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SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTO RS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD PROJECT No. 1039785-270722 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers KEY PLAN 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: AREA IN CONTRACT CONTENT ISSUED FOR DATE FILE No. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS TENDER JUNE 28, 2016 AE-16019-DRAW-E001-E004-R00 MECHANICAL DRAWINGS TENDER JUNE 28, 2016 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TENDER JUNE 28, 2016 AE-16019-DRAW-S001-S003-R00 SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT DRAWING LIST DRAWING #: DESCRIPTION DRAWING SCALE PLOTTING SCALE 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 Colliers Project Leaders N.T.S. APRIL 11, 2016 A.S. TBD F.R. M.R. AE-16019-DRAW-E001-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-E001-E004-R00 4 GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTO RS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION GENERAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 Colliers Project Leaders N.T.S. APRIL 11, 2016 A.S. TBD F.R. M.R. AE-16019-DRAW-E002-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-E001-E004-R00 4 GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTO RS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 25 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 28 X X X X X X X 27 X X 26 X 29 DEMOLITION LAYOUT-MECHANICAL ROOM SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" EXISTING SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM- MCC 'P' SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST DEMOLITION SPECIFICATIONS No. EQUIPMENT NAME SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 Colliers Project Leaders -MECHANICAL ROOM, SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM,LEGEND, NOTES AS NOTED APRIL 11, 2016 A.S. TBD F.R. M.R. AE-16019-DRAW-E003-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-E001-E004-R00 4 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 25 GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTO RS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD 26 27 28 29 PROPOSED LAYOUT-CAFETERIA SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" PROPOSED LAYOUT-MECHANICAL ROOM SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: POWER NOTES PROPOSED SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST No. PANEL `PP1' SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT NAME LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 Colliers Project Leaders ABBREVIATIONS AS NOTED APRIL 11, 2016 A.S. TBD F.R. M.R. AE-16019-DRAW-E004-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-E001-E004-R00 4 GENERAL NOTES: 1. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK 1.1. FURNISH ALL LABOUR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND SUPPORTS AS WELL AS SUPERVISION TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE INSTALLATION, TESTED AND IN WORKING ORDER, AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 1.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM THE WORK STIPULATED IN THE CONTRACT AND ANY OR ALL CONTRACT CHANGES AND CHANGE DIRECTIVES, AND SHALL FURNISH, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THE CONTRACT, EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK. 1.3. ALL WORK SHALL BE FULLY TESTED, COMMISSIONED AND IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AT TIME OF HAND-OVER TO OWNER. 1.4. MAKE GOOD ANY DAMAGES TO EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND/OR SYSTEM(S). COORDINATE WORK AND WORKING HOURS WITH THE OWNER AND OTHER TRADES TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION. 2. CODES AND STANDARDS 2.1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT ISSUES OF: 2.1.1. OBC 2.1.2. ESA 2.1.3. BYLAWS AND REGULATIONS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION 2.1.4. ASHRAE 2.1.5. SMACNA 2.1.6. NFPA 2.1.7. CSA 2.1.8. CGA 3. SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. COMPLY WITH THE GENERAL SECTIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GENERAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. 4. WARRANTY 4.1. WARRANT ALL LABOUR AND MATERIALS INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LAYOUT OF ALL WORK AND FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO OWNER OR OTHERS BY IMPROPER CARRYING OUT OF THE WORK. 5. DRAWINGS 5.1. DRAWINGS SHOW GENERAL INTENT OF THE WORK AND PROPOSED ROUTING ONLY. 5.2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL DIMENSIONS BY FIELD MEASURE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING POSSIBLE INTERFERENCES AND INFORMING THE ENGINEER. 6. SITE CONDITIONS 6.1. EXAMINE SITE CONDITIONS TO ENSURE THAT WORK CAN BE SATISFACTORILY CARRIED OUT AS SHOWN. IF SITE EXAMINATION REVEALS ANY DIFFICULTIES THAT WILL PREVENT THE WORK FROM BEING CARRIED OUT AS DESIGNED THESE MUST BE INDICATED IN THE TENDER PRICE, AND BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER. 6.2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY ADDITIONAL DIFFICULTIES, INTERFERENCES AND SITE CONSTRAINTS THAT MAY BE IDENTIFIED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 6.3. COORDINATE SITE ACCESS AND DELIVERIES WITH LANDLORD AND/OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 7. CLEANING 7.1. CLEAN PREMISES DAILY AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. 7.2. DO NOT ACCUMULATE EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS ON SITE. REMOVE FROM SITE DAILY. 7.3. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND RUBBISH FROM SPACE ONCE WORK IS COMPLETE. 7.4. ALL MATERIALS TO BE DISPOSED OF CONSTRUCTION SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. 8. EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS 8.1. DISCONNECT, RECONNECT OR RELOCATE EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES WHERE SHOWN OR AS REQUIRED TO PERMIT NEW WORK TO BE INSTALLED WITHOUT INTERFERENCES. ENSURE THAT REQUIRED SERVICES ARE MAINTAINED. 8.2. COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER BEFORE INTERRUPTING ANY ESSENTIAL SERVICES. 8.3. ROUTING OF NEW SERVICES MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE EXISTING SERVICES AND CONDITIONS PROVIDED THAT THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS IS MET AND THE ORIGINAL STANDARDS ARE MAINTAINED. 8.4. PROVIDE DRAWINGS OF PROPOSED REVISIONS TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE BEGINNING ANY WORK. INCORPORATE ALL CHANGES IN AS BUILT DRAWINGS. 8.5. COORDINATE ALL ROUTING CHANGES WITH OTHER TRADES THAT MAY BE AFFECTED. 8.6. ENGINEER TO BE ADVISED PRIOR TO CHANGES WHERE CHANGES COULD BE SIGNIFICANT. 8.7. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO TAKE EXTRA CARE DURING THIS INSTALLATION NOT TO DISTURB THE OPERATIONS OF THE COMPLEX. IT IS CRITICAL THAT THERE WILL BE NO UNSCHEDULED SHUTDOWNS OR INTERRUPTIONS OF ANY OPERATIONS. 8.8. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS OF SUCH WILL BE PASSED TO THE CONTRACTOR. 9. OPEN FLAMES AND WELDING 9.1. NO OPEN FLAMES OR WELDING IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE BUILDING WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. 9.2. HOT WORK PERMIT MUST BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES. 9.3. ADEQUATE NUMBER OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS MUST BE PROVIDED DURING THE OPEN FLAME PROCESS. 10. MATERIALS 10.1. USE ONLY NEW CSA AND ULC CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 10.2. ONLY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP WILL BE ACCEPTED WITH RESPECT TO STANDARD PRACTICES, SAFETY, ACCESSIBILITY, DURABILITY AND NEATNESS OF INSTALLATION WORK. GENERAL NOTES: (CONTINUED) ABBREVIATIONS TEMPERATURE) NOT LESS THAN THE FIRE RATING FOR SURROUNDING CONSTRUCTION. MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH ABUTTING DISSIMILAR MATERIALS AND FINISHES. CONNECT TO EXISTING TYP TYPICAL O/A OUTSIDE AIR E/A EXHAUST AIR SYMBOL DESCRIPTION EXISTING TO BE REMOVED 15. DIELECTRIC ISOLATION 15.1. PROVIDE ISOLATION WHEN USING DISSIMILAR MATERIALS, TO PREVENT GALVANIC ACTION. EXISTING TO REMAIN GENERAL NOTES: NEW WORK 16. ELECTRICAL 16.1. ALL LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING (<50V) SHALL BE BY THIS DIVISION, TO ELECTRICAL DIVISION STANDARDS. S/A SUPPLY AIR R/A RETURN AIR BD BALANCING DAMPER FD FIRE RATED DAMPER BDD BACKDRAFT DAMPER N.C. NORMALLY CLOSED CBV CIRCUIT BALANCING VALVE CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD FLEX DUCTWORK CONTROL WIRING 17. PRESSURE TESTING 17.1. ALL PIPING SYSTEMS SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO 860 kPa OR 1.5 TIMES SYSTEM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR A DURATION OF 24 HRS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. MANUAL BALANCING DAMPER THERMOSTAT RETURN GRILLE 18. AS BUILT DRAWINGS 18.1. MAINTAIN A RECORD OF ALL REVISIONS. PREPARE RECORD DRAWINGS IN A NEAT MANNER SHOWING ALL DEVIATIONS IN WORK. ON COMPLETION OF WORK, SUBMIT TO THE ENGINEER ONE HARD COPY OF AS BUILT DRAWINGS AND ELECTRONIC FORMAT DRAWINGS (IN AUTOCAD). SUPPLY DIFFUSER CEILING DIFFUSER PIPE/DUCTWORK REDUCER MOTORIZED DAMPER M 19. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 19.1. SUBMIT 1 COPIES OF O&M MANUALS (ELECTRONIC AND HARD COPY) TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. ALSO INCLUDE 1 COPY IN PDF FORMAT CONTRACTOR RED LINES AND O&M MANUAL. MANUALS SHALL INCLUDE SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL NEW EQUIPMENT, TEST AND BALANCING REPORTS, COMMISSIONING REPORTS, WARRANTIES, AND OPERATION, MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND AS BUILT DRAWINGS. CBV BALANCING VALVE RISER - UP RISER - DOWN ISOLATION VALVE 20. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (T.A.B.) 20.1. INCLUDE ALL TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR AIR AND HYDRONIC SYSTEMS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: 20.1.1. MAKE UP AIR UNIT [S-2] 20.1.2. HEATING COIL [HC-1] 20.1.3. CIRCULATION PUMPS [P-A, P-B, & P-C] 20.1.4. EXHAUST FANS [EF-1 & EF-2] 20.2. INCLUDE REPORT IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 20.3. VALUES PRIOR OF SUBMISSION OF REPORT. PIPE BREAK CAP 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE FLOW ARROW AIR FLOW ARROW 21. REMOVE ALL ABANDONED PIPES, HANGERS, INSERTS, CONDUITS, DUCTS AND SERVICES. FIRESTOP AND SEAL ALL AFFECTED AREAS. 22. SEAL AND FIRESTOP ALL WALL, FLOOR AND ROOF PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES. T TEMPERATURE SENSOR W WET BULB TEMPERATURE SENSOR S SMOKE DETECTOR FILTER 23. DUCT FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS MUST BE INSTALLED AT INLETS AND OUTLETS OF SUPPLY AND EXHAUST AIR UNITS. PUMP P 24. CO-CORDINATE ALL DIMENSIONS WITH EQUIPMENT SHOP DRAWINGS. PRESSURE GAUGE T THERMOMETER 25. THOROUGHLY INSPECT EXISTING STRUCTURE AND CHECK SITE CONDITIONS WITH CONDITION SHOWN ON CONTRACT DRAWINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO WORK TO SUIT EXISTING CONDITION AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH DESIGN INTENT. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER. UNION PRESSURE SENSOR CHECK VALVE 26. WELDING SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN BY A COMPANY CERTIFIED BY CANADIAN WELDING BUREAU UNDER REQUIREMENTS OF DIVISION 1 OR DIVISION 2.1 OR W47.1. 27. MATERIALS AND WORK WHICH FAILS TO MEET SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER WHENEVER FOUND AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND REGARDLESS OF PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS. WHEN REJECTED, DEFECTIVE MATERIALS OR WORK SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED, REPLACED OR REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE 28. FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS: 28.1. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY - 9AM TO 5PM 28.2. AFTER HOURS - 6PM TO 8AM AND WEEKENDS TAG 29. COST OF FIRE ALARM BYPASS AND ANY OTHER WORK RELATED ITEMS REQUIRING FIRE WATCH OR BYPASS SHALL BE INCURRED BY THE CONTRACTOR. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS CONTRACT: 29.1. AZEEM ZIODEAN, DIRECT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, 416-554-5783 30. ALL CONTROLS RELATED WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE BASE BUILDING CONTROLS CONTRACTOR: 30.1. DAVID BENEDETTI, DELTA CONTROLS INC., 647-789-2647 OR 416-571-0046 30.2. A CASH ALLOWANCE WILL BE ALLOCATED FOR ALL CONTROLS WORK. LOCATION MANUFACTURER EF-1 MAIN PENTHOUSE ROOF (CENTRAL BUILDING) EF-2 BASEMENT KITCHEN CEILING SPACE 31. CONTRACTOR TO NOTE THAT THERE IS A MAXIMUM LIMIT OF SEVEN (7) FULL DAYS OF CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATED TO COMPLETE THE EXHAUST DUCTWORK SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR MUST PRICE FOR REGULAR AND AFTER HOURS WORK ACCORDINGLY. SCHEDULING OF ALL WORK MUST BE COORDINATED WITH FACILITY. QTY MODEL BCRUR 300BHP TWIN CITY TWIN CITY 1 BSI 090A 1 WEIGHT (lbs) 413 96 WHEEL DIA. (in) 31.5 FAN PERFORMANCE FLOW ESP (CFM) (in.W.C.) 7200 10.5 DIMENSIONS RPM 37 X 54 2.0 600 5 1302 REMARKS VOLTAGE (V/ /Hz) HP 971 15.33 X 27.33 (WIDTH) 0.35 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: MOTOR 575/3/60 0.25 208/1/60 UNIT TO COME COMPLETE WITH: - ROOF CURB AND SELF-FLASHING - RESTAURANT CONSTRUCTION - GREASE BOX AND DRAIN CONNECTION - CURB HINGE AND SECURITY HASP UNIT TO COME COMPLETE WITH: - VIBRATION ISOLATORS (NEOPRENE) - ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION HOT WATER HEATING COIL 32. CONTRACTOR IS LIMITED TO USING SUB-CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY 'CARLISLE SYNTEC CANADA' IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE EXISTING WARRANTY OF THE ROOFING MEMBRANE; 32.1. 32.2. 32.3. APPROVED EQUIVALENT (CONTACT 'CARLISLE' FOR APPROVED CONTRACTORS) TAG MAKE MODEL SERVING EQUIPMENT CAPACITY SENSIBLE (MBH) FLOW (GPM) CFM PRESSURE DROP (IN. W.C.) CAPACITY (MBH) FLOW (GPM) HC-1 COONEY COIL HWECFB11 S-2 439 43.7 6800 0.63 439 43.7 ENT./LEAV. WATER TEMP. ENT./LEAV. AIR TEMP. 200/180 -22/37.7 WEIGHT (LBS) DIMENSIONS (LxHxD) [IN] 51 47x22.5x4 SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT NOTES: 1. HEATING COIL TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING DUCTWORK. 2. UNIT TO COME COMPLETE WITH: 2.1. FREEZEBLOCK TECHNOLOGY 2.2. 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL CASING 33. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE ALL METHOD OF PROCEDURE (MOP) DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO FACILITY PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 11. SHOP DRAWINGS 11.1. SUBMIT 4 COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. 11.2. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW COVERING ALL RELEVANT DETAILS, DIMENSIONS AND PERFORMANCE. 11.3. SHOP DRAWINGS MUST BE REVIVED, STAMPED AND SIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO SUBMITTING TO CONSULTANT / ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. PUMP SCHEDULE MOTOR 12. CUTTING, PATCHING AND PAINTING REQUIREMENTS 12.1. PROVIDE CUTTING, PATCHING AND PAINTING FOR ALL OPENINGS. USE QUALIFIED TRADES FOR THIS WORK. RESTORE FINISHES TO MATCH EXISTING SURROUNDINGS. 12.2. SUPPLY AND INSTALL APPROVED FIRESTOPS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN FIRE RATING. 12.3. PIPING AND VENTS THROUGH WALL AND ROOF SHALL BE BY THE MECHANICAL DIVISION CONTRACTOR, INCLUDING ALL PATCHING. 13. CORING REQUIREMENTS 13.1. FOR ALL CORING LESS THEN 3" DIA. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SCANNING AREA PRIOR TO CORING THROUGH FLOORS/CEILINGS. 13.2. FOR ALL CORING GREATER THEN 3" DIA. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR X-RAYING AREA PRIOR TO CORING THROUGH FLOORS/CEILINGS. TAG SYSTEM MANUFACTURER MODEL QTY FLUID TYPE WEIGHT (LBS) FLOW (GPM) DUTY (FT) FLANGE (IN) RPM HP VOLTAGE (V/ /Hz) P-A PRE-HEAT COIL (HC-1) ARMSTRONG SERIES S-S46 1 WATER 56 44 11.88 3 1750 0.333 115/1/60 P-B COOLING COIL [S-2] ARMSTRONG SERIES S-S35 1 WATER 42 46 5.52 2 1750 0.167 115/1/60 - C/W COMBINATION STARTER AND DISCONNECT. INLINE TYPE PUMP. P-C HEATING COIL [S-2] ARMSTRONG SERIES S-S35 1 WATER 42 32 4.44 2 1750 0.167 115/1/60 - C/W COMBINATION STARTER AND DISCONNECT. INLINE TYPE PUMP. REMARKS - C/W COMBINATION STARTER AND DISCONNECT. INLINE TYPE PUMP. 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS NEW MAKE-UP AIR UNIT SCHEDULE HOT WATER HEATING COIL TAG 14. PENETRATIONS THROUGH FLOORS AND WALLS 14.1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS, GLASS FIBRE FIRE RETARDANT INSULATION AND FIRESTOP CAULKING SHALL BE PACKED AROUND PIPE OPENINGS IN FLOORS AND WALLS AT TIME OF PIPE INSTALLATION. FIRESTOP CAULKING SHALL BE "3M FIRE BARRIER" FIRETEMP CAULK OR EQUIVALENT. 14.2. APPLY FIRESTOP SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 3M'S INSTRUCTIONS. ALL SYSTEMS SHALL MEET CSA F-SYSTEM RATINGS FOR THE PARTICULAR FIRE RATING OF THE PENETRATED SURFACE. 14.3. FIRESTOPPING CONTRACTOR MUST BE A LICENSED 3M CERTIFIED INSTALLER. 14.4. MATERIALS SHALL BE ASBESTOS-FREE ELASTOMERIC MATERIALS, TESTED, LISTED AND LABELED BY ULC IN ACCORDANCE WITH CAN 4-S115-M85, AND CAN/ULC-S101-M FOR INSTALLATION IN ULC DESIGNATED FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEAL SYSTEMS, TO PROVIDE A POSITIVE FIRE, WATER AND SMOKE SEAL AND A FIRE RESISTANCE RATING (FLAME, HOSE STREAM AND CTE LEGEND MAKE MODEL SERVING LOCATION CAPACITY (MBH) S-2 TRANE CSAA012UA BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA MAIN PENTHOUSE (CENTRAL BUILDING) 314.16 FLOW (GPM) 31.3 ENT./LEAV. WATER TEMP. 200 / 180 CHILLED WATER COOLING COIL ENT./LEAV. AIR 37.4 / 80 CAPACITY (MBH) 346.63 SENSIBLE CAPACITY (MBH) 214.58 CFM FLOW (GPM) 46.06 ENT./LEAV. AIR 6800 E.S.P./T.S.P. (IN. W.C.) 3.5 / 5.874 MOTOR (HP) 15 VOLTAGE V/PH/Hz ELECTRICAL 575/3/60 MCA - 18.50 A MOP - 33.30 A FLA - 14.80 A NOTES: 1. UNIT TO BE INSTALLED ON EXISTING HOUSEKEEPING PAD. 2. UNIT TO BE DELIVERED IN SECTIONS. MAXIMUM WIDTH OF SECTION IS 40". MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE PRESENT ON SITE TO DISASSEMBLE AND REASSEMBLE UNIT AS REQUIRED NOT TO VOID WARRANTY. 3. UNIT TO COME COMPLETE WITH: 3.1. 2" PLEATED MEDIA MERV 8 FILTER AND 4" CARTRIDGE MERV 13 FILTER 3.2. TURBULATORS ON COOLING COIL MAXIMUM FUSE (A) 30.0 WEIGHT (LBS) 2125 DIMENSIONS (LxWxH) [IN] LEGEND AND SCHEDULE N.T.S. MARCH, 2016 L.T. TBD 140 X 67 X 42 A.C. N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M001-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD RD DESIGNATED AREA FOR CRANE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PROPOSED AREA OF OPERATION WITH CRANE OPERATOR PRIOR TO WORK. CRANE MUST BE OPERATED BEFORE OR AFTER REGULAR FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS AND COORDINATED WITH OWNER STEEL LADDER LOCATION OF PENTHOUSE DOORWAY TO BE USED TO DELIVER EQUIPMENT VENT RD RD RD EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] 2 M002 SITE PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. VENT VENT VENT VENT ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. EXISTING PENTHOUSE DOOR AND FRAME TO BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE THE DELIVERY OF NEW MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2]. CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-INSTALL DOOR AND FRAME AFTER DELIVERY AND ENSURE ANY DAMAGES ARE REPAIRED. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: VENT RD RD VENT APPROXIMATE AREA OF EQUIPMENT OFF-LOADING FROM CRANE. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PLYWOOD SHEETS ALONG DELIVERY PATH TO FINAL EQUIPMENT LOCATION FOR PROTECTION OF EXISTING BUILDING STRUCTURE. RD SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT VENT VENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS SITE PLAN N.T.S. MARCH, 2016 L.T. TBD A.C. 1 M002 CENTRAL FACILITY ROOF PLAN SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M002-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 42 X 37 38 X 39 41 X GENERAL NOTES: X X X X X X 50"x18" X 18"x64" X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXX X X X XX X X X X XXX X 20"x18" X 52"x24" X X X X X X X X X 52"x24" X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MOTOR X X X X X X X X X XX X XX 18"x64" X X X X X X X X X X 28 27 26 EXISTING 52"x24" OUTSIDE AIR DUCTWORK X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 50"x20" X 3 M004 X X KEY PLAN: X MOTOR FAN SECTION (S-2) EXIST. 4" CONCRETE BASE TO REMAIN (TYP.) 50"x18" DOWN THROUGH FLOOR FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS (TYPICAL) PART SECTION - HVAC - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 DURING CONSTRUCTION, ONE (1) WINDOW PANE IS TO BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED TO SERVE AS MAKE-UP AIR FOR SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY BLANK PLATE TO SEAL OPENING WHEN NOT ON SITE. WINDOW PANE TO BE REINSTALLED AND SEALED TO MATCH EXISTING AT COMPLETION OF WORK. 25 X X X 33 34 50"x20" DOWN TO BE DEMOLISHED 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X T ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 9 X X X X 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: X X X X X 6 X X X X EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK C/W DIFFUSERS TO REMAIN X X 14 14 EXISTING CANOPY HOOD TO REMAIN 14 EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK TO REMAIN 30"x12" X SILENCER (SL-2) TO BE DEMOLISHED 7 X T X X X X X X X XXXX X XX X X X X X 6 X X X X X X EXIST. 24"x8" EXHAUST DUCTWORK TO BE DEMOLISHED X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 24"x8" X 39 X X X X EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK C/W DIFFUSERS TO REMAIN X XX X X 72"x15" UP TO BE DEMOLISHED X 74"x18" 28"x4" RECORDS RM (1011) X X 36 37 4 X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X 215 X X X X X X EX X X X X X 72"x15" X X X X 12 X X X X X X X X 16"x4" BOARD RM (1012) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 50"x18" UP TO MECH. ROOM 50"x18" X 37 20"x18" X 46"x18" X X T 35 6 X EX 13 X 215 16"x4" X X X X X EXISTING 144"(L) x 90"(W) COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD 24"x8" X X X 36 20"x18" UP TO MECH. ROOM X X X EXISTING UNIT TO REMAIN 9 X X X X X X X X X X 18"x20" DOWN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 34 X 35 X EXIST. 36"x24" TRANSFER AIR DUCTWORK TO REMAIN (TYP. FOR 4) 44"x20" DOWN 38 1 M EXIST. 6'-6'x5'-0" FRESH AIR INTAKE LOUVER C/W BIRDSCREEN TO REMAIN 29 X 5 EXIST. BOOSTER COIL #2 TO BE DEMOLISHED 30 X X 31 X X X X X X X 37 32 X EXIST. (E-1) SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 33 X X 30"x18" R.A.D. X X X X X 24"x52" X X PART MAIN MECHANICAL ROOM PLAN - HVAC - DEMOLITION 34 X X FRD EXISTING UNIT TO REMAIN 35 X X X X X X X X FRD EXISTING 50"x18" SUPPLY AIR DUCT DOWN TO SERVE KITCHEN WITH HOT WATER BOOSTER COIL TO BE DEMOLISHED (S-11) X 16"x27" SUPPLY AIR DUCT X 20"x50" X X X 2 50"x20" 72"x15" DOWN TO BE DEMOLISHED BOOSTER COIL IN 3 VERTICAL RISER 20"x27" RETURN AIR DUCT X X X X DEMOLISH EXISTING 52"X24" DUCTWORK AND INSULATION TO ACCOMMODATE THE INSTALLATION OF PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FD EXIST. KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN (EF-1) TO BE DEMOLISHED X XX X M005 29 X X X XX X 50"x20" X X X X X KITCHEN UNIT [S-2] X X X X EXISTING DUCTWORK TO REMAIN X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X EXISTING RETURN AIR FAN (R-1) TO REMAIN X 20"x18" DOWN X X X X X X X X 28 X 5 50"x18" X 3 X EXISTING DUCTWORK TO REMAIN X X X X X 27 X X X X X X X X X X X 26 EXISTING CONCRETE PAD TO REMAIN 1 CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD X 18"x20" X X 30"x18" R.A.D. 1 M004 40 FRD X 11 25 X X 36 X X 50"x20" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP TO ROOF TO BE DEMOLISHED. REFER TO DETAIL 3 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION X 41 X 40 X 39 X 38 X 37 X 36 X 35 X 34 EXIST. RELIEF AIR PENTHOUSE TO BE DEMOLISHED VAULT (1010) 16"x6" 10 38 EXIST. MIX BOX UNIT #4 TO REMAIN 2 M004 PART MAIN FACILITY PLAN - HVAC - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 4 M004 PART BASEMENT - CAFETERIA - HVAC - DEMOLITION SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: KEY NOTES: 1 EXISTING TRANE KITCHEN AIR HANDLING UNIT (S-2) TO BE DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED FROM SITE. DEMOLISH EXISTING DUCTWORK UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF UNIT TO MAKE WAY FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW UNIT. 1. CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE SITE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 2. COORDINATE ALL EQUIPMENT/SERVICE SHUT DOWN WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 3. MAKE GOOD ALL SURFACES AFTER COMPLETION OF WORK. 4. REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND RUBBISH FROM SITE DAILY. 5. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE TO BE REFERRED TO CONSULTANT FOR INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ANY WORK IS BEGUN. 6. DISPOSE OF ALL DEBRIS AS PER AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 7 44"x20" EXHAUST DUCTWORK UP TO PENTHOUSE TO BE DEMOLISHED. 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED ONCE ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF ADJACENT SPACES HAS BEEN INSTALLED. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE MINIMAL DUST CREATION DURING WORK. 8 EXISTING 24"x24" PLATE DIFFUSERS TO BE DEMOLISHED. 2 EXISTING MOTORIZED DAMPER TO BE DEMOLISHED. 8. DEMOLISH EXISTING KITCHEN UNIT SUPPLY FAN C/W ALL ACCESSORIES AND ASSOCIATED DUCTWORK. MAKE GOOD SURFACES AND PREPARE FOR NEW AHU INSTALLATION. 9. DEMOLISH EXISTING KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN C/W ALL ACCESSORIES AND EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK. 3 EXISTING GLYCOL HOT WATER DUCTWORK HEATING COIL TO BE DEMOLISHED. REPAIR DUCTWORK AND PROVIDE AIR TIGHT SEAL. 4 EXISTING EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK TO BE DEMOLISHED. 5 EXISTING CONCRETE HOUSEKEEPING PAD SERVING EXHAUST FAN (EF-1) TO BE DEMOLISHED. 6 EXISTING EXHAUST DUCTWORK TO BE DEMOLISHED. 9 EXISTING 12"x4" EXHAUST DUCTS DOWN TO SERVE COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER TO BE DEMOLISHED. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE EXISTING VENT HOOD AND DAMPER CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO DISHWASHER ARE NOT DEMOLISHED. 10 EXISTING THERMOSTAT AND ASSOCIATED WIRING TO BE DEMOLISHED. CONTRACTOR TO REUSE CONDUIT FOR WIRING FROM NEW TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO BE INTEGRATED WITH THE EXISTING BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM. 11 EXISTING PENTHOUSE DOOR AND FRAME TO BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE THE DELIVERY OF NEW MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2]. CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-INSTALL DOOR AND FRAME AFTER DELIVERY AND ENSURE ANY DAMAGES ARE REPAIRED. EXISTING SUPPLY AIR DUCTWORK AND DIFFUSERS SERVING BOARDROOM [1012] TO 12 BE DEMOLISHED AND REUSED. CONTRACTOR TO REUSE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSERS AND DUCTWORK TO ACCOMMODATE REVISED LAYOUT ON DRAWING M007. CONTRACTOR TO DEMOLISH AND REPAIR CEILING AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ALL WORK. 13 CONTRACTOR TO TEMPORARILY REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCKS AS REQUIRED TO GAIN ACCESS TO EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK BEHIND SHAFT BLOCK WALL. UPON COMPLETION OF ALL WORK (INCLUDING NEW INSTALLATION), CONTRACTOR TO REINSTALL BLOCKS AND PAINT AS REQUIRED TO MATCH EXISTING. 14 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY PLASTIC SHEET ENCLOSURE TO SEPARATE WORK AREA FROM ACTIVE KITCHEN AREA. ENCLOSURE SHALL PREVENT ANY MIGRATION OF DUST OR PARTICLES DURING CONSTRUCTION. APPROXIMATE ENCLOSURE LINE IS INDICATE ON PLAN. 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS SECTION AND BASEMENT PLAN HVAC - DEMOLITION 1/8"=1'-0" MARCH, 2016 L.T. TBD A.C. N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M004-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] 36 37 38 39 40 41 11 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 18"x20" 34"x34" 34 GENERAL NOTES: 50"x18" CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD 2 18"x64" 24"x52" 25 CTE 30"x18" R.A.D. 1 38"x20" 11 EXISTING CONCRETE PAD TO REMAIN 26 1 KEY PLAN: FRD EXISTING DUCTWORK TO REMAIN CTE CTE 3 38"X20" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK M006 FRD 3 M005 EXIST. 6'-6'x5'-0" FRESH AIR INTAKE LOUVER C/W BIRDSCREEN TO REMAIN 16"x27" SUPPLY AIR DUCT 48"x14" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP THROUGH EXISTING OPENING IN SLAB. PROVIDE FIRE STOP AND SEAL REMAINDER OF EXISTING OPENING IN SLAB. 50"x18" DOWN THROUGH FLOOR PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] M 29 20"x27" RETURN AIR DUCT EXISTING DUCTWORK TO REMAIN 52"x24" 50"x18" 20"x18" DOWN 28 18"x64" EXISTING RETURN AIR FAN (R-1) TO REMAIN 52"x24" 30"x18" R.A.D. 2 27 EXISTING 52"x24" OUTSIDE AIR DUCTWORK 20"x18" 34"X34" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP TO EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] CTE EXIST. 4" CONCRETE BASE TO REMAIN (TYP.) PART SECTION - HVAC - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 (S-11) EXISTING UNIT TO REMAIN EXHAUST FAN [EF-2] TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING CEILING SPACE AND HUNG FROM SLAB ABOVE 9 33 1 M005 PART MAIN MECHANICAL ROOM PLAN - HVAC - MODIFICATION SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 34 CONTRACTOR TO CUT OPENING IN EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL ABOVE EXISTING WINDOW FRAME. OPENING TO BE PROPERLY SEALED AND WEATHER PROOFED AFTER INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. BDD 10"x8" 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 CTE 18"x8" $ EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK C/W DIFFUSERS TO REMAIN 58"x12" BOARD RM (1012) CO 58"x12" PROVIDE FIRE STOP AND SEAL OPENING REMAINDER THROUGH SLAB UP TO PENTHOUSE CTE 38 RELOCATED 16"x4" RELOCATED 16"x4" 28"x4" RECORDS RM (1011) 39 EXIST. MIX BOX UNIT #4 TO REMAIN VAULT (1010) 12 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: PROVIDE NEW COMBINATION DISCONNECT/STARTER FOR EXHAUST FAN [EF-2]. REFER TO ELECTRICAL. EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK TO REMAIN 12 T 10 8 16"x6" 38 50"x18" UP TO MECH. ROOM 48"x14" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP TO PENTHOUSE. PROVIDE CLEANOUT AT BASE OF RISER. 50"x18" EX 44"X16" 3 14"x14" 30"x12" 20"x18" UP TO MECH. ROOM 20"x18" Consulting Engineers 18"x8" EXISTING CANOPY HOOD TO REMAIN T 215 37 18"x20" DOWN 36 EX 215 4 M005 PART BASEMENT - CAFETERIA - HVAC - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE SITE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 2. COORDINATE ALL EQUIPMENT/SERVICE SHUT DOWN WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 3. ALL CONTROLS WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTROLS CONTRACTOR. 4. EXISTING GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS TO REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5. PROVIDE NEW DUCTWORK, DIFFUSERS, AND GRILLES AS REQUIRED AND/OR INDICATED. 6. PROVIDE NEW EQUIPMENT AND ALL ASSOCIATED ACCESSORIES AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A FULLY FUNCTIONING SYSTEM. 7. 2 M005 7 (TYP. FOR 4) 4 44"x16" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP FROM KITCHEN AREA 37 CTE CTE 44"x20" DOWN ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. T (TYP. FOR 4) 12 36 EXIST. SUPPLY DUCTWORK C/W DIFFUSERS TO REMAIN 40"x16" A 25 35 EXISTING UNIT TO REMAIN 6 5 CTE EXISTING 144"(L) x 90"(W) COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD 34 10"x8" [EF-2] TAPER DUCTWORK TO 16"X8" BELOW EXHAUST DUCTWORK 35 EXIST. 36"x24" TRANSFER AIR DUCTWORK TO REMAIN 14"x14" COORDINATE DELIVERY OF MATERIALS AND SITE ACCESS WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. PART MAIN FACILITY PLAN - HVAC - MODIFICATION 8. SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 12. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN FIRE SEPARATION. PROVIDE CAULKING AND FIRESTOPPING FOR ALL MECHANICAL SERVICES PASSING THROUGH FIRE SEPARATIONS. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND RUBBISH FROM SPACE DAILY. 13. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE TO BE REFERRED TO CONSULTANT FOR INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ANY WORK IS BEGUN. 14. DISPOSE OF ALL DEBRIS AS PER AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 15. EXHAUST DUCTWORK SERVING COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER SHALL BE OF ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION. 16. EXHAUST DUCTWORK SERVING KITCHEN HOODS SHALL ADHERE TO THE LATEST EDITION OF NFPA 96. KEY NOTES: 1 PROVIDE NEW MAKE-UP AIR UNIT C/W ACCESSORIES. CONNECT TO EXISTING DUCTWORK AS INDICATED. 2 HOT WATER PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING OUTSIDE AIR DUCTWORK. CONTRACTOR TO TAPER EXISTING DUCTWORK ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOMMODATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW COIL. 3 40"X20" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK UP THROUGH EXISTING VERTICAL DUCTWORK SHAFT. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE SPACE AROUND EXHAUST DUCTWORK IS PROPERLY FIRE RATED AND SEALED. PROVIDE CLEANOUT AT BASE OF DUCTWORK RISER. 4 CONNECT 18"X8" EXHAUST DUCTWORK TO EXISTING CANOPY HOOD. ENSURE CONNECTION TO HOOD ADHERES TO THE LATEST EDITION OF NFPA 96. HOOD TO BE BALANCED TO 1,200 CFM. 5 CONNECT 40"X16" EXHAUST DUCTWORK TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD. ENSURE CONNECTION TO HOOD ADHERES TO THE LATEST EDITION OF NFPA 96. CONTRACTOR MUST THOROUGHLY INSPECT THE INTERIOR OF THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD TO CONFIRM EXISTING EXHAUST CONNECTION OPENING SIZES. OPENINGS ON HOODS TO BE BALANCED TO 3,000 CFM EACH VIA EXISTING INTERNAL BAFFLES. 6 12"X6" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK DOWN FROM CEILING SPACE TO SERVE REAR EXHAUST OUTLET OF COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER. CONNECT NEW DUCTWORK TO EXISTING VENT HOOD AND DAMPER. REAR EXHAUST OUTLET TO BE BALANCED TO 400 CFM. 12"X4" EXHAUST AIR DUCTWORK DOWN FROM CEILING SPACE TO SERVE INLET 7 EXHAUST OUTLET OF COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER. CONNECT NEW DUCTWORK TO EXISTING VENT HOOD AND DAMPER. INLET EXHAUST OUTLET TO BE BALANCED TO 200 CFM. 8 TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO BE INSTALLED ON INTERIOR WALL AND CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO REUSE EXISTING CONDUIT FROM DEMOLISHED THERMOSTAT. SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS SECTION PLAN - HVAC MODIFICATION 9 1/8"=1'-0" MARCH, 2016 10 EXISTING BALANCING DAMPER TO BE BALANCED TO 180 CFM. L.T. TBD 11 EXISTING ROOF OPENING TO BE WORKED TO ACCOMMODATE EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] REQUIREMENT OF 34.5"X34.5" ROOF OPENING. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ROOF AS REQUIRED AND PROVIDE FLASHING FOR EXHAUST FAN AND CURB. A.C. 12 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY PLASTIC SHEET ENCLOSURE TO SEPARATE WORK AREA FROM ACTIVE KITCHEN AREA. ENCLOSURE SHALL PREVENT ANY MIGRATION OF DUST OR PARTICLES DURING CONSTRUCTION. APPROXIMATE ENCLOSURE LINE IS INDICATE ON PLAN. N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M005-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 EXISTING OUTDOOR AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO REMAIN TAPER DOWN TO 14" WIDTH TO ACCOMMODATE HEATING COIL IN DUCTWORK TO EXISTING BAS T EXISTING OUTDOOR AIR LOUVRE M TO EXISTING BAS TO EXISTING BAS PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] (T-1) H SEQUENCE OF OPERATION [MAKE-UP AIR SYSTEM]: MAKE-UP AIR SYSTEM OVERVIEW: 1. MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] P MOTORIZED DAMPER OPEN/CLOSE TO EXISTING ANNUNCIATOR PANEL (T-2) C T (T-3) T T H W 6800 CFM CONTROL STRATEGIES: THE MAKE-UP AIR SYSTEM SHALL OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WHEN EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] IS PROVED OPERATIONAL. CTE (T-4) SF-S2 C T C MERV 8/13 FILTERS T SAFETIES: 1. MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] SHALL BE DISABLED AND IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN C T T T T MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2]: P P P TO EXISTING BAS P P T N.C. TO EXISTING BAS P-A TO EXISTING BAS T 44 GPM 46 GPM CBV CBV N.C. TO EXISTING BAS FAN IN 'HAND' MODE N.C. TO EXISTING BAS N.C. 1. FAN CONTROL: 1.1. THE SYSTEM WILL GENERATE THE FOLLOWING ALARMS WHEN THE SYSTEM IS ENABLED: FAN FAILURE (EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] IS OPERATIONAL AND MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] IS NON-OPERATIONAL) REPLACE EXISTING DUCTWORK MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR AND REUSE EXISTING WIRING CONNECTED TO ANNUNCIATOR PANEL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ANNUNCIATOR AND NEW SMOKE DETECTOR FUNCTION PROPERLY. T P-C N.C. KEY PLAN: P T P-B T CONNECT TO MAIN HEATING WATER PIPING T GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] SHALL BE INTERLOCKED WITH EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] AND FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD. WHEN THE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM IS ACTIVATED, MAKE-AIR UNIT [S-2] SHALL BE TURNED OFF. S OUTSIDE AIR EXISTING 52"x24" DUCTWORK SYSTEM PROVIDES TEMPERED MAKE-UP AIR TO THE BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA. EQUIPMENT ON SYSTEM INCLUDES: MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] AND COIL CIRCULATION PUMPS [P-A, P-B, & P-C] 32 GPM CBV 2. TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY CONTROL: 2.1. TEMPERATURE TO BE CONFIRMED VIA NEW THERMOSTAT WITHIN BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA. TO EXISTING BAS 3. HOT WATER PRE-HEATING (PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1]): 3.1. PRE-HEATING WILL BE ENABLED WHEN THE OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE (MEASURED BY EXISTING OUTDOOR AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR) IS BELOW N.C. 3.2. 3-WAY VALVE SERVING PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] SHALL MODULATE ADJUSTABLE). CONNECT TO MAIN CHILLED WATER PIPING 1 M006 CONNECT TO MAIN HEATING WATER PIPING 4. CHILLED WATER COOLING COIL [S-2] : 4.1. COOLING WILL BE ENABLED WHEN THE DRY BULB AIR TEMPERATURE (MEASURED BY SENSOR T-2) AND THE WET BULB TEMPERATURE (MEASURED 4.2. 3-WAY VALVE SERVING COOLING COIL [S-2] SHALL MODULATE ACCORDINGLY TO MAINTAIN AN OUTLET DRY BULB AND WET BULB HVAC - HEATING AND COOLING COIL SCHEMATIC SCALE: N.T.S. MAKE-UP AIR SYSTEM CONTROL POINTS LIST HARDWARE POINTS POINT NAME UNIT OUTDOOR AIR MOTORIZED DAMPER STATUS OPEN/ CLOSED X PUMP [P-A] STATUS HAND/OFF/ AUTO X PUMP [P-A] CONTROL ON/OFF PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] SUPPLY WATER TEMPERATURE DO AV DV TREND HARDWARE POINTS ALARM X X X GRAPHIC POINT NAME UNIT X EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] STATUS HAND/OFF /AUTO X EXHAUST FAN [EF-1] CONTROL ENABLE/ DISABLE X EXHAUST FAN [EF-2] STATUS HAND/OFF /AUTO X X EXHAUST FAN [EF-2] CONTROL AI DI AO SOFTWARE POINTS DO AV DV TREND X X X ALARM GRAPHIC X X 7. FILTERS [S-2]: 7.1. SYSTEM WILL MONITOR FILTER DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE. THE SYSTEM WILL GENERATE AN ALARM WHEN THE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE CLIMBS ABOVE 1.5" W.C. (USER ADJUSTABLE). X X 8. X X % X ENABLE/ DISABLE X X X X PSI PUMP [P-B] STATUS HAND/OFF/ AUTO ON/OFF X X HAND/OFF/ AUTO PUMP [P-C] CONTROL ON/OFF X HAND/OFF/ AUTO SUPPLY FAN [S-2] CONTROL ON/OFF X X HEATING COIL RETURN WATER TEMPERATURE SUPPLY FAN [S-2] STATUS X X X HARDWARE POINTS POINT NAME UNIT SUPPLY FAN STATUS ON/OFF SUPPLY FAN CONTROL ON/OFF EXHAUST FAN STATUS ON/OFF AI DI AO SOFTWARE POINTS DO X AV DV TREND ALARM GRAPHIC X X 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: X EXHAUST FAN [EF-1]: X 1. FAN CONTROL: 1.1. EXHAUST FAN SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY UNLESS MANUALLY SWITCHED OFF BY USER. INSTALL SWITCH FOR EXHAUST FAN BY EXISTING COMMERCIAL HOOD IN BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 1.2. THE SYSTEM WILL GENERATE THE FOLLOWING ALARMS WHEN THE SYSTEM IS ENABLED: FAN IN 'HAND' MODE X X X X X X X X X X SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE X X SUPPLY WATER TEMPERATURE X X OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER CONTROL OPEN/ CLOSED HEATING VALVE CONTROL % X X COOLING VALVE CONTROL % X X X X X X X X X 1. FAN CONTROL: 1.1. EXHAUST FAN SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8AM AND 7PM DAILY (USER ADJUSTABLE). INSTALL SWITCH FOR EXHAUST FAN BY EXISTING COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER IN BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 2. ALARMS: 2.1. THERE SHALL BE A VISUAL GRAPHICAL ALARM IF FAN IS OFF AND COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER IS ON. 2.2. THERE SHALL BE A VISUAL GRAPHICAL ALARM IF FAN IS IN 'HAND' MODE. SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO X X 1039785-270722 X X COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS X X X X X X X X X X X % X X HEATING COIL SUPPLY WATER TEMPERATURE HEATING COIL 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE STATUS X X X COOLING COIL RETURN WATER TEMPERATURE PUMP [P-C] STATUS X X COIL CIRCULATION PUMPS [P-A, P-B, & P-C] : EACH CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL RUN CONTINUOUSLY WHEN ITS RESPECTIVE COIL IS ENABLED AND SHALL HAVE A USER DEFINABLE DELAY (ADJ.) ON STOP. EXHAUST FAN [EF-2]: X % X X COOLING COIL SUPPLY WATER TEMPERATURE COOLING COIL 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE STATUS X Consulting Engineers SAFETIES: EXHAUST FAN SHALL BE INTERLOCKED (BY ELECTRICAL DIVISION) WITH MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2] AND FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD. X X ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION [EXHAUST AIR SYSTEMS]: EXISTING BUILDING CONTROL POINTS LIST DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR (FOR FILTERS) SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE AO X AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR (INLET OF MAU [S-2]) PUMP [P-B] CONTROL DI SOFTWARE POINTS X PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] RETURN WATER TEMPERATURE PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE STATUS AI 6. HOT WATER HEATING COIL [S-2]: 6.1. HEATING WILL BE ENABLED CONTINUOUSLY. 6.2. 3-WAY VALVE SERVING HEATING COIL [S-2] SHALL MODULATE ACCORDINGLY TO MAINTAIN ROOM AIR TEMPERATURE SETPOINT WITHIN BASEMENT KITCHEN AREA. EXHAUST SYSTEM CONTROL POINTS LIST X B16342 COIL SCHEMATIC X X 1/8"=1'-0" MARCH, 2016 A.C. TBD X A.C. N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M006-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 GENERAL NOTES: 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 25 1. CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE SITE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 2. COORDINATE ALL EQUIPMENT/SERVICE SHUT DOWN WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 3. COORDINATE DELIVERY OF MATERIALS AND SITE ACCESS WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 4. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND RUBBISH FROM SPACE DAILY. KEY NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIO NS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE INFORMED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION AND UNLESS THE REPRODUCTION CARRIES THEIR NAME. ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS FOR USE ON THE SPECIFIED PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALGAL ENGINEERING LTD 1 EXISTING PIPING TO BE VALVED AND CAPPED FOR FUTURE PIPING CONNECTION. CONTRACTOR TO DRAIN SYSTEM ACCORDINGLY TO ALLOW FOR THIS WORK. 2 EXISTING HOT WATER AND CHILLED WATER PIPING DOWN TO SERVE EXISTING AIR HANDLING UNIT TO BE DEMOLISHED. ALL EXISTING INSULATION, VALVES, DRAIN PLUGS, AIR VENTS, AND ACCESSORIES TO BE DEMOLISHED. 2 FD 3 EXISTING CIRCULATION PUMP, 3-WAY VALVE, BYPASS PIPING, VALVES, AND ACCESSORIES ON EXISTING HEATING PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED. XXX X X 4 EXISTING 3-WAY VALVE, BYPASS PIPING, VALVES, AND ACCESSORIES ON EXISTING CHILLED WATER PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED. X X X X X X KEY PLAN: X X X X 3 X X 26 X X X X WATER SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED X X X X 5 EXISTING PIPING, BOOSTER COIL, INSULATION, 3-WAY VALVE, BYPASS PIPING, VALVES, AND ACCESSORIES ON EXISTING HOT WATER PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR DUCTWORK AND PROVIDE NEW INSULATION WHERE BOOSTER COIL IS TO BE DEMOLISHED. X X X X X X X X 27 X X X X X X X X X X X X HWR HWS X HWR HWS X X X X X 1 X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CHWR CHWS CHWR CHWS CHWR CHWS 1 X X 5 X X X X X 28 X X X X WATER SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING SERVING EXISTING BOOSTER COIL TO BE DEMOLISHED X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WATER SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING TO BE DEMOLISHED 29 1 M007 PART MAIN MECHANICAL ROOM - HOT WATER AND CHILLED WATER PIPING - DEMOLITION SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 25 1. CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE SITE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 2. COORDINATE ALL EQUIPMENT/SERVICE SHUT DOWN WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 3. COORDINATE DELIVERY OF MATERIALS AND SITE ACCESS WITH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. 4. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND RUBBISH FROM SPACE DAILY. 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING PIPE LOCATIONS ON SITE. 6. ALL NEW HYDRONIC PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WITH DRAIN PLUGS AT COIL CONNECTION LOW POINTS AND AUTOMATIC AIR VENTS AT HIGH POINTS. 7. ALL BRANCH PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WITH ISOLATION VALVES. ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: KEY NOTES: 4 1 FD COIL WITHIN MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2]. PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WITH ALL VALVES 1 2 26 CONDENSATE DRAIN FOR COOLING COIL TO BE PIPED TO NEAREST FLOOR DRAIN. 2 [P-B] WITHIN MAKE-UP AIR UNIT [S-2]. PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WITH ALL VALVES AND ACCESSORIES AND SPECIFIED. HWR AND RETURN PIPING AND RETURN PIPING CHWR [HC-1]. PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WITH ALL VALVES AND ACCESSORIES AND SPECIFIED ON MECHANICAL DRAWING M008. 4 UNIT [S-2]. HWR 27 3 AND RETURN PIPING CHWS HWS [P-C] HWR HWS HWR HWS SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT HWS HWR HWR 3 [P-C] 28 CHWR CHWS CHWR CHWS CHWR CHWS CHWR CHWS 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 29 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS 2 M007 PART MAIN MECHANICAL ROOM - HOT WATER AND CHILLED WATER PIPING - MODIFICATION SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" WATER PIPING - DEMOLITION AND MODIFICATION 1/8"=1'-0" MARCH, 2016 A.C. TBD A.C. N.D. AE-16019-DRAW-M007-R00 AE-16019-DRAW-M001-M007-R00 7 207 Adelaide St. E., Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5A 1M8 416-599-(LINK) 5465 Project No. 16-0517 N ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS N.T.S. MAY, 2016 KOC TBD C.N. RH AE-16019-DRAW-S1.01 AE-16019-DRAW-S1.01 3 B 207 Adelaide St. E., Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5A 1M8 416-599-(LINK) 5465 Project No. 16-0517 N TYPICAL RTU FRAMING PLAN ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers OR BUILT UP MECHANICAL PAD 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT PAD THICKNESS "t" REINFORCEMENT 50 (2") WWF152x152MW18.7xMW18.7 1 LAYER 100 (4") WWF152x152MW18.7xMW18.7 1 LAYER 150 (6") 10@300 (10@12") ML EW 200 (8") 10@400 (10@16") TEW & BEW 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS TYPICAL DETAILS N.T.S. MAY, 2016 KOC TBD C.N. RH AE-16019-DRAW-S1.02 AE-16019-DRAW-S1.02 3 207 Adelaide St. E., Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5A 1M8 416-599-(LINK) 5465 Project No. 16-0517 N ALGAL ENGINEERING Ltd. Consulting Engineers 515 Consumers Road, Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Z2 Tel: (416) 484-0707, Fax: (416) 849-0148 E-mail: SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO B16342 1039785-270722 COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS MAIN ROOF AND PENTHOUSE ROOF FRAMING PLANS N.T.S. MAY, 2016 KOC TBD C.N. RH AE-16019-DRAW-S2.01 AE-16019-DRAW-S2.01 3 KITCHEN AHU REPLACEMENT SYL APPS YOUTH CENTRE 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD – OAKVILLE, ON MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR TENDER - 06/28/2016 ADDRESS: 475 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO PREPARED BY: MAT 4SITE ENGINEERS LTD. M4SE PROJ. #: 16190 ALGAL PROJ. #: 16019 Section 01 32 00 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Page 1 Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario PART 1 1.1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE .1 .2 Within ten days of Contract award, submit a proposed schedule showing dates for: .1 Shop drawings, material lists and samples, and deliveries. .2 Commencement and completion of the Work of each section in working days. .3 Commencement and completion dates of the total contract work. .4 Total number of weeks of construction. At the request of the Consultant, provide a labour “breakdown”, showing: .1 Total work force, .2 Categories of workmen, and .3 Daily hours of work. .3 Provide updated work schedules at the project meetings. These shall show individual major activities on a week-by-week basis. .4 Interim reviews of Work progress will be conducted by the Consultant, and the schedule will be updated by the Contractor and Consultant. .5 As requested, provide narrative reports to define: .1 Problem areas, anticipated delays, and their impact on the schedule, .2 Corrective action recommendation and their effects, and .3 The effects of changes on the schedules of others. .6 The Contractor will be held responsible for any delays of final completion which were within his control. .7 If the Contractor makes default or delay in commencing or diligently executing the work to the satisfaction of the Owner, the Consultant may, after suitable written notice, take the work out of the contractor’s hands, and may employ such means as he sees fit to complete the Work. Any excess in cost which the Owner may incur in order to have the work completed as indicated, will be recoverable from the original Contractor in default. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 1 All Division 1 specification sections WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS .1 Work of this Contract comprises the work as identified in the Instructions to Bidders Scope of Work; and all drawings and specifications included in the tender package. .2 Where there is a conflict between the specification documents and the drawing package, and the contractor has not sought clarification prior to the bid submission; the contractor shall carry the costs of the more expensive option. 1.3 CONTRACT METHOD .1 Construct Work under a stipulated price contract. .2 Relations and responsibilities between Contractor and Subcontractors assigned by Owner shall be as defined in Conditions of Contract. Assigned Subcontractors shall, in addition: .1 Furnish to Contractor, bonds covering faithful performance of subcontracted work and payment of obligations there under (when Contractor is required to furnish such bonds to Owner). .2 Purchase and maintain liability insurance to protect Contractor from claims for not less than limits of liability which Contractor is required to provide to Owner. 1.4 WORK SEQUENCE .1 Construct Work in stages to accommodate Owner's continued use of premises during construction. .2 Co-ordinate Progress Schedule and co-ordinate with Owner Occupancy during construction for any disruption to essential services such as domestic hot water and make-up air. .3 Construct Work in stages to provide for continuous public usage. Do not close off public usage of facilities until use of one stage of Work will provide alternate usage. 1.5 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES .1 Contractor has restricted use of site. .2 Limit use of premises for Work, and for access, to allow: .1 Owner occupancy. .3 Co-ordinate use of premises under direction of TCH personnel and site super intendant. .4 Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas needed for operations under this Contract. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 .5 Remove or alter existing work to prevent injury or damage to portions of existing work which remain. .6 Repair or replace portions of existing work which have been altered during construction operations to match existing or adjoining work, as directed by Consultant and/or TCHC personnel. .7 At completion of operations condition of existing work: equal to or better than that which existed before new work started. 1.6 OWNER OCCUPANCY .1 Owner will occupy premises during entire construction period for execution of normal operations. .2 Co-operate with Owner in scheduling operations to minimize conflict and to facilitate Owner usage. 1.7 ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING BUILDING .1 Execute work with least possible interference or disturbance to building operations occupants, public and normal use of premises. Arrange with TCH Personnel to facilitate execution of work. .2 Use only elevators existing in building for moving workers and material. .1 .2 1.8 Protect walls of passenger elevators, to approval of site super intendant prior to use. Accept liability for damage, safety of equipment and overloading of existing equipment. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED .1 Maintain at job site, one copy each document as follows: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 Contract Drawings. Specifications. Addenda. Reviewed Shop Drawings. List of Outstanding Shop Drawings. Change Orders. Other Modifications to Contract. Field Test Reports. Copy of Approved Work Schedule. Health and Safety Plan and Other Safety Related Documents. Other documents as specified. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Section 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 Not used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 31 19 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. ADMINISTRATIVE .1 Schedule and administer project meetings throughout the progress of the work at the call of the Project Manager or Engineer. .2 Prepare agenda for meetings. .3 Provide physical space and make arrangements for meetings. .4 Record the meeting minutes. Include significant proceedings and decisions. Identify actions by parties. .5 Reproduce and distribute copies of minutes within three days after meetings and transmit to meeting participants and affected parties not in attendance. .6 Representative of Contractor, Subcontractor and suppliers attending meetings will be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of party each represents. 1.3 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING .1 Within 15 days after award of Contract, request a meeting of parties in contract to discuss and resolve administrative procedures and responsibilities. .2 Representatives of Consultant, Project Manager, Contractor, major Subcontractors and Facility Manager will be in attendance. .3 Establish time and location of meeting and notify parties concerned minimum 5 days before meeting. .4 Incorporate mutually agreed variations to Contract Documents into Agreement, prior to signing. .5 Agenda to include: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Appointment of official representative of participants in the Work. Schedule of Work Schedule of submission of shop drawings and samples. Delivery schedule of specified equipment. Site security Proposed changes, change orders, procedures, approvals required, mark-up percentages permitted, time extensions, overtime, administrative requirements. Owner provided products. Record drawings Maintenance manuals Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .10 .11 .12 .13 1.4 Section 01 31 19 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 2 Take-over procedures, acceptance, warranties. Monthly progress claims, administrative procedures, photographs, hold backs. Appointment of inspection and testing agencies or firms. Insurances, transcript of policies. PROGRESS MEETINGS .1 During course of Work and prior to project completion, schedule progress meetings biweekly or as required by Project Manager. .2 Representatives of Consultant, Project Manager, Contractor, major Subcontractors and Facility Manager are to be in attendance. .3 Notify parties minimum 3 days prior to meetings. .4 Record minutes of meetings and circulate to attending parties and affected parties not in attendance within 3 days after meeting. .5 Agenda to include the following: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 Review, approval of minutes of previous meeting. Review of Work progress since previous meeting. Field observations, problems, conflicts. Problems which impede construction schedule. Review of off-site fabrication delivery schedules. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule. Revision to construction schedule. Progress schedule, during succeeding work period. Review submittal schedules: expedite as required. Maintenance of quality standards. Review proposed changes for affect on construction schedule and on completion date. Other business. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 1 N/A ALLOWANCES .1 1.3 N/A DEFINITIONS .1 Activity: element of Work performed during course of Project. Activity normally has expected duration, and expected cost and expected resource requirements. Activities can be subdivided into tasks. .2 Actual Finish Date (AF): point in time that Work actually ended on activity .3 Actual Start Date (AS): point in time that Work actually started on activity. .4 Bar Chart (Gantt chart): graphic display of schedule-related information. In typical bar chart, activities or other Project elements are listed down left side of chart, dates are shown across top, and activity durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars. .5 Baseline: original approved plan (for Project, work package, or activity), plus or minus approved scope changes. .6 Completion Milestones: they are firstly Substantial Completion and secondly Final Certificate. .7 Constraint: applicable restriction that will affect performance of Project. Factors that affect activities can be scheduled. .8 Control: process of comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, evaluating possible alternatives, and taking appropriate corrective action as needed. .9 Critical Activity: any activity on a critical path. Most commonly determined by using critical path method. .10 Critical Path: series of activities that determines duration of Project. In deterministic model, critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to specified value, often zero. It is longest path through Project. .11 Critical Path Method (CPM): network analysis technique used to predict Project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities (which path) has least amount of scheduling flexibility (least amount of float). Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 2 .12 Data Date (DD): date at which, or up to which, Project's reporting system has provided actual status and accomplishments. .13 Duration (DU): number of work periods (not including holidays or other non-working periods) required to complete activity or other Project element. Usually expressed as workdays or work weeks. .14 Early Finish Date (EF): in critical path method, earliest possible point in time on which uncompleted portions of activity (or Project) can finish, based on network logic and schedule constraints. Early finish dates can change as Project progresses and changes are made to Project plan. .15 Early Start Date (ES): in critical path method, earliest possible point in time on which uncompleted portions of activity (or Project) can start, based on network logic and schedule constraints. Early start dates can change as Project progresses and changes are made to Project Plan. .16 Finish Date: point in time associated with activity's completion. Usually qualified by one of following: actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, baseline, target, or current. .17 Float: amount of time that activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying Project finish date. Float is mathematical calculation, and can change as Project progresses and changes are made to Project plan. This resource is available to both PWGSC and Contractor. .18 Lag: modification of logical relationship that directs delay in successor task. .19 Late Finish Date (LF): in critical path method, latest possible point in time that activity may be completed without delaying specified milestone (usually Project finish date). .20 Late Start Date (LS): in critical path method, latest possible point in time that activity may begin without delaying specified milestone (usually Project finish date). .21 Lead: modification of logical relationship that allows acceleration of successor task. .22 Logic Diagram: see Project network diagram. .23 Master Plan: summary-level schedule that identifies major activities and key milestones. .24 Milestone: significant event in Project, usually completion of major deliverable. .25 Monitoring: capture, analysis, and reporting of Project performance, usually as compared to plan. .26 Near-Critical Activity: activity that has low total float. .27 Non-Critical Activities: activities which when delayed, do not affect specified Contract duration. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 3 .28 Project Control System: fully computerized system utilizing commercially available software packages. .29 Project Network Diagram: schematic display of logical relationships of Project activities. Always drawn from left to right to reflect Project chronology. .30 Project Plan: formal, approved document used to guide both Project execution and Project control. Primary uses of Project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines. Project plan may be summary or detailed. .31 Project Planning: development and maintenance of Project Plan. .32 Project Planning, Monitoring and Control System: overall system operated by Departmental Representative to enable monitoring of Project Work in relation to established milestones. .33 Project Schedule: planned dates for performing activities and planned dates for meeting milestones. Dynamic, detailed record of tasks or activities that must be accomplished to satisfy project objectives. Monitoring and control process involves using project schedule in executing and controlling activities and is used as basis for decision making throughout project life cycle. .34 Quantified days duration: working days based on 5 day work week, discounting statutory holidays. .35 Risk: uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has positive or negative effect on Project's objectives. .36 Scheduled Finish Date (SF): point in time that Work was scheduled to finish on activity. Scheduled finish date is normally within range of dates delimited by early finish date and late finish date. .37 Scheduled Start Date (SS): point in time that Work was scheduled to start on activity. Scheduled start date is normally within range of dates delimited by early start date and late start date. .38 Start Date: point in time associated with activity's start, usually qualified by one of following: actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, target, baseline, or current. .39 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines total Work scope of Project. Each descending level represents increasingly detailed definition of Project Work. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Construction Progress Schedule (Project Time Management): describes processes required to ensure timely completion of Project. These processes ensure that various elements of Project are properly co-ordinated. It consists of planning, time estimating, scheduling, progress monitoring and control. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .2 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 4 Planning: this is most basic function of management, that of determining presentation of action and is essential. .1 .2 It involves focusing on objective consideration of future, and integrating forward thinking with analysis; therefore, in planning, implicit assumptions are made about future so that action can be taken today. Planning and scheduling facilitates accomplishment of objectives and should be considered continuous interactive process involving planning, review, scheduling, analysis, monitoring and reporting. .3 Ensure that planning process is iterative and results in generally top-down processing with more detail being developed as planning progresses, and decisions concerning options and alternatives are made. This implies progressively more reliability of scheduling data. Detail Project schedule is used for analysis and progress monitoring. .4 Ensure project schedule efficiencies through monitoring. .1 .2 .3 .5 Project monitoring and reporting: as Project progresses, keep team aware of changes to schedule, and possible consequences. In addition to Bar Charts and CPM networks, use narrative reports to provide advice on seriousness of difficulties and measures to overcome them. .1 1.5 When activities begin on time and are performed according to estimated durations without interruptions, original Critical Path will remain accurate. Changes and delays will however, create an essential need for continual monitoring of Project activities. Monitor progress of Project in detail to ensure integrity of Critical Path, by comparing actual completions of individual activities with their scheduled completions, and review progress of activities that has started but are not yet completed. Monitoring should be done sufficiently often so that causes of delays are immediately identified and removed if possible. Narrative reporting begins with statement on general status of Project followed by summarization of delays, potential problems, corrective measures and Project status criticality. CPM REQUIREMENTS .1 Ensure Master Plan and Detail Schedule are practical and remain within specified Contract duration. .2 Master Plan and Detail Schedule deemed impractical by Consultant are revised and resubmitted for approval. .3 Acceptance of Master Plan and Detail Schedule showing scheduled Contract duration shorter than specified Contract duration does not constitute change to Contract. Duration of Contract may only be changed through bilateral Agreement. .4 Consider Master Plan and Detail Schedule deemed practical by Consultant showing Work completed in less than specified Contract duration, to have float. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 5 .5 First Milestone on Master Plan and Detail Schedule will identify start Milestone with an "ES" constraint date equal to Award of Contract date. .6 Calculate dates for completion milestones from Plan and Schedule using specified time periods for Contract. .7 Substantial Completion with "LF" constraint equal to calculated date. .8 Calculations on updates to be such that if early finish of Interim Certificate falls later than specified Contract duration then float calculation to reflect negative float. .9 Delays to non-critical activities, those with float may not be basis for time extension. .10 Do not use float suppression techniques such as software constraints, preferential sequencing, special lead/lag logic restraints, extended activity times or imposed dates other than required by Contract. .11 Allow for and show Master Plan and Detail Schedule adverse weather conditions normally anticipated. Specified Contract duration has been predicated assuming normal amount of adverse weather conditions. .12 Provide necessary crews and manpower to meet schedule requirements for performing Work within specified Contract duration. Simultaneous use of multiple crews on multiple fronts on multiple critical paths may be required. .13 Arrange participation on and off site of subcontractors and suppliers, as required by Consultant, for purpose of network planning, scheduling, updating and progress monitoring. Approvals by Consultant of original networks and revisions do not relieve Contractor from duties and responsibilities required by Contract. .14 Ensure that it is understood that Award of Contract or time of beginning, rate of progress, Interim Certificate and Final Certificate as defined times of completion are of essence of this contract. 1.6 SUBMITTALS .1 Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit to Consultant Project Control System for planning, scheduling, monitoring and reporting of project progress. .3 Submit Project Control System to Consultant for approval; failure to comply with each required submission, may result in progress payment being withheld in accordance with Federal Government's Terms of Payment "B .4 Include costs for execution, preparation and reproduction of schedule submittals in bid documents. .5 Submit letter ensuring that schedule has been prepared in co-ordination with major sub-contractors. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 6 .6 Refer to article "Progress monitoring and reporting" of this specification Section for frequency of Project control system submittals. .7 Submit Project planning, monitoring and control system data as part of initial schedule submission and monthly status reporting in following form. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 1.7 CD files in original scheduling software containing schedule and cash flow information, labelled with data date, specific update, and person responsible for update. Master Plan Bar Chart. Construction Detail schedule Bar Chart. Listing of project activities including milestones and logical connectors, networks (sub-networks) from Project start to end. Sort activities by activity identification number and accompany with descriptions. List early and late start and finish dates together with durations, codes and float. Criticality report listing activities and milestones with negative and up to 5 days total float used as first sort for ready identification of critical paths through entire project. List early and late starts and finishes dates, together with durations, codes and float for critical activities. Progress report in early start sequence, listing for each trade, activities due to start, months from monthly update date. List activity identification number, description and duration. Provide columns for entry of actual start and finish dates, duration remaining and remarks concerning action required. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 1.8 Use experienced personnel, fully qualified in planning and scheduling to provide services from start of construction to Final Certificate, including Commissioning. PROJECT MEETING .1 1.9 Meet with Consultant within 5 working days of Award of Contract date, to establish Work requirements and approach to project construction operations. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) .1 1.10 Prepare construction Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) within 5 working days of Award of Contract date. Develop WBS through at least five levels: Project, stage, element, sub-element and work package. PROJECT MILESTONES .1 Mandatory and recommended project milestones form targets for both Master Plan and Detail Schedule of CPM construction network system. .1 .2 Mandatory: interior finishing and fitting, mechanical and electrical work completed within 60 working days of Award of Contract date. Mandatory: interim Certificate (substantial completion) within 45 working days of Award of Contract date. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .3 1.11 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 7 Mandatory: final Certificate completion within 52 working days of Award of Contract date. MASTER PLAN .1 Structure and base CPM construction networks system on WBS coding in order to ensure consistency throughout Project. .2 Prepare comprehensive construction Master Plan (CPM logic diagram) and dependent Cash Flow Projection within 5 working days of finalizing Agreement to confirm validity or alternates of identified milestones. .1 Master Plan will be used as baseline. .1 Revise baseline as conditions dictate and as required by Consultant. .2 Consultant will review and return revised baseline within 5 work days. .3 Reconcile revisions to Master Plan and Cash Flow Projections with previous baseline to provide continuous audit trail. .4 Initial and subsequent Master Plans will include: .1 .2 .3 .4 1.12 CD containing schedule and cash flow information, clearly labelled with data date, specific update, and person responsible for update. Bar chart identifying coding, activity durations, early/late and start/finish dates, total float, completion as percentile, current status and budget amounts. Network diagram showing coding, activity sequencing (logic), total float, early/late dates, current status and durations. Actual/projected monthly cash flow: expressed monthly and shown in both graphical and numerical form. DETAIL SCHEDULE .1 Provide detailed project schedule (CPM logic diagram) within 5 working days of Award of Contract date showing activity sequencing, interdependencies and duration estimates. Include listed activities as follows: .1 .2 .3 .2 Shop drawings. Testing. Commissioning and acceptance. Detail CPM schedule to cover in detail minimum period of 6 months beginning from Award of Contract date with each activity duration approximately 5 days. .1 .2 Show remaining activities for CPM construction network system up to Final Certificate and develop complete detail as project progresses. Detail activities completely and comprehensively throughout duration of project. .3 Relate Detail Schedule activities to basic activities and milestones developed and approved in Master Plan. .4 Clearly show sequence and interdependence of construction activities and indicate: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .1 .2 .3 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 8 Start and completion of all items of Work, their major components, and interim milestone completion dates. Activities for procurement, delivery, installation and completion of each major piece of equipment, materials and other supplies, including: .1 Time for submittals, resubmittals and review. .2 Time for fabrication and delivery of manufactured products for Work. .3 Interdependence of procurement and construction activities. Include sufficient detail to assure adequate planning and execution of Work. Activities should generally range in duration from 3 to 15 workdays each. .5 Provide level of detail for project activities such that sequence and interdependency of Contract tasks are demonstrated and allow co-ordination and control of project activities. Show continuous flow from left to right. .6 Ensure activities with no float are calculated and clearly indicated on logical CPM construction network system as being, whenever possible, continuous series of activities throughout length of Project to form "Critical Path". Increased number of critical activities is seen as indication of increased risk. .7 Insert Change Orders in appropriate and logical location of Detail Schedule. After analysis, clearly state and report to Consultant for review effects created by insertion of new Change Order. 1.13 REVIEW OF THE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL SCHEDULE .1 Allow 5 work days for review by Consultant of proposed construction Detail Schedule. .2 Upon receipt of reviewed Detail Schedule make necessary revisions and resubmit to Consultant for review within 5 work days. .3 Promptly provide additional information to validate practicability of Detail Schedule as required by Consultant. .4 Submittal of Detail Schedule indicates that it meets Contract requirements and will be executed generally in sequence. 1.14 COMPLIANCE WITH DETAIL SCHEDULE .1 Comply with reviewed Detail Schedule. .2 Proceed with significant changes and deviations from scheduled sequence of activities that cause delay, only after written receipt of approval by Consultant .3 Identify activities that are behind schedule and causing delay. Provide measures to regain slippage. .1 Corrective measures may include: .1 Increase of personnel on site for effected activities or work package .2 Overtime work additional work shifts. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .4 Submit to Departmental Representative, justification, project schedule data and supporting evidence for approval of extension to Contract completion date or interim milestone date when required. Include as part of supporting evidence: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Written submission of proof of delay based on revised activity logic, duration and costs, showing time impact analysis illustrating influence of each change or delay relative to approved contract schedule. Prepared schedule indicating how change will be incorporated into the overall logic diagram. Demonstrate perceived impact based on date of occurrence of change and include status of construction at that time. Other supporting evidence requested by Consultant Do not assume approval of Contract extension prior to receipt of written approval from Consultant In event of Contract extension, display in Detail Schedule that scheduled float time available for work involved has been used in full without jeopardizing earned float. .1 .2 1.15 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 9 Consultant will determine and advise Contractor number of allowable days for extension of Contract based on project schedule updates for period in question, and other factual information. Construction delays affecting project schedule will not constitute justification for extension of contract completion date. PROGRESS MONITORING AND REPORTING .1 On ongoing basis, Detail Schedule on job site must show "Progress to Date". Arrange participation on and off site of subcontractors and suppliers, as, and when necessary, for purpose of network planning, scheduling, updating and progress monitoring. Inspect Work with Consultant at least once monthly to establish progress on each current activity shown on applicable networks. .2 Update and reissue project Work Breakdown Structure and relevant coding structures as project develops and changes. .3 Perform Detail Schedule update monthly with status dated (Data Date) on last working day of month. Update to reflect activities completed to date, activities in progress, logic and duration changes. .4 Do not automatically update actual start and finish dates by using default mechanisms found in project management software. .5 Submit to Consultant copies of updated Detail Schedule. .6 Requirements for monthly progress monitoring and reporting are basis for progress payment request. .7 Submit monthly written report based on Detail Schedule, showing Work to date performed, comparing Work progress to planned, and presenting current forecasts. Report must summarize progress, defining problem areas and anticipated delays with respect to Work schedule, and critical paths. Explain alternatives for possible schedule recovery to mitigate any potential delay. Include in report: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Description of progress made. Pending items and status of: permits, shop drawings, Change Orders, possible time extensions, Status of Contract completion date and milestones. Current and anticipated problem areas, potential delays and corrective measures. Review of progress and status of Critical Path activities. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Section 01 32 16.06 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULECRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) Page 10 Not used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 01 45 00 Quality Control .2 01 61 00 Common Product Requirements .3 01 78 00 Closeout Submittal 1.2 Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 1 ADMINISTRATIVE .1 Submit to Engineer submittals listed for review. Submit promptly and in orderly sequence to not cause delay in Work. Failure to submit in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. .2 Do not proceed with Work affected by submittal until review is complete. .3 Present shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups in SI Metric units. .4 Where items or information is not produced in SI Metric units converted values are acceptable. .5 Review submittals prior to submission to Engineer. This review represents that necessary requirements have been determined and verified, or will be, and that each submittal has been checked and co-ordinated with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Submittals not stamped, signed, dated and identified as to specific project will be returned without being examined and considered rejected. .6 Notify Engineer, in writing at time of submission, identifying deviations from requirements of Contract Documents stating reasons for deviations. .7 Verify field measurements and affected adjacent Work is co-ordinated. .8 Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submission is not relieved by Engineer's review of submittals. .9 Contractor's responsibility for deviations in submission from requirements of Contract Documents is not relieved by Engineer review. .10 Keep one reviewed copy of each submission on site. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA .1 The term "shop drawings" means drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are to be provided by Contractor to illustrate details of a portion of Work. .2 Submit shop drawings bearing stamp and signature of qualified professional engineer registered or licensed in Province of Ontario, Canada. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 2 .3 Indicate materials, methods of construction and attachment or anchorage, erection diagrams, connections, explanatory notes and other information necessary for completion of Work. Where articles or equipment attach or connect to other articles or equipment, indicate that such items have been co-ordinated, regardless of Section under which adjacent items will be supplied and installed. Indicate cross references to design drawings and specifications. .4 Allow 3 days for Engineer's review of each submission. .5 Adjustments made on shop drawings by Engineer are not intended to change Contract Price. If adjustments affect value of Work, state such in writing to Engineer prior to proceeding with Work. .6 Make changes in shop drawings as Engineer may require, consistent with Contract Documents. When resubmitting, notify Engineering writing of revisions other than those requested. .7 Accompany submissions with transmittal letter, in PDF format, containing: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .8 Date. Project title and number. Contractor's name and address. Identification and quantity of each shop drawing, product data and sample. Other pertinent data. Submissions include: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Date and revision dates. Project title and number. Name and address of: .1 Subcontractor. .2 Supplier. .3 Manufacturer. Contractor's stamp, signed by Contractor's authorized representative certifying approval of submissions, verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents. Details of appropriate portions of Work as applicable: .1 Fabrication. .2 Layout, showing dimensions, including identified field dimensions, and clearances. .3 Setting or erection details. .4 Capacities. .5 Performance characteristics. .6 Standards. .7 Operating weight. .8 Wiring diagrams. .9 Single line and schematic diagrams. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .10 Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 3 Relationship to adjacent work. .9 After Engineer's review, distribute copies. .10 Submit electronic copy of shop drawings for each requirement requested in specification Sections and as Engineer may reasonably request. .11 Submit electronic copies of product data sheets or brochures for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Engineer where shop drawings will not be prepared due to standardized manufacture of product. .12 Submit electronic copies of test reports for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Engineer. .1 .2 .13 Submit electronic copies of certificates for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Engineer. .1 .2 .14 Statements printed on manufacturer's letterhead and signed by responsible officials of manufacturer of product, system or material attesting that product, system or material meets specification requirements. Certificates must be dated after award of project contract complete with project name. Submit electronic copies of manufacturer’s instructions for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested byEngineer. .1 .15 Report signed by authorized official of testing laboratory that material, product or system identical to material, product or system to be provided has been tested in accord with specified requirements. Testing must have been within 3years of date of contract award for project. Pre-printed material describing installation of product, system or material, including special notices and Material Safety Data Sheets concerning impedances, hazards and safety precautions. Submit electronic copies of Manufacturer's Field Reports for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Engineer. .1 Documentation of the testing and verification actions taken by manufacturer's representative to confirm compliance with manufacturer's standards or instructions. .16 Submit electronic copies of Operation and Maintenance Data for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Engineer. .17 Delete information not applicable to project. .18 Supplement standard information to provide details applicable to project. .19 If upon review by Engineer, no errors or omissions are discovered or if only minor corrections are made, copies will be returned and fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. If shop drawings are rejected, noted copy will be returned and resubmission of corrected shop drawings, through same procedure indicated above, must be performed before fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.4 Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 4 PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS .1 1.5 Submit progress photographs by-weekly during construction. CERTIFICATES AND TRANSCRIPTS .1 Immediately after award of Contract, submit Workers' Compensation Board status. .2 Submit transcription of insurance immediately after award of Contract. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES .1 1.2 Section 01 35 29.06 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 1 Health and safety considerations required to ensure that TCHC shows due diligence towards health and safety on construction sites, and meets the requirements laid out in TCHC - Occupational Health and Safety - Construction. REFERENCES .1 Canada Labour Code, Part 2, Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations .2 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 .3 Province of Ontario .1 1.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. latest edition. SUBMITTALS .1 Make submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit site-specific Health and Safety Plan: Within 5 days after date of Notice to Proceed and prior to commencement of Work. Health and Safety Plan must include: .1 .2 Results of site specific safety hazard assessment. Results of safety and health risk or hazard analysis for site tasks and operation in scope of work. .3 Submit 1 copy of Contractor's authorized representative's work site health and safety inspection reports to Departmental Representative, Project Manager, and TCHC. .4 Submit copies of reports or directions issued by Federal health and safety inspectors. .5 Submit copies of incident and accident reports. .6 Project Manager will review Contractor's site-specific Health and Safety Plan and provide comments to Contractor within 5 days after receipt of plan. Revise plan as appropriate and resubmit plan to Project Manager within 5 days after receipt of comments from Project Manager. .7 Project Manager’s review of Contractor's final Health and Safety plan should not be construed as approval and does not reduce the Contractor's overall responsibility for construction Health and Safety. .8 Medical Surveillance: where prescribed by legislation, regulation or safety program, submit certification of medical surveillance for site personnel prior to commencement of Work, and submit additional certifications for any new site personnel to Project Manager. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .9 1.4 Section 01 35 29.06 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 On-site Contingency and Emergency Response Plan: address standard operating procedures to be implemented during emergency situations. FILING OF NOTICE .1 1.5 File Notice of Project with Federal authorities prior to beginning of Work. SAFETY ASSESSMENT .1 1.6 Perform site specific safety hazard assessment related to project. MEETINGS .1 1.7 Schedule and administer Health and Safety meeting with Departmental Representative, Project Manager, and TCHC Project Manager prior to commencement of Work. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Develop written site-specific Health and Safety Plan based on hazard assessment prior to beginning site Work and continue to implement, maintain, and enforce plan until final demobilization from site. Health and Safety Plan must address project specifications. .2 Departmental Representative, or TCHC Project Manager may respond in writing, where deficiencies or concerns are noted and may request re-submission with correction of deficiencies or concerns. .3 Contractor to be fully aware of Asbestos Contaminating Material (ACM) and Designated Substances Surveys (DSS) reports within the building prior to commencement any Work. 1.8 RESPONSIBILITY .1 Be responsible for health and safety of persons on site, safety of property on site and for protection of persons adjacent to site and environment to extent that they may be affected by conduct of Work. .2 Comply with and enforce compliance by employees with safety requirements of Contract Documents, applicable federal and local statutes, regulations, and ordinances, and with site-specific Health and Safety Plan. 1.9 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS .1 Comply with Ontario Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. .2 Comply with Canada Labour Code, Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations. 1.10 UNFORSEEN HAZARDS .1 When unforeseen or peculiar safety-related factor, hazard, or condition occur during performance of Work, follow procedures in place for Employee's Right to Refuse Work in accordance with Acts and Regulations of Province having jurisdiction and advise Departmental Representative and Project Manager verbally and in writing. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.11 Section 01 35 29.06 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY CO-ORDINATOR .1 Employ and assign to Work, competent and authorized representative as Health and Safety Co-ordinator. Health and Safety Co-ordinator must: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 1.12 Have site-related working experience specific to activities associated with the scope of work. Have working knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations. Be responsible for completing Contractor's Health and Safety Training Sessions and ensuring that personnel not successfully completing required training are not permitted to enter site to perform Work. Be responsible for implementing, enforcing daily and monitoring site-specific Contractor's Health and Safety Plan. Be on site during execution of Work. POSTING OF DOCUMENTS .1 1.13 Ensure applicable items, articles, notices and orders are posted in conspicuous location on site in accordance with Acts and Regulations of Province having jurisdiction, and in consultation with Departmental Representative and Project Manager. CORRECTION OF NON-COMPLIANCE .1 Immediately address health and safety non-compliance issues identified by authority having jurisdiction or by Departmental Representative. .2 Provide Departmental Representative and Project Manager with written report of action taken to correct non-compliance of health and safety issues identified. .3 Project Manager may stop Work if non-compliance of health and safety regulations is not corrected. 1.14 POWDER ACTUATED DEVICES .1 1.15 Use powder actuated devices only after receipt of written permission from Departmental Representative. WORK STOPPAGE .1 Give precedence to safety and health of public and site personnel and protection of environment over cost and schedule considerations for Work. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not used. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Section 01 35 29.06 HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 4 Not used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 45 00 QUALITY CONTROL Page 1 01 33 00 Submittals INSPECTION .1 Allow Engineer access to Work. If part of Work is in preparation at locations other than Place of Work, allow access to such Work whenever it is in progress. .2 Give timely notice requesting inspection if Work is designated for special tests, inspections or approvals by Engineer instructions, or law of Place of Work. .3 If Contractor covers or permits to be covered Work that has been designated for special tests, inspections or approvals before such is made, uncover such Work, have inspections or tests satisfactorily completed and make good such Work. .4 Engineer will order part of Work to be examined if Work is suspected to be not in accordance with Contract Documents. If, upon examination such work is found not in accordance with Contract Documents, correct such Work and pay cost of examination and correction 1.3 INDEPENDENT INSPECTION AGENCIES .1 Provide independent inspection agencies as specified elsewhere in the contract documents. .2 Provide equipment required for executing inspection and testing by the appointed agencies. .3 Employment of inspection/testing agencies does not relax the responsibility to perform Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. .4 If defects are revealed during inspection and/or testing, the appointed agency will request additional inspection and/or testing to ascertain full degree of defect. Correct defect and irregularities as advised by Engineer at no cost to TCHC. Pay costs for retesting and reinspection. 1.4 ACCESS TO WORK .1 Allow inspection/testing agencies access to Work, off site manufacturing and fabrication plants. .2 Co-operate to provide reasonable facilities for such access. 1.5 PROCEDURES .1 Notify appropriate agency and Engineer in advance of requirement for tests, in order that attendance arrangements can be made. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 45 00 QUALITY CONTROL Page 2 .2 Submit samples and/or materials required for testing, as specifically requested in specifications. Submit with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence to not cause delays in Work. .3 Provide labour and facilities to obtain and handle samples and materials on site. Provide sufficient space to store and cure test samples. 1.6 REJECTED WORK .1 Remove defective Work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective products or damage and whether incorporated in the Work or not, which has been rejected by the Engineer as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. Replace or re-execute in accordance with the Contracts Documents. .2 Make good other Contractor's work damaged by such removals or replacements promptly. .3 If in the opinion of the Engineer it is not expedient to correct defective Work or Work not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, TCHC may deduct from the Contract Price the difference in value between the Work performed and that called for by the Contract Documents, the amount of which shall be determined by the Engineer 1.7 REPORTS .1 Submit 3 copies of inspection and test reports to Engineer. .2 Provide copies to subcontractor of work being inspected or tested and manufacturer or fabricator of material being inspected or tested. 1.8 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS .1 Submit adjustment and balancing reports for mechanical, electrical and building equipment systems. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 52 00 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. REFERENCES .1 Canadian Standards Association (CSA International) .1 .2 .3 .4 1.3 CSA-A23.1/A23.2- Latest Edition, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Methods of Test and Standard Practices for Concrete. CSA-0121- Latest Edition, Douglas Fir Plywood. CAN/CSA-S269.2- Latest Edition, Access Scaffolding for Construction Purposes. CAN/CSA-Z321- Latest Edition, Signs and Symbols for the Occupational Environment. SUBMITTALS .1 1.4 Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. SCAFFOLDING .1 1.5 Scaffolding in accordance with CAN/CSA-S269.2. HOISTING .1 Provide, operate and maintain hoists & cranes required for moving of workers, materials and equipment. Make financial arrangements with Subcontractors for their use of hoists. .2 Hoists & cranes to be operated by qualified operator. 1.6 SITE STORAGE/LOADING .1 Confine work and operations of employees by Contract Documents. Do not unreasonably encumber premises with products. .2 Do not load or permit to load any part of Work with weight or force that will endanger Work. 1.7 CONSTRUCTION PARKING .1 Parking will be permitted on site provided it does not disrupt performance of Work. .2 Provide and maintain adequate access to project site. .3 Clean runways and taxi areas where used by Contractor's equipment. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.8 Section 01 52 00 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 2 SECURITY .1 1.9 Provide and pay for responsible security personnel to guard site and contents of site after working hours and during holidays. EQUIPMENT, TOOL AND MATERIALS STORAGE .1 Provide and maintain, in clean and orderly condition, lockable weatherproof sheds for storage of tools, equipment and materials. .2 Locate materials not required to be stored in weatherproof sheds on site in manner to cause least interference with work activities. 1.10 CLEAN-UP .1 Remove construction debris, waste materials, packaging material from work site daily. .2 Clean dirt or mud tracked onto paved or surfaced roadways. .3 Store materials resulting from demolition activities that are salvageable. .4 Stack stored new or salvaged material not in construction facilities. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 61 00 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 N/A REFERENCES .1 1.3 N/A QUALITY .1 Products, materials, equipment and articles incorporated in Work shall be new, not damaged or defective, and of best quality for purpose intended. If requested, furnish evidence as to type, source and quality of products provided. .2 Procurement policy is to acquire, in cost effective manner, items containing highest percentage of recycled and recovered materials practicable consistent with maintaining satisfactory levels of competition. Make reasonable efforts to use recycled and recovered materials and in otherwise utilizing recycled and recovered materials in execution of work. .3 Defective products, whenever identified prior to completion of Work, will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Inspection does not relieve responsibility, but is precaution against oversight or error. Remove and replace defective products at own expense and be responsible for delays and expenses caused by rejection. .4 Should disputes arise as to quality or fitness of products, decision rests strictly with Engineer based upon requirements of Contract Documents. .5 Unless otherwise indicated in specifications, maintain uniformity of manufacture for any particular or like item throughout building. .6 Permanent labels, trademarks and nameplates on products are not acceptable in prominent locations, except where required for operating instructions, or when located in mechanical or electrical rooms. 1.4 AVAILABILITY .1 Immediately upon signing Contract, review product delivery requirements and anticipate foreseeable supply delays for items. If delays in supply of products are foreseeable, notify Engineer of such, in order that substitutions or other remedial action may be authorized in ample time to prevent delay in performance of Work. .2 In event of failure to notify Engineer at commencement of Work and should it subsequently appear that Work may be delayed for such reason Engineer reserves right to substitute more readily available products of similar character, at no increase in Contract Price or Contract Time. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.5 Section 01 61 00 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 STORAGE, HANDLING AND PROTECTION .1 Handle and store products in manner to prevent damage, adulteration, deterioration and soiling and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions when applicable. .2 Store packaged or bundled products in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer's seal and labels intact. Do not remove from packaging or bundling until required in Work. .3 Store products subject to damage from weather in weatherproof enclosures. .4 Store cementitious products clear of earth or concrete floors, and away from walls. .5 Keep sand, when used for grout or mortar materials, clean and dry. Store sand on wooden platforms and cover with waterproof tarpaulins during inclement weather. .6 Store sheet materials, lumber on flat, solid supports and keep clear of ground. Slope to shed moisture. .7 Store and mix paints in heated and ventilated room. Remove oily rags and other combustible debris from site daily. Take every precaution necessary to prevent spontaneous combustion. .8 Remove and replace damaged products at own expense and to satisfaction of Engineer. .9 Touch-up damaged factory finished surfaces to Engineer's satisfaction. Use touch-up materials to match original. Do not paint over name plates. 1.6 TRANSPORTATION .1 1.7 Pay costs of transportation of products required in performance of Work. MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 Unless otherwise indicated in specifications, install or erect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not rely on labels or enclosures provided with products. Obtain written instructions directly from manufacturers. .2 Notify Engineer in writing, of conflicts between specifications and manufacturer's instructions, so that Engineer will establish course of action. .3 Improper installation or erection of products, due to failure in complying with these requirements, authorizes Engineer to require removal and re-installation at no increase in Contract Price or Contract Time. 1.8 QUALITY OF WORK .1 Ensure Quality of Work is of highest standard, executed by workers experienced and skilled in respective duties for which they are employed. Immediately notify Engineer if required Work is such as to make it impractical to produce required results. .2 Decisions as to standard or fitness of Quality of Work in cases of dispute rest solely with Engineer, whose decision is final. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.9 Section 01 61 00 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 3 CO-ORDINATION .1 Ensure co-operation of workers in laying out Work. Maintain efficient and continuous supervision. .2 Be responsible for coordination and placement of openings, sleeves and accessories. 1.10 CONCEALMENT .1 In finished areas conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in floors, walls and ceilings, except where indicated otherwise. .2 Before installation inform Engineer if there is interference. Install as directed by Engineer. 1.11 REMEDIAL WORK .1 Perform remedial work required to repair or replace parts or portions of Work identified as defective or unacceptable. Co-ordinate adjacent affected Work as required. .2 Perform remedial work by specialists familiar with materials affected. Perform in a manner to neither damage nor put at risk any portion of Work. 1.12 LOCATION OF FIXTURES .1 Consider location of fixtures, outlets, and mechanical and electrical items indicated as approximate. .2 Inform Engineer of conflicting installation. Install as directed. 1.13 FASTENINGS .1 Provide metal fastenings and accessories in same texture, colour and finish as adjacent materials, unless indicated otherwise. .2 Prevent electrolytic action between dissimilar metals and materials. .3 Use non-corrosive hot dip galvanized steel fasteners and anchors for securing exterior work, unless stainless steel or other material is specifically requested in affected specification Section. .4 Space anchors within individual load limit or shear capacity and ensure they provide positive permanent anchorage. Wood, or any other organic material plugs are not acceptable. .5 Keep exposed fastenings to a minimum, space evenly and install neatly. .6 Fastenings which cause spalling or cracking of material to which anchorage is made are not acceptable. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.14 Section 01 61 00 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 4 FASTENINGS - EQUIPMENT .1 Use fastenings of standard commercial sizes and patterns with material and finish suitable for service. .2 Use heavy hexagon heads, semi-finished unless otherwise specified. Use No. 304 stainless steel for exterior areas. .3 Bolts may not project more than one diameter beyond nuts. .4 Use plain type washers on equipment, sheet metal and soft gasket lock type washers where vibrations occur. Use resilient washers with stainless steel. 1.15 EXISTING UTILITIES .1 When breaking into or connecting to existing services or utilities, execute Work at times directed by local governing authorities, with minimum of disturbance to Work, and/or building occupants. .2 Protect, relocate or maintain existing active services. When services are encountered, cap off in manner approved by authority having jurisdiction. Stake and record location of capped service. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 73 00 EXECUTION Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals: in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit written request in advance of cutting or alteration which affects: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .3 Include in request: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 1.3 Structural integrity of elements of project. Integrity of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of operational elements. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. Work of Owner or separate contractor. Identification of project. Location and description of affected Work. Statement on necessity for cutting or alteration. Description of proposed Work, and products to be used. Alternatives to cutting and patching. Effect on Work of Owner or separate contractor. Written permission of affected separate contractor. Date and time work will be executed. MATERIALS .1 Required for original installation. .2 Change in Materials: Submit request for substitution in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. 1.4 PREPARATION .1 Inspect existing conditions, including elements subject to damage or movement during cutting and patching. .2 After uncovering, inspect conditions affecting performance of Work. .3 Beginning of cutting or patching means acceptance of existing conditions. .4 Provide supports to assure structural integrity of surroundings; provide devices and methods to protect other portions of project from damage. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.5 Section 01 73 00 EXECUTION Page 2 EXECUTION .1 Execute cutting, fitting, and patching including excavation and fill, to complete Work. .2 Fit several parts together, to integrate with other Work. .3 Uncover Work to install ill-timed Work. .4 Remove and replace defective and non-conforming Work. .5 Provide openings in non-structural elements of Work for penetrations of mechanical and electrical Work. .6 Execute Work by methods to avoid damage to other Work, and which will provide proper surfaces to receive patching and finishing. .7 Restore work with new products in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. .8 Refinish surfaces to match adjacent finishes: Refinish continuous surfaces to nearest intersection. Refinish assemblies by refinishing entire unit. .9 Conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in floor, wall and ceiling construction of finished areas except where indicated otherwise. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 74 11 CLEANING Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. REFERENCES .1 1.3 N/A PROJECT CLEANLINESS .1 Maintain Work in tidy condition, free from accumulation of waste products and debris, that caused by Owner or other Contractors. .2 Remove waste materials from site at daily regularly scheduled times or dispose of as directed by the Engineer. Do not burn waste materials on site, unless approved by the Engineer. .3 Make arrangements with and obtain permits from authorities having jurisdiction for disposal of waste and debris. .4 Provide on-site containers for collection of waste materials and debris. .5 Provide and use marked separate bins for recycling. .6 Dispose of waste materials and debris off site. .7 Clean interior areas prior to start of finishing work, and maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. .8 Store volatile waste in covered metal containers, and remove from premises at end of each working day. .9 Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances. Use of building ventilation systems is not permitted for this purpose. .10 Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned, and as recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. .11 Schedule cleaning operations so that resulting dust, debris and other contaminants will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces nor contaminate building systems. 1.4 FINAL CLEANING .1 When Work is Substantially Performed remove surplus products, tools, construction machinery and equipment not required for performance of remaining Work. .2 Remove waste products and debris other than that caused by others, and leave Work clean and suitable for occupancy. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 74 11 CLEANING Page 2 .3 Prior to final review remove surplus products, tools, construction machinery and equipment. .4 Make arrangements with and obtain permits from authorities having jurisdiction for disposal of waste and debris. 1.5 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL .1 Separate waste materials for reuse and recycling. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 77 00 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. REFERENCES .1 1.3 N/A INSPECTION AND DECLARATION .1 Contractor's Inspection: Contractor and Subcontractors: conduct inspection of Work, identify deficiencies and defects, and repair as required to conform to Contract Documents. .1 .2 Notify the Engineer in writing of satisfactory completion of Contractor's Inspection and that corrections have been made. Completion: submit written certificate that following have been performed: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Work has been completed and inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. Defects have been corrected and deficiencies have been completed. Equipment and systems have been tested, adjusted and balanced and are fully operational. Required Certificates have been submitted. Operations of systems have been demonstrated to Owner's personnel. Work is complete and ready for final inspection. .3 Final Inspection: when items noted above are completed, request final inspection of Work by Engineer and Contractor. If Work is deemed incomplete by Owner and Engineer, complete outstanding items and request re-inspection. .4 Commencement of Lien and Warranty Periods: date of Owner's acceptance of submitted declaration of Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement for warranty period and commencement of lien period unless required otherwise by lien statute of Place of Work. .5 Final Payment: when Owner and Engineer consider final deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been totally performed, make application for final payment. If Work is deemed incomplete by Owner and Engineer, complete outstanding items and request re-inspection. .6 Payment of Holdback: after issuance of certificate of Substantial Performance of Work, submit an application for payment of holdback amount. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Part 3 Section 01 77 00 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Page 2 Not Used. Execution .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 01 78 00 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 1 Division 01 – All Sections. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals: in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Revise content of documents as required prior to final submittal. .3 Two weeks prior to Substantial Performance of the Work, submit to the Engineer, four final copies of operating and maintenance manuals in English (if requested by the Project Manager). .4 Ensure spare parts, maintenance materials and special tools provided are new, undamaged or defective, and of same quality and manufacture as products provided in Work. .5 Furnish evidence, if requested, for type, source and quality of products provided. .6 Defective products will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Replace products at own expense. .7 Pay costs of transportation. 1.3 FORMAT .1 Organize data as instructional manual. .2 Binders: vinyl, hard covered, 3 'D' ring, loose leaf 219 x 279 mm with spine and face pockets. .3 When multiple binders are used correlate data into related consistent groupings. Identify contents of each binder on spine. .4 Cover: identify each binder with type or printed title 'Project Record Documents'; list title of project and identify subject matter of contents. .5 Arrange content by systems under Section numbers and sequence of Table of Contents. .6 Provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. .7 Text: manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data. .8 Drawings: provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. .9 Provide 1:1 scaled CAD files in *.dwg format on CD. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.4 Section 01 78 00 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 2 CONTENTS - EACH VOLUME .1 Table of Contents: provide title of project; .1 .2 .3 .2 Date of submission; names. Addresses, and telephone numbers of Consultant and Contractors with name of responsible parties. Schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of volume. For each product or system: .1 List names, addresses and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts. .3 Product Data: mark each sheet to identify specific products and component parts, and data applicable to installation; delete inapplicable information. .4 Drawings: supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems, to show control and flow diagrams. .5 Typewritten Text: as required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions specified in Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control. .6 Training: refer to Section 01 79 00 - Demonstration and Training. 1.5 AS-BUILTS AND SAMPLES .1 Maintain, in addition to requirements in General Conditions, one record copy of: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Contract Drawings. Specifications. Addenda. Change Orders and other modifications to Contract. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. Field test records. Inspection certificates. Manufacturer's certificates. .2 Label record documents and file in accordance with Section number listings in List of Contents of this Project Manual. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. .3 Maintain record documents in clean, dry and legible condition. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. .4 Keep record documents and samples available for inspection by Engineer. 1.6 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS .1 Each Item of Equipment and Each System: include description of unit or system, and component parts. Give function, normal operation characteristics, and limiting Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 78 00 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 3 conditions. Include performance curves, with engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. .2 Panel board circuit directories: provide electrical service characteristics, controls, and communications. .3 Include installed colour coded wiring diagrams. .4 Operating Procedures: include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instructions. .5 Maintenance Requirements: include routine procedures and guide for trouble-shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and alignment, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions. .6 Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list of lubricants required. .7 Include manufacturer's printed operation and maintenance instructions. .8 Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer. .9 Provide original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. .10 Provide installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. .11 Provide Contractor's co-ordination drawings, with installed colour coded piping diagrams. .12 Provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve, keyed to flow and control diagrams. .13 Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. .14 Include test and balancing reports as specified in Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control. .15 Additional requirements: as specified in individual specification sections. 1.7 MATERIALS AND FINISHES .1 Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: include product data, with catalogue number, size, composition, and colour and texture designations. Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products. .2 Instructions for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. .3 Moisture-Protection and Weather-Exposed Products: include manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .4 Additional Requirements: as specified in individual specifications sections. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Section 01 78 00 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 4 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 DESCRIPTION Section 01 79 00 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING Page 1 .1 Demonstrate scheduled operation and maintenance of equipment and systems to Owner's personnel two weeks prior to date of final inspection. .2 Owner will provide list of personnel to receive instructions, and will co-ordinate their attendance at agreed-upon times. 1.2 QUALITY CONTROL .1 1.3 When specified in individual Sections require manufacturer to provide authorized representative to demonstrate operation of equipment and systems, instruct Owner's personnel, and provide written report that demonstration and instructions have been completed. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals: in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit schedule of time and date for demonstration of each item of equipment and each system two weeks prior to designated dates, for Consultant's approval. .3 Submit reports within one week after completion of demonstration, that demonstration and instructions have been satisfactorily completed. .4 Give time and date of each demonstration, with list of persons present. 1.4 CONDITIONS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS .1 Equipment has been inspected and put into operation in accordance with Division 1. .2 Testing, adjusting, and balancing have been performed and equipment and systems are fully operational. .3 Provide copies of completed operation and maintenance manuals for use in demonstrations and instructions. 1.5 PREPARATION .1 Verify that conditions for demonstration and instructions comply with requirements. .2 Verify that designated personnel are present. 1.6 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS .1 Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble-shooting, servicing, and maintenance of each item of equipment at scheduled times, at the designated location. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 79 00 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING Page 2 .2 Instruct personnel in phases of operation and maintenance using operation and maintenance manuals as basis of instruction. .3 Review contents of manual in detail to explain aspects of operation and maintenance. .4 Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when need for additional data becomes apparent during instructions. 1.7 TIME ALLOCATED FOR INSTRUCTIONS .1 The amount of time required for instruction of each item of equipment or system shall be as specified in equipment or system specific section. .2 At no time shall the total instructional period be less than four hours. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 01 91 51 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Page 1 Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Related Sections: .1 .3 N/A Acronyms: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 1.2 This section is limited to portions of the Operations and Maintenance Manual (O&M) provided to Consultant, Project Manger, Facility Manger and Cx Manager by the contractor. BMM - Building Management Manual. Cx - Commissioning. HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. PI - Product Information. PV - Performance Verification. TAB - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Standard letter size paper 216 mm x 279 mm .2 Methodology used to facilitate updating. .3 Drawings, diagrams and schematics to be professionally developed. .4 Electronic copy of data to be in a format accepted and approved by Project Manager and Facility Manager .5 Prior to commencement, co-ordinate requirements for preparation, submission and approval with Cx Manager 1.3 GENERAL INFORMATION .1 Provide to consultant and Cx Manager for review the O & M Manual as per the following Checklist *Initial Review of O&M manuals must take place 2 weeks prior to Substantial Completion or training* o o o Must be in a 25mm binder labeled on the front cover and on the binder edge with the following information: Building Name and address, project name, project number, completed date (ex. October 2006). Title Page: O&M manual for building name, address, date, general contractor information: name address & phone numbers, consultant: name address & phone numbers. Index: sections as follows Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario o o o o o o o o Section 01 91 51 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Page 2 A – Warranties - Signed ‘Letter of warranty’: dated, identifying project by name, project number, location as well as warranty period. Any extended warranty of equipment only must be identified also. B - Contact information - for all sub-contractors & suppliers. C - Reports: copy of all TAB reports, pre-functional tests, startup reports, functional test reports, completed performance verification forms, cabling verifications, ESA certification, TSSA certification, fire alarm certifications and all other required certifications required by National Building Code. D – As built drawings – changes marked in ‘Red ink’ E - Sequence of operation: outline how the system is designed to work. F – CMMS Data Sheets: All equipment which is to be deleted, removed, added or replaced from site is to have a CMMS inventory sheet completed and included in the O&M manual. If this equipment is a pressure vessel and is included in the annual inspect with TSSA the orange tag that is attached to the equipment must be removed prior to demolition and forwarded to the commissioning manager. G, H… – Tab for each piece of new equipment (i.e. Make-Up Air Unit # 1 [‘Equipment Tag’]) to include: Copy of approved shop drawing Copy of Specific Service and Maintenance manual for each. Last Tab: misc. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 1.2 Section 23 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR HVAC Page 1 N/A SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals: in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Shop drawings; submit drawings stamped and signed by professional engineer registered or licensed in Province of Ontario, Canada. .3 Shop drawings to show: .1 .2 .4 Mounting arrangements. Operating and maintenance clearances. Shop drawings and product data accompanied by: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Detailed drawings of bases, supports, and anchor bolts. Acoustical sound power data, where applicable. Points of operation on performance curves. Manufacturer to certify current model production. Certification of compliance to applicable codes. .5 In addition to transmittal letter referred to in Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures: use MCAC "Shop Drawing Submittal Title Sheet". Identify section and paragraph number. .6 Closeout Submittals: .1 .2 .3 .4 Provide operation and maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Operation and maintenance manual approved by, and final copies deposited with, Consultant before final inspection. Operation data to include: .1 Control schematics for systems including environmental controls. .2 Description of systems and their controls. .3 Description of operation of systems at various loads together with reset schedules and seasonal variances. .4 Operation instruction for systems and component. .5 Description of actions to be taken in event of equipment failure. .6 Valves schedule and flow diagram. .7 Colour coding chart. Maintenance data to include: .1 Servicing, maintenance, operation and trouble-shooting instructions for each item of equipment. .2 Data to include schedules of tasks, frequency, tools required and task time. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 1.3 Section 23 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR HVAC Page 2 Performance data to include: .1 Equipment manufacturer's performance datasheets with point of operation as left after commissioning is complete. .2 Equipment performance verification test results. .3 Special performance data as specified. .4 Testing, adjusting and balancing reports as specified in Section 23 05 93 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC. Approvals: .1 Submit 2 copies of draft Operation and Maintenance Manual to Consultant for approval. Submission of individual data will not be accepted unless directed by Consultant. .2 Make changes as required and re-submit as directed by Consultant. Additional data: .1 Prepare and insert into operation and maintenance manual additional data when need for it becomes apparent during specified demonstrations and instructions. Site records: .1 Consultant will provide 1 set of reproducible mechanical drawings. Provide sets of PDF prints as required for each phase of work. Mark changes as work progresses and as changes occur. Include changes to existing mechanical systems, control systems and low voltage control wiring. .2 Transfer information at end of project to reproducibles, revising reproducibles to show work as actually installed. .3 Use different colour waterproof ink for each service. .4 Make available for reference purposes and inspection. As-built drawings: .1 Prior to start of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC, finalize production of as-built drawings. .2 Identify each drawing in lower right hand corner in letters at least 12 mm high as follows: - "AS BUILT DRAWINGS: THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN REVISED TO SHOW MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AS INSTALLED" (Signature of Contractor) (Date). .3 Submit to Consultant for approval and make corrections as directed. .4 Perform testing, adjusting and balancing for HVAC using as-built drawings. .5 Submit completed reproducible as-built drawings with Operating and Maintenance Manuals. Submit copies of as-built drawings for inclusion in final TAB report. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Quality Assurance: in accordance with Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control. .2 Health and Safety Requirements: do construction occupational health and safety in accordance with Section 01 35 29.06 - Health and Safety Requirements. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 1.4 Section 23 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR HVAC Page 3 MAINTENANCE .1 Furnish spare parts in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals as follows: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 One set of packing for each pump. One casing joint gasket for each size pump. One head gasket set for each heat exchanger. One glass for each gauge glass. One filter cartridge or set of filter media for each filter or filter bank in addition to final operating set. .2 Provide one set of special tools required to service equipment as recommended by manufacturers and in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. .3 Furnish one commercial quality grease gun, grease and adapters to suit different types of grease and grease fittings. Part 2 Execution 2.1 PAINTING REPAIRS AND RESTORATION .1 Prime and touch up marred finished paintwork to match original. .2 Restore to new condition, finishes which have been damaged. 2.2 CLEANING .1 2.3 Clean interior and exterior of all systems including strainers. Vacuum interior of ductwork and air handling units. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Site Tests: conduct following tests in accordance with Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control and submit report as described in PART 1 - SUBMITTALS. .2 Manufacturer's Field Services: .1 .2 .3 2.4 Obtain written report from manufacturer verifying compliance of Work, in handling, installing, applying, protecting and cleaning of product and submit Manufacturer's Field Reports as described in PART 1 - SUBMITTALS. Provide manufacturer's field services consisting of product use recommendations and periodic site visits for inspection of product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Schedule site visits, to review Work, as directed in PART 1 - QUALITY ASSURANCE. DEMONSTRATION .1 Facility will use equipment and systems for test purposes prior to acceptance. Supply labour, material, and instruments required for testing. .2 Trial usage to apply to following equipment and systems: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 23 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR HVAC Page 4 .3 Supply tools, equipment and personnel to demonstrate and instruct operating and maintenance personnel in operating, controlling, adjusting, trouble-shooting and servicing of all systems and equipment during regular work hours, prior to acceptance. .4 Use operation and maintenance manual, as-built drawings, and audio visual aids as part of instruction materials. .5 Instruction duration time requirements as specified in appropriate sections. 2.5 PROTECTION .1 Protect equipment and systems openings from dirt, dust, and other foreign materials with materials appropriate to system. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 1.2 Section 23 05 01 USE OF HVAC SYSTEMS DURING CONSTRUCTION Page 1 Use of mechanical systems during construction. USE OF SYSTEMS .1 Use of new and/or existing permanent heating and/or ventilating systems for supplying temporary heat or ventilation is permitted only under following conditions: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Entire system is complete, pressure tested, cleaned, flushed out. Building has been closed in, areas to be heated/ventilated are clean and will not thereafter be subjected to dust-producing processes. There is no possibility of damage. Supply ventilation systems are protected by pre-filters, inspected daily, changed every season or more frequently as required. Return systems have approved filters over openings, inlets, outlets. Systems will be: .1 Operated as per manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. .2 Operated by Contractor. .3 Monitored continuously by Contractor. Warranties and guarantees are not relaxed. Regular preventive and other manufacturers recommended maintenance routines are performed by Contractor at own expense and under supervision of the Facility. Refurbish entire system before static completion; clean internally and externally, restore to "as- new" condition, replace filters in air systems. .2 Filters specified in this Section are over and above those specified in other Sections of this project. .3 Exhaust systems are not included in approvals for temporary heating ventilation. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 REFERENCES .1 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) .1 1.2 Section 23 05 05 INSTALLATION OF PIPEWORK Page 1 CAN/CGSB-1.181-latest edition, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL .1 Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. .2 Collect and separate for disposal paper, plastic, polystyrene and corrugated cardboard packaging material in appropriate on-site for recycling in accordance with Waste Management Plan. .3 Divert unused metal materials from landfill to metal recycling facility approved by Engineer. Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT .1 In accordance with manufacturer's instructions unless otherwise indicated. .2 Use valves and either unions or flanges for isolation and ease of maintenance and assembly. .3 Use double swing joints when equipment mounted on vibration isolation and when piping subject to movement. 3.2 CLEARANCES .1 Provide clearance around systems, equipment and components for observation of operation, inspection, servicing, maintenance and as recommended by manufacturer. .2 Provide space for disassembly, removal of equipment and components as recommended by manufacturer or as indicated (whichever is greater) without interrupting operation of other system, equipment, components. 3.3 DRAINS .1 Install piping with grade in direction of flow except as indicated. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 23 05 05 INSTALLATION OF PIPEWORK Page 2 .2 Install drain valve at low points in piping systems, at equipment and at section isolating valves. .3 Pipe each drain valve discharge separately to above floor drain. Discharge to be visible. .4 Drain valves: NPS 3/4 gate or globe valves unless indicated otherwise, with hose end male thread, cap and chain. 3.4 AIR VENTS .1 Install automatic air vents at high points in piping systems. .2 Install isolating valve at each automatic air valve. .3 Install drain piping to approved location and terminate where discharge is visible. 3.5 DIELECTRIC COUPLINGS .1 General: Compatible with system, to suit pressure rating of system. .2 Locations: Where dissimilar metals are joined. .3 NPS 2 and under: isolating unions or bronze valves. .4 Over NPS 2: Isolating flanges. 3.6 PIPEWORK INSTALLATION .1 Ductwork and piping shall be installed in accordance with the proposed sections and layouts shown on the Mechanical Drawings. .2 Screwed fittings jointed with Teflon tape. .3 Protect openings against entry of foreign material. .4 Install to isolate equipment and allow removal without interrupting operation of other equipment or systems. .5 Assemble piping using fittings manufactured to ANSI standards. .6 Saddle type branch fittings may be used on mains if branch line is no larger than half the size of main. .1 Hole saw (or drill) and ream main to maintain full inside diameter of branch line prior to welding saddle. .7 Install exposed piping, equipment, rectangular cleanouts and similar items parallel or perpendicular to building lines. .8 Install concealed pipework to minimize furring space, maximize headroom, conserve space. .9 Slope piping, except where indicated, in direction of flow for positive drainage and venting. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 23 05 05 INSTALLATION OF PIPEWORK Page 3 .10 Install, except where indicated, to permit separate thermal insulation of each pipe. .11 Group piping wherever possible. .12 Ream pipes, remove scale and other foreign material before assembly. .13 Use eccentric reducers at pipe size changes to ensure positive drainage and venting. .14 Provide for thermal expansion as indicated. .15 Valves: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .16 Check Valves: .1 .2 3.7 Install in accessible locations. Remove interior parts before soldering. Install with stems above horizontal position unless otherwise indicated. Valves accessible for maintenance without removing adjacent piping. Install globe valves in bypass around control valves. Use ball or butterfly valves at branch take-offs for isolating purposes except where otherwise specified. Install butterfly valves on chilled water and related condenser water systems only. Install butterfly valves between weld neck flanges to ensure full compression of liner. Install plug cocks or ball valves for glycol service. Use chain operators on valves NPS 2-1/2 and larger where installed more than 100 in mm above floor in Mechanical Rooms. Install silent check valves on discharge of pumps and in vertical pipes with downward flow and elsewhere as indicated. Install swing check valves in horizontal lines on discharge of pumps and elsewhere as indicated. SLEEVES .1 General: Install where pipes pass through masonry, concrete structures, fire rated assemblies, and elsewhere as indicated. .2 Material: Schedule 40 black steel pipe. .3 Construction: Foundation walls and where sleeves extend above finished floors to have annular fins continuously welded on at mid-point. .4 Sizes: 6 mm minimum clearance between sleeve and uninsulated pipe or between sleeve and insulation. .5 Installation: .1 .2 Concrete, masonry walls, concrete floors on grade: Terminate flush with finished surface. Other floors: Terminate 25 mm above finished floor. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario .3 .6 Before installation, paint exposed exterior surfaces with heavy application of zinc-rich paint to CAN/CGSB-1.181. Sealing: .1 .2 .3 .4 3.8 Section 23 05 05 INSTALLATION OF PIPEWORK Page 4 Foundation walls and below grade floors: Fire retardant, waterproof non-hardening mastic. Elsewhere: Provide space for firestopping. Maintain fire rating integrity. Sleeves installed for future use: Fill with lime plaster or other easily removable filler. Ensure no contact between copper pipe or tube and sleeve. ESCUTCHEONS .1 Install on pipes passing through walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings in finished areas. .2 Construction: One piece type with set screws. Chrome or nickel plated brass or type 302 stainless steel. .3 Sizes: Outside diameter to cover opening or sleeve. Inside diameter to fit around pipe or outside of insulation if so provided. 3.9 PREPARATION FOR FIRESTOPPING .1 Material and installation within annular space between pipes, ducts, insulation and adjacent fire separation. .2 Uninsulated unheated pipes not subject to movement: No special preparation. .3 Uninsulated heated pipes subject to movement: Wrap with non-combustible smooth material to permit pipe movement without damaging firestopping material or installation. .4 Insulated pipes and ducts: Ensure integrity of insulation and vapour barriers. 3.10 FLUSHING OUT OF PIPING SYSTEMS .1 3.11 Preparatory to acceptance, clean and refurbish equipment and leave in operating condition, including replacement of filters in piping systems. PRESSURE TESTING OF EQUIPMENT AND PIPEWORK .1 Advise Engineer 48 hours minimum prior to performance of pressure tests. .2 Pipework: Test as specified in relevant mechanical sections. .3 Maintain specified test pressure without loss for 4 hours minimum unless specified for longer period of time in relevant mechanical sections. .4 Prior to tests, isolate equipment and other parts which are not designed to withstand test pressure or media. .5 Conduct tests in presence of Engineer. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Section 23 05 05 INSTALLATION OF PIPEWORK Page 5 .6 Pay costs for repairs or replacement, retesting, and making good. Engineer to determine whether repair or replacement is appropriate. .7 Insulate or conceal work only after approval and certification of tests by Engineer. 3.12 EXISTING SYSTEMS .1 Connect into existing piping systems at times approved by Engineer. .2 Request written approval 10 days minimum, prior to commencement of work. .3 Be responsible for damage to existing plant by this work. .4 Ensure daily clean-up of existing areas. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 1 Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 1.2 Concrete housekeeping pads, hangers and supports for mechanical piping, ducting and equipment. Sustainable requirements for construction and verification. REFERENCES .1 American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME) .1 .2 ANSI/ASME B31.1- latest edition, Power Piping. American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) .1 .2 .3 ASTM A125- latest edition, Specification for Steel Springs, Helical, Heat-Treated. ASTM A307- latest edition, Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength. ASTM A563- latest edition, Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. .3 Factory Mutual (FM) .4 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 .5 Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valves and Fittings Industry (MSS) .1 .2 .3 .6 1.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). MSS SP58- latest edition, Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture. ANSI/MSS SP69- latest edition, Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. MSS SP89- latest edition, Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices. Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada (ULC) SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Design Requirements: .1 .2 .3 Construct pipe hanger and support to manufacturer's recommendations utilizing manufacturer's regular production components, parts and assemblies. Base maximum load ratings on allowable stresses prescribed by MSS SP58.ASME B31.1 or Ensure that supports, guides, anchors do not transmit excessive quantities of heat to building structure. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON .4 .5 .2 Design hangers and supports to support systems under conditions of operation, allow free expansion and contraction, prevent excessive stresses from being introduced into pipework or connected equipment. Provide for vertical adjustments after erection and during commissioning. Amount of adjustment in accordance with MSS SP58. Performance Requirements: .1 1.4 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 2 Design supports, platforms, catwalks, hangers, to withstand seismic events as specified in Seismic Specification. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals: in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Shop drawings: submit drawings stamped and signed by professional engineer registered or licensed in Province of Ontario, Canada. .3 Submit shop drawings and product data for following items: .1 .2 .3 .4 Quality assurance submittals: submit following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures. .1 .2 .5 Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. Instructions: submit manufacturer's installation instructions. .1 Engineer will make available 1 copy of systems supplier's installation instructions. Closeout Submittals: .1 1.5 Bases, hangers and supports. Connections to equipment and structure. Structural assemblies. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING .1 Packing, shipping, handling and unloading: .1 Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Part 2 Products 2.1 GENERAL .1 Fabricate hangers, supports and sway braces in accordance with ANSI B31.1 and MSS SP58. .2 Use components for intended design purpose only. Do not use for rigging or erection purposes. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON 2.2 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 3 PIPE HANGERS .1 Finishes: .1 .2 .3 .2 Upper attachment structural: suspension from lower flange of I-Beam: .1 .2 .3 .2 .2 Ensure that hanger rods are subject to tensile loading only. Provide linkages where lateral or axial movement of pipework is anticipated. Do not use 22 mm or 28 mm rod. Pipe attachments: material to MSS SP58: .1 .2 .3 .4 .7 Ceiling: carbon steel welded eye rod, clevis plate, clevis pin and cotters with weldless forged steel eye nut. Ensure eye 6 mm minimum greater than rod diameter. Concrete inserts: wedge shaped body with knockout protector plate FM approved to MSS SP69. Hanger rods: threaded rod material to MSS SP58: .1 .2 .3 .6 Cold piping NPS 2 maximum: ductile iron top-of-beam C-clamp with hardened steel cup point setscrew, locknut and carbon steel retaining clip, FM approved to MSS SP69. Cold piping NPS 2 1/2 or greater, hot piping: malleable iron top-of-beam jaw-clamp with hooked rod, spring washer, plain washer and nut FM approved. Upper attachment to concrete: .1 .5 Cold piping NPS 2 maximum: malleable iron C-clamp with hardened steel cup point setscrew, locknut and carbon steel retaining clip. .1 Rod: 13 mm FM approved. Cold piping NPS 2 1/2 or greater, hot piping: malleable iron beam clamp, eye rod, jaws and extension with carbon steel retaining clip, tie rod, nuts and washers, UL listed FM approved to MSS-SP58 and MSS-SP69. Upper attachment structural: suspension from upper flange of I-Beam: .1 .4 Pipe hangers and supports: galvanized after manufacture. Use electro-plating galvanizing process . Ensure steel hangers in contact with copper piping are copper plated. Attachments for steel piping: carbon steel black. Attachments for copper piping: copper plated black steel. Use insulation shields for hot pipework. Oversize pipe hangers and supports. Adjustable clevis: material to MSS SP69 UL listed and FM approved, clevis bolt with nipple spacer and vertical adjustment nuts above and below clevis. .1 Ensure "U" has hole in bottom for rivetting to insulation shields. .8 Yoke style pipe roll: carbon steel yoke, rod and nuts with cast iron roll, to MSS SP69. .9 U-bolts: carbon steel to MSS SP69 with 2 nuts at each end to ASTM A563. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON .1 .2 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 4 Finishes for steel pipework: black. Finishes for copper, glass, brass or aluminum pipework: black, with formed portion epoxy coated. .10 Pipe rollers: cast iron roll and roll stand with carbon steel rod to MSS SP69. .11 Inserts .1 .2 Inserts shall be in accordance with MSS SP 58. Set inserts in position in advance of concrete work. If necessary, use grid system in equipment room. All inserts shall be provided with a means for attachment to forms. .3 .12 Poured Concrete .1 For concrete that has been poured and is a minimum of 4” (100mm) thick and pipes up to 4 NPS, approved type expansion shields and bolts may be used. All drilling for hangers, rod inserts and work of similar nature shall be completed by Division 23. .2 .13 Clamps .1 .2 .3 .14 Supplementary Supports Steel construction required solely for the work of the Mechanical Contractor or Sub Trades and not shown on the Architectural or Structural Drawings shall be supplied and installed by the Mechanical Contractor or Sub Trade in accordance with applicable requirements of Division 23, Metals and Structural Miscellaneous. .1 .15 Anchoring .1 .2 .16 For pipe sizes 2” (50mm) and smaller utilize malleable iron C clamps, lock nuts and cup point set screws for steel construction. For pipe sizes larger than 2” (50mm) utilize malleable iron beam clamp with cross bolt for steel construction. Clamps shall be UL, ULc and FM approved. Anchoring of piping and equipment shall be to manufacturers recommendations. All steam and condensate piping shall be hung in accordance with the requirements outlined in ANSI B31.1-1995. Refer to Specification Sections for Steam and Condensate piping for requirements for stress analysis calculations. Trapeze Hangers .1 .2 .3 .4 Hanger shall be tube construction constructed of 12 gauge rolled form ASTM 1011 structural steel Gr. 33 structural steel channel with galvanized finish. Hanger shall be sized for the total weight of the pipes, concentrated loads, water and insulation supported on the trapeze. Trapeze assembly shall be supported by a minimum of two rods with washer plates sized for the total weight of the pipes, concentrated loads and fluids within the pipes. All insulated pipe shall be provided with insulation shields and high density insulation so that the insulation can be supported above the trapeze. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON .5 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 5 Pipes mounted on trapeze hangers shall be guided by a U bolt every second hanger. Trapeze hangers shall be sized as follows: .6 Trapeze Hangers Tubing Maximum Load (lbs) based on the following distance between supports (inches) at a Size maximum temperature of 250 F. 18” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” 36” 42” 48” 54” 3/16” x 4” 5800 520 480 4400 3900 3600 3500 2900 2500 2200 190 x 3” 0 0 0 ¼” x 4” x 1020 910 830 7500 7000 6500 6100 5100 4300 3800 530 4” 0 0 0 0 ¼” x 6” x 1200 1110 1030 9600 8000 6800 6000 530 4” 0 0 0 0 ¼ “ x 8” x 2000 1840 1710 1600 1330 1140 1000 880 4” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7 .8 2.3 Standard of Acceptance: Anvil Fig. 46, Myatt, Hunt, Cooper B-Line. Riser clamps .1 Clamp shall be constructed of carbon steel. .2 Clamp to be UL, ULc and FM approved. .3 For uninsulated copper pipe utilize copper plated riser clamp. .4 Standard of Acceptance: Hunt Fig #40, 41, 42C, Myatt, Anvil Fig 261, Cooper B-Line. INSULATION SHIELDS (SADDLES) .1 Insulation shields shall be constructed of carbon steel and shall be galvanized. .2 Insulation shields shall be utilized in conjunction with high compressive strength inserts. .3 For pipes sizes NPS 5 and smaller the minimum metal thickness shall be 0.12” (3.2 mm). .4 For pipes sizes NPS 6 and larger the minimum metal thickness shall be 0.19”, (4.8 mm). .5 Shields shall 12” (300 mm) in axial length and shall span an arc of approximately 180 degrees. .6 Shields for pipe sizes NPS 12 and larger shall have a centre rib. .7 Standard of Acceptance: Hunt, Myatt, Anvil Fig 167, Cooper B- Line or approved alternate. 2.4 CALCIUM SILICATE .1 2.5 Providing Calcium Silicate Insulation at each hanger or trapeze support rather than insulation shields is acceptable. ROD SIZING AND SUPPORT SPACING .1 Govern spacing between pipe rack supports using smallest pipe size. 60” 1700 4800 4800 8000 Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 6 .2 All hanger rods shall be galvanized or painted with red chromate primer. .3 Rods shall be threaded at both ends or be provided with a continuous thread. Use adjusting locknuts at upper attachments and hangers. No wire, chain or perforated straps shall be allowed. .4 Use rod diameters and spacing for pipe supports as shown in table with following exceptions: .1 Support plumbing piping in accordance with more stringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction or as specified. Support NPS 1/2 gas pipe every 6 ft (1.8 m). Support NPS 1/2 copper pipe every 5 ft (1.5 m). Support flexible joint roll grooved pipe in accordance with table 2 below, but not less than one hanger for each joint. Support fire protection piping in accordance with NFPA codes. Support plumbing piping in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, and the following: .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .1 .5 2.6 Support all vertical soil pipe, vents, waste stacks and rain water leaders at every floor with steel pipe clamps. Pipe Size NPS Rod Diameter up to, 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 and 16 18 20 24 3/8" (10 mm) 3/8" (10 mm) 3/8" (10 mm) 3/8" (10 mm) 3/8" (10 mm) ½" (12 mm) ½" (12 mm) ½" (12 mm) 5/8" (16 mm) 5/8" (16 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 7/8" (22 mm) 1” (25mm) 1 1/8” (28mm) 1 ¼” (32mm) 1 ½” (40mm) Maximum Spacing: Steel 7 ft (2.1 m) 7 ft (2.1 m) 7 ft (2.1 m) 9 ft (2.7 m) 10 ft (3 m) 12 ft (3.6 m) 12 ft (3.6 m) 13 ft (3.9 m) 14 ft (4.2 m) 16 ft (4.8 m) 17 ft (5.1 m) 19 ft (5.7 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) 22 ft (6.6 m) Copper 6 ft (1.8 m) 6 ft (1.8 m) 6 ft (1.8 m) 8 ft (2.4 m) 9 ft (2.7 m) 10 ft (3 m) 10 ft (3 m) 11 ft (3.3 m) 12 ft (3.6 m) Hangers shall be 3 piece minimum standard ie attachment, rod, pipe attachment. RISER CLAMPS .1 Steel or cast iron pipe: galvanized carbon steel to MSS SP58, type 42, UL listed and FM approved. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 7 .2 Copper pipe: carbon steel copper plated to MSS SP58, type 42. .3 Bolts: to ASTM A307. .4 Nuts: to ASTM A563. 2.7 CONSTANT SUPPORT SPRING HANGERS .1 Springs: alloy steel to ASTM A125, shot peened, magnetic particle inspected, with +/-5% spring rate tolerance, tested for free height, spring rate, loaded height and provided with Certified Mill Test Report (CMTR). .2 Load adjustability: 10 % minimum adjustability each side of calibrated load. Adjustment without special tools. Adjustments not to affect travel capabilities. .3 Provide upper and lower factory set travel stops. .4 Provide load adjustment scale for field adjustments. .5 Total travel to be actual travel + 20%. Difference between total travel and actual travel 25 mm minimum. .6 Individually calibrated scales on each side of support calibrated prior to shipment, complete with calibration record. 2.8 VARIABLE SUPPORT SPRING HANGERS .1 Vertical movement: 13 mm minimum, 50 mm maximum, use single spring pre-compressed variable spring hangers. .2 Vertical movement greater than 50 mm: use double spring pre-compressed variable spring hanger with 2 springs in series in single casing. .3 Variable spring hanger complete with factory calibrated travel stops. Provide certificate of calibration for each hanger. .4 Steel alloy springs: to ASTM A125, shot peened, magnetic particle inspected, with +/-5 % spring rate tolerance, tested for free height, spring rate, loaded height and provided with CMTR. Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON .1 .2 Install on piping systems at pumps, boilers, chillers, cooling towers, and as indicated. Clamps on riser piping: .1 .2 .3 .4 .4 manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Vibration Control Devices: .1 .3 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 8 Support independent of connected horizontal pipework using riser clamps and riser clamp lugs welded to riser. Bolt-tightening torques to industry standards. Steel pipes: install below coupling or shear lugs welded to pipe. Cast iron pipes: install below joint. Clevis plates: .1 Attach to concrete with 4 minimum concrete inserts, one at each corner. .5 Provide supplementary structural steelwork where structural bearings do not exist or where concrete inserts are not in correct locations. .6 Use approved constant support type hangers where: .1 .2 .7 Use variable support spring hangers where: .1 .2 3.3 vertical movement of pipework is 13 mm or more, transfer of load to adjacent hangers or connected equipment is not permitted. transfer of load to adjacent piping or to connected equipment is not critical. variation in supporting effect does not exceed 25 % of total load. HANGER SPACING .1 Plumbing piping: to Canadian Plumbing Code and Provincial Code and authority having jurisdiction. .2 Fire protection: to applicable fire code. .3 Gas and fuel oil piping: up to NPS 1/2: every 1.8 m. .4 Copper piping: up to NPS 1/2: every 1.5 m. .5 Flexible joint roll groove pipe: in accordance with table below, but not less than one hanger at joints. .6 Within 300 mm of each elbow. Maximum Pipe Size : NPS up to 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 Maximum Spacing Steel 2.1 m 2.7 m 3.0 m 3.6 m 3.6 m 3.9 m Maximum Spacing Copper 1.8 m 2.4 m 2.7 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 3.3 m Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 9 Maximum Pipe Size : NPS 4 5 6 8 10 12 .7 3.4 Maximum Spacing Steel 4.2 m 4.8 m 5.1 m 5.7 m 6.6 m 6.9 m Maximum Spacing Copper 3.6 m Pipework greater than NPS 12: to MSS SP69. HANGER INSTALLATION .1 Install hanger so that rod is vertical under operating conditions. .2 Adjust hangers to equalize load. .3 Support from structural members. Where structural bearing does not exist or inserts are not in suitable locations, provide supplementary structural steel members. 3.5 HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT .1 Angularity of rod hanger resulting from horizontal movement of pipework from cold to hot position not to exceed 4 degrees from vertical. .2 Where horizontal pipe movement is less than 13 mm, offset pipe hanger and support so that rod hanger is vertical in the hot position. 3.6 FINAL ADJUSTMENT .1 Adjust hangers and supports: .1 .2 .2 Adjustable clevis: .1 .2 .3 Follow manufacturer's recommended written instructions and torque values when tightening C-clamps to bottom flange of beam. Beam clamps: .1 3.7 Tighten hanger load nut securely to ensure proper hanger performance. Tighten upper nut after adjustment. C-clamps: .1 .4 Ensure that rod is vertical under operating conditions. Equalize loads. Hammer jaw firmly against underside of beam. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Manufacturer's Field Services: .1 Obtain written report from manufacturer verifying compliance of Work, in handling, installing, applying, protecting and cleaning of product and submit Manufacturer's Field Reports as described in PART 1 - SUBMITTALS. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, ON .2 .3 Section 23 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR HVAC PIPING AND EQUIPMENT Page 10 Provide manufacturer's field services consisting of product use recommendations and periodic site visits for inspection of product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Schedule site visits, to review Work, as directed in PART 1 - QUALITY ASSURANCE. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 1.2 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 1 Materials and requirements for the identification of piping systems, duct work, valves and controllers, including the installation and location of identification systems. Sustainable requirements for construction and verification. REFERENCES .1 Canadian Gas Association (CGA) .1 .2 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) .1 .2 .3 CAN/CGSB-1.60- latest edition, Interior Alkyd Gloss Enamel. CAN/CGSB-24.3- latest edition, Identification of Piping Systems. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) .1 .2 1.3 CSA/CGA B149.1- latest edition, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code. NFPA 13- latest edition, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. NFPA 14- latest edition, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems. SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data: .2 Submittals: in accordance with Division 1. .3 Product data to include paint colour chips, other products specified in this section. .4 Samples: .1 .2 1.4 Submit samples in accordance with Division 1. Samples to include nameplates, labels, tags, lists of proposed legends. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Quality assurance submittals: submit following in accordance with Division 1. .2 Health and Safety: .1 1.5 Do construction occupational health and safety in accordance with Division 1. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING .1 Packing, shipping, handling and unloading: .1 Deliver, store and handle in accordance with Division 1. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .2 .1 Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Waste Management and Disposal: .1 .2 .3 Separate waste materials for reuse and recycling in accordance with Division 1. Collect and separate for disposal paper, plastic, polystyrene, corrugated cardboard packaging material in appropriate on-site bins for recycling in accordance with Waste Management Plan. Fold up metal and plastic banding, flatten and place in designated area for recycling. Part 2 Products 2.1 SUSTAINABLE REQUIREMENTS .1 2.2 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 2 Materials and products in accordance with Division 1. MANUFACTURER'S EQUIPMENT NAMEPLATES .1 Metal or plastic laminate nameplate mechanically fastened to each piece of equipment by manufacturer. .2 Lettering and numbers raised or recessed. .3 Information to include, as appropriate: .1 .2 2.3 Equipment: manufacturer's name, model, size, serial number, capacity. Motor: voltage, Hz, phase, power factor, duty, frame size. SYSTEM NAMEPLATES: .1 Provide laminated plastic plates with black face and white center of minimum size 3 ½" x 1 ½” x 1/10" (90 x 40 x 2.5 mm) nominal thickness, engraved with 1/4" (6 mm) high lettering. Use 1" (25 mm) lettering for major equipment. .2 Fasten nameplates securely in conspicuous place. Where nameplates cannot be mounted on cool surface, provide standoffs. .3 Identify equipment type and number (e.g. Pump No. 2) and service or areas or zone of building served e.g. " Outer Lobby AHU No. 3 ". .4 All plates shall be pop riveted in place. .5 Submit list of nameplates for review prior to engraving. 2.4 PIPING .1 Identify medium in piping with markers showing name and service including temperature, pressure and directional flow arrows in accordance with CGSB 24-GP-3a. .2 Manufactured pipe markers and color bands: .1 All identification shall incorporate direction of flow arrows. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .3 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 3 Markers shall be manufactured from semi rigid plastic vinyl, with subsurface printing using quality indoor/outdoor vinyl inks and a UV vinyl inhibitor. For outside diameters up to 6" the markers shall be coiled and wrap completely around the pipe with six rows of wording in alternate directions. For outside diameters greater than 6" the markers shall be saddle style with two (2) rows of wording and shall be installed utilizing nylon cable ties provided with the marker. Letter heights shall be as follows: O.D. RANGE LETTER HEIGHT 3/8" to 5/8" 1/4" 3/4" to 1 1/4" 1/2" 1 1/8" to 2 3/8" 3/4" 2 1/2" to 6 1 1/4" 6" to 10" 1 3/4" 10" to 18" 2 1/2" Over 18" 3 1/2" Standard of Acceptance: SMS Coil-Mark, Brady Wrap Around, Seton Setmark Location: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Locate markers and classifying colors on piping systems so they can be seen from floor or platform. Piping runs at least once in each room. Maximum 50 ft (15 m) between identifications in open areas. Both sides where piping passes through walls, partitions and floors. At point of entry and leaving, where piping is concealed in pipe chase or other confined space, and at each access opening. At start and end points of runs and at each piece of equipment. At major manual and automatic valves immediately upstream of valves. Identify branch, equipment or area served after valve. .4 Table: pipe and valve identification. .5 Coding shall be in accordance with the following schedule with approved plastic bands: PIPE MARKER LEGEND LETTERING ON BAND BAND COLOR LETTERING/ BACKGROUND COLOR Chilled Water Supply CHWS Blue White/Green Chilled Water Return CHWR Blue White/Green Hot Water Supply HWS Red White/Green Hot Water Return HWR Red White/Green Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .6 VALVES AND CONTROLLERS .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 2.5 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 4 Provide two-ply engraved laminated plastic tags equal to SMS Series LS-1500 color coding. Provide Consultant with six (6) identification flow diagrams of approved size for each system. Include tag schedule, designating number, service, function, and location of each tagged item and normal operating position of valves. Install where directed one (1) copy of flow diagram and valve schedule mounted in glazed frame. Provide one (1) copy in each operating and maintenance instruction manual. Consecutively number valves in systems. The Division 23 Contractor shall coordinate the valve numbering system utilized for the new building with the Owner’s current valve numbering system. LANGUAGE .1 Identification in English and French Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. TIMING .1 3.3 Provide identification only after painting specified Division 9. INSTALLATION .1 Perform work in accordance with CAN/CGSB-24.3 except as specified otherwise. .2 Provide ULC and or CSA registration plates as required by respective agency. .3 Identify systems, equipment to conform to PWGSC PMSS. 3.4 NAMEPLATES .1 Locations: .1 .2 Standoffs: .1 .3 In conspicuous location to facilitate easy reading and identification from operating floor. Provide for nameplates on hot and/or insulated surfaces. Protection: .1 Do not paint, insulate or cover. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario 3.5 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 5 LOCATION OF IDENTIFICATION ON PIPING AND DUCTWORK SYSTEMS .1 On long straight runs in open areas in boiler rooms, equipment rooms, galleries, tunnels: at not more than 17 m intervals and more frequently if required to ensure that at least one is visible from any one viewpoint in operating areas and walking aisles. .2 Adjacent to each change in direction. .3 At least once in each small room through which piping or ductwork passes. .4 On both sides of visual obstruction or where run is difficult to follow. .5 On both sides of separations such as walls, floors, partitions. .6 Where system is installed in pipe chases, ceiling spaces, galleries, confined spaces, at entry and exit points, and at access openings. .7 At beginning and end points of each run and at each piece of equipment in run. .8 At point immediately upstream of major manually operated or automatically controlled valves, and dampers. Where this is not possible, place identification as close as possible, preferably on upstream side. .9 Identification easily and accurately readable from usual operating areas and from access points. .1 3.6 Position of identification approximately at right angles to most convenient line of sight, considering operating positions, lighting conditions, risk of physical damage or injury and reduced visibility over time due to dust and dirt. VALVES, CONTROLLERS .1 Valves and operating controllers, except at plumbing fixtures, radiation, or where in plain sight of equipment they serve: Secure tags with non-ferrous chains or closed "S" hooks. .2 Install one copy of flow diagrams, valve schedules mounted in frame behind non-glare glass where directed by Engineer. Provide one copy (reduced in size if required) in each operating and maintenance manual. .3 Number valves in each system consecutively. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Verification requirements in accordance with Division 1: Contractor's Verification, include: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Materials and resources. Storage and collection of recyclables. Construction waste management. Resource reuse. Recycled content. Local/regional materials. Certified wood. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .8 3.8 Section 23 05 53 01 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Page 6 Low-emitting materials. CLEANING .1 Proceed in accordance with Division 1. .2 Upon completion and verification of performance of installation, remove surplus materials, excess materials, rubbish, tools and equipment. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC Page 1 .1 TAB is used throughout this Section to describe the process, methods and requirements of testing, adjusting and balancing for HVAC. .2 TAB means to test, adjust and balance to perform in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents and to do other work as specified in this section. 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF TAB PERSONNEL .1 Submit names of personnel to perform TAB to Consultant within 90 days of planned balancing work. .2 Provide documentation confirming qualifications, successful experience. .3 TAB: performed in accordance with the requirements of standard under which TAB Firm's qualifications are approved: .1 .2 .3 Associated Air Balance Council, (AABC) National Standards for Total System Balance, MN-1-2002. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) TABES, Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, Balancing of Environmental Systems-1998. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA), HVAC TAB HVAC Systems - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing2002. .4 Recommendations and suggested practices contained in the TAB Standard: mandatory. .5 Use TAB Standard provisions, including checklists, and report forms to satisfy Contract requirements. .6 Use TAB Standard for TAB, including qualifications for TAB Firm and Specialist and calibration of TAB instruments. .7 Where instrument manufacturer calibration recommendations are more stringent than those listed in TAB Standard, use manufacturer's recommendations. .8 TAB Standard quality assurance provisions such as performance guarantees form part of this contract. .1 .2 For systems or system components not covered in TAB Standard, use TAB procedures developed by TAB Specialist. Where new procedures, and requirements, are applicable to Contract requirements have been published or adopted by body responsible for TAB Standard used (AABC, NEBB, or TABB), requirements and recommendations contained in these procedures and requirements are mandatory. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario 1.3 Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC Page 2 PURPOSE OF TAB .1 Test to verify proper and safe operation, determine actual point of performance, evaluate qualitative and quantitative performance of equipment, systems and controls at design, average and low loads using actual or simulated loads .2 Adjust and regulate equipment and systems to meet specified performance requirements and to achieve specified interaction with other related systems under normal and emergency loads and operating conditions. .3 Balance systems and equipment to regulate flow rates to match load requirements over full operating ranges. 1.4 EXCEPTIONS .1 1.5 TAB of systems and equipment regulated by codes, standards to satisfaction of authority having jurisdiction. CO-ORDINATION .1 Schedule time required for TAB (including repairs, re-testing) into project construction and completion schedule to ensure completion before acceptance of project. .2 Do TAB of each system independently and subsequently, where interlocked with other systems, in unison with those systems. 1.6 PRE-TAB REVIEW .1 Confirm in writing to Consultant adequacy of provisions for TAB and other aspects of design and installation pertinent to success of TAB. .2 Review specified standards and report to Consultant in writing proposed procedures which vary from standard. .3 During construction, co-ordinate location and installation of TAB devices, equipment, accessories, measurement ports and fittings. 1.7 START-UP .1 Follow start-up procedures as recommended by equipment manufacturer unless specified otherwise. .2 Follow special start-up procedures specified elsewhere in Division 23. 1.8 OPERATION OF SYSTEMS DURING TAB .1 1.9 Operate systems for length of time required for TAB and as required by Consultant for verification of TAB reports. START OF TAB .1 Notify Consultant 7 days prior to start of TAB. .2 Start TAB when building is essentially completed, including: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC Page 3 .3 Installation of ceilings, doors, windows, other construction affecting TAB. .4 Application of weatherstripping, sealing, and caulking. .5 Pressure, leakage, other tests specified elsewhere Division 23. .6 Provisions for TAB installed and operational. .7 Start-up, verification for proper, normal and safe operation of mechanical and associated electrical and control systems affecting TAB including but not limited to: .1 .2 .3 1.10 Proper thermal overload protection in place for electrical equipment. Air systems: .1 Filters in place, clean. .2 Duct systems clean. .3 Ducts, air shafts, ceiling plenums are airtight to within specified tolerances. .4 Correct fan rotation. .5 Fire, smoke, volume control dampers installed and open. .6 Coil fins combed, clean. .7 Access doors, installed, closed. .8 Outlets installed, volume control dampers open. Liquid systems: .1 Flushed, filled, vented. .2 Correct pump rotation. .3 Strainers in place, baskets clean. .4 Isolating and balancing valves installed, open. .5 Calibrated balancing valves installed, at factory settings. .6 Chemical treatment systems complete, operational. APPLICATION TOLERANCES .1 Do TAB to following tolerances of design values: .1 .2 1.11 HVAC systems: plus 10%, minus 10 %. Hydronic systems: plus or minus 10%. ACCURACY TOLERANCES .1 1.12 Measured values accurate to within plus or minus 2% of actual values. INSTRUMENTS .1 Calibrate in accordance with requirements of most stringent of referenced standard for either applicable system or HVAC system. .2 Calibrated within 6 months of TAB. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario 1.13 Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC Page 4 SUBMITTALS .1 Submit, prior to commencement of TAB: .2 Proposed methodology and procedures for performing TAB if different from referenced standard. 1.14 PRELIMINARY TAB REPORT .1 Submit for checking and approval of Consultant, prior to submission of formal TAB report, sample of rough TAB sheets. Include: .1 .2 .3 .4 1.15 Details of instruments used. Details of TAB procedures employed. Calculations procedures. Summaries. TAB REPORT .1 Format in accordance with referenced standard. .2 TAB report to show results in SI units and to include: .1 .2 .3 1.16 Project record drawings. System schematics. Submit 1 copy of TAB Report to Consultant for verification and approval, in English in D-ring binders, complete with index tabs. VERIFICATION .1 Reported results subject to verification by Consultant. .2 Provide personnel and instrumentation to verify up to 30% of reported results. .3 Number and location of verified results as directed by Consultant. .4 Pay costs to repeat TAB as required to satisfaction of Consultant. 1.17 SETTINGS .1 After TAB is completed to satisfaction of Consultant, replace drive guards, close access doors, lock devices in set positions, ensure sensors are at required settings. .2 Permanently mark settings to allow restoration at any time during life of facility. Do not eradicate or cover markings. 1.18 COMPLETION OF TAB .1 1.19 TAB considered complete when final TAB Report received and approved by Consultant. AIR SYSTEMS .1 Standard: TAB to most stringent TAB standards of SMACNA. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .2 Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC Page 5 Do TAB of systems, equipment, components, controls specified Division 23: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Make-up Air Unit [S-2]. Exhaust Fans [EF-1 and EF-2] Supply Air Diffusers in Kitchen Canopy Hoods Hydronic Heating and Cooling Coils Circulation Pumps .3 Qualifications: personnel performing TAB qualified to standards of AABC or NEBB. .4 Quality assurance: perform TAB under direction of supervisor qualified to standards of AABC or NEBB. .5 Measurements: to include as appropriate for systems, equipment, components, controls: air velocity, static pressure, flow rate, pressure drop (or loss), temperatures (dry bulb, wet bulb, dewpoint), duct cross-sectional area, RPM, electrical power, voltage, noise, vibration. .6 Locations of equipment measurements: to include as appropriate: .1 .2 .7 Inlet and outlet of dampers, filter, coil, humidifier, fan, other equipment causing changes in conditions. At controllers, controlled device. Locations of systems measurements to include as appropriate: main ducts, main branch, sub-branch, run-out (or grille, register or diffuser). Part 2 Products 2.1 NOT USED .1 Not used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Materials and methods for pressure testing ducts over 5m in length, forming part of a supply, return or exhaust ductwork system directly or indirectly connected to air handling equipment. Related Sections: .1 .2 .3 1.2 Section 23 05 94 PRESSURE TESTING OF DUCTED AIR SYSTEMS Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control. Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals]. REFERENCES .1 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 .2 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association (SMACNA) .1 1.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual, 1985. SUBMITTALS .1 Make submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Test Reports: submit certified test reports from approved independent testing laboratories indicating compliance with specifications for specified performance characteristics and physical properties. Include pressure test information and results as follows: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Submit proposed report form and test report format to Consultant for approval at least one month before proposed date of first series of tests. Do not start tests until approval received in writing from Facility. Prepare report of results and submit to Consultant within 24 hours of completion of tests. Include: .1 Schematic of entire system. .2 Schematic of section under test showing test site. .3 Required and achieved static pressures. .4 Orifice differential pressure at test sites. .5 Permissible and actual leakage flow rate (gpm) for test sites. .6 Witnessed certification of results. Include test reports in final TAB report. Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. Instructions: submit manufacturer's installation instructions. Manufacturer's field reports specified. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 2 Products 2.1 TEST INSTRUMENTS .1 Test apparatus to include: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .2 Section 23 05 94 PRESSURE TESTING OF DUCTED AIR SYSTEMS Page 2 Fan capable of producing required static pressure. Duct section with calibrated orifice plate mounted and accurately located pressure taps. Flow measuring instrument compatible with the orifice plate. Calibration curves for orifice plates used. Flexible duct for connecting to ductwork under test. Smoke bombs for visual inspections. Test apparatus: accurate to within +/- 3 % of flow rate and pressure. Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. TEST PROCEDURES .1 Maximum lengths of ducts to be tested consistent with capacity of test equipment. .2 Section of duct to be tested to include: .1 Fittings, branch ducts, tap-ins. .3 Repeat tests until specified pressures are attained. Bear costs for repairs and repetition to tests. .4 Base partial system leakage calculations on SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. .5 Seal leaks that can be heard or felt, regardless of their contribution to total leakage. 3.3 SITE TOLERANCES .1 System leakage tolerances specified are stated as percentage of total flow rate handled by system. Pro-rate specified system leakage tolerances. Leakage for sections of duct systems: not to exceed total allowable leakage. .2 Leakage tests on following systems not to exceed specified leakage rates. .1 .2 .3 Small duct systems up to 250 Pa: leakage 2%. Large low pressure duct systems up to 500 Pa: leakage 2%. Evaluation of test results to use surface area of duct and pressure in duct as basic parameters. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario 3.4 Section 23 05 94 PRESSURE TESTING OF DUCTED AIR SYSTEMS Page 3 TESTING .1 Test ducts before installation of insulation or other forms of concealment. .2 Test after seals have cured. .3 Test when ambient temperature will not affect effectiveness of seals, and gaskets. .4 Flexible connections to VAV boxes. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Manufacturer's Field Services. .1 .2 .3 3.6 Have manufacturer of products, supplied under this Section, review Work involved in the handling, installation/application, protection and cleaning, of its product[s] and submit written reports, in acceptable format, to verify compliance of Work with Contract. Manufacturer's Field Services: provide manufacturer's field services consisting of product use recommendations and periodic site visits for inspection of product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Schedule site visits, to review Work, at stages listed: .1 After delivery and storage of products, and when preparatory Work, or other Work, on which the Work of this Section depends, is complete but before installation begins. .2 Upon completion of the Work, after cleaning is carried out. CLEANING .1 Upon completion and verification of performance of installation, remove surplus materials, excess materials, rubbish, tools and equipment. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS Section 23 07 13 DUCT INSULATION Page 1 .1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Section 23 05 29 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment. 1.2 REFERENCES .1 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) .1 .2 American Society for Testing and Materials International, (ASTM) .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .3 ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-01, SI; Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. ASTM B209M-02, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate (Metric). ASTM C335-95, Test Method for Steady State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulation. ASTM C411-97, Test Method for Hot-Surface Performance of High-Temperature Thermal Insulation. ASTM C449/C449M-00, Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber-Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement. ASTM C547-00, Specification for Mineral Fiber Pipe Insulation. ASTM C553-00, Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications. ASTM C612-00a, Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation. ASTM C795-92, Specification for Thermal Insulation for Use with Austenitic Stainless Steel. ASTM C921-92(1998)e1, Standard Specification for Thermal Insulation for Use in Contact with Austenitic Stainless Steel. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) .1 CGSB 51-GP-52Ma-[89], Vapour Barrier, Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation. .4 Thermal Insulation Association of Canada (TIAC): National Insulation Standards (R1999). .5 Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) .1 .2 1.3 CAN/ULC-S102-M88(R2000), Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. CAN/ULC-S701-01, Thermal Insulation Polyotrene, Boards and Pipe Covering. DEFINITIONS .1 For purposes of this section: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .1 .2 .3 .2 "CONCEALED" - insulated mechanical services and equipment in suspended ceilings and non-accessible chases and furred-in spaces. "EXPOSED" - will mean "not concealed" as defined herein. Insulation systems - insulation material, fasteners, jackets, and other accessories. TIAC Codes: .1 .2 1.4 Section 23 07 13 DUCT INSULATION Page 2 CRD: Code Round Ductwork, CRF: Code Rectangular Finish. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit for approval manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation, fabrication for duct jointing recommendations. 1.5 SAMPLES .1 Submit samples in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit for approval: complete assembly of each type of insulation system, insulation, coating, and adhesive proposed. Mount sample on 12 mm plywood board. Affix typewritten label beneath sample indicating service. 1.6 MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS .1 Submit manufacturer's installation instructions in accordance with Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures. .2 Installation instructions to include procedures used, and installation standards achieved. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS .1 1.8 Installer: specialist in performing work of this section, and have at least 3 years successful experience in this size and type of project, qualified to standards. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Deliver materials to site in original factory packaging, labelled with manufacturer's name, address. .2 Protect from weather and construction traffic. .3 Protect against damage from any source. .4 Store at temperatures and conditions recommended by manufacturer. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 2 Products 2.1 FIRE AND SMOKE RATING .1 In accordance with CAN/ULC-S102: .1 .2 2.2 Section 23 07 13 DUCT INSULATION Page 3 Maximum flame spread rating: 25. Maximum smoke developed rating: 50. INSULATION .1 Mineral fibre: as specified includes glass fibre, rock wool, slag wool. .2 Thermal conductivity ("k" factor) not to exceed specified values at 24oC mean temperature when tested in accordance with ASTM C335. .3 TIAC Code C-1: Rigid mineral fibre board to ASTM C612, [with] [without] factory applied vapour retarder jacket to CGSB 51-GP-52Ma (as scheduled in PART 3 of this Section). .4 TIAC Code C-2: Mineral fibre blanket to ASTM C553 faced [with] [without] factory applied vapour retarder jacket to CGSB 51-GP-52Ma (as scheduled in PART 3 of this section). .1 .2 .3 2.3 Mineral fibre: to ASTM C553. Jacket: to CGSB 51-GP-52Ma. Maximum "k" factor: to ASTM C553. JACKETS .1 Canvas: .1 220 gm/m2 cotton, plain weave, treated with dilute fire retardant lagging adhesive to ASTM C921. .2 Lagging adhesive: Compatible with insulation. .3 Aluminum: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 To ASTM B209 [with] [and] [without] moisture barrier as scheduled in PART 3 of this section. Thickness: [0.50] mm sheet. Finish: [Smooth] [Stucco embossed] [Corrugated]. Jacket banding and mechanical seals: [12] [19] mm wide, 0.5 mm thick stainless steel. .1 Stainless steel: Type: [304] [316]. Thickness: [0.25] [0.50] mm sheet. Finish: [Smooth] [Corrugated] [Stucco embossed]. Jacket banding and mechanical seals: [12] [19] mm wide, 0.5 mm thick stainless steel. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario 2.4 Section 23 07 13 DUCT INSULATION Page 4 ACCESSORIES .1 Vapour retarder lap adhesive: .1 .2 Water based, fire retardant type, compatible with insulation. Indoor Vapour Retarder Finish: .1 Vinyl emulsion type acrylic, compatible with insulation. .3 Insulating Cement: [hydraulic] setting on mineral wool, to ASTM C449. .4 ULC Listed Canvas Jacket: .1 .5 220 gm/m2 cotton, plain weave, treated with dilute fire retardant lagging adhesive to ASTM C921. Outdoor Vapour Retarder Mastic: .1 .2 Vinyl emulsion type acrylic, compatible with insulation. Reinforcing fabric: Fibrous glass, untreated 305 g/m2. .6 Tape: self-adhesive, aluminum, plain, 50 mm wide minimum. .7 Contact adhesive: quick-setting .8 Canvas adhesive: washable. .9 Tie wire: 1.5 mm stainless steel. .10 Banding: 19 mm wide, 0.5 mm thick stainless steel. .11 Facing: 25 mm galvanized steel hexagonal wire mesh stitched on both faces of insulation. .12 Fasteners: 4 mm diameter pins with 35 mm diameter clips, length to suit thickness of insulation. Part 3 Execution 3.1 PRE-INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS .1 Pressure testing of ductwork systems complete, witnessed and certified. .2 Surfaces clean, dry, free from foreign material. 3.2 INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with TIAC National Standards. .2 Apply materials in accordance with manufacturers instructions and as indicated. .3 Use two layers with staggered joints when required nominal thickness exceeds 75 mm. .4 Maintain uninterrupted continuity and integrity of vapour retarder jacket and finishes. .1 Hangers, supports to be outside vapour retarder jacket. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario .5 Supports, Hangers in accordance with Section 23 05 29 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment. .1 .6 3.3 Section 23 07 13 DUCT INSULATION Page 5 Apply high compressive strength insulation where insulation may be compressed by weight of ductwork. Fasteners: At 300 mm oc in horizontal and vertical directions, minimum two rows each side. DUCTWORK INSULATION SCHEDULE .1 Insulation types and thicknesses: Conform to following table: Rectangular cold and dual temperature supply air ducts Round cold and dual temperatire supply air ducts Rectangular warm air ducts Round warm air ducts Supply, return and exhaust ducts exposed in space being served Outside air ducts to mixing plenum Mixing plenums Exhaust duct between dampers and louvres Rectangular ducts outside Round ducts outside .2 TIAC Code C-1 Vapour Retarder yes Thickness (mm) 50 C-2 yes 50 C-1 no 25 C-1 no 25 none C-1 yes 25 C-1 C-1 yes no 25 25 C-1 special 50 C-1 special 50 HERE Exposed round ducts 600 mm and larger, smaller sizes where subject to abuse: .1 Use TIAC code C-1 insulation, scored to suit diameter of duct. .1 Finishes: Conform to following table: TIAC Code Rectangular Round Indoor, concealed none none Indoor, exposed within CRF/1 CRD/2 mechanical room Indoor, exposed elsewhere CRF/2 CRD/3 Outdoor, exposed to CRF/3 CRD/4 precipitation Outdoor, elsewhere CRF/4 CRD/5 END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre Section 23 08 01 475 Iroquois Shore Road PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION MECHANICAL PIPING SYSTEMS Toronto, ON Page 1 Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 1.2 Related Sections: REFERENCES .1 American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) .1 1.3 ASTM E202- latest edition, Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Ethylene Glycols and Propylene Glycols. POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS .1 When cleaning is completed and system filled: .1 .2 1.4 Verify performance of equipment and systems as specified elsewhere in Division 23. Confirm water quality consistent with supply standards, verifying that no residuals remain resulting from flushing and/or cleaning. REPORTS .1 Part 2 Provide report to consultant. Products .1 Not Used. Part 3 Execution 3.1 NOT USED .1 Not Used. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 The supply and installation of Hydronic Specialties Equipment. Related Sections: .1 .2 .3 1.2 Section 23 21 14 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Section 23 08 01 - Performance Verification of Mechanical Piping Systems. REFERENCES .1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). .1 .2 American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM). .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .3 ASTM A47/A47M-99, Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings. ASTM A278M-01, Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts for Temperatures up to 650 degrees F (345 degrees C). ASTM A516/A516M-96(e1), Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate - and Lower - Temperature Service. ASTM A536-84(1999)e1, Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. ASTM B62-93, Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings. Canadian Standards Association (CSA International). .1 1.3 ASME-04, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. CSA B51-03, Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Closeout Submittals: .1 Submit maintenance data in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Part 2 Products 2.1 AUTOMATIC AIR VENT .1 Standard float vent: brass body and NPS 1/8 connection and rated at 690 kPa working pressure. .2 Industrial float vent: cast iron body and NPS 1/2 connection and rated at 860 kPa working pressure. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, Ontario 2.2 Section 23 21 14 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES Page 2 PIPE LINE STRAINER .1 NPS 1/2 to 2: bronze body to ASTM B62, screwed connections, Y pattern. .2 NPS 2 1/2 to 12: cast steel body to ASTM A278M, Class 30, flanged connections. .3 Blowdown connection: NPS 1. .4 Screen: stainless steel with 1.19mm perforations. .5 Max pressure: 860 kPa. Part 3 Execution 3.1 GENERAL .1 Install as indicated and to manufacturer's recommendations. .2 Run drain lines and blow off connections to terminate above nearest drain. .3 Maintain proper clearance to permit service and maintenance. .4 Should deviations beyond allowable clearances arise, request and follow Consultant's directive. .5 Check shop drawings for conformance of all tappings for ancillaries and for equipment operating weights. 3.2 STRAINERS .1 Install in horizontal or down flow lines. .2 Ensure clearance for removal of basket. .3 Install ahead of each pump. .4 Install ahead of each automatic control valve larger than NPS 1 and as indicated. 3.3 AIR VENTS .1 Install at high points of systems. .2 Install gate valve on automatic air vent inlet. Run discharge to nearest drain. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 1 General 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES .1 1.2 Section 23 21 23 HYDRONIC PUMPS Page 1 Materials, equipment selection, installation and start up for hydronic system pumps. RELATED SECTIONS .1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. 1.3 REFERENCES .1 American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). .1 Standard 90.1-2001 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. .2 Electrical Equipment Manufacturers Advisory Council (EEMAC). .3 Canadian Standards Association (CSA International). .1 .4 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). .1 1.4 CAN/CSA-B214-01, Installation Code for Hydronic Heating Systems. NEMA MG 1-2003, Motors and Generators. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .3 Submit manufacturer's detailed composite wiring diagrams for control systems showing factory installed wiring and equipment on packaged equipment or required for controlling devices or ancillaries, accessories and controllers. .4 Submit product data of pump curves for review showing point of operation. .5 Indicate piping, valves and fittings shipped loose by packaged equipment supplier, showing their final location in field assembly. .6 Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 Closeout Submittals. 1.5 EXTRA MATERIALS .1 Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Part 2 Products 2.1 EQUIPMENT .1 2.2 Section 23 21 23 HYDRONIC PUMPS Page 2 Do component selection and sizing to: CAN/CSA-B214. VERTICAL IN-LINE CIRCULATORS [P-A, P-B, and P-C] .1 Provide Armstrong single stage, single suction Vertical In-Line type pumps, with rising head to shut off pump characteristics. Refer to the schedule for pump flows and heads and motor speed, efficiency, enclosure and power requirements. .2 The pumps shall be Armstrong Series 4360 motor mounted Vertical In-Line. .1 Or approved equivalent. .3 Pump casing shall be cast iron, suitable for 175 psi (1206 kPa) working pressure.The casing shall be hydro-statically tested to 150% maximum working pressure. .4 The casing shall be radially split to allow removal of the rotating element without disturbing the pipe connections. .5 The casing shall be provided with NPT threaded companion flanges, for the appropriate pump size, with gaskets and hardware. .6 Pump impeller shall be fully enclosed type. The impeller shall be keyed and secured to the pump shaft by stainless steel fittings. .7 The pump shaft shall be a stainless steel stub shaft for frame 56 motors. The steel motor shaft shall be enclosed by a bronze shaft sleeve, on other motor frame sizes. .8 Mechanical Seal shall be single spring inside type with Carbon and Ceramic faces, EPDM elastomer, stainless steel spring and hardware. Provide factory installed seal vent line, piped from the seal area to the pump suction connection. .9 Motor power requirements shown on the pump schedule are the minimum acceptable and have been sized for continuous operation without exceeding the full load nameplate rating over the entire pump curve, exclusive of service factor. .10 Performance characteristics can be found on mechanical drawings. Part 3 Execution 3.1 INSTALLATION .1 Do Work in accordance with CAN/CSA-B214. .2 In line circulators: install as indicated by flow arrows. Support at inlet and outlet flanges or unions. Install with bearing lubrication points accessible. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Toronto, Ontario Section 23 21 23 HYDRONIC PUMPS Page 3 .3 Base mounted type: supply templates for anchor bolt placement. Furnish anchor bolts with sleeves. Place level, shim unit and grout. Align coupling in accordance with manufacturer's recommended tolerance. Check oil level and lubricate. .4 Ensure that pump body does not support piping or equipment. Provide stanchions or hangers for this purpose. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for details. .5 Pipe drain tapping to floor drain. .6 Install volute venting pet cock in accessible location. .7 Check rotation prior to start-up. .8 Install pressure gauge test cocks. 3.2 START-UP .1 General .1 .2 In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Procedures: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 Before starting pump, check that cooling water system over-temperature and other protective devices are installed and operative. After starting pump, check for proper, safe operation. Check installation, operation of mechanical seals, packing gland type seals. Adjust as necessary. Check base for free-floating, no obstructions under base. Run-in pumps for 12 continuous hours. Verify operation of over-temperature and other protective devices under low- and no-flow condition. Eliminate air from scroll casing. Adjust water flow rate through water-cooled bearings. Adjust flow rate from pump shaft stuffing boxes to manufacturer's recommendation. Adjust alignment of piping and conduit to ensure true flexibility at all times. Eliminate cavitation, flashing and air entrainment. Adjust pump shaft seals, stuffing boxes, glands. Measure pressure drop across strainer when clean and with flow rates as finally set. Replace seals if pump used to degrease system or if pump used for temporary heat. Verify lubricating oil levels. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Materials and installation of low-pressure metallic ductwork, joints and accessories. Related Sections: .1 .2 .3 1.2 Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Section 23 05 29 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment. Section 23 05 94 - Pressure Testing of Ducted Air Systems. REFERENCES .1 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). .2 American Society for Testing and Materials International, (ASTM). .1 .2 .3 .3 Department of Justice Canada (Jus). .1 .4 .2 .3 NFPA 90A-02, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. NFPA 90B-02, Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and AirConditioning Systems. NFPA 96-01, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA). .1 .2 .3 .7 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). .1 .6 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), 1999, c. 33 . Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). .1 .5 ASTM A480/A480M-03c, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip. ASTM A635/A635M-02, Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy-Thickness Coils, Carbon, Hot Rolled. ASTM A653/A653M-03, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, 2nd Edition [1995] and Addendum No. 1, 1997. SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual, 1985, 1st Edition. IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings Under Construction 1995, 1st Edition. Transport Canada (TC). Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .1 1.3 Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 2 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA), 1992, c. 34. SUBMITTALS .1 1.4 Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Certification of Ratings: .1 1.5 Catalogue or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Protect on site stored or installed absorptive material from moisture damage. Part 2 Products 2.1 SEAL CLASSIFICATION .1 Classification as follows: Maximum Pressure Pa 500 250 125 125 .2 Seal classification: .1 .2 .3 .4 2.2 SMACNA Seal Class C C C Unsealed Class A: longitudinal seams, transverse joints, duct wall penetrations and connections made airtight with sealant and tape. Class B: longitudinal seams, transverse joints and connections made airtight with sealant and tape. Class C: transverse joints and connections made air tight with gaskets, sealant, and tape. Longitudinal seams unsealed. Unsealed seams and joints. SEALANT .1 2.3 Sealant: oil resistant, water borne, polymer type flame resistant duct sealant. Temperature range of minus 30 degrees C to plus 93 degrees C. TAPE .1 2.4 Tape: polyvinyl treated, open weave fiberglass tape, 50 mm wide. DUCT LEAKAGE .1 In accordance with SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON 2.5 Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 3 FITTINGS .1 Fabrication: to SMACNA. .2 Radiused elbows. .1 .2 .3 Mitred elbows, rectangular: .1 .2 .3 .4 .2 .3 .4 Full radiused elbows. Obstruction deflectors: maintain full cross-sectional area. .1 2.6 Diverging: 20 degrees maximum included angle. Converging: 30 degrees maximum included angle. Offsets: .1 .7 Rectangular main and branch: with radius on branch 1.5 times width of duct and 45 degrees entry on branch. Round main and branch: enter main duct at 45 degrees with conical connection. Provide volume control damper in branch duct near connection to main duct. Main duct branches: with splitter damper. Transitions: .1 .2 .6 To 400 mm: with single thickness turning vanes. Over 400 mm: with double thickness turning vanes. Note, turning vanes are not acceptable within grease exhaust ductwork Branches: .1 .5 Rectangular: standard radius. Centreline radius: 1.5 times width of duct. Round: smooth radius five piece. Centreline radius: 1.5 times diameter. Maximum included angles: as for transitions. FIRE STOPPING .1 2.7 Fire stopping material and installation must not distort duct. GALVANIZED STEEL .1 Lock forming quality: to ASTM A653/A653M, Z90 zinc coating. .2 Thickness, fabrication and reinforcement: to SMACNA. .3 Joints: to SMACNA proprietary manufactured duct joint. Proprietary manufactured flanged duct joint to be considered to be a class A seal. 2.8 ALUMINUM .1 To SMACNA. Aluminum type: 3003-H-14. .2 Thickness, fabrication and reinforcement: to SMACNA. .3 Joints: to SMACNA. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON 2.9 Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 4 KITCHEN EXHAUST SYSTEMS .1 Prefabricated companion flanged duct sections providing a two-hour fire resistance with a zero clearance fire resistance rating in accordance with ASTM E 2336. .2 The kitchen exhaust duct shall be of the double-wall, factory-fabricated type for use with Type I or Type II kitchen hoods, as described in NFPA 96, for the transportation of air and grease laden vapors from commercial cooking operations. .3 Factory-fabricated companion flanged duct sections of not less than16 gauge steel inner liner and 24 gauge galvanized steel outer casing. .1 .2 18 gauge stainless steel liner if noted on contract documents. 24 gauge stainless steel outer shell if noted on contract documents. .4 All internal kitchen exhaust duct longitudinal seams and fittings branches shall be fully welded and listed in accordance with NFPA 96. .5 Each duct section shall bear the manufacturer’s logo and Intertek/cETLus mark. .6 System shall be designed to provide access for inspection and cleaning of each change of duct direction and permit drainage of grease residue through a duct section. .1 .2 Provide zero clearance, ASTM E 2336 and UL 1978 or CAN/ULC S662listed access doors for cleanout to maintain 2 hour fire rating and install in accordance with local requirements. Access Doors shall be labeled “ACCESS PANEL – DO NOT OBSTRUCT”. .7 Kitchen exhaust shall slope upward in the direction of the airflow in accordance with local code requirements. .8 The kitchen exhaust duct assembly shall not exceed a flame spread rating of 0. .9 The kitchen exhaust duct assembly shall not exceed a smoke development index of 0. .10 The factory-fabricated grease duct assembly shall not require additional wraps or enclosures to achieve the required fire resistance rating. .11 Sound transmission loss shall be as follows: .1 .12 Through-penetration firestopping materials: .1 .13 When the duct passes through a fire resistant floor or wall assembly, the through openings shall be firestopped in accordance with the manufacturer’s listings. Acceptable manufacturers: .1 .2 .14 125Hz – 27dB / 250Hz – 40dB / 500Hz – 50dB / 1000Hz – 55dB / 2000Hz – 63dB / 4000Hz – 60dB DuraSystems (, 199 Courtland Avenue, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada L4K 4T2. Contact Gerry Saieva or Fred Woo at 1-905-6604455. Approved Equivalent Acceptable model: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .1 2.10 Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 5 DuraSystems “DuraDuct KEX” HANGERS AND SUPPORTS .1 Hangers and Supports: [in accordance with Section 23 05 29 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment. .1 .2 .3 Duct Size (mm) up to 750 751 to 1050 1051 to 1500 1501 to 2100 2101 to 2400 2401 and over .4 Strap hangers: of same material as duct but next sheet metal thickness heavier than duct. .1 Maximum size duct supported by strap hanger: 500. Hanger configuration: to SMACNA. Hangers: galvanized steel angle with galvanized steel rods to SMACNA following table: Angle Size Rod Size (mm) (mm) 25 x 25 x 3 6 40 x 40 x 3 6 40 x 40 x 3 10 50 x 50 x 3 10 50 x 50 x 5 10 50 x 50 x 6 10 Upper hanger attachments: .1 For concrete: manufactured concrete inserts. .2 For steel joist: manufactured joist clamp. .3 For steel beams: manufactured beam clamps: Part 3 Execution 3.1 GENERAL .1 Do work in accordance with NFPA 90 and SMACNA as indicated. .2 Do not break continuity of insulation vapour barrier with hangers or rods. .1 Insulate strap hangers 100 mm beyond insulated duct. Ensure diffuser is fully seated. .3 Support risers in accordance with SMACNA as indicated. .4 Install breakaway joints in ductwork on sides of fire separation. .5 Install proprietary manufactured flanged duct joints in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. 3.2 HANGERS .1 Strap hangers: install in accordance with SMACNA. .2 Angle hangers: complete with locking nuts and washers. .3 Hanger spacing: in accordance with SMACNA as follows: Duct Size Spacing Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Section 23 31 13.01 METAL DUCTS - LOW PRESSURE TO 500 PA Page 6 Duct Size (mm) to 1500 1501 and over 3.3 Spacing (mm) 3000 2500 WATERTIGHT DUCT .1 Provide watertight duct for: .1 .2 .3 .4 .2 Form bottom of horizontal duct without longitudinal seams. .1 .2 .3 weld joints of bottom and side sheets. Seal other joints with duct sealer. Slope horizontal branch ductwork down towards hoods and dishwasher served. .1 3.4 Dishwasher exhaust. Fresh air intake. Minimum 3000 mm from duct mounted humidifier in all directions. As indicated. Slope header ducts down toward risers. KITCHEN EXHAUST SYSTEMS .1 3.5 Install to NFPA 96 and as indicated. SEALING AND TAPING .1 Apply sealant to outside of joint to manufacturer's recommendations. .2 Bed tape in sealant and recoat with minimum of one coat of sealant to manufacturers recommendations. 3.6 LEAKAGE TESTS .1 Refer to Section 23 05 94 - Pressure Testing of Ducted Air Systems. .2 In accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Leakage Test Manual. .3 Do leakage tests in sections. .4 Make trial leakage tests as instructed to demonstrate workmanship. .5 Do not install additional ductwork until trial test has been passed. .6 Test section minimum of 30 m long with not less than three branch takeoffs and two 90 degrees elbows. .7 Complete test before performance insulation or concealment Work. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Materials and installation for duct accessories including flexible connections, access doors, vanes and collars. Related Sections: .1 .2 1.2 Section 23 33 00 AIR DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. REFERENCES .1 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). .1 .2 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA). .1 1.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, 95. SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Test Reports: submit certified test reports from approved independent testing laboratories indicating compliance with specifications for specified performance characteristics and physical properties. .1 Certification of ratings: catalogue or published ratings to be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards. .3 Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. .4 Instructions: submit manufacturer's installation instructions. .5 Manufacturer's Field Reports: manufacturer's field reports specified. .6 Closeout submittals: submit maintenance and engineering data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Part 2 Products 2.1 GENERAL .1 Manufacture in accordance with SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standards. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON 2.2 Section 23 33 00 AIR DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 2 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS .1 Frame: galvanized sheet metal frame 20 mm thick with fabric clenched by means of double locked seams. .2 Material: .1 2.3 Fire resistant, self extinguishing, neoprene coated glass fabric, temperature rated at minus 40 degrees C to plus 90 degrees C, density of 1.3 kg/m2. ACCESS DOORS IN DUCTS .1 Non-Insulated Ducts: sandwich construction of same material as duct, one sheet metal thickness heavier, minimum 0.6 mm thick complete with sheet metal angle frame. .2 Insulated Ducts: sandwich construction of same material as duct, one sheet metal thickness heavier, minimum 0.6 mm thick complete with sheet metal angle frame and 25 mm thick rigid glass fibre insulation. .3 Gaskets: neoprene. .4 Hardware: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 2.4 Up to 300 x 300 mm: two sash locks. 301 to 450 mm: four sash locks. 451 to 1000 mm: piano hinge and minimum two sash locks. Doors over 1000 mm: piano hinge and two handles operable from both sides. Hold open devices. 300 x 300 mm glass viewing panels. TURNING VANES .1 2.5 Factory or shop fabricated single thickness with trailing edge, to recommendations of SMACNA and as indicated. INSTRUMENT TEST .1 1.6 mm thick steel zinc plated after manufacture. .2 Cam lock handles with neoprene expansion plug and handle chain. .3 28 mm minimum inside diameter. Length to suit insulation thickness. .4 Neoprene mounting gasket. 2.6 SPIN-IN COLLARS .1 Conical galvanized sheet metal spin-in collars with lockable butterfly damper. .2 Sheet metal thickness to co-responding round duct standards. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Section 23 33 00 AIR DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 3 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and data sheet. INSTALLATION .1 Flexible Connections: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .2 Install in following locations: .1 Inlets and outlets to supply air units and fans. .2 Inlets and outlets of exhaust and return air fans. .3 As indicated. Length of connection: 100 mm. Minimum distance between metal parts when system in operation: 75 mm. Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA. When fan is running: .1 Ducting on sides of flexible connection to be in alignment. .2 Ensure slack material in flexible connection. Locations: .1 Fire and smoke dampers. .2 Control dampers. .3 Devices requiring maintenance. .4 Required by code. .5 Reheat coils. .6 Elsewhere as indicated. Instrument Test Ports: .1 .2 .3 .4 General: .1 Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Locate to permit easy manipulation of instruments. Install insulation port extensions as required. Locations: .1 For traverse readings: .1 Ducted inlets to roof and wall exhausters. .2 Inlets and outlets of other fan systems. .3 Main and sub-main ducts. .4 And as indicated. .2 For temperature readings: .1 At outside air intakes. .2 In mixed air applications in locations as approved by Consultant. .3 At inlet and outlet of coils. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Section 23 33 00 AIR DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 4 .4 .5 .3 Turning vanes: .1 3.3 Downstream of junctions of two converging air streams of different temperatures. And as indicated. Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and as indicated. CLEANING .1 Perform cleaning operations as specified in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. .2 Upon completion and verification of performance of installation, remove surplus materials, excess materials, rubbish, tools and equipment. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 1.2 Section 23 33 14 DAMPERS - BALANCING Page 1 Balancing dampers for mechanical forced air ventilation and air conditioning systems. .1 REFERENCES .1 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association (SMACNA) .1 .2 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 1.3 SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible-1985. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data: .1 .2 Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and datasheet in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Include product characteristics, performance criteria, and limitations. Quality assurance submittals: submit following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures. .1 Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. Part 2 Products 2.1 GENERAL .1 2.2 Manufacture to SMACNA standards. SPLITTER DAMPERS .1 Fabricate from same material as duct but one sheet metal thickness heavier, with appropriate stiffening. .2 Single thickness construction. .3 Control rod with locking device and position indicator. .4 Rod configuration to prevent end from entering duct. .5 Pivot: piano hinge. .6 Folded leading edge. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON 2.3 Section 23 33 14 DAMPERS - BALANCING Page 2 SINGLE BLADE DAMPERS .1 Fabricate from same material as duct, but one sheet metal thickness heavier. V-groove stiffened. .2 Size and configuration to recommendations of SMACNA, except maximum height as indicated. .3 Locking quadrant with shaft extension to accommodate insulation thickness. .4 Inside and outside nylon end bearings. .5 Channel frame of same material as adjacent duct, complete with angle stop. 2.4 MULTI-BLADED DAMPERS .1 Factory manufactured of material compatible with duct. .2 Opposed blade: configuration, metal thickness and construction to recommendations of SMACNA. .3 Maximum blade height: as indicated. .4 Bearings: self-lubricating nylon. .5 Linkage: shaft extension with locking quadrant. .6 Channel frame of same material as adjacent duct, complete with angle stop. Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. INSTALLATION .1 Install where indicated. .2 Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .3 Locate balancing dampers in each branch duct, for supply, return and exhaust systems. .4 Runouts to registers and diffusers: install single blade damper located as close as possible to main ducts. .5 Dampers: vibration free. .6 Ensure damper operators are observable and accessible. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .7 Section 23 33 14 DAMPERS - BALANCING Page 3 Corrections and adjustments conducted by Engineer. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 1.2 Section 23 33 15 DAMPERS - OPERATING Page 1 Operating dampers for mechanical forced air ventilation and air conditioning systems. REFERENCES .1 American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) .1 .2 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 1.3 ASTM A653/A653M-04a, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by Hot-Dip Process. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data: .1 .2 Closeout Submittals .1 1.4 Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and datasheet in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Include product characteristics, performance criteria, and limitations. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING .1 Packing, shipping, handling and unloading: .1 Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Part 2 Products 2.1 SUSTAINABLE REQUIREMENTS 2.2 MULTI-LEAF DAMPERS .1 Opposed or parallel blade type as indicated. .2 Extruded aluminum, interlocking blades, complete with extruded vinyl seals, spring stainless steel side seals, extruded aluminum frame. .3 Pressure fit self-lubricated bronze bearings. .4 Linkage: plated steel tie rods, brass pivots and plated steel brackets, complete with plated steel control rod. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .5 Insulated aluminum dampers: .1 .2 2.3 Section 23 33 15 DAMPERS - OPERATING Page 2 Frames: insulated with extruded polystyrene foam with RSI 0.88. Blades: constructed from aluminum extrusions with internal hollows insulated with polyurethane or polystyrene foam, RSI 0.88. DISC TYPE DAMPERS .1 Frame: insulated brake formed, welded, 1.6 mm thick, galvanized steel to ASTM A653/A653M. .2 Disc: insulated spin formed, 1.6 mm thick, galvanized steel to ASTM A653/A653M. .3 Gasket: extruded neoprene, field replaceable, with 10 year warranty. .4 Bearings: roller self lubricated and sealed. .5 Operator: compatible with damper, linear stroke operator, spring loaded actuator, zinc-aluminum foundry alloy casting cam follower. 2.4 BACK DRAFT DAMPERS .1 Automatic gravity operated, single leaf, aluminum construction with nylon bearings, centre pivoted. Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. INSTALLATION .1 Install where indicated. .2 Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and manufacturer's instructions. .3 Seal multiple damper modules with silicon sealant. .4 Install access door adjacent to each damper. See Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories. .5 Ensure dampers are observable and accessible. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Materials and installation of flexible ductwork, joints and accessories. Related Sections: .1 1.2 Section 23 33 46 FLEXIBLE DUCTS Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. REFERENCES .1 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). .2 Department of Justice Canada (Jus). .1 .2 .3 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). .1 .4 .2 .2 UL 181-96, Standard for Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC). .1 1.3 SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, 95 (Addendum No.1, November 1997). SMACNA IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings under Construction, 1st Edition 1995. Underwriters' Laboratories Inc. (UL). .1 .7 NFPA 90A-02, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. NFPA 90B-02, Standard for Installation of Warm Air Heating and AirConditioning Systems. Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA). .1 .6 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). .1 .5 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), 1999, c. 33. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 (TDGA), c. 34. CAN/ULC-S110-1986(R2001), Fire Tests for Air Ducts. SUBMITTALS .1 Make submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Samples: submit samples with product data of different types of flexible duct being used in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON 1.4 Section 23 33 46 FLEXIBLE DUCTS Page 2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 1.5 Protect on site stored or installed absorptive material from moisture damage. INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) MANAGEMENT PLAN .1 During construction meet or exceed the requirements of SMACNA IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings under Construction. Part 2 Products 2.1 GENERAL .1 Factory fabricated to CAN/ULC-S110. .2 Pressure drop coefficients listed below are based on relative sheet metal duct pressure drop coefficient of 1.00. .3 Flame spread rating not to exceed 25. Smoke developed rating not to exceed 50. 2.2 NON-METALLIC - INSULATED .1 Type 4: non-collapsible, coated aluminum foil/mylar type mechanically bonded to, and helically supported by, external steel wire with factory applied, 37 mm thick flexible mineral fibre thermal insulation with vapour barrier and reinforced mylar/neoprene laminate jacket. .2 Performance: .1 .2 Factory tested to 2.5 kPa without leakage. Maximum relative pressure drop coefficient: 3. Part 3 Execution 3.1 DUCT INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with: SMACNA. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 1.2 Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 1 Fans, motors, accessories and hardware for commercial use. REFERENCES .1 Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors (AMCA) .1 .2 .3 .2 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) .1 .3 CAN/CGSB 1.181-99, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 1.3 ANSI/AMCA 210-1999, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) .1 .4 AMCA Publication 99-2003, Standards Handbook. AMCA 300-1996, Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. AMCA 301-1990, Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Performance Requirements: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 1.4 Catalogued or published ratings for manufactured items: obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by manufacturer from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards in force. Capacity: flow rate, total and external static pressure, bhp, efficiency, revolutions per minute, power, model, size, sound power data and as indicated on schedule. Fans: statically and dynamically balanced, constructed in conformity with AMCA 99. Sound ratings: comply with AMCA 301, tested to AMCA 300. Supply unit with AMCA certified sound rating seal. Performance ratings: based on tests performed in accordance with ANSI/AMCA 210. SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data: .1 .2 Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and datasheet in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Provide: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .1 .2 .3 Motors, sheaves, bearings, shaft details. Closeout Submittals: .1 1.5 Fan performance curves showing point of operation, BHP and efficiency. Sound rating data at point of operation. Indicate: .1 .4 Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 2 Provide operation and maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. MAINTENANCE .1 Extra Materials: .1 .2 Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. .1 Spare parts to include: .1 Matched sets of belts. Furnish list of individual manufacturer's recommended spare parts for equipment, include: .1 Bearings and seals. .2 Addresses of suppliers. .3 List of specialized tools necessary for adjusting, repairing or replacing. Part 2 Products 2.1 CENTRIFUGAL ROOF VENTILATOR FANS .1 Basis-of-Design Manufacturer: Provide fan units manufactured by Twin City Fan & Blower. Contact: Ashish Saxena; efi Concepts – 416-674-6744 ext. 228 .1 Approved equivalents will be accepted .2 Source Limitations: Obtain centrifugal roof ventilators from a single manufacturer. .3 Belt-Driven, Centrifugal Restaurant Roof Ventilators: Centrifugal fan units, configured for vertical flow of moisture and grease laden exhaust air for restaurant and commercial kitchen exhaust ventilation applications. .1 .2 Basis of Design Product: Twin City Fan & Blower, Model BCRUR. Permanently attach nameplate displaying serial number and unit information. .4 Fan Capacities, Characteristics, and Configuration: Refer to Drawing schedule. .5 Motor Mount Assemblies: Provide motor mount assemblies fabricated of heavy gage galvanized steel. .6 Wheel: Centrifugal, aluminum, backward inclined type, including matching inlet venturi. .1 Statically and dynamically balance wheel. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .2 .7 .2 Provide mechanism that allows for precise belt tensioning by one person. Motors: Comply with NEMA MG-1 for designation, temperature rating, service factor, enclosure type, and efficiency requirements for motors specified in Division 23 section "Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment." .1 .13 Drive Components: V-belt drive, rated for minimum 150 percent of motor nameplate horsepower, with machined, cast-iron pulleys, and heat resistant, oil resistant, static-free V-belts. Motor Pulley: Adjustable pitch. Motor and Drive Assembly: Resiliently mounted on rubber isolators, outside exhaust airstream. Provide cooling tube for fresh air. .1 .12 Provide electrical metal tubing (EMT) conduit into motor compartment, with watertight fitting at curb cap penetration. Belt Drive: .1 .11 Provide aluminum wire bird screen at fan outlet. Provide housing that requires no tools to remove or install. Curb Cap: One-piece, weather-tight construction, pre-punched mounting holes for correct attachment to roof curb. Fabricate of aluminum and include flange to mate with fan unit inlet flange. .1 .10 Minimum L-50 Bearing Life: 500,000 hours at maximum operating speed, in accordance with AFBMA 9. Housing: Heavy gauge spun aluminum construction of shroud, top cover, and motor bands. Roll edge beads. .1 .2 .9 Fan Shaft: Turned, ground, and polished stainless steel shaft, with shaft keyed to wheel hub, sized for first critical speed minimum 1.25 times maximum speed for each fan class. Bearings: Manufacturer's standard, heavy duty, field-lubricated pillow block ball type, based on fan size and mounting orientation. .1 .8 Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 3 Motor Sizes: Minimum size as indicated. If not indicated, large enough so driven load will not require motor to operate in service factor range above 1.0. Electrical Data: .1 .2 Voltage: 575 V; 3 phase; 60 Hz. Full Load Amps: A. .14 Enclosure Type: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC). .15 When required, provide premium efficiency motor, suitable for inverter duty, for motors controlled by Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). .16 Provide unfused disconnect switch, NEMA 3R, selected in accordance with Division 26 section "Enclosed Switches." .1 .2 Factory mount and wire disconnect switch. Ship disconnect switch loose for field mounting and wiring. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .17 Finish: Galvanized mill finish internal parts, and uncoated external aluminum parts exposed to weather. .1 .18 Enamel, Gray Accessories: .1 .2 2.2 Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 4 Roof Curb: Self-flashing, 18 inches (457 mm) high, vented. Curb Hinge: Provide piano type hinge running entire length of fan curb base. .1 Curb hinge ships loose for field mounting. .2 Provide security hasp suitable for owner furnished padlock. .3 Restaurant construction .4 Grease box and drain connection IN-LINE CENTRIFUGAL FANS .1 Basis-of-Design Manufacturer: Provide fan units manufactured by Twin City Fan & Blower. Contact: Ashish Saxena; efi Concepts – 416-674-6744 ext. 228 .1 Approved equivalents will be accepted .2 Fan Performance Ratings: Sea level-based. .3 Square Inline Centrifugal Fans: Belt-driven, square, inline fan suitable for duct installations handling clean ventilation air. .1 .2 .4 Basis of Design Product: Twin City Fan & Blower, Model BSI. Permanently attach nameplate displaying serial number and unit information. Housing: Heavy-gauge aluminum with continuously gasketed contact surfaces. .1 .2 .3 .4 Provide inlet venturi matched to fan wheel. Provide removable side panels for maintenance. Construct fan to allow complete removal of motor, drives, and fan wheel when side panel is removed. Provide universal mounting brackets to allow for horizontal or vertical fan orientation. .5 Provide one inch thick fiberglass neoprene coated insulation liner in fan housing. Do not expose fiberglass to moving airstream. .6 Fan Shaft: .1 .2 .3 .7 Bearings: Manufacturer's standard, heavy duty, field-lubricated pillow block ball type, based on fan size and mounting orientation. .1 .8 Turn, grind, and polish stainless steel shaft. Key shaft to wheel hub. Size shaft for first critical speed minimum 1.25 times maximum speed for each fan class. Minimum L-50 Bearing Life: 500,000 hours at maximum operating speed, in accordance with AFBMA 9. Provide belt and bearing enclosure to shield from airstream. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 5 .9 Fan Wheels: Aluminum hub and non-overloading wheel with backward-inclined blades, statically and dynamically balanced. .10 Belt Drive: .1 .2 .11 Motors: Comply with NEMA MG-1 for designation, temperature rating, service factor, enclosure type, and efficiency requirements for motors specified in Division 23 section "Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment." .1 .12 Drive Components: V-Belt drive, rated for minimum 150 percent of motor nameplate horsepower, with machined, cast-iron pulleys, and heat resistant, oil resistant, static-free V-belts. Motor Pulley: Adjustable pitch. Motor Sizes: Minimum size as indicated. If not indicated, large enough so driven load will not require motor to operate in service factor range above 1.0. Electrical Data: .1 Voltage: 208-230 V; 1 phase; 60 Hz. .13 Enclosure Type: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC). .14 When required, provide premium efficiency motor, suitable for inverter duty, for motors controlled by Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). .15 Provide unfused disconnect switch, NEMA 1, selected in accordance with Division 26 section "Enclosed Switches." .1 .2 Factory mount and wire disconnect switch. Ship disconnect switch loose for field mounting and wiring. .16 Finish: Galvanized mill finish internal parts, and uncoated external aluminum parts exposed to weather. .17 Accessories: .1 .2 All aluminum construction Vibration isolators – hanging, neoprene with hangar brackets Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. FAN INSTALLATION .1 Install fans as indicated, complete with resilient mountings, flexible electrical leads and flexible connections in accordance with Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories. .2 Provide sheaves and belts required for final air balance. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Section 23 34 00 HVAC FANS Page 6 .3 Bearings and extension tubes to be easily accessible. .4 Access doors and access panels to be easily accessible. 3.3 ANCHOR BOLTS AND TEMPLATES .1 Size anchor bolts to withstand seismic acceleration and velocity forces as specified. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 1.2 Section 23 37 13 DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS AND GRILLES Page 1 Supply, return and exhaust grilles and registers, diffusers and linear grilles, for commercial and residential use. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Performance Requirements: .1 1.3 Catalogued or published ratings for manufactured items: obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by manufacturer from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards. SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data: .1 .2 .2 Samples: .1 .3 Submit samples in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Quality assurance submittals: submit following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures. .1 1.4 Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and datasheet in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Include product characteristics, performance criteria, and limitations. Indicate following: .1 Capacity. .2 Throw and terminal velocity. .3 Noise criteria. .4 Pressure drop. .5 Neck velocity. Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. MAINTENANCE .1 Extra Materials: .1 .2 Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. Include: .1 Keys for volume control adjustment. .2 Keys for air flow pattern adjustment. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 2 Products 2.1 GENERAL Section 23 37 13 DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS AND GRILLES Page 2 .1 To meet capacity, pressure drop, terminal velocity, throw, noise level, neck velocity as indicated. .2 Frames: .1 .2 .3 Full perimeter gaskets. Plaster frames where set into plaster or gypsum board and as specified. Concealed fasteners. .3 Concealed manual volume control damper operators. .4 Colour: as directed by facility. 2.2 MANUFACTURED UNITS .1 2.3 Grilles, registers and diffusers of same generic type, products of one manufacturer. LINEAR GRILLES .1 Type A .1 .2 .3 .4 .2 E.H. Price or Approved Equivalent Model: 48”/ASP230/2/12” Install in existing T-bar ceiling tiles Airflows indicated on drawings. Type EX .1 Existing diffuser Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. .2 Install with flat head screws in countersunk holes where fastenings are visible. .3 Bolt grilles, registers and diffusers, in place, in gymnasium and similar game rooms. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. .3 Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories. 1.2 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 1 REFERENCES .1 American National Standards Institute/Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ANSI/ARI) .1 .2 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) .1 1.3 ANSI/ARI 430-99, Central Station Air Handling Units. CAN/CGSB 1.181-99, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA .1 Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Indicate following: fan, fan curves showing point of operation, filters, dampers, coil; include performance data. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS .1 1.5 Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 01 78 00 Closeout Submittals. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL .1 Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. .2 Do not dispose of unused paint materials into sewer systems, into lakes, streams, onto ground or in other locations where it will pose health or environmental hazard. 1.6 EXTRA MATERIALS .1 Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. .2 Provide one spare set of filters. .3 Provide list of individual manufacturer's recommended spare parts for equipment such as bearings and seals, and addresses of suppliers, together with list of specialized tools necessary for adjusting, repairing or replacing, for placement into operating manual. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .4 Part 2 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 2 Spare filters: in addition to filters installed immediately prior to acceptance by Consultant, supply 1 complete set of filters for each filter unit or filter bank. Products .1 Acceptable Manufacturers: .1 .2 .3 Approved manufacturer shall be Trane, with pre-approved alternates considered. Manufacturers not pre-approved, must obtain pre-approval in writing from consulting engineer prior to bid day. Alternates must comply with all performance and features as called for in this specification. Job awarded on basis of specified equipment. Alternate will be evaluated and considered after job is awarded. Manufacturer must clearly define any exceptions made to Plans and Specifications. Any deviations in layout or arrangement shall be submitted to consulting engineer prior to bid date. Acceptance of deviation(s) from specifications shall be in the form of written approval from the consulting engineer. Mechanical Contractor is responsible for expenses that occur due to exceptions made. Approved Alternates: .1 Haakon .2 Venmar .2 Manufacturer to provide a full perimeter integral base frame for either ceiling suspension of units or to support and raise all sections of the unit for proper trapping. Base frame will either be bolted construction or welded construction. Refer to schedule for base height and construction type. Contractor will be responsible for providing a housekeeping pad when unit base frame is not of sufficient height to properly trap unit. Unit base frames not constructed of galvanized steel shall be chemically cleaned and coated with both a rust-inhibiting primer and finished coat of rust-inhibiting enamel. Unit base height to be included in total height required for proper trap height. .3 Unit Casing .1 .2 Unit manufacturer shall ship unit knocked down in sections at the factory to fit thru a 40” dimension. Fan section shall be disassembled and reassembled by unit manufacturer on site to fit through limiting dimension on site (40”) and not void warranties. Reassembly on site is to be done by contractor for ease of installation in tight spaces. The entire air handler shall be constructed of galvanized steel. Casing finished to meet ASTM B117 250-hour salt-spray test. The removal of access panels or access doors shall not affect the structural integrity of the unit. All removable panels shall be gasketed. All doors shall have gasketing around full perimeter to prevent air leakage. Contractor shall be responsible to provide connection flanges and all other framework that is needed to properly support the unit. Under 55F supply air temperature and design conditions on the exterior of the unit of 81F dry bulb and 73F wet bulb, condensation shall not form on the casing exterior. The AHU manufacturer shall provide tested casing thermal performance for the scheduled supply air temperature plotted on a psychrometric chart. The design condition on the exterior of the unit shall also be plotted on the chart. If tested casing thermal data is not available, AHU manufacturer shall provide, in Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .4 writing to the Engineer and Owner, a guarantee against condensation forming on the unit exterior at the stated design conditions above. The guarantee shall note that the AHU manufacturer will cover all expenses associated with modifying units in the field should external condensate form on them. In lieu of AHU manufacturer providing a written guarantee, the installing contractor must provide additional external insulation on AHU to prevent condensation. Unit casing (wall/floor/roof panels and doors) shall be able to withstand up to 1.5 times design static pressure, or 8-inch w.g., whichever is less, and shall not exceed 0.0042 per inch of panel span (L/240). Floor panels shall be double-wall construction and designed to support a 300-lb load during maintenance activities and shall deflect no more than 0.0042 per inch of panel span. Unit casing panels (roof, walls, floor) and doors shall be provided with a minimum thermal resistance (R-value) of 13 Hr*Ft2*°F/BTU. Unit casing panels (roof, walls, floor) and external structural frame members shall be completely insulated filling the entire panel cavity in all directions so that no voids exist. Panel insulation shall comply with NFPA 90A. Casing panel inner liners must not extend to the exterior of the unit or contact the exterior frame. A mid-span, no-through-metal, internal thermal break shall be provided for all unit casing panels. Access panels and doors shall be fully removable without the use of specialized tools to allow complete access of interior surfaces. Access Doors .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .5 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 3 Access doors shall be 2-inch double-wall construction. Interior and exterior shall be of the same construction as the interior and exterior wall panels. All doors downstream of the cooling coil shall be provided with a thermal break construction of door panel and door frame. Gasketing shall be provided around the full perimeter of the doors to prevent air leakage. Door hardware shall be surface-mounted to prevent through-cabinet penetrations that could likely weaken the casing leakage and thermal performance. Handle hardware shall be designed to prevent unintended closure. Access doors shall be hinged and removable without the use of specialized tools. Door handle hardware shall be adjustable and visually indicate locking position of door latch external to the section. All doors shall be a 60-inch high when sufficient unit height is available, or the maximum height allowed by the unit height. Multiple door handles shall be provided for each latching point of the door necessary to maintain the specified air leakage integrity of the unit. Primary Drain Pans .1 .2 All cooling coil sections shall be provided with an insulated, double-wall, galvanized drain pan. The drain pan shall be designed in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1 being of sufficient size to collect all condensation produced from the coil and sloped in Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .6 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 4 two planes, pitched toward drain connections, promoting positive drainage to eliminate stagnant water conditions when unit is installed level and trapped per manufacturer's requirements. See section 2.07, paragraph F through H for specifications on intermediate drain pans between cooling coils. The outlet shall be located at the lowest point of the pan and shall be sufficient diameter to preclude drain pan overflow under any normally expected operating condition. All drain pan threaded connections shall be visible external to the unit. Threaded connections under the unit floor shall not be accepted. Drain connections shall be of the same material as the primary drain pan and shall extend a minimum 2-1/2-inch beyond the base to ensure adequate room for field piping of condensate traps. The installing contractor is responsible to ensure the unit is installed level, trapped in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, and visually inspected to ensure proper drainage of condensate. Coil support members inside the drain pan shall be of the same material as the drain pan and coil casing. If drain pans are required for heating coils, access sections, or mixing sections they will be indicated in the plans. Fans .1 .2 .3 .4 Fan sections shall have a minimum of one hinged and latched access door located on the drive side of the unit to allow inspection and maintenance of the fan, motor, and drive components. Construct door(s) per Section 2.04. Provide fans of type and class as specified on the schedule. Fan shafts shall be solid steel, coated with a rust-inhibiting coating, and properly designed so that fan shaft does not pass through first critical speed as unit comes up to rated RPM. All fans shall be statically and dynamically tested by the manufacturer for vibration and alignment as an assembly at the operating RPM to meet design specifications. Fans that are selected with inverter balancing shall first be dynamically balanced at design RPM. The fans then will be checked in the factory from 25% to 100% of design RPM to insure they are operating within vibration tolerance specifications, and that there are no resonant frequency issues throughout this operating range. Belt-driven fans shall be provided with grease lubricated, self-aligning, antifriction bearings selected for L-50 200,000-hour average life per ANSI/AFBMA Standard 9. Lubrication lines for both bearings shall be extended to the drive side of the AHU and rigidly attached to support bracket with zerk fittings. Lubrication lines shall be a clear, high-pressure, polymer to aid in visual inspection. If extended lubrication lines are not provided, manufacturer shall provide permanently lubricated bearing with engineering calculations for proof of bearing life. All fans, including direct drive plenum fans, shall be mounted on isolation bases. Internally-mounted motor shall be on the same isolation base. Fan and motor shall be internally isolated with spring isolators. A flexible connection shall be installed between fan and unit casing to ensure complete isolation. Flexible connection shall comply with NFPA 90A and UL 181 requirements. If fans and motors are not internally isolated, then the entire unit shall be externally isolated from the building, including supply and return duct work, piping, and electrical connections. External isolation shall be furnished by the installing contractor in Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 5 order to avoid transmission of noise and vibration through the ductwork and building structure. .7 Motors and Drives .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 All motors and drives shall be factory-installed and run tested. All motors shall be installed on a slide base to permit adjustment of belt tension. Slide base shall be designed to accept all motor sizes offered by the air-handler manufacturer for that fan size to allow a motor change in the future, should airflow requirements change. Fan sections without factory-installed motors shall have motors field installed by the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with installation of motor and drive, alignment of sheaves and belts, run testing of the motor, and balancing of the assembly. Motors shall meet or exceed all NEMA Standards Publication MG 1 - 2006 requirements and comply with NEMA Premium efficiency levels when applicable. Motors shall comply with applicable requirements of NEC and shall be UL Listed. Fan Motors shall be heavy duty, open drip-proof operable at 460 volts, 60Hz, 3phase. If applicable, motor efficiency shall meet or exceed NEMA Premium efficiencies. Belt driven fans shall use 4-pole, 1800 rpm, motors, NEMA B design, with Class B insulation, capable to operate continuously at 104 deg F (40 deg C) without tripping overloads. Direct driven fans shall use 2-pole (3600 rpm), 4-pole (1800 rpm) or 6-pole (1200 rpm) motors, NEMA Design B, with Class B insulation capable to operate continuously at 104 deg F (40 deg C) without tripping overloads. Motors shall have a +/- 10 percent voltage utilization range to protect against voltage variation. V-Belt Drive shall be fixed pitch rated at 1.5 times the motor nameplate. Drives 20 hp and larger or any drives on units equipped with VFDs shall be fixed pitch. Coils .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Coils section header end panel shall be removable to allow for removal and replacement of coils without impacting the structural integrity of the unit. Install coils such that headers and return bends are enclosed by unit casing to ensure that if condensate forms on the header or return bends, it is captured by the drain pan under the coil. Coils shall be manufactured with plate fins to minimize water carryover and maximize airside thermal efficiency. Fin tube holes shall have drawn and belled collars to maintain consistent fin spacing to ensure performance and air pressure drop across the coil as scheduled. Tubes shall be mechanically expanded and bonded to fin collars for maximum thermal conductivity. Use of soldering or tinning during the fin-to-tube bonding process is not acceptable due to the inherent thermal stress and possible loss of bonding at that joint. Construct coil casings of galvanized steel. End supports and tube sheets shall have belled tube holes to minimize wear of the tube wall during thermal expansion and contraction of the tube. All coils shall be completely cleaned prior to installation into the air handling unit. Complete fin bundle in direction of airflow shall be degreased and steam Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .6 .7 .9 .2 .3 .4 Supply and return header connections shall be clearly labeled on unit exterior such that direction of coil water-flow is counter to direction of unit air-flow. Coils shall be proof-tested to 300 psig and leak-tested to 200 psig air pressure under water. Headers shall be constructed of round copper pipe or cast iron. Tubes shall be 1/2 inch O.D., minimum 0.016 inch thick copper. Fins shall be aluminum. Filters .1 .2 .11 cleaned to remove any lubricants used in the manufacturing of the fins, or dirt that may have accumulated, in order to minimize the chance for water carryover. The intermediate drain pan shall begin at the leading face of the water-producing device and be of sufficient length extending downstream to prevent condensate from passing through the air stream of the lower coil. Intermediate drain pan shall include downspouts to direct condensate to the primary drain pan. The intermediate drain pan outlet shall be located at the lowest point of the pan and shall be sufficient diameter to preclude drain pan overflow under any normally expected operating condition. Hydronic Coils .1 .10 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 6 Provide factory-fabricated filter section of the same construction and finish as unit casings. Filter section shall have side access filter guides and access door(s) extending the full height of the casing to facilitate filter removal. Construct doors in accordance with Section 2.04. Provide fixed filter blockoffs as required to prevent air bypass around filters. Blockoffs shall not need to be removed during filter replacement. Filters to be of size, and quantity needed to maximize filter face area of each particular unit size. Filter type, MERV rating, and arrangement shall be provided as defined in project plans and schedule Controls .1 .2 Power wiring to be provided by on site controls contractor. On site controls contractor to provide all controls, sensors, actuators as required for proper commissioning. Part 3 Execution 3.1 INSTALLATION .1 Provide appropriate protection apparatus. .2 Install units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated. .3 Ensure adequate clearance for servicing and maintenance. 3.2 FANS .1 Install fan sheaves required for final air balance. .2 Install flexible connections at fan inlet and fan outlets. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .3 3.3 Section 23 73 11 AIR HANDLING UNITS - PACKAGED Page 7 Install vibration isolators. DRIP PANS .1 Install deep seal P-traps on drip lines. .1 Depth of water seal to be 1.5 times static pressure at this point. END OF SECTION Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON Part 1 General 1.1 SUMMARY .1 Section Includes: .1 .2 Materials and installation for electric incremental heating and cooling units, and accessories . Related Sections: .1 .2 1.2 Section 23 82 21 INCREMENTAL HEATING AND COOLING UNITS Page 1 Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals. REFERENCES .1 Health Canada / Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .1 1.3 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). SUBMITTALS .1 Submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. .2 Product Data: .1 Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and datasheet for electric incremental heating and cooling units, and accessories. Include information as follows: .1 Replacement data for motor element, thermostat and switch. .2 Mounting methods. .3 kW rating. .4 Cabinet material thicknesses. .5 Physical size. .6 Finish. .7 Cabinet surface temperature. .8 Thermostat, transformer, controls where integral. .3 Test Reports: submit certified test reports from approved independent testing laboratories indicating compliance with specifications for specified performance characteristics and physical properties. .4 Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties. .5 Instructions: submit manufacturer's installation instructions. .6 Manufacturer's Field Reports: manufacturer's field reports specified. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Waste Management and Disposal: Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .1 Section 23 82 21 INCREMENTAL HEATING AND COOLING UNITS Page 2 Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. Part 2 Products 2.1 HOT WATER PRE-HEAT COIL [HC-1] .1 Trane/Cooney Coil is base bid. Contractors shall base their price upon Trane, and shall provide cost savings for pre-approved alternates in full compliance with the specification. Only pre-approved manufacturers shall be allowed to bid as alternative. Pre-approved manufactures must be listed by addendum a minimum of 10 business days before bid day. Manufacturers not listed by addendum will not be considered. All risks associated with supply of a unit other than specified shall be carried by the contractor. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: .1 .2 .3 .4 .2 All coil performance selections, including efficiency, pressure drops at ARI conditions, and scheduled conditions. .1 .3 Complete submittals for all coils. Approved alternate manufacturers: .1 .2 .4 Piping modifications Structural modifications Electrical modifications Installation into the space, including hoisting, housekeeping pad, and interference with other equipment on site. Colmac Coil USA Coil Fabrication – Hot Water Heating Coils (with Freezeblock) .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Coils to come with minimum 0.006” thick aluminum fins, minimum .02” thick copper tubes and 16 galvanized steel casing Provide water coils with factory mounted Freeze Block Technology. Each coil shall be provided with an expansion header that is tied into each and every return bend. On this expansion header shall be a dual sensing, pressure and temperature, relief valve to protect the coil during freezing conditions. The pressure relief set point to be 300 psi to remain well within the limits of the material ratings. Valve shall be situated above a drain pan. This technology shall be wind tunnel, climate room tested and field tested with a 100% success rate over a minimum of 3 years. All coils to be thoroughly cleaned and vapor degreased with Perchlorethylene or equivalent. Manufacturer to provide at no extra cost a 30 month guarantee against any freeze related damages to the coil. This guarantee shall cover repair of existing or supply of a replacement coil. In lieu of Freeze Block, contactor shall provide: .1 Heat trace of entire coil, up to and including header. Syl Apps Youth Centre 475 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville, ON .6 .7 Section 23 82 21 INCREMENTAL HEATING AND COOLING UNITS Page 3 Glycol loop to include coil, circulator pump, and heat exchanger tied into the existing water loop. Heat exchanger shall be located indoors such that water will not be exposed to the coil. Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of this change, including electrical costs, pumping costs, plumbing costs, structural costs, and all cutting, patching and painting. Part 3 Execution 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 3.2 Compliance: comply with manufacturer's written recommendations or specifications, including product technical bulletins, handling, storage and installation instructions, and datasheet. INSTALLATION .1 Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .2 Install in ducts and casings in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible. .3 Support coil sections independent of piping on steel channel or double angle frames and secure to casings. Provide frames for maximum three coil sections. Arrange supports to avoid piercing drain pans. Provide airtight seal between coil and duct or casing. .4 Protect coils to prevent damage to fins and flanges. Comb out bent fins. .5 Install coils level. Install cleanable tube coils with 1:50 pitch. .6 Make connections to coils with unions and flanges. .7 On water heating coils, and chilled water cooling coils, connect water supply to leaving air side of coil (counterflow arrangement). END OF SECTION