“The Milenian Empire” 1000 AC
“The Milenian Empire” 1000 AC
r H i ge is Battle of Corisa—AC 422 Flavian Fort of A Naxos Imperial Necropolis il x n ala a Tr Moreus Tower of Sparthrae Temple of Halav Neopylos Battle of Thessamera—AC 322 Ph Perganion Battle of Cythera— AC 659 Tower of Nikomedia Emperor’s Walk Palace of Assis Temple of Palartarkan WATER CASTLE TEMPLE LIGHT FOREST COAST LINE FORT SHRINE HEAVY FOREST RIVER TOWER OR KEEP STATUE HEAVY FOREST WATER FALL RUINS IMPERIAL MONUMENT HILLS WITH FOREST GREATER CATARACT (RAPIDS) CAPITAL VOLCANO HILLS WITH FOREST MEDIUM CATARACT (RAPIDS) CITY CLEAR PASTURELAND FARMLAND SWAMP OR MARSH LESSER CATARACT (RAPIDS) TOWN MOUNTAINS PLATEAU OR CLIFF TRAIL OR SHIPPING LANES VILLAGE HILLS REEF ROAD Gulf of Corisa Scale: One hex equals 8 miles Paros Battle of Palleas—AC 658 Peristis Great Plains of Argos Demoxithens Battle of Platea—AC 657 Acropylae Fortress of Tythus Temple of Petra Laxan Phylenae Temple of Halav Neasistis Corisa Eraion Stothos Tower of Pelatrion Leaetos Do Shrine of Whisper Winds Nymea oa ius ph Colossus Do of Symos Dophius Dorias Tromeas Massalis Battle of Epithon—AC 515 d oa Tro R m ean Hoplites Trail Gorslos Sw of am Ac ps ha i n isa r Co e Riv Temple of Ixion Lentys Fort Colossus of Pyrnae r d Colossus of Donae Summer Palace rd an Bay of Xarda Temple of Asterius Zenoplines d oa R Palace of Knidos Battle of Antistis—AC 319 Tower of Lenikis Portos Xarda Ro ad Temple of Palartarkan Artelonai Temple of Asterius Temple of Tarastia sR R Mesominai Thermis Xa Tonikis Tower of Hippocidas Temple of Petra Forest of Isopydos Palace of Lerneia Forest of Pyos Pylaeus Dophian Colonnade Amphitrion Demtorian Road thu d oa ph Mipolis Ty ian Ledeion Ranais Pelaian Road Temple of Halav Midros Colossus of Peritrion Hi Tower of Ionysias lls of Ruins of Mecenis Tower of Athemion Antimios Ruins of Kerynos Ios Shrine of Fertility Drosonikis Stosipolis Ba ch Temple of Faunus Paelodrios Neanai ae a Shrine of Glory Colossus of Simion Temple of Zirchev ds o o W nai t ea oso r G Dr of Battle of Pyrlathon—AC 612 Tower of Nemastis Shrine of Shadows Temple of Tarastia Ruins of Antinal Tower of Sidrion Tower of Nycea Sinos Temple of Faunus Temple of Ixion Colossus of Agrisa Agrisa Fort Demtor R s ’ r Phos Lake Agrisa g A of Colossus of Xenopatras Meionis Temple of Asterius Bassae o r pe s a or Pelai p am Mount Anaxophon—Alt. 2517 Colossus of Pyrmimion it a r St Mount Phoceis—Alt. 2634 t ar Battle of Philipponia—AC 431 Thos Colossus of Neatrion Temple of Protius Em Laroun Road Ruins of Drosonal 8m LIGHT FOREST Temple of Ixion Antissea Doricenae LIGHTHOUSE an re o M Tower of Miraeus Valley of Night Colossus of Atlass d s f t o tes s re ra o F oc n Xe Southern Atlass Ocean PALACE Chariots Trail Tower of Praxiphoctes Temple of Protius R oa Temple of Zirchev Forest of Eos equals THE MILENIAN EMPIRE To the Traldar Kingdoms Battle of Hierophrastes—AC 442 Sw am ps T na o th go e ro Pla in ex 1h ills No Ta ile s e rth ve s viu Sil rn Ri 8 ile s equals 8m Replica of poster map from HWR3 The Milenian Empire, 1992 Cartography by Thorfinn Tait, July 2005; last modified May 2009 www.thorf.co.uk ex 1h “The Milenian Empire” 1000 AC Colossus of Acrotyris Hecatopylos Island of Amora Arteapolis To Laroun To Laroun Paros Heliophylae
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