Eela Audio DIGISPOT II brochure
Eela Audio DIGISPOT II brochure
® DIGISPOT II I Broadcast - System White Paper Introduction of the System Concept for Radio Broadcast The Building Blocks to set up a complete System for Radio Broadcast operation to grow with the Needs. interstage Phistersvej 31, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark Telefon 3946 0000, fax 3946 0040 - pro audio with a smile R.BARTH KG Elektronik und Akustik Grillparzerstraße 6a 22085 Hamburg Tel.040/229 74 47 Fax:040/22 32 09 E.Mail: Internet: Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 2 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : e.mail : web : Content 1.Introduction to the DIGISPOT®II Radio Broadcast Operating System........................................................5 2.Description of the DIGISPOT®II System Functionality and Features.........................................................9 2.1 DJiN Media Database (MDB) .................................................................................................................9 2.2 DB Import for the Media Database .......................................................................................................9 2.3 System Browser ...................................................................................................................................10 2.3.1 Media Database (MDB) Browser..................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Module File Browser.....................................................................................................................10 2.4 Clock & Grids planning tool for building the ON-AIR Schedule .....................................................11 2.5 MAG Musical Schedule Generator and Jingles Rotation Application ............................................11 2.6 Schedule Import Module (used for schedules from 3rd party applications) .................................12 2.7 The ON- AIR Schedule .........................................................................................................................12 2.8 Schedule Export Module. Merging of Schedule to Sound File........................................................13 2.9 Multi Channel Player (X Player) ..........................................................................................................13 2.9.1 X player features a new function: .................................................................................................13 2.9.2 X Player Mode of Operation .........................................................................................................13 2.10 Jingle Machine Player, CartAsisst......................................................................................................14 2.11 Fast Jingles Player...............................................................................................................................14 2.12 SJM Smart Jingle Machine..................................................................................................................15 2.12.1 SJM Touch Sreen for ON-AIR operation.....................................................................................15 2.12.2 SJM Editor ...................................................................................................................................15 2.13 Block Player..........................................................................................................................................16 2.14 PFL Player for Cueing and pre –Listening ........................................................................................16 2.15 Regional Player to insert regional elements for regional Transmission........................................16 2.16 Frame-Program Retransmission Player ............................................................................................17 2.17 Track Marking and Normalization Module .........................................................................................17 2.18 Start Point Seek Module ......................................................................................................................17 2.19 VoiceTrack Module for Recording in Schedules ..............................................................................18 2.19.1 VoiceTrack Module Version A .....................................................................................................18 2.19.2 VoiceTrack Module Version B .....................................................................................................18 2.20 Cross-fade Edit Module for Schedule & Block Player......................................................................18 2.21 Broadcast System Editor BCS Multi Channel Audio Editor. ...........................................................19 2.21.1 “Fragment Buffer” Module ...........................................................................................................19 2.21.2 Plug-ins Interface Module............................................................................................................19 2.22 Module to generate ON-AIR Log Reports ..........................................................................................19 2.23 Module for Export Information about Player Status into XML.........................................................20 2.24 Gap Filler Module .................................................................................................................................20 2.25 Reserve System by redundant Storage on the local HD of the ON-AIR Station............................20 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Page 3 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// e.mail : web : 2.26 Hot AIR Standby the synchronized Play out Workstation ......................................................................... 20 2.27 R-News for News Production and News-Cast presentation...................................................................... 21 2.27.1 The automatic News Import ..................................................................................................................... 21 2.27.2 The Universal News Browser ................................................................................................................... 21 2.27.3 The DIGISPOT®II Video Logger............................................................................................................... 22 2.27.4 The News Text Editor............................................................................................................................... 22 2.27.5 The News Agenda, News reading from screen with integrated Audio..................................................... 22 2.28 ON-AIR Audio Logger ................................................................................................................................... 23 2.29 CD Grabber ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 3. The Structure of Radio Stations...................................................................................................................... 25 3.1 Average Music and News Radio Station...................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Average Music Radio Station ....................................................................................................................... 26 3.3 Small Retransmission Radio Station. .......................................................................................................... 27 3.4 Auto Retransmission ..................................................................................................................................... 27 4. The Environment for the DIGISPOT®II Software Installation........................................................................ 28 4.1 General Equipment Requirements ............................................................................................................... 28 4.2 General minimum requirements for the PC: ............................................................................................... 28 4.2.1 ON-AIR Station:........................................................................................................................................ 29 4.2.2 Planning Station: ...................................................................................................................................... 29 4.2.3 Editing Station: ......................................................................................................................................... 29 4.2.4 Audio Logger : .......................................................................................................................................... 29 4.2.5 Retransmission Station: ........................................................................................................................... 29 4.3 Conditions for Network Performance .......................................................................................................... 29 4.4 Digital Audio Cards........................................................................................................................................ 30 4.4.1 DIGIGRAM ............................................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.2 Marian - Digital Audio Electronics ............................................................................................................ 30 4.4.3 RME – Intelligent Audio Solutions ............................................................................................................ 30 4.4.4 Lynx Studio Technology ........................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.5 Creative Labs ........................................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.6 Yellowtec .................................................................................................................................................. 31 4.4.7 M-Audio .................................................................................................................................................... 31 4.5 Remote Control .............................................................................................................................................. 31 4.5.1 USB to GPI/O Interface for 8 In andOut................................................................................................... 32 4.5.2 ON-AIR Mixer Eela D3 with USB Interface ............................................................................................. 32 4.5.3 VoiceTrack 4 Fader Unit for manual Control of Cross fade .................................................................... 32 5. Selection of Screenshots of the DIGISPOT®II Software package ................................................................ 32 6. Personal Remarks and Notes......................................................................................................................... 49 Page 4 of 49 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 1. e.mail : web : Introduction to the DIGISPOT®II Radio Broadcast Operating System About two decades ago when digitised audio and the technology of large storage capacity on Hard Disk Drives appeared as a reality, it became obvious that the marriage between networked computer technology and centralized storage of large amount of audio files, would be a tremendous opportunity to improve the workflow for program production and ON-AIR delivery. DIGISPOT®II has been one of the early developments, which introduced this opportunity to the radio broadcast industry. Within a minimum of time it changed the workflow of small and large radio stations totally and consequently, it became the bases for a revolution to the about 70 years of experienced management and workflow in large and small radio broadcast stations. DIGISPOT®II, however did refer to this many years of experiences in the field of international broadcasting and combined the new technology by careful conceptual system engineering to a complete and functional system, it is now a modular radio broadcast operating system, combining both, software and adequate hardware components, that allows to carry out all stages of radio program production and the ON-AIR broadcasting process in an efficient easy going workflow. The software structure permits you to use a great variety of modules to easily adapt to specific stations requirements, allowing you to create and configure a system installation that helps to optimise the workflow for each radio station with individual task related functions. This booklet, the so called White Paper, is offering an overview to the DIGISPOT®II Radio Broadcast Operating System, its versatile functionality and the possibility to use it like building blocks for any kind of Radio Station, from a small city station or a university radio to business orientated commercial radio stations without or with regional program content as commercials and local news and station ID’s, up to radio houses with multiple Programs ON-AIR and large News departments. DIGISPOT®II is based on a very versatile and comprehensive SQL database handling engine. This Media Database (MDB) is a special database working under the control of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008. MDB stores descriptions of the elements, a set of categories created by the user, attributes and other information. The main task of the MDB is to provide for the well-ordered storage of elements and permitting for the convenient allocation of materials and for fast searches. A large number of DIGISPOT®II modules used the database as support for a wide variety of individual tasks. The redundant data storage for two or even three days of schedules and their related material at the local hard drive of the ON-AIR station, the so called “Reserve system”, is based on the versatile MDB management functions, increasing the system reliability and provides failsafe broadcasting, even in the event of LAN or Internet breakdown. To reach total failsafe operation the “Hot AIR Standby System” does provide for full play out redundancy in synchronized play mode. For this the DJiN ON-AIR application with the X-Player and the special software module “Hot AIR Standby“ have to be installed on two separate Workstations. These workstations have no equal rights, one is preconfigured as the Main, the other - as the Reserve ON-AIR Play out station with the equal schedule. Both workstations are interconnected by a “Watch connection”, this is an Ethernet cable connected to a dedicated network card in each computer, this direct cross wired network connection by thus avoiding any additional Ethernet equipment and cable patching. The “Hot AIR Standby” Software consists of two parts, the Hot AIR Standby module and a special version of the X-Player Play out module installed on each of the two workstations. The following functionality is provided for full redundant ON-AIR operation including some features for special requirements as technical service: Automatic changeover to Reserve workstation in case of failure of the Main workstation Copyright: RBKG & TRC Page 5 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// e.mail : web : Workstation, which is quitting, stops play out ON-AIR Workstation, taking over, starts play out ON-AIR Manual changeover of Play out from Main workstation to Reserve by controlling from the actual ONAIR module: Generation of control commands, necessary for workstation changeover (GPO for routing, control of equipment, indication of actual status e.g.) Furthermore the MDB can be enhanced by another software building block, the specialized “Distributed Data Base” (DDB) handling engine. The DDB Agent helps building up radio station networks with centralized schedule preparation facilities allowing with the DDB Agent, for the easy exchange of data and audio material between separated locations, which permits a convenient and fast allocation of content for production and final ON-AIR delivery from any location. DIGISPOT®II DDB Agent software module allows you to build a branched network for the retransmission of radio broadcasts using cheap, low-speed Internet channels, which noticeably reduces the network support expenses, that are associated with standard satellite communication channels or wide band network links. The DDB Agent performs also the transfer of the ON-AIR schedules the moment they are ready direct to the remote regional Station, whereby any later changes will be synchronized on both sites automatically. For each schedule being transferred the local storage is checked for completeness of the ON-AIR material in reference to the received ON-AIR schedules, and starting the transfer of those elements which are missing in the local storage. The integrated administration facilities in the MDB and DDB allow for the limitation of the rights for the user, allowing each one to work only with a certain range of materials and perform only a specifically defined range of actions related to his workflow and responsibilities. The R-News building block of the DIGISPOT®II System type installation is a must for all radio stations which are delivering beside the Music program a certain part of actual information content, as a news cast at each half or each full hour and in between reports in politics, sports and other actual fields of information. The following functionality is available for running a news department in the radio station including a versatile module for the ON-AIR delivery of the information content. The software provides the automatic text and audio import from News agencies by FTP server or satellite connections, from the e-mail and internet automatically categorised in the System database by settings in the system configuration. Easy and fast access for the journalist is supported by settings of search filters and key word search functions. The DIGISPOT®II Broad-Cast System (BCS) Editor for text and audio editing as an integrated tool in the system allows for a very smooth and effective workflow in the news department. The completed news items are stored in the database for a chief operator to place them in the ON-AIR news Agenda Schedule, or the journalist can place them from any workstation direct in the next actual news agenda or any agenda schedule ahead of time. The news ON-AIR Agenda can be called up on the second screen of the Main ON-AIR station if the moderator in a self –op studio is presenting the news cast and the reports, or on a separate workstation and screen in the News booth separated from the ON-AIR studio. The main feature of the agenda ONAIR presentation software is the combined handling of the text and related audio elements on the news reading screen. In the sequence of the text elements, the audio elements are indicated by a coloured line at the position of the text where the audio is scheduled to be played. The coloured line is showing the title and the length of the audio element and also the last words in the audio, so that the presenter knows when to start reading again. Page 6 of 49 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : e.mail : web : The Smart Jingle Machine (SJM) module is a new element in the stack of building blocks for the DIGISPOT®II radio automation system. The module provides universal interface for playing of audio elements, decorating the ON-AIR program. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of this module is designed for working with a touch-screen monitor, which helps to combine the known CartAssist visual interface and button field for controlling by one functional hand on surface. Screen layout can be arranged under tabs; each of them representing audio packaging elements for various ON-AIR sessions for a morning show, or game show e.g. That helps avoiding "overloading" the GUI with too many elements which are not needed always to be on the screen. The most significant difference of the new Smart Jingle Machine is a new approach to correlate the next musical element by changing its tempo without changing the pitch, to start as an opener or stinger over a music bed, or in a crossover in the beat rhythm of the previous sound or underlay, whereby the start point can also be defined precisely on the first or any other bar of the beat. Thus creating a smooth perception listening to a changeover from one musical piece in the crossover to the next one. Further on the moderator can use a fader on the bottom of the touch screen to fade the intensity of the playing elements to meet the optimal sound impression during a talk over or in the play out of two or more elements being played in a mix. The SJM system has two parts, the editor and the play out module for the moderator to be controlled by the intuitive control via the touch screen monitor. The set up of the touch screen can be configured by the moderator himself using the SJM Editor or by the producer on his workstation. The screen can be easily set up in a flexible structure of buttons in different positions and sizes including labelling the content under the button. An automatic follow up order of element starts can be programmed and stored indicating the sequence on the screen when the screen layout is called for the session. These screen layouts in an unlimited number, organised in groups or categories, are stored in the DIGISPOT®II media database (MDB) and can be called up on any workstation in the network. The complete music, jingle and sound effect archive of the MDB is at hand for the producer and moderator to be used in the jingle machine for a creative composition of a perfect radio show with an ergonomic GUI for intuitive and secure handling. The above given introduction selected only such building blocks of the DIGISPOT®II system functionalities, which stand out and underline the measure which has been taken to provide a reliable software system securing the highest possible operational availability for the radio station and those which confirm that the system engineering department is supporting the actual demand of the user by providing new, state of the art developments. Thus keeping the DIGISPOT®II equipped radio stations on top of the media industry. On the following pages a brief description of all available building blocks of the system which can be obtained for covering the complete workflow in a radio station or a big radio house. For references and actual system related news for new developments please refer to the following Web site. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Page 7 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 8 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 2. e.mail : web : Description of the DIGISPOT®II System Functionality and Features This section describes the various functions of the DIGISPOT®II radio automation system that can be described as elements or building blocks. They are combined together in the different boxes in such a way to optimize the workflow in reference to the needs of any workstation. This also ensures that nothing unnecessary is included in the system, meaning that the customer doesn’t end up paying for something he or she doesn’t need. Maintaining only those elements necessary, will also prevent overloading of the user interface. When we refer to a “function”, we mean either an element of some application (e. g., player, in the ON-AIR application) or a separate application designed for carrying out of a specific task (e. g., the music play-list generation application MAG). In some cases, we describe these functions as software module, or simply module. The control panels for such modules may become visible on the monitor screen, or they do not have control panels and their parameters can be set for general parameters within the system. Some applications have personal names, e.g. ON-AIR application DJIN, music play-list generation application MAG e.g. 2.1 DJiN Media Database (MDB) The Media Database is a special database working under the control of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008. MDB stores descriptions of the elements, a set of categories created by the user attributes and other informations. The MDB structure provides for the allocation of elements according to categories. A single element may belong to several categories. A lot of useful things can be done using the database: the establishment of a hierarchical category structure with unlimited nesting capacity, provision of a fast search engine with complex search conditions (e.g. you can easily obtain a list of titles, written by one author of all news items prepared by the same journalist), and much more. The main task of the MDB is to provide for the well-structured storage of elements for easy and fast searches for material when it is needed. The integrated administration facilities allow for the limitation of the rights of the different users, allowing them to work only with a certain range of materials and perform only a specifically defined range of actions in relation to their specific tasks, This secures unintended changes or deletion of material. A large number of DIGISPOT®II modules use the database for the support of a wide variety of individual tasks. Copyright: RBKG & TRC 2.2 DB Import for the Media Database The MDB import application allows you to add new material automatically to the Media Database (MDB) of the DIGISPOT®II System from files, folders or external databases. There are several methods of data import. In the simplest case, it allows you to add files appearing in specified system folders. Every folder can be configured as a source of a certain MDB category. Description data, so called Meta Data, can be taken from a neighbouring ASCII file residing in the same folder as a data file. The format of this ASCII file can be configured. In another case, we can perform an analysis of description information from specified folders in order to find out the exact place where new data files and their descriptions can be found in the system. It is possible to organize the synchronization of the musical database with the external rotation system or the commercial database with the external system for commercial schedule planning. Further on different files can be Page 9 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// obtained from Internet sources or News agencies for the news department. For the text import special filter can be configured to organize the incoming material direct in defined categories for immediate access. The key for such filters can also be a symbol or a number which can be used to indicate the receipt of a priority or emergency message. Beside the possibility to pop up a related message on selected workstations it is also possible to configure a GPO Out signal to activate an outside alarm system to switch on a flash light or any other type of signalling system. 2.3 System Browser The DIGISPOT®II System does provide for fast search in the Database for the Metadata and also in folders for the material a Database Browser and a file browser. 2.3.1 Media Database (MDB) Browser This is the main module for communicating with the Media Database (MDB). All functions of DB access are supported in that window: preview, search, sorting, filtering, adding, erasing of elements and categories, and other operations. Besides this, the module also carries out some administrative functions: the setting of database parameters, adding and erasing radio stations, the recovery of elements being erased by mistake, and some other specialized functions. The number of possible operations can be limited by the administrative system of the DIGISPOT®II radio automation system. You can print out the contents of any MDB category using the report skeleton. Media database is a specialized database operating under Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The database contains descriptions of items, a set of categories and attributes created by the user and other relevant information. The database solves the problem of categorizing the items, allowing Page 10 of 49 e.mail : web : an item belonging to several categories at the same time. Some of these capabilities are as follows. It allows for a hierarchic category structure with an unlimited number of nesting levels to be created. Also, items that have the same value for a certain attribute can be filtered out. For example, all songs by a certain artist or all news items prepared by the same reporter items can be searched for using compound search conditions. This list of database capabilities could go on, but those already enumerated should be sufficient to give an idea about its advantages. The main task of the database is to store items in order for rapid location of the needed material. The built-in administration system makes it possible to limit the rights of an individual user, allowing him or her to work only with the necessary materials and perform only a predefined set of functions. 2.3.2 Module File Browser The files module window allows you to play back audio items (elements), preview information and edit the descriptions of audio elements. The user can access both the local hard disks of the workstation and of network disks. The operator gets information about the sound file format and duration of the audio item. Depending upon the file format, some additional information can be accessed, such as text description, marking of an audio item, e.g. Information of this type can be viewed and edited and sorting by the fields is possible. Frequently used folders can be put into favourites for fast access. Selected files can be added to the Media DB, schedule, players and other system modules. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : e.mail : web : 2.4 Clock & Grids planning tool for building the ON-AIR Schedule 2.5 MAG Musical Schedule Generator and Jingles Rotation Application The basis for the ON-AIR schedule is the skeleton which provides the frame for the format genre of the ON-AIR schedule for the individual broadcast station. Skeletons are common, periodically repeated building blocks of the schedule. The first task to be solved for a newly created radio station is to define the volume and thematic content of material to be broadcasted. The Grid Editor module provides creating of separate Clocks (hour skeletons) and then out of them forms the grid. The same clocks could be used for various grids, which simplify planning process enormously. The created clocks and grids are stored in the Media Data Base. If your schedule features constant elements like jingles, background sounds etc, it is sensible to mark them in the clocks and the schedule operator will be saved from the routine tasks of adding these elements manually. It is possible to set up a jingle rotation by setting them up in a grid structure. During schedule generation, the system will take one of the jingles accessible to the rotation and put it into the appropriate place, so the operator will not need to rotate jingles manually. The Grid Editor module is included in the option "Schedule Skeletons and Grids". In order to use this module at a particular working place it should also have schedule module. It is possible to work with this tool from practically any workstation in a network that includes the skeleton master module. The new schedule will be generated according to the skeleton, independently of the workplace where it was constructed. This Software module does support the production and editing of the daily ON-AIR Schedule. Providing the logistics to coordinate Commercial and News fixed ON-AIR time with the Music clock and all in between elements for the actual play-out. The MAG is one of the building blocks of software applications to complete the DIGISPOT®II system for the entire workflow of a Radio station. It performs computer aided generation of musical play lists, like other popular applications widely used in the broadcast industry. Taking into account their broad orientation, those applications are overloaded with functions and options that make the everyday work difficult and time consuming. Due to the fact that MAG is using the DIGISPOT®II media database as well, the data re-consolidation of non played items in the last days ON-AIR schedule is at hand any time, avoiding complicated or insufficient interfacing to third party data base systems. The MAG uses also the principle of the rotation of musical material as other systems. Each musical element is accompanied with a description “card” providing the necessary “meta data” for every title in the record library. All musical elements (songs) are divided into categories. Within the category limits, songs are building virtual stacks that are rotated according to the hourly clock, defined by the user. The user sets special parameters describing the selection process of a song in a stack, defining the necessary rotation rules and assigning priorities to these rules. The application automatically generates a play list, which can be edited if needed. MAG includes several methods of musicalelement-rotation control. They can be divided into two large groups using the artistic characteristics of songs and historical mathematical rules. The first group provides rotation control according to artistic rules that were defined by the user: tempo, the “texture” of musical material, mood e.g. The second Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Page 11 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// group of rules is based on the control over the time of the possible playing of music elements relative to the time of its last usage. MAG follows rules which are set by the user. These rules tell the system how to interpret different artistic characteristics of the musical element or the time of its last play ON-AIR. The rules are very flexible. Each user can employ them according to his or her individual expectations. Everything depends upon the concrete format and goals of the radio station. 2.6 Schedule Import Module (used for schedules from 3rd party Systems The schedule import module provides for the import of ASCII files with a schedule prepared by a 3rd party application (like Power Gold or Selector). The import module has a flexible settings system that allows you to choose the necessary types of fields, types of blocks and other parameters. The module can be configured for import from practically any known ASCII file format that holds something similar to a schedule. In special cases, we can provide preprocessor utility for preliminary processing of an ASCII file before it can be imported into the system. In practice, almost every big radio station using our system is importing a schedule or parts of it from one or another external system as Music selection systems or commercial disposition applications. 2.7 The ON- AIR Schedule The software module which is handling the daily ON-AIR Schedule is the core of the System. It does provide all necessary logistics to handle the stations specific program during 24 hours of the day. Supporting the individual choices of operation in manual mode , live assist mode and last not least in automated mode. The flexibility of the software does allow to change at any time in between the type of operation Automated mode can be used for 24/7 Page 12 of 49 e.mail : web : Broadcasting according to the schedule as fully automated broadcasting (no operator), supported by the possibility to pre produce live type moderation by the DIGISPOT®II VoiceTrack software module. The block structure of the schedule allows for work with blocks of various types – commercial, music etc. Whereby it is possible for the moderator to select blocks as such as Commercial blocks to be hided in the schedule and expanded again for keeping the space on screen for the more important information. Also the number of columns presenting the a versatile amount of information for the system logistics based on the field information in the database, can be extended or limited to the most important content as the timing information and the title and artist or cross fade settings. The notification of stop positions live moderation places intro and outtro time length, indication of schedule element type : music, jingle, audio, text, also play duration and indication of timing conditions for start and stop as “not later” or “not before”. Conflict indication inside the timeline field supports the user when editing the schedule The ON-AIR schedule logistics does further on provide the possibility for settings to send or except external commands associated to single elements or schedule blocks. The logistics for regional play out separation is also included Automated synchronised insertion of dedicated elements as newscast by parameter settings in the schedule. The active ON-AIR Schedule can be handled “on-line” from any workplace in the production departments for editing and insertion of additional information and audio elements for the ON-AIR presentation. This can be limited to a chief editor position or to be completely blocked by means of system administration settings.. Graphic User Interface (GUI) can be defined to a certain degree by flexible adjustment of schedule outlook and displayed fields, in size and Colour. The standard MS Windows® command shortcuts can be used for schedule editing as cut & past or drag & drop, undo & redo e.t.c. Report generation tools for materials being broadcasted are provided in the DIGISPOT®II system. Further on a number of versatile pop up tools are available for the moderator and the production department for intuitive operation. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 2.8 Schedule Export Module. Merging of Schedule to Sound File This allows you to export all schedule content material (or some of it) to audio (sound) files in standard formats. The resulting file can be created much faster than it occurs in real time during ON-AIR playback. All data like block and audio item attributes, cross-fades, e.g. are taken into account during this process. As an example, you can merge a day of schedule material to 24 1-hour long sound files. It is also possible to store commercial or news elements in the form of sound files. Each file will represent a schedule block of commercials or news. This module can be used in news and advertisement agencies and at the centre of network radio stations. Ready sound files can be transferred to other radio stations where any automation system can provide their playback ON-AIR. Thus it is possible to use our system of planning and production service for any other play-out system at regional radio stations. The digital audio format of the merged audio can be defined in most of the common versions. 2.9 Multi Channel Player (X Player) The X Player has extended functionalities in comparison to former and mostly used two channel A-B Player systems. The X Player can deliver a sequence of elements ON-AIR as they are indicated in the schedule. The player can be used in a system with several physical outputs (up to 4). The player window depicts a queue of elements with defined depth (contrary to a 2-track player, which shows only the currently playing and next elements). It is possible to edit the queue of elements inside the player. It is also possible to Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : open cross-fade editor and to add new elements that are not listed in a schedule. It is possible to edit the cross-fade of element being played with the next element (2-track players don’t allow this). 2.9.1 X player features a new function: A search for the start point for every element being loaded into queue. This mode can be supported effectively using a number of buttons on a computer keyboard or by a dedicated remote control unit – an external key panel. Another feature of this player is that it allows you to assign a certain physical output to audio element, for example, it lets you play musical elements via one output and voice elements via another. The signals for these channels can be processed separately by FM processors with different settings, providing better audio quality results in radio output. X player can distribute audio elements automatically by physical outputs according to their type (voice track, commercials, music, e.g.) and to the DB category to which they belong. It is possible to define this manually for a certain audio element either beforehand, during schedule preparation or element Meta data description, or in the player itself before actual delivery ON-AIR. 2.9.2 X Player Mode of Operation There are 3 modes of operation for X player, distinguished by the degree of manual control provided by the operator: MANUAL, LIVE and AUTO. MANUAL mode assumes that the operator starts playback of every audio element by him or herself. In LIVE mode, playback is performed automatically, but can stop in special places of the schedule, if this was planned beforehand. The operator then has to launch playback manually. The operator may then influence the playback process at any time, either by starting the next audio element or by stopping that currently being played. LIVE Mode of the X player. is intended to allow the moderator individual control for creative freedom to personalize his ON-AIR show. The AUTO mode provides a full autonomous mode of operation. Broadcasting does not even stop at the special points mentioned in a schedule. The operator can employ a non-planned-gap filler if necessary. The player can be controlled remotely by "Fader Start" and "Cue" signals Page 13 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// from the mixing console and from the external key panel. X player is mostly effective in the DB based DIGISPOT®II systems and voice-track recording module. 2.10 Jingle Machine Player, CartAsisst Jingle machine player is used for the instant (one-key) start of a necessary audio element. Audio elements are represented on a monitor screen in the form of a spreadsheet. This allows for the easy location of the necessary element among all others. The remote control of such a player from an external key panel is also intuitive and simple (the geometry of the key panel — the number of rows and columns — should fit into the outlook of a jingle machine table on the screen). Any player element can be started by the press of a button either on the computer keyboard or the external key panel. This player can play audio elements from jingles categories. The player is most often used in the following two ways. In the first, the player is used as intended for airing various audio items: audio effects, background sounds, e.g. Most often, this is necessary when preparing live broadcasts, interactive games e.g. The operator can prepare the needed audio items in advance and place them on the buttons of the jingle machine in the way that is most convenient for him or her. This can be done not only from the broadcasting station but from any production workplace. This player variation is included in practically all typical configurations of the DIGISPOT®II DJiN program. The other method presupposes using the jingle machine as a data source for a group of block players. The screen button field buttons can be used to switch to another category. This makes it possible to organize a system for rapid navigation over the collections of audio items prepared in advance. In this case, clicking the jingle machine button in the button field simply Page 14 of 49 e.mail : web : selects an audio item. It can then be added to the end of the block player play list by clicking the corresponding button-field button, which allows a play list to be prepared rapidly. In this version, the greatest efficiency is achieved when the jingle machine is used with an external specialized key panel that has both the jingle machine control button and the block control buttons. Specialized remote control devices manufactured by Eela Audio can be used as these external key panels. Another option is to use specialized computer keyboards, the keys of which can be combined into buttons and have commands assigned to them. A typical configuration consisting of a jingle machine and block players is a replicate of the antiquated NAB cartridge machines, mostly being seen as 4 in a row with a stack of NAB cartridges above each machine prepared for the sequence play. 2.11 Fast Jingles Player The Fast jingles player is a development out of Jingle machine player. Its main function is to provide the broadcasting operator with a means of playing a certain type of jingle on the fly. The player can play back a jingle from a group of jingles by simply pressing a keyboard key or a button in the external button field. The player has its own simple rotation algorithm to avoid repeating jingles from the same group, even if the items are played back from several workstations simultaneously. A group of items may be made up of the contents of one of the categories of the F-Categories module or any category of the MDB items. Unlike the jingle machine player, the fast jingle player can play not only jingles, but any type of MDB item. The minimal version of the player does not have its own window. The system administrator creates groups from his or her workplace and informs the operator about the keys or buttonfield buttons assigned to these groups by messages "Press 1 for a short jingle, 2 for a long jingle, 3 for a jingle before news." If necessary, a window can be added to the system to show groups of items. The window's appearance and functionalities are virtually the same as those of the jingle machine player. Several players of this type can exist simultaneously in the system. In this way, items Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : from different groups can be played back through different physical outputs. e.mail : web : 2.12.2 SJM Editor 2.12 SJM Smart Jingle Machine The DIGISPOT®II SJM module provides universal tool for playing audio elements, decorating the ON-AIR program. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of this module is designed for working with a touch-screen monitor, which helps to combine the known CartAssist visual interface and button field for controlling one functional hands on surface. 2.12.1 SJM Touch Sreen for ON-AIR operation The most significant difference of the new Smart Jingle Machine is a new approach to correlate the next musical element by changing its tempo without changing the pitch, to start as an opener, or stinger over a music bed, or in a crossover in the beat rhythm of the previous sound or underlay whereby the start point can also be defined precisely on the first or any other bar of the beat. This creates a smooth perception listening to a changeover from one musical piece in the crossover to the next one. The screen layout can be arranged under tabs; each of them representing audio packaging elements for various ON-AIR sessions for a morning show or game show e.g. That helps avoiding "overloading" the GUI with too many elements which are not needed always to be on the screen. The SJM system has two parts the editor and the play out module for the moderator to be controlled by the intuitive control via the touch screen monitor. Further on the Moderator can use a fader on the bottom of the touch screen to fade the intensity but not the playback level of the playing elements to meet the optimal sound impression during a talk over, or in the play out of two or more elements being played in a mix. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 The set up of the touch screen can be configured by the moderator himself using the SJM Editor or by the producer on his workstation. The screen can be easily set up in a flexible structure of buttons in different positions and sizes including labelling the content under the button. An automatic follow up order of element starts can be programmed and stored indicating the sequence on the screen when the screen layout is called for the session. These screen layouts in an unlimited number, organised in groups or categories, are stored in the DIGISPOT®II media database Page 15 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// (MDB) and can be called up on any workstation in the network. The complete music, jingle and sound effect archive of the Station MDB is at hand for the producer and moderator to be used in the jingle machine for a creative composition of a perfect radio show with an ergonomic GUI for intuitive and secure handling. 2.13 Block Player e.mail : web : 2.14 PFL Player for Cueing and pre – Listening The DIGISPOT®II system provides a versatile functionality to pre-listen to an audio Item at any time in any module of the software, inside every position of the schedule or the player even if the audio item is already playing ON-AIR to prelisten the ending. In the CartAssist database window and in the block player, the command is activated by the mouse pointer in the related window by a click of the left mouse button or by a special key from the key board or dedicated key pad. Moving the mouse pointer left and right it is even possible to scrap through the audio for the right point of listening. 2.15 Regional Player to insert regional elements for regional Transmission Block player can be used for playing sequences of audio elements (play-lists). Playback is carried out via a single device, taking into account crossfades between elements. The play-list represents a single block of the schedule. All means of schedule editing with regard to audio items (cross-fade, marking, normalizing, go to next, voice track recording) can be applied to contents of the block player. Play lists can be loaded to the player automatically from blocks of the schedule or manually by the operator. A combined approach is also possible. In this case, the schedule should list only obligatory material to be delivered ON-AIR while all other elements (audio items, jingles, etc) can be loaded manually by the operator from a media DB, FCategories, jingle machine, files and other windows. Players can be controlled from a mixing console with the help of the “Fader start” and “PFL” signals. Players can be set for automatic start at a specified time or it can wait for a command from the operator. There are a large number of parameters that define the player behaviour. A system usually has a number of block players, each of which has its own tasks to fulfil and can be configured in reverence to its task. Page 16 of 49 This player is used at regional radio stations for the playback of regional (own) programs or socalled “inserts” to the frame (main) program. Insert player automatically replaces parts of the frame program with regional content. The insert player is a part of a regional ON-AIR workstation and works under the control of the main ON-AIR station. The main ON-AIR station generates a special control signal (command) prior to the beginning of a part of the frame program that can be replaced by regional content. This command is fed to all regional stations. Upon receiving this command, the insert player begins to play back loaded regional content. Two types of audio elements of the frame program are usually replaced: ID jingles and commercial or news blocks of regional importance. The ID jingle is a short jingle providing information about the name of the radio station and the broadcast frequency (e.g. “Radio GAGA 100 FM”). The ID jingles of the main radio station should never be played at the regional radio stations, because the regional stations may have different names and/or broadcast Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : frequencies. So the main station always sends a command which is combined with the ID jingle of the main station, and the regional stations automatically replace it with their own ID jingles. Blocks replacement happens only if the regional insert player is loaded with actual material. The user can build up a system of several regional stations. A set of insert players can be configured to work simultaneously: each of them with their own regional schedule and an individual set of ID jingles. This provides for the centralized production of radio programs with several regional commercial and news services. The system makes it possible to generate schedules for main and regional stations in the same environment. This feature, together with automatic content replacement with smooth transitions between frame and regional programs, provides regional broadcasting of high quality. An additional argument for this approach is the total control provided over the content of all regional stations from the main station and the simple structure of the overall system, which does not require complex equipment. 2.16 Frame-Program Retransmission Player e.mail : web : If a retransmission signal fails, the system launches the guard player, containing a reserve block of audio items. 2.17 Track Marking and Normalization Module This module prepares audio items for the Media DB. Based on general settings, the module can automatically define a pause in the beginning and in the end of an audio element, set the start and stop playback marks, estimate the signal level and normalize it, if this is needed. This module saves the operator from routine work on each and every audio item, if not needed for special settings for an Item. 2.18 Start Point Seek Module The main difference between retransmission players and other players is due to the presence of an embedded switcher, which provides for change-over from the retransmission signal (frame program) to the regional signal (own program). This switching can be performed either manually (from mouse/keyboard or GPI signal) or automatically (according to time or a command from an audio-pattern recognition module). With the reception of a command, the switcher initiates the playback of audio material loaded into the player while simultaneously (or even earlier – depending upon the settings) fading out of the retransmission signal. Thus, the system enters the own-program delivery mode. Upon the completion of the loaded block playback (or even earlier), the switcher starts fading in the retransmission signal, bringing the system back to retransmission mode. The blocks of the regional program are loaded to the player from the regional schedule automatically in advance of their actual air time. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 The start point seek module defines the exact piece of the audio element that will be used as a start point during playback. You can assign the start point to any of the three previously defined character points of the audio element (INTRO) or search it by playing the element at a different speed and in different directions. The search window shows the waveform of the audio, which simplifies the process. It is possible to change the start point of the audio element either from schedule or in a player. This function is often used by ON-AIR operators when they need to change the INTRO duration of a musical element. You can control the process either from a computer keyboard or from an external key panel. Page 17 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// 2.19 VoiceTrack Module for Recording in Schedules Its responsibility is in the recording of audio (usually voice) fragments during cross-fades from one audio element to another. Maximum performance can be achieved if the mixing console provides the possibility in its remote control interface to read the fader level control data for the DIGISPOT®II software as with broadcast mixers like DHD, AXIA or D.MAX. A special 4 Fader remote control unit can be obtained also from the DIGISPOT product line. One fader provides fade out of the first audio item, while the second fader provides the fade in of the second audio item. The start of the second audio item is initiated by the second fader start signal, so voice track recording is reminiscent of the real, live ON-AIR process. The software application will remember the fader’s movements and, while ON-AIR, it will repeat them, providing a feeling of a live show. During cross-fade rehearsal, the operator can switch on the recording process and record a voiced section that will be played through the cross-fade. 2.19.1 VoiceTrack Module Version A e.mail : web : 2.19.2 VoiceTrack Module Version B This new Voice-Track module provides recording and editing in the same function on screen and also does allow not only to record the voice, it gives also the possibility to add a jingle or opener / stinger or just an additional soundtrack to the Voice-Track position between two songs or before the beginning of a music bed. It offers a much more versatile possibility to give the automated play out of the night time schedule the real live sounding performance. With the Voice-Track Module a third and fourth fader will be used to add additional sounds like sound effects or jingles to the Voice-Track element. 2.20 Cross-fade Edit Module for Schedule & Block Player This module can easily be used without a special remote controller by using the mouse or hot keys from the keyboard but this implies some limitations as fixed fade in and fade out slopes as they are settable in the software. At present, it is possible to control the start point of the next audio item and switch the record function on and off. The schedule can be marked preliminary at the places where voice track elements are needed. Afterwards, the moderator can jump from position to position, so the voice tracks can be recorded one after another. If in case a cross-fade does not sound in the rehearsal as expected or wanted it can be optimized by the Cross-fade Editor Module which can be called up by just a click with the mouse. Page 18 of 49 This module allows you to create cross-fades between neighbouring schedule elements, providing more dense and accurate broadcasting without pauses between audio items. It can “glue” 2 or 3 neighbouring audio items that are located in the same or in neighbouring blocks. The user interface of this module is similar to the BCS editor, so a user who is familiar with it will not need much time to get going. Cross-fade editing can be done either in a schedule window from any workstation in the network, or inside the Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : play list of a block player, but only at an ON-AIR workstation. The block player can provide a crossfade of an already playing audio element with the next one, while the schedule window allows for the cross-fade of next element after that being played. 2.21 Broadcast System Editor BCS Multi Channel Audio Editor. The editor is a separate application that can be installed on workstations together with other applications of the system or as a stand-alone application. It allows for the production of proprietary audio and text material for later delivery ON-AIR and for refilling and / or editing from the MDB. The BCS editor is designed and developed by the DIGISPOT®II software development team which has lead to the presence of common modules and commands facilitate the easy learning of the system and simplify the handling of overall operations. The BCS Editor is an integrated software module with the ON-AIR application and appears on the screen of the ON-AIR Workstation without interrupting the ON-AIR session for a fast editing of a listener telephone call or the change of a report which is on the schedule. Editing can be performed on one or more tracks, while recording can be done only on one track. The application is oriented toward the easy implementation of standard editing operations used on radio stations for recording, editing, level control by envelop settings for fade in and out. Text editing is an integrated function of the BCS Editor also being orientated for the type of text editing which is common practise in the news department of the radio stations. This underlines the importance of a persistent software design for an optimised workflow in all departments. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : 2.21.1 “Fragment Buffer” Module The “Fragments buffer” module provides the means for the temporary storage of pieces of audio and text in the editor application and actually works as a specialized multi-level clipboard. It can be very useful when source material has to be edited severely and cleaned from unneeded parts. In such cases, search operations can take a lot of time. This buffer preserves its contents after the restart of the application so that it can be used for the “long term” storage of frequently used elements, such as jingles and music beds. 2.21.2 Plug-ins Interface Module The plug-ins interface module provides the possibility to use 3rd party plug-ins supporting DirectX technology. A selected fragment of audio track can be processed by a chosen plug-in or a chain of plug-ins. This module allows to save and load presets. It has several auxiliary modes: rehearsal mode, looped playback and bypass. 2.22 Module to generate ON-AIR Log Reports This module generates an ASCII file with information about audio elements that had actually been played ON-AIR. The file stores information about the time at which each item was played, player name, fader condition and item details (file name). This file can be printed out using the report skeletons form. The format of the ASCII file can also be configured to generate the GEMA report log for the precise ON-AIR time. Page 19 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// 2.23 Module for Export Information about Player Status into XML This software module provides some status information to the external systems in XML format. This information refers to the currently playing audio elements and those that are already in the playback queue. Any player in the system can provide this information, which can be stored in a previously specified folder and updated dynamically according to the status of a system. Files of the XML format hold the audio element name, duration, author, e.g. It can be used by external applications for various purposes, e.g. for the generation of an RDS text string or placing data on the radio station’s web site. 2.24 Gap Filler Module Gap (or unexpected and non-planned pause) filling technology is necessary for radio stations with full or partial autonomous broadcasting. When a non-planned gap occurs (due to a breakdown in communication lines, planning errors, e.g.) the gap filler module automatically prepares a piece of schedule from the elements stored in the database. This audio content will fill the gap until the system gets a valid audio element from the schedule to play. There are different algorithms for filling long (minutes) and short (seconds) gaps. These algorithms are developed in a way to provide the smoothest possible fill in for the program failure. System administrator can set up parameters for the gap filler, which can vary for different time intervals. The administrator can assign special DB categories, filling skeletons and other parameters. Special diagrams are provided to indicate the effectiveness of the gap filler. e.mail : web : element is changed somehow, then the copy will be updated automatically. Audio elements that are used as a reserve are stored for 2 days, which helps to eliminate the frequent copying of the same files. Thus, when the system is set up carefully, the broadcast never happens from a network, as the network is being used only for preliminary copying of files. Besides audio elements, the schedule itself is also being copied. So, in the case of a network breakdown, the ON-AIR station has both the schedule and data on its local hard drive to provide at least a day of broadcasting. After the re-establishment of the network communication, the system will automatically synchronize schedules. The usage of lower-bit-rate channels like slow Internet between the ON-AIR workstation and the production / planning workstation is possible due to a Reserve module that can transfer all the needed data to the local hard disk in advance. In special cases, it is possible to organize broadcasting with a connection channel that does not provide real time throughput of material. Assume that the material volume is not so high, like when we need to transfer just 10 minutes of commercials per hour, and that the communication channel provides a transfer rate of a half the playback rate (64 Kbit/s). To transfer 10 minutes of audio, you will need 20 minute of real time. But, if the schedule is prepared beforehand (one day in advance), all the necessary files will be transferred safely to the ON-AIR workstation before the moment of actual delivery ON-AIR. 2.26 Hot AIR Standby the synchronized Play out Workstation 2.25 Reserve System by redundant Storage on the local HD of the ONAIR Station This module solves two tasks: providing uninterrupted broadcasting in the case of LAN breakdown and the physical delivery of audio material to the exact place where it should be played. The idea of this module is to perform background copying of all the audio elements used in a schedule to the local hard disk of the ON-AIR workstation. During playback the system checks if a copy of next audio element exists on a local HD. If it exists, then it is used instead of the distant audio element. If the original audio Page 20 of 49 To reach total failsafe operation the “Hot AIR Standby System” provides for full play out redundancy in synchronized play mode. For this the DJiN ON-AIR application with the X-Player and the special software module “Hot AIR Standby“ has to be installed on two separate Workstations. These workstations have no equal rights, one is preconfigured as the Main, the other - as the Reserve ON-AIR play out station with the equal schedule. Both workstations are interconnected by a “Watch connection”, this is Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : an ethernet cable connected to a dedicated network card in each computer, this direct cross wired network connection is avoiding any additional ethernet equipment and cable patching. The “Hot AIR Standby” software consists of two parts, the Hot AIR Standby module and a special version of the X-Player play out module installed on each of the two workstations, one as MAIN and the other as SLAVE. The following functionality is provided for full redundant ON-AIR operation including some features for special requirements as technical service: Automatic changeover to Reserve workstation in case of failure of Main workstation Workstation, which is quitting, stops play out ONAIR Workstation, taking over, starts play out ON-AIR Manual changeover of Play out from Main workstation to Reserve by controlling from the actual ON-AIR module: Generation of control commands, necessary for workstation changeover (GPO for routing, control of equipment, indication of actual status e.g.) e.mail : web : 2.27.1 The automatic News Import This is part of the DB import software module providing the automatic text and audio import from News agencies by FTP server or satellite connections and also from the e-mail and internet, automatically categorised in the system database by settings in the system configuration. Easy and fast access for the journalist is supported by settings of search filters and key word search functions. 2.27.2 The Universal News Browser In radio house installations, in conjunction with ON-AIR mixing consoles combined with audio router systems like DHD or AXIA, the Hot AIR Standby system allows an “on the fly change over” from one to the other studio without any drop of the ON-AIR signal. 2.27 R-News for News Production and News-Cast presentation The R-News building block of the DIGISPOT®II System type installation is a must for all radio stations which are delivering beside the music program a certain part of actual information content, as a news cast at each half or each full hour and in between reports in politics, sports and other actual fields of information. The following functionality is available for running a news department in the radio station including a versatile module for the ON-AIR delivery of the information content. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 The News Browser of the DIGISPOT®II RNews system provides access to the actual incoming news material as well as to the news archive. The presentation of the incoming news reports is following the international standards indicating the day and the daytime the source and the headline with the next two following lines of the text which normally are being used as Slug lines in which the keywords are listed to which the search filter can refer to. The GUI for the news journalist offers a versatile set of different configurations for the fast and secure content the user is orientated Page 21 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// to for the type of news he is working with. The categories for the source can be selected followed by the selection of the resort and priority being set by for the specific reports. The individual user can set filters for a key search whereby the key can be a keyword or any kind of symbol or number as it used, by example to mark a priority message. The search function accesses the full text of the messages. Priority or emergency messages are automatically recognised by the system and a notice will be indicated as a pop-up on the screen of the user and there is also the possibility to generate a command for a GPO, activate an alarm system as a flashlight in the newsroom. 2.27.3 The DIGISPOT®II Video Logger For the news department it is common practise to use the TV News and actual Information as source for the radio newscast. For this it is very helpful to have a workstation with video ingest possibilities for up to four channels to automatically record video signal and the related audio, whereby the audio is stored as a separate file in the MDB for direct editing with the BCS editor. On each workstation in the news department a Video Logger client is installed which provides the possibility for the journalist to access the recorded video and audio selected by the TV station and the time of transmission. e.mail : web : 2.27.4 The News Text Editor The DIGISPOT®II News Editor for text editing as an integrated tool in the system allows for a very smooth and effective workflow in the news department. It is possible to load a number of reports and start editing the text for the newscast and if in case more detailed information has to be researched where the answer will come some minutes later, the next story can be addressed in the meantime. If an O-Soundtrack is part of the news text, this soundtrack can be inserted within the related text file at the position where the soundtrack should be started during the newscast presentation. The completed news items are stored in the database for a chief operator to place them in the ON-AIR news agenda schedule or the journalist can place them from any workstation direct in the next actual news agenda or any agenda schedule ahead of time. 2.27.5 The News Agenda, News reading from screen with integrated Audio The news ON-AIR agenda can be called up on the second screen of the main ON-AIR station if Page 22 of 49 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : the moderator in a self –op studio is presenting the news cast and the reports, or on a separate workstation and screen in the news booth separated from the ON-AIR studio. The main feature of the agenda ON-AIR presentation software is the combined handling of the text and related audio elements on the news reading screen. In the sequence of the text elements, the audio Elements are indicated by a coloured line at the position of the text where the audio is scheduled to be played. The coloured line is showing the title and the length of the audio element and also the last words in the audio, so that the presenter knows when to start reading again. e.mail : web : possible to determine the compression ratio, shelf life and other parameters. The number of recording modules present in the system is unlimited, so it is possible to set up multi channel recording of the signal. A logger client software module can be obtained for any workstation in the radio station network system providing easy access for the program department for checking and re-use of material also to assemble sequences of commercial play out for customer reference. 2.29 CD Grabber 2.28 ON-AIR Audio Logger This module is used to record the signal from the workstation’s external to the hard disk automatically. A typical application is the aroundthe-clock high-compression recording of broadcast material and its subsequent long term storage (up to 8 weeks) for the content control purposes as required by the Legislation regarding mass media. Another common application is the high-quality recording of broadcast fragments for subsequent playback or for using the recorded material to prepare your own programs. The recording panel of the application contains an extensive set of parameters. Turning recording on/off can be initiated according to a schedule, using a specific signal level at the input or by GPI command. The system can use one stereo input as two independent mono inputs and can record different programs with independent settings. It is Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 This module is used to import information from audio CDs into files. During the copying process, the signal can be normalized, compression into MPEG performed, gaps at the beginning and the end of the track removed e.g. The application automatically accesses a CD database on the internet and reads information from it about track names, performers and the like. The imported information can be automatically added to the specified MDB categories. Remark : It is not possible to use this tool for protected CD’s Page 23 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 24 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 3. e.mail : web : The Structure of Radio Stations The details of the new DIGISPOT®II II system have been defined by the requirement for a smooth and fast workflow for production and ON-AIR delivery for radio stations. The DIGISPOT®II software development in cooperation with international experts in concept engineering for the radio industry provides a wide range of technology and tools for automation, providing the basis for adequate and modern design of all kinds of radio station structures. When planning to renovate the station or replace equipment, the technology already in place at the radio station has to be taken in account in conjunction with the intention for improvements the new installations should provide. If the radio station is going to broadcast live programs, then it is necessary, by all means, to provide live-program support. Live ON-AIR broadcasts require DJ live inserts for informational and promotional messages, microphone inserts for moderators and guests in the studio, the ability to broadcast telephone conversation ON-AIR e.g. The software of the radio station operating system and an adequate ON-AIR mixing console should be selected as an inter – coordinated system for an easy going and efficient live program presentation. The automation functionality of the software system provides considerable cost savings for radio station by pre-produced ON-AIR schedules. A workstation together with a small mixing console can be used for pre-production including inserting of commercials, news and other kinds of broadcast material. The type of program and its list of content does finally define the size of system installation in regard to software and hardware. The range of program content will be defined by the general orientation of the radio station to be a music station or a 24 hour news and information provider, or a combination of both in different percentages of both, for music and news. The choice of the program type will determine the needed production capacity in personal employment and the technical installation, which will allow to avoid missing equipment for an efficient workflow or unnecessary investment in not fully used workplaces This to the same time, to allow for the full installation of necessary technology for aiding in production and maintaining the necessary reserve capabilities. To follow this needs will be supported by a flexible and modular designed software package like DIGISPOT®II which is providing a comprehensive number of building blocks to assist for a stepping up process from the smallest functional radio station to grow up in a radio house installation with a future prove technology. The main points to be looked at for the definition of the radio station structure is the daily broadcast volume and the amount of its content, that will involve the station production capacity. This parameter influences the volume of resources necessary and the quantity and balance of various workplaces in the nowadays type of modern radio stations. The correlation between various types of broadcast materials in the program, as music, news, commercials and pre-produced programs defines the genre of a radio station and influences the structure of the whole. The number of workplaces and employments of the station and its investment on system technology will also depend on the time frames with live moderated programs and time shifts with VoiceTrack prepared programs running in automation. Finally the necessary investment will depend upon the type of material intended to be produced in house as commercials, news, music play-lists, pre-produced theme programs e.g. Buying external content material and in what form, can be considered also. For this the software system has to have the right tools to support the transfer of data and content an automated procedure in data communications with these third party deliveries. Retransmission of a frame program is a choice for stations being organized in a radio station chain just efficiently equipped to provide the program content as news and reports which is orientated to the local area at the position of the station. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 Page 25 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// e.mail : web : The structure of the DIGISPOT®II task related software packages provide always the right building blocks for an optimized workflow and efficiency for each size and type of radio station. The following samples might help to orientate the general structure of the intended installation. 3.1 Average Music and News Radio Station Such radio station broadcasts its own program around the clock. Music is used as a background element for ON-AIR decoration. Information content: news, city info (traffic, weather, sports), pre-produced thematic programs e.g. ON-AIR workstation Music play-list generation workstation MAG Commercial-planning workstation: schedule preparation station plus schedule and data import option. Journalist workstation (2 stations), audio editing station, plus schedule editing option. ON-AIR recording: logger Page 26 of 49 3.2 Average Music Radio Station This is a typical musical radio station for mediumsized and large big cities. It broadcasts its own programming 24-hours-a-day The main part of the content is provided by music of a particular format. The news content for such stations is in many cases delivered by news agencies as complete recorded Newscasts which can be automatically imported from a FTP server to the place holder of the news in the ON-AIR schedule just a minute before the actual ON-AIR time. The radio automation system consists of 4 working places: ON-AIR workstation Musical play-list generation workstation MAG Commercial-planning workstation: schedule preparation station plus schedule and data import option. ON-AIR recording workstation: Logger. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 3.3 Small Retransmission Radio Station. Based on the DIGISPOT®II retransmission software package a framing program delivered by means of a satellite transfer or via a codec system over the Internet, will be connected automatically to the transmitter line by the ONAIR workstation. Only for the insertion of local program content at the defined time frames the DIGISPOT®II software does switch over the transmitter line to the output of the local ON–AIR schedule for transmitting the local content like commercials and local pre-produced news and reports. The second production workstation is used for the local ON-AIR schedule preparation including the audio elements for the commercials and reports. The DIGISPOT®II software also provides the settings for the switching logistics and the data for automatically organised import of the commercials to the local storage. Both computers are connected to the local network. The second workstation may have a separate traffic manager application for the generation of a commercial schedule and its export to an ASCII file. The DIGISPOT®II commercial data management system can also be installed on this workstation. The ON-AIR workstation should have a digital audio card corresponding to the needed functionality of crossfading between the play out signal from the local hard disk and the audio card input signal , e.g. Digigram VX222, Marian trace Pro or Trace Alpha as well as the Yellowtec PUC 2 USB audio play out unit. The planning workstation may use any sound card for the prelistening function. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : 3.4 Auto Retransmission This product is designed for networked regional radio stations retransmitting a frame program while inserting fully automated their local commercials, news e.g. It consists of a single ON-AIR workstation with DJiN 777 software package . Page 27 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// 4. e.mail : web : The Environment for the DIGISPOT®II Software Installation The very high demand for the system stability in a radio station to secure the steady presence of the ONAIR signal will not only be dependent on the quality of the software design and it’s bug-free performance as it can be expected from the DIGISPOT®II application, it is also very much dependent on the computer hardware and its performance. The first and very basic condition will be that the computer units should be installed in a so called centralized rack room. This room should have an extra air conditioning system which also will protect the room from dust and other problems as to high humidity. Also the ventilation noise of the computer hardware will not be able to build up a noise floor in the ON-AIR studio and the production rooms which can later be recognized as a room noise floor ON-AIR, or on the produced material. In case the distance from the central rack–room is too long for the standard VGA monitor and keyboard mouse cabling and even a passive extension which is normally not possible for more than 3 to 5 meters, so called keyboard video-monitor extension systems can be used for distances to 50 and more meter, using CAT 5e network cable. Nowadays these distance extender units are mostly used for USB ports. It will be recommended always to refer to an expert with related skills and experience to prepare such qualified environment conditions for a secure and long term performing technical installation. The direct related hardware system requirements for the workstations including the needed audio cards and the network installation will be briefly described in the following Position. 4.1 General Equipment Requirements The DIGISPOT®II radio automation system creates high reliability requirements for computer hardware. In order to provide for the handling of audio MPEG or PCM streams, you don’t need the most modern processor or fastest RAM. But the hardware must provide continuous fail-safe functionality for the system in the course of long-term operation. We recommend using equipment from well-known manufacturers that has already proved its quality and reliability. We recommend performing tests on this equipment in severe conditions during a long period to ensure concordance with the declared characteristics. Special attention is required when setting up the device drivers and operating system parameters. Incorrect settings may lead to nonsystematic failures while ON-AIR. ON-AIR computers should use a multilayer reserve system: uninterrupted power supplies, 2 or 3 power supplies in the case of one computer as, additional ventilation fans, a temperature and power-control system and a fan-speed indication system. For the comfort and convenience of the ON-AIR Page 28 of 49 operator, we recommend using 2 and 3 monitor configurations. This helps to provide the most necessary information on monitors in an adequate and understandable format and with eye-friendly density. We recommend setting up ON-AIR material and the system root directory at a separate file server on the basis of RAID massive. Total storage space can be calculated out of the needed ONAIR material volume and audio bit rate. 4.2 General minimum requirements for the PC: The DIGISPOT®II BASIC software application has been designed to work on the standard Computer hardware with the Windows™ operating system XP professional or Windows 7 in near future. The experience has been made at many installations, that the big player in computer manufacturing deliver, like HP or Dell,appropriate units which can fulfil the following described minimum condition to run the software. Such suppliers do offer also a more than two years onsite warranty within a very short time to repair or exchange the defect system. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 4.2.1 ON-AIR Station: CPU: PIV and higher, RAM: minimal requirements for operating system +512 MB, HDD: +128 MB + reserve system requirements (= daily ON-AIR material volume x times and x number of days to be reserved). 4.2.2 Planning Station: CPU: PIV and higher, RAM: minimal requirements for operating system +512 MB, HDD: +128 MB 4.2.3 Editing Station: CPU: PIV and higher, RAM: minimal requirements for operating system +512 MB, HDD: +128 MB + locally stored audio material volume. 4.2.4 Audio Logger : CPU: PIV and higher, RAM: minimal requirements for operating system +128 MB, HDD: +64 MB + space for storage of recorded material during needed time frame. 4.2.5 Retransmission Station: CPU: PIV and higher, RAM: minimal requirements for operating system +256 MB, HDD: +128 MB + reserve system requirements (= daily ON-AIR material volume x time and x number of days to be reserved). Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : 4.3 Conditions for Network Performance Requirements for the components of the local network can be formulated as follows: component characteristics must correspond to the parameters declared by the component manufacturers. The most important factor here is network throughput: It should correspond to broadcasting requirements. If playback is taking place from the file server, then the stream between the file server and the ON-AIR workstation may reach 500-700 KB/sec (if working with non-compressed audio). In order to facilitate this, you can use 10MB/sec networks. But, in this case, there should be no other workstation that can overload the channel file server – ON-AIR workstation. We recommend using networks with 100MB/sec throughput. A very important parameter for the network is the network file access timeout (file read, write and open requests). Incorrect network settings may result in ON-AIR failures! That is why it is strongly recommended to provide conflict-free network settings. The average response network time to read/write requests should not exceed 100 milliseconds, and the average response network time to open/create file should not exceed 200 milliseconds. Breaking this rule may lead to interface freezing for random applications. In the case of relatively long freezing, ON-AIR gaps may occur. Such things happen often in office networks, but they are not catastrophic and are often not even noticeable. But they must not happen at a radio station, when an ON-AIR gap is audible and disturbing. The DIGISPOT®II radio automation system works on the Windows XP operating systems, which is recommend for systems with digital audio and video Signal handling. Page 29 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and the in field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// e.mail : web : 4.4 Digital Audio Cards The DIGISPOT®II radio automation system can work with any kind of digital audio card that is supported by the Windows operating system as an audio device and which can be accessed by a user application. After installation of the digital audio card, check the sounds and multimedia section of the control panel (bookmark “Audio”). If it indicates that the card is installed, then you can count on the application working with this card with high probability. Nevertheless, they’re a lot of specific details and nuances with various digital audio cards from different manufacturers. These nuances can be discovered at the most inappropriate moments, so we recommend studying this part attentively. As long as the manufacturer does provide a qualified and reliable ASIO driver for his audio cards the DIGISPOT®II system has no limitations to work with the selected cards. In the following an overview is given for the manufacturers based on made experiences 4.4.1 DIGIGRAM DIGIGRAM is a well-known French company that designs and manufactures digital audio cards for radio broadcasting and radio production. DIGIGRAM cards are most widely used in the European radio industry. DIGIGRAM provides API, which makes it possible for other companies to use the internal capabilities of its cards. DIGIGRAM provides a wide choice of digital audio cards. They can be used on any type of workstation. The high quality mixer in VX-series cards allows you to use them at retransmission radio stations. 4.4.2 Marian - Digital Audio Electronics The product range of audio cards Marian has developed to a wide range of adequate audio cards since CAPS made the first approach to use the Marc X card for Applications in the broadcast industry. The meanwhile developed spate of TRACE cards from Marian with balanced analog in- and outputs and or AES/EBU in-and outputs provide a perfect opportunity to equip all different type of workstations with the adequate solution for the for the type of application it is determined for, just using one brand of audio cards with a very good relationship between price and quality. All cards have DSP power on board allowing level control and on board mixing. Ideal for multi channel play out with remote controlled level control and cross-fading. Marian does provide API support Positive points: Good price/quality ratio Availability of digital inputs and outputs (SPDIF optical and coaxial, ADAT). For the Marc X card for multi channel play out in conjunction with the Marian ADCON breakout box Page 30 of 49 4.4.3 RME – Intelligent Audio Solutions This German company designs and manufactures digital audio cards of good studio quality. The main product is the Hammerfall series of multi channel (up to 56) cards. For the radio broadcast industry, DIGI96/8 cards (PST and PAD) can be used, as well as Hammerfall DSP. The cards feature analogue input/output, coaxial and optical SPDIF, ADAT, and may be used at editing, planning, ON-AIR workstations. Due to digital I/O, they can be used in a studio with a digital mixing console. Positive points: High quality audio and high hardware reliability Good driver quality Advanced interfaces Good price/quality ratio 4.4.4 Lynx Studio Technology Lynx provides multi channel professional cards with mostly digital I/O of good quality. Their cards can be used for radio broadcasting. We primarily recommend Lynx AES 16 and Lynx L22. 4.4.5 Creative Labs This manufacturer is probably the best-known in the world. Their cards feature good quality and reliability, but at the consumer level. During recent years, they have introduced several series of cards for the consumer market: SBLive, SB Audigy, SB Audigy 2 and SB Extigy. SBLive can be used for the pre-listening system at any working place. It can also be used at Logger workstations, due to possibility of installing several cards in one computer (the last version of drivers supports multi card modes). Audigy cards can be used on simple editing workstations and simple musical editor workstations. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : e.mail : web : 4.4.6 Yellowtec In such cases where the given circumstances will make it preferable not to install an extra audio card inside the computer the USB audio interface box PUC 2 from the German company Yellowtec is a perfect and suitable alternative: 4.4.7 M-Audio Recognized around the world as the top choice in host-based PCI digital audio solutions, the rackmount Delta 1010 is designed to handle the needs of the professional broadcast system. The Delta 1010LT delivers much of the same universal connectivity, high fidelity and seamless performance as the popular Delta 1010 on a single PCI card—and at a fraction of the price. Multiple analogue I/O, MIDI, S/PDIF and surround sound support are all here. Two inputs even have mic/line preamps on XLR connectors, saving the expense of outboard preamps. It’s all on a compact, half-size PCI card with two colour-coded breakout cables.. 4.5 Remote Control Remote control can be understood as the control of certain software modules (functions) of the radio broadcast system from external hardware devices – consoles, key panels e.g. There is a set of commands provided by remote control devices that can be interpreted by all virtual players and schedule modules (Fader start, Fader stop, PFL start, PFL stop). Some specific commands can be interpreted by certain players only. There is also a standard set of general commands that can be interpreted by the base platform of applications. Commands are delivered to the computer with the help of the GPI (General Purpose Interface). Software modules that can interpret remote control commands may be configured for specific actions assigned to certain commands. Several remote control devices can be used simultaneously in one system. The general block diagram of a remote control interface is presented below. Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 In order to provide remote control for a certain function, you have to connect the hardware remote control device, install drivers (if this is necessary), choose the configuration file describing the method of device initialization and data protocol (if needed) and assign GPI commands to system functions. At present, we are using LPT, COM and USB interfaces to provide communication between the computer and the remote control device. LPT devices require a special driver that provides the generation of a remote command out of the contact closures on the LPT connector. COM port devices do not require a special driver, but each device needs a configuration file (cdu-file) describing the method of initialization of the device and data protocol. This file will be used by DIGISPOT®II applications. USB devices require a driver converting the external signal to a remote command and a cdu-file describing communication with the USB device. All remote control devices can be classified as: ON-AIR consoles: each channel provides Fader-start/stop and PFL start/stop signals. They are usually connected to an LPT port. If the number of channels is more as can be covered by the limitation given by the LPT port, we use special hardware-extension modules that are connected to USB or COM ports. Page 31 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// 4.5.1 USB to GPI/O Interface for 8 In andOut Part of the DIGISPOT®II product line is the TP 314 USB interface converter with 8 GPI/O per unit available as a small aluminium box with a mounting bracket which can easily be mounted at a place near to the connected equipment. It is also available as a slot mountable PC card for a PC slot position. The very flexible RS232 and/or TCP/IP protocol can be adjusted to communicate with various pieces of equipment including the input for fader control information from mixing console which can provide the fader position as serial data, including the possibility to read the dynamic fader level control for performing the Voice-Track function in live mode operation. 4.5.2 ON-AIR Mixer Eela D3 with USB Interface e.mail : web : 4.5.3 VoiceTrack 4 Fader Unit for manual Control of Cross fade A special 4 fader remote control unit to provide manual fade out and in for the Voice-Track recording module can be obtained also from the DIGISPOT product line. The dynamic level movement is stored as separate data to the ONAIR schedule for playback in automation mode Other well known digital mixing consoles as DHD and D.MAX from Germany and AXIA form USA are also fully controllable from the DIGISPOT®II system to the console and from the console to the DIGISPOT®II Software system. External key panels can be connected via a COM port. They feature sets of buttons oriented toward universal or specific functions. Usually depressing a button once results in a single remote command. Most often these functions are used for remote control as Playback start/stop of virtual players for fader start/stop commands from a mixing console. PFL start/stop from mixing console modules for the pre-listening of audio elements that are loaded into virtual players. Jingle-machine control commands. Schedule-navigation commands. Start-point search-module commands. As example the new Eela D3 digital mixing console is fully interfaced, even providing the fader position for producing VoiceTrack preproduction by means of the fader for fade in and out and cross-fades. 5. Selection of Screenshots of the DIGISPOT®II Software package The screenshots on the following pages are selected for the most important system functions to give a first overview to the functionality and features the system provides for an easy and intuitive handling by the system operators in a radio station. Page 32 of 49 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 33 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 34 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 35 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 36 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 37 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 38 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 39 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 40 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 41 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 42 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 43 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 44 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 45 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 46 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 e.mail : web : Page 47 of 49 Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and Manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. e.mail: web :http// Page 48 of 49 e.mail : web : Copyright: RBKG & TRC Cooperation for Development of Hard-and Software for Audio and Video Broadcast Studios in East and West Europe. Design and manufacturing of Studio Equipment for the Audio recording Industry and in the field of Video Postproduction. mail: web : 6. e.mail : web : Personal Remarks and Notes interstage Phistersvej 31, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark Telefon 3946 0000, fax 3946 0040 Copyright: RBKG & TRC Edition0031 - pro audio with a smile Page 49 of 49