All Colours Alpaca Auction
All Colours Alpaca Auction
All Colours Alpaca Auction At El Prado Alpacas, in conjunction with Green Gully Alpacas and Red Ridge Alpacas 10:14 am, Apr 24, 2015 Sunday 24th May, 2015 12 Noon, On Site El Prado Alpacas “Tranquil Vistas” 485 Luskintyre Road Luskintyre Hunter Valley, NSW ~1~ Auction Location: 485 Luskintyre Road, Luskintyre, NSW Just 5km off New England Highway at Lochinvar, 10km north of the Lovedale Interchange of the Hunter Expressway. ~2~ T This is the fourth annual “All Colours Alpaca Auction” held in the lower Hunter Valley at El Prado Alpacas. El Prado Alpacas, owned by Paul and Deanne Thibault have been breeding quality huacaya and suri alpacas since 2002. Our focus has been on white suris and grey and black huacayas. Due to our planned move to a smaller property in the New England region later this year we are selling approximately 50% of our breeding herd and the sale will include a dispersal of our grey suri lines, which have unique, hard to obtain genetics. In addition there will be a number of black huacaya females with female crias (black and grey) available. Most of these young progeny for sale are of show quality. In addition 11 certified males including both suri and huacaya are on the sales list. This year we have invited two respected alpaca studs, Green Gully Alpacas (Cathy and Noel Reid), and Red Ridge Alpacas (Peter and Shirley Berry) to join us in the 4th All Colours Alpaca auction to add high quality diversity to the auction. Again there is a well-considered mix of huacayas and suris of all colours to cater to the preferences of most breeders. The auction animals have been carefully selected to provide a wide range of quality breeding stock to breeders wishing to build their herds or add new genetics to complement their existing herd. This year we have selected 51 lots in total with a mixture of females, young males and certified males. As all the females are unreserved this is a great opportunity for breeders to get great value for their purchases. The auction rules however require a minimum opening bid of $300 for single Lots and $500 for females with a cria at foot. The only Lots this year with a reserve are Lots 38 and 47. So once again welcome to the auction in the lower Hunter Valley wine country. It should be an enjoyable day for all. Deanne & Paul Thibault El Prado Cathy & Noel Reid Shirley and Peter Berry A L P A C A S El Prado A L P A C A S ~3~ Information for Buyers AUCTION START: 12 NOON INSPECTIONS: SUNDAY MAY 24 from 10.00AM REGISTRATION: All prospective buyers must register at the Landmark Buyer Registration Office on site prior to auction. Terms are strictly cash unless prior arrangements have been made with the auctioneers. EFPOS will be available on site. DELIVERY: Will be at the conclusion of the sale unless prior arrangements have been made. TRANSPORT: Buyers should make their own transport arrangements prior to the auction. INSURANCE: All risk is transferred to the purchaser at the completion of the sale. The purchaser should arrange insurance if required. HEALTH: Animals from El Prado and Green Gully Alpacas are from Q-Alpaca properties Q 05/0053, Q 05/0002. Red Ridge Alpacas are unassessed and reside in a BJD Protected zone (QLD). AAA TRANSFERS: All animal transfers with the AAA will be at purchaser’s cost. STATE HEALTH PROTOCOL: Buyers, please ensure that you are aware of the necessary state health protocol required at the destination of your purchase. OPENING BIDS: Minimum opening bids of $300 for single Lots and $500 for females with cria at foot are required. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Terms of payment are strictly cash at time of purchase in accordance with the conditions of sale. Personal or Business cheques accepted on prior arrangement. EFPOS will be available on site. For further information contact Wilson Beer of Landmark on 0428 505 520 or Andrew Wishart 0407 424 706. BUYING ORDERS, TELEPHONE BIDDING: Buyers orders can be placed with Landmark Personnel who will be in attendance on Auction day. Telephone bidding will be available on the day and should be registered by Thursday 21st May by 5.00pm. Phone Andrew Wishart on 0407 424 706 or Wilson Beer 0428 505 520. CATALOGUES: All details in this catalogue are provided by the Vendors and whilst all care has been taken in their preparation, both Landmark and the Vendors accept no responsibility for errors or misdescriptions herein. Additional catalogues are available from Landmark. MATING GUARANTEES: Whilst every effort has been made by the vendors to ensure that females described as pregnant will produce a live cria, no guarantee is provided due to variable logistical difficulties. AGISTMENT: Purchasers who wish to temporarily agist stock at El Prado Alpacas should advise prior to the sale. Free agistment is offered for a period of 14 days from the date of purchase. After this time the purchaser will be required to enter into an agistment agreement with El Prado Alpacas. No agistment is available for Red Ridge Alpacas. Vendors: Paul & Deanne Thibault Ph: 02 49306 178 Mob: 0414 635 775 Peter & Shirley Berry Ph: 07 4697 9533 Mob: 0427 381 765 Cathy & Noel Reid Ph: 02 6778 7449 Mob: 0415 459 067 TAMWORTH p: 02 6765 5211 f: 02 6762 2387 Andrew Wishart 0407 424 706 Wilson Beer 0428 505 520 ~4~ Lot 1 El Prado Leila Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female + female cria DOB: 1/08/07 IAR: 106607 Color: Solid Black Timbertop The Scud (SBLK) Sire: Anneaton Rasputin (Roan) Anneaton Tinkerbell (BLK) Aviana Farms Tezado (SBLK) Dam: Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Henry Rose Black Rose (SBLK) Fleece: FD 29.5 SD 5.52 CF 59.75 CEM 9.13 Mating: Solid black female cria at foot (DOB 2/11/14) from Wyterrica Manighar Comment: Reliable breeder of quality coloured progeny. One of our best female lines. Well grown out black female cria from Manighar Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 2 $: ................................ Green Gully Pheobe Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female + female cria DOB: 5/04/09 IAR: 131043 Color: Solid Black Jolimont Cassius (W) Sire: Kia Ora View Temptation (MF) Serenal Aphrael (SMF) Summerhill Sundance (SMF) Dam: Koorana Park Bliss (SMBR) Koorana Park Nikita (SBLK) Fleece: FD 26.9 SD 6.16 CF 76.75 Mating: Medium grey female cria at foot (DOB 2/11/14) from Wyterrica Manighar Comment: Another good breeder that performed well in show ring. Show quality grey female cria. 2nd Junior Black Female 2010 Royal Sydney Show Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 3 $: ................................ Yaringa Classy Miss Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female + female cria DOB: 4/12/09 IAR: 147676 Color: Solid Black Coonawarra Dorchester (SBLK) Sire: Coonawarra Gladiator (SBLK) Coonawarra Eleanor (SDBR) Parnabrae Zeus (SBLK) Dam: Alpacaspecialist Classy Lady Anneaton Chentelle (SBLK) Fleece: FD 28.0 SD 5.66 CF 69.7 CEM 9.89 Mating: Medium grey female cria at foot (DOB 27/11/14) from Elysion Mantovani Comment: Soft handling fleece. Produces quality progeny with her last male performing well in the show ring. Show quality MG female at foot. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~5~ $: ................................ Lot 4 El Prado Zoe Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 6/11/12 IAR: 173231 Color: Light Grey Blue Grass Rising Son (DG) Sire: Elysion Mantovani (MG) Alpaca Partners Marnie (RG) Warramunga Downs Paladin (SBLK) Dam: El Prado Zora (SBLK) Woodland Ridge Zarzamora (SBLK) Fleece: FD 24.6 SD 5.82 CF 87.15 CEM 10.76 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 29/12/2014 Comment: Even coloured, well structured fleece with long staple length on this light grey maiden. Should produce an excellent cria mated to Manighar. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 5 $: ................................ El Prado Sirocco Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 2/04/14 IAR: 193624 Color: True Black Warramunga Downs Paladin (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Crusader (SBLK) El Prado Leila (SBLK) Pinjarra Buenisimo (MG) Dam: Elysion Simone (Roan) Alpacapartners Marnie (RG) Fleece: FD 24.3 SD 5.96 CF 86.35 Mating: Unjoined maiden. Comment: True black maiden with excellent conformation and huacaya head with dense, lustrous and crimpy well aligned fibres. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 6 $: ................................ El Prado Mauve Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 27/11/14 IAR: 207621 Color: Medium Grey Canchones Cyberspace (MG) Sire: El Prado Vulcan (SBLK) Pacofino Black Pearl (SBLK) El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Dam: El Prado Lilac (LG) El Prado Margarita Negra (SBLK) Fleece: Not tested Mating: Unjoined weanling Comment: Well grown weanling with even coloured grey fleece that has good density. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~6~ $: ................................ Lot 7 El Prado Margarita Negra Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 4/05/05 IAR: 83717 Color: Solid Black Park View raven (SBLK) Sire: Alpacandes Inki (SBLK) East Station Ebony (BLK) Aviana Farms Tezado (SBLK) Dam: Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Henry Rose Black Rose (SBLK) Fleece: FD 31.8 SD 7.14 CF 43.95 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 30/12/2014 Comment: Good blue black breeder that we have used in our grey breeding program for both huacayas and suris. Has produced show quality progeny Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 8 $: ................................ Yaringa ImageHuacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 17/04/11 IAR: 164820 Color: Solid Roan Coonawarra Dorchester (SBLK) Sire: Coonawarra Gladiator (SBLK) Coonawarra Eleanor (SDBR) Wyterrica Propaganda (RG) Dam: Sierra Vista Silhouette (MG) Timbertop Faith (SBLK) Fleece: 22.1 SD 5.26 CF 94.45 CEM 9.41 Mating: El Prado Blue Chip LMD 28/12/2014 Comment: Fine, soft handling dark roan fleece with Gladiator and Propaganda genetics. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 9 $: ................................ Orrapoora Razzamatazz Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 24/02/05 IAR: 83319 Color: Medium Grey Purrumbete El Dorado (SMF) Sire: Blue Grass El Nino Dorado Jolimont Comet (SW) Stachowski Enforcer (MG) Dam: Coolaroo Roving Mist (MG) Purrumbete Rovers Daughter (BLK) Fleece: FD 29.4 SD 6.30 CF 64.80 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 10/4/2015 Comment: Has produced excellent quality grey and coloured progeny for us. Good temperament. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~7~ $: ................................ Lot 10 El Prado Nocturne Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 5/04/12 IAR: 173218 Color: Solid Black Blue Grass Rising Son (DG) Sire: Elysion Mantovani (MG) Alpaca Partners Marnie (RG) World Class Night Moves (SBLK) Dam: Toorale Stormy Night (SBLK) Toorale Black Storm (BLK) Fleece: FD 31.8 SD 8.06 CF 49.05 Mating: El Prado Blue Chip LMD 28/12/2014 Comment: Compact true black with mating to Blue Chip to refine further. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 11 $: ................................ Aingeal Ridge II Hannah Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 28/03/12 IAR: 169694 Color: Solid Medium Brown Wyterrica Rory (SMBR) Sire: Wyterrica Havati (SLBR) Carisbrooke Charlotte (DF) Millduck Horatio (SDF) Dam: Wyterrica Munchkin (SDBR) Wyterrica Gabriella (SMBR) Fleece: FD 23.1 SD 4.08 CF 96.10 CEM 6.98 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 31/12/2014 Comment: Quality coloured fleece on a great frame. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 12 $: ................................ Timbertop Shiloh Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 22/08/08 IAR: 118616 Color: Solid Medium Brown Shanbrooke Accoyo Tulaco (SW) Sire: Patagonia Celtic Triumph (W) Patagonia Celtic Rose (SMF) Timbertop Pathfinder (SDBR) Dam: Timbertop Angelina (SBLK) Aymara Ebony (SBLK) Fleece: FD 24.8 SD 5.39 CF 88.4 CEM 9.28 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 11/4/2015 Comment: Excellent huacaya type with consistent crimpy fleece with good coverage. Great potential with mating to Manighar. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~8~ $: ................................ Lot 13 El Prado Leilani Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 7/03/11 IAR: 173198 Color: Solid Medium Brown Kia Ora View Temptation (MF) Sire: Kia Ora View Phantom (RG) Kia Ora View Sarah (SW) Anneaton Rasputin (RG) Dam: El Prado Leila (SBLK) Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Fleece: FD 23.5 SD 4.45 CF 94.9 CEM 7.63 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 11/4/2015 Comment: Quality coloured female mated to Manighar. Bred for fineness. Good temperament. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 14 $: ................................ Aingeal Ridge Faberge Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 2/02/10 IAR: 160091 Color: Solid Dark Fawn Shanbrooke Elite (SW) Sire: Suncloud Montgomery (SW) Suncloud Peruvian Tahlia (SW) Peruvian Chief (SW) Dam: Cedar House Augustina (RG) Cedar House Aubergine (RG) Fleece: FD 25.8 SD 5.63 CF 81.70 CEM 10.39 Mating: Wyterrica Manighar LMD 12/4/2015 Comment: Dense well structured fleece with excellent coverage. Chance for a rose grey with Manighar mating. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 15 $: ................................ El Prado Elvira Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 17/11/13 IAR: 193615 Color: Solid White Jolimont Warrior (SW) Sire: El Prado Pontiac (SMF) Windsong Valley Snow Dove (SLF) Jolimont Alessio (SW) Dam: El Prado El Modello (SLF) Eykamp Kikuyu Co Magic (SW) Fleece: FD 17.6 SD 4.19 CF 99.2 CEM 7.99 3 point test Mating: Unjoined maiden. Comment: Lovely young maiden with quality, lustrous fleece that has uniform crimp structure Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~9~ $: ................................ Lot 16 Jolimont Delilah 2 Huacaya A/c: Green Gully Sex: Female DOB: 10/01/11 IAR: 173607 Color: Solid White Chilean Sire: Jolimont Shere Khan Chilean Jolimont Sculptor 2 (SW) Dam: Jolimont Deena SW) Jolimont Luca (SW) Fleece: FD 21.7 SD 4.57 CF 96.40 Mating: Solid White Female cria at Foot from Hunter Ramsey (SW) LMD 11.4.15 Comment: Fine, dense female with correct conformation and a lovely female cria at foot by Hunter Ramsey. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 17 $: ................................ Green Gully Honey Huacaya A/c: Green Gully Sex: Female DOB: 5/04/14 IAR: 205909 Color: Solid Medium Fawn Millduck Horatio (SDF) Sire: Millduck Lincoln (SDF Millduck Iris (DG) Koorana Park Bliss (SMB) Dam: Green Gully Harmony (SMF) Kia Ora View Temptation (MF) Fleece: FD 19.5 SD 4.53 CF 98.35 Mating: Forestglen Carlos(MF) LMD 14.3.15 Comment: This young female has very stylish fine, dense and long fleece. Her cria from Carlos should be very exciting! Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 18 $: ................................ Timbertop CT Stella Huacaya A/c: Green Gully Sex: Female DOB: 29/05/09 IAR: 118522 Color: Solid Light Fawn Shanbrooke Accoyo Tulaco (SW) Sire: Patogonia Celtic Triumph (W) Patagonia Celtic Rose (SMF) Softfoot Ceroc (SW) Dam: Timbertop Serenity (SDF) Timbertop Serenas Magic (SLF) Fleece: FD 22.7 SD 5.12 CF 93.0 Mating: Kia Ora View Temptation LMD 17.5.14 Comment: A sweet natured girl with great genetics. She should have a cria at foot on auction day. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 10 ~ $: ................................ Lot 19 Green Gully Celeste Huacaya A/c: Green Gully Sex: Female DOB: 19/03/11 IAR: 172283 Color: Solid White Purrumbete Brigantine (W) Sire: Andean Park Ringmaster (SW) Jolimont Roma 1 (SW) Starline Sputnik (W) Dam: Starline Arabella (SW) Starline S245 (W) Fleece: FD 22.4 SD 4.95 CF 94.00 Mating: Barrabinda Lord Dijon LMD 3/01/2015 Comment: Reliable breeding female from proven genetics and with good fleece stats for age Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 20 $: ................................ Crystal Glen Grace Huacaya A/c: Red Ridge Sex: Female DOB: 22/12/08 IAR: 128856 Color: White Shanbrooke Accoyo Yavari (SW) Sire: Jandarra Jack Flash (SW) Jandarra Aussie Girl (SW) Jolimont Orlando (SW) Dam: Crystal Glen Gabbie (SW) Peruvian Sire Fleece: FD 19.9 SD 4.85 CF 97.7 Mating: Female, cria at foot by Rathdowney Taledo Comment: Quality female with male cria at foot, this breeding female is from a line that holds fineness and passes this trait on. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 21 $: ................................ Yallaroo Sharmane Huacaya A/c: Red Ridge Sex: Female DOB: 22/03/05 IAR: 88635 Color: White Peruvian Sire Sire: Shanbrooke Peruvian Signature (SLF) Peruvian Dam Purrumbete Jack of Diamonds (SW) Dam: Yallaroo Champayne (SW) Purrumbete Highlander (SW) Fleece: Untested Mating: Female, cria at foot by Red Ridge Tasman Comment: A lovely breeding female who produces some stunning cria, Sharmane has one blue eye but has never past this on in any of her progeny. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 11 ~ $: ................................ Lot 22 El Prado Cadet Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 24/05/13 IAR: 193606 Color: Solid Black Canchones Gendarme (SBLK) Sire: Canchones Ferrari Black (SBLK) Canchones Fascination (SBLK) Coonawarra Gladiator (SBLK) Dam: Yaringa Classy Miss (SBLK) Alpacaspecialist Classy Lady (SBLK) Fleece: FD 24.1 SD 5.09 CF 90.75 CEM 8.63 Mating: Young male Comment: True black that is shaping up to be a useful macho with Ferrari and Gladiator genetics. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 23 $: ................................ El Prado Espinoza Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 31/10/13 IAR: 193610 Color: Solid Black Jolimont Tiberio (MG) Sire: Jolimont Essien (BLK) Jolimont Greta II (MF) Wyterrica Propaganda (RG) Dam: Wyterrica Prima Donna (SBLK) Wyterrica Lauren (SBLK) Fleece: FD 21.0 SD 5.72 CF 94.15 CEM 10.67 Mating: Young male Comment: True black with fine fleece carrying Essien, Propaganda, and The Scud genetics. Reliable black breeding potential. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 24 $: ................................ El Prado Paragon Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 26/10/12 IAR: 173226 Color: Solid Black Warramunga Downs Paladin (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Crusader (SBLK) El Prado Leila (SBLK) Belgrave Park Rainmaker (SBLK) Dam: Woodland Ridge Zarzamora(SBLK) Jonora Veronica (SBLK) Fleece: FD 25.8 SD 5.40 CF 82.35 CEM 9.64 Mating: Young male Comment: True black with lustrous fibre and long staple length. 1st Junior Black Male MNC Alpaca Show 2013, 2nd Adult Black Male NEAS 2014. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 12 ~ $: ................................ Lot 25 El Prado Sugar Plum Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 8/03/11 IAR: 173199 Color: Rose Grey Canchones Impressario (SBLK) Sire: Canchones Cyberspace (MG) Canchones Cacharel (MG) Peppertree Amadeus (SLF) Dam: El Prado Brown Sugar (RG) Windsong Valley Cleopatra (DG) Fleece: FD 24.7 SD 6.01 CF 86.70 Mating: Unjoined Comment: Smoky rose grey colour. Lovely temperament. Ready to be mated to the sire of your choice. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 26 $: ................................ El Prado Lilac Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 14/03/11 IAR: 173201 Color: Light Grey Somerset Peruvian Black Impact (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Windsong Valley Cleopatra (DG) Alpacandes Inki (SBLK) Dam: El Prado Margarita Negra (SBLK) Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Fleece: FD 26.8 SD 5.86 CF 77.45 Mating: Unjoined Comment: Very even grey fleece with good lock structure. Ready to be mated to the sire of your choice. 2nd Junior Female Grey Suri National Show 2011 Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 27 $: ................................ Elysion Caramel A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 5/12/12 IAR: 189292 Color: Solid Dark Fawn Somerset Stirling Moss (LG) Sire: Paltarra Smoky (MG) Paltarra Charlotte (BLK) Peruvian Dam: Jolimont Marisha (SW) Peruvian Fleece: FD 19.9 SD 4.50 CF 98.00 CEM 7.86 Mating: El Prado Perez LMD 10/4/2015 Comment: Lustrous young maiden with outstanding fleece statistics. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 13 ~ $: ................................ Suri Lot 28 Hunter Melanie Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 28/04/12 IAR: 191880 Color: Solid Dark Fawn Chilean Sire: Hunter Maverick (SMBr) Hunter Miss South American (MBr) Hunter Yungas (SLF) Dam: Hunter Popsey (SLF) Hunter Tupiza (SW) Fleece: FD 32.9 SD 10.20 CF 44.65 Mating: Kurrawa Avalanche LMD 10/4/2015 Comment: Upstanding maiden with excellent conformation and comes with mating to Kurrawa Avalanche. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 29 Hunter Ella $: ................................ Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 26/01/11 IAR: 167566 Color: Solid Light Fawn Jolimont Accoyo Miquel (SW) Sire: Hunter Encore (LF) Hunter Alianza (SW) Hunter Peruvian Quest (SW) Dam: Chalkers Bedazzled (SLF) Hunter Dazzle (SLF) Fleece: FD 28.0 SD 8.99 CF 73.60 Mating: Kurrawa Avalanche LMD 10/4/2015 Comment: 2nd Junior Female Light Fawn Suri National Show 2011. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 30 $: ................................ Hunter Tahlia A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 28/01/11 IAR: 167568 Color: Solid Light Fawn Peruvian Sire: Hunter Peruvian Quest (SW) Peruvian Hunter Shakamaker (W) Dam: Hunter Tilly (SMBR) Hunter Oruro (SMBR) Fleece: FD 23.6 SD 5.73 CF 90.65 Mating: Kurrawa Avalanche LMD 2.11.2014 Comment: Fine lustrous suri with well structured locks. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 14 ~ $: ................................ Suri Lot 31 El Prado Tamika Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 25/10/12 IAR: 173223 Color: Solid White Surilana Icalon (SW) Sire: Kurrawa Avalanche (SW) Pucara Andante (SLF) Windsong Valley Andean Warlord (SW) Dam: Jindy Tamarra (SW) Peruvian Cashelmara (SW) Fleece: FD 22.4 SD 5.35 CF 92.85 Mating: El Prado Perez LMD 29/12/2014 Comment: True to type El Prado white suri, with mating to Perez. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 32 $: ................................ El Prado Tiara Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 16/03/14 IAR: 193619 Color: Solid Light Fawn Jindy Peruvian Conquerer (SLF) Sire: El Prado Perez (SW) Jolimont Giogina (LF) Kurrawa Avalanche (SW) Dam: El Prado Tiffany (SW) Jindy Tamarra (SW) Fleece: FD 18.6 SD 5.58 CF 97.60 CEM 9.53 Mating: Unjoined maiden. Comment: Well defined locks that are soft, lustrous, fine with good density. One for the serious suri breeder. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 33 $: ................................ El Prado Crystal Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 21/11/09 IAR: 161829 Color: Solid White Peppertree Pervuvian Maximillian (LF) Sire: Peppertree Amadeus (LF) Peppertree Peruvian Cuatro (SMF) Jingana Vishnu (SW) Dam: Jingana Freja’s Jewell (SW) Jingana Marie Antoinette (SW) Fleece: FD 27.4 SD 5.2 CF 75.9 4th fleece Mating: El Prado Perez LMD 10/4/2015 Comment: True to type suri with uniform lock style. Awarded age championships at NEAS and Castle Hill Show. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 15 ~ $: ................................ Lot 34 El Prado Giovana Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 29/03/08 IAR: 138762 Color: Solid Light Fawn Peruvian Magician (SW) Sire: Jindy Peruvian Conquerer (LF) Peruvian Amarylllis & Spice (SW) Peruvian Dam: Jolimont Giogina (LF) Peruvian Fleece: FD 29.6 SD 5.54 CF 58.0 Mating: Kurrawa Avalanche LMD 2/11/2014 Comment: Junior Champion Suri Castle Hill Alpaca Show 2009. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 35 $: ................................ Earthwise Holiday Sidewinder Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Female DOB: 1/10/12 IAR: 194804 Color: Solid White Surilana Icalon (SW) Sire: Pinjarra El Nino (SW) Surilana Nina (SW) ILR Snowmass Illumination (W) Dam: Pacofino Limelight (SW) Pacofino Empire Lady (SMF) Fleece: FD 25.5 SD 6.58 CF 84.15 Mating: El Prado Perez LMD 27/12/2014 Comment: Well-framed El Nino daughter with mating to Perez. Very lustrous. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 36 $: ................................ Hunter Encore A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 5/12/06 IAR: 82342 Color: Solid Light Fawn Peruvian Sire: Jolimont Accoyo Miquel (SW) Peruvian Peruvian Dam: Hunter Alianza (SW) Peruvian Fleece: FD 31.3 SD 9.64 CF 53.15 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Carries hard to get Jolimont Accoyo Miquel genetics Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 16 ~ $: ................................ Suri Lot 37 Canchones Cyberspace Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 14/01/07 IAR: 104400 Color: Medium Grey Peruvian Sire: Canchones Impressario (SBLK) Peruvian Cambridge Cirello (MG) Dam: Canchones Cacharel (MG) Jolimont Claudia (SBLK) Fleece: FD 29.5 SD 7.81 CF 63.60 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Very reliable grey suri male. Even colour and locks. 2nd Junior Grey Suri Male National Show 2007. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 38 $: ................................ El Prado Pale Face Adios Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 27/04/03 IAR: 67269 Color: Dark Grey Peruvian Sire: Somerset Peruvian Black Impact (SBLK) Peruvian Windsong Valley Keshan (MG) Dam: Windsong Valley Cleopatra (DG) World Class Ebony Moon (SBLK) Fleece: FD 29.8 SD 6.39 CF 58.4 (2009) Mating: Certified Male Comment: He is an F1 but we have continued to use him throughout due to his ability to produce quality grey or black fleeces (suri or huacaya). Great conformation. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 39 $: ................................ El Prado Andromeda Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 19/05/13 IAR: 193605 Color: Medium Grey Canchones Impressario (SBLK) Sire: Canchones Cyberspace (MG) Canchones Cacharel (MG) El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Dam: El Prado Maggie (SBLK) Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Fleece: FD 24.5 SD 6.43 CF 84.65 Mating: Young male Comment: 2nd Junior Grey Suri Male Sydney Royal Show 2014. Soft handling even in locking style and colour. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 17 ~ $: ................................ Lot 40 El Prado Adios Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 24/11/13 IAR: 193614 Color: Medium Grey Somerset Peruvian Black Impact (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Windsong Valley Cleopatra (DG) Cancones Zegna (SBLK) Dam: Starline Black Sally (SBLK) Starline Black Beauty (SDB) Fleece: FD 24.3 SD 5.91 CF 86.90 Mating: Young male Comment: Even coloured grey fleece with uniform tight locking. Good conformation. A chip off the old block. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 41 $: ................................ El Prado Amos Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 27/04/14 IAR: 207644 Color: Dark Grey Kaihere Peruvian Maximo (SBLK) Sire: Sherlin Tingo Amistad (SBLK) Sherlin Tingo Maria (SBLK) El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Dam: El Prado Silvia (DG) Starline Suzy (SBLK) Fleece: FD 24.5 SD 6.80 CF 83.95 Mating: Young male Comment: Darker grey with compact frame. Cute. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 42 $: ................................ El Prado Toledo A/c: El Prado Sex: Male DOB: 13/02/14 IAR: 193618 Color: Medium Grey Somerset Peruvian Black Impact (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Pale Face Adios (DG) Windsong Valley Cleopatra (DG) Alpacandes Inki (SBLK) Dam: El Prado Margarita Negra (SBLK) Taylor’s Black Orchid (SBLK) Fleece: FD 21.0 SD 5.04 CF 94.7 Mating: Young male Comment: Even grey F1 suri with soft handling fleece. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 18 ~ $: ................................ Suri Lot 43 El Prado Vulcan Suri A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 24/02/11 IAR: 161822 Color: Solid Black Cachones Impressario (SBLK) Sire: Canchones Cyberspace (MG) Canchones Cacharel (MG) Aviana Farms Durango (BLK) Dam: Pacofino Black Pearl (SBLK) Suricaya Peruvian Jewell (SMBR) Fleece: FD 26.7 SD 7.92 CF 73.55 Mating: Certified Male Comment: True black with lustrous even locking style. 1st Intermediate Black Male Suri Castle Hill Show 2012, NEAS 2012 Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 44 $: ................................ Red Ridge Tasman Huacaya A/c: Red Ridge Sex: Certified Male DOB: 31/01/09 IAR: 155182 Color: White Somerset Accoyo Challenger (SW) Sire: Marriglen Delta (SW) Marriglen Victory (SW) Illawarra Wenoim (SW) Dam: Glenhope Sweet Existance (SLF) Rosemount Sweety (SW) Fleece: FD 16.9 SD 3.61 CF 99.6 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Outstanding male with Frame and Fleece qualities to enchance any breeding program. Soft, dense crimpy fleece. Proven breeder. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 45 $: ................................ Red Ridge Black Reign Huacaya A/c: Red Ridge Sex: Certified Male DOB: 27/12/09 IAR: 163205 Color: Black Somerset Peruvian Challenge (SLF) Sire: Somerset Peruvian Prince William (SDF) Somerset Peruvian Tahlia (SLF) Benleigh Rave (SBLK) Dam: Benleigh Kiwi Maori (SBLK) Caithness Farm Kiwi Lass (SBLK) Fleece: FD 23.8 SD 4.86 CF 90.8 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Quality Black genetics, this male is a proven breeder with fine dense fleece, from a Dam that was holding 23 mic at 11yrs of age. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 19 ~ $: ................................ Lot 46 Rathdowney Taledo Huacaya A/c: Red Ridge Sex: Certified Male DOB: 15/04/10 IAR: 139025 Color: Solid White EP Cambridge Peruvian Caesar (SW) Sire: EP Cambridge Primo (SW) EP Cambridge Peruvian Prima (SW) Windsong Valley Jigeiko (SW) Dam: Rathdowney Tiger Lily (SW) Calanna Candice (SW) Fleece: FD 20.3 SD 4.42 CF 97.0 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Beautiful stud male with good genetics, Won serveral Championships, dense crimpy fleece, good boning and proven breeder. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 47 $: ................................ El Prado Bluechip Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 29/05/12 IAR: 173216 Color: Medium Grey Ambersun Chaparral Peruvian Cortez (SBLK) Sire: El Prado Sambucca (SBLK) Woodland Ridge Zarzamora (SBLK) Ashelltea Hurricane Will (MG) Dam: El Prado Keira (MG) Blue Gum Tarkine (MG) Fleece: FD 25.8 SD 6.34 CF 80.80 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Upstanding male with outstanding coverage. 2nd Intermediate Grey Male NEAS 2013, 2nd Intermediate Grey Male MNC Alpaca Show 2013. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 48 $: ................................ El Prado Brigadier Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 17/04/11 IAR: 173209 Color: Black Longueville Park Bosun’s Mate (SBLK) Sire: Longueville Park Brigalow (SBLK) Longueville Park Montrose (SBLK) Anneatin Rasputin (Roan) Dam: El Prado Somatra (Roan) Elysion Selena (SBLK) Fleece: FD 25.8 SD 7.40 CF 79.25 Mating: Certified Male Comment: 1st Adult Black Male MNC Show 2013 1st Senior Black Black Male, Central Western Regional Alpaca Show 2014. Compact black male with dense crimpy fleece. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 20 ~ $: ................................ Lot 49 El Prado Sambucca Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 16/01/07 IAR: 106603 Color: Solid Black Peruvian Sire: Ambersun Chaparral Peruvian Cortez (SBLK) Peruvian Belgrave Park Rainmaker (SBLK) Dam: Woodland Ridge Zarzamora(SBLK) Jonora Veronica (SBLK) Fleece: FD 30.0 SD 6.08 CF 60.15 8th Fleece Mating: Certified Male Comment: True black with ability to produce fine colours. Progeny have been consistently good. Fleece awarded 2nd place National Show 2010. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 50 $: ................................ Green Gully Thorn Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 23/03/11 IAR: 17282 Color: Solid Medium Brown Kia Ora View Temptation (MF) Sire: Green Gully Earl (SDF) Jolimont Vanessa (W) Andean Park Ringmaster (SW) Dam: Leranda Ridge Roseshow (SMF) Windsong Valley Highland Rose (SMF) Fleece: FD 22.8 SD 5.76 CF 90.60 Mating: Certified Male Comment: Great conformation that carries a fine, dense fleece. Intermediate Male Champion Toowoomba Royal Show 2012. Purchaser: .................................................................................... Lot 51 $: ................................ El Prado Pontiac Huacaya A/c: El Prado Sex: Certified Male DOB: 22/05/09 IAR: 152530 Color: Solid Medium Fawn Jolimont Conquistador (SW) Sire: Jolimont Warrior (SW) Jolimont Marilu (SMF) Windsong Valley Kosiosko (SW) Dam: Windsong Valley Snow Dove (SLF) Oakford Park Snowflake (DF) Fleece: FD 21.5 SD 4.99 CF 94.40 6th Fleece Mating: Certified male Comment: Fine Warrior son with Highlander genetics on maternal side. Check out his fleece stats. Good temperament. Purchaser: .................................................................................... ~ 21 ~ $: ................................ Notes ~ 22 ~ ~ 23 ~ El Prado A L P A C A S El Prado A L P A C A S Cathy & Noel Read 89 Brechts Lane, Kentucky South NSW 2354 Ph: (02) 6778 7449 Fax: (02) 6778 7449 Mob: 0415 459 067 Email: Paul & Deanne Thibault 485 Luskintyre Road, Luskintyre NSW 2321 Ph: (02) 4930 6178 Mob: 0414 635775 Email: ~ 24 ~ Design/Print: Shepparton Printing Service 03 5821 4707 Shirley & Peter Berry 1205 Pechey Maclagan Road, Groomsville QLD 4352 Ph: 07 4697 9533 Mob: 0427 381 765 Email:
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