splash - River Canoe Club
splash - River Canoe Club
SPLASH M Maaggaazziinnee ooff tthhee R Riivveerr C Caannooee C Clluubb ooff N N..SS..W W.. IInnccoorrppoorraatteedd www.rivercanoeclub.com/ IN THIS ISSUE: Committee Reports!!!! Oh yeah! Tasmanian Economic Stimulus Proposal Kayaking Tips For Sale Section August 2012 Committee Members New Member Contact Lynn Parker 0406 428 331 lparker@netspace.net.au President David Barlow 0418 447 890 (coach@people.net.au) Vice President John Maddox Treasurer George Cowan 0434 930 702 (geomel@ozemail.com.au) Secretary/Public Officer Lynn Parker 0406 428 331 (lparker@netspace.net.au) Web Master Roland Handel 0416 000 507 (Roland.handel@workbuddy.net) House Officer Markus Bisping 0402 186 611 (mbisping@gmx.net) Safety/Training Convenor Tim Sindle (tsindle@gmail.com) Flatwater Convenor Nell Graham nellaham@ozemail.com.au Open Water Convenor Andrew Mathers andrewm63au@gmail.com Non-Committee Contacts Whitewater Trips Convenor Andrew Love (andrew191171@gmail.com) Editor Jim Rimbaud (gunfightersreturn@live.co.uk) Club Meetings- Normally the first Friday of the month commencing at 8:00 pm promptly, at the Clubhouse: Richardson Crescent, Tempe- opposite Tempe Railway Station. Check calendar as the date and venue can change. New Members are welcome to come along to our club meetings or beginner paddles; contact Lynn Parker. Mailing Address: SPLASH, Newsletter of the RCC of N.S.W., c/o 13 Centennial Avenue, Lane Cove, N.S.W., 2066 Prices for use of RCC Equipment Kayak* Use Evening club paddle: Club event for a single day: Weekend club event: Price includes the following items: • boat • PFD • spray deck • paddle Note: Club policy requires all members to provide their own helmet that fits comfortably and meets relevant standards. Helmets are required for whitewater and surf trips. Money is payable to the trip leader prior to club event (See note on EFT below). To make a booking for equipment phone the trip contact. Marquee Use (when not used by club; members only) $30 per day $50 per weekend Also payable, a $200 refundable deposit upon return To make a booking for the marquee, contact any committee member. Money is payable at the time of pickup (See note on EFT below). All money will go towards repair and replacement costs of equipment. *Available for use by RCC members during club events only Payment via Electronic Funds Transfer: If you wish to pay by EFT, advise the trip contact/committee member. Payments must include surname and reason eg:‘marqueesmith’ or ‘boatsmith’ in the payment comment. RCC account details: Account Name: River Canoe Club of NSW Bank: St George BSB: 112 879 Account No: 017455888 Front cover: Tasmanian Devils on Goat Island doing willow whacking. Next Splash Deadline: 23rd August 2012 This Magazine is copyright to River Canoe Club. No part may be reproduced without permission. Non-profit canoeing clubs may reproduce any article without permission, as long as the source and copyright is acknowledged. Splash is published monthly without any spelling or grammar mistakes [they are randomly introduced inconsistencies]. August 2012 Splash Page 2 $5 $30 $50 A Word From The Jigglesmasher by President Barlow There are two events in July that deserve mention this month. The first is the Club's annual Christmas in July in August weekend. Surprisingly, this year we had it in July! This event is one of the most fun and relaxing weekends of the year. It is a great way to just socialise! We had a good turn up for the weekend with over 20 people eating a roast dinner and chatting with Santa Claus - and yes - there was some paddling too! The river was at a good level. I have attended this weekend for the last 10 years and while we get the odd new member coming along it is generally the usual suspects. So here's my challenge to you. We are at a loss as to understand why we are not attracting more people to these events. They are designed to be low key, fun and a great way to meet your fellow paddlers. If you have a view on this - perhaps you could email Lynn or myself on what we can do to attract our many new members to these great functions. And so to the biggie for this month, it is Olympic showdown time. Our Australian whitewater paddlers will be competing at the end of the month in London; three-time Olympic veteran K1 paddler Warwick Draper leads them. And Warwick’s coach is none other than Robert Parker! So - let's get behind them both and cheer them onto gold! Rob and Warwick on the London WW course (right). Rip in lads! August 2012 Splash Page 3 News and Gossip Easter Shoalhaven Trip Video Greg Turner has produced a fine video of the Easter trip down the Shoalhaven Gorge. Visit it here: https://vimeo.com/45960817 Pre-AGM Paddle Before the AGM there will be a Doll's Point paddle to Kurnell and return run by David Page. This will be a gentle meander rather than a sea shepherd-like pursuit of Japanese whaling vessels. The emphasis will be on a friendly social paddle to investigate the shoreline rather than a strenuous session. Meeting 1200 for a planned1230 launch and a 1600 return, to be off the water in time for a short trip to the club house before the AGM. Bring water and nibbles to be had on the way. Could all those intending to participate please email David on drpage1@bigpond.net.au with your details including phone number to facilitate communications. Video of the Month – Riders of the Year 2011 Extraordinary kayaking on display here. Voted on by kayakers in different categories such as best drop, best line, best trick, best carnage…..if nothing else go to 10.10 to view a shocking incident of someone going through a sieve on a seemingly innocuous drop, and to 6.48 to see Evan Garcia run two massive drops with such perfection that his deck didn’t look to get wet! Swimming Duck Motorcycle Club heads to the Oxley Hwy On Aug 18/19 SDMC will be heading out to scout rivers along the best motorcycling highway in Australia – the Oxley Highway. If you would like to come along visit the Register Now link at www.swimmingduckmotorcycleclub.com and register. If you’d like to hire a motorcycle for the weekend you can do that on the Register Now site. A reminder that all participants at SDMC events must have a helmet and motorcycling license (license unnecessary for pillion riders). FOR SALE - MEDIUM KOKATAT DRY TOP – Double Helix $175. This is a new dry top that I have had sitting in storage for the last 3 years & want to get rid of. • • • • • • TROPOS waterproof, breathable fabric TROPOS Light inner skirt Dual-adjustable outer skirt incorporates “hook & loop” compatible neoprene Latex wrist and neck gaskets with superstretch neoprene, self-draining cuffs and collar Self-draining, zippered chest pocket with key lanyard Factory sealed seams Call or Email Greg Turner if interested: greg@waratahlawncare.com.au 0416 928 902 August 2012 Splash Page 4 RCC/Tasmania Economic Stimulus Package 2013 Proposal The Tasmanian economy has long been in the doldrums, as the graph below indicates. In a recent debate former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett described the Tasmanian economy as, ‘ratshit’, and proposed that the states of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania merge to give greater strength to our southern friends. I find these comments and figures distressing, and have been recently been doing my bit to help. Now, I believe, it is time for RCC to step in! I propose that in 2013 the traditional Victorian Safari be moved to Tasmania, and that the safari take place in July. ‘Why Tasmania?’, I hear you ask, and, ‘Why July?” Why Tasmania? 1. Economic Stimulus: On my recent trip I spent, over a 10 day period, approximately $1000 enough to feed a Tasmanian family for several months. Imagine the effect on the Tasmanian economy if we had 20 RCC members heading down to spend their cash! 2. Whitewater Paddling: Incredible rivers of all grades, all within a couple of hours of major cities (see left). 3. Sea Kayaking: Extraordinary sea kayaking along amazing sea cliffs, rock formations, islands…. 4. Hiking: Once again, close to capital cities there is hiking that is truly magnificent. 5. Flatwater Paddling: I’m sure it is there, but buggered if I’ll be doing it. August 2012 Splash Page 5 Why July? Yes, it is cold, but it is also a pretty reliable time for rivers to be running, and the weather systems at that time of year are conducive to sea kayaking. The stunning sea cliffs at right seem endless and can be viewed via beautiful hikes or sea kayaks. Did you know? Tasmania is a part of Australia, despite not being connected to the mainland! Tasmanians speak the same language as the rest of Australia, so no need to practise ‘Tasmanian’! Tasmania uses the same currency as us, so no money exchange problems when visiting! The picture at left shows 2 RCC members being hosted at a friendly Tasmanian pub by an actual Tasmanian! If you like the sound of this proposal, discuss it with friends, keep it in mind, pencil it into your 2013 diary……email Andrew at andrew191171@gmail.com August 2012 Splash Page 6 Kayaking Tips for the Month 1. Get a Swiss ball at home and practice sitting on it with your feet off the ground and in a strong paddling position, ie. shoulders down and back, torso slightly forward and straight. Feel your core working to stabilize you? When you can do this progress to practicing paddling in this position on the ball. 2. Ever have trouble getting your deck on when it is bone dry? Try letting it dry in the shade – it seems to make it easier to put on next time! Both of the above tips were picked up in…….Tasmania!!! Deck problems? Let it dry out in the shade or paddle in cold enough climates that it freezes overnight….. like the nerd at right! Committee Reports for 2012 Safety and Training By Tim ‘Doinky’ Sindle As another year draws to close we look back with fond memories on the life and times of “Safety and Training “at Rivers Canoe Club. It’s been a year when the recently qualified instructors of last year got to practise their skills on the newer members. I also can’t remember a year when we’ve had so many well supported beginner trips. The Barrington has been a favourite and seeing 20-30 paddlers camping at the steps has been common place. But it hasn’t only been the Barrington where we’ve unleashed the RCC paddlers, in a year where there’s been a good amount of rain the Shoalhaven, Wingee, Kangaroo, and Murrumbidgee have all been run by paddlers increasing their skills. After a number of years in this position I think it’s time to hand over the responsibility of looking after RCC Safety and Training to a new paddler who can inject renewed enthusiasm and direction into the committee. I like to think we’ve developed a ‘safety culture’ within the club where paddling and rescue skills are continually developed, exciting rivers are run in well managed inclusive groups, and safety conscious decisions are made both on and off the water. I can only think of one picture which sums up this ethos... August 2012 Splash Page 7 President’s Report By David ‘Big Beauty’ Barlow Another year passes and the club continues to grow. New paddlers continue to join RCC - this is great but it does present a problem. A club that has been in continuous operation for over 75 years would be considered to be in its dotage - meaning - its "old age" phase. And truth is - we probably are. It remains a constant challenge to reinvent ourselves and remain relevant to new paddlers. As many of us have been there and done that - it is all too easy to forget the fun, inspiration and sheer joy that being new to our sport brings each time we get in a boat. Your current executive has worked hard over the last year to bring you events and opportunities to paddle. Led by Lynn and ably assisted by Tim, Andrew, Marcus and George, the Barrington beginners’ weekend goes from strength to strength. This initiative is an excellent way to learn white-water paddling and is open to new and prospective members. On the oceanfront - sea kayaking has experienced resurgence with keen new members who are experienced in this type of paddling. David Page, Andrew Mathers and Adrian Clayton bring enthusiasm to this area and many of us "jaded" white water paddlers are enjoying salty waves and breaking water in a new environment! Flat-water paddling has developed a keen new member group who have taken the initiative to set up regular paddling events. Look out for the "bare foot" paddlers, as they like to be known! When it rains the rivers get paddled, with multiple descents of the Snowy, Shoalhaven, Wingecarribee, Wollondilly, Murrumbidgee, Murray, Thredbo, Eucumbene, Nymboida, Glenbrook, Grose, Colo, Nepean, Kangaroo, Goodradigbee, Goobraganda, Mitta Mitta, Cobungra and Barrington to name a few. It's fitting to finish another year by saluting our living legend. At 88 years of age - El Patron - Basil Slaughter continues to serve our club in the only way he knows how to - by being smiling, supporting, laughing, hardworking and caring. Long live the King. Webmaster’s Report By Roland ‘Workbuddy’ Handel 2011-2012 has been a year where all things Web have been tracking well. The RiverCanoeClub.com website has averaged 200 new and unique users visiting the website every month. 90% of all visitors are from Australia, 6% USA, 1%UK, 4% the rest of the world. Updates/improvements to our online presence include: 1. Further 'first-time' and instructional links, videos and help guides added to the website 2. Members FAQ added to the site, allowing common questions/answers to be posted online 3. A new FACEBOOK page added. This allows all users to post comments, videos and events online (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RCC1935/) August 2012 Splash Page 8 Whitewater Convenor’s Report By Andrew Love Both of the safaris, Easter and winter, went well last year. The Snowy releases provided an opportunity for many and should do again later this year. Yahoo was the usual place for the running of trips to be advertised. I will not be standing again as whitewater convenor and would encourage someone fresh, with new ideas and enthusiasm, to have a go at the role. Editor’s Report By Andrew Love It was a controversial year for Splash. Jim Rimbaud, a fictional character, was elected to the Editor’s position, and this was perhaps a mistake. Jim proceeded to produce editions filled with items that had nothing to do with kayaking, and an all-time low was reached when he proposed that RCC merge with the Swimming Duck Motorcycle Club – a fictional motorcycling club. This proposal caused uproar; the eventual exit of the Sperm Germ from the club and the removal of Rimbaud from his position. Pauline helped out on an edition before I was left to clean up the mess Rimbaud had created. Most will have noticed that the standard of Splash has lifted enormously since he left. This edition, for example, is quite brilliant. I hope that despite the controversies of the year and despite the inadequacies of Splash under the Rimbaud reign, people still believe in the integrity of Splash. A free press is vital for our democracy and we must fight to keep it alive. With Fairfax falling prey to the mining billionaires Splash is perhaps the last bastion of editorial independence and fearless investigative journalism. Secretary’s Report By Lynn Parker Another fantastic club year has passed with good water and lots of paddling. Even though there were less face-to-face meetings, clearer pathways for new members to the Club were developed to ensure paddler skills better matched the grade of the trips. And that the Club would continue to support the registration of qualified guides and instructors, the Club leaders, for maintaining safety standards for all members. All policies and guidelines are published on the website. Some of these are in the form of Q & A. The yahoo group is working pretty well, predominantly for trip announcements, as was the aim. However, we do hope the new Facebook page provides a better vehicle for social, story telling and sharing of views and photos. The traditional first Friday night Club meeting has been poorly attended on the whole, even with the addition of a new large flat-screen monitor for showing films and pics of the trips. The greater traffic problems and time for travelling across Sydney on a Friday night is seen to be deterring attendance. The Club is now trialling other days and events for Club meetings. The AGM will be held on a Saturday for the first time in recent history. Low numbers are definitely not reflected in Club trips, with sometimes 30 people attending an event. It was really terrific to see that RCC had the greatest representation of any club at the recent PNSW Educators Conference, with our President sharing his professional coaching knowledge, 7 Instructors adding to their skills and Basil Patron heading the Catering – they all made our Club proud, it was a great effort. I continue as a PaddleNSW Board member and focus on the training of coaches and instructors. During the year another 7 RCC members gained their Whitewater Instructor Awards. Membership is stable, with over 100 members, 4 life members, 2 honouree and many social members. August 2012 Splash Page 9 And it’s really great to report, that the past members continue to meet on a regular basis – testament to the bonds that paddlers make after sharing truly great experiences. Whilst most members paddle for strictly recreational purposes, there are others who represent our sport at the top end. Helen continues to head NSW Olympic Committee and representation on the International front, especially this year, the London Olympics and Rob is the Coach for the K1 slalom representative. One of our juniors is off to the States representing Australia in freestyle. Nineteen members state that flatwater is their preferred interest, 3 sea kayaking, 3 touring and expedition kayaking, with the rest declaring whitewater is their major interest. The rain and high tides brought some floods back to the Clubhouse – but nothing that a good working B couldn’t fix. Unfortunately we could not fix the state of the river, with many local paddles and the Marrickville Sport a month cancelled because of poor water quality. The Wolli Creek Preservation Society tours continue to introduce locals to a paddling experience. And we can’t forget how we have special groups within the Club, some “barefoot” chasing moonlight paddles, others perfecting their roll in the pool or midweek paddles or surfing at Long Reef. Penrith Whitewater Stadium is still the preferred whitewater training ground and Xmas party venue. Santa and Swiss ball races and dodging rafts with Markus this year coming off second best. There have been a number of shoulder injuries and repairs, hopefully the last for a long time. The Willow Warriors, especially Jeff, have cleared many rivers of its weeds. The upper Wingecarribee is now debris free leaving clear fun rapids. They have attacked the Deau, the Tuross, the Snowy and now Goat Island is providing one of the best weed control jobs in the world. Members are continuously using equipment while they decide just what boat they would like to buy, whilst other members store the boats at the Clubhouse. Another 2 whitewater boats have been purchased with 2 more on order and a trailer being organized. We are finding with this increased call for beginner whitewater training, the equipment needs to be in good order and ready for easy transport. Willing people to assist behind the scenes is paramount to any functioning Club. All members should ask what the Club has done for them, and what they may be able to do in return. Committee members need to turn over to get new ideas and new vitality. Please consider any position yours, and if not on the Committee this coming year, perhaps stepping up to lead trips, organise social events, or provide some good ideas. I have found that the return, great paddling, great scenery, comradeship far out ways the effort – mostly stirring the committee – but that’s what Secretaries are for. Treasurer’s Report By George ‘The Manager’ Cowan This year the club spent a lot on kayaks and gear (almost $8000) and a huge TV set ($1550) for the clubhouse. It avoided social unrest by engaging in retail economic stimulus rather than using fiscal austerity measures. The cheque account is still above $7000 and the term deposits are now worth $16827 so our monetary conservatives need not be concerned. INCOME memberships caps boat storage boat hire hire of clubhouse 2010/2011 6774.98 180 475 720 940 August 2012 Splash Page 10 2011/2012 5767.82 0 450 2606.7 1210 Flatwater Tours donations temp memberships beginners w/e bank interest wine chocolates raffle (sweepstake) DVD sales tankards 75th magazine sale of dancers Xmas in July 1393.46 2500 80 655 0.32 199.4 178.2 1230.5 1235 862 55 0 0 17478.86 804.88 100 420 0 0 0 0 180 195 0 195 150 32.56 12111.96 82 48 315 49.3 453.65 365.65 564.38 75 1757 0 0 66.55 0 238.49 97 1774.1 1168.18 139.18 1429.19 24 0 8646.67 164.5 49 0 60 843.5 743.5 466.4 175 6215.64 1549.56 75.5 81 237.6 343.86 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 11485.06 surplus 8832.19 626.9 cheque account 30/06 unbanked chqs petty cash term deposits TOTAL 7180.73 -536 35 15865.66 22545.39 7266.63 0 40 16827.55 24134.18 EXPENSES club meetings Dep of Fair Trading Paddle NSW bank fees electricity sydney water Marrickville Council Donations purchase kayaks & gear TV locksmith postage & stationery spraydecks insurance Xmas in August DVD manufacture buy tankards 75th dinner 75th magazine cap refunds whitewater awards August 2012 Splash Page 11 Open Water Convenor’s Report By Andrew Mathers This year the club saw a growing number of members interested in Open Water paddling. David Page and John Jacko assisted interested paddlers develop open water skills by putting on a number of beginners days and training opportunities. (Launching in the basin at Pittwater – Introduction to Sea Kayaking) Thanks also go to Michael Taylor and Jeff Cottrell who gave members an opportunity to join them on paddles in Botany Bay and to Goat Island in Sydney Harbour. (Kayaking in Sydney Harbour National Park – Be Natural Conservation Kayaking –Goat Island) The highlight on the Open Water calendar was a trip put on by Dave Page to Broughton Island that a few adventurous RCC members attended. August 2012 Splash Page 12 Flatwater Convenor’s Report By Nell Graham Paddlin’ on the Cooks River was fraught with danger this year with rain a plenty and ecoli levels for ever rising. None the less there were a few locals who thru caution to the wind and managed to squeeze in 7 paddles between showers. One recent paddle was in partnership with the Wolli Creek Preservation Society where we took 9 novice paddlers up Wolli Creek and landed at Turrella Reserve. The group then walked up Nanny Goat Hill through the bushland for a 360 degree view of the area and returning to the club house for a nice hot bowl of soup. Another highlight of the year – spurred on by Basil, was a moonlight paddle in May when the moon was full and at its closest to the earth. We enjoyed this so much we did it again on the full moon in July. It was a 2 metre hightide so we were able to paddle into the mangroves, where our lights made eerie shadows and ghost stories were told. It was a little chilly on the way back but we were warmed at the club house with lovely mulled wine supplied by Pauline. Thanks to all the Cooks River Paddlers. We held 7 paddles with 36 participants, 20 of which were single event paddlers. Mid-week Cooks paddles will recommence in October when daylight savings resumes – see you then! RIVER CANOE CLUB- CALENDAR July 2012 NOTE: Because of the unpredictability of river levels most whitewater trips are organised using the Yahoo group. Impromptu flat and moving water trips are also arranged via the Yahoo group. If you are not on this group contact Lynn Parker via email (lparker[at]netspace.net.au) and she will include you. Sat Jul 28, 2012 – Sun Jul 29, 2012 All day Coolongolook Overnight Flatwater Trip Description: The trip I have planned is from Coolongolook and involves paddling in the Coolongolook, Wallingat and possibly Wang Wauk rivers which enter into Wallis Lakes. They are tree-lined rivers and the Wallingat river now enters into National Park at Sugar Creek.There are not usually many boats in this area and it is possible to see black swans and sea eagles.The camping would be bush camping at Crown Land reserves on the river side with pit toilets so it is a trip suited to a smallish group (4-10 ?) preferably in flatwater kayaks or sea kayaks. It is approximately a 3 hour drive from Sydney to Coolongolook and the put is not far from the highway. If at all (even possibly) interested please let me know by 7th July. Deb 9858 1039 Sat Aug 4, 2012 Annual General Meeting - Tempe Where: Richardson Crescent opposite the Tempe Railway Description: See item in News and Gossip for pre-AGM paddle details. Return to the Clubhouse for a Club Barbie and then actively participate at the Club Annual General Meeting which should commence around 7.00. Bring your refreshments, and favourite paddling photos and videos to entertain while dinner cooks. Sat Aug 4, 2012 All day Be Natural Conservation Kayaking - Goat Island Where: Goat Island Sydney Harbour Description: August 2012 Splash Page 13 2km paddle from Birchgrove Park, Birchgrove to Goat Island then spend 4 hours on the island removing Lantana and African Olive from the island. Then paddle back to Birchgrove Park finishing about 3:30pm. See google Map http://g.co/maps/pk4y4 Contact: Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E:jeffcottrell@optusnet.com.au For more info: http://www.willowwarriors.org.au/images/stories/adventure/Goat.pdf Sun Aug 5, 2012 Be Natural Conservation Kayaking - Grose River Where: Navua Reserve Grose Wold NSW Description: Remove environmental weeds in Navua reserve with the community group and then go for a paddle on the Grose or Hawkesbury River. Contact:Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E: jeffcottrell@optusnet.com.au Sat Aug 11, 2012 - Sun Aug 12, 2012 All day Overnight camp at Colo Merroo Colo river Wollemi NP Where: Colo Merroo - Upper colo NSW Description: The overnight activity will start with a 2km walk into Colo Merroo from the end of Upper Colo road to camp at the Colo Merroo camp site. The volunteers will walk through the area where contractors have been treating Lantana with splatter guns and hand pull any new seedlings, hand pull or poison any tobacco bush and re-treat any Lantana that survived the original treatment. The Colo Merroo camp site has a shelter shed and toilets. If volunteers would like to go for a paddle over the weekend we will take the groups kayaks and organise a paddle on the Colo. There may also be the opportunity for a group of up to five volunteers to walk into Bob Turners track and pack raft down to Colo Merroo, stopping along the way to check a Lantana site upstream of the Camp site. Contact: Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E: jeffcottrell@optusnet.com.au Sat Aug 18, 2012 – Sun Aug 19, 2012 Swimming Duck Motorcycle Club – The Oxley Highway Contact The Controller Sat Sep 1, 2012 - Sun Sep 2, 2012 Be Natural Conservation Kayaking - Goat Island Where: Goat Island Sydney Harbour NSW Description: 2km paddle from Birchgrove Park, Birchgrove to Goat Island then spend 4-5 hours removing Asparagus fern and doing follow-up on previous Lantana and African Olive control on the island. Staying on the Island overnight, sleeping on the floors in one of the buildings. On the Sunday spend another 4 to 5 hours removing Asparagus and then paddleback to Birchgrove park finishing about 3:30pm. Contact: Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E: jeffcottrell@optusnet.com. au Thu Sep 6, 2012 - Sun Sep 9, 2012 Hawkesbury Source to Sea Journey - Windsor to Barrenjoey Beach Where: Hawkesbury River Windsor to Barenjoey Beach Sat Sep 15, 2012 Be Natural Conservation Kayaking - Nepean River Where: Nepean River Penrith to Devlin Road August 2012 Splash Page 14 Description: 9km kayak paddle from Russel Street Emu Plains to Devlin Road Castlereagh stopping to poison black willows growing along the river. The group meets at Devlin Road at 9am and finishes up back at Devlin road at 3:30pm Contact: Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E: jeffcottrell@optusnet.com.au Sun Sep 16, 2012 Be Natural Conservation Kayaking - Nepean River Where: Nepean River Penrith to Russel Street Description: 9km kayak paddle from Penrith Weir to Russel Street Emu Plains stopping to poison black willows growing along the river. The group meets at Devlin Road at 9am and finishes up back at Devlin road at 3:30pm. Contact: Jeff Cottrell P: 0418210347 E: jeffcottrell@optusnet.com.au Sat Sep 29, 2012 – Mon 1 Oct , 2012 Be Natural Conservation Rafting - Murrumbidgee Catchment Where: Canberra ACT Description: Rafting trip on either the Murrumbidgee, Deua, Goodradigbee, or Goobarragandra River to do follow up maintenance of the black willow control program. The Murrumbidgee river is the most likely as it is the highest priority for follow up. If the Goodradigbee river is monitored the trip will be an overnight trip otherwise the trip will be a fixed camp with day trips All day Be Natural Conservation Rafting - Murrumbidgee Catchment August 2012 Splash Page 15