Exhibit with Confidence AT THE WORLD`S
Exhibit with Confidence AT THE WORLD`S
EXPERIENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE MARCH 27-APRIL 1 Santiago, Chile CIVIL- COMMERCIAL AV I AT I O N DEFENCE AIRPORT SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT S PA C E T E C H N O LO G Y AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE HOMELAND SECURITY The network-enabled F/A-18E/F delivers unrivaled multirole capability with leading-edge weapon, radar and avionics systems, whether the threat is on the ground, in the air or at sea. The Super Hornet provides the optimum value of advanced technology and lower life - cycle costs to help ensure security and affordability for decades to come. welcome The White House Washington, D.C. A Message from President Barack Obama. Greetings to U.S. exhibitors and attendees from around the world participating in this prominent trade exhibition. Selected by the U.S. Department of Commerce as part of the U.S. Commercial Service’s Trade Fair Certification Program, this prominent trade exhibition is an excellent venue for developing new business. U.S. Commercial Service staff are here working diligently to connect U.S. companies with international buyers—providing leads, trade counseling and market research. By opening new markets and promoting trade, we are creating new sales channels for U.S. products and services. The business relationships developed at this trade show will help increase economic growth and create jobs throughout the United States. I salute each of you for your commitment to excellence. Cooperation within the international business community gives all of us confidence for a bright economic future. Best wishes for a successful event. Connecting you to global markets. U.S. Department of Commerce export.gov • buyusa.gov International Trade Administration the north american pavilion is Organized by U.S. Commercial Service www.kallman.com 3 welcome Embassy of the United States of America The Ambassador Chile Dear Trade Visitors, Greetings and welcome to the official North American Pavilion at FIDAE 2012. This prestigious trade exhibition provides an exciting and informative venue to showcase the type of innovation and expertise for which the U.S. industry is known worldwide. The companies exhibiting at FIDAE are prepared to meet the changing demands of the global marketplace with the finest and most advanced products, services, and standards of quality in the aerospace sector. Through its Trade Fair Certification Program, the U.S. Department of Commerce has made a strong commitment to bringing U.S. companies together with international business partners. This commitment reflects our conviction that increased trade fosters economic growth and strengthens the bonds among nations. Best wishes for a rewarding and productive FIDAE 2012. Alejandro D. Wolff United States Ambassador to Chile 4 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 welcome EXPERIENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE MARCH 27-APRIL 1 Santiago, Chile CIVIL- COMMERCIAL AV I AT I O N DEFENCE AIRPORT SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT S PA C E T E C H N O LO G Y AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE HOMELAND SECURITY 3 Welcome 6 Official North American Pavilion Floor Plan 7 FIDAE 2012 Site Plan 8 North American Exhibitor Index 12 North American Exhibitor Profiles 60 Product & Service Index Welcome to the North American Pavilion at the FIDAE 2012. As the organizers of the North American Pavilion at FIDAE 2012, we wanted to say “Welcome” and “Thank You” for taking time to visit with our group of exhibiting firms. Kallman Worldwide, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce and other leading trade associations, has done its best to bring to Chile a broad representation and the best that North America has to offer in terms of aerospace and defense products and services. From the small and medium-sized companies to the multi-national industry giants, we’re confident that you will not only find what you need in the pavilion, but be greeted by companies that are eager to cooperate and do business in a variety of ways. FIDAE 2012 is just one of a series of pavilions that Kallman Worldwide has organized this year. I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit the hundreds of companies that will be on display in 2012 at the Farnborough Airshow in July, Africa Aerospace & Defense in September, Japan Aerospace & Euronaval in October, as well as Airshow China & Milipol Qatar in November. Have a great show and again, thank you for your visit. +1-201-251-2600 www.kallman.com Tom Kallman President & CEO the north american pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 5 Official North american PAVILION FLOOR PLAN Hall C ANPC L-3 Wescam Western Shelter Systems Simplex Mfg C42 C41 C43 C33 C36 Newcon Optik Merex Inc C44 Insitu C35 Aero Precision C8 C46 Viasat Ordnance Technologies C31a C30 Frasca Condor Outdoor Products C29 Aventure Aviation C30a ESRI C28 C28a Chile C1 Kitco True Defense Position C9 C10 Worthington Aviation C11 C12 Aero Loos & Company C31b U.S. Department of Defense Alaska Structures Revision Military C2 WL Gore C32 C45 Nvision US Transaero Embassy Inc. C4 C7 C6 C31 C34 General Dynamics ATP General Dynamics Land Systems Raytheon ATK Embry Riddle Dakota Air Parts C5 C40 HEMISCA N/ Rapiscan Pratt & Whitney Cavimar Aerospace Goodrich Corporation NIGHTLINE Abrams Airborne Mfg C14a North American Pavilion Meeting Point and Lounge Bristow C12b Telephonics C15 C27 AK Kool 4m2 C12a C14 Segers Aero C16 C13 Nat'l Air Conference Cargo Room C47 PartsBase C16a GE Aviation C49 Laversab C26 C50 Lockheed Martin Boeing Harris Corporation Sikorsky Aircraft AVIALL C51 C25 IKHANA Aircraft Services C52 ArmorWorks Galaxy International Night Rediness Nivisys Industries Wamore, Inc. C53 FLIR FlightSafety C23 C54 Flight Line 6 C24 MMI OUTDOOR O31 C17 Defense Tech Colt Defense Equipment C22a General Atomics Lind Aeronautical Electronics C22 4x4=16m2 DRASH DHS SYSTEMS INT’L LTD HOLD 035 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 C18 C20 Flight Line VIKING AIR O38 C19 ARINC O40 FIDAE 2012 SITE PLAN Exhibitor’s Catalogue GENERAL LAYOUT Symbols: PAVILIONS AIR OPERATIONS CHALETS VIP GUESTS & EXHIBITOR’S ACCESS EXECUTIVE DIRECTION DELEGATIONS’ ACCESS COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT PEDESTRIAN BOULEVARD MEETING CENTRE EXHIBITOR’S CAR PARKING EXHIBITOR’S SERVICE CENTRE ACCESSES CONFERENCE ROOMS COFFEE SHOP PRESS CENTRE EXHIBITOR’S CLUB CATERING AIRCRAFT DISPLAY PARK 18 the north american pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 7 North american EXHIBITOR INDEX North American PAVILION EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR INDEX Booth Number Exhibitor C14aAbrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. C41Advanced Navigation & Positioning Corp C12aAero Kool Corporation C8Aero Precision C27Alaska Structures O40ARINC Aerospace C53Arizona Commerce Authority C53Armor Works C32ATK C30aAventure Aviation C51Aviall, a boeing company Chalet c3-6 Bell Helicopter *See page 63 C25Boeing *See page 2 C12b Bristow Academy C41business Oregon C43 Cavimar Aerospace LTDA C22a Colt Defense LLC C47 Condor Outdoor Products, inc. Chalet D1-D2Daher Socata C34Dakota Air Parts Intl., Inc. C22Defense Technology Equipment Inc. *See page 25 O35DHS Systems Int C31Embry Riddle Aeronautical University C31Enterprise Florida C28ESRI C54Flight Safety International C23FLIR Systems C29Frasca International, inc. C53Galaxy International Inc. C26GE Aviation C20General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, inc. C4General Dynamics Armament & Technical Products C7General Dynamics Land Systems C5Goodrich Corporation C18 Harris Corporation *See page 35 C33hemiscan C52IKHANA Aircraft Services C45Insitu, Inc. C13, chalet D1-D2 Kallman Worldwide, Inc. C9 Kitco Defense C42L-3 C50Laversab, Inc. C19Lind Electronics C17, chlaet C1-C2Lockheed Martin *See page 64 C31bLoos & Company, Inc. C35Merex, inc. O31MMI Outdoor c46n-vision optics C16a National Air Cargo C44 Newcon Optik C53 Night Readiness, llc C40 Nightline, Inc. *See page 47 C53 NiViSys Industries, LLC 8 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North american PAVILION EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR INDEX Booth Number Exhibitor C31aOrdnance Technologies (NA), Inc. C49 PartsBase, inc. C36 Pratt & Whitney C33Rapiscan Systems C6Raytheon C28aRevision Military C16 Segers Aero Corporation C24, chalet B6 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation C41 Simplex aerospace C14Telephonics Corporation C13Trade-A-Plane C2Transaero Inc. C10TruePosition A57aU.S. department of commerce-otexa C15U.S. Department of Defense C1 u.s. embassy - chile C30 VIASAT, inc. O38Viking C12 W.L. Gore & Associates C53 Wamore, Inc. C41 Western Shelter Systems C11 Worthington Aviation parts North American companies exhibiting at large Exhibitors ADB airfield solutions ADS OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT AEROSIM AG SUR LLC. AGUSTA WESTLAND ALPHA AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS ARMAG CORPORATION AVIATION & DEFENSE, INC. BEAMHIT BEYOND AIR SUPPORT INC. BOMBARDIER commercial aircraft CAE , inc. cascade aerospace CIRRUS AIRCRAFT COBHAM AEROSPACE DIAMOND AIRCRAFT DILLON AERO INC. DM AIRCRAFT SERVICE INC. DRS DEFENSE SOLUTIONS D.S. ARMS, INC. ECA SIMULATOR SYSTEMS EMAS ESCO ESTERLINE CMC ELECTRONICS ETC - ENVIRONMENTAL TECTONICS the north american pavilion is Organized by EUROPARTS CORP. G & S AIRPORT CONVEYOR GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE HAWKER BEECHCRAFT CORPORATION HDT GLOBAL HONEYWELL I.M.P. Group Limite JSSI ( JET SUPPORT SERVICES) KENYON Intl EMERGENCY SERVICES KILGORE FLARES COMPANY, LLC. LIBERTY AIRPORT SYSTEMS MAXA VISION NAV CANADA NOBLE EAGLE ENGINEERING IWC PELICAN PRODUCTS INC. POLARIS DEFENSE PREFERRED AVIATION, INC. REVEAL IMAGING ROCKWELL COLLINS SEARIDGE TECHNOLOGIES INC. SICK INC. SIG SAUER INC. SMITHS DETECTION MONTREAL INC. STANDARD AERO SUREFIRE LLC www.kallman.com 9 the u.s. International pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 11 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles Abrams airborne manufacturing, inc.bOOTH C14A 3735 N Romero Road Tucson, AZ 85705 USA tel: +1-520-888-0203 / fax: +1-520-888-0122 www.abrams.com CONTACTS: Mr. Johan Kay; johan.kay@abrams.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AEROSPACE SERVICES, WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT/SPARE PARTS, SHEET METAL FABRICATION & ASSEMBLY, MACHINING, PRECISION MACHINING/ENGINEERING Abrams Airborne Manufacturing has supported and supplied the aerospace and electronics industries since 1965. They have subsequently diversified into the production of 40mm Multi-Shot Grenade Launchers (MGL) and Small Arms. The 40mm MGL is regarded as the world’s best MGL and is currently in use by the U.S. Marine Corps and Special Forces. Small Arms include complete components and accessories for the AR15/ M16 series, Kalashnikov and they also offer engineering/design consulting to the industry. Abrams Airborne Manufacturing ha apoyado y abastecido a las industrias aeroespacial y electrónica desde 1965. Posteriormente se han diversificado hacia la producción de Lanza Granadas Multi-Disparo de 40mm (MGL) y Armas Pequeñas. El MGL de 40 mm es considerado como el mejor MGL del mundo y actualmente es usado por el Cuerpo de Marines y Fuerzas Especiales de USA. Armas Pequeñas incluye componentes completos y accesorios para las series AR15/M16, Kalashnikov y también ofrecen consultoría a la industria en ingeniería/diseño. ADVANCED NAVIGATION & POSITIONING corporation BOOTH C41 489 8th Street, Suite 203 Hood River, OR 97031 USA tel: +1-541-386-1747 x230 / fax: +1-541-386-2124 email: frocheleau@anpc.com www.anpc.com CONTACTS: Mr. Jeff Mains, CEO; jmains@anpc.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL/PRODUCTS/ SYSTEMS, LANDING GEAR/SYSTEMS/COMPUTERS/TYRES, NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ANPC is the world’s only manufacturer of the Transponder Landing System (TLS). The TLS is a precision landing system for use at airports where rough terrain or property constraints make Instrument Landing System (ILS) installation infeasible or costprohibitive. Its surveillance capability provides positional accuracy and update rates never before achieved at a fraction of the cost of SSR and significantly lower cost and installation schedule than widely dispersed multilateration systems. ANPC es el único fabricante en el mundo del Sistema de Aterrizaje por Transponder (TLS). El TLS es un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión para ser usado en aeropuertos donde las dificultades del terreno o restricciones de la propiedad hacen impracticable o prohibitivamente costoso un Sistema de Aterrizaje por Instrumentos (ILS). Su capacidad de vigilancia permite exactitud posicional y tasas de actualización de información nunca antes alcanzadas a una fracción del costo de SSR y con costos y programa de instalación significativamente menores que los de sistemas de multilaterización ampliamente dispersos. 12 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C12A CONTACTS: Mr. Luis Pantoja, Logistics Manager; lpantoja@aerokool.com Mr. Rick Weltmann, VP Marketing / Sales; rweltmann@aerokool.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: COMPONENT REPAIR/OVERHAUL, COMPONENT REPAIR & ACCESSORIES, HEAT EXCHANGERS, AIRFRAME COMPONENTS, MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL AERO KOOL CORPORATION, leading aircraft component repair and overhaul facility for MILITARY, COMMERCIAL, REGIONAL,HELICOPTER & CORPORATE applications started in 1959. Aero Kool is FAA, EASA and ISO 9001:208/9001 certified. US Government prime contractor, PROS III, DLA,& NAMSA approved contractor Logistic Divsion: Repair Asset Management support for sourcing component repair services to meet Customer requirements. Manufacturing Div FAA-PMA parts manufacturer. AERO KOOL CORPORATION, la principal instalación para reparación y mantención para aplicaciones MILITARES, COMERCIALES, REGIONALES, de HELICÓPTEROS Y CORPORATIVOS comenzó en 1959. Aero Kool está certificado en FAA, EASA y en ISO 9001:208/9001. Contratista principal del Gobierno de USA, contratista aprobado PROS III, DLA y NAMSA. División Logística: Apoyo en Gestión de Activos para Reparaciones para definir proveedores de servicios de reparación de componentes que cumplan con los requerimientos del Cliente. DIVISIÓN de Manufactura: Fabricante de partes FAAPMA. Solicite lista de capacidades. AERO PRECISION 30 Lindbergh Ave Livermore, CA 94551 USA tel: +1-925-455-9900 / fax: +1-925-455-9901 email: info@aeroprecision.com www.aeroprecision.com BOOTH C8 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AVIATION PRODUCT SUPPORT, SPARE PARTS, COMPONENT REPAIR/OVERHAUL, AIRCRAFT LIGHTING, ENGINE COMPONENTS/ CONTROLS Aero Precision, a 20-year leader in the supply of OEM systems and aftermarket aircraft spares, R&OH, upgrades, modifications and maintenance program management, provides world-class aftermarket support for military aircraft operators in over 60 countries. Headquartered in CA, Aero Precision is an ISO 9001-2008/AS9120 certified stocking distributor. Focus platforms include fighters, transport and rotary aircraft; Factory New product support lines include CSDs/ADGs, GENS, EPUs, lighting & more. Aero Precision, líder por 20 años en la oferta de sistemas OEM y repuestos de post mercado para aeronaves, R&OH, repotenciamientos, modificaciones y gestión de programas de mantenimiento, ofrece apoyo de post mercado de clase mundial para operadores de aeronaves militares en más de 60 países. Con base de operaciones en California, Aero Precision es proveedor de inventarios certificado por ISO 9001-2008/ AS 9120. Sus plataformas de especialización incluyen aviones de combate, de transporte y rotatorios; Líneas de apoyo en productos Nuevos de Fábrica incluyen CSDs/ADGs, GENs, EPUs, iluminación y otros. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 13 exhibitor profiles AERO KOOL CORPORATION 1495 SE 10 Avenue Hialeah, FL 33010 USA tel: +1-305-887-6912 / fax: +1-305-885-2828 www.aerokool.com North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles ALASKA STRUCTURES 9024 Vanguard Drive, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99507 USA tel: +1-888-370-1800 / fax: +1-910-323-0839 www.alaskastructures.com BOOTH C27 CONTACTS: Colleen Cullen, Sales; cc@alaskastructures.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, GROUND HANDLING/GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, FABRICATED STRUCTURE – OTHER, HANGAR SPACE, SAFETY & RESCUE (SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT) Alaska Structures Inc. (AKS) is the World’s Leader in Fabric Shelter Systems. AKS products are built to meet our company motto, “Quality Taken To Extremes.” For over 36 years AKS products have been tested and proven in over 50 countries. Since 1999, AKS has delivered over 30,000 shelters and 15,000 ECUs to the U.S. military, NATO Forces and foreign militaries. Alaska Structures Inc. (AKS) es el líder mundial en Sistemas Textiles de Protección. Los productos AKS se fabrican para cumplir nuestro lema: “Calidad Llevada a Extremos”. Por más de 36 años los productos AKS han sido examinados y probados en más de 50 países. Desde 1999, AKS ha entregado más de 30.000 carpas y 15.000 ECUs a las fuerzas armadas de USA, de la OTAN y de países extranjeros. ARINC AEROSPACE 6400 S.E. 59th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73135 USA tel: +1-405-605-7038 / fax: +1-405-601-6008 email: cclark@arinc.com www.arinc.com/aerospace.html BOOTH O40 CONTACTS: Mr. Gilbert “Tom” Byrd, Int’l Business Development Director gbyrd@arinc.com Mr. Carlton “Doug” Dawson, Int’l Business Development Director cdawson@arinc.com Mr. Robert A. Moore, Senior Mgmt Director of Business Development rmoore@arinc.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT MODIFICATIONS, MAINTENANCE/ OVERHAUL, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN, LOGISTICS/WAREHOUSING/ DISTRIBUTION, TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION/AUTHORING/PUBLICATIONS 14 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 ARIZONA COMMERCE AUTHORITYbOOTH C53 333 N. Central Ave., Suite 1900 Phoenix, AZ 85004 USA tel: +1-602-845-1257 / fax: +1-602-845-1200 email: fernando@azcommerce.com www.azcommerce.com CONTACTS: Mr. Fernando Jimenez, VP of International fernando@azcommerce.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: GOVERNMENT/GOVERNMENT AGENCY The Arizona Commerce Authority spearheads the state’s efforts to attract new business and expand businesses already excelling in the state. It’s led by a group of the most formidable, visionary private and public-sector minds in Arizona, coupled with the most talented staff implementing the strategy. We “speak” business, to ensure your business is not just thriving, it’s exceeding expectations. La Autoridad de Comercio de Arizona lidera los esfuerzos del estado para atraer nuevos negocios y expandir negocios que ya destacan en el estado. Está liderado por un grupo de las más formidables y visionarias mentes de los sectores público y privado en Arizona, unidos con el más talentoso equipo de personas que implementa la estrategia. Hablamos el lenguaje de negocios, para asegurar que su negocio no esté solamente progresando, sino excediendo las expectativas. ARMOR WORKS 305 N. 54th Street Chandler, AZ 85226 USA tel: +1-480-598-5700 x1040 email: wfore@armorworks.com www.armorworks.com BOOTH C53 CONTACTS: Mr. William Fore, Senior Sales Representative; wfore@armorworks.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: BODY ARMORS, AIRCRAFT ARMORS, DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY ArmorWorks, founded in 1996, develops and manufactures advanced armor and survivability products for military, law enforcement, and first responders. ArmorWorks is a leader in the research, engineering, design, development, testing and validation of energy attenuating technologies and associated survivability solutions. The company’s advanced technology products include body armor, vehicle and aircraft armor, blast attenuating troop seats, blast containment products, and barrier systems. ArmorWorks, fundada en 1996, desarrolla y fabrica productos de armadura y supervivencia para fuerzas armadas, policías y primeros respondedores. ArmorWorks es líder en investigación, ingeniería, diseño, desarrollo, testeo, y validación de tecnologías atenuadoras de energía, y soluciones de supervivencia asociadas. Los productos de tecnología avanzada de la empresa incluyen armadura personal, armadura de vehículos y aeronaves, asientos atenuadores de explosionas para tropas, productos para contención de explosiones y sistemas de barreras. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 15 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles ATK BOOTH C32 exhibitor profiles 7480 Flying Cloud Drive Minneapolis, MN 55344 USA tel: +1-952-351-3025 / fax: +1-952-351-3058 www.atk.com CONTACTS: Mrs. Cathy Rude, Trade Show Manager; cathy.rude@atk.com ATK develops and manufactures materials and products that support mission-critical applications for our defense, aerospace, and security and sporting customers. We are the world’s leading manufacturer of rocket motor systems and the top producer of small and medium caliber ammunition and medium caliber integrated weapon systems. We are developing the next-generation of GPS-guided mortar and artillery projectiles. The company also has extensive experience in facility management and modernization. ATK desarrolla y fabrica materiales y productos que apoyan aplicaciones misióncrítica para nuestros clientes en defensa, aeroespacio, y seguridad y deportes. Somos el fabricante líder en el mundo de sistemas de motores a propulsión y el principal fabricante de munición de pequeño y mediano calibre y de sistemas de armas integrados de mediano calibre. Estamos desarrollando la próxima generación de proyectiles para mortero y artillería guiados por GPS. La compañía tiene también vasta experiencia en gestión y modernización de instalaciones. AVENTURE AVIATION 108 International Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 USA tel: +1-770-632-7930 / fax: +1-770-632-7931 email: info@aventureaviation.com www.aventureaviation.com BOOTH C30A INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Aventure Aviation Middle East Dubai Airport Free Zone, Dubai UAE tel: +971-50-6569688 email: walidhz@aventureaviation.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ACCESSORIES Aventure Aviation offers highest quality aviation products and services. Since over 10 years, established as a leading aviation parts supplier and services company through continuous expansion of its resources and facilities. Available around-the-clock for Aircraft On Ground (AOG) and routine commercial and military aircraft spares, parts distributorship and customized Parts Repair & Overhaul management programs and solutions for Customers across the globe. Aventure is fully ASA-100 accredited. Aventure Aviation ofrece productos y servicios de máxima calidad para la aviación. Desde hace más de 10 años se ha establecido como una compañía líder en suministro de productos y servicios a través de la continua expansión de sus recursos e instalaciones. Está disponible las 24 horas con programas de gestión y soluciones diseñados a la medida para sus clientes en todo el globo para Aeronaves En Tierra (AOG) y repuestos de rutina para aeronaves comerciales y militares, distribución de partes, y gestión de la Mantención y Revisión de Componentes. Aventure está plenamente acreditada en ASA-100. 16 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles AVIALL, A BOEING COMPANY BOOTH C51 exhibitor profiles 2750 Regent Boulevard, PO Box 619048 DFW Airport, TX 75261 USA tel: +1-972-586-1000 / fax: +1-972-586-1922 email: kwilliamson@aviall.com www.aviall.com CONTACTS: Mr. Paul Musiet, National Account Manager paul.musiet@aviall.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Aviall - Latin America Support 3200 West Prospect Road Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-2587 USA tel: +1-954-625-3930 / fax: +1-954-625-3931 email: ygonsalves@aviall.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT ENGINES, AIRCRAFT GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, AIRCRAFT LIGHTING, BATTERIES, ENGINE COMPONENTS/CONTROLS Aviall, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company, distributes new aviation products for over 240 manufacturers and offers approximately 2,000,000 catalog items from 40 customer service centers around the globe. Aviall provides maintenance for aviation batteries, wheels and brakes, as well as hose manufacturing, kitting and paint-mixing services. Aviall, una subsidiaria propiedad de la compañía Boeing, distribuye productos nuevos de aviación para más de 240 fabricantes y ofrece un catálogo de aproximadamente 2.000.000 ítems desde 40 centros de servicio al cliente alrededor del globo. Aviall proporciona mantenimiento para baterías, ruedas y frenos de aviación, como también servicios de fabricación de mangueras, de preparación de kits y de mezcla de pinturas. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 17 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles BELL HELICOPTER P.O. Box 482 Fort Worth, TX 76101 USA tel: +1-817-280-6666 / fax: +1-817-278-6666 www.bellhelicopter.com BOOTH C3-C4-C5-C6 CONTACTS: Mr. Orlando Alaniz, Sales Manager, Latin America oalaniz@bellhelicopter.textron.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Eagle Copters South America S.A., Chile tel: +56-2 228 0500 email: mbusquets@eaglecopters.cl PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN, HELICOPTER PARTS, HELICOPTER SERVICES, TRAINING Bell Helicopter is an industry-leading producer of commercial and military, manned and unmanned vertical-lift aircraft and the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for world-class customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell Helicopter’s global workforce serves customers flying Bell aircraft in more than 120 countries. Bell Helicopter es un productor líder en la industria de aeronaves comerciales y militares de despegue vertical, tripulados y no tripulados, y pionera de la revolucionaria aeronave de motor basculante. Reconocida globalmente por su servicio de clase mundial a clientes, por la innovación y calidad superior, el personal de Bell Helicopter en todo el mundo atiende a clientes que operan aeronaves Bell en más de 120 países. BOEINGbOOTH C25 100 North Riverside Chicago, IL 60606-1596 USA tel: +1-312-544-2000 www.boeing.com CONTACTS: Ms. Marcia Costley, International Communications marcia.b.costley@boeing.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL, SATELLITE SYSTEMS, SPACE SYSTEMS Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company and largest and most versatile manufacturer of commercial and military aircraft. Boeing designs, manufactures, and supports aircraft, unmanned vehicles, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites and advanced communication systems. Boeing also is a major service provider to NASA for the space shuttle and International Space Station. Boeing es la compañía aeroespacial líder en el mundo y el mayor y más versátil fabricante de aeronaves comerciales y militares. Boeing diseña, fabrica y da soporte para aeronaves, vehículos no tripulados, sistemas electrónicos y de defensa, satélites y sistemas de comunicación avanzados. Boeing es también un proveedor principal de servicios a NASA para el trasbordador espacial y para la Estación Espacial Internacional. 18 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 Exhibit with Confidence PRODUCT & SERVICE INDEX PRODUCT & SERVICE PRODUCT & SERVICE AT THE WORLD’S LEADING AEROSPACE, DEFENSE AND MARITIME EVENTS FIDAE 2012 March 27-April 1, 2012 Santiago, CHILE DEFEXPO 2012 March 29-April 1, 2012 New Delhi, INDIA FARNBOROUGH 2012 July 9-15, 2012 Farnborough, UK MSPO 2012 September 3-6, 2012 Kielce, POLAND AFRICA A&D 2012 September 19-23, 2012 Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA JAPAN 2012 October 9-14, 2012 Nagoya, JAPAN EURONAVAL 2012 October 22-26, 2012 Paris, FRANCE AIRSHOW CHINA 2012 November 13-18, 2012 Zhuhai, CHINA MILIPOL QATAR 2012 November 26-28, 2012 Doha, QATAR EXPONAVAL 2012 December 4-7, 2012 Valparaiso, CHILE AERO INDIA 2013 February 6-11, 2013 Bengaluru, INDIA AVALON 2013 February 26 - March 3, 2013 Geelong, AUSTRALIA PARIS AIR SHOW 2013 June 17-23, 2013 Paris, FRANCE MAKS 2013 August 19-24, 2013 Moscow, RUSSIA MSPO 2013 Dates TBD Kielce, POLAND MILIPOL PARIS 2013 Dates TBD Paris, FRANCE DUBAI AIRSHOW 2013 November 17-21, 2013 Dubai, UAE Helping U.S. Companies Exhibit with Confidence™ Around the World 4 North Street, Suite 800, Waldwick, NJ 07463 | Tel: +1-201-251-2600 | www.kallman.com 19 The official guide to u.s. exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles BRISTOW ACADEMY 365 Golden Knights Blvd Titusville, FL 32780 USA tel: +1-321-289-5153 www.heli.com BOOTH C12B CONTACTS: Mr. Jose Angel Maldonado, Business Development Mgr, Latin America jose.maldonado@bristowgroup.com Mr. Felix Rodriguez, Military Training Program Manager felix.rodriguez@bristowgroup.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: TRAINING, EDUCATION / TRAINING Bristol Academy is one of the main helicopter flying training schools in the USA. We are accredited by ACCSC and FAA and JAA. The military training program (MTP) is an independent division of the school that offers flight training at very high standardization levels. Courses are designed according to USA military forces standards. Bristow Academy es una de las principales escuelas de formación de vuelo en helicóptero de EE UU. Estamos acreditados por la ACCSC y aprobado por la FAA y la JAA. El programa de entrenamiento militar(MTP)es una división independiente de la escuela que ofrece entrenamiento de vuelo a unos niveles de estandarizacion muy altos. Los cursos estan diseñados de acuerdo a los estandares de las fuerzas armadas de EE UU. Nuestros instructores tienen la capacidad de entrenar con lentes de visores nocturnos. BUSINESS OREGON 121 SW Salmon #205 Portland, OR 97204 USA tel: +1-503-229-6056 / fax: +1-503-222-5050 email: alexa.hamilton@state.or.us www.oregon4biz.com BOOTH C41 CONTACTS: Ms. Alexa Hamilton, Global Trade Specialist alexa.hamilton@state.or.us PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: GOVERNMENT/GOVERNMENT AGENCY Advanced Manufacturing is at the heart of Oregon’s economy, with more than 10 percent of all private-sector jobs statewide found in this key industry sector. As technology and markets have evolved over the decades, Oregon’s highly competitive manufacturing industry has continued to innovate and prosper. Many of Oregon’s manufacturing firms compete globally, in goods such as composites, fabricated metal, security systems and aviation equipment.Visit Business Oregon at www.oregon4biz.com. Advance Manufacturing está en el corazón de la economía de Oregon, con más de 10 por ciento de los empleos del sector privado en este sector clave de la industria. A medida que la tecnología y los mercados han evolucionado a través de las décadas, la industria manufacturera de Oregon, altamente competitiva, ha seguido innovando y prosperando. Muchas de las firmas manufactureras de Oregon compiten globalmente, en bienes tales como compuestos, metal fabricado, sistemas de seguridad y equipamiento de aviación.Visite Business Oregon en www.oregon4biz.com. 20 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles CAVIMAR AEROSPACE LTDA BOOTH C43 exhibitor profiles Ignacio Echeverria # 8708 La Cisterna, Santiago Chile tel: +1-56-2-7604832 email: rbaquedano@cavimaraerospace.com www.cavimaraerospace.com CONTACTS: Mr. Floridor Aravena Hurtado, Director Sales & Marketing faravena@cavimaraerospace.com Mr. Raul Baquedano Pavez, Director Manager Engineering Support rbaquedano@cavimaraerospace.com Mr. Oscar Guinez, Director Business Development oguinez@cavimaraerospace.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: O.G.AVIATION INC. 2695 Diab Street Ville Saint Laurent Montreal, Quebec H4S 1E7 Canada tel: +1-514-9568881 x203 fax: +1-514-9568885 email: oguinez@ogaviation.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ENGINE REPAIR/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE/ MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING AND CONSULTANCY, TECHNICAL SERVICES/SUPPORT, SPARE PARTS, NDT (NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING) CAVIMAR AEROSPACE LTDA., is an D.G.A.C # 511 approved Repair Station, with capability to repair all small and medium size Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A and PT6T engines and associated accessories. At CAVIMAR AEROSPACE we not only provide engineering services and repair the engines, we also provide field service support and supply spare parts as requested by our customers. Engine technicians support AOG engine emergencies in addition to most scheduled and unscheduled events. CAVIMAR AEROSPACE LTDA es una Estación de Reparación aprobada por D.G.A.C # 511, con capacidad para reparar motores pequeños y de mediano tamaño Pratt and Whitney Canadá PT6A y PT6T y los accesorios asociados. En CAVIMAR AEROSPACE no solamente estamos haciendo ingeniería de servicios y reparación de motores: también entregamos apoyo en terreno y abastecemos repuestos de acuerdo a los requerimientos de nuestros clientes. Equipos de técnicos en motores atienden emergencias de AOG además de la mayoría de eventos programados y no programados. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 21 North American Exhibitor profiles COLT DEFENSE LLCbOOTH C22A exhibitor profiles PO Box 118 Hartford, CT 06141 USA tel: +1-800-244-1357 / fax: +1-860-244-1381 email: mfehmel@colt.com www.colt.com CONTACTS: Mr. Jeffrey Radziwon, Dir. Sales & Marketing jradziwon@colt.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT/SPARE PARTS, WEAPON INTERFACE, ACCESSORIES, TRAINING Colt rifles and carbines are the only 5.56mm (.223 Rem) weapon systems in the world that have been truly battle-tested under every condition that may be encountered on the diverse battlefields of the 21st century. The quality and dependability of Colt weapon systems in the field have all contributed to an outstanding record of success. Los rifles y carabinas Colt son los únicos sistemas de armas de 5.6 mm (.223 Rem) que han sido realmente probados en combate en todas las condiciones que se pueden encontrar en los diversos campos de batalla del siglo 21. La calidad y confiabilidad de los sistemas de armas Colt en el terreno han contribuido todos a una extraordinaria historia de éxitos. CONDOR OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. BOOTH C47 5268 Rivergrade Rd Irwindale, CA 91706 USA tel: +1-626-358-3270 / fax: +1-626-303-3383 email: info@condoroutdoor.com www.condoroutdoor.com CONTACTS: Mr. Andy Chen, Marketing Manager info@condoroutdoor.com Specialize in tactical vest, plate carrier, modular pouches, packs...etc. From over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry, Condor has established great business relationships with over 1,000 retail dealers throughout the United States and Canada. Condor gear are also available through our international dealers from Germany, France, Italy, UK, Japan and many more. Especializado en vestimentas tácticas, porta armaduras, estuches modulares, mochilas…etc. A partir de más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria de equipos tácticos/outdoor, Condor ha establecido excelentes relaciones comerciales con más de 1.000 minoristas a través de los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los equipos Condor están disponibles también a través de nuestros distribuidores internacionales en Alemania, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, Japón y muchos más. 22 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH D1-D2 CONTACTS: Mr. Rui Almeida, Regional Sales Director; R.almeida@socata.daher.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AEROSPACE SERVICES, AIRCRAFT SALES/LEASING/ CHARTERS, AIRCRAFT/SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT, AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN DAHER is a European integrated equipment and services supplier. In addition to aerospace, DAHER specializes in three other sectors: nuclear, defense and industries. DAHER is developing in three fields of expertise: manufacturing, services and transport, which enable it to offer a comprehensive package. DAHER-SOCATA is one of the world’s leading general aviation manufacturers, with more than 17,000 aircraft built since its creation as Morane-Saulnier in 1911. Current products include the TBM 850. DAHER es un proveedor integrado de equipos y servicios en Europa. Además de lo aeroespacial, DAHER se especializa en tres otros sectores: nuclear, defensa e industrias. DAHER se está desarrollando en tres campos de expertisaje: fabricación, servicios y transporte, lo que le permite ofrecer paquetes integrados. DAHER-SOCATA es uno de los fabricantes líderes en el mundo en aviación general, con más de 17.000 aeronaves construidas desde su creación como Morane-Saulnier en 1911. Los productos actuales incluyen el TBM 850. DAKOTA AIR PARTS INTL., Inc 1801 23rd Ave N, Suite 119 Fargo, ND 58102 USA tel: +1-701-297-9999 / fax: +1-701-297-9991 email: tradeshow@dakotaairparts.com www.dakotaairparts.com BOOTH C34 We support: AH-1, CH-47, OH-6, UH-1, and UH-60 military helicopter platforms; Bell Helicopter’s 206, 205, 212, 407, and 412; MD Helicopters 500 series; and T53 turbines. We are excited to announce a strategic alliance with ASI Services, a world class FAA & EASA approved repair station concentrating on MRO services for the Rolls-Royce 250 series turbine engines and Bell Helicopter components. Our partnership with ASI represents continued commitment to providing quality service to our customers. Atendemos plataformas de helicópteros militares AH-1, CH-47, UH-1 y UH-60; helicópteros Bell 206, 205,212, 407 y 412: helicópteros MD serie 500; y turbinas T53. Con entusiasmo anunciamos una alianza estratégica con ASI Services, una estación de reparaciones de clase mundial aprobada por FAA y EASA, que se concentra en servicios MRO para la serie Rolls Royce 250 de motores a turbina y componentes Bell Helicopter. Nuestra asociación con ASI representa un compromiso ininterrumpido para proveer servicio de calidad a nuestros clientes. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 23 exhibitor profiles DAHER SOCATA 7501 S Airport Road Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 USA tel: +1-954-893-1400 email: m.moore@socata.daher.com www.tbm850.com North American Exhibitor profiles DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT INC.bOOTH C22 exhibitor profiles 45681 Oakbrook Court #107 Sterling,VA 20166 USA tel: +1-703-766-1700 / fax: +1-703-766-1701 email: Sales@defense-tech.com www.defense-tech.com CONTACTS: Franck Benzaria, President, Maria Badillo, Sr.Vice President Defense Technology Equipment DTE Cage:0ZTG3 is the leader in aftermarket support of components, rotables and consumables in the aerospace industry and a preferred partner for the world’s Armed Forces. Far more than a supplier and spare parts distributor, our knowledge, expertise and inventory enables DTE to develop PBL maintenance programs to manage from Nose to Tail the entire supply chain and control cost. DTE’s growing capabilities allows to support: F-16 F-5 C-130 L-100 P-3 A-37, Casa, Boeing700’s, and Chinook CH-47, Bell all series, Sikorsky UH-60 & Eurocopter. DTE is ISO9001:2000Certified, mfg. MIL-Spec life support equipment, offers Repair Mgmnt. is registered with US Dept. of State, Dept.of Defense & DLA. Unmatched capabilities & resourcefulness for hard to find items. Our mission: to achieve Just in time Delivery, to deliver quality, the best aftermarket support & supply chain mgmt. & to satisfy our clients needs keeping the fleets ready to fly. Defense Technology Equipment Inc.(DTE) es el líder en el mercado e industria aeronáutica desde 1989. DTE ofrece toda una amplia gama de componentes, rotables, servicios de apoyo logístico, servicio de reparación de componentes hasta soluciones de integración que permiten apoyar todas sus necesidades.DTE cuenta con una trayectoria de 21 años en la industria aeronáutica y se especializa en brindar apoyo logístico desde la punta a la cola para aeronaves militares. DTE apoya Aeronaves: F-16, , F-5, C-130, L-100, P-3, A-37, Casa- 212, Boeing 700’s,Bell Helicopteros, Sikorsky UH-60, Chinook CH-47, y Eurocopter. DTE Dispone de inventarios en bodega que permiten ofrecer soluciones rápidas y flexibles, Fabrica equipo de supervivencia y apoyo de acuerdo con lasespecificaciones MIL-Specs. Nuestra misión es lograr una entrega a tiempo, proveer soluciones con efectividad de costos siempre manteniendo la mejor calidad en el mercado y obtener la total satisfacción de nuestros clientes al mantener sus flotas volando. 24 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles DHS SYSTEMS INT BOOTH O35 exhibitor profiles Ramsden Road Rotherwas Ind Est Hereford, Herefodrshire HR2 6NP UK tel: +44-1432 277 197 / fax: +44-1432 277 375 email: info@drashint.com www.drashint.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: GROUND HANDLING/GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, DISPLAY SYSTEMS, DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, ACCESSORIES, AUXILIARY POWER, SHELTER SYSTEMS, SOFT-WALLED SHELTER SYSTEMS, ENERGY EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS DHS Systems International is the international subsidiary of DHS Technologies LLC, serving customers stretching across the globe. For more than 25 years, DHS Technologies and its American subsidiary, DHS Systems LLC have been the world leaders of soft-walled shelter technology – serving military, medical, government and civilian agencies alike. DHS Systems International sells numerous products from its parent company’s DRASH and Reeves EMS brands while also offering its own unique product line. DHS Systems International es la subsidiaria internacional de DHS Technologies LLC, atendiendo a clientes esparcidos por todo el globo. Por más de 25 años, DHS y su subsidiaria en los Estadios Unidos DHS Systems LLC, han sido los líderes mundiales en tecnologías de abrigo de paredes blandas, - atendiendo por igual a agencias militares, médicas, de gobierno y civiles. DKS Systems International vende numerosos productos de las marcas DRASH y Reeves EMS ofreciendo a la vez su propia y única línea de productos. 26 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C31 CONTACTS: Mr. Bill Hampton, Associate V.P., Marketing & Enrollment; bill.hampton@erau.edu INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: European Regional Office CMR 429, APO AE 09054-0429 tel: +49-631-30327811 / email: europe.rdo@erau.edu Asia Office Tampines Central Post Office P.O. Box 131 915202 Singapore tel: +65-6680-2410 / email: asia@erau.edu Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the world’s largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace, is a nonprofit, independent institution offering more than 40 baccalaureate, master’s, and Ph.D. degree programs in its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Aviation, Business, and Engineering. Embry-Riddle educates students at residential campuses in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz., and through the Worldwide Campus with more than 150 locations worldwide. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, la mayor universidad acreditada del mundo especializada en aviación y aeroespacio, es una institución independiente, sin fin de lucro que ofrece mas de 40 programas para los grados de bachillerato, master, y Ph.D. en sus escuelas de Artes y Ciencias, Aviación, Negocios e Ingeniería. Embry-Riddle educa estudiantes en campus residenciales en Daytona Beach, Florida, y Prescott, Arizona, y a través del Mundialmente Campus con más de 150 locales en todo el mundo. ENTERPRISE FLORIDA 325 John Knox Road Atrium Building, Suite 201 Tallahassee, FL 32303 USA tel: +1-850-298-6632 / fax: +1-850-298-6659 email: kcooksey@eflorida.com www.eflorida.com BOOTH C31 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT/ GOVERNMENT AGENCY EFI’s mission is to diversify Florida’s economy and create better-paying jobs for its citizens by supporting, attracting and helping to create globally competitive businesses in innovative, high-growth industries. The focus is on a wide range of sectors including aviation/aerospace, emerging technologies, financial/professional services, homeland security/defense, information technology, life sciences, and manufacturing. La misión de EFI es diversificar la economía de Florida y crear empleos mejor pagados para sus ciudadanos a través de apoyar, atraer y ayudar a crear negocios globalmente competitivos en industrias innovadoras, de alto crecimiento. El foco está en un amplio rango de sectores incluyendo aviación, aeroespacio, tecnologías emergentes, servicios financieros/profesionales, seguridad/defensa del territorio, tecnología de información, ciencias de la vida, y manufacturas. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 27 exhibitor profiles EMBRY RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900 USA tel: +1-386-226-4808 / fax: +1-386-323-5078 worldwide.erau.edu North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles ESRI 380 New York St. Redlands, CA 92373 USA tel: +1-909-793-2853 / fax: +1-909-793-5953 www.esri.com/defense BOOTH C28 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Esri Chile S.A. Marchant Pereira 201, piso 9 Santiago 7500531 Chile tel: +56-2-481 9000 / fax: +56-2-481 9099 email: info@esri-chile.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, DATA MANAGEMENT, OTHER, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE AEROSPACE & DEFENSE INDUSTRY, SOFTWARE (DESIGN/INTEGRATION/SERVICES/ TESTING) Esri supports the design and development of geospatial applications in defense and intelligence organizations. These applications include C2, ISR, and decision support. Esri’s innovative server, desktop and mobile technology fuses geospatial data in a common operating picture to create, visualize, and analyze complex datasets in a standards-based, interoperable environment. Esri apoya el diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones geoespaciales en organizaciones de defensa y de inteligencia. Estas aplicaciones incluyen C2, ISR y apoyo a decisiones. La innovadora tecnología de Esri en servidores, equipos de escritorio y móviles fusiona la información geoespacial en un cuadro operacional común para crear, visualizar y analizar complejos conjuntos de información en un ambiente interoperable, basado en estándares. 28 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C54 CONTACTS: Mr. Kleber Ferreira, Regional Mktg Manager; kleber.ferreira@flightsafety.com Mr. Willy Vargas, Regional Marketing Manager; willy.vargas@flightsafety.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Mexico Sales Office Calle 4 - Hangar 14, Lote 35 Aeropuerto Internationalde Toluca Toluca, Estado de Mexico 50200 Mexico tel: +52-722-273-1409 / fax: +52-722-273-1408 Brazil Sales Office R. Monsenhor Antonio Pepe, 94 Parque Jabaquara Sao Paulo, SP 04357-080 Brazil tel: +55-11-5582-9159 / fax: +55-11-5582-9496 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: EDUCATION / TRAINING, SIMULATORS/SIMULATOR TRAINING, TRAINING, DISPLAY SYSTEMS FlightSafety International is the world’s premier professional aviation training company and supplier of flight simulators, visual systems and displays to commercial, government and military organizations. We provide more than a million hours of training each year to pilots, technicians and other aviation professionals. FlightSafety operates the world’s largest fleet of advanced full flight simulators at our extensive worldwide network of Learning Centers. FlightSafety International es la principal empresa del mundo en entrenamiento profesional en aviación y en provisión de simuladores de vuelo, sistemas visuales y displays para organizaciones comerciales y militares. Cada año entregamos más de un millón de horas de entrenamiento a pilotos, técnicos y otros profesionales de la aviación. FlightSafety opera la mayor flota del mundo de simuladores avanzados de vuelo total en nuestra extensa red mundial de Centros de Aprendizaje. FLIR SYSTEMSbOOTH c23 27700A SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070 USA tel: +1-800-727-3547 email: rory.forsythe@flir.com www.flir.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: CAMERA SYSTEMS, INFRARED SYSTEMS/CAMERAS FLIR Systems, Inc. is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of sensor systems that enhance perception and awareness. The Company’s advanced thermal imaging and threat detection systems are used for a wide variety of imaging, thermography, and security applications. FLIR Systems, Inc. es un líder mundial en el diseño, fabricación y comercialización de sistemas sensores que incrementan la percepción y el estado de conciencia. Los avanzados sistemas de la compañía en imaginología termal y sistemas de detección de amenazas se emplean en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones en imaginología, termografía y seguridad. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 29 exhibitor profiles FLIGHT SAFETY INTERNATIONAL Marine Air Terminal LaGuardia Airport Flushing, NY 11371-1061 USA tel: +1-718-565-4100 / fax: +1-718-565-4134 email: sales@flightsafety.com www.flightsafety.com North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles FRASCA INTERNATIONAL, inc. 906 Airport Road Urbana, IL 61802 USA tel: +1-217-344-9200 / fax: +1-217-344-9207 email: jprichard@frasca.com www.frasca.com BOOTH C29 CONTACTS: Mr. Joel Prichard, Sales Director; jprichard@frasca.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: SIMULATORS/SIMULATOR TRAINING, FLIGHT TEST/FLIGHT SUPPORT With over 50 years of experience, Frasca International has earned the reputation as an industry leader in flight simulation. Frasca offers the most complete line of advanced flight simulation products available, from piston singles to jet transports to heavylift helicopters. Our broad range of simulators is made possible through innovative engineering, quality manufacturing, sound management and consistent ownership. Products include FFSs, FTDs, CPTs, AATDs, visual systems and more. Con más de 50 años de experiencia, Frasca International ha ganado su reputación como líder industrial en simulación de vuelos. Frasca ofrece la más completa línea disponible de productos de simulación, desde monomotores a pistón hasta transportes a reacción y helicópteros de carga pesada. Nuestra amplia gama de simuladores se hace posible por ingeniería innovadora, manufactura de calidad, gestión adecuada, y propiedad mantenida. Los productos incluyen FFSs, FTDs, CPTs, AATDs, sistemas visuales y mucho más. GALAXY INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1300 S Litchfield Rd, Ste 11 Goodyear, AZ 85338 USA tel: +1-623-882-2705 / fax: +1-623-882-2790 email: info@galaxyinternational.com www.galaxyinternational.com BOOTH C53 CONTACTS: Mr. Joe Arismendez, President & General Manager PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: TURBINE ENGINE COMPONENTS, REPAIR/REPAIR & OVERHAUL Galaxy International and Maricopa Controls are FAA & EASA certificated repair stations to perform turbine engine accessory component repairs. The company offers a wide range of repair capabilities for the TPE331 and PT6 engines including mechanical, electrical and hydraulic components in both civil and military applications while retaining an OEM status for turbine engine controls. Components serviced include ignition exciters, starters, oil pumps, and speed switches. www.galaxyinternational.com Galaxy International y Maricopa Controls son estaciones de reparación certificadas por FAA y EASA para realizar reparaciones de componentes accesorios de motores a turbina. La compañía ofrece un amplio espectro de capacidades de reparación para los motores TPE331 Y PT6 incluyendo componentes mecánicos, eléctricos e hidráulicos en aplicaciones tanto civiles como militares, manteniendo estatus OEM para controles de motores a turbina. Los componentes atendidos incluyen excitadores de ignición, partidores, bombas de aceite e interruptores de velocidad. www.galaxyinternational.com 30 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 Kallman Worldwide would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of the North American Pavilion the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 31 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles GE AVIATION One Neumann Way Cincinnati, OH 45215 USA tel: +1-513-243 2000 www.ge.com/aviation BOOTH C26 CONTACTS: Mr. Alberto Frauenberg; Alberto.Frauenberg@ge.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ENGINE MANUFACTURE, ENGINE REPAIR/ SERVICE/MAINTENANCE/MANAGEMENT, AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS GE Aviation, an operating unit of the General Electric Company, is a world-leading provider of jet engines, components and integrated systems for commercial and military aircraft. GE Aviation also has a global service network to support these offerings. GE Aviation, una unidad operacional de General Electric Company, es proveedor líder mundial de motores a reacción, componentes y sistemas integrados para aeronaves comerciales y militares. GE Aviation tiene también una red de servicio global para dar soporte a su oferta. GENERAL ATOMICS AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS, inc.bOOTH C20 14200 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 USA tel: +1-858-312-2810 / fax: +1-858-312-4247 www.ga-asi.com CONTACTS: Mr. Scott Dann, Director, Strategic Development Robert.Dann@ga-asi.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV), RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) is a world-class manufacturer of proven, reliable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and tactical reconnaissance radars, along with advanced high-resolution surveillance systems, including the Predator®/ Gray Eagle™ UAS series and Lynx® Multi-mode Radar system. GA-ASI provides longendurance, mission-capable aircraft with the integrated sensor and data link systems required to deliver persistent situational awareness and rapid strike capabilities. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) es un fabricante de clase mundial de Sistemas de Aeronaves No Tripuladas (UAS) probados y confiables y radares de reconocimiento tácticos, en conjunto con sistemas de vigilancia de alta resolución, incluyendo la serie Predator©/Gray Eagle UAS, y el sistema de radar Linx Multimode. GA-ASI provee aeronaves de largo alcance, capacitadas para misión, con los sistemas integrados de sensores y conexión de datos que se requieren para entregar capacidades persistentes de percepción situacional y ataque rápido. 32 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles GENERAL DYNAMICS ARMAMENT & TECHNICAL PRODUCTS, INC. BOOTH C4 exhibitor profiles 2118 Water Ridge Parkway Charlotte, NC 28217 USA tel: +1-704-714-5455 / fax: +1-704-714-8213 email: cbronson@gdatp.com www.gdatp.com CONTACTS: Mr. Kevin Sims, MGR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ksims@gdatp.com General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products, located in Charlotte, N.C., provides a broad range of system solutions for military and commercial applications. The company designs, develops and produces high-performance weapon and armament systems, defensive armor, countermeasure systems and aerospace composite solutions, as well as off-road axle and suspension systems. General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products, ubicado en Charlotte, N.C., diseña, desarrolla y produce sistemas de armas y de armamento de alto desempeño, blindaje protector, sistemas contra medidas y soluciones aeroespaciales compuestas, como también sistemas de ejes y suspensión todo terreno. GENERAL DYNAMICS LAND SYSTEMS BOOTH C7 2035 Oxford St London, Ontario N5V 2Z7 Canada tel: +1-519-964-5615 / fax: +1-519-964-5488 email: poolec@gdls.com www.gdls.com CONTACTS: Mr. Chris Poole, BD Manager poolec@gdls.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: GROUND COMBAT VEHICLES AND SYSTEMS As a preferred provider in the world of armored vehicles, General Dynamics Land Systems is committed to keep our customers in the foreground in armored forces modernization programs. Como proveedor preferido en el mundo de los vehículos blindados, General Dynamics Land Systems está comprometido a mantener a nuestros clientes a la vanguardia en los programas de modernización de las fuerzas blindadas. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 33 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles GOODRICH CORPORATION Four Coliseum Centre, 2730 West Tyvola Road Charlotte, NC 28217-4578 USA tel: +1-704-282-2500 / fax: +1-704-282-2511 www.goodrich.com BOOTH C5 CONTACTS: Mr. Ernesto Sanchez, Business Development; ernesto.sanchez@goodrich.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT Goodrich Corporation is a Fortune 500 company and global supplier of systems and services to aerospace, defense and homeland security markets. Goodrich has one of the most strategically diversified portfolios of products in the industry. Goodrich will be displaying gimbaled camera systems, rescue hoists, mission data recorders, inertial sensors, the TERPROM digital terrain system, and a health and usage management system (HUMS). www.goodrich.com Goodrich Corporation es una empresa Fortune 500, proveedor de sistemas y servicios para los mercados aeroespacial, de defensa y de seguridad del territorio. Goodrich tiene uno de los portafolios de productos más estratégicamente diversificados en la industria. Goodrich estará exhibiendo sistemas de cámaras pivoteantes, arneses de rescate, grabadores de información de misión, sensores inerciales, el sistema digital de terreno TERMPROM, y un sistema de gestión de salud y uso (HUMS). www.goodrich.com HARRIS CORPORATIONbOOTH C18 1680 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 USA tel: +1-585-241-8189 / fax: +1-585-241-8193 www.harris.com CONTACTS: Ms. Nanci Ignatowski, Trade Show /Events Manager; nignatow@harris.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Harris - Chile Pje. Los Huemules 383 Penalolen Santiago Chile tel: +56-2-3227271 / fax: +001-585-241 8193 email: rene.garcia13@harris.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT, SECURE COMMUNICAITON NETWORKS/SYSTEMS, NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, RADARS & RADOMES, RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS Harris RF Communications is the leading global supplier of secure radio communications and embedded high-grade encryption solutions for military, government and commercial organizations. The company’s Falcon family of software-defined tactical radio systems encompasses manpack, handheld and vehicular applications. Falcon III is the next-generation of radios supporting the U.S. military’s Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) requirements as well as network-centric operations worldwide. Harris RF Communications es el proveedor líder en el mundo de radiocomunicaciones seguras y soluciones de encriptamiento incorporadas de alto grado para organizaciones militares, de gobierno y comerciales. La familia Falcon de sistemas tácticos de radio definidos por software de la compañía incluye aplicaciones en mochilas, de mano y vehiculares. 34 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 absolute confidence. It’s what they need. It’s what Harris delivers. With more than a half-century of experience, Harris is the leading global supplier and innovator in tactical communications, trusted by customers in more than 150 countries. Thanks to our complete portfolio of field-proven tactical radios, turnkey integrated systems, and best-in-class support, you can have the confidence you need for every mission. Count on us for all of your critical communications needs. Visit us at: Harris.com/Confidence harris.com North American Exhibitor profiles HEMISCAN BOOTH C33 exhibitor profiles Francisco Bilbao 2829, Providencia Santiago, Region Metropolitana 7510880 Chile tel: +56-2-3628000 / fax: +56-2-2045177 www.hemiscan.cl CONTACTS: Mr. Nicanor Allende; nallende@hemisferiosur.cl Hemiscan, an Hemisferio Sur S.A. Group company, specializes in access control and image scanning systems for persons, freight and baggage. Hemiscan, empresa del grupo Hemisferio Sur S.A, especialista en control de accesos y en sistemas de escaneo de imagenes para revisión de personas, carga y equipaje. IKHANA AIRCRAFT SERVICES BOOTH C52 37260 Sky Canyon Dr., Hangar 20 Murrieta, CA 92563 USA tel: +1-951-600-0009 / fax: +1-951-600-1005 www.IKHANAgroup.com CONTACTS: Mr. Naras Alksninis, Director of Marketing balksninis@ikhanagroup.com Mr. Roy Wiley, Marketing Manager rwiley@IKHANAgroup.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT MODIFICATIONS, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN, AIRCRAFT OVERHAUL & REPAIR STATIONS, AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL IKHANA Aircraft Services provides DESIGN-BUILD-FLY solutions for aircraft modifications, heavy maintenance, major repairs, and manufacturing. IKHANA holds FAA, EASA, Transport Canada, and ANAC repair station approvals, FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA), and is a Viking Air Factory Endorsed Service Center. IKHANA has a reputation for developing unique engineered solutions across a variety of platforms with extensive experience in the DHC-6 Twin Otter, King Air, and Gulfstream airframes. IKHANA Aircraft Services provee soluciones de DISEÑO-CONSTRUCCIÓNVUELO para modificaciones de aeronaves, mantención pesada, reparaciones mayores y fabricación. IKHANA ostenta aprobaciones FAA, EASA, Transport Canada, y ANAC como estación de reparaciones; Aprobación FAA como Fabricante de Partes (PAA), y es un Centro de Servicio recomendado de Viking Air Factory. IKHANA tiene reputación por desarrollar soluciones singulares de ingeniería a través de una variedad de plataformas con amplia experiencia en armazones de aeronaves Twin Otter, King Air y Gulfstream. 36 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C45 exhibitor profiles INSITU, INC. 118 East Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 USA tel: +1-509-493-6864 / fax: +1-509-493-3771 www.insitu.com CONTACTS: Ms. Caitlin Lynch, Events Manager; caitlin.lynch@insitu.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Insitu Pacific 86 Brookes St Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 Australia tel: +61-736139411 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV), TRAINING Insitu designs, develops, produces and operates unmanned aircraft systems for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Insitu offers ScanEagle and NightEagle for day and night missions, and Integrator for rapid, robust payload integration. Serving with the global defense community since 2004, Insitu’s expeditionary, runwayindependent systems also deploy for scientific and emergency response efforts. Founded in 1994, Insitu is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company. www.insitu.com Insitu diseña, desarrolla, produce y opera sistemas aeronáuticos para inteligencia, vigilancia y reconocimiento. Insitu ofrece ScanEagle y NightEagle para misiones de día y noche, e Integrator para una rápida y robusta integración de cargas transportadas. Trabajando con la comunidad de defensa global desde 2004, los sistemas expedicionarios, pista-independientes de Insitu también se despliegan para esfuerzos científicos y de respuesta a emergencias. Fundada en 1994, Insitu es una subsidiaria de The Boeing Company. www.insitu.com the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 37 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles KALLMAN WORLDWIDE, INC.bOOTH C13, D1-D2 4 North Street, Suite 800 Waldwick, NJ 07463 USA tel: +1-201-251-2600 / fax: +1-201-251-2760 email: info@kallman.com www.kallman.com CONTACTS: Mr.Tom Kallman, President & CEO Mrs. Gerri Cozic, Director-Aerospace & Defense; gerric@kallman.com Mr. Justin Griffing, Project Manager; justing@kallman.com Kallman Worldwide, organizer of the North American Pavilion at FIDAE 2012, is recognized as one of the world’s largest, oldest, and most respected firms specializing in the marketing and management of exhibition space and services. Representing the leading international aerospace & defense shows in the world, Kallman Worldwide has been able to introduce thousands of U.S. companies to export opportunities on six continents and in more than 25 countries since 1963. Kallman Worldwide Inc. posee más de 45 años de experiencia en la organización y marketing de ferias comerciales, trabajando con las ferias líderes del negocio de la aeronáutica y defensa, y desarrollando un trabajo en conjunto con el Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos KWW ha ayudado a miles de empresas norteamericanas a potenciar y exportar sus productos a través de la participación de ellos en nuestros Pabellones Internacionales. KITCO DEFENSE 1625 North 1100 West Springville, UT 84663 USA tel: +1-801-489-2000 / fax: +1-801-489-2101 email: sales@kitcodefense.com www.kitcodefense.com BOOTH C9 CONTACTS: Mr. Ron McLean, Director, Business Development rmclean@kitcodefense.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: BEARINGS, FILTERS & ACCESSORIES, PARTS, POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION, HOSE,VALVES & FITTINGS Kitco Defense, a Wencor Group company, provides solutions for both military and OEM customers, delivering the best in aerospace solutions. Kitco Defense has a broad product offering including kitting, licensing and small business partnering that supports the military consumable market. Highly trained specialists deliver a steady flow of parts, on time, from stocking facilities throughout the world. Kitco Defense, una compañía del grupo Wencor, provee soluciones para clientes tanto militares como OEM, entregando lo mejor en soluciones aeroespaciales. Kitco Defense tiene una amplia oferta de productos incluyendo kitting, licenciamiento y asociación con pequeñas empresas que apoyan el mercado militar de consumo. Especialistas altamente entrenados entregan un flujo ininterrumpido de componentes, oportunamente, desde instalaciones de almacenamiento a través del mundo. 38 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C42 exhibitor profiles L-3 649 North Service Road Burlington, Ontario L7P 5B9 Canada tel: +1-905-633-4001 x2588 email: adrienne.corning@l-3com.com www.l-3com.com CONTACTS: Mr. John Rahe, Sales Director, Latin America john.rahe@l-3com.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: CAMERA SYSTEMS, AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEMS, DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, SAFETY & RESCUE (SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT), SENSORS & TRANSDUCERS WESCAM’s MX-Series systems continue to evolve. New features include a 1500mm spotter for a 20% increase in range, 1080p HD IR, & image blending technology. L-3 Avionics Systems provides a wide array of avionics technologies designed to improve situational awareness and enhance safety. L-3 Cincinnati Electronics (L-3 CE) is a leading manufacturer of IR imaging sensors and surveillance products which provide best in class detection, recognition and identification. Los sistemas de la serie WESCAM MX continúan progresando. Nuevas ofertas incluyen un localizador de 150mm para un 20% de aumento en el alcance, 1080p HD IR, y tecnología de mezcla de imágenes. L-3 Avionics Systems ofrece una amplia gama de tecnologías de avionica diseñadas para mejorar la percepción ambiental e incrementar la seguridad. L-3 Cincinati Electronics (L-3 CE) es un fabricante líder de sensores de imágenes IR y productos de vigilancia que ofrecen lo mejor en detección, reconocimiento e identificación de clases. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 39 North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles LAVERSAB, INC. 505 Gillingham Lane Sugar Land, TX 77478 USA tel: +1-281-325-8300 / fax: +1-281-325-8399 email: sales@laversab.com www.laversab.com BOOTH C50 CONTACTS: Mr. Nandu Balsaver, President Ms. Maria Quezada; sales@laversab.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Laversab Europe Victoria Blvd. A-106 Baden Airpark, Rheinmuenster 77836 Germany tel: (49) 7229-661-200 / fax: (49) 7229-661-201 email: nataliel@laversab.com Laversab Asia-Pacific Number 69, 2F. He-Shuen Street, Sijhih, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. tel: +866 9-1041-0671 email: aravindk@laversab.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, TESTING EQUIPMENT AIRCRAFT, SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC, EQUIPMENT AVIATION, AIRCRAFT TESTING EQUIPMENT LAVERSAB, INC. Manufactures RVSM compliant Pitot Static Testers and Air Data Test Sets. Laversab’s reliable, affordable and innovative products are supported by a worldwide network of distributors and service centers, providing outstanding service LAVERSAB , INC. fabrica Probadores Estáticos de Pitot y equipos de Air Data Test que satisfacen normas RVSM. Los productos confiables, económicos e innovadores de Laversab son respaldados por una red mundial de distribuidores y centros de servicio que proveen un servicio excepcional. 40 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 LIND ELECTRONICSbOOTH C19 6414 Cambridge St. Minneapoles, MN 55426 USA tel: +1-952-927-6303 / fax: +1-952-927-7740 email: info@lindelectronics.com www.lindelectronics.com CONTACTS: Mr. Eric Wilson, Sales Manager; ewilson@lindelectronics.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Marcus Eisele Asternweg 4/2, Neuhausen 73765 Germany tel: +1-49-71589875460 / fax: +1-49-15208561191 email: meisele@lindelectronics.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: COMPUTERS, AUXILIARY POWER, CONNECTOR ACCESSORIES ELECTRICAL CABLE ACCESSORIES/ELECTRICAL HARNESSES, WIRE/ WIRE ROPE/CABLE MARKING/WIRING HARNESSES/CABLE ASSEMBLY Lind Electronics is a leading manufacturer of Rugged power adapters, auxiliary power packs, Shut Down Timers, battery chargers and stock/custom cables designed to meet the needs of mobile computer users. Lind Electronics is a direct supporter and OEM supplier for leading mobile computer manufacturers including Panasonic, Dell, Motion Computer, General Dynamics/Itronix, Trimble and DRS. Lind engineers and manufactures portable power products available for all leading brands of laptops. Lind Electronics es un fabricante líder de adaptadores de potencia Rugged, equipos de potencia auxiliares, Shut Down Timers, cargadores de baterías y cables estándar/a medida diseñados para atender las necesidades de usuarios de computadores móviles. Lind Electronics da asistencia directa y provee OEM para compañías líderes fabricantes de computadores móviles incluyendo Panasonic, Dell, Motion Computer, General Dynamics/ Itronix, Trimble y DRS. Lind realiza la ingeniería y produce productos portátiles de potencia disponibles para todas las marcas líderes de laptops. LOCKHEED MARTIN 1 Lockheed Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76108 USA tel: +1-817-777-6286 / fax: +1-817-762-9714 www.lockheedmartin.com BOOTH C17, C1-C2 CONTACTS: Mr. Gene Brooks, Air Show Manager; gene.b.brooks@lmco.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN, AIRCRAFT/ MANUFACTURING, RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS, RADARS & RADOMES, DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. Con casa central en Bethesda, Md, Lockheed Martin es una compañía global de seguridad que emplea unas 126.000 personas en todo el mundo y está dedicada principalmente a la investigación, diseño, desarrollo, manufactura, integración y sostenimiento de sistemas, productos y servicios de tecnología avanzada. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 41 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles LOOS & COMPANY, INC. 901 Industrial Blvd. Naples, FL 34104 USA tel: +1-239-643-5667 x207 / fax: +1-239-643-4558 www.loosnaples.com BOOTH C31B CONTACTS: Mr. Phillip Cox,VP/Sales and Marketing; pcox@loosnaples.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: CABLE ASSEMBLIES/TENSION REGULATORS, FASTENERS, WIRE/WIRE ROPE/CABLE MARKING/WIRING HARNESSES/CABLE ASSEMBLY Cableware Division, Naples, FL is an ISO9002 Certified manufacturer of Mil Spec hardware and fittings for wire rope, as well as cable swaging machinery, tools, and accessories, serving the OEM and aftermarket aircraft industry. Wire Rope Division, Pomfret, CT is an ISO9001/AS9100 Certified manufacturer of aircraft cable and wire rope to Mil-DTL 83420 as well as wire rope (cable) assemblies serving the OEM and aftermarket aircraft industry. Cableware Division, de Naples, Florida, es fabricante certificado en ISO9002 de equipos Mil Spec y fittings para cuerda de acero, como también maquinaria para estampado de cables, herramientas y accesorios, atendiendo a la industria de aviación OEM y de post mercado. Wire Rope Division, de Pomfret, CT, es un fabricante - certificado por ISO9001/AS9100 - de cable para aeronaves y cable de acero para Mil-DTL 83420 como también estructuras de cable de acero para la industria aeronáutica OEM y post mercado. MEREx, inc. 853 Via Alondra Camarillo, CA 93012 USA tel: +1-805-446-2700 / fax: +1-805-446-2800 email: sales@merexinc.com www.merexinc.com BOOTH C35 CONTACTS: Mr. Andy Shams, President; ashams@merexinc.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: SPARE PARTS, COMPONENT REPAIR/OVERHAUL, ENGINE COMPONENT OVERHAUL, ENGINE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Since 1982, Merex has built a reputation as a “Total Solutions” resource for aftermarket logistics and supply chain management for legacy military platforms. As hardware/systems age, OEM support fades and users are hard pressed to maintain a stable, quality source for their requirements. Merex addresses that supply chain deficit with its portfolio of capabilities including: supply of spare parts, contract manufacturing, repair/overhaul management, project management, and strategic distribution. Desde 1982, Merex ha construido una reputación como recurso de “Soluciones Totales” para logística de aftermarket y gestión de cadenas de abastecimiento para plataformas militares. A medida que los equipos/sistemas envejecen, el apoyo de OEM desaparece y los usuarios encuentran dificultades para mantener una fuente estable, de calidad para sus requerimientos. Merex aborda ese déficit en la cadena de abastecimiento con su portafolio de capacidades que incluyen: provisión de repuestos, fabricación bajo contrato, gestión de reparaciones y revisiones, gestión de proyectos, y distribución estratégica. 42 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 MMI OUTDOOR bOOTH O31 6101 Brewbaker Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36116 USA tel: +1-334-286-0700 / fax: +1-334-286-0711 email: rhoda@mmioutdoor.net www.mmioutdoor.net CONTACTS: Mr. Maurice Green,VP of Sales & Marketing mgreen@mmioutdoor.net PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, WEAPON CARRIAGE & RELEASE MMI Outdoor designs and manufactures an array of field shelters including the Pop Up Bed Net and the Enhanced Bed Net system that are both under contract to DLA. We are also the domestic manufacturer and military distributor of Granite Tactical Gear who designed the Chief Patrol Pack, Drag Bag, as well as an exceptional array of Individual Equipment Accessories. Working with snipers throughout the military, we also developed the DEPSOC 360 line of concealment products. MMI Outdoor diseña y fabrica una variedad de protecciones de abrigo en terreno incluyendo la Pop Up Bed Net y el sistema Enhanced Bed Net, ambos bajo contrato con DLA. Somos también los fabricantes domésticos y distribuidores militares de Granite Tactical Gear, que diseñó el Chief Patrol Pack, Drag Bag, como también una excepcional variedad de accesorios de equipamiento. Trabajando con francotiradores en las fuerzas armadas, desarrollamos la línea DEPSOC 360 de productos para camuflaje. N-VISION OPTICS 220 Reservoir St., Ste 26 Needham, MA 02494 USA tel: +1-781-505-8360 / fax: +1-781-583-9981 email: info@nvisionoptics.com www.nvisionoptics.com BOOTH C46 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ELECTRO-OPTICS, ELECTRO-OPTIC TECHNOLOGY, INFRARED SYSTEMS/CAMERAS, RECONNAISSANCE/ SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS N-Vision Optics provides combat proven electro-optical products and technologies to Military and Law Enforcement users. N-Vision Optics specializes in night vision equipment, thermal imaging devices, targeting/illumination systems and custom optical solutions. N-Vision Optics’ customers include U.S. Armed Forces, State and Federal Law Enforcement agencies, Defense Ministries and security organizations around the world. N-Vision Optics productos y tecnologías electro-ópticas probadas en combate para usuarios militares y de policía. N-Vision Optics se especializa en equipos de visión nocturna, aparatos de imaginología térmica, sistemas de apuntamiento/iluminación y soluciones ópticas a pedido. Los clientes de N-Vision Optics incluyen las Fuerzas Armadas de USA, Agencias de Cumplimiento de la Ley Estatales y Federales, Ministerios de Defensa y organizaciones de seguridad alrededor del mundo. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 43 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles NATIONAL AIR CARGO 2300 Dulles Station Blvd, Suite 220 Herndon,VA 20171 USA tel: +1-703-539-5125 / fax: +1-703-953-3749 email: sandress@nationalaircargo.com www.nationalaircargo.com BOOTH C16A CONTACTS: Frank Losada, Business Development Manger flosada@nationalaircargo.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: FREIGHT SERVICES, GROUND HANDLING/ GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT National airlines and National Air Cargo - provide unrivalled turnkey solutions for transport of people and cargo, anywhere in the world, on time every time. Our tailored solutions meet your specifications and timings, with no requirement to stick to rigid preexisting schedules. We meet customer requirements while upholding the highest standards of safety and quality. National specializes in short notice and challenging air transport problems. www.Nationalaircargo.Com / 716.631.0011. National Airlines y National Air Cargo proveen inigualables soluciones llave-en-mano para el transporte de personas y carga, en cualquier parte del mundo, siempre puntuales. Nuestras soluciones a la medida cumplen sus especificaciones y horarios previstos, sin exigencia de atenerse a rígidos horarios pre-existentes. Atendemos los requerimientos de los clientes manteniendo al mismo tiempo los mayores estándares de calidad y seguridad. National se especializa en problemas de transporte urgentes y desafiantes. NEWCON OPTIK 105 Sparks Ave Toronto, Ontario M2H 2S5 Canada tel: +1-416-663-6963 / fax: +1-416-663-9065 email: newconsales@newcon-optik.com www.newcon-optik.com BOOTH C44 CONTACTS: Mr. Jaime Garcia, International Sales Manager jgarcia@newcon-optik.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, ELECTRO-OPTICS, LASER TECHNOLOGY, OPTRONIC SYSTEMS Newcon Optik designs, manufactures and distributes night vision monoculars and goggles, Thermal goggles, monoculars and riflescopes, laser rangefinders and speed detectors (standalone units and modules), stabilized binoculars, laser rangefinder modules for system integration, including high frequency ones, and other electro-optical devices for professional, law enforcement and military use. Registered as official supplier to NATO, US Government and UN. ISO 9001:2008 certified. Newcon Optik diseña, fabrica y distribuye monoculares y anteojos de visión nocturna, anteojos térmicos, monóculos y miras para rifles, localizadores laser y detectores de velocidad (unidades autónomas y módulos), binoculares estabilizados, módulos localizadores laser para integración de sistemas, incluyendo los de alta frecuencia, y otros aparatos electro-ópticos para uso profesional, policial y militar. Registrado como proveedor oficial de OTAN, el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos y Naciones Unidas. Certificada ISO9001:2008. 44 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 NIGHT REDINESS, LLCbOOTH C53 1351 N. Alma School Rd., Suite 265 Chandler, AZ 85224 USA tel: +1-480-821-6700 / fax: +1-480-963-7536 www.nightreadiness.com CONTACTS: Mr. Stephen Hatley, President; SHatley@nightreadiness.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Sr. Gregory Gilmour, Altec Ltda. Av. Kennedy 5735 Of. 1106 Santiago, Las Condes Chile tel: +56-2-202-0884 / fax: +56-2-201-4783 email: ggilmour@altec-ltda.cl PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: TRAINING, SIMULATORS/SIMULATOR TRAINING, EDUCATION / TRAINING, ENHANCED VISION SYSTEMS Night Readiness brings a Night Vision Goggle (NVG) classroom training system (VTB™) which allows users to view environments with actual NVG’s for a true goggle image, but in a controlled, classroom setting. Our syllabus is designed to teach users the capabilities and limitations associated with NVG usage. Our VTB supports both aviation and ground units (new for 2012) with a training curriculum supporting all U.S. and International military programs, Law Enforcement and para public users. Night Readiness trae un sistema de entrenamiento en aula (VTBTM) para Lentes de Visión Nocturna (NVG) que permite a los usuarios visualizar ambientes con NVG reales para tener imágenes verdaderas, pero en un ambiente controlado, de aula. Nuestro syllabus está diseñado para enseñar a los usuarios las capacidades y limitaciones asociadas con el uso de NVG. Nuestro VTB respalda unidades tanto de aviación como de terreno (novedad para 2012) con un currículo de entrenamiento que respalda todos los programas militares de USA e internacionales, de agencias de policía y usuarios públicos. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 45 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles NIGHTLINE, INC. 300 Industrial Drive Mountain City, TN 37683 USA tel: +1-423-727-5900 / fax: +1-423-727-6948 email: l.grasheim@nightline.us www.nightline.us BOOTH C40 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: SIGHTING EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, TRAINING, SURVEILLANCE AND ACCESS CONTROL Nightline is a US Veteran Owned certified SBA HUBZone company providing night vision systems, laser devices and tactical equipment to military and law enforcement personnel. Our staff of former military members schooled in Night Operations and Counter Insurgency provides tactical and equipment training in our training facility located in Tennessee. Nightline es una compañía SBA HUBZone certificada, propiedad de Veteranos US, que provee sistemas de visión nocturna, aparatos laser y equipamiento táctico a personal de fuerzas armadas y policías. Nuestro personal, compuesto por ex militares entrenados en Operaciones Nocturnas y Contrainsurgencia entrega entrenamiento táctico y sobre equipos en nuestra instalación de entrenamiento ubicada en Tennessee. NIVISYS INDUSTRIES, LLC 400 S. Clark Drive, Suite #105 Tempe, AZ 85281 USA tel: +1-480-970-3222 / fax: +1-480-970-3555 www.nivisys.com BOOTH C53 CONTACTS: Mr. Juan Toledo; jtoledo@nivisys.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ENHANCED VISION SYSTEMS, INFRARED SYSTEMS/CAMERAS, LASER TECHNOLOGY Nivisys Industries LLC is an ISO 9001:2008 certified OEM designer, manufacturer, system integrated, and supplier of infrared thermal devices, image intensified night vision equipment, laser aiming and illumination products and multi-spectral tactical lights for aviators and dismounted operators. The products and services offered by Nivisys Industries are used extensively worldwide by experts in military, law enforcement, and government agencies. Nivisys Industries LLC es una empresa certificada por ISO9001:2008. Diseñadora, fabricante, integrada en sistemas, proveedora de aparatos térmicos infrarrojos, equipos de visión nocturna con intensificación de imagen, productos laser para puntería e iluminación y luces tácticas multi-espectrales para aviadores y operadores desmontados. Los productos y servicios ofrecidos por Nivisys son extensamente utilizados en todo el mundo por expertos en agencias militares, de policía y de gobierno. 46 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 INCREASED FUNCTIONALITY IN THE TWO MOST FIELDED NIGHT VISION SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD? YOU GOT IT! Introducing Nightline’s exclusive multi-battery NL914B™ and NL963M™. Switch between standard 1.5v AA and 3v CR123 batteries with no parts to change out, no field modifications to the system. Just drop them in and go. Stop by booth C40 for information. RAISING THE STANDARD OF NIGHT VISION monocular ™ night vision B 14 L9 N d an sion goggle t adapter) 63M™ night vi tical alignmen op ns Le Nightline’s NL9 o er Z the (pictured with www.nightline.us info@nightline.us North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles ORDNANCE TECHNOLOGIES (NA), INC. 7380 Sand Lake Rd., Suite 360 Orlando, FL 32819 USA tel: +1-407-454-4613 / fax: +1-407-354-3828 www.otnausa.com BOOTH C31A CONTACTS: Mr. Manny Bravo, Director; manny.bravo@otnausa.com Mr. Stephen Cardy, CEO; Stve.Cardy@otnausa.com Mr. Dan Miliner, Program Manager; daniel.miliner@otnausa.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE AEROSPACE & DEFENSE INDUSTRY, MISSILE SYSTEMS, DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, WEAPON INTERFACE, WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT/ SPARE PARTS Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. is recognized as a world leader in fuzing, modeling, simulation, operational planning, technical support, training and in warhead design. Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive Weapon Systems design and support capability to Prime Defense Contractors and Government Agencies. We are continuously improving our portfolio of services to be always at the leading edge and to match the dynamic and progressive demands of our industry. Ordnance Technologies (North América), Inc. es reconocida como un líder mundial en armado de espoletas (mechas), modelamiento, simulación, planeamiento operacional, soporte técnico, entrenamiento y en diseño de bombas. Nuestra misión es entregar la más completa capacidad en diseño y soporte de Sistemas de Armas a Contratistas Primarios de Defensa y Agencias de Gobierno. Continuamente estamos mejorando nuestro portafolio de servicios para estar siempre en la punta y para satisfacer las dinámicas y progresivas demandas de nuestra industria. 48 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 PARTSBASE, INC.bOOTH C49 905 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA tel: +1-561-953-0700 x2153 / fax: +1-561-953-0793 www.partsbase.com CONTACTS: Ms. Rebecca C. Longo,Vice President of Strategic Development rflick@partsbase.com Ms. Adriana Machado, Sales Manager-International Markets amachado@partsbase.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ECOMMERCE SOLUTIONS/MARKETPLACE/E LEARNING, REPAIR/REPAIR & OVERHAUL, AIRCRAFT ENGINES, AVIONICS REPAIR & OVERHAUL/SUPPORT, AIRFRAME COMPONENTS Partsbase is the premier parts locator service for the Aviation/Aerospace/Defense Industry. We currently have over 40,000 end users in over 153 countries all over the world who utilize our system on a daily basis to buy and sell aircraft parts and do repairs and overhauls. The database contains over 100 Million line items of inventory including everything from components, to rotables and consumables, to airframe parts. We also provide Market Intelligence reports on your inventories. Partsbase es el principal servicio localizador de componentes para la industria de Aviación/Defensa/Aeroespacio. Actualmente tenemos más de 40.000 usuarios finales en más de 153 países en todo el mundo que utilizan nuestro sistema diariamente para comprar y vender componentes de aeronaves y para hacer reparaciones y mantenimientos. La base de datos contiene más de 100 millones de líneas de ítems de inventario incluyendo todo desde componentes hasta rotatorios y consumibles, hasta marcos de aeronaves. También proveemos Información de Mercado acerca de sus inventarios. PRATT & WHITNEY 400 Main Street, M/S 131-19 East Hartford, CT 06108 USA tel: +1-860-557-1242 email: linda.mcgeary@pw.utc.com www.pw.utc.com BOOTH C36 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT ENGINES, ENGINE MANUFACTURING, ENGINE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE/MANAGEMENT, MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, is a diversified company providing high-technology products and services to the global aerospace and commercial building industries. Please visit us at www.pw.utc.com. Pratt & Whitney es un líder mundial en el diseño, fabricación y servicio de motores para aeronaves, sistemas de propulsión espacial y turbinas de gas industriales. United Technologies, con base en Hartford, Connecticut, USA, es una compañía diversificada que ofrece productos y servicios de alta tecnología a las industrias globales aeroespacial y de construcción comercial. Por favor visítenos en www.pw.utc.com. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 49 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles RAPISCAN SYSTEMS 2805 Columbia St. Torrance, CA 90503 USA tel: +1-310-978-1457 / fax: +1-310-349-2491 email: sales@rapiscansystems.com www.rapiscansystems.com BOOTH C33 CONTACTS: Mr. Mike Vitale, Sales Manager; mvitale@rapiscansystems.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: X-RAY INSPECTION/SOURCES, SECURITY SOLUTIONS/SYSTEMS Rapiscan Systems Inc. is a leading supplier of high quality security inspection solutions utilizing X-ray and gamma-ray imaging and advanced threat identification techniques such as neutron and diffraction analysis. The company’s products are sold into five market segments; Baggage & Parcel Inspection, Cargo & Vehicle Inspection, Hold Baggage Screening, People Screening and Radiation Detection. The company has a global install base of over 70,000 systems. Rapiscan Systems, Inc. es un proveedor líder de soluciones para inspección de seguridad de alta calidad que emplean imágenes de rayos X y rayos Gama y técnicas avanzadas de identificación de amenazas tales como análisis de neutrones y de difracción. Los productos de la compañía se venden en cinco segmentos de mercado: Inspección de Equipaje y Paquetes; Inspección de Carga y Vehículos; Revisión de Equipaje en Bodegas; Inspección de Personas; y Detección de Radiación. La compañía tiene una base de instalación global de más de 70.000 items. RAYTHEON 870 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451-1449 USA tel: +1-520-794-7412 / fax: +1-520-794-1315 www.raytheon.com BOOTH C6 CONTACTS: Mr. Raul Colon, Regional Director, Americas; RJColon@raytheon.com Raytheon Company, with 2009 sales of $25 billion, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 75,000 people worldwide. Raytheon Company, con ventas en 2009 de $25 billones, es un líder en tecnología e innovación especializado en defensa, seguridad del territorio y otros mercados gubernamentales a través del mundo. Con casa matriz en Waltham, Mass., Raytheon emplea a 75.000 personas en todo el mundo. 50 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 REVISION MILITARYbOOTH C28A 7 Corporate Drive Essex Junction,VT 05452 USA tel: +1-802-879.7002 / fax: +1-802-879.7224 email: internationalsales@revisionmilitary.com www.revisionmilitary.com CONTACTS: Mr. Steven Descamps, General Manager, International Sales sdescamps@revisionmilitary.com SEGERS AERO CORPORATION 8100 McGowin Drive Fairhope, AL 36532 USA tel: +1-251-928-1878 / fax: +1-251-928-4896 email: sales@segers.aero www.segers.aero BOOTH C16 CONTACTS: Mr. Howard Hadley, President and CEO Mr. Jay Mumby,Vice President Sales and Marketing Mr. Alex Thagard, Director, International Sales and Marketing PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ENGINE REPAIR/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE/ MANAGEMENT, ACCESSORIES, PROPELLER SYSTEMS, ETC., TURBINE ENGINE COMPONENTS, TRAINING Segers Aero Corporation is engaged in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of the Rolls Royce Allison T56 engines, QEC’s and Hamilton Sundstrand 54H60 Propellers installed on the Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules and P3 Orion Aircraft. Located in Fairhope, Alabama Segers Aero has been in the overhaul and repair business since 1976. This year Segers Aero commissioned its PWC PT6T product line operations and now offers full maintenance repair and overhaul services. Segers Aero Corporation se dedica al mantenimiento, reparación y revisión de los motores Rolls Royce Allison T56, QECs y hélices Hamilton Standard 54H60 instaladas en los aviones Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules y P3 Orion. Ubicada en Fairhope, Alabama, Segers Aero ha estado en el negocio de revisión y reparación desde 1976. Este año Segers Aero inauguró las operaciones de su línea de productos PWCPT6T y ahora ofrece servicios completos de mantenimiento, reparación y revisión. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 51 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION 6900 Main Street, P.O. Box 9729 Stratford, CT 06615-9129 USA tel: +1-203-383-8127 / fax: +1-860-998-6923 www.sikorsky.com BOOTH C24 & B6 CONTACTS: Mr. Sean Conte, Show Manager-FIDAE 2012; sean.conte@sikorsky.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN, AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, HELICOPTER SERVICES, AEROSPACE SERVICES, MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of military and commercial helicopters; fixed wing reconnaissance aircraft; spare parts and maintenance, repair and overhaul services; and civil helicopter operations. Sikorsky Aircraft employs 18,000 worldwide and is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX). Sikorsky Aircraft es un líder mundial en el diseño, fabricación y servicio de helicópteros militares y comerciales; aeronaves de reconocimiento de ala fija; servicios de repuestos y mantenimiento, reparación y revisión; y operaciones de helicópteros civiles. Sikorsky Aircraft emplea a 18.000 personas en todo el mundo y es una subsidiaria de United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX). SIMPLEX AEROSPACE 13340 NE Whitaker Way Portland, OR 97230 USA tel: +1-503-257-3511 / fax: +1-503-257-8556 email: mail@simplexmfg.com www.simplexmfg.com BOOTH C41 CONTACTS: Mr. Larry Lichtenberger,Vice President of Sales & Marketing llichtenberger@simplexmfg.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ACCESSORIES, EQUIPMENT AVIATION, ENGINEERING AND CONSULTANCY, SAFETY & RESCUE (SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT), ENGINEERED SYSTEMS & PRODUCTS For more than 65 years, Simplex has been manufacturing first quality equipment for helicopters with applications in fire control, fighting urban fires, electric network maintenance, agriculture, disease and insect control and responding to fuel leaks. Simplex tiene màs de 65 años manufacturando equipos de primera calidad para helicòpteros con applicaciones de manejo de incendios, combatir incendios urbanos, mantenimiento de tendido elèctrico, agricultura, control de enfermedades e insectos y respuesta a derrames petrolero. 52 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 TELEPHONICS CORPORATIONbOOTH C14 815 Broad Hollow Road Farmingdale, NY 11735 USA tel: +1-631-755-7609 / fax: +1-631-755-7200 www.telephonics.com CONTACTS: Mrs. Maria Quartararo, Tradeshow Manager quartararo@telephonics.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Telephonics Sweden AB Vattenkraftsvagen 8 SE-135 70 Stockholm Sweden tel: +1-46-87980900 / fax: +1-46-87988433 China Operations Suite A, 9th Fl. China Central Place Tower II 79 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100025 tel: +1-86-1059204270 fax: +1-86-1059204271 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: RADARS & RADOMES, DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT, MANUFACTURING & PROCESSING EQUIPMENT, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL/ PRODUCTS/SYSTEMS Telephonics Corporation, a world leader in fully integrated, advanced sensor and communication systems technology serving Aerospace, Defense and Commercial markets. Whether it is in the air, on the sea, or on the ground, our electronic systems are on board to ensure the safety and security of thousands of military personnel and civilians worldwide. Telephonics Corporation, un líder mundial en tecnologías plenamente integradas, de sensores avanzados y de sistemas de comunicación para los mercados de Aeroespacio, Defensa y Comercial.Ya sea en el aire, en el mar o en tierra, nuestros sistemas electrónicos están a bordo para asegurar la seguridad de miles de militares y civiles en todo el mundo. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 53 exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles TRANSAERO INC. 35 Melville Park Road, Suite 100 Melville, NY 11747 USA tel: +1-631-752-1240 / fax: +1-631-752-1242 email: info@transaeroinc.com www.transaeroinc.com BOOTH C2 CONTACTS: Mr. Lance Homan, Director - Life Support Sales homan@transaeroinc.com Mr. John Morrissee, Regional Sales Manager - Latin America morrissee@transaeroinc.com INTERNATIONAL OFFICES: Transaero Latin America 10243 Boca Springs Drive Boca Raton, FL 33428 USA tel: +01-631-697-7785 fax: +01-561-771-0052 email: morrissee@transaeroinc.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT, AVIATION PRODUCT SUPPORT, SPARE PARTS, EQUIPMENT AVIATION, SAFETY & RESCUE (SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT) Transaero is a proven distributor of aerospace products, serving the airline, life support and military markets globally. In this industry, we stay motivated to provide the newest in innovative technology and deliver this to our customer with efficiency. Our in-house team with years of expertise, motivation and knowledge has ensured our customers receive quality, reliability and competitive pricing, making us the leader in the industry for over 50 years. Transaero es un probado distribuidor de productos aeroespaciales, atendiendo globalmente los mercados de aerolíneas, salvavidas, y militares. En esta industria, estamos siempre motivados para entregar lo más nuevo en tecnología innovadora y entregarla a nuestros clientes con eficiencia. Nuestro equipo propio de especialistas con años de expertisaje, motivación y conocimiento ha asegurado que nuestros clientes reciban calidad, confiabilidad y precios competitivos, transformándonos en líderes de la industria por más de 50 años. 54 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C10 CONTACTS: Mr. Marcos Villanueva, Director of Sales, CALA marcos.villanueva@trueposition.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: COMMUNICATION MONITORING HARDWARE & SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT, DATA RECORDERS/DATA ACQUISITION/ANALYSIS/PROCESSING, RECONNAISSANCE/ SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS, OTHER TruePosition is the global leader in wireless location determination and intelligence solutions for mission-critical public safety and national security applications. TruePosition has more patents, technical expertise, and operational experience in wireless location than any other company in the world. TruePosition es el líder global en soluciones inalámbricas de determinación de posición e inteligencia para aplicaciones misión-críticas de seguridad pública y seguridad nacional. TruePosition tiene más patentes, expertisaje técnico y experiencia operacional en posicionamiento inalámbrico que ninguna otra empresa en el mundo. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-OTEXAbOOTH A57A Office of Textiles & Apparel Room 3100, 14th & Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20230 USA tel: +1-202-482-7909 www.otexa.ita.doc.gov CONTACTS: Mary Lynn Landgraf; Mary-Lynn.Landgraf@trade.gov The Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) of The U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, DC is a one-stop shop for sourcing U.S. made textiles and technical/ specialty textiles and products for military applications. We promote the sale of U.S. made goods and services and can assist with identifying qualified partners. We cooperate with our University Textile Schools to promote research and development services and can assist with business relocation to the U.S. La Oficina de Textiles y Vestuario (OTEXA) del Departamento de Comercio de los E.E.U.U en Washington, DC es un lugar donde se encuentra todo respecto a fuentes de abastecimiento de textiles y productos y textiles técnicos/de especialidad para aplicaciones militares, hechos en los Estados Unidos. Promovemos la venta de bienes y servicios hechos en los Estados Unidos y podemos ayudar en la identificación de socios calificados. Cooperamos con nuestras Escuelas Universitarias de Textiles para promover servicios de investigación y desarrollo y podemos ayudar con la relocación de negocios en USA. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 55 exhibitor profiles TRUEPOSITION 1000 Chesterbrook Blvd. Berwyn, PA 19312 USA tel: +1-610-680-1000 / fax: +1-610-680-2136 email: info@trueposition.com www.trueposition.com North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE c/o DSCA 201 12th St, West Tower, RM 410 Arlington,VA 22202-5408 USA tel: +1-703-601-4991 / fax: +1-703-604-6540 BOOTH C15 CONTACTS: Mr. Raymond Lynn, DoD Tradeshow Director; raymond.lynn@dsca.mil PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, GOVERNMENT/ GOVERNMENT AGENCY, AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV), RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT/CONSULTANCY The U.S. Department of Defense showcases advanced technologies developed by and for the U.S. Dept. of Defense and its Coalition Partners. The U.S. Dept. of Defense also provides defense materiel, services, and training to support US Coalition Partners to transform their security cooperation capabilities in the 21st Century. El Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos expone tecnologías avanzadas desarrolladas por y para el Departamento y sus Socios de Coalición. El Depto. de Defensa de los Estados Unidos también provee material, servicios y entrenamiento de defensa para apoyar a Socios de Coalición para transformar sus capacidades de cooperación a la seguridad en el siglo 21. U.S. EMBASSY - CHILE Avda. Andres Bello 2800 Las Condes Santiago, R.M. 000000 Chile tel: +1-56-2-330 3421 / fax: +1-56-2-330 3172 www.export.gov/chile BOOTH C1 CONTACTS: Mr. Matthew Hilgendorf, Commercial Attaché matthew.hilgendorf@trade.gov Mr. Mitch Larsen, Senior Commercial Counselor; mitch.larsen@trade.gov Ms. Isabel M.Valenzuela, Commercial Advisor; isabel.valenzuela@trade.gov PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: OTHER U.S. Commercial Service Chile promotes the export of U.S. goods and services and protect U.S. business interests in this country. The staff of Commercial Specialists provide trade counseling, market research, trade contacts, and access to trade promotion opportunities and trade advocacy and assist Chilean companies in contacting U.S. suppliers. We deliver customized business solutions to ensure that U.S. businesses compete and win in the local marketplace.Visit www.export.gov. El Servicio Comercial de los Estados Unidos en Chile promueve la exportación de bienes y servicios de los Estados Unidos y protege intereses comerciales de USA en este país. El equipo de Especialistas Comerciales entrega asesoría en comercio, contactos comerciales, y acceso a oportunidades de promoción del comercio y de defensa del comercio y ayuda a compañías chilenas a contactar proveedores en los Estados Unidos. Entregamos soluciones comerciales a la medida para asegurar que las empresas de USA compitan y ganan en mercado local. 56 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C30 CONTACTS: Mr. Carlos Aburto, RF Design Engineer, Tactical Data Links carlos.aburto@viasat.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Exchange real-time situational awareness information and voice communications across the battlespace with Link 16 and national/proprietary data links from ViaSat.ViaSat MIDS and software-programmable multi-channel terminals arm aircraft, ships, and ground platforms with secure communications and advanced waveforms so forces can share voice and digital data.ViaSat enables next-generation communications with the world’s broadest range of tactical data links, support equipment, and training. Intercambie información sobre percepción situacional en tiempo real y comunicación verbal a través del campo de batalla con Link16 y conexiones a información nacional y patentada desde ViaSat.ViaSat MIDS y terminales multicanal programables mediante software arman a los aviones, buques, y plataformas en tierra con comunicaciones seguras y formas de onda avanzadas de manera que las fuerzas puedan compartir información verbal y digital.ViaSat permite comunicaciones de próxima generación con el rango más amplio del mundo de enlaces de data, equipo de soporte y entrenamiento. VIKINGbOOTH O38 1959 de Havilland Way Sidney, BC V8L 5V5 Canada tel: +1-250-656-7227 / fax: +1-250-655-9581 email: info@vikingair.com www.vikingair.com CONTACTS: Beth Shrieves, Business Development; beth.shrieves@vikingair.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING, AIRCRAFT SALES/ LEASING/CHARTERS Viking is the OEM of the legacy de Havilland fleet (DHC-1 through DHC-7) and the new DHC-6 Series 400 Twin Otter aircraft. The Series 400 received Type Certification in 2010 with over 10 aircraft deliveries to date and a backlog of nearly $300 Million. Designed for extreme operating environments, the Series 400 can be equipped on wheels, skis, and straight or amphibious floats providing the 19 seat STOL aircraft with Versatility that Works. Viking es el OEM de la flota que es el legado de Havilland (DHC-1 hasta DHC-7) y la nueva serie de aviones DHC-6 400 Twin Otter. La serie 600 recibió Certificación de Tipo en 2010 con más de 10 entregas de aeronaves a la fecha y una lista de órdenes pendientes de más de $300 millones. Diseñado para ambientes operacionales extremos, la Serie 400 puede ser equipada con ruedas, esquies, y flotadores completos o anfibios que proveen al avión STOL de 19 pasajeros con Versatilidad que Funciona. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 57 exhibitor profiles VIASAT, INC. 6155 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA tel: +1-760-476-2200 / fax: +1-760-929-3941 www.viasat.com North American Exhibitor profiles exhibitor profiles W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES 105 Vieves Way Elkton, MD 21921 USA tel: +1-410-506-5055 / fax: +1-410-398-6624 www.gore.com BOOTH C12 At Gore we specialize in the development of high-performance protective apparel for the harsh and demanding environments routinely encountered by militaries throughout the world. Our test laboratories are among the best in the world and are qualified by many defense authorities. With GORE-TEX® fabrics you receive the knowledge and experience that comes from a committed team of scientists, engineers, and product experts who understand the complex functional needs of the military user. En Gore nos especializamos en el desarrollo de equipo protector de alto desempeño para los duros y exigentes ambientes encontrados rutinariamente por los militares en todo el mundo. Nuestros laboratorios de ensayo están entre los mejores del mundo y han sido calificados por muchas organizaciones de defensa. Con las telas GORE-TEX© usted recibe el conocimiento y la experiencia que proviene de un comprometido equipo de científicos, ingenieros y expertos en productos que comprenden las complejas necesidades funcionales del usuario militar. WAMORE, INC. 22601 N. 17th Ave, Suite 170 Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA tel: +1-623-582-8448 x310 email: ruth.foster@wamore.com www.wamore.com BOOTH C53 CONTACTS: Ruth Foster, Contract Administrator; ruth.foster@wamore.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ENGINEERED SYSTEMS & PRODUCTS Wamore, Inc. is a full service engineering, manufacturing, and production solutions provider. Wamore was originally established in 1988, and incorporated in 2002. Wamore provides engineering, testing, and manufacturing services to the defense and aerospace communities. Successful completion of large-scale development programs has earned Wamore the reputation as a technology leader in systems engineering, development, and manufacturing in the aerospace industry. Wamore, Inc. es un proveedor de servicio completo de soluciones de ingeniería, fabricación y producción. Wamore se estableció originalmente en 1988 y fue incorporado en 2002. Wamore ofrece servicios de ingeniería, testeo y manufactura a las comunidades de aeroespacio y de defensa. La terminación exitosa de programas de desarrollo de gran escala ha ganado para Wamore la reputación como líder de tecnología en ingeniería de sistemas, desarrollo y manufactura en la industria aeroespacial. 58 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 North American Exhibitor profiles BOOTH C41 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: GROUND HANDLING/GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, TRAINING, ACCESSORIES, TECHNICAL SERVICES/SUPPORT, ENGINEERED SYSTEMS & PRODUCTS Western Shelter Systems has a hard-earned reputation of providing shelter solutions and support products with proven reliability. Our products are operationally deployed in some of the most austere locations and harshest environments on earth. Engineered with deployability in mind, all products are designed for portability, compatibility, interoperability, and stand-alone performance. Western Shelter Systems tiene una reputación duramente ganada de proveer soluciones de abrigo y productos de soporte probadamente confiables. Nuestros productos están dispuestos operacionalmente en algunas de las ubicaciones más austeras y ambientes más duros en la tierra. Con su ingeniería realizada teniendo en mente la transportabilidad, todos los productos están diseñados para la portabilidad, compatibilidad, interoperabilidad y desempeño en situación aislada. WORTHINGTON AVIATION PARTSbOOTH C11 1641SW 5th Court Building 1651 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 USA tel: +1-954-4863467 x154 / fax: +1-954-4863782 www.worthingtonav.com CONTACTS: Mr. Oscar Gustavo Sanchez, Managing Director osanchez@worthingtonav.com OTHER OFFICES: Corporate HQ Worthington 2995 Lone Oak Circle, Suite 10, Eagan, MN 55121 USA tel: +1-651-994-1600 / fax: +1-651-393-3310 email: mquintana@worthingtonav.com PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: AIRCRAFT/SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT, AIRFRAME COMPONENTS, ENGINES/AIRCRAFT, LANDING GEAR/SYSTEMS/COMPUTERS/ TYRES, AIRCRAFT MODIFICATIONS Worthington Aviation Parts (WAV) was created in 1998 as a subsidiary of Churchill, a multimillion financial services corporation and WAV has been growing year to year at a breakneck speed becoming a known leader for its aftermarket services and as a reliable source for our clients. WAV is composed by complementary divisions with offices and depots in Minnesota, Florida, Australia, Argentina, Check Republic and United Arab Emirates Worthington Aviation Parts (WAV) fue creada en 1998, como subsidiaria de Churchill, una corporacion de servicios financieros multimillonaria y WAV ha venido creciendo cada año a un ritmo vertiginoso hasta convertirse en un lider reconocido por sus servicios de aftermarket y como una fuente confiable para nuestros clientes. WAV esta compuesta por divisiones que se complementan entre si con oficinas y depositos en Minnesota, Florida, Australia, Argentina, Republica Checa y Emiratos Arabes Unidos. the North American pavilion is Organized by www.kallman.com 59 exhibitor profiles WESTERN SHELTER SYSTEMS 815 Conger Street Eugene, OR 97402 USA tel: +1-800-971-7201 / fax: +1-541-344-7267 email: jjurhausen@westernshelter.com www.westernshelter.com PRODUCT & SERVICE INDEX PRODUCT & SERVICE ACCESSORIES Colt Defense LLC Defense Technology Equipment Inc. DHS Systems Int’l Ltd Segers Aero Corporation Simplex Aerospace Western Shelter Systems AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEMS L-3 AEROSPACE SERVICES Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. Daher Socata Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL/PRODUCTS Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corporation Telephonics Corporation AIRCRAFT ARMORS Armor Works AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING & DESIGN ARINC Aerospace Bell Helicopter Daher Socata IKHANA Aircraft Services Lockheed Martin Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation AIRFRAME COMPONENTS Aero Kool Corporation Partsbase, Inc. Worthington Aviation Parts AUXILIARY POWER DHS Systems Int’l Ltd Lind Electronics AVIATION PRODUCT SUPPORT Aero Precision Transaero Inc. AVIONICS REPAIR & OVERHAUL/SUPPORT Partsbase, Inc. BATTERIES Aviall, a Boeing Company BEARINGS Kitco Defense BODY ARMORS Armor Works CABLE ASSEMBLIES/TENSION REGULATORS Loos & Company, Inc. CAMERA SYSTEMS FLIR Systems L-3 AIRCRAFT ENGINES Aviall, a Boeing Company Partsbase, Inc. Pratt & Whitney COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT Harris Corporation Telephonics Corporation TruePosition AIRCRAFT GROUND SUPPORT EQUIP. Aviall, a Boeing Company Defense Technology Equipment Inc. Laversab, Inc. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ViaSat, Inc. AIRCRAFT LIGHTING Aero Precision Aviall, a Boeing Company AIRCRAFT MODIFICATIONS ARINC Aerospace IKHANA Aircraft Services Worthington Aviation Parts COMPONENT REPAIR & ACCESSORIES Aero Kool Corporation COMPONENT REPAIR/OVERHAUL Aero Kool Corporation Aero Precision Merex, Inc. COMPUTERS Lind Electronics AIRCRAFT OVERHAUL & REPAIR STATIONS IKHANA Aircraft Services CONNECTOR ACCESSORIES/CONNECTORS Lind Electronics AIRCRAFT SALES/LEASING/CHARTERS Daher Socata Viking DATA MANAGEMENT Esri AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS GE Aviation U.S. Department of Defense AIRCRAFT TESTING EQUIPMENT Laversab, Inc. AIRCRAFT/MANUFACTURING Bell Helicopter Boeing Daher Socata IKHANA Aircraft Services Lockheed Martin Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Viking AIRCRAFT/SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT Daher Socata Goodrich Corporation Transaero Inc. Worthington Aviation Parts 60 DATA RECORDERS/DATA ACQUISITION/ ANALYSIS/PROCESSING TruePosition DEFENCE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT Alaska Structures Armalite, Inc L-3 Lockheed Martin MMI Outdoor Telephonics Corporation DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY Armor Works Boeing DHS Systems Int’l Ltd Esri MMI Outdoor Newcon Optik Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. U.S. Department of Defense The official guide to North american exhibitors at fidae 2012 PRODUCT & SERVICE INDEX ECOMMERCE SOLUTIONS/E LEARNING Partsbase, Inc. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Enterprise Florida EDUCATION/TRAINING Bristow Academy FlightSafety International Night Readiness, LLC Nightline, Inc. ELECTRICAL CABLE ACCESSORIES/ ELECTRICAL HARNESSES Lind Electronics ELECTRO-OPTIC TECHNOLOGY N-Vision Optics Nightline, Inc. ELECTRO-OPTICS N-Vision Optics Newcon Optik Nightline, Inc. ENGINE COMPONENT OVERHAUL Merex, Inc. ENGINE COMPONENTS/CONTROLS Aero Precision Aviall, a Boeing Company Defense Technology Equipment Inc. ENGINE MANUFACTURE GE Aviation ENGINE MANUFACTURING Pratt & Whitney ENGINE REPAIR/SERVICE/MANAGEMENT Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. Ge Aviation Merex, Inc. Pratt & Whitney Segers Aero Corporation ENGINEERED SYSTEMS & PRODUCTS Simplex Aerospace Wamore, Inc. Western Shelter Systems ENGINEERING AND CONSULTANCY Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. Simplex Aerospace ENGINES/AIRCRAFT Worthington Aviation Parts ENHANCED VISION SYSTEMS Night Readiness, LLC Nivisys Industries, LLC EQUIPMENT AVIATION Laversab, Inc. Simplex Aerospace Transaero Inc. FABRICATED STRUCTURE - OTHER Alaska Structures FASTENERS Loos & Company, Inc. FILTERS & ACCESSORIES Kitco Defense the north american pavilion is Organized by FLIGHT TEST/FLIGHT SUPPORT Frasca International, Inc. FREIGHT SERVICES National Air Cargo GOVERNMENT/GOVERNMENT AGENCY Arizona Commerce Authority Business Oregon Enterprise Florida U.S. Department of Defense GROUND HANDLING/SUPPORT EQUIP. Alaska Structures DHS Systems Int’l Ltd National Air Cargo Western Shelter Systems HANGAR SPACE Alaska Structures HEADSETS/HELMETS Defense Technology Equipment Inc. HEAT EXCHANGERS Aero Kool Corporation HELICOPTER PARTS Bell Helicopter HELICOPTER SERVICES Bell Helicopter Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation HOSE,VALVES & FITTINGS Kitco Defense INFRARED SYSTEMS/CAMERAS FLIR Systems N-Vision Optics Nivisys Industries, LLC LANDING GEAR/COMPUTERS/TYRES Advanced Navigation And Positioning Corp. Worthington Aviation Parts LASER TECHNOLOGY Newcon Optik Nightline, Inc. Nivisys Industries, LLC LOGISTICS/WAREHOUSING/ DISTRIBUTION ARINC Aerospace MACHINING Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. MAINTENANCE/OVERHAUL Aero Kool Corporation Arinc Aerospace Boeing Ikhana Aircraft Services Pratt & Whitney Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation MANUFACTURING & PROCESSING EQUIP. Telephonics Corporation MISSILE SYSTEMS Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. NDT (NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING) Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corp. Harris Corporation www.kallman.com 61 PRODUCT & SERVICE DISPLAY SYSTEMS DHS Systems Int’l Ltd FlightSafety International product & service INDEX Product & service OPTRONIC SYSTEMS Newcon Optik SPACE/SPACE SYSTEMS Boeing OTHER Esri TruePosition U.S.Embassy - Chile SPARE PARTS Aero Precision Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. Defense Technology Equipment Inc. Merex, Inc. Transaero Inc. PARTS Kitco Defense POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Kitco Defense PRECISION MACHINING/ENGINEERING Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE AEROSPACE & DEFENSE INDUSTRY Esri Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. PROPELLER SYSTEMS, ETC. Segers Aero Corporation RADARS & RADOMES Harris Corporation Lockheed Martin Telephonics Corporation RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Harris Corporation Lockheed Martin N-Vision Optics TruePosition REPAIR/REPAIR & OVERHAUL Galaxy International Inc. Nightline, Inc. Partsbase, Inc. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Nightline, Inc SURVEILLANCE AND ACCESS CONTROL Nightline, Inc SYSTEMS EQUIP. ELECTRICAL Laversab, Inc. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION/ AUTHORING/PUBLICATIONS ARINC Aerospace TECHNICAL SERVICES/SUPPORT Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. Western Shelter Systems TESTING EQUIPMENT AIRCRAFT Laversab, Inc. TRAINING Bell Helicopter Bristow Academy Cavimar Aerospace Ltda. Colt Defense LLC FlightSafety International INSITU, INC Night Readiness, LLC Nightline, Inc Segers Aero Corporation Western Shelter Systems R&D/CONSULTANCY U.S. Department of Defense TURBINE ENGINE COMPONENTS Galaxy International Inc. Segers Aero Corporation SAFETY & RESCUE (SYSTEMS & EQUIP.) Alaska Structures L-3 Simplex Aerospace Transaero Inc. UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV) General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. INSITU, INC U.S. Department of Defense SATELLITE SYSTEMS, ETC. Boeing SECURE COMMUNICAITON NETWORKS Harris Corporation SECURITY SOLUTIONS/SYSTEMS Rapiscan Systems SENSORS & TRANSDUCERS L-3 SHEET METAL FABRICATION & ASSEMBLY Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. SIGHTING EQUIPMENT Nightline, Inc SIMULATORS/SIMULATOR TRAINING FlightSafety International Frasca International, Inc. Night Readiness, LLC WEAPON CARRIAGE & RELEASE MMI Outdoor WEAPON INTERFACE Colt Defense LLC Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT/SPARE PARTS Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, Inc. Colt Defense LLC Ordnance Technologies (North America), Inc. WIRE/WIRE ROPE/CABLE MARKING/ WIRING HARNESSES/CABLE ASSEMBLY Lind Electronics Loos & Company, Inc. X-RAY INSPECTION/SOURCES Rapiscan Systems SOFTWARE (DESIGN/INTEGRATION/ SERVICES/TESTING) Esri 62 The official guide to north american exhibitors at fidae 2012 Your Mission: aerial muscle Discover innovative mission solutions at Bell Helicopter during FIDAE 2012. Explore the robust technology of the Bell 407AH commercially qualified armed helicopter, offering performance in parapublic and military applications. We’re on a mission to show you what you’ve never seen before. © 2012 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. bellhelicopter.com | Las misiones de muchos. Cumplidas por uno. ASÍ SE HACE C-130 El avión de transporte más versatil del mundo. Reabastecimientos y repostaje aéreos. Combate de incendios. Reconocimiento climático. Tácticas de combate electrónicas. Operaciones especiales. Tareas con misiones múltiples. Soluciones variadas de transporte. Con esta amplia gama de capacidades, el C-130 garantiza una versatilidad inigualable. Ya sea patrullaje marítimo, búsqueda y rescate u otros desafíos imprevistos el C-130 está siempre listo. Estar preparado para diversas misiones es simplemente cuestión de cómo se haga. Y eso es lo que Lockheed Martin proporciona. www.lockheedmartin.com/c130