President`s Report - Cheyney University


President`s Report - Cheyney University
Novem ber 2014
President’s message
Dear Friends and Supporters of Cheyney University,
I am deeply honored to be serving as Interim President of this historic university
that is internationally recognized as Cheyney.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016, we celebrated Cheyney’s 179th birthday
with a wonderful affair featuring The Honorable Vincent Hughes, a member of
the Cheyney University Council of Trustees and a member of the Pennsylvania
Senate, as keynote speaker, who reminded all of us of the continuing importance
of Cheyney University. We also honored a number of supporters, including alumni,
who continue to give back to this historic institution.
Although my time as Interim President has been full of challenges, I see
opportunities, new beginnings and renewed hope as we, together, do all that we
can to restore Cheyney to its rightful place of historic greatness among our nation’s
Under my tenure, this institution has made tremendous progress in achieving its
number one priority which is enrollment and retention. At this time, the number
of our students who return from semester to semester is steadily on the rise
and the number of freshmen admitted for this coming fall is up 338% over last
year. Clearly, our students and parents see great value in receiving a Cheyney
education. In addition, our Keystone Honors Academy continues to contribute to
the academic excellence for which Cheyney is widely known.
Let us continue to work closely together to secure a bright future for Cheyney.
While every educational institution in America has and will experience periodic
setbacks, Cheyney has always bounced back from its challenges and, with your
help, we will come back stronger than we were before.
Frank G. Pogue, Ph.D.
Interim President
PA State System of Higher Education
Board of Governors
Guido M. Pichini, Chairman
Marie Conley, Vice Chairman
David M. Maser, Vice Chairman
State Sen. Richard Alloway II
Rep. Matthew E. Baker
Bishop Audrey F. Bronson (‘58)
Sarah Galbally
Rep. Michael K. Hanna
Ronald G. Henry
Jonathan B. Mack
Daniel P. Meuser
Leslie Anne Miller
Secretary of Education Pedro A. Rivera
State Sen. Judy Schwank
Cynthia D. Shapira
Harold C. Shields
Aaron A. Walton
Governor Tom Wolf
Frank T. Brogan, Chancellor
Cheyney University
council of Trustees
Robert W. Bogle (’75), Chairman
Bishop Audrey F. Bronson (’58)
Vincent D. Gordon
State Sen. Vincent J. Hughes
Samuel Patterson (’82)
Jim Raith
Larry C. Skinner (’76)
Leon R. Spencer, Jr.
Robert L. Traynham, II (’96)
Joseph I. Wells
Frank G. Pogue, Ph.D., Interim President
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania’s Rich History
Cheyney University, our nation’s first HBCU, was founded in
1837 as a result of a bequest left by Richard Humphreys, a
Quaker philanthropist. Mr. Humphreys came to Philadelphia
from Tortola in 1764. Having witnessed the struggles of African
Americans competing unsuccessfully for jobs due to the influx
of immigrants, Humphreys wrote his will in 1829. He set aside
$10,000, one tenth of his estate, and charged thirteen fellow
Quakers to use the funds to design an institution: “…to instruct
the descendants of the African race in school learning, in the
various branches of the mechanic arts, trades and agriculture, in
order to prepare and fit and qualify them to act as teachers….”
The school began providing a free classical education in
Philadelphia as the African Institute. The school became the
Institute for Colored Youth in 1852 and moved to George
Cheyney’s farm, 25 miles west of Philadelphia, in 1902. The
school then became the Cheyney Training School for Teachers in
1914. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania purchased the school
from the Quakers in 1922 and the first baccalaureate degrees
were awarded in 1932. The school’s name changed to State
Teachers College at Cheyney in 1951, to Cheyney State College
in 1959 and, finally, to Cheyney University when it joined the
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education in 1983.
OUR University’s Mission
Established in 1837, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
cherishes its legacy as America’s first institution of higher
learning for African Americans. Our mission is to prepare
confident, competent, reflective, visionary leaders and
responsible citizens. We uphold our tradition of academic
excellence while maintaining our historical commitment to
opportunity and access for students of diverse backgrounds.
Cheyney University provides a nurturing, intellectually
challenging, and socially enriching environment.
OUR Vision
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania will be recognized as
a premier HBCU for the 21st century, whose graduates
are respected members of communities throughout the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the nation, and the world.
Cheyney University graduates will represent a diverse group
of local, national, and international students who will apply
the knowledge and skills gained from our rigorous and
challenging academic programs to the advancement of the
nation and global community. The University will continue
to be a valuable resource contributing to the intellectual,
social, economic, and cultural development of the Greater
Philadelphia region, the Delaware Valley, the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, and beyond.
NOTABLE Highlights
• November 3, 2014 – Dr. Frank G. Pogue, a proven leader with over 50 years of
experience in higher education, is named Cheyney University of Pennsylvania’s new
Interim President.
• December 9, 2014 – Dr. Pogue hands out the first Cake Award, designed to
recognize outstanding Cheyney employees.
• January 28, 2015 – Cheyney leadership identifies challenges, unmet needs,
possibilities, and reviews goals for Spring Semester 2015 at The University-wide
Spring Convocation – “Building on the Excellence of Cheyney University.”
• January 29, 2015 – Dr. Pogue unveils the “Piggy Bank” campaign to instill
philanthropy in students (as pre-alumni) as well as other members of the Cheyney
University community.
• February 26, 2015 – The President’s Task Force on the Sustainability of Cheyney
University is appointed and charged by Dr. Pogue.
• April 14 - 23, 2015 – Sustainability Task Force Town Hall meetings are held on
• June 12, 2015 – The US Green Building Council gives Cheyney’s New Science Center,
which opened in August 2014, Silver LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental
Design) certification. The 40,000 square foot structure includes chemistry, biology
and physics labs, general lecture, computer science, and faculty spaces as well as a
planetarium and adjoining greenhouse.
• July 22, 2015 – A Task Force on Sustainability Summer Retreat is held on campus,
allowing input from multiple constituencies including students, staff, faculty, alumni
and State System leaders.
• August 31, 2015 – CU Administrators give reports to the CU Community on plans
for Fall 2015 at Opening Convocation Conference. The Task Force’s Sustainability
Report is released.
• September 2015 – CU kicks off Learning Communities, designed to enhance the
freshman experience, unite the campus community and improve student retention.
Campus Community embraces a common theme for the academic year --“Resilience:
Still We Rise,” which is crystalized in a common reading, Malcolm Gladwell’s “David
and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants.”
• September 16, 2015 – CU partners with Zipcar to provide rental cars on campus for
student, faculty, staff and community use.
• November 11, 2015 – A wolf sculpture created by CU art students and faculty is
unveiled and permanently displayed at the Marcus Foster Alumni Student Center.
• December 3, 2015 – Dr. Pogue reports on the accomplishments of Fall semester at a
University-wide meeting.
• February 24, 2016 – Dr. Pogue reports on University improvements and University
challenges at Cheyney’s Founder’s Day celebration.
From top to bottom, Cheyney’s Silver LEED certified
New Science Center showcases conservation
techniques including a ‘green’ roof that is planted
with water-absorbent plants, and light sensors which
adjust electrical lighting levels based on natural
sunlight levels.
Task Force on Sustainability Summer Retreat
Faculty & STAFF Highlights
FALL 2014
• Dr. Vanessa Brantley, Associate Professor in the Business
Administration Department and Program Coordinator for
Fashion Merchandising and Management, presents her
paper, “Management Programs and the new STEM-Focused
Curriculum”, at the International Conference for the Academy
of Business Research.
• Dr. Tara Kent, Dean of the Keystone Honors Academy at
Cheyney University, presents a paper, “Cultivating Minority
Student Success in the Legal Profession – Applying social
research to develop a student-centered pre-law program
for minority undergraduate students”, which will also be
published in the University of California Irvine Law Review.
A book is also planned.
• Dr. Norma George (‘90-’92), Professor and Chair of Cheyney
University’s English, Languages and Communication Arts
Department, and Director of International Programs,
spends four weeks in South Africa as part of Fulbright-Hays
Group Projects Abroad to develop educational modules to
incorporate into Cheyney courses.
• Dr. Tamara Hollins, Professor of English, is competitively
selected to participate in the National Endowment for the
Humanities Institute on Black Poetry after the Black Arts
Movement at the University of Kansas.
Fall 2015
• Dr. Gedeon Mudacumura, MPA, chairs a national conference
for the Association of Minorities in Public Administration in
• Dr. Donna Parker, Dean of Faculty & Academic Schools
at Cheyney University, is selected to participate in the
Millennium Leadership Institute Initiative, a premier
leadership development program sponsored by the American
Association of State Colleges and Universities.
• Cheyney University Title IX Coordinator Sheilah Vance, Esq.,
Chief of Staff and Deputy to the President, presents on
“Understanding Faculty’s Mandatory Reporting Obligations”
at the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) Annual
Conference in Philadelphia and is elected to the 20-person
ATIXA National Advisory Board.
• Professor Patrice Jeppson, Adjunct Professor of Social and
Behavioral Sciences at Cheyney University, co-organizes
“Explore Philly’s Buried Past!”, a Pennsylvania Archaeology
Month celebration held at the National Constitution Center in
Summer 2015
• Dr. Patricia Montenegro, Professor of Spanish, has her work,
“Symbolism of the Shadows in Son of Man by Roa Bastos”,
published in Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, Vol. 3,
No. 4, July-Aug. 2015.
• Dr. Ivan Turnipseed, Chair of CU’s Hospitality and Recreation
Management department, is elected president of the
National Society of Minorities in Hospitality, a professional
Dr. Tara Kent
Dr. Gedeon Mudacumura
• Dr. Steven Hughes, Biology Professor and Director of the
Aquaculture Research and Education Laboratory at Cheyney
University, displays a week-long exhibit at the PA Farm Show
in Harrisburg, PA, highlighting the University’s Aquaponics
• Dr. Robert M. Dixon becomes Cheyney’s Interim Provost &
Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Dr. Norma George
Sheilah Vance, Esq.
Dr. Steven Hughes
Student Highlights
• November 9-13, 2014 – Seniors Terrell Grayson, Travonya Kenly, John Cooper, Kristan Justice and
Raven Smith-Parris participate in the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Leadership Conference in
Washington, D.C.
• November 18-23, 2014 – Senior Richard Coleman wins $3,500 as runner up in the 9th Annual
Black College Quiz Competition taped in Atlanta, GA and televised in spring and summer 2015.
• February 22-27, 2015 – Sophomore Samih Taylor presents her colonization research at the
prestigious annual Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Conference in
Granada, Spain.
• March 30, 2015 – Cheyney’s Honda Campus All Star Challenge (HCASC) Varsity team (Josh Hughes,
Holland Cullbreath, Richard Coleman, and Meredith Morrison) wins a $25,000 grant to support
academic programs on campus in the annual national competition in Los Angeles, CA after placing
2nd in the country – the furthest any Cheyney HCASC team has ever gone.
Travonya Kenly
• April 9, 2015 – Cheyney University Senior Travonya Kenly receives the prestigious Ali-Zaidi
Award, the highest level of academic achievement within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher
Education (PASSHE) universities. She is the 15th recipient and the first Cheyney student to win the
illustrious award.
• April 22, 2015 – Seniors Jonathan Cooper and Terrell Grayson win Cheyney’s Entrepreneurial
Learning Center 2015 Business Plan Competition. They are founders of Neighborhood Oasis, LLC,
a forward-thinking business located in industrial greenhouses, specializing in the year-round
production of fresh and natural produce.
Cheyney University 2015 HCASC Team
• June 2015 – Junior Jasmine Richardson and Senior Leonard Brown study leadership, peace and
environmental sustainability at the Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway on full scholarships.
• August 27, 2015 – Two hundred and twenty-six students sign the Operation Success Student
Pledge, agreeing to take responsibility for their own academic success by earning at least 15 credits
every semester, only taking classes outlined in the Curriculum Worksheet for their major, taking
advantage of the resources that Cheyney University offers to enhance their educational experience,
and seeking help when they are experiencing academic or personal difficulty.
• September 12, 2015 – Senior Devin Randall is competitively selected to speak and lead student
discussion at the “Liberty: Unplugged! Twitter Town Hall” in Philadelphia.
• December 1, 2015 – Senior Leonard Brown creates and coordinates a Good Neighbors Project for
Giving Tuesday in which Cheyney and West Chester students conduct outreach in eight different
community settings.
Leonard Brown
• Fall 2015 – Senior Comfort Effi of Harrisburg, PA presents her research on antibody genes at
research conferences at the University of Delaware and at the Annual Biomedical Research
Conference in Seattle, Washington.
• January 22-24, 2016 – Sophomore Jesse Lucas travels to Atlanta, GA to compete in the Black
College Quiz Regional Competition.
• FEbRuARY 11, 2015 – Rev. Dr. Marsha Foster Boyd delivers the inaugural Dr. Marcus A. Foster
Memorial Lecture.
• FEbRuARY 19, 2015 – Fox 29 TV News Anchor/Reporter Joyce Evans speaks at the Keystone Honors
Academy’s winter reception.
• FebruAry 25, 2015 – PA Representative Thaddeus Kirkland (’91) gives keynote address and receives the
Outstanding Public Service Award at the 178th Founder’s Day Convocation – “A Legacy of Leadership.”
• APRIL 1, 2015 – Congressman James Clyburn (D – 6th, South Carolina) speaks at Cheyney University’s
Inaugural Presidential Lecture Series.
• APRIL 22, 2015 – Hank Thomas, an entrepreneur, civil rights activist and historian, delivers the
keynote address at Cheyney University’s Entrepreneurial Learning Center 2015 Business Plan
Competition Awards Ceremony.
Dr. Thaddeus Kirkland (‘91)
• APRIL 23, 2015 – The Keystone Honors Academy hosts “An Evening with Tavis Smiley” in the Marian
Anderson Music Center Auditorium.
• mAY 9, 2015 – Dr. Gladys Styles Johnston (‘63), Director of the Millennium Leadership Initiative
(MLI) and Assistant to the President of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities
(AASCU), delivers the commencement address.
• FEbRuARY 3, 2016 – Dr. Nzingha Gaffin, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at Cheyney, gives the
keynote address at the Second Annual Dr. Marcus A. Foster Memorial Lecture.
Tavis Smiley
• FEbRuARY 24, 2016 – PA State Senator Vincent J. Hughes delivers the keynote address and receives the
Outstanding Public Service Award at the 179th Founder’s Day Convocation – “Resilience, Still We Rise.”
Arts & Lectures Series
• September 9, 2015 – Black Violin
• November 18, 2014 – Black Violin
• September 24, 2015 – Rennie Harris
• February 23, 2015 – The Lula Washington Dance
• October 29, 2015 – Searching for Willie Lynch
•March 26, 2015 – The “Girls of Summer”
• February 9, 2016 – Angela Brown,
• April 8, 2015 – “Route 66: Finding Nat King Cole”
Gladys Styles Johnston (‘63)
“Opera from a Sistah’s Point of View”
•October 8-11, 2015 – Cheyney University holds its Homecoming Weekend – “Cheyney is Calling You.”
• April 18, 2015 – Cheyney University, the Washington International Piano Council, and the
PanAmerican-PanAfrican Association (PAPA) presents “A Tribute to Dr. Robert Pritchard “ featuring
international award-winning pianists Michael Slavin and Henri Delbeau at 7 pm. The Cheyney
Foundation sponsors a 5 pm fundraiser “88 Keys” featuring art by Cheyney students.
PA State Sen. Vincent J. Hughes
HONOR ROLL of donors
This Honor Roll recognizes gifts and pledges of alumni, faculty, staff, friends, parents, foundations,
corporations and organizations that supported Cheyney University of Pennsylvania between July
1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. While this list includes only donors who made gifts directly to Cheyney
University of Pennsylvania, we thank everyone who has indirectly supported the University through
an affiliated entity or an outside organization. Although every effort has been made to ensure
accuracy, we apologize for any errors or omissions. The entire CU community extends its gratitude
for your interest and support of Cheyney University. Every gift is important!
$100,000 and above
Richard Humphreys Fund
Distribution Committee
Borough of Yeadon
Virginia R. Brooker
Frederick Brooks
Carole W. Brown
Robert L. Brown
Grace P. Bulls
Kathleen J. Butler Hayes
Jay H. and Mrs. Ann E. Calvert
Faye K. Campbell
Ann W. Carter
Dorcas A. Carter
Herman L. Carter
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, Philadelphia Chapter
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, Montgomery County Chapter
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, North Carolina Chapter
Harold T. and Kathy W. Epps
Marsha Foster Boyd
Dare to Imagine Church, Inc.
Deborah Grand Chapter O.E.S - PHA of PA
Education Fund
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, Delaware County Chapter
Joewana M. Freeman
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, Greater South Jersey
Cheyney Chapter
Lawrence Green
William W. Hegamin
Tracey J. Hunter Hayes
Howell Lockhart Seiple Trust #1
Ruth Ellen Johnson
Willie F. Johnson
Catherine J. Jones
Rosalind Jones-Johnson
Jane E. Jordan
Purnell W. Lawrence
Velma C. Lester
Craig S. Lewis
Gaynelle T. Lewis
George E. Logan
Robert E. Murray
OTG Charities, Inc.
Jacqueline L. Peace
Frank and Mrs. Dorothy Pogue
Wilma Pope
PRWT Services,.Inc.
Leroy E. Randall
Louise D. Robinson
Carole J. Ross
Keith N. Singletary
Bernard W. Smalley
Rosemarie Stuart
Joel Q. Swift
Trinity Capital Advisors - Envista
Ivan B. Turnipseed
Catherine J. Wade
Sharon R. Washington
Wells Fargo
Gertrude S. Williams
Sallie J. Wilson
Christine Broome
Bradley J. Buchner
Elisabeth A. Burton
Edward T. Clark
Joan B. Davidson
Doris C. Fletcher
Thomas P. Gunn
Robert N. Habershaw
Ozzie Hackett
Tyrone C. Hardy
Steven J. Lane
Lock Haven University Foundation
Charles Logan
Clarabon Logan
Jonathan Muse
Eric Neal
Yvonne Q. Proudford
H. Louis Reddy
Lawrence W. Richards
Gary K. Stovall
Jean S. Turk
Emmanuel Witherspoon
$25,000 to $99,999
Class of 1964
Maxine S. Coleman
Roland H. Coleman
The Charles E. and Shirley S. Marshall
Charitable Trust
Cheyney Foundation, Inc.
Deidre Patterson
Samuel Patterson
William C. Shumake
Marion G. Shumake
$15,000 to $24,999
Robert W. Bogle
Cheyney University National Alumni Association
KBR Foundation
PNC Bank
The Philadelphia Foundation
Tom Joyner Foundation
$10,000 to $14,999
Cheyney University ‘C’ Club
Day & Zimmermann
The Estate of Grace P. Gist
Independence Foundation
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation
Aqua Pennsylvania
Gregory Benjamin
Elizabeth Berry-Holmes
Audrey F. Bronson
Estate of Beverly Y. Cumberbatch
Cheyney University National Alumni
Association, State of Delaware Chapter
Florence A. Dockins
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
HRTM of Cheyney University
$1,000 to $4,999
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Robert C. Bailey
Beta Gamma Foundation
$500 to $999
African Episcopal Church of
St. Thomas Music Committee
Nathan E. Beale
Juanita B. Davis
Phyllis W. Dawkins
Benjamin J. Dent
Harold W. Freeman
Bonita F. Gibson
Eva I. Hanson Douthit
Leysath Security Firm
Janet B. Manspeaker
Eydie Miller Ellis
Mondelez International Foundation
Caleb L. Page
Vincent Pappas
Wayne M. Richardson
Nathaniel M. Robinson
Delores R. Shelton
John Shelton
Hazel Spears
Mary I. Stallings
Roselee F. Thompson
Geri and Michelle Vital
Ronald L. Watson
Mary L. Williams
$250 to $499
Erick K. Acolatse
Eleanor A. Barnes
June C. Boswell
$100 to $249
Kyle Adams
Adedoyin Adeyiga
Robert Albergotti
David B. Alston
APSCUF-Cheyney University Chapter
Barbara R. Ashe
Wanda L. Baker-Smith
Etta G. Baldwin
Sylvester J. Ballard
Erica Bates
Bruce S. Bell
Inez R. Bell
Linda Bell-Powell
Laura R. Blenman
John W. Borders
Sutonia Boykin
A. E. Braxton
Evette R. Brown-Conwell
Maryann Brown-Martin
William L. Caison
Ilsa Chapman-Bandy
Ary Chavez-Sloane
Leonard Colston
Patricia W. Cox
Lisa Cruchfield and Mr. Ralph Dickenson
Wanda Delaine
Tanya Deyo
André E. and Ashley S. Dixon
George and Sylvia H. Dixon
Ramona Dixon
Shariah Dixon-Turner
Anonymous Donor
Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Meryl Dowdy
Thelma M. Fields
Sandra A. Foehl
Carol L. Frison
Daniel Gallagher
John L. Graham
Michele D. Grant
John Greene, Ph.D
Barbara M. Griffin
Marilyn D. Griffin
Alice M. Hall
Shirley J. Harner
Renee L. Harrison
Terrance T. Harrison
Julia Hoffman Saunders
Margaret R. Holloman
Clarence C. Hoover
James J. Horstmyer
Vincent J. Hughes
Annabelle W. Jackson
Yvonne Jackson
Barbara H. Jefferson
Patrice L. Jeppson
Bernadette M. Johnson
Nathaniel Johnson
Emmett A. Jones
Leo and Paula Jones
Harry Judge
Janice C. Judge
Tara Kent
Mary G. Lightfoot
Yvonne C. Lightfoot
Shelton Lowe
Phillis Magill
William R. Magill
Victoria A. Marcos
Loraine McPherson
Willie J. Mouzon
Richard M. Newberg
Charlena V. Newell
Curtis Newell
Philip Pagliaro
Eleanor F. Palmer
Lindabeth E. Parker
Linda L. Parks
Morris C. Peterkin
Sylvia and George E. Pilgrim
Wesley C. Pugh
Bonnie L. Pyett
Marcia Robinson
Rosalyn K. Robinson
Harriette S. Rosado
Gregory L. Samuels
Joanne C. Scattergood
Carlotta Schaffer
Joyce A. Scott-Parker
John Shelton
Brenda P. Shields
Shor and Associates, Inc.
Carole A. Smallwood-Statham
Georgiann H. Smith
Gerald A. Smith
Darlene E. Tolbert
Dorothy Trotter
Vernetta H. Turner
Willard L. Turner
Barbara S. Vance
Sheilah D. Vance
Delores S. Ware
Travis M. Waters
Carolynn S. Watson
Ernest Watson
Dolores Weddington
Annie P. Wiggins
Mary E. Williams
Glenn Wilson
Linda D. Brown
Marsha M. Brown
Phyllis S. Brown
Kierra Bruton
Pearl L. Bryan
Wilhelmena M. Calland
Deidra E. Campbell
Cynthia V. Coleman
F. E. Coleman
Ronnie H. Collins
Mark Corbin
Viola A. Curry
Ernest B. Daniels
Lanee Daniels
Marietta Dantonio-Madsen
Sharon L. Davis
Susan J. Dennis
Ollie Diggs-Grimsley
Isaiah Dixon
Theresa C. Dooley
Patricia Dukes
S. David Fineman
Virgilette H. Gaffin
Ann R. Gaines
Warren H. Gillam
Rasheda Hancock
J. Michael Harpe
Albert Harris
Gregory A. Harris
Margaret L. Hartman Burden
Robert E. Horne
Thelma P. Jacks
Claudette and Tim J. James
Lee Janiczek
Shon P. Jeffery
Nancy Johnson
Rita Johnson
Kathleen O. Johnson-Prillerman
Dorothy R. Jones
Dyane L. Jones
Quetta F. Jones
Tanyika D. Jordan
Arlene R. Kane
James A. Lacey
Norman A. Lane
Carole A. Lavan
Irene A. Losak-Scheivert
Abdul Madyun
Ethel L. Malone
Jerry L. Melemore
Jacqulyene Miller
Anthony E. Morris
Up to $99
John L. Adams
John Alexis
Lavida R. Allen
Eugene J. Alliston
Diane P. Anderson
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Elaine Anderson
Mrs. Deborah D. Anderson
Barbara A. Antrom
Betty T. Avery
Gloria T. Battle
Herbert Black
Tyrone Brackens
Elizabeth A. Bradshaw
Brenda E. Braithwaite
Josclynn Brandon
Valda B. Branison
Andre Bright
Destin Brown
Deanna M. Morris
Burnadette L. Morton-Johnson
Gedeon M. Mudacumura
Renee Nelson
Ellisha Newton
Gwendolyn L. Owens
Lamuel A. Patterson
Ralph F. Patterson
La Tanya Pellot
Annette S. Piper
Roberta Polite
Kathryn A. Popino
Sharlah Ramnarine-Singh
Joan L. Reid
Marie O. Reid
Renee M. Richardson
Bentley Ritter
Marva W. Ritter
Katie S. Robinson
James J. Saxon
Lois Scott
Joseph Sims
Pamela D. Singleton
Carmen M. Skinner
Larry C. Skinner
Al Skudzinskas
Dolores G. Smith
Dominique Stephens
Stephanie Stevens
Lue Willie Stinson Drummond
Paul R. Styer
Robert Sweet
Amber Thompson
Mary Tranguch
Kezirah M. Vaughters
Marian G. Walker
Sharon Wallace-Frater
Marie L. Watson
Sinyan D. Whitfield
Loretta S. Williams
Marie J. Williams
Thelma R. Williams
Darryl Woods
We make every reasonable effort to ensure
your contribution is listed accurately. If you
notice an error or omission, please let us
know so we can update our records. We
can be reached at 610-399-2109 or email Thank you.
If you would like guidance in making a planned gift, or if you already plan to include CU in your
estate plans, please contact Dr. John Graham, Vice President of University Advancement and
External Relations at 610-399-2417 or
If your employer or your spouse’s company has a matching gift program, your gifts to CU can be easily
increased! For more information, please visit or contact Dr. John Graham, Vice
President of University Advancement and External Relations at 610-399-2417 or
• February 2015 – Cheyney’s University College is selected by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) to receive
a $5,000 Campus Action Project Grant sponsored by Pantene to support “My Life, My Label,” a project designed to address
stereotypes and biases.
• April 14, 2015 – CU’s Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management (HRTM) program celebrates its 40th anniversary with a benefit
reception and dinner celebration.
• September 2015 – The PA Department of Education approves Cheyney University’s reorganized Master’s of Art in Teaching program.
• September 2015 – CU receives a five-year TRIO Student Support Services grant totaling $1.1 million from the U.S. Department of
Education. The grant will be used to provide programs and services that address retention, academic achievement and graduation
rates among low income, first-generation students.
• May 7, 2015 – CU’s Division of Student Affairs, in conjunction with Office of the President, hosts inaugural Torch Night.
• May 9, 2015 – The Class of 2015 receives diplomas. Class of 1965 members are on hand to celebrate their 50th anniversary.
Graduating seniors pass leadership responsibilities to the junior
class during Torch Night ceremony
Danielle London, 2015 Salutatorian (l)
and Vinasia Miles, 2015 Valedictorian (r)
Dr. Frank G. Pogue, Interim President at
Cheyney, reminds juniors that they must
continue CU’s traditions and legacy
The Class of 2015 sings the CU Alma Mater
Students bond with classmates at inaugural Torch
Dr. Pogue and Student Trustee/
Miss Cheyney 2014-15 Kristan Justice
FALL 2014
Summer 2015
• 4.0 Athletes – Anitra Jackson, Jada Phillips, Virshae
Campbell, Kilondra Davis, Travonya Kenly, Destiny McFarlane,
Jennifer Stevens, Jeffrey Bell, Brandon Collins and Eugene Lett
were all perfect in the classroom.
• Athletic Director’s (AD’s) Honor Roll – Seventy-four
CU student-athletes earn a 3.0 GPA or higher.
• The women’s cross country team posts highest team GPA of 3.32.
• CU Head Women’s Basketball Coach Kyle Adams is one of
36 coaches invited to participate in the Women’s Basketball
Coaches Association’s Center for Coaching Excellence, an elite
leadership training program.
• CU Women’s Bowling joins the East Coast Conference.
• Senior Brandon Collins is one of nine area collegiate football
players to be recognized by National Football Foundation and
College Hall of Fame as a Scholar Athlete.
• Junior Kyra Hines-Allen is named to the Women’s Basketball 2nd
Team All-Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) East.
• Senior Defensive Back Jamil Williams receives the John H.
Jones Memorial Scholarship.
• Khabira Crawford sets a new school record, 14.65 seconds, in
the 100 meter hurdles.
• Freshman Guard Kevin Larkin is named Eastern College
Athletic Conference (ECAC) Freshman of the Year.
• 4.0 Athletes – Taylor Billington, Meredith Morrison,
Courtney Stewart, Brendyn Van Demark, Travonya Kenly,
Shadai Williams, Sierra Katherine Brooks, Kilondra Davis,
Kia Whitley-Duncan, Erica Lyn Russell, Daivona Williams and
Kennetha Wallace earn 4.0’s in the classroom.
• AD’s HONOR ROLL – Seventy-three CU student-athletes earn
a 3.0 GPA or higher.
• The bowling team earns the highest team GPA of 3.44.
• The bowling team is ranked in the top 10 in the nation for
Division 2/Division 3.
Fall 2015
• Three CU football players earn All-PSAC East honors:
Sr. Offensive Lineman Michael McGlashen (1st team),
Jr. Defensive Linemen Joseph Bryant and Julian VenableFeggins (both 2nd team).
• Senior Forward Kyra Hines-Allen surpasses the 1,000 point
plateau in career points.
• 4.0 Athletes – Samuel Anojulu, Zachary Horstmyer, Jalen
Jana, Anwar-Nasser Mathis, Dominick Trautz, Dominic Barr,
Anitra Jackson, Kilondra Davis, Mecheal Greene, Courtney
Stewart and Meredith Morrison.
• AD’s HONOR ROLL – Seventy-two CU student-athletes earn a
3.0 GPA or higher.
• The volleyball team attains highest team GPA of 3.33.
Spring 2016
• Junior Jada Phillips sets new CU shot put record with a
distance of 43’1”.
• CU’s Offensive Line Coach, Lorrel McCook, is one of 39
collegiate coaches selected to attend the NFL-NCAA Coaches
Academy in Tampa, FL.
• Eight CU athletes qualify to participate in the Indoor Track and
Field PSAC Championships.
• Sophomore Banford Poole sets a new school record, 22.03
seconds, in the 200 meter dash.
– 59%
– 59%
COMBINED Revenues – $30,702,055
(Education & General and Auxiliary)
– 25%
– 25%
Revenue– –$7,514,108
7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015
– 1%
– 1%
– 52%
– 52%
& Revenue
& Revenue
– 32%
– 32%
– 37%
– 37%
– 7%
– 7%
– 4%
– 4%
– 42%
– 42%
of of
& &
of of
(Education & General and Auxiliary)
of Community
7/ 1/ 201 4 - 6PA/&PADepartment
/ 2 0Development
& Economic
Total Education & General + Auxiliary
Education & General Expenses
Personnel Expenditures
Non-Personnel Expenditures
Debt Service & Transfers
of Education
of Education
Total Expenditures & Debt Service
Non-Personnel Expenses
$12,720,213 – 34%
Debt Service & All Transfers
$2,454,817 – 7%
Personnel Expenses
$21,919,484 – 59%
Tuition & Revenue
State Appropriations
Total Education & General
Total Auxiliary (see breakout chart)
19,246,785 7,049,884 1,769,257 28,065,926
As a Percentage of Combined Expenses: 69%
Auxiliary Expenses
Personnel Expenditures
Non-Personnel Expenditures
Debt Service & Capital Transfers
Total Expenditures & Debt Service
2,672,699 5,670,329 685,560 9,028,588
As a Percentage of Combined Expenses: 30%
Combined expenses
Total Education & General Expenses
Total Auxiliary Expenses
Total Combined Expenses
Educational & General
y Revenue – $7,514,108
(Education & General and Auxiliary)
7/ 1/ 2014 - 6/ 30 / 2 0 1 5
Auxiliary Revenue
$7,514,108 – 25%
Other Revenue
Post Retirement Reserve $383,781 – 1%
Tuition & Revenue
GASB 68 Retirement Adjustment
$9,812,520 – 32%
Compensated Absence Adjustment
Surplus/(Deficit) Excluding Year-End Adjustments
Private Giving
Personnel Expenses
$21,919,484 – 59%
Cheyney University Fundraising, Grants & Contracts
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
C h e y n e y U n i v e r s i t y F u n d r a i s i n g, G r aGovernment
n t s & C o n t r ac t s
7 / 1Grants
/ 2 0 1 4 - 6 /30/2015
Local, Country
and State
F u n d D e s i g n at i o n & P u r p o s e – $ 3 , 8 9 3 , 7 5 3
Private Giving
Goal 1 – Strengthen Academic
Quality and Excellence
Goal 2 – Advance Student
Achievement and Success
Cheyney University Fundraising, Grants & Contracts
Goal 3 – Enhance
InstitutionalRevenue $318,213
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
Revenue – $7,514,108
Effec veness
$7,514,108 – 25%
Other Revenue Local, Country
and State
1% $270,349
Goal 4 – Nurture Human
Capital –
Tuition & Revenue
Goal 5 – Cul vate Public Engagement
and Ci zenship $9,812,520 – 32%
Goal 6 – Pervasive Use of Technology
Total Funding: $3,893,753
Founda ons
1 – Strengthen Academic
Fundraising, Grants$345,151
& Contracts
Quality and Excellence
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
Goal 2 – Advance Student
C o m p o si t i o n
Achievement and Success
Fund Designation
& Purpose - $3,893,958
State Appropriations
o f $1,750,195
g ov e r n m e n t f u n d i n g &07/01/2014
p r i vat e -g$12,991,646
i v i n g – $ 3–, 842%
7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015
Goal 3G–ov
e r n mInstitutional
ent Funding
– $ 3$318,213
State System
Goal 4 – Nurture
Goal 1 – Strengthen Academic
Quality and Excellence
PA Department of
Goal 5 – Cul vate Public Engagement
Goal 2 – AdvanceFederal
and Ci zenship
Achievement andAdministration
National Science Foundation
Goal 6 – Pervasive Use of Technology
Goal 3 – Enhance Institutional
PA Department of Community $318,213
Effec veness
& Economic Development
Goal 4 – Nurture Human
& Purpose
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
Goal 5 – Cul vate Public Engagement
and Ci zenship
- $3,893,958
Goal 6 – Pervasive Use of Technology
P r i vat e G i v i n g – $ 6 6 4 , 1 6 5
Effec veness
– $2,515,191 Local, County and State – $714,397
U.S. Department
of Education
Founda ons
Friends of Che
Organiza ons
Corpora ons
Founda ons
Organiza ons
Friends of Cheyney Corpora ons
Composition of Private Giving
Pedro Rivera (‘01),
PA Secretary of Education
2015 Legacy Family:
Joan (l), Deborah (c), Jean (r),
and the Late Sonny Harris (inset)
• January 17, 2015 – Cheyney University Alumni Chapter of Delaware County’s Sixth Annual MLK, Jr.
Scholarship Gala raises $15,000 for student scholarships.
• February 27, 2015 – As part of its $2 million campaign, the Cheyney University National Alumni
Association (CUNAA) presents a check for over $532,000, to be used for student scholarships, during the
76ers fundraiser at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA.
• May 1-3, 2015 – Cheyney University Alumni Weekend/May Weekend.
• June 3, 2015 – State Senate confirms Pedro Rivera (‘01) as Secretary of Education.
• June 9, 2015 – At 50th Reunion, the Cheyney Class of 1965 presents a $17,000 check for student
• June 26, 2015 – Cheyney University Delaware State Alumni Chapter’s 8th Annual Scholarship Soirée
raises $5,000 for student scholarships.
• August 17, 2015 – The 6th Annual Wade Wilson Golf Tournament, hosted by The Cheyney “C” Club,
raises $43,000 to support Cheyney Athletics.
• October 8, 2015 – The Cheyney University Alumni Scholarship Committee donates $50,000 to support
student scholarships and retention.
• October 9, 2015 – The CUNAA Life Members Luncheon raises $23,000 for student scholarships.
• October 10, 2015 – CU recognizes the 2015 Legacy Family – the Harris Family – Edgar “Sonny” Harris (‘58)
(posthumously), Joan Harris (‘70), Jean Ragin (‘70), Deborah Harris (‘78), Eugene Harris, Sr. (‘85), Eugene
Harris, Jr. (‘15).
• November 14, 2015 – A portion of Philadelphia’s City Avenue is renamed ‘Ed Bradley Way’ in honor of the late
Ed Bradley (’64), CBS “60 Minutes” Correspondent.
• December 2015 – The PA Senate confirms Dr. Audrey F. Bronson (’58), Cheyney University Trustee, as a
member of the PASSHE Board of Governors.
Looking to the future
The internal Sustainability Task Force, comprised of campus stakeholders including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, reviewed
Cheyney’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives, as well as previous reports, findings and recommendations, in an effort to
address the University’s challenges, and make recommendations to stabilize and empower the University to continue to be
successful in providing quality educational opportunities. As part of an inclusive strategic planning process, campus-wide
community conversations were held to gather advice and input from university constituents on the following topics:
• Retention
• Enrollment Management
• Academic Programs
• Human Resources
• Facilities
• Budget
Cheyney University’s Strategic Plan, “Pathways to Excellence”, and the Sustainability Plan, “Restoring Cheyney University as a
Historical Treasure”, will continue to guide the University. New strategies will emerge for each of the strategic goals based on the
work of the Sustainability Task Force which engages both internal and external stakeholders. The Cheyney University community
is dedicated to participating in careful planning and implementation of strategies to propel the university into the future. True
to its historic mission of providing educational opportunities to diverse populations, Cheyney University continues to play an
important role in educating the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s citizenry. Cheyney University’s six strategic goals are relevant
to this day and will continue to serve as a roadmap for the University.
• Strengthen academic quality and excellence
• Advance student achievement and success
• Manage and secure fiscal resources and facilities needed to enhance institutional effectiveness
• Nurture human capital
• Cultivate public engagement and citizenship
• Use technology pervasively to enhance teaching and learning; including support services, business processes, and the
procurement of external support
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
1837 University Circle
PO Box 200
Cheyney, PA 19319-0200
Cheyney University @ Center City
Mellon Independence Center
701 Market St., Concourse Level
Philadelphia, PA 19106