north star news - North Star Havanese Club


north star news - North Star Havanese Club
Volume II - Summer Edition
Serving the Interests of the North Star Havanese Club Since 2002
Comments from the Head Office
Hi all,
I have been reminded that it is not too early to
volunteer to help at our national specialty
show which will be here next summer. It is a
big job to put on a national specialty and every
bit of help will be appreciated. If you don't
know what you might be able to do to help,
give Nona a call at 612-827-5330 or email her
In This Issue
North Star Hav-A-News … … … … …
President’s Comments … … … … … …
Upcoming Events … … … … … … … …
Speaking of Whelping Boxes… … … …
I Rescued a Human Today … … … …
Health Survey – Everyone is Needed …
That Was Then, This is Now … … … …
Minnesota Rabies Requirements … …
MN Dog & Cat Breeders Regulation … …
Cleaning the Whelping Box … … … …
I have appreciated the good turnout we have
had at our meetings and everyone who has
volunteered to help at our club events.
Meetings are fun, I think we will all agree, so if
you have never attended a meeting, please
come and join us. Date, time and location are
posted on our club list.
I hope you all are having a great summer and
are planning to come to our club picnic on
Saturday July 9th.
North Star Hav-A-News
The NSHC submitted an ad for the National
Specialty catalog inviting everyone to join us in
Minnesota next year. Thank you Pat Tschol for
sponsoring the ad on behalf of the club, we
appreciate it very much.
2011 Club Officers & Directors
President – Vicky Walton
Vice-President – Nona Dietrich
Congratulations to Carol Krueger on finishing
her bred-by boy “Cay” now known by all as…
CHAMPION Jefe's Red Hot Chili Pepper!
Treasurer – Nancy Langgaard
Congratulations to Carol Krueger (one busy
lady) and to Jane Docter on your new litters,
both are beautiful.
We look forward to
watching them as they grow up.
Sandy McCabe, Julie Ripley, Pat Tschohl
Secretary – Judy VanOrnum
Directors –
Membership – Julie Ripley
Upcoming Events
July 9th – Club Picnic & Meeting
Time: 12:00 – 3:00pm
Location: Vicki Walton’s - Spring Valley, WI
All members are asked to donate an item to the
raffle. Watch the website and list for further details
as we get closer to the date. This event will be held
outdoors; in case of rain it will be rescheduled for
July 10th.
Standards of Care = a) animals exercised in
groups must be compatible and free of illness
b) females in estrus must not be housed with
unneutered males, except for breeding
purposes c) animals must be provided daily
enrichment and must be provided positive
socialization with human beings and
compatible animals d) animals must not be
sold, traded, or given away before the age of
eight weeks.
MN Dog and Cat Breeder Regulation
You can read the Bills in their entirety:
The 2011 Dog and Cat Breeder Regulation bill
number in the Minnesota Senate is S.F. 462,
introduced by Sen. Barb Goodwin. The bill
number in the House of Representatives is H.F.
702, introduced by Rep. John Lesch.
BTW – if I missed something key let us know
Key Points Summary:
Commercial breeder = is a person engaged in
the business of breeding animals for sale or for
exchange in return for consideration, and
who possesses ten or more adult intact animals
and whose animals produce more than five
total litters of puppies per year.
Cleaning the Whelping Box
While the tried and true stand-by diluted
bleach is a wonderful cleaning agent for
whelping boxes, if you are interested in trying
something else check these out.
Quatracide PV – a hospital strength
disinfectant, it kills everything you don't love.
It works better than bleach or vinegar and is
proven to kill parvo and everything you may or
may not vaccinate against. Keep it diluted and
handy in spray bottles to shoot the floor and
walls in and around the whelping area or
kitchen. Try or to buy by
the case go to
Pet dealer = means a person, including a
commercial breeder, that is required to collect
sales tax for the sale of animals to the public.
A commercial breeder must submit to the board an
a form prepared by the board. The form must
include the current number of cats and dogs
at the facility on the date of the report, the number
animals during the
that were sold, traded, bartered, leased, brokered,
from other causes, and any other information
required by the board.
A commercial breeder's
state license number must be included in all of the
promotions that pertain to animals being sold or
traded including, but not limited to, all newspapers,
Internet, radio, or flyers.
Try GSE (NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract
liquid concentrate). Mix 50-100 drops to 1
quart water in spray bottle to disinfect the
floor, walls, crates,
etc. no need to
rinse. Lots of great
uses, look for it at
health food stores.
Inspection of Licensed Facilities = The board
shall inspect each licensed facility at least
annually. The unannounced inspection must be
during normal business hours and with the
commercial breeder or an agent of the commercial
breeder present.
disinfectant, which
is classified under
the EPA's highest
safety rating, and is
hospital grade as well is Benefect Botanical
Disenfectant. It is made from plant extracts,
kills over 99.99% of germs including; Virucidal
(HIV-1), Bactericidal (Including MRSA),
Fungicidal, and Tuberculocidal. It has a nice
odor, can be left on the surface without rinsing,
and is premixed so no need to worry about the
correct concentration. Check their website for local distributor.
PureGreen 24; see their site for complete
details www.puregreen-24*.com
Another easy to use yet effective option.
It is odorless, doesn't stain and can be sprayed
on carpets or in the air without discoloration.
It kills Staph & “MRSA” in two minutes plus it is
a proven hard surface antimicrobial
disinfectant and deodorizer that offers rapid
efficacy. PureGreen24 kills the most deadly of
“superbugs”, and everyday household germs.
It is an EPA registered, broad spectrum
antimicrobial disinfectant and deodorizer with
unique 24 hour residual effectiveness.
Sources for whelping pads and fleece –
Masterpiece Pet Products Single-Sided Fleece
Whelping Pads
Ultimate Vet Fleece (wonderful, thick fleece but
maybe too thick for your average washing
Dura-Whelp Whelping Pads
Speaking of Whelping Boxes…
EZ Whelp Laminated Pads
Here are some sites for whelping boxes
gleaned from hours spent researching. I
have not purchased any of these so can't give a
personal recommendation, but at least you
have places to look if you are in the market.
Personally Paws Washable Pet Pads
Taylor Designed Pet Products Fleece Whelping
Pad with Bumper Sides
My favorite – but perhaps impractical since it
comes from England – still very cool none-theless. Warwick Whelping Boxes
EZ Whelp
Jonart Professional Whelping Box
Steele City Whelping Boxes
Whelp & Gro
I Rescued a Human Today
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the
corridor peering apprehensively into the
I felt
her need and
knew I had to
help her.
wagged my tail,
not too much, so
she wouldn't be
Havanese Rescue
We are dedicated to the rescue and
care of purebred Havanese and
Havanese mixes.
Our goals include the education of the
public regarding puppy mills,
responsible dog ownership including
spay/neuter, training, and humane
care of all dogs.
As she stopped at
my kennel I
blocked her view
from a little accident I had in the back of my
cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't
been walked today. Sometimes the shelter
keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to
think poorly of them.
All profits from our HavToHavIt
General Store are dedicated to our
rescue dogs and to the advancement of
our mission.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she
wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have
the future to look forward to and want to make
a difference in someone's life.
Havanese Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
Health Survey – Everyone is Needed
She got down on her knees and made little
kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and
side of my head up against the bars to comfort
her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she
was desperate for companionship.
The Havanese Club of America is preparing
to conduct a very important health survey
of the Havanese Breed.
Input from everyone who owns a Havanese
is very important to the success of this
effort. Please take a moment to answer the
questions in the preliminary survey.
A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw
to assure her that all would be well.
Soon my kennel door opened and her smile
was so bright that I instantly jumped into her
arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I
would promise to always be by her side. I
would promise to do everything I could to see
that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I
was so fortunate that she came down my
The results of this preliminary survey will
be used to design the final comprehensive
survey to be done later this year.
So many more are out there who haven't
walked the corridors. So many more to be
saved, at least I could save one. – Author Unknown
That Was Then … This is Now
That was Sophie (Ripley) Then
Havanese are completely darling as puppies,
this we know, but it continues to amaze us how
much our little dears change once they reach
adulthood. Thus this feature suggested by Julie
Ripley. If you would like to showcase your
dogs, please send a puppy photo and a photo of
the same dog as an adult to:
That was Salvador (Ripley) Then
This is Sophia Now
This is Salvador Now
Needlepoint & Petite-Point Pillow
10” x 10” $31.95
That was Carmenita (Mithuen) Then
That was Josey (Mithuen) Then
This is Josey Now
This is Camenita Now
This Was Maia (Walton) Then
This is Maia Now
This was Lacey (Walton) Then
This was Ben (Walton) Then
This is Lacey Now
This is Ben Now
Canvas Havanese Tote w/ Striped Lining
15"H x 20"L x 7"W $19.95
Below is the letter faxed to the State
Veterinarian on behalf of the The Rabies
Challenge Fund Charitable Trust.
This was Dancer (Daly) Then
If you see fit, contact State Veterinarian,
Dr. Hartman
651-296-2942 and/or your legislators
asking for a protocol requiring pets to be
vaccinated according
manufacturer’s instructions beginning at the
age of 6 mos. and to include an exemption for
animals too sick to be vaccinated.
January 17, 2011
Minnesota Board of Animal Health
625 Robert St No St. Paul, MN 55155
RE: Rabies Vaccination Rulemaking for Minnesota Pets
This is Dancer Now
Greetings Dr. Hartmann:
It has come to our attention that the Minnesota
Board of Animal Health is in the process of
developing a rabies vaccination rule for Minnesota’s
dogs, cats, and ferrets to establish a consistent rabies
protocol throughout the state.
The Rabies Challenge Fund Charitable Trust
respectfully requests that your Department consider
drafting the new rule based, in part, on the language
contained in Florida’s rabies statute, Title XLVI
Chapter 828, and that initial vaccination be required
at the age of six (6) months as in the protocols of
Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, and West
Virginia. Florida, along with the states of Alabama,
Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont,
Virginia, and Wisconsin all have medical exemption
clauses in their rabies regulations for animals
deemed by a veterinarian to be too ill to be
vaccinated, and we request that Minnesota’s new
regulation include a similar exemption.
The following is offered for your information
only and is not a personal or club endorsement
of the request for support – please do your own
research and act as you see fit.
Below is proposed language that The Rabies
Challenge Fund Charitable Trust asks that you
consider in your deliberations:
Minnesota Rabies Requirements
The Board of Animal Health is planning a
statewide rabies rule – read it in its entirety
(1) All dogs, cats, and ferrets 6 months of age or
older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian
against rabies with a vaccine that is licensed by the
United States Department of Agriculture for use in
those species. The owner of every dog, cat, and ferret
shall have the animal revaccinated 12 months after
the initial vaccination. Thereafter, the interval
between vaccinations shall conform to the vaccine
manufacturer's directions. The cost of vaccination
must be borne by the animal's owner.
August 27th
(2) A dog, cat, or ferret is exempt from vaccination
against rabies if a licensed veterinarian has
examined the animal and has certified in writing
that at the time vaccination would endanger the
animal's health because of its age, infirmity,
disability, illness, or other medical considerations. An
exempt animal must be vaccinated against rabies as
soon as its health permits.
Canadian National
Havanese Specialty
(3) Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed
veterinarian shall provide the animal's owner and
the animal control authority with a rabies
vaccination certificate. Each animal control
authority and veterinarian shall use the "Rabies
Vaccination Certificate" of the National Association
of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) or an
equivalent form approved by the local government
that contains all the information required by the
NASPHV Rabies Vaccination Certificate. The
veterinarian who administers the rabies vaccine to
an animal as required under this section may affix
his or her signature stamp in lieu of an actual
Richmond Hill
Ontario Canada
If you have any questions or would like further
information, please feel free to use these contacts:
Kris L. Christine; Founder
The Rabies Challenge Fund
cc: Minnesota Legislators
Dr. W. Jean Dodds & Dr. Ronald Schultz