in touch
in touch
CCAI IN TOUCH NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 IN TOUCH Volume 19 Number 12 The information in the In Touch is intended for the sole use of CCAI families. To protect the privacy of our families and safeguard the operation of this agency, please do not transmit this information, in any form, outside of the “CCAI family.” Changes from the CCCWA! The China Center for Children’s Welfare & Adoption has issued an announcement of changes to their adoption qualification requirements (see right) and procedures, beginning January 1, 2015. CCAI is excited about their new, relaxed qualifications, as they will allow MORE children to go home to loving families! The CCCWA will also be switching over to a new, upgraded computer system between December 27 and January 5. During this time, no dossiers will be logged in, no children’s files will be locked, no LOAs or Travel Approvals will be issued, and no adoptions will be processed. The system will resume normal business operation on January 5. Other big news includes a change to your post adoption reporting requirements! For those with a Travel Approval issued after January 1, 2015, your post adoption reports will now be due at 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years. (A onemonth report is no longer required, and a 4-year report has been added.) For all families, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th report can be written by your own family, instead of your social worker. For those families working to compile your dossier, the CCCWA’s fees will be increasing as of January 1. Detailed fee information has been emailed to all families potentially affected, and CCAI’s Dossier Department is committed to helping as many families as possible to mail their dossier before the system closure on December 27. Rest assured that it’s “business as usual” here at CCAI and as always, we’re wholeheartedly here to serve you through all stages of your adoption process! Qualification Changes There must be no more than 50 years’ age difference between the younger parent (age at LID) and the adoptive child (no more than 45 years for singles) Qualified single applicants are now eligible for LID-only Waiting Children (not just Special Focus) If diagnosed with anxiety, depression, mania, phobia, or OCD, must be under good control with a small dose of medication (couples only) If one parent has (or has had) cancer, lupus, nephrosis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, hearing or language function impairment, or organ transplant within the last ten years, etc., must be under good control AND the other parent healthy Travel Update We are no longer able to collect your in-China travel costs via credit card; rather it must be paid by cashier’s check. We collect this amount ($3,600-4,000 for two adults) approximately 5-7 days prior to your departure for China. Thanks for your understanding with this change and please feel free to contact the Travel Department with any questions! CCAI IN TOUCH NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 Waiting Child Match Statistics In November, the CCCWA released 44 Waiting Children’s files designated to CCAI, 22 girls and 22 boys; 15 LID-only and 29 Special Focus. Girls Boys LID-Only Special Focus Ages of Waiting Children matched in November: 30 10 8 6 4 0 Under 12-24 2-3 12 months years months 3-5 years 6-10 years 11+ years 58 Waiting Children were matched with their families in November, 29 girls and 29 boys! Of those matched children, 50 were from our agency-specific list and 8 were from the CCCWA’s Shared List of Waiting Children. Families matched in November who had Medical Conditions Checklists (MCCs) on file with CCAI (76% of the families matched last month) ranged from December 2011 to November 2014. 7 children were accepted as part of the Special Focus Program, under which families may adopt TWO unrelated children simultaneously or successively with the same dossier. Of the 58 Waiting Children matched in November, 11 have brain/developmental delays, 10 have heart disease (minor to major), 7 have cleft lip and palate, 4 have a hearing impairment, 3 have a limb difference, 3 have cerebral palsy, 2 have a vision impairment, 2 have spina bifida, 2 have Down syndrome, and the remaining children have the following medical needs: albinism, anal atresia, arthrogryposis, digestive issues, dwarfism, ear malformation, epilepsy, genital malformation, hepatitis B, HIV+, hydrocephalus, nevus, skin condition, etc. 1 is a healthy older child. 23 children have multiple special needs. YEAR-TO-DATE, Jan-Nov 2014: 345 Waiting Children’s Files Received 393 Waiting Children Matched Non-Special Needs (NSN) Match Statistics Log-In Date (LID) Match Date December 15-19, 2006 12/4/14 Children Matched 3 Age* 7-17 months Total Age Range 7-21 months The CCCWA has now matched families logged in up through December 19, 2006. We received three child matches for families logged in on this date. We currently have 360 We wanted to notify all Non-Special Needs Traditional Program families of a change to the “Child Referral” page of our website. Given the slow progression of child matches, we no longer have weekly updates to share with families. Therefore, we will now update the “Child Referral” page of our website on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, or when new child match information arrives outside of our scheduled updates. have any questions about the traditional NSN program, please email our Child Match Department at or CCAI IN TOUCH NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 In the Spotlight… “Song” Male, DOB 2/22/2013 Club feet, hearing impairment, delayed language Song is an extroverted little guy! He likes to play with toys and listen to music. Song also gets along well with other children! He can sit on his own, but cannot crawl, probably due to the corrective shoes he wears on his feet. Song is an adorable child with a cheerful personality. We hope he will find a warm and loving home! This little guy’s file is “LID only,” which means he must be matched to a family with a dossier logged in. Please help us find this wonderful little boy a family!! Contact: CCAI IN TOUCH NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 Important Reminders Keep Your Immigration Approval Current!! The CCCWA REQUIRES current immigration (an approved I-800A within its validity period) for families to be matched to LID-only Waiting Children OR to a child in the traditional non-special needs (NSN) program. PLEASE be sure to keep your approval current! CCAI will reach out to you in advance of the expiration of your approval so that you can get started proactively. If you have any questions about your approval, please don’t hesitate to ask – we don’t want to see a delay in your child match!! Complete your Parent Training!! Your parent training requirements must be complete before you can file your I-800 paperwork. Your travel to China can be DELAYED if a parent has not fulfilled the training requirements by the time your acceptance letter (LOA) arrives. If you have questions about parent training, please contact CCAI’s Parent Training Coordinator at CCAI 6920 South Holly Circle Centennial, CO 80112 Phone: 303-850-9998 Fax: 303-850-9997 Waiting Child Program Staff: Sarah Harmon 303-850-9998 x 25 Pam Rodriguez 303-850-9998 x 35 Judy Winger 303-850-9998 x 38 Amanda Palmer 303-850-9998 x 19 Skyler Villarreal 303-850-9998 x 40 Follow us on:
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