Arrival Guide January 2016


Arrival Guide January 2016
Fanshawe College, London, Canada
January 2016
Arrival Guide
Welcome to Fanshawe College, London, Canada
January 2016
We are delighted that you have decided to study at Fanshawe College
in Canada. You have chosen one of Canada's best colleges as
evidenced by our Key Performance Indicators year after year and we
are sure that you will be very happy here. Here is some important
information from our end regarding the arrival, clothing, food,
transportation etc in Canada. Please go through the same very
carefully and follow it to make your life comfortable.
Fanshawe Cares
Free of cost Arrival Services
Services for international students
arriving in London, Ontario.
Free pick up from Toronto
Airport (through RobertQ)
Arrival Date
Please arrange to arrive in London, Canada
(Airport Code YXU) before 5th January 2016.
Classes Start
5th January 2016. If you reach later than 7th January
2016, your admission will be cancelled and
deferred to the next available intake. This deadline
is firm and not negotiable.
Free pick up from London
Airport, Bus Terminals and
Railway station
Free stay for two nights to help
you settle in.
Help in getting the basic
communication devices like
mobile, laptop etc.
Help in searching for permanent
Free city tour
Fanshawe College is located at 1460 Oxford Street
East, London, Canada. Some of our programs are
run in St Thomas, Ontario campus that is 30
minutes away from London. London International
Airport (YXU) is located approximately five
kilometers east of the College. Toronto Pearson
International Airport (YYZ) is located 200
kilometers east of the College.
You must live in London Canada while you are a
student at Fanshawe College. If your program is
being run in St Thomas campus, you must stay in St
Thomas, Ontario. You cannot live in Toronto or any
of its suburbs such as Brampton, Mississauga, or
Markham as it is not possible to commute on a daily
basis especially during winters.
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Pre-Departure Briefings
As is our custom, we are organizing pre-departure briefing sessions for all the students of Fanshawe
College for January 2016 Intake. All the students (and their parents) who have received the visa for
September intake or are waiting for the result from the High Commission are invited to attend these
sessions. This will be a great opportunity to get answers to any questions that you have and also meet
your Fanshawe batch mates. The schedule for the Pre-Departure briefing is as follows.
Online Pre-Dep, link will be emailed
after students register.
11:00 am
Park Plaza Hotel, Sec-17
11:00 am
Ramada Plaza Palm Grove
Juhu Beach, Mumbai
11:00 am
Four Points by Sheraton, Ellis Bridge,
Opp Gujarat College
10:30 pm
You MUST register by clicking this link
to be able to participate in these events.
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Travel to London, Canada
We recommend you arrive in Canada at Toronto Pearson Airport (YYZ) where you will collect your
baggage and go through customs and passport control.
You can avail a free of cost pick up service from Toronto airport starting 26th
December to 6th January 2016. Upon your arrival at Pearson airport you
would need to reach the RobertQ desk in “Ground Transportation” section
and show them your ticket. You will get detailed instructions and your ticket
once you email us your flight details.
You must send the following details to for availing pick up and
Student Name:
Student Id:
Date of arrival in Canada:
Flight Details:
if you arrive earlier than 26th December 2015 or
later than 5th January 2016, you will have to make
your own travel arrangements from Toronto to
Customs/Immigration would generally require your
proof of travel to London, your letter of acceptance and
your fee receipt. You must carry these proofs as well as
the Fanshawe helpline number.
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Temporary Accommodation
Fanshawe provides a temporary accommodation facility to
students free-of-cost for up to two days. This will be booked
along with your free airport pick up. Your temporary
accommodation will likely be arranged at Knights Inn, 1739,
Dundas Street, London, Phone: +1(519)451-5840
Permanent Accommodation
Shared private accommodation
You can choose to take a shared private accommodation. The cost
for this varies from $250 to $400 per person per month. We will
help by providing you contact information of places that have good
accommodation options for students. Our settlement services coordinator will help you visit shared
accommodation options and make a decision.
If you would like to stay in homestay or On-Campus, please email International Accommodation at with a copy to
Winter Clothing
You will need winter clothing including a parka, hat, gloves, and snow boots. You should not buy these
items in your home country. There are hundreds of shops selling winter clothing in London but, for
inexpensive winter clothes, many Fanshawe students shop at:
WalMart, Argyle Mall,
519 455 8910
Zellers, 1275 Highbury Avenue
519 457 1212
Talize, 1345 Highbury Avenue
519 455 1112
Value Village, 1500 Dundas Street
519 659 0605
Mark’s Work Wear house, 1925 Dundas Street
519 659 7462
Some of these places also offer good quality pre-used clothes. It will cost approximately $300 CDN for
basic winter clothing.
You will need at least $2,000 CDN in cash or the equivalent amount in VISA or MasterCard Credit to pay
for your settlement expenses and initial books/uniforms (if applicable)/medical examinations (if
applicable). You can also carry travel cards, the balance for this can be easily transferred into your
Canadian bank account.
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Connect with Fanshawe
Peer to Peer is a unique program started by Fanshawe which intends to connect new students with
current students. Through this program, new students would be able to get in touch with their seniors
in the college and could clarify their doubts. Many a times, students are misled by incorrect information
from unreliable sources. This could be completely avoided and in time eliminated through the Peer to
Peer program. New students' email ids will be shared with one of the volunteer senior students and
they'll be contacting the new students very soon. They'll also share their social networking details, so
that students could post questions easily through a more convenient medium. Please keep checking
your emails for an email with subject line – Peer to Peer-Fanshawe. In case you want to update us with a
new email ID, please do so at the earliest.
“Fanshawe International” is an exclusive Facebook Page for Fanshawe’s international students.
Connect through it with our hundreds of International students and alumnus.
Youtube gives you access to hundreds of videos about Fanshawe College and
our programs.
Follow us on
@FanshaweIC / @tobeSaurabh
Working in Canada
You can work on-campus or off-campus from beginning of your studies at Fanshawe. Your
academics must be your first priority even if you choose to work part time. You must bring sufficient
funds to pay your College fees and living expenses. For more information about working in Canada go to
To receive your off-campus work permit you have to apply for a Confirmation of Enrolment from the
college once you arrive in the college.
Travel Insurance
We recommend that you carry 10-15 days travel insurance before leaving your home country.
Health Insurance
Your Fanshawe College student fees include comprehensive health insurance. If you fall ill or have an
accident in Canada, your Fanshawe insurance will pay for consultations with doctors, specialists, and
other health care providers. Should you require hospital care, your insurance will pay your hospital
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
costs. You will receive a complete guide to your health insurance when you reach Fanshawe. You do not
need to by any other health insurance. You health insurance will be in effect from the first day of
Books and Supplies
Your Fanshawe College tuition fees do not include the cost of books and supplies that you will need for
your course. In some courses, the books are quite expensive, and some courses require the purchase of a
laptop computer.
An approximate amount is mentioned under the General Expenses column on your Letter of
Acceptance. Books are essential and you must budget accordingly. These are part of your academic
experience and are chosen with care by your professors. You may be asked to present evidence of your
books and laptop (for lap top enabled programs) in class.
Places of Worship
There is a Temple, Gurudwara, Mosque, and many Churches in London. Students are encouraged to
meet people of their community by attending services and events.
Phone and Internet
You may purchase a mobile phone and subscribe to phone and Internet service through
various providers. Voice and data plans come in a wide range of options and prices and there
are special plans and rates for students. You should budget approximately $50 CND per
month for communication services. For information about phone/Internet service, plans,
rates, and access, please check the following websites:
WIND Mobile
Rogers Communications
Bell Canada
KOODO Mobile
London has a reliable and efficient public transit system. Clean, safe, and modern buses run
from most parts of the city to Fanshawe College every 15 minutes.
As soon as you register at Fanshawe, you will receive a London Transit Pass which entitles you
to use any bus at anytime, anywhere in London, free of charge. For information about bus routes,
schedules, and maps of London go to:
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Teaching and Learning at Fanshawe
Fanshawe is renowned for its knowledgeable and skilled professors. They are devoted to helping every
student achieve success. But you may find that classes and expectations are quite different than what you
are used to. You will likely find that professors are very informal and approachable. Instead of lecturing, they
are more likely to ask questions, demonstrate methods and techniques, and guide students towards skills
and knowledge. They expect students to ask questions, offer opinions, participate in discussions and
problem-solving, and to complete projects independently and in teams. Students are marked on their work
throughout each semester, so it is important to attend every class, to
participate in class discussions and to keep up with readings, projects and
assignments. The final exam is likely to count for only a small part of your final
grade. You cannot wait until the end of the semester to start studying for
exams because most of your grade will already be determined by your marks
on assignments, projects and tests during the semester. If you have difficulty,
there are student success advisors, tutors and counselors available to help
you. At Fanshawe we want every student to be successful!
Computer Access
There are more than 100 student computer labs throughout the College with
approximately 3,000 computers on campus for student use. Some are
specialized labs with the most up-to-date software required for particular
courses, while others are for more general applications such as on-line
research, e-mail, and word processing. Some “Homework Labs” are open 24
hours a day so you can work according to your own schedule. Irrespective of
the fact that it is compulsory or not, it is recommended that you have a
laptop. You may wish to bring your laptop with you (but remember that the
electrical system in Canada is likely different than the one in your country, so
you will need an adaptor). In some courses there is a specific configuration
required and hence these students find it better to purchase a computer
after arrival in Canada.
There are more than 50 wireless access points throughout the College so any
student with a laptop and a wireless card can log-on almost anywhere on
campus including all cafeterias, restaurants and residences. All Homestay
(paying guest) families provide high-speed Internet service for their students
so you will always be connected on campus and at home!
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Student Life
Fanshawe is known throughout Canada for its vibrant and
exciting student life. Students, professors and staff are
friendly and interested in international students so
it is easy to make friends. They will want to know
where you are from and are likely to ask all kinds
of questions about life and customs in your home
It’s a good idea to participate in Fanshawe’s
International Host Program. International
students are matched with Canadian students who
want to make international friends and who have similar interests. Your new Canadian friend can help
you adjust to life in Canada, introduce you to their friends, tell you about Canadian customs and
traditions, take you shopping or to family gatherings, sports events, parties, or whatever you want to do
together. This is a great way to meet people and learn about Canada and Fanshawe.
There are many clubs and special interest groups on campus, including a very active International Club
for students from around the world. The International Club organizes events and helps you to meet
other students from your country and from other countries. It can be very helpful to make friends with
second or third year international students who have been successful at Fanshawe. They can answer
many of your questions and help you become accustomed to life in Canada and at Fanshawe.
Of course, you will meet students in your classes and they will become your friends and colleagues but
the Fanshawe campus is designed to make it easy to connect with other students in cafes,
restaurants, the Student Centre, shops, computer labs, and athletic facilities. There
are more than 20 restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, and
specialty food services on-campus, serving
everything from a fast cup tea to international
gourmet dining. You can never go hungry at
Canadian students love sports and there many
teams to join, both competitive and “just for fun”.
Fanshawe has a large and modern Athletic Centre
with a fully equipped training and Fitness Centre so
you can keep fit independently, or join a team to make
friends and help Fanshawe compete against other Canadian colleges and universities (Fanshawe
usually wins!). Try something familiar like football or golf, or something you’ve never done before like
ice hockey or curling!
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Fanshawe has its own radio station, student newspaper, and TV studio so you can always know
what’s going on and there’s always something happening on campus. Clubs, dances, pubs, concerts,
films, plays, fashion shows, music, comedy, and celebrations of all kinds…it’s all happening at Fanshawe,
all the time!
On Campus Health Services, Shopping and Services
Fanshawe has a modern and fully equipped medical clinic on-campus. If you are feeling ill, doctors are
available to see you every day. The clinic also has sports medicine specialists and physiotherapists to
assess and treat sports injuries.
Fanshawe is like a small city and there are many shops and stores on-campus including:
Chemist Shop (Pharmacy)
Convenience Stores
Book Store
Computer Store
Clothing Shop
Hair Styling Salon
Off Campus
Off-campus, the city of London is a student city. With approximately 60,000 college and university
students from all over the world in our city, everything is geared towards making student life
convenient and exciting. It is safe and convenient to go anywhere in the city. Crime and violence are
very rare but, like anywhere in the world, students should be careful when
off campus. It's usually safer and more fun to go out with a group of
Many students go “out on the town” on Thursday or Friday
nights and to the shopping centres on Saturdays. Shopping,
restaurants, transportation, and special events in the city
are all designed to appeal to students. And there are
hundreds of churches, mosques, gurdwaras, temples and
synagogues that welcome students from around the world
and provide instant connections to people from your
religion and country. You will never feel like a foreigner in
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
There are many large shopping centres and super markets near Fanshawe. Products are imported
from around the world and every type of food is available. There are a number of grocery stores that
specialize in products from other countries. So you will find shops that cater to Chinese, African, Indian,
South American and European students. You will likely be able to find all your favourite foods and
products from home in London, Canada.
We have tried to give you as much information as we could in this student guide. However, If you
require more information, please go to our website or
e-mail us at
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada
Fanshawe College International
Services Office
Room E2025, 1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard
London, Ontario, Canada N5Y 5R6
Phone: (519) 452-4150,
Fax: (519) 659-9393
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4:30 pm
Fanshawe International Centre – South Asia
MLEC Centre, 112-113, 1st Floor, Square One Mall
District Centre, Saket, New Delhi 110017
Mobile: (91) 8800736767
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, Office No - E2025, London, Ontario, Canada