Arizona`s Maricopa County Seeks Behavioral Health
Arizona`s Maricopa County Seeks Behavioral Health
Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Solicitation 11146-RFP BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES Maricopa County Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 1 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Bid 11146-RFP BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES Bid Number 11146-RFP Bid Title BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES Bid Start Date Dec 22, 2011 7:28:58 AM MST Bid End Date Feb 3, 2012 2:00:00 PM MST Question & Answer End Date Jan 16, 2012 7:00:00 AM MST Bid Contact Steve Dahle Strategic Team Manager 602-506-3450 Pre-Bid Conference Jan 12, 2012 9:00:00 AM MST Attendance is mandatory Location: THERE WILL BE A MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE ON JANUARY 12, 2012, 9:00 AM ARIZONA TIME, AT THE MARICOPA COUNTY MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, 320 WEST LINCOLN STREET, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85003 Description The purpose of this contract is to provide an integrated behavioral health/substance abuse benefit that also provides employee assistance program (EAP) services to Maricopa County (the County) employees and dependents. Comprehensive services to assist Maricopa County with substance abuse prevention and education, policy and procedure development, treatment, and compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations is also required.. In addition to providing seamless services between EAP and behavioral health, the behavioral health/substance abuse benefit and EAP services contractor must coordinate services and share data with other contractors with whom the County contracts for medical, pharmacy, and short-term disability benefits. For all services, the contractor must provide easy access to the right care, at the right place of service, and with the right practitioner with consideration to licensure and clinical specialization, language capabilities and cultural competencies, geographic location and appointment availability. The County requests both a fully insured and self-insured plan proposal. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 2 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP NOTICE OF SOLICITATION SERIAL 11146- RFP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR: EMPLOYEE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EAP SERVICES Notice is hereby given sealed proposals will be received by the Materials Management Department, Materials Management Center, 320 West Lincoln Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494, until 2:00 P.M. Arizona time on February 3rd , 2012 for the furnishing of the following services for Maricopa County. Proposals will be opened by the Materials Management Director (or designated representative) at an open, public meeting at the above time and place. All Proposals must be signed, sealed and addressed to the Materials Management Department, Materials Management Center, 320 West Lincoln Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494, and marked “SERIAL 11146- RFP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR EMPLOYEE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EAP SERVICES.” The Maricopa County Procurement Code (“The Code”) governs this procurement and is incorporated by this reference. Any protest concerning this Request for Proposal must be filed with the Procurement Officer in accordance with Section MC1-905 of the Code. ALL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CAN BE LOCATED AT “Develop Bids”. ANY ADDENDA TO THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WILL BE POSTED ON THE MARICOPA COUNTY MATERIALS MANAGEMENT WEB SITE UNDER THE SOLICITATION SERIAL NUMBER. PROPOSAL ENVELOPES WITH INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE MARICOPA COUNTY MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CENTER DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO: STEVE DAHLE PROCUREMENT OFFICER TELEPHONE: (602) 506-3450 EMAIL: THERE WILL BE A MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE ON JANUARY 12, 2012 AT 9:00 AM ARIZONA TIME, AT THE MARICOPA COUNTY MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, 320 WEST LINCOLN STREET, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85003 NOTE: MARICOPA COUNTY PUBLISHES ITS SOLICITATIONS ONLINE AND THEY ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AND/OR DOWNLOADING AT THE FOLLOWING INTERNET ADDRESS: Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 3 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS: 1.0 INTENT 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.0 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A PRICING ATTACHMENT B AGREEMENT/SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHMENT C REFERENCES ATTACHMENT D VENDOR RESPONSE MATRIX ATTACHMENT E VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE ATTACHMENT F GEO ACCESS REPORT (To be provided by Proposer) EXHIBITS: EXHIBIT 1 VENDOR REGISTRATION PROCEDURES EXHIBIT 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE EXHIBIT 3 EMPLOYEE ZIP CODE CENSUS (Both EAP and Behavioral Health) EXHIBIT 4 COUNTY CURRENT PLAN DESIGN EXHIBIT 5 EAP UTILIZATION EXHIBIT 6 ACTIVE EMPLOYEE COUNTS EXHIBIT 7 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLAIMS PAID EXHIBIT 8 COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART EXHIBIT 9 DRAFT CONTRACT Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 4 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR 1.0 EMPLOYEE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EAP SERVICES INTENT: The purpose of this contract is to provide an integrated behavioral health/substance abuse benefit that also provides employee assistance program (EAP) services to Maricopa County (the County) employees and dependents. Comprehensive services to assist Maricopa County with substance abuse prevention and education, policy and procedure development, treatment, and compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations is also required.. In addition to providing seamless services between EAP and behavioral health, the behavioral health/substance abuse benefit and EAP services contractor must coordinate services and share data with other contractors with whom the County contracts for medical, pharmacy, and short-term disability benefits. For all services, the contractor must provide easy access to the right care, at the right place of service, and with the right practitioner with consideration to licensure and clinical specialization, language capabilities and cultural competencies, geographic location and appointment availability. The County requests both a fully insured and self-insured plan proposal. Responders should explain any optional benefits, services or enhancements they may be in a position to offer to the County that would compliment the existing benefits and services offered. 1.1 BACKGROUND: The County provides services to people in urban, suburban and rural areas within the County. The County’s active employees reside in the Phoenix metropolitan area as well as Gila Bend, Wickenburg, Casa Grande, Apache Junction, etc. The County has an employee population in excess of 13,000 employees, of which 12,431 are benefits eligible. Approximately 11,129 have elected medical (which includes pharmacy, vision and behavioral health) coverage. In addition, 185 retirees are covered under the Maricopa County benefits Program, 179 of which are over 65 and 6 are under 65. An additional 135 employees are covered under COBRA. The County services include highway maintenance, police and detention services, public and correctional health services and a broad range of administrative, clerical and professional governmental services. Currently, all the County employees and their family (including temporary employees and employees covered under other group health insurance) have access to EAP services but only those benefit eligible employees and their covered dependents enrolled in a County medical plan have behavioral health/substance abuse benefits. Maricopa County covers over 9,226 square miles and is one of the ten largest counties in the nation. The majority of employees are located in central Phoenix, but services need to be easily accessible throughout the County and in adjacent counties (please see EXHIBIT 3 for the employee Census). Additionally, Maricopa County is comprised of multiple businesses such as: Public and Correctional Health Care, Justice and Law Enforcement, Animal Control, Transportation, Technology, Environmental Services, and Parks and Recreation, to name a few. Please refer to EXHIBIT 8, “Maricopa County Organizational Chart”. Other governmental entities under agreement with the County may have access to services provided hereunder (see also Section 2.17, below) 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK: (PROPOSERS SHOULD RESPOND TO THIS SECTION IN ATTACHMENT D) 2.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE BENEFITS (Self Insured) p. 5 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 2.1.1 PROPOSED BENEFITS The Behavioral Health Benefits shall be self insured by the County (the County shall be responsible for the cost of the claim). The Contractor is expected to provide Administrative Services Only (ASO) for the County. They include but are not limited to Program Administration, Claims Processing, Cost Containment, Coordination with other County Contractors (i.e. Disability Administrator) and providing a Professional Network of providers. The behavioral health/substance abuse benefit is a confidential service to help benefit-eligible employees and their covered dependents support and maintain their emotional well being. Services covered under this benefit are for problems that are more complex than routine EAP issues. These services help the participant deal with a wide range of issues, including but not limited to depression, severe stress and anxiety, alcohol or drug dependency, eating disorders, grief and loss, anger management, financial worries, and compulsive gambling. Through these services, the participant receives confidential face-toface counseling when experiencing a personal challenge. The County has elected to exercise the option for non-federal governmental employers to opt out of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). The County’s Summary Plan Design (SPD) is attached as Exhibit 4. The only services available out-of-network are individual and group therapy visits. All innetwork services must be authorized by the contractor. Out-of-network services do not require authorization. The behavioral health/substance abuse benefit must also coordinate case management services with the Short-Term Disability Program contractor to ensure that an appropriate mental health provider treats applicants for short-term disability with a mental health diagnosis. The behavioral health contractor must also provide disability assessments and case management of such individuals with specific emphasis on returning the employee to work as soon as possible. Such assessments and case management must include input from the employee’s manager, if the short-term disability is due to or complicated by work-related issues. The contractor must also coordinate with the short-term disability contractor to provide outreach to individuals receiving short-term disability who are potentially undiagnosed with anxiety, depression, psychosocial stress or other behavioral health conditions. Additionally, the contractor must coordinate services and share data with other contractors with whom the County contracts for medical, pharmacy, and shortterm disability benefits. 2.2 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES (FULLY INSURED): 2.2.1 PROPOSED BENEFITS: The EAP is a confidential service providing short-term assistance to all employees (regardless of benefit eligibility) and their dependents. The EAP helps individuals manage personal, non-clinical problems (such as mounting credit card debt, divorce and child custody matters, and shelter from abusive relationships).as well as clinical issues. The EAP helps maintain their emotional well being, while helping the County address employee emotional issues early on, before they manifest into disruptions in the workplace. The EAP deals with a spectrum of emotional issues that affect employees, from relationships (family and marital concerns) to stress, job-related matters, legal and financial issues, chemical and alcohol dependency and anxiety. EAP is also a critical management tool for the County, providing assistance in areas such as workplace violence and trauma, critical incident stress debriefings and Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 6 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP management consultation. The EAP also assists with mandatory referrals for employees and provides a substance abuse professional for those employees in safety sensitive positions such as employees who use a commercial driver’s license (CDL) as part of their job. Through these services, the participant receives confidential face-to-face or telephonic counseling when experiencing a personal challenge. These services must include the following: Up to 8 free individual solution-focused short-term counseling sessions for all employees and their dependents, per issue per year; assessment and referral to network providers or community social services resources; 24/7 crisis and trauma intervention, 24/7 critical incident stress debriefing with on-site resources available within no more than 2 hours; homicidal/suicidal risk assessment; emergency triage; a dedicated toll free telephone number; Development and training programs for employees and management; supervisory, management, and organizational consultations; legal and financial services; and DOT services. The EAP services must also coordinate case management services with the Short-Term Disability Program contractor to ensure that an appropriate mental health provider treats applicants for short-term disability with a mental health diagnosis. 2.3 2.4 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST TIMELY DELIVERY OF SERVICE 2.3.1 The contractor must provide timely delivery of services by providing toll free telephone number, staffed telephone coverage 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for all services including initial assessment referral, emergency phone consultations, on-call services, urgent, routine care and Management Consultation (EAP). Telephone calls must be answered with an average answer speed of 30 seconds or less. 2.3.2 Appointments must be scheduled with an appropriate provider located within 10 miles or 30 minutes of the metropolitan area or within 30 miles or 45 minutes of the rural area within 2 days for urgent care and 5 working days for routine care. Additionally, the contractor must respond to emergency crisis/trauma calls within 30 minutes of telephone contact and have face-to-face contact within 24 hours. 2.3.3 The contractor must provide a professionally trained and skilled critical incident stress debriefing team 7 days per week, 24 hours per day to provide onsite resources within 2 hours when requested by the County. INITIAL CONTACT AND PROBLEM ASSESSMENT: 2.4.1 The contractor shall assess and determine the extent and nature of the behavioral problem. The contractor will either schedule additional sessions or triage services to the appropriate level of care and/or the appropriate community resource. The assessment may include if appropriate, a psychological and/or chemical dependency evaluation. 2.4.2 The contractor will have a formal intake process, which may include providing the client with assessment instruments, client rights, grievance procedures, confidentiality policy and intake forms. The provider must accommodate initial intake appointments during the day, evening and weekend. 2.4.3 Security provisions will be provided, i.e. non-public entrances and/or waiting rooms for "high profile" clients, for example; judges and law enforcement personnel, who require anonymity from constituents and/or clients. p. 7 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 2.5 2.6 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST COST CONTAINMENT: 2.5.1 The contractor will be expected to provide assistance to client’s at the most appropriate level of care by assessing the presenting problem and triaging to the appropriate service or benefit. The contractor will be expected to use methodologies, which will ensure that the client’s issues can be resolved in 8 EAP sessions when this level of care has been determined to be most appropriate. Quality of care will be maintained by ensuring that those clients with severe or specialized needs who require care at a higher level are referred to a mental health provider through the behavioral health/substance abuse benefit. 2.5.2 The responsibility of the contractor will be to control cost to both the employee and the plan without sacrificing quality of care or successful outcomes. Quality of care will be measured by customer satisfaction ratings, which must include questions regarding the quality of care and service received from the provider and whether the presenting problem was resolved and other also through other industry acceptable measures, such as health plan employer data and information set ambulatory follow-up. Outcomes will be measured and reported by the contractor who must use testing instruments to measure the client’s symptoms prior to and after intervention. Follow-up surveys will be provided to self-referred and supervisory referred employees after 30 days and again after 6 months to determine if interventions were successfully implemented. If the employee is a supervisory referral, a follow-up survey will be issued to supervisors (following release of information from employee) after 30 days and 6 months to determine positive changes in work situation. SERVICES: 2.6.1 The contractor must have a procedure for informing established employees as well as new hires of the services provided and how to access services. This would include informational materials, payroll stuffers, videos, brochures, posters and live presentations. Additionally, the contractor must provide communication pieces that compliment the health initiatives identified by the County and for high utilization of services/conditions. 2.6.2 The County requires the contractor to post specific communication pieces to their Web site at the County’s request and their Web site link be placed on the County’s Intranet and Internet Web sites so that employees will be able to access information about services and support available through the EAP and behavioral health/substance abuse benefits. 2.6.3 A one-time orientation to Directors, managers and supervisors will be required as well as providing ongoing information at new hire orientations. The staff must be willing to undergo a one-day training program for a representative group of their staff member, e.g. director and clinical supervisors, which will provide an overview of Maricopa County departments, organizational structure, policies and procedures. 2.6.4 This same information will be given to the remaining staff in coordination with the Maricopa County at the contractor’s scheduled staff meetings. 2.6.5 The contractor will provide presentations, as well as coordinated training, that complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and CDL requirements. Staff must have experience and training in delivering and facilitating training and education programs which deal with mental health, health related and supervisory issues. 2.6.6 There are employees that hold commercial drivers licenses (CDL) in Maricopa County. A minimum of 15 training sessions are given per year with a group size ranging from 5-20 individuals. The contractor’s involvement in this training consists of a 20-30 minute presentation of services available to employees. Additionally the contractor will be required to offer a minimum of twelve, 1-8 hour trainings a year on topics dealing with mental health, health related and supervisory issues. p. 8 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Proposer to respond with their program including maximum number of hours. 2.7 2.8 PROVIDER CAPABILITIES: 2.7.1 Providers must be educated, trained, credentialed by the State of Arizona, and capable of identifying and handling a variety of psychological, behavioral, substance abuse and work related issues. The contractor must have a network of trained and qualified personnel experienced in providing critical incident stress debriefing and trauma intervention for the wide range of departments in Maricopa County including law enforcement and health care personnel. The contractor must also have providers within its network with the ability to perform lethality (employee and dependants) assessments and handle work place violence issues. 2.7.2 The contractor must have male and female clinical staff members with a minimum of one Spanish speaking employee and translation services for clients who are non-English or non-Spanish speaking. There must be at least one staff member who is a psychologist certified by the State of Arizona to provide evaluation and counseling for the County population and to serve as a clinical supervisor to staff, and a minimum of two alcohol and drug counselors certified by the State of Arizona. One counselor who is familiar with law enforcement organizations and their issues is preferred. These positions may be Contractor employees or sub-contractors and should be identified as such in the proposal. 2.7.3 All facilities must meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and guidelines, including access to a TTY (Telephone Text) for the hearing impaired or providing translation services. 2.7.4 The contractor will conduct regular case review staffing as well as clinical supervision of the respective cases based on the severity of the case and/or situation. Assessments must occur on a regular basis with staff to provide feedback on the effectiveness of their performance and of the program. 2.7.5 The contractor will keep its staff members current on new and on-going information regarding issues and/or topics of concern related to the organizations it serves. 2.7.6 Telephone calls to the EAP must be answered by live counselors who have master’s degrees in social work or psychology and are Certified Employee Assistance Professionals (CEAP) or CEAP-eligible with an average of five years of EAP experience. The counselors must be skilled at making the member feel comfortable, assessing risk, and helping the member take the most appropriate next step toward problem resolution. The counselor’s approach must be to listen beneath the surface in order to identify any underlying problems and to offer comprehensive solutions. When it is clear that mental health outpatient treatment or a more intensive level of care is appropriate, the counselor with clinical expertise will authorize care under the mental health benefit in a seamless procedure that is invisible to the member. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: 2.8.1 2.8.2 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST An audited annual report must be provided each year 6/1/13 through 6/30/16. The contractor must be financially solvent as demonstrated by audited annual reports that include financial statements for the past three calendar years. The contractor must conduct and provide a SAS 70 audit report of their claims payment system at least bi-annually to support the County’s annual external audit. 2.8.3 Report data must be provided electronically in Excel compatible format to allow Maricopa County to manipulate the data. Reports must be accessible to the County through a secure Web site. 2.8.4 The provider shall furnish electronic quarterly and annual utilization reports for each program (behavioral health/substance abuse and EAP) by County Department (unless the p. 9 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP size of the department is less than 50) with summary-level statistical EAP utilization Behavioral Health claims data on employee/dependent utilization, demographics, diagnosis, and type and number of services (inpatient, outpatient counseling, etc.). Reports must contain an analysis of the utilization comparing utilization to the contractor’s book of business and to the applicable County department’s industry, outcome measures, effectiveness of treatment type, cost savings and quality assurance of services. Reports must also contain suggestions for actions the County can take to tackle any trend identified in the utilization and to improve the overall mental health of its employees. 2.9 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 2.8.5 In order to provide the level of reporting required, the contractor must be able to accept and store enrollment and claims data (tape) according to the following account structure: Level 1 Group Level 2 Sub Groups: PeopleSoft payroll system and Non-payroll Level 3 Eligibility Type for each sub-group (active, elected officials, contract, COBRA, retirees over and under age Level 4: Department 2.8.6 The contractor must track retiree experience in separate sub-groups from active employees and must not blend premium rates with those of active employee rates. Retiree sub-groups are Over 65 and Under 65. 2.8.7 The contractor must track active employee experience in separate sub-groups. Active sub-groups are Active Employees, Elected Officials, Contract Employees, and Public Safety. UNDERWRITING REQUIREMENTS: 2.9.1 Your proposal should take into consideration the following: 2.9.2 The effective date of the contract will be July 1, 2013. The proposal must be for firm fixed rates for years one through three with a not-to-exceed increase for years four, five and six. 2.9.3 Written seven-month notification of the final renewal rate change will be given prior to the anniversary dates for years four through six, and will include supporting documentation. 2.9.4 The County will self-administer premiums. 2.9.5 The contractor must track claims experience and provide such experience to the County in conjunction with renewals past the initial contract year. 2.9.6 The contractor must provide a minimum of 12 months of historical data upon termination of the contract at no additional cost. 2.9.7 The contractor must provide claims payment services for 6 months upon termination of the contract at no additional cost. 2.9.8 The County may correct legitimate administrative errors and is the final determinant when such errors have occurred. No evidence of insurability will be required The County shall be the final determinant for all eligibility issues. 2.9.9 The contract’s rate change date and anniversary will fall on July 1st. All contract or benefit changes will only occur on this date unless previously agreed to in writing by all parties. The County reserves the right to annually change benefit designs it considers in its best interest. 2.9.10 The County maintains the right to cancel the contract of a contractor at any time, if there is a significant change, in the County’s opinion, in the contractor’s operation of the plan. Such operational issues include but are not limited to, adequacy of the provider network, p. 10 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP satisfaction with customer service, quality of the plan services, timeliness of claims payment and satisfaction by the County’s employees. 2.10 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 2.9.11 The contractor (or their sub-contractor) shall be responsible for drafting, producing and distributing, subject to County review and approval, of all communication materials, certificates of coverage, plan summaries and administrative forms to be available on-line. However, the County will make the final determination as to the number of hard copy documents needed on hand at any point in time. 2.9.12 The contractor shall provide each participant using services with a satisfaction survey, which will determine satisfaction level with customer services, the network, the counselor, the quality of services and satisfaction with the benefits. The results of these surveys shall be reported to the County as required in the Reporting Section. MANDATORY CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATIONS (BOTH): 2.10.1 Both services, Behavioral Health and Employee Assistance Program Services shall be provided by the same proposer. There shall be no sub-contracting of either service by the proposer. 2.10.2 The Contractor shall have a minimum of 1 million covered members nationwide. 2.10.3 The contractor shall have their own network for the Behavioral Health Services (this may not be sub-contracted) and shall propose a minimum overall network discount. The EAP network may be sub-contracted. 2.10.4 The contractor must have experience meeting the demands and needs of over 6,000 employees as well as working with multiple businesses within an organization. The contractor must serve at least 5 private or public organizations and have a minimum of 5 years experience serving organizations in Arizona with a minimum of 5,000 employees. 2.10.5 Five (5) references must be provided including name of employer, contact name, e-mail address and phone number of contact person, number of employees, time period for which services were provided and utilization rates (ranges. Proposers are required to provide this information for both the EAP and Behavioral Health references. 2.10.6 The contractor must be able to have sufficient providers located in the geographic areas where employees reside to serve a population of approximately 12,500 employees throughout Maricopa and adjoining counties. The contractor must have at least 5 open providers within 10 miles or 30 minutes of the metropolitan employee population and at least 2 providers within 30 miles or 45 minutes of the rural employee population. 2.10.7 Contractor shall have and maintains a network, such that 90% of eligible members shall have access to a choice of network providers by implementation and annually that meets this requirement, thereafter, that complies with the following access standards, measured using home zip codes and commercially available geographic access software, with the default settings for urban, suburban and rural geographies” of Five EAP practitioners within 10 miles or 30 minutes (urban/suburban) 2.10.8 The contractor must provide a network comparison to the current behavioral health/substance abuse and EAP networks and offer contracts to qualified providers that are not within their network in sufficient time to contract with such providers before the contract commences. In absence of a fully executed contract with such providers, the contractor must provide continued services with no additional financial responsibility of the patient for a transitional period of at least 3 months. 2.10.9 The size and qualifications of the contractor’s staff shall adequately meet the needs of Maricopa County employee population. The contractor shall provide staffing levels that can meet the demands of an increased client base or would be willing to increase staff to p. 11 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP meet demands. The contractor shall maintain qualified and appropriate staffing levels at all times. 2.10.10 The contractor shall be able to respond to crisis calls within 30 minutes and be on site at the applicable County location within 2 hours. 2.10.11 The contractor shall provide counselors locally to provide face-to-face session’s as well optional telephonic counseling. 2.10.12 The contractor shall provide a marketing strategy and materials to promote services to Maricopa County employees. 2.10.13 The contractor shall coordinate services, participate in studies and share data with other contractors with whom the County holds contracts including but not limited to medical, pharmacy, and short-term disability, at the County’s request. 2.10.14 For all services, the contractor shall provide easy access to the right care, the right place of service, and the right practitioner with consideration to licensure and clinical specialization, language capabilities and cultural competencies, geographic location and appointment availability. 2.10.15 The contractor shall have (for the Behavioral Health Services) full accreditation by either NCQA or JCAHO. (proof of accreditation must be included under other data section 3.10.6) 2.11 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST YOUR PROPOSAL SHOULD TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE FOLLOWING: 2.11.1 The claims administrator must verify eligibility for coverage under each benefit. County will provide an eligibility list at least monthly. 2.11.2 The contractor will be responsible for producing and mailing certificates of creditable coverage, as required by HIPAA, to the employee and covered dependents. 2.11.3 The contractor must provide experience to the County in conjunction with any renewals past the initial contract year. 2.11.4 Select County personnel will have the option of contacting the contractor directly or may refer the employee to a provider in a pre-selected core group established by the contractor. 2.11.5 Employee Assistance Plan takeover will be on a “no-loss, no-gain” basis; that is, no individual will lose coverage or be subject to a new pre-existing conditions limitation solely on the basis of a change in contractor. Any actively at-work provision will be waived for participants who are not actively at work (including those who are confined to a hospital) and who are not eligible for extended coverage under the current contractor’s program(s). 2.11.6 The contractor must provide run out services for claims for 6-months from the end of the contract. 2.11.7 No minimum participation requirements will be allowed. Rates must be guaranteed unless the active enrollment level changes by more than 20% based on open enrollment data. 2.11.8 The contractor shall provide a full annual accounting within six months of the end of the policy year, and will show all premium components including but not limited to capitation and paid, pending and claims in appeal status, retention analysis, beginning and ending reserves, and pooled premiums and claims. p. 12 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 2.11.9 Eligibility for active employees and retirees will be provided electronically via ADP (version 8.8 or higher). The contractor must be able to accept and process such file in a mutually agreed upon format within 48 hours of receipt. Contractor must also be able to generate an electronic exception report for the County within five working days from applying the data from each file. 2.11.10 Eligibility and enrollment information and premium payments for COBRA participants will be provided by the County’s COBRA Administrator (ADP). 2.11.11 The contractor may subcontract certain aspects of the contract, but shall be responsible for overall performance. The contractor is responsible for disclosing and notifying the County of any significant changes in such relationships as soon as practical without jeopardizing ongoing negotiations. 2.11.12 The County reserves the right to audit the contractor’s claim processing, payments and membership records, with reasonable notice. 2.11.13 The contractor, by submitting a response to these services, acknowledges the County’s right to select the auditor, and further agrees to allow the auditor to determine the sample, cooperate fully with such auditor and waive any and all fees associated with providing access to the County’s claim records including use of the contractor’s staff time to assist in the audit. The audits may include, but is not be limited to, the following: Determinations of any mathematical errors in computation. Determinations that only eligible insured’s have had claims paid. Review of inpatient and outpatient hospital, laboratory, physician and other provider charges per service. Review of turnaround time in claim processing. Review of duplicate, denied claims and claims in appeal status. The audits may be conducted during the policy period and/or upon completion of the policy period and/or following submission of the final policy report by the contractor at the discretion of the County. 2.11.14 Additionally, the contractor may be requested to provide periodic eligibility lists or tapes to the County at no charge in order to reconcile participants’ eligibility. 2.11.15 If, at any time, the County has a reasonable belief that it is being systematically overcharged or double-billed under the contract, or that any other significant accounting irregularities exist, the County may conduct or hire an agent to conduct an audit of the Contractor’s books and records with respect to this Contract. Such audit shall be undertaken at Contractor’s expense. 2.11.16 The contractor shall agree to provide personnel to attend scheduled open enrollment meetings at no charge, at the County’s request. 2.11.17 The successful contractor will implement Maricopa County in a timely fashion and will be measured using the following operational milestones which must be included on their implementation work plan and will put a certain portion of their reimbursement at risk for completion of such tasks by the effective date of the contract (unless the effective date is less than 60 days after award): Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Setting up the eligibility data (subscriber, dependents, correct plan selection, effective dates, etc.) p. 13 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 2.12 Setting up the active employer group, the active retiree and retiree subgroups and COBRA subgroups Setting up the benefit plans and corresponding benefit terms Setting up the provider contracts, corresponding contract terms and network relationships Correctly identifying services that need to be pre-authorized/pre-certified Establishing the claims edits or business rules Transition/coordination of care issues/procedures are provided and implemented correctly Accurately paying in-network and out-of-network claims correctly according to the SPD (Evidence of Coverage) Premium billing is correctly calculated with and without retroactivity Accurate member correspondence, ID Cards, EOBs, Provider Remittances and Reports USAGE REPORT: The Contractor shall furnish the County a quarterly usage report delineating the acquisition activity governed by the Contract. The format of the report shall be approved by the County and shall disclose the quantity and dollar value of each contract item by individual unit. 2.13 INVOICES AND PAYMENTS: 2.13.1 The Respondent shall submit an electronic invoice of their detailed invoice before payment(s) can be made. At a minimum, the invoice must provide the following information: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Company name, address and contact County bill-to name and contact information Contract Serial Number County purchase order number Invoice number and date Payment terms Date of service Quantity Contract Item number(s) Description of Purchase (services) Pricing per unit of service Extended price Total Amount Due 2.13.2 Problems regarding billing or invoicing shall be directed to the using agency as listed on the Purchase Order 2.13.3 Payment shall be made to the Contractor by Accounts Payable through the Maricopa County Vendor Express Payment Program. This is an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) process. After Contract Award the Contractor shall complete the Vendor Registration Form located on the County Department of Finance Vendor Registration Web Site ( 2.13.4 EFT payments to the routing and account numbers designated by the Contractor will include the details on the specific invoices that the payment covers. The Contractor is required to discuss remittance delivery capabilities with their designated financial institution for access to those details. p. 14 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 2.14 TAX: (SERVICES) No tax shall be levied against labor. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine any and all taxes and include the same in proposal price. 2.15 DELIVERY: It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to meet the proposed delivery requirements. Maricopa County reserves the right to obtain services on the open market in the event the Contractor fails to make delivery and any price differential will be charged against the Contractor. 2.16 STRATEGIC ALLIANCE for VOLUME EXPENDITURES ($AVE): The County is a member of the $AVE cooperative purchasing group. $AVE includes the State of Arizona, many Phoenix metropolitan area municipalities, and many K-12 unified school districts. Under the $AVE Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, and with the concurrence of the successful Respondent under this solicitation, a member of $AVE may access a contract resulting from a solicitation issued by the County. If you do not want to grant such access to a member of $AVE, please so state in your proposal. In the absence of a statement to the contrary, the County will assume that you do wish to grant access to any contract that may result from this Request for Proposal. 3.0 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 3.1 CONTRACT TERM: This Request for Proposal is for awarding a firm, fixed price purchasing contract to cover a five (5) year term. 3.2 OPTION TO RENEW CONTRACT: The County may, at its option and with the approval of the Contractor, renew the term of this Contract up to a maximum of five (5) additional years, or other specified length options, (or at the County’s sole discretion, extend the contract on a month to month basis for a maximum of six (6) months after expiration). The Contractor shall be notified in writing by the Materials Management Department of the County’s intention to extend the contract term at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original contract term. 3.3 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Any requests for reasonable price adjustments must be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the Contract expiration date. Requests for adjustment in cost of labor and/or materials must be supported by appropriate documentation. If County agrees to the adjusted price terms, County shall issue written approval of the change. The reasonableness of the request will be determined by comparing the request with the (Consumer Price Index) or by performing a market survey and the proposed rate caps. 3.4 INDEMNIFICATION: 3.4.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and the cost of appellate proceedings, relating to, arising out of, or alleged to have resulted from the negligent acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance relating to the performance of this Contract. Contractor’s duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees shall arise in connection with any claim, damage, loss or expense that is caused by any negligent acts, errors, omissions or mistakes in the performance of this Contract by the Contractor, as well as any person p. 15 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP or entity for whose acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance Contractor may be legally liable. 3.5 3.4.2 The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth herein will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this paragraph. 3.4.3 The scope of this indemnification does not extend to the sole negligence of County. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 3.5.1 Contractor, at Contactor’s own expense, shall purchase and maintain the herein stipulated minimum insurance from a company or companies duly licensed by the State of Arizona and possessing a current A.M. Best, Inc. rating of A-, VII or higher. In lieu of State of Arizona licensing, the stipulated insurance may be purchased from a company or companies, which are authorized to do business in the State of Arizona, provided that said insurance companies meet the approval of County. The form of any insurance policies and forms must be acceptable to County. 3.5.2 All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or service required to be performed under the terms of the Contract is satisfactorily completed and formally accepted. Failure to do so may, at the sole discretion of County, constitute a material breach of this Contract. 3.5.3 Contractor’s insurance shall be primary insurance as respects County, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by County shall not contribute to it. 3.5.4 Any failure to comply with the claim reporting provisions of the insurance policies or any breach of an insurance policy warranty shall not affect the County’s right to coverage afforded under the insurance policies. 3.5.5 The insurance policies may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retentions. Such deductible and/or self-insured retentions shall not be applicable with respect to the coverage provided to County under such policies. Contactor shall be solely responsible for the deductible and/or self-insured retention and County, at its option, may require Contractor to secure payment of such deductibles or self-insured retentions by a surety bond or an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit. 3.5.6 County reserves the right to request and to receive, within 10 working days, certified copies of any or all of the herein required insurance certificates. County shall not be obligated to review policies and/or endorsements or to advise Contractor of any deficiencies in such policies and endorsements, and such receipt shall not relieve Contractor from, or be deemed a waiver of County’s right to insist on strict fulfillment of Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. 3.5.7 The insurance policies required by this Contract, except Workers’ Compensation, and Errors and Omissions, shall name County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insureds. 3.5.8 The policies required hereunder, except Workers’ Compensation, and Errors and Omissions, shall contain a waiver of transfer of rights of recovery (subrogation) against County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees for any claims arising out of Contractor’s work or service. 3.5.9 Commercial General Liability. Commercial General Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate, and $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 16 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP personal injury, products and completed operations and blanket contractual coverage, and shall not contain any provision which would serve to limit third party action over claims. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the CGL limiting the scope of coverage for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. 3.5.10 Automobile Liability. Commercial/Business Automobile Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence with respect to any of the Contractor’s owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in performance of the Contractor’s work or services under this Contract. 3.5.11 Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction of Contractor’s employees engaged in the performance of the work or services under this Contract; and Employer’s Liability insurance of not less than $100,000 for each accident, $100,000 disease for each employee, and $500,000 disease policy limit. Contractor waives all rights against County and its agents, officers, directors and employees for recovery of damages to the extent these damages are covered by the Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance obtained by Contractor pursuant to this Contract. 3.5.12 Certificates of Insurance. Prior to commencing work or services under this Contract, Contractor shall have insurance in effect as required by the Contract in the form provided by the County, issued by Contractor’s insurer(s), as evidence that policies providing the required coverage, conditions and limits required by this Contract are in full force and effect. Such certificates shall be made available to the County upon 48 hours notice. BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT PAGE THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO THIS REQUIREMENT AND FAILURE TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT. In the event any insurance policy (ies) required by this contract is (are) written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend for two years past completion and acceptance of Contractor’s work or services and as evidenced by annual Certificates of Insurance. If a policy does expire during the life of the Contract, a renewal certificate must be sent to County fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date. 3.5.13 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not be permitted to expire, be canceled, or materially changed without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County. 3.6 ACCESS TO AND RETENTION OF RECORDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUDIT AND/OR OTHER REVIEW: 3.6.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST In accordance with section MCI 367 of the Maricopa County Procurement Code the Contractor agrees to retain all books, records, accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract for six (6) years after final payment or until after the resolution of any audit questions which could be more p. 17 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP than six (6) years, whichever is latest. The County, Federal or State auditors and any other persons duly authorized by the Department shall have full access to, and the right to examine, copy and make use of, any and all said materials. 3.6.2 3.7 SUBCONTRACTING: 3.7.1 3.8 If the Contractor’s books, records , accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract are not sufficient to support and document that requested services were provided, the Contractor shall reimburse Maricopa County for the services not so adequately supported and documented. The Contractor may not assign a Contract or Subcontract to another party for performance of the terms and conditions hereof without the written consent of the County. All correspondence authorizing subcontracting must reference the Bid Serial Number and identify the job project. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Request for Proposals Issued: December 22, 2011 Pre-Proposal Conference: January 12, 2012 Deadline for written questions is (2) business days after Pre-Proposal Conference. Questions will not be responded to prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference or after the (2) business day deadline has elapsed. All questions and answers shall be posted to under the Q&A’s tab for the solicitation and must be received by the end of business, 5:00 PM Arizona time Proposals Opening Date: February 3, 2012 Deadline for submission of proposals is 2:00 P.M., Arizona Time, on January 3, 2012. All proposals must be received before 2:00 P.M., Arizona Time, on the above date at the Maricopa County Materials Management Department, 320 West Lincoln Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Proposed review of Proposals and short list decision: February 20, 2012 Proposed Respondent presentations: (if required) February 27, 2012 Proposed selection and negotiation: March 12, 2012 Proposed Best & Final (if required) March 26, 2012 Proposed award of Contract: May 20, 2012 All responses to this Request for Proposal become the property of Maricopa County and (other than pricing) will be held confidential, to the extent permissible by law. The County will not be held accountable if material from proposal responses is obtained without the written consent of the Respondent by parties other than the County. 3.9 INQUIRIES AND NOTICES: All inquiries concerning information herein shall be addressed to: Maricopa County Materials Management Department ATTN: Contract Administration 320 West Lincoln Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 18 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Administrative telephone inquiries shall be addressed to: Steve Dahle, Procurement Officer, 602.506.3450 ( Inquiries may be submitted by telephone but must be followed up in writing. communication is binding on Maricopa County. 3.10 No oral INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING AND SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: Respondents shall provide their proposals in accordance with Section 3.14 as follows: 3.10.1 One (1) original hardcopy of all proposal documents. 3.10.2 One (1) CD or flash drive providing all proposal documents in Word, Excel (Attachment A, D, E and F) and then the entire proposal document in PDF format. 3.10.3 Three (3) CD’s or flash drives providing the entire proposal in PDF format only. 3.10.4 Respondents shall address proposals identified with return address, serial number and title in the following manner: Maricopa County Materials Management Department 320 West Lincoln Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494 SERIAL 11146 – RFP, EMPLOYEE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EAP SERVICES 3.10.5 3.11 Proposals shall be signed by an owner, partner or corporate official who has been authorized to make such commitments. All prices shall be held firm for a period of one hundred fifty (150) days after the RFP closing date. EXCEPTIONS TO THE SOLICITATION: The Respondent shall identify and list all exceptions taken to all sections of 11146–RFP and list these exceptions referencing the section (paragraph) where the exception exists and identify the exceptions and the proposed wording for the Respondent’s exception under the heading, “Exception to the PROPOSAL Solicitation, SERIAL 11146-RFP.” Exceptions that surface elsewhere and that do not also appear under the heading, “Exceptions to the PROPOSAL Solicitation, SERIAL 11146-RFP,” shall be considered invalid and void and of no contractual significance. The County reserves the right to reject, determine the proposal non-responsive, enter into negotiation on any of the Respondent exceptions, or accept them outright. 3.12 GENERAL CONTENT: 3.12.1 3.13 The Proposal should be specific and complete in every detail. It should be practical and provide a straightforward, concise delineation of capabilities to satisfactorily perform the Contract being sought. FORMAT AND CONTENT: To aid in the evaluation, it is desired that all proposals follow the same general format. The proposal hardcopy must be submitted in binders and have sections tabbed as below: (Responses are limited to 200 pages, single sided, 10 point font type). 3.13.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Table of Contents p. 19 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 3.13.2 Letter of Transmittal (Exhibit 2) 3.13.3 Executive Summary – This section shall contain an outline of the general approach utilized in the proposal. 3.13.4 Proposal – This section should contain a statement of all of the programs and services proposed, including conclusions and generalized recommendations. Proposals should be all-inclusive, detailing respondent’s best offer. Response should be in attachment D 3.13.5 Qualifications – This section shall describe the respondent’s ability and experience related to the programs and services proposed. All project personnel, as applicable, shall be listed including a description of assignments and responsibilities, a resume of professional experience, an estimate of the time each would devote to this program, and other pertinent information. 3.13.6 Proposal exceptions 3.13.7 Requested Examples of Reports 3.13.8 Copy of Proposers ASO Agreement 3.13.9 Attachment A (Pricing) 3.13.10 Attachment B (Agreement Page) 3.13.11 Attachment C (References) 3.13.12 Attachment D Vendor Response Matrix 3.13.13 Attachment E Vendor Questionnaire 3.13.14 Attachment F Geo Access Report (provided by Proposer) 3.14 EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL – SELECTION FACTORS: A Proposal Evaluation Committee shall be appointed, chaired by the Procurement Officer to evaluate each Proposal. At the County’s option, Respondents may be invited to make presentations to the Evaluation Committee. Best and Final Offers and/or Negotiations may be conducted, as needed, with the highest rated Respondent(s). Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria which are listed descending order of importance. 3.15 3.14.1 Proposal (Includes Vendor Response Matrix Attachment D) 3.14.2 Contractor qualifications (Includes Attachment E) 3.14.3 Price CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION: 3.15.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST The undersigned (authorized official signing for the Contractor) certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that the Contractor, defined as the primary participant in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76, and its principals: are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal Department or agency; have not within 3-year period preceding this Contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a p. 20 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; 3.16 3.17 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (2) of this certification; and have not within a 3-year period preceding this Contract had one or more public transaction (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause of default. 3.15.2 Should the Contractor not be able to provide this certification, an explanation as to why should be attached to the Contact. 3.15.3 The Contractor agrees to include, without modification, this clause in all lower tier covered transactions (i.e. transactions with subcontractors) and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions related to this Contract. VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §414401 AND FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS: 3.16.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor warrants compliance with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA using e-verify) and all other federal immigration laws and regulations related to the immigration status of its employees and A.R.S. §23-214(A). The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall also maintain Employment Eligibility Verification forms (I-9) as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended from time to time, for all employees performing work under the Contract and verify employee compliance using the E-verify system and shall keep a record of the verification for the duration of the employee’s employment or at least three years, whichever is longer. I-9 forms are available for download at USCIS.GOV. 3.16.2 The County retains the legal right to inspect contractor and subcontractor employee documents performing work under this Contract to verify compliance with paragraph 3.16.1 of this Section. Contractor and subcontractor shall be given reasonable notice of the County’s intent to inspect and shall make the documents available at the time and date specified. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County will consider this a material breach of the contract and may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §§35-391.06 AND 35-393.06 BUSINESS RELATIONS WITH SUDAN AND IRAN: 3.17.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor certifies it does not have scrutinized business operations in Sudan or Iran. The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. 3.17.2 The County may request verification of compliance for any contractor or subcontractor performing work under the Contract. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of p. 21 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. 3.18 CONTRACTOR LICENSE REQUIREMENT: The Respondent shall procure all permits, insurance, licenses and pay the charges and fees necessary and incidental to the lawful conduct of his/her business, and as necessary complete any required certification requirements, required by any and all governmental or non-governmental entities as mandated to maintain compliance with and in good standing for all permits and/or licenses. The Respondent shall keep fully informed of existing and future trade or industry requirements, Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, and regulations which in any manner affect the fulfillment of a Contract and shall comply with the same. Contractor shall immediately notify both Materials Management and the using agency of any and all changes concerning permits, insurance or licenses. 3.19 INFLUENCE As prescribed in MC1-1202 of the Maricopa County Procurement Code, any effort to influence an employee or agent to breach the Maricopa County Ethical Code of Conduct or any ethical conduct, may be grounds for Disbarment or Suspension under MC1-902. An attempt to influence includes, but is not limited to: 3.19.1 A Person offering or providing a gratuity, gift, tip, present, donation, money, entertainment or educational passes or tickets, or any type valuable contribution or subsidy, 3.19.2 That is offered or given with the intent to influence a decision, obtain a contract, garner favorable treatment, or gain favorable consideration of any kind. If a Person attempts to influence any employee or agent of Maricopa County, the Chief Procurement Officer, or his designee, reserves the right to seek any remedy provided by the Maricopa County Procurement Code, any remedy in equity or in the law, or any remedy provided by this contract. 3.20 POST AWARD MEETING: The successful Respondent(s)/shall be required to attend a post-award meeting with the Using Agency to discuss the terms and conditions of the Contract. This meeting will be coordinated by the Procurement Officer of the Contract. NOTE 1: RESPONDENTS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO REVIEW MARICOPA COUNTY’S PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION AND SAMPLE CONTRACT DOCUMENT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL. FOR THIS INFORMATION, GO TO: NOTE 2: RESPONDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO USE ATTACHED FORMS TO SUBMIT THEIR PROPOSAL. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 22 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT A PRICING SEE EXCEL FILE 11146-ATTACHMENT A PRICING Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 23 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT B AGREEMENT Respondent hereby certifies that Respondent has read, understands and agrees that acceptance by Maricopa County of the Respondent’s Offer will create a binding Contract. Respondent agrees to fully comply with all terms and conditions as set forth in the Maricopa County Procurement Code, and amendments thereto, together with the specifications and other documentary forms herewith made a part of this specific procurement BY SIGNING THIS PAGE THE SUBMITTING RESPONDENT CERTIFIES THAT RESPONDENT HAS REVIEWED THE ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION AND DRAFT RFP CONTRACT’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS LOCATED AT AND AGREE TO BE CONTRACTUALLY BOUND TO THEM. [] Small Business Enterprise (SBE) RESPONDENT (FIRM) SUBMITTING PROPOSAL FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER PRINTED NAME AND TITLE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE DUNS # / CITY STATE WEB SITE Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST ZIP FAX # DATE EMAIL ADDRESS p. 24 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT C RESPONDENT’S REFERENCES RESPONDENT SUBMITTING PROPOSAL: 1. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: 2. E-MAIL ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: 3. E-MAIL ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: 4. E-MAIL ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: 5. E-MAIL ADDRESS: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST E-MAIL ADDRESS: p. 25 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT D VENDOR RESPONSE MATRIX SEE EXCEL FILE 11146-ATTACHMENT D Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 26 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT E VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE SEE EXCEL FILE 11146-ATTACHMENT E Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 27 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ATTACHMENT F GEO ACCESS REPORT (To be provided by Proposer) Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 28 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 1 VENDOR REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Registration is FREE and REQUIRED for all vendors. Register On-line at ee& Upon completion of your on-line registration, you are responsible for updating any changes to your information. Please retain your Login ID and Password for future use. For assistance, please contact BidSync Vendor Support Department via phone or email, during regular business hours: 1-800-990-9339 or Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 29 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 2 SAMPLE TRANSMITTAL LETTER (To be typed on the letterhead of Offeror) Maricopa County Materials Management Department 320 West Lincoln Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494 Re: RFP Number – 11146-RFP To Whom It May Concern: (NAME OF COMPANY) (Herein referred to as the "RESPONDENT"), hereby submits its response to your Request for Proposal dated , and agrees to perform as proposed in their proposal, if awarded the contract. The Respondent shall thereupon be contractually obligated to carry out its responsibilities respecting the services proposed. Kindly advise this in writing on or before if you should desire to accept this proposal. Very truly yours, _______________________________ NAME (please print) _______________________________ SIGNATURE _______________________________ TITLE (please print) Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 30 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 3 EMPLOYEE ZIP CODE CENSUS (Both EAP and Behavioral Health) ZIP (EAP) Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Count of Empl ID Total Postal/Zip Count of Empl ID Total Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Total Postal/Zip Count of Empl ID Total Postal/Zip Total 85001 6 85042 131 85128 1 85232 2 85281 80 85002 10 85043 146 85132 2 85233 127 85282 140 85003 47 85044 124 85138 39 85234 173 85283 144 85004 33 85045 21 85139 20 85236 4 85284 47 85005 6 85046 1 85140 53 85238 10 85285 11 85006 58 85048 115 85142 90 85239 19 85286 72 85007 49 85050 69 85143 34 85240 7 85295 86 85008 114 85051 125 85145 1 85242 66 85296 148 85009 78 85053 108 85178 2 85243 14 85297 93 85010 1 85054 10 85193 1 85244 7 85298 49 85011 3 85060 5 85194 2 85246 4 85299 13 85012 44 85063 7 85201 91 85248 62 85301 123 85013 108 85064 6 85202 91 85249 83 85302 164 85014 90 85066 15 85203 85 85250 37 85303 112 85015 109 85067 8 85204 150 85251 51 85304 114 85016 131 85068 5 85205 94 85252 5 85305 41 85017 69 85069 8 85206 81 85253 26 85306 95 85018 117 85070 1 85207 92 85254 94 85307 42 85019 55 85071 3 85208 61 85255 44 85308 205 85020 110 85074 1 85209 83 85256 1 85310 50 85021 101 85076 3 85210 86 85257 59 85311 5 85022 144 85078 1 85211 4 85258 28 85312 10 85023 98 85079 6 85212 71 85259 22 85318 4 85024 74 85080 4 85213 80 85260 39 85320 3 85027 112 85082 7 85214 3 85262 5 85321 1 85028 77 85083 70 85215 36 85263 2 85322 2 85029 133 85085 61 85216 5 85266 8 85323 225 85030 3 85086 113 85217 1 85267 2 85324 11 85031 41 85087 20 85218 6 85268 36 85325 1 85032 156 85118 11 85219 11 85269 3 85326 202 85033 99 85119 22 85220 8 85272 1 85327 4 85034 9 85120 20 85222 9 85273 1 85329 4 85035 93 85122 9 85224 127 85274 1 85331 43 85037 161 85123 4 85225 153 85275 3 85335 108 85040 65 85124 1 85226 112 85277 2 85337 15 85041 237 85127 2 85228 1 85280 4 85338 266 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 31 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Count of Empl ID Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Total Postal/Zip Total 85339 220 85387 28 85340 135 85388 80 85342 6 85390 9 85343 1 85392 170 85345 242 85395 89 85346 1 85396 33 85351 38 85541 2 85352 1 85635 1 85353 170 85641 1 85354 20 85653 1 85355 49 85704 1 85358 4 85718 1 85361 15 85728 1 85363 18 85745 1 85364 1 85932 1 85373 49 85935 1 85374 155 86004 1 85375 22 86047 1 85376 1 86314 3 85377 6 86323 1 85378 19 86329 1 85379 189 86332 1 85380 5 86333 3 85381 109 85382 128 85383 97 85385 4 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Grand Total 11811 p. 32 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP ZIP Behavioral Health Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip 85001 85002 85003 85004 85005 85006 85007 85008 85009 85010 85011 85012 85013 85014 85015 85016 85017 85018 85019 85020 85021 85022 85023 85024 85027 85028 85029 85030 85031 85032 85033 85034 85035 85037 85040 85041 85042 85043 85044 85045 85046 85048 85050 85051 85053 85054 Total 5 9 37 28 6 53 38 102 66 1 2 37 82 79 95 110 62 94 50 85 77 117 87 64 104 63 115 3 34 133 87 9 83 135 61 196 104 129 99 16 1 84 52 113 89 8 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip 85060 85063 85064 85066 85067 85068 85069 85071 85074 85076 85078 85079 85080 85082 85083 85085 85086 85087 85118 85119 85120 85122 85123 85124 85127 85128 85132 85138 85139 85140 85142 85143 85145 85178 85193 85194 85201 85202 85203 85204 85205 85206 85207 85208 85209 85210 Total 4 6 6 15 7 5 8 3 1 2 1 6 4 7 53 46 88 16 7 20 18 6 4 1 2 1 2 34 18 44 71 26 1 2 1 1 84 82 75 127 76 65 74 56 70 79 Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Total 85211 4 85212 59 85213 62 85214 3 85215 28 85216 4 85217 1 85218 5 85219 8 85220 6 85222 8 85224 106 85225 135 85226 92 85228 1 85232 2 85233 102 85234 131 85236 4 85238 9 85239 18 85240 7 85242 55 85243 13 85244 7 85246 3 85248 50 85249 66 85250 29 85251 42 85252 4 85253 14 85254 73 85255 31 85257 53 85258 23 85259 10 85260 31 85262 5 85263 2 85266 5 85267 2 85268 23 85269 3 85272 1 85273 1 Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip 85274 85275 85277 85280 85281 85282 85283 85284 85285 85286 85295 85296 85297 85298 85299 85301 85302 85303 85304 85305 85306 85307 85308 85310 85311 85312 85318 85320 85321 85322 85323 85324 85325 85326 85327 85329 85331 85335 85337 85338 85339 85340 85342 85345 85346 85351 Total 1 3 2 4 68 112 112 33 10 60 67 117 67 41 10 111 135 96 96 36 81 37 163 41 3 10 2 1 1 2 189 10 1 175 4 4 31 87 10 220 186 98 3 209 1 30 Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip 85352 85353 85354 85355 85358 85361 85363 85364 85373 85374 85375 85376 85377 85378 85379 85380 85381 85382 85383 85385 85387 85388 85390 85392 85395 85396 85541 85635 85653 85704 85718 85932 86004 86047 86314 86323 86329 86332 86333 Grand Total Total 1 144 18 43 3 10 12 1 38 123 19 1 4 14 155 5 88 109 83 4 20 63 6 142 66 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 9769 p. 33 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 4 COUNTY CURRENT PLAN DESIGN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY Maricopa County offers both an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Behavioral Health Benefit administered by Magellan Health Services (Magellan). All employees (including contract and temporary) and their dependents are eligible for the EAP Program. Dependents under EAP are defined differently than under your health and dental plans. EAP services are available to anyone living in your household and children attending school out-of-state or who live out-of- state, if you are responsible for their benefits. However, the Behavioral Health benefit is limited to those employees who have elected CIGNA medical coverage (except for CIGNA Choice Fund Health Savings Account) and to their covered dependents. Protecting your confidentiality is Magellan’s top priority. All records, including personal information, referrals and evaluations, are kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws. Release of information can be given only with your written consent, except where required by law (e.g., when child abuse is suspected or when posing a danger to self or others). EAP PROGRAM SUMMARY Sometimes employees face problems that they cannot solve. Concerns can become overwhelming and affect work performance, personal happiness, family relations and personal health. When this occurs, professional help may be needed to resolve the problem before it becomes a larger issue. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered through Magellan is an employer-paid benefit that provides shortterm counseling for both personal and work-related issues for you and your dependents. There is no premium charged to you for this benefit and there is no copayment when you use this service. You will be assisted by a behavioral health professional who will ensure that you receive treatment at the most appropriate level for your situation. Your EAP provides a full range of counseling and referral services for individual, family and marital concerns, stress and job-related matters, child and domestic abuse, chemical and alcohol dependency assessment, and legal or financial issues. Counseling is available by phone or in- person, depending on your preference. Counseling Your EAP benefit provides up to eight individual counseling sessions for you and your dependents per person, per problem, per year. If sufficient need is shown, upon your approval, your counselor may encourage other members of your family to participate in your sessions. Legal Consultation Your EAP provides legal consultation services. You can call and be referred to an attorney for a prepaid initial inperson consultation or for an immediate telephonic consultation on issues such as estate planning; family and divorce law, civil and criminal matters, and more. One free one-hour consultation per plan year is covered. Ongoing services are offered at discounted rates. Financial Counseling Your EAP also includes services to help you reach your financial goals. When you call, you’ll be put in touch with a financial expert who can provide information and answer questions on a wide range of topics, including planning for retirement, debt consolidation, and more. Unlimited telephonic service is covered. Additionally, one free, initial in-person one hour session is covered per plan year. For more information regarding the EAP benefit or to make an appointment, contact Magellan at 1-888-213-5125, 24 hours a day, seven days a week or online at For details about the EAP benefit, refer to the Magellan brochure located on the EBC/Intranet at or on the Internet Web site at BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE BENEFIT SUMMARY The behavioral health benefit, which is provided to you and covered dependents enrolled in a CIGNA medical plan (except for CIGNA Choice Fund Health Savings Account), provides services that support your well-being. You can receive confidential counseling whenever you and/or your eligible dependents are faced with a personal challenge. These services help you deal with a wide range of issues, including: Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 34 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Alcohol or drug dependency Anger management Autism Compulsive gambling Depression Eating disorders Grief and loss Severe stress and anxiety And more Provided below is a summary of your benefits. It is important for you to understand that in- network benefits received through a participating provider are payable only if each service is determined to be medically necessary and preauthorized by Magellan before you start treatment. Certain out-of-network services (such as inpatient, residential, intensive outpatient, and partial hospitalization), also require pre-authorization by Magellan before services are received. However, out-of-network outpatient individual or group counseling services do not require preauthorization. In addition to the behavioral health and substance abuse services provided by Magellan, Sheriff’s Office employees and their dependents may access the Sheriff’s Office Behavioral Health Services Unit by calling 602-876-1852. For details about the Magellan behavioral health and substance abuse benefit, refer to the Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Plan Description on the EBC/Intranet at or on the Internet Web site at For more information regarding the Magellan behavioral health and substance abuse benefit, claims payment, to obtain pre-authorization or to find a participating in-network provider, contact Magellan, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-213-5125. Out-of-network claims should be mailed to Magellan, P. O. Box 1098, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 35 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Level of Care In-Network Benefit In-Network Rules Out-of-Network Benefit 30 days per year (in- and out-ofnetwork combined) Inpatient Hospitalization 30 days per year (in- and out-of-network combined) $25 co-pay per day Preauthorization required Benefit is derived from trading unused inpatient hospitalization days for up to 30 partial hospitalization days per year. Partial Hospitalization 30 partial day per year (inand out-of-network combined) Benefit is traded at 2 partial days for 1 inpatient day. $20 co-pay per day. Residential Treatment Intensive Outpatient (IOP) 60 days per year; $12.50 copay per day 45 IOP visits per year (inand out-ofnetwork combined) $100 co-pay per program. $500 deductible; Plan pays $250 per day after deductible is met. Pre-authorization required. It is the member’s responsibility to obtain preauthorization for initial and concurrent reviews. All other costs after plan payment of $250 per day are member’s responsibility. Failure to obtain preauthorization results in no reimbursement. Benefit derived from trading unused inpatient hospitalization days for up to 30 partial hospitalization days per year. Preauthorization required Pre-authorization required Pre-authorization required. $100/program copay applies to a continuous episode of care in IOP. If patient discontinues & restarts program, a new $100 copay is applied. Out-of-Network Rules Pre-authorization required. It is the member’s 30 partial days per year (in- and outresponsibility to obtain preof-network combined) Benefit is traded authorization for initial and at 2 partial days for 1 inpatient day. concurrent reviews. $250 deductible. Plan pays $125 per day after deductible. All costs after plan payment of $125 per day are member’s responsibility. Failure to obtain Pre-authorization results in no reimbursement. No benefit N/A Pre-authorization required. 45 IOP visits per year (in- and out- ofnetwork combined) Plan pays $40 per visit. All other costs after plan payment of $40 per visit are member’s responsibility. It is the member’s responsibility to obtain preauthorization for initial and concurrent reviews. Failure to obtain preauthorization results in no reimbursement. Outpatient Therapy (individual, family, and medication evaluation) Unlimited visits; $20 co-pay per visit. Preauthorization required. Unlimited visits; Plan pays $25 per visit. All other costs after plan payment No pre-authorization of $25 per visit are member’s required responsibility. Outpatient Group Psychotherapy Unlimited visits; $5 co-pay per visit. Pre-authorization required Unlimited visits; Plan pays $15 per visit. All other costs after plan payment No pre-authorization of $15 per visit are member’s required responsibility. Pre-authorization required Unlimited visits; Plan pays $25 per visit. All other costs after plan payment No pre-authorization of $25 per visit are member’s required responsibility Ongoing Medication Management Lifetime Maximums Unlimited visits; $10 co-pay per visit. No lifetime maximum Autism Coverage Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST No lifetime maximum No maximum limit p. 36 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 5 EAP UTILIZATION Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 37 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 6 ACTIVE EMPLOYEE COUNTS Count of Empl ID Employee Status Regular Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Full/Part Time Postal/Zip Full-Time Part-Time Grand Total 85001 6 6 85002 11 11 85003 51 51 85004 33 1 34 85005 6 85006 65 1 66 6 85007 49 1 50 85008 123 1 124 85009 80 80 85010 1 1 85011 3 3 85012 48 48 85013 116 85014 97 85015 113 2 115 85016 141 3 144 85017 74 85018 126 85019 60 85020 116 2 118 85021 110 2 112 85022 144 2 146 85023 102 3 105 85024 80 1 81 85027 114 85028 78 85029 144 144 85030 4 4 2 118 97 74 3 129 60 114 3 1 81 85031 46 85032 162 162 85033 103 103 85034 13 13 85035 108 85036 1 1 85037 170 170 85040 74 74 85041 244 3 247 85042 140 2 142 1 47 109 p. 38 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 85043 160 3 163 85044 130 85045 20 85046 1 85048 117 2 119 85050 73 1 74 85051 134 85053 114 85054 11 85060 6 6 85063 7 7 85064 8 8 85066 16 16 85067 10 85068 5 5 85069 8 8 85071 4 4 85074 2 2 85076 3 3 85078 1 1 85079 6 6 85080 4 4 85082 8 8 85083 74 85085 64 2 66 85086 111 3 114 85087 20 20 85117 1 1 85118 12 12 85119 26 26 85120 18 18 85122 10 10 85123 4 4 85124 1 1 85127 3 3 85128 1 1 85130 1 1 85132 2 2 85138 43 43 85139 22 22 85140 52 52 85142 91 91 85143 38 85145 1 130 2 22 1 134 114 2 1 13 11 74 1 39 1 p. 39 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 85178 1 1 2 85193 1 1 85194 1 1 85201 99 1 100 85202 95 4 99 85203 88 85204 155 1 156 85205 93 3 96 85206 84 1 85 85207 96 96 85208 67 67 85209 82 82 85210 97 97 85211 4 4 85212 72 85213 83 83 85214 4 4 85215 39 39 85216 5 5 85217 1 1 85218 5 85219 10 10 85220 7 7 88 2 1 74 6 85222 9 85224 134 1 135 9 85225 167 1 168 85226 118 1 119 85228 1 1 85232 2 2 85233 133 2 135 85234 175 4 179 85236 4 4 85238 11 11 85239 20 20 85240 7 7 85242 66 66 85243 14 14 85244 9 9 85246 4 4 85248 64 1 65 85249 81 3 84 85250 37 1 38 85251 52 3 55 85252 5 5 p. 40 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 85253 22 2 24 85254 99 3 102 85255 41 3 44 85256 1 85257 62 2 64 85258 29 1 30 85259 20 85260 43 85262 6 6 85263 2 2 85266 7 7 85267 2 2 85268 33 33 85269 3 3 85271 1 1 85272 1 1 85273 1 1 85274 2 2 85275 3 3 85277 2 2 85280 5 5 85281 82 2 84 85282 146 3 149 85283 155 3 158 85284 49 85285 11 85286 72 85295 88 1 89 85296 146 4 150 85297 88 1 89 85298 52 2 54 1 137 1 20 1 44 49 1 12 72 85299 14 85301 136 14 85302 171 85303 116 85304 120 120 85305 42 42 85306 98 98 85307 43 1 44 85308 212 1 213 85310 50 4 54 85311 6 6 85312 10 10 85318 4 4 171 1 117 p. 41 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 85320 2 2 85321 1 1 85322 2 2 85323 236 85324 11 11 85325 1 1 85326 215 215 85327 4 4 85329 4 4 85331 42 42 85335 116 1 117 85337 13 1 14 85338 281 2 283 85339 232 1 233 85340 133 1 134 85342 4 4 85343 1 1 85345 261 85346 1 1 85351 36 36 85352 1 1 85353 175 85354 21 21 85355 51 51 85358 4 4 85361 15 15 85363 18 18 85364 1 1 85373 50 50 85374 155 85375 21 85376 1 85377 4 1 5 85378 20 1 21 85379 202 1 203 85380 5 5 85381 113 113 85382 135 135 85383 98 2 1 1 1 238 262 176 156 21 1 4 102 85385 4 4 85387 26 26 85388 83 83 85390 6 1 7 85392 182 1 183 p. 42 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 85395 88 85396 38 38 85541 3 3 85616 R Total Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 1 1 89 1 85635 1 1 85641 1 1 85653 1 1 85704 1 1 85718 1 1 85745 1 1 85756 1 1 85932 1 1 85935 1 1 86004 1 1 86047 1 1 86314 3 3 86323 1 1 86329 1 1 86332 1 1 86333 3 3 12333 141 12474 p. 43 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 7 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLAIMS PAID Magellan Expenditures Claims Paid ASO Fees Coaching Services Total Expenditures Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Fiscal Year 2010 1,490,511.90 393,330.40 128,455.28 2,012,297.58 Fiscal Year 2011 1,095,439.85 301,770.00 194,900.00 1,592,109.85 p. 44 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 8 COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 45 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 46 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 9 (DRAFT CONTRACT) CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RFP SERIAL 11146 -RFP This Contract is entered into this _____ day of ____________, 20__ by and between Maricopa County (“County”), a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, and _______________________________, an Arizona corporation (“Contractor”) for the purchase of Behavioral Health and employee Assistance services. 1.0 2.0 CONTRACT TERM: 1.1 This Contract is for a term of five (5) years, beginning on the 1st day of July, 2013 and ending the 30th day of June, 2018. 1.2 The County may, at its option and with the agreement of the Contractor, renew the term of this Contract for additional terms up to a maximum of five (5) years, (or at the County’s sole discretion, extend the contract on a month-to-month bases for a maximum of six (6) months after expiration). The County shall notify the Contractor in writing of its intent to extend the Contract term at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original contract term, or any additional term thereafter. FEE ADJUSTMENTS: Any request for a fee adjustments must be submitted one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the current Contract expiration. Requests for adjustment in cost of labor and/or materials must be supported by appropriate documentation. If County agrees to the adjusted fee, County shall issue written approval of the change. The reasonableness of the request will be determined by comparing the request with the (Consumer Price Index) or by performing a market survey. 3.0 PAYMENTS: 3.1 As consideration for performance of the duties described herein, County shall pay Contractor the sum(s) stated in Exhibit “A.” 3.2 Payment shall be made upon the County’s receipt of a properly completed invoice. 3.3 INVOICES: 3.3.1 The Contractor shall submit two (2) legible copies of their detailed invoice before payment(s) can be made. At a minimum, the invoice must provide the following information: • • Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Company name, address and contact County bill-to name and contact information p. 47 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP • • • • • • • • • • • 4.0 5.0 Contract serial number County purchase order number Invoice number and date Payment terms Date of service Quantity Contract Item number(s) Description of service provided Pricing per unit of service Extended price Total Amount Due 3.3.2 Problems regarding billing or invoicing shall be directed to the County as listed on the Purchase Order. 3.3.3 Payment shall be made to the Contractor by Accounts Payable through the Maricopa County Vendor Express Payment Program. This is an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) process. After Contract Award the Contractor shall complete the Vendor Registration Form located on the County Department of Finance Vendor Registration Web Site ( 3.3.4 EFT payments to the routing and account numbers designated by the Contractor will include the details on the specific invoices that the payment covers. The Contractor is required to discuss remittance delivery capabilities with their designated financial institution for access to those details. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: 4.1 The provisions of this Contract relating to payment for services shall become effective when funds assigned for the purpose of compensating the Contractor as herein provided are actually available to County for disbursement. The County shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Contract. County shall keep the Contractor fully informed as to the availability of funds. 4.2 If any action is taken by any state agency, Federal department or any other agency or instrumentality to suspend, decrease, or terminate its fiscal obligations under, or in connection with, this Contract, County may amend, suspend, decrease, or terminate its obligations under, or in connection with, this Contract. In the event of termination, County shall be liable for payment only for services rendered prior to the effective date of the termination, provided that such services are performed in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. County shall give written notice of the effective date of any suspension, amendment, or termination under this Section, at least ten (10) days in advance. DUTIES: 5.1 The Contractor shall perform all duties stated in Exhibit “B”, or as otherwise directed in writing by the Procurement Officer. 5.2 During the Contract term, County shall provide Contractor’s personnel with adequate workspace for consultants and such other related facilities as may be required by Contractor to carry out its contractual obligations. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 48 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 6.0 TERMS and CONDITIONS: 6.1 6.2 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST INDEMNIFICATION: 6.1.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and the cost of appellate proceedings, relating to, arising out of, or alleged to have resulted from the negligent acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance relating to the performance of this Contract. Contractor’s duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees shall arise in connection with any claim, damage, loss or expense that is caused by any negligent acts, errors, omissions or mistakes in the performance of this Contract by the Contractor, as well as any person or entity for whose acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance Contractor may be legally liable. 6.1.2 The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth herein will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this paragraph. 6.1.3 The scope of this indemnification does not extend to the sole negligence of County. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 6.2.1 Contractor, at Contactor’s own expense, shall purchase and maintain the herein stipulated minimum insurance from a company or companies duly licensed by the State of Arizona and possessing a current A.M. Best, Inc. rating of A-, VII or higher. In lieu of State of Arizona licensing, the stipulated insurance may be purchased from a company or companies, which are authorized to do business in the State of Arizona, provided that said insurance companies meet the approval of County. The form of any insurance policies and forms must be acceptable to County. 6.2.2 All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or service required to be performed under the terms of the Contract is satisfactorily completed and formally accepted. Failure to do so may, at the sole discretion of County, constitute a material breach of this Contract. 6.2.3 Contractor’s insurance shall be primary insurance as respects County, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by County shall not contribute to it. 6.2.4 Any failure to comply with the claim reporting provisions of the insurance policies or any breach of an insurance policy warranty shall not affect the County’s right to coverage afforded under the insurance policies. 6.2.5 The insurance policies may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retentions. Such deductible and/or self-insured retentions shall not be applicable with respect to the coverage provided to County under such policies. Contactor shall be solely responsible for the deductible and/or self-insured retention and County, at its option, may require Contractor to secure payment of such deductibles or self-insured retentions by a surety bond or an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit. 6.2.6 County reserves the right to request and to receive, within 10 working days, certified copies of any or all of the herein required insurance certificates. County shall not be obligated to review policies and/or endorsements or to advise Contractor of any deficiencies in such policies and endorsements, and such receipt shall not relieve Contractor from, or be deemed a waiver of County’s right to insist on strict fulfillment of Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. p. 49 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 6.2.7 The insurance policies required by this Contract, except Workers’ Compensation shall name County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insureds. 6.2.8 The policies required hereunder, except Workers’ Compensation shall contain a waiver of transfer of rights of recovery (subrogation) against County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees for any claims arising out of Contractor’s work or service. 6.2.9 Commercial General Liability. Commercial General Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate, and $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, personal injury, products and completed operations and blanket contractual coverage, and shall not contain any provision which would serve to limit third party action over claims. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the CGL limiting the scope of coverage for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. 6.2.10 Automobile Liability. Commercial/Business Automobile Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence with respect to any of the Contractor’s owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in performance of the Contractor’s work or services under this Contract. 6.2.11 6.2.12 Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction of Contractor’s employees engaged in the performance of the work or services under this Contract; and Employer’s Liability insurance of not less than $100,000 for each accident, $100,000 disease for each employee, and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. Contractor waives all rights against County and its agents, officers, directors and employees for recovery of damages to the extent these damages are covered by the Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance obtained by Contractor pursuant to this Contract. Professional Liability Insurance. Professional Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance, which will insure and provide coverage for errors or omissions of the Contractor, with limits of no less than $1,000,000 for each claim. 6.2.13 Certificates of Insurance. Prior to commencing work or services under this Contract, Contractor shall furnish the County with certificates of insurance, or formal endorsements as required by the Contract in the form provided by the County, issued by Contractor’s insurer(s), as evidence that policies providing the required coverage, conditions and limits required by this Contract are in full force and effect. Such certificates shall identify this contract number and title. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST In the event any insurance policy (ies) required by this Contract is (are) written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend p. 50 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP for two (2) years past completion and acceptance of Contractor’s work or services and as evidenced by annual Certificates of Insurance. 6.2.14 If a policy does expire during the life of the Contract, a renewal certificate must be sent to County fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date. Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not be permitted to expire, be canceled, or materially changed without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County. 6.3 6.4 WARRANTY OF SERVICES: 6.3.1 The Contractor warrants that all services provided hereunder will conform to the requirements of the Contract, including all descriptions, specifications and attachments made a part of this Contract. County’s acceptance of services or goods provided by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligations under this warranty. 6.3.2 In addition to its other remedies, County may, at the Contractor's expense, require prompt correction of any services failing to meet the Contractor's warranty herein. Services corrected by the Contractor shall be subject to all the provisions of this Contract in the manner and to the same extent as services originally furnished hereunder. NOTICES: All notices given pursuant to the terms of this Contract shall be addressed to: For County: Maricopa County Department of Materials Management Attn: Director of Purchasing 320 West Lincoln Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494 For Contractor: 6.5 REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT: 6.5.1 6.6 Contractor signifies its understanding and agreement by signing this document that this Contract is a requirements contract. This Contract does not guarantee any purchases will be made (minimum or maximum. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The County reserves the right to terminate the Contract, in whole or in part at any time, when in the best interests of the County without penalty or recourse. Upon receipt of the written notice, the Contractor shall immediately stop all work, as directed in the notice, notify all subcontractors of the effective date of the termination and minimize all further costs to the County. In the event of termination under this paragraph, all documents, data and reports prepared by the Contractor under the Contract shall become the property of and be delivered to the County upon demand. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for work in progress, work completed and materials accepted before the effective date of the termination. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 51 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 6.7 6.8 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: 6.7.1 In addition to the rights reserved in the Contract, the County may terminate the Contract in whole or in part due to the failure of the Contractor to comply with any term or condition of the Contract, to acquire and maintain all required insurance policies, bonds, licenses and permits, or to make satisfactory progress in performing the Contract. The Procurement Officer shall provide written notice of the termination and the reasons for it to the Contractor. 6.7.2 Upon termination under this paragraph, all goods, materials, documents, data and reports prepared by the Contractor under the Contract shall become the property of and be delivered to the County on demand. 6.7.3 The County may, upon termination of this Contract, procure, on terms and in the manner that it deems appropriate, materials or services to replace those under this Contract. The Contractor shall be liable to the County for any excess costs incurred by the County in procuring materials or services in substitution for those due from the Contractor. 6.7.4 The Contractor shall continue to perform, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, up to the date of termination, as directed in the termination notice. STATUTORY RIGHT OF CANCELLATION FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Notice is given that pursuant to A.R.S. §38-511 the County may cancel this Contract without penalty or further obligation within three years after execution of the contract, if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating the contract on behalf of the County is at any time while the Contract or any extension of the Contract is in effect, an employee or agent of any other party to the Contract in any capacity or consultant to any other party of the Contract with respect to the subject matter of the Contract. Additionally, pursuant to A.R.S §38-511 the County may recoup any fee or commission paid or due to any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating the contract on behalf of the County from any other party to the contract arising as the result of the Contract. 6.9 OFFSET FOR DAMAGES; In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the County may offset from any money due to the Contractor any amounts Contractor owes to the County for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance under this contract. 6.10 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF SERVICE: The County reserves the right to add and/or delete products and/or services provided under this Contract. If a requirement is deleted, payment to the Contractor will be reduced proportionately to the amount of service reduced in accordance with the proposal price. If additional services and/or products are required from this Contract, prices for such additions will be negotiated between the Contractor and the County. 6.11 RELATIONSHIPS: In the performance of the services described herein, the Contractor shall act solely as an independent contractor, and nothing herein or implied herein shall at any time be construed as to create the relationship of employer and employee, partnership, principal and agent, or joint venture between the District and the Contractor. 6.12 SUBCONTRACTING: The Contractor may not assign this Contract or subcontract to another party for performance of the terms and conditions hereof without the written consent of the County, which shall not be Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 52 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP unreasonably withheld. All correspondence authorizing subcontracting must reference the Proposal Serial Number and identify the job project. 6.13 AMENDMENTS: All amendments to this Contract shall be in writing and approved/signed by both parties. Maricopa County Materials Management shall be responsible for approving all amendments for Maricopa County. 6.14 6.15 ACCESS TO AND RETENTION OF RECORDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUDIT AND/OR OTHER REVIEW: 6.14.1 In accordance with section MCI 367 of the Maricopa County Procurement Code the Contractor agrees to retain all books, records, accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract for six (6) years after final payment or until after the resolution of any audit questions which could be more than six (6) years, whichever is latest. The County, Federal or State auditors and any other persons duly authorized by the Department shall have full access to, and the right to examine, copy and make use of, any and all said materials. 6.14.2 If the Contractor’s books, records , accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract are not sufficient to support and document that requested services were provided, the Contractor shall reimburse Maricopa County for the services not so adequately supported and documented. AUDIT DISALLOWANCES: If at any time, County determines that a cost for which payment has been made is a disallowed cost, such as overpayment, County shall notify the Contractor in writing of the disallowance. County shall also state the means of correction, which may be but shall not be limited to adjustment of any future claim submitted by the Contractor by the amount of the disallowance, or to require repayment of the disallowed amount by the Contractor. 6.16 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: 6.16.1 6.16.2 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST After the exhaustion of the administrative remedies provided in the Maricopa County Procurement Code, any contract dispute in this matter is subject to compulsory arbitration. Provided the parties participate in the arbitration in good faith, such arbitration is not binding and the parties are entitled to pursue the matter in state or federal court sitting in Maricopa County for a de novo determination on the law and facts. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, each party will designate an arbitrator and those two arbitrators will agree on a third arbitrator. The three arbitrators will then serve as a panel to consider the arbitration. The parties will be equally responsible for the compensation for the arbitrator(s). The hearing, evidence, and procedure will be in accordance with Rule 74 of the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure. Within ten (10) days of the completion of the hearing the arbitrator(s) shall: Render a decision; Notify the parties that the exhibits are available for retrieval; and Notify the parties of the decision in writing (a letter to the parties or their counsel shall suffice). Within ten (10) days of the notice of decision, either party may submit to the arbitrator(s) a proposed form of award or other final disposition, including any form of award for attorneys’ fees and costs. Within five (5) days of receipt of the foregoing, the opposing party may file objections. Within ten (10) days of receipt of any objections, the p. 53 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP arbitrator(s) shall pass upon the objections and prepare a signed award or other final disposition and mail copies to all parties or their counsel. 6.16.3 6.17 Any party which has appeared and participated in good faith in the arbitration proceedings may appeal from the award or other final disposition by filing an action in the state or federal court sitting in Maricopa County within twenty (20) days after date of the award or other final disposition. Unless such action is dismissed for failure to prosecute, such action will make the award or other final disposition of the arbitrator(s) a nullity. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any provision of this Contract shall not void or affect the validity of any other provision of this Contract. 6.18 RIGHTS IN DATA: The County shall own have the use of all data and reports resulting from this Contract without additional cost or other restriction except as provided by law. Each party shall supply to the other party, upon request, any available information that is relevant to this Contract and to the performance hereunder. 6.19 INTEGRATION: This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals, communications, understandings, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written, express or implied. 6.20 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §414401 AND FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS: 6.20.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor warrants compliance with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA using e-verify) and all other federal immigration laws and regulations related to the immigration status of its employees and A.R.S. §23-214(A). The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall also maintain Employment Eligibility Verification forms (I-9) as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended from time to time, for all employees performing work under the Contract and verify employee compliance using the E-verify system and shall keep a record of the verification for the duration of the employee’s employment or at least three years, whichever is longer. I-9 forms are available for download at USCIS.GOV. 6.20.2 The County retains the legal right to inspect contractor and subcontractor employee documents performing work under this Contract to verify compliance with paragraph 6.20.1 of this Section. Contractor and subcontractor shall be given reasonable notice of the County’s intent to inspect and shall make the documents available at the time and date specified. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County will consider this a material breach of the contract and may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. p. 54 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 6.21 6.22 6.23 VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §§35-391.06 AND 35-393.06 BUSINESS RELATIONS WITH SUDAN AND IRAN: 6.21.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor certifies it does not have scrutinized business operations in Sudan or Iran. The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. 6.21.2 The County may request verification of compliance for any contractor or subcontractor performing work under the Contract. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. CONTRACTOR LICENSE REQUIREMENT: 6.22.1 The Respondent shall procure all permits, insurance, licenses and pay the charges and fees necessary and incidental to the lawful conduct of his/her business, and as necessary complete any required certification requirements, required by any and all governmental or non-governmental entities as mandated to maintain compliance with and in good standing for all permits and/or licenses. The Respondent shall keep fully informed of existing and future trade or industry requirements, Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, and regulations which in any manner affect the fulfillment of a Contract and shall comply with the same. Contractor shall immediately notify both Materials Management and the using agency of any and all changes concerning permits, insurance or licenses. 6.22.2 Respondents furnishing finished products, materials or articles of merchandise that will require installation or attachment as part of the Contract, shall possess any licenses required. A Respondent is not relieved of its obligation to posses the required licenses by subcontracting of the labor portion of the Contract. Respondents are advised to contact the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, Chief of Licensing, at (602) 542-1525 to ascertain licensing requirements for a particular contract. Respondents shall identify which license(s), if any, the Registrar of Contractors requires for performance of the Contract. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION 6.23.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST The undersigned (authorized official signing for the Contractor) certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that the Contractor, defined as the primary participant in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76, and its principals: are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal Department or agency; have not within 3-year period preceding this Contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (2) of this certification; and p. 55 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP 6.24 have not within a 3-year period preceding this Contract had one or more public transaction (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause of default. 6.23.2 Should the Contractor not be able to provide this certification, an explanation as to why should be attached to the Contact. 6.23.3 The Contractor agrees to include, without modification, this clause in all lower tier covered transactions (i.e. transactions with subcontractors) and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions related to this Contract. PRICES: Contractor warrants that prices extended to County under this Contract are no higher than those paid by any other customer for these or similar services. 6.25 GOVERNING LAW: This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the state of Arizona. Venue for any actions or lawsuits involving this Contract will be in Maricopa County Superior Court or in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, sitting in Phoenix, Arizona 6.26 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: In the event of a conflict in the provisions of this Contract and Contractor’s license agreement, if applicable, the terms of this Contract shall prevail. 6.27 INCORPORATION OF DOCUMENTS: The following are to be attached to and made part of this Contract: Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 6.27.1 Exhibit A, Pricing; 6.27.2 Exhibit B, Scope of Work; 6.27.3 Exhibit C, Service Level Agreement p. 56 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract is executed on the date set forth above. CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE ADDRESS DATE MARICOPA COUNTY CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE ATTESTED: CLERK OF THE BOARD DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: LEGAL COUNSEL Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST DATE p. 57 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP NIGP CODE 94879. 952-62, 958-56 PRICING SHEET BIDDER NAME: VENDOR #: BIDDER ADDRESS: P.O. ADDRESS: BIDDER PHONE #: BIDDER FAX #: COMPANY WEB SITE: COMPANY CONTACT (REP): E-MAIL ADDRESS (REP): OTHER GOV'T. AGENCIES MAY USE THIS CONTRACT: _____YES _____ NO PAYMENT TERMS: BIDDER IS REQUIRED TO PICK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING. FAILURE TO CHOOSE A TERM WILL RESULT IN A DEFAULT TO NET 30. NET 10 ____________________ NET 15 ____________________ NET 20 ____________________ NET 30 ____________________ NET 45 ____________________ NET 60 ____________________ NET 90 ____________________ 2% 10 DAYS NET 30 ____________________ 1% 10 DAYS NET 30 ____________________ 2% 30 DAYS NET 31 ____________________ 1% 30 DAYS NET 31 ____________________ 5% 30 DAYS NET 31 ____________________ 1.0 PRICING: ASO 1.1 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH YEAR 1 1.1.1 EMPLOYEE $__________ 1.1.2 EE + SPOUSE $__________ 1.1.3 EE+CHILDREN $__________ 1.1.4 EE+SPOUSE AND CHILDREN $__________ YEAR 2 $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ YEAR 3 $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ RATE CAP YEAR 6 1.1.5 EMPLOYEE ________% 1.1.6 EE + SPOUSE ________% 1.1.7 EE+CHILDREN ________% 1.1.8 EE+SPOUSE AND CHILDREN ________% RATE CAP YEAR 7 ________% ________% ________% ________% RATE CAP YEAR 8 ________% ________% ________% ________% 2.0 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES (FULLY INSURED) YEAR 1 YEAR 2 2.1 PER COVERED EMPLOYEE PER $__________ MONTH $_________ YEAR 3 $_________ RATE CAP YEAR 6 2.2 PER COVERED EMPLOYEE PER ________% MONTH RATE CAP YEAR 8 ________% Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST RATE CAP YEAR 7 ________% p. 58 Maricopa County 3.0 NUMBER OF PROVIDERS IN NETWORK Bid 11146-RFP ________ 3.1 GUARANTEED OVERALL NETWORK DISCOUNT (BEHAVIORAL HEALTH) Note: ASO Pricing assumes that the vendor will charge a fee per covered employee for claims administration and that the County will pay actual claims as the emerge. It also assumes that the vendor will include the network of providers designed and managed by the same vendor. The ASO pricing does not expect a separate contract for or a separate provider network Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 59 Maricopa County YEAR 4 $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ YEAR 5 $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ RATE CAP YEAR 9 ________% ________% ________% ________% RATE CAP YEAR 10 ________% ________% ________% ________% YEAR 4 $_________ YEAR 5 $_________ RATE CAP YEAR 9 ________% RATE CAP YEAR 10 ________% Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP p. 60 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ________% Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 61 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP RFP TOOL 11146 ATTACHMENT D 1.1 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE BENEFITS (Self Insured) 1.1.1 PROPOSED BENEFITS The Behavioral Health Benefits shall be self insured by the County (the County shall be responsible the cost of the claim). The Contractor is expected to provide Administrative Services Only (ASO) for County. They include but are not limited to Program Administration, Claims Processing, Cost Containment, Coordination with other County Contractors (i.e. Disability Administrator) and provid Professional Network of providers. Vendor Response The behavioral health/substance abuse benefit is a confidential service to help benefit-eligible employees and their covered dependents support and maintain their emotional well being. Service covered under this benefit are for problems that are more complex than routine EAP issues. These services help the participant deal with a wide range of issues, including but not limited to depressio severe stress and anxiety, alcohol or drug dependency, eating disorders, grief and loss, anger management, financial worries, and compulsive gambling. Through these services, the participant receives confidential face-to-face counseling when experiencing a personal challenge. The County h elected to exercise the option for non-federal governmental employers to opt out of the Mental He Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). Vendor Response The County’s Summary Plan Design (SPD) is attached as Exhibit 4. The only services available out-of network are individual and group therapy visits. All in-network services must be authorized by the contractor. Out-of-network services do not require authorization. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 62 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP The behavioral health/substance abuse benefit must also coordinate case management services wi the Short-Term Disability Program contractor to ensure that an appropriate mental health provider treats applicants for short-term disability with a mental health diagnosis. The behavioral health contractor must also provide disability assessments and case management of such individuals with specific emphasis on returning the employee to work as soon as possible. Such assessments and ca management must include input from the employee’s manager, if the short-term disability is due to complicated by work-related issues. The contractor must also coordinate with the short-term disab contractor to provide outreach to individuals receiving short-term disability who are potentially undiagnosed with anxiety, depression, psychosocial stress or other behavioral health conditions. Vendor Response Additionally, the contractor must coordinate services and share data with other contractors with w the County contracts for medical, pharmacy, and short-term disability benefits. Vendor Response 1.2 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES (FULLY INSURED): Vendor Response 1.2.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST PROPOSED BENEFITS: p. 63 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP The EAP is a confidential service providing short-term assistance to all employees (regardless of ben eligibility) and their dependents. The EAP helps individuals manage personal, non-clinical problems (such as mounting credit card debt, divorce and child custody matters, and shelter from abusive relationships).as well as clinical issues. The EAP helps maintain their emotional well being, while he the County address employee emotional issues early on, before they manifest into disruptions in th workplace. The EAP deals with a spectrum of emotional issues that affect employees, from relationships (family and marital concerns) to stress, job-related matters, legal and financial issues, chemical and alcohol dependency and anxiety. EAP is also a critical management tool for the Count providing assistance in areas such as workplace violence and trauma, critical incident stress debrief and management consultation. The EAP also assists with mandatory referrals for employees and provides a substance abuse professional for those employees in safety sensitive positions such as employees who use a commercial driver’s license (CDL) as part of their job. Through these services participant receives confidential face-to-face or telephonic counseling when experiencing a persona challenge. Vendor Response These services must include the following: Up to 8 free individual solution-focused short-term counseling sessions for all employees and their dependents, per issue per year; assessment and referral to network providers or community social services resources; Vendor Response 24/7 crisis and trauma intervention, 24/7 critical incident stress debriefing with on-site resources available within no more than 2 hours; homicidal/suicidal risk assessment; emergency triage; a dedicated toll free telephone number; Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 64 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Development and training programs for employees and management; supervisory, management, a organizational consultations; legal and financial services; and DOT services. Vendor Response The EAP services must also coordinate case management services with the Short-Term Disability Program contractor to ensure that an appropriate mental health provider treats applicants for shor term disability with a mental health diagnosis. Vendor Response 1.3 TIMELY DELIVERY OF SERVICE 1.3.1 The contractor must provide timely delivery of services by providing toll free telephone number, staffed telephone coverage 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for all services including initial assessment referral, emergency phone consultations, on-call services, urgent, routine care and Management Consultation (EAP). Telephone calls must be answered with an average answer speed 30 seconds or less. Vendor Response 1.3.2 Appointments must be scheduled with an appropriate provider located within 10 miles or 30 minut of the metropolitan area or within 30 miles or 45 minutes of the rural area within 2 days for urgent care and 5 working days for routine care. Additionally, the contractor must respond to emergency crisis/trauma calls within 30 minutes of telephone contact and have face-to-face contact within 24 hours. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 65 Maricopa County 1.3.3 Bid 11146-RFP The contractor must provide a professionally trained and skilled critical incident stress debriefing te 7 days per week, 24 hours per day to provide onsite resources within 2 hours when requested by th County. Vendor Response 1.4 INITIAL CONTACT AND PROBLEM ASSESSMENT: 1.4.1 The contractor shall assess and determine the extent and nature of the behavioral problem. The contractor will either schedule additional sessions or triage services to the appropriate level of care and/or the appropriate community resource. The assessment may include if appropriate, a psychological and/or chemical dependency evaluation. Vendor Response 1.4.2 The contractor will have a formal intake process, which may include providing the client with assessment instruments, client rights, grievance procedures, confidentiality policy and intake forms The provider must accommodate initial intake appointments during the day, evening and weekend Vendor Response 1.4.3 Security provisions will be provided, i.e. non-public entrances and/or waiting rooms for "high profil clients, for example; judges and law enforcement personnel, who require anonymity from constitu and/or clients. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 66 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 1.5 COST CONTAINMENT: 1.5.1 The contractor will be expected to provide assistance to client’s at the most appropriate level of ca by assessing the presenting problem and triaging to the appropriate service or benefit. The contrac will be expected to use methodologies, which will ensure that the client’s issues can be resolved in EAP sessions when this level of care has been determined to be most appropriate. Quality of care w be maintained by ensuring that those clients with severe or specialized needs who require care at a higher level are referred to a mental health provider through the behavioral health/substance abus benefit. Vendor Response 1.5.2 The responsibility of the contractor will be to control cost to both the employee and the plan witho sacrificing quality of care or successful outcomes. Quality of care will be measured by customer satisfaction ratings, which must include questions regarding the quality of care and service received from the provider and whether the presenting problem was resolved and other also through other industry acceptable measures, such as health plan employer data and information set ambulatory follow-up. Outcomes will be measured and reported by the contractor who must use testing instruments to measure the client’s symptoms prior to and after intervention. Follow-up surveys w provided to self-referred and supervisory referred employees after 30 days and again after 6 month determine if interventions were successfully implemented. If the employee is a supervisory referra follow-up survey will be issued to supervisors (following release of information from employee) aft 30 days and 6 months to determine positive changes in work situation. Vendor Response 1.6 SERVICES: 1.6.1 The contractor must have a procedure for informing established employees as well as new hires of services provided and how to access services. This would include informational materials, payroll stuffers, videos, brochures, posters and live presentations. Additionally, the contractor must provid communication pieces that compliment the health initiatives identified by the County and for high utilization of services/conditions. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 67 Maricopa County 1.6.2 Bid 11146-RFP The County requires the contractor to post specific communication pieces to their Web site at the County’s request and their Web site link be placed on the County’s Intranet and Internet Web sites that employees will be able to access information about services and support available through the and behavioral health/substance abuse benefits. Vendor Response 1.6.3 A one-time orientation to Directors, managers and supervisors will be required as well as providing ongoing information at new hire orientations. The staff must be willing to undergo a one-day traini program for a representative group of their staff member, e.g. director and clinical supervisors, wh will provide an overview of Maricopa County departments, organizational structure, policies and procedures. Vendor Response 1.6.4 This same information will be given to the remaining staff in coordination with the Maricopa Count the contractor’s scheduled staff meetings. Vendor Response 1.6.5 The contractor will provide presentations, as well as coordinated training, that complies with the D Free Workplace Act of 1988 and CDL requirements. Staff must have experience and training in delivering and facilitating training and education programs which deal with mental health, health related and supervisory issues. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 68 Maricopa County 1.6.6 Bid 11146-RFP There are employees that hold commercial drivers licenses (CDL) in Maricopa County. A minimum o training sessions are given per year with a group size ranging from 5-20 individuals. The contractor’ involvement in this training consists of a 20-30 minute presentation of services available to employ Additionally the contractor will be required to offer a minimum of twelve, 1-8 hour trainings a year topics dealing with mental health, health related and supervisory issues. Proposer to respond with their program including maximum number of hours. Vendor Response 1.7 PROVIDER CAPABILITIES: 1.7.1 Providers must be educated, trained, credentialed by the State of Arizona, and capable of identifyi and handling a variety of psychological, behavioral, substance abuse and work related issues. The contractor must have a network of trained and qualified personnel experienced in providing critica incident stress debriefing and trauma intervention for the wide range of departments in Maricopa County including law enforcement and health care personnel. The contractor must also have provid within its network with the ability to perform lethality (employee and dependants) assessments an handle work place violence issues. Vendor Response 1.7.2 The contractor must have male and female clinical staff members with a minimum of one Spanish speaking employee and translation services for clients who are non-English or non-Spanish speakin There must be at least one staff member who is a psychologist certified by the State of Arizona to provide evaluation and counseling for the County population and to serve as a clinical supervisor to staff, and a minimum of two alcohol and drug counselors certified by the State of Arizona. One counselor who is familiar with law enforcement organizations and their issues is preferred. These positions may be Contractor employees or sub-contractors and should be identified as such in the proposal. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 69 Maricopa County 1.7.3 Bid 11146-RFP All facilities must meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and guidelines, includin access to a TTY (Telephone Text) for the hearing impaired or providing translation services. Vendor Response 1.7.4 The contractor will conduct regular case review staffing as well as clinical supervision of the respect cases based on the severity of the case and/or situation. Assessments must occur on a regular basis with staff to provide feedback on the effectiveness of their performance and of the program. Vendor Response 1.7.5 The contractor will keep its staff members current on new and on-going information regarding issu and/or topics of concern related to the organizations it serves. Vendor Response 1.7.6 Telephone calls to the EAP must be answered by live counselors who have master’s degrees in soc work or psychology and are Certified Employee Assistance Professionals (CEAP) or CEAP-eligible wit average of five years of EAP experience. The counselors must be skilled at making the member feel comfortable, assessing risk, and helping the member take the most appropriate next step toward problem resolution. The counselor’s approach must be to listen beneath the surface in order to ide any underlying problems and to offer comprehensive solutions. When it is clear that mental health outpatient treatment or a more intensive level of care is appropriate, the counselor with clinical expertise will authorize care under the mental health benefit in a seamless procedure that is invisib the member. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 70 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 1.8 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: 1.8.1 An audited annual report must be provided each year 6/1/13 through 6/30/16. The contractor mu be financially solvent as demonstrated by audited annual reports that include financial statements the past three calendar years. Vendor Response 1.8.2 The contractor must conduct and provide a SAS 70 audit report of their claims payment system at l bi-annually to support the County’s annual external audit. Vendor Response 1.8.3 Report data must be provided electronically in Excel compatible format to allow Maricopa County t manipulate the data. Reports must be accessible to the County through a secure Web site. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 71 Maricopa County 1.8.4 Bid 11146-RFP The provider shall furnish electronic quarterly and annual utilization reports for each program (behavioral health/substance abuse and EAP) by County Department (unless the size of the departm is less than 50) with summary-level statistical EAP utilization Behavioral Health claims data on employee/dependent utilization, demographics, diagnosis, and type and number of services (inpati outpatient counseling, etc.). Reports must contain an analysis of the utilization comparing utilizatio the contractor’s book of business and to the applicable County department’s industry, outcome measures, effectiveness of treatment type, cost savings and quality assurance of services. Reports m also contain suggestions for actions the County can take to tackle any trend identified in the utilizat and to improve the overall mental health of its employees. Vendor Response 1.8.5 In order to provide the level of reporting required, the contractor must be able to accept and store enrollment and claims data (tape) according to the following account structure: Level 1 Group Level 2 Sub Groups: PeopleSoft payroll system and Non-payroll Level 3 Eligibility Type for each sub-group (active, elected officials, contract, COBRA, retirees over a under age Level 4: Department Vendor Response 1.8.6 The contractor must track retiree experience in separate sub-groups from active employees and m not blend premium rates with those of active employee rates. Retiree sub-groups are Over 65 and Under 65. Vendor Response 1.8.7 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST The contractor must track active employee experience in separate sub-groups. Active sub-groups a Active Employees, Elected Officials, Contract Employees, and Public Safety. p. 72 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Vendor Response 1.9 UNDERWRITING REQUIREMENTS: 1.9.1 Your proposal should take into consideration the following: 1.9.2 The effective date of the contract will be July 1, 2013. The proposal must be for firm fixed rates for years one through three with a not-to-exceed increase for years four, five and six. Vendor Response 1.9.3 Written seven-month notification of the final renewal rate change will be given prior to the anniver dates for years four through six, and will include supporting documentation. Vendor Response 1.9.4 The County will self-administer premiums. Vendor Response 1.9.5 The contractor must track claims experience and provide such experience to the County in conjunc with renewals past the initial contract year. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 73 Maricopa County 1.9.6 Bid 11146-RFP The contractor must provide a minimum of 12 months of historical data upon termination of the contract at no additional cost. Vendor Response 1.9.7 The contractor must provide claims payment services for 6 months upon termination of the contra no additional cost. Vendor Response 1.9.8 The County may correct legitimate administrative errors and is the final determinant when such err have occurred. No evidence of insurability will be required The County shall be the final determinan for all eligibility issues. Vendor Response 1.9.9 The contract’s rate change date and anniversary will fall on July 1st. All contract or benefit changes only occur on this date unless previously agreed to in writing by all parties. The County reserves the right to annually change benefit designs it considers in its best interest. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 74 Maricopa County 1.9.10 Bid 11146-RFP The County maintains the right to cancel the contract of a contractor at any time, if there is a signif change, in the County’s opinion, in the contractor’s operation of the plan. Such operational issues include but are not limited to, adequacy of the provider network, satisfaction with customer servic quality of the plan services, timeliness of claims payment and satisfaction by the County’s employe Vendor Response 1.9.11 The contractor (or their sub-contractor) shall be responsible for drafting, producing and distributing subject to County review and approval, of all communication materials, certificates of coverage, pla summaries and administrative forms to be available on-line. However, the County will make the fin determination as to the number of hard copy documents needed on hand at any point in time. Vendor Response 1.9.12 The contractor shall provide each participant using services with a satisfaction survey, which will determine satisfaction level with customer services, the network, the counselor, the quality of serv and satisfaction with the benefits. The results of these surveys shall be reported to the County as required in the Reporting Section. Vendor Response 1.10 MANDATORY CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATIONS (BOTH): 1.10.1 Both services, Behavioral Health and Employee Assistance Program Services shall be provided by th same proposer. There shall be no sub-contracting of either service by the proposer. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 75 Maricopa County 1.10.2 Bid 11146-RFP The Contractor shall have a minimum of 1 million covered members nationwide. Vendor Response 1.10.3 The contractor shall have their own network for the Behavioral Health Services (this may not be sub contracted) and shall propose a minimum overall network discount. The EAP network may be subcontracted. Vendor Response 1.10.4 The contractor must have experience meeting the demands and needs of over 6,000 employees as as working with multiple businesses within an organization. The contractor must serve at least 5 pr or public organizations and have a minimum of 5 years experience serving organizations in Arizona a minimum of 5,000 employees. Vendor Response 1.10.5 Five (5) references must be provided including name of employer, contact name, e-mail address an phone number of contact person, number of employees, time period for which services were provi and utilization rates (ranges). Proposers are required to provide this information for both the EAP a Behavioral Health references. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 76 Maricopa County 1.10.6 Bid 11146-RFP The contractor must be able to have sufficient providers located in the geographic areas where employees reside to serve a population of approximately 11,500 employees throughout Maricopa a adjoining counties. The contractor must have at least 5 open providers within 10 miles or 30 minut the metropolitan employee population and at least 2 providers within 30 miles or 45 minutes of th rural employee population. Vendor Response 1.10.7 Contractor shall have and maintains a network, such that 90% of eligible members shall have acces a choice of network providers by implementation and annually that meets this requirement, therea that complies with the following access standards, measured using home zip codes and commercia available geographic access software, with the default settings for urban, suburban and rural geographies” of Five EAP practitioners within 10 miles or 30 minutes (urban/suburban) Vendor Response 1.10.8 The contractor must provide a network comparison to the current behavioral health/substance abu and EAP networks and offer contracts to qualified providers that are not within their network in sufficient time to contract with such providers before the contract commences. In absence of a full executed contract with such providers, the contractor must provide continued services with no additional financial responsibility of the patient for a transitional period of at least 3 months. Vendor Response 1.10.9 The size and qualifications of the contractor’s staff shall adequately meet the needs of Maricopa County employee population. The contractor shall provide staffing levels that can meet the deman an increased client base or would be willing to increase staff to meet demands. The contractor shal maintain qualified and appropriate staffing levels at all times. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 77 Maricopa County 1.10.10 Bid 11146-RFP The contractor shall be able to respond to crisis calls within 30 minutes and be on site at the applic County location within 2 hours. Vendor Response 1.10.11 The contractor shall provide counselors locally to provide face-to-face session’s as well optional telephonic counseling. Vendor Response 1.10.12 The contractor shall provide a marketing strategy and materials to promote services to Maricopa County employees. Vendor Response 1.10.13 The contractor shall coordinate services, participate in studies and share data with other contracto with whom the County holds contracts including but not limited to medical, pharmacy, and short-te disability, at the County’s request. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 78 Maricopa County 1.10.14 Bid 11146-RFP For all services, the contractor shall provide easy access to the right care, the right place of service, the right practitioner with consideration to licensure and clinical specialization, language capabilitie and cultural competencies, geographic location and appointment availability. Vendor Response 1.10.15 The contractor shall have (for the Behavioral Health Services) full accreditation by either NCQA or JCAHO. (proof of accreditation must be included under other data section 3.10.6) Vendor Response 1.11 YOUR PROPOSAL SHOULD TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE FOLLOWING: 1.11.1 The claims administrator must verify eligibility for coverage under each benefit. County will provid eligibility list at least monthly. Vendor Response 1.11.2 The contractor will be responsible for producing and mailing certificates of creditable coverage, as required by HIPAA, to the employee and covered dependents. Vendor Response 1.11.3 The contractor must provide experience to the County in conjunction with any renewals past the in contract year. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 79 Maricopa County 1.11.4 Bid 11146-RFP Select County personnel will have the option of contacting the contractor directly or may refer the employee to a provider in a pre-selected core group established by the contractor. Vendor Response 1.11.5 Employee Assistance Plan takeover will be on a “no-loss, no-gain” basis; that is, no individual will lo coverage or be subject to a new pre-existing conditions limitation solely on the basis of a change in contractor. Any actively at-work provision will be waived for participants who are not actively at w (including those who are confined to a hospital) and who are not eligible for extended coverage un the current contractor’s program(s). Vendor Response 1.11.6 The contractor must provide run out services for claims for 6-months from the end of the contract. Vendor Response 1.11.7 No minimum participation requirements will be allowed. Rates must be guaranteed unless the activ enrollment level changes by more than 20% based on open enrollment data. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 80 Maricopa County 1.11.8 Bid 11146-RFP The contractor shall provide a full annual accounting within six months of the end of the policy yea and will show all premium components including but not limited to capitation and paid, pending an claims in appeal status, retention analysis, beginning and ending reserves, and pooled premiums an claims. Vendor Response 1.11.9 Eligibility for active employees and retirees will be provided electronically via ADP (version 8.8 or higher). The contractor must be able to accept and process such file in a mutually agreed upon form within 48 hours of receipt. Contractor must also be able to generate an electronic exception report the County within five working days from applying the data from each file. Vendor Response 1.11.10 Eligibility and enrollment information and premium payments for COBRA participants will be provid by the County’s COBRA Administrator (ADP). Vendor Response 1.11.11 The contractor may subcontract certain aspects of the contract, but shall be responsible for overal performance. The contractor is responsible for disclosing and notifying the County of any significan changes in such relationships as soon as practical without jeopardizing ongoing negotiations. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 81 Maricopa County 1.11.12 Bid 11146-RFP The County reserves the right to audit the contractor’s claim processing, payments and membershi records, with reasonable notice. Vendor Response 1.11.13 The contractor, by submitting a response to these services, acknowledges the County’s right to sel the auditor, and further agrees to allow the auditor to determine the sample, cooperate fully with s auditor and waive any and all fees associated with providing access to the County’s claim records including use of the contractor’s staff time to assist in the audit. The audits may include, but is not b limited to, the following: Vendor Response Determinations of any mathematical errors in computation. Vendor Response Determinations that only eligible insureds have had claims paid. Vendor Response Review of inpatient and outpatient hospital, laboratory, physician and other provider charges per service. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 82 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Review of turnaround time in claim processing. Vendor Response Review of duplicate, denied claims and claims in appeal status. Vendor Response The audits may be conducted during the policy period and/or upon completion of the policy period and/or following submission of the final policy report by the contractor at the discretion of the Cou Vendor Response 1.11.14 Additionally, the contractor may be requested to provide periodic eligibility lists or tapes to the Co at no charge in order to reconcile participants’ eligibility. Vendor Response 1.11.15 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST If, at any time, the County has a reasonable belief that it is being systematically overcharged or do billed under the contract, or that any other significant accounting irregularities exist, the County ma conduct or hire an agent to conduct an audit of the Contractor’s books and records with respect to Contract. Such audit shall be undertaken at Contractor’s expense. p. 83 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Vendor Response 1.11.16 The contractor shall agree to provide personnel to attend scheduled open enrollment meetings at charge, at the County’s request. Vendor Response 1.11.17 The successful contractor will implement Maricopa County in a timely fashion and will be measure using the following operational milestones which must be included on their implementation work p and will put a certain portion of their reimbursement at risk for completion of such tasks by the effective date of the contract (unless the effective date is less than 60 days after award): Vendor Response Setting up the eligibility data (subscriber, dependents, correct plan selection, effective dates, etc.) Vendor Response Setting up the active employer group, the active retiree and retiree subgroups and COBRA subgrou Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 84 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Setting up the benefit plans and corresponding benefit terms Vendor Response Setting up the provider contracts, corresponding contract terms and network relationships Vendor Response Correctly identifying services that need to be pre-authorized/pre-certified Vendor Response Establishing the claims edits or business rules Vendor Response Transition/coordination of care issues/procedures are provided and implemented correctly Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 85 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Accurately paying in-network and out-of-network claims correctly according to the SPD (Evidence o Coverage) Vendor Response Premium billing is correctly calculated with and without retroactivity Vendor Response Accurate member correspondence, ID Cards, EOBs, Provider Remittances and Reports Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 86 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP he County shall be responsible for strative Services Only (ASO) for the Claims Processing, Cost bility Administrator) and providing a ce to help benefit-eligible r emotional well being. Services han routine EAP issues. These ng but not limited to depression, ers, grief and loss, anger hese services, the participant ersonal challenge. The County has ers to opt out of the Mental Health e only services available out-ofces must be authorized by the Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 87 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP case management services with opriate mental health provider osis. The behavioral health ement of such individuals with sible. Such assessments and case e short-term disability is due to or nate with the short-term disability sability who are potentially ehavioral health conditions. with other contractors with whom Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 88 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ll employees (regardless of benefit ersonal, non-clinical problems rs, and shelter from abusive emotional well being, while helping manifest into disruptions in the ffect employees, from ters, legal and financial issues, management tool for the County, , critical incident stress debriefings referrals for employees and ty sensitive positions such as eir job. Through these services, the g when experiencing a personal ons for all employees and their providers or community social iefing with on-site resources ment; emergency triage; a Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 89 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP t; supervisory, management, and th the Short-Term Disability vider treats applicants for short- toll free telephone number, services including initial s, urgent, routine care and with an average answer speed of ed within 10 miles or 30 minutes al area within 2 days for urgent r must respond to emergency face-to-face contact within 24 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 90 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP cal incident stress debriefing team n 2 hours when requested by the he behavioral problem. The to the appropriate level of care clude if appropriate, a providing the client with ntiality policy and intake forms. the day, evening and weekend. waiting rooms for "high profile" quire anonymity from constituents Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 91 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP he most appropriate level of care service or benefit. The contractor ent’s issues can be resolved in 8 t appropriate. Quality of care will ed needs who require care at a havioral health/substance abuse e employee and the plan without be measured by customer ity of care and service received d and other also through other d information set ambulatory or who must use testing ervention. Follow-up surveys will be 0 days and again after 6 months to ployee is a supervisory referral, a nformation from employee) after ployees as well as new hires of the ormational materials, payroll ally, the contractor must provide ed by the County and for high Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 92 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP n pieces to their Web site at the ntranet and Internet Web sites so d support available through the EAP e required as well as providing ng to undergo a one-day training or and clinical supervisors, which tional structure, policies and ation with the Maricopa County at ining, that complies with the Drug experience and training in al with mental health, health Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 93 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Maricopa County. A minimum of 15 20 individuals. The contractor’s of services available to employees. welve, 1-8 hour trainings a year on rizona, and capable of identifying and work related issues. The xperienced in providing critical e of departments in Maricopa ontractor must also have providers d dependants) assessments and th a minimum of one Spanish English or non-Spanish speaking. ied by the State of Arizona to serve as a clinical supervisor to y the State of Arizona. One eir issues is preferred. These ld be identified as such in the Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 94 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ments and guidelines, including ng translation services. nical supervision of the respective s must occur on a regular basis ance and of the program. oing information regarding issues o have master’s degrees in social nals (CEAP) or CEAP-eligible with an ed at making the member feel appropriate next step toward eath the surface in order to identify n it is clear that mental health , the counselor with clinical amless procedure that is invisible to Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 95 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP gh 6/30/16. The contractor must at include financial statements for eir claims payment system at least mat to allow Maricopa County to ugh a secure Web site. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 96 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP reports for each program (unless the size of the department ral Health claims data on and number of services (inpatient, utilization comparing utilization to rtment’s industry, outcome assurance of services. Reports must y trend identified in the utilization ust be able to accept and store ontract, COBRA, retirees over and from active employees and must e sub-groups are Over 65 and ub-groups. Active sub-groups are Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 97 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP must be for firm fixed rates for r, five and six. ill be given prior to the anniversary ience to the County in conjunction Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 98 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ata upon termination of the upon termination of the contract at nal determinant when such errors ty shall be the final determinant All contract or benefit changes will arties. The County reserves the Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 99 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP r at any time, if there is a significant plan. Such operational issues tisfaction with customer service, ction by the County’s employees. ting, producing and distributing, als, certificates of coverage, plan er, the County will make the final hand at any point in time. atisfaction survey, which will e counselor, the quality of services be reported to the County as Services shall be provided by the y the proposer. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 100 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP nationwide. th Services (this may not be subThe EAP network may be sub- ds of over 6,000 employees as well tractor must serve at least 5 private erving organizations in Arizona with ontact name, e-mail address and d for which services were provided information for both the EAP and Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 101 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP he geographic areas where ployees throughout Maricopa and ers within 10 miles or 30 minutes of n 30 miles or 45 minutes of the ible members shall have access to meets this requirement, thereafter, ome zip codes and commercially ban, suburban and rural (urban/suburban) ehavioral health/substance abuse not within their network in ommences. In absence of a fully continued services with no iod of at least 3 months. meet the needs of Maricopa evels that can meet the demands of demands. The contractor shall Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 102 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP tes and be on site at the applicable ce session’s as well optional romote services to Maricopa hare data with other contractors medical, pharmacy, and short-term Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 103 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP care, the right place of service, and cialization, language capabilities creditation by either NCQA or ction 3.10.6) ach benefit. County will provide a ates of creditable coverage, as n with any renewals past the initial Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 104 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP actor directly or may refer the he contractor. asis; that is, no individual will lose lely on the basis of a change in pants who are not actively at work gible for extended coverage under s from the end of the contract. be guaranteed unless the active Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 105 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ths of the end of the policy year, apitation and paid, pending and erves, and pooled premiums and ically via ADP (version 8.8 or in a mutually agreed upon format an electronic exception report for OBRA participants will be provided shall be responsible for overall ng the County of any significant ng ongoing negotiations. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 106 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ing, payments and membership edges the County’s right to select e sample, cooperate fully with such o the County’s claim records audits may include, but is not be nd other provider charges per Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 107 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP completion of the policy period tor at the discretion of the County. ligibility lists or tapes to the County tematically overcharged or doubleegularities exist, the County may ks and records with respect to this Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 108 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP d open enrollment meetings at no ly fashion and will be measured n their implementation work plan pletion of such tasks by the 0 days after award): election, effective dates, etc.) subgroups and COBRA subgroups Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 109 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP network relationships implemented correctly Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 110 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP cording to the SPD (Evidence of nces and Reports Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 111 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP RFP TOOL 11146 ATTACHEMNT E 2.1 Organizational Information 2.1.1 To how many employer groups does your organization provide EAP services only; behavioral health services only; or both EAP and behavioral health services? How many covered employees does tha represent for each? Report Maricopa County and national totals separately. Vendor Response 2.1.2 How long has your organization been actively involved in providing managed behavioral health programs? EAP programs? Describe your organization within the past five (5) years in regard to an changes such as staffing, facilities, clinics, mergers, acquisitions, lawsuits, etc. Are there any anticipated mergers, acquisitions or divestitures during the next three years? If yes, please provide brief explanation. Vendor Response 2.1.3 Does your organization maintain a $5,000,000 minimum amount of professional liability insurance? What are the annual aggregate policy limits and self-insured retention? Do all providers maintain a $1,000,000 minimum amount of professional liability and medical malpractice insurance? Vendor Response 2.1.4 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Provide detailed information regarding any services which are subcontracted other than therapists counselors. p. 112 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Vendor Response 2.1.5 Describe the key components that distinguish your services from any other managed behavioral he provider. Cite a specific example where your organization has improved the quality of the delivery managed behavioral health services, referencing specific studies or outcome results to prove the po Vendor Response 2.1.6 Is your program accredited by any external review organization such as NCQA or JCAHO? If so, wha type and level of accreditation do you hold; what is length of the accreditation; and when does it expire? Vendor Response 2.2 Plan Design and Services 2.2.1 Will you underwrite/administer the plan as outlined in the RFP? Vendor Response 2.2.2 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Describe your organization’s assessment and referral services, specifically outlining the procedures utilized. Describe your organization's appeals process. Explain your review criteria and how they w developed. If the County pre-authorizes up to eight (8) EAP outpatient visits without going through case management, would that present a problem for your organization? Why or why not? Do you recommend a similar process for intermediate care levels? Why or why not? p. 113 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Vendor Response 2.2.3 Describe how the EAP program coordinates with the behavioral health program. In general, what percentage of EAP cases transition to behavioral health cases? What percentage of your EAP provi are also available as behavioral health providers? How do you assist a member if ongoing behaviora health care is needed beyond the EAP visits and the EAP provider is not also a behavioral health provider? Vendor Response 2.2.4 Describe the typical assessment of and treatment protocol of the 5 most prevalent behavioral heal conditions. Explain how variances from the typical treatment pattern are determined to be necess and how they are administered. Vendor Response 2.2.5 List and define all conditions that are covered by the network, e.g., alcohol dependency, chemical dependency, eating disorders, family counseling, stress-related counseling, serious mental illness (i schizophrenia, depression, etc.), codependency, chronic & organic disorders, etc. Specify any and a exclusions or limitations on conditions covered. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 114 Maricopa County 2.2.6 Bid 11146-RFP Describe your review and utilization management process for members in an out-patient setting. Explain your review criteria and how they were developed. Describe your review and utilization management process for members in an in-patient setting. Identify alternative levels of inpatient a residential care available in your network and describe your discharge planning process. Vendor Response 2.2.7 List recommendations that you have made to clients regarding plan design changes for EAP and behavioral health services. Vendor Response 2.2.8 What is the average length of time between an initial call from a member and a scheduled visit to a counselor? Vendor Response 2.2.9 What criteria does your organization use to identify members and types of cases eligible for case management? Provide a clear explanation of how participants are selected for review. What diagno categories or treatment modalities automatically trigger review by your system? Will your organiza exchange data with the medical, pharmacy and short-term disability contractors for the purposes o coordinating care? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 115 Maricopa County 2.2.10 Bid 11146-RFP What is your protocol for crisis intervention? What resources and treatment options will be availab to employees in the event of a crisis? Vendor Response 2.2.11 How do you handle situations where a therapist or clinician does not demonstrate progress in work with a member for treatment of a disorder? Explain how you monitor progress. Vendor Response 2.2.12 Describe your claims submission process. Describe your billing process. Vendor Response 2.2.13 In general, what are the recidivism rates for your covered members? What are your procedures fo proactively identifying potential members who may require repeat care for similar diagnosis, and w actions do you take to prevent recidivism? Vendor Response 2.2.14 rovide a geographic access report for each of the networks you are proposing, using the census dat provided. Please use the full five-digit zip code when preparing this report. The report should incl the following: 1. Five clinicians (open practice only) within ten miles 2. One behavioral health hospital within 15 miles Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 116 Maricopa County 2.2.15 Bid 11146-RFP Describe the rules you use to determine coordination of benefits and your process for monitoring administrating COB. Vendor Response 2.2.16 Describe any website self-service capabilities available under the contract for the employer or employees. Please provide the website address. Do you allow prospective clients to view your web Vendor Response 2.2.17 What services is your organization prepared to provide for critical event debriefings, trauma counseling, workplace violence & threat assessment, and suspected drug use assessment? Indicate services are available onsite and if there are any restrictions that apply. Vendor Response 2.3 Network Quality and Staff Capabilities 2.3.1 What quality assurance controls related to EAP and behavioral health services are in place within yo organization? Who is responsible for monitoring and reporting on those controls, and what areas a systematically reviewed? Discuss the consequences for failure to meet quality requirements. How that information reported to the County? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 117 Maricopa County 2.3.2 Bid 11146-RFP Explain your program for ongoing training of your staff in the intake, assessment, and utilization rev functions. Vendor Response 2.3.3 Explain your procedures for providing follow-up and after care once review and assessment is completed. Vendor Response 2.3.4 How does your organization ensure compliance with HIPAA? Describe any privacy/security breache that your organization has had in the past 5 years. Have you been required to pay any fines as a re of breaches? If so, please explain. Vendor Response 2.3.5 Explain your credentialing and re-credentialing method for periodic review of relevant state and national credentials and participation in continuing education or professional development program How often is this reviewed? Vendor Response 2.3.6 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST What are your standard wait times for in-network triage and assessment, crisis counseling, urgent c and routine care? p. 118 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Vendor Response 2.3.7 Provide your network directory for Maricopa County by specialty and office address. In Maricopa County, what are your present and anticipated number and percentage of providers within each specific professional responsibility (i.e., therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, case managers, etc.) and by specialty (marriage, family, adolescent, substance abuse, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, etc.)? What are your turnover rates for psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical social workers? Provide your current and target ratios for counselors/1,000 and counseling sessions/1,000. Vendor Response 2.3.8 Identify the location of your primary office(s) that will provide intake assessment services for the County. Is intake assessment done in person or telephonically? Will you provide a toll-free telepho number for assessment? What is the average hold time and abandonment rate? How long has this office been operational? Vendor Response 2.3.9 List your various facilities and clinics. Describe the scope of services available at each. Provide your current and target ratio for(member) beds/1,000; target ratios for beds/1,000 under contract. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 119 Maricopa County 2.3.10 Bid 11146-RFP Are professionals compensated on a per diem basis, discount from average billed charges or some other method? Describe in detail, noting any differences by provider type. Do you have any specia financial arrangements or performance incentive payments with providers in the event of relapse o reoccurrence for the condition treated? Vendor Response 2.3.11 Do you have a national network? Do you have any restrictions on the use of the network by out-of(or out-of-County) covered dependents? Vendor Response 2.3.12 Describe your customer service philosophy and standards. How is customer satisfaction measured reported to the County? Vendor Response 2.3.13 What type of training do your IT professionals have in data security? Vendor Response 2.3.14 Explain your process for the transition of care for employees (and consequently their dependents) joining or leaving the County's employment. How will that work if the provider is not in your netwo Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 120 Maricopa County 2.3.15 Bid 11146-RFP What is the role of the Medical Director in the utilization review process? Is the Medical Director available full time to the EAP and behavioral health programs? What percentage of cases are revie by this individual? What case criteria warrants the review and/or intervention of the Medical Direc Vendor Response 2.4 Program Implementation 2.4.1 If your organization is selected to provide EAP/Behavioral Health services, what type of initial orientation and communication do you recommend for the County and its employees? What type ongoing training and seminars do you recommend? Are these services available on-site (including behavioral health education)? Vendor Response 2.4.2 Provide copies of your generic communication materials. Do you offer audio-visual presentations o materials? If yes, please describe them. Do you offer any web-based training that could be accesse several different employees from multiple locations at the same time? Vendor Response 2.4.3 Describe how you would coordinate disability assessment and case management services with our short-term disability contractor to ensure employees are being treated by the appropriate provider return to work as quickly as possible. Describe how you would interface with the employee's super if there was a work-related issue involved with the disability. Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 121 Maricopa County 2.4.4 Bid 11146-RFP Suggest an implementation timetable to which your organization will be able to commit. Include communications, training, network development and administrative set-up. Provide a list of tasks along with the responsible party and the time anticipated to complete each task. Also, provide a pl for transition-of-care issues. Vendor Response 2.4.5 What portion of fees are you willing to put at risk to guarantee satisfactory compliance with the Sco of Work? Vendor Response 2.6 Reporting Capabilities 2.6.1 What type of internal review and analysis of providers and internal staff do you conduct for quality assurance and fraud detection purposes? Vendor Response 2.6.2 Provide copies of sample reports (e.g.; utilization reports) that can be produced for the County. Wh specific data is stored within your database that can be released to third parties for independent confidential evaluations/audits? In what format is the data made available? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 122 Maricopa County 2.6.3 Bid 11146-RFP How will your organization determine whether your programs produce cost savings for the County? What types of annual program evaluations will you prepare? Please include a sample evaluation. Vendor Response 2.6.4 Describe the quality of your organization's systems used for patient tracking and producing reports What mechanisms are in place to maintain confidentiality throughout the process? Vendor Response 2.6.5 Are you currently equipped to provide quarterly reports to the County showing number of calls, number of telephone assessments, number of in-office sessions, number of referrals analyzed by general demographic and clinical categories? Can this be provided on a quarterly basis showing monthly breakdowns? How soon after a quarter ends would the County receive such reports? Vendor Response 2.6.6 Can your organization provide demographic analysis by employee, spouse and child and analysis by diagnosis and length of stay on a case specific basis? Vendor Response 2.6.7 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Complete the following utilization information for your organization's results in Maricopa County: p. 123 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Outpatient visits/1,000 members Admissions/1,000 members Bed Days/1,000 members Average length of stay Number of members covered Vendor Response 2.6.9 Will you agree to conduct and report results on a Maricopa County-specific member satisfaction su at least annually? Vendor Response 2.7 Financial Status Give your current financial position and the date at which such data is determined for the following items: 2.7.1 Members 2.7.2 Assets 2.7.3 Liabilities 2.7.4 Net worth (assets – liabilities) 2.7.5 Net worth per member 2.7.6 Indicate the most recent ratings for your organization: Standard & Poor Duff & Phelps A.M. Best Moody’s Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 124 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 2.8 Member Services 2.8.1 Can you make available a Maricopa County-specific toll free number for our members to use? Vendor Response 2.8.2 What are your organization's hours of operation for EAP and/or Behavioral Health services? If not available 24 hours/ 365 days per year, how do you handle emergency care? Vendor Response 2.8.3 Is the first point of contact a voice activated system or a live individual? Vendor Response 2.8.4 Describe the training process for the member services staff. What is the average length of service? Would the County have a dedicated member services staff? Vendor Response 2.8.5 How do you verify eligibility for EAP and/or behavioral health services? How do you handle callers are reluctant to provide their name? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 125 Maricopa County 2.8.6 Bid 11146-RFP How does your organization handle escalated issues? Vendor Response 2.8.7 Please describe the grievance and dispute resolution process for participants and for providers. Vendor Response 2.8.8 What level of experience and education must your member services staff possess? Vendor Response 2.8.9 Does your organization coordinate mental health and chemical dependency benefits and referrals t network or community resources? Vendor Response 2.8.10 How does your organization ensure confidential service delivery to high profile clients? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 126 Maricopa County 2.8.12 Bid 11146-RFP Describe your actions to continually add new providers to your network. On average, how many individual and group providers join/leave your network annually? Vendor Response 2.8.13 Are you able to accept wire transfers/electronic fund transfers? Vendor Response 2.8.14 What is your turnover rate for your member services staff? Vendor Response 2.8.15 Do your reports compare utilization for the County versus that of your overall or government book business? Vendor Response 2.8.16 What actionable steps have you taken from your most current customer satisfaction survey? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 127 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 2.8.17 At the County, active employees and members of their household (including domestic partners, parents or stepchildren) have access to EAP services. Does this present any problems for your organization? If so, what problems and why? Vendor Response Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 128 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP services only; behavioral health ny covered employees does that managed behavioral health st five (5) years in regard to any uits, etc. Are there any e years? If yes, please provide a professional liability insurance? on? Do all providers maintain a alpractice insurance? ntracted other than therapists and Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 129 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP y other managed behavioral health ved the quality of the delivery of outcome results to prove the point. as NCQA or JCAHO? If so, what reditation; and when does it ically outlining the procedures review criteria and how they were nt visits without going through on? Why or why not? Do you Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 130 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP th program. In general, what t percentage of your EAP providers a member if ongoing behavioral not also a behavioral health most prevalent behavioral health n are determined to be necessary lcohol dependency, chemical seling, serious mental illness (i.e., sorders, etc. Specify any and all Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 131 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ers in an out-patient setting. your review and utilization alternative levels of inpatient and e planning process. design changes for EAP and mber and a scheduled visit to a pes of cases eligible for case lected for review. What diagnostic our system? Will your organization contractors for the purposes of Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 132 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP eatment options will be available demonstrate progress in working What are your procedures for are for similar diagnosis, and what roposing, using the census data report. The report should include Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 133 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP d your process for monitoring and ntract for the employer or ective clients to view your website? ent debriefings, trauma drug use assessment? Indicate if h services are in place within your hose controls, and what areas are eet quality requirements. How is Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 134 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP assessment, and utilization review review and assessment is be any privacy/security breaches quired to pay any fines as a result review of relevant state and fessional development programs. ment, crisis counseling, urgent care Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 135 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP d office address. In Maricopa age of providers within each ychiatrists, psychologists, case ance abuse, eating disorders, rists, psychologists, and clinical s/1,000 and counseling assessment services for the you provide a toll-free telephone nment rate? How long has this available at each. Provide your beds/1,000 under contract. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 136 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP verage billed charges or some r type. Do you have any special viders in the event of relapse or e use of the network by out-of-area ustomer satisfaction measured and nsequently their dependents) he provider is not in your network? Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 137 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP cess? Is the Medical Director t percentage of cases are reviewed ervention of the Medical Director? vices, what type of initial and its employees? What type of es available on-site (including er audio-visual presentations or training that could be accessed by management services with our ed by the appropriate provider and ace with the employee's supervisor Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 138 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP l be able to commit. Include set-up. Provide a list of tasks te each task. Also, provide a plan actory compliance with the Scope taff do you conduct for quality e produced for the County. What hird parties for independent Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 139 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ce cost savings for the County? include a sample evaluation. tracking and producing reports? ut the process? ty showing number of calls, mber of referrals analyzed by n a quarterly basis showing unty receive such reports? pouse and child and analysis by s results in Maricopa County: Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 140 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP pecific member satisfaction survey is determined for the following Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 141 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP for our members to use? avioral Health services? If not the average length of service? es? How do you handle callers who Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 142 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ticipants and for providers. staff possess? ndency benefits and referrals to igh profile clients? Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 143 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ork. On average, how many ur overall or government book of mer satisfaction survey? Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 144 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP ncluding domestic partners, ent any problems for your Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 145 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 3 Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Total 85001 6 85002 10 85003 47 85004 33 85005 6 85006 58 85007 49 85008 114 85009 78 85010 1 85011 3 85012 44 85013 108 85014 90 85015 109 85016 131 85017 69 85018 117 85019 55 85020 110 85021 101 85022 144 85023 98 85024 74 85027 112 85028 77 85029 133 85030 3 85031 41 85032 156 85033 99 85034 9 85035 93 85037 161 85040 65 85041 237 85042 131 85043 146 85044 124 85045 21 85046 1 85048 115 85050 69 85051 125 85053 108 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 146 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 3 85054 85060 85063 85064 85066 85067 85068 85069 85070 85071 85074 85076 85078 85079 85080 85082 85083 85085 85086 85087 85118 85119 85120 85122 85123 85124 85127 85128 85132 85138 85139 85140 85142 85143 85145 85178 85193 85194 85201 85202 85203 85204 85205 85206 85207 85208 85209 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 10 5 7 6 15 8 5 8 1 3 1 3 1 6 4 7 70 61 113 20 11 22 20 9 4 1 2 1 2 39 20 53 90 34 1 2 1 2 91 91 85 150 94 81 92 61 83 p. 147 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 3 85210 85211 85212 85213 85214 85215 85216 85217 85218 85219 85220 85222 85224 85225 85226 85228 85232 85233 85234 85236 85238 85239 85240 85242 85243 85244 85246 85248 85249 85250 85251 85252 85253 85254 85255 85256 85257 85258 85259 85260 85262 85263 85266 85267 85268 85269 85272 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 86 4 71 80 3 36 5 1 6 11 8 9 127 153 112 1 2 127 173 4 10 19 7 66 14 7 4 62 83 37 51 5 26 94 44 1 59 28 22 39 5 2 8 2 36 3 1 p. 148 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 3 85273 85274 85275 85277 85280 85281 85282 85283 85284 85285 85286 85295 85296 85297 85298 85299 85301 85302 85303 85304 85305 85306 85307 85308 85310 85311 85312 85318 85320 85321 85322 85323 85324 85325 85326 85327 85329 85331 85335 85337 85338 85339 85340 85342 85343 85345 85346 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 1 1 3 2 4 80 140 144 47 11 72 86 148 93 49 13 123 164 112 114 41 95 42 205 50 5 10 4 3 1 2 225 11 1 202 4 4 43 108 15 266 220 135 6 1 242 1 p. 149 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 3 85351 85352 85353 85354 85355 85358 85361 85363 85364 85373 85374 85375 85376 85377 85378 85379 85380 85381 85382 85383 85385 85387 85388 85390 85392 85395 85396 85541 85635 85641 85653 85704 85718 85728 85745 85932 85935 86004 86047 86314 86323 86329 86332 86333 Grand Total Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 38 1 170 20 49 4 15 18 1 49 155 22 1 6 19 189 5 109 128 97 4 28 80 9 170 89 33 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 11811 p. 150 Maricopa County Count of Empl ID Postal/Zip Total 85001 85002 85003 85004 85005 85006 85007 85008 85009 85010 85011 85012 85013 85014 85015 85016 85017 85018 85019 85020 85021 85022 85023 85024 85027 85028 85029 85030 85031 85032 85033 85034 85035 85037 85040 85041 85042 85043 85044 85045 85046 85048 85050 85051 85053 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP 5 9 37 28 6 53 38 102 66 1 2 37 82 79 95 110 62 94 50 85 77 117 87 64 104 63 115 3 34 133 87 9 83 135 61 196 104 129 99 16 1 84 52 113 89 p. 151 Maricopa County 85054 85060 85063 85064 85066 85067 85068 85069 85071 85074 85076 85078 85079 85080 85082 85083 85085 85086 85087 85118 85119 85120 85122 85123 85124 85127 85128 85132 85138 85139 85140 85142 85143 85145 85178 85193 85194 85201 85202 85203 85204 85205 85206 85207 85208 85209 85210 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP 8 4 6 6 15 7 5 8 3 1 2 1 6 4 7 53 46 88 16 7 20 18 6 4 1 2 1 2 34 18 44 71 26 1 2 1 1 84 82 75 127 76 65 74 56 70 79 p. 152 Maricopa County 85211 85212 85213 85214 85215 85216 85217 85218 85219 85220 85222 85224 85225 85226 85228 85232 85233 85234 85236 85238 85239 85240 85242 85243 85244 85246 85248 85249 85250 85251 85252 85253 85254 85255 85257 85258 85259 85260 85262 85263 85266 85267 85268 85269 85272 85273 85274 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP 4 59 62 3 28 4 1 5 8 6 8 106 135 92 1 2 102 131 4 9 18 7 55 13 7 3 50 66 29 42 4 14 73 31 53 23 10 31 5 2 5 2 23 3 1 1 1 p. 153 Maricopa County 85275 85277 85280 85281 85282 85283 85284 85285 85286 85295 85296 85297 85298 85299 85301 85302 85303 85304 85305 85306 85307 85308 85310 85311 85312 85318 85320 85321 85322 85323 85324 85325 85326 85327 85329 85331 85335 85337 85338 85339 85340 85342 85345 85346 85351 85352 85353 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP 3 2 4 68 112 112 33 10 60 67 117 67 41 10 111 135 96 96 36 81 37 163 41 3 10 2 1 1 2 189 10 1 175 4 4 31 87 10 220 186 98 3 209 1 30 1 144 p. 154 Maricopa County 85354 85355 85358 85361 85363 85364 85373 85374 85375 85376 85377 85378 85379 85380 85381 85382 85383 85385 85387 85388 85390 85392 85395 85396 85541 85635 85653 85704 85718 85932 86004 86047 86314 86323 86329 86332 86333 Grand Total Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP 18 43 3 10 12 1 38 123 19 1 4 14 155 5 88 109 83 4 20 63 6 142 66 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 9769 p. 155 Maricopa County EXHIBIT 4 Bid 11146-RFP BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY Maricopa County offers both an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Behavioral Health Benefit administered by Magellan Health Services (Magellan). All employees (including contract and temporary) and their dependents are eligible for the EAP Program. Dependents under EAP are defined differently than under your health and dental plans. EAP services are available to anyone living in your household and children attending school out-of-state or who live out-ofstate, if you are responsible for their benefits. However, the Behavioral Health benefit is limited to those employees who have elected CIGNA medical coverage (except for CIGNA Choice Fund Health Savings Account) and to their covered dependents. Protecting your confidentiality is Magellan’s top priority. All records, including personal information, referrals and evaluations, are kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws. Release of information can be given only with your written consent, except where required by law (e.g., when child abuse is suspected or when posing a danger to self or others). EAP PROGRAM SUMMARY Sometimes employees face problems that they cannot solve. Concerns can become overwhelming and affect work performance, personal happiness, family relations and personal health. When this occurs, professional help may be needed to resolve the problem before it becomes a larger issue. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered through Magellan is an employer-paid benefit that provides short-term counseling for both personal and work-related issues for you and your dependents. There is no premium charged to you for this benefit and there is no copayment when you use this service. You will be assisted by a behavioral health professional who will ensure that you receive treatment at the most appropriate level for your situation. Your EAP provides a full range of counseling and referral services for individual, family and marital concerns, stress and job-related matters, child and domestic abuse, chemical and alcohol dependency assessment, and legal or financial issues. Counseling is available by phone or in- person, depending on your preference. Counseling Your EAP benefit provides up to eight individual counseling sessions for you and your dependents per person, per problem, per year. If sufficient need is shown, upon your approval, your counselor may encourage other members of your family to participate in your sessions. Legal Consultation Your EAP provides legal consultation services. You can call and be referred to an attorney for a prepaid initial in-person consultation or for an immediate telephonic consultation on issues such as estate planning; family and divorce law, civil and criminal matters, and more. One free one-hour consultation per plan year is covered. Ongoing services are offered at discounted rates. Financial Counseling Your EAP also includes services to help you reach your financial goals. When you call, you’ll be put in touch with a financial expert who can provide information and answer questions on a Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 156 Maricopa County EXHIBIT 4 Bid 11146-RFP wide range of topics, including planning for retirement, debt consolidation, and more. Unlimited telephonic service is covered. Additionally, one free, initial in-person one hour session is covered per plan year. For more information regarding the EAP benefit or to make an appointment, contact Magellan at 1-888-213-5125, 24 hours a day, seven days a week or online at For details about the EAP benefit, refer to the Magellan brochure located on the EBC/Intranet at or on the Internet Web site at BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE BENEFIT SUMMARY The behavioral health benefit, which is provided to you and covered dependents enrolled in a CIGNA medical plan (except for CIGNA Choice Fund Health Savings Account), provides services that support your well-being. You can receive confidential counseling whenever you and/or your eligible dependents are faced with a personal challenge. These services help you deal with a wide range of issues, including: Alcohol or drug dependency Anger management Autism Compulsive gambling Depression Eating disorders Grief and loss Severe stress and anxiety And more Provided below is a summary of your benefits. It is important for you to understand that innetwork benefits received through a participating provider are payable only if each service is determined to be medically necessary and pre-authorized by Magellan before you start treatment. Certain out-of-network services (such as inpatient, residential, intensive outpatient, and partial hospitalization), also require pre-authorization by Magellan before services are received. However, out-of-network outpatient individual or group counseling services do not require pre-authorization. In addition to the behavioral health and substance abuse services provided by Magellan, Sheriff’s Office employees and their dependents may access the Sheriff’s Office Behavioral Health Services Unit by calling 602-876-1852. For details about the Magellan behavioral health and substance abuse benefit, refer to the Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Plan Description on the EBC/Intranet at or on the Internet Web site at For more information regarding the Magellan behavioral health and substance abuse benefit, claims payment, to obtain pre-authorization or to find a participating in-network provider, contact Magellan, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-213-5125. Out-of-network claims should be mailed to Magellan, P. O. Box 1098, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 157 Maricopa County Level of Care In-Network Benefit EXHIBIT 4 In-Network Rules Bid 11146-RFP Out-of-Network Benefit 30 days per year (in- and out-ofnetwork combined) Inpatient Hospitalization 30 days per year (in- and out-of-network combined) $25 co-pay per day Preauthorization required Benefit is derived from trading unused inpatient hospitalization days for up to 30 partial hospitalization days per year. Partial Hospitalization 30 partial day per year (in- and out-of-network combined) Benefit is traded at 2 partial days for 1 inpatient day. $500 deductible; Plan pays $250 per day after deductible is met. Pre-authorization required. It is the member’s responsibility to obtain preauthorization for initial and concurrent reviews. All other costs after plan payment of $250 per day are member’s responsibility. Failure to obtain preauthorization results in no reimbursement. Benefit derived from trading unused inpatient hospitalization days for up to 30 partial hospitalization days per year. Preauthorization required $20 co-pay per day. Pre-authorization required. It is the member’s 30 partial days per year (in- and responsibility to obtain preout-of-network combined) Benefit authorization for initial and is traded at 2 partial days for 1 concurrent reviews. inpatient day. Failure to obtain $250 deductible. Plan pays $125 Pre-authorization results in per day after deductible. All costs no reimbursement. after plan payment of $125 per day are member’s responsibility. Residential Treatment 60 days per year; $12.50 copay per day Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Pre-authorization required. $100/program copay 45 IOP visits per year (inapplies to a and out-ofcontinuous episode network combined) of care in IOP. If $100 co-pay per patient discontinues program. & restarts program, a new $100 copay is applied. 45 IOP visits per year (in- and outof-network combined) Plan pays $40 per visit. All other costs after plan payment of $40 per visit are member’s responsibility. Outpatient Therapy (individual, family, and medication evaluation) Unlimited visits; $20 co-pay per visit. Preauthorization required. Unlimited visits; Plan pays $25 per visit. All other costs after plan No pre-authorization payment of $25 per visit are required member’s responsibility. Outpatient Group Psychotherapy Unlimited visits; $5 co-pay per visit. Pre-authorization required Unlimited visits; Plan pays $15 per visit. All other costs after plan No pre-authorization payment of $15 per visit are required member’s responsibility. Ongoing Medication Management Unlimited visits; $10 co-pay per visit. Pre-authorization required Unlimited visits; Plan pays $25 per visit. All other costs after plan No pre-authorization payment of $25 per visit are required member’s responsibility Lifetime Maximums No lifetime maximum Autism Coverage Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Pre-authorization required Out-of-Network Rules No benefit N/A Pre-authorization required. It is the member’s responsibility to obtain preauthorization for initial and concurrent reviews. Failure to obtain preauthorization results in no reimbursement. No lifetime maximum No maximum limit p. 158 EXHIBIT 5 Maricopa County Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Bid 11146-RFP p. 159 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 Count of Empl ID Employee Status Regular Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Full/Part Time Postal/Zip Full-Time Part-Time Grand Total 85001 6 6 85002 11 11 85003 51 51 85004 33 1 34 85005 6 6 85006 65 1 66 85007 49 1 50 85008 123 1 124 85009 80 80 85010 1 1 85011 3 3 85012 48 48 85013 116 2 118 85014 97 97 85015 113 2 115 85016 141 3 144 85017 74 74 85018 126 3 129 85019 60 60 85020 116 2 118 85021 110 2 112 85022 144 2 146 85023 102 3 105 85024 80 1 81 85027 114 114 85028 78 3 81 85029 144 144 85030 4 4 85031 46 1 47 85032 162 162 85033 103 103 85034 13 13 85035 108 1 109 85036 1 1 85037 170 170 85040 74 74 85041 244 3 247 85042 140 2 142 85043 160 3 163 85044 130 130 85045 20 2 22 85046 1 1 85048 117 2 119 85050 73 1 74 85051 134 134 p. 160 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 85053 85054 85060 85063 85064 85066 85067 85068 85069 85071 85074 85076 85078 85079 85080 85082 85083 85085 85086 85087 85117 85118 85119 85120 85122 85123 85124 85127 85128 85130 85132 85138 85139 85140 85142 85143 85145 85178 85193 85194 85201 85202 85203 85204 85205 85206 85207 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 114 11 6 7 8 16 10 5 8 4 2 3 1 6 4 8 74 64 111 20 1 12 26 18 10 4 1 3 1 1 2 43 22 52 91 38 1 1 1 1 99 95 88 155 93 84 96 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 114 13 6 7 8 16 11 5 8 4 2 3 1 6 4 8 74 66 114 20 1 12 26 18 10 4 1 3 1 1 2 43 22 52 91 39 1 2 1 1 100 99 88 156 96 85 96 p. 161 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 85208 85209 85210 85211 85212 85213 85214 85215 85216 85217 85218 85219 85220 85222 85224 85225 85226 85228 85232 85233 85234 85236 85238 85239 85240 85242 85243 85244 85246 85248 85249 85250 85251 85252 85253 85254 85255 85256 85257 85258 85259 85260 85262 85263 85266 85267 85268 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 67 82 97 4 72 83 4 39 5 1 5 10 7 9 134 167 118 1 2 133 175 4 11 20 7 66 14 9 4 64 81 37 52 5 22 99 41 1 62 29 20 43 6 2 7 2 33 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 67 82 97 4 74 83 4 39 5 1 6 10 7 9 135 168 119 1 2 135 179 4 11 20 7 66 14 9 4 65 84 38 55 5 24 102 44 1 64 30 20 44 6 2 7 2 33 p. 162 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 85269 85271 85272 85273 85274 85275 85277 85280 85281 85282 85283 85284 85285 85286 85295 85296 85297 85298 85299 85301 85302 85303 85304 85305 85306 85307 85308 85310 85311 85312 85318 85320 85321 85322 85323 85324 85325 85326 85327 85329 85331 85335 85337 85338 85339 85340 85342 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 82 146 155 49 11 72 88 146 88 52 14 136 171 116 120 42 98 43 212 50 6 10 4 2 1 2 236 11 1 215 4 4 42 116 13 281 232 133 4 2 3 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 84 149 158 49 12 72 89 150 89 54 14 137 171 117 120 42 98 44 213 54 6 10 4 2 1 2 238 11 1 215 4 4 42 117 14 283 233 134 4 p. 163 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 85343 85345 85346 85351 85352 85353 85354 85355 85358 85361 85363 85364 85373 85374 85375 85376 85377 85378 85379 85380 85381 85382 85383 85385 85387 85388 85390 85392 85395 85396 85541 85616 85635 85641 85653 85704 85718 85745 85756 85932 85935 86004 86047 86314 86323 86329 86332 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 1 261 1 36 1 175 21 51 4 15 18 1 50 155 21 1 4 20 202 5 113 135 98 4 26 83 6 182 88 38 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 262 1 36 1 176 21 51 4 15 18 1 50 156 21 1 5 21 203 5 113 135 102 4 26 83 7 183 89 38 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 p. 164 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP 11146 EXHIBIT 6 86333 R Total Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST 3 12333 141 3 12474 p. 165 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP EXHIBIT 7 Magellan Expenditures Claims Paid ASO Fees Coaching Services Total Expenditures Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Fiscal Year 2010 1,490,511.90 393,330.40 128,455.28 2,012,297.58 Fiscal Year 2011 1,095,439.85 301,770.00 194,900.00 1,592,109.85 p. 166 EXHIBIT 8 Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio County Attorney William Montgomery Superior Court Judges & Commissioners Court Administration Marcus Reinkensmeyer Superintendent of Schools Don Covey Constables Recorder Helen Purcell Assessor Keith Russell Justices of the Peace Superior Court Norman Davis Presiding Judge Adult Probation Barbara Broderick Bid 11146-RFP Municipal Court Judges Elections Karen Osborne Star Call Center David Sobieski Treasurer Charles Hoskins Juvenile Probation & Detention Vincent Iaria Clerk of the Court Michael Jeanes Elected Position KEY Appointed Position Board of Supervisors Citizens Serving Citizens Andrew Kunasek, Chairman Fulton Brock, Don Stapley, Max Wilson, Mary Rose Wilcox Internal Audit Ross Tate Maricopa County Citizens Gov’t Relations Richard Bohan Planning & Development Air Quality William Wiley Environmental Services John Kolman Public Health Dr. Robert England Administration Chris Pinuelas Communications Cari Gerchick Stadium District Daren Frank Regional Development Services Joy Rich, Asst. County Manager County Manager David Smith Justice System Planning Clerk of the Board Fran McCarroll Diversity Ed Guerrero Integrated Criminal Justice Info. Systems Facilities Mgmt. Janet Palacino Emergency Management Pete Weaver Management & Budget Correctional Health Tom Tegeler Human Resources Deputy County Manager Sandi Wilson Risk Management Rocky Armfield Community Collaboration Dr. Rodrigo Silva Asst. County Manager General Government Shawn Nau Parks and Recreation RJ Cardin Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Human Services Trish Georgeff Public Fiduciary Gary Strickland Public Advocate Christina Phillis Contract Counsel Enterprise Technology Stephen Wetzel, CIO Public Works Kenny Harris Asst. County Manager Equipment Services John Cantu Flood Control Tim Phillips Chief Financial Officer Shelby Scharbach Public Defender Jim Haas Legal Defender Marty Lieberman Research & Reporting Ken Andersen Library District Cindy Kolaczynski Medical Examiner David Boyer Public Defense Services James Logan Legal Advocate Bruce Peterson Bus. Strategies & Health Care Prog. Chris Bradley Animal Care & Control Citizens Serving Citizens Transportation John Hauskins Solid Waste (vacant) Chief Procurement Officer Wes Baysinger UPDATED 9/7/2011 CMO APPROVAL p. 167 EXHIBIT 8 Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio County Attorney William Montgomery Superior Court Judges & Commissioners Court Administration Marcus Reinkensmeyer Superintendent of Schools Don Covey Constables Recorder Helen Purcell Assessor Keith Russell Justices of the Peace Superior Court Norman Davis Presiding Judge Adult Probation Barbara Broderick Bid 11146-RFP Municipal Court Judges Elections Karen Osborne Star Call Center David Sobieski Treasurer Charles Hoskins Juvenile Probation & Detention Vincent Iaria Clerk of the Court Michael Jeanes Elected Position KEY Appointed Position Board of Supervisors Citizens Serving Citizens Andrew Kunasek, Chairman Fulton Brock, Don Stapley, Max Wilson, Mary Rose Wilcox Internal Audit Ross Tate Maricopa County Citizens Gov’t Relations Richard Bohan Planning & Development Air Quality William Wiley Environmental Services John Kolman Public Health Dr. Robert England Administration Chris Pinuelas Communications Cari Gerchick Stadium District Daren Frank Regional Development Services Joy Rich, Asst. County Manager County Manager David Smith Justice System Planning Clerk of the Board Fran McCarroll Diversity Ed Guerrero Integrated Criminal Justice Info. Systems Facilities Mgmt. Janet Palacino Emergency Management Pete Weaver Management & Budget Correctional Health Tom Tegeler Human Resources Deputy County Manager Sandi Wilson Risk Management Rocky Armfield Community Collaboration Dr. Rodrigo Silva Asst. County Manager General Government Shawn Nau Parks and Recreation RJ Cardin Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Human Services Trish Georgeff Public Fiduciary Gary Strickland Public Advocate Christina Phillis Contract Counsel Enterprise Technology Stephen Wetzel, CIO Public Works Kenny Harris Asst. County Manager Equipment Services John Cantu Flood Control Tim Phillips Chief Financial Officer Shelby Scharbach Public Defender Jim Haas Legal Defender Marty Lieberman Research & Reporting Ken Andersen Library District Cindy Kolaczynski Medical Examiner David Boyer Public Defense Services James Logan Legal Advocate Bruce Peterson Bus. Strategies & Health Care Prog. Chris Bradley Animal Care & Control Citizens Serving Citizens Transportation John Hauskins Solid Waste (vacant) Chief Procurement Officer Wes Baysinger UPDATED 9/7/2011 CMO APPROVAL p. 168 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP SERIAL 11146-RFP (DRAFT CONTRACT) CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RFP SERIAL 11146 -RFP This Contract is entered into this _____ day of ____________, 20__ by and between Maricopa County (“County”), a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, and _______________________________, an Arizona corporation (“Contractor”) for the purchase of Behavioral Health and employee Assistance services. 1.0 CONTRACT TERM: 1.1 This Contract is for a term of five (5) years, beginning on the 1st day of July, 2013 and ending the 30th day of June, 2018. 1.2 The County may, at its option and with the agreement of the Contractor, renew the term of this Contract for additional terms up to a maximum of five (5) years, (or at the County’s sole discretion, extend the contract on a month-to-month bases for a maximum of six (6) months after expiration). The County shall notify the Contractor in writing of its intent to extend the Contract term at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original contract term, or any additional term thereafter. 2.0 FEE ADJUSTMENTS: Any request for a fee adjustments must be submitted one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the current Contract expiration. Requests for adjustment in cost of labor and/or materials must be supported by appropriate documentation. If County agrees to the adjusted fee, County shall issue written approval of the change. The reasonableness of the request will be determined by comparing the request with the (Consumer Price Index) or by performing a market survey. 3.0 PAYMENTS: 3.1 As consideration for performance of the duties described herein, County shall pay Contractor the sum(s) stated in Exhibit “A.” 3.2 Payment shall be made upon the County’s receipt of a properly completed invoice. 3.3 INVOICES: 3.3.1 The Contractor shall submit two (2) legible copies of their detailed invoice before payment(s) can be made. At a minimum, the invoice must provide the following information: • • • • Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Company name, address and contact County bill-to name and contact information Contract serial number County purchase order number p. 169 Maricopa County • • • • • • • • • 4.0 5.0 6.0 Bid 11146-RFP Invoice number and date Payment terms Date of service Quantity Contract Item number(s) Description of service provided Pricing per unit of service Extended price Total Amount Due 3.3.2 Problems regarding billing or invoicing shall be directed to the County as listed on the Purchase Order. 3.3.3 Payment shall be made to the Contractor by Accounts Payable through the Maricopa County Vendor Express Payment Program. This is an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) process. After Contract Award the Contractor shall complete the Vendor Registration Form located on the County Department of Finance Vendor Registration Web Site ( 3.3.4 EFT payments to the routing and account numbers designated by the Contractor will include the details on the specific invoices that the payment covers. The Contractor is required to discuss remittance delivery capabilities with their designated financial institution for access to those details. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: 4.1 The provisions of this Contract relating to payment for services shall become effective when funds assigned for the purpose of compensating the Contractor as herein provided are actually available to County for disbursement. The County shall be the sole judge and authority in determining the availability of funds under this Contract. County shall keep the Contractor fully informed as to the availability of funds. 4.2 If any action is taken by any state agency, Federal department or any other agency or instrumentality to suspend, decrease, or terminate its fiscal obligations under, or in connection with, this Contract, County may amend, suspend, decrease, or terminate its obligations under, or in connection with, this Contract. In the event of termination, County shall be liable for payment only for services rendered prior to the effective date of the termination, provided that such services are performed in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. County shall give written notice of the effective date of any suspension, amendment, or termination under this Section, at least ten (10) days in advance. DUTIES: 5.1 The Contractor shall perform all duties stated in Exhibit “B”, or as otherwise directed in writing by the Procurement Officer. 5.2 During the Contract term, County shall provide Contractor’s personnel with adequate workspace for consultants and such other related facilities as may be required by Contractor to carry out its contractual obligations. TERMS and CONDITIONS: 6.1 INDEMNIFICATION: 6.1.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and the cost of appellate proceedings, relating to, arising out of, or alleged to have resulted from the negligent acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance relating to the performance of this Contract. p. 170 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Contractor’s duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, and employees shall arise in connection with any claim, damage, loss or expense that is caused by any negligent acts, errors, omissions or mistakes in the performance of this Contract by the Contractor, as well as any person or entity for whose acts, errors, omissions, mistakes or malfeasance Contractor may be legally liable. 6.2 6.1.2 The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth herein will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this paragraph. 6.1.3 The scope of this indemnification does not extend to the sole negligence of County. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: 6.2.1 Contractor, at Contactor’s own expense, shall purchase and maintain the herein stipulated minimum insurance from a company or companies duly licensed by the State of Arizona and possessing a current A.M. Best, Inc. rating of A-, VII or higher. In lieu of State of Arizona licensing, the stipulated insurance may be purchased from a company or companies, which are authorized to do business in the State of Arizona, provided that said insurance companies meet the approval of County. The form of any insurance policies and forms must be acceptable to County. 6.2.2 All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or service required to be performed under the terms of the Contract is satisfactorily completed and formally accepted. Failure to do so may, at the sole discretion of County, constitute a material breach of this Contract. 6.2.3 Contractor’s insurance shall be primary insurance as respects County, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by County shall not contribute to it. 6.2.4 Any failure to comply with the claim reporting provisions of the insurance policies or any breach of an insurance policy warranty shall not affect the County’s right to coverage afforded under the insurance policies. 6.2.5 The insurance policies may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retentions. Such deductible and/or self-insured retentions shall not be applicable with respect to the coverage provided to County under such policies. Contactor shall be solely responsible for the deductible and/or self-insured retention and County, at its option, may require Contractor to secure payment of such deductibles or self-insured retentions by a surety bond or an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit. 6.2.6 County reserves the right to request and to receive, within 10 working days, certified copies of any or all of the herein required insurance certificates. County shall not be obligated to review policies and/or endorsements or to advise Contractor of any deficiencies in such policies and endorsements, and such receipt shall not relieve Contractor from, or be deemed a waiver of County’s right to insist on strict fulfillment of Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. 6.2.7 The insurance policies required by this Contract, except Workers’ Compensation shall name County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as Additional Insureds. 6.2.8 The policies required hereunder, except Workers’ Compensation shall contain a waiver of transfer of rights of recovery (subrogation) against County, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees for any claims arising out of Contractor’s work or service. 6.2.9 Commercial General Liability. Commercial General Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 171 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Products/Completed Operations Aggregate, and $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, personal injury, products and completed operations and blanket contractual coverage, and shall not contain any provision which would serve to limit third party action over claims. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the CGL limiting the scope of coverage for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. 6.2.10 Automobile Liability. Commercial/Business Automobile Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance with a combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence with respect to any of the Contractor’s owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in performance of the Contractor’s work or services under this Contract. 6.2.11 Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction of Contractor’s employees engaged in the performance of the work or services under this Contract; and Employer’s Liability insurance of not less than $100,000 for each accident, $100,000 disease for each employee, and $1,000,000 disease policy limit. Contractor waives all rights against County and its agents, officers, directors and employees for recovery of damages to the extent these damages are covered by the Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance obtained by Contractor pursuant to this Contract. 6.2.12 Professional Liability Insurance. Professional Liability insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella insurance, which will insure and provide coverage for errors or omissions of the Contractor, with limits of no less than $1,000,000 for each claim. 6.2.13 Certificates of Insurance. Prior to commencing work or services under this Contract, Contractor shall furnish the County with certificates of insurance, or formal endorsements as required by the Contract in the form provided by the County, issued by Contractor’s insurer(s), as evidence that policies providing the required coverage, conditions and limits required by this Contract are in full force and effect. Such certificates shall identify this contract number and title. In the event any insurance policy (ies) required by this Contract is (are) written on a “claims made” basis, coverage shall extend for two (2) years past completion and acceptance of Contractor’s work or services and as evidenced by annual Certificates of Insurance. If a policy does expire during the life of the Contract, a renewal certificate must be sent to County fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date. 6.2.14 Cancellation and Expiration Notice. Insurance required herein shall not be permitted to expire, be canceled, or materially changed without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County. 6.3 WARRANTY OF SERVICES: 6.3.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST The Contractor warrants that all services provided hereunder will conform to the requirements of the Contract, including all descriptions, specifications and attachments p. 172 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP made a part of this Contract. County’s acceptance of services or goods provided by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligations under this warranty. 6.3.2 6.4 In addition to its other remedies, County may, at the Contractor's expense, require prompt correction of any services failing to meet the Contractor's warranty herein. Services corrected by the Contractor shall be subject to all the provisions of this Contract in the manner and to the same extent as services originally furnished hereunder. NOTICES: All notices given pursuant to the terms of this Contract shall be addressed to: For County: Maricopa County Department of Materials Management Attn: Director of Purchasing 320 West Lincoln Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2494 For Contractor: 6.5 REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT: 6.5.1 6.6 Contractor signifies its understanding and agreement by signing this document that this Contract is a requirements contract. This Contract does not guarantee any purchases will be made (minimum or maximum. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The County reserves the right to terminate the Contract, in whole or in part at any time, when in the best interests of the County without penalty or recourse. Upon receipt of the written notice, the Contractor shall immediately stop all work, as directed in the notice, notify all subcontractors of the effective date of the termination and minimize all further costs to the County. In the event of termination under this paragraph, all documents, data and reports prepared by the Contractor under the Contract shall become the property of and be delivered to the County upon demand. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for work in progress, work completed and materials accepted before the effective date of the termination. 6.7 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: 6.7.1 In addition to the rights reserved in the Contract, the County may terminate the Contract in whole or in part due to the failure of the Contractor to comply with any term or condition of the Contract, to acquire and maintain all required insurance policies, bonds, licenses and permits, or to make satisfactory progress in performing the Contract. The Procurement Officer shall provide written notice of the termination and the reasons for it to the Contractor. 6.7.2 Upon termination under this paragraph, all goods, materials, documents, data and reports prepared by the Contractor under the Contract shall become the property of and be delivered to the County on demand. 6.7.3 The County may, upon termination of this Contract, procure, on terms and in the manner that it deems appropriate, materials or services to replace those under this Contract. The Contractor shall be liable to the County for any excess costs incurred by the County in procuring materials or services in substitution for those due from the Contractor. p. 173 Maricopa County 6.7.4 6.8 Bid 11146-RFP The Contractor shall continue to perform, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, up to the date of termination, as directed in the termination notice. STATUTORY RIGHT OF CANCELLATION FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Notice is given that pursuant to A.R.S. §38-511 the County may cancel this Contract without penalty or further obligation within three years after execution of the contract, if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating the contract on behalf of the County is at any time while the Contract or any extension of the Contract is in effect, an employee or agent of any other party to the Contract in any capacity or consultant to any other party of the Contract with respect to the subject matter of the Contract. Additionally, pursuant to A.R.S §38-511 the County may recoup any fee or commission paid or due to any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating the contract on behalf of the County from any other party to the contract arising as the result of the Contract. 6.9 OFFSET FOR DAMAGES; In addition to all other remedies at law or equity, the County may offset from any money due to the Contractor any amounts Contractor owes to the County for damages resulting from breach or deficiencies in performance under this contract. 6.10 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF SERVICE: The County reserves the right to add and/or delete products and/or services provided under this Contract. If a requirement is deleted, payment to the Contractor will be reduced proportionately to the amount of service reduced in accordance with the proposal price. If additional services and/or products are required from this Contract, prices for such additions will be negotiated between the Contractor and the County. 6.11 RELATIONSHIPS: In the performance of the services described herein, the Contractor shall act solely as an independent contractor, and nothing herein or implied herein shall at any time be construed as to create the relationship of employer and employee, partnership, principal and agent, or joint venture between the District and the Contractor. 6.12 SUBCONTRACTING: The Contractor may not assign this Contract or subcontract to another party for performance of the terms and conditions hereof without the written consent of the County, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. All correspondence authorizing subcontracting must reference the Proposal Serial Number and identify the job project. 6.13 AMENDMENTS: All amendments to this Contract shall be in writing and approved/signed by both parties. Maricopa County Materials Management shall be responsible for approving all amendments for Maricopa County. 6.14 ACCESS TO AND RETENTION OF RECORDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUDIT AND/OR OTHER REVIEW: 6.14.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST In accordance with section MCI 367 of the Maricopa County Procurement Code the Contractor agrees to retain all books, records, accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract for six (6) years after final payment or until after the resolution of any audit questions which could be more than six (6) years, whichever is latest. The County, Federal or State auditors and any other persons duly authorized by the Department shall have full access to, and the right to examine, copy and make use of, any and all said materials. p. 174 Maricopa County 6.14.2 6.15 Bid 11146-RFP If the Contractor’s books, records , accounts, statements, reports, files, and other records and back-up documentation relevant to this Contract are not sufficient to support and document that requested services were provided, the Contractor shall reimburse Maricopa County for the services not so adequately supported and documented. AUDIT DISALLOWANCES: If at any time, County determines that a cost for which payment has been made is a disallowed cost, such as overpayment, County shall notify the Contractor in writing of the disallowance. County shall also state the means of correction, which may be but shall not be limited to adjustment of any future claim submitted by the Contractor by the amount of the disallowance, or to require repayment of the disallowed amount by the Contractor. 6.16 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: 6.16.1 6.17 After the exhaustion of the administrative remedies provided in the Maricopa County Procurement Code, any contract dispute in this matter is subject to compulsory arbitration. Provided the parties participate in the arbitration in good faith, such arbitration is not binding and the parties are entitled to pursue the matter in state or federal court sitting in Maricopa County for a de novo determination on the law and facts. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, each party will designate an arbitrator and those two arbitrators will agree on a third arbitrator. The three arbitrators will then serve as a panel to consider the arbitration. The parties will be equally responsible for the compensation for the arbitrator(s). The hearing, evidence, and procedure will be in accordance with Rule 74 of the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure. Within ten (10) days of the completion of the hearing the arbitrator(s) shall: Render a decision; Notify the parties that the exhibits are available for retrieval; and Notify the parties of the decision in writing (a letter to the parties or their counsel shall suffice). 6.16.2 Within ten (10) days of the notice of decision, either party may submit to the arbitrator(s) a proposed form of award or other final disposition, including any form of award for attorneys’ fees and costs. Within five (5) days of receipt of the foregoing, the opposing party may file objections. Within ten (10) days of receipt of any objections, the arbitrator(s) shall pass upon the objections and prepare a signed award or other final disposition and mail copies to all parties or their counsel. 6.16.3 Any party which has appeared and participated in good faith in the arbitration proceedings may appeal from the award or other final disposition by filing an action in the state or federal court sitting in Maricopa County within twenty (20) days after date of the award or other final disposition. Unless such action is dismissed for failure to prosecute, such action will make the award or other final disposition of the arbitrator(s) a nullity. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any provision of this Contract shall not void or affect the validity of any other provision of this Contract. 6.18 RIGHTS IN DATA: The County shall own have the use of all data and reports resulting from this Contract without additional cost or other restriction except as provided by law. Each party shall supply to the other party, upon request, any available information that is relevant to this Contract and to the performance hereunder. 6.19 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST INTEGRATION: p. 175 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals, communications, understandings, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written, express or implied. 6.20 6.21 6.22 VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §414401 AND FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS: 6.20.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor warrants compliance with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA using e-verify) and all other federal immigration laws and regulations related to the immigration status of its employees and A.R.S. §23-214(A). The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall also maintain Employment Eligibility Verification forms (I-9) as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended from time to time, for all employees performing work under the Contract and verify employee compliance using the E-verify system and shall keep a record of the verification for the duration of the employee’s employment or at least three years, whichever is longer. I-9 forms are available for download at USCIS.GOV. 6.20.2 The County retains the legal right to inspect contractor and subcontractor employee documents performing work under this Contract to verify compliance with paragraph 6.24.1 of this Section. Contractor and subcontractor shall be given reasonable notice of the County’s intent to inspect and shall make the documents available at the time and date specified. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County will consider this a material breach of the contract and may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. VERIFICATION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §§35-391.06 AND 35-393.06 BUSINESS RELATIONS WITH SUDAN AND IRAN: 6.21.1 By entering into the Contract, the Contractor certifies it does not have scrutinized business operations in Sudan or Iran. The contractor shall obtain statements from its subcontractors certifying compliance and shall furnish the statements to the Procurement Officer upon request. These warranties shall remain in effect through the term of the Contract. 6.21.2 The County may request verification of compliance for any contractor or subcontractor performing work under the Contract. Should the County suspect or find that the Contractor or any of its subcontractors are not in compliance, the County may pursue any and all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to: suspension of work, termination of the Contract for default, and suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. All costs necessary to verify compliance are the responsibility of the Contractor. CONTRACTOR LICENSE REQUIREMENT: 6.22.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST The Respondent shall procure all permits, insurance, licenses and pay the charges and fees necessary and incidental to the lawful conduct of his/her business, and as necessary complete any required certification requirements, required by any and all governmental or non-governmental entities as mandated to maintain compliance with and in good standing for all permits and/or licenses. The Respondent shall keep fully informed of existing and future trade or industry requirements, Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, and regulations which in any manner affect the fulfillment of a Contract and shall comply with the same. Contractor shall immediately notify both Materials Management and the using agency of any and all changes concerning permits, insurance or licenses. p. 176 Maricopa County 6.22.2 6.23 Respondents furnishing finished products, materials or articles of merchandise that will require installation or attachment as part of the Contract, shall possess any licenses required. A Respondent is not relieved of its obligation to posses the required licenses by subcontracting of the labor portion of the Contract. Respondents are advised to contact the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, Chief of Licensing, at (602) 542-1525 to ascertain licensing requirements for a particular contract. Respondents shall identify which license(s), if any, the Registrar of Contractors requires for performance of the Contract. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION 6.23.1 6.24 Bid 11146-RFP The undersigned (authorized official signing for the Contractor) certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that the Contractor, defined as the primary participant in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76, and its principals: are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal Department or agency; have not within 3-year period preceding this Contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (2) of this certification; and have not within a 3-year period preceding this Contract had one or more public transaction (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause of default. 6.23.2 Should the Contractor not be able to provide this certification, an explanation as to why should be attached to the Contact. 6.23.3 The Contractor agrees to include, without modification, this clause in all lower tier covered transactions (i.e. transactions with subcontractors) and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions related to this Contract. PRICES: Contractor warrants that prices extended to County under this Contract are no higher than those paid by any other customer for these or similar services. 6.25 GOVERNING LAW: This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the state of Arizona. Venue for any actions or lawsuits involving this Contract will be in Maricopa County Superior Court or in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, sitting in Phoenix, Arizona 6.26 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: In the event of a conflict in the provisions of this Contract and Contractor’s license agreement, if applicable, the terms of this Contract shall prevail. 6.27 INCORPORATION OF DOCUMENTS: The following are to be attached to and made part of this Contract: 6.27.1 Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST Exhibit A, Pricing; p. 177 Maricopa County 6.27.2 Exhibit B, Scope of Work; 6.27.3 Exhibit C, Service Level Agreement Bid 11146-RFP IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract is executed on the date set forth above. CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE ADDRESS DATE MARICOPA COUNTY CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE ATTESTED: CLERK OF THE BOARD DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: LEGAL COUNSEL Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST DATE p. 178 Maricopa County Bid 11146-RFP Question and Answers for Bid #11146-RFP - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES OVERALL BID QUESTIONS There are no questions associated with this bid. If you would like to submit a question, please click on the "Create New Question" button below. Question Deadline: Jan 16, 2012 7:00:00 AM MST Dec 22, 2011 7:35:09 AM MST p. 179