at Kippie Lodge


at Kippie Lodge
milltimber - bieldside - cults
Issue 159
May - June - July 2013
Join us in
at Kippie Lodge
The calendar tells us that it should be spring, and yet nothing is
growing and snow showers are never far away. Hopefully, this
bumper edition of MBC News will give you something interesting
to think about as you huddle round your coal fires with a mug of
hot cocoa!
In this edition, there is an important article for all local residents
about the current housing developments proposed and taking
place in our area. As ever in our ‘planning system’, these
decisions are taken in such a way that only the planning
proposal is considered and questions regarding the increasing
strain on stretched local resources and the construction of
new facilities are often ignored. Two of our local councillors
comment on the situation regarding education facilities in their
regular columns. Councillor Boulton also reflects on Aberdeen’s
bid to be City of Culture in 2017 and a reader responds to the
article challenging the bid in MBC News 158. Neither however,
addresses the vexed issue of how to get to and from city venues
from the likes of Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber.
We also carry various tributes to the late Peter Reiss, a man
who took on the bureaucrats and continually strived to try and
improve the services for our area. I encountered him trying
to keep Cults Community Centre for the local community, and
was impressed by the time and energy he put into the fight.
An effective communicator, he tried to address the prejudices
of certain others against our area, acknowledging that even
the rate and taxpaying residents of ‘lower deeside’ need bin
collections, police services and the NHS. He will be sorely
Finally, we have included a couple of poems in this magazine
and we would be delighted if others want to send us examples
of their poetry, short stories and, even as we have had in the
past, humorous articles with a local flavour – however the
Editor’s decision on publication is final!
Copy Deadline : 7 July 2013
Distribution in AUGUST 2013
NB : the editorial content for this issue should be
relevant for reading in mid-August thru to end of
October 2013
Send your copy as an email attachment and keep photos
separate to:
Or POST to :
MBC News, c/o 11 Inchgarth Road,
Cults, Aberdeen AB15 9NJ
Contact Details for MBC News Team :
Editor (Maureen)
869502 Advertising (Tracey)
867571 Accounts (Phillip)
862262 What’s On Locally (Eleanor)
318561 Layout (Sue)
Distribution (Peter)
Page 2
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
MBC News Delivery
er -
- cu
Hopefully you are receiving
your copy of MBC News in a
timely fashion; our volunteer
deliverers work hard to make
it happen. We can do with
a few more in the Milltimber
area; so if you would like to
help out please contact
Peter Roberts Tel. 868524.
The new GDFAS season offers a cornucopia of
enthralling and varied lectures. We warmly
welcome back all existing members and would
be delighted to see visitors who, having come
once, won’t be able to resist coming back for
more. Please join us for a glass of wine or a soft drink at 6.45, prior
to the lecture, which begins at 7.30. Visitors are requested to make a
£5 donation.
May 8: A Family Affair: Florence and the House of Medici
June 12: Life and Times of the Sundial – Perspective on Civilization’s Most Enduring Timekeeper
The venue is Robert Gordon’s University, The Faculty of Health &
Social Care, Garthdee Road. (From the Bridge of Dee, take the
second set of lights on the left after Sainsbury’s).
For more information please ring
Alison on 01224 869639 or Thyra on 01224 481278
SAT 11TH MAY 10am-2pm
The people of Cults Kirk and friends are
having a sale of talents to raise funds for
the new Outreach Centre.
Talents identified are gardening ,cleaning,
baking a cake, making a meal for a special
occasion, craft, art, music, drive to the
country for afternoon tea, teaching how
to knit/sew/arrange flowers, massage,
reflexology, showing how to text, email,
do power point, use an i-Pad, sitting with
someone to allow carer to have a break
and many more. Also rental of a holiday
flat is on offer.
Tickets/entry on the day will be £1.
Refreshments similar to the Hub café
may be bought and proceeds for this go
to Christian Aid.
Contacts: Joan Gilchrist tel 861692
and Debbie Gordon tel 863472
In Memoriam: Peter Reiss –
a true community champion
Peter Reiss, chairman
of the Cults Bieldside
and Milltimber
Community Council
sadly passed away
unexpectedly on the
1st March 2013. He
had been admitted to
hospital in December
and remained there
for observation during
the festive period. He returned home early January but was
re-admitted later that same month for a second time. His
family was at his bedside when he passed away peacefully.
After retiring from Shell, Peter joined the Cults Bieldside
and Milltimber Community Council in 2006. He served in
the planning subgroup for two years before being elected
chairman in August 2008.
The local community and the community council are very
much indebted to Peter, who was an inspirational leader,
committed to the quality of life in the area.
The CC went through a challenging time during the years
of his chairmanship when the new Local Plan of Aberdeen
City led to the initiation of three major developments in
the area. Peter organised liaison groups to co-ordinate the
input of the community and was himself directly involved
in all of them, emphasising at all times the need for proper
infrastructure to ensure development would be a success.
He was unrelenting and tireless in exposing the mismatch
between the high aspirations of the City’s plans and the
depressed financial environment created by the economic
crisis of 2008. He also initiated an intensive discussion
with the city planners on the masterplanning process. Even
from his bed in ARI he ensured that his last contribution
to that discussion went out in time making a strong point
that, to create the time for construction of an adequate city
transport and schooling infrastructure, deferment of some
development would be mandatory.
As a member of the Lower Deeside Management
Committee, Peter was an active contributor in the
discussions around the child care provision in Cults
Academy and the Cults Primary and Culter Primary schools
and the organisation of adult learning programmes.
Peter was also a member of the Aberdeen Community
Council Forum and of the Civic Forum, contributing to
many aspects of city life discussed in their meetings. He
was a major driver behind efforts to improve and formalise
the working relationship between the city’s planners and
community councils.
Peter was a true community champion and will be dearly
Friends of the Allan Park
The future of the
Allan Park, Cults
will be discussed
at a public meeting
to be held on
Wednesday 29
May 2013 in
Cults Academy at
This gem of a park
has become extremely tired; the playing ground has major
drainage problems; the play facilities need to be up-graded; the
pond is overgrown and stagnant; the paths are of poor quality.
There is just so much wrong with the Allan Park at present.
If you wish to see the Allan Park restored to allow it to survive
and to flourish please come along to the public meeting and
give your support. The Allan Park is currently experiencing a
slow and painful death.
The aim of the meeting is to set up a Friends of the Allan Park
group, similar to those at the Duthie and Hazlehead Parks.
If you wish to assist or require any further information
please contact:
Conference Room
(delegate rate £25+vat)
4th Room Lounge
Ian Sutherland
(h) 01224 742833
(m) 07815 637407
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Alfresco Dining
Children’s Play Area
Malt Room Lounge
t: 01224 590867
t: 01224 740318
Page 3
News from the Cults Bieldside
and Milltimber Community Council
New Housing Developments
in the CBM area
There are three major developments at various stages of
progress in the area and their status is changing by the day.
By the time you read this, these projects may have progressed
further from the quoted position at the end of March.
During the past half year the Community Council has been in
intensive conversation and correspondence with the city planners
about the master-planning and infrastructure aspects of these
developments. Much effort was dedicated to this discussion by
our late chairman Peter Reiss.
The main points made by CBMCC were:
It is our strong view that no planning permissions in
principle should be approved until a prioritised, rigorous
and transparent infrastructure plan is put in place for the
Countesswells and Oldfold Farm Developments.
We do not understand the urgency to grant planning
permissions in principle. There is no significant demand
for the housing given that the developers have not built
on the land for which they have already been granted
planning permission
The AWPR will not be built until 2018. Even if one
believes the forecasts for reduced congestion in the city,
where we are deeply sceptical, we don’t need additional
traffic at the moment on the A93 North Deeside Road or
at Countesswells.
Deferment provides the opportunity for the local
authority to properly address the infrastructure issues.
The need for greater prioritisation and transparency
appears to be recognized by the City but at the
moment this is not self-evident. We have no confidence
that robust plans exist for the infrastructure at these
development sites and or indeed others in the city.
Surely it makes sense to properly resolve the schools
issues after the completion of the schools estates
reviews and to allow more time for the detailed
engineering design on the roads to establish that the
benefits are viable.
It also provides time for the city council to develop a
protocol on planning gain with the community councils.
We will quote from the city’s response in the following,
development specific sections.
Friarsfield, Craigbank and Sunnyside – Cults
The planning application for the first 81 houses was approved
subject to 25 (!) conditions. The Aberdeen planners have stated
“The recommendation was to approve subject to conditions
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MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
but to withhold consent until a legal agreement is secured
to deliver on-site affordable housing provision, planning
gain contributions towards education facilities, sport and
recreation facilities, library provision, community facilities
and core paths; and financial contributions towards the
delivery of the Link Road. This means that CALA currently
do not have planning permission for the proposal.
Permission will be granted once the legal agreement which
deals with the above has been signed. Although we have
an idea up front about what the provisions of the Legal
Agreement are, the level of contributions and requirements
of the developer mean that a legal agreement is required
to ‘tie things up...’ This process is between the Council
and CALA’s legal representatives and is not an open &
transparent process like the planning application”.
The Community Council is most concerned about the
procedure followed for this application. The City’s Development
Subcommittee appears to have approved an application subject
to a multitude of conditions of an essential nature, all issues at
the heart of the planning application, without the requirement
for the responses to be re-considered by the Committee. This
practice could take the essential detail of the planning decisions
away from scrutiny by the public and indeed by the elected
members, as planning officers could ‘purify’ the application
bit by bit without further consultation or publication – a nontransparent process. CBMCC will ask the city planners to be
advised when and how each of the conditions has been met for
this application and indeed for any other application that may be
approved using the same practice.
Oldfold Farm – Milltimber
The developer (CALA) submitted an application to be granted
planning permission in principle on 19 March. At this stage
only the outline plan of the development has been presented
– the street lay-out but no details of houses. Also presented
are a delivery plan, a transport assessment and a report on the
education issues.
The development is for 550 homes and includes a primary school
and space for small commercial development close to the school.
Any commercial development would fall under the responsibility
of Seven Incorporated Trades who own the whole site and
sold the rights for housing development to CALA. The area for
commercial use is around 10,000 sq.ft. i.e. much smaller than the
originally planned 5 ha, and it is designed for small units e.g. small
offices, hairdressers etc.
CALA plan to begin the development working from the North
Deeside road boundary upwards. They envisage a minimum of
five phases starting with the first phase of 90 homes in spring
2014. The new primary school is currently seen to be in Phase 4
in 2020 after around 264 houses have been built. This timing is
something that needs to be discussed with the Aberdeen Council
as part of the planning submission to ensure that capacity is
available for Milltimber pupils. The new school is planned to be
larger than the existing Milltimber Primary school.
A team of community councillors and local residents will prepare
a response to the application which will include comments on the
following points:
The strong wish of the community for CALA to be allowed
to contribute to an extension of the current Milltimber
community centre rather than build a second one in Oldfold.
The requirement that the traffic assessment includes the
junction between the North Deeside Road and Abbotswell/
Westerton Roads, which proved to be critical in the Friarsfield
traffic assessment.
The timing of the new primary school.
The City has advised that:
“There is a commitment from ACC to provide a new Primary
School within the Oldfold development. This would be a
jointly funded project with the developer. The approved
city budget already includes £11 million for that purpose.
It is our understanding that, as no pupils from the
Countesswells development (other than those admitted by
placing request) will attend Cults Academy, there will be
sufficient accommodation for secondary education within
the existing Cults Academy. Some relatively minor internal
works may be required to provide sufficient specialist
subject accommodation but this is projected to be very
Countesswells - Cults
The developers of this major estate have been working with
the City Council on the final submission of the Development
Framework and Masterplan and have reported to be progressing
towards the Planning Permission in Principle application.
As part of this process a Transport Assessment that again
considers the principles of pedestrian and cycle movements and
routes and traffic distribution will be carried out. The ultimate
design of the junctions will be influenced by the traffic modelling
carried out and dialogue with the Council.
This process has been delayed to take on board and address local
concerns. However, a feedback meeting with the community
liaison group in February was cancelled for unknown reasons and
we are not quite sure how far the developers are with their work.
and Cults Primary Schools zones so that the proposed new
schools within the development have their own zones. This
means that the entire Countesswells development would lie
outwith the existing Cults and Airyhall zones. The provision
of a new Primary School would be required relatively
early in the development and in the interim, temporary
arrangements would be made to provide primary education
at the former Braeside School (see below).
Secondary Provision: to change the current zones of Cults
Academy and Hazlehead Academy to provide for a new
Secondary School zone, based within the Countesswells
development. Further re-zoning of part of the Bucksburn
Academy zone (Kingswells Primary School zone) would
result in a large enough pupil population to make a viable
new secondary school in the development. This will also
create sufficient pupil spaces at adjacent secondary schools.
From these proposals, it should be clear to potential
purchasers of homes within the development that ultimately,
all primary and secondary pupils will be educated at schools
within the development. In the interim, primary pupils will
attend ‘Countesswells at Braeside’ School and secondary
pupils will attend Hazlehead Academy”.
Regarding the provision of the road infrastructure the city’s
response is less concrete, placing much emphasis on the Strategic
Transport Fund into which developers’ contribution will collect to
“provide a clear and transparent mechanism that provides some
certainty to the development industry”. The Community Council
is less confident that road matters are under control. None of
the strategic road interventions needed have been subject to
any rigorous engineering assessment, there is no prioritisation or
transparency to make these projects anything else than a wish
We would hope to see a somewhat more precise plan than that
expressed in the response by the city planners that:
“The schemes identified will be significant interventions and
will therefore be subject to a lengthy period of feasibility
and design........ This process will be required for all major
infrastructure projects. It should be noted that the build
out period for these major developments will be over
a significant period of time and it is envisaged that the
implementation of the major strategic interventions will still
fit in with the predicted build out rates of the various sites”.
In other words: it will be all-right on the night!
The CMBCC will keep you informed as we learn more
about the planned developments.CENTRE
The City Planners responded as follows to the CBMCC concerns:
“We have regularly discussed the educational requirements
resulting from the development with the developers. The
proposals which will progress to statutory consultation are:
Primary Provision: to change the current zones of Airyhall
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 5
You can Mutter
You can MOAN
Profile of
Peter Roberts
- Community
You can get stressed
It won’t HELP!
Peter is a Petroleum Engineer who worked for BP for 36
years prior to retiring from the company in 2011. He does a
little consulting work to fill in the periods between the other
activities he now has time for, serving on the Community
Council being one of them. During his time with BP he had
the opportunity to work in the UK, USA, Qatar and Abu Dhabi.
Aberdeen is the family home, Lynn and Peter having first
moved here in 1979, and both children attended Milltimber
Primary and Cults Academy.
Why not Get Involved
and Have a Say in
What Happens around
For more information call
864925 or 862262
A Bieldside resident since 1991, Peter has been involved in
local community activities for a number of years with many
hours spent coaching the Milltimber football team, Cults junior
badminton and Cults Academy Young Enterprise activities.
Peter is one of the newest recruits to the Community Council,
having joined in September 2012. He is currently the ViceChairman for the Community Council. The proposed new
developments in the area will give the Council plenty to think
about over the coming months.
Community Council Members
Eleanor Brennan
Gillian Buchanan
Norman Burt
Tracey Davidson
Guus Glass
Martin Harris
Christine McKay
Harriet North-Lewis
Graham Payne
Derek Robb
Peter Roberts
Margaret Stewart
Nigel Williams
Newton Dee
Newton Dee
0779 402 0622
5 vacancies
2 youth vacancies
Future Meetings
23 May 2013
Cults Academy
27 June 2013
Deeside Christian Fellowship Church, Milltimber
22 August 2013
Cults Academy
Planning Liaison
Mail address : Community Council, c/o Secretary, 5 Millden Road, Cults AB15 9LJ
Other useful contact details
Cllr Marie Boulton 522178 / 734712
Cllr Tauqeer Malik 346615/07732172225
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MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Cllr Aileen Malone 522356 / 862189
Police (non emergencies) - 0845 600 5700
Profile of
Nigel Williams
- Community
Nigel was dragged to Aberdeen by his current employer,
an Oil & Gas service provider, kicking and screaming,
complaining bitterly about the reputed miserable weather
and grey buildings giving a bleak outlook on life. Eight years
later he wants never to leave.
Want to contribute to the
quality of life in our area?
The Cults Bieldside Milltimber Community Council (CBMCC) plays an
important role in making the area we live in as pleasant and as safe
as possible. There are 18 places on the CBMCCC but we only have
13 Councillors at present, so we have five vacancies. In addition
to the 18 slots mentioned, we have two slots for Youth Councillors
which have never been filled.
Not knowing much about the area in and around Aberdeen,
Nigel and family took up residence in Milltimber due in no
small part to the vicinity of Cults Academy and its reputation
as an exceptional seat of learning for their Ankle Biters.
What do Community Councillors do? Aberdeen City Council has a
Statutory Requirement to consult the community on all planning
matters, so the CC responds on behalf of our area. At our meetings
we liaise with the police and the Community Wardens. We get
involved in environmental matters, we run the Carol Concert,
Community Clean-Ups, the Bell-Fitting exercises on the Deeside
Railway Path and anything else which we feel is of benefit to the
community. Three of our Councillors also volunteer to help produce
and distribute the MBC News.
Nigel quickly learned there was more to life in the region
than Seasonal Affective Disorder and joined a local Gun Club,
Sports & Social Club and Cults Hill Walking Club. All of which
now regard Nigel as their worst member due to his inability
to attend meetings and events regularly. That being said
he enjoys the outdoors, including all weather types, gaining
more from the occasional walk to the ‘Tops’ than he did
years ago tramping about USA or Oz.
The Council meets 10 times a year. Councillors are also asked
to represent our area at the Civic Forum, the Community Council
Forum and the Management Committee of Lower Deeside
Community Facilities. We receive a pro-capita grant each year from
Aberdeen City Council, which we distribute to assist organisations
and projects in our area, such as the MBC Festival or the Friends
of Allan Park initiative. We communicate with residents through
articles in the MBC News.
The Ankle Biters have flourished in the CBM area, made
‘Friends for Life’ and progressed towards a University
education which would have been less likely Doon Sooth.
‘Her Indoors’ seems relatively happy too with a group of
‘Bieldside Ladies Who Like to Lunch’ taking her in, and
sometimes away.
Our aim is to represent the interests of the wide range of people in
our community. Here is a brief analysis of our present Councillors
by various criteria:
Although born in Watford, a sad admission in itself, and
raised in Norfolk, Nigel claims a decidedly dodgy link with
Scotland though Grand Parentage on his Mother’s side in the
form of a Ramsay and his father’s side by a Buchanan. “Just
trying to fit in”, he claims, forgetting to remind listeners his
surname is Welsh!
Nigel joined CBM Community Council a while back following
a realisation the area may be decimated by future planned
housing developments. Thinking he could help do some
good ensuring it was done sympathetically, he has assisted
the CC Planning Liaison Officer since.
we have 7 males and 6 females
we have 6 councillors who live in Cults, 5 in Bieldside and 2 in Milltimber
we have no-one under 30, 6 between 30 and 60 and 7 over 60
we have a fairly even split between those who are in full-time employment and those who are retired, although some of the retirees are actually working part-time
12 of the Councillors are British and 1 is Dutch
we have 2 registered disabled people on the council
I am sure that anyone joining the Council will help us deal with
all the issues we face, but it might be good to have more younger
people and more representatives from Milltimber to give us a
balanced view!
No specific experience is required – you just have to make a small
time commitment and have an interest in your local community.
If you would like to come to a meeting and watch what goes on
before you decide, you are most welcome. If you would like to
talk to someone about the work of the Community Council, please
call either the Secretary, Guus Glass, Tel. 864925 or me, Eleanor
Brennan, Tel. 862262. Please, please consider joining us!
Eleanor Brennan
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 7
Main Gathering, Sunday, 11am
(join us for prayer from 10:30am)
with Crèche & Children’s Church
Ascend Youth, Sundays from 6-8pm
Mainly Music, Thursday, 9:45 - 11am
Music, movement & fun for preschoolers and their caregivers
Small Groups
Find out more at
Can we pray for you?
We believe that God answers prayer. Let us know your prayer
needs through the church website or by email to: prayer@
We also meet for prayer on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every
month from 10:15am.
New to the area?
Welcome! We’re sure that you’ll find this a wonderful place to
live. But it’s not always easy settling in somewhere new. We
would love to help in any way we can – even in very simple,
practical ways. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch
For current information, news of seasonal events and church
activities, visit our website, email or call us: | | 868096
Earlswells Road, Cults, AB15 9NY
Dog Walking and
Pet Sitting Service
If your pet is a V.I.P. to you.
They are a V.I.P. to me too!!
Call Lorraine on
01224 - 734 139 or 07875 542 284
Page 8
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
News from Councillor Boulton
I start my article paying tribute to Peter Reiss, the Chair of the
Cults, Bieldside & Milltimber Community Council who sadly passed
away in March. Peter was a dedicated, professional man who
worked hard to protect and enhance our communities along Lower
Deeside by taking an active part in planning matters; whether it
was giving valuable input to the formation of the Local Development Plan or comments on individual planning applications, Peter
made sure his input was both constructive and considered. Peter
also took on the challenge of the Deeside Management Committee trying to steer it through some difficult times! He will have
touched many of your lives without you even having realised it
and I believe that was the true mark of the man. Peter and I spent
a lot of time discussing the community and how we could work
together to protect and benefit the quality of life for local people
and became good friends, I think the message I will always be
left with from Peter is, satisfy yourself you have done all you can
to make a difference but accept that sometimes it may not be
enough to turn things out the way you’d hoped.
Education: The Informal consultation of the Nursery and Primary
Schools Estate concluded and was reported back to a specially
convened meeting of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee February. The outcomes for the primary schools on Lower
Deeside were as follows:
to accept recommendation to include in Victorian
schools programme.
to accept recommendation that all pupils from
Countesswells development be initially educated
at Braeside School and Hazlehead Academy whilst
new Primary and Secondary Schools are built; to
rezone remote part of zone to create new zone in
Countesswells development and build new school.
to accept recommendation to create new
delineated area within Countesswells development
to include part of existing Cults primary school
zone (in addition to the separated zone of Airyhall
to accommodate all pupils from Countesswells
development; this will require two new build
primary schools and one academy.
Milltimber to accept recommendation for a new build school
on Oldfold site, to accommodate all existing pupils
and those from new development.
to accept recommendation - disposal of existing
school site.
to instruct officers to advise Aberdeenshire Council
that the new Blairs Development of 280 houses
plus a potential further 44 will not be zoned to
Cults Academy.
Cults Primary expects a minor change to the zoning; this will affect a very small number of properties and will only come forward
if the Countesswells Development is approved and the building
work starts. The Victorian Programme that is referred to in regard
to Culter Primary is an improvement/fund programme which will
cover all Victorian school buildings in Aberdeen City. All of the
agreed recommendations will go out for formal consultation, allowing further input from parents and the communities.
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
City of Culture: We are now 21 days away from the deadline for
our first bid to be UK City of Culture. In the last weeks we have
had successful public consultations and meetings with cultural
partners, and we have now sent out around 55,000 postcards to
people in the city and shire asking them what they want to see
in Aberdeen in 2017. There has been huge interest from the local
media in the whole UK City of Culture process. Just bidding to be
UK City of Culture has given us an opportunity to spend the next
few months talking about the arts in Aberdeen and making sure
that those talented people who live and work in Aberdeen and of
course those talented Aberdonians who live and work elsewhere
are at the heart of the bid. Culture is not restricted to the arts
but to everything which goes to make up our City’s culture: music,
sports, food to name a few. This is too big an opportunity to pass
up, because regardless if we win the title we will have brought
different cultural groups together, we will have raised the profile
of culture in Aberdeen both inwardly and outwardly which will
carry on into the future. If you haven’t already been involved then
please email us on or come into Seventeen on Belmont Street and fill in one of our postcards or talk to
us on or
Financial situation: On a final note I would like to address recent
press coverage on my positions within the Council. The ruling
Administration receives an amount of money for senior councillors’
responsibilities which is set by the Scottish Government to use
to pay those Councillors taking on senior posts which carriy extra
responsibilities and duties. The current ruling administration set
out the appointments of those Senior Councillors last year but has
continued to evolve plans to maximise the use of those Councillors as opportunities have presented themselves. Three projects
were identified: The City of Culture Bid, The Redevelopment of
the St Nicholas Site and The City Centre Regeneration where they
wanted to appoint a Senior Councillor to take responsibility from
the elected members side to drive these projects forward with
Council Officers. The City of Culture Working Group and the City
of Culture Board which the Lord Provost chairs were set up and I
sit as vice-chair on both. The administration also set up a working group for the Redevelopment of the St Nicholas Site which
I Chair; the Administration is now in the process of setting up a
working Group for the regeneration of the City Centre and again
I have agreed to be the chair. The timing of setting up the last
working group is to coincide with the opportunity for the ruling
Administration to appoint Councillor Fraser Forsyth to the position of Convenor of the Licensing Committee as his post as vice
convenor of the Joint Police Board ends due to the centralisation
of the Police service. I will continue with my role as Convenor of
the Licensing Board and Deputy Leader of the Council and instead
of convenor of the licensing Committee I will have the additional
responsibilities of chairing two working groups, being vice chair
of working group and vice-chair of a board. I am disappointed by
the attempt by opposition Councillors to discredit me and to call
into question my dedication to the job and my personal integrity. I
won’t let myself be distracted by political point scoring; my time is
better spent serving the public of Aberdeen. At no time did I ask
to step down as Licensing Committee Convenor but as the three
projects go forward they will require a great deal more of my time
and I sit on several other committees, sub groups and outside
Boards in my role as a Councillor and all alongside the work I do in
my ward. I am sure there will be more “attacks” on my integrity
but I am more than happy at anytime to answer concerns from my
Finishing on a happy note I wish you all a pleasant summer.
Marie Boulton
Independent Councillor
Lower Deeside
Page 9
News from Councillor
Aileen Malone
Schools Re-Zoning
I have received enquiries from parents who are concerned about
rumours circulating about the future of the catchment areas of Cults
Primary and Cults Academy. A major worry is that Cults could be
split in two, with the pupils from east of Kirk Brae being zoned to
another primary and academy.
I followed up these concerns with the relevant senior education
official and can confirm that there are no proposals to change the
catchment areas of any of the existing housing in Cults. There is a
proposal to create a new secondary school zone at Countesswells.
This will be a massive development of around 3000 new homes
which would require a secondary and two primary schools. This
proposal will require statutory consultation.
Secondary-aged pupils at this new development would attend
Hazlehead Academy until their new secondary school is constructed
at Countesswells. Other, associated changes to secondary zoning
will be required if and when a secondary school at Countesswells
is built. Only pupils from the Countesswells development would
be affected, not pupils from existing housing in the area. There
would be a knock-on effect on other adjacent zones but not the
established housing in Cults etc.
Until the first new primary school is built at Countesswells, primary
pupils in the new development could possibly attend a reopened
Braeside School which is currently lying closed and nearby.
The education department believe that there is sufficient
accommodation available at Cults Academy to allow all pupils from
the primary Oldfold and Friarsfield developments to attend this
school. Again, there are no plans to re-zone pupils at the existing
housing in Cults and Milltimber.
Den of Cults/Deeside Walk
I am grateful for the many messages of appreciation for the
improvements to paths at The Den of Cults and The Deeside
Walk. Thank you to all. So far so good with this welcome upgrade
work! The re-surfaced stretch of the track is making things better
generally but there is still work to be done. I continue to pursue this
issue. Paths and green transport are vital for our area.
I am discussing various improvements with officials and want the
campaign for better paths to continue. Please let me know what
would enhance the paths network and the environment in general.
Best Place to live- It’s Official
The press recently reported that Cults has been classed as the Best
Place to Live in Scotland. I have lived in the area for over 35 years,
and have seen many changes, especially in housing developments.
When I first came to the area I walked the children to Cults Primary
passing fields and petting horses on the way there and back. Of
course these fields no longer exist and are now housing. It is a
wonderful safe place to bring up children, with many activities
on the doorstep. It remains very much a village with a friendly,
atmosphere. We will soon be moving away from our family home to
another home nearby in Cults but I will continue to fight on behalf
of residents.
Road Conditions
Attractive as our local area is, many roads need attention, with
many resembling the surface of the moon. There are roads
that seem no longer for traffic. Though several areas have been
previously ‘jet patched’, the severe weather has caused the repairs
to deteriorate rapidly. I will continue to report every single roads
defect that I am aware of.
Warning: Bus lane Enforcement Cameras.
There are 11 digital bus lane enforcement camera sites as follows:
King St, Wellington Road, Holburn St, Old Lang Stracht, North
Donside Road, Great Northern Road and Auchmill Road.
The enforcement system, based on ‘automatic number plate
recognition’ technology, came into force from 25th March. If
the registration number is not on the approved list, the system
generates an evidence pack containing a video clip of the vehicle
in the bus lane which an enforcement officer views before issuing a
Charge Notice to the registered keeper of the vehicle. These fines
will be £60, reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days. The money
raised will be used to pay for the installation, upkeep and running of
the system, any surplus being reinvested in Local Transport Strategy
schemes to improve Aberdeen’s transport network. Let’s hope some
of this revenue will go towards re-surfacing some of the roads in our
Supporting our local police
Aberdeen Division is the new local unit for policing the city. Our
area benefits from a dedicated police office at the heart of the
community in Cults Academy led by our new Police Inspector,
Douglas Rae. Under the new structure, community policing must
remain the core of Police Force activities. I always try do my best to
support and help the Policing Team.
Getting things done
I am always keen to help to get things done for the benefit of our
local community. Please contact me if you have any comments,
suggestions or questions and I will do my best to protect and
improve our local quality of life.
Councillor Aileen Malone
Town House
Broad Street
Aberdeen AB10IFY
Direct Dial: 522356
Home: 862189
Auchterdeen Ltd
Personal Support for
your Personal Computer
in Lower Deeside
D r o p o ff o r h o m e v i s i t
57-59 North Deeside Road, Bieldside Tel: 01224 861830
Open Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm
Pop in and see what you can find!
Page 10
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Business & home users
Virus removal
Upgrades and repairs
Broadband/network set up
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Resilience begins at home
What is this new buzzword ‘resilience’ that gets banded around increasingly? The Oxford dictionary defines it as ‘the capacity to recover
quickly from difficulties; toughness’ and that is apparently what we need more of, according to the Authorities.
The Scottish Government defines community resilience as: " Communities and individuals harnessing resources and expertise to help
themselves prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies, in a way that complements the work of the emergency services."
Emergencies can happen at any time of course. The notion is that with a few small steps we can prepare our family, our home and our
business for the unexpected things that can cause disruption to our daily lives.
Communities in Scotland have been invited to create a Community Resilience Plan and in future the Cults Bieldside and Milltimber
Community Council may initiate a project to achieve this. However, as with so many useful things in life: Resilience begins at home.
Are you prepared for the kinds of things that can happen because of an emergency?
Power cuts, or disruption to fuel supplies
Loss of telephone communications
Flooding, at home, or at your place of business
Becoming stranded or severely delayed while on a journey in the car
Evacuation from your home or business, either by yourself or by the authorities, or being unable to get into your home or premises
Being confined to the indoors, at home, or somewhere else
Unplanned separation of family members
Without going over the top, here are a few simple things you can do to cope with some of the above conditions. Just having a few
everyday items easily to hand can save you a lot of trouble all year around. Things like:
A torch and radio with spare batteries for both or better still: wind up.
A stock of 3 days worth of food and water that won’t go off (or gets used regularly).
Baby and pet supplies if needed.
Emergency phone numbers.
An old-fashioned corded telephone that plugs into the wall will keep working for some time even after a power cut – so it is good to have one in your home.
Know where your essential medicines and first aid kit are.
Know where your important documents (like insurances and passports) are or keep copies.
Know where your spare car keys are.
These are just a few of the more obvious pointers. You can find out more on preparing for and managing emergency situations on
the Ready Scotland website: This includes advice on how to create an emergency household plan and how to
prepare an emergency kit.
There is also a free-to-download Ready Scotland mobile app that can help you prepare for a range of emergencies.
The Community Council would be interested in your views on resilience planning and more importantly would like to invite volunteers to
undertake Resilience Planning for the community. Please contact the CBMCC secretary on 864925 or at
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MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 11
MBC Festival 2013
The Art Exhibition will again be the first event of the
2013 Festival and will be held in the Phoenix Centre,
Newton Dee on 24th and 25th August. Also taking
place over this first weekend will be a Family Fun Day
at St. Devenick's Church on Sat. 24th. On Sun. 25th
the Cults Bowling Club will hold their Open Day and in
the evening the Atholl Smith Jazz Band return to play
in Cults Parish Church. On Monday 26th, Cults Tennis
Club will hold an Open Evening for anyone who would
like to join in a game of tennis. Last year the 'Weddings
Gone By...' exhibition in Cults Parish Church was a great
success. This year the theme will be 'Christenings'
As part of our on-going quest for partnerships with the city
we have participated in a number of meetings together with
other members of the voluntary sector, while on a national
level we have participated in debates around the proposed new
national residential care contracts, and presented workshops
at the Scottish Social Services Expo conference and, through
the auspices of the Scottish Social Services Council, courses in
and the Exhibition will be open from 29th Aug. to 1st
Sept. There will also be a Coffee Morning on Sat.31st
in the Church Hall. Songs of Praise with the Northfield
Community Band will be in St.Devenick's Church on Sun.
1st Sept. Dance and Fitness will feature in the second
week with taster sessions in American Square Dancing,
International Dance and Keep Fit 55+. This is just a
taste of what will be on a programme of events still in
the planning stage. The full, detailed programme will be
in the next MBC News and on Posters and Flyers in the
Library, Shops and Businesses in the MBC area in August.
We hope you will come along and support your local
The spring term saw fund-raising activities taking place both
on Murtle and Camphill with the former raising £130 on
International Women’s Day for Oxfam and Book Aid and the
latter £136 for Comic Relief.
Currently there are two groups preparing for their two or three
day expeditions as part of the
Duke of Edinburgh award scheme: members from Class 9 for
the bronze award and Class 11 for silver to follow on from the
bronze awards they already achieved.
In February the pupil council met with Tam Baillie, Scotland’s
Commissioner for Children and Young People, who afterwards
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Page 12
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
I had the great pleasure of visiting Camphill School. The main
part of my visit consisted of meeting with Klae, Harrison, CJ,
and Callum who filled me in on life in the school and their
views on what makes Camphill special to them. I really
enjoyed speaking with them and I was struck by two things
that they said. The first was that, for them, Camphill was
a place where they felt safe – safe from what could be a
threatening world outside of Camphill. The second was that
Camphill allowed them to be themselves - to be respected for
who they are as they grow and develop.
The Camphill School Aberdeen periodical ‘Network’ is now
ready and can be accessed by going to our website www.
Open Day Saturday 21st September
2-5 pm Camphill Estate
Laurence Alfred
Scouting in Cults
explored re-cycling with the help of the Waste Aware team from
Grampian City Council and put this knowledge to good use by
making recycled vases from tins for Mothers day. They have
made and raced paper planes for the Air Activities badge and
created reindeer decorations for the Christmas Tree festival at
Cults Parish Church. This year we were sad to say goodbye to
Karen Southworth who led our Beaver colony for many years but
glad to welcome our new leaders Debbie Bone, Georgie Gordon
and Fay Bruce. This year looks set to be just as busy; so if you
are interested in joining Beavers please contact ganddbone@
Scouting in Cults is thriving. There are 24 Beavers, 36 Cubs
and almost 60 Scouts in the 21st Aberdeen (Cults) Scout Group.
They have all had a very busy year to say the least. The beavers
have been tubing at Garthdee and tried Judo. They went insect
hunting at Drum Castle with the help of National Trust Rangers, and completed the Hikes Away 1 badge with an evening
walk around Crathes Castle on the wettest day of the summer! A highlight was when they joined other Aberdeen Beaver
colonies on a spooky walk around Templars Park followed by
singing around the camp fire. On the evenings they couldn’t
get out they have learned to find punctures in their bike tyres
with the help of two dads who are keen cyclists. They have
The cubs, who are aged between 8 and 11, have worked
hard on their badges in the last
12 months and a number of
cubs achieved the Silver Award
which is the highest award a
Cub Scout can attain and we are
very proud of all of them. The
cubs have raised almost £1000
for Linn Moor Residential School
to help them buy much needed
equipment for their students.
This was done as part of their
Community badge through a
sponsored silence which was a
massive challenge for many of
our cubs! Camping at Templars
is always very popular (see
photo). Lewis Macdonald our local MSP paid a visit and faced a
‘question time’ from the cubs. They have also enjoyed making
bird boxes, cooking pancakes, canoeing thanks to Cults Canoe
Club, sailing on Loch of Skene, a visit to the Mosque and some
cubs went to visit the cells at a local police station- and were let
A recent visit by scouts from Stavanger resulted in many new
friendships. The joint activities held during the visit did much to
enhance the international dimension of the scout programme.
Over 50 scouts gained the International Event award and all of
them will meet their friends again when they visit Stavanger this
summer and camp with them at the Norwegian Scout Jamboree.
15,000 Scouts from all around the world will be at the Jamboree.
Snakker du Norsk?
The fourth series of recitals continues with performances by
some of the North-East’s ‘up-and-coming’ musicians:
City of Aberdeen Music School Students from the school will
perform on Sunday 21st April 2013 at 7.00pm. Admission is by
Finally, there has been an increase in girls joining scouts, a vast
reduction in the waiting list, a greater diversity of members,
and an increase in scouts gaining top awards. Meetings of the
leadership teams of Patrol Leaders and Explorer Scout Young
Leaders and feedback from questionnaires, have focussed on the
programme of activities. A recent cooking event in the Scout
Centre produced some fantastic soup and scones. What will the
next one produce?
Aberdeen University Choral Society will sing for us on
Saturday 11 May 2013 at 7.00pm. Admission is by donation.
Chansons, one of Scotland’s leading amateur choirs will sing
for us on Saturday 25th May at 7.00pm. They will take part in
Worship on Sunday 26th May at 10.30am. Ticketed.
21st Aberdeen (Cults) Scout Group
Aberdeen International Youth Festival A classical guitar
ensemble from Canada and a group of Russian singers will
perform on Tuesday 30th July at 2.00pm. Ticketed.
Saturday 25th May
Scout Centre
South Avenue
10 am - 4 pm
Admission is generally by donation. At the end of the last series,
the generosity of our audiences enabled us to pass over £1500
to our chosen charities. Refreshments will be served after the
Meantime, we look forward to seeing you at our next recital.
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Scottish Charity No. 018385
Page 13
Simeon Care for the Elderly is a unique care
home in Bieldside for any older person who
can no longer manage in their own home. As
a Camphill charity, we support older people
to live an active and purposeful life within a
community of care.
Our residents are looking forward to the
creation of a new care home, day centre
and community hall on our current site. The
development will make vital improvements
and enhance our care considerably.
Construction of the care home is due to begin
summer 2013, followed by the day centre
and community hall in 2015. Our community
has been very generous and we would like
to thank everyone for their support. Your
patience during the recent road improvement
works is also appreciated.
“May you live
all the days
of your life”
If you would like more information about
the Simeon’s ‘New Lease of Life’ fundraising
campaign, aiming to raise £2 million towards
these vital developments, or to arrange a visit
around our lovely home, please go to our
new website at or
call 01224 865820.
Simeon Care for the Elderly
Cairnlee Road
AB15 9BN
- Jonathan Swift
care for the elderly
Charity number SC012239
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Page 14
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
379 North Deeside Road
Cults, Aberdeen, AB15 9SX
Tel: (01224) 868687
SERVICES Family service, 9.30am, during July and
August. Adult worship, Junior Church and Creche, every
Sunday at 10.30am.
COMMUNION Shared on the last Sunday of every
month, except July and August.
WEDDINGS AND BAPTISMS We welcome all enquiries
and are happy to meet with couples and families.
WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES Many members and their
friends meet during the week to share their hobbies and
interests. A list of groups will be found on the Church’s
web site at:
HUB CAFÉ Light lunches and home-baking are
available every Tuesday and Wednesday between
10.00am and 3.00pm.
CULTS O50 CLUB See the Hobbies and Social pages
of the MBC News.
MINISTER Ewen Gilchrist, 1, Cairnlee Terrace,
Bieldside, AB15 9AE. Tel:861692.
Church Worship Centre, 1, Quarry Road, Cults,
Aberdeen, AB15 9EX. Tel: 869028.
Cults Music to Remember People with
dementia, their family, carers and friends meet
to sing on Tuesdays (fortnightly) in the
Sanctuary, with refreshments in the Hub café
afterwards (10.15am – 11.45am) on 7th May,
21st May, 4th June, 18th June, when there will
be a break until August. Contact Rosa Laing
868156 or Fran Payne 868827
D r s
M a
M c k e o w n , M
a n d
C u l t s M e d
e s o n ,
o N , Sm i t h
t h
l G r o u p
We have just finished last year’s contract and once again
the surgery has done very well. I would like to thank all
my staff for their hard work over the last year in achieving
such high points. We aim at Cults Medical Group to
provide the best service to our patients and would ask
that if you receive a letter inviting you to attend a clinic
such as Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Kidney Disease,
Coronary Heart Disease or Hypertension that you call to
make an appointment.
We have had a few staff changes lately. Morag Imlach,
after nearly 25 years at the Practice as a secretary, has
decided to retire. Her knowledge will be sorely missed.
From us all at Cults Medical Group, we wish her a happy
and healthy retirement. Elaine Anthony from our admin
team heads overseas and goes with our best wishes.
Therefore we welcome Elaine Dey to the secretarial team
and Ann Ross as a new receptionist.
We will be closed on Monday 6th May and Monday 8th
July for the bank Holidays and on the afternoons of
Wednesday 15th May and Wednesday 12th June for
Protected Learning Time. In case of a medical emergency,
please contact NHS24 on 08454242424.
Finally we would also like to congratulate Dr Jodi West on
the birth of Thomas Christopher. Mum, dad and baby are
all doing well.
Tracey Wilson Practice Manager
S o u t h
a v e n u e , Ab e r d e e n , a b 1 5
t e l 0 8 4 5 3 3 7 1 1 4 0 :
f a x 0 1 2 2 4 8 6 0 1 7 0
9 l Q
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MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 15
St Devenick’s Playgroup News
We are proud to announce that our new outdoor playground is
up and running! Despite the cold weather earlier in the year we
managed to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. The play area is
right outside the hall doors so it gives the children the opportunity
to explore beyond the boundaries of the hall as well as offering
different learning experiences (and some outdoor fun!) A massive
thank you to Graham at Greenham, Safety and Workplace
Supplies for the extremely generous donation of barriers, signs
and cones – it is much appreciated.
St Devenick’s
We are at the corner of North Deeside Road
and Baillieswells Road.
As a Scottish Episcopal Church we are also
part of the Anglican Communion.
Our aim: to know God and to make him
known (especially when life gets complicated!)
Pentecost Praise
Sunday May 19th, 7.00pm
An evening of contemporary
worship, with some of the finest
Christian musicians in Aberdeen.
We went on two trips last term; one was to the Lemon Tree
as part of the Aberdeen
City Council’s Arts Across
Learning Festival 2013.
We caught the bus into
town (which caused
great excitement) then
all thoroughly enjoyed
the show. One of our
playleaders, Sunay, even
unexpectedly ended
up with a part in the
performance! Our other
trip was to Culter Playgroup to see a puppet show and visit
the children there. Thank you to all the staff and children for
making us feel so welcome - please come to visit us soon.
Weekly worship
On Sundays
8.30am Holy Communion
10.30am Main Service
(1st Sunday informal Family service)
On Thursdays
10.30am Holy Communion
Sunday Club and Youth Church, for ages 3
to 11 years, and 11+, run at the same time
as the main 10.30am service on Sunday
Each year the children choose a charity to learn about and
raise some money for. This year they picked Kincardine and
Deeside Befriending, who visit and assist elderly people in
the community. Through making and selling reindeer dust at
Christmas the children managed to raise the grand total of £87.
We are all very proud of their efforts.
The Mix. A club for local young people from
age 10 upwards on Saturdays from 7.30pm.
May 11, 18, June 1, 15, 22.
St Devenick’s Toddler’s Stay and Play
We would like to welcome you and your children to “stay and
play” at our Wednesday afternoon toddler group. It is from
2-4pm every week during term time and is run by one of our
playleaders. Come along to meet other parents and carers
while your wee ones socialise and play. We provide a variety
of baby and toddler toys, books and puzzles, craft, songs, a
healthy snack and refreshments for the grown ups. No set up
or commitment, drop in/out policy. £2.50 per child per session,
£1.50 for siblings and babies under 10 months are free. It’s
a great way to meet new people in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere – hope you can make it!
BBQ and Games night for
Sri Lanka.
Saturday May 25th 7.00pm
An evening of food, fun, board
games and raising funds for the
poor of Sri Lanka. Entry £5.00
The Rector, Rev. Paul Watson
07552177690 or
Page 16
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
We also had a surprise visit last
term from Freddie the friendly
dragon! He left behind footprints
and a letter for the children as
they wanted to learn more about
his fairytale friends. We had
a great time finding out about
fairytales and nursery rhymes as
well as decorating the hall with
magical pictures and models.
The children especially enjoyed
creating a giant beanstalk to
‘grow’ up the walls (as well as planting real beanstalks to grow in
the Playgroup garden…..)
St Devenick’s Playgroup is based on Baillieswells Road, Bieldside.
Playgroup sessions run from 9.20 to 11.50 on Monday to Friday
with lunch club on a Wednesday. Rising Fives sessions are from
12.30 to 3.00 on Tuesday and Thursdays. To find out more
please call Playgroup on 867431 or Julie on 868644.
Our e-mail address is
Why not join an Italian Class in Cults Aberdeen? You can choose day or evening
classes: Beginner to Advanced level.
The following classes are scheduled at present:
Tuesday 9.30 – 11.30 am Advanced
Tuesday 2.00 – 4.00 pm Post- Beginners
Tuesday 7.30 – 9.30 pm Post - Intermediate
Thursday 9.30 – 11.30 am Intermediate
Thursday 7.30 – 9.30 pm Beginners
Friday 9.30 – 11.30 am Intermediate
Friday 2.00 – 4.00 pm Beginners
Individual lessons are also available.
For further information, please contact
Enrica Conti:
Tel: 07786 827714
St Devenick’s Playgroup
Established for over 30 years
Member of the Scottish Pre-School Play Association
In Partnership with Aberdeen City Council
Monday – Friday 9.20am – 11.50am
2½ to 5 years
(not required to be potty trained)
Friendly, Qualified Staff,
Funded and Non-Funded Places Available
Healthy Eating Policy, Outside Play Area and Garden
Lunchtime Club – Wednesday 11.50am to 1.00pm
Rising Fives - Tuesday and Thursday 12.30pm to 3.00pm
with Rising Fives Lunchtime Club from 12.00pm
Tots and Toddlers – Wednesday 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Playgroup 07931 223545 or Julie Tel 867431
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
It’s time to oil those chains, pump up the tyres and get the
whole family to take part in this year’s Bon Accord Charity Bike
Ride at 10.30am on Sunday the 12th of May.
The registration and starting point will be at the main gate
of Aberdeen’s Hazlehead Park where there will be a choice of
routes to suit all ages and abilities. A short circuit round the
park for toddlers, a seven mile run for families and a 22 mile
route for more adventurous cyclists.
The annual event is organised by the Rotary Club of Aberdeen
Bon Accord, who have selected Leukaemia and Lymphoma
Research and Cash for Kids as their chosen charities for this
year’s event. Since its inception, this project has raised more
than £26,000 for both local, national and international charities.
Rotary project team member, Sam Murray, said; “The Cash for
Kids charity was chosen because it works directly with vulnerable
North East youngsters in most need of help. Leukaemia and
Lymphoma Research was selected after 14 year old Toby Veale
gave us a heart-felt presentation on his fund raising efforts,
following the death of his father, Alan, from Leukaemia in 2009.
We were blown away by Toby’s work and decided to help boost
his efforts”.
So, have fun,
keep fit and raise
money for two very
deserving charities.
For more
go to; www.
About Rotary International
Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the
workplace, and around the globe. The 1.2 million Rotarians who
make up more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country
in the world share a dedication to the ideal of Service Above Self.
Rotary clubs are open to people of all cultures and ethnicities
and are not affiliated with any political or religious organizations.
The Rotary Club of Aberdeen Bon Accord meets for breakfast
every Wednesday in the Cults Hotel at 7.30am. Prospective
members are always welcome.
Page 17
Letters Madam,
As a resident of Bieldside and reader and subscriber to
MBC news I feel it important to have a balanced exchange
of views and information about grey squirrels which are
much maligned by Scottish National Heritage. I read with
interest the gushing testimonial by redsquirrelgrampian in
issue 158. It is really sad to believe that cages are being
handed out to householders so that greys can be trapped
and then killed, often leaving young to starve in their
dreys. And why is this? If you are to believe the information put out, it is because greys compete for food with
reds, transmit squirrel pox to reds and of course they are
not native to Scotland..i.e. they do not have kilts.
Let me set the record straight. Reds favour pine cones,
but also eat larch and spruce. Their diet also includes fungi, shoots and fruits of shrubs and trees, and sometimes
birds’ eggs. They live mainly in pine forests but can be
found in most areas of Aberdeenshire. Greys have been
in the UK since about 1820 according to early records. At
the end of the 19th Century most reds had been wiped
out in Scotland by landowners as they were regarded as
vermin. Those we have nowadays are descended from
Norwegian & Italian imports. Reds are found all through
Europe and well into Russia. There is no squirrelpox in
Grampian and certainly most of Scotland. SNH like to beat
the drum that there is.
Greys are by evolution the more successful species and
if they are to be wiped out I would suggest that the Red
Squirrel Gauleiters will be at this “ethnic cleansing” for
most of the next century. You really need to ask yourself
why all this furore. There is no reason other than that a
handful of Quangocrats have hijacked SNH and are foisting their views on us whether we agree or not. Pheasants are not native to Scotland..they were introduced by the Romans. Why not get rid of them? This destruction of sentient animals is as grotesque as the recent
cull of the 28 strong roe deer herd on Tullos Hill...because
a few Councillors wanted to indulge in tree planting on an
industrial scale and on land formerly a rubbish dump!
I do hope these facts make families sit up and think again
about reporting greys to the Hit Squad and see them
consign their traps to the dustbin. By the way the photo
of a grey squirrel on the front page of edition 158 was
charming and likely mistaken for a cute kilted red. ..I bet
the Red Guard are furious.
Peter A Macari
Male voice A Cappella Singing in the Barbershop Style
We are the Granite City Chorus
We sing 4 part Harmony unaccompanied in the Barbershop Style
We practise every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 9.45pm We are located at Woodside Church Hall.
For more information please contact: Email :
Phone: 07909 108 633
Flowers for all occasions
• Gift Bouquets
• Weddings & Celebrations
• Corporate Contracts
• Reception Vases
• Openings & Events
• Funerals
• Deliveries
299 North Deeside Road,
Peterculter, AB14 0UL
Flowers for
all occasions
Flowers for
Tel. & Fax: 01224 733222
Part of the Kelly of Cults Limited family
• Gift
Gift Bouquets
• Weddings
Weddings &
& Celebrations
• Corporate
Corporate Contracts
• Reception
Reception Vases
• Openings & Events
• Funerals
• Deliveries
• Gift Bouquets
• Weddings & Celebrations
Flowers for all
• Corporate Contracts
• Gift Bouquets
299 North
North Deeside
Deeside Road,
• Reception
AB14 0UL
• Weddings
& Celebrations
• Corporate
Tel. &
Fax: 01224
01224 733222
• Openings
&& Fax:
• Reception Vases
• Funerals
• Openings
& Events
• Funerals
• Deliveries
• Deliveries
Part of
of the
the Kelly
Kelly of
of Cults
Cults Limited
Limited family
Flowers f
299 North Deeside Road,
Peterculter, AB14 0UL
299 North Deeside Road,
Peterculter, AB14 0UL
Tel. & Fax: 01224 733222
• Gift Bou
• Weddin
• Corpora
• Recepti
• Openin
• Funerals
• Deliveri
299 Nort
Tel. & Fax
Part of the Kelly of Cults Limited family
Part of the Kel
Tel. & Fax: 01224 733222
Page 18
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Breastfeeding Support
at last!
The medical practices of Cults and Peterculter
have recently set up a breastfeeding support
group in the area. It meets in the Deeside
Christian Fellowship church, Milltimber on
Mondays between 10 and11am. Up until now
the nearest breastfeeding support group has
been at the Sports Village, King Street or in
Banchory. So do come along and meet other
mothers in a supportive local environment.
If you wish to know more before coming along
you can get in touch with your Health Visitor.
Lynn Catto
Community Nursery Nurse
Cults/Peterculter - Mon
Calsayseat - Tue 849755
Holburn Medical Group Wed/Thurs 846521
Whinhill - Fri
Bowel Cancer:
Don’t get scared,
get checked!
The earlier bowel cancer’s found, the easier it is to treat. Bowel
cancer is the third most common cancer in Scotland. The older
you get, the higher your risk of developing it. It’s more common
in people over 50, especially men. And what lots of people don’t
know is that the early signs are often hidden. Even your doctor
can’t see it in its early stages, but when it is found early, bowel
cancer’s much easier to treat. In fact, 9 out of 10 people beat it.
The best way to find it is to do a home screening test.
Screening won’t catch every bowel cancer as not all
cancers bleed. It is important to look out for some telltale signs and symptoms of bowel cancer whether or
not you do the screening test.
Repeated bleeding from your bottom or blood in your
A recent change in your poo that continues for more
than six weeks without going back to normal.
Watery poo on its own or with constipation
(constipation on its own is less likely to be serious).
Severe pain in your stomach that won’t go away,
especially after eating.
You’ve recently lost weight without trying.
You feel tired all the time and people keep telling you
“You look a bit pale.”
Please remember that these symptoms don’t necessarily mean
you’ve got cancer, but they could indicate that something else is
wrong. So, it’s still important that you talk to your doctor. They
can be caused by a few conditions, not just bowel cancer. But if
you’ve noticed any of them yourself, you need to tell your doctor
right away.
Some people are too embarrassed to do this or they think their
doctor’s too busy. That’s just not true. Your GP wants to hear
from you. So if you’re worried about anything at all, even in
between screenings, you should make an appointment as soon
as you can. You’re not wasting anyone’s time and you could be
saving your own life or the life of somebody you love.
For more information on signs or symptoms and signposting
to local cancer support organisations contact your local NHS
Grampian healthpoint, call the free healthline on 0500 20 20 30
or log into
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 19
Hundreds of MBC Poets
Many hundreds of poets live in Milltimber, Bieldside and Cults
Which has a population of perhaps five thousand or so adults
Most MBC residents don’t write poetry (preferring other roles)
They’d rather read, feed, walk, talk, drink, think or play bowls
And most MBC poets do not express emotions in rhyme or verse
Indeed they would be astonished to be labelled ‘bards’ (or worse)
But occasionally such people are lifted some inches above ground
Where they see the concealed (and hear rhythms without sound)
Get revelations (perhaps Divine) … or touch music from the core
Glimpse sights invisible (maybe Oneness) or feel bliss and rapport
They may taste in midwinter the warm freshness of coming Spring
See beauty in soft shadows, big, black clouds or sparrows on wing
These poets look no different from other MBC residents in any way
But their minds might glow white-bright some night (or Insight Day).
Slow and packed.
Packed and warm.
Warm and wet.
Wet and sick.
Sick and sneezes.
Sneezes and coughs.
Coughs and cries.
Cries and relatives
Relatives and chocolates.
Chocolates and cards
Cards and messages.
Messages and packages.
Packages and paper.
Paper and string.
String and theory.
Theory and fact.
Rachel Porter McLennan
run literacy classes for adults and have set up libraries to support their
learning. We also sponsor those primary children who are eligible to
go on to secondary education. On a practical level, we have sunk a
borehole in one village and recently installed solar powered lighting
in our centre there and in the existing health centre. Future plans
include further solar installation in the other village, continued literacy
classes and sponsorship, and responses to any needs identified by the
villagers themselves. We really do make a difference to the lives of
these people.
We are only small, with eight trustees and 42 members, and we
badly need new blood. We hope you will consider joining us. All we
expect is a small monthly donation of £5. Further involvement such as
attendance at meetings, supporting our fundraising events and even a
chance to visit our villages in Burkina Faso is entirely optional.
For more information about our work please visit our
and/ or phone Janet Hosie on 01224 733086.
Whatever the economic climate, we are all bombarded on a regular
basis by charity requests of one sort or another. Often we are not
really certain how much of our donation actually reaches the people
it is intended to help. Did you know that there is a well-established,
locally based charity that has no administration costs to speak of,
which means that every single penny donated goes to those we have
chosen to help?
That charity is Make a Difference, M.A.D. for short. Based in Milltimber
and active since the year 2000, we support two villages in Burkina
Faso, West Africa, which is one of the poorest countries in the world,
having few natural resources. Our overarching aim is to increase
the level of literacy in both adults and children and we do this in a
variety of ways. In both villages we have built centres in which we
Page 20
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Peterculter’s Easter Anguston Farm Springs to Life
Spring is finally rolling around and that means Peterculter’s hidden gem, VSA’s Easter Anguston Farm, will be bustling and open for
business again over the summer months. For those who haven’t yet had a chance to venture to this tourist hotspot, Easter Anguston is
a working farm that doubles up as a peaceful spot where adults with learning difficulties get valuable support, training and interaction
with the visiting public.
For these adults, the farm’s meaningful, vocational work gives much-needed security of long-term employment. Sometimes it can be a
stepping stone to the potentially intimidating mainstream job market. And, for visitors from the local community, the playful, vibrant
atmosphere created by the dedicated staff and service users keeps them coming back time and time again.
This summer will be no different, with the cosy coffee shop, education centre, farm shop and popular garden centre, where many
service users grow and sell their own plants. Being part of the garden centre is a great way for them to feel ownership and realise they
help to generate revenue for the farm. It’s a brilliant boost to their horticulture skills too.
But, this year, the re-opening, on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May, will be a little bigger than normal. For the last six years,
the charity has taken over Duthie Park for family fun day, VSA Day. But this year, the farm will play host to the landmark event,
incorporating it with its annual spring fayre.
The 2013 spring fayre at Easter Anguston Farm will be the biggest event held there to date, with more stalls and entertainment than
ever. Attractions will include segway experiences, a bouncy castle, face painting, games, jewellery, craft and gift stalls and plenty of
refreshments. VSA services will host stalls too, spreading the word about the good they do. There will be external entertainment but
also a children’s’ talent show, urging budding singers, dancers and comedians to show their community their hidden abilities. The event
is free but funds raised on the day will be used directly to support the local community.
Easter Anguston Farm is part of VSA, the largest charity in the north-east, an umbrella to more than 30 life-changing social care
services. VSA supports thousands of the most vulnerable people in the community, reaching out to newborn babies, children with
additional support needs, young and adult carers, adults with mental health difficulties and older people. The services include a nursery,
school, play schemes, respite, advice, care homes, day care, respite opportunities, a bookshop and, of course, the farm.
Easter Anguston Farm’s spring fayre will be held on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May 2012 between 10am and 4pm at
Easter Anguston Farm, Peterculter, AB14 0PJ. Entry is free and limited parking will be available. For further details about the event or to
register as a stallholder e-mail or call 01224 212021. For more information about VSA and other events
visit or
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 21
Cults Primary School
Bag2School Fundraiser
In 1902, Benjamin Kelly founded his family bakery
business on the principles of Quality, Value & Service.
At Kelly of Cults, some things never change.
Visit our Costcutter supermarket in Cults for all
your daily grocery shopping needs:
* Groceries
* Fresh Bakery
* Wines & Spirits
* Fresh Fruit & Veg.
* Frozen Foods
* Fresh Fish
* National Lottery
* PayPoint
* Daily Newspapers
* Home Deliveries
Please bring your unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, belts and soft furnishings to
Cults Primary School for charity recycling. The school receives commission on
the weight donated.
Next drop off dates are:
Friday 10 May 2013
(3.30pm – 6pm)
Saturday 11 May 2013
(10am – 12noon)
The Dress Agency with a Difference
We stock a wide range of top quality new and
pre-owned ladies high street fashions, all at a fraction of
the shop price, together with an extensive collection of
accessories including costume jewellery, scarves, hand
bags and shoes for every occasion.
And, if you’re looking to update your wardrobe by having a clearout, look no
further than Beau to sell those perfect condition items of clothing you haven’t
worn or no longer need.
To make your appointment for a unique personal shopping experience, phone
Gillian on 01224 747969 or 07540418990.
Tel : 0845 456 1902 Fax: 01224 869864
345 North Deeside Road, Cults, Aberdeen, AB15 9SX
Gillian Watson
Carnie Drive, Elrick, Aberdeenshire
The Dress Agency with a Difference
We stock a wide range of top quality new and
pre-owned ladies high street fashions, all at a fraction of
the shop price, together with an extensive collection of
accessories including costume jewellery, scarves, hand
bags and shoes for every occasion.
And, if you’re looking to update your wardrobe by having a clearout, look no
further than Beau to sell those perfect condition items of clothing you haven’t
worn or no longer need.
To make your appointment for a Established
unique personal
shopping experience, phone
Gillian on 01224 747969 or 07540418990.
For Children 1½Gillian- 5Watson
Playgroup: Mon to Fri 9.15 – 11.45
Carnie Drive, Elrick, Aberdeenshire
Lunch Club: Tues 11.45 – 1.00
Two’s Group: Mon 9.30 – 11.30
Rising 5’s – To Be Advised
Friendly, qualified playgroup team.
Secure outdoor play area.
Funded and non-funded places available.
Flexible number of sessions accommodated.
For more information or to arrange a visit contact
07842 470828
email or visit
Member of the Scottish Pre-School Play Association
In Partnership with Aberdeen City Council
Page 22
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Will you join us to Clean Up Scotland?
We all love Scotland. But it could be so much better. Scotland has a litter problem, and it is not just litter, it is dog fouling, flyposting,
flytipping, graffiti and abandoned vehicles.
Keep Scotland Beautiful, the independent environmental charity, is excited to announce details of Scotland’s new year-round mass-engagement campaign – Clean Up Scotland - to quickly remove the litter and mess which blights landscapes and causes social, health and
economic damage to the country.
Building on the success of our National Spring Clean campaign, we have launched Clean Up Scotland with the aim of engaging one million Scots to help free our country of litter and mess all year round. And, we’d like your help!
Why is it important now?
The eyes of the world will soon be on Scotland and, when they are, Scotland needs to shine. In 2013 we have the Year of Natural Scotland, not to mention our regular hosting of golf’s Open Championship at Muirfield. Then in 2014, in addition to Scotland’s homecoming,
Gleneagles hosts the Ryder Cup and Glasgow hosts the Commonwealth Games. Keep Scotland Beautiful wants Scotland to create the
right impression to leave a golden legacy.
What you can do
If you would like to help us make Scotland shine, here are two things you could do: visit and sign the
pledge to support us;
Organise a clean up event in your favourite park, beach or the route of your favourite walk and invite your friends, colleagues, or neighbours to help you clean up your neighbourhood. Sign up at and we’ll send you a FREE clean up kit containing everything you need to get started including tabards, posters, a ‘how to’ guide and details on how you can get the rubbish and
recyclables you collect picked up afterwards.
Possible national activity/event to be locliased
Indicative dates (tbc)
Longest day of the year: longest clean-up
Pre-Open Golf clean up
13.7.13 – 17.7.13
Edinburgh Fringe clean ups / flyposting
1.8.13 onwards
Clean up beach campaign (end of summer campaign)
St Andrew’s Day
Xmas waste message
This is the question I have to answer more than a dozen
times while navigating a pram, my toddler on a scooter
and an excitable Sprocker along the poo-strewn pavements
of Milltimber. His next comment is “Mummy Get It”. Of
course he can’t understand why mummy won’t pick it up
when he knows I pick up our dog’s Poo.
Trying to avoid SO many Poo’s with two toddlers is no easy
task. I also am now asking Why?
I truly believe there can be no valid acceptable excuse for
not picking up YOUR dog’s Poo!
If you have forgotten bags go back on your next walk and Get It.
If it’s your young child please educate them that this is part of the responsibility of owning a dog.
If it’s too dark, carry a small torch.
Could you honestly live with yourself if
a child became blind from coming into
contact with dog POO?
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Cults Primary School would also like
to alert dog owners to pick up after
their dogs and to keep their dogs on
a leash whilst in the school area thank you
Page 23
Kate @ MEKA
Creative hairdressing with friendly personal
service in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere
for an indulgent experience
Ladies & Gents
Ample parking
Evening appointments
Put ups for parties
NANOkeratin treatments
07821 696606
99 North Deeside Road, Peterculter, AB14 0RR
(performed by local GP)
Page 24
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
65th Aberdeen (Milltimber)
Scout Group
Do You Love To Sing?
We are a group of ladies who enjoy singing songs in 4 part harmony and we would love for you to come along and join us. Where
Drumoak Church Hall, Drumoak
Monday Evenings
7.15 – 10.30pm.
In August this year, the 65th Aberdeen Scout Group is
celebrating thirty years of Scouting in Milltimber, although
there has been a Scouting presence in Milltimber since
around 1983. At that time, there was just a Cub Pack,
which was run as part of the Cults Scout Group, and when
the Cubs reached Scout age they joined the Scout Troop
in Cults. The Cub Pack eventually reached a critical mass
to support a Scout Troop in Milltimber, and separated from
Cults to form a new Group, the 65th Aberdeen (Milltimber) Scout Group.
The celebrations include an Anniversary Celeidh dinner at
the Old Mill Inn on August 31st, to which those with close
connections to the Group are being invited, and an open
afternoon on Sunday, 1st September at the Milltimber
Community Hall from 2.00 to 5.00pm. Anyone interested,
and particularly those with connections to the Group are
invited to come and meet old friends and perhaps reminisce over old photographs.
It is said that singing is good for you so if you are interested, please contact Irene 01224 749957 or Mika 01224 742004 email us at As well as the anniversary plans, the Group’s normal programme continues apace. The Scout Troop has already
held its annual ski weekend in Braemar, and the dates
are set for the Beaver Sleepover, joint Scout and Cub
camp, sailing instruction for the Cubs, participation in the
District Cub Camp, and the Scout Summer camp, in addition to the normal weekly meetings. A team from the
Scout Troop will be taking part in the National Adventure
camping competition. The Group Executive Committee
organised another very successful Jumble Sale at the end
of March at Cults Academy, and despite some very unseasonable weather raised a record sum in excess of £4,500.
Any surplus material was recycled through various local
charities. Thanks to all those who supported the event.
We are also available for hire to sing at
private and corporate parties.
The Milltimber Group runs at full capacity, with a waiting
list for most sections. Prospective members are encouraged to put their names on the waiting list as early as
possible to avoid disappointment. Contact details for
Leaders are given elsewhere in the MBC News.
Cults Primary School
Summer Fair
Saturday 8th June 2013
11am – 2pm
International Food, Home Baking, BBQ,
Crafts, Carnival Games, Junior Geo, Football Challenges
Nearly New Toys, Books, CDs and DVDs and lots more!!
Have fun with family & friends, while supporting your local school
Adults £2, Children £1
(redeem your ticket for free refreshment)
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 25
Something for everyone
at your local
community church! Binghill Drive, Milltimber, AB13 0JE. Church Office: 01224 733979
9:30am & 11:30am Family Service
with crèche, Junior Church, S1-2 Bible Class
and Celebration Group (11:30 Service only)
6:00pm Evening Service
With a Missions Report 1 Sunday monthly
and Communion 2 & 4 Sunday monthly
S1-3 7:30-9:00pm - 4 Friday monthly
all of July through to the 11 August
10:30am Family Service with 9:45am
Communion 14 & 28 July
NO Evening Service until the 11th of August but check our website for information about
special events on SUMMER SUNDAY
EVENINGS in Café One
We meet in Café One every 2 & 4
Wednesday monthly, 10am-12pm to
make useful gifts to send to children
and missionaries working abroad. We
would be pleased to have you join us.
We would love to have you join us
with your little ones Tues mornings,
9:45-11:30am. Phone Morven on
744829 or please just come along.
All artists most welcome! We meet
monthly on the first Friday in
Café One, 10am-12pm.
Creativity in art enjoyed among
artistic friends, with time for coffee
and a chat too! Enquire at the Church Office.
You will be made most welcome every
second Sunday of the month at our over
50s social group – events, outings, Coffee
Mornings and more!
We look forward to welcoming
you on Thursday mornings
18th April – 27th June
Coffee/Tea & Tray-bake
(donation £2)
Our Support Group meets to have a light meal
together and follow a seminar programme every
Friday at 7pm in Café One in the church.
For more information contact Beatriz Schumann
Robert Hamilton, our Care Pastor, is happy
to meet for a chat, perhaps to be a listening
ear, offer help, share a pastoral prayer, or just
get a chance to meet and say “hello”. Feel
free to telephone the Church Office 733979
or 07595072090.
Page 26
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Milltimber Playgroup News
dragons, and mice. The pet theme was
continued in the arts and crafts area
with handprint octopuses and fish and
feathered bird pictures.
For our next topic, we looked at cars,
which involved creating and working
in our “Milltimber Garage” with quite
a few budding mechanics among
the boys and girls. We also set up
a carwash, examined the engine or
“insides” of a car and made our
own cars out of junk which were
creatively painted and played
2013 has seen many new beginnings for Milltimber Playgroup
starting with a complete redesign of the playroom layout which
has been a huge success. The children are responding well to
this and to the changes in routine implemented by the staff,
including queuing well for wash-up before snack-time! They also
now help prepare snacks, set the table, tidy up and take a much
more active role in food preparation.
Easter saw much fun with egg
decorating and rolling, Easter
bunny pictures and an indoor
picnic prepared by the children.
They also attended a special
Easter service, along with the
nursery children, at Deeside
Christian Fellowship Church
during Easter week. We must
thank the pastors at Deeside for
the service.
The snowy conditions since Christmas have brought us a lot
of outside fun; sledging, looking at animal footprints in the
snow, making snowmen, playing with ice and snow inside and
experimenting with the effects of hot and cold.
We also spent some time this term looking at the topic of pets
which was completed with a very enjoyable visit to Pets @
Home, where the children met rabbits, guinea pigs, bearded
Milltimber Playgroup
For Children 2 ½ - 5 years
(child does not require to be potty trained)
Playgroup : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays
9.30 am – 12 noon
Lunch Club : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays
12 noon – 12.30 pm
Wrap around sessions available; playgroup, lunch
and transport provided to Milltimber Pre-school Nursery
Afternoon Session: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays
9.30 am – 12.45 pm
This term the playgroup were
delighted to be awarded a grant from the Voluntary Action Fund
which will be invested in the further training of staff in outdoor
play and learning, all-in-one waterproofs for the children and a
forthcoming visit to Adventure Aberdeen’s Outdoor Centre. The
staff are very excited about the new focus on outdoor play and
can’t wait for the weather to improve!
Milltimber Playgroup is based at Milltimber Community
Association Hall at The Meadows, Milltimber. Playgroup sessions
run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.30
am to 12 noon. The playgroup also offers a lunch club from 12
noon to 12.30 pm on those days and a nursery “wrap-around”
service where children who have an afternoon nursery place can
be dropped off at playgroup at 9.30 am, stay for lunch, then be
transported to nursery for the afternoon class. The playgroup
is open to all children aged 2½ to 5 years. If you would like to
find out more or arrange a visit to come along and see what we
do please contact Julie on 07740 575273. Our email address is
Friendly, qualified playgroup staff
Outside play area
Flexible number of sessions accommodated
Healthy Snacks provided each day
For more information contact Julie on 07740 575273
Find us on Facebook at Milltimber Playgroup R Five’s
Member of the Scottish Pre-School Play Association
The Meadows, Milltimber, Aberdeen AB13 0JT
Registered Charity SC010826
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Race Night with the KhybeR Pass associatioN
saturday 8th June, 2013 at 8pm
At Milltimber Community Hall, The Meadows, Milltimber
Tickets £5 Bring Your Own Drinks
For tickets, to sponsor a race or to ‘buy’ a horse contact:
Lisa Wood on 07773 300316 or e:
Page 27
All funds
raised will go
to Milltimber
Cults Hillwalking Club
The route for the March walk was changed on the day due to snow which had fallen
the previous few days. One group tackled Creag nam Bam rather than the Coyles
of Muick, to be programmed again in the future no doubt, with a less intrepid
group taking a lower level through Glen Girnock before heading westwards to Easter
As this goes to press club members will be looking forward to the May weekend which
will see 30-40 heading off to Glen Coe for a whole variety of routes over three days
designed to give every level of ability the opportunity for walking outwith the usual
area covered by the monthly programme. Pleasant evenings are spent over meals
at the hotel and in the bar afterwards exchanging details of the days walking and
discussing what to do the next day.
June sees the Thursday evening meeting becoming a social walk followed by a meal; also the long summer (?) days allow the Sunday walk
traditionally to be longer than the normal programme.
9 May
Evening meeting
Cults Community Centre 7.30 pm
Followed by Wine and Cheese
Cults Community Centre 7.30 pm
Sunday Walk
Various pick up points
12 May
Carn Ealasaid
20 km
6 June
Evening Walk; Scolty Hill
Followed by Meal at Buchanan’s Bistro
16 June
Ben MacDui & Lairig Ghru
26 km
4 July
Informal meeting
Cults Hotel 8.00 pm
14 July
Speyside Way Carn Daimh
20 or 13 km
1 August
Informal meeting
Cults Hotel 8.00 pm
11 August
Mount Keen
24 or 19 km
New members are always welcome. Why not come along and see for yourself what a varied programme we offer. The club website has details of the club walks and other activities or contact:
Chairman, Andy Roberts on 01224 733710,
or Membership Secretary John Adams on 01224 868402 .
Page 28
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Keep Your Kitchen Safe
Seven thousand people are injured in kitchen fires each year and
that does not include those who are killed. Don’t be one of them,
know what to do and what not to do in the kitchen.
Nearly two thirds of all domestic fires happen because of cooking.
The kitchen is the single most dangerous place in your home, and
time and time again it is the same problems that cause fires. If you
know about these problems, the chances are you will be less likely
to have a fire in your kitchen. This article covers how to keep safe
while cooking, plus what to do if a fire starts in your kitchen.
Take the following steps to make the kitchen a safe place.
Keep electrical leads well away from the cooker.
Don’t hang tea towels or cloths on or over the cooker.
Keep the oven, hob and grill clean. A build-up of fat and food
residue can start a fire.
Don’t put anything metallic inside the microwave.
Don’t dry clothes in the microwave.
Keep electrical leads away from water.
Don’t put a plant pot or anything wet on top of an electrical
Keep toasters well away from curtains and under kitchen cabinets.
Don’t overload sockets; one plug per socket is the rule, especially if
the appliance takes a lot of power (like a kettle).
Don’t run extension cables across the floor as they can become
Electrical appliances
Don’t leave appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers
on at night.
Is the kettle leaking? This can be dangerous.
Make sure your ventilation is adequate for the room especially if
you have a gas cooker or boiler in the kitchen.
Buy a smoke alarm fitted with a “hush button” so if it goes off
accidentally you can silence it instantly and won’t be tempted to
remove the battery. If your alarm keeps going off unnecessarily,
you may need to move it further away from the kitchen entrance.
Cooking Safely
The most important point about cooking is to avoid being
distracted. Most kitchen fires occur when people leave things
If you’re called away from the cooker, take pans off the heat. It’s
the easiest thing in the world to forget about them.
Don’t cook if you’re affected by alcohol or prescription drugs.
Turn saucepan handles so they don’t stick out where they can be
accidentally knocked.
Keep the oven door shut.
Don’t put oven gloves or tea towels down on the cooker.
Always clean the grill pan after using it.
Deep Fat Frying
Deep fat fryers fires cause one fifth of all accidental dwelling fires
attended by the Fire and Rescue Service in the UK each year, killing
or injuring about 20 people every day. When you’re deep fat frying
remember you are heating several pints of oil to extremely high
temperatures. Oil can cause terrible burns and go up in flames. In
fact, it’s an ideal fuel for a fire, and difficult to put out.
Never fill a deep fat fryer more than a third full of oil.
The safest way to deep fry is to use a thermostat-controlled electric
deep fat fryer which stops it from overheating; better still choose
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
oven chips.
Never leave your cooking unattended, even if the phone or doorbell
rings. Remember, fires start when your attention stops.
Dry your food in a clean tea towel before putting it in the fryer
because water can make the oil erupt violently.
Test the temperature with a small piece of bread or potato. If it
crisps quickly, the oil is too hot so turn off the heat and leave it to
If there are flames, never throw water over the pan as it will erupt
violently spreading the fire.
If you’ve consumed alcohol, do not be tempted to cook with a chip
Dealing with a Fire in the Kitchen
The Fire Service usually recommends that if you have a fire in the
kitchen, don’t take any risks, get everyone out of your home and
call the Fire and Rescue Service. If you’re not sure you can handle
the fire or if it is spreading from its starting point then it is almost
certainly already too big and you should leave the building. If you
cannot deal with the fire, close the door on the way out, and call
If it is a deep fat fryer
If a pan of food or chip pan catches fire do not attempt to remove
from the stove, as it could give you terrible burns.
Turn off the heat if it is safe to do so; switch off the supply at the
meter if necessary.
Never throw water over it.
Don’t use a general fire extinguisher on a pan filled with oil or
fat. The ONLY fire extinguishers safe for deep fat fryers are wet
chemical extinguishers, special ABF classed extinguishers and ‘dry’
water mist extinguishers! Never use traditional foam or powder
extinguishers on burning fat or oil.
If you use wet chemical extinguishers, make sure you empty the
entire content of the extinguisher on the oil, even if the flames
have been doused already! This prevents re-ignition.
Leave the pan to cool completely.
Dial 999 and call the Fire and Rescue Service
If electric appliances are involved
Pull the plug out or switch off power at the fuse box. This may stop
the fire immediately.
Smother the fire with a fire blanket, or use a carbon dioxide
extinguisher if available. ‘Dry’ water mist extinguishers and foams
can be used as well if they have been tested to 35kV.
Dial 999 and call the Fire and Rescue Service
Additional information can be found at the following websites. and http://www.
Mark Wood, Scott MacRory, Andy Roome
Blue Watch, North Anderson Drive
Painted furniture,
Furniture renovation
Handcrafted & vintage
M: 07446 385 124
coming soon
Page 29
Get ready
for the 2013
Library Summer
Gents Cut from £10.00 Clipper Cut £9.00
Students from £8.50 Under 12’s £8.50
Under 5’s
£7.00 OAP’s
The theme for this summer is Creepy
House and there’s a spine tingling
adventure waiting in Aberdeen
City libraries. By taking part in the
Reading Challenge and trying to read
six books over the summer you can
join young adventurers Tilda, Saeed,
Ollie, Rhys, Zoe, Liv and Baskerville
the dog as they explore the secrets
of Creepy House and meet the hairraising residents.
Collect stickers and incentives as you
work through the three stages of the
Challenge and explore different parts
of Creepy House. Do you dare to
go to the Awful Upstairs? What might
be lurking on the Gruesome Ground
Floor and what secrets are hidden in
the Spine-tingling Cellar?
There will be more activities plus
hidden “treats” for children to
“unlock” on the Creepy House
website which will go live before the
summer holidays and there will be
themed activities in libraries during
the holidays.
The drawings for Creepy House are
by award winning Chris Riddell. So
while you’re waiting for the Creepy
House door to open, check out his
work in The Graveyard Book, the
Edge Chronicles, Muddle Earth and
the Barnaby Grimes series.
Anjools is a modern friendly salon based in Cults with passionate stylists
and a combined 37 years experience. We pride ourselves on offering a
personal service using only the highest quality L’anza and La Biosthetique
products. All stylists receive on going training to ensure we stay ahead of
the latest trends and techniques.
A full range of professional
services and products
ensuring your hair is the
best it can be.
Tailored bridal packages or style
options for any special occasion.
Private consultations for hair or
scalp problems
Tues 10am - 8pm
Wed 10am - 7pm
Thurs 9.30am - 6pm
9.30am - 6pm
9am - 4pm
CLOSED Sun & Mon
TELEPHONE: 01224 863633
Page 30
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
The Summer Reading Challenge is
aimed at children aged 4 and over
but younger brothers and sisters can
join in by sharing books with family
and carers. There will also be regular
Bookbug Story and Rhyme sessions in
libraries during the holiday period.
Venue Any library in Aberdeen Time
All day every day
Visit your local Library or our
website :
Well-off would also benefit
from greater income equality
By now it is well-known that large inequalities of income in a society damage the
social fabric and the quality of life for all its members; everyone, rich or poor,
benefits from living in a more equal society. Surprisingly, it isn’t just the poor
who benefit. The rich benefit too in unexpected ways. Recently, new research
has also suggested that the financial crisis was probably brought about by income
More equal societies such as Sweden and Japan are healthier. And not just the
poor - the rich live longer too. There are also: fewer drug problems, less violence,
teenage pregnancy rates are lower, child well-being is higher, mental illness
(including depression) is less common, there is less crime, people trust each
other more, murder rates are lower, people are more interested in protecting the
environment and there is more social mobility.
Why is this?
We are all affected by the stress and insecurity which goes with big differences in
status. Inequality increases social distances and we worry more about how we
are judged by others. People are less concerned with the well-being of others.
This damages physical and mental health, increases the strain on family life and
can trigger violence. It damages community cohesion and fuels consumerism.
Est. 2003
Earth-friendly, environmentally conscious gardening
Tree felling
Chainsaw work
NPTC Certified
Tree planting
Hedge pruning
Snow clearing and gritting
Fully insured
Free quotations
Contact Coran
Tel. 01224 917288
What we would gain
Reversing the trends of the last 30 years and having less income inequality would
bring enormous advantages for the UK and its people. We could:
− halve homicide rates − reduce mental illness by two thirds − halve obesity −
imprison 80% fewer people − have 80% fewer teenage births − increase the
proportion of the population who feel they can trust others by 85% − significantly
reduce environmentally damaging consumerism.
Take part
An Aberdeen branch of the Equality Trust has recently been set up.
If you are interested in coming along to find out more, contact us on shan.parfitt@ or .
More information available
Many thanks to The Equality Trust for permission to reproduce parts of this text.
If you would like to know more about the evidence, including methods used and
data sources (which include the World Bank, United Nations, OECD, World Health
Organisation and UNICEF) please visit:
Cults Cricket Club
By the time you read this article the 2013 cricket season will
hopefully be well underway, with sunny and dry weather and
matches played on decent pitches. The reality, if previous seasons
are anything to go by, will of course be different. It could still be
snowing with temperatures just hovering around freezing. It could
still be high tide at Allan Park Stadium.
But at the start of another cricket season hopes springs eternal. It
could be just that your writer in his advancing years is more than a
touch senile. He thinks of summer playing in Cults and in the wider
Aberdeenshire area in glorious sunshine and on dry pitches. One of
the advantages of longevity it that I do remember those summers.
Other advantages of older age still have to be realised. A bus pass
works for me.
Cults CC always require assistance; there are never enough players,
never enough funds, never enough time to do all the work at the
ground. Are you interested in playing? Cults has two Senior XI's
playing in the Aberdeenshire Cricket Association. Fancy a game?
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Our Junior section is flourishing and provides different types of
cricket dependent on the child’s age. We have qualified coaches
and parent helpers, so the children are well looked after. If your
son or daughter wants to try cricket please give me a call.
With Aberdeen City Council cutbacks, the Club has to do more and
more work on the ground and this has to be financed from our
meagre resources. The Allan Park is Cults CC biggest asset and
their major financial liability.
If you can help in any way please give me a call.
Ian Sutherland –
Cults Cricket Club
Tel: (h) 01224 742833,
(m) 07815 637407
Page 31
Tennis Development – Cults Tennis Club
Tennis Scotland is currently encouraging youngsters to take up the sport of tennis,
and Cults Tennis Club is supporting this initiative. Tennis is a game requiring
multiple skills, including physical strength, fitness, dexterity, hand / eye coordination, mental alertness, social skills and the ability to participate as team
players. Locally the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tennis Development Group of
Tennis Scotland is providing a variety of initiatives. To attract coaches and develop
the quality of coaching in the area, courses are being promoted through Clubs,
Universities and Colleges. Students from The Robert Gordon University have
been trained to help teachers deliver tennis and they are undertaking four week
placements in schools to help Primary teachers. The Schools Outreach Programme
provides the opportunity for tennis clubs to link up with schools. Cults Tennis Club
Head Coach, Gareth Rennie is involved with local schools.
At Cults Tennis Club Gareth leads a very able team of coaches and they provide
sessions for all ages and abilities. Children attend after school and during vacations.
Adults attend a group session for advanced players on Wednesday evenings. Group
sessions for beginners and improvers, on Sunday evenings and Tuesday mornings
are proving to be popular with parents. Coaching sessions are open to nonmembers.
Each year Cults Tennis Club Committee organises a Calendar of Events to promote
the sport. The season traditionally opens at the end of March but play is continuous
all year round on the outdoor all-weather surfaces. The inter club matches and
National League matches start in April. Cults currently has five gents and four ladies
teams playing weekly in North East of Scotland leagues. Social play sessions are
on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Players who are non-members are welcome
to join in a social tournament starting at 2pm on Saturday 11 May and on Saturday
8 June. For Junior Members regular Thursday evening sessions are held from April
to October. For members, a Parent and Junior tournament is planned for Sunday 2
June and a Junior Event and BBQ for Sunday June 23. The Club hosts the North
East Tournament, this year from 4 to 10 August, and this is followed by the Club
Championships. Finals Day is currently planned for Saturday 14 Sept followed by
Presentation of Trophies at a dinner on the same evening at the Cults Hotel. The
Spectacular Fireworks Night is at the Clubhouse on Saturday 2 November. Other
social events for juniors and meals for adults are arranged throughout the year.
Up to date details of all the activities can be checked on the Cults Tennis Club
website. So if you are interested in any of the activities check the time and date on
the website and come along and join us.
International School
Monday 6.30 - 8.00pm
Milltimber Primary School
Tuesday 3.30 - 4.30pm
Cults Primary School
Friday 4.30 - 5.30pm
Ronnie Watt
OBE, ORS, 8th Dan Hanshi
For information on other classes:
01224 734607
web site:
Page 32
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
1st Cults Brownies – Cake Decorating Competition
After our very enjoyable ice skating outing to round up the Christmas term at 1st Cults Brownies, we have quickly returned to the usual
routine, and it has been fantastic to see so many familiar faces and a few new ones too. Despite the rather unpredictable weather, we
have managed to run every week with high attendance each session - no snow can dampen our spirits!
This term we have been challenging our Brownies with many new badges such as 'agility' and 'healthy heart', promoting fitness and
well-being, and this has proven to be very popular, judging by the feedback from the girls. We were also thrilled with the triumph of our
mother and daughter ‘pamper night’. It was great to see enthusiasm from the parents too!
Recently, the Brownies have also been involved in the promotion of the Friends of Guiding coffee morning, which took place on the
16th March at the Cults Scout Hall. It was a great success, raising over £1,700. The addition of the 'cake decorating' competition was
particularly popular, and we received some truly creative entries! We would like to thank everyone for the contributions they made to
this event; without the support of girl guides, parents and community members alike, events like these could not continue.
Next term we have more exciting activities lined up, including the 'wildlife explorer' badge. We are also excited to be welcoming one of
our Brownie's parents to run a science night, to allow the girls to achieve their
'Science Investigators' badge. We also plan to take
advantage of the warmer weather (in theory!) and spend
more time outdoors at our Crathes site to practise camp
We are always collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids
vouchers, so please send any spare vouchers our way.
Previously, we managed to collect enough vouchers to
purchase a new parachute (which the Brownies adore!)
and some circus skills items which we hope to use soon.
Submitted by Young Leaders,
Charlotte McNicholas & Lucy Buchanan
Forthcoming Events
Sunday Priory Lunches
Vincent Heneghan
offers specialist advice in a wide
range of areas including:
Come and join us for a Traditional Roast every Sunday
2 courses £17.50, 3 courses £20.00pp
Children under 12 half price
From noon until 2.30pm
Inhouse Wedding Exhibition
Sunday 20th October 2013
12 noon until 4.30pm
Couples are welcome to come along to the Hotel
to view our Wedding facilities and
meet local Wedding Suppliers
Watch out for new dates for our
Tribute Evenings, Medieval Evenings,
McGonagall Evenings, Christmas Party Nights
For further details contact:
Mobile: 07710 471815
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
To book places or for further information
please call 01224 732124
or email
Page 33
Culter Youth Football Club is now in its 30th year and provides
football coaching and competitive games for over 300 children of
different age groups in a safe environment.
Presentation Night
The Culter Youth Football Club Presentation Night will be held
on Wednesday 19th June, 7pm at Cults Academy. The evening
will recognise all those that have played their part with CYFC this
season including player of year and long service awards.
The club is very keen to expand on the current number of coaches
at all age levels. Born in 2001? We now have coach in place at
this age group and are keen to build up the numbers to enter the
new season from Aug 2013. This will be a brand new team for
CYFC. If you are interested in coaching then please contact Sid
Merrakech on 07907164971 or
School Pitch
The container at the school pitch is in a poor state and the club is
seeking help with a replacement and removal of the current one.
If you can help us in any way please get in contact.
 Laptop & PC Troubleshooting
 Software Installation & Troubleshooting
 Virus/Spyware removal
 Password Recovery
 PC / Laptop Health check
 Data recovery
 PC / Laptop repairs & part upgrades
 Printer Installation & Repair
 Broadband Installation & Troubleshooting
 Onsite Visits
If your PC or Laptop is running slow
try our computer service for
01224 433490
Every team would welcome more support from the parents
whether it is helping out on match and training days or behind
the scenes with administration, fundraising, finances etc. If you
can help at all with any of this then please contact your existing
coaches direct.
Monthly meetings
Would you like to represent your child’s team? Would you like to
get involved with the club, or just find out a bit more of what we
do and how we run things? Though we have a healthy turnout at
each monthly meeting from managers & coaches, more parents
would add more value. So please get in touch with your team
manager if you are keen to come along. You would be very
If you would like more information about any of the above then
please visit our club website.
Club Contact Details:
Paul Stein on 07714 292 311 or Jason White on 07541 027 846. |
Paul Bryson
Tel: 01224 741388
• Plasma & LCD TV Installations
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For your convenience work undertaken 7 days per week
Culter Youth FC News
Mobile: 07943 179212
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Page 34
Kingswells, Aberdeen
Help yourself or help others, Gift Vouchers Available
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Massage Therapist
Cults Sports Complex
"The Scottish Samurai"
by Eric Auld.
Commissioned by Reeve and Roxanne Watt
Scottish Samurai Award
–Listen up!
The National Karate Federation, (NKF), which has been based in the
North East of Scotland for over forty seven years, is set to welcome
five World Masters on the 8th and 9th of June this year to hold a
World Class training course. Ronnie Watt O.B.E., O.R.S., Director of
Shotokan for the World Karate Federation, (WKC), is pleased to be
welcoming the Masters to Aberdeen. Aberdonian, Ronnie Watt 8th
Dan, is one of the Highest awarded instructors in the world and a
former national champion.
The Festival and Match will be held at the International School of
Aberdeen on the 9th June 12.30-2.00pm. The Festival Training
course will run for five hours with the emphasis being on all
members from beginner to black belt. Along with Ronnie the five
world Masters that will be teaching the course are Alain Verbeeck
7th Dan (France), Fritz Wendland (Germany), Paul Kee 7th Dan
(Sweden), Christopher Bruce 6th Dan NKF Director of Wado Ryu,
and Alf Ronny Fagarland 5th Dan (Norway). Between them have
founded the WKC, trained under the World famous instructor Mr. T
Kase 9th Dan, run many World and European Championships, and
also run Karate Festivals in Norway and Sweden and one of them
has been the Scandinavian Champion fifteen times!.
In 2014, The Children’s World Championships are to be held in
Buenos Aries, Argentina. There is time for you to become part of
this exciting sport. Phone 01224 734607 to find out more, NOW!
Cults Sports Complex is the newest site under the Sport
Aberdeen banner. The site offers a wide range of sporting
facilities for the public to use and no joining fees or memberships
are required. Sport Aberdeen are actively looking to develop
Cults Sports Complex as a community sports facility and at this
time I would ask all local clubs and groups to contact us directly
if they would be interested in utilising our fantastic facilities.
The vast range of facilities on offer includes:
All Weather Astroturf Pitch
Full Sized Sports Hall
Small Sports Hall
Dance Studio
These areas are all available to be booked by the public and
accommodate a multitude of sports such as football, netball,
badminton, hockey and martial arts.
We also have two large Community Rooms which are ideal for
meetings, courses, educational classes, arts & crafts, as well as
children’s birthday parties. Both rooms are equipped with a fully
functioning digital projector and screen.
Our Fitness Studio is fully equipped with the latest cardiovascular
and resistance machines and provides a great environment for
the public to work out in.
Cults Sports Complex also boasts a state-of-the-art 25 metre, 6
lane swimming pool which can be enjoyed by the general public
between 09:00 and 12:00 every Saturday and Sunday morning.
The adult lane session between 09:00 and 10:00 caters for
swimmers of all abilities and the open session between 10:00
and 12:00 is ideal for families.
At Cults we also offer children’s activities through our Aquatics
Learn to Swim Programme and our Active Schools Programme.
For more information on these or on any of the other activities
on offer at the site, please just pop in past, email us at , or give us a call on 01224
866282. Staff will be happy to assist you with any query
you may have regarding the site. Alternatively, you can visit
the Sport Aberdeen website for up to date programmes and
information on all Sport Aberdeen facilities. www.sportaberdeen.
Our opening hours:
17:00 – 22:00 Monday to Friday
09:00 – 17:00 Saturday and Sunday
Cults Sports Complex
Cults Academy Community Wing
Quarry Road, Cults, Aberdeen
AB15 9TP
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Page 35
What’s On Locally
I started writing this in bright sunshine, which made me think
spring and summer are almost here, then it started to hailstone
– what a funny year we’ve had so far! Still, by the time you’re
reading this it should be much better, so hopefully we will all
take the chance to get out and be active!
While updating the item on Karate, I spoke to Ronnie Watt who
is a major force in the Karate world. Do look at his website and
see how much is going on around here, thanks to Ronnie!
Please notify me of any changes, deletions or additions which
need to be made. This listing is only as good as the information
I receive!
Telephone Kingswells : 01224 - 279459 or 07940 012679
Exercise Classes
Keep Fit - Exercise to Music
Improve Fitness, Flexibility and Strength
Have fun !
Hillview Community Church – former IBC, Cults
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
See listing at back of MBC News for class times.
Visit or phone 01224 861450
Collections Commissions Wedding
Sat 9.30am-2pm
(appointments available
at all other times)
Exclusive jewellery designed and made for you.
Fitted and shaped wedding rings our speciality.
265 North Deeside Road, Peterculter AB14 0UL Tel : 01224 735 000
Eleanor Brennan, Tel 862262,
Abbreviations for the venues.
CA - Cults Academy
CAP - Cults Academy Pool
CPCWC - Cults Parish Church Worship Centre
CPS - Cults Primary School
CSC - Culter Sports Centre
DCFC - Deeside Christian Fellowship Church, Milltimber
HCC - Hillview Community Church
International School, Pitfodels
KCC - Kingswells Community Centre
KMCC - Kaimhill Community Centre
MCAH - Milltimber Community Association Hall
MEHC – Murtle Estate Hall, Camphill
MPS - Milltimber Primary School
PCH - Peterculter Church Hall
PCND - Phoenix Centre, Newton Dee
PVH – Peterculter Village Hall
SCC - Scout Centre, South Ave, Cults
SCPT - Scout Centre, Pitstruan Terrace, Aberdeen
SDCH - St. Devenick’s Church Hall, Bieldside
SMH - St. Martin’s Hall, Cairnlee
SPHH - St. Peter’s Heritage Hall, Peterculter
SWP - Shell Woodbank, Pitfodels
WRIH - WRI Hall, Kirk Crescent, Cults
WSC - Waldorf School, Craigton Road, Cults
Has your local group done anything
spectacular this last few month’s?
An unusual way of fundraising...a good turn for
the neighbourhood...just had a really good couple
of months.
Let us know at MBC News as we’d love to
publish it for you. Even better if you have some
photographs to highlight it.
Send to Maureen the Editor see page 2 for details
Get thinking... Get writing...
Page 36
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Fitness, Sport and Dance
Badminton - Junior, CA
Saturdays, 1.30 - 5.30pm Sept to April
Contact Mike Stokeld, Tel. 735447
Badminton - Adult, CA
Tuesdays, 7.30 - 10.00pm
Contact Rob Wheadon, Tel : 323711
Mondays, 1.30 - 3.00pm
Wednesdays, 10.00am - 1200noon
Contact Marion Anderson, Tel : 732505
All ages very welcome
Summer Bowling, Winter Activities
Contact David Steele, Tel : 868485
Fridays, 7.50 – 10.00 p.m.
Contact Jim Kinnear 313149 or
Kenny Brown, Tel. 07788-507275
Contact Ian Sutherland, Tel : 742833
For men and women over 55.
Wednesdays 10.00-11.00 am
Contact Ellie Whyte, Tel : 861204
Mon-Fri, 5.00 – 10 p.m.
Sat – Sun, 9.00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Open to anyone over 16.
Contact Sport Aberdeen, 866282
Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm
Varied fitness levels
Contact Anne Low, Tel : 868553
Wednesdays, CSC, 4.00-5.00pm 5-8
year olds
Contact Dons in the Community Tel : 650472 or 650432
Pre-School Football (KCC)
Mon, 1.00-1.30 p.m., 1.30-2.00 p.m.,
2.00-2.30 p.m.
Fri, 9.30-10.00 a.m. 10.00-10.30 a.m.
1.30-2.00 p.m.
(Classes also available at Airyhall
Community Centre)
Contact Alison McLeod Tel 314669
Boys’ and Girls’ Teams, aged 6 to 19
years. Training most days
Contact Paul Stein, Mob. 07714292311
Exercise classes at Kippie Lodge,
Milltimber, RGU Sports Garthdee and
other venues in Aberdeen
Contact Douglas Pacitti, Tel: 01569
e: or speak
to the Cardiac Nurse at Cults Surgery
Indoor session 1st Thursday of the
month, 7.00 – 9.00 p.m.
Walks on Sundays, 10 days after the
Contact Andy Roberts, Tel. 733710 or
Jim Howie, Tel. 733954
Various sessions around this area –
see website for full list
Mondays 6.30 – 8.00 p.m., ISP
Fridays 4.30 – 5.30 p.m., CPS
Contact Ronnie Watt, Tel. 734607
Mondays 7.30 p.m., HCC, medium
Wednesdays 7.30 p.m., HCC, medium
Thursdays 9.30 a.m., HCC, basic
Saturday 11.00 a.m., HCC, medium
For more information contact
Christine, 861450,
Gavin, 824722 or Rosey, 310380
Just turn up - no need to sign up for
a block - everybody welcome
Peterculter Sports Centre
Mon. afternoon, Tues afternoon/
evening,Thurs. evening
Camphill School, Murtle
Wed. evenings
Cults Parish Church Worship Centre
Fri. mornings
All classes must be booked in advance.
Contact Solveig Dahle Smith,
Tel. 861421
Wednesday afternoons, term time only
3.30 – 4.30 Boys and Girls aged 5 – 7
4.30 -5.30 Boys and Girls aged 8 -10
Contact Ian Wilson, 07770-996767
Thursdays, 7.30 – 9.00 p.m.
Contact Alistair Brown, Tel. 861314
Peterculter sports centre
Coronation Road, Peterculter Tel :
Fitness studio, aerobics classes, creche
Monthly membership or ad hoc prices
Open to children aged 4 to 14
Learn to Swim and Junior Coaching
Contact Sonia Richardson,
Website -
(Adults 14+/Rookies/Junrs
Mondays 6.30-9.30pm
Contact Anne Gwynne - Tel : 868846
Sat – Sun 9.00 – 12 noon
Public sessions, Adult lane swimming,
Children’s inflatable sessions – ring for
times of sessions.
Continues during school holidays.
Contact Sports Aberdeen, Tel. 866282
Wednesdays, 7.45-9.45pm
Contact Don Wells - Tel : 310904
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Mondays, 1.00-2.30pm
Contact Neil or Nicolette - Tel : 01330850675
32 Abbotshall Place, Cults
See separate item in MBC News for
full details
Contact Maggie MacLennan (Sec),
Tel. 861485 or Gareth Rennie, Mob.
Woodburn WalkING GROUP
Rambling for the over 50s
Meet alternate Tuesdays at
Hazlehead Bus Terminus
Travel by hire bus
Average walk +/- 7 miles
Contact Bill, Tel. 318313 or Frances
Tel. 821753
Tuesdays, 5.45 – 7.00 p.m., end Aug
to Easter
Robert Gordon’s College pitches,
Countesswells Road
Run by Gordonians Hockey Club but
boys and girls from P4 to S4 from all
schools are welcome. Sticks can be
provided. More details at
Sundays, 4.30-6.00pm Contact Aidan
Mulkerrin, 07710-495552
Beginners welcome
Wednesdays, 7.00 - 8.30 p,m,
Contact Fiona Britee, Tel. 487712
Classes for children and adults
available in Cults and Peterculter
For details see website www. or contact Karen
Berry, Tel. 647341
Thursdays, 2.30 – 3.30 p.m.
Sept. to Dec., Jan. to Mar.
Contact Fiona Murray, Tel. 702305
Adults. Wed. 7.00 -8.30 p.m. (school
term times only)
Contact Andrene Thompson,
Tel. 781232
Caregivers and Toddlers (0-4).
Dance, rhyme and rhythm,
Refreshments and toys.
Thursdays, 9.30 – 10.30 a.m.
Contact Laura Hayes, Tel. 744295
Wednesdays - 8.00-9.30pm
All ages and beginners welcome
Margaret Athawes, Tel. 733622
Scottish Country Dancing,
Tuesdays, 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. (mid Sept.
to end March)
Contact Sheila Fyfe, Tel. 868164
Scottish Country Dancing,
Tuesdays, 4.00 – 5.00 p.m. for
primary school children
Contact Judith Riddoch, Tel. 865909
For intermediate students
Mondays, 7.40 - 9.30 p,m,
Contact Marian van Oorschot, Tel.
Beginners - Mondays 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Contact Sandra Allen, Tel. 715181
Raggie Morrison’s Ladies
Clog Dancing, SDCH
Ladies of all ages and beginners
especially welcome.
Meet Wednesdays 7.45 - 10.00 pm
Contact Rosemary Crabbe-Wyke - Tel
: 07950-086739 or Moira Skingley - Tel
: 867801
Scottish Country Dancing and Highland
Dancing for primary school children.
Tuesdays, 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Contact Judith Riddoch, Tel 865909
Recreational, Vocational & Adult
classes available
Classical Ballet, Modern Theatre, Tap,
Jazz, Street Jazz, Musical Theatre
Dance, Boys Only Street Moves,
Zumba Contact Helen Colleran, Mob.
E-Mail -
Page 37
Children & Youth Groups
107( Aberdeen ) Squadron,
Prince Charles Cadet Centre, Albury
Road , Ferryhill, AB11 6TL
Parade Mon & Wed 19.00-21.30hrs.
Open to Boys and Girls aged 13-17
Tel. 590679
Buoyancy Swim, Camphill
School, Bieldside
30 minute sessions, Tues.12.30 – 15.00
Thurs. 12.30 – 14.00, Fri. 12.30-16.00
Adult and Baby (3-12 months), Adult
and Toddler (1-2 years), Adult and
Child (2+ years), Pre school (4 years +
without their parent in the pool).
Contact Julie McQuillan, Tel. 318651,
Mob. 07906 863246 or email:
Contact Marion Skea Tel : 07762-250550
1st Friday of month, 7:30-9:30 pm
For S1-S4 youth in the Cults,
Bieldside and Milltimber area
After School Club, MPS
Mon. – Fri., 7.30 to 9.00 a.m. and 2.45
to 6.00 p.m.
Contact Clare Anderson,
Mob. 07890-862774
Wednesdays, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Contact Lindsey Newton: 868727
Thursdays, 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Contact Andrea Vlaar, Tel: 865470 or
Tuesdays 9.45-11.30 a.m.
Contact Morven Noble, Tel. 744829
Fridays 9.30-11.30 a.m. (term times)
Contact Susan Ronald, Tel. 735204
Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 9.15 – 11.45 a.m.
(From 2½ years)
Rising 5s – afternoon sessions
Contact Lisa Gray, Mob. 07842-470828
Drama class for children and young
people, Contact Lizzy Hawkey, Mob.
Wed. and Frid.9.15am to 11.10am.
Gilcomstoun Primary School
Babies and toddlers introduced to Gaelic
through arts, crafts, play and song. You
don’t have to speak Gaelic to attend.
Tel 0777 939 8289,
Facebook: Croileagan Obar Dheathain.
Milltimber Playgroup &
Rising 5’s, MCAH
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri., 9.30 a.m.12.00 p.m.
Lunch club Tues, Fri. 12.00 – 13.00
p.m. (Term times only)
Rising 5’s Fri 1.00 -3.00
Nursery transport options available
Contact Julie McWilliam, 07740575273,
St Devenick’s Playgroup and
Rising 5s, SDCH
Playgroup: Monday – Friday,
9.20am – 11.50 a.m.
Lunch club, Wednesday
11.50am – 1.00 p.m.
Rising 5s, Tuesday and Thursdays,
12.30 – 3.00 p.m.
Contact Julie, Tel. 867431 or
Playgroup, Tel. 07931 223545
Fun and friendly childcare for children
from birth to five years Maryculter
Community Hall (next to the Old Mill
Inn), South Deeside Road
Baby & Toddler Group – Mondays
9.30am to 11.30am
Twos Group – Wednesdays, Thursdays
and Fridays 9.30am to 11.30am ,
Rising Fives – Tuesday lunchtimes 12
noon to 2pm
Mob.: 07966 163953
Tots and Toddlers, SDCH
Wednesdays, 2.00 – 4.00 p.m.
Contact Michelle, 861755
Explorers P1-P3 Group, DCFC
Wed. 6.30 -7:30 p.m.
Contact Luke Dale, Tel. 733979
Beavers, Cubs and
Challengers P4-P7 Group,
Wednesdays 7:30 - 8.30p.m.
Contact Luke Dale, Tel. 733979
Youth Group for S1-6, Grades 7-12
Sundays: 7.00 -9.00 p.m.
Deeside Explorer Scouts
Deeside Explorer Scouts
Every second Monday 8.00 -10.00 p.m.
Open to boys and girls, aged 14 to 17
Isobel Cameron Tel 869393
1st Cults Rainbows, CPCWC
Mondays, 4.00 - 5.00 p.m.
Contact Claire Moore, Tel 869039
3rd Cults Rainbows, CPCWC
Fridays, 4.30 - 5.30 p.m.
Contact Morag Williamson Tel: 867967
1st Cults Brownies, CA
Mondays, 6.15 - 7.30 p.m.
Contact Dorothy Forbes, Tel 486357
2nd Cults Brownies, HCC
Tuesdays, 6.15 - 7.30 p.m.
Contact Jill Sutherland, Tel 734540
3rd Cults Brownies, CPS
Tuesdays, 6.15 - 7.30 p.m.
Contact Jan Mackintosh Tel: 865916
1st Cults Guides, CA
Mondays, 7.30 - 9.00 p.m.
Contact : Karen Pether, Tel 734527
2nd Cults Guides, HCC
Thursdays, 7.30 - 9.00 p.m.
Contact Anne O’Neill, Tel 861467
Milltimber Rainbows, MCAH
Thurs 4.15 – 6.15 p.m.
Contact Alison Garden, Tel. 868821
Beavers - Wed, 4.30 - 5.30 p.m.
Open to boys and girls aged 6 to 8
Karen Southworth, Tel 869557
Cubs – Thursdays, 7.00 - 8.30 p.m.
Open to boys and girls aged 8 to 10
John Evans, Tel 07834-521519
Scouts - Fridays, 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.
Beavers - Mondays 4.15 - 5.15pm
Fiona Douglas, Tel: 735523
Cubs - Tuesdays 6.30 - 8.00pm
Barbara Stroud, Tel: 732591
Scouts - Fridays 7.30 - 9.30pm
Geoff Weighill, Tel: 869115
Youth Hockey Coaching
on Tuesday evenings for P4 to S4 by
Gordonians Hockey Club at Robert
Gordon’s College astroturf pitches on
Countesswells Road from 5.15pm to
6.30pm. Children from all schools are
welcome and sticks can be provided.
Coaching resumes on 30th August 2011
for the season
Milltimber Brownies, MCAH
Wednesdays. 6.00 -7.30 p.m.
Contact Elaine McGuffie, Tel. 733636
District Commissioner for Cults
- Jan Mackintosh, Tel. 865916
District Commissioner for
Milltimber and Culter
– Elaine McGuffie, Tel. 733636
Divisional Commissioner for Cults,
Milltimber and Culter - - Dorothy
Forbes, Tel. 486357
Friendly local club
Excellent facilities including 6 floodlit artificial grass courts
Professional coaching team headed by Gareth Rennie
Extensive coaching programme available throughout the year for all members (Junior and Senior)
Weekly session for both social and competitive players
Social events and club tournaments
Contact the Secretary Maggie MacLennan on 861485 for membership details
Contact the Coach Gareth Rennie on 07714753607 for coaching details
Page 38
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Hobbies and Social
Coffee mornings, lunches, visiting
speakers, outings and more 2nd
Monday of the month. Contact
the church office for details, tel.
Wednesdays, Lunch from 12.00
Announcements/speaker 12.45
Other activities include bridge and
scrabble, walks, theatre, cinema,
local history outings, garden visits, art
appreciation, a book group – the list is
endless! Open to anyone over 50, not
only Cults residents Details of activities on
the website http://www.cultsparishchurch. or contact Lizzie
Thomas, Tel. 869413 or Jeanette
Andrews, 868467
Meet monthly in the winter on Wed.
2.00 – 4.00 p.m. for talks.
Other social events include walks,
cycle rides, theatre visits,
outings, garden visits, lunch outings
and city breaks.
Annual favourites are BBQ, Games
night and a Christmas Party.
Open to anyone over 50.
Contact John Park, Tel. 733057 or
Robin Dyer, Tel 733850 or website
Wednesdays, 1.30 - 3.30 p.m.
Contact Jenny Hunter, Tel.
14 Rubislaw Terrace, Tel : 644773
Monday to Thursday - 7-10pm
Adult Lessons Wed - 7pm Sept - April
Thurs 9:15am-12:00 (term time only)
Culter Bridge Club, PVH
Fridays, 1.15 – 4.00 pm
Sept.- April Contact Peter Garioch Tel :
Thursdays 10.00- 12.00 p.m.
(2 x 10 week sessions from Sept &
Jan) Contact Isobel Archibald, Tel.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 10-3.00pm
Wide range of activities for all ages.
General enquiries - Sue Smedley 732172.
To hire the hall - 07502 040 619.
Craft and Needlework Class,
Fridays, 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
10 week courses £50.00
Beginners and more experienced
catered for Contact Yvonne Weir, Tel.
732098 /
Wednesdays, 6.30-8.00pm
New members most welcome
Contact Nancy Paul - Tel : 741378
Dressmaking Group, KMCC
Thursdays, 09.30-11.30 a.m.
Couture trained tutor. Beginners
welcome. Phone Kaimhill Community
Centre, Tel. 311996
Monthly on the 2nd Friday, 7.30pm
Both musicians and listeners most
welcome! Bring your own beverage!
Contact Jan Johnson, Tel : 867951
Aberdeen Gaelic Club
Brings together Gaelic speakers
and individuals interested in Gaelic
language and culture. The Club
organises Gaelic language evening
classes and weekend courses in
Harlaw Academy, plus social activities.
Tel 07779-398289, e: clubgaidhlig@ or
Mondays 12.00-2.00pm (except for
July) New members most welcome.
Contact Jackie Hatchwell, Tel : 861736
Fridays, 2.00-4.00pm
Players at any level are very welcome
Contact Joan Thomas - Tel : 733218
2nd & 4th Wed. of the month,
Contact Wilma Ewen, tel. 868202
Cults Strathspey & Reel
Society, CPCWC
Meet every 2nd Wednesday, 7.00 -9.00
Accordionists and string players
Contact Myra Noble, Tel. 867433.
International friendship club for
women connected to the oil industry.
Meetings with speaker, 1st Thursday
of the month. Coffee mornings, 3rd
Thursday of the month. Many subgroups such as ten pin bowling, walks,
bridge, golf, dinner club, mah-jong and
a book group.
Contact Anne Dunderdale, Tel. 01467620842 or Liz Gove, Tel. 876169
or email
Rotary Club of Aberdeen
Wednesday ‘s 6.15 for 6.45 pm in the
Cults Hotel. For further information
contact the secretary Quentin Tweedie
on 01224 868218 email qtweedie@
Saltire Society
Promotes all things Scottish. Meets
monthly on Tuesdays, normally in
Rubislaw Parish Church. Contact D J
Robertson, Tel. 484061
Meets at Northern Arts Club (NAC),
1st, 3rd, 5th Thursdays of every
month - 7.00-9.00pm Visitors are
welcome - no cover charge.
Contact Matthew Mtumbuka - Tel :
Email :
1st Thursday of every month, 7.309.30pm (Not July or August)
Contact Helen Johnston, Tel : 867726
or Lyn Pithie, Tel : 867614
Meet last Sunday in the month,
2.00 p.m. New members are most
welcome. Meetings consist of member
participation, demonstrations etc.,
Contact Bill Diack, Tel. 01467-622772
10 week course, initially for
beginners, later on a more
advanced course, depending on
Tuesday’s 7-9pm Cost £60
Contact Erik Stien, 734149/077774896421
Italian Classes for
Adults, HCC
Tel: 07786 827714
See separate item in MBC News for
opening times and details of thewide
range of courses and activities on
Garden Design
Treated Wood Fencing
Grass Cutting Border Edging
Shrub Pruning / Trimming
St Devenick’s Church Hall
Saturdays 7.00 to 9.00pm
Varied activities
- sports, video games, tuck shop etc
Open to all, age 10 years plus
Meets most weeks during school term
St Devenick’s Church
Scottish Charity No : 00386
MBC News Issue 159 - May - June - July 2013
Hedge Cutting
Tree Work
Liability Insured
Competitive Rates
& Friendly
Free Estimates
Private &
Bark / Chips Laid /Supplied
Garden Clearance /Tidy Ups.
Mike Duffus
Tel: 01224 732872
Mobile: 07742 761 763
Page 39
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