A History of Colombian Forces` Participation in the Korean War


A History of Colombian Forces` Participation in the Korean War
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
Colombian Korean War Veterans Pose for Picture-Taking
Colombian Soldiers
Being Awarded Medals
after the Korean War
Reflections on the Historical
Significance of the Colombian
Forces’ Participation in the
Korean War
Reflections on the Historical
Significance of the Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
The Korean War is a heartbreaking fratricidal war between South Korea
and North Korea, and it is also an international war fought for those who
supported the ideologies of democracy and communism.
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
Initiated by Kim Il-sung and backed by Stalin of the Soviet Union, the
Korean War pushed Koreans to the verge of ruin. The war, however, taught
Koreans many lessons. Notable among these lessons were: the global
society eagerly desired to keep the values of freedom and peace, and allied
forces were ready to sacrifice their noble lives for these values even in a
foreign territory far away from their home countries.
When the Korean War broke out, the United Nations Security Council
met on June 25, 1950, and called for immediate cessation of hostilities and
withdrawal of North Korean forces to the 38th Parallel. Two days later
when North Korea ignored the United Nations warning to suspend
hostilities, the United Nations determined to send forces to secure
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Reflections on the Historical Significance of the Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War 01
and social systems for its own prosperity on the one hand, and to promote
the international cooperation on the other.
Since 1950, the Republic of Korea(ROK), realizing the importance of
freedom and human rights, has actively participated in all sorts of activities
to help keep international peace. The outcome of such activities clearly
demonstrates that the sixteen Allied troops who had fought for Korea
during the Korean War did not sacrifice their noble lives for nothing. Their
sacrifices served as a stepping stone for the development of the Republic of
Colombian Soldiers Shipping Military Equipment before Dispatching to Korea
At this point of Korean history, we must clearly remember the sacrifices
of those soldiers from those sixteen Allied countries. Inscribed on the
international peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. As a result,
Korean War Memorial in Washington D.C. is a golden saying “Freedom is
sixteen nations dispatched combat troops, with five other nations sending
not Free.” As a matter of fact, the freedom we now enjoy was not given
military medical units in response to the United Nations resolution. The
without any cost; it was obtained through the precious sacrifices of those
United Nations forces sacrificed their lives to guard the universal values of
who firmly stood to protect it. At the same time, we need to look back over
democracy and world peace. Now fifty-eight years after the war, the values
the conflicts of the past in detail if we want to avoid any unnecessary
of their courage and sacrifice are getting more and more concretely
sacrifices in the inescapable wars of the future. Such an examination of the
conflicts of the past is one way not to make the same mistakes again in the
The North Korean regime, having threatened peace and security on the
Korean Peninsula in 1950, now infringes upon the fundamental human
The United Nations forces jumped into the Korean War as crusaders for
rights, causes starvation in North Korea, and faces a crisis of its own
freedom and peace, fighting bravely in an unfamiliar climate. Thanks to
destruction. The Soviet Union, which had supported North Korea, had
their sacrifices, Koreans were able to defeat the communist invasion and
already given up its creed of communism in the 1990s mainly because of
maintain the current state of peace on the Korean Peninsula.
the contradictions of its own political structures, and its old regime has
After the war, Korea received a variety of aids from the United Nations
started to fall apart from within. China, recognizing the harmful effects of
member states and from all sorts of international societies as well. With
the extreme communist ideology, has taken steps to reform its economic
these aids, Korea could readily recover from the ruins of the war. Since
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Reflections on the Historical Significance of the Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War 01
then, Korea has not only maintained political and economic relations with
those United Nations member states, but Korea also has established strong
military relations with them. As a result, Korea has now become a
responsible, contributing member in the international community.
Now, the Korean War is getting more and more vague in our memories.
At this point in our history we should ponder over the significance of the
Korean War, and renew the meanings of those Allied sacrifices, asking the
following question: “Why did they sacrifice their noble lives here in
Korea?” At the same time, we should consolidate our relationship with
those Allied countries as future companions to make the world a better
place to live.
As a part of this effort, the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs has
launched a project to renew the noble ideals and values of those sixteen
allied countries and the five nations who provided medical support during
the Korean War. In this project, not only the ideals and values but the ROK
relations with these countries will be closely examined, and the results will
be published in a book. Such an effort is expected not only to ruminate the
hard times of the past and but also to help develop better relations with
these countries.
The book which will be published this year, The Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War, is written so that the people of both
countries can renew the significance of the relationship between the
President Laureano Gomez and Colombian Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Jaime Polania Puyo
Republic of Korea and the Republic of Colombia. In order to understand
the full extent of both nations’ relationship, this book not only deals with
the political situations of the Korean Peninsula from the end of World War
II to the outbreak of the Korean War, it also covers the backgrounds and
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Reflections on the Historical Significance of the Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War 01
activities of the United Nations member states including the Colombian
Forces’s participation in the Korean War and the ROK-Colombia
relationship after the war. Such an examination is expected to shed light on
the significance of the Colombian Forces’ participation in the Korean War,
renewing the blood ties of both nations and helping contribute to forming
solid partnership in international societies in the future.
Right after World War II, the political situations of the Republic of
Colombia were extremely unstable. Due to violent conflicts between the
two leading political parties (the Conservative and Liberal parties), the
nation's administrative machinery was disrupted and the government was
unable to effectively cope with social insecurities. At this time, a bloody
anti-government armed conflict provoked by guerrilla groups was also at its
peak. Despite such a national crisis, however, the Republic of Colombia
decided to dispatch armed forces to Korea for triple purposes--to fulfill the
moral obligations of the United Nations’ collective security agreement, to
A Colombian Naval Frigate before Departing for Korea, November 1, 1951
obtain the objective of national security in an indirect way, and to help
safeguard democracy of the free world.
During the course of the Korean War, Colombia dispatched a cumulative
From the standpoint of the Republic of Colombia, the Korean War was
number of 5,100 infantry soldiers and 300 Navy soldiers along with naval
an occasion of expansive war provoked by the international communists,
frigates. Soldiers of the Colombian National Armada(Naval Armed Forces
and it was definitely a blatant breach of the United Nations Charter. In other
of Colombia) were deployed along coastline of the Korean Peninsula on
words, the Korean War not only served as the first case of the Cold War
May 8, 1951 for naval operations, and one infantry battalion of the
confrontations, it also demonstrated the possibilities of an all-out war
Colombian National Army arrived at the Port of Busan on June 15, 1951.
between East and West. With such a standpoint, Colombia participated in
The Colombian Battalion, the last ground troop of the UN forces to arrive
the Korean War as a crusade for peace to safeguard the United Nations
at the Korean front, fought a bloody battle at Geumseong, ultimately
Charter, emphasizing moral obligations of the United Nations’ collective
succeeding in recapturing Geumseong. Besides this battle, soldiers of the
security system.
Colombian Battalion distinguished themselves with exceptional gallantry
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
in a variety of battles, including the battles of Injae and Old Baldy.
Eventually, the Colombian Battalion returned home on October 29, 1954,
and the Colombian frigate Tono also returned home five months later on
March 11, 1955.
Colombian troops suffered a total of 369 casualties during the Korean
War, including 163 killed in action, 448 wounded, 60 missing, and 30
prisoners of war. Most of these casualties were caused while they were
fighting against the Chinese forces in the bitter colds of the Korean winter.
In this way, Colombian soldiers sacrificed their noble lives far away from
their home country as crusaders for democracy and freedom.
The Recent History of Colombia,
and the ROK-Colombia Relations
Before and After the Korean War
The Recent History of Colombia, and
the ROK-Colombia Relations Before
and After the Korean War
1. Geographical Features of Colombia
Located in the northwestern region of South America,
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
Colombia has a population of 44,000,000, with its territorial
size about five times bigger than that of the Korean Peninsula.
Colombia is traditionally noted for its beautiful natural
landscape, with its production of the world’s finest
qualities of coffee and emerald. Colombia also takes
prides in exporting crude oil. Besides, citizens of
Colombia are culture-loving people with their
high sensitivity in the area of literature and
arts. They also take a great pride in
their command of a high level of
standard Spanish. Most important
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
for Koreans, however, Colombia was the only Latin American country in
South America to dispatch troops to Korea during the Korean War.
In recent years, Colombia has continued to be plagued by the difficulties
of home politics. However, Colombia is a country which has a potentiality
The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
Geographical Features
Most noticeable in the Colombian geographical feature is the lofty plateaus of the
Andes mountain ranges which divide the country into two big regions; one is the
western Pacific coastal lowlands and the northwestern Caribbean coast, and the
other is the eastern lowlands. The Andes mountain ranges of Colombia are
to transform current internal conflicts into a future full of hope and
primarily composed of three great ranges, which extend from the boarder of
prosperity. For instance, we recently notice that Colombia has made a great
Ecuador up to the northeastern Caribbean Sea.
deal of positive change in areas of internal security and economic growth.
The climate of Colombia is predominantly a tropical climate, which is determined
by its proximity to the Earth’s Equator. Rainfall varies by location. In the regions of
Judging from such a change, Colombia is expected to overcome the
northern Pacific coast, eastern lowlands of the Amazon area, and the area along the
problems of drug trade and internal violences, and succeed in achieving its
Magdalena River, however, annual precipitation exceeds 2,500mm. The average
goal of social integration, economic development, and political stability in
the near future.
temperature throughout the country is around 23℃, but the temperature in the
Caribbean lowlands amounts to 27℃ in average. In the alpine areas of Paramo,
with an elevation of 3,660m, temperatures falls down below 10℃. It is a zone of
permanent snow and ice, unfit for human habitation.
Only about 5 percent of the whole territory of Colombia is arable land. Most of the
arable land is located along the valleys of the Magdalena River and the Cauca River,
and along the fertile valleys of high mountain areas. Colombia is also noted for its
variety of vegetation. Notable among them are the mangrove forests of coastal
areas, the Llanos forests and grassland, coconut trees along the Northern coast
lines, the Andes forests, and the tropical rainforest along the Amazon and northern
Pacific coastlines.
Colombia has adopted an economic system of private enterprises, with
agriculture and manufacturing industry comprising the backbone of Colombian
economy. About half of the Colombian territory is covered with forests, so that a
wide variety of forest products are manufactured in Colombia. In terms of the GNP
per capita, Colombia maintains the average of South America countries.
Colombia is ethnically very diverse, and the interaction between descendents of
the original native Americans, Spanish colonizers, and African slaves has produced
a rich cultural heritage. According to recent census report, the population is divided
into six ethnic groups: 58 percent mestizo or of Native American and Spanish
ancestry; 20 percent white; 14 percent mulatto or of mixed African black and white
European ancestry; 4 percent black; 3 percent were both black and Native
American; and 1percent Native American.
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2. Independence of Colombia
Before the Spanish conquest and colonization, the
history of Colombia was that of the native Indians.
In the period before the Spanish colonization, the
Chibcha Indians inhabited the western
Colombian National Flag
highlands without having any solid form of
administration or political system. Ever since
Spain colonized the native Indian territory, the history of Colombia began
to be officially recorded. For this reason, it is quite natural that any recorded
history about the pre-colonization period of Colombia is not to be found.
The first Spanish conquest of Colombia was made in the year 1552,
when Spanish conqueror Rodrigo de Bastidas founded the city of Santa
Marta. Eight years later in 1533, Don Pedro de Heredia occupied the bay of
Cartagena and founded the city of Cartagena, which served as an important
naval and commercial base for the Spanish Kingdom in the New World.
The Spanish colonization of Colombia dates back to the time when an
Audiencia (a superior court) was established at Santa Fè de Bogot¢ in 1550
as part of the Viceroyalty of Peru. (The Viceroyalty of Peru was one of the
Spanish colonial administrative districts which were established to control
the wide area of Spanish-ruled South America.) Ever since the Spanish
occupation of Santa Fè de Bogot¢, the population of the city greatly
decreased. One reason for the population decrease was a sudden spread of
epidemic diseases such as smallpox and measles, which were imported by
Spanish settlers. Another reason was related to the fact that Native
Americans were suddenly in great demand for economic reasons. During
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of them either being crushed or remaining too weak to change the overall
situation. The last one, which sought outright independence from Spain,
sprang up around 1810, following the independence of St. Dominigue in
1804 (present day Haiti). Then in 1891, the rebellion finally succeeded
when the Spanish were defeated at the battle of Boyaca. With this
victory, the Viceroyalty of New Granada became the Republic of Greater
Colombia. The so-called unit nickname “Batallon Colombia,” the unit of
Colombian forces participated in the Korean War, was also originated
from the name of the rebel forces who fought the war of independence at
this time. To be more specific, in 1824 the Colombian rebel force under
the command of Simón Bolívar defeated the Spanish army under the
command of Viceroy of Peru, Josè de La Serna, at the battle of
Colombian Parliament
Ayacucho, which ultimately helped bring about the independence of
South America. The nickname “Batallon Colombia” was originated from
this period of turmoil, much of the indigenous Native American cultures
this revel force, and it was a symbol of victory and glory for the
were greatly destroyed because of the Indian’s adoption of Spanish cultures
Colombian Army.
and their intermarriage with Spanish people.
Right after the independence from Spain, the government of Colombia
Later, the Audiencia moved to the newly established Viceroyalty of
was officially established under the leadership of Francisco de Paula
Nueva Granada (established in 1740, its jurisdiction covered the areas
Santander, the second president of Colombia. The two leading political
which now constitute Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador). During this
parties, the Conservative and Liberal parties, were also organized at this
period of time, the Creoles newly emerged as a freed middle class between
time. However, bloody conflicts between the two leading political parties
slaves and white colonists. enjoying a great deal of prosperity with
continued to disrupt the political stability of Colombia. Typical among
administrative reforms and improvements in their trades.
these conflicts was the War of a Thousand Days(1899-1903). It was a war
It was in the year 1821 that Colombia was eventually libe-rated from
Spanish rule. Since the begin-ning of the Conquest and Colonization,
how-ever, there were several rebel movements under Spanish rule, most
between Liberals and Conservatives which eventually claimed the lives of
about 100,000 Colombian people.
The traditional bipartisan political system of Colombia was established at
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the time when the effects liberal economic system emerged as a grave
reconsider their friendly relations with the Axis countries. In 1944,
controversial political issue for the Conservative and Liberal parties. Faced
Argentina tried to find a way to break off its friendly diplomatic relations
with the bloody civil wars caused by the bipartisan conflicts, the general
with Germany and Japan. As a result, Latin American countries came to
public in Colombia came to have a strong antipathy toward the existing
establish a collective security system, based on the manifesto adopted at the
political system. However, they couldn’t take any effective measures which
Chapultepec Agreement in Mexico City.
would exert some sort of influence on the politics.
2) Colombian Activities for the United Nations
3. Colombian Activities for the United Nations
Even though Colombia suffered bloody civil wars due to its internal
conflicts between the two leading political parties, Colombia played, in
1) Colombia’s Role in World War II
the international community right after World War II, a very active
After the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor, Latin American countries
diplomatic role to establish the United Nations in 1945 in order to
which had so far adopted a policy of neutrality broke off diplomatic
safeguard international security order and world peace. The reason for
relations with Japan, and maintained close relationships with the United
States. As for Colombia, breaking off diplomatic relations with the Axis
governments brought about strong resistance from the ultra-conservatives
who had so far opposed the pro-US diplomatic policies of Herrera and
Santos’ Liberal government.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, however, Colombia and the
United States talked about the security issues of South America. Included
in the security agreement between Bogota and Washington was America’s
aid plan for strengthening military equipment of the Colombian Armed
At the 1942 summit conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Latin American
countries talked about the issue of taking joint actions against the Nazi and
the Fascist forces when their internal securities were threatened by the Axis
countries. At this conference, they also urged Latin American countries to
Colombian Parliament
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Colombia’s close cooperation
Particularly notable was Colombia’s efforts to abide by its basic principle
with the United States in
of foreign policy, that is, Colombia’s internal problems would not be
matters of the United Nations
interfered by any foreign countries.
activities was that such an
Such an anti-communist diplomatic policy of Colombia agreed well with
involvement was the only way
America’s foreign policy toward the Communist blocks and Colombian
to obtain the United States’
Conservative Party’s line of anti-communism. At the same time, such a
economic and technological
policy was also a reflection of the contemporary world situation which was
support which was needed for
characterized by the Cold War tensions between the United States and
the Colombia’s postwar
Soviet Russia.
rehabilitation and economic
In the years between 1945 and 1947, Communist influence in Latin
America was at its peak. By 1941, Colombia was the only Latin American
Traditionally, one of the
important principles for
country which had Russian diplomatic mission. Two years later in 1947,
Colombian Troops
however, fourteen Latin American countries came to establish diplomatic
Colombia’s diplomatic policy
relations with Russia. In countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Bolivia, Chile,
was abiding by the international laws, but ideological problems were not
Ecuador, and Uruguay, communists were elected to congress, so that
considered important for Colombia’s diplomatic relations with other
communists were able to participate in parliamentary activities in these
countries. After World War II, however, both Conservative and Liberal
countries. Besides, the Communist Party exerted considerable influence
parties of Colombia agreed that anti-communism would be the key policy
and power in Latin American countries.
for tackling with international issues under the current communists’ threat.
In the case of Colombia, however, Colombian government broke off its
Quite naturally, Colombia’s foreign policy was also closely entangled
diplomatic relations with the Soviet Russia which had so far been
with Colombia’s political reality of forming alliances or coalitions with
maintained until the outbreak of the World War II. With the outbreak of the
bipartisan elite groups. Under these circumstances, the key Colombian
Korean War, Colombia also issued Decree No. 1802 which prohibited
foreign policy was geared to set limits on the use of armed forces by the
economic relations with Soviet satellite countries.
superpowers of the world on the one hand, and to obtain military and
Colombia played a very important role in the United Nations. In 1946,
economic aids by supporting international organizations such as the
for instance, among Latin American countries Colombia became the first
United Nations and the Organization of American States on the other.
member nation of the United Nations Economic and Social
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middle 1940s, a period known as La Violencia (“The Violence”). The
major cause of the bloody conflict lay in the mounting tensions between the
two leading political parties, the Conservative and Liberal parties.
Particularly notable was the 1946 presidential election of Colombia. In
this election, the tensions between the Conservative and Liberal parties
became extremely aggravated, and the political stability of Colombia
became ever worsened mainly because of the internal bloody riots caused
by the bipartisan conflicts. In this presidential election, the Conservatives
returned to power after the sixteen years of the Liberal rule.
At this time, Colombia attempted to strengthen diplomatic ties with the
The Colombian Battalion’s Participation in the Korean War
United States, so that Colombia and the United States signed a Joint
Defense Treaty at the Rio Conference on August 9, 1947. On the part of the
Council(ECOSOC), while Colombian Minister of Finance Restrepo was
United States, establishing a collective security system by signing such a
elected president of ECOSCO. Not only Colombia had great expectations
treaty was part of American foreign policy of containing Communist
on the functions of the United Nations in its ability to mediate regional
disputes or to overcome the limits of the Organization of American States,
Together with the Rio Treaty, the Inter-American Reciprocal Assistance
but Colombia also emphasized the role of the United Nations in the
Treaty(TIAR) was also signed to strengthen regional solidarity for any
peaceful settlements of international disputes.
member country attacked from abroad. The TIAR was finally approved at
When confronted with Cold War disputes in the United Nations, Latin
the 9th Inter-American Conference held in Bogota in April, 1948. At this
American countries showed off their strong ties with the United States. By
conference, Latin American countries wanted to work a treaty which would
actively participating in anti-communist activities, for instance, Colombia
not only include favorable provisions for trading their home products but
wanted to strengthen its relationship with the United states. At the same
help solve their economic problems.
time, Colombia’s policy of anti-communism also agreed well with
American foreign policy toward the Communist Bloc.
After World War II, the United States greatly increased economic aid to
Latin American countries, and such an increase in foreign economic aid
At this time, Colombian politics and society were in a state of extreme
was one of the measures America had taken to cope with Communist
confusion because of the bloody political conflict that took place since the
threats. At the Rio Conference, Latin American countries requested that the
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United States help solve their economic problems with a sort of Marshall
government with arms and transport planes such as C-47(Douglas cargo
Plan which had helped rehabilitate the economies of European nations
transport), F-47 Thunderbolt, and B-25-J Mitchell twin engine light
devastated by the World War II.
bomber. In addition, during this time the United States also provided high-
The ruling parties of Colombia always tried to settle regional disputes
ranking Latin American military officers with modern and professional
through the Organization of American States (OAS) which was established
military education at the United States Army’s School of the Americas
in Bogota in 1948. As a member nation of the OAS, Colombia also played
located in Panama.
a leading role in strengthening solidarity between Latin American member
After World War II, Colombia seemed to enjoy a period of relative
nations, while recognizing America’s leading role in the Latin American
peace. In 1948, however, the deep-rooted hostilities between the Liberal
and Conservative parties exploded into an extremely chaotic state. The
In the Weekly Journal Semana, one of Colombia’s leading weekly
social and political crisis Colombia had faced at this time was a combined
journals at that time, one contributor emphasized, “Viewed from a
result of deep-rooted enmities between the two political parties, extreme
geopolitical standpoint, for the security of American continent Latin
anger, and a deep sense of frustration.
American countries have an obligation to cooperate with American foreign
After the Bogota riots, the ruling Conservatives were obsessed with the
policy which is also fully supported by international peace organizations
politics of brutal oppression. Under these circumstances, the anti-
such as the United Nations.” In the Cold War system, Latin American
government activities launched by the guerrilla group of Liberal elites
countries demonstrated their strong ties with the United States to the full
began to disturb the country, especially in the areas of eastern plains
extent of their abilities. In accordance with the Agreement on Mutual
including the city of Villavicencio. Confronted with such guerrilla
Coexistence between the North and South American states which was
activities, the ruling Conservative party hurried to suppress the riots which
signed after the Truman Doctrine, Latin American countries also had an
were spreading across the country.
obligation to cope with international disputes in close cooperation with the
United States.
To help suppress the riots, the Colombian government established the
Colombian Military Academy at Tolemaida in 1949. The Academy was
With the Military Assistance Agreement between Colombia and the
established for a specific purpose of military professionalization, but well before
United States which was signed in 1949 during the Mariano Ospina Pèrez
the establishment of this school the Colombian military had already begun to be
administration, the United States of America provided Colombia with
systematically organized when President Rafael Colombia (August 1904-July
military equipment and other military assistance for four years. To be more
1909), influenced by Panama’s independence from Spanish rule, established a
specific, the United States during this time provided Colombian
Colombian Military Academy with the help of Chile.
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
4. Colombian Participation in the Korean War
The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
freedom and democracy at any cost.
Not only did the Colombian government decide to dispatch troops to
In 1950, the Conservatives succeeded in becoming the ruling party, and
Korea, it also urged upon European countries immediate dispatch of
the Conservative Laureano Gomez Castro was elected President of
their troops to Korea in order to help the United Nations’ efforts to
Colombia. The first problem the administration of Laureano Gomez Castro
check the expansion of Communist Russia. At that time, it was also the
had to face was achieving political stability of Colombia. At this time, a
opinion of the Colombian public that Colombia had an obligation to
series of violent conflicts between the Conservative and Liberal parties
help those free world citizens who were fighting against communism,
disrupted almost all of Colombia’s administrative machinery, and the
and that in this sense America’s involvement in the Korean War was
Colombian government lost the ability to control social unrest. At such a
critical moment when the anti-government insurgency by organized
According to the articles reported in major daily newspapers such as
guerrilla groups was at its peak, Colombian government decided to
the Vanguardia Liberal, the mobilization of free nations’ armed forces
dispatch troops to Korea in order to fulfill its moral obligation to defend
with the United States’ initia-tive was not enough to counter the
communist aggressions on the Korean Peninsular. With the Korean War,
the papers added, the Soviet Russia not only tried to encourage the rise of
nationalism in Asia in an attempt to hasten the withdrawal of the United
States’ armed forces stationed in Europe, but the Soviet Russia also
attempted to demonstrate its power to dominate the world by provoking
the Korean War as a model for weakening American power and authority
in Asia.
Public opinion in Colombia around this time also emphasized the
importance of the European military involvement in the Korean
conflict as follows: “Europe does not comply with Russia’s
unconstrained monopolistic power which emerged from the bipola
system of the Cold War. For the Europeans, the war which breaks out
American, Colombian, and Other Korean War Veterans and Their Families Who
Participated in the 57th Anniversary of the Korean War(The War Memorial of Korea)
in Asia has a great significance since it threatens to disrupt order in
world politics. For this reason, Europe cannot remain isolated from the
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
events that are happening in Asia. When the Western world fails to
The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
to the Colombian military.
stop the expansion of communism in Korea, the European continent
will also have to face inescapable threats of totalitarian Soviet
5. Colombia’s Political, Social, and Cultural Aspects
After La Violencia (“The Violence”) of the middle 1940s, the
1) The Domestic Political Situation of Colombia
military emerged as the ruling elite in Colombian society. With the
In 1948, Colombia had to face a big
decision to dispatch troops to Korea in early 1950s, the social
internal crisis of politics mainly due to the
standing of the Colombian military came to be further elevated,
violent confrontation between the Liberal
because the growing internal security problems, coupled with the
and Conservative parties. With the two
communist threats in Korea, helped elevate the importance of the
parties agreeing to alternate in the
Colombian military. At the same time, Colombia’s participation in the
presidency in 1958, however, the
Korean War also helped expedite the professionalization of the
bipartisan conflict of Colombia came
Colombia’s military.
to be partially settled. In accordance
With the emerging threats to national security becoming a universally
with the 1968 reform of Colombian
acknowledged daily experience for Colombia public, a couple of important
consti-tution, the first popular election of
changes occurred in Colombian society. The one notable change was the
president and other high-ranking national
importance of the Colombian military which was brought to the fore when
civil servants took place in 1974. But
the Korean War broke out. Another notable change around 1953 was the
periodic guerrilla activities continued to disturb the whole country.
Gabriel García Márquez, Colombian
Novelist Who Was Awarded the Nobel
Prize in Literature in 1982
replacement of ruling elites in Colombian society by military elites, and this
Most of Latin American have adopted democratic constitutional
change was brought about through a long period of military rule after La
governments and experienced greater political stability over the last several
decades. Unlike these Latin American countries, however, Colombia has
In the course of modernization of Colombian military, Colombia’s
been troubled with internal conflicts for a long period of time. In the worst
participation in the Korean War had a very important meaning. Above all,
case, about 3,000 people were kidnaped in a year. Up until recently,
the military knowledge they had acquired through fighting against the
activities of bomb throwing terrorists together with small scale gunfights
enemy in Korea contributed significantly to strengthening the Colombian
continued to plague Colombian citizens across the nation including the
military strategy. Up to the 1950s, such a battle experience was quite new
capital city of Bogota. Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez, a
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The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
in mopping up guerrilla groups, they used to take advantage of private
militia groups. As the damages and casualties which private militias
inflicted upon Colombian society were getting worse and worse, however,
most of the private militias were recently forced to disarm after many
complications. For the present, drug traffickers and left-wing guerrilla
insurgents have formed an almost symbiotic relationship with each other,
but they were once engaged in gunfighting for local interests. As the
complexity of conflicts between contending groups shows, violence came
to be settled into one aspect of the symbolic 20th century Colombian
The causes for Colombian internal conflicts can be traced back to a
The Present-day Colombian National Army
variety of factors such as deep-rooted antipathies between different groups
of people, the ideological tensions between the right-wing and left-wing
Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, once wrote a novel Diary of a
political organizations, and a tremendous gap between the rich and the poor
Kidnapping based on such tragic incidents, and the novel came to disclose
including its accompaniment of inequalities and poverty prevalent in the
the realities of Colombia to the world.
whole Colombian society. The War of a Thousand Days, a war between
Today, the Colombian government and the left-wing insurgents comprise
Liberals and Conservatives which lasted from 1899 to 1902, cost an
the two major parties of internal tensions and conflicts. Added to these two
estimated 100,000 lives. During the riots in Bogota (known as “La
parties, two more insurgent groups are also entangled with the internal
Violencia”), a conflict between Conservative and Liberal parties which
tensions and conflicts. One is the private militia group organized by local
lasted between 1948 and 1958, about 200,000 Colombian people were
plutocrats for self-defense purposes, and another is the group of Colombia’s
sacrificed. In addition to these sacrifices, Colombian civil conflicts also
powerful drug lords, the biggest drug producers in South America, who
caused a surge of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 refugees, bringing about serious
have a tremendous amount of money and weapons.
social problems in Colombia.
These four power groups in Colombia have so far been independently
During the course of Colombian history of violence, Colombian
engaged in their own areas of activity, changing alliance partners, if
people have come to recognize the fact that force of arms is the major
necessary, from time to time. When the government forces were engaged
means to achieve objectives and control the other party. It was almost
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The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
impossible for Colombian people to think about compromises between
mostly in the zones of the countryside or in the jungle areas. For the
different groups of people or striking a fine balance between the
present, the left-wing guerrillas and the right-wing paramilitary forces
extremes, so that they were ready to use any means available in order to
control as much as half of the country.
achieve a victory they want. As a result, even though Colombia has a
Along with the guerrilla forces’ armed raids, Colombian society is now
democratic form of government in which a political transfer of power is
suffering from all sorts of criminal activities such as drug trafficking,
carried out through elections, democracy has not yet firmly taken roots
kidnappings by guerrilla forces and criminal organizations, smuggling by
in Colombia with the ruling parties, caught in snares of corruption and
criminal organizations, and production and trafficking of counterfeit
incompetency, wielding coercive power to suppress their political
money. Just as Colombia has almost been flooded with these social evils all
over the country, so a trend of mutual distrust is prevalent throughout the
2) Colombian Society and Culture
In terms of religion, Colombia is an overwhelmingly Roman Catholic
Among Latin American countries, Colombia is a typical nation of
country. More than 95 percent of the population are baptized in the
multi-culturalism and multi-ethnicity with peoples of indigenous Indian,
Catholic Church, so that Colombians do not have any serious social
Spanish, and African origin. Of the total population of Colombia, some
conflicts for religious reasons.
60 percent are mestizo of Native American and Spanish ancestry, 20
Ever since the Spanish colonization of Colombia, it is reputed that
percent whites of pure Spanish origin, and 20 percent mulatto of mixed
Colombia’s educational facilities have been the best among Latin
African black and white European ancestry. Even though Colombia is a
American countries. In terms of language, Spanish is the official language
multi-ethnic country, there is one notable characteristic which
of Colombia, with the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the
distinguishes Colombia from other latin American countries. That is,
world after Mexico. Colombians also take pride in the fact that the
unlike other Latin American countries, Colombia has never permitted
language they speak in their everyday life is closest to standard Spanish
immigration on a large scale.
among other Latin American countries.
With 20 percent of the national population, white Colombians of
Traditionally, Colombia has been focusing on the education of ruling
European origin are a minority in Colombia. In reality, however, they have
class, so private schools have played a very important role in the
substantial decision-making power on matters affecting nation’s politics
Colombian educational system. When the Colombia’s population began to
and economy. The other ethnic groups who are excluded from the white
be concentrated in the cities since the middle of the twentieth century
Colombians have been engaged in armed struggle for the last 40 years
mainly due to the rampant guerrilla activities, however, the proportion of
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
public schools in Colombia began to increase.
The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
disintegration of Gran Col-ombia which included pre-sent-day
In Colombia, a variety of ethnic groups are intermingled like a colourful
Colombia, Venezu-ela, and Ecuador, Colombia and Ecuador, both
mosaic, and its ethnic diversity is well reflected in Colombian culture, folk
Colombia and Venezuela were entangled with border disputes. These
customs, arts, and craftworks. A colourful traditions and historical
border disputes between Colombia and Venezuela continued up until
backgrounds of Indians, Spanish people, and Africans are well fused
the twentieth century.
particularly in Colombian handicraft, sculpture, and music.
Ever since Panama was liberated from Colombia in 1903, there had been
Spanish is the official language of Colombia. Excepting a couple of
great troubles in the U.S.-Colombia relationship during the period between
Indian tribes, all Colombian people speak Spanish. However, about 75
1900 and 1920. The borderline between Colombia and Peru was delimited
different kinds of Indian languages are still spoken in the country. English
in 1892, but both nations were engaged in border disputes when over 300
is included in the school curriculum, and the educated young Colombians
armed Peruvian civilians seized a harbor town of Leticia in the Amazon
have a fluent command of the English language.
region in 1932. In 1934, however, Peru accepted mediation by the League
of Nations and the border disputes between the two nations were resolved,
6. Colombia’s Foreign Relations and the ROK-Colombia
with Peru returning Leticia to Colombia. Colombia’s border disputes with
Brazil were also resolved in 1928.
After World War II, Colombia has undertaken very active
1) Foreign Relations of Colombia
diplomatic activities in Latin American countries as well as in small
Colombia has traditionally
and weak countries. Besides, Colombia not only played a major role in
been preoccupied much more
the San Francisco Conference which had laid the foundation for the
with its domestic affairs than
creation of the United Nations, but it was also Colombia who
with international affairs.
expressed its opposition to the five permanent members’ exercise of
During the nineteenth century,
veto right in the United Nations Security Council. In addition,
Colombia’s foreign relations
Colombia emphasized the importance of the regional organizations in
were mostly confined to
the United Nations, so that Colombia’s diplomatic activities for
neighboring countries such as
regional organizations were reflected in Article 51 of the United
Venezuela, Panama, Peru, and
Nations Charter. As a matter of fact, Colombia not only played an
Brazil. Ever since the
Colombian Korean War Veterans, 70’s and 80’s in Age.
important role in founding the Organization of the American
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The Recent History of Colombia, and the ROK-Colombia Relations Before and After the Korean War 02
States(OAS), but former Colombian President Lleras Camargo served
visit to Korea. After the official diplomatic relation, quite a number of
as the first secretary general of the Organization of American States
agreements between Korean and Colombia were concluded. Typical
from 1948 to 1954.
among them were “The Cultural Agreement”(July 1976), “The Agreement
Despite such an active involvement in a variety of diplomatic activities
on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation”(June 1981),
as shown above, Colombia’s foreign policy after World War II was
“Exchange of Notes on Visa-Waiver”(November 1981), and “Trade
directed toward a couple of specific areas of their concern. Even though
Agreement”(May 1985). For the present, Korea Trade-Investment
Colombia’s activities were quite active at the international level, these
Promotion Agency (KOTRA) established its branch office in Bogota.
activities were mostly directed toward supporting Colombia’s national
Besides, Korea’s leading business groups such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG,
interests, so that they were nothing more than a foreign extension of its
and Daewoo have also opened their overseas branch offices in Bogota.
domestic policy. To be more specific, Colombia’s foreign policy after
Korea’s main export items to Colombia are clothing and electronic
World War II was mostly oriented either toward strengthening national
products, while coffee is Korea’s main import item from Colombia.
economy or toward integrating the Latin American and the Caribbean
In 1987, Colombian President Virgilio Barco Vargas had a meeting
countries through the Organization of American States and the United
with Korean President Jeon Du-hwan, and at the meeting they reaffirmed
economic cooperation and mutual exchange of scientific and
technological information between the two nations. Particularly
2) The ROK-Colombia Relations
important, the Colombian government, emphasizing its relationship with
Up to the present, the Republic of Colombia, the only Latin American
the Asia-Pacific countries, expressed a strong desire to join the Asia-
country to participate in the Korean War, continues to maintain its friendly
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). In relation to this, former
and cooperative relations with the Republic of Korea. Official diplomatic
Colombian Foreign Minister Guardo had once sent an official letter to the
relation between Korea and Colombia was established on March 10, 1962.
Korean Foreign Minister, requesting Korea’s support for Colombia’s
Colombia and North Korea also established diplomatic relations on
joining the APEC. Colombia is also expecting Korea’s participation in
October 24, 1988 in accordance with Colombia’s foreign policy of
Colombia’s Pacific Coast Development Project (dredging ports and
neutrality. The first Korean diplomatic mission in Colombia was
constructing piers).
established in 1971, while the first Colombian diplomatic mission in Seoul
was established in 1978.
In 1982, former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana Arango paid a
As of 2005, Korea’s trade volume with Colombia amounted to over 760
million dollars (export $620 million, import $140 million), and
approximately 600 Korean residents were living in Colombia. Up to the
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
present, Korea and Colombia have maintained close relations with each
other on international stages, as well as in the areas of trade, commerce, and
culture exchange.
Instability on the Korean Peninsula
Just before the Korean War
Instability on the Korean Peninsula Just
before the Korean War
1. Chaotic Domestic Politics after Independence
The Korean War broke out against the background of the division of
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
Korea into North and South, and the division of Korea was a byproduct
created in the process of reforming the world order on the one hand, and the
Cold War confrontation between US and USSR after World War II on the
other. The origin of the Korean War, however, can be traced back to the
Japanese colonization.
Chosun, which had functioned as an united nation for a long time, was
forced to be a colony of the Japanese super power in the late 19th century.
After Japan took over Chosun, Korean people established the overseas
Provisional Government, organized a corps of Independence Fighters, and
devoted to all sorts of anti-Japanese arms activities. In this way, Korea was
able to gain independence, but not without help from allied forces.
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Establishment of the Government of the
Republic of Korea(August 15th, 1948)
In the process of fighting for freedom, Korea was divided. To be more
specific, communism came to be involved in the process of fighting for
Korean independence, and communists divided the fighters into two
camps-those who supported communism and those who opposed it. In
1945 Korean people were excited about their independence, but behind the
joys of the independence were lurking the unreconcilable ideological
differences created by communism. These ideological differences
ultimately led to the Korean War.
Though the US and the Soviet Union did not recognize the Provisional
Korean Government, they agreed upon the matter of granting
independence to Korean people in due time. This agreement put a damper
on the Korean people’s joy of independence, and it served as a seedbed for
the tragedy of Korean people.
When the US demanded unconditional surrender from Japan, it was
agreed between the US and the USSR that the Soviets would take care of
disarming Japanese soldiers to the north of the 38th Parallel, while the US
would take care of the southern part of the 38th Parallel. In this way, Korea
was physically separated with the Soviets appointing Kim Il-sung and his
communist party to lead the nation in the North.
In December, 1945, at a conference in Moscow, the US and the USSR
decided to grant independence to Korea after a five-year-trusteeship, and
set up a review committee to consider the establishment of the Provisional
Growing internal frictions, however, severly hurt South Korea to the
point where it was unable to support its population. Nationalists opposed
the trusteeship, but communists approved it. Those following the Soviet
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
the North for the supply of electricity. In this circumstance, when
opposition of the trusteeship grew stronger in the South, the North stopped
supplying electricity to the South to put pressure on the issue of trusteeship.
As a result, the South had to suffer severe hardship of electric power
shortage. Moreover, after the independence a host of people poured into
South Korea from abroad and from North Korea, so that the population of
the South grew very rapidly. This in turn led to food shortage and placed
extreme economic pressure on the South.
During this period of time, the Soviet Union made Kim Il-sung
communize the North, and went on to make plans to communize the South
by means of subversions. This expansionist strategy of the Soviet Union
clashed with the blockade policy of the US, and intensified the Cold War
confron-tation between the US and the USSR. Such an intensified
confrontation led not to an establishment of a unified Provisional
Government for Korea but to an irrecoverable rift between North and
Cairo Conference
Eventually, the US offered to hold a meeting between the four countries
concerned, but the Soviet rejected the offer. So the US took the matter to
orders caused the country to fall into a state of chaos when the left-wing
the UN to find a solution. The UN placed the Korean matter on the agenda
gained power in the North and the right-wing in the South.
as a subject for discussion. Finally, the UN decided on ‘the provisions of
To make matters worse, in the South the abuse of the monetary system
independence procedure for Korea’ presented by the UN political
during the last years of Japanese occupation caused severe inflation on the
committee, and this decision enabled Korea to establish an independent
one hand, and, on the other, most of the factories stopped production of
government in Korea.
goods needed in everyday life because all Japanese engineers went back to
In accordance with the UN decision, UN Temporary Commission on
Japan. Besides, South Korea produced only eight percent of the total
Korea(UNTCOK) was established with V.K.K. Menon of India appointed
electricity produced in Korea, so that South Korea had to rely heavily on
as chairman. However, the Soviet Union blocked members of UNTCOK
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
to enter North Korea. Then, the UN decided to hold an election in South
Korea where a free election was possible. As a result, the South held a
2. Soviet and Chinese Aid to North Korea’s War
general election on May 10, 1948, and five days later the Republic of
Korea was born on August 15. The UN then officially declared South
Korea as a legitimate nation to the world.
North Korea also followed suit by passing the constitution of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea through the Council of
In 1949 a year and a half before the invasion of the South, Kim Il-sung
had already expressed his idea of invading South Korea to Stalin, and the
Soviet also supported the North with 4,000 troops, not including military
Democratic People’s Commission on May 1, 1948. The North did not take
The details concerning the war were talked over in the Moscow
immediate actions to establish a nation for strategic reasons, and waited for
conference between Kim and Stalin in March 1949. On the fifth of the
a proper time to take actions. On September 9, 1948, North Korea also took
same month, Kim Il-sung, accompanied by Park Hun-young, visited
actions to establish a nation of its own. As a result, there came to be two
Moscow to talk about financial support and the increase of the military
independent governments in Korea, and this state of governments
aggravated the division of Korea. Eventually, such a tragic division,
coupled with the implications of the Cold War confrontation, led to the
Korean War.
After the removal of the US and the USSR military forces from the
Korean Peninsula, the UN tried to reunify the two Koreas by sending UN
Commission composed of members from such countries as Australia, the
Republic of China, the Republic of El Salvador, France, India, the
Philippines, Turkey, etc. The US Commission in Korea kept an eye on the
38th Parallel until the Korean War broke out, and then pointed out the fact
that the UN decisions were not faithfully carried out in Korea. Particularly,
they were afraid that the current situations in Korea would lead to a military
confrontation between North and South, posing a serious threat to the
security of the Korean Peninsula,
Kim Il-sung and Soviet Officers
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
hand, they received the support of 200 aircraft and 250 tanks, which were
far more advanced than those of the South.
After that, the North reached an agreement with China to invade the
South and on April 28, 1949, Kim Il-sung visited China and met important
figures such as Gao Gang, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and even Mao Tse-Tung.
They talked about the war and the matter of committing the Chinese forces
to North Korea.
As a result, North Korea was able to strengthen its military forces, and
Kim Il-sung, encouraged by such a military reinforcement, decided to
launch his first attack. When the US troops withdrew from the South, the
38th Parallel became meaningless. In the military confrontation on the 38th
Parallel, the North proved itself superior. What’s more, North Korea
Celebration of the Establishment of North Korean Army
declared that since South Korea refused to accept the North’s peace treaty
on the battle line, they had no alternative but to invade.
In October 1949, when the Communist party won the civil war in China,
power. At this conference they talked about many issues concerning
Kim Il-sung reasoned that it was a prime time to convince China and the
politics, economy, cultures, and particularly about military affairs. The
Soviet Union to liberate South Korea. He sent message to Stalin that the
matter of invading the South was also discussed.
people of the South trusted him, asking for Stalin’s military support. Kim
Kim Il-sung asked Stalin’s opinion on Kim’s scheme of unifying Korean
Peninsula by force, and Stalin stated in his answer to this question that it
would be impossible to make a preemptive attack without gaining a certain
degree of superiority over the South Korean military forces.
also told Stalin that he could not fall asleep at night because he was too
much preoccupied with the unification of Korea.
Kim Il-sung secretly visited Moscow in early April 1950 to discuss such
important topics with Stalin as plans for unification of Korea, the economic
The outcome of Kim and Stalin’s conference ended up with borrowing
prospects of North Korea, and the problems of the communist party. At this
forty million dollars from the Soviet Union which would be needed to buy
conference, Stalin said that the international community tended towards
weapons. Later, they received 15,000 rifles, 139 artillery pieces, 87 T-34
supporting them and would approve of Kim’s plan to invade South Korea.
Tanks, 94 aircraft, and other military supplies. When the war drew close at
He also suggested the matter of invading the South be discussed with
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China. So, Kim Il-sung visited Mao Tse-Tung on May 13 and discussed
invasion of the South with Mao. He returned to North Korea on May 16,
Later, the North Korea’s Chief of the General Staff, Kang Kun, and
the new Soviet military advisor, General Vasilevsky, mapped out the
detailed plans for the invasion. They devised a three-step plan to be
carried out over three months. The agreement was delivered to Stalin
through ambassador Shtykov on June 16, 1950, and the launching of
the invasion was set for June 25, 1950. Right before the war, Soviet
military advisors checked on the state of North Korea’s preparation
for the attack, and then they stayed back in the rear to conceal any
traces of the Soviet Union’s involvement in the invasion.
3. South Korea’s Lack of Preparation for the War
Around the time the Korean War broke out, the South Korean
government was preoccupied with outlawing communism and
eliminating red guerrillas and the leftists who stood in the way of
establishing a stable society. At that time, however, South Korea
went through a severe economic difficulties in spite of US support.
This economic difficulty was an important element of the instability
of the South Korean society.
South Korea’s military forces also required military aids from the
US, but the request for military aids was refused. This caused a
Plan of North Korea to Attack South Korea
severe gap in the military strength between North and South. What
was worse for South Korea, on January 12, 1950, the US announced
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
in the Acheson speech that South Korea and Taiwan were no longer
included in America’s Pacific defense line. Upon hearing the
announcement, South Kore came to have doubts on America’s will
to help defend Korea’s security.
Under such a security environment, the South Korean armed forces
on the front line had to be prepared for possible North’s military
provocations along the 38th Parallel, and the forces in the rear had to
be mobilized to root out communist guerrillas. What was worse,
inside the Korean armed forces there were communist infiltrators, so
that these infiltrators also had to be eliminated. Ultimately, the South
Korean Army was in dire straits because of the triple difficulties
mentioned above. Besides, the South Korean troops were
numerically inferior to those of the North. For these reasons, the
safety of the country and national defence were in a seriously risky
In the first National Assembly election held on May 30, 1950,
however, 90% of the populations went to the polls. Though the ruling
party won only 25% of the votes, they accepted the results of the
election, showing that democracy was taking roots in South Korea.
North Korean Invasion and
Participation of the UN Forces
North Korean Invasion and Participation of
the UN Forces
1. The Surprise Attack by North Korea
At dawn, on June 25, 1950, North
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
Korean armed forces advanced
southward under cover of foggy
valleys and mountains. T-34 tanks led
the way with the North’s artillery fires
and missile fires along the 38th
Parallel. The serenity of the dawn along the
waist line of the Korean Peninsula was greatly disturbed by the roaring
sounds and flashes from these fires.
The Korean War began in this way. The news was spread abroad
through diplomatic channels or correspondents, and the world’s attention
was drawn to the Korean Peninsula.
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When the state of peace that had been unstably maintained in the Korean
On that very same day, the Korean National Assembly also requested the
Peninsula was broken in a moment by the North Korea’s invasion, US
US President and US Congress that they would provide effective and
Ambassador to Korea, John J. Muccio, reported the fact to the US
timely support for South Korea. The UN Commission in Korea also
government. President Rhee Seung-man also judged that South Korea
announced that North Korea should halt military actions, retreat back to the
could not counter North’s invasion on its own forces, so that he ordered the
38th Parallel, and seek a peaceful solution. At the same time, the UN
South Korean Ambassador to the US, Jang Myun, to request support from
General Assembly urged the North to stop its attack on June 26, 1950.
the US.
2. UN Participation in the Korean War to Defend Peace
1) Activities of the UN Commission in Korea
After World War II, the global society recognized the need to create a
safety device for world peace. As a result, on October 24, 1945, 51 nations
formed the United Nations.
After independence from the Japanese hold, the divided Korea was not
able to realize its dream of unification mainly because of the US’ and
USSR’s differences in opinion on the methods of unification. In other
words, the political situations of the Korean Peninsula came to a standstill.
At this time, the UN intervened, and organized in May 1948 the United
Nations Temporary Commission on Korea(UNTCOK) to monitor the
election process. Then the UN recognized South Korea as the only legal
government, and went on to oversee the activities to maintain peace on the
Korean Peninsula.
Taiwan, Australia, El Salvador, France, India, the Philippines, and
Turkey were active members of the UN Commission in Korea. Because of
Worldwide Newspaper Reporting on the Outbreak of Korean War
& North Korean Army Marching to Seoul
the interests and efforts of these member countries, the UN was able to
respond quite readily to the North Korea’s attack on South Korea.
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
When the UN resolution to send troops to Korea was made, each
permanent members. When the Korean resolution was introduced, the
country decided to join the war with each nation’s security risks in mind.
Soviet Union was absent so that the UN could pass the resolution
Most of the UN member nations reasoned that the North Korea’s
without the Soviet Union’s veto. The UN resolution to help Korea
provocation could pose threat to their own nations in one way or another
marked the first official act to stop illegal aggressions for the peace of
if it was left unchecked. The UN’s ultimate cause for the participation in
the world, and in the case of the Korean War the main objective of the
the war, however, was ‘to protect freedom and world peace.’ And the
UN resolution was to stop the North’s aggression and to push them back
UN’s decision to participate in the Korean War can be interpreted as
north of the 38th Parallel.
putting into action the UN principle that the UN would take actions en
mass to check any illegal military actions that would threaten freedom
and world peace.
3) UN Resolution to Provide Military Support for Korea
Despite the June 26 resolution, North Korea continued their invasion. So,
the UN Commission in Korea asked the UN to take additional measures for
2) UN Resolution to Stop North Korea’s Invasion
The UN Security Council called an emergency session at 4:00 a.m., on
South Korea. Under such a circumstance, the US decided to present a
proposal to the UN Security Council. Contained in the proposal were the
June 26, 1950(local time). They urged the North to stop the invasion and
move back to the 38th Parallel.
UN General-Secretary Trygve H. Lie, quoting the report made by the
UN Commission in Korean, stated that the UN should take proper actions
in order to secure the peace and safety of Korea. The US representative to
the UN proposed that the Korean representative attend the UN Security
Council, so that Ambassador Jang Myun was able to appeal at the Security
Council for South Korea.
Later, the United Kingdom slightly revised the US proposal to help
Korea and put the revised proposal to a vote. It was passed with 9 in
favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention. At that time, the UN Security Council
was composed of five permanent members(US, USSR, England,
France, the Republic of China) who held veto powers and eleven non-
UN Security Council
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
request to allow naval and air support for Korea and an appeal to provide
UN member nations’ assistance to Korea.
In accordance with the US proposal to the UN, the UN Security Council
was called on June 28, 1950. At this council, the US representative Warren
R. Austin explained in detail the current situations in Korea and the major
actions the US had taken so far. After eight hours of conference, the
resolution was passed with 7 in favor, 1 opposed, 2 abstention. At this time,
the Soviet also did not attend the meeting.
The main point of the resolution of June 28 was to secure the military
support of the UN to drive back the North Koreans. This was the first
collective security measure taken after the establishment of the UN, which
sanctioned military actions against those nations that disturb world peace.
Conference on the UN Security Council
As the UN forces joined the Korean troops, the war turned to be no longer a
war between South Korea and North Korea, but a war between North
out which would break down the founding principles of the UN. For this
Korea and the UN.
reason, the US decided to approve military actions for Korea. In
accordance with this decision, the Far East Command headquarters was
3. The Process of US Involvement in the War
ordered to mobilize the non-combatant Navy and Air Force troops to
provide transport support on June 26, and the next day Brigadier General
1) Decision to Provide Naval and Air Support
Before the UN resolution to send troops to Korea was passed, the US
John H. Church and his crew were dispatched to South Korea to look at the
President Truman opened a National Security Council with his top-level
military leaders to make a counterattack plan against the North, and
immediately prepared to send troops to Korea.
2) The US’ Decision to Send Ground Troops
On June 27, 1950, despite a series of military actions taken so far, the
At this meeting, Truman mentioned that North Korea’s invasion of the
situation in Korea grew rapidly worse. General MacArthur reported that
South was somewhat like the beginning of World War II, and that if the
Seoul would soon be fallen into the enemy’s control. The ROK
North’s provocation were left unchecked another world war could break
government also asked for emergency military support from the US.
Korea and Colombia
North Korean Invasion and Participation of the UN Forces 04
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Upon receiving MacArthur’s
division arrived later on, the US ground forces’ operation set to work on a
report and the ROK gover-
full scale.
nment’s request, the US
called the National Security
Council again to take proper
4. Establishment of the UN Command, and the Urge to
Send Ground Troops
During this meeting, the
1) Eastablishment of the UN Command
US decided to ignore the
While the ROK troops were defending the front line against North Korea
measures of limited operation
in July 1950, the US Army, Navy, and Air Forces joined the war. Soon
of the Far-East Naval and Air
after this followed the British Navy, Australian naval and air forces, and the
Forces in order to make these
New Zealand naval forces. As more and more nations were prepared to
Naval and Air Forces help
take part in the Korean War, the matter of command and control of the US
fight North Korean armed
forces loomed as an important issue.
US Forces Landing on Busan
forces. The US also decided
The solution was found on July 3, 1950, when the UN Secretary General
to provide full support to the
Lie proposed that the US, who had the heaviest burden in terms of military
ROK armed forces. Besides these decisions, President Truman also
support, should take the command of the UN forces. At last, on July 7,
announced publicly that he ordered the Far-East Naval and Air Forces to
1950, the UN Security Council passed the proposal for “the establishment
provide full support for the ROK troops because North Korea had failed to
of the UN Command” which was originally proposed by England and
respond to UN warnings.
France and prepared by the US. The purpose of the UN Command, of
As a part of this measure, General MacArthur himself had an on-thespot look at the front line along the 38th Parallel. Based on his
course, was to maintain unity in the military activities of the UN member
observation, he then made a proposal to send ground troops to Korea,
The main contents of UN Command agreement can be summed as
which was approved soon after. He ordered the US 8th Army commander
follows: The authorities of the UN Security Council to take military actions
to send the 24th Division which was stationed at that time in Kyushu,
against the North’s provocations will be delegated to the President of the
Japan, and the advance party, Task Force Smith, arrived in Busan on July
United States, and the military forces from the UN member nations will be
1. When Task Force Smith left for Daejeon and the main-force units of the
under the unified command of the US forces.
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North Korean Invasion and Participation of the UN Forces 04
The Main Point of Establishing the UN Command
The UN National Security Council, concluding that the North’ invasion of South
Korea is a destruction of peace, is agreed that (1) All nations providing military and
other supports are to be under command of the UN Command which the US will be
in charge of, (2) The US should appoint the commander of the UN Command, (3)
The commander has the authority to sanction the use of the UN flag along with the
flags of the UN member countries in times of military operation, (4) The US should
make reports based on the operations done by the UN Command and present it to
the UN Security Council.
After signing the agreement, the UN Secretary General deli-vered the
General MacArthur Visiting Korea
UN Command flag to the US Amba-ssador to Korea. US General
MacArthur was appointed as the first Commander of the UNC, and at the
same time he was also given the following guideline–all operations of the
US would fall under the authority of the UN Security Council.
2) The Request for UN Ground Troops
The UN Command, established by the approval of many of the UN
In accordance with this guideline, General MacArthur ordered
member nations, took direct responsibility of ROK. However, the US took
Lieutenant General Walker to take charge of the ground troops in Korea.
the initiative in commanding the UN forces, because in actuality the US
Upon receiving this command, Lieutenant General Walker came from
determined not only the size of troops but also combat capabilities.
Japan to Daegu, established the command post there, and began to
command not only US ground troops but also UN ground troops.
When other countries wanted to participate in the war, they had to obtain
approvals from both the US Department of State and the UN Secretary
In spite of the establishment of the UN Command, however, by July
General Lie. At the initial stage of the war, the US Secretary of State hoped
1950 many nations did not send ground troops, providing only air and
that, as more and more nations would join the war, the Korean War would
naval support. The difficulty of transport and the slow process of decision
be not so much a war between the the US and the USSR, but rather a war
making seemed to account for the delayed support of the UN member
between democracy and communism.
nations’ ground forces.
The UNC Commander Gene-ral MacArthur presented a sort of guideline
to each member nation: if the partici-pating member nation wants to make
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
a realistic contribution to the
war, each member nation
should send at least 1,000
men, or a battalion, plus they
should carry sixty days’
rations in a state of full
equipment, plus each home
country should take charge of
continued logistic support.
The UN assumed that this
guideline was somewhat unrealistic, but it wanted more
nations to join the UN forces
and fight for Korea.
Serving UN Flag to General MacArthur
The US National Security
Council insisted that other
Asian nations (such as the Philippines, Thailand, India, Pakistan) should
participate in the war, stating that such a participation would convey
important political meanings to other Asian nations who were craving for
peace and freedom.
Most of the UN member nations agreed that North Korea had threatened
world peace. However, their reactions to the UN decision to retaliate
against North Korea differed. Some did support the united action of the
UN, but others refused to give any indications of military support. Other
countries also wanted to send troops but the number of troops was too
small to be accepted by the UN Command.
The Colombian Forces’
Engagement in the Korean War
The Colombian Forces’
Engagement in the Korean War
1. The Republic of Colombia’s Decision to Participate in
the Korean War, and Its Troop Deployment
A History of Colombian Forces’
Participation in the Korean War
When the Korean War broke out with North Korea’s invasion of South
Korea on June 25, 1950, the United Nations immediately resolved to
provide military support to Korea. In the middle of July, 1950, UN
General-Secretary Trygve H. Lie urged 53 UN member nations to furnish
military assistance to South Korea to repel the Communist aggression. At
the request of the United Nations General-Secretary, Latin American
countries including Colombia, Argentina, Nicaragua, Brazil, and Cuba
showed interest in sending troops to Korea. Even though Latin American
countries surely acknowledged the need to help Korea, however,
realistically they were not in position to send any troops to Korea mainly
due to their economic difficulties they were facing at that time.
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Unit Flag of the Colombian Battalion
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
Lt. Col. Jaime Polania Puyo
The United States of America, well aware of the economic difficulties in
the Latin American region, had a meeting with Latin American countries in
August, 1950, and shared realistic views on Latin American countries’
dispatch of troops to Korea. After this meeting, Colombia, which had so far
held a favorable view on the United Nations’ collective security efforts,
began to take up the matter of dispatching troops to Korea. Upon receiving
a formal request from the UN General Secretary to dispatch troops to
Korea, the Colombian government considered sending one naval warship
to Korea as the first step in responding to the UN General Secretary’s
request. With the conclusion that there was not any serious problem in
dispatching the warship, the Colombian government sent Colombian
Ambassador to the United States Dr. Juleta Angel and the Colombian
Military-Naval Attache to the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, and had
Unit Organization of the Colombian Battalion
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
training, arms, and provisions. On November 14, 1950, the Colombian
government publicly announced, through Colombian Ambassador to the
United States Dr. Juleta Angel, that one battalion-size Colombian infantry
unit of 1,086 soldiers would be dispatched to the United Nations forces in
Korea in order to fulfill Colombia’s responsibility as a member nation of
the United Nations to preserve peace and security throughout the world.
Meanwhile, on November 1, 1950 when there was a heated discussion
on the dispatch of Colombian troops to Korea, the Colombian frigate with
189 crew on board set sail for San Diego in America for its maintenance
prior to its dispatch to the Korean front. In late November, 1950, the
Colombian Army also established a temporary training camp near Bogota,
Colombian Korean War Veterans
and hurried to recruit key staff personnel and enlisted soldiers for the
activation of Colombian dispatch troops to the Korean War.
them discuss detailed procedures and cooperative activities for the dispatch
The Colombian Army’s preparations for the dispatch of troops to Korea
of a warship. After taking these preparatory measures, the Colombian
were progressing quite smoothly. At that time, however, there were
government finally decided to dispatch one naval frigate, ARC Almirante
significant changes in the phases of war in Korea, so that the dispatch of
Padilla, as soon as possible for the United Nations naval operations on
Colombian troops to Korea came to be a little late. At that time in Korea,
Korean waters. The United Nations General Secretary and the United
the United Nations forces penetrated the 38th Parallel, continued to move
States government were officially notified of the Colombian government’s
northward, and were on the verge of moving toward the Korea-Manchuria
decision on September 18, 1950.
border. The United Nations Command, assuming that the war would soon
After the decision to dispatch the frigate was made, the Colombian
be over, requested the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to reconsider sending
government continued to conduct negotiations several times with the
additional troops to Korea. Responding to such a request, the dispatch of
United States for the dispatch of ground troops to Korea. In October, 1950,
Colombian troops to Korea came to be a little delayed.
the Colombian government was notified of the U.S. government’s firm
Under these circumstances, the Colombian government authorized to
pledge that the United States would provide all necessary support that was
activate “The 1st Colombian Infantry Battalion” by proclaiming the
needed to dispatch Colombian troops to Korea, including transport,
Presidential Decree No. 3925 on December 26, 1950. At the activation
Korea and Colombia
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
ceremony of the 1st Colombian Infantry Battalion, President Laureano
practice, ranging from moral reinforcement to weapons training. When
Gomez said with special emphasis to the dispatch troops, the first overseas
Colombian troops finally got to Busan Port on June 15, 1951, they were
dispatch troops in the Colombian history: “You are the soldiers who are
received with great enthusiasm by Korean President Seungman Lee, high-
dispatched to a foreign country far away from home for the peace of the
ranking generals of Korea and the United States, and a large crowd of
world and for the honor of our country as well.” With a total strength of
Busan citizens.
1,096 soldiers, the 1st Colombian Infantry Battalion (hereafter called
With the arrival of one Colombian infantry battalion and one Colombian
“Battalion Colombia” or “Colombian Battalion”), under command of
naval frigate, Colombia marked the last of the United Nations member
Lieutenant Colonel, was composed of three rifle companies, one heavy
nations to join the United Nations forces in Korea. Compared to the forces
weapons company, and one headquarters company.
from other United Nations member nations, the Colombian dispatch troops
On the next day of its activation, the soldiers of Colombian Battalion,
to Korea were relatively small in size. Of greater significance, however,
under command of the newly assigned Lieutenant Colonel Jaime Ploania
was the fact that Colombia was the only Latin American country to
Puyo, armed themselves with American weapons and equipment, and
participate actively in the Korean War.
began to undertake twelve weeks of military training with the support of
the U.S. Army instructors. By that time, the Colombian Frigate Almirante
Padilla had already moved to Pearl Harbor, and was taking part in a joint
2. The Colombian Battalion’s Deployment in Korea and
Its Major Battles
naval exercise with the U.S. Navy in order to get prepared for future naval
operations on Korean waters.
When the phase of the Korean War changed to a bloody war again in
1) Adjustment to the Korean Front and Movement to the
Front (June 16 ~ August 1, 1951)
April 1951 with the Chinese massive counterattack(what has now become
Upon arrival at the Port of Busan in June 1950, the 1st Colombian
known as the Chinese “Spring Offensive”), the Colombian military
Battalion had a brief welcoming ceremony, got on the trucks which
immediately dispatched its naval warship Almirante Padilla to Sasebo Port
belonged to the U.S. 2nd Logistics Command, and then directly moved to
in Japan on April 22, and then sent the ground troops to Korea on May 21
the U.N. Reception Center near Dongrae. Here, the Colombian Battalion
on board the American troopship Aiken Victory, which was at anchor at
had a period of adjustment, receiving tactical training for six weeks from
that time in Buenaventura Port in Colombia. During the 25-day voyage
July 29, 1951. Included in this training program was an intensive and real-
from Colombia to Korea, the Colombian Battalion, under command of the
life training such as weapons training, bayonet drills, night marches and
U.S. Army Colonel Victor, had a variety of classes on military thory and
security, and daytime and nighttime exercises of offensive and defensive
Korea and Colombia
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
tactics. The U.S. Army instructors who were in charge of this program
intensified the training step by step, saying that “The soldiers who go
through intense military training here at this spot can even take a rest in
actual combat situations.” On the side of the Colombian soldiers, they tried
to understand the intent of the U.S. Army instructors’ training, and devoted
themselves to the military training in preparation for actual combat
Upon completion of the adjustment training at Dongrae, the Colombian
Battalion was ordered to move from the U.S. 2nd Logistics Command to
Sanyangri(10km north of Hwacheon) in the Gangwondo Hwacheon
Province at 08:00 hours on July 30th, 1951, and then the battalion got
started the next day. The Colombian Battalion moved the Busan-SeoulChuncheon route by train, and the Chuncheon-Hwacheon-Sanyangri route
by truck, arriving at the assembly area near Sanyangri crossroads at 00:45
hours on August 1, 1951. For about six months from that time on, the
Colombian Battalion was attached to the 21 Infantry Regiment(Regiment
Commander, Colonel Richard W. Stephens), U.S. 24th Infantry
Division(Division Commander, Major General Blackshear M. Bryan).
When the Colombian Battalion was deployed at the front line, a lull
developed at that time mainly due to the truce talks which got started
between the United Nations forces and the Communist forces on July 10,
1951. At that time, however, the Communists were not quite interested in
the truce talk. They were just trying to delay truce agreement in order to
recover the losses they had suffered in their Spring Offensive on the one
<Operational Map 1> Movement of Colimbian Battalion and
Its Major Areas of Operation
hand, and to obtain military superiority by building up offensive
capabilities on the other. In addition, the Communists constructed the
Korea and Colombia
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Outpost Line of Resistance(a line established for an effective coordination
established the Outpost Line of Resistance(OPLR) on Phase Line UTAH
of supporting fires and the firepower of the outpost) along the prominent
along the Hill 735(3km north of Mt. Jeokgeun)-Mt. Beakam area, taking
terrain features, just 1~5 kilometers away from the U.N. Outpost Line(a
up the division’s main positions on Phase Line WYOMING along the Mt.
series of imaginary line connecting outposts horizontally). Here at the
Jeokgeun-Mt. Baekam area. Together with these establishments of
Outpost Line of Resistance, the Communists tried to mount strong
positions, the division conducted reconnaissance for force along the
resistance against the U.N. operations. The tactics of the Communists
important hills at the front, and consolidated its battle positions.
shown here were quite different from those of the traditional Communist
Under these circumstances, the Colombian Battalion was attached to the
tactics or doctrines of defensive operations. Confronted with such a
21st Regiment, U.S. 24th Division, on August 1, 1951. The Regiment
resistance from the Communists, the U.N. forces concluded that this was a
Commander Colonel Richard W. Stephens did not commit the battalion to
sign of the Communists’ completion of preparations for the offensive by
the front right away, but kept the battalion stationed at the Sanyangri
reinforcing their troops and supplies.
assemble area, just assigning a mission to do patrols over the major hills at
Faced with such a circumstance, the Eighth U.S. Army Commander Lt.
the regimental front.
General James A. Van Fleet decided to launch an offensive against limited
targets, and the major objective of this offensive was not to allow the
2) Patrol Mission Near Heukuntoryeong (August 2 ~ October
enemy to strengthen offensive capabilities on the one hand, and to fortify
12, 1951)
the allied forces’ defensive line on the other. In preparation for this
Attached to the 21st Regiment of
offensive, an operational order was issued to each corps to carry out in-
U.S. 24th Division, the Colombian
depth combat reconnaissance and secure as many tactically important hills
Battalion was committed to the
as possible. In the case of the U.S. IX Corps(Corps commander, Lt.
Korean front for the first time in its
General William H. Hoge) to which the U.S. 24th Division was attached,
battle career, and its first battle career
the corps was ordered to take the Geumseong Bulge in order to secure a
at the Korean front stared with a patrol
foothold for the control of the so-called Iron Triangle area, and at the same
mission near Heukuntoryeong on
time to secure the Cheolwon-Gimhwa railroad.
August 6, 1951. Heukuntoryeong was
Just before the Colombian Battalion’s attachment, the U.S. 24th Division
the enemy strongpoint located 4
was deployed with the division headquarters at Hwacheon, the 5th
kilometers northwest of Baekam
Regiment on the left, and the 21st Regiment on the right. Then, the division
Mountain, and at this strongpoint the
The Colombian Battalion Moving to the Front
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The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
enemy blocked the U.N. forces’ reconnaissance activities with intensified
reserve by the corps operation order, and moved from the current position
firepower and inflicted a great deal of casualties on the friendly forces as
to an area near Hwacheon and Shinpori (10 kilometers southwest of
well. The first mission assigned to the Colombian Battalion was to report
Hwacheon). At that time, the U.S. 21st Regiment and the Colombian
the enemy situation by conducting patrol mission over this area. In order to
Battalion also moved to the Daeriri area 3 kilometers southeast of
carry out this mission, the battalion tried to get acquainted with the rough
Hwacheon, and here they went through tactical training and performed
terrain at the frontal area of the U.S. 21st Regiment, acquiring necessary
troop maintenance. The training near the Daeriri area lasted for about two
tactics for mountain patrol for three days starting from August 2. Then, the
months from August 8 to October 4, 1951. The main points of the training
battalion got started for its patrol mission on August 6.
were focused on the weak points of the battalion which were revealed in
At 07:00 hours on August 6, 1951, one combat patrol platoon of
their first patrol assignment. The typical examples of the weak points
Colombian Infantry Battalion, under direct command of Company A
included the battalion’s poor abilities of scouting the enemy position,
Commander Captain Alvaro Valencia Tovar, left the assembly area for the
requesting fire support, and maneuvering in the rough mountain areas.
patrol mission. About 08:00 hours, the platoon went along the rough
Unfortunately, however, the Colombian Battalion suffered its first casualty
mountain roads and succeeded in advancing up to the target area, the foot
in Korea during this period of time. Jose Delino Zapata was killed in action
of the Heukuntoryeong Pass. At this time, however, the enemy which had
while he was on his patrol mission on August 31. Jose Delino Zapata was
so far kept quite began to concentrate machinegun and mortar fires on the
awarded the Order of Militar Antonio Narino from the Colombian
Colombian troops, so that the platoon could not advance any further. As
time passed, the enemy fires began to be much more accurate and intense,
Upon completion of two months of training, the Colombian Battalion
which inflicted more injuries on the platoon. Judging that the passage of
had to move back to the Heukuntoryeong area on October 5, 1951, because
time would inflict more casualties on the platoon, Captain Tovar ordered
by this time the U.S. 7th Division had been relieved by the U.S. 24th
the platoon to retreat at 09:00 hours. In spite of the continued enemy heavy
Division to which the Colombian Battalion was attached. At that time the
fire, the soldiers of the combat patrol platoon barely succeeded in returning
battle line, compared to that of two months ago, had been moved 2
to the regiment forward position, carrying wounded soldiers upon their
kilometers northward, so that Heukuntoryeong was under the control of the
backs. On that day at the first engagement with the enemy in Korea, a total
U.N. forces. Together with the 3rd Battalion of U.S. 21st Regiment, the
of eleven Colombian soldiers were heavily injured.
Colombian Battalion took up the forward positions in the Heukuntoryeong
On August 7, the day after the Colombian Battalion’s first engagement,
the U.S. 24th Division was relieved by the U.S. 7th Division into the corps
area, fortified battle positions, and started its patrol mission over the major
hills at its front.
Korea and Colombia
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
Deployed at the western foot of the Heukuntoryeong Pass, the
located by the six-member commando unit dispatched by the Colombian
Colombian Battalion committed squad or platoon sized combat patrols
Battalion, so that he and his party could withdraw safely to his camp. In
every day deep into the enemy area. In the meanwhile, Colombian soldiers
other words, the platoon leader’s appropriate actions and the support of the
got used to the mountain terrain and their combat capabilities were also
battalion’s commando unit were combined to win the first substantial
improved, so that they could inflict a great deal of damage upon the enemy
victory for Colombian troops ever since they were committed to the
everytime they had an engagement with the enemy. One notable example
Korean War.
is the surprise attack launched by the 3rd Platoon of Company A on
October 12. The Colombian combat patrol team, under command of the
3rd Platoon Leader Second Lt. Francisco M. Caicedo, made a surprise
attack under cover of darkness on the enemy forward outpost position at
3) Northward Advance Toward Geumseong (October 13 ~
October 21, 1951)
(1) The Attack on Phase Line NOMAD
Hill 596(1.5 kilometers northwest of Heukuntoryeong), and succeeded in
The day after the Heukuntoryeong engagement, on October 13, 1951, the
making big gains by shooting ten enemy soldiers to death and exploding
Colombian Battalion took part in the division’s northward advance toward
enemy gun emplacements. What made this combat more glorious were the
Geumseong. The U.S. IX Corps on the Central Front, to which the
appropriate actions and comradeship which the platoon leader had
Colombian Battalion attached, prepared the operations plan(OPLANs) for
demonstrated during the course of withdrawal. Upon completing the
Northward Advance toward Geumseong, intending to maintain a battle line
assigned mission, the 3rd Platoon was preparing for its withdrawal. At that
time, however, the platoon came under intense enemy mortar fire, so that
the platoon was in a state of great confusion. In such a circumstance,
Second Lt. Caicedo remained calm and kept control of his platoon soldiers,
ordering the platoon main force to withdraw immediately. After this, he
himself stayed behind and wandered into the enemy’s positions in search
for his fallen soldiers. After a while, the platoon leader succeeded in finding
out four fallen soldiers including two wounded soldiers. With these fallen
soldiers, however, he had to fight his way back for six hours in search of a
withdrawal route, while he was engaged in fighting back the pursuing
enemy. Just at that time, he and his party were fortunate enough to be
The Colombian Battalion
Korea and Colombia
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
the Yalu River at Shineuju in the middle of June, 1951. Upon completion
of mountain warfare training at Yangdeok, the Chinese 67th Army moved
to its present position around September 10, and relieved the Chinese 27th
Army. Accordingly, the Chinese 67th Army was lacking in combat
experience, but had overwhelming number of well-equipped and welldisciplined soldiers. After taking over the defensive sector, the Chinese
forces were actively engaged in strengthening battle positions and carrying
out patrol activities.
To look at the major features of Geumseong, the target area of the U.S.
IX Corps operation, Geumseong was located about 12 kilometers north of
the battle line in a basin on the Geumseong. Geumseong was also an
Colombian Soldiers Having an Operations Discussion with US Soldiers
important traffic hub of a road network with the Tongcheon-Pyeonggang
and Wonsan-Pyeonggang roads passing through this city, and Geumseong
balance between the Western and Eastern Fronts. On October 8, 1951, the
is also a diverging point of a road which was connected to Hwacheon.
corps OPLANs was approved by the Eighth U.S. Army commander. At
Considering such geographical features of Geumseong, the operation of
that time, the U.S. IX Corps was deployed along Line WYOMING, the
taking Geumseong was of great strategic importance in that it would secure
main line of resistance along the Jungsanri(northeast of Cheolwon)-
a key point on the lines of communications, and that it would contribute to
Gimhwa-Jeokguen Mountain(north of Hwacheon)-Baekam Mountain-
controling the Iron Triangle area by threatening the enemy stronghold of
Bukhan River area. On Line YWOMING from left to right were deployed
Oseong Mountain(1,062 meters).
U.S. 25th Division, ROK 2nd Division, U.S. 24th Division, and ROK 6th
Division, with U.S. 7th Division(-) in reserve.
In accordance with the phase-by-phase, limited offensive operations plan
issued from the Eighth U.S. Army Headquarters, the U.S. IX Corps
The enemy forces were the Chinese 67th Army of 20th Army Group,
commander decided to secure Geumseong by pushing the present battle
consisting of three divisions (199th, 200th, and 201st Divisions) with about
line 5 kilometers northward. For this purpose, the corps established Line
30,000 troops. Deployed around Geumseong, the enemy forces were on the
NOMAD along the Hasori-Pungdongri-Jukdong-Yeomunri-
defensive and the enemy’s defensive line extended up to the neighborhood
Geumseongcheon estuary area, and securing Line NOMAD was the
of Jeokguen and Baekam Mountains. The Chinese 67th Army had crossed
objective of the first phase of corps operation. On October 10, the corps
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
designated the U.S. 24th Division as the main attack force for this
hours, Hill 570 came under complete control of the Colombian Battalion.
Upon occupying Hill 570, the Colombian Battalion performed troop
The Northward Advance Operation toward Geumseong was launched on
October 13, 1951. At this operation, the Colombian Battalion which
maintenance on the one hand, and established defensive positions against
enemy counterattack on the other.
attached to the U.S. 21st Regiment was ordered to attack Hill 570 located 2
At this battle, the Colombian Battalion made remarkable gains.
kilometers north of Heukuntoryeong in order to cover the division’s right
Colombian soldier inflicted an estimated number of more than 100 Chinese
flank. Designating Companies A and B as attack units, the Colombian
casualties, with the number of identified dead bodies found in the enemy
Battalion crossed the line of departure located near Heukuntoryong at 05:30
area amounting to 38. Particularly notable was the big gain of capturing
hours in order to launch an enveloping attack on the target area at 13:00
four enemy prisoners of war including an enemy company commander.
hours. Soon, however, the Colombian Battalion had to suffer a big setback
Besides, the Colombian Battalion seized a variety of Chinese equipment
in its advance plan because the enemy opened machine-gun and mortar fire
and ammunition, including Russian-made rifles.
on Colombian troops from its defensive position established on a
commanding hill. Company C(Company Commander, Captain Duran
(2) The Attack on Phase Line POLAR
Pombo) which had been attacking on the right of Hill 570 selected a
When the attack echelons of the U.S. IX Corps completed advancing to
number of soldiers from both the 1st Platoon(Platoon Leader, Second Lt.
Line NOMAD, the objective of its first phase of operation, on October 16,
Raul Martinez) and the 2nd Platoon(Platoon Leader, Second Lt. Bernardo
1951, the corps commander issued the operational directive for the second
Lema), organized a commando squad armed with hand grenades, and
phase of advance, that is, to advance to Line POLAR which ran along the
succeeded in destroying five enemy bunkers. At that time, the lead platoon
Hasori-Oeyangdong-Kyoam Mountain-Geumseongcheon estuary area.
of Company A(Company Commander, Captain Valencia Tovar), the 3rd
The operational objective for the U.S. 24th Division to which the
Platoon(Platoon Leader, Francisco Caicedo), launched its assault on the
Colombian Battalion attached was to advance to the middle sector of Line
enemy with the artillery fire support. When the Colombian Battalion
POLAR from Hill 552(2 kilometers northeast of Oeyangdong) to the foot
attacked the enemy from both sides, the enemy’s resistance became
of Kyoam Mountain, with Geumseong located 3 kilometers north from this
gradually weaker as time passed. When the Colombian soldiers approached
middle sector. At that time, the Colombian Battalion was transferred from
a spot near the top of Hill 570, they assaulted the enemy with hand
the U.S. 21st Regiment to the U.S. 19th Regiment, stationing at Jukdong as
grenades and engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, almost
regimental reserve. In the advance operation toward Line POLAR which
annihilating one company size enemy troops. A few minutes after 14:00
was launched at 16:00 hours on October 17, the Colombian Battalion
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In the meanwhile, the U.S. 24th Division decided to strengthen the 21st
Regiment which was attacking on the division’s left. In accordance with
this decision, the Colombian Battalion was ordered to transfer from the
19th Regiment back to the 21st Regiment by 06:00 hours on October 19.
Taking the road along the southern bank of the Geumseong Stream, the
Colombian Battalion moved west on the morning of October 19, and at
about 13:00 hours got to Wolbongri in the 21st Regimental sector.
Right after its arrival at Wolbongri, Regiment Commander Colonel
Moor ordered the Colombian Battalion “to pass over the 2nd Battalion
positioned on Hill 552 and attack Hwoegogae 1.7 kilometers north of the
hill on October 20.” Upon receipt of the order, the Colombian Battalion
Review of the Colombian Battalion
advanced to the neighborhood of Hill 552 during the night of October 19,
and prepared for the attack. At 06:00 hours on 20th, the Colombian
followed up the attacking battalions of the U.S. 19th Regiment. At 16:00
Battalion launched its attack on the enemy, passing over the 2nd Battalion,
hours, the 19th Regiment launched an all-out attack at the line of departure
21st Regiment, positioned on Hill 552.
located near the western bank of the Geumseong Stream toward the
The Colombian Battalion launched a double envelopment with its two
regimental objective located on the northern part of the Geumseong
companies, but the battalion encountered stiff enemy resistance from the
Stream. The Colombian Battalion joined the attacking troops at about
start. Attacking the enemy from a position of geographical disadvantage,
18:00, got to the western bank of the Geumseong Stream, and took up
the battalion attempted its approaches to the target area several times. The
positions on Hill 629(2 kilometers southwest of Jukdong) which the 3rd
battalion, however, encountered concentrated enemy machine-gun fire
Battalion had secured. On the morning of October 18, the Colombian
every time the battalion approached the enemy, only suffering increasing
Battalion advanced northward again at about 11:00 hours, and took up
number of casualties without advancing any further. What was worse, the
positions on Hill 343(2 kilometers northwest of Jukdong on the southern
regiment at that time was not in a situation to provide any artillery fire
bank of the Geumseong Stream) which the 1st Battalion had secured. Here,
support to the Colombian Battalion. In such a situation, the Colombian
the battalion strengthened the battle line along the southern bank of the
Battalion had to fight a see-saw battle with the enemy for half a day without
Geumseong Stream, and helped extend the depth of regimental attack axis.
any artillery support. When the number of casualties increased, the
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battalion had to retreat to Hill 552 without carrying out its assignment.
After the failure to attack the enemy, the Colombian Battalion
consolidated its troops at Hill 552 and resumed its attack at dawn the
4) The Battle of Geumseong (October 22, 1951 ~ January 19,
(1) The Battle of Hwoegogae
following day on October 21. On this day, the regiment promised to
Upon occupying Hwoegogae on October 21, 1951, the Colombian
provide enough artillery fire support. After three hours’ fierce battle, the
Battalion established quite a strong forward position at this place, assigning
Colombian Battalion eventually succeeded in repelling the enemy troops
Company A to this position. At the same time, the battalion had the main
who were putting up stiff resistance. In the two days of Hwoegori battle, the
force of the battalion assemble at Hill 552 1.7 kilometers south of
Colombian was credited with killing about 80 enemy soldiers. Sadly
Hwoegogae, maintain contact with the enemy, and conduct patrol mission
enough, however, the Colombian Battalion also suffered a great deal of
every day. At the Hwoegogae position, the Colombian Battalion was pitted
injuries during this battle, including the Battalion Commander Puyo’a
against the enemy for about 25 days from October 21 to November 15,
serious wound. The wounded Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Puyo
when the battalion had to move to Hudongri(4 kilometers southeast of Hill
refused to be sent to an evacuation hospital at the risk of his life, but
552) in accordance with the adjustment of sector boundaries. During this
eventually he was sent back to an evacuation hospital in Japan. Afterwards,
time, Colombian troops, along with their patrol activities, were fighting a
the Deputy Battalion Commander Major Alfonso Novoa assumed
command of the Colombian Battalion.
Despite its numerical inferiority and its lack in combat experience, the
Colombian Battalion succeeded in taking Hwoegogae, and this success
contributed a lot to the U.S. IX Corps’ advance to the southern part of
Geumseong. The corps operation of securing Line POLAR was concluded
on October 23, 1951 with its success in completely taking Geumseong.
With this, the U.S. forces’ summer-fall offensive which was initiated from
late July also came to a close. After this, positional fighting became the
major phase of the war, so that both South and North were fighting to
secure strategically important hills while they were engaged in truce talks.
Defensive Positions of Colombian Troops
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
desperate battle against the enemy forces who were trying to take back
When the enemy continued its night raids exploiting Hill 467 as a
Hwoegori. The major engagements Colombian troops had during this time
strongpoint, the Colombian Battalion decided to occupy the hill, and
were as follows.
ordered Company A to attack the hill on November 7, 1951. At 13:00
At 23:45 hours on October 29, an unknown number of enemy at Hill 467
hours, Company A’s 2nd Platoon Leader Second Lt. Camilo Torres began
1.6 kilometers from Hwoegogae launched an attack on the Colombian
a right flank attack on the enemy, while the 3rd Platoon Leader Second Lt.
forward position at Hwoegogae. The Colombian Company C immediately
Francisco Caicedo began a frontal attack. Despite the enemy’s stiff
discovered the enemy assault which was made under cover of darkness, so
resistance, Colombian troops succeeded in repelling the enemy with their
that the company could nullify the enemy in ten minutes with a
well coordinated attack, and occupied the hill after two and a half hours of
concentrated fire. At this engagement, however, one Colombian soldier
fighting. At this battle, Colombian troops inflicted 26 casualties on the
was killed in action. After this, however, the enemy continued its attacks
enemy, while suffering only 9 wounded casualties on the Colombian side.
under cover of darkness. At 21:00 hours on November 3, the enemy at Hill
467 opened the attack with a massive artillery and mortar barrage for two
(2) The Battle of Choseori
hours against the Hwoegogae position of the Colombian Battalion.
In accordance with the adjustment of sector boundaries on November 15,
Because of this attack, a number of positions were destroyed and commun-
1951, the Colombian Battalion turned over its main and forward positions
ications with the Battalion Hea-dquarters were lost. Expecting that the
to the ROK 2nd Infantry Division, and moved to Hudongri as regimental
enemy attack would ensure by and by, the Colombian soldiers at the
reserve. After that time, the battalion was deployed in a region near Hill
forward position maintained a firm combat readiness posture against the
475 on December 22, and took charge of the main battle line. At this time,
enemy attack. At this time, a platoon size enemy assault force was
the battalion also carried out the mission of outpost company by positioning
coincidently approaching the Hwoegogae position. When the enemy ran
one company at Hill 424 located 1.5 kilometers north of Hill 475.
into one squad size Colombian ambush patrol who were sent out to obtain
Occupying the main positions on Hill 475, the Colombian Battalion let
combat information on the enemy situation, an engagement ensued.
the end of the year 1951 pass by and greeted the New Year of 1952, facing
Despite its numerical inferiority, the Colombian ambush troops were
Geumseong located 3 kilometers north away from the current position.
engaged in the battle on the one hand, and informed the Battalion
During this time, the battalion was very active in patrol activities, but the
Headquarters of the exact location of the enemy on the other. Very soon,
enemy seemed to avoid confrontations and just stood away from
they could have artillery fire support and the artillery bombardment of the
Colombian troops. When the combat patrol force of the Colombian
friendly unit forced the enemy to withdraw, leaving five casualties behind.
Battalion conducted, with U.S. tanks at its front, its patrol mission at
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Camilo Torres intuitively sensed that a greatly outnumbering enemy force
was deployed in the Choseori area. So, the platoon leader issued a retreat
order to his men at 09:30 hours, judging that a prolonged engagement in a
geographically disadvantageous area would entail a great number of
friendly force casualties. Even though Colombian troops failed in obtaining
the desired objective due to the stiff resistance of the enemy, however, they
demonstrated a remarkable comradeship during this battle. When four
fellow soldiers were lost on their withdrawal, the platoon leader went back
to the enemy area with eight of volunteer soldiers against the order from the
higher echelon “to make an immediate withdrawal without suffering any
more casualties.” Eventually, the platoon leader, together with his volunteer
<Operational Map 2> The Colombian Battalion’s Outpost Battle
at the Geumseong Area (November~December 1951)
soldiers, succeeded in locating the missing fellow soldiers, and safely
returned to the Colombian unit. The Colombian Battalion commander did
not call the platoon leader to account for his insubordination; he rather
Geumseong or deep in the rear area, however, the enemy showed quite a
complimented the platoon leader for his valor.
sensitive reaction. One typical example was the battle of Choseori which
was located 2.3 kilometers northwest of Geumseong.
On December 31, Company A’s 2nd Platoon Leader Second Lt. Camilo
5) Attachment to the U.S. 7th Infantry Division and Rear Area
Activities (January 20 ~ April 24, 1952)
Torres departed Hill 424 for Choseori, leading a combat patrol unit
Marking the end of the year 1951 with an engagement with the enemy in
consisting of two squads. The mission of the combat patrol unit for that day
the Choseori area, the Colombian Battalion greeted the New Year 1952 in
was to find out the enemy strength and firearms deployment by conducting
the freezing temperature of the Korean front. In accordance with the
force reconnaissance over the Chiseori area, and report these findings to the
Regiment Operation Order on January 19, the Colombian Battalion turned
regiment. Supported by the U.S. tank unit, the patrol unit crossed the frozen
over the main battle positions at Hill 475 to the 1st Battalion, U.S. 25th
Geumseong Stream at 09:00 hours and advanced about 150 meters, when
Regiment, and moved to an area near Jukdong as regimental reserve.
the enemy delivered concentrated fire on the patrol unit from the enemy
Upon moving to the rear area after about one month’s service at the front,
position on the outskirts of Choseori. At this point, the Platoon leader
the Colombian Battalion greeted the replacement soldiers who had arrived
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
had been planned well in advance when the Colombian National Army
first activated the Colombian dispatch troops to Korea. According to this
plan of troop replacement, one company size troops were supposed to be
regularly replaced every six month during the whole period of troop
dispatch. In case the Colombian force suffered a heavy war casualties, it
was planned that the number of soldiers returning home was to be reduced
in proportion to the number of casualties. As a result, the veteran soldiers
always constituted the “backbone” of the Colombian Battalion,
contributing to maintaining a consistent unit tradition and its combat
capabilities as well.
Up to this time, the Colombian Battalion had been attached to the U.S.
A Briefing on the Colombian Battalion’s Operational Plan
24th Infantry Division for about five months and had shared with 24th
Infantry Division soldiers all sorts of bitter and glorious experiences on the
from home country, while sending those soldiers home whose terms of
battle fields as equal partners. At this time in January 1952, however, the
service were completed. The first group of replacement soldiers who got to
24th Division was ordered to turn over the Geumseong battle line to the
Korea on January 18, 1952 consisted of 8 officers and 140 men including
U.S. 7th Infantry Division(Division Commander, Major General Willard
Lt Luis Galindo Vargas. These replacement soldiers strengthened their
G. Wyman), so that the Colombian Battalion had to be attached to the 7th
bodies and fortified their spiritual armament by going through an intensive
Division. When it was known that the U.S. 24th Division would return to
military training, sleeping in the open air. As time passed, these soldiers got
Japan, both Colombian and U.S. soldiers could not readily get parted from
used to the military life in Korea along with their rigorous military training
each other with their solid comradeship deep in their hearts, because this
and continued weapons training on their newly issued equipment. With the
comradeship, colored with tears and bloods, was formed through their
arrival of the replacement soldiers, the first group to return home were
fierce battle experiences in the Geumseong area. As a result, both
those soldiers who completed their terms of service. Included in this group
Colombian and U.S. soldiers were in an excited state of mind for about one
were 10 officers and 142 men including Lt. Vicotr Herandez. They left
week, visiting each other day and night, sharing food and drink, and
Busan Port and got to Colombia on February 12, 1952.
exchanging souvenirs and gifts.
The replacement of Colombian troops was an organized action which
Attached to the U.S. 7th Division, the Colombian Battalion, along with
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the division movement, had to move from one place to another along the
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
position on Line MISSOURI for the first time.
Yanggu-Gapyeong-Injae area. For instance, the battalion, under operational
The Tabdong position with its 4-kilometer defensive front was a place of
command of the 31st Regiment commander, moved to Wondangri(10
strategic importance, located at the center of the Iron Triangle area which
kilometers northeast of Yanggu) on January 28, 1952, moved south to
was connected northwest to Pyeonggang, southwest to Cheolwon, and
Saridae 1 kilometer north west of Gapyeong on Feburuary 26, and moved
northeast to Geumseong. At that time, the enemy’s main force was
north again to the Injae area together with the 31st Regiment on March 17.
deployed at the southern foot of Oseong Mountain(1062 meters) located 5
Upon arriving at Injae on March 18, the Colombian Battalion received an
kilometers northeast of the Tabdong position, and the enemy forward
order from the division to guard the rear establishments of the U.S. X
positions were established along the high or low hilltops around Oseong
Corps. This assignment had to be carried out for about one month until
Mountain. With such a deployment, the enemy conducted concentrated
April 24. During this time, the Colombian Battalion held a send-off
patrol mission over the Colombian battalion sector.
ceremony for the second group of about 100 Colombian soldiers returning
In order to counter the enemy patrol, the Colombian Battalion established
home on April 16, and on April 20 received the second group of
a platoon size forward position in the front area 1~2 kilometers from the
replacement soldiers who got to Korea (8 officers, 62 noncoms, 192
battalion position, and grasped the enemy situation by setting up an ambush
enlisted men).
or carrying out combat patrol mission every day. The battalion conducted
its patrol mainly over the areas of Hills 324, 400, and 454, because these
6) The Operation on Line MISSOURI (April 28 ~ December
27, 1952)
(1) Takeover of the Tabdong Position
three hills were the enemy strongpoints. At that time, the Chinese forces
established quite strong positions on these hills. When the patrol force of
the Colombian Battalion advanced to the Chinese area of operation, the
When the U.S. 7th Infantry Division, to which the Colombian Battalion
enemy concentrated all sorts of artillery fire, increasing the amount of
attached, moved to the battle line on Line MISSOURI on April 28, 1952,
damage on the patrol force. Particularly notable was the enemy strongpoint
the Colombian Battalion, along with the 31st Regiment, also moved to the
on Hill 400. Even though a platoon size enemy unit occupied the hill, it was
Wasuri area 5 kilometers southeast of Gimhwa. At the Wasuri position, the
quite a solid strongpoint with a series of defensive equipment and facilities.
Colombian Battalion had the newly arrived replacement soldiers go
The force of the enemy strongpoint on Hill 400 was so strong that not only
through adjustment training, and on May 19 took over the Tabdong
the patrol activities of the Colombian Battalion were quite limited but the
position from the 1st Battalion, 31st Regiment. With the takeover of this
battalion had to suffer not a small casualties. For these reasons, Hill 400
position, the Colombian Battalion assumed responsibility for the battle
was just an eyesore for Colombian troops.
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Under these circumstances, the Colombian Battalion had to suffer a great
of education and training as well as troop maintenance, while committing a
deal of casualties during one month period of patrol activities until the
limited number of troops to the patrol mission over the enemy area. At this
battalion turned over the Tabdong position to the U.S. forces. Most of the
time, a directive was issued from the division that the reserve force should
casualties suffered during this time were inflicted by the enemy artillery
carry out night patrol missions or surprise attacks if the patrol mission or
fire. Second Lt. Valek M. Vladimir was killed in action on May 21 while
surprise attack would be carried out by a unit larger than a platoon size. In
he was on his patrol mission over the Hill 400 area, and his death was also
accordance with this directive, on June 21 the Colombian Battalion was
inflicted by the enemy mortar fire.
able to have an opportunity to attack Hill 400, an eyesore for the battalion.
The surprise attack on Hill 400 was carried out by the 3rd
(2) Surprise Attack on Hill 400
Platoon(platoon leader, Second Lt. Mario Bernal), Company A(company
Upon completion its mission of defending the front line for one month,
commander, Lt. Luis M. Galindo) of the Colombian Battalion, and this
the Colombian Battalion moved to the Wasuri regimental reserve area on
arrack was the most successful one among those battles which the battalion
June 10, 1952. Here at Wasuri, the battalion hurried to carry out its mission
had fought on Line MISSOURI in the Gimhwa area.
At 04:00 hours on June 21, the 3rd Platoon of Company A passed the
outpost position 500 meters in front of the US-held Tabdong position, and
began to climb the stiff hill. The platoon soldiers were quite familiar to the
terrain of this area because they had defended this area one month ago, so
that they could approach the enemy position just in 25 minutes. When they
began to perceive the outline of the enemy position, they made a dash at the
enemy, throwing grenades and concentrating automatic weapons fire.
Taken aback by Colombian troops’ surprise attack, the enemy soldiers
belatedly got out of the trenches. but it was beyond the enemy’s ability to
check the assault of Colombian troops who had taken the initiative.
Besides, part of those enemy soldiers who were resisting in the trenches
were exploded to death along with the explosion of the trenches. When the
<Operational Map 3> Colimbian Force’s Surprise
Attack on Hill 400(June 21, 1952)
attack was over, Corporal Mario Degado was calm enough to put up the
Colombian national flag in the middle of the enemy area as if Colombian
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troops wanted to make sure of their capture of Hill 400.
The surprise attack on Hill 400 was concluded at 05:50 hours, one and
half hours after the attack got started. At this battle, Colombian troops
destroyed all of the 11 solidly built enemy bunkers, shooting 28 Chinese
soldiers to death and capturing 2 enemies. At this battle, Colombian troops
also suffered 2 soldiers killed in action and 15 wounded. Upon obtaining
the objective, Colombian troops were very much concerned about the
enemy counterattack, so that they made a withdrawal to the U.S. outpost
positions under cover of tank and artillery fire. With the success of this
withdrawal, the surprise attack for that day was concluded.
(3) Troop Reorganization and Patrols in the Enemy Outpost
Colombian Soldiers Taking a Break at Their Defensive Positions
After the surprise attack on Hill from June 23 to July 2, there were a
couple of events in the Colombian Battalion such as a change of command
and the third troop replacement. On June 23, 1952, Major Alfonso Novoa,
who had so far been commanding the Colombian Battalion since the
Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Jaime Polania Puyo was wounded, left
the battalion together with the group of 219 soldiers returning home, and
Lt. Colonel Alberto Ruiz Novoa was newly appointed commander of the
Colombian Battalion on July 2. Before this event, on July 1, a total of 235
replacement soldiers arrived from Colombia, so that the battalion had a
drastic replacement of soldiers.
Under command of the newly assigned Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel
Alberto Ruiz Novoa, the Colombian Battalion returned to the Tabdong
battle front on July 13, relieved the U.S. troops stationed in that area, and
Colombian Battalion Commander,
Lt. Col. Alberto Ruiz Novoa
Colombian Unit
then resumed its patrol mission very actively. In relation to patrol mission,
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the newly assigned battalion commander used to say emphatically to each
and the patrol mission was being carried out as planned. Before each of
company commander that “We can never expect the success of any military
these patrols forces got to the target area, however, the enemy launched a
operation without an accurate grasp of enemy situation.” Sometimes, the
surprise attack as if the enemy was trying to avenge their disastrous defeat
battalion commander himself went out on a patrol, leading a patrol unit.
in the July engagement. At this time, the enemy troops not only set up an
By carrying the assigned missions in accordance with the command
ambush in a formation of envelopment but they also concentrated mortar
directive of the newly assigned battalion commander, the Colombian
and heavy machinegun fire on Colombian patrols as if they had detected
Battalion succeeded in obtaining remarkable gains in war. The typical
the Colombian patrol plan well in advance. Confronted with such a surprise
example can be found in the July 7th patrol assignment over the Hills 324
attack, the Colombian patrol troops were at their wit’s end how to cope
and 400 areas. Carried out under direct command of the battalion
with the situation; they just had to suffer a disaster without taking any
commander, this patrol was aimed at finding out the enemy situation and
countermeasure. At this engagement, Colombian troops suffered a big
enemy’s response to the patrol unit’s challenge. The Colombian combat
tragedy, with 3 officers and 94 men killed in action.
patrol force started patrol at 09:00 hours and advanced toward the
At that time, this engagement was recorded as a shocking,
objectives, with one patrol team led by Lt. Luis M. Galindo heading toward
unprecedented battle in the whole course of the Korean War. Because of
Hill 324, and the other team led by Second Lt. Jaime Lizarazo heading
this disaster, the battalion commander gave up eating and drinking for
toward Hill 400. Both patrol teams had engagements with the enemy in
several days, and the morale of Colombian soldiers was utterly crushed. As
areas close to the objective hills for about 20 to 30 minutes, and Galindo
a result, Colombian troops had to confront the worst circumstance ever
patrol team shot 6 enemy soldiers to death while Lizarazo patrol team shot
since they participated in the Korean War.
3 enemy soldiers to death. Upon noticing that the objective of the combat
The Colombian National Army authorities sent an official letter to the
patrol mission for that day had been obtained, the battalion commander,
Colombian Battalion in Korea to express the Colombian National Army’s
who had so far been watching the developments of the engagement, issued
sorrow at the soldiers’ death and to comfort the battalion commander who
a withdrawal order to the Colombian patrol force at 10:30 hours.
was suffering from a guilty conscience. Much encouraged by the concerns
The glories of beating the enemy mentioned above didn’t last long
of the Colombian National Army, the Colombian soldiers prepared
enough for the Colombian soldiers. Gloomy war clouds began to hang over
themselves for the future combat. For this purpose, they not only performed
the Colombian Battalion. After sunset on August 17, the Colombian
troop maintenance but they were also quite devoted to military education
Battalion sent out two platoon-size patrol forces as usual to the Hills 324
and training, but deep in their hearts they were burning with fierce anger
and 400 areas. The purpose of this mission was to capture prisoners of war,
and thoughts of revenge on the enemy.
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After this tragedy, the Colombian Battalion took part in Operation
Ayacucho Battle which was held on December 9, 1952. In this ceremony,
SHOWDOWN from November 24, and for about 50 days up to November
the Colombian Battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation of the
14 conducted patrol missions and launched surprise attacks in the so-called
United States for their exploits shown in the battle of Geumseong.
Iron Triangle areas of Gimhwa, Pyeonggang, and Cheolwon. Particularly
notable were their excellent abilities shown in maintaining and fortifying
7) The Operation on Line JAMESTOWN (December 27, 1952
the defensive positions on Line WYOMING. Because of these abilities,
~ July 27, 1953)
Colombian troops were highly praised by the U.S. 7th Infantry Division
On December 27, 1952, the U.S. 7th Division was ordered to be attached
Commander, Major General Wayne C. Smith.
to the U.S. IX Corps. In accordance to this order, the U.S. 7th Division
On November 14, 1952, the U.S. 7th Division turned over the battle
came to take over the U.S. 2nd Division sector on Line JAMESTOWN
positions on Line MISSOURI to the U.S. 25th Division and moved to
northeast of Cheolwon by 12:00 hours of the 29th. Accordingly, the
Hwacheon as the U.S. VIII Corps reserve, so that the Colombian Battalion,
Colombian Battalion, which was attached to the U.S. 7th Division, also left
attached to the U.S. 7th Division, also moved to the Hwacheon area. Upon
Hwacheon at dawn of the 29th, assembled at Seonchangmal 3.5 kilometers
arriving Woncheonri 5 kilometers southwest of Hwacheon on November
north of Daekwangri, Cheolwon, and occupied the blocking positions
15, the Colombian Battalion set about military education and training. The
established in the neighborhood of Seonchangmal.
military education and training here at Woncheonri lasted relatively quite a
At this time, the Chinese troops opposite the U.S. 7th Division deployed
long time up to December 27th, when the U.S. 7th Division took over, due
two divisions at the southern bank of the Yeokgok Stream, fortified main
to its change of attachment to the U.S. IX Corps, the U.S. 2nd Division
positions on the one hand, and on the other continued assaulting the U.N.
sector on Line JAMESTOWN in the western front area.
Outposts Eerie, Arsenal, Porkchop, and Old Baldy with the purpose to push
During this period of time, the Colombian Battalion held a joint military
their outpost line of resistance further southward. As a member unit of the
training with the U.S. 31st Regiment to improve its combat capabilities.
U.S. 7th Division, the Colombian Battalion conducted patrol missions as
After this training, they had a comprehensive military training test. In this
well as surprise attacks on this Phase Line JAMESTOWN for about 7
test, the Colombian Battalion won the first place among the four
months up to the time when the military armistice agreement was signed
subordinate battalions of the regiment. During this period of time, the
July 27, 1953. At this battle front, the Colombian Battalion experienced a
battalion was quite busy with a variety of activities, including the award
fierce outpost offensive and defensive warfare which they had never
ceremony for those soldiers who distinguished themselves in battles.
experienced before either at the Geumseog front or at the Gimhwa front on
Particularly notable was the ceremony commemorating the 1824
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(1) Support for Operation SMACK
The Colombian Forces’ Engagement in the Korean War 05
Battalion defensive position. The purpose of the operation was two-folded:
The Colombian Battalion greeted the New Year 1953 in the
The one purpose was to launch reckless air and artillery strikes against the
Seonchangmal area as a reserve force of 31st Regiment, U.S. 7th Division.
enemy strongpoint which was moved forward 1,200 meters up to Hill
On the night of January 11, however, the battalion relieved the U.S. troops
Eerie, and the other was to destroy the strongpoint and take back allied
and took over a 3-kilometer-wide defensive front near Galhwadong. In
prisoners by committing infantry troops to the strongpoint with the U.S.
front of this defensive front was spread the open ground of the Yeogok
tank support. During the course of Operation SMACK which lasted up to
Stream, but the enemy strongpoint of T-Bone Hill(Hill 290) was located at
January 25, the major activities of the Colombian Battalion for this
a stone’s throw, so that the enemy strongpoint posed a great threat to the
operation were oriented toward providing as much support as possible.
operational activities of the Colombian Battalion.
For nine days from January 12th to 20th, the U.S. 7th Infantry Division
It was quite a coincidence that, just on the following day(January 12,
unleashed 150 air strikes against T-Bone Hill and its neighborhood, and
1953) of the Colombian Battalion’s occupation of the Galhwadong position
then ensured a massive artillery barrage of about 10,000 shells from two
which was facing T-Bone Hill, a special operation of the U.S. 7th Division
artillery battalions. With such a massive fire support, one company size
called “Operation SMACK” was launched in front of the Colombian
attack troops opened attacks to obtain the operational objective on January
25, but failed with heavy casualties. Eventually, Operation SMACK
brought about an exhaustion of great amount of resources and great losses
in lives as well, let alone failing in saving the lives of allied captives. The
failure of this operation later brought about public criticism, and had some
sort of repercussions on American politics with the argument that the
congress should make an official investigation into the causes of this
failure. Even though the Colombian Battalion carried out only support
missions in this operation, the battalion suffered 10 soldiers missing in
action including Private Luis A. Rojas.
On January 26, the day after Operation SMACK was concluded, the
Colombian Battalion was ordered into division reserve, and moved to
Guided by the U.S. 7th Division Commander Major General Wayne C. Smith, the Commander in Chief of
U.N. Command General Mark W. Clark and the Eighth U.S. Army Commander General Maxwell D. Taylor
pay a visit to the Colombian Battalion, Being briefed on the Operation BARBULA.
Daekwangri. Here at Daekwangri, the battalion spent four days repairing or
consolidating blocking positions on Line WYOMING, and then moved to
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the Yeoncheon area on January 30. Here, the Colombian troops had
military education and training, and performed troop maintenance as well.
Upon completion of troop maintenance at Yeoncheon, the Colombian
Battalion, together with the U.S. 31st Regiment, moved on February 27 to
Mageori 5.5 kilometers west of Daekwangri in order to take over defensive
positions in the Pork Chop-Old Baldy Complex. At that time, the enemy
seemed to be preparing for a massive offensive. For this purpose, the
enemy increased patrol activities over friendly outpost areas of the Pork
Chop-Old Baldy Complex.
(2) Operation BARBULA near Deokeundong
After taking up alternate positions in the Mageori area on February 27,
1953, the Colombian Battalion sent out force reconnaissance teams every
day to grasp the enemy situation. At the same time, the Colombian
Battalion prepared for the enemy attack by making counterattack plans
against the Pork Chop-Old Baldy Complex and by having rehearsals for
the counterattack as well.
<Operational Map 4> Colimbian Force’s Operation BARBULA
(March 10, 1953)
Upon receipt of this order from the regiment commander, the Colombian
Battalion Commander Lt.Colonel Alberto Ruiz Novoa designated
At this time, the Chinese troops established strong outpost positions on
Company C as attack company, and prepared a detailed plan of surprise
“No Name Hill”(180 meters), and intensified theirn patrol activities. In
attack which was known as “Operation BARBULA.” After having
order to cope with the enemy activities, the U.S. 31st Regiment
rehearsals for the attack several times, the battalion moved on March 9 to
commander ordered the regimental reserve unit, the Colombian Battalion,
the rear of the U.S. troops who were defending the main line of resistance.
to launch a surprise attack on the “No Name Hill,” a stumbling block for
In order to obtain a “surprise” effect on the attack, Company C, under
the regiment which was overlooking the regimental main line of resistance.
command of the Company Commander Captain Hernando Acevedo
Along with the surprise attack, the regiment commander also ordered the
Lopez, began its assault without preassault fires at 06:00 hours on March
Colombian force to destroy the enemy outpost positions and repel enemy
10, dividing the assault troops into two echelons. Under cover of the
troops to the west of the Yeokgok Stream.
darkness before dawn, each echelon started moving across a narrow valley
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
toward its objective, with the 1st Platoon(platoon leader, Second Lt. Luis A.
Company C strongly held against the enemy advance with artillery fire.
Andrade) heading toward Hilltop A on Hill 180, and the 2nd
Some Chinese troops, however, succeeded in passing through the massive
Platoon(platoon leader, Second Lt. Muguel Pineros Grimadi) toward
barrage of friendly artillery fire, advanced to the Hill 180 area, and
Hilltop B(100 meters west of Hilltop A). The 3rd Platoon(platoon leader,
launched attack against Colombian troops who were making preparations
Second Lt. Luis A. Bernal) was in reserve at the main position of the 1st
for withdrawal. At this moment, the enemy created a confusion at the
Battalion, maintaining a combat readiness posture.
hilltop for a while, but Colombian troops also repelled this enemy and
Twenty five minutes after its start toward the objective hill, Company C
made a successful withdrawal to the friendly main line of resistance. While
approached Hill 180 north of Deokeundong. After a short while, the
withdrawing, they also provided cover to the relief platoon which was
company commander fired a round as a signal for attack, and then the
evacuating the wounded soldiers.
assault troops made a dash at the enemy like raging billows, and
Just before this withdrawal, Second Lt. Bernal, who had been ordered by
concentrated machinegun fires and hand grenades on the enemy as if they
the company commander to transport wounded soldiers, got to Hill 180,
were trying to pay back the debt which the enemy had inflicted on
leading the 3rd Platoon and 40 KSC(Korean Service Corps) members.
Colombian troops last August.
Here at Hill 180, Second Lt. Bernal supported the withdrawal of assault
Confronted with an unexpected surprise attack, some Chinese troops got
troops. Here, the 3rd Platoon leader immediately recognized that the
out of their shelters only to suffer injuries, so that they hid away into
platoon which was withdrawing from Hilltop B was in a critical situation.
trenches and shelters again. At first, Company C took the initiative with the
So, the 3rd Platoon launched an attack on the enemy on the western foot of
surprise attack. As time passed, however, Chinese troops also put up strong
Hill 180, and succeeded in repelling the enemy just after 2~3 minutes of
resistance in their defensive positions. As a result, the “No Mane Hill” area
gunfight. Because of the 3rd Platoon Leader’s immediate action, the two
turned into a arena of hand-to-hand fighting in an instant, in which it was
assault platoons could continue their safe withdrawal. Because of the
impossible to tell friend from foe. After thirty minutes of bloody fighting,
activities of the 3rd platoon and KSC members, all of those wounded
Chinese troops began to withdraw. At this time, the company commander
soldiers who were scattered over the Hill 180 area could be evacuated. If it
was worried about the enemy counterattack, so that he immediately sent for
had not been for the 3rd Platoon Leader Second Lt. Bernal’s timely
the standby relief platoon for the evacuation of wounded soldiers, and at the
judgment and decisive assault, Colombian troops could not have succeeded
same time took measures for the withdrawal of the assault platoons.
in their withdrawal with all their success in assaulting the enemy on that
At this time, the Chinese troops who had withdrawn from the hill made a
counterattack as if they had reorganized in the rear area of Hill 220, and
All in all, Colombian troops launched a timely and decisive surprise
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attack in Operation BARBULA, so that they could succeed in devastating
almost all of the enemy shelters and weapons emplacements. With this
attack, Colombian troops were credited with inflicting more than 150
casualties on the enemy, but they also suffered 19 killed, 44 wounded, and
8 missing.
On March 16, 1953, a group of top-level U.N. forces personnel,
including the Commander in Chief of United Nations Command General
Mark W. Clark and the Eighth U.S. Army Commander General Maxwell
D. Taylor, paid a visit to the Colombian Battalion. On this occasion, the
Colombian Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Alberto Ruiz Novoa briefed
on the result of Operation BARBULA, and the top-level U.N. forces
personnel highly praised the Colombian troops’ exploits shown during the
(3) The Battle of Old Baldy Hill
On March 12, 1953, two days after the battle of Hill 180, the Colombian
Battalion took over the central part of the U.S. 31st Regiment sector
<Operational Map 5> Colimbian Force’s Battle of Old Baldy Hill
(March 23~25, 1953)
Bahamon) soldiers and 50 KSC(Korean Service Corps) members were all
engaged in repairing the positions, but it was beyond their abilities to repair
the destroyed positions without any help.
including Outpost Old Baldy. Located south of the Yeokgok Stream, the
At that time, not only the enemy artillery fire but also the enemy activities
Old Baldy Hill(Hill 275), which the Colombian Battalion took over at that
in the front line area were markedly increased, so that the U.S. 31st
time, was a commanding hill overlooking the areas around it, so that it
Regiment commander ordered the subordinate units to be put on special
became an arena of fierce struggle for both enemy and friendly forces. As
alertness against Old Baldy and Pork Chop Hills. Upon receipt of this
soon as the Colombian Battalion was deployed on Old Baldy Hill, Chinese
order, the Colombian Battalion commander took measures to revitalize the
troops not only fired artillery barrage on the hill, but the amount and
defense of Old Baldy Hill by having Company B replace Company A
frequency of their artillery fire also were increased as time passed by. When
which was in charge of the hill at that time. In order to replace Company A,
the outpost positions on Old Baldy Hill were destroyed by the enemy
the Colombian Battalion commander took a couple of factors into
artillery fire, Company A(company commander, Captain Augusto
consideration. For one thing, it was just a while ago that Company A troops
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
the enemy’s guns and mortars concentrated fire on Old Baldy Hill.
Because of such a massive artillery and mortar fire of the enemy, Old
Baldy Hill came to be covered with gun smoke and flames, and all sorts of
communications between outposts and the battalion broke down. The
relieving units of Companies A and B were jumbled together in an instant,
so that the chain of command broke down and fell into a state of confusion.
This was definitely a venerable point for the enemy force. One battalion
size Chinese troops took this vulnerability to launch an attack in waves with
the strange sound of bugles. Taken aback by the enemy’s surprise attack,
soldiers of Colombian Companies A and B were unable to make any
organized resistance to the enemy. Locked in their trenches and bunkers,
Gimwha Area in 1952(Battle of Hill 400)
they just had to face a critical situation by making a last-resort resistance to
the enemy.
who were defending Old Baldy Hill had gone through a fierce battle at Hill
After a little while, those Colombian soldiers who had so far lost the will
180. In addition, Company A troops were also in a state of exhaustion due
to fight seemed quite determined to risk their lives, coming out of their
to the continued enemy artillery fires on Old Baldy Hill. For these reasons,
bunkers and pressing hard against the enemy with their grenades and their
the battalion commander assigned Company B(company commander,
bayonets fixed. Colombian troops seemed to regain the lost outpost, but it
Perea S. Irmer) to the defense of Old Baldy.
was beyond their abilities to check the high-spirited Chinese attack in
The Colombian Battalion commander knew too well that Chinese troops
waves. As a result, it was inevitable for Colombian troops to turn over Old
usually launched attacks by exploiting the vulnerabilities which were
Baldy Hill to the enemy and make a withdrawal toward the southeastern
created in times of unit rotation. For this reason, the battalion commander
ridge of the hill.
took measures to begin the work of unit rotation after sunset on March 23.
Prior to this withdrawal, the Colombian Battalion Commander Lt.
However, it was less than three hours since the battalion began the work of
Colonel Alberto Ruiz Novoa, upon receiving a report that all sorts of
unit rotation that the Chinese artillery shells began to drop on Colombian
communications between the battalion and the outpost
troops from about 21:00 hours. At first, Colombian soldiers took it to be a
companies(Companies A and B) were broken, made a report on the current
regular artillery fire of Chinese troops. As time passed, however, all sorts of
situation to the 31st Regiment Commander Colonel Kern, and at the same
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time requested the regiment commander to dispatch reinforcement troops.
heaviest loss Colombian troops ever suffered in one battle ever since their
At this request, Colonel Kern committed Company B(company
participation in the Korean War.
commander, Jack M. Patteson), 2nd Battalion, 31st Regiment, to Old Baldy
Hill and put the company under command of the Colombian Battalion. At
8) Colombian Troops Toward the End of the Korean War
that time, Company B of 2nd Battalion was deployed at the blocking
Having suffered a great deal of casualties at the beginning stage of the
positions in the rear area of the Colombian Battalion’s main positions.
Battle of Old Baldy Hill, on March 25, 1953 Colombian troops turned over
Upon receipt of the regimental order, Company B of the 2nd Battalion
the main resistance sector to U.S. troops in the midst of an offensive and
started to advance toward Old Baldy Hill at about 21:30 hours, and very
defensive battle between friend and foe at Old Baldy Hill. Then,
soon joined those Colombian soldiers who had made a withdrawal from
Colombian troops withdrew to the rear area and engaged themselves in
the southeastern foot of the hill. Here, Company B consolidated the battle
troop maintenance. So far, the Colombian Battalion was able to maintain its
line and immediately rushed toward the hilltop of Old Baldy. However, the
unit strength with quite a smooth and regular replacement of its troops.
company had rushed less than 20 meters before it was blocked by the
Because of the heavy loss of Colombian troops at the battle of Old Baldy
enemy’s concentrated attack. Eventually, the company’s attempt to
Hill, however, it was inevitable for Colombian troops to reorganize the
advance toward the hill ended in failure.
Colombian Battalion into two rifle companies, one heavy weapons platoon,
After this failure, the U.S. 7th Infantry Division tried to recapture Old
Baldy Hill by committing the U.S. 32nd Regiment, but the division was
unable to carry out its plan of assault. While the division commander was
preparing for the attack plan to regain Old Baldy Hill on March 26, General
Maxwell D. Taylor, who had recently replaced Van Fleet as Eighth Army
commander, notified that the hill was not worth additional UN lives at a
time when the Armistice Agreement was going to be signed sooner or later.
For this reason, the 7th division commander had to suspend his efforts to
retake the hill, so that Old Baldy Hill remained in Chinese hands.
At the battle of Old Baldy Hill, Colombian troops, together with U.S.
troops, were credited with killing 600 enemy soldiers, but Colombian
troops also suffered 95 killed, 97 wounded, and 30 missing. It was the
Colombian Soldiers Taking a Brief Break While in Action
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and one command platoon, with one rifle company short of its authorized
suffer a great deal of loss. On June 19, for instance, Colombian troops were
organization. Upon completing troop maintenance, the battalion returned to
assaulted by the enemy patrols who infiltrated into the friendly sector under
the positions on the main line of resistance on March 27. One week after
cover of thick fog. At this engagement with the enemy, Staff Sergeant
this on April 3, however, the Colombian battalion again turned over its
Pedro Jose Molano, the Colombian ambush team leader of Outpost C(200
current positions to the 1st Battalion, moved to the western sector, and took
meters north of the end of Colombian position), was killed in action, and
over the 2nd Battalion positions(Sangol-Yangjimal) on the far front.
five soldiers were wounded. In the course of battle with the enemy, Staff
After this, Colombian troops moved again to Yeoncheon on April 27,
Sergeant Pedro Jose Molano distinguished himself with his fighting spirit.
and here at Yeoncheon they were engaged in military education and
When the enemy began a surprise attack on Colombian soldiers in ambush,
training as well as troop maintenance until May 19. Then, they advanced to
he ordered the soldiers of his ambush squad to make a withdrawal, leaving
Hill 327 in the Galhyeonri area on May 20, and relieved the U.S. troops on
himself behind at the ambush site. Then, he made a dash into the enemy
the hill. The battle situation in the middle of May of 1953, when
area concentrating automatic rifle fire on the enemy and shot 10 enemy
Colombian troops occupied main positions in the Galhyeonri area, was
soldiers to death, with himself finally being killed in action. Because of
quite a contrast to that of Operation SMACK; it was as calm as a millpond.
Staff Sergeant Molano’s valor and his desperate fight, the soldiers of his
Particularly notable was the absence of enemy patrol activities in the frontal
ambush squad were able to escape from the tragedy of annihilation.
area of the Colombian battalion. It seemed as if the enemy troops had
forgotten their patrol activities, rarely to be seen by Colombian troops.
As was shown above, Colombian troops were on their defensive duty at
the Galhyeonri main positions from May 20 to July 2, 1953. During this
Since the beginning of June, one month after Colombian troops were
time, the Colombian Battalion observed “The Colombian National Army’s
deployed on the front line, however, the enemy troops began to show up in
Day” at the battalion headquarters on June 1, and on this occasion awarded
the frontal area of the Colombian battalion. Particularly at night, they
the order of merit for distinguished services to a number of officers,
infiltrated the Colombian sector into Jinjeon and conducted reconnoitering
including Recruit Training Director Major Dario Santacruz Alarcon,
activities. Accordingly, frequent gunfights took place between enemy
Battalion XO Major Luis Barrera Mutis, Liaison Officer Major Edmundo
patrols and Colombian soldiers in ambush.
Rubiano Groot, Operations Officer Captain Jorge Robledo Pulido,
Most of the enemy patrol activities were detected by the Colombian
Assistant Operations Officer Lt. Jorge Medez Galvis, and Medical Officer
ambush at listening posts, so that the enemy suffered a great deal of loss
Captain Julio Gravito Martinez. On June 19, the Colombian Battalion
and their patrols ended in failure. When enemy patrols were not detected
Commander Lt. Colonel Alberto Ruiz Novoa was awarded the Order of
early on, however, Colombian troops sometimes had to unexpectedly
Military Merit Ulji in the presence of high-ranking generals of Korea and
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the United States. After one year of service as battalion commander in
frigates which were committed to the Korean front carried out, as a
Korea, Lt. Colonel Novoa was replaced by Lt. Colonel Ortiz Torres who
member of U.N. Naval Force, a variety of missions on the eastern and
just came from Colombia. Lt. Colonel Ortiz Torres was the third battalion
western seas such as convoying transport fleets, doing coast patrols,
commander of Colombian Battalion, and he took command of the
launching naval bombardment, and covering marine sweepers. In this way,
Colombian Battalion toward the end of the Korean War.
the Colombian National Armada contributed to the naval operations of
On July 3, the Colombian Battalion turned over the Galhyeonri main
U.N. forces during the Korean War.
positions to the U.S. troops, moved to the Gopori area(4 kilometers south of
Yeoncheon) as regimental reserve, and started to perform troop
1) The Frigate Almirante Padilla (First Service Tour)
maintenance. At this place, the Colombian Battalion sent home 220
On November 1, 1950, the Colombian frigate Almirante Padilla
soldiers including the woundedon July 6, and on July 8 received 365
(Captain, Major Julio Cesar Reyes Canal) sailed from Cartagena Port in
replacement soldiers from home for the reinforcement of troop strength.
Colombia for San Diego, California, and on board the frigate were 12
On July 23, 1953, the Armistice Agreement which had dragged on for
officers and 177 crew. Upon completion of the frigate maintenance at the
two years was finally signed, so that by 22;00 hours a cease-fire was
shipyard in San Diego, the frigate headed for Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Here
declared across the whole front. However, the Colombian troops continued
in Hawaii, they had a joint naval exercise with the U.S. Navy in order to get
to serve at the front even after the Armistice Agreement was signed. They
prepared for the future naval operations on Korean waters.
were deployed along the Makdong(2 kilometers southeast of
The frigate Almirante Padilla set sail from Pearl Harbor on April 22,
Deokeundong)-Cheondeok Mountain area, and strengthened security
1951, reached Sasebo Harbor in Japan on May 8. Here, the frigate was
around this area. After this, Colombian troops did not receive any more
attached to the U.S. Far East Naval Forces. Three day later, however, the
replacement soldiers from home, successively reducing the number of
frigate was reattached to the West Coast Blockading Squadron(Squadron
troops until they finally left Korea via Incheon Port on October 29, 1954.
Commander, Major General A. K. Scott-moncrieff) which was mainly
composed of British fleet. Upon moving to the West Sea of Korea, the
3. Colombian Naval Activities
frigate was first assigned to coastal patrol duty along the so-called “Cigarette
Route” between Chodo and Seokdo. With this mission, the frigate Almirante
From May 8, 1951 to October 11, 1955, the Colombian National
Padilla came to be engaged in the naval operation of the Korean War. For
Armada also participated in the Korean War by dispatching one frigate at a
about one week, the frigate carried out its mission in the West Sea, and then
time from the pool of three AR Type frigates. The Colombian Navy
moved to Sasebo on May 20. At this time, the frigate wes reattached to the
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
East Coast Blockading Squadron. From this time to January 19, 1952, the
Yokosuka in Japan to get prepared for joint naval operations on Korean
frigate Almirante Padilla carried out a variety of missions in the East Sea
waters. Upon completion of this exercise, the frigate Capitan Tono was
such as convoying supply vessels, conducting inshore patrols, and providing
attached to the U.S. Escort Squadron on May 19. Starting with its mission
naval bombardment. The major naval activities the frigate Almirante Padilla
of convoying supply vessels on May 1, the frigate carried out successfully a
carried out during this period are shown on <Table 1>.
variety of missions on Korean waters until November 12, 1952. The major
naval activities the frigate Capitan Tono carried out during this period are
shown on <Table 2>.
<table 1> Major Activities of the Frigate Almirante Padilla
(May 14, 1951 ~ January 19, 1952)
May 14, 1951
May 20, 1951
Major Activities
First assignment on Korean waters with its coastal patrol
<table 2> Major Activities of the Frigate Capitan Tono
(May 1 ~ November 12, 1952)
duty along the Chodo-Seokdo route.
Naval activities in the East Sea with its base at Sasebo.
May 1, 1952
Wonsan-Seongjin coastal patrol;
June 8~14, 1951
Joint bombardment with U.N. warships.
Dispatched to Wonsan Blockading Squad (TE 95-21),
July 24~27, 1951
joining the Wonsan Bombardment
Aug 10~Sept 9, Joining the Wonsan Bombardment;
Convoying medium size warships
Frigate maintenance at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan;
Oct 12~30, 1951 Coastal patrol duty along the Wonsan-Cheongjin route;
Bombardment at enemy artillery battery near Cheongjin.
Jan 19, 1952
May 23~June 3,
Completion of its first official service tour on Korean
June 3~22, 1952
July 22~Aug 7,
Seongjin Ports; Bombardment at enemy supply trains on
the East Coast; Convoy of transport vessels.
Maintenance at the Sasebo Naval Base in Japan; Crewmen
at rest.
Convoy of the transport vessels which transported supplies
to Seongjin and Wonsan Blockading Squadrons.
Security mission off the coast of Sasebo against enemy
Entry into Busan Port; Awarded a citation from the Korean
Nov 4, 1952
second Colombian frigate to participate in the Korean War, took over its
this, the frigate participated in a joint naval exercise off the coast of
Convoy of minesweeping vessels near Wonsan and
Sept 17~25, 1952 Success in convoying the U.S. Mount Katmai which
transported ammunitions to the East Sea.
2) The Frigate Capitan Tono (First Service Tour)
mission from the frigate Almirante Padilla on February 12, 1952. After
supply vessels and coastal patrol duty in the East Sea.
Aug 22~Sept 17, Convoy of supply transport vessels;
Participation in Wonsan Bombardment.
Oct 9~12, 1952
The frigate Capitan Tono (Captain, Major Harndo Beron Victoria), the
Major Activities
First assignment on Korean waters with its convoy of
Navy for its exploits shown at the naval operations on
Korean waters; Crewmen’s visit to the U.N. Cemetery in
Nov 12, 1952
Relieved by the newly arrived frigate Almirante Brion, while
under repair at the Yokosuka Naval Base.
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A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
3) The Frigate Almirante Brion
4) The Frigates Capitan Tono and Almirante Padilla for Their
The frigate Almirante Brion was the third Colombian frigate to
Second Service Tours
participate in the Korean War in November 1952. The body of the frigate
The frigate Capitan Tono (Captain, Major Jorge Taua Suarez) began its
was quite old, and it was out of order on its way to Korea. For these
second service tour on Korean waters by taking over its operational mission
reasons, the frigate had to be refitted upon its arrival, and its repair work
from the frigate Almirante Brion on April 17, 1954. From this time on, the
continued up to June 1953, when the signing of the Armistice Agreement
frigate carried out its operational missions both in the East and West Seas
was drawing near. Upon completion of its repair work, the frigate
up to March 11, 1955 when the frigate left the Port of Sasebo in Japan. The
Almirante Brion began its first mission on Korean waters starting with
major operational duties the frigate Capitan Tono carried out during its
convoying supply vessels in the East Sea on June 29, 1953. The major
second tour included convoying supply transport vessels, participating in
naval activities the frigate Almirante Brion carried out until April 17, 1954
the joint naval exercise with the U.S. Navy, and providing cover for
are shown on <Table 3>.
minesweeping vessels. Particularly notable were its activities in the West
Sea from October 9th to 24th. During this time, the Capitan Tono provided
<table 3> Major Activities of the Frigate Almirante Brion
(June 29, 1953 ~ April 17, 1954)
Major Activities
June 29~Sept 8, Convoy of supply transport vessels heading toward the
Sept 11~24, 1953
Oct 22~Nov 25,
East Sea units including the 77th Maneuver Squadron.
A joint naval exercise with the U.S. Navy off the coast of
Yokosuka in Japan.
Convoy of supply transport vessels; Participation in naval
exercises off the coast of Sasebo in Japan.
cover for two U.S. minesweeping vessels and another two Korean
minesweeping vessels in the Incheon and Baekryeongdo areas. Upon
completing its mission with providing cover for minesweeping vessels in
the West Sea, the frigate Capitan Tono sailed for Sasebo Harbor, and
eventually returned to Colombia in the next year on March 11, 1955.
The frigate Almirante Padilla (Captain, Major Dario Forero Gonalez),
which relieved the Frigate Capitan Tono, put into the Yokosuka Naval
Nov 27, 1953
Frigate maintenance at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan
April 6, 1954
Entry into Busan Port; Visit to the U.N. Cemetery.
Base on January 12, 1955 for its second service tour in Korea. The
Entry into Yokosuka Port; Relieved by the frigate Capitan
Almirante Padilla, the last Colombian frigate to be dispatched to the
April 17, 1954
Tono which arrived on May 26 for its second service tour.
Korean War, also carried out a variety of missions during its stay in Korea.
Typical among them were convoying supply transport vessels, participating
in all sorts of maneuver exercises for improving its combat capabilities, and
promoting mutual friendship by paying visits to neighboring countries. On
October 11, 1955, the Almirante Padilla returned to Colombia, completing
Korea and Colombia
A History of Colombian Forces’ Participation in the Korean War
its official mission as the U.N. Navy in
Beginning with the frigate Almirante
Padilla, in other words, the Colombian
National Armada maintained one frigate
continuously on Korean waters throughout
the Korean War. Operating under the United
Nations Command, they conducted a
variety of missions such as convoy of
supply transport vessels, inshore patrols,
naval bombardment against enemy ground
forces, and providing cover for
minesweeping vessels. By carrying these
The Colombian National Armada
missions successfully, the Colombian
frigates contributed a lot to the naval
operations of the U.N. Forces during the Korean War.
Friendly Relationship between the
ROK and Colombia after the
Korean War