Merrimack Valley 50+ Paddle Boarding


Merrimack Valley 50+ Paddle Boarding
Merrimack Valley 50+
Active Life
Things to Do:
Merrimack Valley
The Newest
Page 2
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Page 3
Merrimack Valley 50+
Active Life
June 2015
Paddle Boarding
Revolutionary War
Graves Cemetery Tour
June 20
Join the Bartlett Museum
on its first cemetery tour by
Lynn Davis on June 20 from
1:00 – 3:00 pm. Gather at the
Bartlett Museum, 270 Main
Street, Amesbury to then tour
the Union Cemetery off Macy
Street and visit the seven Revolutionary War Graves. The tour
includes graves of veterans:
Captain John Currier, John
Dustin, David Lowell, Ezekiel
Goodridge, John Barnard, John
Blaisdell and Merchant Cleaves.
Suggested donation cost of
$10 is charged at the door, $8
in advance. To reserve tickets
call 978-388-3089.
Summer Sun Safety
- Page 5 -
Merrimack Valley 50+
Active Life
Visiting Local Lighthouses
Columns & Departments
Summer Sun Safety
Dads, Grads and Hot Tail Shrimp
Published by Merrimack Valley Parent, LLC
11 82nd Street
Newburyport, MA 01950
(978) 427-3676
To Submit Calendar Events:
To Advertise:
11 June Calendar of Events
View the Digital Edition at:
As part of the program, Lynn
has offered to do a free brief
bio/genealogy/sketch after the
event for any of the attendees
who has a relative who was a
veteran and is buried in one
of the local cemeteries at no
charge. Leave her a name and
information, along with an email address.
Lynn Davis is a lifelong genealogist and history buff who was
born in Portsmouth NH and
spent most of her life in upstate
New York but her family roots
run deep in Amesbury as her
grandfather is Richard Briggs;
she is a direct descendant of
Captain John Currier, and related by marriage to Susannah
Martin. Her education includes
a Bachelor's and Master's
degree with memberships to
the Essex County Genealogist
Society, New England Historic
Genealogy Society and the
Daughters of the American
Revolution. Her work has
been published by the Essex
Society of Genealogists and her
latest research on Veterans of
Amesbury’s Union Cemetery
is currently being prepared for
The Bartlett Museum is open
Memorial Weekend through
Labor Day on Fridays, Saturdays
& Sundays from 1:00-4:00 pm.
Reservations can also be made
for special tours by leaving a
message at the museum at
Visit us online at or www.
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Page 4
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Page 5
Sun Safety
Paddle Boarding
By Anne Rundle
Protect Yourself from Further Damage!
By Mike Sullivan
The newest watersport craze, paddle
boarding – you can “blame it on Laird.”
Laird Hamilton, who’s either best known
for his prowess on a surf board, or for
his spouse, Gabby Reece, pro volleyball
player, sportscaster, model, adopted the
sport in Hawaii well over a decade ago,
and like anything else, once he started
doing it, it became cool.
Paddle boarding is exactly as it sounds,
standing on a long surf board and propelling yourself across the water using
a paddle. Also called Stand Up Paddle
surfing (SUP), the sport was first a means
of transportation for Hawaii’s hierarchy
centuries ago, using long boards and
long paddles to get from one small
island to the next.
Hamilton has been widely criticized by
surfing purists for his promoting the
sport, but he sees its historical value and
cites it as a rebirth of Hawaii’s heritage.
Nevertheless, the sport made it to the
West Coast of the United States, then
about six years ago caught on with
the East Coast crowd. Now, it’s next to
impossible to spend a day at the beach
or lake and not see someone leisurely
cruising by on a paddle board.
With the official start of summer just
a few weeks away, it’s likely the sport
will be more popular than it was last
summer as it’s catching on with people
of many different backgrounds and is
presenting itself as another wave of
revenue for local surf shops.
Patrick Hall, a third-generation Salisbury
native, avid surfer and musician and
small-business owner, has enjoyed the
sport on both leisurely and competitive
levels, racing his board up and down the
East Coast. When he’s not on the water,
he’s helping others get on the water
as owner of Northeast Board Culture,
“a surf, SUP and skate shop” located in
the Round Rock Plaza on the Salisbury/
Seabrook line.
“Anyone can go out,” Hall says of paddle
boarding. “You don’t need waves. It’s a
good core exercise. It’s good for your
legs, quads, stomach, back and overall
While it looks as easy as getting up on
the board and paddling along, it takes
some getting used to, but once you’ve
established a cadence and rhythm
between your stroke and movement
of the water it’s as easy as riding a bike,
Hall says.
Hall’s Northeast Board Culture is just one
of several surf shops in Newburyport,
Salisbury, Seabrook, Hampton area that
rents boards and paddles, offers lessons and provides group events to get
people out on the water.
A quick Google search for “paddle
boards Newburyport” yields a handful of
websites for shops providing plenty of
opportunity to get out and experience
this newest craze.
“With surfing, 75 percent is wave
knowledge,” explains Hall. “With SUP, you
can do it on a lake, an ocean when it’s
flat, although you can ride waves once
you’re used to it; it’s a little more athletic
than sitting in a kayak.”
Hall also makes mention of the people
who’ve been paddle boarding for years,
who can go out on the water in different
conditions with confidence and who are
now fishing off their boards.
“I think they’re fishing for marlin,” he
So it’s an easy enough sport to learn,
right? The answer is yes. Hall says
someone can take an hour’s long lesson
with a certified instructor and after that
be comfortable enough with the board,
paddle and how it all reacts to head out
on a calm stretch of water and enjoy
themselves. However, those individuals
who are looking to get more out of it
(i.e. want to be able to ride waves) need
a little more practice and advanced
“You can get there if you want it,” says
Hall. “You can pick it up in a year if you
really want it.”
And once you do you’re free to set out
on the ocean and join the other surfers,
right? Wrong.
“There’s a certain amount of etiquette,
like in golf,” he says. “Surfers aren’t too
happy when a paddle boarder ruins
their wave.”
What he’s saying, is steer clear of the
high-traffic areas. If you see surf boards
dominating the watery landscape, it’s
safer to head in the other direction.
Safety is also of the utmost importance.
Hall cautions people to have a few items
with them when they go paddle boarding; a personal flotation device (PFD),
a whistle in case you get in trouble, a
leash that wraps around your ankle and
is tethered to the board so if you fall off
the board is still connected to you and
doesn’t get carried away, and your cell
phone in a waterproof case or bag, just
in case you need to call for help.
He also cautions about paying attention to the weather and the wind when
you’re going out on the water. An
offshore wind can turn a fun event into a
tiresome chore, or worse.
“I was giving lessons last summer to a
family from Vermont,” Hall explains. “I
was going over safety precautions with
them and they mentioned they were all
athletic and would be fine. There was
an offshore breeze that day and their
8-year-old daughter got caught and was
pushed out to sea. I’m a strong paddler
and I was able to catch up to her and
tow her back in.”
When he’s not giving lessons, or paddling himself, he’s leading groups on
outings. Every Tuesday night is Ladies
Night at his shop. His crew will take
groups of women out for an hour of
surfing or paddle boarding, and then
it’s back to shore for cocktails. Friday
nights it’s Adult Night Out at Sea. Same
deal. It’s a group outing, both men and
women, for an hour on the water, then
back to land for a beer, compliments of
Hall. If the ocean’s too rough, they’ll take
groups out on the river behind the shop.
This allows beginners to get the hang of
the sport while floating with the current.
Not a bad way to spend an easy summer
After Snowmageddon 2015, everyone’s
first order of business is to strip off the
layers and get outside and play. Before
we do, however it’s important to protect
our skin from sun damage. How many
of us went out on the first hot, sunny
day in May, rolled up sleeves and pant
legs and fried ourselves on a lunch
Unless we have been living in a cave,
we older adults have sustained decades
of sun damage. Those of us who grew
up slathering on baby oil and lying in
the back yard with a sheet of tin foil are
likely to have incurred plenty of trauma.
To add insult to injury, as we age our
skin easily loses moisture and becomes
thinner and more fragile, and burns
quickly. Although the damage appears
to be done, we can and should continue
to protect ourselves. The odds of being
diagnosed with skin cancer rise as we
age. (The risk is particularly high for
Caucasian men over 50 – sorry, guys.)
So wear moisturizer and sunscreen to
exposed skin every day, even if you’re
just going out to the car.
What’s the Difference between SPF
(Sun Protection Factor) 15, 30, or 50?
If you spend only a few hours in the sun
(and do limit it to two to three hours),
whether you wear SPF 15, 30 or 50 will
make little difference. SPF 15 blocks
93% of UVB rays, SPF 30 blocks 97%, and
SPF 50 blocks 98%. SPF 50 sunscreen
only gives you 5% more protection than
SPF 15 sunscreen. So beware when you
pay so much extra for the fancy tube
of 50. Just get the sunscreen with the
words “Broad Spectrum” on the front
of the bottle. Whatever strength you
buy, apply it at least 30 minutes before
you go outside to let it soak in. Reapply
every few hours, or more often if you are
swimming. The amount to apply each
time to exposed areas is about an ounce
– the size of a golf ball or that handy
dandy shot glass from Grand Cayman.
Better to put on too much than not
Other Sun Safety Tips for the 50+
• Speak with your primary care provider about whether any medicine
you are taking can cause photosensitivity (this includes NSAIDs, some
blood pressure medicines and
some antibiotics), and take special
• Wear sunglasses with 100% UVA
and UVB absorption. UV rays
can damage eyes and the skin
around them, and can contribute
to cataract growth and macular
degeneration. Look for UV-blocking
sunglasses, window shades and car
window tints.
• Stay hydrated (see the May issue).
Drink water early and often. Avoid
alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, which may dehydrate more
quickly, during your time in the sun,
unless you want to feel like you did
on Spring Break in Daytona in 1980.
• Seek out shade. Protecting yourself
from the sun doesn’t mean you can
never go outside. Use a sun shade
or umbrella and stick to shady
porches during peak sun times. According to the American Academy
of Dermatology, the sun’s rays are
strongest in New England between
10AM and 4PM. Take special care to
stay in a shaded area during these
• Wear protective clothing. Yes,
bikinis are unsafe. That’s my excuse,
anyway. The looser and longer the
better! Make sure they have a tight
weave so sun can’t sneak through.
Top them off with a fashionable
wide-brimmed hat. If you plan
to spend a lot of time outdoors
during peak times, look for clothing especially designed to offer UV
Be on the lookout for suspiciouslooking spots. Check with your primary care provider about changes
to the skin, especially in the size or
color of a mole, growth, or spot, or
the appearance of a new growth
(even if it has no color).
So, like other health measures, don’t assume all damage is done and protection
is futile. With a little preparation, you can
and should protect yourself from further
damage from the sun.
Anne Rundle, MS, RN, RYT-200 is Nurse
Liaison at Visiting Angels in Newburyport/
Stratham and owner of Asteya Yoga
Health and Wellness in Merrimac.
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Page 6
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Local Lighthouses
By Eleanor Baker
maintenance to the structure include
extensive work contributed by the
Coast Guard in 1994.
Today, the structure is still an active
tool of navigation, and while owned
by the City of Newburyport, the
Friends of Plum Island Light care for
and maintain the lighthouse under a
lease agreement with the city.
Thacher Island Twin Lights
Photo Courtesy of Thacher
Island Association Collection
Beacons of the New England Shore
The lighthouses dotting our New
England coast have always served as
a backdrop for seaside vacations and
Sunday outings spent at the shore. The
origins of the lights however were a
far more serious business and usually
brought about through tragic circumstances such as loss of life and other
precious cargo. We love the massive
structures for their stoic beauty and
for the heroic roles they have played
in our history. Here are a few nearby
lights to become acquainted with this
Plum Island Light
A ride through Newburyport on the
way to visit the Plum Island Light
allows travelers to
pass through historic
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Local mariners first
built fires on the
beaches of Plum Island and lit torches as
visual guides to aid merchant ships as
they entered the river. This technique
soon proved inadequate and in 1787
the General Court of Massachusetts
authorized two small wooden lighthouses on the north end of the island.
The towers served as “range lights”
used for travel toward Newburyport.
The two lights could be lined up in the
sights of a skilled navigator and used
as a guide to the best channel into the
The wild and unpredictable New
England weather took an ongoing
toll on the structures but catastrophic
damage was caused in May 1808 when
a violent tornado knocked both to
the ground. They were repaired and
rebuilt several times but by 1842 they
were reported to be dilapidated.
In 1898 a new wooden lighthouse was
built and a Fresnel lens was transferred
to the new lighthouse. This structure
is the remaining building that presently can be seen on the north end of
Plum Island. It was first lighted using
kerosene as fuel which eventually
was replaced with electricity in 1927.
In 1951 the light was automated and
then changed to flashing green in
1981. Further modernizations and
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse
First lighted in 1771, the long-anticipated beacon of Portsmouth was the
only light north of Boston at that time.
It was also the light station established
at a military installation, Fort William
and Mary on Great Island (now the
town of New Castle in Portsmouth
Harbor.) In terms of pre-revolutionary
times, the light stood nearby for one of
the early strikes the colonists made in
opposition to British rule. It happened
after they were warned by Paul Revere
that the British had planned to reinforce the Fort. As a result, the colonists
raided the fortification and took possession of supplies stored there. Some
of the loot included munitions which
they later used against the British at
the Battle of Bunker Hill.
The wooden lighthouse was located
about a mile from the mouth of the
Piscataqua River. The shingled
tower was about 50 feet tall and
was topped by an iron lantern
with a copper roof with the light
produced by three oil lamps
made of copper.
Thacher Island Twin Lights, Cape
Ann Light Station
The tale of tragedy behind the naming of Thacher Island began in 1635
when Englishman, Anthony Thacher
and his extended family were sailing
from Ipswich to Marblehead. His vessel, the Watch and Wait, was lost while
navigating its way through a tumultuous hurricane. The ship was wrecked
near the island and twenty-one people
onboard were lost. Among those who
perished were four Thacher children
and Thacher’s cousin John Avery along
with Avery’s wife and six children.
Thacher and his wife were the only
In 1637 Thacher was awarded the
island “at the head of Cape Ann” to
compensate him for his loss of life and
goods. The new owner aptly named
the island “Thacher’s Woe.” In later
years the precariously placed piece of
land would be purchased by the government of Massachusetts to establish
a light station. In 1771 the lighthouses
were erected to serve as a guide warning sailors of the dangerous ledge
lurking nearby.
The lighthouses are historically interesting for several other reasons as well.
First, they were the final structures
of their kind to be built in the New
England colonies under British rule.
Secondly, it was John Hancock who
presented the petition for the light
station to be established. The savvy
businessman had a vested interest in
pushing forward such a request since
he owned several merchant ships on
Cape Ann.
Long after the original structures became obsolete, two 123-foot towers,
constructed of granite were completed in 1861 and still stand today. However, in a measure to save money, the
north light was shut off in 1932. The
Coast Guard, which had manned the
Island for many years, removed its last
crew of four men in 1980. At that time,
the south light and the fog whistle had
become automated, and the Town of
Rockport took over the Island by lease
from the U. S. Coast Guard.
In 1983, the Thacher Island Association
was formed as a non-profit organization to support and encourage historic
preservation and restoration of the
structures on the Island.
This summer is the perfect time to
support the historic guardians of our
New England seacoast by visiting,
touring and getting to know them
better. These weathered warriors
stand waiting to greet visitors
and remind us all why we love
them and need to help preserve
To access definitive histories, tour
information, original photography and much more about lighthouses in the New England states
visit the website maintained by
lighthouse historian and author
Jeremy D’Entremont at
After the Revolution, the installation became known as Fort Constitution. By 1804, a new wooden
lighthouse structure was built
on Pollock Rock just 100 yards
east of the original site. In 1884
a modern cast iron tower was
substituted for the aging weathered structure. Over the years,
the lighthouse has been referred
to by multiple names including
Portsmouth Harbor Light, New
Castle Light, Fort Point Light and
Fort Constitution Light.
In early 2000 the American Lighthouse Foundation was issued a
license to care for the lighthouse.
A chapter of the foundation, the
Friends of Portsmouth Harbor
Lighthouses, was founded in
2001 to care for the lighthouse.
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Acknowledgments: Thank you
to Jeremy D’Entremont, Friends
of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse
and Barbara Kezer, Friends of Plum
Island Light and Paul St. Germain
of the Thacher Island Association
for supplying information for this
Plum Island Light
Photo courtesy of Jim Lundell Photography
Page 7
Plan a Visit
Plum Island Light Open House
June 7 & 28, July 12 , August 9 & 30
September 27, October 11
Hours: 1 to 4 p.m.
Weather permitting
Free: Donations accepted
The grounds are open all year; during
open house there is a short ladder to
climb to the top; sneakers are required.
The grounds are also available for wedding ceremonies.
Contact: The Friends of Plum Island Light,
Inc., P.O. Box 381, Newburyport, MA
Phone: 978-973-6935
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse
Open House Tour
Fort Constitution
25 Wentworth Road
New Castle, NH 01854
Sunday afternoons
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Memorial Day weekend to Columbus Day
Fee: $4 per adult/$2 per child under 12
Visit Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse Website and
Upcoming Events for Friends of
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse
Sunset Lighthouse Cruise from Rye, NH
(June 19)
Haunted Lighthouse & Fort Tours (June
27, July 18, Aug. 29)
Five Lighthouse Cruise (September 19)
Thacher Island Twin Lights Cape Ann Light Station Tour
Saturday and Wednesday Mornings
June 17 - September 5, 2015
(weather permitting)
Thacher Island is located off the shore of
To access the island via the Thacher Island
Launch you must make reservations.
Visitor fee via launch: $20 (14 years + )
$10 (children under 14 years)
Upcoming Events:
Thacher Island Association Annual Lighthouse Cruise – July 10, 2015 at 7 p.m.
For Reservations to visit Thacher Island via
Launch or to join the Annual Cruise:
Call the Thacher Island Association at 617599-2590 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily)
Page 8
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Bartlett Museum Opens for Season
The Bartlett Museum, 270 Main Street, Amesbury will begin the season by
opening for tours on Memorial Day Weekend on Saturday, May 23/ Sunday,
May 24/ Monday, May 25 from 1:00-4:00 pm.
Summer hours after Memorial Day weekend are on Fridays, Saturdays &
Sundays until and including Labor Day Monday, August 31 from 1:00 -4:00 pm.
Tours by appointment on other days can be arranged by leaving a message on
the museum phone at 978-388-4528.
Experience this 1870 Italianate style “Ferry School” house that features local history in the carriage industry, old maps, and mementos, a collection of
prehistoric and Native American artifacts, memorabilia from Colonial, Federal
and Victorian periods, a Natural History Room featuring birds, shells and fossils,
an original vintage schoolroom and a carriage shed housing Amesbury made
The Museum is non-profit and is run by volunteers and funded by membership
fees, donations as well as fundraisers. Monetary donations are accepted at anytime payable to: The Bartlett Museum Inc. and mailed to: P.O. Box 692, Amesbury, MA 01913. Membership supports the museum and is open to any adult
from any town, city or state. Membership forms are available at the Bartlett
Museum, the Amesbury Public Library or email Dianne at
We welcome history buffs, collectors, genealogists and curiosity seekers. Visit
us on the web at and
“Like us” on Facebook “The Bartlett Museum”.
Holy Family Hospital Named One of Healthgrades 2015
America’s 100 Best Hospitals
Holy Family Hospital in Methuen has been named one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals by Healthgrades, 2015. This distinguished award places Holy Family Hospital
among the top 2% of more than 4,500 hospitals nationwide for its consistent,
year-over-year superior clinical performance as measured by Healthgrades, the
leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and
“Our team takes great pride in caring for the patients and families of our community,” said Joseph Roach, President of Holy Family Hospital in Methuen and Haverhill. “Earning this designation exemplifies our commitment to exceptional quality
and compassionate care. We are honored to accept this award from Healthgrades.”
From 2011 through 2013, Healthgrades America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award™
recipients, as a group, had a 26.4% lower risk adjusted mortality rate across 19
procedures and conditions where in-hospital mortality was the clinical outcome,
compared to all other hospitals. During this same period, if all other hospitals performed at the level of America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award™ recipients across these
19 procedures and conditions, 172,626 lives could potentially have been saved.
For example, patients treated at a hospital that achieved the America’s 100 Best
Hospital’s Award had, on average, a 29.3% lower risk of dying from heart failure
than if treated at a hospital that did not receive the award.
Holy Family Hospital is among the hospitals in the Boston, MA region with some
of the best quality care across at least 21 of 32 common inpatient conditions and
procedures evaluated by Healthgrades over a period of at least 3 years.
“The Healthgrades analysis shows that not all hospitals perform equally, so it is
important that consumers do their homework when selecting a hospital,” said
Evan Marks, Chief Strategy Officer, Healthgrades. “Those hospitals that have
achieved the Healthgrades distinction have demonstrated a commitment to
exceptional clinical quality care over an extended period of time.”
Holy Family Hospital continues to bring advanced treatment options to the Merrimack Valley. As a result, patients are able to access innovate care close to home,
without having to travel to Boston. The hospital is the only one in the region
Orthopedic surgeons are offering the MAKOplasty® partial knee resurfacing
and total hip replacement option for patients suffering from knee or hip pain
Neurosurgeons are using functional MRI (fMRI), a special MRI that increases
precision before and during brain tumor surgery
Ophthalmologists are performing laser-assisted cataract surgery, a highly
customized, gentle and significantly more precise procedure than manual surgery
(at Holy Family Hospital’s Andover Surgery Center)
EstatE Planning
Howard Bleichfeld
attorney at law
Earlier this year, Holy Family Hospital announced that Dana-Farber Community
Cancer Care will begin providing medical oncology / hematology cancer care at
its Methuen campus beginning in June. Radiation Oncology care continues to be
provided in collaboration with UMass Memorial Health Care and is also located at
the Methuen campus, within the William L. Lane Cancer Center. The center is one
of only seven hospitals in Massachusetts, and one of only two hospitals north of
Boston, to have been awarded a three-year accreditation and the Outstanding
Achievement Award (2012-2015) from the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. Holy Family Hospital has held this distinction for six consecutive years, beginning in 2010.
Holy Family Hospital is also the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Hospital
Award for Clinical Excellence™ which places the hospital among the Top 5% of the
more than 4,500 hospitals evaluated nationwide based solely on its outstanding
clinical performance.
To learn more about how Healthgrades determines America’s 100 Best Hospitals
and Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence™ recipients, please visit
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Page 9
Dads, Grads, and
Hot Tail Shrimp
By Pam Kelley
Hot Tail Shrimp
I have many happy late May/early
June memories and photos cataloging milestones which begin
with preschool. A year ago I posed
with my two college graduates—
four years apart in age but equivalent in their success. The path to
graduation is not necessarily the
four year plan we figured it would
be. Times have changed.
Tastes and food preferences have
changed, too. Trends abound
along with more recipes than
one can possibly file away, let
alone use. There are, however, a
few classic dishes which deserve
to be in the repertoire of anyone
who hosts summer gatherings in
coastal New England. Whether
the occasion is a post-graduation
get together or a Father’s Day
cookout, it’s hard to beat the onetwo punch of a perfect shrimp
cocktail and a really good burger.
For dessert, a strawberry-rhubarb
pie would be great, but I might
just take the easy route, skipping
the crust and serving the stewed
fruit over a scoop of ice cream. I
have been known to swirl any
remainder into yogurt to top granola or waffles for breakfast the
next day.
Whatever celebrations are ahead
for your family this month, I wish
you good times and happy cooking.
A family member who works at a clam
shack related a charming anecdote
about a dad-and-daughter date. Their
table was arrayed with the condiments
of dad’s choice, in anticipation of the
fried stuff.
Dad: The red stuff isn’t ketchup so
taste it first.
Daughter: Is it hot sauce?
Dad: No, honey, it’s cocktail sauce.
(six year old dunks a shrimp and
rolls her eyes in appreciation)
Daughter: Daddy, I just LOVE hot tail
Okay, so now I am inspired to distill a
million cocktail sauce recipes into one I
can count on to do justice to briny oysters as well as chilled or fried shrimp.
Experiments ruled out Worcestershire
(too many flavors) and Tabasco (unwelcome vinegar tones), and although
I wanted a little zip, the amount of
horseradish required to achieve the
desired heat was overpowering. Dialing back the horseradish but adding
a smidge of ground chipotle worked
for me.
The shrimp recipe is inspired by
my Aunt Sally who strove for years
to avoid over cooking the critters.
Whether due to a tip in the Boston
Globe food pages or her own intuition, she eventually discovered that
the most important cooking happens
once the shrimp are removed from
direct heat. Even then, the off-heat
timing before the icy plunge makes a
crucial difference in texture.
I have added a technique I gleaned
from a Chinese recipe, one that makes
perfect sense. Although the shrimp
cocktail presentation demands tail-on
but peeled shrimp, it is silly to discard
flavor along with the shells. Simmering them until water reduces by half
produces a simple stock which combines with an equal portion of white
wine to imbue the crustaceans with a
flavor boost. Aunt Sal always tossed
in some in some hard spices from the
cabinet along with whatever fresh
herbs she selected from the window
1# jumbo shrimp (16-21 per pound),
deveined, tails on, shells reserved
1 teaspoon salt
1 c dry white wine
A few peppercorns
A bay leaf or two
Sprigs of parslsy, chervil, or tarragon
Spritz of lemon juice—maybe a teaspoon
In 3 cups of water, boil the shrimp
Continued on Page 10
* Specializing in Family Chiropractic and Wellness care
* Pediatric and Perinatal Certified
* Working with Children with ADD/ADHD
* Relief of colic, reflux, ear infections and allergies
Dr. Stephanie Rittenour
* Certified in Webster Technique
Our office specializes in
customized, integrative care for the
entire family. We pride ourselves
on our detailed approach to care.
We are a family friendly office and
strive to help your family optimize
their overall health and wellness.
Parker River Chiropractic & Wellness
95 Parker Street Newburyport, MA 01950
(p) 978-462-0263
Page 10
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Anna Jaques welcomes back Gurmander S. Kohli, MD
Continued From Page 9
Board-certified plastic surgeon with 30+ years of experience returns to Anna Jaques
shells and salt. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes. After
straining out the shells, there should be about 1 ½ cups of broth.
Gurmander Kohli, MDNEWBURYPORT, Mass - Anna Jaques Hospital welcomed seasoned
plastic surgeon Gurmander S. Kohli, MD, back to the hospital campus in April. Dr. Kohli,
who has practiced in California for the last decade, has relocated to 21 Highland Avenue,
Suite 10 in Newburyport. Prior to relocating to California 10 years ago, Dr. Kohli lived in
Boston for 35 years, 23 years of which he had a private practice.
Combine the liquids and spices in a large saucepan and boil for 2 minutes. Stir
in the shrimp and immediately remove from the heat. Cover and let the shrimp
steep for 8-10 minutes. When they are pink and firm, scoop them out and
plunge them into ice water. Drain again and chill.
A board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon with 30+ years of experience,
Dr. Kohli specializes in rhinoplasty and other plastic surgeries requiring precise and
subtle skills. His clinical interest is continuing to learn cutting-edge technologies.
Hot Tail Sauce
1 c ketchup
1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
Scant 1/4 teaspoon ground chipotle
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Of East Indian heritage, Dr. Kohli grew up in the United Kingdom and received his medical degree from the University of Glasgow School of Medicine. He served his residencies
at Glasgow Western Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, London Charing Cross Hospital
and Malden Hospital in Massachusetts. He completed further training in general and
plastic and reconstructive surgery at Boston University Hospital & Medical Center (now
Boston Medical Center) where he fell in love with Boston and New England’s changing
Dr. Kohli has a strong background in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, medical education and mentoring. He has held many medical leadership positions, including Chief
of Plastic Surgery at three Boston area hospitals. He was also the Founder and Medical
Director of The Center for Plastic Surgery and Personal Development at Boston Regional
Medical Center in Stoneham.
Dr. Kohli holds memberships in the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Inc.; the Massachusetts Society of Plastic Surgery; the Lipoplasty Society of North
America; the General Medical Council, U.K.; the Massachusetts Medical Society and
the International Medical Foundation. He is also a fellow of the distinguished “Maliniac
Circle” of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Dr. Kohli has returned to Massachusetts with plans to reside in West Newbury with his
wife of many years. He looks forward to reconnecting with old patients and welcoming
To make an appointment with Dr. Kohli, call 978-255-2354 or visit
Combine the ingredients. Let them sit for a few minutes before adjusting the
seasonings and adding salt to taste. Chill before serving.
Rhubarb Stewed with Strawberries
Basic Burgers
Once established, rhubarb grows
nearly wild here in Zone 6. Harvest
close to the soil and trim off the leaves.
The remaining stalks look like pink and
green celery. The rhubarb’s residual
heat is sufficient to release the berries’
juice when you stir them in.
I admit to a proud history of being a
burger purist, eschewing additions
such as crumbs and egg which suggest “meatloaf on a bun”. However,
these burgers get such rave reviews
that I have become a convert. Greek
seasoning varies in content from
brand to brand, and there are plenty of
recipes for concocting your own version from dry spices you likely have on
hand. The key to “fresh crumbs” is buying an extra bun and quickly running
it over a grater. This keeps the texture
tender as the crumbs absorb the meat
juices, rather than the dense result you
would get from dried crumbs.
1# rhubarb stalks, cut into ½ -1” pieces
¼ c sugar
A little water— ¼ c or so
2 c strawberries, sliced or quartered
Dissolve the sugar in the water over
medium heat. Add the rhubarb and
cover tightly.
Simmer about
10 minutes,
until the rhubarb is tender
but retains its
shape. Stir in
the strawberries, cover, and
let cool to room
Serve over ice
cream or sherbet for dessert,
or over yogurt
or waffles for
1# ground chuck
1 beaten egg
¼ c fresh bread crumbs
1 teaspoon grated onion
½ teaspoon Greek seasoning
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
4 nice buns
Make the patties, then grill (15 min,
turning only once), broil (10 min, turning once), or pan fry in a heavy, hot
skillet (8 min, turning once). Serve on
buns with your choice of condiments
and veggies.
Pam Kelley is owner of Dinners in the
Fridge. She prepares healthy, affordable meals in her clients’ own kitchens.
For information about her fresh/fridge/
freezer meal plans, visit her website at Pam can
be contacted at
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Page 11
Merrimack Valley Calendar of Events
Monday, June 1
Three showings of the documentary film “Going Attractions”
directed by April Wright. The film is 87
minutes. The first at the Groveland
Council on Aging Monday, June 1st at
12noon. The second showing at the
Langley-Adams Library on Saturday, June
6th at 11am and the third on
Wednesday June 10th at 6pm at the
Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main
Street, Groveland, MA 01834.
spreadsheets. We can also help with eReaders, including audio book and eBook
borrowing via OverDrive. And if we don’t
know the answer, we’ll help you find it.
*** No registration necessary. Please bring
whatever files or devices you have questions about. *** Meet in the Community
Meeting Room. *** Date / Time:: Monday
Jun 1, 2015 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Contact:
Bridget Rawding ext. 42023 brawding@
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Creative Cafe
Grab your craft supplies for a fun, monthly
craft night! Meet other crafters, and work
on your own projects! Open to adults who
knit, crochet, scrapbook, and create other
portable crafts.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 1, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Contact: Reference
978-623-8401 x31
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Tuesday, June 2
In The BedroomHaverhill History Movies
Haverhill turns 375 in June! We’re celebrating by showing a selection of movies that
are all related to Haverhill!
Tonight we will show In The Bedroom, from
2001. A New England couple’s collegeaged son dates an older woman who has
two small children and an unwelcome
This film is based off the story, Killings,
by Andre Dubus (1936-1999), a Haverhill
resident. This film is rated R.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 2, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
There’s an App for That!
Have a smart phone or a tablet, but no
time to discover the best apps? This class
is designed just for you. We will help you
sort through the overwhelming number
of apps and get you started on the mobile
technology path.
Who is this course for?
Beginners & intermediate users of smartphones and tablets who want to learn
about the best apps in a variety of areas
such as books, social networking, productivity, finance, health, entertainment,
music, news, shopping, travel, and much
more. Registration starts Monday, May 18,
at 9:00 am.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 1, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Suzanne Trottier 978-373-1586 x 608
Location: Computer Lab
Haverhill Public Library
Technology Drop-In Help
Are you confused by your new Kindle
or iPad? Is your smart phone a little too
smart? Or maybe you’d like to go online to
research buying a new car or to learn a new
language, but you’re not sure where to
begin. *** Anyone may stop in for one-onone assistance with basic technology questions, such as: internet browsing, using the
library’s online databases, getting started
with email, or basic word processing and
Wednesday, June 3
We are in our nineteenth year of Wednesday Morning Birding! These very popular
programs provide an excellent opportunity
to explore one of the most productive birding areas in the country. To date, we have
seen over 320 species of birds on these
Wednesday field trips. Date: Wed, June 03,
2015; 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: Meet
at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum
Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee: $17.
No preregistration required.
Author, mystery writer Kate Flora
will be joining our Mystery and a
Cup of Tea Book Group on Wednesday,
June 3rd at 10:30am at the
Groveland Town Hall when we discuss her
book “Angel of Knowlton Park.”
June 3 | 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us for our Movie Matinees on Wednesday afternoons. This week we will be
screening Moonstruck (PG), starring Cher
and Nicolas Cage, at 2:30 p.m.
Run Time: 102 min.
“A superstitious Brooklyn widow is ready
to get married again. Only this time, she
plans on doing it right - even if she has to
say “yes” to a man she doesn’t really love.
When she unexpectedly falls in love with
her fiancé’s estranged brother Ronny, what
happens next is a wonderful romantic
Come and enjoy the theatre-like screen
and sound system with fellow film buffs.
This free event will be held in the Program
Room and all are welcome!
Newburyport Public Library
Nonfiction Book Group
Join our monthly nonfiction book discussion group. Open to new members.
Book selection: The Sixth Extinction by
Elizabeth Kolbert
Find this book in the library catalog.
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 3, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Contact:Reference
978-623-8401 x31
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Back by popular demand! In what has
become a rite of spring, we will again conduct a series of evening field trips. Join us
as we enjoy a tremendous variety of both
migrant and resident bird species during
the quiet time on Plum Island when fewer
people are present on the refuge and the
animals become more active. Each evening, we will focus on a particular theme,
covering such topics as bird migration,
adaptations, taxonomy, habitat niches,
birding strategies, and more. Date: Wed,
June 03, 2015 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Location:
Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One
Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $12. No preregistration required.
June 3 | 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Drop-in knitting group open to all. Whether a beginner or advanced knitter, drop by
the library on Wednesday nights to knit
and share tips with others. This program is
free and no registration is required.
Newburyport Public Library
Thursday, June 4
Thursday Evening Book Discussions
Spring Series: Africa -- Colonialism
& Beyond
The history of Africa has been overshadowed over the last 200 years by the European colonization that dominated all parts
of the continent. This is a huge story, and
one that is often not very well understood
by Americans. We take a very brief look at
the experience of Africa from the perspective of colonialism and its effect on blacks
and whites.
Toight’s selection: Don’t Let’s Go to the
Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller
This is an intensely moving journey
through a white African girl’s childhood.
Fuller was brought up in Africa during the
Rhodesian civil war (1971-1979), a world
where children over five learned how to
load a rifle, clean all the guns in the house,
and shoot-to-kill. The narrative focuses on
the wartime relationships between blacks
and whites through a child’s watchful eyes.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 4, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Contact:
Krista I. McLeod 978-686-4080 ext 10
Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen
Father’s Day Card Making
for Adults
Come make a Father’s Day card in a creative and relaxing environment with other
adults! All materials provided!
This event is for adult patrons only. Please
contact Youth Services for information
about children’s programs.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 4, 2015
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location:
Milhendler Room
Haverhill Public Library
Summer at the Stevens:
Movie (Imitation Game)
Join us to watch this Golden Globe and
Academy Awards-nominated film, Imitation Game (Rated PG-13). Running time:
114 minutes
Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan
Turing, the brilliant British mathematician
who broke the code of the German Enigma
machine during World War II
Contact the Reference Desk for more information. Free, all are welcome. *** Thanks
to the Friends of the Library for sponsoring
Summer at the Stevens events.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 4, 2015
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Contact:
Reference Desk ext 42016
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Page 12
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
When 06-04-2015 6:30pm
Where Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell
The Pollard Library Non-Fiction book
club happens on the first Thursday of
every month. The discussions are free and
open to the public. Copies of books to be
discussed are available to borrow on a first
come first serve basis at the Information
Desk on the 1st Floor of the Library. Or you
can reserve your copy by calling 978-6744121. Please have your library card ready.
Saturday, June 6
Our experienced leaders will take you to
birding hot spots in the Newburyport/
Plum Island area in search of avian activity.
Beginners and birders of all skill levels are
welcome. Date: Sat, June 06, 2015; 9:00
am - 11:30 am Location: Meet at Joppa
Flats Education Center, One Plum Island
Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $12. No preregistration required.
June 6 | 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us for an afternoon of poetry with the
Powow River Poets! Rick Mullin and Anton
Yakovlev will read.
Rick Mullin’s creative, book-length use of
forms has resulted in spellbinding treatments of the life of the painter Chaim
Soutine and the life of Charles Darwin.
Anton Yakovlev is a member of the Powow
River Poets whose work injects ordinary
life events with unexpected touches of the
surreal. Reading are free and open to the
public. Come early to sign up for open mic!
Newburyport Public Library
On Screen at the Library: Mortdecai
On Screen at the Library presents Mortdecai, director David Koepp, 2015, R, 107 min.
Charlie Mortdecai races to recover a stolen
painting rumored to contain a code that
leads to lost Nazi gold. Meanwhile he is
being chased by several angry groups of
Please be advised, this movie is rated R and
may feature strong language, violence,
or other material that is objectionable to
some viewers. Use your discretion.
Date / Time::Saturday Jun 6, 2015
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Contact: Suzanne Trottier Location: Auditorium Haverhill Public Library
Monday, June 8
The photography of Carl Weese
on Monday June 8th at 6pm “Across
America: One Hundred and Seven Drive-In
Theaters” at the Langley-Adams
Library, Groveland. For more information
about Carl Weese his photography and
workshops go online to
Computer User’s Group
Presented by the Andover Senior Center.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 8, 2015
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Contact:
Fred Snell 978-686-3647 fredsnell@ Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Toil and Triumph Haverhill History Movies
Haverhill turns 375 in June! We’re celebrating by showing a selection of movies that
are all related to Haverhill!
Tonight we’re showing Toil and Triumph,
from 2014. This documentary details the
lives and struggles of Haverhill’s show
workers. This film is unrated.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 8, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Tuesday, June 9
eBook How-To
Learn how to download free best-selling
titles to read on your computer, iPhone,
Android, Kindle, or other compatible eBook
reader. Bring your eBook reader, USB
cord, library card, and your questions for a
hands-on session with Overdrive. Kindle
users should bring their Amazon login
and password, and iPad users their Apple
ID. Please register and also email which device you will
bring to the session.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 9, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Reference 978-623-8401 x31 rdesk@ Location: Friends Alcove 2
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Friends Annual MeetingHank Phillippi Ryan
Annual Board Meeting at 6:30 pm
Program at 7:00 pm - Guest speaker/author
Hank Phillippi Ryan, on-air investigative
reporter for Boston’s NBC affiliate. She’s
won 32 EMMYs, 12 Edward R. Murrow
awards and dozens of other honors for her
ground-breaking journalism. A bestselling
author of seven mystery novels, Ryan has
won multiple prestigious awards for her
crime fiction. Immediately following the
program, Hank will sell and sign books.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 9, 2015
6:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Contact: Cindy Cavallaro 978-363-2174
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Wednesday, June 10
We are in our nineteenth year of Wednesday Morning Birding! These very popular
programs provide an excellent opportunity
to explore one of the most productive birding areas in the country. To date, we have
seen over 320 species of birds on these
Wednesday field trips. Date: Wed, June 10,
2015; 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: Meet
at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum
Island Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $17. No preregistration required.
Lecture: Nature Poetry Reading
Speakers: Dave Davis, Joppa Flats Poet-inResidence, and invited poets
Date: Wed, June 10, 2015 7:30 pm - 8:30
pm Location: Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike,
Fee: $17. No preregistration required.
Adult Scrabble Club
Attention Wordsmiths! Join us for a fun
night of Scrabble. All competition levels
welcome and light refreshments will be
served. No registration required.
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMContact:
Fran Magro 978-686-4080, Ext.16
Location: Trustee’s Room
Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen
Buying & Selling on eBay
Learn the basics of buying, selling, and
managing payments with PayPal in this
introductory class. Staff librarian Curtis
Wyant will walk you through the process.
Registration required.
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Reference 978-623-8401 x31 rdesk@ Location: Memorial Hall
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
June 10 | 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us for our Movie Matinees on Wednesday afternoons. This week we will be
screening Jersey Boys (R), starring John
Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, and Michael
Lomenda at 2:30 p.m.
Run Time: 134 min.
“The story of four young men from the
wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who
came together to form the iconic 1960s
rock group The Four Seasons.”
Come and enjoy the theatre-like screen
and sound system with fellow film buffs.
This free event will be held in the Program
Room and all are welcome!
Newburyport Public Library
Critique Group Meeting
A group for adults who write or illustrate
children’s books. The group meets monthly
to provide constructive advice and feedback on each other’s works in progress.
Membership is open and meetings are free.
Interested writers and illustrators are asked
to please review group guidelines on the
web site and RSVP to the facilitator before
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Contact:
Marianne Knowles 978-475-7442
Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Holy Family Hospital at Merrimack Valley to Host
Senior Lunch on Foot and Ankle Problems
The Aging Foot and Ankle will be the topic of discussion during Senior Lunch at Holy
Family Hospital in Haverhill on June 16, 2015.
During the luncheon, Podiatric Surgeon Bobby Kuruvilla, DPM will talk about the
many problems seniors can develop in their feet and ankles, and answer questions
from the audience.
Dr. Kuruvilla, a board certified podiatric surgeon and fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, is on staff at Holy Family Hospital in Methuen and
His special interests include fractures, sports injuries of the foot and ankle, heel and
arch pain, Charcot foot reconstruction, flat feet, orthotic treatment, arthritic conditions of the foot, bunions, hammertoes, diabetic foot problems, plantar warts and
ingrown toenails.
The luncheon presentation will be held in hospital’s first-floor auditorium from 1 to 2
p.m. The cost of $5 includes a full dinner and the presentation.
The menu is crumb topped cod, rice pilaf, vegetable medley, dinner rolls with butter,
strawberry shortcake, coffee, tea and water.
Holy Family Hospital at Merrimack Valley is located at 140 Lincoln Avenue in
Haverhill. Registration is required. To register, please call our DoctorFinder™ line at
June 10 | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd
Traces more than three decades in the
lives of a wealthy Charleston debutante
who longs to break free from the strictures
of her household and pursue a meaningful
life; and the urban slave, Handful, who is
placed in her charge as a child before finding courage and a sense of self.
Newburyport Public Library’s fiction book
group welcomes everyone to these evening discussions.
Newburyport Public Library
Let’s Knit Together
Drop-in and join other knitting enthusiasts at the Stevens Memorial Library
every Wednesday evening. All skill levels
welcome: come to learn, come to share
patterns and ideas, ... Beginners, please
bring needles (size 8 or 10) and some yarn.
Free. Date / Time::
Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Reference Desk 978-688-9505 x42016
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Thursday, June 11
June 11 | 10:30 am – 11:30 am
This is a bi-weekly forum for Seniors to
share their expertise of local landmarks,
legends, and lore.
Newburyport Public Library
Discover Your Past Genealogy Club
The Discover Your Past Genealogy Club
meets the second Thursday of the month.
Novices to advanced researchers are welcome. Register for each session online or
call 978-623-8401, x31.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 11, 2015
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Contact: Kim Lynn
978-623-8401 x36
Location: Memorial Hall
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
June 11 | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Local guitarist Scott Ouellette will be
performing original instrumental works for
solo guitar, along with cover arrangements
of popular music. Scott’s been performing
solo guitar for over 30 years, and has been
an active teacher, performer and music
copyist living in Rowley, Massachusetts. All
are welcome to this free event!
Newburyport Public Library
Summer Under the Stars
Movie Series
A summer movie series on Thursday evenings in Memorial Hall, organized by staff
member and film buff, Luke Terry. Luke will
introduce and give a brief history of each
film. Light refreshments served.
Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Sponsored by the Friends of MHL.
Date / Time::Thursday Jun 11, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Contact: Reference 978-623-8401, x31 Location: Memorial Hall
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Writers’ Group
Join Memorial Hall Library writers’ group
for writers of adult fiction, nonfiction, and
memoirs. This group provides constructive
advice and feedback on each other’s works
in progress.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 11, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Contact: Reference
978-623-8401, x31
Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Saturday, June 13
Our experienced leaders will take you to
birding hot spots in the Newburyport/
Plum Island area in search of avian activity.
Beginners and birders of all skill levels are
welcome. Date: Sat, June 13, 2015; 9:00
am - 11:30 am Location: Meet at Joppa
Flats Education Center, One Plum Island
Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $12. No preregistration required.
Monday, June 15
Morning Book Group
Join our monthly morning book discussion
group. Open to new members.
Annual book selection meeting.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 15, 2015
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Contact:
Reference 978-623-8401 x31 rdesk@ Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
HPL Photography Group
A group that meets to share a passion for
photography, and to trade various tips and
techniques to enhance members’ works.
Photographers of all experience levels are
welcome. Open to the public. Free.
No registration needed. Drop-ins are
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 15, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Suzanne Trottier 978-373-1586 x 608
Location: Computer Lab
Haverhill Public Library
Tuesday, June 16
Cookbook Book Club
Check out a copy of the selected book at
the Main desk, pick a recipe (email the title
to me so we can avoid duplicates) and prepare it for the program. We’ll sample lots of
good food, talk about what worked, what
didn’t, how to make it easier & healthier.
Any questions? Email
or call the Main desk 978-686-4080 ext. 16
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Patricia Graham 978-686-4080, x16
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Location: The Great Hall
Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen
Smokin’ AcesHaverhill History Movies
Haverhill turns 375 in June! We’re celebrating by showing a selection of movies that
are all related to Haverhill!
Tonight we’re showing Smokin’ Aces, from
2006.When a Las Vegas performer-turnedsnitch named Buddy Israel decides to turn
state’s evidence and testify against the
mob, it seems that a whole lot of people
would like to make sure he’s no longer
Smokin’ Aces stars Joseph Ruskin, who was
born in Haverhill in 1924
This film is rated R.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Poetry Open Mic
Come perform poetry or listen to others read theirs! Hosted by Ken & Nadine
Delano. Sign-up starts at 6 p.m. and
performances begin at 6:30.
Free. All are invited
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Contact:
Nathalie Harty 978-688-9505 nharty@ Location:
Community Meeting Room
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Classic Summer Matinees
Join us every Tuesday this June for classics
of steamy summer cinema. Today we are
showing Roman Holiday (1953) starring
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Contact:
Sarah 373-1586
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Wednesday, June 17
Throughout the year, we will conduct
our field trips to birding hot spots in the
Page 13
Newburyport/Plum Island area. The focus
for our programs will be the Parker River
National Wildlife Refuge, Plum Island, the
Merrimack River estuary, and other productive areas in Essex County. Date: Wed,
June 17, 2015; 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Meet at Joppa Flats Education
Center, One Plum Island Turnpike,
Fee: $17. No preregistration required.
June 17 | 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us for our Movie Matinees on
Wednesday afternoons. This week we will
be screening The Queen (PG-13), starring
Helen Mirren, Michael Sheen and James
Cromwell, at 2:30 p.m.
Run Time: 100 min.
“An intimate, moving portrait of Queen
Elizabeth and Tony Blair following the
untimely death of Princess Diana. The
Queen’s restrained reaction causes a public relations debacle that Prime Minister
Blair must defuse. The two struggle to
reach a compromise between what was
a private tragedy for the Royal family and
the public’s demand for an open display of
Come and enjoy the theatre-like screen
and sound system with fellow film buffs.
This free event will be held in the Program
Room and all are welcome!
Newburyport Public Library
Buying & Selling on Craigslist
Learn how to buy and sell items locally
using the online classifieds site Craigslist in
this introductory class. Staff librarian Curtis
Wyant will walk you through the process.
Registration required.
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact: Reference
978-623-8401 x31
Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
When 06-17-2015 7:00pm
Where Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell
New Book Group for Adults
New Book Group for Adults at Newburyport Public Library starting June 2nd!
The Newburyport Public Library is pleased to announce the addition of a new book
group to its public offerings. Entitled “Sequential Stories,” this 18+ group will meet on
the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Director’s Room to discuss a graphic
novel or comics title.
For the inaugural meeting, June 2, we will be reading “Relish: My Life in the Kitchen,” a
food-themed memoir from award-winning comic creator Lucy Knisley.
Books are available through the Newburyport Public Library.
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Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
“Jack and Jill...Not an Easy Climb” is a rich
account of the lonely life of Tina Mucka.
Tina was born as Neal Trudelle, the third
son to a French Canadian family in Keene,
NH. For years Neal felt out of place in his
body. He was depressed and had many
learning disabilities, and was subjected
to electroshock therapy treatments. As a
result he lost his memory but not of one
crucial vent in his life: he didn’t forget the
loss of his young father and his struggle to
survive a violent death.
Thursday, June 18
Come to Manchester-by-the-Sea for a twohour excursion to view the evening flight
of herons, egrets, and ibises into the largest
heronry in Massachusetts. Kettle Island,
owned by Mass Audubon, has the greatest
number of nesting glossy ibises and great
egrets, the only known nesting sites of
tricolored herons, and the only current
site for little blue heron nests in the state.
From the mainland, we will view the amazing spectacle of the evening flight while
discussing the life-and-death struggle of
the Kettle Island colony. Date: Thu, June
18, 2015 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Meet
at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum
Island Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $16. Registration required.
Chapter and Verse Book Club
Designed for children’s literature enthusiasts, anyone who enjoys reading and
discussing books written for children and
teenagers. The Chapter and Verse Book
Club, part of the Children’s Literature
Network (CLN), is a nationwide activity. On
the third Thursday of every month, each
participating chapter discusses the same
titles, chosen by CLN from a wide range
of genres and reading levels, and then
share their responses. To get a copy of this
month’s books, sign-up in the Children’s
Room, call or email your request.
Date / Time:: Thursday Jun 18, 2015
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Contact:
Marina Salenikas ext 42014
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Saturday, June 20
Our experienced leaders will take you to
birding hot spots in the Newburyport/
Plum Island area in search of avian activity.
Beginners and birders of all skill levels are
welcome. Date: Sat, June 20, 2015; 9:00
am - 11:30 am Location: Meet at Joppa
Flats Education Center, One Plum Island
Turnpike, Newburyport.
Fee: $12. No preregistration required.
Breakfast & Lunch
Thirty years serving
the Merrimack valley
*Great food & friendly staff
*Open 7 days a week
Breakfast all day
Lunch Monday thru Friday
209 South Broadway. Lawrence ,Massachusetts 01843
Crafts for Adults:
Mini Umbrella Wreaths
We will make wreaths using mini cocktail
Date / Time:: Saturday Jun 20, 2015
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location:
Milhendler Room
Haverhill Public Library
Sunday, June 21
Happy Father’s Day!
Monday, June 22
Author Neal Sanders to speak at the Langley-Adams Library, Groveland on Monday,
June 22nd at 6pm “Gardening is Murder”
The presentation is filled with
humor and insight from a “husband’s point
of view.” Good horticultural advice is dispensed, bad advice is debunked.
MHL’s Monday Movie:
The Fault in Our Stars
Free film screenings in Memorial Hall. Light
refreshments provided. Films in this series
may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Start time varies depending on the film.
Sponsored by the Friends of MHL.
The Fault in Our Stars
Hazel and Gus are two teenagers who
share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them on
a journey. Their relationship is all the more
miraculous given that Hazel’s other constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gus
jokes about his prosthetic leg, and they
met and fell in love at a cancer support
group. Starring Shailene Woodley, Ansel
Elgort, and Nat Wolff. Directed by Josh
Boone; Fox 2000 Pictures; Rated PG-13;126
minutes; 2014
See the Internet Movie Database for more
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 22, 2015
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Contact: Reference
978-623-8401 x31
Location: Memorial Hall
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
If It Fits- Haverhill History Movies
Haverhill turns 375 in June! We’re celebrating by showing a selection of movies that
are all related to Haverhill!
Tonight we’re showing If It Fits, from 1978.
The once thriving industrial town of Haverhill, Massachusetts on the Merrimack River
now resembles, in the words of one of the
film’s subjects, “a ghost town where you
expect to see tumbleweeds come rolling
down Main Street.” This film examines a
dying industrial town and its politicians’
search for votes over such issues as municipal spending, rising taxes, the revitalization
of depressed areas, and attracting new
The film’s central event is the 1976 Mayoral
election. Election scenes are intercut with
comments from Haverhill residents, members of a local foundation, political scientist
Frances Fox Piven, the president of the
local union, and the shoe manufacturers
themselves. The oral history which surrounds the election footage is a reservoir
of information about Haverhill’s present
condition as well as its past.
This film is rated not rated.
Date / Time:: Monday Jun 22, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Writers Group
Calling all Writers. Beginners and experienced writers in any genre (fiction, poetry,
memoir, etc.) Informal meetings consist of
readings, critiques, and writing exercises.
Meetings are the fourth Monday of each
month. Free. In the Community Meeting
Room. Date / Time::
Monday Jun 22, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Bridget ext 42023
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Tuesday, June 23
Great Books Group
Join our monthly Great Books discussion
group. Open to new members.
Book selection:
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Find this book in the library catalog.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Contact:
Reference 978-623-8401 x31 rdesk@ Location: Activity Room
Memorial Hall Library, Andover
Unleash Your Creativity with
Sharon Morley
Join Nevins Library in welcoming International award winning artist, Sharon Morley,
as she talks about the creative
process and helps you to think about your
creativity and passion for the arts.
Sharon will answer questions about what
has worked for her and share her resources
with you.
Contact the Reference Desk at 978-6864080 x12 for more information
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
7:00 PM Contact:
Kirsten Underwood 978-686-4080 x12
Location: Garden Room
Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen
Feature Films at the Stevens:
McFarland USA
Come watch newly-released McFarland
USA (Rated PG). Running time: 129
A cross country coach in a small California
town transforms a team of athletes into
championship contenders.
Contact the Reference Desk for more information. Free, all are welcome. *** Thanks
to the Friends of the Library for sponsoring
Summer at the Stevens events.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM Contact:
Reference Desk ext 42016
Location: Community Meeting Room
Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover
Intro to Genealogy
Special Collections contains a wealth of
information on genealogy and local history. The trick is knowing what materials
are available and how to make the best use
of them. Learn how to get started tracing your family history with the libraries’
“Introduction to Genealogy” class. This
class is designed for the beginner family
researcher but all are welcome and can
benefit from the information presented.
Topics covered include: first steps, where
to look for information, getting started,
and library resources. There’s something for
Classes require advance sign-up. Sign-ups
begin June 9th. To reserve a spot, please
click on the “Register” button below or contact the Reference and Information Desk at
978-373-1586 ext. 608.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Contact:
Reference and Information Desk 978-3731586 x 608
Location: Computer Lab
Haverhill Public Library
Wednesday June 24
June 24 | 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Join us for our Movie Matinees on Wednesday afternoons. This week we will be
screening Her (R), starring Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, and Scarlett Johansson at
2:30 p.m. Run Time: 126 min.
“Set in Los Angeles in the slight future,
Theodore, a complex, soulful man who
makes his living writing touching personal
letters for other people. Heartbroken
after the end of a long relationship, he
becomes intrigued with a new, advanced
operating system, which promises to be an
intuitive and unique entity in its own right.
Upon initiating it, he is delighted to meet
“Samantha”, a bright, female voice who is
insightful, sensitive and surprisingly funny.
As her needs and desires grow, in tandem
with his own, their friendship deepens into
an eventual love for each other.”
Come and enjoy the theatre-like screen
and sound system with fellow film buffs.
This free event will be held in the Program
Room and all are welcome!
Newburyport Public Library
Adult Scrabble Club
Attention Wordsmiths! Join us for a fun
night of Scrabble. All competition levels
welcome and light refreshments will be
served. No registration required.
Date / Time:: Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Contact:
Fran Magro 978-686-4080, Ext.16
Location: Trustee’s Room
Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen
Thursday, June 25
Christopher Golden
TIN MEN Book Release
Join Haverhill’s own New York Times
Bestselling author Christopher Golden to
celebrate the release of his latest novel, TIN
MEN. Chris will read from his book, answer
questions, and sign copies of Tin Men.
Date / Time::Thursday Jun 25, 2015
7:00 PM - 8:30 PMContact:
Sarah 373-1586
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Saturday, June 27
On Screen at the Library:
American Sniper
On Screen at the Library presents American
Sniper, director Clint Eastwood, 2015, R,
U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq
with only one mission: to protect his
brothers-in-arms. His pinpoint accuracy
saves countless lives on the battlefield.
However, his reputation is also growing
behind enemy lines, putting a price on his
head and making him a prime target of
insurgents. He is also facing a different kind
of battle on the home front: striving to be
a good husband and father from halfway
around the world.
Please be advised, this movie is rated R and
may feature strong language, violence,
or other material that is objectionable to
some viewers. Use your discretion.
Date / Time:: Saturday Jun 27, 2015
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Contact:
Suzanne Trottier
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Tuesday, June 23
Classic Summer Matinees
Join us every Tuesday this June for classics
of steamy summer cinema. Today we are
showing A Place in the Sun (1951) starring
Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift.
Date / Time:: Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Contact:
Sarah 373-1586
Location: Auditorium
Haverhill Public Library
Merrimack Valley 50+ Active Life
Page 15
We’re Looking for an Independent
Sales Person who wants to:
• Get out of the House
• Make Their Own Schedule
• Meet Great Local People and Business Owners
• Sell Advertising in Two Great Magazines!
If Interested, Contact:
Please send any events you would like
considered for the Merrimack Valley
Calendar of Events to
Merrimack Valley 50+
Active Life
Pa re nt
Me r r i m a c k Va l l e y
M a g a z i n e
Happy Father’s Day!
Pa re nt
Me r r i m a c k Va l l e y
M a g a z i n e
Merrimack Valley 50+
Active Life