Service Manual
Service Manual
Service Manual Issue 1.0 C30 Pre-AmpliÞer ARCAM Bringing music & movies to life Contents List ! Circuit description ! Circuit diagrams o o o o o ! L958AY power supply board L965AY pre-amp board L928AY display board L870AY phono board L955AY multi-channel board Transformers o L923TX – 115/230VAC toroidal o L922TX – 100VAC toroidal o L907TX – 100VAC frame ! Exploded view diagram ! Mechanical & packing parts list ! Circuit board silk screen & parts list o o o o o L928AY display board L955AY multi-channel board L958AY power supply board L965AY pre-amp board L870AY phono board C30 preamplifier circuit description. Introduction The C30 pre-amplifier uses pre-amp input switching/control and display boards that are very similar in design to the boards used in both the Diva A85/A90 and Fmj A32 integrated amplifiers and as such you may already be familiar with the layout and topologies of these boards. The C30 boasts a very much over-engineered power supply and output stage that is designed to bring the very best out of the existing Pre-amp input switching board. The main PCB L958AY also contains output buffers for the unbalanced outputs to drive long cables and balanced line drivers. A headphone amplifier is included to drive low impedance headphones down to 32 Ohm. For description of the pre-amplifier switching and control board see the section... Power supply. The mains input comes in via SKT1. Two Y caps return common mode noise to the chassis ground and an X cap reduces any single ended noise. The 1M5 resistor following this is in place to discharge the capacitors when the unit is turned off. The mains selector switch, which follows the resistor, changes the configuration of the transformer windings from series for 230V to parallel for 115V. Tx1 is a standby transformer it powers the microcontroller at all times so that the unit can be put into and out of standby. To reduce voltage losses after this transformer, low forward drop diodes are used. A low drop out regulator follows to create the 4.5v(D) supply; this supply powers the micro and digital circuits. The primary of the Toroid supply transformer Tx2 is connected to CON3 and the power to this is switched on and off by the relay RLY1. The transformer has a number of secondary outputs and we use separate taps and bridge rectifiers networks followed by bulk capacitors to smooth the ripple. The voltages generated are +24V and -24V for the main analogue supplies, +46V for the HT supply to the VFD, and +18V, which is used to power the trigger output. The smoothed +/- 24V then goes through regulators REG 2 and REG 5 to create +/- 18V this is passed the pre-amplifier PCB via CON4. Another set of regulators REG 3 and REG 6 follow taking the 18V and creating a +/-15V supply that is available for add on modules such as the 7.1 channel input board. A 5v supply is derived via regulator REG 4 from the 18V to run the headphone amplifier. Mains detect. A mains present detector runs from the standby transformer, this detects the loss of mains using a peak hold circuit based around D7/TR1/DZ1 and TR2. If the power is lost this piece of circuitry sends a flag to the microcontroller so it can mute the outputs and shut down the unit. See Fig 1 for notes on protection modes. 12v trigger and RC5 receiver. The trigger output on SKT2 is driven through TR4 to provide a current limited supply at around 13V. IC1 A and B are used to demodulate incoming RC5 from socket SKT2. IC1A is a band-pass filter centred on 36KHz. This is followed by a peak detector circuit that demodulates the incoming signal. Fig 1. Protection and mute mode and measurements. Prot line Measured at. AC present Mute* Standby* Resistor R12 Con 8 Pin 5 Resistor R5 at point P18 ResistorR10 at point P54 Trigger Working reading +4.5v +4.5v .7v +1.8v Pre-amp input card. Introduction. Input switching The pre-amp stage is a high-performance, DC coupled design with microprocessor control of input select, two independent tape loops, electronic volume control and tone bypass. Each of the inputs has a pair of diodes to the +/- 15v rails to prevent static spikes from causing damage to the CMOS multiplexors. In addition, there is a simple resistorcapacitor filter with a corner frequency of approximately 340kHz to remove any unwanted high frequency interference from the signal. This uses high quality WIMA polypropylene capacitors for the best possible performance. It features a discrete power supply and lownoise linear circuitry to obtain exceptionally low distortion and noise performance results. Power supply stage The secondary transformer output windings from the main toroid transformer are connected to SK300. The A.C voltage is rectified and smoothed by D300, D301, D306, D307 and C300, C301. The unregulated voltage should be around +/- 27 V obviously this is dependent on the A.C level at the mains inlet socket; F300 and F301 are the secondary A.C s.m fuses these are rated at 2A. The voltage regulators are discrete emitter followers the +15 voltage stage is described below as the –15 v stage is effectively very similar. Q300 and R300 act as a constant current source, supplying around 7mA into D310. C302 and C314 reduce ripple and broadband noise on the zener diode. Q305 and Q306 form a complementary Darlington NPN transistor, which is configured as an emitter follower producing +15v at it’s output. C303 is to provide bulk charge storage and to reduce the AC output impedance of the power supply. D302 prevents reverse bias of the supply during power down. Z301 is a conventional LM317 type circuit to regulate the +15v rail down to +5v for the tone and volume control circuits. Z104 (left) and Z105 (right) are the main input multiplexers, which are configured in a “virtual earth” unity gain arrangement with Z115 and Z116. This is an inverting circuit topology and the phase is corrected by the inverting volume control. Z115B (left) and Z116B (right) are the integrating servos, which remove any D.C coefficient from the Analogue input switching stages before the signal is passed onto the following stages, R180 and C147 (left) form a filter to remove any broadband noise from the servo output and to improve the speed response. Z100 – Z103 are the Tape output selectors these are non-inverting and the outputs are again buffered by Z9 a/b and Z10 a/b before arriving at the two tape loop outputs. Z106 is configured as a double pole changeover switch and is used to select the tone controls or direct by pass mode. (See below for more information). Tone controls The tone control stage is non-inverting and uses a gyrating bell filter for the Bass and a simple shelving filter for the high frequencies, the left channel only will be described. The input is attenuated by –6dB and biased to a voltage of +2.5v D.C by C111, R113, R112, R110, R111 and C110. This is so the signals fall within the 0 – 5v D.C required by the digital potentiometer Z108. Z111B and its associated components form an active equivalent of a series resonant LCR circuit. This has an impedance minimum 5.4k at around 80. The digital pots Z108D and Z108A control the bass and treble respectively, this accomplished by moving the wiper connected to the frequency-sensitive impedance between to non inverting and inverting terminals of Z112A, effectively changing the ratio of feedback boost and feed forward attenuation of the circuit at the desired frequencies, thus providing a EQ gain control that is on a logarithmic scale, with the use of a linear pot. Z112B provides the 6dB of gain necessary to bring the nominal level of signal back to unity C116 and C117 remove the 2.5VDC offset from the output to prevent click and bangs when the tone control are activated. Z108 is controlled by a simple 3-wire serial interface from the microprocessor. Each of the digital lines has it’s own ground return these are terminated at the GND pin of the chip to minimize any electromagnetic interference. Audio output stages. The Audio output stage contains the buffered, un-buffered and balanced outputs as well as the headphone driver. The audio signal from the preamp PCB enters the board on CON100 and the direct signal goes straight to the output via the mute relays RlY100A and RLY101B. A buffered version of the signal is created by IC100 and IC101. IC100 and IC101 are op-amps configured as unity gain non-inverting buffers. The C30 also has a Balance XLR output stage that drives into the balanced line drivers IC103 and IC104. These line divers create a transformer-less balanced output. Headphone Output. The selected audio output signal is driven into the headphone driver IC102; this signal then passes through CON101 and CON102 to the headphone socket SKT101. The mute signal passes through the switch contacts in the headphone socket so when headphones are inserted the main outputs are relay muted. Volume control Z107 is a VSDVC electronic volume control IC. It works in conjunction with external opamp Z117a/b by varying the feed-forward and feedback resistors in an inverting gain configuration, the volume control is driven by 3-wire data from the H8 micro on the display board – if the control receives no data it will remain in Audio mute mode. Relay RLY100 shunts the output of the Opamps to ground at switch on – power down and when switching between inputs. Please note: this means that if the headphone sockets control contacts are faulty or damaged the unit will be permanently stuck in audio mute mode. RC5 remote code assignment change. The C30 has the ability to switch between RC5 system code 16* and 19, we can achieve this by pressing and holding the Phono/Aux – CD and AV – DVD buttons simultaneously the display will show. RC5 System Code 16* We can toggle the system code using the rotary encoder. Display board The display board is very similar in design to the board that has been used for many years in the A85 family of products inc FMJ A32 and as such those of you familiar with these products will know there way around this board, a full description follows. The power supply rails for the display board are derived from the main board we should expect to see the below supplies in place (Fig 2.) Fig 2 Display board power supply pins Power supply + 5v D.C (micro) + 5v D.C + 46v D.C for VFD HT Pin number of SK1 Pin 14 Pin 1 Pin 3 Please note: the H8 micro is very critical of the +5v supply and as such the unit may crash or fail to power up during use if the +5v supply drops below 4.5v. H8 Microprocessor The H8 micro at location Z1 is preprogrammed by Arcam using a flashprogramming module and cannot be reprogrammed in the field unless you have access to the appropriate hardware and software. The H8 forms the heart of the C30 and takes on all major control functions including. 1. Control of the input switching. 2. Controls the action of the volume cont. 3. Monitors protection status and mute lines A85/A90/A32 only. 4. Sends display information to the VFD. 5. Receives and decodes RC5 data. 6. Receives data from rear panel remote input. 7. Stores setting information via 24C02 Eprom. At initial power up the H8 micro is reset by Z2 a DS1233 econo reset package. The input switching information is driven out to the Pre-amp card via the 9 select lines that appear on Pins 14 – 22 of SK3. The Volume control and tone control circuits are driven from the SDATA – SLOAD and SCLK data lines from SK3. The Mute status line has control over the pre-amp output relay at location RLY100; the mute is triggered during power up/down and between input selections and under Mute commands. Within the C30 the DC prot, Therm, VI prot and SP1/SP2 control lines are all connected to Digital ground on the main board of the pre-amp as these are not required within this product. The H8 drives the VFD via 4 Data lines that can be seen on R64 – R67 as DISPDAT, DISPCLK, DISPBLK, DISPLAT these drive directly into the VFD. Remote Data can be received by the C30 via the 3.5 mm Phono jack on the rear of the Pre-amp and the previously described remote demodulator on the main board this demodulated RC5 arrives on the display board via Pin 3 of SK1 and goes into a common IR input pin of the H8 micro (pin 87) this pin is also used to pick the RC5 code up from the Display onboard remote receiver. At power up the H8 reads all previously stored and last settings used by the amplifier from the e-eprom at location IC5 these will include the last input used and tape settings also tone control and input level settings, any changes to the set-up of the amplifier are sent to the e-eprom for future recall, at power down the H8 downloads it’s settings to the eeprom. All indication LED’s are driven directly from the H8 micro, these LED’s are tagged onto the +5v rail via 10k current limiting resistors Q1 and Q2 form a toggle between Green and Red for the standby/power LED. The volume control is driven from a Rotary encoder at location SW18 the toggle lines from the encoder arrive at the H8 as control lines Phase A and Phase B on Pins 93 and 94. Multi channel input module (optional) Introduction used for communication these are seen on the circuit diagram as PB0, receive from ExpBrd and Transmit to ExpBrd. The multi input module an optional expansion board that allows the existing Amp/Pre-amp to become part of a surround system when driven by a DVD/SACD player with Analogue surround outputs. When the host is communicating with the onboard micro controller PB0 will be driven low, otherwise the Data sent will be ignored. The board has two sets of 7.1 input (8 channels) these are labelled as MCH1 and MCH2 and accept Left, Right, Centre, Left surround, Right surround, Left Back, Right back audio Information. The input allow for the signal routing of the eight channels from either of the inputs these are MCH1 and MCH2, select lines S1-S2-S3 are used to select each bank of inputs this inputs stage utilizes 6 x 74HCT4053 multiplexers you will notice that IC204 and IC205 only utilize the S1 and S2 select channels as this input switch only deals with two channels (Back left and Back right). All input channel levels can be trimmed levels to allow for system balancing. Put very simply this is an eight-channel preamplifier. Input switching Please note: The software will only allow one set of inputs to be selected at any one time. Power supply The board is powered from the +/- 15v supply on the existing pre-amp board on board regulators REG100 and REG101 regulate these rails down to –5v and +5v respectively. The digital sections of the circuit are powered by a single +5v rail this is isolated from the main 5v rail via inductor L100. Capacitors C100, C101 and C105, C107 act as bulk charge stores to prevent current surges from affecting the main pre-amp stage power supply stages. Micro Processor The micro controller operates from a 4 Mhz crystal and is in control of all of the board’s function via its input/output ports. The micro controller is reset on power up via R/C network R101 and C120. The micro controller stays in reset condition for approximately 500ms this allows the host micro controller (H8 Z1 on display board) to initialize and for the power supplies to settle. The Host micro communicates with the onboard micro via CON 101. Three lines are The outputs of the input multiplexers drive into a group of 8 line drive Op-Amps (IC300-IC307) these are configured two pole integrating D.C servo before reaching the Volume control stages. Volume control Volume control is performed by two channel Burr-Brown PGA2310 volume control chips. The gain is under micro control with steps of 0.5dB. All volume control chips share Data, Clock and Mute control but have Chip select lines that are grouped in the following way Front Right, Front Left, Centre and Sub share the same select line, and the remaining channels share a chip select line (Surround right and Left, Back right and Left). The volume of each channel can be controlled individually “trimmed”. If a loud clicking is heard on a individual channel whilst adjusting the volume it is probably the input stage that is at fault and not the volume control chip itself, the input stage should prevent D.C levels form entering the volume control. Output driver stage The output driver stage consists of four OPA2134 dual channel Op-Amps (IC400IC403) each output for instance Front left channel takes one channel of the op-amp. The front left and front right channels are driven down into the Pre-amp board via Pins 1 and 2 of connector Con400 and is fed into the input switches of the Pre-amp boards multiplex on Pin 9 from this point the signal is dealt with as a normal signal input into the Pre-amp. Please note: the left and right signals are seen on the L937 pre-amp card circuit diagrams as module left and module right. The Remaining channels are rail clamped to remove any over-voltage spikes from the rails and to prevent damage to ancillary equipment using diode packages D400 – D405. Each output has a mute relay that when engaged shunts the output to ground at power up and power down preventing any spurious D.C levels from leaving the card. Simplified Block Diagram Volume 6 8 2 Mute 6 8 Centre, Sub, Surround L+R, Back L+R out Buffer Buffer Input Mux Multi-channel inputs 6 Volume 2 2 Buffer Micro controller From Host micro controller 2 Front Left and Right to host. Buffer Phono stage The Phono board is a simple single stage RIAA amplifier. It consists of two channels of high gain amplification, and switching between moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) settings. PSU: The unit derives its ±15V regulated rails from the unit it is fitted into with only local decoupling capacitors on board. Interface: The unit connects to the host unit via a 8 way connector: Amplifier: The left channel has designators beginning with 100, and the right with 200. For the purposes of this description the left channel will be described, as the right channel the same in all respects. The amplifier is a small signal class A voltage feedback amplifier with switchable gain. The input consists of an actively loaded differential pair of very low noise PNP transistors (TR106, 107). These transistors are very specific and should only be replaced with identical parts with the E grade high gain. TR100 & TR101 form a current source for the pair, which sets the quiescent current for the entire amplifier. The active load consists of TR110 & TR111, which forms part of a differential current mirror with TR112, 113 & 114. This differential stage also has an active load (TR102 & TR103) to keep gain to a maximum. Both of these differential stages are designed to have as much gain as possible to enable the single stage design. The RIAA response is achieved in the feedback network: C101,110,111,112,119,120,&R115,112. C115 is used to correct between MM & MC gains as the amplifier is non-inverting. SW100 switches between MM & MC. Two poles of the switch change between the different loading required for each type of cartridge: R108 & C109 for MM, and added inparallel for MC R104 & C108. The other two poles change the feedback resistor value to alter the gain. MM: R105 and in parallel for MC R123. The DC offset is controlled by a non-inverting servo built around IC100. The amount of servo current is different for each gain setting via R111 (MM) & R124 (MC) so that the low frequency high pass point remains the same for both settings. However the high pass point for the circuit is set by C113. This gives a warp filter, stops DC startup thumps from upsetting DC coupled circuitry and an approximation of the RIAA/IEC curve (-2dB @ 20Hz). The output is class A buffered by a dual mirror follower (TR104, 105, 108, 109). The quiescent current is set up by D100 and R118, 119. Closed loop stability is achieved with C116, 117 giving symmetrical slewing capability. ITEM QTY PART No. DESCRIPTION NOTES PSU and Control Circuit L958CT1_1.4_PSU and Control New Demod.Sch Audio Circuit L958CT2_1.4_Audio1.Sch ITEM1 1 L958PB Blank PCB C30 Preamp PSU ITEM2 1 F006 Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip for HS1 ITEM3 1 F006 Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip for HS2 ITEM4 1 F006 Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip for HS3 ITEM6 1 F006 Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip for HS5 ITEM7 1 F006 Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip for HS6 ITEM8 1 E802AP Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane PIECE SHARED BETWEEN C21, C22 (SEE ASSY DWG) ITEM9 1 E826AP Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane PLACE ON RLY100 ITEM10 1 E826AP Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane PLACE ON RLY101 ITEM11 1 E826AP Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane PLACE ON RLY102 ITEM12 1 E826AP Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane PLACE ON RLY103 ITEM13 1 F022 Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder ITEM14 1 F022 Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder ITEM15 1 F022 Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder ITEM16 1 F022 Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder ITEM17 1 8M101 Earth Lead Assy 75MM SOLDER TO TAB ON SKT1 FIX1 FIX2 FIX3 FIX4 1 FIX5 FIX6 FIX7 Dia 3.5mm 1 Dia 3.2mm Dia 3.2mm 0V CHS Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm FIX8 FIX9 FIX10 FIX11 FIX12 FIX13 Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm Dia 3.5mm FD1 FD2 FD3 FD4 TOOL1 TOOL2 TOOL3 TOOL4 DRAWING TITLE C30 Preamp 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L958CT0_1.4_Top Level.Prj Notes: 03_E215 KAL 15/07/03 R1 changed to VR37 1.4 03_E191 AJD 27/06/03 RC5 remote bus demod fix 1.3 03_E186 KAL 21/06/03 Renumbered Sorbothane 1.2 03_E172 AJD 06/06/03 Mods following listening test. Sorbothane and some caps 1.1 03_E119 MJT 17/04/03 Production release 1.0 INITIALS DATE ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203200 Printed: 15-Jul-2003 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 1 of 1 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L958CT0 MAINS WIRING AND AUXILIARY SUPPLY Voltage specific transformer: Refer to parent BoM for which part to use for which voltage. NEUTRAL TX1 Open Frame P8 1 P11 D5 BAS16 SOT-323 P1 P3 R1 1M5 0W5 VR37 P4 7 T500mA R452 115V P7 4 8 P24 +24V7(A) P22 C17 470N 100V MKS2 D17 D20 SBYV27-200 DO-15 SBYV27-200 DO-15 C21 D18 D21 10,000UF 50V USR SBYV27-200 DO-15 SBYV27-200 DO-15 D1 1N5819 DO-41 RLY1B Takamisawa F1CA005V Voltage specific fuses: FS1 & FS2 are T2A type for 230V / 115V only. Parent BoM indicates which type for which voltage. P5 D2 1N5819 DO-41 CER P16 R4 680R 0W125 0805 D4 1N5819 DO-41 C14 1000UF 10V YK C8 100N 50V 0805 LM1086CT-ADJ 1 5 2 6 3 HS4A P20 P18 MOLEX 44472 P30 AGND PSUGND(A) PSUGND(A) PSUGND(A) DGND PSUGND(A) D8 BAS16 SOT-323 HS2A SW50-2 8.8C/W PF752 23.7C/W +24V7(A) HS3A SW50-2 8.8C/W +18V(A) D10 BAS16 SOT-323 BZX84C 2V7 10UF SOT-23 50V YK DGND C33 100UF 25V YK C24 100N 50V 0805 PSUGND(A) PREAMP AUDIO REGULATORS P34 D23 D24 10,000UF 50V USR SBYV27-200 DO-15 SBYV27-200 DO-15 REG2 LM317T TO-220 C20 470N 100V MKS2 +46V(D) FS3 T250mA S504 DBR1 W02 P72 P40 22UF 20V OSCON P43 REG3 LM317T TO-220 C10 D9 BAS16 SOT-323 100UF 20V OSCON SP2 R21 100R 0W125 0805 P33 CON4 MOLEX 44472 R7 2K2 0W125 0805 C35 C26 100N 50V 0805 P42 P36 R19 100R 0W125 0805 P31 -24V7(A) P39 ADJ C22 R20 100R 0W125 0805 2 SBYV27-200 DO-15 1 D22 SBYV27-200 DO-15 ADJ D19 C37 C28 100N 50V 0805 4 P38 C19 470N 100V MKS2 22UF 20V OSCON GND_N1 D11 BAS16 SOT-323 C11 100UF 20V OSCON R9 2K2 0W125 0805 SP3 GND_Q1 C38 100UF 100V YK P73 P41 22UF 20V OSCON PSUGND(A) REG5 LM337T TO-220 DGND DBR2 W02 P74 +18V(D) P76 FHLDR4 20mm HLDR -24V7(A) TR4 BD179 TO-126 P52 CON7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 MOLEX 6373 MOLEX 6373 P48 P49 R23 100R 0W125 0805 D15 BAS16 SOT-323 R24 100R 0W125 0805 C13 100UF 20V OSCON P47 -18V(A) HS5A SW50-2 8.8C/W -15V(A) HS6A SW50-2 8.8C/W P77 +18V(D) MOLEX 6373 GND_N2 P45 C43 1000UF 35V YK P75 REG6 LM337T TO-220 100UF 20V OSCON R18 68R 0W125 0805 ADJ FS4 T250mA S504 22UF 20V OSCON P46 PSUGND(A) C12 D13 BAS16 SOT-323 CON6 1 2 3 4 R8 2K2 0W125 0805 C36 C27 100N 50V 0805 R22 100R 0W125 0805 P44 CON5 GND_Q2 R6 2K2 0W125 0805 C34 C25 100N 50V 0805 ADJ FHLDR3 20mm HLDR D14 BAS16 SOT-323 D12 BAS16 SOT-323 DGND R26 3K3 0W125 0805 P53 TR5 FMMT497 SOT-23 DZ2 BZX84C 15V SOT-23 +4V5(D) C40 C41 +4V5(D) +4V5(D) CON8 +4V5(D) P51 R29 270K 0W125 0805 NFC39 100P 100V 0805 +4V5(D) 680K 0W125 0805 R15 3K3 0W125 0805 P56 P57 P59 2 L1 DZ3 BZX84C 3V9 SOT-23 R30 1K2 0W125 0805 R31 1K8 0W125 0805 IC1A 1 10K 0W125 0805 R28 P67 0V CHS 0V CHS R1000 is hand fit it is fitted between pins 1 and 4 of OPTO 1 DGND RC5 REMOTE BUS DEMOD MUTE* STANDBY* P62 IC1B P61 5 R33 470K 0W125 0805 R34 TS972ID 1K5 SO-8 0W125 0805 P70 DGND 6 TS972ID SO-8 C42 680P 100V 0805 P66 P68 P69 7 P80 TR6 MMUN2211LT1 SOT-23 THERMPROT DCPROT VIPROT SPKR2 ON SPKR1 ON R27 DGND +46V(D) 10R 0W125 0805 DRAWING TITLE C30 Preamp 70R@100MHz C30 100N 50V 0805 REMOTE TRIGGER AC PRESENT P65 22K 0W125 0805 D16 BAS16 SOT-323 3 C32 100N 50V 0805 R35 4K7 0W125 0805 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P63 P60 P58 C31 100N 50V 0805 NF R16 3K3 0W125 0805 R13 P55 P54 P64 150P 100V 0805 R32 0V CHS R10 2K2 0W125 0805 0W125 0R0 0805 150P 100V 0805 4 OPTO1 4N35 DIP-6 NF R38 C29 100N 50V 0805 5 P50 2 GND2 GND1 C44 100N 50V 0805 EMCGND3 0R0 0W125 0805 R1000 MF 1K0 0W25 6 R2 NC2 R37 0R0 0W125 0805 4 P71 1 NC1 DGND R39 470R 0W125 0805 8 R25 10R 0W125 0805 SKT2 HOSIDEN HSJ C16 100N 50V 0805 TR2 BC849B SOT-23 +15V(A) R17 68R 0W125 0805 3 8 7 C15 4 3 2 1 P79 +5V(A) REG4 L7805CV TO-220 C23 100N 50V 0805 CER P26 MOLEX 44472 6 DZ1 P78 P32 5 R12 10K 0W125 0805 SP1 CON2 P37 P21 TR1 BC849B SOT-23 D7 BAS16 SOT-323 R5 2K2 0W125 0805 TR3 FMMT497 DGND SOT-23 D25 BAS16 SOT-323 R14 3K3 0W125 0805 +5 P25 P23 P35 10K 0W125 0805 D6 BAS16 SOT-323 P19 DGND 4 C4 3N3 250V P27 TO-220 RLY1C Takamisawa F1CA005V CON3 P29 RLY1A F1CA005V Takamisawa C7 100N 50V 0805 R11 R36 6K8 0W125 0805 P15 P28 C18 470N 100V MKS2 R3 270R 0W125 0805 REG1 C9 3300UF 25V YK C3 3N3 250V +4V5(D) P17 D3 1N5819 DO-41 P12 P10 LIVE +4V5(D) +4V5(D) P14 C6 100N 50V 0805 9V FHLDR2 20mm HLDR WAGO 256 P13 FS5 P6 FS1 T2A S506 1 GREEN 6 3 FHLDR1 20mm HLDR FS2 T2A S506 CON1 2 230V SW1 18-000-0019 SKT1 BULGIN PX0580 HS1A SW50-2 8.8C/W 2B 115V 1B C2 3N3 250V CER L 2 P9 C5 220N 275V PP X2 1 P2 E 1A N 2A C1 3N3 250V CER EARTH MAINS PRESENT DETECT 9V 115V SH1 ADJ EMC Shield 1 5 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L958CT1_1.4_PSU and Control New Demod.Sch Notes: 03_E215 KAL 15/07/03 R1 changed to VR37 1.4 AJD 27/06/03 RC5 remote bus demod fix 1.3 03_E186 KAL 21/06/03 Renumbered Sorbothane 1.2 03_E172 AJD 06/06/03 Mods following listening test. Sorbothane and some caps 1.1 MJT 17/04/03 INITIALS DATE ECO No. Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: TO DISPLAY CARD 03_E191 03_E119 Contact Engineer: MOLEX 5229-NCPB (01223) 203200 Printed: 15-Jul-2003 Production release 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 2 of 3 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L958CT1 +15V(A) P101 C104 10N 100V MKS2 PAGND C108 470P 100V 0805 PAGND P103 3 R100 8 100UF 25V CFNE AGND 7 C100 IC100 AD797AR SO-8 P105 6 R104 +15V(A) +15V(A) 4 1 5 47R 0W125 0805 P104 R101 AGND PAGND C101 100UF 25V CFNE PAGND C105 10N 100V MKS2 P102 +15V(A) +15V(A) 2 100R 0W125 0805 100R 0W125 0805 C109 470P 100V 0805 D100 D101 BAV99 SOT-23 BAV99 SOT-23 -15V(A) D102 BAV99 SOT-23 -15V(A) D103 BAV99 SOT-23 -15V(A) -15V(A) PREAMP AUDIO OUTPUTS P106 -15V(A) R118 R119 10K 0W125 0805 10K 0W125 0805 PAGND 10N 100V MKS2 PAGND P115 C110 470P 100V 0805 P116 PAGND P111 R102 IC101 AD797AR SO-8 3 PAGND RLY100B NEC EB2-12NU RLY101A NEC EB2-12NU RLY101B NEC EB2-12NU 4 1 5 47R 0W125 0805 P112 C113 C114 C115 C116 100P 100V 0805 100P 100V 0805 100P 100V 0805 100P 100V 0805 C117 10N 100V 0805 R103 L100 AGND PAGND C103 PAGND C107 100UF 25V CFNE C111 470P 100V 0805 10N 100V MKS2 P118 100R 0W125 0805 PAGND R125 10R 0W125 0805 PAGND PAGND 2 100R 0W125 0805 PAGND R105 P113 6 RLY100A NEC EB2-12NU LEFT SKT100 KUNMING GOLD RIGHT SCRN AMP CT C106 100UF 25V CFNE AGND C2 C102 P109 NO2 P108 DIRECT REAR PANEL VIEW P110 NC2 R_AUDIO BUFFERED P114 +15V(A) 8 L_AUDIO P107 7 CON100 1 2 3 4 P117 EMCGND1 0V CHS 70R@100MHz -15V(A) L_AUDIO +18V(D) +15V(A) +15V(A) +15V(A) +15V(A) D105 D106 BAV99 SOT-23 BAV99 SOT-23 +15V(A) D107 BAV99 SOT-23 +15V(A) D108 BAV99 SOT-23 RLY100C RLY101C RLY102C RLY103C D104 NEC EB2-12NU NEC EB2-12NU NEC EB2-12NU NEC EB2-12NU BAS16 SOT-323 P100 VO- PAGND AGND PAGND SNS- 8 C131 100P 100V 0805 47R 0W125 0805 1 R121 2 P136 P138 1 47R 0W125 0805 3 -15V(A) L101 PAGND VO+ GND VO- C132 C133 100P 100V 0805 100P 100V 0805 10N 100V 0805 PAGND SNS- 7 R122 P141 8 47R 0W125 0805 1 2 R123 P142 CON104 Neutrik NC3MBH-B P143 P144 C139 100P 100V 0805 1 1 2 47R 0W125 0805 RLY103A RLY103B NEC NEC EB2-12NU EB2-12NU C137 100N 50V 0805 C135 100UF 25V CFNE 2 3 DRV135UA SO-8 RLY102A RLY102B NEC NEC EB2-12NU EB2-12NU C130 6 VIN PAGND AGND C129 100N 50V 0805 VCC 2 P140 IC104 SNS+ 4 2 3 DRV135UA SO-8 C127 100UF 25V CFNE 1 PAGND 3 VO+ GND AGND -15V(A) G VIN CON103 Neutrik NC3MBH-B P137 -15V(A) VEE 3 R120 7 P135 C136 100N 50V 0805 C134 100UF 25V CFNE 5 4 VEE R_AUDIO IC103 SNS+ G PAGND -15V(A) 3 6 -15V(A) 5 AGND C128 100N 50V 0805 VCC C126 100UF 25V CFNE C138 C140 C141 100P 100V 0805 100P 100V 0805 10N 100V 0805 -15V(A) P139 EMCGND2 70R@100MHz 0V CHS 0V CHS HEADPHONE AMP +5V(A) 100mW 20-30 ohms R108 P121 HEADPHONE JACK PCB R106 1UF 50V R107 15K 0W125 0805 C121 R116 R117 100K 0W125 0805 100K 0W125 0805 YK P123 C120 P120 R109 IC102 33P 10K 100V 0W125 0805 0805 P122 2 C119 P119 15K 0W125 0805 R_AUDIO P126 R111 220UF 16V YK 4R7 1W CF 47K 0W125 0805 1 CON101 CON102 AMP CT P127 HP_OUTL P128 HP_OUTR AMP CT 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 CL 1 2 3 4 5 6 P130 2 3 1 CR P129 P131 6 L R P148 NCR P147 7 P124 P146 R112 1UF 50V YK C125 10UF 50V YK C122 R110 33P 100V 0805 10K 0W125 0805 P133 LM4880M SO-8 47K 0W125 0805 C124 220UF 16V P132 YK P134 R114 TR100 BD179 TO-126 P145 DRAWING TITLE 4R7 1W CF R115 150R 0W125 0805 PAGND MUTE* SKT101 HOSIDEN HLJ R113 NCL 100N 50V 0805 8 470UF 25V YK AGND C123 P125 C112 5 L_AUDIO C118 4 2R2 0W125 0805 MUTE* DGND R124 150R 0W125 0805 C30 Preamp 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L958CT2_1.4_Audio1.Sch Notes: 03_E215 KAL 15/07/03 R1 changed to VR37 1.4 03_E191 AJD 27/06/03 RC5 remote bus demod fix 1.3 03_E186 KAL 21/06/03 Renumbered Sorbothane 1.2 03_E172 AJD 06/06/03 Mods following listening test. Sorbothane and some caps 1.1 MJT 17/04/03 INITIALS DATE 03_E119 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203200 Printed: 15-Jul-2003 Production release 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 3 of 3 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L958CT2 Main signal path L965C2_1.2.SCH Power supply L965C3_1.2.SCH DRAWING TITLE PCB1 C30 Preamp PCB PCB L937PB_1 ARCAM A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L965C1_1.2.PRJ Notes: 03_E291 MJT 10/10/03 None to this sheet. Transistors Q301 & Q305 obsolete. Replaced by 4B5171 and 4B1930 respectively 03_E221 KAL 18/07/03 Added sorbothane, changed 470pF FKP2 and 100uF Oscon part no. 1.1 03_E156 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203243 KAL 02/06/03 INITIALS DATE Printed: 10-Oct-2003 1.2 Assy created from L937, various capacitors and sorbothane changed 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 1 of 3 ISSUE A4 DRAWING NO. L965C1 D100 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V R129 100K SM N AVR1 C123 470P FKP2 -15V AUX R CD R TUNER R AV R DVD R TAPE IN R AV R R130 100K SM C124 470P FKP2 +15V D108 BAV99W DUAL SM +15V 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 MODULE R C127 100N SM0V_SIG D112 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V 0V_SIG DVDL1 DVDL R156 DVD INPUT N DVDR1 C140 470P FKP2 AUX L CD L TUNER L AV L DVD L TAPE IN L VCR IN L MODULE L 0V_SIG 0V_SIG PHONO4G DVDR R157 DVD R 1K0 SM +15V +15V -15V R160 100K SM C141 470P FKP2 D113 BAV99W DUAL SM +15V X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 V+ D +15V D114 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V 5 8 1 R161 100K SM N TAPEIR1 C139 1N0 SM 0V_SIG C142 470P FKP2 TAPEIR TAPE IN R R189 -15V R192 100K SM X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 V+ D 13 VCRIL 1K0 SM F R193 100K SM N C160 1N0 SM VCRIR1 1 AUX INPUT C162 470P FKP2 0V_SIG R167 22K SM R176 22K SM R168 22K SM R177 22K SM R169 22K SM LISTEN 0 LISTEN 1 LISTEN 2 AUXIR1 X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 1 100K SM C147 100N PE C149 0V_SIG 22P SM V+ VCR IN R 0V_SIG AUXL D Z115B 2 1 Z116A 3 -15V 1K0 SM +15V R194 100K SM D117 BAV99W DUAL SM C163 470P FKP2 +15V AUX L 0V_SIG AUXR -15V 3 -15V 4 C152 100N SM 5 6 7 0V_SIG TONE* 8 SK103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SEL1 SEL2 D1 D2 S1 S2 V- V+ GND VL S4 S3 D4 D3 SEL4 SEL3 /TONE 16 TONE* 15 14 +15V 7 Z116B 100K SM 5 C153 100N SM 12 11 0V_SIG Z107_13 12 TONE* 9 0V_SIG AUXR1 AUX R AUX L -15V1 +15V2 C168 100N SM -15V2 -15V C172 100N SM +15V C176 100N SM Z110C TL072 SM 0V_SIG C169 100N SM 20 VCC 19 DS1844 + 15 16 22R SM C156 100N SM DVD R -15V TAPE IN L Z107_1 C191 0V_SIG 22U EL SP OS D121 BAV99W DUAL SM TAPE IN R VCR IN L -15V VCR IN R 0V_SIG LFO C158 22P SM 3 2 Z117A 2 LMO 14 RFO LIN LGND 47R SM OPA2134PA SM 0V_SIG RMO 15 0V_SIG 10K SM FFC30V SM 0V_MODULE AMPCT4 TO POWER AMP I/P 6 Z117B 5 RGND R188 SK102_3 C159 22P SM RIN MODULE L MODULE R SK102 1 2 3 4 SK102_1 R186 1 SK101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 R187 7 RLY100A RLY100B 47R SM RLY DPDT 5V SM RLY DPDT 5V SM OPA2134PA SM 0V_SIG Z107 VSDVC 0V_SIG +5V R200 0V_SIG Z109C AUXL1 TL072 SM R182 100R SM 1M0 SM 5 0V_SDATA +15V1 0V_SIG 13 10 OPA2134PA SM 0V_SIG 4 +5V R184 6 +15V + + C157 22U EL SP OS 3 Z107_4 13 DG413DY Z111C TL072 SM 0V_SIG C173 100N SM 0V_SLOAD C180 100N SM 0V_SCLK C177 100N SM R201 R181 10K SM D120 + RLY100C BAS16W SM RLY DPDT 5V SM + C187 10U EL - 2R2 SM R202 2R2 SM +5V ITEM1 C186 Q100 BC849B 100N SM 0V_SIG Z112C TL072 SM 0V_SIG 2R2 SM R203 MUTE* 4K7 SM E826AP 0V_SIG ITEM2 C181 100N SM 0V_D +15V C165 0V_SIG 470P FKP2 -15V C170 100N SM 0V_HF AUX R R198 100K SM Z113C TL072 SM C166 470P FKP2 -15V C174 100N SM Z114C TL072 SM 0V_SIG C171 100N SM 0V_SIG 1 2 C189 0V_SIG 22U EL SP OS Z116_1A 470N PE D119 BAV99W DUAL SM 0V_SIG TONE* +15V 1K0 SM -15V 5 OPA2134PA SM R199 C155 100N SM D122 BAV99W DUAL SM 0V_SIG Z106 1M0 SM C151 C167 100N PE R185 + R183 + 22K SM 8 AMPCT8 R196 C154 22U EL SP OS OPA2134PA SM +15V 0V_SIG + C188 22U EL SP OS R179 13 + C190 22U EL SP OS +5V 6 7 8 VCRIR R191 18 DVD L Z115_1A R180 0V_SIG PHONO2G AUX L AV R 4 0V_SIG PHONO4G FFC22V1MM AUX R DG408DY -15V R195 SCLK 0V_SCLK 0V_SIG 470N PE 2 EN 1 A0 16 A1 15 A2 R197 100K SM N SLOAD R141 2K7 SM 470N PE OPA2134PA SM Z105 1K0 SM F C164 1N0 SM 0V_SIG AUXIL1 SDATA 0V_SDATA 0V_SLOAD 470N PE C193 C150 +15V 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 R175 22K SM D118 BAV99W DUAL SM SK6 VCR IN L TONEID +15V Z115A 3 -15V R190 0V_D + C137 10U CERAFINE TUNER R 2 8 DG408DY R174 22K SM R166 22K SM -15V 22K SM 2 EN 1 A0 16 A1 15 A2 0V_SIG EMC EMC SK5A VCRIL1 1 Z113B TL072 SM R178 Z104 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 0V_SIG VCR INPUT MUTE* R142 5K6 SM 22P SM 14 GND 3 V- +15V R140 2K7 SM AV L C161 470P FKP2 D116 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V R146 22K SM TONE* 6 47R SM +15V LISTEN 0 LISTEN 1 LISTEN 2 D115 BAV99W DUAL SM +15V R155 22K SM TUNER L R173 22K SM R165 22K SM LISTEN0 LISTEN1 LISTEN2 -15V 1K0 SM +15V C146 100N SM 0V_SIG R154 22K SM R150 22K SM C148 +5V 0V_SIG PHONO4G C145 100N SM 0V_SIG R153 22K SM R149 22K SM CD R 0V_SIG +15V 1K0 SM F R148 22K SM CD L R172 22K SM R164 22K SM -15V TAPEIL TAPE IN L R158 R152 22K SM 0V_SIG TO PHONO PCB EMC TAPE INPUT TAPEIL1 6 14 GND 3 V- AUX R CD R TUNER R AV R DVD R TAPE IN R VCR IN R MODULE R R145 22K SM C135 CFKP2 63V 2N2 7 R134 7 -15V SK4A 22P SM R143 SK100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R151 22K SM R147 22K SM C130 100P SM R171 22K SM R163 22K SM D110 BAV99W DUAL SM Z110B TL072 SM 13 R132 1M0 SM C144 100N SM 0V_SIG 0V_SIG 10U CERAFINE R144 22K SM C134 470N PE 5 Z106_11 6 C136 0V_SIG R170 22K SM R162 22K SM LIST0 LIST1 LIST2 Z114_7 7 LISTEN 0 LISTEN 1 LISTEN 2 VCR 0 VCR 1 VCR 2 TAPE 0 TAPE 1 TAPE 2 C133 +5V C143 100N SM Z108_3 2 Z108C 4 C138 0V_TONEID -15V R159 100K SM Z113_7 PHONO4G DG408DY 0V_SIG DVD L 1K0 SM F Z116_1B VCR02 14 GND 3 V- -15V SK3B N 2 EN 1 A0 16 A1 15 A2 VCR 0 VCR 1 VCR 2 VCR0 VCR1 VCR2 C128 100N SM Z108B 7 22K SM 0V_SIG +15V +5V 0V_SIG + C132 10U CERAFINE 0V_SIG F 0V_SIG Z103 1K0 SM +15V 47R SM 1 C129 100P SM -15V R127 2 3 Z114B Z114_1 TL072 SM 5 DG408DY 0V_SIG 0V_SIG AVR R133 1 R131 1M0 SM R138 22K SM 14 GND 3 V- 0V_SIG PHONO4G 3 8 + C131 R136 100U EL 2K2 SM VCR OUTPUT VCRO1 SK5B 7 EMC VCR01 VCR11 VCR21 AV L D Z110A TL072 SM 13 2 EN VCR 0 1 A0 VCR 1 16 A1 VCR 2 15 A2 0V_SIG 1K0 SM F C121 1N0 SM 0V_SIG AVL R126 +5V V+ 2 DVCC AVL1 1 MODULE L C126 100N SM 0V_SIG -15V SK3A AV INPUT D107 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 22K SM -15V 0V_SCLK Z114A TL072 SM 0V_SIG Z114_3 Z113_1R139 1 22K SM 11 +15V C125 100N SM 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 D109 BAV99W DUAL SM 3 2R2 SM 0V_SIG C175 100N SM C178 100N SM Z115C 0V_SIG C179 100N SM C182 100N SM Z116C 0V_SIG C183 100N SM C184 100N SM E826AP 8 0V_SIG +15V Z102 AUX L CD L TUNER L AV L DVD L TAPE IN L +15V D106 BAV99W DUAL SM +15V Z113A TL072 SM Z113_3 0V_SIG R123 0V_SIG D111 BAV99W DUAL SM AGND C122 470P FKP2 R128 100K SM +5V R137 -15V -15V 2R2 SM 470N PE R135 2K2 SM Z117C 4 +15V R124 R116 2K7 SM 0V_SDATA DG408DY 0V_SIG 1K0 SM C119 10N SM 0V_TONEID +5V 14 GND 3 V- TUNER R R204 10K SM 2R2 SM 470N PE C192 8 TUNR R125 1 PS 8 R/W 11 DOUT TO MICRO / DISPLAY PCB 0V_SIG PHONO4G + C120 10U EL R122 0V_SIG 0V_SIG SCLK 13 CLK SDATA 12 DIN TONEID 9 RST IC DS1844 + TAPE 0 TAPE 1 TAPE 2 SCLK SDATA TONEID C118 100N SM Z108E 16 TAPE0 TAPE1 TAPE2 0V_SIG TUNR1 R121 22K SM + C116 10U CERAFINE 47R SM 4 R105 100K SM N R120 22K SM C112 C109 100P SM 2 EN 1 A0 16 A1 15 A2 10U CERAFINE R117 5K6 SM 5 0V_SIG C103 470P FKP2 Z115_1B 8 F 6 +5V Z106_14 R119 22K SM C114 CFKP2 63V 2N2 R115 2K7 SM DS1844 +5V R107 1M0 SM C115 3 VCR IN R MODULE R 0V_SIG -15V TUNER L 1K0 SM R109 7 4 TUNL R102 5 8 OPA2134PA SM TUNL1 D 8 SK2B TUNER INPUT V+ 6 Z111B TL072 SM XMUTE C107 100N SM X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 Z109B TL072 SM 13 C117 Z112_7 7 8 C106 100N SM D102 BAV99W DUAL SM -15V 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 7 6 22P SM R118 C113 470N PE 5 Z111_7 -15V 4 +15V Z101 AUX R CD R TUNER R AV R DVD R D104 BAV99W DUAL SM 6 0V_SIG +15V 2 Z108A 14 TO PLUG IN MODULE PCB +15V Z108_19 5 GND -15V Z108D 17 Z112B TL072 SM Z112_1 1 10 DG408DY 0V_SIG +15V 3 22K SM OPA2134PA SM D101 BAV99W DUAL SM 14 GND 3 V- + C111 10U CERAFINE 0V_SIG 8 R104 100K SM PHONO4G TAPE02 4 -15V 22K SM R113 22K SM 0V_SIG OPA2134PA SM +15V C102 470P FKP2 2 Z112A TL072 SM Z112_3 R114 1 CD R 1K0 SM 0V_SIG Z111_1 1 + C110 R111 100U EL 2K2 SM N 0V_SIG 3 22K SM C108 100P SM 2 EN 1 A0 16 A1 15 A2 TAPE 0 TAPE 1 TAPE 2 TAP0 TAP1 TAP2 F Z111A TL072 SM Z111_3 R112 AVCC -15V TAPE OUTPUT 8 0V_SIG CDR R101 TAPEO1 47R SM DS1844 0V_SIG PHONO4G 2 2 +5V R108 1 R106 1M0 SM R110 2K2 SM SK4B 3 DGND C105 100N SM0V_SIG 0V_SIG CDR1 D Z109A TL072 SM 13 8 4 N VCR IN L MODULE L V+ 6 XCS 9 DATA 10 CCLK C101 470P FKP2 R103 100K SM C100 1N0 SM C104 100N SM X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 SLOAD SDATA SCLK 1K0 SM F EMC CD L 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 R100 AUX L CD L TUNER L AV L DVD L +15V 8 1 CDL 4 CD INPUT CDL1 -15V D103 BAV99W DUAL SM DS1844 +15V Z100 SK2A D105 BAV99W DUAL SM +5V +15V 4 +15V DRAWING TITLE C30 Preamp PCB 0V_SIG C185 100N SM ARCAM A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L965C2_1.2.SCH Notes: 03_E291 MJT 10/10/03 None to this sheet. Transistors Q301 & Q305 obsolete. Replaced by 4B5171 and 4B1930 respectively 03_E221 KAL 18/07/03 Added sorbothane, changed 470pF FKP2 and 100uF Oscon part no. 1.1 03_E156 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203243 KAL 02/06/03 INITIALS DATE Printed: 10-Oct-2003 1.2 Assy created from L937, various capacitors and sorbothane changed 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 2 of 3 ISSUE A2 DRAWING NO. L965C2 D302 D304 BAS16W SM Q305 2SA1930 Z301 BAS16W SM LM317T +15V I SK300 MOLEXPWR4 3 4 F300 D301 S1D 1 2 T2A SM C308 100N SM R300 330R SM C314 100N PE F301 AC2 D307 S1D D311 15V 350MW SM + 100U EL SA OS C305 100N PE 0V_PSU + C313 100U EL SA OS Q303 J112 D306 S1D R303 470R SM C306 R307 220R SM + C302 22U EL SP OS + C312 22U EL SP OS C315 100N PE + C310 1000u 35V T2A SM R302 1K2 SM + C303 100U EL SA OS D310+ D310 15V 350MW SM C309 100N SM D305 BAS16W SM +3.75V C304 100N SM + C300 1000u 35V +5V A Q300 J112 AC1 C307 470N PE Vout Q306 BC846B UR+ D300 S1D Vin ADJ +15V3 +5V O D311+15V SK301 1 2 3 -15V 4 0V_PSU IDC4S R304 330R SM Q307 BC856B UR- -15V3 -15V Q301 2SC5171 0V_MODULE D308 SP300 STAR POINT 4 BAS16W SM 0V_PSU 0V_SIG 0V_HF 0V_MODULE 0V_SIG DRAWING TITLE C30 Preamp PCB ARCAM A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L965C3_1.2.SCH Notes: 03_E291 MJT 10/10/03 Transistors Q301 & Q305 obsolete. Replaced by 4B5171 and 4B1930 respectively 03_E221 KAL 18/07/03 Added sorbothane, changed 470pF FKP2 and 100uF Oscon part no. 1.1 03_E156 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203243 KAL 02/06/03 INITIALS DATE Printed: 10-Oct-2003 1.2 Assy created from L937, various capacitors and sorbothane changed 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 3 of 3 ISSUE A4 DRAWING NO. L965C3 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 A32 FMJ DISPLAY PCB D D L928CT_B.1 L928CT_2_B.3.SCH MICRO FD_1 FD_2 FIDUCIAL FIDUCIAL FIX7 FIX2 FIX10 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIX5 FIX6 FIX13 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.5 C C CHASSIS 1 (BY SK3) C39 1N0 SM C40 1N0 SM 0V_D 0V_D C41 1N0 SM C43 1N0 SM 0V_D 0V_D 0V_D FIX1 FIX8 FIX9 FIX3 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.2 FIXING HOLE 3.5 C38 1N0 SM C44 1N0 SM 0V_D FIX11 FIX12 FIXING HOLE 3.5 FIXING HOLE 3.2 C45 1N0 SM CHASSIS 2 (BY SK1) C46 1N0 SM 0V_D 0V_D C47 1N0 SM 0V_D C48 1N0 SM CHASSIS 3 (BY SK2) 0V_D C37 1N0 SM C49 1N0 SM 0V_D 0V_D PCB1 PCB B B L928PB_B DRAWING TITLE A A A32 FMJ AMP DISPLAY PCB 23425 WAF Circuit Diagram Notes: 26/9/01 2 3 4 5 6 B.3 JBR 10/9/01 PRE PRODUCTION RELEASE B.2 WAF 9/08/01 UPDATED PROTOTYPE B.0 INITIAL PROTOTYPE A.0 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue CL 25/04/01 Denny Industrial Centre ECO No. INITIALS DATE Waterbeach Date Printed Filename Cambridge CB5 9PB 10-Oct-2001 J:\Released_Documents\Native_format_files\Protel_DDB\L928_B.3.Ddb - Documents\L928CT_1_B.3.PRJ 1 STICKY PADS RENUMBERED DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Drawn by: Sheet 1 of 2 CL 7 DRAWING NO. ISSUE L928CT1 8 7 MODE D DOWN DVD UP ENTER POWER SELECT CD TUNER VCR SP2 TAPE SP1 SP4 SP2 SP5 LED SPACER SP9 LED SPACER SP10 SP1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM SW6 SW12 SW11 SW8 SW7 SW13 SW14 SW15 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 R68 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM 10K SM SW17 SW16 SW1 SW4 SW2 SW5 SW3 SW10 SW9 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 TACTSW A1505 R17 330R SM R18 330R SM Q_65 LED7 Q_66 LED8 R19 330R SM R20 330R SM Q_67 LED6 R21 330R SM Q_68 LED3 R22 330R SM Q_69 LED10 R25 330R SM Q_70 LED9 R24 330R SM Q_71 LED1 R23 330R SM Q_72 LED4 R31 330R SM Q_73 LED2 D Q_74 LED5 LED GREEN LED GREEN LED11 LED GREEN LED GREEN LED GREEN LED GREEN IND7 IND3 IND4 IND9 IND6 IND5 IND1 IND8 IND2 IND10 BUT16 BUT15 BUT5 BUT10 BUT1 BUT14 BUT12 BUT9 BUT8 BUT7 BUT6 BUT13 0V_D BUT4 R34 150R SM BUT3 R33 330R SM BUT2 R30 10K SM IND11 IND12 R29 10K SM TONE BUT17 Q2 BC847B Q1 BC847B RECORD SP3 SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195SPACER F195 +5V BUT11 AV PHONO/ AUX SP6 LED SPACER SP8 LED SPACER SP7 8 LED SPACER 6 LED SPACER 5 LED SPACER 4 LED SPACER 3 LED SPACER 2 LED SPACER 1 LED GREEN LED GREEN LED GREEN LED GREEN IC7B 5 0V5 Q_59 7 SAMDATA +5V R47 4K7 SM 0V_D 1 SAMBUSY 2 Q4 BC847B 1 2 Q_53 R45 10K SM IC8B 0V5 2 RECEIVE SAMRX2Q_115 1 3 0V5 7 5 0V_D LM393A SM LM393A SM 2 IR RX SUPPORT PAD O/P O/P C9 IR RX SUPPORT PAD 0V_D Case Case Q_47 RX1 100N SM +5V VIPROT DCPROT ACPRESENT SEL8 SEL9 MUTE TONE IRIN PHASEB PHASEA PLACE ONE ON TOP OF PR_VCC PR_RXD RECEIVE Q_55 VPROG PB0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PR_VPP PR_PMODE +5V IR RX SUPPORT PAD THE OTHER UNDER RX1 0V_D PR_GND PR_TXD 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 TRANSMIT RESPIN 0V_D SW18 ALPS_ENCODER A B IR RX SUPPORT PAD 1 2 +5V VFD_VDD2 Q_82 DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM Q_49 IC11A AD8532 SM +5V 1 SBX1610-52/PIC-26043TM2 SP103 Programming adaptor SK4 R75 10K SM 0V_D C6 100N SM Graphics Display DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM DC2 DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM SP R44 100K SM +5V 10K SM +5V Q_54 Q3 BC847B R76 IROUT 6 0V_D DC1 DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM R46 1K2 SM 3 2 Q_50 Q_58 R57 10K SM Q_57 PR_MD PR_RESET Q_48 R59 7 6 C Q_80 0R0 SM 5 F2CLOCK R53 Q_78 100R SM PHASEA PHASEB 0V_D R58 1 F1CLOCK R52 R56 Q_79 100R SM 10K SM 10K SM R27 0R0 SM R48 R49 10K SM 3 LM393A SM R38 1K2 SM 10K SM R28 R37 10K SM IC6A IC7A LM393A SM F1CLOCK F2CLOCK IRIN IRIN Q_35 +5V C R73 10K SM 3 2V7 6 LM393A SM R42 100K SM IC8A R74 10K SM F2 F2 F2 SAMTX2 5 +5V GND GND R41 100K SM 2K2 SM 15 16 17 + R43 100K SM 10K SM R40 4K7 SM IC6B TRANSMIT R50 SAMHOLD 2V7 10K SMQ_34 +5V 10K SM DISPLAT DISPBLK DISPCLK +5V R39 3 10U EL SM C11 R36 F1 to F2 = 4Vac 150mA VDD2 = 40Vdc 20mA Q_83 Q_84 Q_85 LEFTAUDIO R35 DISP1 B1013 SIN VDD1 SOUT LAT BLK CLK VSS VSS VDD2 +5V 0V_D SP101 DOUBLE SIDED STICKY PAD 10 X 15MM STICKY PAD DS 10X15MM SP102 DOUBLE SIDED STICKY PAD 10 X 15MM STICKY PAD DS 10X15MM +5V 1 2 3 LM393A SM 0V_D Q_22 +5V +5V G R Q_21 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2V7 DISPDAT +5V 6 F1 F1 F1 7 LED RED/GRN 3MM Q_81 0R0 SM IC11B AD8532 SM SAMHOLD C 3 0V_D 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 +5V SLOAD SCLK C32 10P SM Q_42 0V_D 0V_D Q_99 Q_100 Q_101 Q_102 Q_103 Q_104 Q_105 Q_106 Q_107 Q_108 Q_109 Q_110 Q_111 Q_112 Q_113 Q_114 Q_97 Q_96 Q_95 Q_94 Q_93 Q_92 IND7 BUT10 IND5 BUT15 IND6 BUT16 IND11 IND12 BUT4 IND2 BUT5 IND1 BUT1 BUT3 0V_D WP SDA SCL 7 5 6 10K SM IND10 BUT13 IND8 BUT11 IND4 BUT14 IND9 BUT12 C5 100N SM R32 A2 A1 A0 VDD 4 BUT9 BUT8 BUT7 BUT6 BUT2 IND3 3 2 Q_39 C7 4 1 0V_D (FIT CLOSE TO SK1) Vcc Res Gnd Gnd C63B 100PX4 SM 8 C8 100N SM 3 2 1 A 0V_D C63A 100PX4 SM 0V_D To preamp board SK3 22 Q_1 SEL1 21 Q_2 SEL2 20 Q_3 SEL3 19 Q_4 SEL4 18 Q_5 SEL5 17 Q_6 SEL6 16 Q_7 SEL7 15 Q_8 SEL8 14 Q_9 SEL9 13 12 Q_10 LEFTAUDIO 11 10 Q_11 MUTE 9 Q_12 TONE 8 Q_117 7 Q_14 TONEID 6 Q_118 5 Q_15 SDATA 4 Q_119 3 Q_16 SLOAD 2 Q_120 1 SCLK Q_17 C50A 100PX4 SM C50B 100PX4 SM C50C 100PX4 SM C50D 100PX4 SM C51A 100PX4 SM C51B 100PX4 SM C51C 100PX4 SM C51D 100PX4 SM C52A 100PX4 SM C52B 100PX4 SM C52C 100PX4 SM C52D 100PX4 SM C53A 100PX4 SM C53B 100PX4 SM C53C 100PX4 SM C53D 100PX4 SM C54A 100PX4 SM C54B 100PX4 SM C54C 100PX4 SM C54D 100PX4 SM C55A 100PX4 SM C55B 100PX4 SM C55C 100PX4 SM C55D 100PX4 SM FFC 22W 1MM HOR 0V_D +SUP 3 4 Q5 BD179 NPN TO-126 VFD_VDD2 Q_23 +5V R54 3K3 MF Q_64 + D1 ZENER 400MW 33V C28 10U EL SM Q_75 + IC6C LM393A SM C10 100N SM IC7C LM393A SM C15 100N SM IC8C LM393A SM C16 100N SM IC11C AD8532 SM C25 100N SM + C29 100U EL SM Q_116 C26 10U EL SM 0V_D A 0V_D DRAWING TITLE A32 FMJ AMP DISPLAY PCB 23425 0V_D 2 FFC 14W 2.54MM HOR 0V_D CHASSIS 1 1 Q_129 0V_D DS1233 SM 100N SM IRIN CHASSIS 2 0V_D Q_40 VSS Q_86 Q_87 Q_88 Q_89 Q_90 Q_91 IC2 +5V Q_98 Q_41 4 SAMTX2 SAMRX2 BUT17 B 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 +5V R51 100R SM IC5 24C02 SM 100N SM C4 100N SM + C34 220U EL H8/3048F 0V_D +5V + C33 220U EL 8 C31 10P SM TONEID SDATA Q_44 C12 RESPIN 4 100R SM 100R SM C2 18P SM Q_38 STANDBY Q_122 SP1ON Q_123 SP2ON THERMPROTQ_124 Q_125 VIPROT Q_126 DCPROT ACPRESENT Q_127 Q_128 8 R67 Q_43 +5V 4 R66 0V_D Q_121 8 Q_45 100R SM X1 16MHZ SM +SUP 4 DISPBLK DISPLAT R65 Q_37 8 DISPCLK RECEIVE To power amp / PSU SK1 14 C60D 100PX4 SM 13 C60C 100PX4 SM 12 C60B 100PX4 SM 11 C60A 100PX4 SM 10 C61D 100PX4 SM 9 C61C 100PX4 SM 8 C61B 100PX4 SM 7 C61A 100PX4 SM 6 C62D 100PX4 SM 5 C62C 100PX4 SM 4 C62B 100PX4 SM 3 C62A 100PX4 SM 2 C63D 100PX4 SM 1 C63C 100PX4 SM C1 18P SM 4 100R SM H8/3048F 0V_D STANDBY SP1ON SP2ON THERMPROT 2R2 SM TRANSMIT +5V AMPCT5 2R2 SM R69 Q_46 10K SM 2R2 SM R70 R64 Q_20 2R2 SM R71 DISPDAT MD2 MD1 MD0 P6.6/LWR P6.5/HWR P6.4/RD P6.3/AS Vcc XTAL EXTAL Vss NM1 RES STBY CLKOUT P6.2/BACK P6.1/BREQ P6.0/WAIT Vss P5.3/A19 P5.2/A18 P5.1/A17 P5.0/A16 P2.7/A15 P2.6/A14 R26 Q_56 R72 Q_52 Vcc PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 Vpp/RESO Vss TxD0/P9.0 TxD1/P9.1 RxD0/P9.2 RxD1/P9.3 IRQ4/SCK0/P9.4 IRQ5/SCK1/P9.5 D0/P4.0 D1/P4.1 D2/P4.2 D3/P4.3 Vss D4/P4.4 D5/P4.5 D6/P4.6 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 +5V D2 BAS16W SM 1 2 3 4 5 DS1233 D3 BAS16W SM PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 Vss P8.4/CS0 P8.3/IRQ3 P8.2/IRQ2 P8.1/IRQ1 P8.0/IRQ0 AVss P7.7/AN7/DA1 P7.6/AN6/DA0 P7.5/AN5 P7.4/AN4 P7.3/AN3 P7.2/AN2 P7.1/AN1 P7.0/AN0 Vref AVcc PB0 SEL7 SEL6 SEL5 SEL4 SEL3 SEL2 SEL1 VPROG Q_51 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q_19 SAMDATA SAMBUSY +5V C13 100N SM 0V_D SK2 0V_D D7/P4.7 D8/P3.0 D9/P3.1 D10/P3.2 D11/P3.3 D12/P3.4 D13/P3.5 D14/P3.6 D15/P3.7 Vcc A0/P1.0 A1/P1.1 A2/P1.2 A3/P1.3 A4/P1.4 A5/P1.5 A6/P1.6 A7/P1.7 Vss A8/P2.0 A9/P2.1 A10/P2.2 A11/P2.3 A12/P2.4 A13/P2.5 0V_D R55 10K SM +5V IC1 C17 100N SM +5V + C14 10U EL SM C3 100N SM 0V_D 5 HEADER 7X2HORIZ 5 WAF Circuit Diagram Notes: 26/9/01 B.3 JBR 10/9/01 PRE PRODUCTION RELEASE B.2 WAF 9/08/01 UPDATED PROTOTYPE B.0 INITIAL PROTOTYPE A.0 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue CL 25/04/01 Denny Industrial Centre ECO No. INITIALS DATE Waterbeach Date Printed Filename Cambridge CB5 9PB 10-Oct-2001 J:\Released_Documents\Native_format_files\Protel_DDB\L928_B.3.Ddb - Documents\L928CT_2_B.3.SCH 6 STICKY PADS RENUMBERED 7 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Drawn by: CL Sheet 2 of 2 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L928CT2 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 D D C C Q_1 SK1 PHONO2HG LEFT CHANNEL L870C2_2.0.SCH LEFT IN +15V Q_3 LEFT OUT EMC C1 100N CD SK2 Q_5 1 0V_SIG Q_2 RIGHT CHANNEL L870C3_2.0.SCH RIGHT IN Q_4 Q_6 RIGHT OUT 0V_SIG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AMPCT8 Q_7 -15V 0V_SIG Q_8 0V_HF B A B PCB1 DRAWING TITLE EL1 PCB L870PB_2 A A85 PHONO STAGE - TOP LEVEL Update Box 23425 UPDATE_BOX Circuit Diagram Notes: 01_1070 JAG 17/4/01 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue 00_1051 JAG 22/3/01 Denny Industrial Centre ECO No. INITIALS DATE Waterbeach Date Printed Filename Cambridge CB5 9PB G:\DATA\ECO\ECO AGENDA\01_1070 l870 A85 PHONO ISSUE2\L870_2.0.ddb - L870c1_2.0.PRJ 23-Apr-2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 updated pcb and scm 2 PRODUCTION ISSUE 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Drawn by: Sheet 1 of 3 JBR 7 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L870C1 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 +15V Q_102 + 7 C102 100U SILMIC C104 100N PE C119 D R100 330R MF 0V_HF R101 100R MF 100P PP D 0V_SIG R102 100R MF C101 TR100 BC556B TR102 BC556B 1N0 PP TR103 BC556B C110 TR101 BC556B + C100 22U EL 4N7 PP C120 1N0 PP C112 R109 12K MF TR108 BC546B 10N PP AX C111 R115 R110 12K MF 15K MF 10N PP AX LEFT IN C105 100N PE 7 TR107 2SA1085 R111 Q_101 1U0 PE R108 47K MF 10 C109 100P PPW 11 SW100D 4PCO R105 100R MF 0V_SIG R119 22R MF R117 C118 6 R122 39K MF 2M2 MF 10U NP 4 TL071CD R113 100K MF TR104 BC556B 0V_SIG TR105 BC556B 12 R124 5K6 MF IC100 3 2 56K MF C C113 LEFT OUT 2M2 MF TR106 2SA1085 C108 470P PPW C106 100N PE R116 4 5 6 D100 1N4148 100K MF C115 1N3 PP R104 100R MF R118 22R MF R112 SW100B 4PCO C TR109 BC546B R114 R123 10R MF 100K MF C117 470P PPW C116 0V_SIG 470P PPW TR112 BC546B TR113 BC546B B B TR110 BC546B TR111 BC546B TR114 BC546B D101 1N4148 D102 1N4148 R106 100R MF R120 22R MF + R121 22R MF 0V_HF C103 100U SILMIC 0V_SIG C107 100N PE Q_103 -15V DRAWING TITLE A A A85 PHONO STAGE - LEFT CHANNEL 23425 1 2 3 4 Circuit Diagram Notes: 01_1070 JAG 17/4/01 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue 00_1051 JAG 22/3/01 Denny Industrial Centre ECO No. INITIALS DATE Waterbeach Date Printed Filename Cambridge CB5 9PB 23-Apr-2001 G:\DATA\ECO\ECO AGENDA\01_1070 l870 A85 PHONO ISSUE2\L870_2.0.ddb L870C2_2.0.SCH 5 6 updated pcb and scm 2 PRODUCTION ISSUE 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Drawn by: JBR 7 Sheet 2 of 3 DRAWING NO. 8L870C2 ISSUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 +15V Q_202 + 7 C202 100U SILMIC C204 100N PE C219 D R200 330R MF 0V_HF R201 100R MF 100P PP D 0V_SIG R202 100R MF C201 TR200 BC556B TR202 BC556B 1N0 PP C210 TR203 BC556B TR201 BC556B 4N7 PP C220 + C200 22U EL 1N0 PP C212 R209 12K MF TR208 BC546B 10N PP AX C211 R215 R210 12K MF 15K MF 10N PP AX RIGHT IN C205 100N PE 2 3 1 7 Q_201 56K MF 1U0 PE IC200 3 C218 10U NP R213 100K MF TR204 BC556B 100P PPW R205 100R MF 0V_SIG 0V_SIG TR205 BC556B 9 8 7 C209 470P PPW R222 39K MF 2M2 MF 2 TL071CD R219 22R MF R217 6 4 SW100CR224 4PCO 5K6 MF C C213 RIGHT OUT 2M2 MF TR207 2SA1085 R211 R208 47K MF C206 100N PE R216 1N3 PP TR206 2SA1085 R204 100R MF D200 1N4148 100K MF C215 C208 R218 22R MF R212 SW100A 4PCO C TR209 BC546B R214 R223 10R MF 100K MF C216 470P PPW 0V_SIG C217 470P PPW TR212 BC546B TR213 BC546B B B TR210 BC546B TR211 BC546B TR214 BC546B D201 1N4148 D202 1N4148 R206 100R MF R220 22R MF + R221 22R MF 0V_HF C203 100U SILMIC 0V_SIG C207 100N PE Q_203 -15V DRAWING TITLE A A A85 PHONO STAGE - RIGHT CHANNEL 23425 1 2 3 4 Circuit Diagram Notes: 01_1070 JAG 17/4/01 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue 00_1051 JAG 22/3/01 Denny Industrial Centre ECO No. INITIALS DATE Waterbeach Date Printed Filename Cambridge CB5 9PB 23-Apr-2001 G:\DATA\ECO\ECO AGENDA\01_1070 l870 A85 PHONO ISSUE2\L870_2.0.ddb L870C3_2.0.SCH 5 6 updated pcb and scm 2 PRODUCTION ISSUE 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Drawn by: JBR 7 Sheet 3 of 3 DRAWING NO. 8L870C3 ISSUE ITEM Source Selection Circuit Source Selection Circuit.Sch QTY PART No. DESCRIPTION NOTES ITEM100 1 L955PB BLANK PCB 7.1 MCH PCB ITEM101 1 E802AP PAD DAMPING 15x6x3MM SORBOTHANE Fit on top of IC308 ITEM102 1 E802AP PAD DAMPING 15x6x3MM SORBOTHANE Fit on top of IC309 ITEM103 1 E802AP PAD DAMPING 15x6x3MM SORBOTHANE Fit on top of IC310 ITEM104 1 E802AP PAD DAMPING 15x6x3MM SORBOTHANE Fit on top of IC311 ITEM105 1 E802AP PAD DAMPING 15x6x3MM SORBOTHANE Fit on top of C100 and C101 Volume Control Circuit Volume Control Circuit.Sch FLeft_Vol Centre_Vol FRight_Vol FLeft_Vol Centre_Vol FRight_Vol SLeft_Vol Sub_Vol SRight_Vol BLeft_Vol BRight_Vol Output Driver Circuit Output Driver Circuit.Sch FLeft_OP Centre_OP FRight_OP SLeft_Vol Sub_Vol SRight_Vol FLeft_OP Centre_OP FRight_OP Vol_Mute SLeft_OP Sub_OP SRight_OP BLeft_Vol BRight_Vol BLeft_OP BRight_OP BLeft_OP BRight_OP SLeft_OP Sub_OP SRight_OP Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl Mute_A* Mute_B* Vol_Mute Vol_CS_B Vol_CS_A Vol_SCLK Vol_SDI Control Circuit Control Circuit.Sch Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl Vol_Mute Vol_CS_B Vol_CS_A Vol_SCLK Vol_SDI Mute_A* Mute_B* DRAWING TITLE Top Sheet 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: expansion brd.prj Notes: A80/A32 Multichannel Expansion Module 03_E095 S.U 03/04/03 ISSUE 1 Release 1.0 03_E071 S.U 03/03/03 ISSUE B Release B S.U 16/10/02 02_E227 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Sandip Ukani Contact Tel: (01223) 203293 INITIALS Printed: DATE 4-Apr-2003 ISSUE A Release A DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 0 of 4 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L955CT HS100A REG101 L7805CV +15VA P102 +5VA +5 C102 C100 330N 100V MKS2 6043PB 23C/W 470UF 25V YK From A85/A32 Preamp Board CON100 1 2 3 4 TO-220 C105 C106 100N 100V MKS2 220UF 16V YK C130 R117 100R P101 P112 C118 PSU_GND MOLEX 6373 C108 NF 100N 50V 0805 C110 100N 50V 0805 C101 470UF 25V YK C111 100N 50V 0805 C103 2 1UF 3 50V 6 YK 7 REG100 1 -5 C132 100P 100V 0805 P100 C109 100N 50V 0805 100N 50V 0805 0805 0W125 100P 100V 0805 C104 C107 R116 1UF 50V YK 100UF 25V YK P103 0R0 0W125 0805 L79L05ACD SO-8 -5VA FIX100 C112 C129 DGND PSU_GND 100P 100V 0805 -15VA 1 100N 50V 0805 Dia 3.5mm AGND P110 Prog_Data P123 0805 0W125 R103 1K0 P114 R104 1K0 P124 +5VD +5VD 0805 0W125 R100 10K 0W125 0805 9 PB0 P106 Recieve from ExpBrd R113 330R 0805 0W125 R114 330R Transmit to ExpBrd P107 P108 0805 0W125 Reset P132 MD2 VPP Prog_Reset +5VD 47K 0W125 0805 DGND P126 100R 0W125 0805 DGND 7 6 5 4 3 2 D100 1 BAT54S SOT-23 RB3/CCP1 RB4/PGM RB2/TX/CK RB5 RB1/RX/DT RB6/T1OSO/T1CKI RB0/INT RB7/T1OSI VSS VDD RA5/MCLR/THV RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT RA4/TOCKI/CMP2 RA7/OSC1CLKIN RA3/AN3/CMP1 RA0/AN0 RA2/AN2/VRef RA1/AN1 PIC16F627T-20/SO SO-18 10 +5VD 11 12 13 14 17 P127 18 P128 L955SW C122 100N 50V 0805 C123 100P 100V 0805 C124 100P 100V 0805 C115 100N 50V 0805 C116 100N 50V 0805 C125 100P 100V 0805 C126 100P 100V 0805 C127 100P 100V 0805 DGND X100 NF PSU_GND DGND R105 1K0 P117 0805 0W125 R111 1K0 P119 +5VD R110 10K 0W125 0805 10K 0W125 DGND 0805 P129 0805 0W125 R107 1K0 P120 P130 0805 0W125 R108 100R P121 P131 0805 0W125 R109 100R P122 R115 C121 100P 100V 0805 100UF 25V SM 0805 0W125 R106 1K0 P118 P116 C128 100N 50V 0805 100N 50V 0805 16 C120 C114 100N 50V 0805 C119 DGND 15 P125 10UF 50V SM C117 1 R101 R102 8 IC100 2 P109 C113 100N 50V 0805 Vol_CS_B 0W125 3 HARWIN M20-972 R112 330R P105 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vol_CS_A +5VA AR621LY P113 33U From A85/A32 Display board In circuit programming adaptor P104 CON101 L100 0805 P115 4.00MHz SIL-3 Mute_B* Mute_A* Vol_Mute Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl Vol_SCLK Vol_SDI 0805 0W125 Prog_Clock P111 DRAWING TITLE Control, Power and Interface 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: Control Circuit.Sch Notes: A80/A32 Multichannel Expansion Module 03_E095 S.U 03/04/03 ISSUE 1 Release 1.0 03_E071 S.U 03/03/03 ISSUE B Release B S.U 16/10/02 02_E227 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Sandip Ukani Contact Tel: (01223) 203293 INITIALS Printed: DATE 4-Apr-2003 ISSUE A Release A DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 1 of 4 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L955CT_1 100R 0W125 0805 P205 GOLD KUNMING REAR PANEL VIEW C204 100P 100V 0805 AGND R205 P221 Mch1_FLeft SKT200 R216 P220 P200 100R 0W125 0805 C209 100P 100V 0805 AGND Mch1_Centre SCRN Mch1_Sub C200 1Y0 14 1Z 22K 0W125 0805 2Y0 P22415 2Z 2Y1 3Y0 P225 4 3Z 3Y1 S1 S2 S3 R201 22K 0W125 0805 P222 P201 100R 0W125 0805 E C205 12 100V 0805 AGND R220 P227 GOLD KUNMING REAR PANEL VIEW P204 SKT201 2 1 R204 Mch2_Centre 100R C208 0W125 0805 100P 100V 0805 5 3 11 10 9 22K 0W125 0805 0805 0W125 100R Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl AGND 100P 100V 0805 AGND P216 Mch2_Sub C201 P203 IC201A 14 1Y1 P230 15 2Y0 2Z 2Y1 4 22K 0W125 0805 3Y0 3Z S1 S2 S3 P231 E 12 13 2 1 5 3 11 10 9 Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl 6 C206 74HCT4053D SO-16 100P 100V 0805 AGND AGND 1Y0 1Z R221 P228 R203 10N 100V 0805 P229 3Y1 AGND 6 74HCT4053D SO-16 C207 22K 0W125 100P 0805 Mch2_FLeft 13 R219 P226 P202 100R 0W125 0805 IC200A 1Y1 R218 R202 Mch2_FRight R217 10N 100V 0805 P217 P223 22K 0W125 0805 SCRN R200 Mch1_FRight AGND FRight_Vol AGND FLeft_Vol Sub_Vol SRight_Vol SLeft_Vol Centre_Vol BRight_Vol BLeft_Vol To Volume Controls Mch1_SRight R210 R222 P232 100R 0W125 0805 P210 100P 100V 0805 AGND R206 P233 Mch1_SLeft 100R 0W125 0805 P206 R207 100R 0W125 0805 P207 P218 Mch2_SRight IC202A 1Y0 14 1Z 1Y1 R226 C210 100P 100V 0805 AGND 2Y0 P23515 22K 0W125 0805 2Z 2Y1 3Y0 4 3Z 3Y1 S1 S2 S3 R223 P236 22K 0W125 0805 C211 100P 100V 0805 AGND P237 E 12 13 2 P208 100R 0W125 0805 5 3 11 10 9 P209 R209 Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl Mch1_BRight 100R 0W125 0805 P212 Mch1_BLeft P211 R212 GOLD KUNMING REAR PANEL VIEW 74HCT4053D SO-16 R211 100R 0W125 0805 R227 P244 22K 0W125 0805 C216 100P 100V 0805 AGND 1Y0 P246 14 1Z 1Y1 2Y0 15 2Z 2Y1 R228 P245 22K 0W125 0805 C215 100P 100V 0805 AGND 3Y0 4 3Z 3Y1 P247 S1 S2 S3 P248 E AGND 12 +5VA 16 16 VCC C220 100N 50V 0805 8 AGND 7 AGND 7 VEE AGND Mch2_BLeft P214 11 10 9 Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl 6 7 VEE -5VA 100V 0805 AGND P239 R229 +5VA 16 8 AGND 16 VCC 1Y1 15 C212 22K 0W125 100P 0805 100V 0805 AGND R225 P242 P241 C213 22K 0W125 100P 0805 100V 0805 AGND P243 7 VEE 8 GND AGND 2Y1 3Y0 3Z 3Y1 S1 S2 S3 E 13 2 1 5 3 11 10 9 7 VEE 8 GND AGND 74HCT4053D SO-16 AGND 100R 0W125 0805 R214 100R 0W125 0805 P249 C219 100P 100V 0805 AGND P250 C218 100P 100V 0805 AGND R230 P251 14 22K 0W125 0805 1Y0 1Z 1Y1 P252 15 2Y0 2Z 2Y1 4 R231 3Y0 3Z 3Y1 22K 0W125 0805 S1 S2 S3 E 12 13 2 1 5 3 11 10 9 Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl 6 AGND VCC GND C231 100N 50V 0805 DRAWING TITLE 7 VEE 74HCT4053D SO-16 -5VA Mch1*/Mch2_Ctl 6 C230 100N 50V 0805 C229 100N 50V 0805 74HCT4053D SO-16 -5VA 4 2Y0 2Z 12 IC205B 16 VCC C228 100N 50V 0805 C227 100N 50V 0805 1Y0 1Z +5VA IC204B C226 GND IC203A 14 74HCT4053D AGND SO-16 IC203B 100N 50V 0805 74HCT4053D SO-16 P240 AGND VCC C225 100N 50V 0805 74HCT4053D SO-16 -5VA 8 GND P215 5 3 R224 C217 22K 0W125 100P 0805 IC205A R215 1 C224 100N 50V 0805 C223 100N 50V 0805 74HCT4053D SO-16 -5VA 8 GND C221 100N 50V 0805 16 VCC 10N 100V 0805 2 IC202B C222 100N 50V 0805 AGND +5VA IC201B P238 C203 Mch2_BRight +5VA IC200B P219 13 74HCT4053D AGND SO-16 +5VA 100R 0W125 0805 SKT203 6 IC204A AGND R208 Mch2_SLeft 1 C202 10N 100V 0805 R213 P213 100R 0W125 0805 SCRN GOLD KUNMING REAR PANEL VIEW SCRN SKT202 P234 22K 0W125 0805 C214 VEE 74HCT4053D SO-16 -5VA Source Multiplexer 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: Source Selection Circuit.Sch Notes: A80/A32 Multichannel Expansion Module 03_E095 S.U 03/04/03 ISSUE 1 Release 1.0 03_E071 S.U 03/03/03 ISSUE B Release B 02_E227 S.U 16/10/02 ISSUE A Release ECO No. Contact Engineer: Sandip Ukani Contact Tel: (01223) 203293 INITIALS Printed: DATE 4-Apr-2003 A DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 2 of 4 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L955CT_2 C365 Note: Bulk decoupling capacitors on volume chips also bulk decouple the attached dc servos 22P 100V 0805 P306 FLeft_OP R311 P307 22K 0W125 0805 +5VA 22K 0W125 0805 12 4 VD+ VD+ 10 AGNDR BLeft_OP AGNDR P313 P305 11 VOUTR 9 VINR 4 C340 -15VA 100N 50V 0805 AGND +15VA FLeft_Vol 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND IC302A P314 FRight_Vol 2 C338 AGND 1 3 C337 -15VA 100N 50V 0805 AGND SRight_Vol BLeft_Vol 5 Vol_SCLK Vol_SCLK P324 AGND Vol_SDI R304 100K 0W125 0805 22K 0W125 0805 6 5 +15VA AGND 0805 50V 100N 8 100N 50V 0805 AGND C368 22P 100V R314 0805 R320 0W125 1M0 0805 7 R302 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 C336 IC303A SLeft_Vol 2 C349 AGND 1 0805 50V 100N AGND 0805 50V 100N 10 R307 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 5 9 VINR C360 R325 0W125 1M0 0805 470N 100V MKS2 IC305B 6 7 R308 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 5 AGND C326 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND C361 -15VA 100N 50V 0805 +5VA VOUTR AGND 4 VD+ AGNDL 10 AGNDR C356 AGND 1 P323 9 VINR OPA2134UA C379 SO-8 C363 100N 50V 0805 AGND R326 0W125 1M0 0805 470N 100V MKS2 IC307B 6 C328 5 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND 7 R310 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 AGND C364 VOUTR -15VA 11 PGA2310UA SO-16W AGND 100N 50V 0805 +5VA AGND AGND Vol_Mute AGND 14 AGND P321 BRight_Vol 2 C362 100N 50V 0805 VINL 15 IC307A -15VA IC311 VOUTL 0805 50V 100N 11 PGA2310UA SO-16W AGND AGND 16 +15VA DGND P319 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND AGND P322 AGND 3 OPA2134UA C380 SO-8 100N 50V 0805 AGND C359 100N 50V 0805 6 7 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND 22K 0W125 0805 5 C350 AGND 1 SDO -15VA AGNDR C372 22P 100V R318 0805 AGND 7 3 AGND CS SCLK SDI IC305A SRight_Vol 2 AGNDL IC306B 10UF 50V SM 10UF 50V SM DGND 100N 50V 0805 R324 0W125 1M0 0805 470N 100V MKS2 C357 SDO C353 +15VA 15 C354 100N 50V 0805 AGND 14 C323 CS SCLK SDI VOUTL P318 C355 AGND 1 OPA2134UA C378 SO-8 C358 C324 2 6 3 4 IC310 VD+ VA+ 12 -15VA VINL ZCEN MUTE 5 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND AGND 1 8 R305 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 3 4 6 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND AGND 16 22K 0W125 0805 7 C351 C352 12 C319 10UF 50V SM VA- IC304B C370 22P 100V R316 0805 R322 0W125 1M0 0805 470N 100V MKS2 10UF 50V SM 13 C345 100N 50V 0805 AGND P317 C318 OPA2134UA C376 SO-8 8 -15VA AGND 4 4 3 C346 AGND 1 +5VA +15VA VA+ +15VA 8 IC304A P316Centre_Vol 2 IC306A P320 BLeft_Vol 2 ZCEN MUTE +5VA VA- AGND 7 5 5 6 7 R306 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 C347 100N 50V 0805 0805 50V 100N IC303B 22K 0W125 0805 +15VA 1 8 +15VA 470N 100V MKS2 8 100N 50V 0805 AGND 13 C348 -15VA 22K 0W125 0805 C371 22P 100V R317 0805 R323 0W125 1M0 0805 4 4 C369 22P 100V R315 0805 OPA2134UA C377 SO-8 8 3 2 6 3 AGND AGND 5 Vol_Mute Vol_CS_A 7 AGND 1U0 63V PE OLD IC302B 7 2 6 3 13 +5VA AGND PSU_GND OPA2134UA C374 SO-8 4 SLeft_Vol PGA2310UA SO-16W AGND -15VA 100N 50V 0805 10UF 50V SM AGND Vol_Mute 6 C343 C313 1 8 PGA2310UA SO-16W AGND 5 7 13 IC301B -15VA 100N 50V 0805 +5VA 8 Sub_Vol R321 0W125 1M0 0805 470N 100V MKS2 R303 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 C339 100N 50V 0805 0805 50V 100N C342 C312 C375 SO-8 1 8 AGND 2 6 3 8 C341 1 22K 0W125 0805 C344 100N 50V 0805 11 VOUTR DGND VINR To Output Driver Circuit SDO 9 IC301A 22P 100V R313 0805 BRight_Vol SRight_OP 14 AGND 0805 50V 100N C367 From Source Multiplexer SLeft_OP AGNDL CS SCLK SDI P303 +15VA Sub_Vol 2 Centre_Vol P310 BRight_OP AGND AGND P315 Centre_OP IC309 VOUTL 15 AGND 3 FRight_Vol Sub_OP P311 ZCEN MUTE 5 P309 VINL VA- 7 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND AGND C307 10UF 50V SM P304 AGNDL 10 6 14 DGND 100N 50V 0805 15 SDO IC300B R301 OPA2134UA 100K SO-8 0W125 0805 C329 P301 1U0 63V PE OLD 100N 50V 0805 P308 P312 CS SCLK SDI 100N 50V 0805 AGND C334 PSU_GND AGND 16 VOUTL C366 22P 100V R312 0805 R319 0W125 1M0 0805 IC308 VINL P302 VA- 4 OPA2134UA C373 SO-8 C330 -15VA PSU_GND AGND 16 ZCEN MUTE 3 AGND C306 10UF 50V SM 4 12 VA+ 100N 50V 0805 8 C331 1 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND AGND C332 10UF 50V SM C305 C335 VA+ C304 0805 50V 100N +15VA C333 10UF 50V SM +15VA IC300A P300 FLeft_Vol 2 FRight_OP +5VA +15VA Vol_Mute Vol_CS_B Vol_SCLK Vol_SCLK P325 Vol_SDI R309 100K 0W125 0805 AGND DRAWING TITLE Volume Control 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: Volume Control Circuit.Sch Notes: A80/A32 Multichannel Expansion Module 03_E071 S.U 02_E227 S.U ECO No. Contact Engineer: EngNameXXXX Contact Tel: (01223) 203XXX tel No INITIALS Printed: 03/03/03 16/10/02 DATE 4-Apr-2003 ISSUE B Release B ISSUE A Release A DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 3 of 4 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L955CT_3 To A85/A32 Preamp Board 0805 0W125 10K From Volume Control Circuit 0805 100V 33P FLeft_OP FLeft_OP CON400 FLeft_OUT 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FRight_OUT R400 C410 FRight_OP P411 R401 AGND 100N 50V 0805 +15VA 8 Sub_OP IC400A 2 P412 1 3 4 SRight_OP AGND C400 -15VA 10K 0W125 P414 0805 6 IC400B AGND BRight_OP FRight_OP P413 2 R403 R405 P415 7 10K 0W125 0805 R419 IC401A 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND P416 1 10K 0W125 0805 C402 C420 100N 50V 0805 +15VA R402 D400 BAV99 SOT-23 AGND 10K 0W125 0805 C411 100N 50V 0805 PSU_GND R404 C418 10UF 50V SM BLeft_OP C412 47R 0W125 0805 0805 100V 33P OPA2134UA SO-8 0805 100V 33P 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND R418 3 AGND 5 OPA2134UA SO-8 AGND R420 47R 0W125 0805 P400 C421 47R 0W125 0805 C403 Centre_OP R406 SLeft_OP C429 +15VA P408 MOLEX 52806 AGND 100P 100V 0805 -15VA P418 5 SKT400 P402 Centre_OUT R421 47R 0W125 0805 OPA2134UA SO-8 AGND KUNMING GOLD P403 Sub_OUT 0805 100V 33P 0805 100V 33P C428 100P 100V 0805 7 10K 0W125 0805 P401 R407 10K 0W125 P417 0805 6 IC401B AGND -15VA Sub_OP D401 BAV99 SOT-23 C414 100N 50V 0805 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND +15VA -15VA 0805 100V 33P OPA2134UA SO-8 4 SLeft_OP C401 AGND C413 RLY400A RLY400B NEC EB2-5NU NEC EB2-5NU SCRN C419 8 10K 0W125 0805 Centre_OP 10N 100V 0805 R412 C415 10K 0W125 0805 R409 IC402A P420 1 10K 0W125 0805 R422 3 4 AGND C423 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND D403 BAV99 SOT-23 BRight_OP R416 10K 0W125 0805 +5VA P426 7 P430 5 RLY402C NEC EB2-5NU BAS16 SOT-323 NEC EB2-5NU BAS16 SOT-323 NEC EB2-5NU R440 0R0 0W125 0805 Mute_A* P427 4K7 R415 0W125 10K 0805 0W125 0805 P432 TR400 BC849B SOT-23 R441 Mute_B* 4K7 0W125 0805 PSU_GND D405 BAV99 SOT-23 R414 10K 0W125 P423 0805 6 IC403B +15VA -15VA 7 AGND RLY401A RLY401B NEC EB2-5NU NEC EB2-5NU P424 R424 5 OPA2134UA SO-8 AGND 47R 0W125 0805 P409 P431 R417 10K 0W125 0805 TR401 BC849B SOT-23 C427 10N 100V 0805 AGND P406 BLeft_OUT P407 BRight_OUT AGND D407 P425 P405 SRight_OUT +5VA RLY401C P428 GOLD KUNMING REAR PANEL VIEW P404 R425 47R 0W125 0805 OPA2134UA SO-8 SKT401 SLeft_OUT 47R 0W125 0805 AGND D406 10UF 50V SM R413 -15VA AGND R442 -15VA SRight_OP +15VA RLY400C C408 AGND PSU_GND 10K 0W125 0805 10K 0W125 P429 0805 6 IC402B AGND -15VA C417 100N 50V 0805 10UF 50V SM R410 -15VA +15VA R423 0805 100V 33P OPA2134UA SO-8 C406 C416 AGND 3 P410 C425 0805 100V 33P 100N 50V 0805 C404 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND AGND 47R 0W125 0805 OPA2134UA SO-8 P422 1 10K 0W125 0805 -15VA IC403A C407 AGND SCRN 8 P419 2 R408 P421 2 R411 10UF 50V SM PSU_GND C424 100N 50V 0805 +15VA +15VA 4 BLeft_OP C405 C422 100N 50V 0805 +15VA D402 BAV99 SOT-23 8 AGND 10K 0W125 0805 D404 BAV99 SOT-23 AGND C426 RLY402B NEC EB2-5NU NEC EB2-5NU AGND C409 10UF 50V SM RLY402A DRAWING TITLE Output driver 23425 A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: Output Driver Circuit.Sch Notes: A80/A32 Multichannel Expansion Module 03_E095 S.U 03/04/03 ISSUE 1 Release 1.0 03_E071 S.U 03/03/03 ISSUE B Release B S.U 16/10/02 02_E227 ECO No. Contact Engineer: Sandip Ukani Contact Tel: (01223) 203293 INITIALS Printed: DATE 4-Apr-2003 ISSUE A Release A DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 4 of 4 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L955CT_4 120mm dia max Transformer Specification For 115/230V C30 transformer Connector Latch 40mm Arcam Part Number L923TX 25mm Material Safety Specification 1. Winding Wire to be Grade 2 (130C rating) to BS 60317-4 1995 2. Mylar Polyester Insulator 130C Rated 6 5 4 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 LEADS EXIT FROM TOP 6 way Mechanical Specification Pin outs of Molex connectors As viewed looking down at the end the wires enter the connector 39 +/- 1 mm 1. Middle of transformer to be potted (as shown). 8 way 65max 3. Potting Compound PC3502 E135297(M) 2. Primary windings connect to 6 way MOLEX connector 39-01-2065. Secondary windings connect to 8 way molex connector 39-01-3088. Use MOLEX pin 44476-3112. MOLEX connectors have pin numbers indicated on them. 3. Primary wires are enclosed in a common sleeve. Secondary wires are enclosed in a common sleeve. Use PVC sleeving. POTTING COMPOUND 4. All wire lengths in mm. Lengths are +5.0, -0 5. Please adhere rubber insulating pad to bottom of transformer as shown. Electrical Specification Rubber insulating pad to have Clearance hole for M6 Bolt Rubber insulating pad 1. Transformer to have dual 115V primaries to allow parallel operation for 115V input and series operation with 230V input. SECONDARY RED 2. Transformer input voltage range 115V -18% +14% (97.5V to 132.5V) 230V -18% +14% (195V to 265V) Supply 3. Transformer to have 4 secondary windings as show in the adjacent drawing. DC Voltage Min *see diagram At 195V rms in Load Current VP18 Output Capacitance PRIMARY 6 WAY CONN PIN 4 4. Loaded DC voltages specified at 195V AC in (with transformer primaries in series) VP24V7 5. Each secondary winding to have a full wave (4diode) bridge to produce a single DC rail. (AS shown in diagram) 21.0V 200mA 10,000uF VN24V7 21.0V 200mA 10,000uF VP46 39.0V 50mA 100uF Output Capacitance is as indicated in table. The specified voltage figure with this input voltage is to be the minimum voltage on the reservoir capacitor as shown in the diagram. VP18 15.0V 160mA 4 1 OR BROWN YELL 115V ac 1 5 VP46 6 WAY CONN PIN 1 WHITE 6 WAY CONN PIN 3 BLACK GRN 2 6 BLU 3 6 1000uF 6. The transformer is intended to be massively overrated so as to provide very low resistance windings for the VP24V7 and VN24V7 supplies. 6 WAY CONN PIN 6 3 4 VP24V7 115V ac VIO 7 8 BLUE GREY This will improve the audio quality of the equipment it is to be used in by allowing the flux density to be very low and the wire guage to be larger than would otherwise be the case. The sizes given are maximum finished sizes. VN24V7 WHITE There is no merit in attempting to reduce the size much below the maximum sizes specified. Audio quality will be improved by making the transformer as large as possible. SCREEN WIRE GRN/YELL 7. The VP46 and VP18 secondaries are fused by T250mA Fuses. The VP24V7 and VN24V7 secondary windings are unfused. The transformer must be designed so that a short on either of the unfused windings will cause the primary fuses (2AT) to blow. 100mm 8 way MOLEX 39-01-3088 UL94- V0 or 8 way Conexcon 6740-1080 SECONDARIES 6 way MOLEX 39-01-2065 or UL94- V0 6 way Conexcon 6740-1060 PRIMARIES SCREEN WIRE Voltage on Reservoir Capacitor 140mm Strip and tin 10mm 200mm VOUT min 10mS TEST CIRCUIT (PER OUTPUT) +VOUT I out AC IN + DRAWING TITLE C out C30 TRANSFORMER 115/230V 23425 -VOUT A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB Filename: L923TX_2.0.sch Notes: 03_E110 GJ 10-03-03 03_E076 GJ 4-03-03 KAL ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203200 4-11-2002 INITIALS DATE Printed: 11-Apr-2003 Potting rasied to top of transformer Ptting is counter bored to 39mm from bottom face of transformer Screen wire length from 140mm to 200mm Added Conexcon alternative connectors 2.0 1.0 Prototype Release A.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 1 of 1 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L923TX 120mm dia max Connector Latch Transformer Specification For 100V C30 transformer 40mm 25mm Arcam Part Number L922TX 5 4 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 6 way 2. Mylar Polyester Insulator 130C Rated LEADS EXIT FROM TOP 8 way Pin outs of Molex/Conexcon connectors As viewed looking down at the end the wires enter the connector 3. Potting Compound PC3502 E135297(M) Mechanical Specification 65max 6 39 +/- 1mm Material Safety Specification 1. Winding Wire to be Grade 2 (130C rating) to BS 60317-4 1995 1. Middle of transformer to be potted (as shown). 2. Primary windings connect to 6 way MOLEX connector 39-01-2065. Secondary windings connect to 8 way molex connector 39-01-3088. Use MOLEX pin 44476-3112. MOLEX connectors have pin numbers indicated on them. POTTING COMPOUND 3. Primary wires are enclosed in a common sleeve. Secondary wires are enclosed in a common sleeve. Use PVC sleeving. Rubber insulating pad to have Clearance hole for M6 Bolt Rubber insulating pad 4. All wire lengths in mm. Lengths are +5.0, -0 SECONDARY RED 5. Please adhere rubber insulating pad to bottom of transformer as shown. Electrical Specification Supply DC Voltage Min *see diagram At 85V rms in Load Current VP24V7 21.0V 200mA 10,000uF VN24V7 21.0V 200mA 10,000uF VP46 39.0V 50mA 100uF VP18 15.0V 160mA 1000uF 1. Transformer to have dual 100V primaries to allow parallel operation for 100V input. 2. Transformer input voltage range 100V -15% +15% (85V to 115Vrms) 3. Transformer to have 4 secondary windings as show in the adjacent drawing. 4. Loaded DC voltages specified at 85V AC in (with transformer primaries in parallel) VP18 Output Capacitance PRIMARY 6 WAY CONN PIN 4 4 1 3 6 5. Each secondary winding to have a full wave (4diode) bridge to produce a single DC rail. (AS shown in diagram) OR YELL BROWN 100V ac 6 WAY CONN PIN 1 6 WAY CONN PIN 3 GRN WHITE 2 6 BLU BLACK 3 4 VP24V7 100V ac 6 WAY CONN PIN 6 1 5 VP46 VIO BLUE 7 8 GREY Output Capacitance is as indicated in table. VN24V7 The specified voltage figure with this input voltage is to be the minimum voltage on the reservoir capacitor as shown in the diagram. WHITE 6. The transformer is intended to be massively overrated so as to provide very low resistance windings for the VP24V7 and VN24V7 supplies. SCREEN WIRE GRN/YELL This will improve the audio quality of the equipment it is to be used in by allowing the flux density to be very low and the wire guage to be larger than would otherwise be the case. The sizes given are maximum finished sizes. 100mm There is no merit in attempting to reduce the size much below the maximum sizes specified. Audio quality will be improved by making the transformer as large as possible. 7. The VP46 and VP18 secondaries are fused by T250mA Fuses. The VP24V7 and VN24V7 secondary windings are unfused. UL94- V0 8 way MOLEX 39-01-3088 or UL94- V0 8 way Conexcon 6740-1080 The transformer must be designed so that a short on either of the unfused windings will cause the primary fuses (2AT) to blow. UL94- V0 6 way MOLEX 39-01-2065 or UL94- V0 6 way Conexcon 6740-1060 SECONDARIES PRIMARIES SCREEN WIRE Voltage on Reservoir Capacitor 140mm Strip and tin 10mm VOUT min 220 mm 10mS TEST CIRCUIT (PER OUTPUT) +VOUT I out AC IN + C out DRAWING TITLE C30 TRANSFORMER 100V Filename: SLS L922TX_1.0.sch Notes: -VOUT A & R Cambridge Ltd. Pembroke Avenue Waterbeach Cambridge CB5 9PB ECO No. Contact Engineer: Kevin Lamb Contact Tel: (01223) 203200 13-10-2003 GJ 15/05/03 KAL 4-11-2002 INITIALS DATE Printed: 13-Oct-2003 Production Release 1.0 ECO 03_E137 -Screen lead lengthen to 220 mm Conexcon connector added, potting filled to top of TX B.0 Prototype Release A.0 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Sheet 1 of 1 ISSUE DRAWING NO. L922TX C30 Mechanical and packing parts list Part no Item no Description E186AY E804MI E212AY E822PM1 E850MC E853MC E860MC E878MC E879SL F082 F094 F164 F235 HA3V06A HA3V10A HA4A12B HA5L12B HA6K50A HB25V12B HE6V06B HF4V09B HJ4A00A HJ4C00D HL4SB HL6MA HP008 L870AY L914CA L915CA L928CA L917CA L918CA L928AY L965AY L965CA L923TX L922TX L958AY_115/230V L955AY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 E847CPB E839AYB HA4V06B 1 2 4 E185AYB 3 E188AYB E083AY 8Q006 HL25AB E849PMB E830MC E933AY E884MC HA3A04A E847PM E895PMB E894PMB GENERAL MECHANICAL PARTS Rear Panel Assembly FMJ C30 Insulator Mains Diva A85 / P85 FMJ A32 Chassis Assembly Foot Black Alpha Heat Shunt Diva A85 Clamp Pre-Amp Reg Diva A85 Blanking Plate Diva A85 Module Slot Bracket Diva Phono Upgrade Board Label Mod State Sil Pad For TO-220 HS Insulator Clip Volume Knob FMJ Tape 3509 BK 3M TESA.50M Per Roll x 6MM Wide Cable Tie 4.8mm Wide 171.5mm Long 5.3mm Fixing Hole Dia M Screw Torx P/H M3x6MM ST ZP M Screw Torx M3x10MM ST ZP M Screw Pan Supa M4x12MM ST BLK Screw Hex Head M5X12MM Black Bolt Hex HD M6x50MM Mczp Screw Taptite M2.5X12MM Pan Torx(T8) Steel Zinc Plate Black Screw Sftp Torx No.6x6MM BLK Screw Self-Tapping-Sems NO.4 X 9MM Pan Torx-Slot Steel Zinc-Plate BLK Nut M4 Full ST ZP Nut M4 Waisted BR SC Washer M4 Int Shakeproof BLK Bright Washer M6 (Mudguard O.D. 20mm) Snap Rivet Black Plastic A85 Phono Stage PCB Cable FFC 22 Way A85 Disp - Pre Cable FFC 0.1" 14WAY A85 Disp - Pwr 6 Way Amp CT 600MM Cable A85 Pre - Pwr Cable A85 Phono - Preamp A32 FMJ Amp Display Board Assembly C30 Preamp PCB Assembly 4-way MOLEX cable 22AWG 190mm long Transformer Toroid C30 115/230V Transformer Toroid C30 100V C30 Preamp PSU PCB 115/230V C30 7.1 multichannel expansion module BLACK CASE PARTS Cover Black FMJ C30 FMJ Black Volume Knob M Screw Torx M4x6MM ST BLK FMJ Black C30 Fascia Complete Assembly Made up of the following parts :Front Panel Assembly Black FMJ C30 FMJ A32 Sub-Panel Assy 8Q006 FMJ Tact Button Spring HL25AB FMJ Tact Button Fastener Button FMJ Black Tac Badge Metal Arcam FMJ FMJ I/R Window Assy (STD. SCREENED) Display Window FMJ A32 M/C Pan Supa M3X4 Stzp Lightpipe FMJ Button Tact FMJ A32 Black Low Profile Button Power FMJ A32 Black C30 Mechanical and packing parts list Part no Item no Description E847CP E839AY HA4V06S 1 2 4 E185AY 3 E188AY E083AY 8Q006 HL25AB E849PM E830MC E933AY E884MC HA3A04A E847PM E895PM E894PM SILVER CASE PARTS Cover Silver FMJ C30 FMJ Silver Volume Knob M Screw Torx M4x6MM Stainless Steel FMJ Silver C30 Fascia Complete Assembly Made up of the following parts :Front Panel Assembly Silver FMJ C30 FMJ A32 Sub-Panel Assy 8Q006 FMJ Tact Button Spring HL25AB FMJ Tact Button Fastener Button FMJ Tac Badge Metal Arcam FMJ FMJ I/R Window Assy (STD. SCREENED) Display Window FMJ A32 M/C Pan Supa M3X4 Stzp Lightpipe FMJ Button Silver FMJ A32 Low Profile Tact Button Power FMJ A32 Silver CAM Products 2000(TM): L928PB_B.GTO C30 Preamplifier display cct board L928AY issue B3.0 Designator Part Description C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C25 C26 C28 C29 C31 C32 C33 C34 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C60 C61 C62 C63 D1 D2 D3 DC1 DC2 DISP1 IC1 IC2 IC5 IC6 IC7 IC8 IC11 LED1 LED2 2C018 2C018 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2M610 2C410 2C410 2M610 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2M610 2M610 2M710 2C010A 2C010A 2N722 2N722 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2C210 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 2W110X4 3C13304 3AS16W 3AS16W E916PM E916PM B1013 5H3048 5H1233A 5G2402 5M393AD 5M393AD 5M393AD 5M8532 3D001 3D001 MLC 18P 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 18P 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM ELST 10U 50V SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM ELST 10U 50V SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 100N 50V X7R 10% SM ELST 10U 50V SM ELST 10U 50V SM ELST 100U 25V SM MLC 10P 50V NPO 10% SM MLC 10P 50V NPO 10% SM ELST 220U 16V ELST 220U 16V MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM MLC 1N0 50V X7R 10% SM CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% CAP PACK NPO 0612 4X100P 50V 5% ZENER 33V BZX55C33V DIODE SS SM BAS16W DIODE SS SM BAS16W DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM DISPLAY CRADLE E916PM MN12818A VFD ITRON H8/3048 128K FLASH MICROCONTROLLER IC MICRO RESET DS1233 SM IC CMOS EPROM 24C02 SM IC COMPARATOR SM DUAL LM393A IC COMPARATOR SM DUAL LM393A IC COMPARATOR SM DUAL LM393A DUAL OUTPUT SINGLE SUPPLY AMP AD8532 LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM C30 Preamplifier display cct board L928AY issue B3.0 Designator Part Description LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 LED9 LED10 LED11 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D001 3D006 4A847 4A847 4A847 4A847 4B179 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A133 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A133 1A310 1A133 1A115 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A212 1A222 1A247 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A310 1A212 1A247 1A000 LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED GREEN 5MM LED RED/GREEN 3MM L-93WEGW TRANS LF SS N SM BC847B TRANS LF SS N SM BC847B TRANS LF SS N SM BC847B TRANS LF SS N SM BC847B NPN TRANS MP BD179 RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 330R RES SM W4 2% 150R RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 1K2 RES SM W4 2% 2K2 RES SM W4 2% 4K7 RES SM W4 2% 100K RES SM W4 2% 100K RES SM W4 2% 100K RES SM W4 2% 100K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 1K2 RES SM W4 2% 4K7 RES SM W4 2% 0R0 C30 Preamplifier display cct board L928AY issue B3.0 Designator Part Description R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 R76 RX1 SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5 SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9 SP10 SP101 SP102 SP103 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 SW15 SW16 SW17 SW18 X1 1A310 1A310 1A110 1A110 1A110 1H233 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A000 1A000 1A110 1A110 1A110 1A110 1A310 1A822 1A822 1A822 1A822 1A310 1A310 1A310 1A310 B2107 8K7014A 8K2005 8K8022A 8K6315 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F195 F163 F163 E822AP A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1505 A1211 7X040 RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES MF W4 1% 3K3 RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 0R0 RES SM W4 2% 0R0 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 1% 100R 1206 RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 1% 2R2 1206 RES SM W4 1% 2R2 1206 RES SM W4 1% 2R2 1206 RES SM W4 1% 2R2 1206 RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K RES SM W4 2% 10K REMOTE RX PIC-26043TM2 38KHZ FFC 14W 2.54MM HOR PTH 5-WAY AMP CT CONN 22-WAY FFC CONN HORIZ 1MM PTH 14 WAY DIL HEADER HORIZ LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER LED SPACER STICKY PAD S/A 10 X 15mm STICKY PAD S/A 10 X 15mm IR RX SUPPORT PAD TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR TACT SWITCH SM SDTM-610-NTR EC16B2414 XTAL 16MHZ SM GSX49-4 C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description C100 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C132 C200 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C228 C229 2N747 2N747 2KA433 2N510 2N510 2KA410 2N722 2N710 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2L110 2M710 2M610 2L110 2J410 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2J410 2L110 2J410 2L110 2JA310 2JA310 2JA310 2JA310 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 470UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 470UF 25V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 330N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 1UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 1UF 50V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 6.3mm Pitch 5mm 220UF 16V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 8mm 100UF 25V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description C230 C231 C304 C305 C306 C307 C312 C313 C318 C319 C323 C324 C326 C328 C329 C330 C331 C332 C333 C334 C335 C336 C337 C338 C339 C340 C341 C342 C343 C344 C345 C346 C347 C348 C349 C350 C351 C352 C353 C354 C355 C356 C357 C358 C359 C360 C361 C362 C363 C364 C365 C366 C367 C368 C369 C370 C371 C372 C373 C374 C375 2J410 2J410 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2L022 2L022 2L022 2L022 2L022 2L022 2L022 2L022 2K510 2K510 2KA447 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 22P Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 1U0 Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 1U0 Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description C376 C377 C378 C379 C380 C400 C401 C402 C403 C404 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C416 C417 C418 C419 C420 C421 C422 C423 C424 C425 C426 C427 C428 C429 C108 NF CON100 CON101 CON400 D100 D400 D401 D402 D403 D404 D405 D406 D407 HS100 IC100 IC200 IC201 IC202 IC203 IC204 IC205 IC300 IC301 IC302 IC303 IC304 2KA447 2KA447 2KA447 2KA447 2KA447 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2M610 2L033 2L033 2L033 2L033 2L033 2L033 2L033 2L033 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2JA310 2JA310 2L110 2L110 2J410 8K6604 8K6314 8K8030B 3F54S 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AS16W 3AS16W F007 L023AY 5K4053HCT 5K4053HCT 5K4053HCT 5K4053HCT 5K4053HCT 5K4053HCT 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic Dia 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Con KK Series 0.1in Vertical Friction Lock Hdr 4WAY Con Hdr Dual ROW 0.1IN Vertical 14WAY Con 1.00MM Vertical FFC 30WAY 52806 Series Diode Schottky BAT54S SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Heatsink TO-220 6043PB 23 Degc/W Clip ON Programmed PIC16F627T For 7.1 Multichannel Module IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 IC Triple 2 Channel Analogue Mux 74HCT4053 SO-16 Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description IC305 IC306 IC307 IC308 IC309 IC310 IC311 IC400 IC401 IC402 IC403 ITEM100-1 ITEM101-1 ITEM102-1 ITEM103-1 ITEM104-1 ITEM105-1 L100 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R200 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 5A2310 5A2310 5A2310 5A2310 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 L955PB E802AP E802AP E802AP E802AP E802AP 7C033B 1M310 1M347 1M110 1M210 1M210 1M210 1M210 1M210 1M110 1M110 1M310 1M210 1M133 1M133 1M133 1M310 1M000 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package IC Audio Digital Stereo Volume Ctrl IC Audio Digital Stereo Volume Ctrl IC Audio Digital Stereo Volume Ctrl IC Audio Digital Stereo Volume Ctrl Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Blank PCB 7.1 Mch PCB Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane ="Inductor 33UH 10% 1.17A Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 330R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 330R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 330R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 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0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 R312 R313 R314 R315 R316 R317 R318 R319 R320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 R326 R400 R401 R402 R403 R404 R405 R406 R407 R408 R409 R410 R411 R412 R413 R414 R415 R416 R417 R418 R419 R420 R421 R422 R423 R424 R425 R440 R441 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M410 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M322 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M510 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M247 1M247 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 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0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 4K7 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 4K7 C30 Preamplifier 7.1 multichannel cct board L955AY issue 1.0 Designator Part Description R442 REG100 REG101 RLY400 RLY401 RLY402 SKT200 SKT201 SKT202 SKT203 SKT400 SKT401 TR400 TR401 X100 NF 1M000 5D79L05S 5D7805 A216 A216 A216 8D225 8D225 8D225 8D225 8D226 8D225 4A849B 4A849B 7W005 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 0R0 IC Voltage Regulator -5V L79L05ACD SO-8 Package IC Voltage Regulator +5V L7805CV TO-220 Package Relay 2P2T 5V SM Relay 2P2T 5V SM Relay 2P2T 5V SM Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Phono Skt 2-WAY Vert Gold Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Transistor BC849B SOT23 Package Transistor BC849B SOT23 Package Ceramic Resonator 4.00MHz C30 Preamplifier PSU/main cct board L958AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C100 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 2K233 2K233 2K233 2K233 2D422 2J410 2J410 2J410 2N833 2P710A 2P710A 2P710A 2P710A 2N810A 2N610 2J410 2KA447 2KA447 2KA447 2KA447 2N910 2N910 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2J410 2N710 2P622P 2P622P 2P622P 2P622P 2N710B 2L110 2L115 2L115 2L168 2N810C 2J410 2P710AC 2P710AC 2P710AC 2P710AC 2KA310 2KA310 2KA310 2KA310 2L147 2L147 2L147 2L147 2J410 2L110 2L110 2L110 2L110 Capacitor X1 Y2 Rated Ceramic 7.5mm Pitch 3N3 250V Capacitor X1 Y2 Rated Ceramic 7.5mm Pitch 3N3 250V Capacitor X1 Y2 Rated Ceramic 7.5mm Pitch 3N3 250V Capacitor X1 Y2 Rated Ceramic 7.5mm Pitch 3N3 250V Capacitor X2 Boxed Polypropylene 22.5mm Pitch 275V 220NF Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 16mm Pitch 7.5mm 3300UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 1000UF 10V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 470N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 30mm Claw Mount 10,000UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 30mm Claw Mount 10,000UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 100V Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 150P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 150P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 680P Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 12.5mm Pitch 5mm 1000UF 35V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 10N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 10N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 10N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 10N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 470P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 470P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 470P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 470P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P C30 Preamplifier PSU/main cct board L958AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137 C138 C139 C140 C141 CON1 CON2 CON3 CON4 CON5 CON6 CON7 CON8 CON100 CON101 CON102 CON103 CON104 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 2JA310 2N747 2N510 2N510 2L033 2L033 2N722 2N722 2N610 2P710AC 2P710AC 2J410 2J410 2L110 2L110 2L110 2JA310 2P710AC 2P710AC 2J410 2J410 2L110 2L110 2L110 2JA310 8Q003 8K2308 8K2306 8K2304 8K6604 8K6604 8K6604 8K7014 8K2404 8K2406 8K2406 8K3101 8K3101 3F5819 3F5819 3F5819 3F5819 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3BYV27 3BYV27 3BYV27 3BYV27 3BYV27 3BYV27 3BYV27 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 470UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 1UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 1UF 50V Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 33P Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 6.3mm Pitch 5mm 220UF 16V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 6.3mm Pitch 5mm 220UF 16V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA Series 100UF 25V Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 5% 100V 100P Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 100V 10N Con Cage Clamp 1WAY Con Minifit HCS 8WAY Con Minifit HCS 6WAY Con Minifit HCS 4WAY Con KK Series 0.1in Vertical Friction Lock Hdr 4WAY Con KK Series 0.1in Vertical Friction Lock Hdr 4WAY Con KK Series 0.1in Vertical Friction Lock Hdr 4WAY Con 2.54MM Vertical FFC 14WAY Con CT Series Vertical 4WAY Con CT Series Vertical 6WAY Con CT Series Vertical 6WAY XLR PCB Male Neutrik NC3MBH-B XLR PCB Male Neutrik NC3MBH-B Diode Schottky 1N5819 DO-41 Package Diode Schottky 1N5819 DO-41 Package Diode Schottky 1N5819 DO-41 Package Diode Schottky 1N5819 DO-41 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package C30 Preamplifier PSU/main cct board L958AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description D24 D25 D100 D101 D102 D103 D104 D105 D106 D107 D108 DBR1 DBR2 DZ1 DZ2 DZ3 FHLDR1 FHLDR2 FHLDR3 FHLDR4 FS3 FS4 FS5 HS1 HS2 HS3 HS4 HS5 HS6 IC1 IC100 IC101 IC102 IC103 IC104 ITEM1-1 ITEM2-1 ITEM3-1 ITEM4-1 ITEM6-1 ITEM7-1 ITEM8-1 ITEM9-1 ITEM10-1 ITEM11-1 ITEM12-1 ITEM13-1 ITEM14-1 ITEM15-1 ITEM16-1 ITEM17-1 L1 L100 L101 OPTO1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 3BYV27 3AS16W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AS16W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3BW02 3BW02 3CW32V7 3CW315V 3CW33V9 8S004 8S004 8S004 8S004 C54125 C54125 C3501 F008 F008 F008 F004 F008 F008 5B972 5B797 5B797 5A4880 5B135 5B135 L958PB F006 F006 F006 F006 F006 E802AP E826AP E826AP E826AP E826AP F022 F022 F022 F022 8M101 7F004 7F004 7F004 5T4N35 1KA515 1M000 1M127 1M168 1M222 1M222 Diode SBYV27-200 DO-15 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Bridge Rectifier W02G Plastic Package Diode Bridge Rectifier W02G Plastic Package Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C2V7 SOT-23 Package Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C3V9 SOT-23 Package Fuseholder 20MM PCB Fuseholder 20MM PCB Fuseholder 20MM PCB Fuseholder 20MM PCB Fuse Bussmann S504 T250mA Fuse Bussmann S504 T250mA Fuse Littelfuse T500mA SM Heatsink TO-220 SW50-2 8.8 Deg C/W Heatsink TO-220 SW50-2 8.8 Deg C/W Heatsink TO-220 SW50-2 8.8 Deg C/W Heatsink TO-220 PF752 23.7 Degc/W Heatsink TO-220 SW50-2 8.8 Deg C/W Heatsink TO-220 SW50-2 8.8 Deg C/W Opamp TS972ID SO-8 Package Opamp AD797AR SO-8 Package Opamp AD797AR SO-8 Package IC Headphone Amp Nat Semi LM4880M SO-8 Package IC Balanced Driver Burr-Brown DRV135UA SO-8 Package IC Balanced Driver Burr-Brown DRV135UA SO-8 Package Blank PCB C30 Preamp PSU Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Clip For SW Profile Heatsink Pad Damping 15x6x3MM Sorbothane Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder Fuseholder Cover For 20mm Fuseholder Earth Lead Assy 75MM Ferrite Bead SM1206 70R@100MHz Ferrite Bead SM1206 70R@100MHz Ferrite Bead SM1206 70R@100MHz Opto Isolator 4N35 Resistor Metal Glazed 0.5W 5% 1M5 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 0R0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 270R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 680R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 C30 Preamplifier PSU/main cct board L958AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R1000 REG4 1M222 1M222 1M222 1M222 1M310 1M310 1M310 1M233 1M233 1M233 1M068 1M068 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M010 1M233 1M010 1M322 1M427 1M212 1M218 1M468 1M447 1M215 1M247 1M268 1M000 1M000 1M147 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M110 1M047 1M047 1M315 1M315 1M822 1M310 1M310 1M347 1M347 1E847 1E847 1M115 1M410 1M410 1M310 1M310 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M047 1M115 1M010 1H210 5D7805 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 3K3 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 3K3 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 3K3 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 68R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 68R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 3K3 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 22K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 270K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K8 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 680K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 470K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 1K5 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 4K7 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 6K8 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 0R0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 0R0 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 470R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 15K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 15K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 2R2 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47K Resistor Carbon Film 1W 5% 4R7 Resistor Carbon Film 1W 5% 4R7 Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 150R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 100K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10K Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 47R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 150R Resistor 0805 Surface Mount 0.125W 1% 10R Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 1K0 IC Voltage Regulator +5V L7805CV TO-220 Package C30 Preamplifier PSU/main cct board L958AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description REG3 REG2 REG5 REG6 REG1 RLY1 RLY100 RLY101 RLY102 RLY103 SH1 SKT1 SKT2 SKT100 SKT101 SW1 TX1 TX1 TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR100 5D317T 5D317T 5D337 5D337 5D1086A A219 A215 A215 A215 A215 E5402 8A001 8D302 8D225 8D301 A1404 7A9301 L907TX 4A849B 4A849B 4AFMMT497 4B179 4AFMMT497 4D10KN 4B179 IC Voltage Regulator ADJ LM317T TO-220 Package IC Voltage Regulator ADJ LM317T TO-220 Package IC Voltage Regulator Neg ADJ LM337T TO-220 Package IC Voltage Regulator Neg ADJ LM337T TO-220 Package IC Voltage Regulator ADJ LM1086CT-ADJ TO-220 Package Relay 2P2T 5V Relay 2P2T 12V SM Relay 2P2T 12V SM Relay 2P2T 12V SM Relay 2P2T 12V SM Shield EMC IEC Inlet Mains Mains IEC Inlet 3PIN PCB Ins Con Jack 3.5mm Dual Mono Phono Skt 4-WAY Gold Con Jack 6mm Stereo Switch Slide Volt Sel Transformer PCB mount 9V+9V 3VA 115/230V Transformer PCB mount 9V+9V 3VA 100V Transistor BC849B SOT23 Package Transistor BC849B SOT23 Package Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package Transistor BD179 TO126 Package Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package Digital Transistor MMUN2211LT1 SOT23 Package Transistor BD179 TO126 Package C30 Preamplifier pre-amp cct board L965AY issue 1.2 Designator Part Description C100 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137 C138 C139 C140 C141 C142 C143 C144 C145 C146 C147 C148 C149 C150 C151 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 C158 C159 C160 2C210 2DA147 2DA147 2DA147 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C110 2C110 2N710 2P610CC 2K447 2K447 2D222W 2C022 2P610CC 2P610CC 2C410 2C310 2N610 2C210 2DA147 2DA147 2DA147 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C110 2C110 2N710 2P610CC 2K447 2K447 2D222W 2C022 2P610CC 2P610CC 2C210 2DA147 2DA147 2DA147 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2KA410 2C022 2C022 2K447 2K447 2C410 2C410 2P622P 2C410 2C410 2P622P 2C022 2C022 2C210 Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 100PF Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 100PF Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyprop 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 2N2 Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 10NF Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 100PF Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 100PF Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyprop 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 2N2 Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Elna ROA 10UF 50V Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 100V 5% 22PF Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 C30 Preamplifier pre-amp cct board L965AY issue 1.2 Designator Part Description C161 C162 C163 C164 C165 C166 C167 C168 C169 C170 C171 C172 C173 C174 C175 C176 C177 C178 C179 C180 C181 C182 C183 C184 C185 C186 C187 C188 C189 C190 C191 C192 C193 C300 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C310 C312 C313 C314 C315 D100 D101 D102 D103 D104 D105 D106 D107 D108 D109 D110 D111 D112 D113 2DA147 2DA147 2DA147 2C210 2DA147 2DA147 2KA410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2C410 2N610 2P622P 2P622P 2P622P 2P622P 2K447 2K447 2N810C 2P622P 2P710A 2C410 2KA410 2P710A 2K447 2C410 2C410 2N810C 2P622P 2P710A 2KA410 2KA410 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polypropylene 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 12.5mm Pitch 5mm 1000UF 35V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 12.5mm Pitch 5mm 1000UF 35V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SP 22UF 20V Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Oscon SA 100UF 20V Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 5% 100VDC 100N Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package C30 Preamplifier pre-amp cct board L965AY issue 1.2 Designator Part Description D114 D115 D116 D117 D118 D119 D120 D121 D122 D300 D301 D302 D304 D305 D306 D307 D308 D310 D311 F300 F301 ITEM1-1 ITEM2-1 PCB1 Q100 Q300 Q301 Q303 Q305 Q306 Q307 R100 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R126 R127 R128 R129 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3AS16W 3AV99W 3AV99W 3BS1D 3BS1D 3AS16W 3AS16W 3AS16W 3BS1D 3BS1D 3AS16W 3CW315V 3CW315V C3202 C3202 E826AP E826AP L937PB 4A849B 4J112 4B5171 4J112 4B1930 4A846B 4A856B 1A210 1A210 1A210 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A510 1A510 1A047 1A047 1A222 1A222 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A227 1A227 1A256 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A822 1A822 1A822 1A210 1A210 1A210 1A410 1A410 Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount S1D Diode Surface Mount S1D Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Diode Surface Mount S1D Diode Surface Mount S1D Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package Fuse Littelfuse T2A SM Fuse Littelfuse T2A SM Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Pad Damping 7.5x6x3 Sorbothane Blank PCB A32 Preamp PCB Transistor BC849B SOT23 Package Transistor Jfet N Channel J112 TO-92 Package Transistor 2SC5171 TO220 Package Transistor Jfet N Channel J112 TO-92 Package Transistor 2SA1930 TO220 Package Transistor BC846B SOT23 Package Transistor BC856B SOT23 Package Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1M0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1M0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K7 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K7 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 5K6 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2R2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2R2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2R2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K C30 Preamplifier pre-amp cct board L965AY issue 1.2 Designator Part Description R130 R131 R132 R133 R134 R135 R136 R137 R138 R139 R140 R141 R142 R143 R144 R145 R146 R147 R148 R149 R150 R151 R152 R153 R154 R155 R156 R157 R158 R159 R160 R161 R162 R163 R164 R165 R166 R167 R168 R169 R170 R171 R172 R173 R174 R175 R176 R177 R178 R179 R180 R181 R182 R183 R184 R185 R186 R187 R188 R189 R190 1A410 1A510 1A510 1A047 1A047 1A222 1A222 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A227 1A227 1A256 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A210 1A210 1A210 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A322 1A410 1A310 1A110 1A510 1A510 1A022 1A047 1A047 1A310 1A210 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1M0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1M0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K2 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K7 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 2K7 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 5K6 Resistor 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L965AY issue 1.2 Designator Part Description R191 R192 R193 R194 R195 R196 R197 R198 R199 R200 R201 R202 R203 R204 R300 R302 R303 R304 R307 RLY100 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK100 SK101 SK102 SK103 SK300 SK301 Z100 Z101 Z102 Z103 Z104 Z105 Z106 Z107 Z108 Z109 Z110 Z111 Z112 Z113 Z114 Z115 Z116 Z117 Z301 1A210 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A210 1A210 1A410 1A410 1A410 1A822 1A822 1A822 1A247 1A310 1A133 1A212 1A147 1A133 1A122 A216 8D225 8D225 8D225 8D225 8D226 8K8022B 8K8330 8K2404 8K2408 8K2304 8K6604 5S408DY 5S408DY 5S408DY 5S408DY 5S408DY 5S408DY 5S413DY 5AVSDVC 5A1844 5B072D 5B072D 5B072D 5B072D 5B072D 5B072D 5B2134 5B2134 5B2134 5D317T Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 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Switch DG413DY SO-16 Package IC Audio Dig Volume Control MAS9116ASBA-T SO-16W Package IC Quad Digital Pot 10K Lin SO-20 Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package Opamp OPA2134UA SO-8 Package IC Voltage Regulator ADJ LM317T TO-220 Package C30 Preamplifier phono cct board L870AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description C1 C100 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C200 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C211 C212 C213 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 D100 D101 D102 D200 D201 D202 IC100 IC200 PCB1 R100 R101 R102 R104 R105 R106 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 2A410 2N622 2D210 2P710AS 2P710AS 2K410 2K410 2K410 2K410 2D147W 2D110W 2D247N 2D310 2D310 2K510 2D213N 2D147W 2D147W 2U610 2D110N 2D210 2N622 2D210 2P710AS 2P710AS 2K410 2K410 2K410 2K410 2D147W 2D110W 2D247N 2D310 2D310 2K510 2D213N 2D147W 2D147W 2U610 2D110N 2D210 3A4148 3A4148 3A4148 3A4148 3A4148 3A4148 5B071 5B071 L870PB_2 1H133 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H347 1H312 1H312 1H356 1H410 1H410 1H410 1H315 1H522 CERD 100N 63V -20% +80% RA ELST 22U 63V PPRO 1N0 5% 63V RA ELEC 100U 25V SILMIC ELEC 100U 25V SILMIC PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA PPRO W 100P 63V 5% RA PPRO 4N7 63V 5% RA PPRO 10N 63V 1% AXIAL PPRO 10N 63V 1% AXIAL CAP MKS2 1U0 16V 10% PPRO 1N3 63V 5% RA PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA ELST NON POLAR 10UF 35V PPRO 100P 63V 5% RA PPRO 1N0 5% 63V RA ELST 22U 63V PPRO 1N0 5% 63V RA ELEC 100U 25V SILMIC ELEC 100U 25V SILMIC PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PEST 100N 63V 10% PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA PPRO W 100P 63V 5% RA PPRO 4N7 63V 5% RA PPRO 10N 63V 1% AXIAL PPRO 10N 63V 1% AXIAL CAP MKS2 1U0 16V 10% PPRO 1N3 63V 5% RA PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA PPRO W 470P 63V 5% RA ELST NON POLAR 10UF 35V PPRO 100P 63V 5% RA PPRO 1N0 5% 63V RA SSDIODE 1N4148 75V SSDIODE 1N4148 75V SSDIODE 1N4148 75V SSDIODE 1N4148 75V SSDIODE 1N4148 75V SSDIODE 1N4148 75V IC FET OPAMP TL071 IC FET OPAMP TL071 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD RES MF W4 1% 330R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 47K RES MF W4 1% 12K RES MF W4 1% 12K RES MF W4 1% 56K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 15K RES MF W4 1% 2M2 C30 Preamplifier phono cct board L870AY issue 2.0 Designator Part Description R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R200 R201 R202 R204 R205 R206 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 SK1 SK2 SW100 TR100 TR101 TR102 TR103 TR104 TR105 TR106 TR107 TR108 TR109 TR110 TR111 TR112 TR113 TR114 TR200 TR201 TR202 TR203 TR204 TR205 TR206 TR207 TR208 TR209 TR210 TR211 TR212 TR213 TR214 1H522 1H022 1H022 1H022 1H022 1H339 1H010 1H256 1H133 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H110 1H347 1H312 1H312 1H356 1H410 1H410 1H410 1H315 1H522 1H522 1H022 1H022 1H022 1H022 1H339 1H010 1H256 8D230 8K2408 A1013 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A1085 4A1085 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A556 4A1085 4A1085 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 4A546 RES MF W4 1% 2M2 RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 39K RES MF W4 1% 10R RES MF W4 1% 5K6 RES MF W4 1% 330R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 100R RES MF W4 1% 47K RES MF W4 1% 12K RES MF W4 1% 12K RES MF W4 1% 56K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 100K RES MF W4 1% 15K RES MF W4 1% 2M2 RES MF W4 1% 2M2 RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 22R RES MF W4 1% 39K RES MF W4 1% 10R RES MF W4 1% 5K6 PHONO SKT 2-WAY HOR EMC GOLD 8-WAY AMP CT CONN SW PUSH 4PCO TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P 2SA1085 TRANS LF SS P 2SA1085 TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P BC556B TRANS LF SS P 2SA1085 TRANS LF SS P 2SA1085 TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B TRANS LF SS N BC546B ARCAM All parts can be ordered via Pembroke Ave, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB5 9PB, ENGLAND TEL: +44(0) 1223 203 203 FAX: +44(0) 1223 863 384
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