UW World Series_March_Encore Arts Seattle
UW World Series_March_Encore Arts Seattle
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan Songs of the Wanderers MAR 6-8 Richard Goode CIRCA MAR 20 MAR 22-23 UW MEDICINE | S TOR I E S A DEMANDING CAREER. A NEIGHBORHOOD CLINIC. A DANCER ON HER TOES. I STARTED DANCING ballet when I was 2 years old. Dance is everything to me — and it demands practically everything. It’s not only physically grueling, but between daily rehearsals, workouts and weekend performances, it demands a lot of my time as well. I think your primary care physician is the most important healthcare relationship you have, especially as a young dancer starting out in a new city. I came to Seattle to join the Pacific Northwest Ballet when I was only 17. Dr. Heinen (UW Physician, UW Neighborhood Clinics) knows me and the demands I put on my body, so I trust her. In addition to helping me manage my general health, she also helps track things critical to dancing like bone density and iron intake. She even accommodates my unpredictable schedule. It’s the little things that make a big difference for me. I can hardly remember a time in my life when I wasn’t dancing. And that’s exactly how I want to keep it. READ LAURA’S ENTIRE STORY AT uwmedicine.org/stories Photographed onstage at McCaw Hall U W M E D I C I N E . ORG March-April 2014 Volume 10, No. 5 Paul Heppner Publisher Susan Peterson Design & Production Director Ana Alvira, Deb Choat, Robin Kessler, Kim Love Design and Production Artists Mike Hathaway Advertising Sales Director Marty Griswold, Seattle Sales Director Gwendolyn Fairbanks, Ann Manning, Lenore Waldron Seattle Area Account Executives Staci Hyatt, Marilyn Kallins, Tia Mignonne, Terri Reed San Francisco/Bay Area Account Executives Denise Wong Executive Sales Coordinator Jonathan Shipley Ad Services Coordinator www.encoreartsseattle.com Paul Heppner Publisher Leah Baltus Editor-in-Chief Marty Griswold Sales Director Dan Paulus Art Director Jonathan Zwickel Senior Editor Gemma Wilson Associate Editor Amanda Manitach Visual Arts Editor Amanda Townsend Events Coordinator Photo: Benjamin Benschneider Joey Chapman Account Executive www.cityartsonline.com Paul Heppner President Mike Hathaway Vice President Erin Johnston Communications Manager Genay Genereux Accounting Corporate Office 425 North 85th Street Seattle, WA 98103 p 206.443.0445 f 206.443.1246 adsales@encoremediagroup.com 800.308.2898 x105 www.encoremediagroup.com Encore Arts Programs is published monthly by Encore Media Group to serve musical and theatrical events in Western Washington and the San Francisco Bay Area. All rights reserved. ©2014 Encore Media Group. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. ALL GOOD THINGS. Original art from contemporary Northwest artists Locally made jewelry and handcrafted gifts Uncommon objects | Art and design books SAM BOOKS, GALLERY & SHOP 1st Ave between Union and University 206.654.3120 visitsam.org/shops encore artsseattle.com 3 CONTENTS UW World Series Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan A1 Songs of the Wanderers MAR 6-8 Richard Goode CIRCA MAR 20 MAR 22-23 ES054 covers.indd 1 2/18/14 9:14 AM E N C O R E A RT S N E W S F RO M C I T Y A RT S M A G A Z I N E SPACES AND PLACES Prepare for an unusual journey down memory lane at Cougar Mountain’s Wildland Park, where a 15-minute walk leads visitors into the heart of the forest on a gravel path lined with ferns and moss-covered evergreens. A bend in the trail reveals a clearcut area and an unexpected patch of lanky alder trees, their mottled, pale-white bark in stark contrast to the artificially charcoal-blackened ground. The project—land artist Hans Baumann’s Black Forest (29,930,000 tons)— is inspired by the park’s 100-year history as a coal mine, which closed in 1963. As of March 1, an acre of land will be covered with biochar, an inky-black charcoal that removes carbon from the atmosphere. Baumann’s concept is to sequester the mine’s 29,930,000 tons of pollution. “There is so much history here,” Baumann says. “It’s showing it in an unconventional way that’ll maybe create a visual, atmospheric experience people have to reckon with.” Baumann’s project is part of 4Culture’s Site Specific Program. Founded in 2005, the program funds artistic work in unconventional settings around King County. Beginning last year, the program required projects to somehow connect with historic locations, among them Washington Hall, Rainier Beach’s Kubota Gardens and the Duwamish River. Last year 4Culture funded 15 of 36 proposals for works to be presented throughout 2014. “Artists are looking for stories and ways to connect to communities,” says Charlie Rathbun, arts program director for 4Culture. “This program is an opportunity for artists and audiences to engage in different contexts.” Jane Kaplan, co-owner of Belltown’s Rendezvous JewelBox Theater, is involved in two 2014 site-specific projects: video artist Stacie Bernstein’s documentary Enumclaw Decades: 100 Years, as well as her own project, The Box House, about Seattle’s legacy of underground, rowdy, liquor-fueled entertainment spots. “Nightlife has always played a large part in the politics of Seattle,” says Kaplan. “These stories are still our stories.” 4 ENCORE STAGES Black Forest rendering HANS BAUMANN 4Culture Program Pushes History She’s excited to dig into the University of Washington’s and Seattle Public Library’s archives and breathe life into true accounts of Seattle’s colorful, turn-of-the-20th century characters, gun shootouts and Perry Mason-esque court trials. The Box House will launch next fall at the JewelBox. For another project, the South King County Cultural Coalition (SoCo) is organizing an unprecedented project among the Federal Way, Highline, Kent and Tukwila Historical Societies to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Military Road, one of Washington’s oldest routes. Spanning from Fort Steilacoom to Seattle, Military Road established telegraph communication for early settlers. As part of the project, SoCo is partnering with the Seattle-Tacoma Chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club, which will set up stations where people can send telegraphs. “You get a sense of the technology through the clackety-clack of the [telegraph] keys. It engages your imagination,” says SoCo administrator Barbara McMichael. The majority of 4Culture’s site-specific projects are free to the public. Many are still in development, and projects will occur throughout the year, with a full schedule available in late March. DEANNA DUFF A romantic new musical based on the classic E. M. Forster novel that inspired the Merchant Ivory film. If you love Downton Abbey, you’ll be enchanted by A Room with a View. (206) 625-1900 WWW.5THAVENUE.ORG GROUPS OF 10 OR MORE CALL 1-888-625-1418 2013/14 SEASON SPONSORS ON 5TH AVENUE IN DOWNTOWN SEATTLE PRODUCTION SPONSOR RESTAURANT SPONSOR OFFICIAL AIRLINE Photos by Mark Kitaoka Personal Attention Handcrafting artisan confections in Seattle for over 30 years FAR AND WIDE Horror Flick Gets Big Distribution See for Yourself: Healthy.BastyrCenter.net 206.834.4100 1325 1st Avenue, Seattle 206.682.0168 2626 NE University Village St., Seattle 206.528.9969 10036 Main St., Bellevue 425.453.1698 Our holistic health services include: Naturopathic Medicine • Nutrition Acupuncture • Counseling franschocolates.com A A New New Orleans Orleans French French Quarter Quarter Dining Dining Experience Experience FC 012214 artisan 1_6v.pdf Lake Union Lake Union Queen Anne Queen Anne toulouse toulouse Mercer Mercer Seattle Center Seattle Center Br Br oa oa d d Queen Queen Anne Anne AveAve ve ve tA tA lio lio El El ay ay W W n n ka ka as as Al Al Denny Denny Downtown Downtown Seattle Seattle 99 99 4th4th d 1 E N C O R E A RT S N E W S 90 90 Kitchen & Lounge Fifth Fifth Most Most P Popular opular Restaurant Restaurant in in the the Nation Nation Tenth Tenth Most Most P Popular opular in in the the W World orld – – Trip Trip Advisor's Advisor's 2012 2012 Traveler's Traveler's Choice Choice Award Award Lunch Lunch Happy Happy Hour Hour 601 Queen Anne Ave North, Seattle 601 Queen Anne Ave North, Seattle 6 ENCORE STAGES | | Dinner Dinner toulousepetit.com toulousepetit.com I5 I5 Pinoneer Square Pinoneer Square Toulouse Petit Kitchen & Lounge Breakfast Breakfast Pike Pike | | Late Late Night Night 206.432.9069 206.432.9069 Last year, a subtle, atmospheric thriller shot by a Seattle production company collected various awards on the festival circuit and won acclaim from the horror press. Now it’s about to be unleashed on the rest of the world in high-profile BC fashion. In The Invoking, originally titled Sader Ridge, a young woman visits a property she’s inherited from a long-lost relative, awakening a flood of repressed memories and setting into motion a chain of events that put her and her best friends in jeopardy. Despite its cliché set-up, The Invoking eschews blood and sensationalism in favor of slow-burning unease and an unpredictable structure. It takes time and care in introducing its small cast of characters, an abject rarity in today’s horror films. “There’s a ton of horror being made right now,” says director Jeremy Berg, “but people like that The Invoking delves into the characters.” In 2011, Berg, screenwriter John Portanova and Berg’s San Diego-based childhood pal Matt Medisch formed their production company— The October People—specifically to make The Invoking. The movie shot in a single week on location in Red Bluff, Calif., with a mostly Seattlebased cast and crew. Following its success among fans and critics, the movie was acquired by Ruthless Pictures and debuted Feb. 18 on DVD and Video on Demand. “We heard about [Ruthless] while we were on the festival circuit, so we reached out to them, and they asked for a screener,” Portanova says. “They had a lot of experience with low-budget horror.” Portanova and Berg are talking about their debut feature over pizza and an Italian horror flick— Mario Bava’s Kill, Baby, Kill—and they’re certifiably stoked. Ruthless founder Jesse Baget, a horror film director himself, suggested re-titling the movie, but otherwise the film remains unchanged from its original 2012 final cut. “They were fine with what we delivered,” Portanova says. “Honestly, if it did come down to changing the movie in a big way, we wouldn’t have gone with the deal. We want to get the movie out to as wide an audience as possible, but we didn’t want to sacrifice our artistic vision just to sell it.” Image Entertainment, the company behind digital editions of classic horror films like Night of the Living Dead, is handling distribution for The Invoking. The high-profile distribution deal spells greater visibility for The October People’s future projects, which include Valley of the Sasquatch, a team-up with another upstart Seattle production 1/22/14 12:59company, PM Votiv Films. “It’s a siege film—Night of the Living Dead, but with Bigfoot,” Portanova says. TONY KAY 01 CHONA KASINGER F RO M C I T Y A RT S M A G A Z I N E Guests dig into a recent Pantry family dinner. How to Cook a Community BY GEMMA WILSON IT’S FREEZING OUTSIDE the front door of the Pantry at Delancey, situated up a wide, oasis-like garden path off of a quiet Ballard side street. But inside, the inviting warmth is overwhelming. Painted white walls and a low, beamed ceiling frame a massive farm table, surrounded by ocean blue metal bar chairs. On a recent Sunday night, 16 cooking students have gathered, wearing soft, off-white aprons and sipping wine before class gets started. It’s impossible not to feel welcome. After introductions around the table, the Pantry’s in-house chef Kim Cozzetto Maynard kicks off a class on Oaxacan mole. Soon everyone is hard at work—reaming limes, charring tomatoes, toasting nuts. Chatter fills the space as people share tips, ask questions, loosen up and get to know their neighbors. “Community building was definitely the thing,” says Pantry co-founder Brandi Henderson, sipping Prosecco next door at Essex, the cocktail bar attached to the Pantry’s namesake restaurant, Delancey. “I was trying to tap into what attracted me BIR 022414 truth 1_6v.pdf Nonhlanhla Kheswa in The Suit. Photo by Johan Persson The Pantry at Delancey breaks the mold on breaking bread. “Pretty close to perfect”—The New York Times SRT MARCH 19—APRIL 6, 2014 based on The Suit by Can Themba, Mothobi Mutloatse, and Barney Simon Peter Brook direction, adaptation, and music by , Marie-Hélène Estienne, and Franck Krawczyk The US tour of The Suit is produced by David Eden Productions, Ltd. 206–443–2222 seattlerep.org season sponsor producing partner NESHOLM FAMILY FOUNDATION producing associates ad proofs.indd 1 encore artsseattle.com 7 E N C O R E A RT S N E W S Culture UWCAS 013114 huskies 1_6h.pdf Special event INCITE•INSIGHT: CoNTEmporary arT afTEr THE STudIo pablo HElGuEra Mar. 27, 7 p.m. henry Auditorium A partnership with the henry Art Gallery theater/performance production THE SECrET GardEN Apr. 9-12 Book and lyrics by Marsha norman, music by Lucy simon directed by Timothy Mccuen Piggee, choreographed by dannul dailey and Tinka Gutrick-dailey, music direction by Joshua Zimmerman cornish Playhouse at seattle center corniSh muSic SerieS WomEN IN muSIC Apr. 13, 7 p.m. Mara Gearman, Paul Taub, valerie Muzzolini Gordon, oksana ezhokina and Matt Kocmieroski explore works for viola by female composers. Poncho hall dance CorNISH daNCE THEaTEr SprING 2014 CoNCErT Apr. 18 & 19 Broadway Performance hall choreography by iyun Ashani harrison, Jamie Karlovich, Zoe scofield & deborah Wolf. Tickets: cornish.edu/evenTs or call 800.838.3006 to food, which was the idea of people sitting down and breaking bread. I wanted to find how to capture that connection in a business model.” Henderson first came to Seattle in 2009 to celebrate a friend from architecture school who’d completed her first big project: a pizza restaurant called Delancey. She got to chatting with the restaurant’s owners, Brandon Pettit and Molly Wizenberg (of popular food blog Orangette), who were looking for a pastry chef. Henderson is one—she went to culinary school while working as an architect and switched professions while interning at San Francisco’s award-winning Tartine Bakery. Serendipity struck and five weeks later, Henderson and her fiancé (now husband) moved to Seattle. When a tenant in the space behind Delancey moved out in 2011, Henderson had a chance to bring to life an idea she had for a community-centric kitchen space. But what would the space be? Her interest in the craft food movement swayed her toward classes, but she also wanted to host family dinners, where people could just come together and eat. When the Pantry opened that summer, it offered six classes a month. Now it offers 32, priced around $75, and they sell quickly. Upcoming classes like winter risotto, birthday layer cakes, the curries of Asia, the whole crab and home brewery and are all well on their way to maxing out. “I think of it as an art show that I get to curate every quarter,” Henderson says. In addition to classes taught by staff (including Henderson’s ever-popular classes on pizza and pie), the Pantry has a lengthy roster of impressive guests. Russ Flint of Rain Shadow Meats has taught butchery and charcuterie. Lissa James from Hama Hama Seafood teaches “Oysters 101.” Anna Wallace from the Walrus and the Carpenter teaches cocktail classes. Sheri Lavigne from the Calf & Kid teaches cheese appreciation and pairing. Rob Tallon from Mighty Ramen taught a startto-finish ramen class—from boiling pig trotters for broth to rolling soba noodles. Classes are technique-based, instead of menu-focused; Henderson wants you to write your own recipes. Family dinners are also very much a part of the Pantry community fabric. Several times a month, 24 people come together to enjoy a five-course dinner, prepared by Pantry staff chefs. For $90, these high-concept menus (upcoming themes are “In Celebration of Tea” and “The South of France”) come complete with wine pairings and, often, new friends. Henderson also recently started offering a less formal alternative to the pricey family dinner: a potluck supper at which a cookbook is chosen, everyone signs up to cook a dish from the book, then sits down to Henderson’s favorite event—a big ol’ dinner party. n THE PANTRY AT DELANCEY 1417 NW 70th Street 8 ENCORE STAGES 2013-14 SEASON Chris Thile | October 1, 2013 AXIS Dance Company | October 3-5, 2013 Emerson String Quartet | October 15, 2013 Mariza | October 25, 2013 MOMIX | October 31-November 2, 2013 AnDa Union | November 8, 2013 * SITI Company: Café Variations | November 14-16, 2013 Modigliani Quartet | November 19, 2013 Garrick Ohlsson | January 15, 2014 A Far Cry | January 16, 2014 Grupo Corpo | January 23-25, 2014 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR LEAD SPONSORS Béla Fleck and Brooklyn Rider | February 4, 2014 Joyce Yang | February 19, 2014 Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan | March 6-8, 2014 * JACK Quartet | March 15, 2014 Richard Goode | March 20, 2014 CIRCA | March 22-23, 2014 Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève | April 3-5, 2014 Trio con Brio Copenhagen | April 8, 2014 Soweto Gospel Choir | April 12, 2014 STUDIO SERIES SPONSOR André Watts | April 15, 2014 Hilary Hahn | April 29, 2014 Alonzo King LINES Ballet | May 1-3, 2014 David Finckel, Wu Han, Phil Setzer | May 21, 2014 * Robert Moses’ Kin | May 29-31, 2014 * Studio Series event uwworldseries.org | 206-543-4880 Director's Welcome Dear Friends, More than a year ago, the World Series was presented with the incredible opportunity to host Cloud Gate, the foremost contemporary dance company in all of Asia, for its debut performance in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Those of you who are winter Olympics fans might remember this group—they opened the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad. Bringing this company and its legendary choreographer, Lin Hwai-min, to Seattle is an enormous honor and also an enormous undertaking—in addition to 39 dancers, the performance also features 3.5 tons of rice! We couldn’t have done it without the support of the Taiwanese business community in Seattle and on the Eastside. Cloud Gate will be performing Lin Hwai-min’s evening-length piece, Songs of the Wanderers, a work that presents audiences with an aesthetic that’s very different from what we’re used to in the West. Part of our mission here at the World Series is to fuel artistic discovery, life-long learning, and cultural exchange; we believe Cloud Gate offers a perfect opportunity for Western audiences to open up to a different way of thinking about dance. In addition to Cloud Gate, we’re excited to be welcoming Richard Goode back for the President’s Piano Series. Goode is a true musician’s musician and one of my favorites of the season. And we’ll end March with three days of performances by Australia’s premiere cirque group, Circa. Circus is a relatively new genre for us, and this highly athletic cirque with a contemporary sensibility is redefining the nature of the art form. We hope you enjoy your evening, and we’re so glad you came. Warm regards, Michelle Witt Executive Director of Meany Hall & Artistic Director of UW World Series A-2 UW WORLD SERIES World Dance Series March 6-8, 2014 Special thanks to our Title Sponsors: CLOUD GATE DANCE THEATRE OF TAIWAN photo: YU Hui-hung Songs of the Wanderers Media Partners: UW World Series would like to thank the following donors for their support of this evening’s program: Kenneth and Marleen Alhadeff Linda and Tom Allen Nancy D. Alvord JC and Renee Cannon Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Catherine and David Hughes Glenn Kawaskai, Ph.D. Cecilia Paul and Harry Reinert Eric and Margaret Rothchild Joseph Saitta Lee and Judy Talner 206-543-4880 uwworldseries.org This tour is made possible by grants from the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan 5F, #19 Lane 231, Fu-hsing N. Rd., Taipei 105, Taiwan Tel:+886-2-2712-2102; Fax: +886-2-2712-2106 E-mail: service@cloudgate.org.tw; Website: www.cloudgate.org.tw encore artsseattle.com A-3 Special thanks to our Community Sponsors Songs of the Wanderers Seattle Taiwanese Stray Animals Care Society James Buckley, Buckley & Associates Michael Chang, EVA Air Andy Chin, Director General, Taipei Economic & Culture Office in Seattle Christine Chen, Pacific Asia Pro-Health Foundation Elizabeth Chen Choreography: LIN Hwai-min Music: Georgian Folk Songs by Ensemble Rustavi of Georgia Lighting Design: CHANG Tsan-tao Set Design: Austin WANG Costume Design: Taurus WAH Props Design: SZU Chien-hua | YANG Cheng-yung Liang C. Chen John Chou, Asia Today Taidi Fong, Reliance Mortgage Victoria Hou, Golden International Import & Export Dr. Eugene Hsu, DDS Ted Hsueh, Director, Chinese Culture Center Dr. Ming Hsiung Huang, DDS Chang Chi Hwang, Seattle Taiwanese Stray Animal Care Society Tiffany Kan, Northwest Association of Chinese Language Schools Hsiao-Lin Sun, China Harbor Restaurant Thomas Wolf, Vinos Argentinos undiscovered wines Shiao Yen Wu, WPI Real Estate Services A-4 UW WORLD SERIES Premiere November 4, 1994 National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan 90 minutes with no intermission Prayer I WANG Rong-yu Holy River CHEN Wei-an | CHIU I-wen | HOU Tang-li | HSIAO Tzu-ping HUANG Lu-kai | HUANG Mei-ya | KO Wan-chun | LEE Tsung-hsuan | LEE Tzu-chun LIU Hui-ling | SU I-ping | TSAI Ming-yuan | WONG Lap-cheong | YANG I-chun Prayer II HUANG Pei-hua On the Road I CHEN Mu-han | HSIAO Tzu-ping | KO Wan-chun KUO Tzu-wei | LEE Tzu-chun | WONG Po-nien Rite of Tree CHEN Wei-an | HSIAO Tzu-ping | HUANG Mei-ya KUO Tzu-wei | LAI Chun-wei | LEE Tsung-hsuan LIU Hui-ling | WANG Po-nien | WONG Lap-cheong | YANG I-chun Prayer III HOU Tang-li On the Road II CHEN Mu-han | HUANG Lu-kai | LEE Tsung-hsuan SU I-ping | TSAI Ming-yuan | WONG Lap-cheong Rite of Fire CHEN Tsung-chiao | HUANG Hsiao-che | KO Wan-chun LAI Chun-wei | LIU Hui-ling | LEE Tsung-hsuan | TSAI Ming-yuan WANG Po-nien | WONG Lap-cheong | YANG I-chun Prayer IV CHEN Tsung-chiao | CHIU I-wen | HUANG Hsiao-che | HUANG Mei-ya HUANG Pei-hua | KUO Tzu-wei | LAI Chun-wei LEE Tsung-hsuan | LEE Tzu-chun | SU I-ping | WONG Lap-cheong Finale or the Beginning LIN Hsin-fang encore artsseattle.com A-5 There is no happiness for him who does not travel, Rohita! Thus we have heard. Living in the society of men, the best man becomes a sinner... Therefore, wander! The feet of the wanderer are like the flower, his soul is growing and reaping the fruit; and all his sins are destroyed by his fatigues in wandering. Therefore, wander! The fortune of him who is sitting, sits; it rises when he rises; it sleeps when he sleeps; it moves when he moves. Therefore, wander! —The God Indra urges the life of the road upon a young man named Rohita in Aitareya Brahmana A-6 UW WORLD SERIES photo: YU Hui-hung encore artsseattle.com A-7 About Songs of the Wanderers A monk stands still at a downstage corner throughout the 90-minute performance, while a shimmering stream of rice grains showering from above and onto his shaved head. Golden rice grains on stage transform from a river to hills to a desert. Rice grains shower like a summer storm and waterfalls. Onto this landscape, dancers in ragged garb holding a tall staff, move slowly in a pilgrim journey. Inspired by the wealth of religious practices found throughout Asia, and Herman Hesse’s account of Siddhartha’s quest for enlightenment, Lin Hwai-min transforms ancient rites into resonant dance theatre. A visually stunning paean to spiritual pilgrimage, Songs of the Wanderers creates a world of intense reverence, distinctly Asian in its imagery yet with powerful relevance far beyond Asia. Spiritually evocative movements set to soulful Georgian folksongs are brought to life on a truly astonishing set with 3½ tons of shimmering golden grains of rice. The production has been toured to more than 20 countries, acclaimed a masterpiece at festivals and theatres, including the Internationales Tanzfestival NRW directed by the late Pina Bausch, the Next Wave Festival in New York, the American Dance Festival, Paris quartier d’été, the Bergen International Festival, Lucerne Festival, Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Festival Iberoamericano de teatro de Bogotá, International Festival of Contemporary Dance and Movement Theatre TANEC A-8 UW WORLD SERIES PRAHA in Prague, Dublin Dance Festival, the Chekhov International Theatre Festival in Moscow, the Athens Festival at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus on the Acropolis, the Lyon Biennale de la Danse, the Adelaide Festival, and major venues in London, Berlin, Rome, Copenhagen, Melbourne, São Paulo, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. Since 2011, Songs of the Wanderers has also been presented with the live accompaniment of the Rustavi Ensemble of Georgia around the world, including the Dresdner Musikfestspiele at the HELLERAU European Center for the Arts Dresden, the Tanzsommer Innsbruck, the Istana Budaya Kuala Lumpur, and the Taiwan International Festival of Arts at the National Theater, Taipei. Journey to Bodhgaya By Lin Hwai-min I do not know when the name Bodhgaya first entered my mind. For a few years I wanted to go there badly, even if I didn't know what I would do once I got there. I only knew it was in Bodhgaya that Buddha attained his enlightenment under a bodhi tree. In the summer of 1994, when I finally had a few free days, I hurriedly booked an air ticket. Still I did not know why I had set my mind on going. Bodhgaya was a village with only a muddy track for access. Little shops and open-air stalls gathered around the compound of Mahabodhi Temple to form a market. Constructed in the sixth century, the Mahabodhi stupa, a stone structure, was 50 meters tall. Standing in the temple courtyard, it ascended towards the blue sky. To the back of the stupa stood a bodhi tree, a fourth generation descendent in 2,500 years; its trunk spreading into infinity, and its leaves and branches shielding over mortal souls. The Diamond Seat of Buddha sat beneath the tree; a fence had been set up around it. Monks and pilgrims of different nationalities sat on the ground outside the fence. Under the guidance of the monks, the pilgrims chanted Buddhist scriptures. Between the rising and falling of the chanting, one could hear birds twittering from near and afar. In the afternoon I would sit on the banks of the Neranjra River outside of the Temple compound and stare blankly at it. The water was muddy and seemed motionless. From time to time, a big bubble would break out and pop, to remind one of the turbulent life coursing underneath the smooth surface of the river. I suppose that the Neranjra river which Buddha saw would have been flowing in much the same way. It was in the grove of trees on the opposite shore that Prince Siddhartha engaged in six years of ascetic practice on a daily diet of sesame seeds and a grain of wheat, at last reducing himself to skin-and-bones before realizing that this consuming desire to be enlightened was the biggest obstacle to his enlightenment. So Prince Siddhartha accepted the offerings of a village maiden. He crossed the river to take his place in the diamond seat that destiny had prepared for him. I stood on the river bank and marveled at Buddha's determination to cross the river. To turn away from the world and become self-reliant, to live the life of a hermit and practice asceticism, is completion of the self. To receive, to accept another person's bodily warmth was for Buddha, at the moment of receiving, a return to the world of birth, old age, illness, and death. Having crossed the river himself, Buddha would now guide humanity to cross it. The Agama Scripture tells us that, at the time of his nirvana, Buddha did not, as popular Buddhist mythology would have us believe, take leave of the world easily. He summoned his beloved disciple, Ananda, to give him detailed instructions on his cremation and the construction of the stupa. It was too much for Ananda to bear, and he ran into the woods to cry. Buddha heard him crying and called him back to his side and comforted him. There is infinite beauty within the beauty of nirvana – the reluctance to leave, and the reluctance to let go. On the bank of the Neranjra River, I realized for the first time in my life that Buddha was an ordinary mortal who also endured human confusion and struggle. Out of his compassion, he practiced asceticism and meditation, and pointed out to us the path of salvation. I felt warmth and was filled with love and admiration for Buddha. I sat quietly under the bodhi tree, shoulder to shoulder with the monks. I opened my eyes, and saw sunlight coming from the top of the stupa through the branches to land directly on my forehead. My heart became full of joy; I felt a quietude that I had never experienced. Back in Taipei, I often remembered the cool bodhi tree, and the Neranjra River that ran quietly through time. Every day the dancers of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan meditated. I created Songs of the Wanderers with great ease, a work about practicing asceticism, the river's mildness, and the quest for quietude. As I review this piece of work from 1994, it feels as though I am studying an entry in my diary. The memory of the journey to Budhgaya causes my heart to be overcome with joy, which I hope can be shared with the audience of Songs of the Wanderers. About Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan Cloud Gate is the name of the oldest known dance in China. In 1973, choreographer Lin Hwai-min adopted this classical name for the first contemporary dance company in any Chinese speaking community. Its 24 dancers receive trainings of meditation, Qi Gong, an ancient form of breathing exercise, internal martial arts, modern dance, ballet, and calligraphy. Through Lin Hwaimin’s choreographies the company transforms ancient aesthetics into The Bellingham Festival of Music presents a Special Event Violinist HILARY HAHN in Recital APRIL 28, 2014 Western Washington University Performing Arts Center Tickets are$35 and $45. A limited number of premium tickets, at $75, will include a post-recital reception with Hilary Hahn Tickets on Sale from the WWU Box Office (360) 650-6146 http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?organ_val=22357 JULY 5 – 20, 2014 Michael Palmer, Artistic Director and the Festival Orchestra and Chorus Includes Major Works by Brahms, Elgar, Mozart, Prokofiev, and Schumann Visit the Website for a Complete List of Artists, Programs, and Venues bellinghamfestival.org • (360) 201–6621 • facebook.com/bellingham.festival encore artsseattle.com A-9 BFM thrilling modern celebration of motion. Cloud Gate dancers make stillness as eloquent as animation. Cloud Gate has toured extensively with frequent engagements at the Next Wave Festival in New York, the Sadler's Wells Theatre and Barbican Centre in London, the Moscow Chekhov International Theatre Festival, and the Internationales Tanzfest NRW directed by Pina Bausch. In 2003, Cloud Gate opened the Melbourne International Arts Festival with Cursive II (now known as Pine Smoke), winning both the Age Critics’ Award and the Patrons’ Award; while Moon Water was named the best dance of the year by The New York Times. In 2006, Cursive: A Trilogy was chosen as the best dance choreography of the year as a result of critics’ poll by BalletTanz and Theater Heute. At home, Cloud Gate also enjoys high acclaim and popularity. In addition to the regular seasons in theatres, the company stages annual free outdoor performances in various cities in Taiwan, drawing audiences of up to 60,000 per performance. named Fu-Hsing North Road Lane 231, home of Cloud Gate’s office, as “Cloud Gate Lane.” In 2010, a new asteroid, discovered by National Central University, Taiwan, was named after Cloud Gate. Most of Cloud Gate's productions have been made into videos. Among them, Songs of the Wanderers, Moon Water, Bamboo Dream, and Cursive II (now known as Pine Smoke) were filmed in Europe. About LIN Hwai-min In his homeland, Taiwan, Lin Hwaimin was first known as a critically acclaimed writer. In 1969, at the age of 22 and with two books of fiction published, he went to study in the States and obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Iowa. He also studied modern dance at the University and in New York. photo: LIU Chen-hsiang To perform for grass-roots communities, and to foster young choreographers in Taiwan, Cloud Gate 2 was founded in 1999. In 1998, Cloud Gate Dance School was founded to bring the joy of dance to students, aged 4 to 84. Honouring Lin Hwai-min with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009, the jury of the International Movimentos Dance Prize, Germany, hailed him as “a foremost innovator of dance” and said that “Lin Hwai-min ranks amongst artists of the century such as William Forsythe, George Balanchine, Birgit Cullberg….” In 2003, in recognition of Cloud Gate’s contribution to the cultural life of Taipei, the Taipei City Government In July 2013, Lin followed in the footsteps of Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham and Pina Bausch to A-10 UW WORLD SERIES receive the prestigious Samuel H. Scripps/American Dance Festival Award for Lifetime Achievement. The Festival announcement stated that: “Mr. Lin's fearless zeal for the art form has established him as one of the most dynamic and innovative choreographers today...his choreographic brilliance continues to push boundaries and redefine the art form.” He is the first recipient of this award who is based in Asia. Invited by the International Theatre Institute, Lin served as the author for the 2013 International Dance Day Message. Lin Hwai-min founded Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan in 1973, the Dance Department at the Taipei National University of the Arts in 1983, and Cloud Gate 2 in 1999. Heralded as “the most important choreographer in Asia,” Lin often draws his inspiration from traditional Asian culture and aesthetics to create original works with contemporary resonance, which have made Dance Europe acclaim: “No company in the world dances like Cloud Gate. It presents a distinct and mature Chinese choreographic language. The importance of this evolution in Asian dance is no less profound than the impact of Forsythe’s Ballett Frankfurt on European classical ballet.” Among the honours Lin Hwaimin has received are honorary doctorates from six universities in Taiwan and Hong Kong, the Taiwan National Award for Arts, the Ramon Magsaysay Award, the John D. Rockefeller 3rd Award, the award for ‘Best Choreographer’ at the Lyon Biennial Dance Festival, “Distinguished Artist Award” presented by International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA), and the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French Ministry of Culture. In 2005, he was honored by Time Magazine as one of the “Asia’s Heroes.” In 2013, he was awarded by President Ma Ying Jeou with the First Rank Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon. He is the second artist, after film director Ang Lee, to have been bestowed the highest honor from the government of Taiwan. Lin Hwai-min has been the subject of full-length television documentaries, including Portraits Taiwan: Lin Hwaimin (Discovery Channel), Floating on the Ground (Opus Arte), and Lin Hwai-Min - Interface Between Worlds (ARTE/ZDF). Since 2000, he has served as the Artistic Director of “Novel Dance Series” for the Novel Hall for Performing Arts, Taipei introducing contemporary dance to audience in Taiwan. Choreographers featured in the series include Eiko and Koma, Meredith Monk, Susanne Linke, Akram Kahn, Ea Sola, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Jerome Bel. In 2012-13, Lin Hwai-min served as the mentor of dance for Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, guiding Eduardo Fukushima, a young Brazilian choreographer selected from around the world by a panel of dance experts. About LEE Ching-chun Associate Artistic Director Lee Ching-chun obtained her MA degree in Dance Studies from City University of Laban Centre, London, in 1999. In 2004, she received the National Award for the Arts from Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation, the highest award for artists in Taiwan. Working with Cloud Gate since 1983, Ms. Lee has taken leading roles in Lin Hwai-min’s works including Wild Cursive, Cursive II (now known as Pine Smoke), Cursive, The Road to the Mountain, Smoke, Bamboo Dream, Burning the Juniper Branches, Portrait of the Families, Songs of the Wanderers, Nine Songs, The Dream of the Red Chamber, and Legacy. She has also danced in Helen Lai’s The Rite of Spring, Invisible Cities, La Vie en Rose, and Frida. Her choreographic works include Woman and Man, Man and Woman for Cloud Gate and While White Is Revealing for Spotlight Dance Company, both of which premiered in 1996. In 1999, collaborating with Canadian stage designer Tania Etienne, she choreographed and performed the dance solo work Courtyard of Pearls. In 2006, she choreographed Blossom and Moonlight for Kaohsiung City Ballet Company. Serving as Rehearsal Director for 9 years, Ms. Lee was appointed as the Associate Artistic Director in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, she represented Lin Hwai-min to re-stage his works, Smoke and White, for Zurich Ballet in Switzerland and Introdans in the Netherlands respectively. Ms. Lee is also the Chief Consultant for Cloud Gate Dance School and has helped to create and develop class syllabuses for students aged from 4 to 84. About CHANG Tsan-tao (1957-2010) Lighting Designer Acclaimed “a master painter in light” by Chicago Sun-Times and “the best lighting designer that theater currently knows” by Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung, Chang Tsan-tao held an MFA in Design and Technical Production from Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Chang worked with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan since 1982 and from 1991 he served as Cloud Gate’s Resident Lighting Designer as well as the Technical and Lighting Director until his unfortunate passing due to Lymphoma in 2010. Chang’s design works encompassed operas, dance works, and theatre productions. His major lighting design achievements with Lin Hwaimin were Whisper of Flowers (2008), encore artsseattle.com A-11 Wind Shadow (2006), White (2006, 1998), Wild Cursive (2005), The Road to the Mountain (2004), Smoke (2002), Cursive (2001), Bamboo Dream (2001), Moon Water (1998), and Songs of the Wanderers (1994). He had also designed lighting for Diabolo Dance Theatre, Golden Bough Theatre, Sun-Shier Dance Theatre, Taipei Crossover Dance Company, and Godot Theatre Company. In 1990, he designed the lighting for the Taiwanese Opera, Chi Kung the Miraculous Taoist Monk (1990) by Ming Hua Yuan, presented at the Beijing Asia Games. In the same year, he also served as the lighting director for Contemporary Legend Theatre presenting The Kingdom of Desire on its overseas premiere at the National Theatre of London. In 2002, he was the lighting designer for National Symphony Orchestra’s presentation of the opera Tosca directed by Lin Hwai-min. About Austin M.C. WANG Set Design Lauded by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that his stage design “creates a magical room that unfolds a poetry of its own,” Austin Mang-chao Wang holds an MFA in Scenery and Lighting Design from the University of Southern California. Wang’s key scenic designs for Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan include The Road to the Mountain (2004), Pine Smoke (2003, formerly A-12 UW WORLD SERIES known as Cursive II), Smoke (2002), Bamboo Dream (2001), Moon Water (1998), Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (1995), and Songs of the Wanderers (1994). Other major design credits include set designs for Creative Society, National Symphony Orchestra’s opera directed by Lin Hwai-min, and Lincoln Center in the United States; and lighting designs for Creative Society, Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre, and Contemporary Legend Theatre. Currently serving as Technical Design Director for Creative Society, Wang has taken offices as Chairman of Publish & Communication Commission of OISTAT (Organisation Internationale des Scenographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Theatre), President of TATT (Taiwan Association of Theatre Technology) from 2004 to 2006, Jury for PQ07, Technical Manager and Stage Manager at National Theater in Taipei, and Technical Director at China Times Performing Arts Center. In 2013, Wang was appointed as the Director of the Taipei Arts Center, a new performing arts center in Taipei City to be inaugurated in 2016. About Taurus WAH Costume Design A former dancer trained with renowned ballet teacher Joan Campbell in Hong Kong during his teens, Taurus Wah holds a Master of Arts Degree in Scenography from Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design in London under a fellowship from the British Council. In June of 1995, Wah represented Hong Kong to participate in the Prague Quadrennial of Theatre Design and Architecture in the Czech Republic. Founded an independent production house Open Daily, Wah has been involved in various fields of the arts community for many years with experiences in arts administration as well as graphic and theatrical designs. His theatrical experiences as costume and set designer include productions with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan for Songs of the Wanderers, and for The Rite of Spring and Invisible Cities by Helen Lai; with City Contemporary Dance Company of Hong Kong for The Rite of Spring, Lam Mot, Invisible Cities, Quadrille, and Six Dance Brocade; and with Guangdong Modern Dance Company of China for Nine Songs (1994 New Version) and Ancestral Vibrations. Exclusive North American Tour Representation Rena Shagan Associates, Inc. 16A West 88th Street New York, NY 10024 TEL: ++1-212-873-9700 FAX: ++1-212-873-1708 www.shaganarts.com President's Piano Series March 20, 2014 Special thanks to our Title Sponsor: RICHARD GOODE Tonight's Program Janáček Selections from On an Overgrown Path Our Evenings A Blown-away Leaf Come with Us! Good Night! Media Partner: Schumann Lebhaft; Innig; Mit Humor; Ungeduldig; Einfach; Sehr rasch; Nicht schnell; Frisch; Lebhaft; Balladenmassig-Sehr rasch; Einfach; Mit Humor; Wild und lustig; Zart und Singend; Frisch; Mit gutem Humor;Wie aus der Ferne; Nicht schnell UW World Series would like to thank the following donors for their support of this evening’s program: Anonymous Nancy D. Alvord Linda Armstrong and the late Aaron Lowin The Bitners Family Gail Erickson and Phil Lanum Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Ernest and Elaine Henley Kurt Kolb Mina B. Person Eric and Margaret Rothchild David Vaskevitch 206-543-4880 uwworldseries.org Davidsbündlertänze, Op. 6 Intermission Debussy Préludes, Book I Les danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave Voiles: Modéré Le vent dans la plaine: Animé Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l’air du soir: Modéré Les collines d’Anacapri: Très modéré Des pas sur la neige: Triste et lent Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ouest: Animé et tumultueux Le fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expessif La sérènade interrompue: Modérément animé La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme La danse de Puck: capricieux et léger Minstrels: Modéré encore artsseattle.com A-13 About the Program Selections from On an Overgrown Path Leoš Janáček (1854–1928) Leos Janáček must have been a patient man, or at least one with a strong sense of his own musical worth. Born in the middle of the 19th century to a large and poor family, he showed musical talent early and pursued a career in that field with tremendous determination. Still in his teens, he borrowed money to go to Prague to study and completed a three-year course at the Organ School in one year. Despite his enthusiasm and perseverance, fame did not thrust itself upon the gifted musician until relatively late in his career. Not until 1916, in his 63rd year, did he achieve recognition with a performance of his powerful opera Jenufa (completed in 1908). He went on to write other works for the stage—including the operas Kát’a Kabanová and The Cunning Little Vixen—and his fervent large-scale Glagolitic Mass (“Glagolitic” refers to a Medieval form of the Czech language he chose for his Mass in place of the customary Latin). He also wrote a number of colorful orchestral works, such as his popular Sinfonietta and Taras Bulba, that have maintained a foothold in the symphonic repertory. Because his reputation ultimately has rested on his later works, he has been viewed as a “modern” composer, though one who remained connected to an essentially tonal vocabulary. Though by no means an intentional primitivist in the manner A-14 UW WORLD SERIES of Carl Orff, Janáček made little use of counterpoint in his writing; he preferred a strongly rhythmic and melodic style. In the first decade of the 20th century, Janáček channeled his still-vibrant love for his homeland into his two books of piano miniatures titled On an Overgrown Path. The work is not merely evocative of a state of mind. It is clearly autobiographical, with several of the songlike pieces referring to events recalled from his youth. A fine pianist, Janáček’s writing for the keyboard is idiomatic and imaginative. The entire work enchants through its fetching rhythms and bittersweet melodies. Like Mussorgsky in Russia and Debussy in France, Janáček studied the speech patterns of his native land, and infused them into his music, never more so than in these by turns haunting and delectable works. The opening number, Our Evenings portrays the half-light of dusk. The main theme is constructed from irregular phrases that are punctuated by rustling or twittering sounds that suggest birds or ground critters. A Blown-away Leaf is nothing less than a tender love song replete with rhythms from spoken language; its timbres mimic the sound of the central-European dulcimer known as a cimbalom. Come with Us is based on a four-note fragment from a Czech folk song, herein repeated more than 20 times. The lovely and gentle Good Night is somewhat redolent of Brahms, even in its understated melancholy and nocturnal mood. Davidsbündlertänze, Op. 6 RobeRt Schumann (1810–1856) The credo of E.T.A. Hoffmann, the early Romantic writer/composer much esteemed by artists of his time, could have been written by Robert Schumann: “Music is the most romantic of all the arts—one might almost say the only genuinely romantic one—for its sole subject is the infinite. Music discloses to man an unknown realm, a world in which he leaves behind him all definite feelings to surrender himself to an inexpressible longing.” Having ruined his hand before a promising career as pianist took off, Schumann transferred his musical gift into composition. Most of his solo piano music derives from the 1830s, including his Davidsbündlertänze, composed in 1837. The title and the music evoke the spirit of Schumann’s imaginary brotherhood of like-minded artists who wage perpetual battle against the increasing Philistinism that to the composer threatened the integrity and deep meaning of the sacred art of music. The work flows by as a continuous sequence of 18 dance-inspired numbers, its individual parts suggesting homage to his also imaginary artistic guides, the excitable Florestan and the comparatively serene and contemplative Eusebius. No doubt his growing love for his future wife Clara Wieck infuses the pages of this unabashedly romantic outpouring of passion. Movements 3, 4, 6, 10 and 12 are often considered the bailiwick of Florestan, while numbers 2, 5, 7, 11 and 14 fall into Eusebius’ sphere of influence. As befits Schumann’s mental image of these potent incorporeal figures, the Florestan pieces are generally faster and galvanic while Eusebius handles the more legato and lyrical side of Schumann’s musical world. Clara’s presence is reflected in the very opening mazurka-like dance; she was its original composer. The remaining sequence explores a wide variety of emotions before the final C-Major conclusion ends gently, perhaps suggesting an unforced and optimistic outcome in the ongoing battle against the numerically superior Philistines! Global Rhythms 2013-14 Brian Faker, Curator March 21 feat. legendary Celtic harpist Máire Ní Chathasaigh $20 advance/$25 at the door & ALWAYS $20 seniors/$17 Town Hall members/$10 students WWW.TOWNHALLSEATTLE.ORG Préludes, Book 1 cLaude debuSSy (1862–1918) Music for solo piano occupied Claude Debussy during most of his life, including two livres of Préludes published in 1910 and 1913 respectively. Both groups demonstrate the composer’s gift for using the piano’s sonorities in a truly innovative manner at odds, for the most part, with the 20th century’s treatment of the keyboard instrument as a percussion instrument rather than in its traditional role as a bel canto vehicle for lyrical utterance. In Chopin’s Préludes—very much in the bel canto style—we encounter a composer who seems to be living his passions in his music; in Debussy’s case we hear the music of a keen observer, a master of reflected light and life. WSO 012914 duol 1_3s.pdf Debussy did not expect that either set of his Préludes should be performed as a set; in his own recitals he typically played only a few of them, mixed encore artsseattle.com A-15 TH 0 with other of his pianistic creations. Further, in the hopes of preventing audiences from falling prey to a preconceived notion of what each piece’s title connoted he placed the undeniably evocative headings at the end of each work. The first Prélude, Les danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave limns an image of Greek dancers as depicted on ancient pottery and friezes. A sequence of mildly dissonant chords proceeds largely with single tones offset by spare chords. The music conveys a kind of stasis, as if frozen in time. In Voiles (“Veils or sails”): Modéré Debussy utilizes a whole-tone scale, one of several such ventures designed to free his music from major/minor tonality. Descending scales with rumblings in the bass underscore the piece whose ambience is enriched by upwardly sweeping scalar material. In Le vent dans la plaine: Animé Debussy instructs the pianist to play “as light[ly] as possible” to suggest the swirling energy of winds moving through the plains. A bristling central episode ultimately surrenders to quietude as the wind ebbs into virtual nothingness. Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l’air du soir: Modéré is an atmospheric and dream-like reflection of Baudelaire’s poem Harmonie du Soir (“Harmony of the Evening”). Les collines d’Anacapri: Très modéré refers to the mountains of Capri. Belllike sounds are suggested in the quiet A-16 UW WORLD SERIES opening moments and lead to the primary motive, an energetic sound picture of the wild tarantella. Serene moments offer respite before the prélude simply evaporates. Debussy described Des pas sur la neige: Triste et lent as “a sad and frozen landscape” in which the music conveys hesitant footsteps, to be performed in a melancholy fashion per the composer. An almost palpable sense of chilling loneliness pervades the piece. As with the third Prélude, Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ouest: Animé et tumultueux returns to evoke the wind, in this case a thoroughly tempestuous weather event, driven and utterly brilliant. The eighth Prélude, La fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expessif is within the ken of a decent amateur pianist with a feel for good pedaling. The wistful lyricism of this evocative piece in pentatonic mode has assured its continued popularity to this day. La sérènade interrompue: Modérément animé finds the composer in an ironic state of mind. An earnest serenader pleads amorously in 3/8 meter only to be interrupted by a rivals stroking in 2/4; all the while Debussy fondly evokes the guitar-like conventions of flamenco. La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme reflects Debussy’s imaginary world of legend, in this instance deriving from the story of the mythical kingdom of Ys used earlier by Édouard Lalo in his opera Le roi d’Ys. Parallel fifths and octaves add a sense of the unreality of myth. Deep swirling figures in the bass evoke the dark watery home of the cathedral, which surges up above the sea before submerging again to its virtually unapproachable resting place. A light-hearted sketch of Shakespeare’s Puck dances in La danse de Puck: capricieux et léger. Rapidly changing harmonies and playful rhythmic urging animate the piece. Minstrels: Modéré reminds us of Debussy’s fascination with and fondness for the “Negro minstrel shows” that were the rage in turn-ofthe-century Europe. A dollop of ironic drollery infuses the music; Debussy suggests an interpretation that is “nervous and with humor.” 2014 © Steven Lowe About Richard Goode Richard Goode has been hailed for music-making of tremendous emotional power, depth and expressiveness, and has been acknowledged worldwide as one of today’s leading interpreters of Classical and Romantic music. In regular performances with the major orchestras, recitals in the world’s music capitals, and through his extensive and acclaimed Nonesuch recordings, he has won a large and devoted following. Gramophone magazine recently captured the essence of what makes Richard Goode such an original and compelling artist: '‘Every time we hear him, he impresses us as better than we remembered, surprising us, surpassing our expectations and communicating perceptions that stay in the mind.” In the 2013-2014 season, Mr. Goode appears as soloist with such orchestras as the New York Philharmonic with David Zinman, the Chicago Symphony with Mark Elder, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin with Herbert Blomstedt, and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra with Peter Oundjian, with whom he will also appear in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal with the Toronto Symphony. His always compelling recitals will be heard at Carnegie Hall in New York, in London, in Paris, at the Aldeburgh Festival and on leading concert and university series around the world. In addition, he will perform a chamber music concert with members of Boston Symphony Orchestra, and will hold master classes at major conservatories and music schools on both sides of the ocean. Among the highlights of the 20122013 season were recitals in which, for the first time in his career, Mr. Goode performed the last three Beethoven Sonatas in one program, drawing capacity audiences and raves in such cities as New York, London and Berlin. The New York Times, in reviewing his Carnegie Hall performance, hailed his interpretations as “majestic, profound readings." Mr. Goode’s playing throughout was organic and inspired, the noble, introspective themes unfolding with a simplicity that rendered them all the more moving.” Recent seasons have also included performances with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra led by Fabio Luisi at Carnegie Hall; with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Gustavo Dudamel; with Orpheus on tour and at Carnegie Hall playing the Schumann Concerto; and with the Boston Symphony in Boston and on a west coast tour An exclusive Nonesuch recording artist, Goode has made more than two dozen recordings over the years, ranging from solo and chamber works to lieder and concertos. His latest recording of the five Beethoven concertos with the Budapest Festival Orchestra and Iván Fischer was released in 2009 to exceptional critical acclaim, described as “a landmark recording” by the Financial Times and nominated for a Grammy award. His 10-CD set of the complete Beethoven sonatas cycle, the firstever by an American-born pianist, was nominated for a Grammy and has been ranked among the most distinguished recordings of this repertoire. Other recording highlights include a series of Bach Partitas, a duo recording with Dawn Upshaw, and Mozart piano concertos with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. A native of New York, Richard Goode studied with Elvira Szigeti and Claude Frank, with Nadia Reisenberg at the Mannes College of Music, and with Rudolf Serkin at the Curtis Institute. His numerous prizes over the years include the Young Concert Artists Award, First Prize in the Clara Haskil Competition, the Avery Fisher Prize, and a Grammy award for his recording of the Brahms Sonatas with clarinetist Richard Stoltzman. His first public performances of the complete cycle of Beethoven sonatas at Kansas City’s Folly Theater and New York’s 92Y in 1987-88 brought him to international attention being hailed by The New York Times as “among the season’s most important and memorable events.” It was later performed with great success at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall in 1994 and 1995. Mr. Goode served, together with Mitsuko Uchida, as co-Artistic Director of the Marlboro Music School and Festival in Marlboro, Vermont from 1999 through 2013. Participating initially at the age of 14, at what the New Yorker magazine recently described as "the classical world's most coveted retreat," he has made a notable contribution to this unique community over the 28 summers he has spent there. He is married to the violinist Marcia Weinfeld, and, when the Goodes are not on tour, they and their collection of some 5,000 volumes live in New York City. About the Piano Technicians Susan Cady and Doug Wood The expertise of Susan Cady and Doug Wood contributes directly to the excellent quality of the UW World Series. Their skillful touch with our piano is greatly appreciated. encore artsseattle.com A-17 World Music & Theatre Series March 22-23, 2014 Special thanks to our Lead Sponsors: Director Yaron Lifschitz Ensemble Members Nathan Boyle Jessica Connell Casey Douglas Daniel O’Brien Brittannie Portelli Kimberley Rossi Duncan West Media Partner: Technical Director / Lighting Designer Jason Organ Costume Designer Libby Mcdonnell UW World Series would like to thank the following donors for their support of this evening’s program: Nancy D. Alvord Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Eric and Margaret Rothchild Executive Producer, US Tour ArKtype / Thomas O.kriegsmann Director Of International Partnerships Jennifer Cook 206-543-4880 uwworldseries.org A-18 UW WORLD SERIES Circa acknowledges the assistance of the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. About Circa With the self-titled work CIRCA audiences can expect to see amazing circus skills in new and startling configurations, bold and innovative use of video and lights, a moving soundtrack, and a muscular and precise movement sensibility. CIRCA is a work created for seven performers from three of Circa’s previous works – The Space Between, by the light of stars that are no longer... and FURIOSO. Over 75 intense minutes, the performers move from highly connected acrobatic and tumbling sequences, through fast-paced intricate scenes through to the hauntingly beautiful closing scenes of by the light of stars of stars that are no longer... This is all embodied within Circa’s signature style – combining poetic physical beauty, extraordinary circus skills and an immersive use of sound, light and projection. The work is accompanied by a soundtrack of Sigur Ros, Leonard Cohen, Jacquel Brel, and Radiohead, among others. The Company’s' work is very fresh – contemporary circus, acrobatic dance, multi-media. But at the end of it all, Circa’s work brings human emotion to Circus. Its shows are deeply felt and make audiences think and feel. Artistic Director Yaron Lifschitz says “We are all looking for some way to make our work more powerful. In the actuality of circus, in acrobatics, there is immediacy, a danger and a skill that is extraordinary. Many people want to tap into this and use its power. Circa is lucky because it is a circus, so it starts with these elements. It is Circa’s basic script. Rather than add circus to choreography, they discover choreographic possibilities inside circus.” With Circa, Yaron has created works such as by the light of stars that are no longer…, Wunderkammer, How Like an Angel, “S” and, most recently, Beyond and Opus. With work that has toured to 28 countries across six continents since 2006, the company is relevant across cultures, audiences and venues. It’s the appeal of something that is skillful but hasn’t forgotten that to be human is, in the first instance, to feel. Where other companies tend to add elements (story, character) Circa’s work is a stripped back circus of the heart. It finds new emotional landscapes inside what is generally considered to be a spectacle. Yaron lives in Brisbane with his son, Oscar. His passion is creating works of philosophical and poetic depth from the traditional languages of circus. About the Ensemble About Yaron Lifschitz Artistic Director Yaron Lifschitz is a graduate of the University of New South Wales, University of Queensland and National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) where he was the youngest director ever accepted into its prestigious graduate director’s course. Since graduating, Yaron has directed over 60 productions including large-scale events, opera, theatre, physical theatre, and circus. His work has been seen in twenty-four countries, across five continents by over 500,000 people. He was founding artistic director of the Australian Museum’s theatre unit, head tutor in directing at Australian Theatre for Young People and has been a regular guest tutor in directing at NIDA since 1995. He is currently artistic director and CEO of Circa. Nathan Boyle has been a natural performer his whole life. After terrorising his parents at a young age with handstands and cartwheels, his parents saw his passion for performing and acrobatics and enrolled him in gymnastics. His passion for acrobatics took him to sports acrobatics where he represented and won titles for New South Wales at many national championships. After accepting his position at The National Institute of Circus Arts, (NICA) Nathan specialised in cloudswing, adagio, bungee trapeze and teeterboard. A memorable moment for Nathan whilst at NICA encore artsseattle.com A-19 was performing at an International Circus Festival (CIRCA festival) in Auch, France in 2009. Nathan joined Circa as a full time ensemble member in 2011 and has since entertained audiences nationally and internationally. Some highlights for Nathan so far has been creating and world premiering ”S” at Brisbane Festival and travelling around Australia performing CIRCA on the National Roadworks Tour in 2012. He is excited for all the new adventures still to come. a three-month Australian regional tour of the Helpmann Award-winning show CIRCA. Jessica says one of her highlights was world premiering “S” at the Brisbane Festival in September 2012, which was her first new creation with the company. Jessica is excited to continue touring with Circa in 2014. Edinburgh Fringe, Watch This Space and Galway International Art Festivals. ThisSideUp was also commissioned by the Sydney Festival to create Smoke and Mirror, which won Best New Australian Work, Best Cabaret Performer and Best New Score in the prestigious Helpmann Awards. Casey joined the Circa ensemble in 2012 and is looking forward to the new challenges Circa will bring his way, both for his mind and his body. Casey Douglas was born in Perth, Western Australia. Right from the start, he was a hyperactive child playing all the sports possible, leading him to ten years as a competitive gymnast. Jessica Connell completed a Diploma in circus arts at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) in Melbourne. Formerly a member of the Flying Fruit Fly Circus specializing in hulahoops and aerials, Jessica spent five years performing around Australia in a variety of productions. She also contributed to A4’s first production, Downpour in 2009. In 2011 Jessica joined Circa where she was part of an eight-month season of Wunderkammer at the Chamäleon Theatre in Berlin. She then performed A-20 UW WORLD SERIES After completing his degree at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) he received a grant for a training project in France where he completed further studies with seven handstand professors from around the European Federation of Professional Circus Schools (FEDEC). On returning to Melbourne, Casey ran Hardy Street Productions, a Circus Training and Arts Centre before becoming a founding member of ThisSideUp Acrobatics. Where he performed in France, London, Daniel O'Brien, born in 1992, has been physically active throughout his whole life, primarily focusing on his gymnastics training in his hometown and a few small gyms along the Queensland coastline. After high school Daniel made a decision to transition from the sport of gymnastics to a possible career in circus performance. He decided to move to Melbourne and study at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA), specialising in handbalancing and aerial straps, where he gained his first experiences as a performer. Daniel spends his spare time feeding his unhealthy addiction to video games or reading whatever he can get his hands on. After attending NICA for three years, Daniel has fostered an immense passion for circus, honed his skills to a level, which has allowed him to join Circa as an ensemble member, and is excited to see what new and exciting skills he can bring to the company in 2014. Brittannie Portelli has over 10 years experience in elite sport, and so had the perfect foundations to transition into circus. After competing internationally in both aerobic gymnastics and synchronized swimming, she wanted to combine her love for physical movement with her passion for performing. She completed the three-year Bachelor Degree Program at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) in 2010 where she specialised as an aerialist. Shortly after graduating, at the age of 20, she started working with Circa as a full-time ensemble member. Whilst at Circa, Britt has toured extensively and has many highlights including 3 Helpmann awards, an eight-month season of Wunderkammer at the Chamaleon Theater in Berlin, an Australian tour of CIRCA and performing in New York City and Montreal. Britt was involved in the creation and premiere of “S” at the Brisbane Festival 2012 as well as one of the 14 acrobats to perform in the world premiere of Opus. Kimberley Rossi grew up competing in athletics and playing representative AFL. After seeing one of Circa’s show’s, Kimberley joined Circa’s youth performance troupe Circa Zoo. After two years of training and performing Kimberley was given the opportunity to be the very first member of fast track, a program designed for young and aspiring performers within Circa. In 2011 Kimberley left Circa Zoo and fast track and became a fulltime ensemble member. Since then Kimberley has toured numerous shows in various countries. One of her highlights was performing Wunderkammer at the Sydney Opera House. Kimberley is excited about her career with Circa and cannot wait to see what the future brings. Duncan West started his working life as a fireman, somewhere along the way he realised that the fun parts were climbing trees, breaking into peoples houses (helpfully, mostly to save babies), carrying people and anything involving a ladder. Seeking greener fields he briefly considered a career in petty larceny but instead segued smoothly (via numerous face plants) into circus. A relative newcomer to the circus world he follows bravely in the footsteps of his younger brother, jumping nervously at funny noises and giving in to the occasional urge to put strange things up his nose. He hopes to return to the Fire Brigade one day with many new and exciting skills to apply. Duncan appears courtesy of Fire and Rescue New South Wales. encore artsseattle.com A-21 Your Guide to Our Events at Meany Hall Food and Beverage Infrared Hearing Devices Food and beverage stations are located in the main lobby and downstairs at the Gallery Café on the east side of the lower lobby. The stations are open one hour prior to the performances and at intermission. Meany Hall is equipped with an infrared hearing system. Headsets are available at no charge. A driver's license or credit card is required as collateral. If you would like a headset, please speak with an usher. Restrooms Fragrances Restrooms are located on the lower and upper lobby levels. In consideration of patrons with scent allergies, please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or scented lotions to a performance. Late Arrival Unless noted otherwise, all World Dance and World Music evening performances begin at 8pm. Special Event, Piano, and Chamber Music Series events begins at 7:30pm. Family Matinees start at 2pm. Out of respect for the artists and seated patrons, late seating may be limited. Late arrivals will be escorted into the theater at appropriate intervals, to be determined by the artists and theater personnel. Cell Phones, Cameras, and Other Electronic Devices Please turn off these devices before performances. Because of contractual obligations with our artists, the use of photographic recording equipment is prohibited. Flash cameras can be disruptive and dangerous to some artists. Lost and Found Contact the House Manager immediately following the performance or contact the Meany Hall House Manager's office at 206-543-2010 or bnancy@uw.edu. Evacuation In case of fire or other emergency, please follow the instructions of our ushers, who are trained to assist you. To ensure your safety, please familiarize yourself with the exit routes nearest your seat. Admission of Children Children five years of age or older are welcome at all UW World Series performances. A ticket is required for admission. Wheelchair Seating Wheelchair locations and seating for patrons with disabilities are available. Requests for accommodation should be made when purchasing tickets. Smoking Policy Smoking is not permitted on the University of Washington campus. A-22 UW WORLD SERIES Cancellations Due to unforeseen circumstances, we sometimes have to cancel or postpone performances. All programs, dates, and artists are subject to change. Parking Options Limited, underground paid parking is available in the Central Plaza Parking Garage, located underneath Meany Hall. There are also several surface lots and on-street parking within walking distance of Meany. Taxi Service For Yellow Cab use only. To arrange door-to-door service, provide this Meany Hall address: 4140 George Washington Lane UWWS/Meany Address and Contact Information • Meany Hall/UW World Series University of Washington Box 351150 Seattle, WA 98195-1150 Phone: 206-543-4882 | Fax: 206-685-2759 meany.org | uwworldseries.org • UWArtsTicketOffice 1313 NE 41st Street Seattle, WA 98105 Ph: 206-543-4880 | Toll-free: 800-859-5342 | Fax: 206-685-4141 Email: ticket@uw.edu Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 11 AM – 6 PM • MeanyHallBoxOffice The Meany Hall Box Office opens one hour before the performance and is located in Meany Hall's main entrance. Tapestries Displayed on Stage The artwork on display on stage during Piano and Chamber Music events are tapestries woven by Danish artist Charlotte Schrøder. Friends of the UW World Series Many thanks to the following donors whose generous support make our programs possible: Producer’s Circle Distinguished Patron ($25,000+) (between $1,000 and $2,499) (between $500 and $999) Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Mina B. Person Anonymous Stephen Alley and Amy Scott Joseph Ashley Cynthia and Christopher Bayley Luther Black and Christina Wright William Bollig Stephen and Sylvia Burges William Calvin and Katherine Graubard Heidi Charleson Wimsey J. N. Cherrington Thomas Clement Susan and Lewis Edelheit In Memory of Mary Janice Fleck Michael L. Furst Lisa Garbrick Bill and Ruth Gerberding William Gleason Helen Gurvich (D) Wolfram and Linda Hansis Stephen and Marie Heil Susan Herring and Norman Wolf Paul and Alice Hill In Memory of Gene Hokanson Hugues Hoppe and Sashi Raghupathy Mary and Emily Hudspeth Susan Knox and Weldon Ihrig Bernita Jackson Jennifer Jacobi and Erik Neumann Ilga Jansons and Michael Dryfoos Anne Johnson Karen Koon Leander Lauffer and Patricia Oquendo Nathan Ma* Ingeborg and Heinz Maine Peter Tarczy-Hornoch and Candice McCoy Tomilynn and Dean McManus Peter and Linda Milgrom Margaret Dora Morrison Kevin Murphy and Karen Freeman Jerry Parks and Bonny O'Connor Alice Portz and Brad Smith Stephen R. Poteet and Anne Shu-Wan Kao Dick Roth and Charlene Curtiss Donald and Toni Rupchock Bela and Yolande Siki Evelyn Simpson Sigmund and Ann Snelson Nepier Smith and Joan Affleck-Smith Carrie Ann Sparlin Ethel and Bob Story Scott and Colleen Stromatt Diana F. and Richard H. Thompson Lorraine Toly Ernest Vogel and Barbara Billings Ellen Wallach and Thomas Darden Michelle Witt and Hans Hoffmeister Joanne Young Anonymous (2) Jean-Loup and Diane Baer Jillian Barron and Jonas Simonis Mel Belding and Kathy Brostoff Cristi Benefield Robert Bergman Michael Bevan and Pamela Fink Kalman Brauner and Amy Carlson Heida Brenneke Irvin and Hope Carnahan Donald Cavanaugh Timothy Clifford Joan and Frank Conlon Jill Conner Leonard Costello and Patricia McKenzie Richard Cuthbert and Cheryl Redd-Cuthbert Robert Delisle Suzanne Dewitt and Ari Steinberg Robin and G. Douglas Ferguson Robert C. Franklin Sergey Genkin Gerald Ginader and Karen Elledge Lester Goldstein Torsten and Daniela Grabs Theodore and Sandra Greenlee Carolyn and Gerald Grinstein Arthur and Leah Grossman Raymond and Dorothy Guth Susan and Richard Hall Steven Haney Ron Hull Paul Kassen Aaron Katz and Kate Dougherty Frank and JoAnna Lau Michael Linenberger and Sallie Dacey Arni Hope Litt Theresa Marinelli Dr. Michael and Nancy Matesky Marcella Dobrasin McCaffray John and Gail Mensher Susan P. Mitchell Mary Monfort and Kevin Coulombe Paul and Susan Moulton James and Pamela Murray Anne Stevens Nolan John O'Connell and Joyce Latino Tracy and Todd Ostrem Brian Pirie Cyndie Phelps (D) Geoffrey Prentiss Nancy Robinson Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Carol Swayne Dennis Tiffany Manijeh Vail Bob and Andrea Watson Eugene Webb and Marilyn Domoto Webb Stephen and Debra Wescott Wright Piano Studio Students Director’s Circle (between $10,000 and $24,999) Kenneth and Marleen Alhadeff Nancy D. Alvord Gail Erickson and Phil Lanum Lynn and Brian Grant Ernest and Elaine Henley Glenn Kawasaki, Ph.D. Cecilia Paul and Harry Reinert Eric and Margaret Rothchild Lee and Judy Talner Series Benefactor (between $5,000 and $9,999) Anonymous (2) Linda Armstrong and Aaron Lowin Linda and Tom Allen The Bitners Family JC and Renee Cannon Martin Greene and Toby Saks (D) Matthew and Christina Krashan Hans and Kristin Mandt Lois H. Rathvon Joseph Saitta Dave and Marcie Stone Donald and Gloria Swisher David Vaskevitch Kathleen Wright Event Sponsor (between $2,500 and $4,999) Cathryn Booth-LaForce and W Kenneth LaForce Jeanne Dryfoos Vasiliki Dwyer Hellmut and Marcy Golde Elizabeth Hebert and The Petunia Foundation Richard and Nora Hinton Catherine and David Hughes Kim and Randy Kerr Douglas F. King Kurt Kolb Sally Kincaid Gregory Wallace and Craig Sheppard George Wilson and Claire McClenny *denotes in-kind donation Patron about this list About this list: This listing includes donors ($50 and above) to the UW World Series from July 1, 2012 through December 1, 2013. To change your program listing or correct an error, please call us at (206) 685-2819. Contributions to the UW World Series are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. To make a gift or for more information on donor benefits, please call (206) 685-2819 or visit uwworld.series.org/support-us encore artsseattle.com A-23 Great Performer (between $250 and $499) Anonymous (2) Frank and Nola Allen Charles Alpers and Ingrid Peterson Lauralyn Andrews Gretchen and Basil Anex Mary Ann Berrie Dennis Birch and Evette Ludman Nancy and Edward Birdwell Gene Brenowitz and Karen Domino Nathaniel R. Brown Jason Bubolz Dave Buck Kevin Burnside Leo Butzel and Roberta Reaber Elizabeth Cantrell M.G.A. Charlesworth Daniel and Sandra Ciske Monica Clare Connors Karen Conoley and Arthur Verharen Consuelo and Gary Corbett Donald Cumming and Margaret Kenly Leroy and Marybeth Dart Frederick Davis and Harriet Platts Kenneth Dayton Dr. Barbara DeCoster Arlene B. Ehrlich Susan Elliot Luther and Gladys Engelbrecht Jean Burch Falls Eric and Polly Feigl Eckhard and Susanna Fischer Janet Geier and Peter Seitel Genevra Gerhart Gene Graham Laurie Griffith Tim Groggel Chris and Amy Gulick David Gutsche G. Lester and Lucille Harms Steve and Sarah Hauschka Missy Hoo Randy and Gwen Houser David Isla Marcia Kamin Sumedh Kanetkar Gail and David Karges David Kimelman and Karen Butner Richard Kost Lisa Kroese Gregory Kusnick and Karen Gustafson Christopher Landman and Julia Sommerfeld Rhoda and Thomas Lawrence Emily J. Levy Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan Dennis Lund and Martha Taylor Jeffrey and Barbara Mandula Connie Mao Robin L. McCabe Wayne McCleskey Christopher and Mary Meek Mary Mikkelsen Rik Muroya Charles Nelson John Nemanich and Ellendee Pepper Margarete Noe Blair Osborn and Alice Cunningham Carol and Simon Ottenberg Richard and Sally Parks James and Louise Peterson Irene M. Piekarski Carla Rickerson Joy Rogers and Bob Parker A-24 UW WORLD SERIES Janet and John Rusin Cathy Sarkowsky Mark and Patti Seklemian Giles and Sue Shepherd Roger Simpson David Skar and Kathleen Lindberg Kaj Sonjia Derek Storm and Cynthia Gossett Richard Szeliski and Lyn McCoy Gary Takacs and Patricia Tall-Takacs Thomas and Doris Taylor Gayle and Jack Thompson Krystyna Untersteiner Yvonne and Bruno Vogele Crispin Wilhelm and Sundee Morris Carolyn Wood Lee and Barbara Yates Ying Gi Yong Key Player (between $100 and $249) Anonymous (3) Michelle Acosta Laila Adams Kathryn Alexandra Jeff and Cameron Altaras Julie Anderson Marjorie Anderson Roland Anderson, Ph.D. Suzanne and Marvin Anderson Elizabeth Baker Lisa Baldwin and John Cragoe Dana and Rena Behar Arlene and Earl Bell Nan Bentley Safiya Bhojawala David Bird Thomas Bird James and Edith Bloomfield Susan Borg Lisa Boulanger Susan Braun Thomas and Virginia Brewer Herbert Bridge and Edie Hilliard Paul Brown and Amy Harris Rita Calabro Dianne Calkins Timothy Callahan Linda and Peter Capell Susan and Kevin Carmony Molly Carney Charles Carosella and Mary Vanveen Luther and Frances Carr Robert Catton Bert Cehovet Pamela and Robert Center Robert and Patricia Charlson Candace Charlwood Gian-Emilio Chatrian and Teresa Rattazzi Lynne and David Chelimer Robert and Molly Cleland Deborah Clothier Gayle Cloud Leonard and Else Cobb Diane Colclough Carol Cole R. Bruce and Mary Louise Colwell Elizabeth Cooper Jan and Bill Corriston Kathy Cowles and Bradford Chamberlain Jean Crill Gavin Cullen and David Jamieson Sharon Cumberland Judy Cushman and Robert Quick Janice DeCosmo and David Butterfield The de Soto Family Martha and Theodore Dietz Xiaoli Duan Laurie Ann and C. Bert Dudley Maria and James Durham Sally Eagan Sheila Edwards Lange and Kip Lange Richard Eide Ruth and Alvin Eller Nancy Elliott Nigel Ellis and Lynn Paquette Penelope and Stephen Ellis Susan Encherman Costin Eseanu Luis Fernando and Maria Isabel Esteban Alan and Jane Fantel Kirstin and W. J. Thomas Ferguson James Fesalbon and Edward Francis Darr, II Melanie Field Jerry and Gunilla Finrow David Fischbach (D) Patricia Fischbach Albert Fisk and Judith Harris Gerald Folland Brenda Fong Jacqueline Forbes and Douglas Bleckner Stuart Fountain and Tom Highsmith Sam Friedlander Lucille Friedman Gary Fuller and Randy Everett James Gale Stanley and Marion Gartler George Gilman Sara and Jay Glerum J. David Godwin and Virginia Reeves Susan and Russell Goedde Fred and Debra Goetz Helen Goh Joan and Steven Goldblatt Igor and Olga Gousman Nancy Green David and Ann Griffin Chris Gross Nancy Grout Jayme Gustilo Nan Haberman Lynn Hagerman John Hall Walter and Willa Halperin Hylton and Lawrence Hard Larry Harris and Betty Azar Sally and Robert Hasselbrack John and Geraldine Hay Patricia Hayden Weinian He Kathryn Heafield Ian Hellen and Paula Cerni Marjorie Hemphill Ellen and Jerry Hendin Robin Hendricks Richard Hesik and Barbara Johns Lori Hess and Benjamin Miller Ray and Ulrike Hilborn Alan and Judy Hodson Kate Hokanson Norman Hollingshead Sharon Horan Eric and Mary Horvitz Andrew and Theda Houck Frank and Mary Hungate Todd and Jane Ihrig Juju Ishmael Elizabeth and Edwin James Darryl and Kathleen Johnson David B. Johnson Linda and Christopher Johnson Chris Kalinski H. David Kaplan Michael and Nancy Kappelman Deborah Katz Otis and Beverly Kelly Linda A. Kent and James Corson June Kerseg-Hinson and Ron Hinson F. Christian Killien Frederick W. Klein Lyn and Richard Klein Rachel Klevit and Jerret Sale Kathryn Klosky Nancy Kloster Mark and Joan Klyn Richard and Donna Koerker Divya Krishnan Carolyn E. Kyle Mary and John David Lamb Karen Lane Eleanor Lang Laurence and Rosalie Lang Inge and Leslie Larson Eric Larson and Teresa Bigelow Teresa Leary Tammara and Brian Leighton Ruth Levy Barbara Lewis Ryan and Wendy Linton Ariel Lopez Karen Lorene Barbara A. Mack Vivian MacKay Sara Magee John and Katharina Maloof Nona and Elizabeth Martin Don and Betty Mastropaolo Gregory May Lila May Douglas McDonald Mary V. McGuire Robert and Catherine McKee Frank McKulka Susan L. McNabb Bruce and Jeanne McNae Renate McVittie Charles Meconis and Robbie Sherman, M.D. Christopher Meek Tim Meekins and Catherine Mardesich Christine Meinhold Ramona Memmer Gary Menges Gabrielle Metz-Virca Eric Michelman and Patricia Shanley Reza and Carol Moinpour Raymond Monnat and Christine Disteche Coe Tug Morgan M. Lynne Morgan Howard Morrill David Morris Sue and Bob Moss Susan Mulvihill and James Liverman Isaac and Lensey Namioka Margaret Nason Joseph M. and Kay F. Neal Maryann and Robert Ness Eugene and Martha Nester William and Rosemary Newell Richard M. Newton Albert and Marianne Nijenhuis David Norman Elizabeth Norton-Middaugh Mark Novak Beatrice Nowogroski Terry O'Connor and Janice Watson-O'Connor Nenita Odesa Martin Oiye and Susan Nakagawa Matt O'Meara Sharon Overman Sherry Owen David Owsiany Elizabeth Park Reid Parmerter Ronald Paskin Gerald Paulukonis Ruth R. Perman Michael and Susan Peskura Karen Peterson Thomas and Julie Pierce Sarah Playtis Mary-Alice Pomputius and Walter Smith Susan Porterfield Nicole Quinones Nina Sharp Ramsey Toni Randall and Lee Miller Wendy and Murray Raskind Mechthild Rast Dennis Reichenbach Meryl Retallack Carrie Richard Suzuko and Edward Riewe Chet Robachinski Guy and Pacita Roberts Neil Roberts and Bonnie Worthington-Roberts Nina Rolfe Caryl Roman Steve Rovig and Brian Giddens David and Joanne Rudo Daniel and Annette Sabath Sally Samuelson Norman and Elisabeth Sandler Laura Sargent Irwin and Babette Schiller Joachim Schneider Jean Schweitzer Kevin Scudder and Anna Davis Charyl and Earl Sedlik Scott, Meggie, and Dominique See Rubens and Dulce Sigelmann Charnan Simon and Tom Kazunas Hazel Singer and John Griffiths Charles Sneed Mani and Karen Soma Lael and Raymond Spencer Bob and Robin Stacey Arthur and B. Janice Stamey Sarah Stanley and Dale Rogerson Starks Family Trust Craig and Sheila Sternberg Evelyn Sterne Jane and Alexander Stevens Jessica Strater Donna Stringer and Andrew Reynolds Betty and Joseph Sullivan Alexa Taylor I. M. Thomas Jerry and Ernalee Thonn Mary Anne Thorbeck Emily Transue Dorene and Dennis Tully Michelle and Stephen Turnovsky Elizabeth Umbanhowar Pieter and Tjitske Van der Meulen Scott Van Gerpen Frits van Oppen Josephus Van Schagen and Marjon Floris Arthur and Elsa Vetter Valerie Vinyar Paul Vonckx, Jr. Lynn Waplington Griffith and Patricia Way Larry and Lucy Weinberg Herb and Sharlene Welsh Cecil and Linda West Bruce H. and Christine White George and Sandra White Charles Wilkinson and Melanie Ito John and Margaret Williams Karin Williams Scott Wilson and Shirley Cartozian Wilson Amy O. Wong-Freeman Shauna Woods Osamu Yamamoto Frank Young Eugene and Tatiana Zabokritski Danielle Zack Lawrence Zeidman and Linda Tatta Igor Zverev and Yana Solovyeva Friend (between $50 and $99) Anonymous (3) | Lisa Adriance | Rose Alfred | Dick Ammerman | Roy Amundsen | John Attebery | James Augerot | Jill Bader | Paul Bagnulo | Ruth and Mark Balter | Wendy and Jonathan Bannister | Susan Barash | John Bard | Timothy D. and G. Anthony Barrick | Jake Bartholomy | Janice Berg and James Johnston | Sonja and Alfred Berg | Don and Sharon Bidwell | Thomas Bird | Juanita Birkner | David and Lynda Bishop | Dale Blanchard | Janet Boguch and Kelby Fletcher | Lee Anne Bowie | Brian Brazil and Linda Carlson-Brazil | Joyce and David Brewster | Stephen Bryant | Bernice Buck | Virginia Burdette | Barbara Byham | Carol and Henry Cannon III | Alan D. Caswell | Joanne Chase and Donald McLaren | Marian Childs | Joyce Clifford | Fran Clifton | Charles Cox | Christopher and Katherine Crane | Philip C. Craven, M.D. | Kent and Jackie Craver | Beverly and David Crocker | Frederick and Lois Curtis | William Curtis and Kristen Hoehler | Debra Custer | Elizabeth and Samuel Davidson | Peter de Jong | Terry De Lavallade | Eduardo and Celeste Delostrinos | Daphne Dilley | Ann Dittmar | Alisa Dodd | Vicki Dodt | Susan and David Dolacky | Carrie and Stephen Dossick | Miriam Effron | Robert and Ingrid Eisenman | Ruth Emerson | Gene Erckenbrack | Judith Gillum Fihn and Stephan D. Fihn | Susan Carol Fisher | Susan Fitch | Naoko Forderer | Susanne and Bruce Foster | Susan Frank | Marcia Friedman | William Friedman | Susan and Albert Fuchs | Barbara Geiger | David and Brenda Gilbert | Nathaniel Gilbert | Stephen Gilbert | Katya Giritsky | Stacy Globerman | Judith Gordon | Maxine Gorton-Stewart | Kevin Goss and Laura Tiberio | James Gould | David Grossman and Cezanne Garcia | Thomas and Roberta Gurtowski | Jeanne Hansen | Schraepfer Harvey | Dwight and Helen Hawley | John Headlund | Brooke and Boyce Heidenreich | Kate and K. Rodgers Hemer | Judith Herrigel | Martha Hines | Frederick Hott and Laura Rasulo-Hott | Gurminder Hothi | Liz Hubert | Roy Linwood Hughes | Sammuel C. Hunter, III | Patricia Hynes | Rebekah Ingalls | Jeanne Marie Isola | Rosemary and Richard James | Natarajan Janarthanan and Ponni Rajagopal | Robert C. Jenkins | Linda Jewett | Robert Johnson and Heather Erdmann | Christopher and Suzanne Juneau | Peter J. Kaczkowski and Sara Savage | Elizabeth Kendrick | Diane and Ronald King | Lance King | Mary Ann King | Steve Kinsella | James and Elaine Klansnic | Jurgen and Lynn Klausenburger | Margaret Konzak | Elena Kristalinski | Robert Kunreuther | Yvonne Lam | Pamela Lampkin | Diane Lasko | Mary Law | P. G. and Jennifer Lehman | Arlene Lev | Jan Levy | Sharon and Alan Levy | Kathryn Lew | Donna Lewen and Sue Carlson | Alaron Lewis | Max Lieblich | Max Ma | Laura and Leslie Mackoff | Linda Madigan | Donald Mahardy | Linda Maki | Wendy Marlowe | William and Judith Matchett | Stephen McCarthy | Marcia Lu McElvain | Maureen McGee and Z. Ted Szatrowski | Michaelyn McGuire | Brian McHenry | Margaret McKibben | Claire Lee McQuin | Ted P.T. Mears | Carl Meinecke and Ernie Ayers | Genie Middaugh and Adam Kline | Marilyn Milberger | Steven Millard | Lucas Mood | Patrick Morrison | Christine Moss | Harold and Susan Mozer | Madeline Mullen | Linda and Alan Murray | Aki Namioka and Erik Nilsson | Phyllis Nickleson | David and Barbara Nordfors | Paul Norlen and Ariadna Santander | Kristine Northcutt | Mark Novak | Martha and Kenji Onishi | Imants and Vija Ozols | Katherine Package | Neely and Geraldine Pardee | Shawn Parks | William and Frances Parson | Tamas and Anna Paul | Allan and Jane Paulson | Pamela Perrott | Anna Louise and David Peterson | Jeanne Peterson | Tyler Petri | Gregory and Margaret Petrie | Lauren Phillips | Stacey Prince | James and Ruth Raisis | Lois Ramalingam | Paul and Charlotte Reed | Jane Remsberg and Jerome Anderson | Cynthia Richardson | Dianne Rios | Rachel and David Robert | Fern Rogow | Robert Romeo | Margaret Sassaman | Robert and Doris Schaefer | Craig Schieber | Donald H. Seiveno | Herbert and Elaine Selipsky | Simon and Emily Shackelton | Diane Shannon | Ruth Shimondle | Beverly Simpson | Robert Simpson | Adam Skewgar | June Skidmore | Madeleine Smith | Randall Smith | Ellen and Bradley Spear | Hugh Spitzer and Ann Scales | Therese Stein | Hank and Dorothy Stephens | Allyn and Douglas Stevens | Mary Eileen Stretch | Pamela Stromberg | Gary Tabor | Charles Terry and Betsy MacGregor | Stephen and Ericka Thielke | Michael Tibbitts and Janeen Feley | Gertrud Tobiason | Donald and Myrna Torrie | Barbara Trenary | Rae Tufts | Stewart Turley | Mary Kay Vadino | David and Patricia Volz | Barbara Voss | Teresa Wagner | Patricia Wahl and Dean Wingfield | Lenore Waldron | Michael Wall | Michele Wang | Jeffrey and Marilyn Watt | Dean Weaver | Richard and Ann Weiner | Kim Laurie Wells | Frank and Jan Wetzel | Greg Wetzel | Cheryl Wheeler | Stephen and Mary Whitmore | M. Keren and Bruce Whittemore | Nancy Worden and William Reed | Lisa Ye | Larry MacMillan and Billie Young Matching Gifts UW World Series offers its sincere thanks to the following companies for matching gifts received or pledged between July 1, 2012 and December 1, 2013: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | The Boeing Company | IBM Corporation | Merck Company Foundation | Microsoft Corporation Puget Sound Energy Foundation | Shell Oil Company | US Bancorp Foundation | Washington Chain & Supply, Inc. encore artsseattle.com A-25 Endowment and Planned Gifts We would like to thank the following individuals for supporting the future of the UW World Series through planned gifts and contributions to our endowment: Planned Gifts UW World Series Programming Endowment Anonymous Richard Cuthbert and Cheryl Redd-Cuthbert Linda and Tom Allen Elizabeth Cooper Ellsworth and Nancy Alvord Maria and James Durham Wimsey J. N. Cherrington Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Consuelo and Gary Corbett Gregory Kusnick and Karen Gustafson Bill and Ruth Gerberding Naoko Noguchi Matthew and Christina Krashan Windsor R. Utley* (D) Margaret Dora Morrison Mina B. Person Lois Rathvon UW World Series Education Endowment Dave and Marcie Stone Ernest and Elaine Henley* Lee and Judy Talner Diane and Ronald King Ellen J. Wallach Matthew and Christina Krashan* J. Pierre and Felice Loebel* Kristen Pearcy Arts AL!VE Student Fund for Exploring the Performing Arts Lee and Judy Talner* Elizabeth Cooper Todd and Jane Ihrig Susan Knox and Weldon Ihrig* Matt Krashan Endowed Fund for Artistic and Educational Excellence in the Performing Arts Nancy and Eddie Cooper Endowed Fund Linda and Tom Allen for Music in Schools Nancy D. Alvord Lucille Friedman JC and Renee Cannon Dave and Marcie Stone* Bill and Ruth Gerberding Matthew and Christina Krashan Christopher Landman and Julia Sommerfeld Tracy and Todd Ostrem Elaine and Ernest Henley Endowment Mina B. Person for Classical Music Eric and Margaret Rothchild Ernest and Elaine Henley* Dave and Marcie Stone Peter and Linda Milgrom Lee and Judy Talner Gregory Wallace and Craig Sheppard Live Music for World Dance Series Endowment (Multiple Founders) Cecilia Paul and Harry Reinert* * Endowment Founder about this list This listing includes endowment founders and endowment donors from July 1, 2012 to December 1, 2013. For more information on how to make a gift through your will or trust, or to name the UW World Series as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy, please call (206) 685-1001, (800) 284-3679, or visit www.uwfoundation.org/giftplanning. A-26 UW WORLD SERIES UW World Series Season Sponsors We are deeply grateful to the following corporations, foundations, and government agencies whose generous support make our programs possible: $25,000 and above Paul G. Allen Family Foundation The Boeing Company Microsoft National Endowment for the Arts Nesholm Family Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 ArtsFund 4Culture Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs Seattle Weekly * Up to $9,999 Classical Wines From Spain | Hotel Deca* | Horizons Foundation | KEXP* | KING FM* | KUOW FM* | Ladies Musical Club New England Foundation for the Arts | Peg and Rick Young Foundation | University Inn* | U.S. Bank Washington State Arts Commission | Western States Arts Federation Business Circle Sponsors Agua Verde Cafe and Paddle Club | College Inn Pub | Eltana Bakery * | Macrina Bakery * | Pagliacci * | Fran's Chocolates * | Ten Mercer * Community Partners Alliance Française de Seattle | Arts Impact | ArtsUW | Ladies Musical Club | Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute Seattle Music Partners | Simpson Center for the Humanities | Town Hall | UW Alumni Association | UW Dance Program UW Residential Life Program | UW School of Drama | UW School of Music | UW Walker-Ames Lectures * Denotes full or partial gift in kind. Join an impressive roster of companies of all sizes that support UW World Series, its mission, and its performances. Sponsors receive significant recognition throughout the UW World Series season and an array of benefits catered to your organization's goals. For more information, please contact Cristi Benefield at (206) 616-6296 or cristi@uw.edu. encore artsseattle.com A-27 UW WORLD SERIES ADVISORY BOARD UW WORLD SERIES AND MEANY HALL STAFF Randy Kerr, President Michelle Witt, Executive Director, Meany Hall Kurt Kolb, Vice-President Artistic Director, UW World Series Dave Stone, Treasurer Rita Calabro, Managing Director Linda Linford Allen Linda Armstrong Robert Babs, Student Board Member Cathryn Booth-LaForce Ross Boozikee, ArtsFund Board Intern Luis Fernando Esteban Brian Grant Cathy Hughes Sonja Mykelbust, Student Board Member Mina Person Cristi Benefield, Director of Philanthropy Ashley Bontje, Philanthropy Coordinator Anita Ibarra, Student Development and Events Assistant Alix Wilber, Grants and Communications Officer Elizabeth C. Duffell, Director of Campus and Community Engagement, Artist Relations Robert Babs, Education Assistant Courtney Meaker, Education and Artist Relations Coordinator Sonja Myklebust, Campus Engagement Assistant Don Swisher Teri Mumme, Director of Marketing and Communications Lee B. Talner Julia Guo, Student Marketing Assistant David Vaskevitch Drew Moser, Publications Coordinator Gregory Wallace Scott Coil, Director of Finance and Administration Kathleen Wright Ex-Officio Members Elizabeth Cooper, Divisional Dean of Arts Robert C. Stacey, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Ana Mari Cauce, Provost Yevgeniy Gofman, Accountant David Grimmer, IT Administrator Doug Jones, Tessitura System Administrator Sue Stark, Fiscal Specialist Tom Burke, Technical Director Brian Engel, Head Electrician UW ARTS TICKET OFFICE Doug Meier, Meany Studio Stage Technician Juniper Shuey, Head Carpenter Rosa Alvarez, Director of Patron Services Liz Wong, Assistant Director of Patron Services Matt Stearns, Sound Engineer Nancy Hautala, Audience Services Manager Eric Henke, Patron Services Associate Tom Highsmith, Head House Manager Patrick Walrath, Patron Services Associate Spencer Hildie, Student House Manager Cathy Wright, Patron Services Associate Becky Plant, House Manager Tashara Robinson, Fiscal Assistant Amy Tachasirinugune, Assistant Student House Manager Patron Services Assistants Jason Cutler | Kat Deininger | Keeli Erb | Tasha Feng Evan Jones | Colette Moss | Jordan Nichols Lead Ushers Shannon Chen | Darcy Jamieson | Tina Li Casey Semanskee | J.J. Woodley Ushers Béné Bicaba | Matthew Cancio | Ashley Coubra | Craig Dittman Catering by Jordan Fuzie | Shantel Gunter | Gillian Hollerich | Loralyn Jackson Annie Morro | Jacob Parkin | Mitch Ryiter | Yuki Seki Alex Tang | Julia Viherlahti | Nani Vo Shelby Simonson, Student Concessions Manager Wines provided by A-28 UW WORLD SERIES Lauren Norton, Student Assistant Concessions Manager Sangrudee Sriweerawanidchakun, Student Concessions Helper E N C O R E A RT S N E W S F RO M C I T Y A RT S M A G A Z I N E ROOM TO GROW Love City Love is seizing a chance to keep culture alive on Capitol Hill. T BY JONATHAN ZWICKEL PHOTO BY AVI LOUD here’s no stage inside this former auto showroom on Capitol Hill, but the piano in the center of the room radiates enough gravity to keep the small crowd gathered in close orbit. The baby grand’s chipped white paint matching the elegant decay of the secondfloor space, white walls and rafters lit by strings of white café lights. Teasing the keys and leading the band is a lanky guy with graying hair under an orange knit cap. His eyes are locked on a diminutive dude to his right thumping a massive upright bass next to a young woman sizzling on a drum kit with minimalist precision, blond hair bobbing over her face. They volley a groove, jazz-ish, propulsive and wide open. The green scent of sage smoke spikes the air. From the semi-circle of about 50 people, a woman approaches the piano and grabs the microphone. A tiny infant papoosed to her chest sports oversized plastic headphones and appears to be sleeping. The woman bounces with the mike in her hand and begins a wordless chant. The crowd joins in call-and-response style, clapping in unison. encore artsseattle.com 9 E N C O R E A RT S N E W S This exhibition is organized by the Seattle Art Museum and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. The Seattle presentation of this exhibition is made possible with critical funding provided by SAM’s Fund for Special Exhibitions. Major Sponsors are Christie’s and the Seattle Art Museum Supporters (SAMS). Image: Woman, Bird and Star (Homage to Picasso), February 15, 1966 / April 3–8, 1973, Joan Miró, Spanish, 18931983, oil on canvas, 96 7/16 x 66 15/16 in., Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. © Successió Miró / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris 2014. 10 ENCORE STAGES She cedes the mike to a young woman who begins reciting a line from Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit,” recently revived via Kanye West: Blood on the leaves… Blood on the leaves… The crowd repeats it back. She turns over the mike to a tall African-American man with a long burgundy scarf draped around his neck. He raps a few bars in low tones, bows out and everyone cheers. A new drummer—a stocky 20-something guy in glasses—takes over, bursting into a rapid-fire breakbeat rhythm. A sax player sneaks in, blowing tentatively at first, then insistent and raw. The musicians adjust, but the music never stops. The whole room is dancing. Between performers, Hollis Wong-Wear— fresh off touring the world with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis—works the mike in casual-MC mode, singing and rapping and leading call-and-response. A guy joins her for an impromptu blues-hop version of “Hit the Road, Jack,” and between freestyle verses, everyone sings the chorus at full volume. I turn to the person next to me, a handsome, dark-skinned dude with deep-set eyes and long thin dreads. Judging by the hellos and hugs he’s been spreading among the crowd, he’s been here before. “This is incredible!” I say. “What’s this night called?” “They just call it Love City Love,” he says. Love City Love: It’s a name, a description, a slice of poetry. It’s a wellspring of unselfconscious spontaneity and intentional good vibes set in the middle of Seattle’s densest neighborhood. An urban cultural experiment in visible, participatory form. Along with these weekly sessions, it comprises an ongoing pop-up boutique that showcases local designers and various other events. In February it hosted a music video premiere party, a massive Valentine’s Day art show and an all-female photo exhibit. Events will continue through the end of February, possibly into March, and then the temporary lease runs out. After that, the 90-year-old Dunn Motors building, a piece of prime real estate at Pike and Summit, will be shuttered for retrofitting and development. If the stars align—which is to say, if investors and organizers can find common cause to maintain its existence—Love City Love will find a new home on Capitol Hill. Otherwise, like so much grassroots culture in this restless part of town, it will disappear completely. I f Seattle has a prevailing mood, it’s embedded in youth and newness. Seattle—the inexorable terminus of westward migration, period SAM 011014 mirothe2_3v.pdf to the run-on sentence that was Manifest Destiny—remains a mostly blank slate in F RO M C I T Y A RT S M A G A Z I N E SEATTLE—THE INEXORABLE TERMINUS OF WESTWARD MIGRATION, THE PERIOD TO THE RUN-ON SENTENCE THAT WAS MANIFEST DESTINY— REMAINS A MOSTLY BLANK SLATE IN ITS SOCIAL TEMPER. its social temper. Maybe coming of age with the rise of mass media—first television, then the Internet—unsettled our sense of self, swaddling a robust city in a permanent state of becoming. All this yearning and ambivalence and indecision, this blank-slate-ness—it’s a blessing. The rampant property development currently overtaking Seattle is rebuilding the city’s physical image, completely and indelibly. The skyline we knew five years ago is already a memory, the one we see now a mirage. In five years we’ll hardly recognize the city we now live in. Right now, Capitol Hill activists are racing to establish a foothold of alternative culture before heedless development establishes something else: potentially a generic corridor of ugly architecture and clueless newcomers with no ken of the neighborhood’s artistic bent. Every art gallery, black-box theatre and local-goods retailer, every preserved historic building counterbalances faceless construction and encroaching national chains. Opening a large urban environment to free form, street-level expression isn’t a new idea. Plenty of people imagine a creative sandbox set inside a beautiful old building in the heart of the city. These things rarely materialize. Space and resources are painfully hard to come by, and the gap between a pipe dream and a signed lease is vast. But the timing, scale and visibility of Love City Love are unprecedented and its execution has been flawless. It’s an of-the-moment reinvention— and it’s working. The space’s ground-floor storefront, previously home to Ed Murray’s campaign office, is a fishbowl, fully visible to the outside world through floor-to-ceiling windows. In late continued WUC APRIL 23 – JUNE 7, 2014 CO-CREATORS GEROME RAGNI AND JAMES RADO COMPOSER GALT MACDERMOT DIRECTED BY DAVID GASSNER MUSICAL DIRECTION BY ZACHARY ORTS 206-938-0339 www.ArtsWest.org 4711 CALIFORNIA AVE. SW, SEATTLE, WA 98116 SEASON SPONSORS SHOW SPONSOR encore artsseattle.com 11 E N C O R E A RT S N E W S December Love City Love’s organizers turned it into a gallery and boutique called Closed Circuit. The space is full of impeccably stylish local fashion—leather jackets, unisex jewelry, textile art and other inscrutable décor. This stuff represents the edgiest indie designers in the city, the essence of Seattle style and taste right now. But the second floor is the centerpiece. Industrial-sized neon radiates the words LOVE CITY LOVE from the corner window—a signpost as much as a directive. Along with the Wednesday night sessions, the space has hosted dance parties, rock bands and a 35-piece jazz orchestra. Several artists and clothing designers have set up shop there, producing the stuff that will be shown downstairs in Closed Circuit. It’s as much a venue as an engine, a room devoid of anything more remarkable than beautiful natural light and potential, fueled by creative intention. A UWSM 012714 handel 1_3s.pdf 12 ENCORE STAGES s an idea, Love City Love began years ago with a young artist named Lucien Pellegrin. Born in Indiana, raised in the Northwest and the San Francisco Bay Area, Pellegrin, 30, grew up surrounded by a lifestyle that could generously be called “bohemian.” His mother was absent and addicted to drugs, his father forever in search of the right partner and place and manner to raise his son. They lived in communal houses on Capitol Hill and in Green Lake, in a school bus in Olympia and an apartment in San Francisco’s Mission District. They traveled a lot. No TV, no junk food, but whatever music and art and literature Pellegrin could get his hands on. By his early 20s, Pellegrin was an itinerant skateboarder taking photos and making videos of his travels. He’d studied abroad in Holland, lived in Paris for a year and attended art school in Oakland. After finding his way back to Seattle, he dedicated himself to Arts Corps, a Seattle nonprofit that offers music and arts education to at-risk youth. He became a part-time teaching artist, leading classes in book arts and photography. He scraped rent together by working at coffee shops and restaurants on the side. All around him, he saw poverty—not just economic, but poverty of the mind and spirit. Life was struggle. He began to apply the name Love City Love to his projects because he couldn’t find love anywhere else. Spurred equally by frustration and wanderlust, Pellegrin tried to relocate—to New York, LA, Mexico City, places that boasted arts scenes more entrenched, diverse and activated than Seattle’s. But they were weak attempts, with little money and not much of a plan behind them. For better or worse, Seattle kept him moored to the Northwest. F RO M C I T Y A RT S M A G A Z I N E ALL AROUND HIM, HE SAW POVERTY—NOT JUST ECONOMIC, BUT POVERTY OF THE MIND AND SPIRIT. HE BEGAN TO APPLY LOVE CITY LOVE, THE WORD, TO HIS PROJECTS AS A WAY TO SURROUNDING THE PLACE HE LIVED IN WITH POSITIVITY. Through happenstance, good looks and a sort of guileless suavity, Pellegrin found a high-paying gig as a model for TCM, a local talent agency. He was placed in a Men’s Wearhouse commercial that went national. Paired with the finances he’d saved over the years—a childhood of instability bred in him an innate sense of frugality and responsibility—modeling money suddenly provided the means to invest in something he believed in. In early 2012, the corner of Pine and Melrose became the latest battleground in the ongoing campaign to bring urban density to Capitol Hill. Eastside developers announced plans to raze the decades-old Bauhaus building and replace it with a high-rise, mixed-use building, in turn eradicating the businesses housed there. One of those, the Warren Knapp Gallery, vacated the space it had occupied for years. In the empty gallery Pellegrin saw the opportunity he’d been waiting for. Sometime around the end of 2012, he slipped a hand-written note through the mail slot: I’ve seen this space has been available for some time. I’m an artist living in the neighborhood and would like to create a gallery here. The simplicity of the wording belied Pellegrin’s deeper intentions, but it got the job done. Two months later, he’d signed a six-month lease on the space at a deep, deep discount and opened it as Love City Love. He enlisted a slew of arts-world friends and began to host events. Friends from local menswear label Tarboo debuted their summer line and other designers showed theirs as well. The Wednesday night sessions launched with Amos Miller, a keyboardist and music producer Pellegrin knew from Arts Corps, as musical director. Word spread and artists and musicians from around the city made Wednesday night a regular stop. Throughout last summer, crowds spilled out the door and onto the sidewalk—and often the jam session did too. The summer of Love City Love culminated with “Vigil,” a group show of 100 artists organized by a group of Seattle’s sharpest young curators. It was billed as a wake for Old Capitol Hill, but the buzz inside the gallery that night in early September suggested more of a beginning than an end. The following week, the entire block was boarded with plywood, like a death shroud laid over a corpse. The success of the LCL’s initial run propelled Pellegrin into action. He resolved to email five developers a week seeking a new space. One of those was Jill Cronauer, an associate at Hunters Capital, the Capitol Hill investment firm that had recently purchased the Dunn Motors building, formerly the longtime home of CK Graphics, a printing company. Pellegrin sent her an email similar to the note he wrote the owners of Warren Knapp. Cronauer had attended Love City Love events over the summer and was familiar with their low-key atmosphere. She endorsed Pellegrin’s proposal to the owners of Hunters Capital, Mike and Barbara Malone. In turn, the Malones—philanthropists and preservationists who own the Sorrento Hotel, among other classic buildings on the Hill—invited Pellegrin in with a tremendous discount in rent. Love City Love opened in its current location in December of last year. Soon after the first events started upstairs, Jessica Carter joined the fold full-time. A San Francisco transplant, Carter had recently quit her job as a trend forecaster and package designer for Nordstrom. Like Pellegrin, she’s well traveled, with art world roots in Seattle and beyond, and her background in the fashion and retail industries adds a degree of credibility to Love City Love’s idealism. “We all have our own dreams that we want to accomplish, and we realized it would be easier if we did it together and housed it under one roof and worked together to create,” she says. Through her professional connections, she’s booked the second floor to the likes of Tempur-Pedic and American Eagle Outfitters for commercial photos shoots. The money those shoots have brought in has helped offset the cost of expenses. Carter, Pellegrin and the project’s manager are making a modest living from the operation, but really it’s generosity, savvy and dedication that keep Love City Love sustainable. continued We believe eyewear should be fun. At 4 Your Eyes Only, we delight in finding eyewear that is different, but still charming, beautiful and wearable. We are a small, local boutique dedicated to helping you find the perfect pair of glasses. 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Le Grand Chocolat. 2012. Ceramic. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Meyer riegger, Berlin. photo credit: katinka bock. HAG 020314 ES054 1_3s.pdf 14 ENCORE STAGES E N C O R E A RT S N E W S W e agree, and I think the community agrees, that art builds civilization,” says Barbara Malone. “It’s important.” Malone says she appreciates Pellegrin’s directness, focus and humility and is proud to give him a temporary platform. “He’s masterful in what he’s doing and how he’s bringing people together, creating conversation and introducing audiences to artists.” Pellegrin is quick to compliment the community work Hunters has done, the commitment to the arts the Malones have demonstrated. His mantra these days is “collaboration with gentrification.” He’d prefer to let the obvious speak for itself—art builds civilization—than to ask for funding for his idea, successful as it’s been. But that’s what he’s after. Imagine a curated space, free to all ages, featuring live music and street fashion and art, installed in every new building on Capitol Hill. “It’s about accessibility, man,” says Pellegrin. “If it’s Starbucks and a gym in your condo storefront, then you’re gonna grab a cappuccino and hop on the treadmill. But if there’s a Love City Love, then maybe you print out your photos from your Instagram and you have a photo show at Love City Love because you just bought this condo for 450K and moved here from DC and you make six figures and you’re like, I got this new condo and they have this cool thing called Love City Love and it’s this creative platform for people who live in the condo but also people that don’t live in the condo have access to it.” Ideally, the next space Love City Love occupies will be long-term. Not necessarily a preserved historic building, but certainly somewhere on Capitol Hill, close to the heart of the city. It will provide a livelihood for the artists who run it and a creative outlet for the artists who use it. Pellegrin admits to pipe-dreaming. He’s an artist, not an entrepreneur, which is why his passion is so contagious. For all his easygoing can-do, he’s plagued by questions. Why hasn’t this happened already? How do we pay for it? Who are we waiting for? The Malones? Paul Allen? The Mayor? All these exasperated mutterings bespeak the extreme urgency of the situation. Because regardless of specifics, Pellegrin’s vision is captivating and the stakes in this race are nothing short of the soul of the city. No single one of us can win it. It’s a collective effort. “With true leadership, you build something up and then you step away, and you trust that the community can hold it up,” 2/3/14 4:57 PM This Pellegrin says. “Everything is possible. stuff is worth more than money.” n “THE #1 MUSICAL OF THE YEAR! A DON’T MISS THEATRE EVENT!” MAGAZINE G N I N N I W – D R A W A Y N O ! 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