The Multidimensional Human Design System
The Multidimensional Human Design System
The Multidimensional Human Design System: An Introduction Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Note .....................................................................................................................................3 Preface .................................................................................................................................3 Forward................................................................................................................................4 The Emerald Tablet of Hermes ...........................................................................................4 Introduction .........................................................................................................................5 How the Conditioning Field Works.....................................................................................6 EHP Prenatal/Natal Solar Body Graph................................................................................6 EHP Natal/Postnatal Solar Body Graph ..............................................................................6 The Human Mandala showing Path of Planets in Eleanor’s Multidimensional Charts For Prenatal, Natal, Postnatal Period .........................................................................................7 The Multidimensional Design Calculation Layers..............................................................8 EHP Prenatal/Natal Lunar Body Graph...............................................................................9 EHP Natal/Postnatal Lunar Body Graph .............................................................................9 The Solar World – The Mental World...............................................................................10 The Lunar World – The Spiritual World ...........................................................................11 Further Amplification of Solar and Lunar Concepts .........................................................12 The Solar Minute and Lunar Minute Worlds – The Emotional and Hormonal/Physical Worlds ...............................................................................................................................13 The Four Worlds – The Four Matrices..............................................................................14 The Atziluth World – The World of Archetypes (The 15–Gate Sleep Matrix) - Fire...15 Tarot Images: Key 10: The Wheel of Fortune and Key 21: The World........................15 Mandala of The World of Archetypes (The 15–Gate Sleep Matrix).............................17 Mandala of The World of Mystical Inspiration (The 33–Gate Angelic Matrix)...........18 Mandala of The World of Earth (The 64–Gate Earth Matrix) ......................................19 The Briatic World – The World of Mystical Inspiration (The 33–Gate Angelic Matrix) - Water ...........................................................................................................................20 The Yetzirah World – The World of Earth (The 64–Gate Earth Matrix) - Air .............20 Mandala of World of Biological Form (The 25-Gate Biological Matrix).....................21 The Assiah World – The World of Biological Form (The 25-Gate Biological Matrix) Earth...............................................................................................................................22 The Fifth World – The World of Integration.....................................................................22 Working with the Multidimensional Human Design System............................................22 Conclusion .........................................................................................................................24 Glossary of Jungian Terms ................................................................................................25 Anima and Animus........................................................................................................25 Archetype.......................................................................................................................25 Consciousness................................................................................................................26 Mandala .........................................................................................................................26 Psychoid.........................................................................................................................27 References .........................................................................................................................28 About the Author ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. The Mandala of Synthesis .................................................................................................30 2 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Note This paper, written in 2005, shows the origins and development of work that evolved into Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. It is published in its original form to preserve the integrity of the material and so readers have a sense of the roots and complexity of Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 July 14, 2009 Preface The development of the Multidimensional Human Design System MHDS) marks a turning point in the integrative synthesis of psychology, astrology, esoteric theory, and science. As far as I know, MHDS is the first theory that maps out the integration of personality through states of consciousness; it combines practical, scientific, and esoteric thought into a unified whole. MHDS bridges many interdisciplinary fields in a wellgrounded way. During the years that I have worked with this material, it has continued to evolve as new information validates its components and furthers its capacity to explain behavior in terms of functional consciousness throughout the 24-hour day. MHDS works with the whole person, i.e., it explains how auric energy fields feed the waking personality. Other theories of personality lack the degree of specificity in how the layers of a person function mechanically in the person. MHDS supplies a mechanical model through which one can study the pattern of energy flow in each auric field of a person in order to understand the functional dynamic active in the person. As a tool, MHDS is invaluable to the clinician as well as to the lay person since it serves as a model of understanding behavior and empowering each individual with his/her own unique way of being, but it is also easily understood, non verbally, through its symbolic graphics. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Pacific Palisades, Ca May 21, 2005 3 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Forward Many years ago, I read the Emerald Tablet by Hermes. Although it fascinated me, I did not fully comprehend its meaning. As I work with the MHDS, I understand this document and its full importance. Before you read this paper, please take a few moments to read the Emerald Tablet, letting it move within you without attempting to understand or analyze it. The MHDS follows the model described by Hermes in his Emerald Tablet. The more you grasp of the mechanics of the worlds and their operation, the more understanding you can have of the totality in which you operate. When you finish this MHDS paper, read The Emerald Tablet again. Note any changes in your comprehension and allow the information to move within you without attempting to force any analysis. You may experience something very deep and very profound in yourself. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth. This is the father of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. Its power is integrating, if it be turned into earth. Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. So the world was created. Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. What I have to tell is completed, concerning the Operation of the Sun. 4 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Introduction Throughout history humans have sought to understand and grasp their true nature; in this process they look beyond ordinary reality since all of consciousness cannot be explained by our interactions in the conscious world. There have always been individuals who claim extraordinary experiences that stimulate others to question the actual boundaries of reality. In esoteric literature, it is generally thought that our physical existence is only a small part of our nature and that our essence exists on “higher planes” of existence. In the words of Ann Davies: For purposes of developing keener self-conscious awareness during an incarnation, we are concentrated down to a conscious knowledge of physical phenomena only most of the time. But, as aspects of the One Ego, we live also on higher planes. When we have become proficient in opening our consciousness to more subtle levels, we will become aware of these higher dwelling places of our soul. We will know also that all personalities dwell on all planes. It is becoming conscious of it that gives superphysical powers. We will also find that to ascend in consciousness does not cut us off from participation in the physical world. All our work is aimed at helping us to live in such a way that we can enter into these higher levels of existence while still incarnate on the physical plane. This is the essence of Qabalistic and Hermetic doctrine (Builders of the Adytum, Lesson 29, The Oracle of Tarot, p. 2). In the Multidimensional Human Design System, each of the Matrices shows a level of cosmic energies streaming into the physical plane. In esoteric theory relating to the Tree of Life, there are four worlds: the Atziluth world relates to the element of Fire, spiritual life, to the beginning of things or to the root matter; the Briatic World relates to the element Water, to the creative realm, to desires, wishes and to the formation of plans and ideas; the Yetzirah World relates to the element Air, to the process and force behind the veil of physical things; the Assiah World relates to the element Earth, to the material world of physical senses and to practical life. In the Multidimensional Human Design Matrices, the Basic Body Graph Design of 64Gates serves as the integrative Matrix for all of the Worlds. Each calculation in the 64Gate Matrix represents the unifying vehicle for one of the worlds; it is through the integration of the Matrices as a functioning whole that the individual finds the capacity to move beyond ordinary reality and to recognize the mechanical aspects through which self-conscious awareness may be achieved. The Multidimensional Human Design System serves as a model of personality theory pinpointing the mechanical functioning of all layers of a person’s psyche as it shifts in consciousness through the 24-hour day. In addition, the calculations of the Multidimensional Human Design System span the critical 6-month period of a baby’s psychological development during which time the physical cognitive perceptual structures develop allowing the individual to interact in/with the physical world. 5 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. How the Conditioning Field Works Beginning with the activation of the Prenatal Sun 88 degrees prior to birth, the fetus is exposed to a psychological conditioning field that impacts it through the incoming neutrino field as affected by the transiting planets. The process that begins at 88 Solar degrees prior to birth continues every minute of every day as a moving stream of neutrinos impacts the organism at all layers of its being. Some planetary positions, i.e., those of the transpersonal planets, move very slowly making their effect collective and generational; other planetary positions, i.e., those of the personal planets, move quickly leaving an effect in combination and nuance that is unique to each individual. By the time the baby is born, the Sun has moved through almost a quarter of the zodiac wheel or through 16 Gates. From birth through the Postnatal calculation (88 Solar degrees after birth), the neonate experiences another quarter of the zodiac wheel or another 16 Gates of energy conditioning from the personal planetary Sun. The Sun has thus moved through 176 degrees of arc in the Zodiac wheel. Since, in Design, the Incarnation Cross, or the opposition of the position of the prenatal/natal and natal/postnatal Sun and Earth, is important in conditioning the individual, it is important to recognize that the Earth during this critical 6-month period also moves 176 degrees of arc in the zodiac wheel. Thus, within the 176 degrees of arc considered in the Design calculation arc, the zodiac wheel serves to condition the infant through 352 degrees of the zodiac wheel. This arc programs into each individual the macrocosm of the universe as they integrate it within their own microcosmic perspective. Once this concept is understood (cf. Illustration of the Path of Planets, page 7) the dynamic way in which the other matrices integrate into the individual psyche become easier to comprehend. In order to clearly understand this concept, look at the Illustrations of Eleanor’s Prenatal/Natal and Natal/Postnatal Solar Charts with special focus on the Sun (a) and Earth (z) positions. EHP Prenatal/Natal Solar Body Graph EHP Natal/Postnatal Solar Body Graph 6 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. EHP Prenatal, Natal, Postnatal Solar Minute Sun 26.2-26.5 EHP Natal Solar Sun 26.3 EHP Postnatal Lunar Moon 60.6 EHP Natal Lunar Moon 28.2 EHP Prenatal, Natal, Postnatal Lunar Minute Moon 50.628.3 EHP Postnatal Solar Sun 22.1 EHP Prenatal Solar Sun 47.5 EHP Prenatal Solar Earth 22.5 EHP Postnatal Solar Earth 47.1 EHP Natal Earth 45.3 EHP Prenatal Lunar Moon 31.4 The Human Mandala showing Path of Planets in Eleanor’s Multidimensional Charts For Prenatal, Natal, Postnatal Period (64 Gate Matrix) Notice that Eleanor’s prenatal Sun begins in the Zodiac Wheel in Virgo, in the Astrological sixth house, corresponding to Gate 47 Line 5 in the I-Ching Hexagrams. It proceeds to the natal Sun position in the Zodiac Wheel in Sagittarius, in the astrological ninth house, corresponding to Gate 26 Line 3 in the I-Ching Hexagrams. It continues postnatally to Pisces in the Zodiac Wheel, the twelfth house, corresponding to Gate 22 Line 1 in the I-Ching Hexagrams. Correspondingly, the Earth position moves from its Prenatal position in Pisces, Gate 22 Line 5 to its Gemini astrological position at birth in the third house, Gate 45 Line 3; it finishes postnatally in Virgo in the sixth house in Gate 47 Line 1. 7 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Follow these planetary positions in the Body Graph illustrations (page 6) and then look to the Planetary Path Illustration (page 7) in order to visualize exactly how much of the Zodiac wheel is imprinted as a conditioning field into the individual. This Solar conditioning field always traverses through the same number of degrees around the wheel although the signs and Gates change for each person. The 64-Gate Solar Human Design Body Graph, familiar to many people, represents only a moment in time, the birth moment, which we all know is a very critical point in everyone’s life. This moment imprints the individual more strongly than many other moments because of the increased effects of the planetary fields with birth, and because birth is the most important event since it begins a person’s conscious life. However, think back to other defining moments in your life. Think of your first day at school, graduation from high school or college, the day you got married, the day you had a baby, the death of a loved one, a car accident, a significant world event such as the crash into the World Trade Center; any of these events remain vivid in memory because they served as a defining moment in your life. Astrologers often look for defining dates in order to study the “aspects” that affected the individual at that time. Usually, such events show up in a person’s astrological chart. In a similar vein, there are three defining times prenatally and postnatally for everyone; these indicate critical times for the other auric bodies that integrate us with the other worlds of our consciousness. [Critical times or periods are defined in the psychological and physiological literature as periods of time that serve as a window of opportunity, some narrow, some wide during which experiences fatefully and permanently shape the development of the individual. These periods occur beginning with conception and continue at specific times throughout childhood, and, perhaps even into adulthood.] All of the times used in the Multidimensional charts are calculated based on an arc of 88 zodiac degrees or minutes; they are calculated based on the degrees of arc of the Sun or of the Moon as well as on 88 minutes of arc, again, of the Sun or of the Moon. [For those inexperienced astrologically, time in astrology is expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For example, each 60° equals 59°59’60”, i.e., sixty degrees equals fifty-nine degrees, 59 minutes, and 60 seconds.] The Multidimensional Design Calculation Layers Before moving into more depth relating the different worlds in which we function in different matrices, it is important to understand the calculations and the planetary path made as a conditioning field for each of the auric bodies that integrate each of the worlds in our consciousness. The Multidimensional Human Design System illustrates the prenatal, natal, and postnatal conditioning points for the Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Worlds in which we live. The Solar 64-Gate Body Graph shows the Mental Body, i.e., the way we relate primarily when we are in our waking consciousness and when we are interacting with other people or interacting in the material physical plane of existence. The Lunar 64-Gate Body Graph maps our Spiritual Body as well as illustrating the Unifying Integrating Field in which we operate during dreaming or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep; it is at this time during the 24-hour day when we integrate 8 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. information between the worlds. This Lunar Body Graph is calculated using the degrees of the Moon rather than of the degrees of the Sun. The 64-Gate Solar Minute Body Graph shows the Emotional Body or the way we relate specifically as an emotional being with others; this Body Graph is calculated using 88 solar minutes rather than degrees of the Sun. The 64-Gate Lunar Minute Body shows the hormonal/physical body timer. It times the Dream or REM cycle for an individual and times the release of various hormones that interface with the biological matrix regulating our bodily functions. As you can see, the 64-Gate matrices are the integrative ones in our daily life. However, these 64-Gate matrices tell only a partial story. Before amplifying the functions of the different calculations in the different worlds, it is important to look at the arc that each of the calculations make in the Body Graph. Look at the Lunar Body Graph illustrations of Eleanor’s Body Graph. EHP Prenatal/Natal Lunar Body Graph EHP Natal/Postnatal Lunar Body Graph In the Lunar Body Graph, the timing of the conditioning field is different and much shorter than it is for the Solar Body conditioning field. (Each planetary body takes a different amount of time to make one rotation. The Earth rotates around the Sun about one degree per day whereas the Moon rotates around the Earth about a degree per day. This difference in rotational speed makes the same calculation shift the number of days prenatally to postnatally). Follow the Lunar path in both the Charts and in the Planetary Path (page 7) Illustration. Note that in Eleanor’s Body Graph, the Moon moves from a prenatal position in Leo, the fifth house astrologically, Gate 31 Line 4 to its natal position in Scorpio, the eighth house, Gate 28.2 to its postnatal position in Aquarius on the cusp of the eleventh house, Gate 60 Line 6. Note that the Lunar conditioning field covers 32 gates of the wheel or 176 degrees of arc but because the Moon moves so much faster than the Sun, it takes only 6 days for the Moon to move from its prenatal to its natal position and another 6 days for the Moon to move from its natal to its postnatal position. 9 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. This Lunar timing corresponds to the last week of a woman’s pregnancy and to the first week after a baby is born. Interestingly, in the Jewish religion it is said that the soul enters the body and takes up its residence about a week after a baby is born; it is the reason in the Jewish religion there is a ceremony performed at day 7 of a baby’s life and not before on the physical body. Often, women experience a shift in their consciousness about a week before their baby is born. In terms of working with this layer, it is important to note the reversal of the red and black numbers on the Lunar layer; this reversal of color represents that the Active field of consciousness in this realm is the unconscious and not the consciously activated field. The Active field of consciousness in all Body Graph charts is shown in Black; it shows the Gates to which we have easiest access in consciousness. The Solar Minute Calculation is a calculation done on the Sun but using the minutes of arc rather than the degrees of arc in order to get a timeframe that corresponds to the emotional body of the person. This calculation gives a span of about four days from the prenatal to the postnatal conditioning, about the time it takes for an individual to go through their emotional wave in the Solar Plexus Center. In this short time period, you can see by looking at the Planetary Path illustration, that Eleanor’s Sun, using this calculation, goes through only three lines in Sagittarius from Gate 26 Line 2 to Gate 26 Line 5 in this complete time frame. In terms of pregnancy and birth, this four-day period corresponds to the time about two-days before birth when a woman’s body begins releasing the hormones for the birth process and to the 48 hour period after birth when colostrum is secreted by the breasts prior to milk beginning to flow. It is also the main bonding time with a newborn on an instinctive physiological level for the mother and child. The Lunar Minute calculation corresponds to the Solar Minute calculation in terms of using an 88-minute calculation but in this case using the degrees, minutes, and seconds of the Moon rather than of the Sun’s position at birth. This layer of the Body Graph times the dream cycle and also marks the time frame of the transition to the birth stage of Labor in a normal delivery. It is the marker of the hormonal releasers that control body functions in the biological matrix. It also corresponds to planetary hours and to the hours used in Chinese Medicine. The Solar World – The Mental World The Solar timetable of conditioning corresponds in developmental psychological terms to the critical period of the last trimester of pregnancy when the consciousness of the fetus is viable in terms of survival. In addition, during the first three months of a baby’s life the baby is considered a neonate meaning that the baby does have much capacity beyond the instinctive reflex responses while developing perceptual and cognitive pathways related to its environment. It is apparent, clinically as well as in terms of my work with 30,000 cases examined in terms of the Solar Body Graph, that this Solar matrix has only a limited function in the psychological make-up of a human being. The Solar Body Graph shows how we interact in the world and function in relationship to our environment. It shows the mental body in the sense that it represents our conscious waking reality with many functional layers beneath it. 10 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. In esoteric theory and practice, those who believe that the personality is the totality of the person may fall short in recognizing that they are only a vehicle for a much more pervasive consciousness that operates on many layers and in many worlds at the same time. By seeing the Solar Body Graph as representative of only a part of the whole of who we are, suddenly we can access the actual mechanics of how we function in terms of our total being. The Solar world is a world of the world. It is the material plane in its reality, and it is, by its very nature, an illusion; the Solar world is also very limiting in its scope of existence. No world in and of itself is a complete picture. The Lunar World – The Spiritual World The Lunar world, the world of Spirit and of Dreams functions to integrate the unity of consciousness with the whole. Because the Lunar world communicates during dreams and on other dimensions of time and space, it is elusive. Also, because of the 6-day lag time before the unconscious active field becomes conscious to our waking being, this world tends to be hard to grasp for most people. However, in my own experiences clinically on thousands of cases, this Lunar world seems to be the world many people feel represents their soul connection; when read in conjunction with the Solar and other worlds, it empowers individuals to stand up to be their true divine self. The Lunar world is experienced only in Dreaming or symbolically. It is never directly expressed since it comes through us in non-language ways; it is the world of symbols, of art, of music, of intuition. When in the dream world we have a direct experience of other dimensions all integrating in the 64-Gate Matrix and coming through in a way that communicates with our soul and with our deepest nature that is Divine. When we attempt to translate from this Lunar world into the Solar world there is never a perfect expression. The Lunar world is translated into language through Gate 12. Gate 12 serves as a Portal to the World of Earth. It is through this 12th Gate that we can put words to the symbols and express things while we attempt to understand them in the reality plane in which we live. Each Portal from each world interfaces with a world in a specific way and thus, when looked at for its dynamic gives a very interesting and clear picture to the individual of how information is transferred within their psyche. Psychological theories of personality that discuss the conscious and the unconscious on a personal level look at the personality modulated by the conscious mind and thus operate only at the Solar layer of awareness. Freudian theory is an example of a theory trying to understand the totality of personality through a Solar perspective. Even though Freud postulated a superego, ego, and id, he also postulated that the ego mediates those components of personality and that they operate through the waking world. In Freudian terms, dreams are analyzed in terms of their personal symbolism bringing all worlds into an egocentric model. This view, although very beneficial in the early days of the clinical practice of psychology, has very definite limitations in its breadth of understanding. In my view, Freud’s greatest gift was his recognition that the unconscious and dreams have an important message to communicate and that paying attention to them can enhance individual as well as group consciousness. 11 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Jung took the Freudian view further. Jung postulated a collective unconscious as well as existence of the archetypes of the anima and animus taking the individual into the Lunar realm of the archetypal dimension (cf. Glossary for definition of terms). He tapped into alchemy as well as to mystical dimensions, but because he lacked the constructs of the other worlds and how they work, he was limited in the interpretations he made. He, however, took a major step in comprehending that archetypes come from a universal place and that these constructs are common to all cultures as symbols. He also tapped into the recognition, with the ideas of the anima and animus, that there is a dynamic between men and women and within them individually that attempts to integrate the male aspect and female aspect (the Solar and Lunar designs in the 64-Gate Matrix). Quite a big step was taken with Jung’s work in the early 1900’s, probably congruent with the initial spotting of Chiron as a planetary body in 1897. (For a further graphic of the different Solar and Lunar constructs in personality theory see the Map of Consciousness posted on the Unified Life Sciences website: Further Amplification of Solar and Lunar Concepts In order to further understand why the Lunar calculation is so important, it is relevant to digress for a moment to explain how the Lunar calculation becomes relevant for consciousness in humans. In the initial information received about the field of Human Design, it was revealed that when a human being sleeps, the operational matrix is a 15Gate Matrix rather than a 64-Gate Matrix. This Matrix is the operational Matrix of a mammal. Of course, humans are mammals. In this 15-Gate Matrix, there is no Crown Center, there is no Ajna Center, there is no Solar Plexus Center, and there is no Heart Center. Thus, when a human sleeps, there is no cognition, no will, and no emotions. The astrological signs of Leo, Virgo, and Pisces are absent in the mammalian or sleep matrix. Furthermore, in mammals the Design Crystal resides in the Sacral Center. When we sleep, although we remain human, we move into a place of oneness with the collective consciousness of the universe and we lose our active cognitive centers of consciousness. This kind of shift reflects itself in the brain wave activity as seen in brain scans during various stages of sleep. During dreaming, however, all brain waves are present; it is in this phase of our consciousness that communication occurs between our waking and our dreaming worlds. It is also in this phase of our consciousness that input from other matrices integrate into our waking life. The 15-Gate matrix is calculated using an 88-degree calculation based on the Moon instead of on the Sun. This matrix has three Gates called Portal Gates that serve as the connection between mammalian and human consciousness and move us from one world to the other world in terms of the information communicated. Those people who have one or more of the Portals to the other world are able to communicate with other mammals easily. However, when we Dream, the information received during deep sleep is processed in our Lunar 64-gate matrix; it is then integrated into our waking consciousness. It is this cross over of consciousness communicated through neurological pathways in the brain that allows us to access other dimensions and to have a spiritual capacity in our consciousness and in our life. 12 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. The Solar level of the Human Design Body Graph shows only conscious awareness in our waking life; it represents the Mental Body, i.e., the way in which we interpret physical interactions in the world in which we live. It is through the activations and/or the definitions of channels of related planets in the Body Graph that we are moved in one direction rather than another in terms of our sensibilities. Activations in the Body Graph work on two levels: the personal planets are just that, personal filters that predispose us to relate in the world in certain ways; the transpersonal planets, i.e., the slow moving planets, are filters that change the collective consciousness of the planet in global cycles and in ways which move people as a collective in certain directions. In our programming field, we are far from independent of other humans and animals. In fact, research has shown that when a certain critical mass of similar thoughts is reached, the information surfaces in the consciousness of many. This phenomenon is labeled “the hundredth monkey” phenomenon. This kind of energetic communication of ideas and behavior has also been noted in research on Transcendental Meditation and on prayer. A person who has the Sun in Gate 13 or in Aquarius has an experience of that Aquarian energy Gate all the time; however, someone with no Aquarian Gate 13 activation currently (April 26, 2005) has that Gate defined by Neptune. This energy, activated in the collective culture now, moves everyone in ways those who have Gate 13 personally defined generally experience. Gate 13 is currently programming everyone to remember and listen deeply for what they have learned from the past, i.e., from history. Gate 13 as the Gate of the Listener, is activating everyone to become more aware of nuances that are behind the veil of appearances. While this capacity to recollect is something that someone with a personal Gate 13 might engage in regularly, now the nostalgia of the collective is supporting and moving toward, hopefully, learning through its past experiences. Gate 13 is keynoted: “The Gate of the Listener: The Fellowship of Man (Universal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation.”) (The Rave IChing, Jovian Archive. 2001. p. 13-14) The Solar Minute and Lunar Minute Worlds – The Emotional and Hormonal/Physical Worlds The Solar Minute and the Lunar Minute calculations evolved out of my desire to document the physiological timing of the Dream cycle in humans as well as to differentiate twin kittens whose birth data I had accurately timed. From the psychophysiological literature on dreams it was clear that there had to be some calculation that would show a 90-minute timer in the human that could time the dream cycle. Also, it was apparent that the Lunar mammalian matrix did not show the dream or sleep cycle of mammals; we know that cats and dolphins have been used extensively in understanding the sleep cycle and dream cycle of humans; thus, it was documented scientifically that these animals dream. In addition, when I did the Lunar mammalian charts of a litter of six kittens born within a two-hour period, they all had the same design chart and the same bases. Twin kittens, I hypothesized, would have to show some differences at the base level of their being especially since one of the twin cats died at age 10 of congenital cardiomyopathy and the other cat is still remains healthy at age 15. In the search for the scientific basis of differentiating twins, even human twins, I looked at the Lunar minute 13 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. base. The Lunar Minute is calculated based on an 88-degree arc of the minute of the zodiac position of the Moon. Out of this calculation, differentiation on the physiological level of being was clear. This calculation times the dream cycle of humans. Since many hormones are released during sleep and dreaming and since there is much documented about the cycle of physiological shifts in the 24-hour day, this calculation has held up and proved valid in timing the physical being of an individual as well as in accurately representing the sleep layer of a mammal. The Solar Minute calculation parallels the Lunar Minute calculation and was revealed in conjunction with the Lunar Minute calculation. The Solar Minute represents the Emotional being of a person in the world. It is calculated based on an 88-degree arc of the minute of the zodiac position of the Sun. It times the emotional cycle as four-day cycle and as stated earlier also times the emotional bonding of the mother and child. The emotional body functions in a cyclic manner; its energy in the Body Graph is primarily focused in the Solar Plexus Center. It makes sense that the emotional cycle is timed on a layer of being that is not present in mammals who have no Solar Plexus Center in their matrix. Also, many emotions, although triggered by the physiology of a person, are impacted by the environment and by interactions with other people. This calculation stands up to the test. The Four Worlds – The Four Matrices The initial information about Human Design included the 64-Gate Solar Body Graph, the Lunar 15-Gate Mammalian and Human Sleep Body Graph, the 25-Gate Biological Body Graph as it is laid down through the first trimester of pregnancy and then continues functioning throughout life. In working with these Body Graphs and in working clinically and statistically, it became apparent that several areas of functioning in a human being, as an integrated whole, were absent in the model. It became apparent in working with individuals who are highly spiritual and mystical that they receive information from beings existing in other spheres or dimensions of time and space. This information is communicated to these people through some aspects of/in the Body Graph. For a model to hold scientifically, it must meet all criteria in function. When it does not hold up, either it needs to change or it needs to be discarded as a hypothetical model that is no longer useful. In design information, it seems that there was just some missing information. As clinical data continued to come in, it became clear that an “Angelic” matrix existed that could account for the missing pieces. As the hypothesis of the existence of this matrix continued to find support, more information about it emerged. In its structure, the Angelic matrix consists of 33-gates with three Portal gates. To clarify, each of the four matrices representing each of the worlds is calculated using the Solar, Solar Minute, Lunar, and Lunar Minute calculations. Each matrix has three Portals that connect with a different world as in the other layers or matrices. In other words, each world has three Portals that link it to the 64-gate matrix as well as to the two other worlds through a partial matrix. The symmetry of nature can be seen in the functioning of this system. In the time since I first began using the angelic matrix in 2001, it has proved itself to be an invaluable part of understanding the functioning of any individual. 14 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Thus, Multidimensional Human Design uses four matrices in four worlds with a fifth world integrating all. The four matrices correspond to the four worlds of esoteric theory. In design the Self-Center is where the magnetic monopole resides. It is the magnetic monopole that holds us in form. It is here that we see the Incarnation Cross of the Sphinx paralleling the positions of the four elements in the zodiac wheel in the four fixed signs of the zodiac. These signs are represented in Tarot cards and in their astrological positions as well. They generally refer to the worlds represented in esoteric theory. The Atziluth World – The World of Archetypes (The 15–Gate Sleep Matrix) - Fire The Atziluth World is the world of Fire. In the zodiac it corresponds to the sign of Leo and to the fifth house. Gate 7, located in the Self-Center, represents the fixed sign of Leo. Gate 7 is keynoted: “The Gate of the Role of the Self: The Army (The point of convergence. By design, the need for leadership to guide and order society)” (The Rave IChing, Jovian Archive. 2001. p.7). Gate 7 has an initiating and powerful energy. It gives direction to the Self. It leads. In Tarot cards, this world is represented by the Lion and appears in both the World and in the Wheel of Fortune cards as the Lion in the Leo sign. Tarot Images: Key 10: The Wheel of Fortune and Key 21: The World 15 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. In Design, this world relates to the 15-Gate matrix, the world of archetypes and the collective unconscious. It functions in altered states of consciousness tapping into the instinctive survival aspects at the core of our being. It links us with the Divine Self and with consciousness of the totality. From this plane of existence all else emerges. Although the fire sign is absent as a Gate in this matrix, the general matrix itself contains the energy of initiating fire. In Tarot the Atziluth world corresponds the to suit of Wands. 16 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Mandala of The World of Archetypes (The 15–Gate Sleep Matrix) (The Mammalian Matrix) 17 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Mandala of The World of Mystical Inspiration (The 33–Gate Angelic Matrix) 18 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Mandala of The World of Earth (The 64–Gate Earth Matrix) 19 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. The Briatic World – The World of Mystical Inspiration (The 33–Gate Angelic Matrix) - Water The Briatic world is the world of Water. In the zodiac it corresponds to the sign of Scorpio and to the eighth house. Gate 1, located in the Self-Center, represents the fixed sign of Scorpio. Gate 1 (all yang) in the I-Ching is keynoted: “The Gate of SelfExpression: The Creative (Creation as a primal force. The energy potential to manifest inspiration without limitation”). (The Rave I-Ching, Jovian Archive. 2001. p.1). Gate 1 has powerfully creative energy. It gives expression to the Self. It creates. In Tarot cards, this world is represented by the Eagle and appears in both the World and in the Wheel of Fortune cards as the Eagle in the Scorpio sign. In Design this world relates to the 33-Gate matrix, the World of Mystical Inspiration or the Angelic matrix. It functions in states of consciousness that taps into the spiritual aspects at the core of our being linking us with Higher Beings in the totality. It is from this plane of existence that all creative transformation of thought and human endeavor emerges. In Tarot, the Briatic world corresponds the to suit of Cups. The Yetzirah World – The World of Earth (The 64–Gate Earth Matrix) - Air The Yetzirah world is the world of Air. In the zodiac it corresponds to the sign of Aquarius and to the eleventh house. Gate 13, located in the Self-Center, represents the fixed sign of Aquarius. Gate 13 in the I-Ching is keynoted: “The Gate of The Listener: The Fellowship of Man (Universal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation”). (The Rave I-Ching, Jovian Archive. 2001. p.13). Gate 13 has powerfully human energy. It gives expression to the desires of man and integrates the worlds in form. It has to do with the process and the forces behind the veil of physical things. In Tarot cards, this world is represented by the human and appears in both the World and in the Wheel of Fortune cards as the human in the Aquarius sign. Note that six of the seven the hexagrams in Solar Plexus Center have lower trigrams related to the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The seventh hexagram has a Leo lower trigram. In Design this world relates to the 64-Gate matrix, the World of Earth, the integrative world in which humans live. When at their highest potential, humans integrate all dimensions and all worlds in a fluidic manner honoring the Divine at the core of their being and unified with all life. This world is an interactive world unifying all the matrices and integrating man within a totality as well as within himself. It is in this world that we might find the way the mind, spirit, and the body work together. The 64-Gate matrix functions in all layers of consciousness, tapping into the all aspects at the core of our being, and linking us with Higher Beings in the totality as well as with our physical form. It is from this plane of existence that all human activity emerges. In Tarot, the Yetzirah world corresponds the to suit of Swords. 20 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Mandala of World of Biological Form (The 25-Gate Biological Matrix) 21 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. The Assiah World – The World of Biological Form (The 25-Gate Biological Matrix) - Earth The Assiah world is the world of Earth. In the zodiac it corresponds to the sign of Taurus and to the second house. Gate 2, located in the Self-Center, represents the fixed sign of Taurus. Gate 2 (all yin) in the I-Ching is keynoted: “The Gate of Higher Knowing: The Receptive (Receptivity as the primal base through which any response is determined. The root of action”). (The Rave I-Ching, Jovian Archive. 2001. p.1). Gate 2 has powerful receptive energy. It drives the Self, integrating the animal nature to the higher purpose of our existence. In Tarot cards, this world is represented by the Bull and appears in both the World and in the Wheel of Fortune cards as the Bull in the Taurus sign. In Design this world relates to the 25-Gate matrix, the world of our biological form and functioning. Without our physical and physiological organism we would and do cease existence on the earth plane. When in the perfect flow biologically and mentally, we move without effort and in perfect health. It is from this plane of biological form that we manage our vehicle and how it moves in the physical world of earth. In Tarot, the Assiac world corresponds the to suit of Pentacles. The Fifth World – The World of Integration Beyond each separate world is a plane of consciousness that transcends and integrates the worlds. This world is a world in which comprehension is beyond the mind of a human; in this realm, we live with a sense of the flow of all being and one with it. In this dimension, we live consciously in all the realms and in a vibration of unity. Part of the purpose of knowing and learning the Multidimensional Human Design System is to enter this realm of existence with total trust in our form and using it as an instrument in harmony with a greater purpose. By recognizing that our form exists and crosses dimensions of time and space and by recognizing the structure of our design we are able to learn our strategy for functioning in this worldly dimension while in form. The Multidimensional Human Design tools allow an individual in a very simple way to access their functioning consciousness energetically and with almost no words. The realization of the dynamic quality with which activity in our matrices turn on and off allows us to be more than one way in the world and within ourselves; thus, the one moves to two to three to four and ultimately to more than itself into the five. It is in that world of integration that wholeness exists. The four 64-Gate Matrices function as this fifth world. They operate together turning on and off during a period of time in harmony with the universe and with the celestial bodies. Once we access this rhythm, we become one with this process and can rest comfortably within our Divine Self. Working with the Multidimensional Human Design System Working with multiple layers and calculations of the Body Graphs of an individual often prove to be simpler than working with just the Solar Body Graph. To begin your own exploration of this complex and yet easy to use system, look at your own Multidimensional Charts along with those of family and friends. Initially, look at whether Type changes from layer to layer. Then, using the Lunar Minute Postnatal design, fill in all gates that are activated in this one Body Graph. This composite design can show you the actual functional Type of the individual. 22 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. When someone changes from a Manifestor to a Generator as I do in moving from my Solar to my Lunar Prenatal/Natal design, Type rings true on a different level of one’s being. For me, being a Solar Manifestor did not explain sufficiently why I do not usually take action or initiate actions; being a Lunar Generator instills in me a need to wait for an internal response on a spiritual level of my being before I know what action to take. Once I recognized this pattern and energy in myself, I could understand why I have always had a sense of timing in what I do and seem to take action at the right time in the right way for myself. This pattern showed me how I move in the flow of my own spiritual being. Sometimes, a Reflector in the Solar Body Graph becomes a Manifesting Generator or vice versa. Some individuals never gain a Bridge to a Center even in their complete composite. Some individuals never change Type. By looking simply at what Gates turn on and off, a very simple tool becomes extremely powerful with minimal interpretation. After looking at whether Type changes from one 64-Gate design to the next, look to see how the person looks when seen through the 15-Gate matrices. Often in the sleep layer of one’s design there is no definition at all, i.e., the person becomes a Reflector. If the person had Sacral definition in the 64-Gate layers and loses it when they sleep, it is significant in terms of how information about their own responses carry forward from day to day. In addition, Portal Gates tell you if the person moves easily through the different worlds and at which level of their own being. Play with this information always asking yourself, what world it is in and how it might translate in the individual’s experiences in the waking world. Next, look to see if the Sacral Center and the Ajna Center are defined. If they are both defined in someone’s composite, this person has a spirituality and a drive to understand the cosmos in ways that move the information to a higher octave than just ordinary reality. It shows someone who is a seeker. It also shows potential as a Channel of information from guides and beings on other planes of existence. This information takes you into the 33-Gate matrix and lets you know how the individual translates information from instinctive survival levels of their being into higher understanding through cognition. Someone with both the Sacral Center and the Ajna Center defined are designed to be the alchemists of information for the collective. Look also at the Incarnation Crosses for the Sun and Earth in the Solar degree charts and for the Moon in the Lunar degree charts. Read these four Incarnation Crosses and look at all gates related to them in the design. Also, look at all variants of these Crosses to find gates that relate to them so you can read nuances of energy. By using these simple steps in a structured systematic way, you can glean a great deal of insight and knowledge about how a person functions; in addition, you can see what they came in to accomplish as their life purpose in this Incarnation. Leave the 25-Gate matrix alone for the time being. It is far from documented in clinical and biological verification. Use it only as a peripheral guide in terms of how it functions. For example, if someone always has the Solar Plexus Center defined to the Heart Center, 23 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. you might address digestive issues with that person. But, this material if far more advanced than can be described in this brief paper. Draw on your knowledge from your own experiences of the layers described in this paper. Use your knowledge from the symbolic images the multiple Body Graphs present to your consciousness. Design is a tool that uses archetypes of the collective consciousness of our being and provides the mind with a way to grasp the elusive aspects of functional consciousness. To attempt to formulize or to categorize people takes the unique power of this tool and brings it into a limited perspective. Each person is unique in the Multidimensional Human Design System and by looking at the internal patterns of each person’s functional psyche; one has a true psycho-physiological fingerprint of that person. Conclusion The Multidimensional Human Design System emerged out of research aimed at validating the Basic Human and Mammalian Design Systems. As in any early scientific field, the material presented to date is hypothetical although much of it has sound statistical validity and reliability as well as clinical documentation. The theoretical basis of the Multidimensional Human Design System spans psychological, physiological, esoteric, and philosophical fields as they integrate in a structural model; this model seems to hold substantially up through 6 years of clinical experience and testing. This field is new with only a handful of individuals embracing and using it extensively. As other individuals and professionals open to the power of this tool, it can grow and expand in ways we cannot even comprehend at this point in time. The Multidimensional Human Design System formulates a model of personality theory whose breadth and depth go beyond any one discipline. In addition, it seems to hold up to biological as well as to psychological scrutiny. As humanity increasingly functions in one world with one consciousness, it is essential that we develop tools that move beyond cultural limitations to embrace our Divine Self. Only when the truly empowered Self moves each individual can inner and outer harmony prevail. Acknowledgment: Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck is a registered trademark of U.S.Games Systems, Inc. 24 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Glossary of Jungian Terms Anima and Animus The personification of the feminine nature of a man’s unconscious and the masculine nature of a woman’s unconscious. Anima and animus generally manifest in personified form as figures in dreams and fantasies, in the irrationalities of a man’s feeling and a woman’s thinking. They are two of the most influential regulators of behavior. “Every man carries within him the eternal image of woman, not the image of this or that particular woman, but a definitive feminine image. This image is fundamentally unconscious, an hereditary factor of primordial origin engraved in the living organic system of the man, an imprint or ‘archetype’ of all the ancestral experiences of the female, a deposit, as it were of all the impressions ever made by woman… Since this image is unconscious, it is always unconsciously projected upon the person of the beloved, and is one of the chief reasons for passionate attraction or aversion.” (The Development of Personality, CW 17, p. 198) “In its primary ‘unconscious’ form the animus is a compound of spontaneous, unpremeditated opinions which exercise a powerful influence on the woman’s emotional life, while the anima is similarly compounded of feelings which thereafter influence or distort the man’s understanding (‘she has turned his head’). Consequently the animus likes to project itself upon ‘intellectuals’ and all kinds of ‘heroes,’ including tenors, artists, sporting celebrities, etc. The anima has a predilection for everything that is unconscious, dark, equivocal, and unrelated in woman, and also for her vanity, frigidity, helplessness, and so forth.” (The Practice of Psychotherapy, CW 16, par. 521) “The natural function of the animus (as well as of the anima) is to remain in [their] place between individual consciousness and the collective unconscious [q.v.]; exactly as the persona [q.v.] is a sort of stratum between the ego-consciousness and the objects of the external world. The animus and the anima should function as a bridge, or a door, leading to the images of the collective unconscious, as the persona should be a sort of bridge into the world.” (Unpublished Seminar Notes. “Visions” I, p. 116) Archetype “ The concept of the archetype… is derived from the repeated observation that, for instance, the myths and fairytales of world literature contain definite motifs which crop up everywhere. We meet these same motifs in the fantasies, dreams, deliria, and delusions of individuals living today. These typical images and associations are what I call archetypal ideas. The more vivid they are, the more they will be coloured by particularly strong feeling-tones… They impress, influence, and fascinate us. They have their origin in the archetype, which in itself is an irrepresentable, unconscious, preexistant form that seems to be part of the inherited structure of the psyche and can therefore manifest itself spontaneously anywhere, at any time. Because of its instinctual nature, the archetype underlies the feeling-toned complexes [q.v.] and shares their autonomy.” (Civilization in Transition, CW 10, par 847) 25 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. “Again and again I encounter the mistaken notion that an archetype is determined in regard to its content, in other words that it is a kind of unconscious idea (if such an expression be admissible). It is necessary to point out once more that archetypes are not determined as regards their content, but only as regards their form and then only to a very limited degree. A primordial image [q.v.] is determined as to its content only when it has become conscious and is therefore filled out with the material of conscious experience. Its form, however, … might perhaps be compared to the axial system of a crystal, which, as it were, performs the crystalline structure in the mother liquid, although it has no material existence of its own. This first appears according to a specific way in which the ions and molecules aggregate. The archetype in itself is empty and purely formal, nothing but a facultas praeformandi, a possibility of representation which is given a priori. The representations themselves are not inherited, only the forms, and in that respect they correspond in every way to the instincts, which are also determined in form only. The existence of the instincts can no more be proved than the existence of the archetypes, so long as they do not manifest themselves concretely.” (The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, CW 9, I, pp. 79f.) “… it seems to me probable that the real nature of the archetype is not capable of being made conscious, that it is transcendent, on which account I call it psychoid [q.v.]” (The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, CW 8, p. 213) Consciousness “When one reflects upon what consciousness really is, one is profoundly impressed by the extreme wonder of the fact that an event which takes place outside in the cosmos simultaneously produces an internal image, that it takes place, so to speak, inside as well, which is to say: becomes conscious.” (Basel Seminar, Privately printed, 1934, p. 1). “For indeed our consciousness does not create itself– it wells up from unknown depths. In childhood it awakens gradually, and all through life it wakes each morning out of the depths of sleep from an unconscious condition. It is like a child that is born daily out of the primordial womb of the unconscious.” (Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, pp. 569 f.) Mandala “Mandala means a circle, more especially a magic circle, and this form of symbol is not only to be found all through the East, but also among us; mandalas are amply represented in the Middle Ages. The specifically Christian ones come from the earlier Middle Ages. Most of them show Christ in the centre, with the four evangelists, or their symbols, at the cardinal points. This conception must be a very ancient one because Horus was represented with his four sons in the same way by the Egyptians… For the most part the mandala form is that of a flower, cross, or wheel, with a distinct tendency toward four as the basis of the structure.” (Commentary to Secret of the Golden Flower, CW 13, par. 31, mod.) 26 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. “ Mandalas…usually appear in situations of psychic confusion and perplexity. The archetype thereby constellated represents a pattern of order which, like a psychological ‘view-finder’ marked with a cross or circle divided into four, is superimposed on the psychic chaos so that each content falls into place and the weltering confusion is held together by the protective circle…At the same time they are yantras, instruments with whose help the order is brought into being.” (Civilization in Transition, CW 10, par 803). Psychoid “Soul-like” or “quasi-psychic” “ … the collective unconscious… represents a psyche that … cannot be directly perceived or ‘represented,’ in contrast to the perceptible psychic phenomena,, and on account of its ‘irrepresentable’ nature I have called it ‘pscyhoid.’” (The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, CW 8, p. 436) 27 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. References Anastasi, Anna. Psychological Testing. The Macmillan Company. New York. 1961. Damasio, Antonio. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Harcourt, Inc. 1999. San Diego. New York. de Jersey, Katherine with Isabella Taves. Appointment with Destiny: Real Life Case Histories. J & B Editions Publishers, Inc. Richmond, 1995. Eliot, Lise, Ph.D. What’s Going on in There: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. Bantam. New York. 1999. Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Eleanor et al. Revised Research Verifies 5 Types in the Human Design System, Basic Solar Design Chart. Unified Life Sciences. Pacific Palisades, California. 2000, 2003. Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Eleanor. Statistical Analysis of Definition Type in the Human Design System. Unified Life Sciences. Pacific Palisades, California. 2001, 2003. Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Eleanor. Statistics on Frequency of Profile in the Human Design System, Basic Human Design Chart. Unified Life Sciences. Pacific Palisades, California. 2001, 2003. Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Eleanor. The Triple Design Matrix: Type Statistically Verified Across the Matrix. Unified Life Sciences. Pacific Palisades, California. 2001,2003 Hulse, David Allen. New Dimensions for the Cube of Space: The Path of Initiation Revealed by the Tarot upon the Qabalistic Cube. Samuel Weiser. York Beach. Inc. 2000. Hulse, David Allen. The Key of It All, Book One: The Eastern Mysteries. Llewellyn Books. St. Paul, Minnesota. 1993. republished as The Eastern Mysteries, 2000. Hulse, David Allen. The Key of It All, Book Two: The Western Mysteries. Llewellyn Books. St. Paul, Minnesota. 1994; republished as The Western Mysteries, 2000. Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System. Llewellyn, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2001. Jung, Carl Gustav, Basel Seminar. Privately printed, 1934. Jung, Carl Gustav. The Complete Collected Works. Vol. 1-17. Translated by R.F.C. Hull. Bollinger Foundation. Princeton University Press. 1967. Newberg, Andrew, et. al. Why God Won’t Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Ballantine Books. New York. 2001. 28 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. Pasachoff, Jay M. Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe. CBS College Publishing. New York. 1987. Ra Uru Hu. The Index of Names: The Global Incarnation Index, Volume IV. New Sun Services America, Taos. 2000. Society, Magi. The Magi Society Ephemeris. Hay House, Inc. Carlsbad. 1996. About the Author Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. passionately synthesizes esoteric wisdom and scientific discovery. With her Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development, Eleanor is uniquely qualified to integrate Social Sciences (psychology, biology, anthropology, sociology) Research with a wide array of esoteric studies. Through the principles and tools she developed and validated at, Eleanor helps people transform their lives. Throughout thirty-five years of private practice work as a coach and clinical psychologist, Eleanor worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and groups to synthesize life experiences in practical ways for living healthy, successful, and creatively fulfilling lives. Contact Eleanor at: (310) 230-7787 About Noble Sciences Noble Sciences mission is to verify and scientifically document the Multidimensional Human Design knowledge created, developed, and researched by Eleanor HaspelPortner, Ph.D. Noble Sciences evolved from work begun at Rave Life Sciences in 1999 by Eleanor, Marvin Portner, M.D., and Ra Uru Hu who partnered with Eleanor and Marvin to verify the Human Design System. Based on the statistical research completed on over 45,000 cases, Eleanor expanded the Human Design System correcting some of its erroneous hypotheses, expanding its calculations, and verifying additional layers of consciousness, and their ways of operating in developing human personality. Multidimensional Human Design, Unified Life Sciences, and Noble Sciences are Eleanor’s proprietary system. She has not authorized any teachers or licensed the use of her system to date. 29 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved. The Mandala of Synthesis Contact Information: Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. (310) 230-7787 30 © Unified Life Sciences. 2005. All Rights Reserved. Noble Sciences, LLC. 2009. All Rights Reserved.