loj signature ii - Love of Jesus Family Church, Jersey City


loj signature ii - Love of Jesus Family Church, Jersey City
A Publication of the Love of Jesus Family Church of Bayonne © 2007
Volume 1, Issue 2
Monthly Newsletter
February 2007
Lift Him Up!
Letter From Our Pastors
Sister Marisol Perez
Pastor Alana McDonald
God Bless you family. As we embark on February, the second month of 2007, let’s
fulfill what the number two means - Unity/Divine Agreement. Psalm 133:1 says,
“Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”
When we worship the Lord Jesus Christ, His name is exalted on high and the
presence of God draws near to us. (James 4:8) We give reverence to God as we bow
down our hearts before His throne and seek His face.
In order for God to do great and mighty acts in our midst, we must stand together
in unity with the mind of Christ. Grab hold of the vision of our church and live in
agreement with the Word of God.
Praying is an act of humility. The enemy flees from you when you remain faithful
in prayer. The Word of God says, “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee
from you.” It is in that secret place that you will find peace in your heart and mind.
(Philippians 4:6-7)
So please determine in your mind and heart to receive the full will of God for your
lives individually, and be ready with an open heart to receive what the Spirit of God
is saying to our church corporately. We love you all and we will speak to you deeper
in next month’s issue.
When we pray, we find rest from all the anxieties in our lives and we find strength
(1 Peter 5:6-11). If we remain in prayer and obedient to God, we obtain His divine
protection and deliverance from all our troubles. (Psalm 91)
Moments of Reflection....
Take a moment to consider your relationship with Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ in 2006. Was He a priority? Did you spend enough time with Him? Did your relationship with Him grow
deeper in 2006 than it was in 2005? Make a decision today to draw nearer to Him in 2007. Ask the Lord to show you what steps to take and what moves to make in 2007 that will help you
delve deeper into the glorious things of God!
Inside This Issue:
The Scribes Network - “ A Word From The Word”
Elder Carol Encarnacion
1 Letters from Our Pastors
1 Lift Him Up
1 Moments of Reflection
1 The Scribes Network
2 Singularly Focused
2 Poetic Corner
2 Health, Wealth & Power
3 Restoring! Lifestyle of Recovery
4 Calender
5 Calender
6 Her Way!
6 Youth Today
6 Did You Know...
6 Our House | Our Families
7 A Restored Heart
7 Connections
7 Brother 2 Brother
8 Our Community
8 Coming Soon!
The Scribes Network is a column that
explores the Word of God.
We are told in Acts 17:11 that the Bereans heard the Word and they received
it with all readiness and searched the
scriptures daily to find whether those
things were so. As born again believers,
we are to search the scriptures daily for
meaning and truth. We are to abide in
God and His Word.
In this column we will examine the Old
Testament and the New Testament as
well as church history and Hermeneutics.
Hermeneutics 101
Hermeneutics comes from a Greek
word “hermeneuo” which means to
interpret, translate, or explain. In this
column we will use the definition as
a method to study and interpret the
One may ask the question, “Why do we
need a way to study the Word of God?”
There are many reasons but the main
one is to prevent misleading other
people or ourselves into thinking that
the scripture means one thing when
it might mean something entirely different.
The Bible was written to Jews and
Gentiles, masters and slaves. There is
over 2,000 years of History between the
New Testament and today.
In school, we are given principles in
mathematics, grammar, and chemistry.
On the job, we are told the rules, policies, and procedures that we must follow. So in reading and understanding
the Word of God, hermeneutics gives
you principles and rules to guide you.
The languages that were used were
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. So again
hermeneutics will give you guidance as
you interpret the Bible to gain better
understanding. God’s word is always
true but we must be careful to interpret
it correctly.
As children of God, we want to be
able to stand on God’s Word with
confidence without making a mistake
in interpreting the meaning. Often in
the Bible the people and disciples did
not understand Jesus when He spoke.
For examples, see Mark 14:58, John
2:19-21 and John 16:16-19. If they did
not understand Jesus speaking directly
to them in their language, how about
There are six qualifications in interpreting the Bible:
There are some barriers that we are
faced with today in understanding
scripture such as culture, different
values, different traditions, lifestyles,
and worship.
Next month we will examine the above
six qualifications.
1. Accept and believe the Bible as God’s
2. Be born again.
3. Depend on the Holy Spirit.
4. Obey and do God’s Word.
5. Have an open mind and a teachable
6. Study to be approved by God.
Singularly Focused
Poetic Corner
Sister Tesha Calamito
Sister Lisa Stokes
Being single can make you feel like you are all alone. It may even make you feel like
we are missing out on being loved by someone else. Well, if you ever had these feelings, you are about to experience the best relationship in your life. It is with Jesus. Yes,
Jesus. I am going to tell you my testimony, how God kept me single but never feeling
like I was alone.
He is now Glorified and we are the head.
Death for gain
A kindred spirit has passed away
And will no longer have to endure another day
For he’s away from pain
But let not his death be in vain
A long time ago Jesus died for us
For us to have more
Remember, that Jesus left an open door
So from this death let us gain
Gain what Father God has for us
And in God’s rest and peace we can trust.
I am a single woman with four children. I became a born again Christian four years
ago. When I first got saved I was in a relationship with my last child’s father. Now,
even though I loved this man, it still wasn’t right in God’s eyes because he wasn’t saved
and we were having a sexual relationship.
So as I started working out my salvation, one day at Bible Study, my Pastor was
teaching about things that we could never walk away from by ourselves. He said the
only way out of these situations is being delivered by God. The thing that God had
to deliver me from was sex. Now, this is where it gets good. This is when I began my
relationship with Jesus.
God Bless You!
After hearing this at Bible Study, I went home and just started talking to the Lord. I
was honest with him. I said, “Lord, I love having sex with my partner. Sometimes I
don’t even have to be around him and I will want to go over his house and have sex.
So Lord if what the pastor was saying is true, you have to deliver me.” And instantly,
I was delivered! Right then and there I knew that Jesus was real and alive. Because I
spoke to Him, told Him what I needed and He instantly delivered me.
God also had to end the relationship I was in because He needed time with me alone
to change me into a woman of God. Now, before I got saved I tell you I felt like I
couldn’t live without this man. But when I entered this personal relationship with
Jesus and experienced His love for me, I didn’t need a man. All I needed was Jesus. It
was time to let go and let God do a work in me.
Health, Wealth & Power
Deaconess Elizabeth Sooklal
In my alone time with the Lord, He showed me that there was so much junk in my
life that I had to get rid of before I become anyone’s wife. Now don’t get me wrong.
This was not an easy walk with the Lord. Through my single walk with the Lord,
the devil sent all kind of guys with lots of money who were even willing to come to
church if I would be with them. But I knew that they would not be coming for Jesus.
It is essential for us as Christians to be emotionally healthy. By that, I mean free from
negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and jealousy. Also any feelings brought
on by life’s trauma like divorce, death, financial lack, or anything negative that has left
an emotional scar or disorder. Being emotionally unhealthy not only has an impact
on our relationship with God, but also with one another.
Another thing is that God never stopped my love for my child’s father. And even
though we are not together, I always keep him in my prayers. Even if he’s not the one
for me, I still pray for his salvation. God has something better in store for me. But like
I said before, it wasn’t easy. The devil had this one guy ask to take me to the movies.
So I allowed him to come get me and take me to the movies. God convicted me while
I was with this guy. God begin talking to me. He said “Tesha you always tell me how
much you love your child’s father and how you want me to save him. If you love him
so much, what are you doing on a date with this guy?” So I had to make a choice and
be obedient to the Lord if I wanted the best for my life.
The reason it is important for us to be healed emotionally is that when we got saved
we became new creatures in Christ, old things have passed away. (2 Cor 5:17) Also,
we are called to be ministers of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18-21). Someone once said to
me “You can’t be the light if you don’t have the light”. Jesus is whole and desires us
to be whole and also wants us to have life and life more abundantly. In the package
of salvation came benefits; healing, deliverance, peace, joy, contentment, forgiveness,
restoration, freedom from bondage, and more.
There have been times when I felt lonely being that it’s been so long since I had
someone in my life. I would desire a man just to come over and keep me company.
And fornicating with him wouldn’t even be on my mind. But it’s still not of God
because He doesn’t want you with anyone but the one He has chosen for you. So what
I would have to do, again tell it to the Lord”, I am feeling like I want to be comforted
by a man. And the Lord will put me right to sleep as I am talking to Him about these
feelings. I will wake up and those feelings would be gone.
A lot of times we don’t want to be alone, because we don’t like ourselves. That’s why
it’s important for us to gain a personal relationship with our Lord. So He can take
all the junk out of our lives and make us brand new. Then we can feel good about
ourselves, and learn to love ourselves, because of the love relationship we gain with
Jesus. So the key to being single and focusing on God, is speaking to your Lord God,
listening to Him and allowing Him to do a great work in your life.
However, keep in mind that the process of being emotionally healthy or being healed
does not happen overnight. It takes time, total submission to God and a desire to be
delivered. The Bible states in Heb 4:11 “Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest...
That word labor is an action word or verb. It takes an effort on our part. Here are
some key points to remember:
God is in Control
Repentance is necessary
Immerse yourself in the Word of God (Read, Pray, Meditate)
Cry out to God. It is OK to cry!
Our healing depends on how we respond to the situation we are facing.
God not only wants us to prosper but also our souls to prosper. In 3 John 1:2 it states
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as
thy soul prospereth”. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather be marred in
the hands of God, knowing that when He is finished with me, that He would smile
because it pleased Him to make me anew. (Jer 18:4).
It is comforting to know that, God will continue the good work He started in us.
The Amplified Bible says it well in Philippians 1:6, “And I am convinced and sure of
this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day
of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and
perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you”.
Page LOJ Signature II Newsletter - February 2007
Restoring! “A Lifestyle of Recovery”
Brother Cleo Santiago
What is addiction and how it can lead
to a disastrous life!
Many people today suffer from addiction and don’t even realize it. It could
be a part of your life right now, so the
question is, what is addiction? Contrary
to popular belief, addiction is not a
condition that can be broken simply by
self will. If that were the case, many of
us would be delivered and set free.
Addiction refers to a compulsion to do
something, either a substance or an activity, over and over again regardless of the
Addiction is a reality that is killing
many people both in the church and
outside the church. Addiction does not
discriminate based on gender, race, age
or religion. Its sole purpose is to kill and
destroy. Addiction can manifest itself in
many ways, not just with a specific drug,
but also with other elements.
Addiction comes in two forms:
1. Physical Addiction
Once he/she has stopped using, the
addict will suffer physical withdrawal
symptoms. People with a physical dependency on a substance will take it, not to
obtain pleasure after a point, but simply
to relieve withdrawal symptoms.
Behold, I stand at the door, and
knock: if any man hear my voice,
and open the door, I will come in
to him, and will sup with him, and
he with me.
Revelation 3:20
2. Physiological Addiction
In this case, the user will use a substance
simply seeking the pleasure that they
initially got the first time they used.
The substance will usually interact with
the person’s brain chemistry and release
pleasure inducing chemicals that enforce
the use of drugs. This becomes a mental
or physiological obsession that leads to
a compulsive pattern that makes it hard
to stop.
What is Obsession?
A fixed idea that takes us back over and
over again to a particular substance, or
substitute, to recapture the ease and
comfort we once knew.
What is Compulsion?
An irresistible persistent impulse to perform an act. In other words, an addict
starts with their drug of choice with no
power of their own to stop.
LOJ Signature II Newsletter - February 2007
There are consequences that come from
an addictive pattern. How does it affect
your life? An addictive cycle will rob
you of the abundant life that God has in
store for you here on earth.
NLT (John 10:10)
“The thief ’s purpose is to steal and kill and
destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich
and satisfying life.”
God wants us to live abundantly, joyfully, rich and full of life. There is no
freedom in addiction.
Some of the consequences of addiction
1. Money unmanageability
2. Loss of employment
3. Divorce
4. Disease
5. Homelessness
6. Loss of self
The most dangerous consequence is
death. The Bible clearly labels one form
of addiction; drunkenness, as a sin.
NLT (Prov. 20:1)
“Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to
brawls. Those led astray by drink cannot
be wise.”
NLT (Ephesians 5:18)
“Don’t be drunk with wine, because that
will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with
the Holy Spirit.”
NLT (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
“Don’t you realize that those who do wrong
will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Don’t fool yourselves those who indulge in
sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit
adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice
homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy
people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or
cheat people – none of these will inherit the
Kingdom of God.”
Addiction is birthed out of sin and
notice that drunkenness is listed among
other grievous sins.
So that’s the spiritual aspect of addiction. The addict will try to fix or sedate
a spiritual problem with material solutions. From my personal experience, it
does not work.
The bottom line is that sin is the core
problem that affects our spiritual, mental, and physical life.
NLT (Rom 6:23)
“For the wages of sin is death.”
NLT (Prov. 5:22,23)
“An evil man is held captive by his own
sins; they are ropes that catch and hold
him.” “He will die for lack of self –control;
he will be lost because of his great foolishness.”
Addiction is a stronghold that holds the
user captive to their addiction.
• Addiction is more than just getting
high on drugs.
• Addiction does not make you an evil
person, but it is an open gate to
commit harsh and evil acts, and
out of desperation we can cause great
harm to others families, but most of
all ourselves.
• We lose control of everything and
lose ourselves in the process.
What is the solution?
Jesus Christ is the solution to ALL of our
problems, no matter what the problem
Know that in order for Christ to free us,
we have to be willing to take action.
How do you do that?
• You have to admit the problem.
• You must ask for help.
• You have to be willing to follow the
proper direction for your life
through Christ Jesus.
NLT (Luke 4:18)
“The spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he
has anointed me to bring good news to
the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that
captives will be released, that the blind
will see, that the downtrodden will be freed
from their oppressors, and that the time of
the Lord’s favor has come.”
Wow! What a BIG assurance that is!
There is HOPE brothers and sisters! We
can be set free from addiction. Jesus was
sent for a specific mission - to die on the
cross so that we could be saved - and that
my brothers and sisters is the open gate
to recovery.
Page FEBRUARY 2007
Scripture Reading: Exodus 33:14
Pray For: Central America
Scripture Reading: Psalm 50:23
Pray For: TRI State Area
Every Sunday Pray For:
Our church sponsored foreign missionaries
Congratulations Wayne & Shawna on
birth of new baby girl - Tatiana!
Scripture Reading: Psalm 34:5
Pray For: United States
Every Sunday Pray For:
Our church sponsored foreign missionaries
Scripture Reading: 1 Cor 2:12
Pray For: Pastors Everywhere
Every Monday Pray For:
Wealth, health & protection LOJ-JC church
Every Tuesday Pray For:
Tonight’s Bible Study
Congratulations Edwin & Elise on birth
of new baby boy - Christian!
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 21:23
Pray For: Church Building
Scripture Reading:: 2 Peter 1:4
Pray For: Senior Citizens
Every Monday Pray For:
Wealth, health & protection LOJ-JC church
Every Tuesday Pray For:
Tonight’s Bible Study
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:15
Pray For: the Middle East
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 22:31
Pray For: Our Troops
Every Sunday Pray For:
Our church sponsored foreign missionaries
Every Sunday Pray For:
Our church sponsored foreign missionaries
Scripture Reading: Psalm 25:9
Pray For: Our Television Ministry
Every Monday Pray For:
Wealth, health & protection LOJ-JC church
Scripture Reading: Psalm 49:15
Pray For: Women’s Ministry
Every Tuesday Pray For:
Tonight’s Bible Study
Scripture Reading: 1 Cor 12:7
Pray For: Pastor Moses
Scripture Reading: Psalm 38:15
Pray For: Travelers
Every Monday Pray For:
Wealth, health & protection LOJ-JC church
Every Tuesday Pray For:
Tonight’s Bible Study
Happy Birthday
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103:6
Pray For: All LOJ Churches
Michelle Ranghel!!
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:15
Pray For: Church Building
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 21:2
Pray For: The Children
Every Saturday Pray For:
1) Evangelism Team & for souls to be saved in
Jersey City. 2) Tomorrow’s Services and 3) New
Outreach Bible Studies
Every Friday Pray For:
Sunday Service will by full of God’s Glory
Every Wednesday Pray For:
Church finances to be super abundant and for
all LOJ Family Churches
Scripture Reading: Rev 21:6
Pray For: Our President
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:10
Pray For: The Caribbean
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 5:6
Pray For: Teens
Every Thusday Pray For:
Tonight’s Prayer Meeting
Every Friday Pray For:
Sunday Service will by full of God’s Glory
Every Saturday Pray For:
1) Evangelism Team & for souls to be saved in
Jersey City. 2) Tomorrow’s Services and 3) New
Outreach Bible Studies
Scripture Reading: Psalm 103:17
Pray For: Israel
Scripture Reading: John 17:11
Pray For: The Lonely
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:9
Pray For: Jersey City
Scripture Reading: Malachi 4:2
Pray For: Our Pastors
Every Wednesday Pray For:
Church finances to be super abundant and for
all LOJ Family Churches
Every Thusday Pray For:
Tonight’s Prayer Meeting
Every Friday Pray For:
Sunday Service will by full of God’s Glory
Happy Birthday Saby Reyes!!
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:25
Pray For: New Jersey
Every Saturday Pray For:
1) Evangelism Team & for souls to be saved in
Jersey City. 2) Tomorrow’s Services and 3) New
Outreach Bible Studies
Scripture Reading: Psalm 25:10
Pray For: the Addicted
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:9
Pray For: Singles
Scripture Reading: 1Thess 4:16
Pray For: Married Couples
Every Wednesday Pray For:
Church finances to be super abundant and for
all LOJ Family Churches
Every Thusday Pray For:
Tonight’s Prayer Meeting
Every Friday Pray For:
Sunday Service will by full of God’s Glory
Scripture Reading: 1John 1:7
Pray For: Christlikeness
Every Saturday Pray For:
1) Evangelism Team & for souls to be saved in
Jersey City. 2) Tomorrow’s Services and 3) New
Outreach Bible Studies
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:7
Pray For: The Hospitalized
Every Wednesday Pray For:
Church finances to be super abundant and for
all LOJ Family Churches
Page Her Way!
Youth Today!
Pastor Alana McDonald
Sister Lydia Encarnacion
The Greatest Pottery Maker
God is fashioning a new generation of women to look like Him, act like Him, and
talk to Him. I once again think of the scripture Jeremiah 18:4
“And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made
it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.” KJV
God loves us so much that he doesn’t leave us the way we are. God is the original and
the greatest pottery maker. So if you are wounded, battered, frustrated know today
that you are in the hands of the Greatest Pottery Maker. So be encouraged as you are
being remolded and made into another vessel.
That scientists are beginning to understand that the universe is expanding or
stretching out? At least seven times in Scripture we are told that God stretches
out the heavens like a curtain. (Read Isaiah 40:22)
Our House | Our Families
Sister Debi Ferry
Happy Sunday to all you readers out there at The Love of Jesus Family Church of
Jersey City. Today, I want to give you a glance at the Garcia Family - Edwin, Elise,
Christina and a baby boy due soon.
They have been at the church since July of 2003. Brother Edwin first came to our
church at the invitation of brothers Matt and George. Then Elise came to our church
at the invitation of brothers Edwin and Cleo.
Sister Elise admits to being chained to addictions and the ways of the world. She had
lost the desire to live. However, when she came to church, Pastor Rich prayed for
her and shackles of darkness fell off her. Gone was the desire to live in sin and she
continued to come to church.
In 2005, Brother Edwin and Sister Elise got married. Elise was told that she couldn’t
have children and then supernaturally she was pregnant with Christina Malady. And
God hasn’t stopped blessing them. They will be having a second child - a baby boy
- this month. Praise God!
Hey Youth! I would like to thank you
for taking the time to read this column
and I know God will bless your life
through this monthly column. This year
I would like to call it a year of miracles
because I believe that God is going to do
miraculous things in your life!
In this column we are going to be talking about many important things that
can change your life. We are going to
be talking about anger, comfort, belief,
The Holy Spirit, guidance, prayer, peace,
repentance, sexual sins, loneliness, worship, and many other topics.
This column will help you in various
situations in life. Just think how great
it would be to feel different from your
peers, whether at school or at work.
Imagine what it would be like to finally
feel a great change in your life. Well, that
can become a reality by taking the time
to read this column. My dear youth, a
positive change can happen in your life
and you can achieve your goals with
God’s help.
Today we are going to talk about “Brotherly Love”. Before we start talking about
this topic I would like you to join me in
prayer. Let us pray:
“Dear God, I thank you for all the
people whom I love. I know I see your
face in them — help them to see You in
me. In Jesus name, Amen.”
Brotherly Love
Love is kind, patient, understanding, and
so much more. Youth, know that you
can love people, but if you choose not to
love people, it can affect your life and the
lives of others as well.
If you can, take the time to analyze how
many people you don’t love and don’t
even want to be bothered with. But
thank God that HE is not like us! He
loves every one of us. That’s right! God is
loving, kind, patient, understanding, and
so much more.
“Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love
one another with a pure heart fervently.”
- 1 Peter 1:22
Knowing that we can love our brothers
and sisters, and that you are listening to
the Lord’s commandments- you are purifying your soul and you are beginning
to obey God.
This is love, truth, and understanding.
“A new commandment I have given unto
you that ye love one another as I loved you.
That ye also love one another, but this shall
all men know, that ye are my disciples.
If ye have loved one to another.” - John
How wonderful! How exciting! How
awesome is our God! In knowing that
we are God’s disciples, if we love one
another that is wonderful. Being God’s
disciple as a youth is awesome. God can
use you to accomplish His will because
you love your brother and sister.
Why did I say that? Because I decided to
love my brothers and sisters and most of
all I wanted to love God. And being one
of God’s soldiers is the best thing about
my youth. Listening to God’s commandments helps me to grow and blossom. It
also helps me to love and understand the
word of God.
However, I know being a youth is hard. I
know at some point in your life you have
tried to open your heart to someone.
But sometimes your heart might have
been broken into pieces. Yes, I know why
I say these words. Because I once was
broken hearted and when my loving God
picked up all the pieces of my shattered
heart, I decided to make changes in my
life. Of course it took time and it did not
happen overnight. I spoke to God one
night and I prayed this prayer:
“Dear God, I put my heart and my life
in your hands. Dear God, I want to start
loving again. Help me, Lord. Amen”.
Time passed by and I began to see
changes in my life in a wonderful way.
A feeling of love that opened up my
eyes, mind, and my heart. I began to
know what this four letter word meant:
If you feel God has made a difference
and a change in your life today and you
know you started loving again and being
a disciple of God and would like to share
your stories with me, please write to me
at lydia.encarnacion@loveofjesusjc.org.
Here are some verses you can read at
home: Romans 12:9-10 , 1 Thessalonians
4:9 , 1 John 2:10 , 1 John 3:18 and 1
John 4:11
God bless you!
That, my friends, is this month’s peek at one of our families at the Love of Jesus
Family Church in Jersey City. Get ready, your turn is coming up!
Page LOJ Signature II Newsletter - February 2007
“A Restored Heart”
Lord you are the air I breathe, without air I cannot live, without You I cannot go on.
I want to be an unquenchable worshipper for you my God. Lord, you strengthen my
heart; You healed me with the Balm of Gilead from the inside out. You gave me the
oil of joy for mourning, beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness so that I may be called a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord.
You healed my heart and binded up my wounds. Lord I know You did not leave me,
because You are near to those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When I
am weak You give me strength, when I am tired and feel like giving up, You help me
to go on. Lord, You gave the ultimate sacrifice for me, Your Son JESUS. He took my
Sin, shame, guilt and shed His Blood for me that I may have Life and Life everlasting.
Oh! How I thank You that I am covered, drenched in the Blood of JESUS.
I thank You for restoration in my life, restoring me back to You, not to man. Lord I
thank you for stripping me of ALL that was and is not of you, So that I can be used of
You to turn transgressors back to You. I thank you that my Sins are covered and my
transgression is forgiven. You have restored me back to the Joy of Your Salvation.
I love You, I honor You and worship You Lord.
In Jesus name. Amen.
Sister Jeniffer Ranghel
Welcome to Connections! Thank you
for reading the social services section of
our newsletter. We pray and believe that
this article will enhance not only your
natural life, but your spiritual life as well.
In this month’s article we will be looking
at illiteracy. The following “did you
know” statements are based on statistics
from Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey.
1) 2 Million adults in New Jersey lack the
basic literacy skills required to perform the
daily tasks many of us take for granted.
2) Adults with low literacy skills are 5
times more likely to live in poverty
3) 40% of New Jersey adults have literacy
skills below what is required for the labor
Brother 2 Brother
Brother George Millet
Hi! Grace and Peace my brothers. Now that we have settled down from all the excitement about making it through 2006, it’s great knowing that God is going to fill all
our missing links to victorious living in 2007.
Let’s focus and look at our lives to see what is missing and what’s being manifested
in our walk. “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged”. (1 Corinthians
Now the second step is to seek the face of God so we can get understanding on how
these empty areas can be filled. Automatically our spirit man should lead us straight
to His word for answers. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and
all these things shall be added to you”. (Matthew 6:33)
Now, after we have heard from God and He has revealed to us how to fill the gaps,
let’s make it our duty brothers to practice what we have learned in our daily walk.
God loves children who are doers of His word. Why? Because it shows we trust Him
and not in ourselves. James 1:22-25 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers
only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a
man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty
and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be
blessed in what he does.”
Brothers, I understand we love God in our hearts, but its time to step up to the plate
and really trust Him. Because true love is obeying His commandments. Peace.
LOJ Signature II Newsletter - February 2007
4) The single most significant predictor of a
child’s literacy is his/her mother’s literacy
If you, a friend, family member, or
neighbor, cannot read or have poor reading skills, you do not have to remain in
this situation. There is help right in our
The New Jersey Public library has a
literacy program, it offers CONFIDENTIAL, ONE-TO-ONE basic reading
instruction. To qualify you must be 16
years old or older, out of school, and in
need of reading skills. They also offer
tutoring in writing and math. The tutors
are trained and are required to attend ongoing training throughout the year. The
literacy program is offered at the main
branch located at 472 Jersey Avenue,
Jersey City. The library is open Monday
through Thursday until 8pm and on Saturday until 5pm, for those of you cannot
attend during the day. If you would
like to take advantage of this FREE opportunity call 201- 547-4518 or you can
e-mail them at literacy@jclibrary.org
The government also offers another Literacy Program for New Jersey Residents
called “Even Start Family Literacy Program”. This program’s primary goal is to
combine adult literacy, basic education,
parenting education, and early childhood
education into a unified family literacy
Their goal is to help break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and low
literacy in the nation. Prepare yourself
so that you can give your children and
yourself greater opportunities. You can
call NJ Department of Education/Even
Start at (609) 292-5935 or e-mail EvenStart@doe.state.nj.us.
Another literacy program offered in our
community is the Jersey City One-Stop
Career Center - Workplace Literacy Pilot
Program. They are located at 438 Summit Avenue in Jersey City, NJ. They can
be reached on (201) 795-8800.
I implore those who need this help to
take that first step and call. I know a few
individuals, both young and older adults,
who cannot read or have low reading
levels and they feel ashamed or try to
hide their illiteracy. They live in secret
and make the best of their situation. Let
me assure you that there is nothing to
be ashamed of. We come from different
situations in life, (some worst than others) that kept us from moving forward in
certain areas of our lives. Let’s not allow
these circumstances and/or our past to
keep us from moving forward. The Lord
tells us to” forget those things which are
behind and reach forward towards those
things which are ahead”.
The Word also says that the people perish for the lack of knowledge. Let us not
perish. Let’s educate ourselves and not
allow our insecurities and/or the enemy
to discourage us from learning to read
and write. The devil comes as a thief, to
steal, kill and to destroy, but Jesus came
so that we might have life and have it
more abundantly.
We might also be thinking that we are
too old or incapable of learning to read
and write, but remember God tells us
that we can do all things through Christ
who strengthens us. God is our Father
and our Source. He wants us to live life
and life more abundantly.
In His Word He also tells us that in ALL
THINGS we are more than conquerors because of the love of Christ Jesus,
and God is not a man that He should
lie. So go CONQUER fear, insecurity,
the devil, illiteracy, and shame through
Christ Jesus our Lord.
My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge...
Hosea 4:6
Sister Janet Murphy
Giving Back to the Community
Volunteers Wanted!!!
1:30pm to 3:00pm
Board of Education Meeting PS 11 Thursday - February 15, 2007
JC!TV - The Educational TV Station for
Jersey City Schools. All broadcast live
from Snyder High School, Mondays,
Wednesdays, Fridays all day. Tune in
for Educational Programs, informational
material, student reports, school events,
superintendent’s monthly report, committee meetings and more.
Who gets more out of a gift? Is it the
giver or the recipient? (Proverbs 18:16)
Sometimes it hard to tell. Every year
families who volunteer feel just as
gratified as the people they serve. The
experience can teach children positive
values, provides quality family time, allow families to a make a contribution to
their communities, and creates lifelong
Opportunities to help those in need are
available year round. My article is a time
to consider these opportunities.
The Visiting Homemaker Service of
Hudson County “Friendly Visitor Program.” For more information, call Jackie
Branda (201) 656-6501
The Hudson County Animal League is
looking for volunteers and foster parents.
For more information, call (201) 2001008
Community Notes
School Truancy Alert. When you see
school age children on Jersey City Streets
during school hours (8:30am to 3:00pm)
PLEASE CALL (201) 433-6228 or
(201) 433-6238
Important School Dates - 02/07
Middle School Open House Tuesday - February 13, 2007
1:30pm to 3:00pm
High School Open House Wednesday - February 14, 2007
1:30pm to 3:00pm
Elementary School Open House Thursday - February 15, 2007
LOJ-JC Sunday Services held at the
Hyatt Regency:
Sunday Morning Prayer
Sunday Morning Service
Holy Communion
First Sunday of each month
Page Scrap Booking relations present “Multicultural Scrap Booking Event” on
February 10, 2007 at Mary Bethune McCloud Center, 134-150 Martin Luther
King Boulevard, Jersey City-Price $35.00
-Time 10am to 3pm, Contact J. Dixon
(973) 289-1974, M. Lewis (973) 9416814, Kerri Williams (201) 289-1974
NJCU COURSES- New Jersey City
University is offering a prep course for
the NJ Assessment of Skills and Knowledge Test (NJ-ASK) for third and fourth
graders on Saturdays from January 20 to
February 24
NJCU-is offering three courses required
by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission. For info on all the above NJCU
(201) 200-3089
community and children’s lives? Let’s all
work together (Ephesians 2:21-22) to
keep hope alive and make it better for
the next generation.
Black History Facts
*Robert C. Weaver- first African-American Cabinet member in United States
Government- 1/18/1966
*Doctor Daniel Hale Williams-Heart
Surgeon, performs first successful heart
surgery 7/10/1893
*NAACP founded, 2/12/1909
*United States Congress enacts law ending African slave trade 3/2/1807
*Harriet Tubman Day-March 10th
*Jackie Robinson signs with Brooklyn
Dodgers, 4/10/1947
*U.S. Supreme Court outlaws school
segregation in Brown versus Board of
Education 5/19/1925
*Civil Rights Bill passed 7/2/1964
*Edith S. Sampson- first black delegate
to the United Nations 8/24/1950
*Guian Bluford-first African-American
astronaut in space 8/30/1983
*Andrew Young named U.S. Ambassador
to the United Nations 12/16/1976
NURSING-Accepting applications for
Nursing Careers, for info call (201)
In Honor of Black History Month, see
“King Alive” a production at the Loews
Theater on February 28th, at 6:30pm.
Love of Jesus Family Church - Bayonne/Jersey City
The Hyatt Regency Hotel • 2 Exchange Place • Jersey City, NJ 07302
P.O. Box 1892 • Bayonne, NJ 07002
Website: http://www.loveofjesusjc.org Fax: (908) 518-9119
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Are you born again or saved? If you’re
not, you cannot see the Kingdom of
God. But if you’d like to be able to,
just say this simple prayer:
Dear Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner and I’m
asking you to please forgive me for my
sins. I believe that you are the only way
to God. (John 14:6) I believe in my heart
and confess with my mouth that You
died for all my sins and God raised You
from the dead. I trust you as my Lord
and Savior and ask You to come into my
heart and help me to live for you. (Rom
9:10) Thank you Jesus.
...God our Savior, who desires all men to be
saved and to come to the knowledge of the
truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ
Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all...
1 Timothy 2: 3-6
We have come a long way, have lost some
ground, and still have a ways to go. How
will you make a difference in your life,
Phone: (908) 518-1991 Well, we have a question for you. If
you were to die today, do you have
the assurance that you would go to
heaven? The Bible says in John 3:3
when Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus, “Jesus answered and said to him, Most
If you have prayed this prayer, tell
someone as soon as possible! And if
you would like to give us a call, please
feel free to contact us toll free at (877)
912-7729. We would love to hear
from you!
Honoring Black History Month
The second Annual Martin Luther King
Oratory Contest (local grammar school
students) at City Hall on 2/15 (grades 35), 2/16 (grades 6-8) and 2/22 (Finals)
Service Address: Postal Address: Thank you for reading our newsletter.
We hope it ministered to you in one
way or another.
E-mail Address: office@loveofjesusjc.org
Catch us on Comcast Cablevision of Jersey City Channel 190 !
Monday: 12:00AM & Friday: 12:00PM, 5:00PM
Saturday: 12:00AM, 12:00PM
Sunday: 12:00AM, 8:30AM, 9:30AM, 12:00PM, 6:00PM
Catch us on the World Wide Web: http://www.theloveofjesus.org/cms/mediacast/default.aspx on Tuesday @ 2:00PM & Friday @ 2:00PM
LOJ-JC Weekday Services held at
654 Bergen Avenue:
Addiction Recovery Class
Tuesday - 6:00PM
Prayer Meeting
Tuesday - 7:00PM
Bible Study
Tuesday - 8:00PM
LOJ Signature II Newsletter - February 2007