Corporate Profile - Genesis Consulting


Corporate Profile - Genesis Consulting
 Consistent Value ... Delivered
Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting The Registered Trade Mark of Genesis portrays lateral thinking (i.e., ‘thinking out‐of‐the‐box’ closer to one’s mind when stuck to a quandary), reflecting the most befitting of the creatively diverse solutions that the Firm offers its customers. Orange, being highly visible against a clear sky and the contrasting color of Blue, characterizes the eloquence of the Firm’s services to its clientele. Genesis Consulting WLL PO Box 40135 Manama Kingdom of Bahrain. Mr. Kieran Gandy, MBA (Australia), CA (Scotland) Chief Executive Former Partner of Arthur Andersen Cell: +966.50.001.9437 <> Page | 1
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Contents Who Wee Are
2 Our People
2 Our Clients
3 Our Visio
on, Mission
n, values
What wee do
6 7‐30
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Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Genesis Conssulting leverag
ges its principals’ exp
perience in the
e last 35 y
years in consu
lting with clien
nts, and leverages its re
esources, to be
e able to bring that exp
perience and fo
ocus on customer advo
ocacy. Our customers n
need expertise
e and skills thatt we can bring, focussed on key business improvem
ment areas in th
heir en
nterprises. Genesis Consultting is a respon
nsive and flexible Trustted Business Ad
dvisor. WHO WE ARE Genesiss Consulting is a leading business c consulting braand, offering value to th
he emerging m
market clientss in performaance improvement, risk manageme
ent, and deal planning/ exe
ecution advissory services, through locaal‐
hearted prrofessionals, w
who combine
e deep marke
et and industrry knowledge
e with speciaalized expertise. Significantt changes in th
he global bussiness environ
nment have b
been placing considerab
ble new challe
enges on businesses to efffectively com
mpete for marrket opportunitties. This presssure makes p
proactive market leaders s
succeed, leavving traditional players behin
nd. To succee
ed in the time
es of adversityy, emerging market business leaders are engagin
ng Genesis Co
onsulting to p
provide them with out‐of‐the‐‐box thoughtt leadership and decision support. Lateral thin
nking of Gene
esis Consultin
ng (i.e., ‘thinkking out‐of‐the
e‐box’ closer to one’s mind
d when stuck to a quandarry), as reflecte
ed in our Reg
gistered Service Mark, refle
ects the mostt befitting of t
the creativelyy diverse solu
utions that we
e offer our c
clients. We be
elieve in know
wledge aggreg
gation, its intuitive integraation through usse of diversified channels, processes, syystems and applications, in
n the provision o
of an efficientt customized business solu
ution to creatte value to the client. en skills in com
mplex cases a
and exceptional strength i in analytics, o
our With prove
dedicated people have provided astute guidance to clients in s
several successful engagementts. Our successs stems from
m the outstanding capabilitties of our pe
eople, many o
of whom are recognized e
experts in the
eir respective fields. We nu
urture and maintain close relationsships with a select group o
of respected a
academic and
d xperts for inte
erdisciplinaryy collaboration and respon
nsive service. industry ex
We train our people to: 
d relationshipss based on do
oing the rightt thing. Build
ess integrity, respect, and teaming. Dediccate energy a
and enthusiassm, and lead w
with courage. Genesis Co
onsulting makkes a differen
nce by proactiively helping its clients, its people, and its wider co
ommunities achieve their p
potential. OUR P
E Genesiss Consulting combinees recognized expertise in various domaains to exceed client expecttations. Each t
team player c
comes with a wealth of knowledge
e and capabilities that s/he
e acquired thrrough extenssive history off leading and engaging in
n successful p
projects. perience with quality training, high educcation and A blend of relevant exp
nal certificatio
on qualify ourr people to intternally team
m up in the tottal client value
e continuum. Our people c
comprise chartered accountants, busin
ness and manag
gement profe
essionals and engineers wiith wide industry knowledge and experttise. The dynaamic and talented people are committe
ed to operatin
ng with integrrity, quality and profession
nalism in provviding perform
mance, risk and deal solutio
ons to all clients both at home and ove
erseas. With that b
backdrop, we
e ensure provvision of a harrmonized envvironment forr the client value
e delivery pro
ocess, empow
wered by align
ned cultural b
background aand mindset th
hat, collective
ely, represent our region. T
This truly help
ps us represen
nt the real me
eaning of “Global Mind
ds with Locaal Hearts”. w
o Page | 3
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g We are cost‐effective in our o
operations –
– our overhead
d base is low att all times a
as we employ t
the same level of talent, experience an
nd service from
m a cost‐
effective infraastructure and reduced m
management la
yer base. We a
are able to t
take that VALU
UE and pass it o
on to our cu
ustomers in providing a mod
derate cost of superior qu
uality seamlesss service. OUR C
S At Genes
sis Consulting, we arre prudent in selecting ourr clients. We engage wh
hen we can m
make a differe
ence to our se
elect clients and sustain market leaadership in qu
uality advisoryy services. Our emerg
ging market clients range f
from large and complex en
nterprises to some of itss most innovaative entrepre
eneurs. They include privaate and publicc companiess, banks and p
private equityy houses, fam
mily businesse
es, governmen
nts, and non‐prrofit organizaations (the listting of 20 tarrget industrie
es is given below). Demonstraating our valu
ue added servvice integratio
on, Genesis C
Consulting hass, to date, contrributed to the
e success of a
a number of it
ts key accoun
nts in certain GCC countries w
within variouss domains fro
om higher edu
ucation, healtthcare, real estate devvelopment, to
o light manufaacturing. We heelp our c
clients drream witth their e
eyes open
ommodatiing and reesourcefull, even in n
businesss hours. I It was incrredibly intteresting to work with Geenesis Con
nsulting beecause theey provideed creativve supportt on the asssignmentt. Omar B
Babtain, Foun
nding Partnerr, Sugar Refiining, Kingdo
om of Bahrain
ding qualiity with co
ommerciaal, techniccal and proactivve judgmeent.
Eng. Ayman A. Al‐Shibl, Chairm
man of the Board, Sau
udi Superlit, R
Riyadh, Kingd
dom of Saudi Arabia.
Geneesis Consu
ulting prin
ncipals … very well known fo
or expertisse and tho
orough ad
dvisory services ... Prince Turrki Bin Khalid Bin Faisal, Sh
hams Media f
for Internatio
onal Publishin
ng & Development LLC, Riyaadh, Kingdom
m of Saudi Araabia.
A win
nning blen
nd of tech
hnical excellence an
nd businesss acumen
n … a plea
asure to w
work with Genesis p
principals. Mahmoud Elshorbagi, M
Managing Dirrector, Five S
Star Flour Mills & Animal F
Feed Group, Caiiro, Egypt.
Grosssly dissatiisfied in d
dealing witth that Brrand multina
ational advvisory firm
m in Damaascus, I fin
nally trackked down th
he Genesiss Consultiing CEO [in
n Riyadh]] and had him fly‐out to Syrria to sign
n four advvisory man
ndates. Group CEO
O of a promin
nent private s
sector Group in various acttivities, Damascus,, Syria.
Genesis Consullting provvides the b
best of bo
oth worldss – our servicee quality, at a superr value for fees and
d a Big Fo
care of a
a boutiqu
ue firm. Dr. Othman Altuwairgi, CChief Executivve Officer, SW
WAN Medical Company LLLC, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
o Page | 4
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Conte
ents Our Visio
5 Our Mission
5 Our Core Values
5 Exampless of Our Eth
hical Norms
o Page | 5
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g O
Our visi
ion is to bee a quality‐commmitted business advisoryy model in thee emerging marrkets providin
ng value‐addiing profession
nal services t
hrough a uniq
que n
network of ta
alents, system
ms, and alliancces, and providing outstan
nding career o
s for our peop
ple. O
Our mis
ssion is too help our clieents succeed in the markettplace by d
delivering visi
ible better value on their in
nvestment in engaging us. O
Our cor
re value
es define who we are — tthe fundamenntal beliefs off Genesis Consu
ulting that gu
uide our actio
ons and behavvior in every s
step of our m
mission influe
ence the way we work with
h each other — the way w
we serve our c
clients and en
ngage with ou
ur communities. Every day, eacch one of us m
makes choice
es and decisio
ons that directly affect the w
way we exper
rience each o
other, and the
e way our clients and wider c
communities experience u
us. Our valuess give us confiidence that w
we are using t
the same prin
nciples to help
p us make the
ese decisions — throughout our n
network. We live our clients in everyy business eng
gagement … and every re
elationship, w
with mutual r
respect. We d
deliver with paassion, and w
we learn all the
e time. While
e w
we focus on a
accountabilityy and responssibility with due care, we b
believe in t
transparency and integrityy as success faactors in our c
client service
e continuum. Our brand i is synonymo
ous to a professionaal hallmark o
of Trust, Q
Quality, and I
nce in our cllient service
e delivery co
 We lead by e
example gether: our cu
ulture is  We work tog
collaborativve and non‐hieerarchical the individua
al  We respect t
ovide  We seek thee facts and pro
insight n and honest in our  We are open
communicattion  We are com
mmitted to ourr communitiees  We act with
h integrity – in
ntegrity underlies alll the principlees in our code. E
es of ou
ur ethiccal norm
ms are: Approach: We
e maintain an exclusive pro
ofessional approach in all d
dealings with
h c
clients and the
e general pub
blic. Assignments: We accept asssignments fo
or which we h
have the skillss and k
knowledge to
o perform the
em. w
o Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Page | 6
Commissions/ financial inteerests: We neither accept c
commissions,, r
n, nor other be
enefits from a third party, in connection with r
tions to a clie
ent, without t
he client's kn
nowledge and
d consent, nor fail to disclose
e any financiaal interest in g
goods or services which fo
orm part of s
such recomm
endations. Confidentialityy: All existing
g or potential client inform
mation remain
ns confidentiaal. W
We neither ta
ke personal a
advantage of privileged infformation we
e gather d
during an assi
gnment, nor enable otherrs to do so. Conflicting Asssignments: W
We avoid actin
ng simultaneo
ously in all pottentially c
conflicting situ
uations witho
out informing
g all parties in
n advance that this is in
ntended. Conferring witth Client: We ensure that, before accep
pting any engagement, a m
mutual under
standing of th
he objectivess, scope, workk plan, and fe
ee a
s has been established. We
e disclose in a
advance any p
personal, financial, or otther interest which might influence the
e conduct of o
our work. Recruiting: W
We refrain from
m inviting an employee of a client to co
onsider R
alternative em
mployment without prior d
discussion witth the client. Unrealistic exp
pectations: W
We refrain from
m encouragin
ng unrealistic expectationss o
or promising c
clients that be
enefits are ce
ertain from sp
pecific busine
ess advisory s
services. w
o Page | 7
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g W
WE DO Today, busine
ess enterprise
es are compellled to constaantly review t
heir s
strategies and
d positioning in the markettplace. To sup
pport our clie
ents in a
achieving thei
ir goals, Gene
esis Consulting provides a variety of serrvices and in
nnovative ide
eas, customized to local ne
eeds. As a professio
onal services l leader, Genessis Consulting
g provides ind
dustry‐focused a
advisory servi
ces to enhance value for c
clients and their stakehold
ders. Our p
principals and
d people share
e their thinkin
ng, experiencce and solutio
ons to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice for our clientts. Complementing the depth of industry e
expertise and the breadth of skills is the
e s
sound knowle
edge of Genessis Consulting
g of the local business envvironments a
across the em
merging marke
ets. Our emerging
g market allian
nce network gives us the r
reach to provvide our clientts w
with the comf
fort and the c
confidence th
hat, whateverr be their busiiness needs, G
Genesis Consu
ulting principals and alliancce partners w
will have seen
n it before. There is no substitute to a trusted busin
ness advisor b
being knowledgeable a
about an indu
ustry inside an
nd out. Clientt C‐Suites nee
ed, among oth
hers, to trackk c
competitive d
dynamics, regulatory chang
ges, advancess in technolog
gy to c
compete and thrive in their sector. At G
Genesis Consu
ulting, we eng
gage when we c
can make a dif
fference to o
our selected clients in qualiity advisory services in s
specific indust
tries, either b
by direct conssulting or by p
project/ progrram managing for the client t
the third partty expert consultancy’s service deliveryy. In direct c
consulting, ou
ur consultantss/ alliance parrtners draw u
upon years off experience a
as well as dee
ep industry kn
nowledge to e
ensure our cliients' successs. Our website
e g
gives some pe
erennial challe
enges and isssues facing tw
wenty industrries: 1.
motive Banking and Capittal Markets Chem
micals and Perrformance Te
echnologies Comm
Consumer Products Diverrsified Industrrials Educaation Energ
gy & Natural R
Resources Engin
neering and C
ernment and P
Public Sector
Healtthcare Infrasstructure Insurrance Media and Entertaainment Pharm
maceuticals a
and Life Scien
nces Privatte Equity Real Estate Retaiil and Distribu
ution Techn
nology Transsport & Logistics To each of the
e above indusstry clients, w
we provide the
e following fo
our advisory s
service group
ings (respecttive page num
mbers are give
en below): Performancce Solutionss 8
Family Busin
ness Solutio
ons 10
Risk Advisor
ry Services 12
Deals Adviso
ory Servicess 17
o Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 8
Performance Solutions Our Performance Improvement services include assessment, transformation and process efficiency in Finance, Supply Chain, and Customers. These are supported by our key competencies in Program management, Strategic direction, People and organization, and IT advisory. Finance: The CFO is now a strategic partner charged with creating value across the whole business. Increased regulatory scrutiny, greater shareholder involvement, and higher expectations for transactions/ finance function have made the CFO more directly accountable for business performance. Treasury optimization, Lean finance function, Finance talent management, and Performance measurement effectiveness are the areas in which CFOs have been requiring our support. Supply chain: How to cope with demand and supply uncertainty, how to build and optimize the supply chain organization, and which supply chain planning and control strategies to employ are some business challenges facing Monitor, Manage, and Proact CEOs/ COOs. They look for our support in optimizing the complete system with both lean production and planning while viewing market and customer service Real‐time level requirements as a key driver of supply chain design. A hallmark to Improve Business Customers: CEOs want to maximize revenue and margin at every step along Performance the consumer decision continuum, from... customer acquisition, to... upsell/cross‐sell, to… loyalty and retention, to… debt management. This requires customer lifecycle management. They look for consultants’ support in (a) driving customer lifetime value, [e.g., through rapid integration of massive data analytics providing a 360‐degree view of customers], (b) Optimizing loyalty, [eg, through understanding the affinity and traction in relation to new and existing customers and developing integrated cross‐functional programs with cost estimates, and fine tuning the loyalty program features to maximize returns going forward], (c) Implementing change, [e.g., through transformation steps that help the front‐liners change their behaviors], and (d) based on the relative value of each customer segment and customer expectations, implementing a cost‐effective strategy that helps optimize prices to products to customer services [e.g., via being sensitive to culture while optimally utilizing the needed robust processes and technology]. The following section elaborates on our specific offerings within Performance Solutions: Performance Improvement: Finance Performance Improvement: Supply Chain Performance Improvement: Customer Performance Improvement: Finance In today’s markets, CFOs are under increasing pressure to improve performance. For instance, implementing cost‐cutting/ cost management and control measures that maximize efficiency (without compromising growth potential and long‐term sustainability) is a tricky proposition. Our network of finance professionals will help you to assess and transform your finance function. We provide insights and recommendations on sustainable performance improvement across the function including people, processes and systems, to support efficient alignment with organizational strategic objectives and operational requirements. Our areas of focus include the following services: Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 9
 Finance process efficiency — improvement project aimed at specific financial processes needing review, redesign and sustainable improvement. Our services address improvements in the finance function, finance systems effectiveness and related operational processes and systems/applications and associated controls.  Rapid assessment of Finance function — a diagnostic of finance processes, including both quantitative (performance metrics) and qualitative (process maturity assessment) appraisal. We work with our clients to compare current performance with leading practice.  Transformation of Finance — from a full transformation of the finance function to a transformation of interdependent processes such as budgeting and forecasting. Performance Improvement: Supply Chain To effectively compete in the global market and maximize profitability, businesses need efficient and secure supply chains that meet the complex needs of their operations. It is crucial to analyze the supply chain and focus on optimizing spends on both inbound and outbound. Our supply chain & operations professionals provide insights into supply chain transformation, sourcing, procurement, logistics, engineering, manufacturing, final assembly and product service and delivery. Our areas of focus include the following services: 
Supply chain process efficiency — includes the design of metrics to help improve process effectiveness and efficiency. Rapid assessment of Supply Chain — a diagnostic of supply chain processes, from both quantitative (performance metrics) and qualitative (process maturity assessment) perspectives. We work with our clients to compare current performance with leading practices. Transformation of Supply Chain — a broad‐based set of services designed to address change and performance improvement for the client’s supply chain, from a full transformation of the supply chain to a transformation of interdependent processes. Performance Improvement: Customers It is essential for businesses to effectively define, identify and manage their most valuable customers in order to increase operational efficiency and enhance performance. One way of doing this is to analyze the most profitable customers in each portfolio, and make a decision about the cost of focusing your marketing spend on directly targeting them. Our Customer professionals work with you to build and deploy robust operating models to capture a leading share of value in competitive markets. They help organizations interact effectively with customers through their marketing, sales, merchandizing and customer service functions. In addition, they advise on customer acquisition and retention strategies and customer service operations to support ongoing success. Our areas of focus include the following services: 
Customer process efficiency — assists organizations in identifying and designing services that can help improve core processes and sub‐
processes within a targeted Customer area. Rapid assessment of Customer — assesses an organization’s customer‐
facing function and identifies areas for measurable improvement in value, effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services delivered. Transformation of Customer — full scale operational and organizational transformations across the client’s customer function. Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 10
Contents WHAT WE DO Family Business Solutions Selecting the best business structure 12 Providing effective governance 12 Preparing for the next generation 12 Preventing conflicts 12 Financial strategy and improving business performance 12 11 Page | 11
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g A family bu
usiness successs should sustain wh
hile issues need
d to be managed. We
e can help you deal with today’s marke
etplace challen
nges, assist in future plan
nning, help you
u manage the balance between susstaining growth an
nd innovation,, while managing risk
k and maintain
ning family wealth. F
Family B
Businesss Soluttions Itt is widely rep
ported that o
over eighty pe
ercent businesses in the MENA region a
are owned or controlled byy families. Ass they prepare
e for the nextt generation, they face uniq
que challenge
es to achieve value, both fo
or their busin
ness and theirr nclude continu
uity and succe
ession planning, and family. These challenges in
conflict mana
gement. Our dedicated
d family busin
ness advisory team brings a range of ad
dvice to the o
owners of larg
ge and small f
family busine
esses to assistt them develo
op achievable
e v
visions and go
oals, and delivver sustainable success. S
Selecting the best business structure
e We appreciate
e the importaance of having
g a business m
model that sits c
conveniently w
with your fam
mily’s culture. Within the b
bounds of pro
ofessional e
ethics and con
nfidentialitiess, we bring ou
ur experience
e of working w
with other families to hellp you identiffy the most ap
ppropriate orr effective ow
wnership m
models and st
tructures to s
suit your family. P
g effective
e governaance The most succcessful familyy businesses m
make it a prio
ority to understand the d
dynamics of fa
amily relation
nships, create
e protocols, and design the
e appropriate
e g
governance st
tructures that promote family harmonyy and businesss success. We can offer a
an independe
ent perspectivve in inter‐fam
mily discussio
ons and help to build clarityy and unity off vision, mutu
ually address a
areas of confflict and e
establish struc
ctures, financcial strategiess and governaance protocols that will form the basiss of the busin
ness for generrations to com
me. P
g for the n
next gene
eration We have deve
eloped mechaanisms to assist families w
with succession planning to
o e
ensure that su
ucceeding generations em
mbrace the fam
mily business and provide s
support to the
eir business m
managers. P
ng conflictts FFamily membe
ers often havve conflicting objectives fo
or the businesss. We can a
advise you on
working metthods designe
ed to preventt conflicts and develop p
protocols to c
create unity in
n dealing with
h any that arisse. F
Financial s
strategy &
& improving business perfo
ormance We can assist in developing
g financial strrategy for you
ur family busiiness in
ncluding revie
ew of the straategic objectives, financial performance of the family portfolio, preparatio
on of business plans, fund raising and aadvice on m
mergers, acqu
uisitions and d
disposals. We can help y
you to improvve the operational effectivveness of your business byy b
bringing in ex
perienced, industry–focussed performance managem
ment, human r
professionals from our nettwork to advisse you. ance and IT p
resources, fin
o Page | 12
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Conten
O Risk Adviso
ory Servicess
3 Enterprrise‐wide go
overnance, risk and com
mpliance 13
3 Internal audit
4 p, Assess an
nd improve internal co
ontrols Develop
4 IT risk aand assuran
5 Enterprrise‐wide ITT governancce, risk and ccompliance
e 15
5 IT internal audit
6 Develop
p, assess an
nd improve IT internal controls 16
6 w
o Page | 13
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Are your o
objectives (ie, t
to bring growth and efficiency) thrreatened? R
Risk Ad
visory S
Servicess Are you really making optim
mized use of (a) tech
hnology and (b
b) your investments in risk manag
gement? In
nstead of slow
wing an enterprise down, good risk maanagement he
elps it go faster. Effectivve enterprise
e risk manage
ement not onlly safeguardss the current v
value, but also
o fosters improved and mo
ore rapid deccision‐making, decrease in If you have gaaps in risk cove
erage, we c
costs, and bet
tter performa
ance. Several enterprises, however, are
e not getting can help you
u with assessm
ment and w
whole value fr
rom their risk
k managemen
nt related inve
estment beca
ause, improvement of controls, go
overnance, s
somehow, the
eir risk proces
sses are disjo
inted and the
e most impor
tant data and
d etc. in
nformation are not shared
d. Also, as risks g
globally contiinue to shift a
at a rapid pace, enterprises must assesss their risk management pro
ocesses contin
nuously to en
nsure focus on
n the risks them. Enterprises need to
o understand and manage the risks thatt that concern t
challenge the
bjectives, and
d should capittalize on opportunities ir strategic ob
that would en
nhance efficie
ency and allow
w growth. Most enterpriises will be assked “to conttribute more w
with the same resources”. T
The pressure b
builds up, nott only to imprrove risk cove
erage, but alsso to reduce c
costs and enh
hance perform
mance. We co
ommence by h
helping enterrprises a
answer some critical questtions, such as: 
Have you maximized t
he technolog
gy use? What are your key riskks and how arre you manag
ging them? Do you haave risk coverrage gaps, or do the risk fu
unctions overrlap? Effective risk m
managementt provides bettter protectio
on for your bu
usiness, e
enhances com
mpetitive posiitioning, as w
well as improvves business p
performance a
and decision m
making. Our primary services includ
de:  Enterprise
e‐wide goverrnance, risk an
nd compliancce  Internal aaudit  Internal ccontrols O
Our above pri
ompetencies:: mary servicess are supportted by the following key co
Strategic direction Program managementt Organizattion and peop
ple IT advisorry E
e‐wide Go
e, Risk and Compliance Risk managem
ment has grow
wn increasing
gly complex o
over the yearss, prompting o
to increase t
the size and re
each of their risk managem
ment functions. Butt this hasn’t n
necessarily ressulted in morre effective co
overage. Many organizations now have multiple risk functionss that exist in
n silos and are
e d
disconnected from one ano
other and the
e company’s b
broader busin
ness strategyy. This lack of co
oordination caan actually hinder an organization’s abiility to m
manage and c
capitalize on r
risk. We can help y
you achieve a highly functioning, integrrated risk and control e
environment t
that will help you decrease
e complexity and cost whiile improving w
o Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 14
performance and protection of existing assets. Leading organizations are creating a competitive advantage through practical yet valuable improvements to the way risk is managed. The opportunity to do so has never been stronger. Some common areas for improvement are: 
Improving the risk assessment process to better anticipate and understand risks Aligning risk management activities with business objectives to drive value Enhancing coordination among risk and control groups to eliminate redundancies Our areas of focus include the following services: 
Enterprise risk assessment Program advisory Actuarial Financial services risk management Internal Audit To reach their full potential, it is important that enterprises balance their focus between compliance and business improvement. Our internal audit professionals help you assess how your company’s internal audit functions compare with leading practices and how these functions align with the current and future objectives of your audit committee, executive management, and operating units. Our teams help you identify target areas for performance improvement and make recommendations to achieve a more effective and efficient function that is aligned with your company’s needs and expectations. Our areas of focus include the following services: 
Internal audit co‐sourcing/outsourcing — advice on the design and implementation of improvements to address deficiencies or gaps in processes and controls that have been identified as a result of an internal audit‐monitor project or an internal audit risk assessment. Internal audit transformation — helps enterprises understand the misalignments, challenges, and improvement opportunities within their internal audit function and help them identify leading practices that can be implemented. This helps you achieve a more sustainable, efficient and effective internal audit function and improved risk mitigation. Develop, Assess and Improve Internal Controls By combining our knowledge of financial, strategic, operational and compliance risks with our deep internal controls experience, we can help you assess your internal controls and develop a risk‐focused internal control program that will help enhance your process and control efficiencies and address your reporting and regulatory compliance needs. Our areas of focus include the following services: Page | 15
esis Consulting
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 Contract risk — a revie
ew of contraccts and agree
ements with o
one or more third partty.  Risk reme
ediation — he
elps organizaations addresss issues identtified from internal audit and internal control c
compliance fin
ndings to bettter manage effectiveness and improve process efficciency. risk, improve control e
 Internal c
controls and r
regulatory co
ompliance — assists in evaaluating the operating
g effectivenesss of internal controls over financial rep
porting, identifying control defficiencies and formulating appropriate a
action plans across the
e enterprise. IT Risk and
d Assuran
nce Our IT risk and
d assurance p
professionals help organizaations addresss the c
challenge of m
managing IT r
risks in a way that is in line with their bu
usiness s
strategy. With
h extensive ex
xperience in t
this arena, ou
ur teams draw
w on in‐depth technical and IT‐related risk management knowledge
e from our g
global organiz
zation to help
p our clients a
and their stakkeholders gain
n confidence that their orgaanization’s ke
ey IT‐related r
risks are identified, undersstood and m
managed effe
ectively. We offer customized servicces, covering
g IT risk assesssment and management, s
security and p
privacy throug
gh to review o
of controls ovver specific enterprise r
resource plan
ning (ERP) syystems and th
hird parties. W
We identify th
he right way to work with y
you and offerr services via independentt outsourced o
or teaming a
s, to supplem
ment internal ffunctions or p
provide objecctive guidance
e a
and challenge
es. Our professionals provide independent, impartial asssistance in IT and across O
the business, bringing insig
ghts from ourr work with co
ommercial an
nd g
government o
organizationss, as well as kn
nowledge of industry lead
ding practice, r
regulation and
d financial audit requireme
ents. O
Our primary IT
T risk and assurance servicces include: 
IT enterprrise‐wide govvernance, riskk and compliaance IT internaal audit IT internaal controls External a
audit IT suppo
ort O
Our primary s
ervices are all supported b
by the followiing key comp
petencies: 
Program managementt Strategic direction People an
nd organizatio
on IT advisorry E
e‐wide IT Governan
nce, Risk and Comp
pliance Our professionals can help
p you create aa highly functiioning, integrrated IT risk m
management environmentt that will help
p you decrease complexityy and c
cost and impr
rove the perfo
ormance and protection of existing asssets. We are experiienced at deaaling with the identification
n, prioritizatio
on and r
remediation o
of risk across t
the IT functio
on. Our in‐dep
pth knowledg
ge of s
software platf
forms from m
multiple providers ensures that our servvices are p
provided with
h the right levvel of technology enablement. w
o Corporate Prrofile of Gene
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Leading organ
nizations are creating com
mpetitive advaantage throug
gh practical y
yet valuable im
mprovementss to the way I IT risk is manaaged. There h
has never b
been a greate
er opportunityy to do so. O
Our areas of f
focus include the following
g services: 
IT risk maanagement an
nd compliance Enterprise
e‐wide goverrnance, risk an
nd compliancce (EGRC) technology enableme
ent advisory a
and implemen
ntation Information managem
ment and analysis IT effectivveness Program advisory IT Internaal Audit Organizationss have investe
ed heavily in t
technology an
nd, to reach t
their full p
potential, inte
ernal audit fun
nctions must understand t
the risks and o
that come w
with today's syystems and applications. O
Our global n
network of IT risk and assu
urance professsionals will help you to assess the riskss a
and vulnerabi
lities that are
e commonplace in IT enviro
onments and create a c
ve and ongoin
ng program t
o deliver improved capabiility. O
Our areas of f
focus include the following
g services: 
IT internaal audit co‐sou
urcing/outsourcing — pro
ovides a reliab
ble source of advice forr internal aud
dit groups thaat wish to avo
oid maintainin
ng highly specialize
ed IT audit staaff, the expen
nsive, time‐co
onsuming taskk of keeping technical skills currentt and the challenge of recruiting properrly trained staff. IT internaal audit transfformation —
— helps organiizations to un
nderstand the
e misalignm
ments, challen
nges, and imp
provement op
pportunities w
within their internal audit function
n from an IT perspective an
nd aids them in identifying
g mented. Our services help
p clients to leading prractices that can be implem
achieve a more sustain
nable, efficien
nt, and effecttive IT internaal audit function. D
Develop, A
Assess an
nd Improvve IT Interrnal Contrrols Some of the m
measures take
en to mitigate
e business rissks are intertw
wined with IT
T o
operations. O
ur IT risk and assurance prrofessionals a
assist in the design, im
on and impro
ovement of IT
T Internal Con
ntrols for information s
security, appli
ications, netw
works and IT p
programs. Th
hey also help c
companies w
with monitori
ng the operating effective
eness of the c
controls, and they p
provide advice
e by certificattes and third party reportiing. O
Our areas of f
focus include the following
g services: 
on controls an
nd security Business c
continuity maanagement Continuou
us control/process monito
oring Information security (iincluding Attaack & Penetraation, ISO 270
001 certificatiion) IT contracct risk IT infrastrructure contrrols and securrity IT risk rem
mediation Privacy Third partty reporting Vendor se
election assisttance w
o Page | 17
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g Conten
O Deals Advisory Service
8 pment
Supporting corporrate develop
Transacction suppo
ort services
Finaancial due d
ndor due dilligence and vendor asssistance Com
mmercial an
nd market d
due diligencce Opeerational du
ue diligencee
Salee and Purch
hase Agreem
ment (SPA) Valuatio
on and business modeeling
Lead ad
dvisory servvices
&A advisory services
Privvate capital (ECM) advisory
bt capital (D
DCM) adviso
Management &
& Leveraged
d Transactio
ons ospitality & Leisure serrvices Reaal estate, Ho
Infrrastructure advisory an
nd project fiinance Businesss recovery services
Forensiic investigattions and diisputes
Foreensic accou
unting and investigations Disp
putes ‐‐ testtifying and consulting eexperts Foreensic technology
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esis Consulting
g “Can you fig
ght back with e
effective fund manage
ement in todayy’s tough envvironment — D
Deals A
dvisoryy Services Genesis Consu
ulting provide
es assistance to enterprise
es faced with o
for growth s
such as a mer
ger or acquis
ition, or criticcal challengess Are you conttinuously scouring your s
such as fraud,
, litigation or reorganizatio
on. Our exper
rienced peop
le have strategies, markets and f
financial e
extensive bus
siness knowle
edge and com
mpliance know
w‐how along w
with access position to reassess SW
WOT? to a network o
of industry ex
xperts. Our te
ested team off professionaals serves Are you financially fit or nee
ed to align c
companies th
roughout the
e business life
ecycle, helping
g them in the
eir efforts to you
ur strategies? e
emerge stron
ger and smarrter. The follo
owing is a detailed descripttion: Can you acccess new fund
ds more e
effectively? S
ing Corp
porate Developm
ment Why invest in this project, at this price The market vo
olatility make
es it all but impossible to m
make sensible forecasts, and now?” a
and many com
mpanies are fo
ocusing on su
urvival ratherr than growth
h. As the ccompetition le
ed change accelerates, Co
orporate Deve
elopment is b
becoming a s
strategic nece
essity. Organizations need to be nimble
e in anticipatin
ng c
competitive d
disruption as w
well as growtth opportunitties, leveragin
ng scarce r
resources and
d diversifying risk. Flexibilitty is critical ass companies w
will need to b
be able to ada
apt their strattegies in real time to avoid
d being left be
ehind. In
n as much as the corporatte developme
ent functions,, the corporatte d
development officers (CDO
Os) are more crucial than e
ever – as effective s
strategic advis
sors to their b
boards, active
ely managing
g portfolios, d
divesting non‐‐
core assets on
n accelerated
d timelines and pursuing accquisitions to transform their market s
share. CDOs w
will need to a
adapt their cu
urrent practice
es and d
develop new o
ones. Core to
o our approacch is the abilitty to augmentt your p
people, proce
ess and tools t
to help you fu
ulfill your corporate develo
opment o
objectives. We are comm
mitted to supp
porting the em
merging‐markket transactio
on communityy, a
and corporate
e developmen
nt officers, ass well as other leading exe
ecutives in n
navigating thr
rough transacction strategyy and executiion. Our priorrity is to p
provide you w
with the insigh
ht, experience
e and knowle
edge you need in these c
challenging tim
mes to help y
you balance yyour short terrm needs with
h your long term aspiratio
ons. 
Planning: We can help you close the gap
p by aligning your busin
ness strategy and corporatte developme
ent activities w
with a detailed tactical plan that addresses your co
orporate deve
elopment objecctives. Transsaction Devellopment: Acccess to our co
ombination off people, proce
ess and tools may help you
u accelerate t
the developm
ment of targett criterria and identiffication, finan
ncial analysess and transacttion metrics. Transsaction Execu
ution: We brin
ng extensive industry know
wledge and local market experience from a
around the globe to your t
transaction. Experience and sp
pecialized kno
owledge of in
ndustry, geo/ccultural pe experience
es (divestiture
es, differrences and transaction typ
acquiisitions, JVs, a
alliances) are particularly im
mportant durring deal origin
nation and ex
xecution. Value
e Monitoring: Measuring a
and improving
g is a constan
nt challenge. Deal performance
e should be m
measured to determine if an
n investmentt is pro
operly manag
ged, risks are a
appropriatelyy addressed, a
and a baselline for impro
ovement is established. T
tion Supp
port Serrvices Whether you are a buyer o
or a seller, we assist and ad
dvise in your f
financial, c
commercial, m
market and op
perational du
ue diligence to
o help you maaximize the v
value from a p
proposed tran
nsaction (“vaalue due dilige
ence”). Our approach is to
o u
understand th
he dynamics o
of the deal an
nd the business, its motive
es, its value d
drivers, its syn
nergies, its rissks and, ultim
mately, its pricing. w
o Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
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Our services s
span the entir
re deal cycle,
, from early st
tage deal eva
aluation through execu
ution to post acquisition in
ntegration an
nd deal harvessting, d
depending on
n the needs off the client. F
Financial d
due dilige
ence FFinancial due diligence help
ps you identiffy and focus a
attention on (
(a) the factors in the business thatt will be criticcal to its futurre success, an
nd (b) areas uncover hidde
en risks and o
opportunitiess, that have the most impact on value to u
and ensure th
hat the financial informatio
on of the targ
get business r
eflects the r
reality. B
By assessing Q
Qualities of Assets, Earning
gs, Cash Flow
ws, etc. we help buyers to: 
improve y
your understaanding of the
e target business so that th
he deal can achieve itts objectives identify and understan
nd critical success factors a
and the resultting relevant issues so that informed decisions caan be made highlight strengths to capitalize upon, and weakknesses to ressolve. V
Vendor du
ue diligen
nce and ve
endor asssistance With vendors,, we work as either vendor due diligencce or vendor assistance W
specialists. Wh
hen a businesss is up for sale (or selling off one of itss parts) it mayy s
show an in‐de
epth report on
n its financial health to pottential buyerss. This is c
called vendor due diligence
e. We provide
e independen
nt comfort to both buyers a
and sellers of the business,, on its perforrmance and p
prospects. Ve
endor due d
diligence help
ps you to: 
remove th
he necessity f
for a buyer to
o have substaantial access t
to do their own due diligence address the concerns a
and issues thaat may be relevant to even
n the most ng purchaser demandin
provide p
purchasers with greater certainty over t
the characterristics of its cash flow
w allow the seller to keep control of t
the sale proce
ess minimize the business value erosion
n and the pottential disruption that a sale proce
ess can cause
e present b
balanced findiings (including potential upside and downside risks)). As vendor asssistance speciialists, we pro
ovide bespoke
e solutions to
o assist you in
n s
successfully u
ndertaking a disposal of aa part of your own business. We work a
alongside man
nagement and lead advise
ers, helping yo
ou to: 
provide th
he option to r
regroup/fix o
outside the glaare of publicitty add credibility to the f
acts, figures a
and information provided in the sales ndum memoran
nd issues and
d opportunitie
es on time so that the corrrect steps can
n be underttaken keep pace
e and initiativve throughout the sale pro
ocess. C
cial and market due
e diligencce We advise you
u on your inve
estment and acquisition sttrategies. Our industry and
d m
market know‐
‐how allows u
us to identify and address the key comm
mercial issuess q
quickly and co
ost‐efficientlyy. 
Through a
a rapid diagno
osis of, and subsequent fo
ocus on, key c
commercial deal issue
es you can be understand r
recent develo
opments in yo
our chosen sector. At the mo
ost critical staage of the pro
ocess you can
n make inform
med decisionss as to whe
ether this is sttill a route you
u wish to take
e. w
o Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 20
 Without the need to go up the 'learning curve' at your expense, receive our well‐researched conclusions and integrated views on all aspects of the transaction. Operational due diligence Savvy investors and corporate executives are recognizing that successful transactions require optimization of returns, also expecting a target business to drive and improve operations ‐ unlocking value, seizing opportunities, minimizing risks, and maximizing the cash flow efficiency throughout the investment lifecycle. We analyze functional and departmental processes, including compensation and benefits, supply chain and distribution channels, core operations, information technology, and back‐office operations such as treasury, investments and cash management, accounting, and human resources. From our thorough fact‐based analysis, we identify and quantify potential EBITDA adjustments and working capital risks and opportunities. Our integrated Operational and Financial Due Diligence teams work seamlessly to construct a holistic view of the transaction opportunity, including whether outsourcing should be cost‐beneficial. Our Operational Due Diligence services also include the following, if required: 
Business Plan Review (a basis for developing post‐acquisition plan and implementing changes for desired results) Customer lifecycle advisory Performance Improvement Sale and Purchase Agreements (“SPA”) In any transaction, the SPA represents the outcome of key commercial and pricing negotiations. We provide expert support at all stages of a transaction. Pre‐deal, we assist in the identification and articulation of value issues relating to pricing and deal completion mechanics, to assist you formulate the arguments and counter‐arguments required to justify your proposed approach in SPA negotiations. This includes providing advice on: 
the appropriate financial benchmarks and related arguments for the purposes of price negotiation and drafting the SPAs the working capital requirements of the business negotiations of the accounting aspects of the SPAs, including commentary on: o the pricing mechanism o relevant representations and warranties o other accounting related clauses of the SPAs o any dispute resolution mechanisms related to the purchase price adjustment. Post‐deal, we assist you in protecting or generating value through the execution of any SPA completion mechanism. Valuation and Business Modeling Doing deals in emerging markets can be challenging due to issues relating to quality of financial data and transactions experience. We, therefore, work closely with our clients to help them overcome these challenges and provide potential solutions at both the pre‐deal and post‐deal stages. Our valuation people can assist businesses to achieve an in‐depth understanding of the value of each business or asset in a transaction. Our leading‐edge technical knowledge combined with our in‐depth industry Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 21
knowledge allows us to understand the specific factors driving each individual deal. Our modeling and business‐planning team applies its economic skills to provide our clients with clear insights into the markets that they wish to enter, enhancing their ability to execute a successful product launch. Our team can build a detailed, quantitative model based on potential customers’ expressed preferences, generating considerable insight at the product design and development stage. Our modeling ranges from 13‐week cash flow forecasts to complex and comprehensive capital budgeting models. We forecast an enterprise's results over the investment lifecycle. We evaluate revenue streams, direct and indirect expense trends, and overall market conditions to identify key value drivers and facilitate the creation of dynamic and accurate models. These flexible, input driven models allow our clients to truly understand the business situation being analyzed by predicting the impact that various business conditions will have on the bottom line. Lead Advisory Services We provide independent financial advice and creative solutions to companies, family businesses, institutional investors and governments seeking to buy or sell businesses, raise new finance or improve the efficiency of the funding on their balance sheets. We advise and support through all phases of the deal cycle. For buy‐side, this would include the identification of appropriate targets, raising finance, seeking to resolve valuation inconsistencies between vendor and acquirer and making the deal happen. We are independent of the source of finance. Therefore, we differentiate ourselves through intellectual (not financial) capital. Our deep sector knowledge, access to corporate finance networks and knowledge of regional markets combine to make great deals better. Our Lead Advisory Services include the following: 
M&A advisory services Private equity advisory services Debt advisory services Management & Leveraged Transactions Real Estate, Hospitality & Leisure services Infrastructure Advisory, PPP, Project finance M&A advisory services We offer advice on the full range of strategic transactions, comprising mergers, buy‐side advisory, sell‐side advisory including disposals, spin‐offs, split‐offs and divestitures, joint ventures, strategic alliances, fairness and expert opinions and anti‐takeover and takeover defenses. We help with your non‐organic growth needs and disposal of non‐core assets. We can help you access new markets, assets, technologies, personnel, intellectual property and sources of finance as well as restructure your asset base, as follows: 
Expert advice throughout the transaction Proven ability to help find the right buyer for your business, or help identify the right acquisition target to fit with your strategic ambition Benefit of access to specialists in the rules and regulations governing publicly listed companies National and regional network of practitioners with local knowledge. Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
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For every dea
l we draw upon our full range of services ‐‐ including
g due d
diligence, tax and legal advvice. Our advisory s
services include all aspectss of acquisitio
ons, disposalss, private e
equity transac
ctions and fin
nance raising, including: 
Strategic advice and asssistance with
h deal plannin
ng Deal origiination Deal execcution Preparing
g business plaans and financcial modeling
g of projection
ns Valuation of assets Capital an
nd debt raising, including p
private equityy financing Debt restructuring Co‐ordinaate other adviisers (e.g. law
wyers, due diligence provid
ders etc) Exit strate
egy reviews Public to private transaactions Advice on
n takeover offfers and bid d
defense. Our valuation services inclu
ude intangibles, impairment testing, pu
urchase price a
allocations an
nd intellectuall capital. W
We deploy ou
ur local teams having deep industry exp
pertise with lo
ocal k
knowledge to
o focus on you
ur deal. B
Buy‐side 
dentify M&A t
targets We id
We fo
ormulate an a
approach straategy includin
ng initial view
ws on valuaation, structurring and transsaction param
meters We re
ecommend te
erms and priccing We approach targ
gets and assistt clients in ne
egotiations, advising on egy, tactics an
nd the structuring of the t
transaction strate
n necessary, w
we advise on anti‐takeover defenses We develop a fram
mework for an
nd assist with
h due diligencce project‐manag
ge and liaise w
with other pro
ofessionals, e
experts and We p
servicce providers We id
dentify and ap
pproach pote
ential provide
ers of capital w
whether debtt or eq
quity financing
g We liaaise with and
d obtain opinions and form
mal rulings fro
om regulatorss We ensure that th
he deal movess towards a tiimely close. S
Sell‐side 
We advise on strattegic optionss and alternattives pare a transacction memoraandum We value and prep
dentify, appro
oach and secu
ure potential buyers and in
nvestors We id
Facilittate negotiattions and man
nage the bidd
ding process e
ensuring optim
mal value realization for ou
ur clients Manaage the transaaction with th
he aim of a su
uccessful closse P
Private ca
apital (ECM
M) adviso
ory FFor companies and management teamss wanting to i nvest in or taake control off their enterprisses, and privaate capital ho
ouses looking for the right investment to divest them
m, our team p
provides adviice and for their fundss or wanting t
execution exp
pertise on privvate capital t
ransactions, a
as follows: 
Expert ad
dvice and experience Access to
o industry exp
perts across th
he full range of industry se
ectors w
o esis Consulting
g Page | 23
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
 Access to
o the range off services neccessary to com
mplete a deal, including strategic deal advice, t
taxation advicce, human capital advice, l legal advice, regulatorry compliance
e and due dilig
gence. O
Our private ca
apital advisoryy services incclude the follo
owing: 
Deal origiination Sources o
of finance Valuations of assets Deal planning/deal straategy Deal struccturing Exit plann
ning and execcution Domesticc and cross‐bo
order transacttions. D
Debt capit
tal (DCM)) advisoryy We help enterrprises with a
all aspects of f
fund raising. Businesses th
hat need to r
raise debt fina
ance, refinancce, or obtain waivers and a
amendmentss to the e
existing financ
ce arrangeme
ents, are facin
ng an unpredictable respo
onse from their lenders, even when th
heir banking r
relationships have historiccally been s
strong. The banking s
sector is unde
ergoing a periiod of rapid change. We un
nderstand the creditor m
market, especcially in stressed situations, and can use
e our k
knowledge to
o provide inde
ependent advvice to help co
ompanies raisse or retain financing on t
the most apprropriate term
ms. We work with
h enterprises and their spo
onsors throug
ghout the credit spectrum,, from investme
ent grade to t
those with sttressed balance sheets. We
e also have e
experience ac
cross the full r
range of debtt markets including bankin
ng, capital m
markets, asse
t‐based lendiing, securitizaation and project debt. We offer comprehensive and integrated
d advice on re
elated tax, leg
gal and r
regulatory iss
ndent and unb
biased by tiess to specific ues. Our advice is indepen
financing sourrces or produ
ucts. All mandates (i.e., acquisitiion debt finan
nce, refinance
e, additional f
funding, and r
risky debt cov
venant relatio
onships) are le
ed by our sen
nior, experienced, c
corporate fina
ance professionals. We havve strength a
and depth in d
dealing with the issues face
ed in financiaal reorganizattions, and havve advised and assisted on
n s
some very com
mplex transactions in rece
ent times. Our approach
h is to work in close partne
ership with se
enior management and the
e B
Board from an
n early stage to develop a comprehensive set of pottential financing solu
utions. We the
en assess eacch option and assist seniorr m
management to implemen
nt the preferre
ed solution, a
as follows: 
ng competitivve tenders for the provisio
on of financing solutions, including the negotiation of terms s
sheets and fin
nancing docu
umentation, for both d
debt and equity Negotiating amendme
ents to existin
ng financing t
terms, including covenant ents and waivvers, and debt reschedulin
ng amendme
Negotiating restructurrings, includin
ng debt for eq
quity swaps Managing
g the rating agency processs Managing
g stakeholderr relationships w
o Page | 24
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g M
ment & Levveraged T
ons A Managemen
nt Buy‐Out (“
“MBO”) is an established f
form of acquiring all or p
part of a comp
pany that a m
management t
team is operaating. This allo
ows m
managers to m
maximize the
e financial ben
nefits they recceive through
h the successs they bring to t
the companyy. n some instan
nces, the own
ners approach the manage
ement team w
with a view In
to retiring or m
monetizing th
heir investme
ent and wantiing to leave th
he business n capable han
nds. The MBO
O process can
n be a significaant disruption
n to in
managers wh
o must attend to the runn
ning of the bu
usiness at the same time ass r
resolving the structure, financing and co
ompletion off the transaction. We have the e
expertise and
d experience t
to steer manaagement thro
ough each p
phase of the M
MBO transacttion. Our aim is to help maanagement acchieve the m
most favorabl
le price with t
the most app
propriate financial structurre at the lo
owest margin
n financing. W
We offer indep
pendent advice with a com
mplete transaction m
management s
service. C
Contact us if t
the following circumstance
es exist in the
e business you manage: 
Certain paarts of the bu
usiness is no lo
onger seen as core activitiies The busin
ness is in finan
ncial distress and needs caash Parts of aacquisitions arre unwanted in a family bu
usiness: succe
ession issues through t
the retiremen
nt of the owner Your man
nagement teaam stands to g
gain independence, auton
nomy, influence strategy and
d direction witth the prospe
ect of capital gain O
Our MBO Adv
visory servicess include: 
ng a business valuation and feasibility aassessment Advising o
on the financial structuring
g Advising a
and assisting with capital r
raising including managem
ment equity, private eq
quity , debt‐ aand seller / vendor financin
ng Introducin
ng experts to
o assist with t
tax structuring and legal ad
dvice Negotiating and facilitating toward
ds a successfu
ul buyout. R
Real Estat
te, Hospittality & Le
eisure serrvices In
n all sectors o
of the real esttate, hospitality, leisure an
nd constructio
on industries,, w
we classify ou
ur services aro
ound our clien
nt’s business initiatives as they relate to performancce improvement, risk, and
d deals/ transaactions. This f
focus allows u
us to build rel
ationships that continuallyy provide valu
ue to our clients. We have deve
eloped a thorough understtanding of the interplay am
mong today’ss c
changing real estate marke
etplace issuess, asset valuation, and cap
pital markets. W
We cover the full spectrum
m of real estatte services, raanging from e
evaluating laarge and dive
erse portfolios to performiing single pro
operty analyse
es as well as the identificattion and valuaation of tangiible and intan
ngible real esttate asset c
classes. Our services in
nclude:  Asset acq
quisition and d
disposition  Benchmarking  Capital so
ourcing  Commerccial due diligence  Companyy restructuring
g w
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 Financial modeling  Highest and best use aanalyses  Impact sttudies  Market sttudies  Operator// manager search and sele
ection  Operator//manager con
ntract review
w  Operation
nal diagnosticcs, enhancem
ment, and inte
ernal control r
review 
tional change
e  Portfolio repositioning
g analysis/ resstructuring an
nd manageme
ent  Real estatte research  Real estatte tax  Strategic business plan
nning  Valuation services M
Most above se
ervices are offfered for the
e following re
eal estate asse
et classes: 
cial  Condomin
nium hotels, t
time share an
nd vacation ownership 
on centers  Cruise line
es 
Golf cours
ses 
Hotel and
d hotel apartm
ments 
Marinas  Residential  Restauran
nts  Retail  Sports staadiums  Theme paarks Infrastruccture Advisory, PPP
P, and Pro
oject Finance Whether it is r
raising funds for infrastruccture projectss or procuring
g private s
sector partne
rs for our pub
blic sector clie
ents, we delivver solutions that fund n
new roads, up
pgrade housin
ng, build scho
ools, moderniize hospitals, improve rail s
services, and r
regenerate co
ommunities. W
With an extensive track re
ecord of p
providing auth
horitative, inn
novative adviice on a wide range of tran
nsactions, ourr e
experience an
nd local know
wledge enable
e us to deliverr the integrated strategiess a
and services o
our clients req
quire. We work with
h governmentts, helping them shape the
eir policy, devveloping frameworks aand helping th
hem to implem
ment Public P
Private Partne
erships ustry by indusstry. We reco
oncile investors' need for p
profit with (“PPP”s), indu
ents of Goverrnment for po
olitical and fin
nancial transp
parency. As the requireme
an independe
nt adviser, w
we engineer a truly compettitive bidding process. W
When advising
g private secttor bidders, w
we help them to develop structures that allow acccess to local a
and internatio
onal funds. Y
You may be in
n the public se
ector and nee
ed: 
to accelerrate the delivvery of public sector and in
nfrastructure services to advise on the strate
egy for involving the privatte sector in delivering public serrvices to fund ad
dditional nece
essary infrasttructure invesstment, beariing in mind the need to control pu
ublic sector bo
orrowing and
d Maastricht c
criteria to transfe
er appropriate
e risk to the p
private sectorr and to impro
ove innovation and econom
mic efficiencyy to achieve
e competitive
e value for mo
oney procure
ements. Y
You may be in
n the private s
sector and ne
eed: w
o esis Consulting
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ge of the public sector and
d its procurem
ment processe
es to bring t
ogether proje
ect partners a
and structure
e consortia to arrange competitive
e financing an
nd financing s
structures to manag
ge tax and acccounting aspe
ects of procurements. O
Our service of
ffering includes: 
on advice to t
the public & p
private sectorr on PPPs and
d PFI o Scoping and developing the project and the
e implementation of the urement proccess procu
o Struccturing the de
eal and arrang
ging finance f
for the private
e sector o Nego
otiating throu
ugh to financiaal close o Assistting partnersship managem
ment post con
ntract award o Post‐‐transaction s
services Project Finance ‐ long‐tterm funding
g for infrastructure development Public secctor policy and strategy ad
dvice Corporate
e financing se
ervices and de
ebt advice Regional developmentt and grants a
advice Outsourcing advice. B
s recoverry servicces One of the key challenges in a changing
g business envvironment led
d corporate transformatio
on is to gain an immediate understandin
ng of the inte
erests and p
perceptions o
of each of the parties involved. Our experience of acting for d
different stak
he capital stru
ucture provid
des us with insight to eholders in th
assess the like
ely perspectivve of each parrty and to staabilize key relationships w
with, and inst
ill confidence
e in, employee
es, creditors, banks and otther s
stakeholders. We help man
nage complex
x constituenccy relations an
nd c
ons. Underperform
ming businessses or those in
n crisis requirre our service
es. Regardlesss o
of the reasons
s that lie at th
he cause of yo
our challenge
es, the following s
symptoms ind
dicate that a s
situation existts where our experience m
may be of b
benefit to you
u: 
there is a downturn in your market or shifting co
onsumer prefferences the comp
pany faces an actual or pottential breach
h of covenantt there is poor liquidity o
or excessive d
debt a credit raating downgrrade is loomin
ng the comp
pany is trading
g at distressed levels corporate
e structure is no longer alig
gned with your business o
objectives units or su
ubsidiaries arre operating i nconsistentlyy with group s
strategy there is a need, or desire, to divest//sell‐off some
e non‐core operations you have concerns abo
out the business, as a business or financial stakehold
der, and wish to appoint in
ndependent r
eporting acco
ountants to review the situation an
nd provide avvailable options you need to manage yyour exposure
e, both legal a
and financial, as a stakehold
der in a distressed business. We deal with situational dyynamics. The required support in a financially W
distressed situ
uation can be
e achieved by a combinatio
on of some, o
or all, of the following: 
an indepe
endent busine
ess review – usually coverrs an analysis of where are
e we, why a
are we not where we thou
ught we’d be,, where are w
we planning to
o go in the future, how r
realistic is ourr plan and wh
hat challengess are to be faced an option
ns review – w
what differentt options existt; what are th
he pros and cons of eaach, and what would we rrecommend a
as the way forward (e.g., w
o esis Consulting
g Corporate Prrofile of Gene
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e core operattions while identify and dispose off non‐core assets, stabilize
ng liquidity co
oncerns) addressin
financial a
advice and asssistance in th
he design, ne
egotiation and implemen
ntation of the
e situation (e
e.g., cash consservation guid
delines and controls) treasury a
and cash man
nagement – w
we leverage o
our experiencce to forecastin
ng cash receip
pts and paym
ments, and cre
eate an action
nable treasury a
and cash man
nagement plaan, with the goal to help m
maximize cash based retturns on invesstment and optimize workking capital contingen
ncy planning – what is plan B if the con
nsensual restrructuring cannot be
e achieved? – we can desig
gn an plan forr a variety of s
scenarios corporate
e simplificatio
on – how to m
make the group structure simpler, reduce op
perating costs and, hopefu
ully, release ccapital optimized
d exits – assissting in the de
esign and exe
ecution of a controlled exit plan to prreserve and m
maximize valu
ue business a
and operatio
onal restructu
uring – we can
n devise, or re
eview, such plans, or r
report on new
w progress an
nd implementation corporate
e insolvency –
– subject to lo
ocal legislatio
on and regulaation we may deal with corporate insolvency eith
her as the inso
olvency office
e holder, or by providing the suppo
ort such an offfice may req
quire Working direcctly with clien
nt management, we help stabilize financial and o
operational pe
erformance. W
We assist management to
o develop reassonable b
business plans
s, build conse
ensus, manag
ge expectations, focus on q
quick d
decisions and drive the pro
ocess with the
e aim of finan
ncial stability and s
sustainable im
mprovement. Our ability to produce a customized solution for our clients in eacch case is O
supported by our propensiity to draw on
n a number o
of disciplines a
across our b
business. We perform a fulll review of th
he company’ss financial situ
uation to id
dentify all potential cost saavings and liq
quidity generaating opportu
unities with aa v
view to suppo
orting and ach
hieving the ovverall restruccturing objecttives as well a
as concurrent
tly managing away from po
otential threaats. We accep
pt corporate r
recovery and restructuring
g appointmen
nts on a selectted basis. We offer a full range of advvisory and im
n services, inccluding the following: 
ng a restructu
uring plan and
d building con
nsensus Generatin
ng liquidity an
nd managing cash Performin
ng valuations Assisting to create a m
market in the s
selling of non
n‐core assets and businesse
es Negotiating with crediitors and deb
bt providers o
on term adjusttments, stockk debt for equity swaps buybacks, debt consollidations and refinancing, d
Recapitalizations throu
ugh new equity partners, r
rights offers Assistance with tax strructuring and
d planning Interpretaation, structu
uring and draffting of legal agreements Supportin
ng and steerin
ng manageme
ent towards a
a sustainable recovery. Where necesssary, we rapid
dly deploy cro
oss‐border services to stakkeholders in troubled and s
seriously und
g businesses.. Our involvem
ment r
reassures cred
ditors and invvestors that the business is
s taking impo
ortant steps to address its problems and maximize it
ts value. We offer our c
clients a fee s
structure thatt aligns our co
ompensation with their o
objectives. By
y sharing the r
risk and rewaards, we truly become parttners in a
achieving succ
cess. w
o Page | 28
esis Consulting
g Corporate Prrofile of Gene
c investig
gations a
and disputes We have recently seen an u
ed number off business failures, financial fraud
ds and accoun
nting irregulaarities. These and other events have r
resulted in reg
gulatory interrventions, invvestigations, f
financial restaatements and
d a
a significant n
number of law
wsuits. Dealing
g with matters of a complex nature r
requires a bro
oad range of s
skills and experience. Given this add
ditional scrutiny, whateverr the complexxity or urgenccy of the s
situation facin
ng your business, we support and delive
er the solutio
ons you need.. W
We bring a ha
oach with a bias towards aaction to solve
e complex nds‐on appro
and critical pr
oblems. We have amassed a diverse se
et of deep fin
nancial, a
accounting, ec
conomic, reg
gulatory, industry and tech
hnical expertisse. Our e
expertise inclu
udes hospitallity, constructtion and capittal projects, r
regulatory in
nquiries, fraud risk assessm
ment, internaational arbitraation, generall commercial d
disputes, com
mmercial invesstigations of b
both a financcial and non‐fiinancial n
nature, and fo
orensic technology solutions. We develop so
olutions for o
our clients’ un
nique situatio
ons that use th
he significantt a
and diverse se
et of skills and
d experiencess of the entire
e firm. Our prrofessionals e
excel at prese
enting their fin
ndings in regulatory, crimiinal, civil and other p
proceedings, and are recog
gnized for the
eir ability to a
and articulate
e findings in a c
clear and mea
aningful way. F
Forensic a
ng and invvestigations The unpreced
dented scrutin
ny from intern
nal and exterrnal parties in the nature of financial, acco
ounting and frraud investigations, busine
ess disputes a
and r
regulatory pro
obes have become increassingly burdensome and complicated. T
They often im
mpact business operations locally and in
nternationallyy. To stay c
competitive a
ng regulationss, measures m
must be taken
n nd to complyy with evolvin
to mitigate rissk and maintaain business in
ntegrity. Ente
erprises and t
their legal a
advisers need
a dedicated and specialized team of professionals aat their side to confront th
hese challeng
ges. We perform in
ncisive investigations, provviding in‐deptth analyses of complex financial transsactions, prep
paring comprrehensive reports, and pro
oviding c
compelling ex
xpert testimony to courts, arbitrators, m
mediators, jurries and r
regulatory bo
our forensic te
echnology an
nd security dies. When appropriate, o
specialists also
o collect, preserve, protecct and analyze
e electronic in
nformation. O
Our professio
proven track r
record and re
eputation for providing nals bring a p
exceptional se
ervice. We have assissted audit com
mmittees, spe
ecial committtees, boards o
of directors, a
and managem
ment of privatte and public companies. I n particular, w
we have a
assisted in res
sponses to invvestigations a
and inquiries initiated by o
or involving r
regulatory and
d law enforce
ement bodiess related to fin
nancial reporrting (GAAP, IFRS), whistleblower allegaations, Foreig
gn Corrupt Practices rules or Bribery r
rules’ violation
ns, regulatoryy compliance reviews, securities law vio
olations and o
other misappr
ropriation of assets. Our Investigattion services include: O
 Accountin
ng Irregularities  Anti‐Money Laundering  Asset Tracing and Reco
overy  Bankruptcy Fraud  Bribery Laaws  Foreign C
Corrupt Practices rules’ Com
mpliance w
o esis Consulting
g Corporate Prrofile of Gene
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ement of Fund
ds Over Billin
ng Schemes Regulatorry Compliance and Enforce
ement Securitiess Matters Tax Contrroversy Receiversships and Mon
nitoring White Colllar Crime / Crriminal Allegaations Our Forensic A
Accounting and Investigattions servicess include:  Accountin
ng Reconstru
uction  Audit Preparation  Complex Accounting a
and Reporting
g Issues  Financial Restatementts  Purchase Price Dispute
es D
Disputes ‐
‐‐ testifyin
ng and consulting e
experts Iff your business is facing co
omplex litigattion involving
g contract disputes, r
royalty underp
payment, inte
ellectual prop
perty, antitrusst and / or liab
bility analysis, y
you need the support and advice of exp
perienced pro
ofessionals wh
ho can p
provide indep
pendent and o
objective expert opinions. O
Our professio
nals rigoroussly incorporatte economic a
and accountin
ng principles to develop sophisticated fiinancial, statistical and datta mining models for the c
calculation of damages and
d lost profits.. Our experts prepare and interpret e
economic and
d statistical an
nalyses and present their f
findings effecctively in c
court, to regu
ulatory authorrities or to co
orporate clients. W
We consult an
nd testify on v
various types of damage c
claims, includiing lost p
profits, loss of
f value, econo
ometric and s
statistical anaalysis, asset vaaluation, r
restitution, co
ontract damag
ges, reasonab
ble royalty, m
market definition and c
competition a
analysis. O
Our skilled pro
ofessionals arre also adept at business v
valuation and asset v
valuation serv
vices. We inte
erpret and app
ply accountin
ng and economic principless to determine purchase pricce allocationss, and value taangible and in
ntangible a
assets. Our ex
xpertise has b
been successffully utilized in
n dispute resolution, s
strategic plan
ning, mergerrs and acquisittions, transfe
er pricing and compliance a
and reporting
g. O
Our Disputes ‐
‐ Testifying an
nd Consulting
g Experts servvices include:: 
ng and Financcial Reporting
g Antitrust Bankruptcy Fraud and Litigation Breach off Contract Claaims Business Interruption Constructtion Disputes and Advisoryy Corporate
e Veil / Alter E
Ego Economicc Damages an
nd Lost Profits Economicc Modeling an
nd Forecastin
ng Environm
mental Issues Financial Investigation
ns Expert Witness Testim
mony Intellectu
ual Property aand Licensing Advisory Internatio
onal and Dom
mestic Arbitrattion Professional Malpractiice Purchase Price / Earn‐o
out Disputes Valuation and Solvencyy w
o Page | 30
Corporate Prrofile of Gene
esis Consulting
g F
Forensic t
gy In
n today's digiital age, an in
ncreasing num
mber of confid
dential files and c
ons are stored
d on compute
er hard drivess or sent thro
ough e‐mail. W
With more an
d more docum
ments being created digitally, the use o
of forensic technology prresents an op
pportunity to gather and preserve evide
ence for trial n an extreme
ely cost effecttive and efficiient way. In frraud cases, th
he processes in
used to gathe
er, preserve, a
analyze and p
present electrronic evidence
e can make o
or break your case. Additionally, t
the significance of databasses in investig
gations and litigation has g
grown expone
entially over t
the last decad
de, creating a
a demand forr consultants w
who can extra
act and analyze "raw data" and convertt it into comp
prehensive r
reports. Our team com
mprises seniorr forensic and
d information
n security tech
hnologists, w
who bring dee
ep expertise i in Computer Science and I Information S
Systems, and o
offer a hands‐
‐on approach to collecting
g, preserving a
and analyzing
g electronic in
nformation. W
We work alon
ngside your te
eam to selectt the processing and h
hosting soluti
ons that mee
et your short‐ and long‐term requirements, c
collaborate w
with vendors o
on the day‐to‐‐day efforts o
of every proje
ect, and le
everage our f
findings to cre
eate compreh
hensive reports used in invvestigations a
and litigation.
In addition, o
our informatiion security, p
privacy and co
ontinuity p
professionals assist clients in meeting kkey business o
objectives of m
managing the
e c
y, integrity an
nd availabilityy of people, processes and technology. O
Our Forensic T
Technology services includ
de: 
Evidence and Discoverry Manageme
ent Data Miniing and Data Analysis Information Protection
n w
o Corporate Profile of Genesis Consulting Page | 31
Genesis Consulting is a leading business consulting brand, offering value to the emerging market clients in performance improvement, risk management, and deal planning/ execution advisory services, through local‐
hearted professionals, who combine deep market and industry knowledge with specialized expertise. Our brand is synonymous to a professional hallmark of Trust, Quality, and Independence in our client service delivery continuum.
Consistent Value ... Delivered.
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