brenneke usa tactical home defense
brenneke usa tactical home defense
BRENNEKE USA TACTICAL HOME DEFENSE™ Our 1 oz. Tactical Home Defense (THD) load provides a perfect balance of everything a law enforcement officer needs: Low recoil for rapid, repeat shots, exceptional accuracy, hard target penetration (car doors, windshield glass), optimum expansion, controlled penetration in soft targets, and of course, extreme stopping power. Like all Brenneke law enforcement slugs, the THD wad remains attached in flight, which reduces liability and the possibility of collateral damage (injury to innocent bystanders). Our THD can be accurately fired from both smoothbore and rifled barrels. Accuracy BRENNEKE USA Tactical Home Defense (THD) BRENNEKE USA THD 5-shot, 1.98 inch group fired at 50 yards from bench. Rem. 870 smoothbore, 1.5-6x Sightron scope. High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA THD in free flight. Wad always remains attached. 1 High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA THD exiting 6” x 6” x 16” FBI-Spec. block of calibrated 10% gelatin. BRENNEKE USA THD produces extensive damage (gel block 1 of 2) BRENNEKE USA THD provides controlled penetration, limiting liability (gel block 2 of 2) 2 BRENNEKE USA THD Slugs before and after 10% gelatin test Ballistic Tables Follow 3 THD ballistics Chronograph Results (Muzzle Velocity; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Tactical Home Defense 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1256.6 1285 1215 1256.6 70 22.244 Chronograph Results (Downrange Velocity, Average of 3 Brenneke rounds fired at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Tactical Home Defense 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) (25 yds.) (50 yds.) (75 yds.) (100 yds.) 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1256.6 1093.3 989.5 916.5 858.2 Energy Calculations (Muzzle Energy; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) (based on chronographed muzzle velocity results)) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Tactical Home Defense 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Energy Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (ft. lbs) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1535.4 1604 1435 1535.4 169 53.834 Trajectory Results (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard trajectories *calculated using ballistic software) ~ B u l l e t P a t h Mfg. Slug ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1256.6 -1.5 0.12 0.0 -2.37 -7.37 -15.3 -26.5 -41.5 -60.7 Tactical Home Defense Brenneke *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Velocity (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard velocity *calculated using ballistic software)) ~ D o w n r a n g e V e l o c i t y ~ Mfg. Slug Gauge Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1256.6 1256 1093 989 916 858 808 763 722 684 Tactical Home Defense Brenneke 12 *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Energy ~ D o w n r a n g e Mfg. Slug Tactical Home Defense Brenneke *Based on downrange velocities shown above E n e r g y ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Smoothbore 1256.6 1534 1161 952 817 716 635 567 507 455 Accuracy Results (5 rounds fired at 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 yards from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Tactical Home Defense Brenneke 12 Tactical Home Defense Brenneke 12 Tactical Home Defense Brenneke 12 *From bench; December weather, windy conditions Shell Slug Wt. Length (Oz. / Grs.) 2 3/4” 1 / 438 2 3/4” 1 / 438 2 3/4” 1 / 438 Muz. Vel. *Typical Yardage ( av. fps) Group 1.98 Smoothbore 1256.6 50 3.16 Smoothbore 1256.6 75 3.84 Smoothbore 1256.6 100 Barrel Used Weight and dimensions of slugs before and after firing into Calibrated 10% Gelatin Mfg. Slug Tactical Home Defense Brenneke *Projectile with attached wad Slug Diameter Slug Diameter Pen. before firing after firing Depth Smooth 0.732 0.888 17.75 Barrel Advertised Weight 1 Oz. / 438 grs. Slug Weight Slug Weight % of before firing after firing Ret. Wt. *430.8 *419.8 97.44 Frontal Area Data Follows 4 Frontal Area and Ballistic Parameters of Various Projectiles vs. Brenneke USA Slugs Projectile Projectile *Frontal Area Muzzle Kinetic Momentum Weight (grs.) Diameter (in.) (sq. in.) Velocity (fps) Energy (ft-lb) (lb.-sec.) Brenneke USA 12 Ga. THD Slug 438 0.733 0.420 1256 1535 2.442 .45 Auto 230 0.451 0.159 890 405 0.908 40 S&W 180 0.400 0.125 1000 400 0.799 9mm 124 0.355 0.099 1180 356 0.649 .223 Rem. 55 0.224 0.039 3240 1282 0.791 *unexpanded Caliber Ballistic Advantage: Note the large frontal area, kinetic energy and momentum of the Brenneke USA Slug vs. the typical L.E. handgun rounds -or even the high-velocity .223 entry round. A high momentum value allows a projectile to penetrate both hard barriers and soft targets. But a high momentum factor also allows a projectile to maintain a higher average terminal velocity during penetration. I.e., its low rate of deceleration and greater frontal area causes not only more tissue damage (and hemorrhage), but more nervous system trauma which can stop a gun fight instantly. When a slug of this size and momentum traverses a living system, it halts aggressive action. Brenneke THD penetration: Above is a high-speed photograph of the THD penetrating two sheets of 20-gauge steel, as used in FBI test protocol. This steel is actually thicker than that used in most modern European and U.S. automobiles. This demonstrates that the THD has more than enough power to penetrate most barricades encountered in urban environments. Because the wad stays attached to the THD throughout its flight, however, risk to bystanders is reduced. 5 Brenneke THD compared to other slugs, before and after firing into gelatin 1. Brenneke Tactical Home Defense™ 2. Brenneke Classic Magnum™ 3. Federal TRUBALL® Low Recoil®: Note excessive expansion. 4. Remington® Reduced Recoil®: Note smaller frontal area compared with Brenneke Tactical Home Defense. 5. Hastings Laser Accurate Sabot™: Expanded to only .678", versus .888" for Brenneke THD. 6 BRENNEKE USA SPECIAL FORCES SHORT MAGNUM™ Our 1 1/4 oz. Special Forces Short Magnum (SFM) load provides tactical performance for the law enforcement officer who needs maximum penetration. Our SFM penetrates car doors, building materials and windshield glass with ease while retaining plenty of residual energy and momentum to incapacitate post-barrier targets. Its strength and efficient nose shape allows it the ability to defeat an engine block. The 525 grain SFM provides extreme stopping power due to its higher ballistic coefficient and higher downrange velocity. Like all Brenneke law enforcement slugs, the SFM wad remains attached in flight which reduces liability and the possibility of collateral damage (injury to innocent bystanders). Our SFM can be accurately fired from both smoothbore and rifled barrels. Accuracy BRENNEKE USA Special Forces (SFM) BRENNEKE USA SFM 5-shot, 1.65 inch group fired at 50 yards from bench. Rem. 870 smoothbore, 1.5-6x Sightron scope. High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA SFM in free flight. Wad always remains attached. 7 High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA SFM exiting 6” x 6” x 16” FBI-Spec. block of calibrated 10% gelatin. BRENNEKE USA SFM produces extensive damage (gel block 1 of 2) BRENNEKE USA SFM provides deep penetration in soft or hard material (gel block 2 of 2) 8 BRENNEKE USA Special Forces Short Magnum Slugs before and after 10% gelatin test Ballistic Tables Follow 9 Special Forces ballistics Chronograph Results (Muzzle Velocity; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Special Forces 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 1418.8 1436 1386 1418.8 50 14.567 Chronograph Results (Downrange Velocity, Average of 3 Brenneke rounds fired at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Special Forces 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) (25 yds.) (50 yds.) (75 yds.) (100 yds.) 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 1418.8 1276 1160 1073 1008 Energy Calculations (Muzzle Energy; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) (based on chronographed muzzle velocity results)) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Special Forces 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Energy Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (ft. lbs) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 2346.3 2403 2239 2346.3 164 47.951 Trajectory Results (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard trajectories *calculated using ballistic software) ~ B u l l e t P a t h Mfg. Slug ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 1418.8 -1.5 -0.1 0.0 -1.5 -5.0 -10.5 -18.4 -28.9 -42.2 Special Forces Brenneke *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Velocity (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard velocity *calculated using ballistic software)) ~ D o w n r a n g e V e l o c i t y ~ Mfg. Slug Gauge Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 1418.8 1418 1276 1160 1073 1008 957 914 877 843 Special Forces Brenneke 12 *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Energy ~ D o w n r a n g e Mfg. Slug Special Forces Brenneke *Based on downrange velocities shown above E n e r g y ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 1/4 / 525 Smoothbore 1418.8 2343 1898 1570 1343 1186 1068 974 896 828 Accuracy Results (5 rounds fired at 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 yards from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Special Forces Brenneke 12 Special Forces Brenneke 12 Special Forces Brenneke 12 *From bench; November weather, windy conditions Shell Length 2 3/4” 2 3/4” 2 3/4” Slug Wt. (Oz. / Grs.) 1 1/4 / 525 1 1/4 / 525 1 1/4 / 525 Muz. Vel. *Typical Yardage ( av. fps) Group 1.65 Smoothbore 1418.8 50 2.88 Smoothbore 1418.8 75 3.72 Smoothbore 1418.8 100 Barrel Used Weight and dimensions of slugs before and after firing into Calibrated 10% Gelatin Mfg. Slug Special Forces Brenneke * Projectile with attached wad Slug Diameter Slug Diameter Pen. Advertised Slug Weight Slug Weight % of before firing after firing Depth Weight before firing after firing Ret. Wt. Smooth 0.730 0.760 34.9 1 1/4 Oz. / 525 grs. *525.3 *462.5 88.04 Barrel Frontal Area Data Follows 10 Frontal Area and Ballistic Parameters of Various Projectiles vs. Brenneke USA Slugs Caliber Brenneke USA 12 Ga. SFM Slug .45 Auto 40 S&W 9mm .223 Rem. *unexpanded Projectile Projectile *Frontal Area Muzzle Kinetic Momentum Weight (grs.) Diameter (in.) (sq. in.) Velocity (fps) Energy (ft-lb) (lb.-sec.) 525 0.730 0.418 1418 2343 3.305 230 0.451 0.159 890 405 0.908 180 0.400 0.125 1000 400 0.799 124 0.355 0.099 1180 356 0.649 55 0.224 0.039 3240 1282 0.791 Ballistic Advantage: Note the large frontal area, kinetic energy and momentum of the Brenneke USA Slug vs. the typical L.E. handgun rounds -or even the high-velocity .223 entry round. A high momentum value allows a projectile to penetrate both hard barriers and soft targets. But a high momentum factor also allows a projectile to maintain a higher average terminal velocity during penetration. I.e., its low rate of deceleration and greater frontal area causes not only more tissue damage (and hemorrhage), but more nervous system trauma which can stop a gun fight instantly. When a slug of this size and momentum traverses a living system, it halts aggressive action. Brenneke Special Forces penetration: The high-speed photo above shows the Special Forces Short Magnum exiting two plates of 20-gauge steel, as used in FBI testing protocol. Brenneke’s Special Forces slug has the ability to efficiently penetrate most barriers commonly encountered in urban environments. These steel plates exceed the thickness of virtually any European or U.S. automobile door. 11 Special Forces Short Magnum compared to other slugs, before and after firing into gelatin 1. Brenneke® Special Forces Short Magnum™ 2. Hornady® SST®: Penetrated only 74.49% as deep as Brenneke SFSM. Recovered weight 44.99% of SFSM. 3. Lightfield Hybred® EXP: Grossly over-expanded, penetrated only 31.86% as deep as SFSM. 4. Remington® Buckhammer®: Over-expanded, penetrated only 50.85% as deep as SFSM. 5. Winchester® Partition Gold®: Penetrated 83.43% as deep as SFSM. 6. Wolf Power Slug™: Penetrated only 44.41% as deep as SFSM. 12 BRENNEKE USA CLASSIC MAGNUM™ Our 1 1/8 oz. Classic Magnum (Classic) load offers a balance of tactical performance consisting of high muzzle velocity, effortless penetration of auto body steel, building materials and windshield glass, while retaining ample quantities of residual energy and momentum to disable post-barrier targets. The advanced Brenneke projectile shape allows it the ability to retain high velocity downrange. Although a high velocity loading, the 490 grain Classic provides manageable recoil while generating extreme stopping power. Like all Brenneke law enforcement slugs, the Classic wad remains attached in flight, which reduces liability and the possibility of collateral damage (injury to innocent bystanders). Our Classic can be accurately fired from both smoothbore and rifled barrels. Accuracy BRENNEKE USA Classic Magnum (CLASSIC) BRENNEKE USA Classic 5-shot, 2.78 inch group fired at 50 yards from bench. Rem. 870 smoothbore, 1.5-6x Sightron scope. High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA CLASSIC in free flight. Wad always remains attached. 13 High-speed photo of BRENNEKE USA CLASSIC exiting 6” x 6” x 16” FBI-Spec. block of calibrated 10% gelatin. BRENNEKE USA CLASSIC produces extensive damage (gel block 1 of 2) BRENNEKE USA Classic provides deep, tactical penetration (gel block 2 of 2) 14 BRENNEKE USA CLASSIC Slugs before and after 10% gelatin test Ballistic Tables Follow 15 Classic Magnum ballistics Chronograph Results (Muzzle Velocity; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Classic Magnum 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 1434.5 1461 1380 1434.5 81 20.682 Chronograph Results (Downrange Velocity, Average of 3 Brenneke rounds fired at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Classic Magnum 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Av. Vel. Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) (av. fps) (25 yds.) (50 yds.) (75 yds.) (100 yds.) 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 1434.5 1268 1137.6 1044.3 976.7 Energy Calculations (Muzzle Energy; ten rounds, 10 feet from muzzle) (based on chronographed muzzle velocity results)) Mfg. Slug Gauge Brenneke Classic Magnum 12 Shell Slug Wt. Muz. Energy Extreme Standard Barrel Used High Low Mean Length (Oz. / Grs.) (ft. lbs) Spread Deviation 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 2238.7 2322 2071 2238.7 251 63.944 Trajectory Results (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard trajectories *calculated using ballistic software) ~ B u l l e t P a t h Mfg. Slug ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 1434.5 -1.5 -0.12 0.0 -1.62 -5.25 -11.1 -19.5 -30.8 -45.1 Classic Magnum Brenneke *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Velocity (three rounds fired at 25, 50, 75, 100 yards (125, 150, 175 and 200 yard velocity *calculated using ballistic software)) ~ D o w n r a n g e V e l o c i t y ~ Mfg. Slug Gauge Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 1434.5 1434 1268 1137 1044 976 923 878 838 803 Classic Magnum Brenneke 12 *Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards Downrange Energy ~ D o w n r a n g e Mfg. Slug Classic Magnum Brenneke *Based on downrange velocities shown above E n e r g y ~ Shell Slug Wt. Av. 0 25 50 75 100 *125 *150 *175 *200 Gauge Barrel Used Length (Oz. / Grs.) MV (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) (yds) 12 2 3/4” 1 1/8 / 490 Smoothbore 1434.5 2238 1749 1407 1186 1037 927 839 765 701 Accuracy Results (5 rounds fired at 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 yards from muzzle) Mfg. Slug Gauge Classic Magnum Brenneke 12 Classic Magnum Brenneke 12 Classic Magnum Brenneke 12 *From bench; December weather, windy conditions Shell Length 2 3/4” 2 3/4” 2 3/4” Slug Wt. (Oz. / Grs.) 1 1/8 / 490 1 1/8 / 490 1 1/8 / 490 Muz. Vel. *Typical Yardage (av. fps) Group 2.78 Smoothbore 1434.5 50 3.91 Smoothbore 1434.5 75 4.67 Smoothbore 1434.5 100 Barrel Used Weight and dimensions of slugs before and after firing into Calibrated 10% Gelatin Mfg. Slug Classic Magnum Brenneke * Projectile with attached wad Slug Diameter Slug Diameter Pen. Advertised Slug Weight Slug Weight % of before firing after firing Depth Weight before firing after firing Ret. Wt. Smooth 0.733 0.776 35.30 1 1/8 Oz. / 490 grs. *485.0 *421.0 86.80 Barrel Frontal Area Data Follows 16 Frontal Area and Ballistic Parameters of Various Projectiles vs. Brenneke USA Slugs Projectile Projectile *Frontal Area Muzzle Kinetic Momentum Weight (grs.) Diameter (in.) (sq. in.) Velocity (fps) Energy (ft-lb) (lb.-sec.) Brenneke USA 12 Ga. CLASSIC Slug 490 0.733 0.421 1434 2238 3.102 .45 Auto 230 0.451 0.159 890 405 0.908 40 S&W 180 0.400 0.125 1000 400 0.799 9mm 124 0.355 0.099 1180 356 0.649 .223 Rem. 55 0.224 0.039 3240 1282 0.791 *unexpanded Caliber Ballistic Advantage: Note the large frontal area, kinetic energy and momentum of the Brenneke USA Slug vs. the typical L.E. handgun rounds -or even the high-velocity .223 entry round. A high momentum value allows a projectile to penetrate both hard barriers and soft targets. But a high momentum factor also allows a projectile to maintain a higher average terminal velocity during penetration. I.e., its low rate of deceleration and greater frontal area causes not only more tissue damage (and hemorrhage), but more nervous system trauma which can stop a gun fight instantly. When a slug of this size and momentum traverses a living system, it halts aggressive action. Brenneke Classic Magnum penetration: Above is a high-speed photograph of the Classic Magnum penetrating two sheets of 20-gauge steel, as used in FBI test protocol. This steel is actually thicker than that used in most modern European and U.S. automobiles. This demonstrates that the Classic Magnum has plenty of power to penetrate most barricades encountered in urban environments. 17 Brenneke Classic Magnum compared to other slugs, before and after firing into gelatin 1. Brenneke Tactical Home Defense™ 2. Brenneke Classic Magnum™ 3. Federal TRUBALL® Low Recoil®: Penetrated only 55.01% as deep as Brenneke SFSM and Classic Magnum 4. Remington® Reduced Recoil®: Penetrated 80.57% as deep as SFSM and Classic Magnum 5. Hastings Laser Accurate Sabot™: Penetrated 94.89% as deep as SFSM and Classic Magnum, with smaller expanded frontal area. 18
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*Based on Ballistic Coefficient determined by actual firings at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards