May 2015 Bulletin


May 2015 Bulletin
MAY 2015
Learn to Concentrate, Learn to Love................................................................................... 1
NAMTA 2015-2016 Conference Schedule........................................................................... 3
Hooked on Sugar................................................................................................................. 4
Adolescent Orientation Alumni Group................................................................................. 6
Advertisements.................................................................................................................... 8
Learn to Concentrate, Learn to Love
by Jennifer Rogers
Jennifer Rogers weaves the subtle relationship between concentration, purposeful work, and
love into a delicate web of spirituality. Deep and compelling in her description of engaged and
self-motivated activity, this article reads almost like scripture, the reverence for child development
is both idealistic and original—yet very recognizable as part of the Montessori perspective that
every parent should understand.
James is one of our best students. His is very smart but not precocious; he is athletic but not the
star of his soccer team. James has several good buddies, but he is not the most popular boy in
the elementary class. His area of greatest strength is his ability to concentrate. Almost every day,
James fully engages in work that he has selected and works without interruption for hours.
After his first day of fifth grade, James told his parents he had a good day. He talked about his
friends, the playground, and the people he sat with at lunch. “It wasn’t a great day, though,” he
said. “Over the summer I forgot how to do some of my challenging work. I wasn’t able to concentrate like I usually can.”
James ran off to play; he was not upset or worried. His parents were shocked. “James has a good
vocabulary and we knew he understood the meaning of concentration, but we were amazed that
he could apply the word to himself in a way that was so insightful.”
James knows what concentration means. He also knows what concentration feels like, and he
loves it.
Jennifer Rogers has been a primary teacher for twenty years and the last ten
have been at Countryside Montessori School (IL). Mrs. Rogers has a bachelor’s
degree in religious studies and English from Albion College and a master’s degree
in theological studies from Candler Seminary at Emory University. She completed
AMI primary training in Atlanta, AMI assistants to infancy in Denver, and the AMI
Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies. She has completed the Catechesis of
the Good Shepherd training at the primary level as well as the comprehensive and
advanced continuum Orton Gillingham training. Her articles on children’s spiritual
development have been published in several professional and parenting newspapers
and magazines, and her first short book on these topics, Faith in a Child, can be
purchased through NAMTA.
Healthy adults are a diverse population, and we are outstandingly different in our goals and
intentions. The legendary psychologist Erik Erikson noted that most healthy people mature in
predictable phases. He also pointed out that all healthy people have two things in common: We
engage in constructive work and we invest in love.
Maria Montessori uses different terms to describe the growth of children, but
her conclusions are very similar to Erikson’s. She noticed that when they are
offered time and space to work, children respond with abundant joy. Children
have two fundamental needs she said: constructive work and consistent love.
Montessori’s observations of children working with joy sparked a revolution
in early childhood education. She said that children who are concentrating
should be treated like royalty, cherished and protected.
The notion that healthy children can concentrate remains as counter-cultural
today as it was one hundred years ago. We suspect that there are several
ways in which concentration is more compromised today than it was for the
children in the impoverished communities that Montessori first observed.
Distractions definitely abound and proliferate. Television, Internet use, cell
phones, and iPods—the list is obvious and long. Attention does often seem
to be in a deficit and plummeting. Nonetheless, the ability to concentrate
remains the hallmark of human health and is the only path to a lifetime of
loving and learning.
Purposeful Work
Maria Montessori believed that every child should have opportunities to select her work in her
home and classroom. Montessori also believed that the work a child chooses is less significant
than the experience that should follow. The child’s absorption should be complete and specific,
and attention should be fully directed to the task. A child’s concentration should be evident in
the tireless repetition, furrowed brow, and the ability to ignore the movement and noise that
often surround the work space.
Montessori built low cupboards for her first young students and left them unlocked because
“the children knew the objects so well that they could make their own choice” (The Secret of
Childhood 121). The small change in cupboards made a huge difference in the lives of those
fortunate young people. “The children could take from them the material that corresponded to
their own inner needs” (ibid).
Concentration may begin with a button frame or a watering can, but it always involves the coordinated, intentional use of both mental and physical energies. E.M. Standing notes that “concentration is the key that opens up to the child the latent treasures within him” (Maria Montessori:
Her Life and Work 174). A toddler can become completely absorbed in setting the table. Older
children scrub tables, sew burlap, read, calculate, weave ,and write with a concentrated vigor
that has nothing to do with rewards or punishments. An adolescent may become so engaged
in the preparation of a community meal that time loses its meaning.
Maria Montessori noticed that when a young person finished a task that had commanded his
full attention for an extensive period of time, he was refreshed and invigorated. She expected
her young students to be exhausted, but they were full
of joy and renewed in energies. Given uninterrupted time
Regardless of intelligence or talent,
to concentrate on purposeful work, Montessori’s young
young adults who can concentrate
students become self-motivated, peaceful students.
Concentration is the best preparation for life, Montessori
are well prepared to synthesize
realized, far superior to any other goal in education. Tireinformation, create, and contribute
less, joyful workers are our best citizens, the people who
knowledge in fields that have not
grow up to make significant contributions to the health of
yet been imagined.
our planet.
The Intelligence of Love
The energy that can help mankind is that which lies within the child. (The Secret of
Childhood 207)
Maria Montessori believed that the simple love that is evident in the work of young children is
also the fire that inspires all great works of creation. “Every work which is done according to the
laws of nature and creates a harmony among beings attains consciousness under a form of
love,” she writes (The Secret of Childhood 103). Like Erikson, Montessori understood that work
and love are essential to human health, for people of all ages, on every continent.
Children who can concentrate grow up to
be adults who succeed in corporate finance,
household management, performance arts,
and global politics. Regardless of intelligence
or talent, young adults who can concentrate
are well prepared to synthesize information,
create, and contribute knowledge in fields that
have not yet been imagined. Young people who
can concentrate are also eager to engage in
the ultimate human endeavor, demonstrating
tireless love for a partner or a child, a neighbor
or a stranger.
Concentration is a teacher’s word. Love is more
spiritual, a deeply personal and private word.
Loving is, though, a form of concentration. To
love is to give our full attention to another person, over and over, with great joy. Maria Montessori believed that education should not be a preparation for school, but for life. She announced
the secret of childhood because she knew children who are offered choice and opportunity can
and will concentrate. She believed in their capacity for constructive work. She also understood
that it is through concentration that children learn how to work and love.
Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. 1936. New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.
NAMTA Conferences
Standing, E.M. Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work. New York: Penguin Books, 1984.
Hooked on Sugar
by Margaret Adamek
Nutritional awareness in Montessori programs shape palates, build skills, create community, and
support the health of young children. Research that links brain biochemistry, nutrition, gardening,
and brain development demonstrates the importance of integrating holistic education for young
children and their families. Margaret Adamek’s longstanding experience in urban, rural, tribal,
local, state and federal contexts informs her rich expertise in food systems change.
The Statistics Aren’t New, and They Aren’t Pretty
Nearly one-third of American children are overweight. Forty percent of girls and a third of boys
born in 2000 will acquire type II diabetes by the time they turn 50. At the same time, increasing
numbers of children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, depression, and generalized
anxiety disorder.
While many schools focus on diet in combating childhood obesity and
diabetes, few pay attention to how diets affect student behavior and
academic performance. Most often, the interventions for these problems
are pharmacological — the Drug Enforcement Administration reports
that 85 percent of all amphetamine prescriptions are administered to
children, and doctors now prescribe 30 times more legal amphetamines
to children than they did in 1990.
Research suggests that a
dependency on refined
carbohydrates that
begins early in life also
creates a higher risk of
addiction to drugs and
alcohol as adults.
As schools and communities consider the importance of food in the
lives of our children, it is critical to acknowledge how what we eat —
in particular, the glut of refined carbohydrates in our diets — affects
our brains, behavior, and health. Since 1970, American consumption
of high-fructose corn syrup has increased by 40 times, and we eat 300 calories more per day.
One-third of American children eat fast food every day — in addition to the processed foods
they receive through school meal programs and packaged foods at home.
An array of evidence suggests that obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and assorted addictions share neurochemical roots that are seriously influenced by this
high-carbohydrate diet. According to Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons, bestselling author of Potatoes
Not Prozac, “sugar sensitive” people are born with low levels of the brain chemicals serotonin
(a condition tied to depression, aggression, and poor attention and impulse control) and dopamine (drug and alcohol addiction, low self-esteem, violence, and anger). They also have volatile
blood sugar (associated with diabetes, fatigue, moodiness, feeble concentration, and emotional
Margaret Adamek is the owner of Terra Soma LLC, a consulting
firm that helps communities and organizations working on systems
change to build effective collaborations. She has worked for nearly
two decades on improving food environments for urban, rural, and
tribal communities. Her innovative work on connecting agricultural
production, food environments, brain chemistry, behavior, and the
contemporary American diet has been featured on Air America Radio, in Alternative Healing Magazine, The New York Times Sunday
Magazine and at national and international conferences.
“Hooked on Sugar” by Margaret Adamek was originally published
by the Center for Ecoliteracy. Copyright © 2005 by the Center for
Ecoliteracy. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. For more
information, visit
outbursts). Additionally, these people are born with low beta-endorphin, a condition associated
with chemical dependence and a sense of victimization and alienation.
As with any addict looking for a fix, sugar-sensitive people with these traits seek substances
that alleviate the symptoms, if only temporarily. And, as with any addiction, the short-lived relief compounds the problem — people grow helpless to the pull of refined carbohydrates and
low-protein foods (the template of the contemporary American diet), which only deepens their
despair. Research suggests that a dependency on refined carbohydrates that begins early in
life also creates a higher risk of addiction to drugs and alcohol as adults.
“The good news about biochemically based behavior is that it can change, and it can change
rapidly,” DesMaisons says. “You do not have to pursue years of psychotherapy to get results.”
Nor do we have to imagine a future where young people, just to feel healthy and normal, are
treated with insulin for diabetes, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication, amphetamines
for hyperactivity, and gastric bypass surgery for obesity.
DesMaisons has developed a food plan that stabilizes the biochemical conditions behind sugar
sensitivity and improves the body’s regulation of blood sugar. The diet is highlighted by the steady
removal of refined carbohydrates and processed foods. DesMaisons champions quality protein
and complex carbohydrates, fresh fruits and vegetables, essential fatty acids, and consistent
mealtimes. For children, sweetened and caffeinated drinks are out. Even diet soft drinks are
excluded, as sweet taste alone stimulates the addictive opiate response in the brain. Regular
snacks are in, if they contain protein and a complex carbohydrate.
I have partnered with DesMaisons to found the Sugar Project, to explore and design treatments
based on the relationships between brain chemistry, the unprecedented consumption of refined
carbohydrates, and our health. We believe we have a nation of children facing lifelong, irreversible health and psychological difficulties due to their diets. A key part of our strategy is offering
local, sensible tools for transformation in family diets, school meals, alcoholism treatment, and
public health interventions. We have seen powerful results in thousands of people from these
low-cost, food-based solutions.
After a recent workshop I gave to high school
biology teachers, a teacher told me, “My rural
school district is worried about methamphetamine and our kids. This is true for maybe ten
students. But the behavior and psychological
issues associated with teenage diet that you
describe fit every single one of my 130 students.
This is a huge epidemic happening right under
our noses.”
A public alternative high school for at-risk
students in Appleton, Wisconsin, responded
to the same issues by changing student diets.
Students were required to eat breakfasts and
lunches at school that contained omega-3 fatty
acids, dense protein, fresh vegetables and fruit,
complex carbohydrates, and freely available water. Truancy and dropout rates, school violence,
classroom disruptions, and academic underachievement evaporated.
“Even though it may seem obvious and simple, the foods in this plan actually create profound
physical and emotional change,” DesMaisons says. “Don’t be deceived by the simplicity. This is
powerful medicine.”
NAMTA Forms Adolescent Orientation
Alumni Group
Creo School is expanding the Children’s House and
Elementar y program to meet the growing interest
in Montessori in beautiful Gilbert Arizona. Creo is a
Spanish bilingual school with plans to grow to a campus of 10+ acres and continue through High School.
We are seeking experienced candidates that are passionate about Montessori and AMI philosophy, have excellent
classroom management skills, are flexible, self-reliant, and
confident with parent education while working in a culturally
diverse environment. AMI 3-6 or 6-12 credentials required.
Ideal candidates are nurturing, confident, compassionate, enthusiastic and they must have strong classroom
management skills, and the ability to build strong and
supportive relationships with parents and fellow staff
members, and must be legally authorized to work in the
U.S. Native Spanish speaker welcome with solid English
skills required. J-1 Visa can be acquired by Creo School.
Creo has been approved for AMI/USA Associated School status.
We offer great benefits with medical insurance, paid holidays,
PTO, tuition reimbursement and staff development opportunities
along with a competitive salary commensurate with experience.
Interested candidates should submit resume and letter of
interest by contacting Positions begin
July 2015.
Early Childhood and Elementary Montessori Teachers, Montessori Char ter School of Flagstaff
Early Childhood and Elementary Montessori Teachers who
desire to teach in a well-established Montessori community
with the added advantages of being in an extraordinary natural
environment, should consider The Montessori Charter School
of Flagstaff. The school encourages our teachers and staff
with opportunities to express their many talents and influence school decisions. Our staff is valued and considered as
important as our children. Their contributions help direct the
growth of the school. Visit our website at www.flagmontessori.
com for more information on our school.
Upper Elementary and Adolescent Guides—San Diego, Bella
Mente Montessori Academy
Seeking candidates for 2015-2016 openings for Montessori credentialed teachers. Bella Mente is a highly successful, public K-8 charter school. We will be in our third
year of operation and expanding to accommodate current
students. The Bella Family is looking for hardworking, creative guides with a passion for Montessori. Located in San
Diego County, we are a 10 minute drive from the beach.
A minimum of two years experience is preferred. Applicant
must have a state teaching credential or will be required to
obtain during their first year. Please submit resume and cover
letter to
Primary and Lower Elementary, Bella Mente Montessori
Seeking candidates for 2015-2016 openings for Montessori credentialed teachers. Bella Mente is a highly successful, public K-8 charter school. We will be in our third
year of operation and expanding to accommodate current
students. The Bella Family is looking for hardworking, creative guides with a passion for Montessori. Located in San
Diego County, we are a 10 minute drive from the beach.
A minimum of two years experience is preferred. Applicant
must have a state teaching credential or will be required to
obtain during their first year. Please submit resume and
cover letter to
Montessori Training Center of New England
111 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT ◊ (860)757-6116 ◊
AMI Primary Courses
(3-6 year olds)
Gretchen Hall, Director of Training
Masters of Education from University of Hartford Available
New Primary Course
Starts June 2015
AMI Elementary Courses
(6-12 year olds)
Carla Foster, Director of Training
Masters of Education from University of Hartford Available
Touch the World...Touch a Life!
New Elementary Course
Starts Summer 2016
For more information regarding
Courses or other MTCNE Services
visit our website
6-9 and 9-12 Trained Montessori Teachers, Bowman
International School
Join our energetic, dedicated, and caring staff as we
work to create a world class authentic Montessori experience for students K-8 in the heart of Silicon Valley!
We have opportunities for 6-9 and 9-12 trained
Montessori teachers to join us on our journey.
Bowman is an exciting school dedicated to peace education and highlighting the STEM curriculum within the
Montessori program. Bowman has an amazing theater
and music program as well. At Bowman we offer a unique
educational opportunity for elementary aged children,
Montessori Training Centre of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Assistants to Infancy: 0 – 3
Summer Course
June 22 – August 21, 2015
June 20 – August 26, 2016
Director: Maria Teresa (Chacha) Vidales
Offered annually September to June (est. 1982)
Primary Course: 3 – 6
Director: Eduardo Cuevas
200 – 8555 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC V6P 3J9 Canada
Telephone: 604-261-0864
Fax: 604-261-2805
built on the principles of Maria Montessori. The Bowman program embodies core Montessori beliefs of respect for people
and for the environment. We believe that creativity flourishes
in an atmosphere of freedom, acceptance and trust.
We are looking for teachers who are dynamic and can motivate
students to love learning.
Bowman International School in Palo Alto, California is seeking a highly qualified, highly motivated co-teacher for our
Montessori classrooms.
Bowman offers students an authentic Montessori educational
experience and the staff an opportunity to join a dynamic
community of families and educators.
Bowman is an independent, co-educational school with
an enrollment of 200+ students in grades K-8. We are
located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Founded in 1995.
Candidates must have a B.A. degree and teaching
experience with school-age learners, good communication skills, and a desire to work as a collaborative
teammate. Montessori experience is a plus. Candidates must be authorized to work in the United States.
Bowman is an equal opportunity employer and promotes the
principles and practices of diversity throughout the school
Application Instructions
Please submit cover letter and resume to Mary Beth Ricks
to be considered.
Candidates must have a B.A. degree and teaching experience with school-age learners, good communication
skills, and a desire to work as a collaborative teammate.
Montessori credential and experience is a must.
Candidates must be authorized to work in the U.S.
Compensation & Benefits
Bowman offeres comparable compensation and a
generous benefit package.
Bowman International School in Palo Alto, California is seeking a highly qualified, highly motivated
co-teacher for a Montessori Middle School classroom.
Bowman offers students an authentic Montessori
educational experience and the staff an opportunity to
join a dynamic community of families and educators.
Bowman is an independent, co-educational school with
an enrollment of 200+ students in grades K-8. We are
located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Founded in 1995.
Candidates must have a B.A. degree and teaching
experience with school-age learners, good communication skills, and a desire to work as a collaborative
teammate. Montessori experience is a plus. Candidates must be authorized to work in the United States.
Bowman is an equal opportunity employer and
promotes the principles and practices of diversity
throughout the school community. Contact head@
Now Hiring Elementary, A to I, and Primary guides, Kinderhouse Montessori School
Kinderhouse Montessori School, an AMI recognized Montessori school for children ages 3 months through 12 years (A
to I through Upper-Elementary), is seeking a motivated, passionate, reliable, flexible, responsible, creative, independent,
organized, and knowledgeable Elementary guide. We are
also seeking A to I Guides to help open a brand new Nido
program/Toddler room and Primary guides. Our expanding
schools hold many opportunities for personal and professional
growth. At Kinderhouse Montessori School, our mission is to
cultivate the whole child for intellectual, social, and emotional
growth. We have two campuses, both of which are located in
beautiful, sunny San Diego, with beaches nearby!
A bachelor’s degree, California Early Childhood Teacher
qualifications, AMI training—classroom experience is
preferable. We are looking for the guides to begin work
this year to obtain training prior to starting a classroom.
Please submit resume and cover letter by fax 858-550-0078
or by email to and visit our
website, for more information about our school.
LePort Schools is currently seeking passionate, experienced, mission-driven Heads of School to manage beautiful campuses in Orange County, California and the San
Francisco Bay Area.The Head of School is responsible
for creating a positive culture on campus for all staff and
students, leading/mentoring teachers and administrators,
building a strong parent-community, resolving difficult student issues, ensuring the school financial operations are
profitable, and ensuring the academic programs at the campus consistently meet the high-standard we set at LePort!
This position requires a positive leader who is committed
to the Montessori philosophy, enjoys coaching teachers
to continually grow and improve, and has the good judgment and infinite kindness required to work closely with
parents. You must also have a flair for business, including
the ability to effectively solve practical problems and proactively manage the operational side of running a school.
If you are an experienced and passionate Montessorian
looking to deeply connect to a school community to lead and
inspire your team and campus, please apply online at www. or email your resume and cover
letter to
Montessori Guide (Nido, Toddler & Primary), LePort
LePort Schools has a few coveted early childhood openings remaining, for new classrooms
opening fall 2015 in the Bay Area, Southern
California, and Brooklyn, New York. Each
campus is a unique community, beautiful in its
own distinctive way (Brooklyn with its rooftop
playground and view of the New York skyline;
Emeryville, California with its effortless indooroutdoor classroom flow). All classrooms are
light, clean, airy spaces, equipped with the
best high-quality Montessori materials and furniture available, supported by leadership dedicated to the practice of authentic Montessori.
We are always interested in hearing from passionate Montessorians at any level! This spring,
we are particularly on the look-out for 0 to 3
trained AMI Guides who truly understand and
love young babies and toddlers. In addition to
English-speaking Guides, we are also interested
in meeting native Spanish and Mandarin speakers, to participate in our language immersion
Montessori programs. We do have one opening
left for an exceptional AMI-trained Primary Guide.
Please apply online at
careers or email your resume and cover letter
Montessori Guide, Lower Elementary, LePort
LePort Schools has an elementary opening for fall 2015, located in beautiful, sunny
Southern California! You can expect an authentic classroom, filled with light and air, and
equipped with the best quality Montessori
materials and furniture available. Our teachers are supported by a leadership team dedicated to the practice of authentic Montessori.
Interested in joining a community of passionate, mission-driven educators committed to
the Montessori method? We have a vibrant
community of AMI-trained guides, and we
would love to have you join our crusade!
Please apply online at
careers or email your resume and cover letter
LePort Montessori is looking for lower elementary
head teachers to join our growing family of authentic
Montessori schools in Orange County and San Diego,
California. We are seeking candidates with the confidence
and poise to manage their classrooms independently.
Candidates will have (1) experience working with lower
elementary children, (2) strong written & verbal communication skills, and (3) the drive to work in a rewarding, benevolent community that seeks excellence.
To apply:
is the instrument of the
is the instrument of
AMI Teacher Training at The Montessori Institute
700 Knox Ct.
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-832-6781
Fax: 303-765-5279
Marin Montessori School, located in Corte
Madera, California, seeks a fulltime AMI-trained
lead guide for our Upper Elementary program,
for the 2015/2016 school year. The school serves
270 students from toddler through Junior High,
and has just celebrated our 50th anniversary.
This position is an exciting opportunity to work
with a team of faculty dedicated to authentic
Montessori pedagogy within a mature program.
The ideal candidate will have:
A committed, deep understanding and passion
for authentic Montessori pedagogy and practice
A collaborative work style while maintaining an
identity of his/her own
Excellent verbal and written communication
Experience with fostering and maintaining excellent professional relationships with students,
parents, faculty, and administration
Confidence and experience in the lessons and
extensions required in a 9 - 12 class
Position Requirements
At least 3 years of teaching experience in an
Upper Elementary classroom preferred
Candidates must possess a current and valid
California Drivers’ license with no points on
their record.
Must submit to LiveScan fingerprint testing
through the Department of Justice.
Current CPR and First Aid certification a plus.
Marin Montessori School offers a competitive
salary, excellent benefit program, and beautiful
Interested candidates should send a cover letter
and resume to:
Academic year & summer formats
Beautiful San Diego location
World-renowned trainers
“Studying at MISD was a wonderful and
enriching experience that transfor med the
way I perceive my role as a Montessori
– Carla Cardell, Toddler Director
Bishop Hamilton Montessori School
Upper Elementary Teacher—Arcata, California,
Redwood Coast Montessori
Redwood Coast Montessori, a K-8 public Montessori charter school located in Manila, Cali858.535.0500 ext. 101
fornia, is seeking an upper elementary teacher
for the 2015/16 school year. The ideal candidate
will possess: 1) Bachelor’s degree, 2) upper elementary Montessori diploma, 3) California multiple-subject ing and the arts in an urban setting. Check us out at www.
teaching credential, 4) minimum of 1 year of experience work- or email
ing with children in 4-6th grade, 5) ability to work cooperatively for more information.
in a team teaching environment. This is a full-time position
with family health, dental, and vision benefits. Contact: Bryan
Little (
Primary, Elementary and Adolescent Guides, Annie Fisher
Lead Elem Teachers for Urban Montessori, Oakland, Cali- Montessori Magnet School
fornia, Urban Montessori Charter School
AMI Primary & Elementary Guides
Urban Montessori Charter School in Oakland, California is Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School—Hartford, Connecticut
seeking Montessori-certified lead elementary teachers who Take this opportunity to join our growing Montessori comwant to be part of a diverse team committed to providing munity dedicated to social reform in making Montessori
quality public Montessori education infused with design think- education accessible to more children. Annie Fisher Montes-
sori seeks AMI Primary and Elementary guides dedicated
to authentic Montessori practice in a public school setting.
In 2012, Annie Fisher Montessori was awarded “recognition” by AMI/USA, an acknowledgment of the highest quality
program implementation at both primary and elementary
levels. The school has well-equipped classrooms, AMI trained
leadership, a supportive community, and proximity to an
AMI Training Center. In its seven years of existence, Annie
Fisher Montessori has hired guides from California, Nevada,
Nebraska, Ohio, New York, South Carolina and Florida.
We offer excellent salaries, benefits, and opportunities for professional development. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree
and an AMI diploma with a minimum 3 years classroom experience.
Please visit us at
To submit cover letter and resume please email or fax:
Attn: Marc Schulman Acting Principal
Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School
Phone: 860-695-3560
Fax: 860-722-8089
Adolescent Guide
Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School—Hartford,
Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School is seeking an
experienced educator to join our team as we continue
to develop Connecticut’s first land-based Public Montessori Adolescent Program. Annie Fisher Montessori
is the centerpiece of a growing community of fully
implemented Montessori practice serving the public
sector in Connecticut. Since 2008, our school has
served Primary and Elementary children in a custombuilt, impeccably maintained school that revolves
emphatically around the needs of the developing child
as well as the professional and personal growth of our
Eligibility for Connecticut teacher certification from the
Connecticut State Department of Education.
Montessori training with a minimum of 3 year experience working either with upper elementary or adolescent students.
Disciplinary expertise in environmental science, experience with place-based educational models, and a
passion for working with adolescents.
Please visit us at
To submit cover letter and resume please email or
Attn: Marc Schulman Acting Principal
Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School
Phone: 860-695-3560
Fax: 860-722-8089
Montessori School Teaching Positions—September
2015, Fraser Woods Montessori School
Full-Time 10 months
Toddler, Lower School, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary
& Middle School
Benefits: Life, medical and disability insurance, 403(b) savings plan. Salary is competitive. Contact: mstramaglia@
Upper Elementary Teacher, Great Beginnings Montessori
Great Beginnings Montessori School seeks an experienced
AMS or AMI Montessori Upper Elementary teacher to work in
a growing elementary 6-12 classroom. Contact cindyburnim@
Observation is Revelation
The Montessori School in Wilton, Connecticut seeks experienced AMI-certified Toddler, Primary and Elementary
Portland, OR � San Francisco, CA � Spokane, WA
Now enrolling A to I, Primary, and Elementary courses in
Part-Time, Multi-Summer, and Academic Year formats
Teachers. We welcome dedicated, fun loving, hardworking
individuals to bring their talents and skills to our children and
families. Committed to diversity, The Montessori School community is inclusive and depends on the tenets of collaborative
relationships and respect. The school believes in sharing what
we have with those in need and encouraging children to learn
to live responsibly in the world. Located in Lower Fairfield
Country, we offer a competitive salary package. Please visit
our website for more information about our school. Interested candidates may send their
resume to the attention of Head of School, Sarah Walker via
e-mail to
The Children’s House Montessori School is in need
of a toddler guide as well as an elementary guide and an
adolescent guide for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.
We are a well established A.M.I. school that has served this
community for the past 46 years.
We are nestled in a beautiful community located 20 miles
south west of Daytona Beach, Florida and steps away from
the Stetson University Campus.
We offer a toddler through adolescent program with an enrollment of approx. 170 students.
The successful candidates will hold Montessori Certification,
great organizational skills, attention to detail, excellent communication skills both written and verbal and be able to multi-task.
Salary commensurate with experiecne. Please send resumes
Lead Teacher, Soar School, East Lake
Join our school for Special Ed. kids of average and above
average intelligence. Our Primary and Elementary students
are responding beautifully to our Montessori program and it
is a joy to direct them!
Our school is located on the central, west coast of Florida
near great beaches.
Join our talented staff. Contact
Lead Teachers/Assistant Teachers, South Broward Montessori Charter School
Looking to teach in sunny South Florida? We are a Montessori Charter School located 5 miles from the beautiful beaches in Hallandale Beach, Florida. We are looking
for experienced/trained Montessori Lead Teachers and
Assistant Teachers at the Early Childhood, Lower and
Upper Elementary levels. We offer competitive salaries,
health insurance, 403(b) retirement savings, and sick time.
Lead Teachers must hold a Montessori Certificate from a
MACTE accredited training program. Candidates must also
have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and be eligible to
apply for a Florida Teaching Certificate, although currently
possessing a Florida Teaching Certificate is highly desired.
Assistant Teachers should have some knowledge of the Montessori Methodology and must have a minimum of a high school
diploma. Montessori classroom experience is highly desired.
Please contact us if you’re interested in applying for one of these
positions! Contact
The Duluth Montessori School is seeking an Adolescent
Guide and a Primary Guide for the 2015-2016 school year.
We are an AMI school with an excellent reputation built on
over forty years of experience. The school is privately owned
and directed by its AMI-trained founder and is dedicated to
upholding the AMI Montessori philosophy. We are located in
Duluth, Georgia, a lovely suburb thirty minutes north of downtown Atlanta. We are also easily accessible to the mountains of
Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The Atlanta area
has a thriving Montessori community with many AMI schools,
an AMI training center offering both primary and elementary
training, and an established social network of teachers. The
school has two charming campuses with homelike settings
on 11 acres of rolling land. Our natural wooded landscape
includes a nature trail, soccer field, and several large gardens
in which to grow flowers and vegetables. Two Toddler Communities, three Primary Communities, one Lower Elementary,
one Upper Elementary and our Adolescent Community are
all fully furnished with AMI-approved Montessori materials,
including nomenclature and all other handmade materials.
Each classroom is spacious and beautiful with hardwood
floors, custom furnishings, and plenty of natural light. Excellent
salary, benefits and working conditions, with supportive AMItrained administration, make these attractive positions offered
to promising, spirited individuals. If you are interested in joining
a committed Montessori team, please e-mail your resume to
Phillip Willingham,
AMI Certified A to I & Primary Teachers
Atlanta Montessori International School
Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta Montessori International School
seeks experienced AMI-certified toddler and primary teachers.
Committed to diversity, A.M.I.S. is located 10 minutes from downtown Atlanta. Position requires an AMI diploma, undergraduate
degree, and at least 2 years experience. Salary commensurate with experience, we offer a competitive salary package.
For more information about our school please visit our website; Interested candidates may send their resume via email to Cheryl Rodgers;
AMI/AMS Primary 3-6 Guide
The Carolyn Barron Montessori School is located in
Newnan, Georgia and has been serving children and their
families for over 20 years. Our school community serves
children from 18 months to 14 years. We are seeking a well
qualified candidate for one of three Primary communities to
fulfill the Lead Guide position beginning August 2015. Contact
Adolescent (12-14yrs)Language Arts Teacher
The Carolyn Barron Montessori School is located in
Newnan, GA. and has been serving children and their families
for over 20 years. Our school community serves children from
18 months to 14 years. We are currently seeking a well qualified candidate to teach Language Arts in our Middle School
Toddler Teacher/Guide, Stepping Stone Montessori School
We are looking for a full-time teacher for our soon to open new Toddler classroom. The candidate must be Montessori Trained/Experienced, passionate about the work, caring, and a multi-tasker.
The environment is beautiful, other staff are amazing and
there is a strong support system to help you grow. Montessori
experience required.
Interested candidates please email your cover letter and resume.
The school is on the north side of Atlanta in a lovely, familyoriented area.
Seton Academy seeks a Primary Directress for a class of
three to six year olds beginning Fall of 2015. Small, Catholic
Montessori school, established 1979, in quiet western suburb of Chicago. Large, airy classrooms, dedicated parents,
pleasant work atmosphere. Knowledge of the Catholic Faith
and/or Catechesis of the Good Shepherd a must. Please call
Mary C. Thornton at 630-279-4101 or email setonacademy@
The New Century School is seeking a primary guide to lead
a class of 20 children for the 2015 summer school program.
Candidate should have strong classroom management skills and interpersonal communication
skills with school community-parents and colleagues alike. Position will start in June. Interested candidates submit cover letter and resume
The New Century School is seeking a primary
guide to lead a class of 20 children for the 201516 school year. Candidate should have strong
classroom management skills and interpersonal
communication skills with school communityparents and colleagues alike. Position will start
in August 2015. Interested candidates submit
cover letter and resume to
We don’t just train teachers, we prepare adults who joyfully
inspire children to reach their fullest potential and become
active, responsible members of a global community.
That’s how we drive education forward.
Seeking a certified Primary level teacher to
teach a primary level class (ages 3-6). We have
a wonderful staff here, and are looking for someone who is kind, dedicated, good with parents,
and a team player. We offer competitive salaries
and excellent benefits. Contact
Washington Montessori Institute Faculty
Master’s programs in primary and elementary Montessori education.
WWW.LOYOLA.EDU/WMI • 410-617-7777
NEW summer course: Introduction to the Montessori Approach (June 15-26)
Adams Montessori School is seeking a lower
elementary teacher for the 2015-2016 school
year. We are a diverse community currently
serving children between the ages of 15 months
to 12 years. Adams Montessori is an AMI recognized school located in an urban environment
10 miles south of Boston. We are looking for a
creative, dynamic and enthusiastic individual
dedicated to Montessori principles and standards. Salary is commensurate with education
and experience. Benefit package provided. Visit Send inquiries and
resumes to
Minnesota. Effectively operates and manages
Children’s House and Pod 5 department, including customer relations & quality control.
Responsible for the well-being and safety of
the children in the programs. Provides creative, developmentally appropriate programs
for infant through Kindergarten; ensures the
planning, preparation, and implementation of
developmentally appropriate curriculum. Full
description and apply online at Questions? call Molly
Carter at 952-496-7379.
Southwest Montessori School is seeking a
primary Montessori trained guide to work in a
one room environment with children ages 3-6.
Starting would ideally be June 2015. Please
contact for further information. Contact
New York
Seeking Lead Toddler and 3-6 Montessori
Teacher, Les Enfants Montessori School
School in Astoria, New York (10 minutes from
Manhattan) is seeking lead Toddler and 3-6
teacher. Looking to fill position immediately.
If interested send resume to and call 718-626-9549 for
more information.
Primary and Elementary Guides
The Montessori School Rochester is seeking to hire
qualified candidates holding an AMI diploma in Montessori
Eduation. The position is available for the 2015/2016 school
year. Competitive salaries commensurate with experience.
Children’s House Guide, Playworks/Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Children’s House Guide position at Playworks in Prior Lake,
Directress/Associate Guides, Resurrection
Episcopal Day School
Manhattan, New York
We are currently accepting applications for
Directress and Associate Guides for the 201516 school year.
Resurrection Episcopal Day School is a community committed to promoting intellectual,
spiritual, emotional and physical development
of the whole child according to the education philosophy developed by Maria Montessori and guided by the principles of the
Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).
We are delighted to be adding a new Primary
classroom in the 2015-16 school year. REDS
currently serves 84 children in 4 classrooms. We are an independent, non-profit school with a long tradition of providing Montessori education. Our AMI trained faculty are committed to providing the highest ideals and principles of the Montessori pedagogy.
The ideal Directress will have:
A Bachelor’s Degree in Education
A Master’s Degree in Education, eligible for NYS Certification
Primary Montessori Certification
Two to three years of classroom experience
The ideal Associate Guide will have:
A Bachelor’s Degree in Education or a related field
One to two years of classroom experience
We offer competitive salaries, benefits and allocate generous
resources, focus and dedication to professional development
for teachers and staff. REDS also hosts professional development workshops and lectures for our teachers and parents.
Please visit our website,
Please send a resume and three references to teri.lawrence@
North Carolina
The Middle School at Sterling Montessori Academy and
Charter School in Morrisville, North Carolina is seeking a full
time Middle School Language Arts Teacher who possesses
a teaching license for Middle Grades Language Arts to begin
in August. We seek an individual with a progressive view of
education and experience teaching Middle School Students.
Sterling is a non-traditional school with a nurturing environment and atmosphere for both students and staff. We
desire team members who embrace our culture and add
to it through hard work and dedication to our students. Our
middle school is small (approximately 100 students) which
gives teachers the opportunity to truly know their students.
We build community through camping trips, community service, and other activities. We are located equidistant from
mountain recreation and the Crystal Coast of North Carolina.
We offer an excellent benefits package and compensation.
Please send resumes to
Our stable, well-established 14 acre school has an enrollment
of 230 students ranging from infants through high school.
We are seeking one secondary Montessori certified teacher/
Director, one college Guidance Counselor (full or part time),
and one Development Coordinator to join our already experienced faculty. Anderson is a growing international community
of 30,000 located in the high tech corridor that runs between
Charlotte and Atlanta. We are minutes away from Clemson University, beautiful Lake Hartwell, and the blue Ridge mountains.
Charleston and ocean beaches are within a 4 hour drive. Write,
call, or email: Karen Holt, Montessori School of Anderson, 280
Sam McGee Rd., Anderson, SC 29621. 864-226-5344. email:
Small, excellent Montessori school in East Nashville is currently looking for Lead A to I, Primary, and Elementary guides
for the Fall. Great community of parents, fun part of town.
See for
specific criteria.
Young Primary Guide for beautiful Austin School set in the
woods. Position is available starting in April. This is a full time
position and benefits are included. Contact
5 x 2.5
Upper Elementary Lead Teacher, Ridgeline Montessori
Public Charter
Ridgeline Montessori, a vibrant public charter school
in Eu%RRWK
gene, seeks a lead teacher for one of its established upper
elementary classrooms, starting in August 2015. Starting salary is between $31,705 and $38,000 + benefits. Please visit to learn more. To apply, send resume, letter,
and three references to by May 30.
Maitri Learning
AMI Certified Elementary Guides
Cedar Park Montessori School
Austin, Texas
An AMI Accredited Family of Schools
Cedar Park Montessori School, established in 1997 and
rapidly expanding, has new openings for AMI-certified Elementary Lead Guides,
for full time positions. The school
www. m
a i t r i l e a hold
r n i n g .com
and its well-established
the highest reputation in the Greater Austin and Central
7.875 x
South Carolina
Where the child’s interest
inspires great work
Beaufort, South Carolina Montessori Charter School Expanding,
Lowcountry Montessori School
Lowcountry Montessori School
located on the beautiful South
Carolina coast is seeking certified Montessori guides at all levels. Ideal candidates would possess a creative, collabortive spirit
and a desire to follow the child.
Applicants may download an application at
For 41 years, the Montessori School
of Anderson has cultivated a passion for excellence, universal values,
global understanding, and service.
p: 413-529-2868 f: 413-529-2811
Practical Life Specialists
Texas areas, enjoying multiple local and national accolades. We offer competitive compensation and
benefits, professional development
opportunities, relocation assistance
as needed, outstanding facilities and
working environments, with highly
supportive management, staff and
parents. Please submit resume with
references and salary history to:
Phones: 512-260-2261, 512-259-8495
Lead Teachers & Director, Sugar Mill
Montessori School
Sugar Mill Montessori School is
looking for a Director, and certified/
experienced Montessori lead teachers
(Primary & Toddler).
If interested, email resume and cover
letter to
Over 2500 Carefully
Selected Items
FREE CATALOG 800 t214 t 8959
Your Resource for Preparing the Child’s Environment since 1976
Certified Early Childhood Lead Teacher, Westside Montessori School
Westside Montessori School in Houston, Texas is accepting
applications for certified Early Childhood teachers who are
energetic, mature, with an awesome personality, who have a
love for interacting, singing, laughing amongst children and
enjoy the art of teaching. Please visit to learn more about our school. Utah
Elementary Lead Teacher Positions, Mountain West Montessori Academy
We are a public K-9 charter Montessori school in South Jordan, Utah, looking for one lower and one upper elementary
lead teacher for the 2015-16 school year. Contact: ajohnson@
Upper Elementary Team Teacher 2015-16, Montessori
School of Northern Virginia
Our Upper Elementary program is growing! Come join our
vibrant team of top-notch Montessorians as we prepare to
expand our Upper Elementary program into two classrooms
in our newly renovated school building (fall 2016). We seek a
dynamic teacher with experience, energy and enthusiasm to
work with us to map out the future of our thriving Elementary
program. See our website for details.
Primary Co-Teacher 2015-2016, Montessori School of
Northern Virginia
Are you looking for an authentic Montessori teaching experience, one where you can spread your wings in a supportive
and engaging environment? We are a well-established, nonprofit, dual-campus Montessori school close to Washington,
DC. We seek a creative, compassionate, dedicated Primary
Co-Teacher with strong leadership skills for the AY 2015-16.
See our website for details.
Elementary 1 and Childrens House Teacher Wanted, Nature’s
Classroom Institute
Nature’s Classroom Institute and Montessori school
is looking for a seasoned (min 3 years) Lower Elementary Certified Teacher as well as an Early Childhood Cer tified Teacher to star t in August 2015.
Nature’s Classroom Institute and Montessori School
is a unique school that offers both Montessori classrooms as well as a residential outdoor Environmental
setting. Situated on 300 acres of woodland and prairie,
Nature’s Classroom combines the best of the outdoor
environment and a fully supplied Montessori classroom.
If you are looking for a school that allows you to explore the
outdoors, and one that embraces Montessori philosophy in
all aspects of its running, then this is the school. Contact:
Our school resides in a vibrant and beautiful facility.
We are looking forward to inviting applicants to become part
of our caring and dedicated staff.
Benefits include: excellent salary, medical insurance, and
apartment (when available).
Please send your CV, 3 letters of reference, copy of your college diploma and Montessori certificate via email or fax to: or Fax: + 48 22 841 08 87
Thank you
Please check our website:
Laramie Montessori School, a K-6th grade public charter
school in Laramie, Wyoming is seeking a Director with a
passionate commitment to Montessori education, trained in
the Montessori method. The ideal candidate will have experience running an established Montessori School. Applications
(cover letter and resume) or requests for more information
can be submitted to Please
see for full job description and
Head Teachers for 2015-2016, The Montessori International
School of Vietnam, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
We are seeking enthusiastic, self motivated, experienced
and qualified Montessori Teachers to fill head teacher
positions for 3-6yrs classes for 2015-206 school year.
Established in 2007, the Montessori International School of
Vietnam has been the first and so far the only Montessori school
in Vietnam that fully implements the Montessori method and
curriculum. It offers different programs with different languages,
beside English as the main language, in two campuses in the
expatriates residential area of the city. Currently the students
come from the expatriates and local communities in District 2,
Hochiminh City and are aged from 6 months to 9 years of age.
Candidates, preferably native English speakers, once
selected are offered long term contracts with attractive package and opportunities to grow with the school
via motivating bonus system and role in management.
We invite candidates of different classroom experience levels
to respond with updated CV to and
Experienced Montessori Directors for Canberra school, Canberra Montessori School
Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Position Vacant
Canberra Montessori School, Australia
Requires: Montessori Directors
Canberra Montessori School invites applications from experienced Directors committed to the principles of Montessori Education. If you are enthusiastic, organised, and team oriented,
we can offer you an opportunity to work within a community
committed to making our Montessori, ...’simply the best’.
Our school, established in 1981, offers excellent facilities
and resources, along with a professional team of educators
who work collaboratively to deliver an authentic Montessori
experience. Canberra Montessori School delights in a low
staff turnover, contributed to by a strong leadership team
and a relaxed, supportive, yet hard working environment.
The successful applicant would need to meet or exhibit
progression towards the registration requirements of the
Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) in the Australian Capital Territory. Also essential is the ability to demonstrate
a commitment to ongoing professional development.
Should you be interested in lear ning more about
our school, discussing the role, or submitting a current Curriculum Vitae please forward enquiries to:
Mr. Anthony Vandermolen
Canberra Montessori School
For Sale
Looking to buy Montessori Schools, USA/Canada, Family
firm looking to acquire reputable Montessori Schools with
100+ students, good management and a strong reputation.
Furniture, fixtures and real estate included. Geographic area
agnostic but preferance for 30 min. radius from urban center.
Montessori Preschool For Sale, Country School House
Great opportunity to own a thriving preschool in beautiful
Bishop, California located at the foot of the Sierra Mountains.
This is a turn key operation that is licensed for 34 students
with an excellent reputation in the community. The property
has two classrooms, a lunch room, 2 student bathrooms, a
fenced in playground, two raised garden beds, mature trees,
professional landscaping, a small building for the office with
staff bath, two sheds and a nice parking lot. Sale price includes the business, and all the Montessori Materials and
preschool equipment. Owner/Director is retiring but can be
retained on contract to ensure smooth transition and training,
if desired. Lease option is also available. If interested email:
Full time positions for English speakers, Casa dei Bambini
Warsaw Montessori School
Mazowieckie, Poland
Warsaw Montessori School is seeking well-trained Montessorians.
Lead teachers for Toddler, Casa and Lower and upper elementary 6-9 and 9-12 are needed.
These positions require that the candidate is a
Native English speaker or has an excellent command of the English language. Positions are available.
Our schools are located just steps from Lazienki Park.
The Trinomial Cube
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150 S. Whis man Ro ad , Mo untain View , CA 94041-1512
F 1- 650- 964- 8162
E info@nienhuis-usa .com
T 1-800-942-8697 or 1-650-964-2735
W www.nienhuis-usa .com