Timberland trail map
Timberland trail map
Timberland Preserve Legend Cockaponset State Forest P P Town Lands N Guilford Land Conservation Trust Lands x x 80 The Town of Guilford acquired the 600-acre State Lands x Scenic Viewpoints x x e Bridg Twin d Maple Hill R 0.3 0 Miles eTrailhead Rd Maupus Rd N YOU ARE HERE Get This... - Trail map on your phone - Up- to- date trail description - Tips for a safe hike Scan This... Use your smart phone’s QR reader to access trail information before you begin your hike. ill Rd H d un x Welcome to Timberland Preserve Timberland Preserve in 1975 and the forest is managed primarily for wildlife habitat, nature-based recreation and education. Comprised of a mixed upland forest, the Preserve offers access to the beautiful Iron Stream, a cool, high-quality trout stream and the headwater for the East River. Timberland is part of a large expanse of forest, relatively unfragmented by paved roads or development. This greenway provides ample habitat for fisher and warblers, veery, wood thrush, and other forest-nesting birds. With over 15 miles of marked trails, including the New England Trail and a tree identification trail, visitors are sure to find many opportunities to explore this naturally rich and unique property. Ro x Preserve Guidelines x P Preserve open during daylight hours. x Trails are open to hikers, bikers and horseback riders. x x x Hikers & bikers yield to horse users. Pick up after your pet or animals. x Hunting and trapping are not allowed. x Go through, not around, muddy areas. x x Rd x x No swimming in Upper Lake. x up Ma Paradise Pool Carry out what you carry in. x x us x Brook x x Upper Lake The New England Trail x x x x x x x x x Designated as a national scenic trail in 2009, the 215-mile New England Trail (NET) includes portions of four largely contiguous trails: the Mattabesett, Menunkatuck, and Metacomet Trails in Connecticut and parts of the Metacomet-MonadnockTrail in Massachusetts. To learn more about the NET please visit www.newenglandtrail.org. Laurel Rd x x x x x x x x x x t Rd x x x x ill R ar H x Ced x d Milford R x Pine Hillcres side Dr Brook P x Ridge x x The Gulch d d eR Conservation Partners sh bu er pp Rd NM Guilford Land Conservation Trust r Wall Rd Rd w llo Wi Rd Hazel Rd Lower Lake orn Hickory Rd nD Beech Rd The Preserve is managed by volunteers of the Guilford Conservation Commission. The Conservation Commission was established in 1963 and is charged with the development, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural and water resources, within the territorial limits of Guilford. For more info or to get involved, call (203) 453-8015 or visit www.ci.guilford.ct.us/boards-commissions. wth Ha Lak es n adiso Birch Dr Guilford o Wo hor itet Go lf C ou rse M Dr Pe Rd us aup rth dwo Wh P Guilford Lakes School Middle Lake White k Dr Fall Rd Lakeside Dr Ln dl Mid Thistle Roc Do not cut trees, pick flowers or otherwise damage living vegetation. Report illegal or suspicious activity to Guilford Police: (203) 453-8061 x P Stay on marked trails. dge M r ea m Bri x x t I ron S Licensed anglers may fish in Iron Stream. in Tw x Hi x x e l ap x x x x d R ll Maupus Pond x x x x Dogs must be leashed. Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA) is a non-profit, conservationbased membership organization. Our mission is to connect people to the land, to protect forests, walking trails and open spaces for future generations. CFPA is the managing organization for the New England Trail (NET) in Connecticut and the 825-mile Blue-Blazed Hiking Trail System. Contact us at www.ctwoodlands.org or (860) 346-TREE.