses a double “==” as a ”relational equality” and a single “=” as an “assignment”. For instance, x==y means “if x is equal to y, the expression is true”, and x=y means “write the value of y to x”. Place only conditions in the top CONDITIONS window. For instance, the expression C=5.5 should not be entered on the CONDITIONS window (it works but this is unnecessary and confusing). Rather, to accomplish this enter “1” in the logic step field in the CONDITIONS window (turning the step ON) and enter C=5.5 in the ON field in the ACTIONS window. 9. The actions in logic step “a” write a single discrete input @n to analog registers A and B (A equals the state of @n, B equals the opposite state). The values in analog registers A and B are written to @d and @e discrete inputs (see above), which are the Auto open and Auto Close input registers for DVC Control Blocks. This configuration allows a single discrete input (@n) to toggle the DVC from Auto Open to Auto Close. If the @n input alone acts on the Auto Open/Close command, logic step “a” shall be configured as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=@n; B=~@n Off=>A=@n; B=~@n The ~ symbol represents “NOT” If other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Open/Close Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 32 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 command or if actions are required when the Auto Open/Close command is changed, logic step “a” shall be modified as follows: a=> Predefined function On=>A=n; B=~n Off=>A=n; B=~n Logic step n would then contain @n, other data that activates the Auto Open/Close command, and perhaps actions that occur when the Auto Open/Close command is changed. 10. Logic step “b” can be used to lock valves that are not actuated automatically (only actuated by the DCS console keyboard, not by another DCS device or batch task) in OPERATOR mode. For valves requiring this, logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: b=> Predefined function On=> setmode 1 Off=> setmode 1 11. Logic step “c” can be used to change the Control Block mode based on a value written to it from a batch task. If batch tasks are used to change Control Block mode, the logic step “c” shall be configured as follows: c=> C>0 Rise=> setmode C On=> C=0 Writing a 1 to the C registers changes the Control Block mode to Operator/Manual, 2 to Auto, and 3 to Remote. Note: if using a MPC I controller, logic in step c will not work. If this logic is required, move it to step p. 12. Logic step “d” is used to set the 15 user flags of the A analog register equal to the 16 Control Block discrete input values. These user flags can then be linked to other Control Blocks and graphic objects (discrete input links cannot be linked to other Control Blocks or Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 33 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 graphic objects). Logic step “b” shall be configured as follows: d=> Predefined function On=> A.u=R.u Off=> A.u=R.u For example, with A.u=R.u true in Control Block XV-100, discrete input @e is linked to another Control Block or graphic object by linking XV-100/A/e (or in some cases XV-100.A.e). 13. Logic step “e” is a predefined step which turns ON when the device fails (e.g., the valve confirm state fails to agree with the output command within the prescribed time after a state change, or the open or close confirm is lost). This should trip a critical alarm. Logic step “e” shall be configured as follows: e=> Predefined function Rpt> Crit When> On 14. Logic step “n” is used if other data besides the @n input acts on the Auto Open/Close command or if actions are required when the Auto Open/Close command is changed. Below are examples of how logic step “n” may be configured: n=> @n Rise=> setmode 2 Fall=> setmode 2 or n=> @n&(L<25) 15. Logic step “o” shall be used to provide a critical alarm when an interlock or shutdown becomes active. Logic step “o” shall be configured as follows: o=> (@j|~@k)&@g Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 34 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Rpt> Crit When> Rise B. Configuration of Fail Open Valves 1. The standard RS3 DVC control block is configured for a fail closed (FC) valve. In order to provide the proper valve action and display for fail open (FO) valves, the following must be changed: Reverse message pairs assigned to discrete inputs used for Manual Open/Close and Auto Open/Close. Reverse links assigned to discrete inputs used for Open and Close confirms. Message pairs follow the reversed links. Reverse message pairs assigned to discrete outputs used for output commands to Open and Close the valve. The FO DVC controller will then act as follows: Logic step “a” remains the step linked to the output COB/DOB, but for FO valves step “a” energizes the solenoid valve to CLOSE the ON/OFF valve. Pressing the ON button on the DCS console keyboard when the cursor is on a FO DVC is a command to place the valve in the active state, that is, to CLOSE the valve. Active interlocks and shutdowns force a FO valve to its passive state, that is, to de-energize the solenoid valve to OPEN the ON/OFF valve. These changes are summarized below. 2. The table below shows the reversed message pairs assigned to discrete inputs used for Manual Open/Close and Auto Open/Close and for discrete outputs used for output commands to Open and Close the valve: Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 35 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Input Register @a @b @d @e @g @h Standard DVC (fail closed) [Op] Open [Op] Close [Auto] Open [Auto] Close Open Close Fail Open Valve [Op] Close [Op] Open [Auto] Close [Auto] Open Close Open Output Register Step “a” Step “b” Open Close Close Open Where [Op] means “this is the discrete input for the Operator mode command” – the text inside the brackets is not part of the message pair text. [Auto] means “this is the discrete input for the Auto mode command” – the text inside the brackets is not part of the message pair text. Open means “standard message pair *8 (OPEN = true, open = false)” Close means “standard message pair *9 (CLOSE = true, close = false)” With the registers displayed in standard order on the faceplate and the message pairs reversed, the faceplate for FO valves will display Start and Stop words (inputs and outputs) in reverse order compared to a standard FC valve. This highlights to the operator that the valve is reverse acting. 3. Logic step “a” shall be linked to the DCS open/close COB/DOB. Step “a” of a DVC contains default logic that latches step “a” ON to energize a solenoid valve and latches step “a” OFF to de-energize a solenoid valve. The COB/DOB shall be configured as Contact Type “NO”, Output Hold “None”, and use a NO opto. The “a” output step cannot be turned ON if an interlock or shutdown is active, so FO Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 36 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 valves OPEN when an interlock or shutdown is active. 4. The table below summarizes the open/close output command configuration for FO DVC’s. Block Input Block Output Contact Type Output Hold Hold Time Opto Type Opto Fail State Inst Air Fail State 5. Except for the switching the links associated with open and close confirms, the CIB/DIB configuration is the same as for FC valves. The table below summarizes the confirm configuration for FO DVC’s. Block Input Block Output Field Contact Filter Type Opto Type Opto Fail State 6. 2.05 Open/Close COB/DOB DVC Step “a” solenoid valve NO None ------NO Open Open Open CIB/DIB Open confirm switch DVC link @h NO None NO Not Open Close CIB/DIB Close confirm switch DVC link @g NO None NO Not Closed There are no changes in the configuration of the logic steps (conditions and actions) – configure the same as for FC valves. Interlocks/Shutdowns A. General 1. A signal representing all process interlocks shall be linked to @k of the Control Block of the device affected by the interlock. The @k link Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 37 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 forces the DMC or DVC to the passive (typically stopped or closed) state if the signal is OFF. The Control Block interlock can be bypassed with a supervisor’s key. A signal representing all process shutdowns shall be linked to @j of the Control Block of the device affected by the shutdown. The @j link forces the DMC or DVC to the passive (typically stopped or closed) state if the signal is ON. The Control Block shutdown cannot be bypassed. If @k or @j links are used, they shall be displayed on the faceplate. Both interlock (@k) and shutdown (@j) flags force a Control Block to the passive state independent of Control Block mode. The Shutdown flag is more suited to safety trips because it cannot be bypassed with a supervisor’s key. 2. When an interlock or shutdown is based on a continuous signal, the trip point should be either the Critical High or Critical Low Alarm of the Control Block measuring the continuous signal. A logic step should then be configured in this Control Block referencing the Critical High or Critical Low system flag, and that logic step then linked to the interlock or shutdown Control Block link (@k or @j) of the device affected by the interlock/shutdown. This method assures that changes to Critical Alarm values are reflected in interlock/shutdown trip points. The Critical High system flag for the A register is A.s.p and the Critical Low system flag for the A register is A.s.o. 3. Interlocks/Shutdowns comprising multiple inputs or complex logic shall be configured in a separate DISCRETE Control Block. Simple interlock logic requiring only one input does not require a Control Block. For example, if a high level alarm should shut down a pump, link a logic step from the high level Control Block (containing reference to the high level switch discrete input) to the @j or @k link of the pump. However, if the shutdown depends on level and pressure, logic steps from each Control Block should link to a separate interlock Control Block where multiple inputs are combined in a logic step to one output and this output is then linked to the @j or @k link of the pump. The Interlock Control Block can have multiple discrete and analog inputs and can contain multiple interlocks configured in separate logic steps to link to multiple device Control Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 38 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Blocks. Provide comments in logic steps to describe the interlock logic and what device it affects. The interlock block shall be tagged according to the convention outlined in Part 1.01, Section B. 4. Do not alarm each logic step containing inputs for interlocks. The device itself will alarm if any interlock or shutdown becomes active. 5. Resets may be required for interlock/shutdown signals, where a button must be pressed from the console keyboard in order to clear an interlock/shutdown that has tripped. An example where a reset may be advised is on an interlock to a pump that may be started in Auto mode (from either another Control Block or from a Batch Task). Typically the Auto Start is a latched signal that stays on even if an interlock signal causes the pump to stop. Without a reset on the interlock signal, the pump will restart immediately after the interlock signal clears. The examples below compare interlock logic with and without a Reset. The Reset button (@o) is a momentary ON discrete input. Interlock logic without Reset a=> @b|@c Set=> Clear=> Interlock logic with Reset a=> Set=> @b|@c Clear=> ~(@b|@c)&@o 6. Every input affecting interlock/shutdown signals shall be displayed in a way that clearly indicates what signal(s) is interlocking a device OFF. This can be done using faceplates or graphic displays. Graphic displays are the recommended method, using the following guidelines: Each input affecting the interlock shall be assigned to a single Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 B. C. Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 39 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 logic step, the logic step turning ON when the interlock is active. A User Message Pair is assigned to that logic step that shows ALARM in red when true, OK in green when false. Configure each logic step with or without Reset, as required. Reserve the @o discrete input configured as a momentary ON to be used as the Reset button. Combine the individual logic steps as required into a single logic step. Reverse this signal if necessary and link this to the @j or @k link of the device Control Block. Create an interlock detail graphic for each device’s interlocks that displays the message pair (ALARM or OK) from each logic step containing interlock inputs. Use text to clearly label each message pair. Include a Reset button link on the interlock detail display. Provide on the main graphic near the device affected by an interlock a link to the interlock detail graphic. Motor Interlocks 1. Motor driven device interlocks and shutdowns shall always drive the motor OFF. 2. Motor driven devices are controlled with a DMC Control Block and the STOP logic is configured to latch the DCS STOP output OFF if any interlock is active, preventing the device from being started even from a field start button. See Part 2.03, Section B. 3. Resets should be considered for interlocks on motor-driven devices to prevent automatic restart after interlocks clear under certain conditions. See Part 2.05, Section A above. Discrete Valve Interlocks 1. Discrete valve interlocks and shutdowns shall always drive the valve to its passive state. 2. Resets should be considered for interlocks on discrete valves to prevent automatic repositioning of the valve after interlocks clear Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 40 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 under certain conditions. See Part 2.05, Section A above. D. Modulating Valves 1. Interlocking a modulating valve should never be the only safeguard against an unsafe condition. Complete shutoff cannot be guaranteed. 2. Interlocks can drive a modulating valve to any required % open position. Typically modulating valves are driven to the failed position (0% signal). In addition to forcing output Q, the mode must be forced to MANUAL. See examples below. Interlock driving FC valve closed a=> @b|@c Set=> setmode 1; Q=0 Interlock logic driving FC valve open a=> @b|@c Set=> setmode 1; Q=1 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 A.1 AIB I/O Block A.2 AOB I/O Block Page: 41 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 A.3 CIB/DIB I/O Block A.4 COB/DOB I/O Block Page: 42 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 A.5 TIB Block Page: 43 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 44 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.6 Manual Block This example illustrates an analog monitoring block, where only the process variable 'A" is displayed on the faceplate. The logic step "k" is used when a process graphic color change is needed due to a high or low critical alarm becoming active. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 45 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 46 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.7 PID Control Loop This example illustrates an analog Control Block. The logic step "k" is used when a process graphic color change is needed due to a high or low critical alarm becoming active. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 47 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 48 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.8 Cascade Control Loop This example illustrates a cascade control loop. The Master Control Loop output has a high limit restriction. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 49 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 50 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 51 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.9 Ratio Control Loop This example illustrates a ratio control loop. The Ratio is operator enterable and is displayed on the Discrete Faceplate. The Ratio Limits are set on the Continuous Faceplate. Input "G" shows the calculated actual ratio of the two flows. Logic step "a" turns ON when the block is in Remote Mode (Ratio Control), and this step is used by the process graphic containing the ratio control loop. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 52 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 53 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 54 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.10 Stack Totalizer This example illustrates a stack flow totalizer. The Discrete Faceplate has been customized to show today's total, the last three previous totals, an operator-reset switch for the totalizer, and the current flow rate. On the Continuous Faceplate, the Periodic Reset is configured to reset the totalizer every day at 7:30 AM and the Low Cutoff is set at 5% of the flow range being totalized. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 55 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 56 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 57 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.11 Group 1- START/STOP Motor This example illustrates a motor control configuration for an agitator with DCS START/STOP capability. This motor uses a momentary start COB/DOB and continuous stop COB/DOB. There is run confirm indication only. This is the standard motor controller, which is shown in the motor control schematic at the end of this Appendix. Logic step “c” is configured to change the mode of the motor from a batch script. This is accomplished by writing a value to continuous register C from a batch script. Discrete input @n is configured as *Value and is used to start or stop the motor from a batch script when the Control Block is in auto mode. Logic step “n” receives the input from @n if actions accompany auto start or stop, and logic step ”a” sets the value of continuous registers A and B to ~@n and @n respectively. Continuous registers A and B are then linked to the auto start and stop discrete inputs @d and @e respectively. A field start/stop panel (or on MCC) retains equal priority with DCS unless there is an interlock condition. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 58 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 59 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 60 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 61 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 62 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 63 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 64 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 65 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 66 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.12 Group 2 - START/STOP Motor This example illustrates a motor control configuration for an agitator with DCS START/STOP capability. This type of motor control uses a single COB/DOB for start and stop commands and typically has a hand/off/auto field switch. A single CIB/DIB is used for motor status. The motor controller configuration is exactly the same as Group 1 controllers except step “m” is not configured (left blank and references no output block) and the COB/DOB output block that step “a” links to is latching (not pulse). See the Group 1 motor screens above (except leave step “m” blank). Below is the latching COB/DOB. No further field installations of this set-up are permitted. The agitator can be started and stopped by a batch script as with the Group 1 motor. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 67 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.13 Fail-Closed Valve This example illustrates a fail-closed ON/OFF valve controller. Logic step “c” is configured to change the mode of the motor from a batch script. This is accomplished by writing a value to continuos register C from a batch script. Discrete input @n is configured as *Value and is used to open or close the valve from a batch script when the Control Block is in auto mode. Logic step “n” receives the input from @n if actions accompany auto open or close, and logic step “a” sets the value of continuous registers A and B to ~@n and @n respectively. Continuous registers A and B are then linked to the auto open and close discrete inputs @d and @e respectively. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 68 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 69 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 70 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 71 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 72 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 73 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 74 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 A.14 Fail-Open Valve This example illustrates a fail-open ON/OFF valve controller. The standard RS3 DVC control block is configured for a fail closed (FC) valve. In order to provide the proper valve action and display for fail open (FO) valves, the following must be changed: Reverse message pairs assigned to discrete inputs used for Manual Open/Close and Auto Open/Close. Reverse links assigned to discrete inputs used for Open and Close confirms. Message pairs follow the reversed links. Reverse message pairs assigned to discrete outputs used for output commands to Open and Close the valve. The message pairs and assignments for the inputs and logic steps are reversed in comparison to the Discrete Valve Control (Fail-Close) example. Logic step “a” remains the step linked to the output COB/DOB. All logic steps are configured the same as for fail-closed valve controllers. Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 75 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 76 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 77 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 78 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 79 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 A.15 Motor Control Schematic (Drawing SD-00-0261) Page: 80 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Engineering and Construction Specifications Division 17 - Instrumentation Title: RS3 DCS Controller Configuration Revision: 5 Document #: CS17130 Revision Date: 04/05/2016 Page: 81 of 81 Effective Date: 04/05/2016 Revision History Revision Date Page 1 01/01/2000 All 2 04/10/2006 All 3 09/16/2009 All 4 02/21/2013 All 5 04/05/2016 All Description Changed from Henkel to Cognis Updated Header and added Revision History Reviewed – no changes made Updated BASF Header and added Approval Section; Reviewed, no changes made to content. No changes Initiator Karen Whittington Karen Whittington Jim Russell Jonathan Shute J. Shute Approvals Prepared By: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Process Control Engineer Approved By: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ TES Manager