AMS 2016-09-09 Regular Board Meeting Book
AMS 2016-09-09 Regular Board Meeting Book
AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 9:00 A.M. Special District Services, Inc. The Oaks Center 2501A Burns Road Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 561.630.4922 Telephone 877.SDS.4922 Toll Free 561.630.4923 Facsimile AGENDA AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT Ave Maria Master Association (office/fitness center) 5076 Annunciation Circle, Suite 103 Ave Maria, Florida 34142 REGULAR BOARD MEETING September 9, 2016 9:00 a.m. A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Proof of Publication……………………………………………………………………………………Page 1 D. Establish Quorum E. Additions or Deletions to Agenda F. Comments from the Public for Items Not on the Agenda G. Approval of Minutes 1. August 2, 2016 Regular Board Meeting & Public Hearing Minutes………………………………Page 2 H. Election Matters 1. Presentation of Urban Area Maps………………………………………………………………....Page 8 Audience Comment 2. Consider Resolution No. 2016-11 – Recognizing Presentation of Urban Area Maps…………….Page 9 Audience Comment I. 2016 Financing 1. Consider Approval for Preparation of Methodologies for Series 2016A Bonds &2016 BANs..…Page 11 Audience Comment 2. Consider Approval of Investment Banking Agreement…………………………………………...Page 14 Audience Comment 3. Consider Approval for Preparation Engineer’s Reports for 2016A Bonds & Series 2016 BANs...Page 19 Audience Comment J. Old Business 1. Discussion Regarding Signage Policy……………………………………………………………..Page 21 Audience Comment K. New Business L. Administrative Matters 1. Legal Report 2. Engineer Report 3. Manager’s Report M. Board Members Comments N. Adjourn Page 1 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 A. CALL TO ORDER The August 2, 2016, Regular Board Meeting of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Ave Maria Master Association located at 5076 Annunciation Circle, Suite 103, Ave Maria, Florida 34142. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Proof of publication was presented showing that notice of the Regular Board Meeting had been published in the Naples Daily News on July 15, 2016, and July 22, 2016, as legally required. D. ESTABLISH A QUORUM A quorum was established with the following: Board of Supervisors Chairman Vice Chairperson Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Thomas Peek Liesa Priddy Jay Roth Thomas DiFlorio Douglas Baird Present Absent Present Present Present District Staff in attendance were: District Manager District Manager General Counsel District Engineer Todd Wodraska Kathleen Dailey Alyssa Willson Dan Brundage Developer David Genson Special District Services Special District Services Hopping, Green & Sams Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. Barron Collier Companies Also present via telephone was Dave Schneider of the Ave Herald. E. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or deletions to the agenda. F. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA There were no comments from the public for items not on the agenda. G. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Page 2 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 1. June 7, 2016, Regular Board Meeting The June 7, 2016, Regular Board Meeting Minutes were presented for approval. There was discussion and a consensus of the Board that item K “Anthem Parkway” should be changed to “the future extension of Anthem Parkway east of Ave Maria…” A motion was made by Mr. Baird, seconded by Mr. Roth and passed unanimously approving the minutes of the June 7, 2016, Regular Board Meeting, as amended. The Regular Board Meeting was then recessed and the Public Hearing was opened. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proof of Publication Proof of publication was presented showing that notice of the Public Hearing had been published in the Naples Daily News on July 15, 2016, and July 22, 2016, as legally required. 2. Receive Public Comment on the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Final Budget There was no public comment on the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Final Budget. 3. Consider Resolution No. 2016-07 – Adopting a Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Final Budget Resolution No. 2016-07 was presented, entitled: RESOLUTION 2016-07 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 A motion was made by Mr. Baird, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2016-07, as presented. 4. Consider Resolution No. 2016-08 – Adopting an Annual Assessment Resolution for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Resolution No. 2016-08 was presented, entitled: RESOLUTION 2016-08 Page 3 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT MAKING A DETERMINATION OF BENEFIT; IMPOSING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PENALTIES AND INTEREST THREON; CERTIFYING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion was made by Mr. Baird, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2016-08, as presented. 5. Consider Resolution No. 2016-09 – Adopting a Fiscal year 2016/2017 Master Irrigation Utility System Budget Resolution No. 2016-09 was presented, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT ADOPTING A FINAL FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 BUDGET FOR THE MASTER IRRIGATION UTILITY SYSTEM A motion was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2016-09, as presented. The Public Hearing was then closed and the Regular Board Meeting was reconvened. I. ELECTION MATTERS 1. Consider Resolution No. 2016-10 – Canvassing and Certifying the Results of the Referendum Resolution No. 2016-10 was presented, entitled: RESOLUTION 2016-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT CANVASSING AND CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE REFERENDUM HELD PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2004-461, LAWS OF FLORIDA. Page 4 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 After asking if those present had any comments and/or questions and there being none, a motion was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2016-10, as presented. 2. Presentation of Urban Area Maps Mr. Wodraska explained, as part of election matters, the Urban Area Maps are one of the items necessary in order to convert 1 seat to general election and must be completed within 60 days. The maps must present the percentage of land that is considered urbanized in the entire District. He continued that there are some questions about what has been included and that which was not included, but has subsequently been determined that more will be included. Mr. Baird went over the current map and noted additional areas would be added. Mr. Wodraska indicated that the new revised maps should be ready in 30 days and then the objection timeframe begins. Mr. Wodraska also went over the entire time schedule and noted that if all goes as planned, the District would hold a special election during the first quarter of 2017. It was the consensus of the Board to bring the maps back at the next meeting with the additional areas included. 3. Consider Resolution No. 2016-11 – Recognizing Presentation of Urban Area Maps This item was tabled until the next meeting. J. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items to come before the Board. K. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider Resolution No. 2016-12 – Adopting a Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Meeting Schedule Resolution No. 2016-12 was presented, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT, ESTABLISHING A REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 AND SETTING THE TIME AND LOCATION OF SAID DISTRICT MEETINGS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A discussion ensued regarding several dates on the schedule. It was noted that the November 1, 2016, meeting would include a Landowners’ Meeting and the Board decided Page 5 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 to remove the July 4, 2017, meeting date from the schedule. A motion was made by Mr. DiFlorio, seconded by Mr. Roth and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 201612, as amended. The Board also discussed was changing the September 6, 2016, meeting to Friday, September 9, 2016. A motion was made by Mr. Baird, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio and passed unanimously to change the September 2016 meeting date, as noted above. 2. Consider Approval of Auditor Renewal Mr. Wodraska explained that every year an audit is performed. He recommended renewing the contract with Grau & Associates at a cost of $7,700. A motion was made by Mr. DiFlorio, seconded by Mr. Roth and passed unanimously to renew the contract with Grau & Associates at a cost of $7,700. L. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. Legal Report There was no Legal Report at this time. 2. Engineer’s Report There was no Engineer’s Report at this time. 3. Manager’s Report a. Update Regarding Future Bond Issues Maple Ridge Phase 2 Bonds Mr. Genson indicated that a financing plan for the Phase 2 Bonds would be presented in September. Anthem Parkway Bond Anticipation Notes Mr. Genson stated that financing for the construction of Anthem Parkway would be presented in September. M. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Roth asked about mosquitos to which Mr. Wodraska stated that the District is way over budget on mosquito control. Mr. Wodraska further indicated that Ave Maria is looking into opting in to the Collier County Mosquito Control District (CCMCD). Mr. Baird noted that he had been approached by the CCMCD to spray the surrounding areas. N. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 2, 2016 There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Peek adjourned the Regular Board Meeting at 9:42 a.m. There were no objections. ________________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary __________________________________ Chair/Vice-Chairman Page 7 IMMOKALEE RD AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT (AMSCD) BOUNDARY Camp Keais RD Y PKW em k St Ow VD en s W A on W A ST Y Se AY y W tuck Ken D Torino AVE ton Clancy AVE on Le Magellan ST et ST n xi Y S Kelleher ST on gt Ma BL ei dis ria nb ec Ma AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT (AMSCD) BOUNDARY ST e W Av AY Anth hn e Jo BLV l II Pau Pop E WAY Horse l DR Lowel CHESTERFIELD DR er oa G Ferrari AVE Ave M aria Allen PL dl W AY E Rimini AV en BLVD an Sa Milano ST Ch ST ler no Taylo LN ST r DR Trevi AVE tt ma co Ro Al Dolan ST Iron ST V a A Avil Donahue ST ST na a nz Mo si es CT M D n R kto Bec WAY Brin Be ck to n RD Ave Ma ria Useppa DR CT D BLV AY ti Camp Keais RD on W er lie AY It ria al ia ra la ec D BL C T VD He le na Champion LN PL T t C W Ma th CT to e ym Ju at Av Pl ou ia Ci Anthem PKW Y M t Ka w lo f ay CT Be lle ra wa Prosperity LN R tex t Y m PK W Anthe Y A Anthem W PKWY PKW NO L I AG . I NC G E, N NTS , B R UND A R ce D 0 Oil Well RD B E R AR Page 8 mer Com Oil Well RD B rex Arth Ave Maria BLVD Y & em b RD Anth ST eb y W ert el Lib CI Ave Maria BLVD D ore shm Ru Victory DR lk NTS 11525-UrbanDevelopment-Site02.dwg 8/16/16 RESOLUTION 2016-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT RECOGNIZING PRESENTATION OF URBAN AREA MAPS; PROVIDING NOTICE OF PROCEDURE TO CONTEST URBAN AREA MAPS; AUTHORIZING DISTRICT STAFF TO REQUEST COUNTY ENGINEER TO PREPARE AND PRESENT MAPS UPON RECEIPT OF CONTEST; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District (“District”) is a local unit of special purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 2004-461, Laws of Florida, ( the “Act”) being situated in Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, on June 27, 2016, the qualified electors, as defined in same, approved a referendum on the question of should certain members of the Board of Supervisors of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District be elected by qualified electors, as defined in the Act as any person at least 18 years of age who is a citizen of the United States, a legal resident of Florida and of the District and who registers to vote with the Supervisor of Elections in Collier County; and WHEREAS, the Act required the Board of Supervisors of the District (“Board”) to direct District staff to prepare maps of the District describing the extent and location of all urban areas within the District (the “Urban Area Maps”); and WHEREAS, the Act defines “urban area” as “a developed and inhabited urban area within the District within a minimum acreage resident population density of at least 1.5 persons per acre as defined by the latest official census, special census, or population estimate, a minimum density of one single-family home per 2.5 acres with access to improved roads, or a minimum density of one single-family home per 5 acres within a recorded plat subdivision”; and WHEREAS, on August 2, 2016, the District Engineer presented the Urban Area Maps to the Board at a duly noticed public meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT: SECTION 1. The Board hereby acknowledges District Engineer’s presentation of the Urban Area Maps, attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 2. The Board hereby provides notice that in accordance with the Act any District landowner or elector may contest the accuracy of the Urban Area Maps within 30 days after such presentation. Such notice of objection must be provided in writing to the District Manager at 2501 Burns Road, Suite A, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 by 5 p.m. on September 1, 2016. Page 9 SECTION 3. Upon receipt of a notice of objection, the Board authorizes District staff to request the county engineer to prepare and present maps of the District describing the extent and location of all urban areas within the District. In accordance with the Act, such determination shall be based limitedly and exclusively upon the criteria contained in the definition in the Act of urban area. SECTION 4. If any provision of this resolution is held to be illegal or invalid, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and shall remain in effect unless rescinded or repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of September, 2016. ATTEST: AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT _____________________________ ASSISTANT SECRETARY ____________________________________ CHAIRMAN Page 10 ________________________________________________________________________ MEMORANDUM ________________________________________________________________ TO: Mr. Todd Wodraska District Manager, Ave Maria Community Stewardship District Special District Services, Inc. G. Russell Weyer Digitally signed by G. Russell Weyer DN: cn=G. Russell Weyer, o=Real Estate Econometrics, Inc., ou,, c=US Date: 2016.08.03 15:10:27 -04'00' FROM: G. Russell Weyer President Real Estate Econometrics, Inc. SUBJECT: Ave Maria Stewardship Community District Fourth and Fifth Supplemental Assessment Methodology Reports DATE: August 3, 2016 ________________________________________________________________ Scope of Work Background The Ave Maria Stewardship Community District, (“District”) is looking to issue two new series of Bonds that will be allocated and apportioned to future development areas in the planned Maple Ridge, Coquina and the Estates neighborhoods in the Town of Ave Maria. The fourth supplemental assessment methodology report will allocate and apportion Series 2016 bonds in the estimated amount of $3,590,000 over 364 planned units in the three neighborhoods. The fifth supplemental assessment methodology report will allocate and apportion the Series 2016 Bond Anticipation Notes (“BANs”) in the estimated amount of $12,455,000 over 1,309 remaining planned homesites in the Maple Ridge and Estates neighborhoods. The Client is requesting Real Estate Econometrics, Inc (“Consultant”) to prepare the two supplemental assessment methodology reports to reflect the two bond issues and to assess the benefits of the infrastructure to the proposed new units. Real Estate Econometrics, Inc. 707 Orchid Drive Suite 100 Naples, FL 34102 (239) 269-1341 Page 11 Assignment Plan Assignment 1 – Fourth Supplemental Assessment Methodology Report The Consultant will prepare a fourth supplement to the District's master assessment methodology report dated July 27, 2006 for the issuance of the Series 2016 A Bonds. The assessment methodology is a process by which the District will mathematically allocate the costs associated with the financing of its CIP to vacant parcels of land then special benefits will be determined proportionately to each parcel and finally the dollar amount of the assessment will be determined based on the proportionate benefit to each parcel. Assignment 2 – Fifth Supplemental Assessment Methodology Report The Consultant will prepare a fifth supplement to the District's master assessment methodology report dated July 27, 2006 for the issuance of the Series 2016 BANs. The assessment methodology is a process by which the District will mathematically allocate the costs associated with the financing of its CIP to vacant parcels of land then special benefits will be determined proportionately to each parcel and finally the dollar amount of the assessment will be determined based on the proportionate benefit to each parcel. Assignment 3 – Meetings and Presentations The Consultant will make presentations and attend meetings at the direction of the Client as needed. Fee Proposal and Billing Arrangements Fee Proposal The consultant’s fixed fee proposal for Assignments 1 as outlined above is $8,000 and for Assignment 2 as outlined above is $11,000. The Consultant will attend meetings and make presentations as needed. Meeting attendance and presentations are included in the fixed fee. It is understood that the fees will be a part of the cost of issuance funds from the bond issues. Time Table We can complete the assignments in an expedited fashion to meet your needs in the two bond issues. Real Estate Econometrics, Inc. 707 Orchid Drive Suite 100 Naples, FL 34102 (239) 269-1341 Page 12 Real Estate Econometrics, Inc. Billing Procedures We begin each engagement with your signed authorization to proceed. Fees for services and expenses will be paid from the cost of issuances in the bonds proceeds. Authorization to Proceed To authorize us to proceed as outlined above, please sign below and return an executed copy of this agreement. Should you have any questions concerning this proposal, please feel free to give us a call. To authorize us to proceed, please sign below, keep a copy for your files and return a copy for our files. Authority to Execute Each of the parties hereto covenant to the other that it has the lawful authority to enter into this relationship, that the governing or managing body of each party has approved this relationship and has similarly authorized the execution of this Agreement. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, in duplicate, this day of , 2016. Board of Supervisors Ave Maria Stewardship Community District Signature ________________________________________ Chairman Printed Name _____________________________________ Invoice to: Ave Maria Stewardship Community District c/o Mr. Todd Wodraska Special District Services, Inc. The Oaks Center 2501A Burns Road Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Phone: (877) 737-4922 Fax: (561) 630-4923 Real Estate Econometrics, Inc. 707 Orchid Drive Suite 100 Naples, FL 34102 (239) 269-1341 Page 13 SUPPLEMENT TO INVESTMENT BANKING AGREEMENT DATED NOVEMBER 4, 2014 REGARDING BOND ISSUANCES BY AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT September 9, 2016 Board of Supervisors Ave Maria Stewardship Community District Dear Supervisors: MBS Capital Markets, LLC (“Underwriter”) and the Board of Supervisors of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District (“District”) entered into an Investment Banking Agreement effective November 4, 2014 (“Agreement”) wherein the District engaged the Underwriter to provide investment banking services for the District. The purpose of this letter is to supplement the Agreement by specifying the particular planned transaction currently being contemplated by the District for which such investment banking services are to be provided by the Underwriter. The District is considering the issuance of approximately $10 million in Bond Anticipation Notes (the “Notes”) in order to fund certain public infrastructure improvements to Anthem Parkway. It is the District’s intent to engage the Underwriter to provide investment banking services for the issuance of the Notes. 1. Scope of Services: The scope of services to be provided in a non-fiduciary capacity by the Underwriter for this transaction will include those listed below. Advice regarding the structure, timing, terms, and other similar matters concerning the particular of municipal securities described above. Preparation of rating strategies and presentations related to the issue being underwritten. Preparations for and assistance with investor “road shows,” if any, and investor discussions related to the issue being underwritten. Advice regarding retail order periods and institutional marketing if the District decides to engage in a negotiated sale. Assistance in the preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement, if any, and the Final Official Statement. 4890 WEST KENNEDY BLVD. SUITE 940 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33609 PHONE: 813.281.2700 152 LINCOLN AVENUE WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 PHONE: 407.622.0130 8583 STRAWBERRY LANE LONGMONT, COLORADO 80503 PHONE: 303.652.0205 1005 BRADFORD WAY KINGSTON, TENNESSEE 37763 PHONE: 865.717.0303 Page 14 Assistance with the closing of the issue, including negotiation and discussion with respect to all documents, certificates, and opinions needed for the closing. Coordination with respect to obtaining CUSIP numbers and the registration with the Depository Trust Company. Preparation of post-sale reports for the issue, if any. Structuring of refunding escrow cash flow requirements, but not the recommendation of and brokerage of particular municipal escrow investments. All other terms of the Agreement shall remain in effect, including specifically the Disclosures Concerning the Underwriter’s Role Required by MSRB Rule G-17 which is again being provided in Exhibit A hereto. By execution of this supplement to the Agreement you are acknowledging receipt of the same. This supplement to the Agreement shall be effective upon your acceptance and shall remain in effect until such time as the financing described herein has been completed or the Agreement is terminated as provided in Section 3 of the Agreement. [Signature Page to Follow] Tampa, FL Winter Park, FL Longmont, CO Kingston, TN Page 15 Page 16 EXHIBIT A Disclosures Concerning the Underwriter’s Role (i) Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Rule G-17 requires an underwriter to deal fairly at all times with both municipal issuers and investors; (ii) The Underwriter’s primary role is to purchase securities with a view to distribution in an arm’slength commercial transaction with the District and it has financial and other interests that differ from those of the District; (iii) Unlike a municipal advisor, the Underwriter does not have a fiduciary duty to the District under the federal securities laws and is, therefore, not required by federal law to act in the best interests of the District without regard to its own financial or other interests; (iv) The Underwriter has a duty to purchase securities from the District at a fair and reasonable price, but must balance that duty with its duty to sell municipal securities to investors at prices that are fair and reasonable; and (v) The Underwriter will review the official statement for the District’s securities in accordance with, and as part of, its responsibilities to investors under the federal securities laws, as applied to the facts and circumstances of the transaction. Disclosure Concerning the Underwriter’s Compensation Underwriter’s compensation that is contingent on the closing of a transaction or the size of a transaction presents a conflict of interest, because it may cause the Underwriter to recommend a transaction that it is unnecessary or to recommend that the size of the transaction be larger than is necessary. Conflicts of Interest Payments to or from Third Parties. There are no undisclosed payments, values, or credits to be received by the Underwriter in connection with its underwriting of this new issue from parties other than the District, and there are no undisclosed payments to be made by the Underwriter in connection with this new issue to parties other than the District (in either case including payments, values, or credits that relate directly or indirectly to collateral transactions integrally related to the issue being underwritten). In addition, there are no thirdparty arrangements for the marketing of the District’s securities. Profit-Sharing with Investors. There are no arrangements between the Underwriter and an investor purchasing new issue securities from the Underwriter (including purchases that are contingent upon the delivery by the District to the Underwriter of the securities) according to which profits realized from the Tampa, FL Winter Park, FL Longmont, CO Kingston, TN Page 17 resale by such investor of the securities are directly or indirectly split or otherwise shared with the Underwriter. Credit Default Swaps. There will be no issuance or purchase by the Underwriter of credit default swaps for which the reference is the District for which the Underwriter is serving as underwriter, or an obligation of that District. Retail Order Periods. For new issues in which there is a retail order period, the Underwriter will honor such agreement to provide the retail order period. No allocation of securities in a manner that is inconsistent with a District’s requirements will be made without the District’s consent. In addition, when the Underwriter has agreed to underwrite a transaction with a retail order period, it will take reasonable measures to ensure that retail clients are bona fide. Dealer Payments to District Personnel. Reimbursements, if any, made to personnel of the District will be made in compliance with MSRB Rule G-20, on gifts, gratuities, and non-cash compensation, and Rule G-17, in connection with certain payments made to, and expenses reimbursed for, District personnel during the municipal bond issuance process. Tampa, FL Winter Park, FL Longmont, CO Kingston, TN Page 18 August 31, 2016 Todd Wodraska Special District Services, Inc. The Oaks Center 2501A Burns Road Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Re: Ave Maria Stewardship Community District (AMSCD) 2016 Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes Engineer’s Reports ABB PN 05-0113 Dear Mr. Wodraska: At your request, Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to render professional services for developing Engineer’s Reports for the 2016 Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. proposes to provide AMSCD the following professional services. 1. Develop an Engineer’s Report as required by Florida House Bill HB-1625 for the Maple Ridge Phase 4, Maple Ridge Reserve Phase 2, and Coquina at Maple Ridge, Phases 2 and 3, collectively referred to as the Maple Ridge Development 2016 Bonds project. 2. Develop an Engineer’s Report as required by Florida House Bill HB-1625 relating to the proposed Ave Maria Stewardship Community District 2016 Bond Anticipation Notes for the financing of the construction of master roadway, irrigation, stormwater/drainage, and landscaping improvements expected to be constructed and/or acquired within the boundaries of the AMSCD. The fees for developing these two reports will be based on the actual time and materials expended and will not exceed $50,000. C:\Users\TLascasas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\P4OF2AZH\AMSCD 2016 Bonds-BANs Engineers Reports Proposal.doc Page 19 Sincerely, AGNOLI, BARBER & BRUNDAGE, INC. Daniel W. Brundage, P.E. President encl. C:\Users\TLascasas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\P4OF2AZH\AMSCD 2016 Bonds-BANs Engineers Reports Proposal.doc Page 20 From: Raymond Lazowski [] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 3:41 PM To: Todd Wodraska <> Subject: RE: follow up from Raymond ‐ signage ‐ formal request Dear Todd, Please consider this my formal request to place a sign on stewardship property. I am looking to place a sign that is roughly 36" * 60", single sided. The sign will advertise my real estate business. I would like to place it on the North corner of Ave Maria Blvd and Avila Road, adjacent to the existing publix and CC homes signs. Alternatively, I would like to place it on the South Corner of Ave Maria Blvd and Avila Road, adjacent to the Pulte sign. In my last email, I provided you pictures of each of these signs. Thank you very much. I look forward to this process. Please let me know what the next step will be. Sincerely, Raymond Lazowski Page 21