The Achiever_Oct - North Central Province


The Achiever_Oct - North Central Province
The Achiever
Newsletter of the North Central Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Brothers, Welcome back The Achiever!
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide interesting,
useful information to Brothers within the North Central
Province regarding our Undergraduate/Alumni Chapter’s
achievements and that of its members.
Volume 1, Issue 1
October 2010
This newsletter will be published four times a year
(October, December, February and April), during the
same time-frame as the Journal. Our NCP Webmaster,
Brother Stephen Jeffers, will post the issues on the NCP
website for all to be able to enjoy.
This is a joint venture by the NCP Reporter, Raymond
Marbury (Belleville/O’Fallon (IL) Alumni) and NCP
Historian, Kevin Scott (Chicago (IL) Alumni). If there are
any requests for information you’d like to see displayed in
future editions of our newsletter, please contact us. See
our contact information listed at the bottom of the page.
The North Central Province
- The Cradle of the Fraternity Inside this Issue:
Alumni Chapter News:
Kappa League-Chicago/EGIF Hosts Spring Formal
The Edward G. Irvin Foundation (EGIF) and the Chicago
(IL) Alumni Chapter sponsored the 2nd Annual
“Achievement at its Best” Formal Gala on Saturday, May
22, 2010 at Macy’s historic landmark Narcissus Room
located at 111 N. State St., Chicago, Illinois.
Chapter Invisible:
Lewis Hamer
Estaban De Veranez
KL-Chicago/EGIF Spring Formal continued on page 2
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Presents Diamond Youth Foundation Scholarships
The Diamond Youth Foundation presented (6) $1,000 scholarships to Kayla Thomas,
Brandon Stevens, Darius Ardison, Mia Davis, Jonathon Oderninde, and Devin Crockett
(pictured below) on June 8, 2010. These outstanding scholarship winners will all be
attending four year Universities ranging from U of I-Urbana, Illinois State, Ohio State,
UIC-Chicago and Stanford University.
Scholarship committee members were Phil Ferguson, Bruce Bennett, Clyde Morgan,
James Jackson, Eugene Whitaker, and Chairman Demetres Jones.
Questions or comments?
Contact us: Brother Raymond Marbury -; Brother Kevin Scott -
Alumni Chapter News
KL-Chicago/EGIF Spring Formal continued from page 1
Scholarships were awarded to Kappa League seniors and funds were raised for this flagship program of the Chicago Alumni Chapter.
The class of 2010 Kappa League scholarship recipients were highlighted at this year’s
event. Each of the Kappa Leaguers were presented with a check of $1,000 from one of the
event’s corporate sponsors: Diamond Sponsor— Allstate; Platinum Sponsors— McDonald’s African-American Council (MA2C), Burrell; Gold Sponsors— American Field Services,
Papeles Dulces, Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation; and Silver Sponsor— Nielsen. The Illinois Institute of Technology provided a gift of a new Apple iPad to one of the
senior Kappa Leaguers who displayed the greatest change over four years in the program.
This year’s graduates of the Kappa Leadership Institute-Chicago have matriculated to
some of our country’s most well-known and academically rigorous colleges and universities including: Oberlin College, Carleton College, Grinnell College, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Connecticut, Xavier University-New Orleans and Morehouse College.
In addition to highlighting the achievements
of the Kappa League-Chicago students, the
evening was fun-filled with great food, live
entertainment and dancing.
Kappa League-Chicago Students Study Abroad
All juniors in Kappa Leadership Institute-Chicago have been afforded the opportunity to
spend six weeks overseas this summer in one of over 45 different countries of their choice in
the “Kappa League Summer Study Abroad Program”, made possible by American Field Services (AFS).
This is the 2nd consecutive year that this wonderful and unique opportunity has been extended for all of our juniors, offered at basically “no cost”. It is funded by the American
Field Service and the Crystal Fund Foundation. The academic excellence exhibited in these
young men has paid dividends as they were only be required to pay for their airfare to where
the flight departs/returns in the United States. Other students who pay outright for this
exchange program, will pay in the range of $10,000.
This summer, 18 Kappa League-Chicago juniors have taken advantage of this exceptional
opportunity and have traveled to various countries such as France, Costa Rica, Northern &
Southern Italy, Romania, Panama, Thailand, Japan, Spain, New Zealand, China and Oxford,
Edward G. Irvin Foundation Awards Scholarships to Chicago Students
On July 21, 22 and August 10, 2010, the Edward G. Irvin Foundation (EGIF) conducted interviews and evaluated 19 Chicago area graduating high school student applicants for the
annual scholarships offered by EGIF. There is a total of $35,000 in awards that were received by 11 students ($30K from EGIF and $5K from the Summerower Foundation).
Five of those students received the Summerower Scholarship Award of $1,000 each – one of
those graduating high school seniors was a member of Kappa League-Chicago:
– Christian Campbell: A graduating senior of Kenwood Academy High School. His grade
point average is 3.3/4.0 scale. Christian has maintained this impressive GPA this year
while participating in Kappa League-Chicago, Co-Captain of the school swim team and water polo team. Christian has been accepted to attend Xavier Univerity, New Orleans and
plans on majoring in Pre-Medicine with a minor in Physical Sciences.
Six of the remaining students received the EGIF Scholarship award of $5,000 each, one of
those graduating high school seniors was also a member of Kappa League-Chicago:
- Devon Crockett: A graduating senior of Hirsch Metro High School. His grade point average is 3.78/4.0 scale and a class rank of 12 of 126 students. While participating in Kappa
League, he was rewarded with the opportunity to study abroad in Malaga, Spain. Devon has
been accepted to attend the University of Missouri and plans on majoring in Business Administration and minor in Spanish.
All of the scholarship recipients were formally recognized on Sunday, August 15, 2010 at the
Edward G. Irvin Scholarship Luncheon, held at The Oak Lawn Hilton Hotel, 9333 S. Cicero
Ave. The scholarship program was organized in 1975 and the EGIF provides scholarships
for approximately 4-5 Chicago Public School African-American young men annually. The
funds to provide these scholarships are made possible by the EGIF fundraiser at the Holiday
Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana.
Brother Emmit E. Horne (Beta ’88) has diligently chaired this committee for the past 13
years and is now stepping down as chair. We thank Brother Horne for all of his dedicated
years of service and wish the new co-chairs, Julius Polk and James Alexander well!
The six 2010 EGIF Scholarship Award recipients
Three of the five 2010
Summerower Scholarship
Award recipients
Some of the members of the
EGIF and Scholarship Awards
Committee: (left to right)
Emmit E. Horne, Scholarship
Awards Chairman; Torrence
Moore, EGIF Secretary; Frank
Horton, Scholarship Fundraising Chair; Ned Dunbar, EGIF
President, J.W. Smith, Scholarship Selection Committee Member; Major Armstead, EGIF
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter Guide Right Students Get Internship Job with Fermi Lab
The Maywood-Wheaton (IL)
Alumni Chapter Guide Right
program had two outstanding
students from South Elgin
High School and for the second time had internships with
Fermi Lab this summer. Both
Guide Right seniors will be
attending four year Universities; Brandon Stevens will be
headed to Illinois State and
Jonathan Oderninde will be
attending The University Of
Ohio State this fall. Members
of the chapter in the photo are,
Polemarch Kevin O. Engram,
Chairmen of Guide Right
Robert L. Engram, Harry
Duncan, Darnell Gibson, Phil Ferguson, Lenier Johnson, James Jackson, and
Demetres Jones.
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter Holds Guide Right Basketball Tournament
Members of the Maywood-Wheaton Alumni Chapter held its annual closed basketball tournament May 15, 2010 against students from South Elgin High School, East
Aurora High School, and Bartlett High School. The tournament was held at South
Elgin High School as a way of interacting with the students participating in mentoring sessions through the chapter’s Guide Right program.
Chapter member Darren Adams catered the food for the event and chapter members
provided one-on-one sessions with the students by offing advice on careers and ways
to achieve academic success beyond high school. Chapter members who worked with
the program were Chairman: Bob Engram, Co-chairmen: Demetres Jones, Art Thurman, Stacey Pegues, Ray Wiggins, Bruce Bennett, Tony Bathelemy, Harry Duncan,
James Jackson, Jeff Williams, Dwayne Browder, Eugene Whitaker, Clyde Morgan,
Craig Hodges, Fred Stokes, Lenier Johnson, Cary Banks, Darnell Gibson, Will Goodrum, Ken Harris, Phil Ferguson, Richard Wilson, and Cedric Bell.
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter Delivers Food Baskets
Members of the MaywoodWheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter served the community by
delivering food baskets to
the homeless July 31. The
baskets were distributed at
the Harmony Community
Church in Lawndale, IL.
Chapter member James
Brooks is pastor.
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter Sponsors Guide Right College Tour
The Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter sponsored a Guide Right college tour
April 20, 2010 to Illinois Wesleyan University, and Illinois State University. Students
participating in the tour were from Bartlett High School, Bolingbrook High School,
East Aurora High School, and South Elgin High School. Students were able to have
lunch in Illinois States cafeteria and received great information from both Universities about the admissions process and learned about financial aid and scholarship
Chapter members who assisted include: Chairman Robert Engram, James Jackson,
Darnell Gibson, Harry Duncan, Lenier Johnson, Jeff Williams, and Co-chairman Demetres Jones.
Brother James F. Clayborne, Jr. Named “Legislator of the Year”
Springfield, IL—
Senate Majority Leader James F. Clayborne, Jr. (D- Belleville) was recognized
this week by the Illinois Association of
County Board Members and Commissioners as their “Legislator of the Year.”
Clayborne was announced the winner at
the IACBMC’s annual spring Board of
Directors meeting at the Crowne Plaza in
Springfield. The Illinois Association of
County Board Members & Commissioners is a taxpayer-funded lobbying associate in Illinois. The association recognizes state legislators it sees as showing consistent support to counties' perspective
in legislation with a Legislator of the Year award. Brother Clayborne is a 1983 initiate of the Alpha Theta Chapter and is a current member of the Belleville-O’Fallon
(IL) Alumni Chapter.
Brother Wendell E. Kimbrough Celebrates (5) Years as CEO of ARCHS
Brother Wendell E. Kimbrough
(Gamma Kappa ‘77) has been working
as the CEO of Area Resources for Community and Human Services (ARCHS)
for the past five years.
ARCHS is a strategic funding management organization—responsible for
more than $30 million in federal, state
of Missouri and private funds. As an
award winning private 501(c) (3) notfor-profit organization, ARCHS serves
as the official “Community Partnership”
for the Greater St. Louis Region on behalf of the State of Missouri. Brother
Kimbrough is a current member of the Belleville-O’Fallon (IL) Alumni Chapter.
Brother Clifford Claiborne Serves as Keynote Speaker
The Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi will celebrate
its 75th anniversary the Homecoming weekend of October 1517, 2010 at Kentucky State University. Their theme for this
celebration is "Kontinuing the Legacy of Achievement". The
keynote speaker for the evening will be Dr. Clifford Claiborne,
a 1958 initiate of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter and a member of
the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter.
Michael Hughes Awarded by NPHC
Congratulations to Past North Central Province Polemarch Michael Hughes, Sr. for being named the National Pan-Hellenic Council’s Outstanding Graduate Council President during their 80th Anniversary National Convention that was held at the Washington Court Hotel, Washington D.C., May 13 – 15, 2010.
Members of the NPHC Chicago submitted Brother Hughes to be considered amongst
the other Presidents throughout the country. His submission by members of the NPHC
was because of the outstanding job he has done as president of the Chicago council. NPHC Chicago is the largest council in the United States with 39 member chapters
of the Divine Nine. The plaque (pictured below) is being presented by Ms. Beverly
Burks, Executive Director (AKA) .
Brother Hughes currently serves as Polemarch of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter.
Please come and celebrate the 80th year of NPHC at the Sankofa Awards Banquet
with NPHC Chicago, December 11, 2010 at the Holiday Inn, Matteson, IL. Keynote
speaker, is our own Grand Polemarch Dwayne Murray, Esq. who is the Chairman of
the Council of Presidents. Tickets are $55.00. This body is comprised of all the National Presidents of the Divine Nine. Chicago Alumni is the reigning Large Chapter
of the Year and our Kappa League won an award for its program in 2008.
Governor Quinn Appoints Marvin Lampkin to the East St. Louis Financial Advisory Authority
Online news website reports that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has
announced four appointments to the East St. Louis Financial Advisory Authority.
Among the appointments, Marvin Lampkin (Gamma ‘93, Belleville-O’Fallon (IL)
Alumni) of Swansea will be the new chairman of the authority's board of directors. He
is senior regional sales manager for Astellas Pharma US and has spent 15 years in the
health services and pharmaceuticals fields.
The authority was established under state law to provide financial oversight and assistance to East St. Louis. It evaluates the city's annual operating budget and reviews and
approves payments, contracts and payroll but does not oversee day-to-day operations.
Chicago Alumni to be Awarded for Community Efforts
Chicago Alumni has been selected to receive the Community Service Award by the
Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund on October 17, 2010 at 4pm, University Church, 5655
S. University.
Mary Herrick (1895-1984), a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Northwestern University and
a teacher by trade at Phillips and DuSable High Schools, took up the cause of Chicago’s
downtrodden. She led the way in the founding of many professional, educational and
labor organizations.
She is credited with teaching several Chicago greats including, the Honorable Harold
Washington, Mayor of Chicago; Dr. Timuel Black, Historian; John Johnson, Publisher
of Ebony and Jet Magazines; Fred Rice, Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department; and Jacqueline Vaughn, President of the Chicago Teacher’s Union, who honored
her with a tribute held at the University Church. She agreed to such an honor stating,
“Only if some good might come from it.” Hence, this Scholarship Fund.
In 1985, The Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund began awarding college scholarships to
students of “Chicago’s Most Historic High School,” DuSable High School.
This year, 2010, the Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund proudly celebrates its 25th Anniversary of continuous monetary scholarship awards to those who graduated from the
old DuSable High School as well as to current graduates of the small schools on the DuSable Campus.
The Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund has awarded over $250,000 to students to help
with college expenses. Many of these students were the first in their families to graduate from high school and the first in their families to attend college. These students
have attended colleges throughout the United States and overseas.
At its Annual Awards Program, the Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund’s Board of Directors presents the Lifetime Achievement Award to an outstanding DuSable Graduate,
the Humanitarian Award to a highly deserving citizen, and the Community Service
Award to an individual or organization that has gone the “extra mile” in providing care
and service to the community.
Chicago Metro Alumni Chapters Host Reclamation Breakfast
On Saturday, September 25, 2010, the Chicago (IL), Chicago Heights (IL), Evergreen Park
and Richton Park (IL) Alumni Chapters were the participating chapters of the Chicago
Metro Chapter Reclamation Breakfast who acted as hosts. The event was held at the
Charles A. Hayes Family Investment Center, 4859 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL from 9am-12
The event was well attended with 210 Brothers in
attendance. Of that number, 136 Brothers were
financial and 74 were not currently affiliated with
an Alumni Chapter.
The Reclamation Breakfast was coordinated by
Brother Eric Lindsay (EO ‘77), Chicago (IL)
Alumni Chapter Reclamation Chair. He was assisted by Brothers Yaw Ofusu (Theta ‘83), Vincent Shaw (Durham Alumni ‘02) Steven Hatchett
(Anniston/Piedmont Alumni ’07) and Raynard
Hall (Beta ‘69).
Each chapter presented the unique qualities of their chapters to the capacity crowd which
was followed by the guest speaker, Grand Board Member, Rueben Shelton. After Brother
Shelton delivered an inspiring message to the Brothers to Kome Back to Kappa, breakfast
was served. The breakfast was prepared by NCP Keeper of Records Darren Adams. Additional messages were given by NCP Historian, Kevin Scott (Chicago Alumni ’98) regarding
the new NCP
B ro th e r
who offered the
use of his school
to Brothers for
Wreath Laying Ceremony for Founders Planned
As part of the Centennial Celebration, a Founder’s National Wreath Laying Ceremony
is scheduled to take place on January 5, 2011 at the gravesites of each of our Founders.
You are encouraged to participate in this event as a showing of gratitude for the several
things our Founders did for each of us. If you have personal contact with any family
members of a Founder, please share that information with International Headquarters
as we expect to invite members of each family to participate in the ceremony.
In the North Central Province, five Founders are buried at the following locations:
Elder W. Diggs, Guy L. Grant, Ezra D. Alexander-Crown Hill Cemetery, 700
West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN; George W. Edmonds-Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, IN; Edward G. Irvin-Burr Oak Cemetery, 4400 W. 127th St., Alsip, IL. There is
an extensive search currently being conducted to locate Founder Paul W. Caine.
National Founders’ Day - 2011
Another event of the Centennial Celebration will take place on January 8, 2011. We
are planning our 6th National Founders’ Day Celebration in Philadelphia, PA. The
Northeastern Province and Philadelphia area chapters will play host to over 1,911
Kappa men as we celebrate the 100th Birthday of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Every Brother in the fraternity is invited to attend. At a minimum, each chapter
should send a representative.
This is a historic moment in Kappa. Be part of its history. Grand Polemarchs Ronald
R. Young, Howard L. Tutman, Jr., and Samuel C. Hamilton will be honored for their
contributions to Kappa during its first 100 years. During this event, we will present
the “trailer”, (advertising/marketing piece) for the 100 Anniversary Movie which outlines the founding of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on the campus of Indiana University.
Evanston (IL) Alumnni Celebrates 50 Years!
Siam Pasta restaurant in Evanston, Illinois was filled with brothers from as far as Bolingbrook to Waukegan on Saturday, September 18, 2010 when members of Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity, Inc. and their guests joined Evanston Alumni Chapter to celebrate 50 years of
achievement in the Evanston community.
The social/fundraising event featured Thai food, free drawings, and dancing to a popular live band, Surge. A portion of the proceeds from the event will fund the Dr. Jacob A.
Frye Scholarship Award which Evanston Alumni has awarded annually to AfricanAmerican males for the past 25 years. The event was a huge success and will be the first of
many more to come.
Members of Evanston Alumni Chapter (below, left to right): Brothers Frank Muhammad,
Darrell Dixson, Patrick Nwankpa, Ken Powers, Dale Greenwell, Vice-Polemarch, and
Stephen D. Bournes, Polemarch
Chapter Invisible
◊ Lewis Hamer
A 1973 Gamma Delta Chapter initiate, and member of the Chicago
Alumni Chapter, entered the Chapter Invisible on June 30, 2010. He
earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Livingstone College in
Salisbury, North Carolina in 1976. Hamer commenced his career at
Jewel Food Store as an assistant manager. He was an accountant executive at AT&T. Additionally, he was a project manager at Allstate.
Sustaining member Hamer was survived by his wife, Nelida; children,
Lewis Jr., Charles, Sandra and Alexia; mother, Mary Watts; step father, Bartholomew
Watts Jr. and a host of other relatives.
◊ Esteban S. De Veranez
A 1947 Alpha Rho Chapter initiate and a member of the Chicago
Alumni Chapter, entered the Chapter Invisible on August 17, 2010.
Esteban and his wife, Addiebelle were a philanthropic couple, generous
with their time, energy and resources, supporting many organizations,
universities and causes. Together they were blessed with a loving marriage and family: two children, Steven De Veranez and. Dr. Denise
Cheryl De Veranez, MD and two grandsons, Jason and Cedric.
De Veranez served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a model serviceman
who exemplified courage, endurance and perseverance as one of the first African American enlisted men in the newly desegregated Navy. De Veranez endured the hardships of
being the only Black sailor assigned to his ship in that era.
In Chicago, De Veranez continued his education at Roosevelt University, graduating with
honors in 1947. He entered George Williams University, graduating with an M.S. in 1950,
he was a lifelong contributor to both institutions. Upon completing his university studies,
De Veranez gave his supervisory talents and skills to the City of Chicago Parks and Recreation Department for 15 years. He then accepted a Federal position in the Department
of Health Education and Welfare which he held until retiring as Director in 1985.
Esteban was a music aficionado and collector, avid golfer and astute businessman. His
home is filled with trophies, memorabilia and photographs, all indicators of a joyful and
fulfilling life. He is survived by his wife, son, daughter, grandsons, niece, relatives,
neighbors and friends.
Edward G. Irvin Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Concert
Brothers, please contribute to this worthy cause. Over the past 29 years, the EGIF has
provided college scholarships to young men made possible through our annual fundraiser at the Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana. Tickets for the event will be available
at the October and November Chicago Alumni Chapter meetings, or contact Brothers
Lewis, Horton, Johnson or Smith (see flyer above for phone numbers). Overnight
accommodations are available.
Nubian Nation Greek Apparel, Inc.
7525 S. Vincennes Ave.
Chicago, IL 60620
Ph#: (773) 488-3733
Fax#: (773) 488-3950
Wilson Harris
Epsilon Omicron ‘79
Greek Town A & P, LLC.
Custom Silk Screen & Embroidery
1459 E. 53rd St.
Chicago, IL 606
Ph#: (773) 454-8089
Immanuel C. Basley
Epsilon Epsilon ‘99
D.C. Mad Hatter
Navy Pier
600 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 8
Chicago, IL 60611
Ph#: (312) 595-5594
Derryl Caldwell
Gamma Upsilon ‘88
North Central Province Historical Archives Program Initiative Introduced
Brothers All,
I want to take this opportunity to inform each of you of an important initiative I have begun in the North Central Province. As the
North Central Province Historian (and Historian of the Chicago
(IL) Alumni Chapter), I am constantly reviewing information to
ensure our history is maintained. While I am engaged in this action, I am regularly disturbed by my findings that some of our history is either inaccurate or lost to time.
Additionally, all too often our Fraternal items find their way to estate auctions and ebay. There have been numerous instances in
which Brothers have their items stuffed in a closet, basement or attic for many years and
when the day comes that they enter the Chapter Invisible, some family members with no
connection to the Fraternity or Greek life are not aware of the Brother's wishes or don't
know what to do with the items. Subsequently, the items are either thrown away as trash
or sold in estate auctions. These items range from official Fraternity publications such as
the Scroller's Manual or the Ritual; official Fraternal issued insignias including Polemarch
(or other officer's) badge(s), pledge pins, and/or Life Membership pins, etc.; photographs;
clothing or other momentos from fraternal events.
In order to combat this problem, I have initiated the Historical Archives Program within
the North Central Province. The purpose of this program is to begin to compile our items
of historical significance to preserve them for all posterity. Typically, the responsibility to
retain items such as this falls on the Historian of the chapter and/or Province. I have
found that this is a task that can not be accomplished by the Historian alone. In order to
collect these items in a more efficient and complete manner, I am asking each Brother to
do their part to assist.
I have compiled a formset for Brothers to complete. This formset will allow Brothers to list
their various items by which they can designate if they would decide if they would like to
donate them to their pledge/current home chapter, the Province or Grand Chapter. Additionally, I have also provided a formset that provides the opportunity for Brothers
to catalog their items and designate them to be Willed or bequeathed to a family member
(Legacy) so the other family members know their wishes. This form is NOT a legal form,
but should be provided to your attorney for advise on how it could be included with an existing Will.
I encourage each of you (especially those within the NCP) to visit the website for the North
Central Province ( and click on the weblinks on the home page under
the September 25th entry "NCP Historical Archives Program". The formset is fillable,
please click on the left end of the gray box to type. Since this program is in the infancy
stage, the form is not able to yet be directly forwarded to me upon completion. So Brothers, please send your completed form to me once you complete it:
I hope each of you can see the importance of this initiative and will likewise participate. Any of you that are outside of the North Central Province, I encourage you to share
this with your Province Historian to start a similar program. As we embark upon our
100th Year, there isn't a more important time to collect and preserve our rich history! We won't be able to be successful without you Brothers,
Yours in the Bond,
Kevin Scott
Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter
North Central Province
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
We are approaching our historic Celebration of Phi Nu Pi in Indianapolis and
want to make sure that we are communicating with you regularly. Kindly
accept this notice as an update to the process for booking rooms, available
suites, etc. As you know, registration is officially open. We urge you to
register as soon as possible, as hotel rooms will be made available in the
order you register. Brothers who have fully completed their pledges in one
of the three Centennial Campaign categories have paid for registration, you
only need to fill out a registration form and submit it advising that you
have paid. Please note that we may have already sent you a registration form
with instructions.
It is important that ALL of our members book in one of our contracted hotels. In order to
have a successful convention, it is necessary that we use the hotels that have offered us
group rates. There will be hotels that will try to undercut with lower prices, WE URGE
YOU NOT TO USE THEM, as it makes it harder for Kappa to reach its required numbers in
the contracted hotels and may result in penalties to the organization. We have booked
enough rooms to accommodate everyone to book in the OFFICIAL Kappa hotels listed below. Following are details on specific items related to our visit to Indy.
Registration- Once again, registration has begun. Early registration will
conclude on December 31st. If you are a fully paid Centennial Club member,
please include payment for any of the a-la-carte items you wish to attend.
Registration generally takes about 3 weeks to process before you are sent
your housing authorization.
Lodging- In order to receive authorization for a room, you must have
completed registration. Please note, however, that we are opening the Crowne
Plaza Hotel immediately for those who wish to secure rooms right away (these
generally would be members who are not prepared to register right away or
possibly not at all, though we encourage everyone to register). The number
for registering at the Crowne Plaza is listed below. The other hotels are
the Marriott Downtown, Hyatt, Westin (the designated hotel for Seniors),
Omni, and Hilton Hotels. We are using a housing bureau to reserve rooms, so
you are unable to contact the hotel directly, accept for the Crowne Plaza.
Please understand that Suites are generally not available for individuals.
After those required to have suites by constitution, Province Hospitality
and Chapter Hospitality Suites, there will likely not be suites available.
If your Chapter wants to secure a Suite, you must contact Richard Lee Snow
(215.228.7184, ext. 20) at IHQ to get on the request list.
AirlinesAmerican Airlines is the official carrier for the Centennial
Celebration. They are offering a discounted rate off their standard fares.
We will provide a contact number and code shortly.
The Crowne Plaza is open for reserving rooms for the 80th Grand Chapter
Meeting. Feel free to book your rooms right away. Note: We are opening this
hotel for those who feel the strong need to book right away and not await
authorization through the Housing Bureau. It is not one of the featured
hotels, but is in close proximity to the Convention Center. You DO NOT need
to be registered to book rooms in the Crowne Plaza. Please dial:
(317) 631-2221 - Rate: $149.00. You must mention Kappa Alpha Psi. You are
limited to 2 rooms per person.
We are excited about our upcoming trip to Indianapolis and hope you are as
well. If you have any questions, please contact your International
Headquarters at (215) 228-7184. We look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis.
Kappa Alpha Psi—Indianapolis Alumni
2011 Centennial Local Planning Committee
July 55-10, 2011: “Come Home to Kappa: Celebrate 100 Years of Achievement”
The North Central Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
- Undergraduate Chapters -
Kappa Alpha
Illinois State University, Normal, IL
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Kappa Phi
University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL
Lambda Eta
IUPUI/Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Nu Kappa
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar
Falls, IA
Xi Rho
DePauw University, Greencastle, IN
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Alumni Chapters Chicago (IL) Alumni
Indianapolis (IN) Alumni
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Springfield (IL) Alumni
Gary (IN) Alumni
Drake University, Des Moines, IA
Milwaukee (WI) Alumni
Des Moines (IA) Alumni
Alpha Zeta
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
Beta Omicron
St. Paul-Minneapolis (MN) Alumni
East St. Louis (IL) Alumni
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI South Bend (IN) Alumni
Evanston (IL) Alumni
Gamma Upsilon
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Delta Iota
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Delta Kappa
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Delta Phi
Chicago Heights (IL) Alumni
Champaign-Urbana (IN) Alumni
Evansville (IN) Alumni
Fort Wayne (IN) Alumni
Peoria (IL) Alumni
Anderson (IN) Alumni
Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN Waukegan (IL) Alumni
Epsilon Iota
University of Evansville, Evansville, IN
Epsilon Omicron
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Zeta Alpha
Indiana University-Northwest, Gary, IN
Zeta Mu
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Zeta Pi
Rock Island (IL) Alumni
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni
Bloomington (IN) Alumni
Carbondale (IL) Alumni
Madison (WI) Alumni
Terre Haute (IN) Alumni
Muncie (IN) Alumni
Joliet (IL) Alumni
Iowa City-Cedar Rapids (IA) Alumni
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL
Richfield-Bloomington (MN) Alumni
Theta Gamma
Bloomington/Normal (IL) Alumni
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
Evergreen Park (IL) Alumni
Theta Zeta
Dekalb (IL) Alumni
Chicago State University, Chicago, IL
Harvey-Markham (IL) Alumni
Iota Kappa
Belleville/O’Fallon (IL) Alumni
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Richton Park (IL) Alumni
North Central Province
Michael J. Owens
Province Senior Vice Polemarch
Joe W. Lewis, Jr.
Province Jr. Vice Polemarch
Anthony T. Williams
East. St. Louis (IL) Alumni Chapter
Beta Omicron Chapter
Keeper of Records
Darren R. Adams
Keeper of Exchequer
Brandon T. Jones
Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter
Chicago Heights (IL) Alumni Chapter
Alumni Board Member
Byron C. Thornton
Alumni Board Member
Jeffrey L. Hughes
Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter
Gary (IN) Alumni Chapter
Alumni Board Member
Charles B. Woods
Alumni Board Member
Glenn R. Harris
Des Moines (IA) Alumni Chapter
Richton Park (IL) Alumni Chapter
U/G Board Member
Brandon L. Eddins
U/G Board Member
Dionysius Hall
Kappa Phi Chapter
Kappa Phi Chapter
Raymond E. Marbury
Kevin Scott
East. St. Louis (IL) Alumni Chapter
Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter
Joshua Harrell
Lt. Strategus
Montre' Al Cain
Zeta Pi Chapter
Delta Kappa Chapter
Legal Council
Michael V. Hubbard
Rev. Otis Evans
Chicago Alumni Chapter
Bloomington-Normal (IL) Alumni