516 S Broadway-Spring Arcade MCUP
516 S Broadway-Spring Arcade MCUP
E Hs >R fie og ;t zx ,/ (f) ,. p y/6 Y n^s (/DN \-ar "d" A$ qIl t.tb/ Es x$ H{ HN q 8 HN6 ro FE aiiai N E$ s ,or <5v aNG LOF CDE O) $ ro /G\ 6 .:;:. ;.'. fi::- .t' ,i: '"i :-' -,-f,1, GOflO @ds tr A A c.D. 14 c.T, 2073.00 P,A. CENTRAL CITY N.C. DOWNTOWN L.A" RADIUS MAPS ETC 3544 PORTOLA AVENUE LOS ANGELES CA 90032 oFF/FM (323) 221{555 \DIUSMAPSETC@SBCGLOBAL.NET CONDITIONAL USE ALCOHOL BEVERAGES SfTE LOCAnONI 54I S. SPRING STREET& 54&550 S, BROADWAY LOS ANGELES CA 80013 CAAE NO.: OATE: 07 -24 ^2013 SCALE: 1'= 100' USES: FIELD D.M,: 1294211 tqLDEsgBlslglr LoT I, GTPjcT No. 62470,M.ai356-20121; LoT 1, A sUB OF A oF BLOCK 13, ORD'S SURVEY, M.R, 72-50. (SEE APTCATION) 2.32 NETAC POR_ T.B. PAGEi 634 GRID| F-4 APN: 5149-03m07,018 TO 159 o o N o C\ E= s; o ri \t (f) (o (ft o o O) q #s ,i q q *J d o t o o U) ;{tt; o ro lf) 0o vro od o h F q v) \t rf) .r -$s \ "'* 2.5 b- ,x" .a ., tua"= ",f$.e-,. t'i/s { c \Pu,,, RADIUS MAPS ETG LOS ANGELES CA 90032 SITE LOCATION: 541 S. SPRING STREET & 548-550 S. BROADWAY oFF/FM (323)221-4555 LOS ANGELES CA 90013 3544 PORTOLA AVENUE RADt USMAPSETC@SBCGLOBAL.NET T.B. PAGE: 634 GRID: F-4 APN| 5149-035-007,016 thru 159 E @ -| ill t I Fil r till I '4 I :fr1 fi, rl I i,i {I fI I !tiltIl ! I I I; ,: IIHIII iltilr ltilt.tl (l t O' .l rr I F11 [h ,.;q\ ::r jtr l ilbnill 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 55 CL- 16. '-tJ;)Jr!.iurA 17. BUILDING TOTALS 5T HS TR EE T THOM MCCAN BUILDING TENANT 1 - BAKERY TENANT 2 - BAR AREA NOT A PART ARCADE BUILDING LIN DL EY PL AC E TENANT 1 - RESTAURANT TENANT 2 - RESTAURANT TENANT 3 - GUISADO'S TENANT 4 - ROYAL CLAYTON'S TENANT 5 - RUTH'S CREPES AREA (sq. ft.) 2,343 1,881 AREA (sq. ft.) 3,590 1,765 1,654 6,148 875 SHEET INDEX G-00 KEY PLAN SEATS FIXED A-18 A-19 A-20 541 S. SPRING ST. - ARCADE BUILDING 541 S. SPRING ST. - ARCADE BUILDING 541 S. SPRING ST. - ARCADE BUILDING 60 90 A-21 548 - 550 S. BROADWAY - THOM MCCAN BUILDING SEATS FIXED DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT MASTER CUB KEY PLAN 242 88 76 185 33 LE OA Y DW AY AREA NOT A PART AL BR AREA NOT A PART DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 541 S SPRING STREET SUITE 204 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 AREA NOT A PART EXHIBIT A CASE #_______ LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS 54 1S LA -13 AR . SP 7 " CA RIN FIN DE G NE BU ST Y'S ILD RE CA ING ET FE TE RIA " RE ET SPRING ARCADE BUILDING TRACT 62470 IN CITY OF LOS ANGELES, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SP RIN G ST 54 TH 8 - 5 OM 50 MC S. B CA RO N B AD UIL WA DIN Y G TOM MCAN BUILDING SW 40 FEET OF LOT 1 OF BLOCK 13 OF ORD'S SURVEY PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 73, PAGE 50 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. REVISIONS: AREA NOT A PART 6T HS TR VICINITY MAP AREA NOT A PART EE T JOB NO.: DATE: AREA NOT A PART AL L EY TRUE NORTH PR NO OJ RT ECT H SCALE: 12-030 01.22.13 AS NOTED SHEET TITLE: KEY PLAN SHEET NUMBER: KEY PLAN SCALE : 1/32" = 1'- 0" 4 G-00 P PU AM OPE R ) (E % SL 2 ±1 7'-0" 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 (E) 321'-1" ± 11 12 14 13 PHONE/DATA ROOM 10'-0" 17 16 15 18 A.1 G03 (E) 45'-8" ± OPEN TO LOBBY ABOVE EXIT C.1 TENANT #1 A EXIT B.1 (E) STAIR #1 (E) ELEVATOR LOBBY 14'-11" FIRE CONTROL ROOM (N) ELEV #4 (N) ELEV #3 20 19 B TENANT #2 RESTAURANT RESTAURANT SEE A-19 FOR FLOOR PLANS RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL SEE A-19 FOR FLOOR PLANS RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL B.2 TENANT #3 GUISADO'S RETAIL C RESTAURANT D.1 EXIT OPEN ARCADE (E) 117'-6" ± (E) 26'-5" ± (E) 118'-9" ± E F G G.1 FAMIMA J.1 RETAIL RESTAURANT EXIT G.2 RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL TENANT #4 ROYAL CLAYTON'S RESTAURANT SEE A-20 FOR FLOOR PLANS (E) ELEVATOR LOBBY CORRIDOR K.1 RETAIL TENANT #5 CREPES SANS FRONTIERES SEE A-20 FOR FLOOR PLANS H omgivning H.2 J 724 SOUTH SPRING STREET - SUITE 501 LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 - 213.596.5602 K EXIT (E) STAIR #3 (N) ELEV #1 (N) ELEV #2 PHONE/DATA ROOM THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE COPYRIGHTED WORK OF OMGIVNING ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. REVISIONS: LEGEND JOB NO.: 12-030 DATE: 01.22.13 AREA NOT A PART SCALE: AS NOTED NORTH H.1 RETAIL (E) 46'-8" ± BROADWAY F.1 CASE #_______ D EXIT EXIT EXHIBIT A C.2 SEE A-20 FOR FLOOR PLANS E.1 DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 541 S SPRING STREET SUITE 204 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 SPRING STREET 1 541 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90013 N PD AM OPE R ) (E % SL 2 ±1 ARCADE BUILDING 541 S. SPRING ST. ALLEY FIRST FLOOR KEY PLAN SCALE : 1/16" = 1'- 0" 4 TENANT SPACE INCLUDED IN CUB SHEET TITLE: PROPERTY LINE SHEET NUMBER: FIRST FLOOR KEY PLAN A-18 TENANTS #1 & 2 SUBTOTALS 4 AREA (sq. ft.) FIRST FLOOR 7 14 7 2 9 10 3 14 13 11 12 17 18 BAR 268 Sq ft 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 HOST 20 23 24 63 64 26 25 66 65 29 30 31 32 67 68 70 69 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 40 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 38 41 42 43 44 47 48 45 46 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 62 61 59 58 60 57 55 54 56 53 51 50 52 49 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 DINING ROOM 1,745 Sq ft 79 80 83 84 37 38 39 40 46 45 44 43 42 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 51 52 54 53 46 45 43 44 42 41 39 40 38 37 35 36 9'-0" 34 33 72 75 76 74 73 78 77 82 81 124 NOT A PART 123 122 121 TOTAL 120 91 89 8 9 10 ARCADE SEATING 512 Sq ft 34 31 30 27 33 32 29 28 SEATS FIXED 916 380 67 138 264 62 0 0 10 16 1,765 88 DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 541 S SPRING STREET SUITE 204 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 117 7 26 25 23 24 11 12 13 14 22 21 19 20 18 17 15 16 ARCADE TENANT 1 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" EXHIBIT A CASE #_______ 2 11 10 9 242 118 87 88 90 EXIT TENANT 2 - RESTAURANT RESTAURANT DINING ROOM KITCHEN ALCOHOL STORAGE BAR ARCADE SEATING ADJACENT RETAIL 3,590 AREA (sq. ft.) FIRST FLOOR 125 126 16 54 46 0 0 119 86 85 47 49 E.1 71 93 92 KITCHEN 406 Sq ft 126 15 36 35 48 TOTAL 104 105 106107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 28 27 ALCOHOL STORAGE 84 Sq ft 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 31'-3" 4 19 OUTDOOR PATIO 575 Sq ft 21 22 omgivning (E) 35'-3" ± (E) 16'-4" ± (E) 17'-8" ± 724 SOUTH SPRING STREET - SUITE 501 LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 - 213.596.5602 A 1 (E) 43'-6" ± B.2 2 13 14 25 3 4 5 6 16 15 26 17 18 27 7 8 9 10 20 19 28 21 22 29 11 12 24 23 ADJACENT RETAIL NOT A PART DINING ROOM 916 Sq ft 31 32 34 33 35 36 38 37 47 48 39 40 50 49 42 41 51 52 C.2 43 44 46 45 THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE COPYRIGHTED WORK OF OMGIVNING ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. 30 RETAIL 108 ALCOHOL STORAGE 67 Sq ft 1 2 3 4 ADJACENT RETAIL NOT A PART BAR 138 Sq ft 1 2 3 53 54 HOST REVISIONS: KITCHEN 380 Sq ft 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JOB NO.: 12-030 16'-11" 55 56 57 58 59 60 5 16 61 62 ARCADE SEATING 264 Sq ft 6 7 8 9 15 14 13 12 LEGEND DATE: 01.22.13 SCALE: AS NOTED 10 SHEET TITLE: 11 AREA NOT A PART NORTH D.1 8 1,745 268 575 512 406 84 NORTH 12 13 1 8'-2" C.1 SIDEWALK (E) 45'-8" ± BROADWAY B.1 5 6 6 16 10 11 3 4 5 15 TENANT 1 - RESTAURANT RESTAURANT DINING ROOM BAR OUTDOOR PATIO ARCADE SEATING KITCHEN ALCOHOL STORAGE (E) 11'-0" ± 9'-3" 8 9 1 2 7'-0" A.1 (E) 46'-0" ± 10'-0" 7'-0" SEATS FIXED 541 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90013 5 ARCADE BUILDING 3 2 541 S. SPRING ST. 1 ARCADE TENANT 2 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" 4 AREA OF ALCOHOL USE PROPERTY LINE TENANT FLOOR PLANS SHEET NUMBER: A-19 13 5 2 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 18 1 G.2 TOTAL 10' X 12' COOLER 116 Sq ft POS H FOOD PREP 214 Sq ft H.2 J EMPLOYEE LOCKERS 55 Sq ft 3'-7" RESTROOM 61 Sq ft JANITOR/ STORAGE 90 Sq ft 7'-6" 10'-0" TOTAL STORAGE 1,779 Sq ft EMPLOYEE RESTROOM 128 Sq ft 14'-4" 21 TENANT 4 - RESTAURANT RESTAURANT COOLERS EMPLOYEE LOCKERS EMPLOYEE RESTROOM STORAGE UP 10' X 12' COOLER 114 Sq ft 71'-5" NORTH NORTH 17'-11" TENANT 4 - RESTAURANT RESTAURANT BAR DINING ROOM KEG STORAGE KITCHEN MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM OUTDOOR PATIO ARCADE SEATING WALK-UP DINING COUNTER TOTAL CREPES SANS FRONTIERES TENANT 5 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN ROYAL CLAYTON'S TENANT 4 - BASEMENT PLAN 14 SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" 2 SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" 15 16 17 18 1,654 76 FIRST FLOOR TOTAL 0 0 0 0 2,192 0 20 103 0 0 0 0 26 28 8 3,956 185 12 21 0 0 0 875 33 12 13 14 23'-5" 18 17 16 15 DINING ROOM 474 Sq ft 19 20 21 22 26 25 24 23 6'-7" MEN'S WOMEN'S RESTROOM RESTROOM 49 Sq ft 50 Sq ft 27 1 2 5 6 9 16 10 3 7 8 11 12 4 24 15 17 18 14 13 19 20 22 21 23 25 26 32 31 27 30 29 28 9 10 OUTDOOR PATIO 202 Sq ft 12 11 (N) STAIR DN MEN'S RESTROOM 99 Sq ft J COOLER WOMEN'S RESTROOM 135 Sq ft 6 7 8 5'-0" 22 24 26 28 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 DINING ROOM 1,872 Sq ft 31 32 33 34 25 26 35 36 37 38 46 42 41 40 39 44 45 27 43 47 57 58 69 70 79 48 56 59 68 49 55 60 67 54 61 66 71 78 80 81 72 77 83 82 53 62 65 73 76 84 85 POS 11 51 52 63 64 74 75 87 86 3 1 5 2 6 7 8 9 BAR 270 Sq ft 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 88 89 90 91 92 93 9 24 94 95 96 97 10 23 98 99 GUISADO'S TENANT 3 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" 16 8 25 12 21 102 103 14 19 REVISIONS: 42" RAILING 11 22 13 20 19 OUTDOOR PATIO 335 Sq ft 7 26 100 101 THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE COPYRIGHTED WORK OF OMGIVNING ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. EDGE OF SIDEWALK 4 5 JOB NO.: 12-030 LEGEND 15 18 DATE: 01.22.13 SCALE: 20 AS NOTED 16 17 K ARCADE omgivning ARCADE BUILDING SECURITY GATE 6 30 5'-0" 50 4 1 20 28 29 10 9 2 KEG STORAGE 105 Sq ft ARCADE SEATING 376 Sq ft 5 3'-8" 15 16 7'-0" 2 H H.2 7'-0" KITCHEN 712 Sq ft 20 21 4 3 13 14 NORTH 8'-7" 15'-1" 28 8 7 1 27 3 12 13 3'-0" G.2 18 25 SHEET TITLE: 12'-8" 17'-4" AREA NOT A PART 30'-1" 78'-2" 7'-0" 7'-0" ROYAL CLAYTON'S TENANT 4 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" NORTH 5 6 G 16 23 CASE #_______ SPRING STREET 8 9 10 11 10 21 3'-8" 3 4 8 19 15'-9" 6 6 17 18'-11" 7 4 15 SERVICE 1 2 2 11 ARCADE 13 12 SEATING 14 320 Sq ft 4'-4" 30'-8" KITCHEN 321 Sq ft POS 5 18'-1 1/2" GRILL/ FOOD PREP 182 Sq ft 4 20'-0 1/2" 10'-3" 9 POS 42'-2" 23'-2" 1 2 3 SPRING STREET 36'-8" 7 9'-0" 46'-5" 5 EXHIBIT A 724 SOUTH SPRING STREET - SUITE 501 LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 - 213.596.5602 PL 3 DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 541 S SPRING STREET SUITE 204 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 SEATS FIXED 130 380 214 90 61 ARCADE 1 SEATS FIXED 270 1,872 105 712 99 135 335 320 108 PL WALK-UP DINING COUNTER 108 Sq ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SEATS FIXED 230 55 128 1,779 AREA (sq. ft.) TENANT 5 - RESTAURANT CREPES SANS FRONTIERES ARCADE SEATING DINING ROOM FOOD PREP JANITOR/STORAGE RESTROOM 19 0 0 28 16 32 0 0 AREA (sq. ft.) FIRST FLOOR K 321 182 474 202 376 49 50 AREA (sq. ft.) BASEMENT 8'-10" 8'-0" 20 17 57'-9" 3'-4" 42'-7" 4 6 11 12 DINING ROOM 380 Sq ft 3 16 10 7 ARCADE SEATING 8 4 130 Sq ft 6 9 3 15 36'-2" 2 37'-10" 1 14 TENANT 3 - RESTAURANT RESTAURANT KITCHEN GRILL/FOOD PREP DINING ROOM OUTDOOR PATIO ARCADE SEATING MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM 541 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90013 ARCADE SEATS FIXED ARCADE BUILDING AREA (sq. ft.) FIRST FLOOR 541 S. SPRING ST. TENANTS #3 - 5 SUBTOTALS 4 AREA OF ALCOHOL USE PROPERTY LINE TENANT FLOOR PLANS SHEET NUMBER: A-20 139'-0" 41'-6" 42" RAILING 9 20 UP 3 4 (E) BAKERY DINING ROOM 12 17 13 16 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 KITCHEN 675 Sq ft 31 162 Sq ft 33 34 42 43 41 44 1 12 2 11 262 Sq ft 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7 550 S. BROADWAY TENANT #2 1 2 3 4 29 40 45 39 46 28 27 35 36 38 47 37 48 (E) RESTROOM 70 Sq ft ALCOHOL STORAGE BAR 370 Sq ft 119 Sq ft WOMEN'S RESTROOM 119 Sq ft 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TENANT 2 BAR BAR STORAGE 1 STORAGE 2 ALCOHOL STORAGE MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM UTILITY LOUNGE 31 Sq ft 63 Sq ft MEN'S RESTROOM 20 21 22 13 14 20 BAR 21 19 22 28 27 29 30 36 LOUNGE 35 1,061 Sq ft 15 18 23 26 31 34 37 39 41 42 45 46 49 50 53 54 57 58 61 62 65 66 STORAGE 1 STORAGE 2 16 17 24 25 32 33 38 40 43 44 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 72 Sq ft 46 Sq ft 45'-4" 0 48 12 0 0 0 2,343 60 AREA (sq. ft.) FIRST FLOOR 18'-0" 7 8 8'-2" SIDEWALK 6 SALES AREA 30 TOTAL 40'-0" 32 5 STORAGE 111 Sq ft 1,063 Sq ft OUTDOOR PATIO 12 11 10 9 8 7 UP 262 1,063 162 675 111 70 TOTAL SEATS FIXED 370 72 46 119 63 119 31 1,061 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 1,881 90 DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT CO., INC. 541 S SPRING STREET SUITE 204 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 86'-11" 118'-2" EXHIBIT A NORTH 2 11 18 17'-0" 21'-6" 1 10 19 10'-9" UTILITY BROADWAY 2 3 4 5 6 1 548 S. BROADWAY TENANT #1 21 29'-3" 10'-2" 30'-0" 10'-2" BASEMENT BELOW TENANT 1 (E) BAKERY SALES AREA DINING ROOM OUTDOOR PATIO KITCHEN STORAGE RESTROOM 548 - 550 SOUTH BROADWAY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90013 FIRST FLOOR SEATS FIXED THOM MCCAN BUILDING AREA (sq. ft.) 548 - 550 S. BROADWAY FIRST FLOOR SUBTOTALS FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/8" = 1'- 0" CASE #_______ 2 omgivning 724 SOUTH SPRING STREET - SUITE 501 LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 - 213.596.5602 THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN ARE THE COPYRIGHTED WORK OF OMGIVNING ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. REVISIONS: JOB NO.: 12-030 DATE: LEGEND 01.22.13 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET TITLE: AREA NOT A PART AREA OF ALCOHOL USE PROPERTY LINE FIRST FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A-21 Attachment 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ZA 2013 -1068(MCUP)(CUX) TOM MCAN BUILDING- 548-550 S. Broadway SW 40 FEET OF LOT 1 OF BLOCK 13 OF ORD'S SURVEY PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 73, PAGE 50 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. 550 S. Broadway- Thom’s Bar Lot Dimensions: Apx 40' x 164' Lot Area (sq. ft.): 5,402.2 Sq. Ft. Total Project Size: 1,881 Sq. Ft. 548 S. Broadway- Gourmet LA Bakery Lot Dimensions: Apx 40' x 164' Lot Area (sq. ft.): 5,402.2 Sq. Ft. Total Project Size: 2,343 Sq. Ft. SPRING ARCADE BUILDING – 541 S. SPRING ST TRACT 62470 IN CITY OF LOS ANGELES, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 541 S. Spring St, Unit 1 – Restaurant Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 Total Project Size: 3,590 sq. ft. 541 S. Spring St, Unit 2 – Restaurant Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 Total Project Size: 1,765 sq. ft. 541 S. Spring St, Unit 3 – Guisado’s Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 Total Project Size: 1,654 sq. ft. 541 S. Spring St, Unit 4 – Royal Clayton’s Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 Total Project Size: 6,148 sq. ft. 541 S. Spring St, Unit 5 – Crepes Sans Frontieres Lot Dimensions: Irregular Lot Area (sq. ft.): 48,670.5 Total Project Size: 875 sq. ft. CONDITIONAL USE - ATTACHMENT – 2 The Spring Arcade Complex 541 S. Spring Street & 548-550 S. Broadway Representative: Elizabeth Peterson Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc. 400 S. Main Street, Suite 808 Los Angeles, CA 90013 T: 213-620-1904 F: 213-620-1587 elizabeth@epgla.com Applicant/Owner: Downtown Management, Inc. Mideb Nominees, Inc. 541 S. Spring Street, Suite 204 Los Angeles, CA 90013 T: 213-688-1100 ext. 110 gregmartin@linkline.com REQUEST(S): Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, section 12.24 W1; the applicant is requesting a Zoning Administrator’s Determination of a Master Conditional Use Permit to allow: 1) Thom Mcan Building – 548-550 S. Broadway a. 550 S Broadway - A 1,881 square-foot bar with 90 seats in the Thom Mcan Building having a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-48 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control license. b. 548 S Broadway - An existing bakery (Gourmet LA Bakery, Inc.) of 2,343 square feet and 60 seats adding a Type-41 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License for on-site sales of beer and wine. 2) 541 S. Spring Street – Five tenants on the first floor of the Broadway-Spring Arcade Building: a. Tenant 1 - A 3,590 square-foot restaurant with 242 seats having a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-47 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License. b. Tenant 2 – A 1,765 sqaure-foot restaurant with 88 seats seats having a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-47 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License. c. Tenant 3 - A 1,654 square foot Guisado’s restaurant with 76 seats having beer and wine for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-41 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License. d. Tenant 4 – The 6,148 square foot Royal Clayton’s British Pub and restaurant with 185 seats having a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-47 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License. e. Tenant 5 - The 875 square foot Crepes Sans Frontieres creperie with 33 seats having beer and wine for on-site sale and consumption in conjunction with a Type-41 Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control License. BACKGROUND The subject properties for this Master Conditional Use Permit request include the Spring Arcade Building, a designated Historic-Cultural Monument by the City of Los Angeles. Historic Features The Broadway-Spring Arcade Building (LA-137) was constructed in 1924 as the Mercantile Arcade Building, replacing Mercantile Place, which at the time had been a Los Angeles landmark for over 40 years. An architectural competition was held for the new building, which San Francisco firm McDonald and Couchot won with their design, patterned after London’s Burlington Arcade. The original design included 61 shops and 350 offices in two 12-story towers, one facing Spring Street and one facing Broadway. With an impressive curved skylight running above the arcade and Spanish Renaissance entryways and a Beaux-Arts exterior, the Broadway-Spring Arcade building is primed for a reinjection of new life and activity with the approval of this Master Conditional Use Permit request. GENERAL CONDITIONAL USE FINDINGS: i. That the project will enhance the built environment in the surrounding neighborhood or will perform a function or provide a service that is essential or beneficial to the community, city, or region. Approval of the requested entitlements in the Spring Arcade Complex Master Conditional Use Permit application will allow for the commercial revitalization of the Spring Arcade Building and the Thom Mcan Building directly next to the Spring Arcade Building. The proposed Spring Arcade Complex will play a pivotal role in the rebirth of the historic Broadway Theater District, once the entertainment and commercial center of Los Angeles. With the ability to serve alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the proposed restaurant, bar, and nightclub uses, the Spring Arcade Complex will become a worldclass entertainment center in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. In preserving the historical character, the Spring Arcade Complex will recall the glory days when Downtown was the epicenter of Los Angeles culture, nightlife, and shopping, and Angelinos would come from all over the region to LA’s urban core. Improvements to the Spring Arcade, which recently underwent a $40 million dollar rehabilitation and conversion to 143 live/work rental lofts, will make way for the Arcade’s return to a retail and restaurant hot spot with five new restaurant tenants including the much loved Royal Clayton’s British Pub and Guisado’s taqueria. Complementary restaurant, nightclub and bar uses in the adjacent Thom McCan Building will enhance the Spring Arcade Complex as Downtown Los Angeles’ premier entertainment and nightlife destination. Not only will the proposed Spring Arcade Complex enhance the built environment of Broadway and Spring Street, but it will be pivotal to ongoing Downtown revitalization efforts. The Broadway Theater District, with its existing infrastructure of historic theaters and commercial tenant space, is ripe for redevelopment given Downtown Los Angeles’ tremendous residential and commercial resurgence led, in part, by hospitality uses such as those proposed in this entitlement request. The Bringing Back Broadway initiative has worked since 2008 to reinvigorate Downtown’s backbone, which despite remarkable gains in residential and commercial investment, still struggles with groundfloor commercial vacancies. Approvals for the proposed Spring Arcade Complex will assist in The Bringing Back Broadway’s broader goal of reinstating Los Angeles’ Broadway as one of the city’s premier destinations. The project will be guided through the entitlement and development process by and experienced leadership team including land use development and entitlement expert Elizabeth Peterson. ii. That the project's location, size, height, operations and other significant features will be compatible with and will not adversely affect or further degrade adjacent properties, the surrounding neighborhood, or the public health, welfare, and safety. As opposed to adversely affecting the public health, welfare and safety and degrading the surrounding neighborhood, the proposed Spring Arcade Complex will provide a social, cultural, economic and safety benefit to the resurgent Broadway Theater District, Downtown Los Angeles and the Los Angeles region as a whole. Reactivation of this historic building will allow this architectural gem to serve the purpose it was created for in the early 20th century in providing a concentrated location for Angelinos to experience elite shops, eateries, and experiences in Downtown Los Angeles. The Spring Arcade Building and Thom Mcan building will function in conjunction with their restaurants and bars to help reactivate the streetscape with pedestrian-oriented facades and outdoor seating, providing Broadway with a presence that persists through day and nighttime hours. The Spring Arcade will be buzzing with activity as restaurant-, bar- and theatergoers comingle and enjoy the historic district. The proposed Thom’s Bar in the adjacent Thom McCan building, to be operated by Tony Gower (also of Royal Clayton’s), will engender a dynamic cluster of hospitality venues that will not only attract visitors but new residents and further commercial and residential investment into Downtown’s historic core. Surrounding properties will benefit from increased pedestrian activity throughout the day and night which in turn will improve public safety by putting eyes and activity on the street where it does not currently exist. The proposed Spring Arcade Complex will entail a considerable investment in and of itself, and with the approval of the requested entitlements and the successful rehabilitation and reinvigoration of the Spring Arcade and nearby Thom Mcan, the value of adjacent properties is sure to rise as visitors and residents flock to what will be one of LA’s premiere entertainment destinations. iii. That the project substantially conforms with the purpose, intent and provisions of the General Plan, the applicable community plan, and any applicable specific plan. The proposed Spring Arcade Complex will be in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan. The area is zoned for commercial uses including restaurant, bar, and nightclub uses which are allowed by right in the [Q]C5-4D-CDO zone, and the sale of alcoholic beverages at the location will serve as an added, if not expected, amenity to these uses. Thus the requested entitlements will not adversely affect or compromise any element of the General Plan. The project is located within the Central City Community Plan Area, which is designated in the General Plan Framework as the “Downtown Center”. The Spring Arcade Complex is indeed consistent with the General Plan, and in fact furthers many of the goals outlined by transforming Broadway into one of Los Angeles’ premier cultural and entertainment destinations, reinforcing Downtown Los Angeles as the city’s cultural and economic heart. The Central City Community Plan supports the corridor’s revitalization and establishment as a regional, night-time, entertainment district, with night clubs, bars, and restaurants that contribute to an active, 24-hour downtown. The Spring Arcade Complex proposal, with its six restaurants and one bar, will work directly to accomplish this goal in providing a pedestrian-oriented culture and nightlife destination. The revitalization of Broadway is consistent with the goals of the General Plan Framework and the Central City Community Plan to expand and reinforce the distinct districts of downtown and to eventually link pockets of activity via vibrant, pedestrian friendly streets. In fully restoring the theaters, arcade and nearby buildings and developing them to their maximum potential the Spring Arcade Complex will activate the Broadway and Spring Street streetscapes, bring people to the Historic Core and catalyze ongoing revitalization efforts. ADDITIONAL FINDINGS a. Explain how the proposed use will not adversely affect the welfare of the pertinent community. The proposed Spring Arcade Complex will permit the better and more productive use of the historic Spring Arcade and adjacent Thom Mcan Building. By improving and restoring the Arcade Building for current use alongside complementary new restaurant and bar uses, the project will significantly contribute to revitalization efforts on Broadway and Spring Street which aim to improve the social and economic welfare of the pertinent community. Downtown Los Angeles is in a time of striking revitalization and reinvestment. Much of this investment has resulted in the productive reuse of historic buildings, which in turn has allowed for a commerical and residential rebirth to occur. In many cases, hospitality-oriented land uses led the way in reactivating Downtown blocks. The proposed Spring Arcade Complex will entail major benefits for Broadway, the target of the Bringing Back Broadway initiative, reactivating the streetscape into nightime hours with six new restaurants and bars, transforming the block from Fifth to Sixth Streets into a vibrant and lively entertainment and hospitality destination. Potential benefits include safer streets as more activity takes place during more hours of the day, increased investment in surrounding properties, the introduction of other new productive uses in underutilized commercial spaces and a broader appeal for the Historic Core. In revitalizing underutilized historic buildings and attracting more residents and vistors to the surroundings community the proposed project will markedly improve the economic welfare of the surrounding community by contributing to tax revenues and providing numerous jobs to residents. b. Explain how the approval of the application will not result in or contribute to an undue concentration of such establishments. No, the approval of the master conditional use permit will not result in or contribute to an undue concentration of such establishments. The approval of this master conditional use permit request will make way for the reactivation of a historic structure, a goal long desired by the community and targeted by city policy. In order for the revitalization of the Arcade Building to be economically viable, approval for the service a full-line of alcoholic beverages must be obtained. Similarly, in order for the Spring Arcade Complex to become one of Los Angeles’ most appealing entertainment nodes, the complementary uses proposed must also gain approval to sell alcoholic beverages. The proposed site is in proper relation to adjacent uses and the development of the community. The Spring Arcade Complex will provide a community oriented, interactive destination for neighboring patrons and visitors, which will strengthen the hospitality sector in Downtown Los Angeles. Downtown Los Angeles is underserved by entertainment venues that can host worldclass talent and productions, particularly in light of the currently expanding tourism sector. c. Explain how the approval of the application will not detrimentally affect nearby residential zones or uses. The requested use at the site will not be detrimental to the use, enjoyment or valuation of property or other persons located in the vicinity. The addition of sales of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the proposed uses is consistent with the revitalization of Los Angeles’s historic entertainment core with the introduction of new restaurant uses into the Spring Arcade and the surroundings building. The approval of the requested entitlements would also be consistent with development in the immediate neighborhood, with Spring Street having undergone a notable residential and commercial resurgence and Broadway seeing similar improvements. A detailed Security Plan for the entire complex will be reviewed and approved by LAPD in conjunction with the Zoning Administrator to ensure the safe operation and enjoyment of the proposed uses. Furthermore, if approved, the Zoning Administrator will impose conditions and limitations, also developed in conjunction with LAPD and with input from Councilmember Huizar’s office and the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, which would protect the surrounding residential uses from the predictable impacts of the proposed entertainment complex uses. 3. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE a. What is the total square footage of the building or center the establishment is located in? b. What is the total square footage of the space the establishment will occupy? – See request clause for square footage summary c. What is the total occupancy load of the space as determined by the Fire Department? – TBD d. What is the total number of seats that will be provided indoors/outdoors? THOM MCCAN BUILDING TENANT 1 – GOURMET LA BAKERY, INC. – 48 indoor, 12 outdoor seats TENANT 2 – BAR – 90 seats ARCADE BUILDING TENANT 1 – RESTAURANT – 188 indoor, 54 outdoor seats TENANT 2 – RESTAURANT - 88 seats TENANT 3 - GUISADO'S - 60 indoor, 16 outdoor seats TENANT 4 - ROYAL CLAYTON'S – 159 indoor, 26 outdoor seats TENANT 5 - RUTH'S CREPES – 33 seats e. f. If there is an outdoor area, will there be an option to consume alcohol outdoors? – Yes If there is an outdoor area, is it on private property or the public right-of-way, or both? – Both a. If an outdoor area is on the public right-of-way, has a revocable permit been obtained? – Revocable g. h. permit will be obtained Are you adding floor area? - No Parking a. How many parking spaces are available on the site? – 0 spaces b. Are they shared or designated for the subject use? – N/A c. If you are adding floor area, what is the parking requirement as determined by the Department of Building & Safety? – TBD d. Have any arrangements been made to provide parking off-site? – Off-site parking arrangements - TBD i. If yes, is the parking secured via a private lease or a covenant/affidavit approved by the Department of Building & Safety? – TBD ii. Please provide a map showing the location of the off-site parking and the distance, in feet, for pedestrian travel between the parking area the use it is to serve. iii. Will valet service be available? – Yes iv. Will the service be for a charge? – Yes i. j. Is the site within 1,000 feet of any schools (public, private or nursery schools), churches or parks? – Yes For massage parlors and sexual encounter establishments, is the site within 1,000 feet of any other Adult Entertainment Businesses as defined by LAMC 12.70 B17? – N/A 4. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE OPERATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT Sources: http://www.bringingbackbroadway.com/ARCHITECTURALGEMS/THEATERS/ARCADE/index.htm http://www.bringingbackbroadway.com/ARCHITECTURALGEMS/THEATERS/ROXIE/index.htm http://www.bringingbackbroadway.com/ARCHITECTURALGEMS/THEATERS/CAMEO/index.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadway_Arcade http://www.laconservancy.org/dgcase2.pdf https://sites.google.com/site/downtownlosangelestheatres/roxie https://sites.google.com/site/downtownlosangelestheatres/arcade https://sites.google.com/site/downtownlosangelestheatres/cameo http://www.ladowntownnews.com/news/the-survivor/article_8291155e-6391-5bd2-beaa-7740303e5159.html Entitlement Request Matrix Spring Arcade Building – 541 S. Spring Street Unit Description Seats Hours Operation 1 - Restaurant Restaurant - Type 47 Full Line Bonafide Eating Place Alcoholic Beverages 242 Seats 8:00 am – 2:00 11:00 am – 2:00 am, daily. am, daily. 2 - Restaurant Restaurant - Type 47 Full Line Bonafide Eating Place Alcoholic Beverages 3 – Guisado’s Restaurant - Type 41 Beer and Wine 4 - Royal Clayton’s Restaurant - Type 88 Seats of Hours of Alcohol Sales 8:00 am – 2:00 am, daily 11:00 am – 2:00 am, daily 76 Seats 8:00 am – 2:00 11:00am – 2:00 am, daily am, daily. 144 Seats 7:00am – 2:00 11:00am – 2:00 47 Full Line Bonafide Eating Place Alcoholic Beverages 5 – Ruth’s Crepes Restaurant - Type 41 Beer and Wine am, daily. am, Monay through Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 am, Saturday and Sunday 33 Seats 8:00am – 2:00 11:00am – 2:00 am, daily am, daily Thom McCan Building – 548-550 S. Broadway Unit Description Seats Hours of Operation Hours of Alcohol Sales 1 – Gourmet LA Bakery, Inc. (548 S Broadway) Restaurant - Type 41 Beer and Wine 60 Seats 7:00am – 2:00 am, 11:00am – 2:00am daily. daily 2 – Thom’s Bar (550 S Broadway) Bar- Type 48 Full Line General Premise License 90 Seats 11:00 am – 2:00 11:00 am – 2:00 am, am, daily daily MASTER LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning Staff Use Only ENV No. Existing Zone APC Community Plan Census Tract District Map Council District Case Filed With [DSC Staff] APN Date CASE NO. APPLICATION TYPE (MPA) Master Plan Approval- CUB (zone change, variance, conditional use, tract/parcel map, specific plan exception, etc.) 1. PROJECT LOCATION AND SIZE Street Address of Project 548 S Broadway Legal Description: Lot ONE Lot Dimensions Apx 40' x 164' 90013 Zip Code A Subdivision of A Portion of Block 13 Ord's Survey None Block Tract 5,402.2 Lot Area (sq. ft.) 2,343 Total Project Size (sq. ft.) 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 M, the applicant is requesting a new Describe what is to be done: Present Use: conditional use permit for the sale and service of beer and wine, having an ABC Type 41 License in conjunction with the existing restaurant, Gourmet LA Bakery Inc. Bakery Proposed Use: Plan Check No. (if available) Bakery Date Filed: ‘ New Construction ‘ Change of Use ‘ Alterations ‘ Demolition ‘ Commercial ‘ Industrial ‘ Residential ‘ Tier 1 LA Green Code Additions to the building: ‘ Rear ‘ Front ‘ Height ‘ Side Yard No. of residential units: Existing To be demolished Check all that apply: Adding Total 3. ACTION(S) REQUESTED Describe the requested entitlement which either authorizes actions OR grants a variance: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: 12.24, M *** PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT- 1 *** Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List related or pending case numbers relating to this site: Page 2 of 3 4. OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant's name Address: Greg Martin Company 541 S. Spring St., Suite 204 Telephone: ( Los Angeles, CA Zip: Downtown Management, Inc. 110 688-1100 ext.Fax: ( 213 ) 90013 E-mail: ) gregmartin@linkline.com Property owner’s name (if different from applicant) Address: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( Zip: Contact person for project information Address: Elizabeth Peterson ) E-mail: Company 400 S Main St., Suite 808 Telephone: ( 213 ) Los Angeles, Ca Zip: Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc. 620-1904 90013 213 ) 620-1587 E-mail: elizabeth@epgla.com Fax: ( 5. APPLICANT’S AFFIDAVIT Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a. The undersigned is the owner or lessee if entire site is leased, or authorized agent of the owner with power of attorney or officers of a corporation (submit proof). (NOTE: for zone changes lessee may not sign). b. The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c. In exchange for the City’s processing of this Application, the undersigned Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers or employees, against any legal claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void or annul any approval given as a result of this Application. Signature: ___________________________________ Print: ___________________________________ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ________________________ On_____________________________ before me, ______________________________________ (Insert Name of Notary Public and Title) personally appeared ________________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf on which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. __________________________________ Signature (Seal) 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/FINDINGS In order for the City to render a determination on your application, additional information may be required. Consult the appropriate Special Instructions handout. Provide on attached sheet(s) this additional information using the handout as a guide. NOTE: All applicants are eligible to request a one time, one-year only freeze on fees charged by various City departments in connection with your project. It is advisable only when this application is deemed complete or upon payment of Building and Safety plan check fees. Please ask staff for details or an application. Planning Staff Use Only Base Fee Receipt No. CP-7771 (09/09/2011) Reviewed and Accepted by [Project Planner] Deemed Complete by [Project Planner] Date Date MASTER LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning Staff Use Only ENV No. Existing Zone APC Community Plan Census Tract District Map Council District Case Filed With [DSC Staff] APN Date CASE NO. APPLICATION TYPE (MPA) Master Plan Approval- CUB (zone change, variance, conditional use, tract/parcel map, specific plan exception, etc.) 1. PROJECT LOCATION AND SIZE Street Address of Project 541 S Spring- Unit 5 Legal Description: Lot ONE Lot Dimensions Apx 40' x 164' 90013 Zip Code None Block 5,402.2 Lot Area (sq. ft.) TR 62470-C Tract 2,343 Total Project Size (sq. ft.) 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 M, the applicant is requesting a new Describe what is to be done: Present Use: conditional use permit for the sale and service of a beer and wine, having an ABC Type 41 License in conjunction with Crepes Sans Frontieres Restaurant. Bakery Proposed Use: Plan Check No. (if available) Bakery Date Filed: ‘ New Construction ‘ Change of Use ‘ Alterations ‘ Demolition ‘ Commercial ‘ Industrial ‘ Residential ‘ Tier 1 LA Green Code Additions to the building: ‘ Rear ‘ Front ‘ Height ‘ Side Yard No. of residential units: Existing To be demolished Check all that apply: Adding Total 3. ACTION(S) REQUESTED Describe the requested entitlement which either authorizes actions OR grants a variance: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: 12.24, M *** PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT- 1 *** Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List related or pending case numbers relating to this site: Page 2 of 3 4. OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant's name Address: Greg Martin Company 541 S. Spring St., Suite 204 Telephone: ( Los Angeles, CA Zip: Downtown Management, Inc. 110 688-1100 ext.Fax: ( 213 ) 90013 E-mail: ) gregmartin@linkline.com Property owner’s name (if different from applicant) Address: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( Zip: Contact person for project information Address: Elizabeth Peterson ) E-mail: Company 400 S Main St., Suite 808 Telephone: ( 213 ) Los Angeles, Ca Zip: Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc. 620-1904 90013 213 ) 620-1587 E-mail: elizabeth@epgla.com Fax: ( 5. APPLICANT’S AFFIDAVIT Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a. The undersigned is the owner or lessee if entire site is leased, or authorized agent of the owner with power of attorney or officers of a corporation (submit proof). (NOTE: for zone changes lessee may not sign). b. The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c. In exchange for the City’s processing of this Application, the undersigned Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers or employees, against any legal claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void or annul any approval given as a result of this Application. Signature: ___________________________________ Print: ___________________________________ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ________________________ On_____________________________ before me, ______________________________________ (Insert Name of Notary Public and Title) personally appeared ________________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf on which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. __________________________________ Signature (Seal) 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/FINDINGS In order for the City to render a determination on your application, additional information may be required. Consult the appropriate Special Instructions handout. Provide on attached sheet(s) this additional information using the handout as a guide. NOTE: All applicants are eligible to request a one time, one-year only freeze on fees charged by various City departments in connection with your project. It is advisable only when this application is deemed complete or upon payment of Building and Safety plan check fees. Please ask staff for details or an application. Planning Staff Use Only Base Fee Receipt No. CP-7771 (09/09/2011) Reviewed and Accepted by [Project Planner] Deemed Complete by [Project Planner] Date Date MASTER LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning Staff Use Only ENV No. Existing Zone APC Community Plan Census Tract District Map Council District Case Filed With [DSC Staff] APN Date CASE NO. APPLICATION TYPE (MPA) Master Plan Approval- CUB (zone change, variance, conditional use, tract/parcel map, specific plan exception, etc.) 1. PROJECT LOCATION AND SIZE Street Address of Project 541 S Spring- Unit 3 Legal Description: Lot ONE Lot Dimensions Apx 40' x 164' 90013 Zip Code None Block 5,402.2 Lot Area (sq. ft.) TR- 62470-C Tract Total Project Size (sq. ft.) 1,654 2,343 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 M, the applicant is requesting a new Describe what is to be done: Present Use: conditional use permit for the sale and service of beer and wine, having an ABC Type 41 License in conjunction with Guisado's Restaurant. Bakery Proposed Use: Plan Check No. (if available) Bakery Date Filed: ‘ New Construction ‘ Change of Use ‘ Alterations ‘ Demolition ‘ Commercial ‘ Industrial ‘ Residential ‘ Tier 1 LA Green Code Additions to the building: ‘ Rear ‘ Front ‘ Height ‘ Side Yard No. of residential units: Existing To be demolished Check all that apply: Adding Total 3. ACTION(S) REQUESTED Describe the requested entitlement which either authorizes actions OR grants a variance: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: 12.24, M *** PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT- 1 *** Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List related or pending case numbers relating to this site: Page 2 of 3 4. OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant's name Address: Greg Martin Company 541 S. Spring St., Suite 204 Telephone: ( Los Angeles, CA Zip: Downtown Management, Inc. 110 688-1100 ext.Fax: ( 213 ) 90013 E-mail: ) gregmartin@linkline.com Property owner’s name (if different from applicant) Address: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( Zip: Contact person for project information Address: Elizabeth Peterson ) E-mail: Company 400 S Main St., Suite 808 Telephone: ( 213 ) Los Angeles, Ca Zip: Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc. 620-1904 90013 213 ) 620-1587 E-mail: elizabeth@epgla.com Fax: ( 5. APPLICANT’S AFFIDAVIT Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a. The undersigned is the owner or lessee if entire site is leased, or authorized agent of the owner with power of attorney or officers of a corporation (submit proof). (NOTE: for zone changes lessee may not sign). b. The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c. In exchange for the City’s processing of this Application, the undersigned Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers or employees, against any legal claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void or annul any approval given as a result of this Application. Signature: ___________________________________ Print: ___________________________________ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ________________________ On_____________________________ before me, ______________________________________ (Insert Name of Notary Public and Title) personally appeared ________________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf on which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. __________________________________ Signature (Seal) 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/FINDINGS In order for the City to render a determination on your application, additional information may be required. Consult the appropriate Special Instructions handout. Provide on attached sheet(s) this additional information using the handout as a guide. NOTE: All applicants are eligible to request a one time, one-year only freeze on fees charged by various City departments in connection with your project. It is advisable only when this application is deemed complete or upon payment of Building and Safety plan check fees. Please ask staff for details or an application. Planning Staff Use Only Base Fee Receipt No. CP-7771 (09/09/2011) Reviewed and Accepted by [Project Planner] Deemed Complete by [Project Planner] Date Date MASTER LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning Staff Use Only ENV No. Existing Zone APC Community Plan Census Tract District Map Council District Case Filed With [DSC Staff] APN Date CASE NO. APPLICATION TYPE (MPA) Master Plan Approval- CUB (zone change, variance, conditional use, tract/parcel map, specific plan exception, etc.) 1. PROJECT LOCATION AND SIZE Street Address of Project 541 S Spring- Unit 4 Legal Description: Lot ONE Lot Dimensions Apx 40' x 164' 90013 Zip Code None Block 5,402.2 Lot Area (sq. ft.) TR 62470-C Tract 2,343 Total Project Size (sq. ft.) 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 M, the applicant is requesting a new Describe what is to be done: Present Use: conditional use permit for the sale and service of a full line of alcoholic beverages, having an ABC Type 47 License in conjunction with Royal Clayton's Restaurant. Bakery Proposed Use: Plan Check No. (if available) Bakery Date Filed: ‘ New Construction ‘ Change of Use ‘ Alterations ‘ Demolition ‘ Commercial ‘ Industrial ‘ Residential ‘ Tier 1 LA Green Code Additions to the building: ‘ Rear ‘ Front ‘ Height ‘ Side Yard No. of residential units: Existing To be demolished Check all that apply: Adding Total 3. ACTION(S) REQUESTED Describe the requested entitlement which either authorizes actions OR grants a variance: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: 12.24, M *** PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT- 1 *** Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: Code Section from which relief is requested: Code Section which authorizes relief: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List related or pending case numbers relating to this site: Page 2 of 3 4. OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant's name Address: Greg Martin Company 541 S. Spring St., Suite 204 Telephone: ( Los Angeles, CA Zip: Downtown Management, Inc. 110 688-1100 ext.Fax: ( 213 ) 90013 E-mail: ) gregmartin@linkline.com Property owner’s name (if different from applicant) Address: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( Zip: Contact person for project information Address: Elizabeth Peterson ) E-mail: Company 400 S Main St., Suite 808 Telephone: ( 213 ) Los Angeles, Ca Zip: Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc. 620-1904 90013 213 ) 620-1587 E-mail: elizabeth@epgla.com Fax: ( 5. APPLICANT’S AFFIDAVIT Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a. The undersigned is the owner or lessee if entire site is leased, or authorized agent of the owner with power of attorney or officers of a corporation (submit proof). (NOTE: for zone changes lessee may not sign). b. The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c. In exchange for the City’s processing of this Application, the undersigned Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers or employees, against any legal claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void or annul any approval given as a result of this Application. Signature: ___________________________________ Print: ___________________________________ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ________________________ On_____________________________ before me, ______________________________________ (Insert Name of Notary Public and Title) personally appeared ________________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf on which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. __________________________________ Signature (Seal) 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/FINDINGS In order for the City to render a determination on your application, additional information may be required. Consult the appropriate Special Instructions handout. Provide on attached sheet(s) this additional information using the handout as a guide. NOTE: All applicants are eligible to request a one time, one-year only freeze on fees charged by various City departments in connection with your project. It is advisable only when this application is deemed complete or upon payment of Building and Safety plan check fees. Please ask staff for details or an application. Planning Staff Use Only Base Fee Receipt No. CP-7771 (09/09/2011) Reviewed and Accepted by [Project Planner] Deemed Complete by [Project Planner] Date Date
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