500-1000A 160-400A 25-40A 40-160A 500
500-1000A 160-400A 25-40A 40-160A 500
GNL 25-40A GL 40-160A GG D 160-400A GG D 500-1000A SU G S- P ER C O M P A 500-6000A ISO 9001-14001-18001 CT Busbar Trunking System GNL, GL, GGD, GS400V/1000V; 25A / 6000A ; 50/60 Hz; Class F; IP 43/55/65/67/68 Safety : IEC/EN 60439-2 IEC/EN 61439-6 IEC/EN 60529 EMC : IEC/EN 60439-2 Annex K FIRE : DIN 4102-9/12 IEC 60331-21 ISO 834 LOVAG Laboratory, the result of which are laid down in test report no. 5983/5987 ‹STANBUL 01.01.12 02 GERSAN A.fi. Firmas›n›n üretti¤i Busbar sistemlerinde teknoloji ve uluslararas› standartlar ön planda bulundurulmufltur. Bu standart ve teknolojik üstünlükler Tuzla-‹STANBUL ve Çaycuma-ZONGULDAK Fabrikas›nda uygulanmaktad›r. Quality, technology and international standards are held on the first place on production of GERSAN Company. These high standards have been applied to the production in Tuzla-ISTANBUL, Çaycuma-ZONGULDAK has started to apply these standards to the production also in factory. Busbarlarda 1 y›l performans, 3 y›l malzeme, 10 y›l yedek parça garantisi vard›r. Busbars are guaranteed 1 year performance 3 years material and 10 years spare part. Üretti¤imiz Busbar sistemleri afla¤›da ad› geçen uluslararas› IEC/EN 60439-2, 61439-6, IEC/EN 60529, IEC 60331-21, DIN 4102-9/12 normlar›na uygun görülmüfltür. (1) GERSAN Busbar sistemi afla¤›daki tip testlerine sahiptir. Our busbar systems do comfort the standards listed below. IEC/EN 60439-2, 61439-6, IEC/EN 60529, IEC 60331-21, DIN 4102-9/12. GERSAN Busbar systems have type tests (1) listed below. * S›cakl›k Art›fl S›n›rlar› * Dielektrik Özellikleri * K›sa Devre Dayan›m› * Koruma Devreleri Etkinli¤i * Yal›tma Aral›klar› ve Yüzeysel Kaçak Yolu Uzunluklar› * Mekanik Çal›flma * Koruma Derecesi * Elektriksel Karakterikistikler * Yap›sal Dayan›m * Yal›t›m Malzemeleri Direnci * Alev Yay›l›m›na Karfl› Direnç * Yang›n Bariyeri * GERSAN Busbar Sistemleri Faydal› Model Patenti ve Tasar›m Tescili ile koruma alt›ndad›r. * Temperature Rise Limits * Dielectric Properties * Short-circuit Withstand Strength * Effectiveness Of The Protective Circuit * Clearances and Creepage Distances * Mechanical Operation * Degree Of Protection * Electrical Characteristics * Structural Strength * Insulation Resistance * Flame Propagation * Fire Barrier * GERSAN Busbar Systems is under protection with the Useful Model Patent and Design Registration. (1) (1) IEC/EN 60439-2’e göre IEC/EN 60439-2, 61439-6, IEC/EN 60529, IEC 60331-21, DIN 4102-9/12 03 According to IEC/EN 60439-2 22 EOS 370 350 Bus duct E01 370 C20-LP-1100 22 C20-LP-1100 E0S 350 Bus duct 22 370 22 E03 370 E01 350 Bus duct E01 E08 E02 350 Bus duct 350 + Ve 250 - Ve + Ve 792 + Ve Bus From Rectifier - Ve Interconnection Bus 300 2611 792 Interconnection Bus Opening in wall location Interconnection Bus + Ve + Ve - Ve Bus From Rectifier + Ve 792 100 200 2500 - Ve Bus From Rectifier - Ve + Ve 370 1050 657 347 - Ve Opening in Wall + Ve Bus From Rectifier 500 + Ve - Ve + 36.40 04 4073 3973 200 480 220 280 GSCB 0401121-9 200 90 273 275 350 400 290 157 N 125 GSC PS 12R 400 2338 250 GSC HZ 12R-1 GSC PHE 12LL 350 N ELECTRO-CHLORINATOR 1 N GSC PS 12R 290 125 GSCB 0401121-10 125 220 CUT-OUT GSC VE 12R GSCB 0401121-2 60 100 100 60 GSC VE 12L GSC PHE 12LL N ELECTRO-CHLORINATOR 2 GSC PS 12R N GSCB 0401121-10 GSC VE 12R GSCB 0401121-2 GSC VE 12L GSC PHE 12LL N ELECTRO-CHLORINATOR 3 GSC PS 12R N GSCB 0401121-9 GSC VE 12R GSCB 0401121-8 GSC VE 12L GSCB 0401121-1 GSC PHE 12LL N ELECTRO-CHLORINATOR 4 05 Busbar sistemi; Elektrik iletim ve da¤›t›m›nda kolay montaj uzun ve ekonomik ömür, daha az hat sonu gerilim döflümü, mekanik ve termik dayan›kl›l›k, güvenlik, ç›k›fl alma rahatl›¤› ve opsiyonu sa¤lar. Busbar system; allows easy installation, long and economic life guarantee, lower tension loss on the ends, mechanical and thermic stability, safety, plug out esainess and option. 06 Busbar sisteminin korozyondan etkilenmemesi için d›fl kasalar Alüminyum malzemelerden üretilmifltir. The housings are manufactured by aluminium to avoid corrosion for busbar systems. KONTROL ED‹LECEK AL Fe 2.7 gr/cm3 7.8 gr/cm3 GNL GL GGD1 GGD2 Busbarlar talep edildi¤i taktirde boyal› olarak imal edilebilir. Coloured busbars are manufactured due to request. Vo Halogen-Free 08 GS- 25-160 A Busbar sistemleri standart 3m, 160-1000 A ve 500-6000 A Busbar sistemleri standart 4m. boyunda üretilmektedir. Böylece yüksek ak›mlarda daha az ek olaca¤›ndan geçifl dirençlerinde yaflanabilecek sorunlar engellenmifl olur. 25-160 A busbar systems are manufactured in 3 meter lengths, 160-1000A, 500-6000A busbar systems are manufactured in 4 meter lengths. These lengths avoid the risk of tension problems because of the less need of joints. + %33 3000 GNL - GL 4000 GGD - GS- Ek Eleman› tek civata konstrüksiyonu ile belvil rondela kullan›larak s›k›l›r. The jointing piece is screwed with only one screw and belleville type washer. 0 Nm 90 Nm 09 SICAKLIK DERECESİNE DİKKAT EDİNİZ PLASE PAY ATTENTION TO HEAT LEVEL 40 1.10 1.00 (1) 50 N/A ! 60 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 70 °C 80 °C N/A TEL : +90 216 593 00 50 FAX : +90 216 593 00 60 E-MAIL : info@gersan.com.tr WEB : www.gersan.com.tr (1) IEC 60439-2 10 IP KORUMA SINIFLARI IEC/EN 60529 IP Protection Classes IEC/EN 60529 11 12