T.E.N. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TWENEBOA ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) – SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS AND REFERENCE PROJECT CODE: 00002 0 20/01/12 EPA submission A. de Jong M. Irvine H. Camp Rev Date Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved DOCUMENT NUMBER : 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 Contract Number Area Code TGHA-02078 System Code Responsible Party ERM This document is the property of (TULLOW). It is furnished to establish requirements for a specific item or activity and solely for that purpose. This document is not intended for general circulation and shall not be reproduced or distributed without written permission from TULLOW or its representative. Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled. Refer to digital version for latest revision. REVISION CONTROL Revision: Para /Sect Change Description This sheet must be completed in detail, at each revision once this document has been approved. Details must include revision number, description and indication of which pages and paragraphs have been revised, date of revision approval and approval indication. Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled. Refer to digital version for latest version Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (T.E.N.) Development, Ghana Scoping Report and Terms of Reference Doc no: 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 Tullow Ghana Limited January 2012 Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (T.E.N.) development, Ghana Scoping Report and Terms of Reference Doc no: 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 January 2012 Submitted by: Tullow Ghana Limited 71 George Bush Highway (Tetteh Quarshie Int) North Dzorwulu Accra, Ghana Prepared by: Environmental Resources Management For and on behalf of Environmental Resources Management Approved by: Henry Camp Signed: Position: Partner Date: 20 January 2012 This report has been prepared by Environmental Resources Management the trading name of Environmental Resources Management Limited, with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Contract with the client, incorporating our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT THE PROPONENT THE EIA TEAM STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 INTRODUCTION PROJECT ALTERNATIVES PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT SCHEDULE PRODUCTION FORECAST FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT MAIN PROJECT ACTIVITIES EMISSIONS, DISCHARGES AND WASTE SEAFLOOR DISTURBANCE PERSONAL REQUIREMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT EHS PROGRAMMES, PLANS AND PROCEDURES 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-15 2-26 2-29 2-29 2-29 3 LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 INTRODUCTION THE GHANAIAN CONSTITUTION ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION PETROLEUM LEGISLATION MARITIME LEGISLATION POLLUTION CONTROL RADIATION PROTECTION INSTRUMENT PROTECTION OF COASTAL AND MARINE AREAS STATE, CONVENTIONS AND CLASSIFICATION REQUIREMENTS RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND CONVENTIONS GOOD PRACTICE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS LEGISLATION UNDER PREPARATION 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-8 3-10 3-11 4 EIA PROCESS AND SCOPING 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 THE EIA PROCESS PROJECT REGISTRATION PROJECT SCREENING SCOPING PHASE 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 5 SCOPING STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 5-1 5.1 5.2 5.3 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-1 5-1 5-1 6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE 6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE BIOLOGICAL BASELINE FISHERIES BASELINE SOCIO-ECONOMIC BASELINE 6-1 6-1 6-6 6-15 6-20 7 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS 7-1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESOURCES AND RECEPTORS IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL INTERACTIONS IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 8 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA 8-1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 INTRODUCTION NEXT STEPS TO COMPLETE THE EIA PROCESS PROPOSED BASELINE STUDIES STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT OUTLINE STRUCTURE OF THE EIS PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE FOR THE EIA PROCESS 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-8 8-9 8-10 9 REFERENCES ANNEX A ANNEX B ANNEX C STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT LIST BACKGROUND INFORMATION DOCUMENT CONSULTATION RECORDS ANNEX C1 ATTENDANCE SHEETS ANNEX C2 CONSULTATION NOTES ANNEX C3 CONSULTATION PHOTOS ISSUES TRAIL IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY PROPOSED EIS REPORT STRUCTURE ANNEX D ANNEX E ANNEX F ACRONYMS ABS ACDP AHTS AHV bbl BOP bopd bwpd American Bureau of Standards Acoustic Current Doppler Profile Anchor Handling Tug Supply Anchor Handling Vessel barrels Blow-out Preventor barrels of oil per day barrels of water per day CALM CO CO 2 Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring [buoy] Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide COLREG CSR CTD DCE International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Corporate Social Responsibility Conductivity Temperature Depth [profile] District Chief Executive DP Dynamically Positioned ECC EEZ EHSMS EIA EIS EMP EPA ERP Equatorial Counter Current Economic Exclusion Zone Environmental Health and Safety Management System Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Management Plan Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Response Plan FEED Front End Engineering Design FPSO GDP GMA GNPC IBA IMO ITCZ IUCN MARPOL Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel Gross Domestic Product Ghana Maritime Authority Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Important Bird Area International Maritime Organisation Inter-topical Convergence Zone International Union for Conservation of Nature International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships Mbbl million barrels mmscfd MODU NADF nm million standard cubic feet per day Modular Offshore Drilling Unit Non-aqueous Drilling Fluid nautical mile NORM NO x Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Oxides of Nitrogen NPA OCNS OGP OPRC National Petroleum Authority Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme International Oil and Gas Producers International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation OSRP Oil Spill Reponses Plan OOB PER QRA Oil Offloading Buoy Preliminary Environmental Report Quantitative Risk Assessment SAEMA Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly SCR Steel Catenary Riser SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan SO x Oxides of Sulphur STCW STMA Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly T.E.N. Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme [development] TGL UNCLOS WBF WMP Tullow Ghana Limited United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Water Based Fluid Waste Management Plan 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT Tullow Ghana Limited (TGL) has interests in two oil and gas licence blocks offshore Ghana, namely Deepwater Tano (DWT) and West Cape Three Points (WCTP). In 2007, TGL and its Joint Venture Partners discovered the Jubilee field, which straddles both blocks, and lies approximately 60 km off the coast of Ghana. The Jubilee field was subsequently developed through a joint venture partnership and first oil was achieved on 15 December 2010. Further exploration and appraisal drilling in the DWT block during 2009 and 2010 resulted in the discovery of the Tweneboa, Enyenra (originally named Owo) and Ntomme (T.E.N.) oil and gas fields. The fields are situated approximately 30 km to the west of the Jubilee Field and lie in water depths ranging between 1,000 m and 1,800 m (see Figure 1.1). TGL and its Joint Venture Partners, Kosmos Energy LLC, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Ghana National Petroleum Company and Sabre Oil and Gas, known as the DWT Joint Venture, are proposing to develop the T.E.N. fields. The project is referred to as the T.E.N. development. TGL is the designated operator for the DWT block and will lead the project design, execution and operation of the proposed T.E.N. development. The T.E.N. development will consist of oil and gas production wells, water injection wells and gas injection wells. Production will be gathered through subsea manifolds and conveyed by subsea flowlines to a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) which will be moored in the area of the T.E.N. fields. Subsea equipment installation is planned throughout 2014 and the target for first production is quarter four (Q4) 2014. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT Under the Ghanaian Environmental Assessment Regulations (1999), oil and gas field development is an undertaking for which an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is mandatory. The undertaking also requires registration and authorisation by the Ghana Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). TGL has commissioned Environmental Resources Management (ERM) in collaboration with ESL Consulting (ESL) and SRC Consulting (SRC) (jointly referred to as the EIA team) to undertake the EIA for the T.E.N. development. The EIA is currently at the Scoping study phase. This Scoping Report, including the Terms of Reference for the EIA, has been compiled by the EIA team on behalf of TGL as part of the EIA process. The Scoping Report documents the scoping activities associated with the EIA process and associated stakeholder consultation process. One of the main TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 1-1 objectives of scoping is to identify the potentially significant environmental issues that should be addressed in the EIA. The key issues raised by stakeholders and identified by the EIA team to date are presented along with Terms of Reference for the next stage in the EIA process. This report has been compiled in accordance with the Ghanaian Environmental Assessment Regulations (1999). The Scoping Report, including the Terms of Reference, has been submitted to the EPA for review and acceptance. Copies of the Scoping Report will be made available for public review and relevant comments will be addressed in the EIA. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), containing the findings of the EIA, will also be disclosed at a later stage in the EIA process (see Chapter 8). 1.3 THE PROPONENT Contact details for the project proponent, TGL, are also provided. Proponent: Ghana Projects EHS Manager: Tel: Email: 1.4 Tullow Ghana Limited 71 George Bush Highway North Dzorwulu Accra, Ghana Dr Glenn Bestall +233 30 274 2200 THE EIA TEAM The core EIA team members that are involved in this EIA are listed in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 The EIA Team Name Mr Henry Camp Role Project Director Qualifications, Experience BA, 27 years Mr Mark Irvine Project Manager BSc, MSc, 25 years Mr Albert de Jong Project Coordinator BSc, 8 years Mr AK Armah Environmental and fisheries specialist BSc, MPhil, MSc, 31 years Mr Adu–Nyarko Andorful Socio-economic specialist TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE BA, M.Phil, 10 years 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 1-2 EIA team contact details are provided below. Project manager: Address: Mark Irvine Environmental Resources Management Norloch House, 36 King’s Stables Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2EU, United Kingdom +44 131 478 6000 Tel: Email: 1.5 STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT The structure of the remainder of this Scoping Report is as follows. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Project Description Legislation and Standards EIA Process and Scoping Scoping Stakeholder Engagement Environmental and Social Baseline Identification of Potential Environmental and Social Impacts Terms of Reference for EIA References The main report is supported by the following annexes. Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex D Annex E Annex F Stakeholder List Background Information Document Consultation Records Issues Trail Impact Assessment Methodology Proposed EIS Report Structure TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 1-3 3°30'0"W 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W KEY: DWT Block ! ! ! ! ! West Cape Three Points Block T.E.N. Fields Enyenra Ntomme Tweneboa Jubilee Unit Area Cote d'Ivoire Other DWT Fields Wawa and Turonian-Cenomanian Deep Ghana ( ! International Boundary Half Assini 60 k m 5°0'0"N ( ! Nkroful Axim appr ox ( ! 0 . 20 Kilometres Enyenra Tweneboa TITLE: Ntomme Figure 1.1 Locality Map 4°30'0"N CLIENT: Tullow Ghana Limited DATE: 22/12/2011 CHECKED: ADJ PROJECT: 0142816 DRAWN: KM APPROVED: MI SCALE: As scale bar DRAWING: Locality_PD.mxd ERM Norloch House 36 King's Stables Road Edinburgh EH1 2EU United Kingdom Telephone:+44 (0) 131 478 6000 Facsimile: +44 (0)131 656 5813 SOURCE: PROJECTION: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_30N 3°30'0"W 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W SIZE: A4 REV: 0 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION TGL and the DWT Joint Venture partners have discovered three fields in the DWT block, namely Tweneboa, Enyenra and Ntomme, containing oil, condensate and gas. TGL and the DWT Partners propose to develop and produce these reservoirs. The base case development ( 1 ) will comprise 33 wells (15 oil production, 15 water injection, 1 gas production and 2 gas injection) and subsea equipment connected to an FPSO vessel where well fluids will be processed into crude oil product suitable for storage and export to world markets. Gas will be reinjected into gas reservoirs, used for power generation on the FPSO or exported to the Jubilee field for potential future export to shore ( 2 ). Produced water will either be re-injected or discharged overboard depending on the outcome of injection feasibility studies. Information on the size and nature of the oil and gas reserves obtained through further exploration and appraisal drilling will inform future development. The high case ( 3 ) development would include up to 49 wells. There is also the potential for future DWT block development with the addition of the Wawa and Turonian-Cenomanian Deep fields. Details of these potential future block developments are not available at this stage. This chapter provides a description of the T.E.N. facilities and equipment, main project activities and associated emissions and discharges. Information on project personnel and an overview of the project contingency and safety plans is also provided. Project engineering studies are underway and the design details will be refined during the EIA. The EIS will present a more detailed design concept which will be assessed in the EIA. 2.2 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES This section describes the work undertaken for selecting the design concept and process that will be followed for refining design details. The EIS will provide a more detailed consideration of alternatives, including an outline of design or selection criteria and/or reason for selecting preferred alternatives. 2.2.1 Development Concept Select Process The development concept required to develop the various the T.E.N. reservoirs, was proposed during TGL’s Concept Select studies. The development concept will be revised and refined during subsequent pre-Front (1) The base case refers to the medium production profile or P(50).. The probability of production being higher or lower than this medium case is 50:50. This scoping report will refer to this base case unless otherwise stated. (2) Potential future gas export to shore is outside the scope of this EIA. (3) The high production profile or P(10).. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-1 End Engineering Design (FEED) development studies. Given that the T.E.N. reservoir appraisal programme is ongoing, the development concept will be flexible to accommodate any changes in TGL’s understanding of subsea oil and gas reservoirs. For the T.E.N. development the main alternatives considered to date included: 2.2.2 project location alternatives; development approach alternatives; and engineering design alternatives. Project Location Alternatives The T.E.N. development location was defined based on the geophysical seismic survey data and subsequent exploration and appraisal well drilling results to date. Results of the Tweneboa and Owo (now Enyenra) discovery wells, confirmed an accumulation of gas and oil reservoirs within the DWT block. The proposed production drilling plan is based on the results of the exploratory and appraisal drilling and is designed to optimise the extraction of hydrocarbons in the most efficient and cost effective manner, therefore options for drilling at alternative locations are limited. 2.2.3 Development Approach Alternatives TGL evaluated the technical, operational and economic factors associated with various development approaches. Oil industry experience elsewhere in similar fields, including the nearby Jubilee field, was used to define the approach. The evaluation process included a risk assessment of three development concepts, including: an FPSO with oil storage capacity of more than 14 days; a tension-leg platform with oil export to the Jubilee field; and a spar platform with oil storage capacity of two days and export to the Jubilee FPSO. Further information on the concept selection process will be provided in the EIS. The risk assessment considered production operational risks, project cost, Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and schedule risks associated with installation and risks arising from major accidental hazards. The FPSO was rated to have the lowest risk for both project installation and operational phases. TGL, therefore, propose to use proven subsea production and control systems that will be tied back to an FPSO. Several factors were considered to determine the best subsea approach for the T.E.N. development including the remote location, water depth, depth of the reservoir and aerial extent of the T.E.N. fields. The proposed approach has been used successfully at the TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-2 Jubilee field and elsewhere in West Africa and other deep water locations around the world. 2.2.4 Engineering Design Alternatives TGL is evaluating a number of design alternatives, based on safety, engineering, technical, financial and environmental considerations, in order to determine the optimum field development concept. The development concept includes a number of alternatives which will be further revised and refined during subsequent engineering studies. These alternatives include: mooring system; FPSO hull design; gas utilisation; production chemical options; offloading system; and produced water disposal options. Further design options can be addressed in the EIS and the reasons for selection of the preferred option ( 1 ). There have been a number of key lessons learnt regarding the installation, hook-up, commissioning and start-up of the Jubilee Field from the Phase 1 development that will be considered in the T.E.N. subsea and FPSO design. Further information will be provided in the EIS. 2.3 PROJECT LOCATION The DWT block, at its closest point, is located approximately 50 kilometres south of the Ghana coastline (see Figure 1.1). The T.E.N. facilities, including the proposed FPSO vessel would lie approximately 140 km south-west of the port at Takoradi, 60 km from shore, 10 km east of the Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire border and 30 km west of the Jubilee field. Water depths at the fields range from about 1,000 to 1,800 m. The FPSO is planned to be located approximately in the centre of the DWT block, at similar latitude to the Jubilee FPSO (E 484196 m, N 507446 m). At this site, the FPSO will be located directly above a seabed channel (canyon). The water depth at this location is approximately 1,410 m. (1) It should be noted that certain options may be discounted during design due to TGL’s requirement for standardisation of equipment to consolidate the number of suppliers, equipment and materials, thereby minimising investment in spare parts, training and providing common maintenance procedures. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-3 2.4 PROJECT SCHEDULE A provisional schedule, assuming a target date for first oil in Q4 2014, is provided in Table 2.1. The programme may change subject to detailed scheduling of fabrication times of various elements and the availability of drilling vessels and specialist construction vessels. The schedule assumes that permits will be in place by Q3 2012. The drilling and completion of the wells is expected be undertaken from Q2 2013 to Q3 2014. Subsea facilities will be fabricated from Q1 2013 and subsea installation will take place throughout 2014. The FPSO will be installed between Q3 2013 and Q4 2014. Table 2.1 Provisional Schedule Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2012 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 2015 Q1 Approvals and sanctions EIA PoD approval Surface facilities Design Build and deliver Well construction Development drilling Completion Subsea facilities Fabrication Offshore installation Production operations Operations readiness Commissioning First oil Note: This schedule is provisional and subject to change. A final schedule will be provided in the EIS. 2.5 PRODUCTION FORECAST Production profiles for low, medium and high cases have been produced using subsea modelling. A design basis has been developed considering medium case production profiles (ie the P50 case). These production profiles are likely to be further amended over the coming months in line with ongoing sub-surface appraisal work and changes arising from new subsurface modelling. Production profiles from the base case subsea model of September 2011 are shown in Figure 2.1. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-4 Figure 2.1 Provisional Base Case Production Profiles (Sept 2011) Source: TGL, 2011 Figure 2.1 shows a peak oil production rate of 99,998 barrels (bbl) per day by 2018. Oil production rates will then decrease to 3,434 bbl per day by 2040. The oil production rate shown above includes stabilised and blended condensate volumes. A total oil recovery of approximately 216 million barrels (Mbbl) is expected by 2040. A gas production rate of 176 million standard cubic feet per day (MMScfd) can be achieved by 2017, decreasing to 8 MMScfd by 2040. The gas rate excludes all quantities of gas allocated to be used as fuel gas for power generation (approximately 20 MMscfd). A peak water production rate of 73,825 bbls is expected. 2.6 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 2.6.1 FPSO An FPSO is a vessel used for the processing and storage of hydrocarbons. An FPSO is designed to receive hydrocarbons from production wells, process them and store the crude oil until it can be offloaded onto an export tanker. An FPSO can be a conversion of an oil tanker or a custom built vessel. For the T.E.N. fields, TGL is proposing to commission a new, converted FPSO vessel as the production facility with a nominal oil, gas and condensate processing capacity of 105,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd). Further information on the design of the FPSO will be provided in the EIS. The location of FPSO construction and commissioning is yet to be finalised. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-5 The following utility and support systems will likely be part of the FPSO. 2.6.2 Blanket gas system. Chemical injection. Cooling/heating medium system. Diesel system. Drain system. Earthing system. Emergency Shutdown Systems. Emissions monitoring systems. Fire and Gas Systems. Flare/vent system. Fuel gas system. Helideck. Instrument and plant air. Laydown area. Living quarters. Lighting system. Materials handling. Nitrogen generation system. Oily water treatment (bilge/ballast). Potable water system. Power distribution. Power generation. Produced water treatment. Safety systems. Seawater system. Steam system. Telecommunications and navigational aids. Water injection. Mooring System Ocean wind and current data which has been gathered from the Jubilee Field over the past few years indicate that a spread-moored FPSO (Figure 2.2), rather than a turret moored weathervaning ( 1 ) FPSO as utilised at Jubilee, can be deployed offshore Ghana. The use of a spread moored FPSO for T.E.N. is ideal due to its flexibility and potential for later field expansion as it allows additional risers to be added relatively simply compared to a turret moored FPSO. A spread-mooring system would comprise of an array of mooring lines between seabed anchors and fixed chain stoppers on the deck of the FPSO. This array would keep the FPSO on location and effectively prevent it from rotating. Figure 2.2 Example of FPSO with a Spread Mooring Spread moored FPSO Agbami offshore Nigeria (1) The turret system has a universal joint which allows the vessel to freely turn 360 degrees around the mooring vertical axis to align itself with prevailing wind, wave and current conditions. (ie the FPSO weathervanes). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-6 2.6.3 Offloading System With a spread moored FPSO at the T.E.N. fields it is proposed that export tankers would load via a remote Oil Offloading Buoy (OOB), situated approximately 1.8 km (one nautical mile) from the FPSO (Figure 2.3). This will minimise the risk of potential collision between the tanker and the FPSO. The buoy will be connected to the FPSO by a minimum of two mid-water flexible or steel offloading flowlines. The buoy will have a multi-anchor leg mooring system and will allow an export tanker to freely weathervane ( 1 ) during offloading. At a processing capacity of 100,000 bopd, the FPSO will fill to capacity in approximately 17 days. It is planned to offload oil in 1 million barrel loads with each load taking approximately 20 hours to offload. Export tanker visits will therefore be approximately every 10 days during the peak production period. Figure 2.3 Typical Oil Offloading Buoy 2.6.4 Development Plan Nine wells, consisting of three oil producers, three water injectors, one gas producer and two gas injectors, will be drilled and completed to be ready for first oil. Once production has commenced additional wells will be drilled, completed and subsea infrastructure connected. The base case development will comprise a total of 33 wells. Sixteen additional wells may be required for further high case development depending on actual production levels. A summary of development wells is provided in Table 2.2 and an indicative base case layout is provided in Figure 2.4. A full list of base case well data is (1) The design of the OOB will allow the export tanker to swivel around the buoy in response to the prevailing wind/current direction during offloading. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-7 provided in Table 2.3. It should be noted that final well locations have not been confirmed and may deviate, typically within a 1 km radius of the proposed well location. Table 2.2 First Oil, Base Case and High Case Wells Wells Well status Number of existing wells Number of wells to be drilled Well status (total) Well type Oil production wells Gas production wells Water injection wells Gas injection wells Well type (total) Table 2.3 First Oil Base Case High Case 2 7 9 4 29 33 4 45 49 3 1 3 2 9 15 1 15 2 33 28 4 15 2 49 T.E.N Well Data # Name Type FO / BC Status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Owo-1RA Enyenra-02a Enuenra-03a Enyenra-04a Enyenra-07 Enyenra-09 Enyenra-11 Enyenra-13 Enyenra-15 Enyenra-17 Enyenra-19 Enyenra-06 Enyenra-08 Enyenra-10 Enyenra-12 Enyenra-14 Enyenra-16 Enyenra-18 Enyenra-20 Enyenra-22 Enyenra-24 Enyenra-26 Enyenra-30 Enyenra-32 Enyenra-34 Enyenra-36 Enyenra-38 Enyenra-40 Tweneboa-06 Tweneboa-07 Tweneboa-3ST Ntomme-01 Ntomme-02 Oil production Water injection Water injection Water injection Oil production Water injection Oil production Oil production Water injection Oil production Water injection Water injection Oil production Water injection Oil production Oil production Water injection Oil production Water injection Oil production Water injection Oil production Water injection Oil production Oil production Water injection Oil production Water injection Water injection Oil production Gas injection Gas injection Gas production FO / BC FO / BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC FO / BC FO / BC FO / BC FO / BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC FO / BC FO / BC FO / BC Existing Existing Existing Existing To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled To be drilled Water Wellhead Location Depth (m) (UTM) East (m) North (m) -1445 481038 508133 -1675 479259 501122 -1105 483092 514574 -1880 475632 495329 -995 485307 516945 -995 483774 516784 -1540 485259 501875 -1151 483527 513129 -1255 482076 511369 -1152 483526 513117 -1257 482068 511344 -1532 480694 505670 -1588 480192 503885 -1588 480225 503689 -1588 480200 503858 -1765 478734 498802 -1755 478589 498888 -1760 478693 498823 -1758 478553 498854 -1851 476934 496442 -1843 476921 496549 -1849 476893 496457 -1535 480686 505639 -1588 480190 503871 -1587 480237 503873 -1589 480217 503665 -1587 480237 503840 -1676 479262 501104 -1290 488040 508117 -1288 488032 508176 -1603 489047 501894 -1512 486536 503008 -1588 484141 500255 Source: TGL, 21.12.11; Datum: WGS84; TD = Total Depth; FO = First Oil; BC = Base Case Note: wellhead locations and water depths have not been finalised. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-8 Figure 2.4 Base Case Field Layout Source: TGL, 2011 (00002-INT-SU-LAY-1502-001_C) TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/01/2012 2-9 2.6.5 Subsea Infrastructure Subsea infrastructure will likely comprise of the following elements: subsea manifolds (approximately ten), production and injection trees (one per well), riser bases (approximately three), jumpers, risers, flowlines, umbilicals and an import/export pipeline. Definitions of subsea equipment terminology are provided in Box 2.1. Box 2.1 Subsea Equipment: Definition of Terms Production manifolds Production manifolds are subsea equipment installed on the seafloor, comprised of valves and pipes, which is as a gathering point for the produced fluids/gas from individual production wells. Production trees Production trees are comprised of a set of control valves that are installed on production wellheads to control production fluids/gas. Jumpers, flowlines and risers Jumpers are generally rigid insulated pipes that correct wellheads to manifolds. Flowlines are dual insulated pipes that carry production fluids from production manifolds to riser bases or injection water/gas from riser bases to injection manifolds. Risers carry production fluids from the riser base on the seabed to the FPSO or injection water/gas from the FPSO to riser bases. Water injection manifolds A water injection manifold is a piece of equipment comprised of valves and pipes that sit on the seafloor through which water is distributed to individual water injection wells. Water/Gas injection trees Water/gas injection is controlled by subsea control values (within the injection trees) connected to the wellhead. Umbilicals Umbilicals are used to convey chemicals, data (control system information, pressure and temperature) electrical power and high/low pressure hydraulic fluid supply to allow manipulation of infrastructure valves and tree safety valves and flow chokes. 2.6.6 Oil Production Systems Oil Production Wells The 15 oil production wells that are planned under the base case will be tied back to subsea production manifolds via single flowlines (see Table 2.3). Production will be carried from the production manifolds to riser bases via single or dual pipelines. Finally production will be carried from the riser bases through Steel Caternary Risers (SCR) to the FPSO. Flexible risers or free-standing riser towers may also be considered rather than SCRs. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-11 Production Manifolds Production manifolds will be installed on the seafloor as a gathering point for oil, gas and water from individual production wells. Manifolds may be mounted on suction piles. Manifold dimensions will be confirmed during detailed design. Typically the dimensions of each manifold are 6 m by 9 m or 54 m2, with a weight of 100 tonnes. Approximately eight subsea production manifolds are planned in the development base case. Production Trees Production from individual wells will be controlled by subsea control values (known as Christmas trees) connected to the wellhead. A horizontal subsea tree system is currently the preferred option, however, production tree specifications will be confirmed during detailed design. Typically, the seafloor footprint dimensions for each production tree are approximately 5 m by 5 m, or approximately 25 m2. 2.6.7 Water Injection System Water Injection Wells Water injection is planned for the Enyenra and Tweneboa fields. There will be 15 water injections wells as part of the base case development, 14 into the Enyenra field and one in the Tweneboa field. Water Injection Manifolds Water will be distributed to the individual injection wells via water injection manifolds that will be installed on the seafloor. Suction piles will be installed to ensure manifold support and stability. SCRs will be installed ( 1 ) from the FPSO balconies to the riser bases / central water injection distribution manifold. From the distribution manifold, flowlines will carry water to regional manifolds and via jumpers to individual wells. The water distribution manifold and flowline specifications will be confirmed during detailed design. Typically each manifold will measure approximately 6 m by 6 m or 36 m2, with a weight of 80 tonnes. Approximately two water injection manifolds are planned in the development base case. 2.6.8 Water Injection Trees All injection well trees will likely be enhanced horizontal subsea trees, mounted on top of subsea wellheads in a similar manner to that employed for the production trees. Water injection tree specifications will be confirmed during detailed design. Typically, they have a seafloor footprint dimension of approximately 5 by 5 m, or approximately 25 m2. (1) Flexible risers or free-standing riser towers may also be considered rather than SCRs. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-12 2.6.9 Gas Production / Injection System Gas Production / Injection Wells Gas production and injection will occur at the Ntomme field, which is located in the east of the development area. There will be one gas production (Ntomme-2) and two gas injection wells (Ntomme-01 and Twneboa-3ST) as part of the base case development. Gas Injection Manifolds One gas injection manifold will be installed on the seafloor as a distribution point for injected gas to the individual injection wells. The gas injection manifold will be supported by suction piles to provide additional support. The gas injection manifold will be similar to the water injection manifold. Manifold specifications will be confirmed during detailed design. Typically each manifold will measure approximately 6 by 6 m or 36 m2, with a weight of 80 tonnes. Gas Injection Trees Gas production and injection trees will be similar to the water injection trees and equipped with a modified choke design. Typically the injection trees will weigh approximately 40 tonnes and with a seafloor footprint dimension of approximately 5 by 5 m, or approximately 25 m2 each. 2.6.10 Injection Flowlines, Risers and Umbilicals Water injection will be through SCRs ( 1 ) from the FPSO to an intermediate water distribution manifold and then to the outlying manifolds via steel flowlines. Gas injection will leave the FPSO through an SCR to a riser base. Injection gas will then be transferred to the eastern manifold via a flowline. Gas production will be transferred from the Ntomme-2 gas production well via a flowline to the riser base and then via a separate SCR to the FPSO. Umbilicals will be used to convey chemical, pressure and temperature data and allow hydraulic manipulation of chokes and tree valves. Specifications and dimensions of the flowlines, risers and umbilical will be confirmed during detailed design. 2.6.11 Import/Export Pipeline The development plan will require installation of a bi-directional 12-inch (30 cm) gas import/export pipeline that will connect T.E.N. FPSO to Jubilee field. The length of the pipeline will be approximately 30 km, depending on the final route and FPSO location. The pipeline will import gas from Jubilee for the commissioning of gas compression or handling systems at the T.E.N. (1) Flexible risers or free-standing riser towers may also be considered rather than SCRs. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-13 FPSO prior to first oil. It may also be used to import fuel gas for the T.E.N. FPSO from Jubilee. Engineering and geotechnical studies are undertaken to determine the optimal pipeline design and route. Further details will be provided in the EIS. 2.6.12 Oil Production Flowlines and Risers Flowlines will carry multi-phase and commingled well streams from individual wells and manifolds. Steel production flowlines will extend to all production manifolds in series and convey the well streams to riser bases located in proximity to the FPSO. SCRs ( 1 ) will connect the individual lines at the riser bases to the FPSO at the riser balconies. Risers will be installed in the field after FPSO installation. 2.6.13 Subsea Control Systems All subsea hydraulically operated valves will be actuated using an electrohydraulic subsea control system. Hydraulic power, electrical power, communication signals and production chemicals will be supplied and distributed from the FPSO Subsea Control System through intermediate Subsea Distribution Units (SDUs). The SDUs will be mounted on mud mats placed on the seabed in proximity to the manifolds to distribute the weight of infrastructure to prevent it prevent it from sinking into the seabed. Each SDU will provide a central distribution point for the distribution of electrical, optical and fluid services to the subsea equipment. Electric and hydraulic leads will connect the SDUs to the subsea trees and manifolds. Dimensions of these components will be confirmed during detailed design. Dynamic umbilical sections will connect at the FPSO balconies and riser bases, and static umbilical sections will connect the riser bases to the SDUs. 2.6.14 Safety Exclusion Zone A temporary 500 m radius exclusion zone will be applied at each subsea drilling location when the drilling vessels are present. Permanent restricted access areas, such as advisory and exclusion zones, will be established around offshore facilities (ie FPSO and OOB) in the T.E.N. development area. A dedicated field vessel will be located on site to enforce the safety exclusion zone. Seabed activity in the area will also be precluded due to the presence of subsea infrastructure. The area that will be restricted for all seabed activity will be determined during the final design and further information will be provided in the EIS. (1) Flexible risers or free-standing riser towers may also be considered rather than SCRs. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-14 2.7 MAIN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 2.7.1 Drilling and Completions Four existing, and currently suspended, wells will be completed and 29 new wells drilled and completed. A mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU), such as the Sedco Energy (see Figure 2.5), will be used for the drilling programme. Other drilling vessels may also be used depending on schedule and availability. Figure 2.5 Sedco Energy MODU Source: Transocean, 2011 Drilling Process Description Drilling for oil and gas uses a rotating drill bit attached to the end of a drill pipe (the ‘drill string’) to bore into the earth to reach oil and gas deposits. For each well to be drilled the drilling vessel will be positioned at the well location. The first stage in drilling (known as ‘spudding’) is to place the 36 inch (90 cm) diameter casing (marine riser) between the drilling vessel and approximately 70 m below the seabed. Once this is place drilling continues TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-15 using a series of two to three (or more) progressively smaller diameter drill casings eg from 16 inches (41 cm) to 12 ¼ inches (31 cm) diameter as the well is drilled deeper. These casings will be cemented in place. Well designs will be provided in the EIS. The rotating drill bit breaks off small pieces of rock (called drill cuttings) as it penetrates rock strata (Figure 2.6). The cuttings typically range in size from clay to coarse gravel and their composition will vary depending on the types of sedimentary rock penetrated by the drill bit. Drilling fluids (also called muds) are pumped down the drill string during drilling to maintain a positive pressure in the well, cool and lubricate the drill bit, protect and support the exposed formations in the well and lift the cuttings from the bottom of the hole to the surface. Drilling fluids are slurries of various solids and additives (used to control the fluids functional properties such as density). For the 36 inch conductor the drilling fluids (mainly seawater) and cuttings are discharged onto the seabed but once the surface casing is in place the drilling fluids can be re-circulated between the drilling vessel and the well. Returned drill cuttings and drilling fluid will be separated and cleaned on the drilling vessel using solid control equipment (Figure 2.7). Figure 2.6 Circulation of Drilling Fluid during Drilling Drill String Drilling fluid flows down the drill string and then carries up the annulus Borehole wall Drill Bit Formation being drilled TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-16 Figure 2.7 Advanced Solid Control System including a Secondary Treatment System Source: OGP, 2003 Types of Drilling Fluid There are two broad categories of drilling fluid; water based fluids (WBFs) and non-aqueous drilling fluids (NADFs). There are a wide range of types of each drilling fluid used by the oil and gas industry around the world. For both types of drilling fluid a variety of chemicals are added to the water or non-aqueous liquid to modify the properties of the fluids. Additives include clays and barite to control density and viscosity and polymers such as starch and cellulose to control filtration. The type of drilling fluid used for a particular well or drilling program will depend largely on the technical requirements of the well, local availability of the products and the contracted drilling fluid supplier. Often, both WBFs and NADFs are used in drilling the same well. WBFs will be used to drill some sections (particularly the top sections) of the well and then NADFs will be substituted for the deeper sections to the bottom of the well. NADFs are often required for particular sections of the well as they offer better well stability (particularly when drilling through water-sensitive formations such as primarily shales). They also offer better lubricity and high temperature stability and reduce the formation of gas hydrates (which is a particular issue for deep water wells). In addition, NADF use results in more efficient drilling, and give rise to fewer drilling problems (and therefore the requirement for remedial work thereby improving health and safety risks). For the T.E.N. drilling programme, seawater and some WBFs will be used to drill in the upper sections of the wellbore (including spudding) of each well and a low toxicity NADF will be used for the mid and lower sections of each TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-17 well. NADFs will not be discharged to sea but recycled for further use and ultimately returned to the suppliers; however, a portion of the fluids will be adhered to the drilling cuttings that are discharged to sea. Further information on the composition and treatment of drilling fluid will be provided in the EIS. Well Completions After wells have been drilled a process known as ‘well completion’ is undertaken to prepare the well for its operational function (ie producing well or injector well) and to install a number of safety and operational controls, such as produced sand filters. Completions will be undertaken from the drilling vessel and for each well this process will take approximately 25 days. For each well, subsurface safety valves will be installed to provide pressure isolation and prevent pollution in the event of damage to the wellhead, surface (mudline) isolation valves and flow control valve (subsea tree). For producing wells downhole pressure and temperature gauges will be installed to provide continuous data during the life of the wells. In addition, pressure and temperature will be recorded at the subsea tree and throughout the subsea facilities. To prevent sand from the well face from entering the well completion, sand control will be installed by hydraulically fracturing the reservoir rock and placing a known size of synthetic gravel (sand) in the fractures. The gravel prevents migration of sand into the well bore and a screen within the well casing prevents the gravel from being transported back into the well with the flow of hydrocarbons. Flaring Completion fluids such as weighted brines or acids, methanol and glycols will be injected into the wells to clean the wellbore, stimulate the flow of hydrocarbons, and/or to maintain downhole pressure. Upper completion and well flowback fluids will be flared off after use. Disposal of the fluids by burning will result in emissions to the atmosphere. In addition, inefficient burning of reservoir fluid may result in some incomplete combustion of the flowed hydrocarbons and potential fallout of unburned droplets to the sea surface. Completion fluid will be flared using an efficient test burner. The test burner will be mounted on a standard burner boom which can be directionally swivelled according to the prevailing wind conditions. 2.7.2 Installation FPSO and OOB The first step will be to install four mooring clusters positioned 1,000 m from the final FPSO location and three mooring clusters from the final OOB TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-18 location. Each of the mooring clusters will likely consist of suction piles, chain or polyester, spiral wire strand and a temporary support buoy. Final setting of each anchor is expected to disturb a volume of sediment which will be confirmed in the EIA based on the refined mooring system design. The chain and wire segment of each mooring line is expected to disturb a narrow zone of sediments from the anchor toward the centre of the array for a distance of 300 to 600 m. At completion of the pre-installation, a support buoy will support each segment prior to the FPSO hook-up. The work will be undertaken using a pair of large (20,000 hp) anchor handling vessels (AHVs) or Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels and will last approximately two to four weeks. The FPSO will sail to site using its main engine which will then be decommissioned once it is on site. Alternatively, the FPSO will be towed from the construction yard and pre-commissioning site to the installation site by three to five tugs. The portion of the FPSO sailing within Ghanaian waters will last one to two days. Hook-up of the FPSO to the mooring spread will be performed by a Dynamically Positioned (DP) construction vessel (see Figure 2.8). The vessel will pick up the upper end of the preinstalled mooring segments, move toward the FPSO and connect the mooring wire to the FPSO. Figure 2.8 Typical Subsea Installation Vessel (top) and Pipelay Vessel (bottom) Subsea Manifolds Each of the eight subsea manifolds and thee riser bases will be installed on the seafloor at various locations in the T.E.N. development area. The equipment will be installed using a DP construction vessel, an AHV/AHTS outfitted with an A-frame or a drilling vessel. Manifolds and riser bases will be mounted on TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-19 suction piles and may be equipped with short steel extensions that will penetrate the sediments and provide horizontal resistance to movement and stability. The seafloor extensions of the manifolds will penetrate approximately 3 m below the seafloor depending on the strength of the sediments. Flowlines and Umbilicals Installation of the flowlines will be performed by a DP lay vessel and will likely begin by lowering flowlines from individual production wells to the production manifolds, then in the direction of the FPSO. The FPSO end of each flowline will be temporarily abandoned on the seafloor in the vicinity of the planned location of the lower end of the production riser, which will be connected to the flowline and installed after the FPSO is moored in place. Disturbance of seafloor sediments by flowlines will be limited to narrow corridors. The lay vessel will be resupplied (with pipe, material and fuel) either by supply vessel or cargo barges towed by tugs. Installation of the control umbilicals, one to each subsea manifold, will proceed in a manner similar to installation of flowlines and may be performed by a special DP cable/umbilical vessel or by the same lay vessel that installs the flowlines (Figure 2.9). Installation will likely begin by lowering the umbilical on the seafloor within 15 to 30 m of the subsea manifold and laying in the direction of the FPSO location. As in the case of the subsea flowlines, disturbance of seafloor sediments by the deepwater portion of the control umbilicals will be limited to narrow corridors. Figure 2.9 Typical Pipeline Installation Vessel TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-20 Risers Installation of umbilical risers, production risers, and the gas and water injection risers are required to complete the FPSO installation. All risers will be suspended underneath the FPSO from two riser balconies; a DP construction vessel will locate the temporarily abandoned terminus of each flowline on the seafloor and raise it to the surface. The bottom end of the riser will be connected to the terminus of the injection line. The vessel will move toward the FPSO and will pass the top termination of the riser to the FPSO. The FPSO will be fitted with either fixed boom or movable winches to pull and connect the risers to the FPSO. 2.7.3 Commissioning and Start-up Commissioning of all FPSO systems will occur to ensure compliance with engineering completions, testing, and commissioning of fire and gas, safety and process control systems. Commissioning and start-up will take approximately five months. It is intended that a maximum amount of precommissioning will be undertaken at the FPSO ship yard to minimise the amount of pre-commissioning required once the FPSO arrives on site. 2.7.4 Processing and Production Oil Processing and Production The well stream fluid will be stabilised and separated on board the FPSO. The produced crude oil and condensate will be blended and stored on board for subsequent export via export tankers. Associated gas will be processed and used for fuel, with surplus sent into the gas injection flowline or import/export line to Jubilee. It is envisaged that the treated produced water will be discharged to sea, however, there is an on-going study to assess the feasibility of produced water reinjection. Gas Processing Gas will be separated from production fluids, and together with produced gas, routed to a gas treatment module. The gas treatment module design has not been finalised but could comprise the following: gas compression for reinjection; gas compression for export to pipeline; or gas for downhole gas lift (1) to improve the well stream. Some of the gas will also be routed to the fuel gas module to be used for power generation. In the fuel gas module the received gas will be cleaned and compressed as required for the gas turbines to be used for power generation. (1) Gas lift is one of a number of processes used to artificially lift oil or water from wells where there is insufficient reservoir pressure to produce the well. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-21 Water Injection The water injection system will use treated seawater injection (and produced water reinjection subject to feasibility study – see above) to maintain reservoir pressure. The sulphate content in the seawater may also be reduced to eliminate the possibility of barium sulphate formation in the wells. The injection water will be pumped at high pressure to the water injection wells in the field. Gas Injection, Compression and Riser Gas-lift Primary gas injection equipment (compression, filtration, and dehydration equipment) will be located on the FPSO in support of gas injection and riser gas-lift. The T.E.N. development will utilise high-pressure gas from the FPSO as injection gas to enhance ultimate recovery. Gas for riser gas-lift will be accommodated either by using a separate, low pressure gas-lift riser that feeds lift gas into the riser base, or by taking a side-stream off of the high pressure gas injection riser in the riser base. Export Tanker Operations During the period of peak production, crude oil stored on the FPSO will be transferred to an export tanker via the OOB approximately every 10 days, with offloading volumes typically being approximately one million barrels of oil. Offloading will typically require 20 hours. All crude oil transfers and vessel movements in the T.E.N. development will be controlled via marine terminal rules and regulations being developed by the project. Upon arrival at the T.E.N. fields, the export tanker will be boarded by a Mooring Master before proceeding to the loading position with the FPSO. The export tanker will be moored to the buoy by a hawser, with fluid transfer through a floating hose. The FPSO will not be equipped to receive dirty ballast water from incoming tankers. Export tankers in the T.E.N. fields for cargo transfers may only discharge clean ballast water meeting international guidelines. The FPSO will have permanent, separate ballast tanks and there will be routine discharge of clean ballast water from the FPSO to maintain the proper draft during production and cargo loading cycles. The FPSO will have a blanket gas system, comprising of either an inert gas or fuel gas based system. The system is intended to maintain the vapour spaces in the FPSO cargo tanks in a stable state to avoid the potential for a fire or explosion. The system will include equipment for the safe venting of excess gas. Electrical Power Generation The electrical power generation system aboard the FPSO will consist of dual fuel turbine generator sets that can provide sufficient electrical power to serve TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-22 the entire facility. Precise specifications will be determined later during detailed engineering design phase. In addition, shipside diesel engine power generators will be installed as an essential alternative power source for shutdown and start-up of all the processing and subsea systems. Emergency power generation capacity will also be provided. 2.7.5 Support Operations Marine vessel and Helicopter Support Support vessels, including crew and supply boats, will be required to support the T.E.N. drilling, completion, installation and production operations. Helicopter support will also be necessary during installation and production operations. Typical vessel and helicopter requirements are detailed in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 Summary of Vessel and Helicopter Support Requirements for T.E.N. Phase Number Required Drilling and Completions AHV/AHTS 1 Support vessels 2 helicopter 1 or 2 Candidate Vessel or Aircraft Characteristics Frequency (round trip per day) 60 to 75 m length, 10,000 hp Two 60 m workboats per drilling vessels Sikorsky S76, S-61 or S-92; Eurocopter AS332, EC 155, AS365; Bell 212, 412 FPSO and infrastructure installation AHV/AHTS 1 60 to 75 m length, 10,000 hp Tow-in vessel 3 to 5 Length variable; 4,200 to 7,000 hp Support vessel 2 85 m workboat; 8,500 hp Pipelay vessel 1 20,000 hp Umbilical vessel 1 16,000 hp Helicopter 1 Sikorsky S76, S-61 or S-92; Eurocopter AS332, EC 155, AS365; Bell 212, 412 Production FPSO 1 Specs TBA Support vessel 1 85 m workboat; 8,500 hp Shuttle tanker 1 1 Mbbl Tug assist 2 4,200 hp; used as needed during mooring Helicopter 1 Sikorsky S76, S-61 or S-92; Eurocopter AS332, EC 155, AS365; Bell 212, 412 N/A 2 4 N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A 1 N/A; moored 1 N/A N/A 2 Onshore Support Locations The onshore support location will be Takoradi, approximately 140 km inshore of the T.E.N. fields. Takoradi has existing port operations (Figure 2.10) and already serves as a support base for Ghana’s offshore oil industry. Additional port facilities at the naval base at Sekondi may be required during drilling, installation and commissioning operations. Crew transfers will take place from the Takoradi air force base. Once the FPSO has been installed and begins operations, a single work boat will visit TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-23 the FPSO on a daily basis. In addition, two helicopter trips to the FPSO will be required daily. The locations of onshore facilities are shown in Figure 2.11. Figure 2.10 Aerial View of Takoradi Port and Oil and Gas Support Facilities at Berth 3/4 The project may require the development of additional onshore facilities. The EIA will provide details of any further onshore developments that are planned as part of the T.E.N. project. Figure 2.11 Locations of Onshore Facilities Fabrication Yard TGL intends to invest in Tema port (Figure 2.12) to develop the infrastructure to provide suitable facilities for the construction of equipment for the T.E.N. project and the oil and gas industry in Ghana in general. Currently, minimal domestic manufacturing, fabrication capabilities exist in Ghana, therefore the Tema yard development would represent an opportunity to generate capability in Ghana to support the long-term development of the oil and gas TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-24 sector in Ghana. It would also allow the use of Ghanaian goods and services to be maximised on the T.E.N. project. The financial viability of establishing the fabrication yard at Tema is currently being evaluated, however, TGL has identified a potential site within the existing port area (see Figure 2.12). Figure 2.12 Potential Site for Fabrication Yard at Tema TGL plans to make an initial investment at Tema port to upgrade and refurbish the existing facilities and develop new facilities. TGL is seeking investment from its potential subsea and FPSO contractors to further develop the port facilities for the construction of equipment associated with the T.E.N. development. This may include the manufacturing of the T.E.N. OOB and subsea manifolds. Upgrading and refurbishment work will likely involve the following. Stabilisation of open areas within the yard to facilitate fabrication of subassemblies. Major equipment overhauls, including re-wiring and load-testing of gantry cranes and, where required, major equipment replacement. Storage areas for scaffolding, new rigging and lifting equipment, and paint and chemicals. Open blasting facilities and equipment. New hand tools and consumables as required. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-25 2.7.6 Remedial work to fabrication workshop, refurbishment of offices and provision of new offices to suit likely workload and requirements. Construction of a canteen facilities, changing-rooms and showers for workers. Replacement of electrical supply and distribution, lighting and small power equipment. Upgrading of communications and provision of new computer infrastructure (hardware and software). Decommissioning The T.E.N. development will be decommissioned at the end of its economic life. Field life is likely 25 years from first oil. This will involve dismantling production and transportation facilities and restoration of the area in accordance with license requirements and/or regulations. The wells will be individually decommissioned using a drilling rig or well service vessel depending on the requirements and casings will be severed 3 to 5 m below the seabed. In each well, cement and mechanical plugs will be installed to ensure that no hydrocarbons will be released into the environment. All subsea flow lines and manifolds will be flushed of hydrocarbons and left in place. Where required, equipment that could possibly interfere with marine or fishing activities will be removed. TGL will comply with any decommissioning conditions in the T.E.N. production permit and submit a decommissioning plan as part of the Field Development Plan. Further information on decommissioning will be provided in the EIS. 2.8 EMISSIONS, DISCHARGES AND WASTE 2.8.1 Emissions T.E.N. activities, including well drilling and completion, construction of facilities and equipment, the FPSO facility installation and operation, export tanker operation, flowline and umbilical installation and support vessel and helicopter operations will emit greenhouse gases and varying amounts of other pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulphur (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter. Estimated volumes will be provided in the EIS. 2.8.2 Discharges The drilling vessel, FPSO facility and associated support vessels and export tankers will produce a series of discharges. FPSO discharges will continue for the life of the development. Discharges from the T.E.N. development will result from the following activities. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-26 Drilling. Drilling and support vessel operations will result in routine discharges to sea (ie sewage, grey water, food waste, bilge water, ballast water and deck drainage). In addition, non-routine discharges will include drill cuttings and fluid. WBM will be used for the two top sections and drilling fluid and cuttings will be discharged to the seabed. The middle and bottom sections will be drilled with NADF and the drilling vessel will use drill cuttings dryers and centrifuges to treat cuttings prior to disposal. Completions. Drilling and support vessels operations during well completions will result in routine discharges (ie sewage, grey water, food waste, bilge water, ballast water and deck drainage). In addition, nonroutine discharges will include returned completion fluids. Completion fluids can typically include weighted brines, or acids, methanol and glycols and other chemical systems. Completion fluids will include completion brine, earth filter aid, surfactant and surfactant boosters. Installation and Commissioning. Installation and pipelay vessels will result in routine discharges during installation and commissioning (ie sewage, grey water, food waste, bilge water, ballast water and deck drainage). In addition, non-routine discharges will include pre-commissioning fluids including dye, oxygen scavenger, corrosion inhibitor and biocide. When flowlines and risers are dewatered (ie water is pumped out) after pressure testing and treatment, Monethylene Glycol (MEG) will be pumped through the pipelines to remove any remaining water. Anticipated discharge volumes are reported in Table 2.5. Operations. Routine discharges from the T.E.N. development will include the following: produced water, black water (sewage), grey water, food waste, deck drainage, bilge water, ballast water, brine, desulphation system reject stream, cooling water. Non-routine discharges from the Phase 1 development include the following: hydraulic fluid, workover fluid, Naturally Occurring Radio-active Material (NORM) (potentially) and hydrate inhibitor. Anticipated discharge volumes and treatment methods will be discussed in the EIS. TGL will develop an Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan which will be applied to all discharges in accordance with licence conditions and EPA Guidelines for Environmental Assessment and Management in the Offshore Oil and Gas Development (2010). 2.8.3 Noise The FPSO, installation vessels, export tankers and support vessels will introduce sound into the marine environment during their operation. Vessel noise is primarily attributed to propeller cavitation and propulsion engines (ie, noise transmitted through the vessel hull). Noise will also be produced from equipment such as flowlines and valves. Once the specification of the vessels TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-27 and equipment to be used is known in detail an assessment of the noise sources can be made as part of the EIA. 2.8.4 Solid Waste Operations will generate solid waste including paper, plastic, wood, glass and metal. Most wastes are associated with galley and food service operations and with operational supplies such as shipping pallets, containers. The solid waste generated on board the drilling vessels, FPSO or support vessels will be shipped back to the port of Takoradi where it will be reused or recycled where possible or disposed of using EPA approved contractors. Anticipated annual non-hazardous waste arisings produced from TGL’s operations are outlined in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Anticipated Quantities of Waste Streams Generated from TGL Activities Waste Type State Description Batteries (lead acid and small portable/household type) Solid All types of battery including lead acid, alkali and lithium ion. Chemicals Liquid Small amounts of various solvents, paints, cleaners left over in containers or no longer required. 1.5 – 2.0 Flammable liquids Liquid Solvents, thinners, paints and other flammable liquids. Small quantities Fluorescent tubes and bulbs Solid Lighting tubes and bulbs 0.2 – 0.3 Oily sediments / tank bottom sludge Sludge /Liquid Packing gravel, produced sand, drill cuttings. Un-pumpable hydrocarbon sludge. 5.0 – 10.0 Oily solids Solid Oily rags, used spill absorbent, hydraulic hoses, minor quantities of grease. 20.0 – 40.0 Plastics (non-hazardous) Solid Radioactive waste Tank slops Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Solid /Liquid Liquids Solid Anticipated Quantity (tonnes/year) 0.25 – 0.5 Bottles and mixed plastics such as 12.0 – 30.0 pipe end caps and packing materials. All plastics (ie types 1 to 7) are included. NORM waste – scale build up on None expected FPSO and gathering network pipe. (potentially 10 to 25) Wash water used for tank cleaning. 10.0 – 20.0 Old computers, screens, televisions, 1.0 – 1.2 fridges, air conditioning units, instrumentation and other electrical goods. Source: adapted from TGL Waste Management Plan. Document No. TGL-EHS-PLN-04-0008. June 30th 2010. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-28 2.9 SEAFLOOR DISTURBANCE T.E.N. project activities will cause disturbance to the seafloor, mainly during the drilling and installation phase. Disturbances will be caused as a result of discharges of cuttings, and the installation of the anchoring system and the subsea infrastructure (trees, riser bases, manifolds and flowlines). There will also be a long-term impact as a result of the physical presence of subsea infrastructure on the seabed. The spatial extent of seafloor disturbance will be quantified in the EIS based on drilling discharge modelling and equipment specifications. 2.10 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT Trained personnel normally accompany support vessels under contract. Similarly, the FPSO will be manned by trained operators, technicians, engineers and vessel crew. The requirements for employment and training, detailed in the Petroleum Agreements will be met with regards to providing employment opportunities for Ghanaian personnel. TGL’s current (August, 2011) staff levels are outlined in Table 2.6. Table 2.6 TGL Staff Levels Status Expatriate National Total Number of Employees 26 198 224 Percentage 12 88 100 Further employment opportunities will arise (both employee and subcontractor) with the T.E.N. development, including project engineering and project management opportunities. These estimated employment numbers will be confirmed in the EIS. 2.11 EHS PROGRAMMES, PLANS AND PROCEDURES The existing TGL EHS Management System (EHSMS) will apply equally to the T.E.N. development as it does to current operations. Appropriate procedures, plans and programmes will be applied to the T.E.N. development. EHS management programmes, procedures and plans will be developed for the T.E.N. development. In particular, the following procedures and plans will apply to the T.E.N. development. Safety Case. TGL will undertake safety case studies for the T.E.N development. The Safety Case will set performance standards for the Safety Critical Elements designed to manage associated risks (eg shutdown systems) and these standards are now integrated into the facility maintenance and testing procedures. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-29 Oil Spill Response. The current Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP) for Jubilee will be updated to include additional response capability for T.E.N. Oil spill response capability established in country will also be reviewed. TGL is part of an association of operators for minor, medium and major oil spill incidents. Emergency Response Plan. An ERP will be developed for T.E.N. Prepositioned response teams have been established in Ghana and links to Ghanaian government response, rescue and military agencies established. The ERP is regularly tested by realistic emergency drills. Incident Reporting and Investigation. Incident reporting guidelines will be applied to the T.E.N. operations, including the project construction yards and in-country operations. Waste Management Plan. TGL will review their current WMP to incorporate T.E.N. waste volumes. Environment, Health and Safety Performance Indicators. TGL has adopted a collection of Environmental, Health and Safety Performance Indicators that are endorsed by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Adoption of these indicators will enable the project to benchmark against industry and establish objectives to ensure top tier performance. Subcontractor Safety Compliance and Oversight. EHS performance requirements have been, and will continue to be, inserted in the various tender invitations that have been submitted to key subcontractors. The responses to these requirements in the bids are an important part of the bid evaluation and contract award processes. Health. All employees, subcontractors and visitors will be provided with a health induction and necessary medications, as required. Personnel will also be required to be informed of and vaccinated against a range of diseases identified as being prevalent. A medical support system in event of medical incident, occupational health services and hospital support are all in-place will be applied to the T.E.N. development. Environmental Monitoring Plan. TGL will develop an Environmental Monitoring Plan which is designed to address all issues (operational and baseline) identified in the EIA. A framework monitoring plan will be provided in the EIS. ISO 14001. TGL’s current ISO 140001 environmental management system will be applied to the T.E.N. facilities and operations. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 2-30 3 LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter outlines the Ghanaian administrative framework and describes the relevant Ghanaian legislation, international treaties and industry standards, including International Finance Corporation (IFC) standards that the T.E.N. development will comply with. Further information on the applicability of legislation and standards will be provided in the EIS. 3.2 THE GHANAIAN CONSTITUTION The Constitution of Ghana (Article 41(k) in Chapter 6) requires that all citizens (employees and employers) protect and safeguard the natural environment of the Republic of Ghana and its territorial waters. 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION 3.3.1 The Environmental Protection Act The Environmental Protection Act (Act 490 of 1994) establishes the authority, responsibility, structure and funding of the EPA. Part I of the Act mandates the EPA with the formulation of environmental policy, issuing of environmental permits and pollution abatement notices and prescribing standards and guidelines. The Act defines the requirement for and responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Inspectors and empowers the EPA to request that an EIA process be undertaken. 3.3.2 Environmental Assessment Regulations The EIA process is legislated through the Environmental Assessment Regulations (LI1 652, 1999) as amended (2002), the principal enactment within the Environmental Protection Act (Act 490 of 1994). The EIA Regulations require that all activities likely to have an adverse effect on the environment must be subject to environmental assessment and issuance of a permit before commencement of the activity. The EIA Regulations set out the requirements for the following: • • • • • • Preliminary Environmental Assessments (PEAs); Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs); Environmental Impact Statements (EISs); Environmental Management Plans (EMPs); Environmental Certificates; and Environmental Permitting. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-1 Schedules 1 and 2 of the Regulations provide lists of activities for which an environmental permit is required and EIA is mandatory, respectively. 3.3.3 Environmental Guidelines The EPA has issued formal guidance on regulatory requirements and the EIA process. The following documents are relevant to the EIA process and the project: EPA Guidelines for Environmental Assessment and Management in the Offshore Oil and Gas Development (2010); Environmental Assessment in Ghana, a Guide (1996) to Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures (1995); Environmental Quality Guidelines for Ambient Air (EPA); Sector Specific Effluent Quality Guidelines for Discharges into Natural Water Bodies (EPA); and General Environmental Quality Standards for Industrial or Facility Effluents, Air Quality and Noise Levels. The EPA guidance for offshore oil and gas development states that the proponent is required to undertake a PEA for small to medium impact scale undertakings and a full EIA for field development and production activities. 3.4 PETROLEUM LEGISLATION National petroleum related legislation includes the following. The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Act (Act 64 of 1983) established the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) as mandated to promote exploration and planned development of the petroleum resources of the Republic of Ghana. The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Law (Act 84 of 1984) establishes the legal and fiscal framework for petroleum exploration and production activities in Ghana. The Act sets out the rights, duties and responsibilities of contractors; details for petroleum contracts; and compensation payable to those affected by activities in the petroleum sector. The National Petroleum Authority Act (Act 691 of 2005) establishes the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) of Ghana to regulate, oversee and monitor downstream petroleum activities. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-2 3.5 MARITIME LEGISLATION National maritime legislation includes the following. 3.6 The Maritime Zones (Delimitation) Law (PNDCL 159 of 1986) defines the extent of the territorial sea and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Ghana. The territorial sea is defined as those waters within 12 nautical miles (nm) (approximately 24 km) of the low waterline of the sea. The Law defines the EEZ as the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea less than 200 nm (approximately 396 km) from the low waterline of the sea. The Fisheries Act (Act 625 of 2002) repeals the Fisheries Commission Act (Act 457 of 1993) to consolidate and amend the law on fisheries. The Act provides for the regulation, management and development of fisheries and promotes the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources. Section 93 of the Fisheries Act stipulates that if a proponent plans to undertake an activity which is likely to have a substantial impact on the fisheries resources, the Fisheries Commission should be informed of such an activity prior to commencement. The Commission may require information from the proponent on the likely impact of the activity on the fishery resources and possible means of preventing or minimising adverse impacts. The Fisheries Regulation (LI 1968 of 2010) further sets up the specific rules and regulations for the implementation of the Fisheries Act (Act 625 of 2002). The regulations address prohibited fishing methods (eg lights to attract fish, explosives and poisons, and pair trawling), fishing within oil and gas infrastructure exclusion zones, minimum mesh sizes, the use of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), and fishing vessel licensing requirements. POLLUTION CONTROL There is currently no single integrated pollution legislation in Ghana. Pollution control exists as part of the environmental and water resource legislation and marine pollution is dealt with by the Oil in Navigable Waters Act (Act 235 of 1964) (see below). The Act makes the discharge of any oil or mixture containing oil from any vessel or from land an offence. 3.7 RADIATION PROTECTION INSTRUMENT The Radiation Protection Instrument 1993 (LI 1559) establishes the Radiation Protection Board, which licenses importers and users of radioactive material and instrumentation. The Board is responsible for ensuring operations relating to devices that use radioactive materials are carried out without risk to the public health and safety and the installations and facilities are designed, installed, calibrated and operated in accordance with prescribed standards. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-3 3.8 PROTECTION OF COASTAL AND MARINE AREAS Ghana subscribes to a number of international conservation programmes, however, Ghana has at present no nationally legislated coastal or marine protected areas and there are no international protection programmes specifically covering the project area. The Wetland Management (Ramsar Sites) Regulations 1999 are made under the Wild Animals Preservation Act 1961 (Act 43) and provide for the establishment of Ramsar sites within Ghana. There are five designated Ramsar wetland sites along the coast of Ghana including: Keta Lagoon Complex; Densu Wetland; Muni-Pomadze; Sakumo; and Songor. There is a sixth Ramsar site (Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary) situated inland. Ghana also has one UN Biosphere Reserve and two World Heritage Convention sites. The World Heritage Convention sites include the Asante Traditional Buildings, located near Kumasi, as well as Forts and Castles, most of which are located along the coast in the Central and Western Regions (UNESCO, 2009). Ghana has more than 1,000 IUCN-management protected areas including 317 Forest Reserves, five Game Production Reserves, seven National Parks, two Resource Reserves, one Strict Nature Reserve, and four Wildlife Sanctuaries (Earth trends, 2003). 3.9 STATE, CONVENTIONS AND CLASSIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The regulatory requirements for an offshore vessel are generally set out by the coastal state or shelf state, the flag state, international conventions and the classification society. The drilling vessel(s) and FPSO need to satisfy all of the requirements from these authorities before it is approved fit for purpose. 3.9.1 Coastal State Regulations All countries have full sovereignty to regulate activities on their continental shelves. As the drilling vessel(s) and FPSO will be operational on Ghana’s continental shelf, Ghana regulations, as administered by the Ghana Maritime Authority, are the governing regulations and take precedence over all flag state and class requirements. However, many jurisdictions, including Ghana, refer to maritime codes, rules and standards related to flag and classification requirements as described below. 3.9.2 Flag State Regulations Ships or offshore facilities trading internationally have to comply with the safety regulations of the maritime authority from the country whose flag the unit is flying. A drilling vessel or FPSO does not need a flag unless required by the coastal state (ie GMA in Ghana) or when in transit through international waters. The drilling vessel and FPSO will be flagged. Flag states require classification and implementation of the safety regulations such as those of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-4 3.9.3 Classification Societies The drilling vessel(s) and FPSO will be classed by a classification society that is recognised by the maritime administrator of the flag state, such as the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or Det Norske Veritas (DNV). 3.10 RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND CONVENTIONS 3.10.1 United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea Ghana is signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS). Under this convention Ghana claims rights within 12 nm of territorial water and a 200 nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Clearance for project vessels travelling into the territorial waters (eg to and from the onshore base) must be obtained from the Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA) and notification should also be made to the Ghanaian Navy. 3.10.2 International Maritime Organisation Conventions Ghana is signatory to the following International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Conventions. International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (Intervention Convention), 1969. Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), 1972. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC), 1976. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978. International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78). International Convention of Oil Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), adopted 1990. Further details of the MARPOL Convention and the OPRC Convention are provided below. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-5 The MARPOL Convention The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPO L 73/78) contains a number of the provisions relevant to the project. These include general requirements regarding the control of waste oil, engine oil discharges as well as grey and black waste water discharges. Table 3.1 provides a list of MARPOL provisions relevant to oil and gas developments. Annexes I and II were ratified first and in 2010, Ghana ratified the remaining Annexes III to V which will come into force in January 2011. The draft Marine Pollution Bill to will adopt the remaining three annexes of the MARPOL standards into Ghanaian legislation but is yet to be enacted. Table 3.1 MARPOL 1973/1978 Provisions Relevant to Oil and Gas Exploration Environmental Aspect Drainage water Provisions of MARPOL 1973/1978 Annex Ship must be proceeding en route, not within a 'special area' and oil must not exceed 15 parts per million (ppm) (without dilution). Vessel must be equipped with an oil filtering system, automatic cut-off and an oil retention system. I Accidental oil discharge Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) is required. I Bulked chemicals Prohibits the discharge of noxious liquid substances, pollution hazard substances and associated tank washings. Vessels require periodic inspections to ensure compliance. All vessels must carry a Procedures and Arrangements Manual and Cargo Record Book. II Sewage discharge Discharge of sewage is permitted only if the ship has approved sewage treatment facilities, the test result of the facilities are documented, and the effluent will not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of the surrounding water. IV Garbage Disposal of garbage from ships and fixed or floating platforms is prohibited. Ships must carry a garbage management plan and shall be provided with a Garbage Record Book. V Food waste Discharge of food waste ground to pass through a 25 mm mesh is permitted for facilities more than 12 nm from land. V Air pollutant emissions Sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances including halons and chlorofluorocarbons. Sets limits on emissions of nitrogen oxides from diesel engines. Prohibits the incineration of certain products on board such as contaminated packaging materials and polychlorinated biphenyls. VI TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-6 3.10.3 Other Conventions and Treaties Ghana has also ratified the following international conventions and treaties which may be applicable to the project. Africa Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (15 September 1968). African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Acceded 24 January 1989). Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (16 November 1972). Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992. Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes within Africa - Bamako Convention (December 1991). Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (23 June 1979). Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, Especially as Waterfowl Habitats (2 February 1971). Framework Convention on Climate Change (June 1992). International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (4 May 1966). International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (29 November 1969). International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-Operation, 1990 (2 June 2010). International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage (18 December 1971). International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (7 September 2000). International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (7 September 2000). Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (24 July 1989). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-7 3.11 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery (1956). The Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention) (30 May 2003). The International Convention for the Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region - the Abidjan Convention (23 March 1981). GOOD PRACTICE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES This section outlines good practice standards and guidelines that the T.E.N. project will comply with. 3.11.1 IFC Performance Standards The International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Sustainability Framework includes Performance Standards (PSs) on environmental and social sustainability. The T.E.N. project has committed to complying with the updated 2012 edition of IFC’s PSs throughout the implementation of the project. All eight of the IFC PSs need to be applied to funded projects, however, for the T.E.N. development the following are considered to be the directly relevant PSs: PS1: Assessment and Management of Social and Environmental Risks and Impacts; PS2: Labour and Working Conditions; PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention; PS4: Community Health, Safety and Security; and PS6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources. Additional guidance is contained in the Guidance Notes to the Performance Standards. The IFC’s set of Guidance Notes corresponds to the PSs and provide guidance on the requirements contained in the PSs, including reference materials and on good sustainability practices to improve project performance. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-8 3.11.2 IFC Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines The EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents that address IFC’s expectations regarding the industrial pollution management performance of projects. They are designed to provide relevant industry background and technical information. This information supports actions aimed at avoiding, minimising, and controlling EHS impacts during the construction, operation, and decommissioning phase of a project or facility. The updated EHS Guidelines serve as a technical reference source to support the implementation of the IFC PSs, particularly in those aspects related to PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention, as well as certain aspects of occupational and community health and safety. The general EHS Guidelines contain information on cross-cutting environmental, health, and safety issues potentially applicable to all industry sectors and should be used together with the relevant IFC industry sector guidelines. For the T.E.N. development, the relevant EHS Guidelines that would apply are: 3.11.3 EHS General Guidelines; EHS Guidelines for Offshore Oil and Gas Development; EHS Guidelines for Shipping; and EHS Guidelines for Crude Oil and Petroleum products Terminals. Other Standards and Guidelines There are several industry good practice standards and guidelines for offshore oil and gas developments. Those of relevance to the project include the following. IPIECA (2004). Guide to Social Impact Assessment in the Oil and Gas Industry. IPIECA (2011). Guidance on Improving Social and Environmental Performance: Good Practice Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry. OGP (1993) Waste Management Guidelines. OGP (1997). Environmental Management in Oil and Gas exploration and Production. OGP (2005). Guide to Health Impact Assessments in the Oil and Gas Industry. OGP (2007). Environmental-Social-Health Risk and Impact Management Process. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-9 3.12 OGP (2010). HSE Management Guidelines for Working Together in a Contract Environment. PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS AND GHANA INDUSTRY STANDARDS The following project standards are based on the Ghana EPA guidance and MARPOL, and good industry practice such as OSPAR (Oslo and Paris Conventions for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic) and International IFC EHS Guidelines (IFC, 2007a and 2007b). 3.12.1 Project Environmental Standards Table 3.2 below provides industry good practice standards applied to effluent levels from offshore oil and gas operations. These are based on MARPOL and OSPAR standards and are proposed by TGL for this project. These standards are also in line with the effluent guidelines in the EPA Guidelines for Environmental Assessment and Management in the Offshore Oil and Gas Development (2010). Table 3.2 Industry Good Practice Standards for Effluent Discharges Source Bilge Water Completion and Workover Fluids Cooling Water Deck Drainage Desalination brine Drilling fluid Food Waste Hydrotest water Produced water Produced sand Sewage Storage Displacement Water (Ballast Water) Industry Good Practice Standards Treat to 15 ppm oil concentration as per MARPOL 73/78 Annex I requirements. Oil and grease not to exceed 42 mg/l daily maximum and 29 mg/l monthly average. Any spent acids will be neutralised (to attain a pH of 5 or more) as per IFC EHS Guidelines. The effluent should result in a temperature increase of no more than 3°C at the edge of the zone where initial mixing and dilution take place. Where the zone is not defined, use 100 m from point of discharge as per IFC EHS Guidelines. Treat to 15 ppm oil concentration as per MARPOL 73/78 Annex I requirements. Mix with other discharge streams if feasible Enhanced cuttings treatment to reduce oil on cuttings to less than 3% as a weighted average. Use of low toxicity (Group III) NADF, no free oil, limits on mercury (max 1 mg/kg) and cadmium (max 3 mg/kg) concentrations. Discharge via a caisson at least 15 m below sea surface. Macerate to acceptable levels and discharge in compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex V requirements. Discharge offshore following environmental risk analysis, careful selection of chemicals and reduce use of chemicals as per IFC EHS Guidelines. Oil and grease not to exceed 42 mg/l daily max and 29 mg/l monthly average as per IFC EHS Guidelines. No discharge unless residual oil less than 1% by weight on dry sand as per IFC EHS Guidelines. Treat with approved marine sanitation unit (achieves no floating solids, no discolouration of surrounding water) as per MARPOL Annex IV requirements. Minimum residual chlorine of 1 mg/l as per IFC EHS Guidelines. Treat to 15 ppm oil concentration as per MARPOL 73/78 Annex I requirements. Note: MARPOL 1973/1978 = International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-10 Underwater Noise Levels The IFC guidelines for minimising underwater noise are applicable to the offshore oil and gas exploration including drilling activities and offshore and near shore structural installations, eg seismic surveys, pile driving, construction activities and marine traffic. These guidelines recommend the following measures to reduce the risk of noise impact to marine species. Identifying and avoiding areas sensitive for marine life such as feeding, breeding, calving, and spawning areas. Planning seismic surveys and offshore construction activities around sensitive times of the year (eg breeding season). Identifying fishing areas and reducing disturbance to these areas by planning for seismic surveys and construction activities to be undertaken at less productive times of the year, where possible. Reducing operation time, where possible. Monitoring the presence of sensitive species (if expected to be in the project area) before the onset of noise creation activities and throughout the seismic program or construction. Experienced observers should be used where significant impacts to sensitive species are anticipated. It is noted that a number of these measures are intended for noisy operations such as seismic surveys and pile driving that are not part of the T.E.N. development activities. 3.12.2 Ghana Oil and Gas Industry Standards TGL is adopting the Ghana Standards Board’s Oil and Gas Industry Standards as a set of recognised standards for the T.E.N. project. 3.13 LEGISLATION UNDER PREPARATION It is recognised that in view of the developing petroleum exploration and production industry, the Ghanaian government is drafting new environmental and marine regulations and guidelines, which are now at the stage of revision by the Parliament. These include the following. Hazardous Waste Regulations, 2012. Marine Pollution Bill, 2010. Maritime Security (Amendment) Act 2010. Offshore Petroleum (Health and Safety) Act, 2010. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-11 Offshore Petroleum (Maritime Fees and Charges) Regulations 2010. Offshore Petroleum (Maritime Pollution, Prevention, Control) Regulations 2010. Shipping (Safety Zone and Pipeline Protection Area) Regulations, 2010. Shipping Amendment Bill, 2010. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 3-12 4 EIA PROCESS AND SCOPING 4.1 THE EIA PROCESS EIA is a systematic process that identifies and evaluates the potential impacts a proposed project may have on the physical, biological, chemical, social and human health environment and develops mitigation measures that will be incorporated in order to eliminate, minimise or reduce these impacts. This EIA process for the T.E.N. development is aligned with the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Regulations (1999) and Environmental Assessment in Ghana Guidelines (1995). The overall process and schedule for applying for an Environmental Permit (EP) is shown schematically in Figure 4.1. This section outlines steps that have been completed as part of the EIA Screening and Scoping phases. Activities that are proposed for the next phases of the EIA are outlined in Terms of Reference in Chapter 8. 4.2 PROJECT REGISTRATION Undertakings likely to have significant impacts on the environment (eg those listed in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Assessment Regulations) must register with the EPA and obtain an environmental permit before commencement of construction and operations. The proposed T.E.N. project was registered on 4 March 2011 with registration number EPA-CE-1828-02057. 4.3 PROJECT SCREENING According to the Environmental Assessment Regulations, within 25 days from the time a registration form is received the EPA will place the development at the appropriate level of assessment. The EPA has determined that the development falls into the category of undertakings (Regulation 3) for which full EIA is required. This scoping report has been completed in line with Regulation 11 of LI l652. 4.4 SCOPING PHASE A principal objective of the scoping phase is to identify environmental, social and health sensitivities and those project activities with the potential to contribute to, or cause, impacts to the environmental and social receptors. At the scoping stage the key issues are identified and understood to a level which allows the remainder of the impact assessment to be planned. This enables the resources for the EIA to be focused on collecting required information and TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 4-1 identifying significant impacts and carrying out stakeholder engagement activities in an effective and efficient manner. Figure 4.1 Overview of the EIA Process Submission of Project EIA Form EIA Required Resubmit Screening EP Declined EP Issued Inspection PER Required EP Issued PER Review 25 Working Days EIA Required Scoping and TOR TOR Revision Required TOR Review 25 Working Days EIA EIS Revision Required Submission of Draft EIS Draft EIS Review Public Hearing Hearing Required EPA Decision 75 Working Days EP Issued EP Declined 15 Working Days Process Total 90 Working Days The objectives of the scoping phase are to: develop an understanding of the legislative, environmental, socioeconomic and health context for the project; identify stakeholders and plan or initiate communication with these stakeholders; identify potential significant impacts; and TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 4-2 develop the Terms of Reference for the EIA for approval by the Ghanaian authorities. The following tasks have been undertaken in the EIA Scoping phase. 4.4.1 Data Review and Desk Studies This task comprised the following: develop an outline description of the planned project activities; undertake a review of relevant legislative and guidance; identify sources and review secondary data; and develop a stakeholder engagement plan and undertake consultations of the Scope of the EIA. Project Description The project description in Chapter 2 of this EIA Scoping Report provides an overview of the various project components, phases and activities to a level that allows those activities with the potential to cause environmental, social and health impacts to be identified (eg physical presence, noise, emissions, wastes and discharges). Project planning, decision making and refinement of the project description will continue throughout the assessment process as a result of the development of the project and in response to the identified impacts. Initial Legislative Review Chapter 3 of this EIA Scoping Report provides a review of legislation and industry guidance relevant to the EIA for the proposed T.E.N. development. Secondary Data Collection Existing baseline information on the environmental and socioeconomic context of the project area has been collected and reviewed and sources of other existing information identified. The EIA team has undertaken an initial review of existing information sources that contributed to an understanding of the environmental and socioeconomic context of the project (see Chapter 6). Available data sources have been identified for the following subjects. Physical environment: oceanography, climate, geology, topography, bathymetry, sediment/water quality. Biological environment: benthos, fish, birds, marine mammals, turtles and significant natural sites. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 4-3 Socio-economic environment: fisheries, demographics and others from census. This secondary data review also focussed on identifying where gaps in information exist and informed the data gathering requirements and the Terms of Reference for the remainder of the EIA. Stakeholder Engagement Plan Project stakeholder engagement started at the EIA Scoping stage and will continue throughout the assessment and through operations to ensure that legislative requirements are met, stakeholder concerns are addressed and that sources of existing information are identified. To ensure that engagement is undertaken in a systematic manner and acts to improve the EIA process and build relationships whilst managing expectations, the EIA team has developed a plan for engaging stakeholders. 4.4.2 Stakeholder Engagement Visit A series of consultation meetings with national stakeholders in the Accra and stakeholders in the Western Region were undertaken to provide project information, collect baseline data and understand key stakeholder concerns. Details on these consultations and issues raised are provided in Chapter 5. 4.4.3 Preparing the Scoping Report This Scoping Report, including Terms of Reference, has been compiled as part of the EIA process in accordance with the regulatory requirements stipulated in the Environmental Assessment Regulations (1999). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 4-4 5 SCOPING STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 5.1 INTRODUCTION This section provides a description of the steps undertaken in the stakeholder engagement process followed during the EIA Scoping study to date. Stakeholder engagement activities planned for the remainder of the EIA are outlined in Chapter 8. 5.2 OBJECTIVES The aim of TGL’s stakeholder engagement strategy is to ensure a consistent, comprehensive and coordinated long-term approach to stakeholder consultation for its hydrocarbon production activities in Ghana. Within this overall strategy the objectives of stakeholder engagement during EIA Scoping consultations are to: 5.3 identify potential key stakeholders; develop consultation tools (eg the stakeholder register); consult with key stakeholders and introduce the project, obtain baseline data and identify key issues; produce a Scoping Report and Terms of Reference; disclose the Scoping Report to Ministries and general public; and obtain comment on the Scoping Report to inform the EIA. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES To date, 193 stakeholders have been contacted regarding the study and provided with information on the T.E.N. development. 5.3.1 Stakeholder List A list of key stakeholders was compiled from previous projects in the area and by identification of new stakeholders through the stakeholder engagement process. These stakeholders were selected on the basis that they would have an interest in the project and would also have knowledge through which to provide insight into possible issues and concerns related to the project. In addition, some of the stakeholders that were engaged with had strong connections to potentially affected local communities. A list of stakeholders consulted to date is provided in Annex A. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-1 5.3.2 Notifications A Background Information Document (BID) was distributed to stakeholders during scoping consultations. A copy of the transmittal letter and the BID is provided in Annex B. The BID provides an overview of the project and outlines the key environmental and social issues that had been identified. It also outlined ways through which additional issues and comments could be raised with TGL and the EIA team. 5.3.3 Consultation Meetings During scoping, a total of 26 meetings have been held with 28 stakeholder groups or organisations (see Table 5.1). Stakeholders included national, regional and district authorities, traditional leadership, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), the media, international organisations and fisher association. Table 5.1 Scoping Consultation Meetings (October/ November 2011) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Organisations / Groups Environmental Protection Agency Fisheries Commission Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) Ghana Maritime Authority Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining Marine Fisheries Research Department Ghana Navy Wildlife Department Forestry Commission Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council National Fisheries Association of Ghana Ricerca e Cooperazione Friends of the Earth Environmental Protection Agency (regional) Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly Friends of the Nation Coastal Resource Centre Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority Western Region Chief Fishermen Ahanta West District Assembly Ghana Tourism Board Ellembelle District Assembly Nzema East Municipal Assembly Jomoro District Assembly Western Region House of Chiefs Media (The Enquirer, Ghanaian Times, Daily Guide, Daily Graphic, Beach FM, Aseda FM) Ghana Wildlife Society Shama District Assembly Regional Fisheries Commission Date 17 October 2011 18 October 2011 18 October 2011 18 October 2011 18 October 2011 Location Accra Accra Accra Accra Accra Attendees 6 1 2 1 1 18 October 2011 18 October 2011 19 October 2011 19 October 2011 19 October 2011 20 October 2011 20 October 2011 21 October 2011 21 October 2011 26 October 2011 26 October 2011 21 October 2011 22 October 2011 24 October 2011 24 October 2011 25 October 2011 25 October 2011 26 October 2011 27 October 2011 27 October 2011 Accra Accra Accra Accra Accra Accra Accra Sekondi Sekondi Sekondi Sekondi Takoradi Takoradi Agona Takoradi Nkroful Axim Half Assini Sekondi Sekondi 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 12 5 2 2 43 12 1 14 14 12 32 6 11 November 2011 24 November 2011 30 November 2011 Accra Shama Takoradi Total 2 9 1 193 Attendance registers were completed by those that participated in each consultation meeting that was carried out during EIA Scoping. The TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-2 consultation team also included translators who speak Fante and Nzema so that the key elements of the project and the main issues arising could be discussed with non English speaking stakeholders. Notes of the consultation meetings, attendance registers and written comments received are provided in Annex C. 5.3.4 Summary of Comments Emerging from Scoping Consultations A summary of comments raised during the Scoping consultations are provided in Table 5.2. These comments have been recorded and considered in developing the Terms of Reference for the EIA (see Chapter 8). A full list of issues raised during Scoping consultations is provided in an issues trail in Annex D. Table 5.2 Summary of Issues Consultation / Disclosure Suggestion for additional TGL communication at local level (ie with communities in the Western Region) also prior to Public Hearings. EPA also suggested they may need to take part in these consultations. Concern was expressed that communication with leadership is not always conveyed to fishermen and members of communities. Suggestion for TGL to communicate findings of the EIA to communities (eg disclose non technical summary) in a simple, understandable format to help communities understand the implications of the project. Requirement for adequate time to review Scoping and EIA Report. Indications that Public hearings will be required for the project. Jubilee commitments Have the Jubilee EIA mitigation measures been implemented? A fisheries liaison person has not been appointed as required by the Jubilee EIA. Concern that CSR efforts are not aligned with District development plans (eg drilling of boreholes which deviated from district development priorities). Lack of ongoing consultation at a local level with community members. Incremental Development and Increased Pressure on Infrastructure Uncontrolled development in Western Region with impacts on natural and heritage resources. Increased traffic in Takoradi and affects of HGVs on road integrity. Increased pressure on port facilities due to increased oil and gas operations. Concern over availability of water for more projects and industrial development in the Region. Interaction with Fisheries Perceived impact of oil and gas activities on fishermen’s livelihood through: decline in fish stocks from pollution or ‘attracting’ fish to offshore installations; and restriction of fishing in safety zone. Conflict with fishermen due to enforcement of safety zone and confiscation of fishing gear. Damage to fishing nets from support vessels. Alternative livelihoods (eg aquaculture) for fishermen due to declining fish stock and perception that oil and gas activities are worsening the situation. Request that Fisheries Impact Assessment be undertaken to address fisheries issues. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-3 Cumulative Impacts Effect of additional restriction of fishing in safety zones due to additional oil and gas operations. Cumulative impact of new project with current and other ongoing oil and gas activities on air quality, water quality and marine ecology. Cumulative impact of expanding oil and gas industry with other industries on protected areas, land use and water requirements. Secondary Socio-economic Effects Influx of foreigners for work in Takoradi. Influx of people to seek work opportunities, sometimes leading to unemployment. Increase in crime rates due to unemployment. Increase in undesired social behaviour (eg prostitution). Increased cost of living and housing in Western Region. For example, workers in oil industry pay higher rent therefore landlords evict current tenants. Increased demand for hotel accommodation and conferencing facilities in Takoradi (positive). Increase Risk of Oil Spill and Compensation Concern over oil spill risk and limited response capabilities. Compensation for coastal communities (especially fishermen) in case of an oil spill. It was said that currently there is no local compensation plan (eg inventory of fishermen and vessel, catch rates etc) if an oil spill happens. Coordination with other stakeholders on oil spill response, eg fishermen and port operators need to know what to do in case of a spill. Employment and Income Expectation of employment in oil industry (despite few opportunities available). Requirement for preference to employ people from coastal districts rather than employing people from elsewhere in Ghana. Expectations to receive royalties for coastal districts as these districts are located closest to the oil fields. Education and Training Concern over institutions providing training that is not recognised by oil industry. Requests for scholarships (for children of fishermen and youth from Region in general). Technical training so that youth can be employed in oil industry. Concern that too many people will be trained and not enough jobs. Communication and Managing Expectations Requirement for Tullow presence in coastal districts. For example, people from remote communities feel they cannot communicate with TGL regarding concerns or to obtain information. Need for ongoing communication with communities about Tullow operations. Communities want to understand what is happening at the oil field as they cannot see it from land. Need for CLOs in communities with whom community members can communicate. Request that a dedicated Fisheries Liaison is appointed. Requirement to receive Jubilee monitoring results to District Assemblies (eg compliance of discharges and waste management with standards). Transboundary Impacts Impacts that could affect Cote d’Ivoire from discharges and potential oil spills due to proximity to maritime boundary. Security issues and dispute over maritime boundary for oil resources. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-4 Discharges to Sea Impacts to water quality, marine fauna and human health due to discharges to sea. Ballast water discharge and potential biological contamination. There is concern that ballast water will have an effect on fish and pollute the marine environment. Algal bloom (green-green) in water and on beach (believed oil operations are causing this). Perceived risk of sea level rise due to produced water and oil and gas infrastructure and subsequent coastal erosion. Air Emissions Effect of emissions on air quality and impacts to human health. Perceived effect of flaring on human health. Belief that flaring is causing a skin rash and swelling of eyes. Accidental Events Concern over capability to respond to large scale emergency event (eg fire). Requirement to upgrade health facilities and emergency services in Western Region to respond to emergency event. Waste Disposal Lack of facilities for receiving increased waste volumes. Concern over contamination of land due to disposal of hazardous waste. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-5 TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 5-6 6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE 6.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a brief description of the current environmental and socio-economic baseline. It presents an overview of the aspects of the environment relating to the surrounding area in which the development take place, ie within the project ‘footprint’, and which may be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed project. This includes the DWT block, including the T.E.N. fields, the Ghana marine environment at a wider scale and the districts of the Western Region bordering the marine environment. The DWT block and its regional setting are shown in Figure 6.1. The project area is approximately 140 km west-southwest of the city of Takoradi, 50 km from the nearest shoreline of Ghana, and 30 km west of the Jubilee Field. This chapter summarises information from previous baseline descriptions from the Jubilee EIS (TGL, 2009). The baseline description will be updated during the EIA with other more recent primary and secondary data, including the T.E.N. Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) (see Chapter 8). 6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE 6.2.1 Climate The regional climate is controlled by two air masses: one over the Sahara desert (tropical continental) and the other over the Atlantic Ocean (maritime). These two air masses meet at the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). During the boreal winter, the tropical continental air from the northern anticyclone over the Sahara brings in north-easterly trade winds which are dry and have a high dust load. During the boreal summer, warm humid maritime air reaches inland over the region. In general, the region is characterised by two distinct climatic periods, namely the dry and wet seasons. The peak of the rainy season occurs from May to July and again between September and November. The maximum northern location of the ITCZ between July and August creates an irregular dry season over the region, whereby rainfall and temperatures decline. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-1 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W 2°0'0"W KEY: DWT Block ! ! ! West Cape Three Points Block ! Cote d'Ivoire ! Jubilee Unit Area EAF Nansen 2009 Survey Stations ! ( TDI Brooks 2008 Survey Stations Ghana ! ( 5°0'0"N ! ( GW1 GW2 GP1 ! ( E3 E2 ! ( E1 ! ! ! ! ! ! GW3 ! ! ! ( ! GE1 ! ! J6 ! ! ! ! ( ! T5 GE4 0 GE5 ! ( ! J9 ! J8 J7 ! 4°30'0"N T6 T4 GE3 ! ( ! J7 1-4 J5 ! (! ( ! (! ( J3 GE2 ! ! ! ( ! oba ! ( th ! ( GP5 ! ( J2 J4 J1 m is GP3 ! ! ! ! 100 GW6 ! ! ! ( GW4 ! (GW5 ! ( ! ( GP2 ! ! Ü 20 Kilometres ! ! TITLE: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GE6 ! ( Figure 6.1 Sampling Stations from TDI Brooks (2008) and EAF Nansen (2009) Surveys CLIENT: Tullow Ghana Limited DATE: 22/12/2011 CHECKED: ADJ PROJECT: 0142816 DRAWN: KM APPROVED: MI SCALE: As scale bar DRAWING: Nansen_TDI_Sampling.mxd ERM Norloch House 36 King's Stables Road Edinburgh EH1 2EU United Kingdom Telephone:+44 (0) 131 478 6000 Facsimile: +44 (0)131 656 5813 4°0'0"N SOURCE: PROJECTION: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_30N 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W 2°0'0"W SIZE: A4 REV: 0 6.2.2 Hydrogeology and Oceanography The oceanography of the Gulf of Guinea is largely influenced by the meteorological and oceanographic processes of the South and North Atlantic Oceans, principally their oceanic gyral (circular) currents (Fontaine et al., 1999; Merle and Arnault, 1985). Surface water is warm (24 to 29 ºC) with the daily sea surface temperature cycle showing annual variability. The thermal cycle occurs only in the upper two elements of the water column which together comprise the tropical surface water mass. The oceanic gyral currents of the North and South Atlantic Oceans create a counter current, the Equatorial Counter Current (ECC) which flows in an eastward direction. This ECC becomes known as the Guinea Current (Figure 6.2) as it runs from Senegal to Nigeria During upwelling, cold nutrient-rich water from depths rises to the surface, resulting in increased biological productivity in the surface waters. The major upwelling season along the Ghana coast occurs from July through to September, while a minor upwelling occurs between December and January. The rest of the year is characterised by a strong temperature thermocline (1), which fluctuates in depth between 10 and 40 m. During early May the thermocline is reportedly at a depth of 30 m (EAF Nansen, 2009). The major and minor upwellings increase primary production and attract important pelagic (living in the water column) species into the upper layers of the water column, thereby increasing fish catches. Figure 6.2 The Guinea Current Source: (1) Layer of water exhibiting a marked change in temperature TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-3 6.2.3 Bathymetry, Seabed Topography and Sediments The T.E.N. fields are located off the continental shelf offshore Ghana in water depths between approximately 1,000 m to 1,800 m. The continental shelf (200 m water depth) is at its narrowest (20 km wide) off Cape St Paul in the east and at its widest (90 km) between Takoradi and Cape Coast in the west (Armah and Amlalo, 1998). The continental slope is steep and the depths increase sharply from approximately 100 m on the shelf and drop to approximately 1,500 m at the deepest part of the slope. The whole area is characterised by several vertical running trenches starting from the shelf (EAF Nansen, 2009). Ghana’s near shore area comprises various sediment types, varying from soft sediment (mud and sandy-mud), sandy bottoms to hard bottoms (Martos et al, 1991). On the continental shelf, seabed sediments range from coarse sand on the inner shelf to fine sand and dark gray mud on the outer shelf (Armah et al, 2004). Sediments on the shelf and upper continental slope are predominantly terrigenous (derived from erosion of rocks from land), with smaller amounts of glauconite-rich (iron silicate) sediments, and biogenic carbonate from mollusc shells. Offshore the mouth of the Volta River is a large submarine delta formed by river deposits. This is incised by a radial canyon system consisting of eight canyons (Nibbelink and Huggard, 2002). Surveys undertaken by EAF Nansen (2009) within the DWT Block found that the sea bed sediment became finer with depth with pelite dominant in depths above 500 m (1). The results of this survey are set out in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 Sediment Grain Size and Total Organic Matter at Sample Sites within the DWT Block, EAF Nansen (2009) Station Depth % Gravel % Sand % Pelite GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 GE-6 J7-1 J7-2 J7-3 J7-4 101 250 503 1,201 1,201 1,273 1,300 1,271 1,280 6.3 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69.6 82.9 17.6 3.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 24.0 16.4 82.4 96.8 98.5 98.8 98.8 98.8 99.1 % Total Organic Matter 6.1 6.0 11.5 13.1 11.8 12.5 13.0 12.9 13.1 Geophysical and geotechnical surveys for the T.E.N. development will provide site specific information on bathymetry, seabed topography and sediments for the EIS. (1) Sedimentary rock composed of fine fragments, as of clay or mud less than 0.063 mm in diameter. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-4 6.2.4 Water and Sediment Quality Water Quality A survey conducted by TDI Brooks (2008) collected water samples from the Jubilee Field in the east of the DWT Block and the adjacent West Cape Three Points Field. The samples were analysed for a range of determinands including metal and nutrients. The results are set out in Table 6.2 below. Table 6.2 Water Quality Determinands from TDI Brooks (2008) Survey Determinand Mercury (Hg) Barium (Ba) Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) Total Nitrogen (TN) Total Phosphorus (TP) Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Concentrations and discussion Most samples had Hg concentrations below the detection limit of 0.2 ng/l. Detectable concentrations ranged from 0.22 - 0.28 ng/l. Ba was higher in the surface samples and ranged from 5.96 - 5.43 ppb for the surface samples, and between 5.43 - 5.00 ppb. Concentrations varied little between sampling sites. Neither Cd or Pb were detected in any of the samples. TN concentrations for the surface samples ranged between 0.190 - 0.044 mg/l. TN concentrations at 100 m depth ranged from 0.437 -0.181 mg/l (J-3). TP concentrations in sub-surface samples ranged between 0.0195 – 0.0145 mg/l. Concentrations were higher at 100 m depth (up to 0.0455 mg/l) Concentrations of TTS in sub-surface samples ranged from 6.3 – 45.23 mg/l. Concentrations were higher at 100 m depth, ranging from 11.22 – 30.26 mg/l. The results of Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) profiles found salinity decreasing slightly with depth, with the maximum change observed between the surface and 400 m water depth. There was an abrupt change in temperature between the surface and 600 m depth. The dissolved oxygen profile exhibited a minimum value between 200 m and 300 m depth after which it increased with depth. Depths greater than 1,200 m recorded the highest concentrations of dissolved oxygen, generally more than 4 ml/l, possibly as a function of water temperature among other factors. Values for pH were found to generally decrease with depth from the surface to 100 m depth. Water sampling analysis results from the 2011 T.E.N. EBS will provide recent, site-specific data on water quality. Sediment Quality Sediment samples collected by EAF Nansen (2009) were analysed for a range of determinands including metals, organics and nutrients. The results are set out in Table 6.3 below and are reportedly comparable with sediment in similar conditions on the Norwegian shelf (Renaud et al 2008). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-5 Table 6.3 Range of Determinand Levels Found in Sediment within the DWT Block (Dry Weight) (EAF Nansen, 2009) Determinand Barium (Ba) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Copper (Cu) Chromium (Cr) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Total Phosphorus (TP) Total Nitrogen (TN) THC (C12-35) NPD Range* 18.3 – 172.3 ppm 3.3 – 5.3 ppm <0.1 ppm 0.07 ppm – 0.24 ppm 2.1 – 20.4 ppm 37.3 – 58.6 ppm 12.5 - 13.1 % <10 ng/dry g Not analysed Not analysed <1 – 15 ppm 1 – 3 ppb * Samples taken from stations GW3, GW4, GW5, GW6, J7-1, J7-2, J7-3 and J7-4. The results show that levels measured in all sediments were low; however, higher concentrations of barium, copper and mercury were detected at deeper stations compared to shallower stations. For example, barium concentrations at shallow water stations were below 20 parts per million (ppm), while concentrations at deepwater stations ranged between 135 ppm and 185 ppm. Higher concentrations at deepwater stations could be attributable to finer particle sizes of sediments or possibly a result of elements released from previous drilling discharges in the area. Sediment analysis results from the 2011 T.E.N. EBS will provide recent, sitespecific data on sediment quality. 6.3 BIOLOGICAL BASELINE 6.3.1 Plankton Phytoplankton and zooplankton form a fundamental link in the food chain. Plankton community composition and abundance is variable and depends upon water circulation into and around the Gulf of Guinea, the time of year, nutrient availability, depth, and temperature stratification. Information on plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) was sourced from previously documented surveys in the Gulf of Guinea including EIAs for the West Africa Gas Pipeline Project (WAGP, 2004) and other research programmes (eg Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem project Fisheries Resource Surveys, 2006-2007) and available published sources (eg Wiafe 2002). Phytoplankton Phytoplankton, grouped as diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores, are microscopic and range between 30 µm and 60 µm in size. Primary production TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-6 is linked to the amount of inorganic carbon assimilated by phytoplankton via the process of photosynthesis. The environmental baseline study for the West African Gas Pipeline project (WAGP, 2004) was carried out within the nearshore area (15 to 65 m depth) of the Gulf, between Nigeria and Ghana, and identified 69 species of phytoplankton. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Chaetoceros spp. possibly a result of planktonic responses to seasonality of the hydrographic regime (Wiafe, 2002). Other planktonic species included Dinophysis acuta, which is a harmful microalgae with the potential to cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning in bloom condition at high concentrations (Anderson et al, 2001). Distribution of the species indicated that Penilia avirostris, a cladoceran, dominated the community in terms of number of individuals. However, a dinoflagellate species, Chaetoceros spp., occurred in high numbers at all locations sampled. The diversity of phytoplankton species for the WAGP study ranked highest off the shelf of Ghana compared to the other locations studied (ie Togo, Benin, and Nigeria). Primary production determined for the Gulf of Guinea is about 4,305 to 5,956 mgC/m2/day. Typically, productivity in the offshore ecosystems (100 to 200 m water depth) range from 10 mg C/m3/day to 100 mg C/m3/day in terms of volume, or from 75 mgC/m2/day to 1,000 mg C/m2/day in terms of area. Thus, the values obtained within the near shore areas indicate a system of relatively high productivity. The 2011 T.E.N. EBS will provide information on chlorophyll and Phaeophytin levels in the project area. Zooplankton Offshore zooplankton assemblages are dominated by copepods, followed by Ostracods (1), Appendicularians (2) and Chaetognaths (3). Maximum abundance is during the primary upwelling although they are also abundant during the secondary upwelling (4). WAGP (2004) surveys in the nearshore area (15-65 m depth) identified 52 zooplankton species. Penilia avirostris, Temora stylifera and Para-Clausocalanus spp. dominated the zooplankton community. Species of zooplankton recorded in the nearshore environment in the Western Region of Ghana included Cyclopoids: Oncaea, Corycaeus, Farranula; Calanoids: Acartia, Clausocalanus, Calanoides, Temora, Centropages, cirripid nauplius, Podon, Evadne, Penilia, Lucifer protozoa, Appendicularia/ Oikopleuara, Pontellia nauplius and Sagitta. (1) Ostracoda is a class of the Crustacea, sometimes known as the seed shrimp because of their appearance. (2) Larvaceans (Class Appendicularia) are solitary, free-swimming underwater saclike filter feeders found throughout the world's oceans. (3) Chaetognatha is a phylum of predatory marine worms that are a major component of plankton worldwide. (4) The major upwelling begins between late June or early July when sea surface temperatures fall below 25°C and ends between late September or early October. The minor upwelling occurs either in December, January or February and rarely lasts for more TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-7 Benthic decapod larvae and large crustacean numbers are at their highest between February and June and October and December. Carnivorous species dominate the plankton during the warm season and diversity is high but abundance low. Herbivorous zooplankton, dominated by Calanoides carinatus is highly abundant in upwelling conditions. These are later replaced by omnivorous species (eg Temora turbinate and Centropages chierchise). 6.3.2 Benthic Invertebrates Benthic fauna forms an important part of the marine ecosystem, providing a food source for other invertebrates and fish as well as cycling nutrients and materials between the water column and underlying sediments. Information on marine macrobenthic faunal assemblages obtained for the Jubilee Field found moderately rich communities, with varying mixtures of maldanid and spionid polychaete worms and bivalves in mainly siltdominated sediments. The TDI Brooks survey (2008) identified a total of 414 individuals (mean density: 95.04 indiv/m2) belonging to 124 macrobenthic faunal taxa. Of this number, annelids, primarily polychaetes, constituted 36%, molluscs 31%, and crustaceans 24%, echinoderms 3% and other taxa constituted 6%. In terms of density and frequency of occurrence, the taxon bivalvia ranked first, followed by the polychaete Prionospio sp. Samples from shallower areas outwith the Jubilee Field along the potential future pipeline routes found richer communities. The EAF Nansen (2009) survey found a total of 117 individuals (mean density: 78 indiv/m2) and 49 taxa at the sampling stations within the Jubilee Field (J71, J7-2, J7-3 and J7-4). Annelids were the main taxonomic group making up between 50 to 60% of all individuals and taxa. The fauna in the Jubilee Field was found to contain a moderately rich community, dominated by polychaete worms and molluscs. Distribution of animals living in the sediment (infauna) showed a relationship to water depth and sediment type. It can be reasonably assumed that locations within the DWT block of a similar depth will show similar assemblages. Shallow water stations nearer the shore were richer in biodiversity and dominated by bivalves and amphipods in medium sand. These richer assemblages are potentially representative of shallow water areas north of the DWT block. The 2011 T.E.N. EBS will provide additional information on benthic ecology at the T.E.N. fields. Results from previous benthic surveys will be consolidated and analysed to characterise the benthic environment in the study area. 6.3.3 Chemosynthetic Communities In water depths where there is no light penetration and where seepage of hydrocarbons, venting of hydrothermal fluids or other geological processes supply abundant reduced compounds, microorganisms can produce biomass using the oxidation of inorganic molecules or methane as a source of energy, TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-8 rather than sunlight; this process is known as chemosynthesis. Surveys conducted for the Jubilee Field development found no evidence of chemosynthetic communities or features likely to support them. 6.3.4 Molluscs and Crustaceans A variety of molluscs and crustaceans are known to be found in the coastal waters off Ghana. Species in these taxa are found on continental shelf and slope areas to a maximum of 450 m. The following list comprises the species known to be found in the area and, if known, the lowest depth of their relative depth range: common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) (200 m); pink cuttlefish (Sepia orbignyana) (450 m); common squid (Loligo vulgaris); common octopus (Octopus vulgaris); green (spiny) lobster (Panulirus regius); deep-sea rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) (400 m); southern pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis) (100 m); Caramote prawn (Penaeus kerathurus) (75 m); and Guinea shrimp (Parapenaeopsis atlantica) (60 m). Of these species the highest catches are of the cuttlefish species, followed by the crustaceans, particularly green (spiny) lobster. 6.3.5 Fish Ecology The composition and distribution of fish species found in Ghanaian waters is influenced by the seasonal upwelling that occurs between Nigeria and the Ivory Coast mainly in July to September and to a lesser extent in December to February. The transport of nutrient-rich deep waters to the nutrient-depleted surface water stimulates high levels of primary. This in turn increases production in zooplankton and fish. The fish species found in Ghanaian waters can be divided into four main groups, namely pelagic species, demersal species and deepwater species. The fisheries study (TGL, 2011b) will provide additional information on fish ecology for the EIS. Pelagic Species The pelagic fish assemblage consists of a number of species that are exploited commercially but are also important members of the pelagic ecosystem, providing food for a number of large predators, particularly large pelagic fish such as tuna, billfish and sharks. The most important pelagic fish species found in the coastal and offshore waters of Ghana are round sardinella (Sardinella aurita), flat sardinella (S. maderensis), European anchovy (Engraulis TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-9 encrasicolus) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus). These species represent approximately 80% of the total catch landed in the country (approximately 200,000 tonnes per annum). In terms of biomass, acoustic surveys have shown that the two sardinella species and the European anchovy represent almost 60% of the total biomass in Ghanaian waters (FAO and UNDP, 2006). Other commercially important pelagic species (1) found in Ghanaian waters include horse mackerel (Trachurus sp), little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), bonga shad (Ethmalosa fimbriata), African moonfish (Selene dorsalis), West African Ilisha (Ilisha africana), largehead hairtail (Triciurus lepturus), crevalle jack (Caranx hippos), Atlantic bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus), barracuda (Sphyraena sp), long-finned Herring (Opisthopterus tardoore), kingfish / West African Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus tritor) and frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard). Large pelagic fish stocks off the coast of Ghana include tuna and billfish. These species are highly migratory and occupy the surface waters of the entire tropical and sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean. They are important species in the ecosystem as both predators and prey for sharks, other tuna and cetaceans as well as providing an important commercial resource for industrial fisheries. The tuna species are skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). Billfish species occur in much lower numbers and comprise swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus albicans). Small, but significant shark fishery in Ghana targets blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna sp). Demersal Species Trawl surveys have shown that demersal fish are widespread on the continental shelf along the entire length of the Ghanaian coastline (Koranteng 2001). Species composition is a typical tropical assemblage including the following families. Porgies or Seabreams (Sparidae) (eg bluespotted seabream Pagrus caeruleostictus, Angola dentex Dentex angolensis, Congo dentex Dentex congoensis, canary dentex Dentex canariensis and pink dentex Dentex gibbosus). Grunts (Haemulidae) (eg bigeye grunt Brachydeuterus auritus and to a lesser degree sompat grunt Pomadasys jubelini and bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus). Croakers or drums (Sciaenidae) (eg red pandora Pellagus bellottii, Cassava croaker Pseudotolithus senegalensis). (1) ‘Other pelagic species’ include those listed in Jubilee Phase 1 EIS and verified during consultations in Ghana in April 2011 as part of the Fisheries study. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-10 Goatfishes (Mullidae) (eg West African goatfish/red mullet Pseudupeneus prayensis). Snappers (Lutjanidae) (golden African snapper Lutjanus fulgens, Goreean Snapper Lutjanus goreensis). Groupers (Serranidae) (eg white grouper Epinephelus aeneus). Threadfins (Polynemidae) (eg lesser African threadfin Galeoides decadactylus). Emperors (Lethrinidae) (eg Atlantic emperor Lethrinus atlanticus). Triggerfish (eg grey triggerfish Balistes capriscus). The seasonal upwelling provokes changes in the geographical distribution of many of the demersal fish species. During the upwelling season, the bathymetric extension of the croakers is reduced to a minimum, while the deep water porgies are found nearer the coast than at other times of the year. The demersal species that are most important commercially (in terms of catch volumes) are cassava croaker (Pseudotolithus senegalensis), bigeye grunt (Brachydeuterus auritus), red pandora (Pellagus bellottii), Angola dentex (Dentex angolensis), Congo dentex (Dentex congoensis) and West African Goatfish (Pseudupeneus prayensis). The cassava croaker is considered the most commercially important demersal fish in West African waters, although it is reported that in recent years in Ghana their importance has declined (Froese and Pauly, 2009). They are distributed along the west coast of Africa as far south as Namibia and as far north as Morocco. They are a demersal species occupying both marine and brackish water down to a depth of 70 m. They are mainly found in coastal waters over muddy, sandy or rocky bottoms. Deep Sea Species Froese and Pauly (2009) lists 89 deep-sea fish species from 28 families including Alepocephalidae, Gonostomatidae, Myctophodae and Stomiidae that are likely to be found in Ghanaian waters. Information on the distribution of specific deep water species is in Ghanaian waters is limited. Protected or Endangered Species The sensitive species in Ghanaian waters according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list (IUCN, 2011) are presented in Table 6.4. A number of these species are commercially important and are subjected to heavy exploitation, particularly Albacore tuna and swordfish. It should be noted that Albacore catches in Ghanaian waters are not currently recorded (ICCAT Fishstat data). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-11 In the global context there is concern about the bigeye tuna stocks. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has listed it as the species of greatest concern, after the bluefin, in terms of its population status and the unsustainable levels of exploitation exacted on this species. Table 6.4 Threatened Fish Species in Ghanian Waters (IUCN, 2011) Scientific name Cephalopholis taeniops Dasyatis margarita Epinephelus aeneus Epinephelus caninus Epinephelus costae Epinephelus goreensis Epinephelus haifensis Epinephelus itajara Epinephelus marginatus Hippocampus algiricus Pristis pectinata Pristis perotteti Raja undulata Rhinobatos cemiculus Rhinobatos rhinobatos Rhynchobatus luebberti Rostroraja alba Sphyrna lewini Thunnus alalunga Thunnus albacares Thunnus obesus Xiphius gladius 6.3.6 Common name African Hind Ray species White Grouper Dogtooth Grouper Goldblotch Grouper Dungat Grouper Haifa Grouper Goliath Grouper Dusky Grouper West African Seahorse Wide Sawfish Largetooth Sawfish Undulate Ray Blackchin Guitarfish Common Guitarfish Lubbert’s Guitarfish Bottlenose Skate Scalloped Hammerhead Albacore Tuna Yellowfin tuna Bigeye Tuna Swordfish Red List Category Data Deficient Endangered Near Threatened Data Deficient Data Deficient Data Deficient Data Deficient Critically Endangered Endangered Data Deficient Critically endangered Critically endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Data Deficient Lower Risk Vulnerable Data Deficient Marine Mammals The ecological significance of Ghana’s coastal waters for dolphins and whales has only recently become the subject of scientific studies, which partially explains the lack of population abundance estimates and why their natural history in the region remains largely unknown. The conditions created by the seasonal upwelling in the northern Gulf of Guinea are likely to create conditions favourable for marine mammals as well as for fisheries. Specimens derived from by-catches and stranding show Ghana to have moderately diverse cetacean fauna, comprising at least 18 species belonging to five families: 14 species of Delphinidae (dolphins) and one species each of families Ziphiidae (beaked whales), Physeteridae (sperm whales), Kogiidae (pygmy sperm whales) and Balaenopteridae (rorquals). These species and the IUCN conservation status and sensitivity are set out in Table 6.5. Marine mammal sighting records from the Jubilee field will be used to supplement the description of marine mammals in the EIS. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-12 Table 6.5 Dolphins and Whales of Ghana and IUCN Conservation Status Species Delphinidae Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Clymene dolphin (Stenella clymene) Spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) Pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuate) Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) (G. Cuvier, 1829) Long-beaked common dolphin ( Delphinus capensis) Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) Melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra) Pygmy killer whale (Feresa attenuata) Short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus Killer whale (Orcinus orca) False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) Ziphiidae (beaked whales) Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) Kogiidae (pygmy sperm whales) Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) Physeteridae (sperm whales) Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus or Physeter catodon) Balaenopteridae (rorquals) Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) 6.3.7 IUCN Status Least Concern Data Deficient Data Deficient Least Concern Data Deficient Data Deficient Least Concern Least Concern Least Concern Least Concern Data Deficient Data Deficient Data Deficient Data Deficient Least Concern Data Deficient Vulnerable Least Concern Turtles The Gulf of Guinea serves as an important migration route, feeding ground and nesting site for sea turtles. Five species of sea turtles have been confirmed for Ghana, namely the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), the hawksbill (Erectmochelys imbricata), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) (Armah et al, 1997, Fretey, 2001). All five species of sea turtles are listed by the CITES and National Wildlife Conservation Regulations under Schedule I. IUCN status is set out in Table 6.6. Table 6.6 Turtles in the Gulf of Guinea, IUCN Conservation Status Species Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) Hawksbill (Erectmochelys imbricata), Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) IUCN Status Endangered Vulnerable Critically endangered Endangered Critically endangered Marine turtles spend most of their life at sea, but during the breeding season they go ashore and lay their eggs on sandy beaches. The beaches of Ghana from Keta to Half-Assini are important nesting areas for sea turtle species. Approximately 70% of Ghana’s coastline is found suitable as nesting habitat for sea turtles, and three species; the green turtle, olive ridley and leatherback TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-13 turtles are actually known to nest (Armah et al, 1997; Amiteye, 2002). The olive ridley is the most abundant turtle species in Ghana. Population estimates from four previous surveys of these turtle species are provided in Table 6.7. The nesting period stretches from July to December, with a peak in November (Armah et al, 1997). In Ghana, the majority nests observed (86.3%) are those of the olive ridley. Table 6.7 Population of Sea Turtle Species that Nest on Beaches of Ghana Author, year Amiteye, 2002 Agyemang, 2005 Allman, 2007 Agyekumhene, 2009 Average Leatherback 46 30 418 74 142 Olive ridley 412 190 134 103 210 Green Turtle 32 10 0 0 21 Source: Armah et al (1997) 6.3.8 Birds The west coast of Africa forms an important section of the East Atlantic Flyway, an internationally-important migration route for a range of bird species, especially shore birds and seabirds (Boere et al, 2006, Flegg 2004). A number of species that breed in higher northern latitudes winter along the West African coast and many fly along the coast on migration. Seabirds known to follow this migration route include a number of tern species (Sterna spp), skuas (Stercorarius and Catharacta spp) and petrels (Hydrobatidae). The distance of the migration routes of these species from the shore depends on prey distribution and availability (eg the abundance and distribution of shoals of anchovies or sardines) (Flegg 2004). Species of waders known to migrate along the flyway include sanderling (Calidris alba) and knot (Calidris canuta). The highest concentrations of seabirds are experienced during the spring and autumn migrations, around March and April, and September and October. Waders are present during the winter months between October and March. The marine birds of Ghana include storm petrels (Oceanodroma castro) and Ascension frigatebirds (Fregata aquila). Records dating back to the 1960s reveal only limited sightings of a few species (Elgood et al, 1994). The rarity of oceanic birds may be attributable to the absence of suitable breeding sites (eg remote islands and rocky cliffs) off the Ghana coast and in the Gulf of Guinea. During the environmental baseline studies research cruise for the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP, 2004) in 2002/2003, the survey crew recorded several sightings of black tern (Chlidonias niger), white winged black tern (Chlidonias leucopterus), royal tern (Sterna maxima), common tern (Sterna hirundo), Sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis), great black-back gull (Larus marinus), lesser black-back gull (Larus fuscus), pomarine skua (Stercorarius pomarinus) and great skua (Catharacta skua). The two species of skua are predominant in the Western offshore environment. Black terns were mainly recorded at nearshore locations close to estuaries and/or lagoons. These TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-14 species leave the onshore areas to feed at sea during the afternoon. The general low diversity of marine birds may be ascribed to lack of suitable habitats and availability of food resources in the offshore area. There are 40 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) designated by Birdlife International within Ghana (Birdlife International, 2011); one of which, the Amansuri wetland, is located along the western coastline within the project sphere of influence. Bird sighting records from the Jubilee field will be used to update the description on seabirds in the EIS. 6.4 FISHERIES BASELINE This section provides an overview of fisheries offshore Ghana from previous baseline descriptions. A fisheries study conducted by ERM in 2011 (TGL, 2011b) will provide more recent data for the EIA on fisheries offshore Ghana. 6.4.1 Introduction The fishing industry in Ghana is based on resources from both marine and inland (freshwater) waters and from coastal lagoons and aquaculture (Quaatey, 1997; NAFAG, 2007). The fisheries sector accounts for approximately 5% of the agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (agriculture accounts for 45 to 50% of total Ghanaian GDP). There is a long tradition of both artisanal and distant-water fishing fleets, the latter a unique feature amongst West African countries (Alder and Sumaila 2004). Most commercial marine fishing undertaken by Ghanaian vessels takes place within the Ghanaian 200 miles EEZ. The traditional artisanal inshore fishery in Ghana is well developed and provides about 70% of the total marine fisheries production in the country (Korateng 1998). Fishing occurs year round but shows some seasonality. The fish landings from coastal lagoons or estuaries provide reasonable quantities of fish products for subsistence. Inshore fishing involves substantial number of fishers using small scale gear such as gill nets, throw nets and weirs. Marine fishing activity in Ghana is strongly linked with the seasonal upwellings (1) that occur in coastal waters. Two upwelling seasons (major and minor) occur annually in Ghanaian coastal waters. The major upwelling begins between late June or early July when sea surface temperatures fall below 25°C and ends between late September or early October. The minor upwelling occurs either in December, January or February and rarely lasts for more than three weeks. During the upwelling periods, biological activity is increased due to greater concentrations of nutrients in the water column that have been drawn up from deeper waters. Most fish spawn during this period (1) An upwelling involves wind-driven motion of dense, cooler, and usually nutrient-rich water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-15 and stocks are more readily available to the fishers. For the rest of the year, catches are lower and more sporadic. 6.4.2 Fish Landings Landing Facilities There are three deep-water ports and harbours in Ghana at Tema, Sekondi and Takoradi that provide berthing facilities for both industrial fishing vessels and inshore vessels. There are four other ports at Apam, Mumford, Elmina and Axim that provide reasonably good landing facilities for inshore vessels. Physical landing facilities for artisanal fishing crafts are not as well developed. Canoes usually operate from open beaches. There are about 300 landing centres along the coast for marine canoes. Each landing site is under the control of a Chief Fisherman. Total Landings Overall landings in the last decade (1998 to 2007) have shown a declining trend with a number of the most important species showing particularly marked declines particularly the main pelagic resources such as anchovies and sardinellas (see Figure 6.3). Declines in less important pelagic resources, such as chub mackerel, Cunene horse mackerel and Crevelle jack have also contributed to the overall downward trend. However, demersal species show some increases, with grunts, Atlantic bumper, red pandora, crustaceans and demersal resources in general showing marked increases over the last ten years. From Figure 6.3 large pelagic species, namely bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna and skipjack tuna appear to have increased slightly. Landings of molluscs and crustaceans have remained constantly low. 6.4.3 Fishing Fleets Artisanal Fishery The artisanal sector of the industry accounts for over 70% of annual marine fish production and dominates the Ghanaian fishing industry (Mensah and Koranteng, 1988). Artisanal fishing boats operate out of 304 landing centres in 180 fishing villages located along the coast (Sarpong et al, 2005 and FAO, 2011). These vessels use a wide variety of fishing gear and target a number of different species. This sector provides employment in coastal communities, engaging over 100,000 fishermen. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-16 Total Landings of Major Target Groups by Ghanaian Fisheries 1998 to 2007 West African ilisha 450,000 Seabreams Largehead hairtail 400,000 Landings (tonnes) Figure 6.3 Red pandora 350,000 Cunene horse mackerel 300,000 Atlantic bumper Crevalle jack Dentex Chub mackerel 250,000 European anchovy 200,000 Sardinellas Grunts 150,000 Elasmobranchs Tuna 100,000 Billfish Crustaceans 50,000 Cephalopods Other demersal 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Other pelagic Other fish Source: FAO, 2007 The artisanal fishing community target a wide range of species from pelagic and demersal fish species and molluscs and crustaceans. Small pelagic species are mainly exploited by the artisanal purse seines and beach seines targeting species such as Sardinella species, chub mackerel and anchovies. Hook and line, and beach seines are the main artisanal gears used to exploit demersal resources to around 80 m. The main species they target are porgies or seabreams (Sparidae) (eg Dentex gibbosus, Pagrus caeruleostictus and Dentex canariensis), snappers (Lutjanidae) (eg Lutjanus fulgens, Lutjanus goreensis) and groupers (Serranidae) (eg Epinephelus aeneus). The beach seine fleet exploits both adult and juvenile demersal fish but mainly juvenile fish. Some of their target species include grunts (Haemulidae) (eg Brachydeuterus auritus), goatfishes (Mullidae) (eg Pseudupeneus prayensis), mullets (Mugil spp) and cutlassfish (Trichiuridae) (eg Trichiurus lepturus). Some drift gill nets deployed by artisanal fishers are used to target the small pelagic species, but other drift gill nets are used offshore to exploit mainly large pelagic species such as tunas (eg Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus), sailfish (Istiophorus albicans), swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and sharks (Carcharhinus spp). Artisanal gears are also used to exploit molluscs and crustaceans. Beach seines are used to exploit shrimps, mainly adult and juvenile Guinea/white shrimp (Parapaeneopsis atlantica) and tiger shrimp/camarote prawn (Penaeus kerathurus) and juvenile pink/candied shrimp (Penaeus notialis) as they move from the estuaries into marine waters. Lobster set nets target green (spiny) lobster (Panulirus regius), on rocky bottoms and in depths of about 40 m. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-17 The Inshore Fishery There are approximately 300 semi-industrial vessels presently involved in the inshore fishing sector operating from seven landing centres. The majority of these semi-industrial vessels are locally built using wood and carry both purse seine and trawl gear. The semi-industrial fleet exploits both small pelagic and demersal species. Between July and September vessels use their purse seines target small pelagic species including sardinella species, chub mackerel, sparids, big-eye grunt, cassava croaker (Pseudotolithus senegalensis), lesser African threadfin (Galeoides decadactylus) and common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Trawling is carried out for the remaining part of the year targeting demersal species when pelagic resources are less numerous; targeted species include grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus), seabreams, snappers, grunts and croakers (FAO, 2010). Harbour facilities for large trawlers are available at two landing sites located along the coastline; Tema and Takoradi while mooring for smaller trawlers is available at Winneba, Apam, Mumford, Elmina and Sekondi. Offshore Trawling/Distant Water Fleet Fishermen of the industrial sector use imported steel fishing vessels. The fleet consists of trawlers, shrimpers and tuna boats and fishing trips may last up to one month. There are approximately 90 vessels in the industrial fleet, made up of around 60 trawlers and about 29 tuna boats (FAO, 2010 and ICCAT, 2009). The industrial trawlers target semi pelagic and demersal species including porgies or seabreams, jacks (Carangidae) (eg Caranx rhonchus), groupers, snappers, croakers (eg Pseudotolithus senegalensis), goatfish (eg Pseudupeneus prayensis), sole and flounders (Soleidae) as well as cuttlefish (eg Sepia officinalis). The industrial shrimpers operate in designated areas within Ghanaian waters between Shama and Axim. The number of shrimp vessels was reduced to two in 2007 and neither have been operational since 2009 (MFRD, 2011b). The potential yield of demersal fishes on Ghana’s continental shelf is estimated to be up to 55,000 tonnes annually. There has been a progressive increase in demersal landings since 2000 with catches in the region of 70,000 tonnes in 2007 (FAO, 2007), above the estimated total yield of demersal fish species of approximately 50,000 tonnes annually. This data represents the total annual catches and does not indicate fishing effort which will influence the total catches. Tuna Fleet The Gulf of Guinea is one of the most productive tuna fishing areas in the Atlantic Ocean due to the presence of spawning areas for yellowfin and TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-18 bigeye tuna, high densities of prey and water temperatures that suit the tuna species. The main tuna species targeted by the tuna boats of the industrial fleet, are skipjack tuna (over 50%), yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna. Total annual landings of the three species are between 60,000 and 80,000 tonnes. Total Ghanaian annual landings of all these three species have fluctuated between approximately 51,000 and 88,000 tonnes over that past decade (see Figure 6.4). ICCAT carry out regular population assessments of exploited populations within their convention area and assess the status of the entire Atlantic populations of each species. The most recent population assessments indicate that yellowfin and bigeye tuna resources in the Atlantic are being fully exploited and any increase in catches would be detrimental to the fish populations. The status of skipjack tuna populations is difficult to assess with traditional stock assessment models due to their particular biological and fishery characteristics, but currently the stock is not thought to be being overexploited (ICCAT, 2009). Figure 6.4 Annual Landings of Three Tuna Species by Ghanaian Fleet (1998-2009) Source: FAO, 2011 Shark Fishing The exploitation of shark fins has become a widespread business in Ghana. The sharks are caught using driftnet (locally known as Anifa-anifa or Nifanifa) and species mostly comprise of silky shark (Carcharhinus falsiformis), black tip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus), oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) and night shark (Carcharhinus signatus). In Ghana, shark fishing is a year-round operation with a peak season in October and December (Ghana, Post Harvest Fisheries Overview, 2003) and may involve as many as 150,000 fishermen (Mensah, et al, 2006). TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-19 6.4.4 Commercially Important Shellfish A variety of invertebrate species known from the wider/coastal area include cuttle-fish (Sepia officinalis), squid (Loligo vulgaris), octopus (Octopus vulgaris), lobster (Panulirus regius), deep-sea rose prawn (Parapenaeus longistrostris) and shrimps (mainly Penaeus notialis, Penaeus kerathurus, Parapeneopsis atlantica). Catches are of cuttlefish species are highest, followed by the crustaceans, particularly decapod crustaceans such as Panulirus regius. Prawns are of lesser importance and catches in recent years have shown some decline. However, these species are important food items for a number of fish species and other predators within the Ghanaian coastal and marine ecosystem. The cuttlefish species, the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and the pink cuttlefish (Sepia orbignyana), are both caught in Ghanaian waters and are both eastern Atlantic species. The deep-sea rose prawn (Parapenaeus longirostris) is found on the continental shelf and upper slope, between 50 and 400 m depth over sandy sea beds. The shrimp species, southern pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis), Caramote prawn (Penaeus kerathurus) and Guinea shrimp (Parapenaeopsis atlantica) constitute the majority of the shrimp catch in Ghanaian waters. They are generally associated with sandy and muddy bottoms on the continental shelf, southern pink shrimp to a depth of 100 m, Caramot prawn to 75 m, and Guinea shrimp to 60 m. 6.5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC BASELINE 6.5.1 Administrative Structures The government structure in Ghana is made up of ten administrative regions subdivided into 170 metropolitan, municipal and districts areas, each with an administrative assembly comprised of a combination of appointed (a third) and elected (two-thirds) officials. Each area has a District Chief Executive (DCE) who heads the local assembly. The DCE is nominated by the President of the country and is confirmed by the assembly through balloting. The local government is made up of the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC), four-tier Metropolitan and three-tier Municipal/District Assemblies with Urban/Town/Area/Zonal Councils. Each Electoral Area (EA) is represented at the assembly by an elected assembly member and has a Unit Committee. The Paramount Chiefs are the traditional heads of the people and carry great influence. The Western Region (the Region closest to the project) currently comprises 14 districts, two municipalities, and one metropolis, the latter being SekondiTakoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA). The STMA was established during restructuring in 2008. It was formed when the former Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly (SAEMA) was split into Shama District and STMA. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-20 6.5.2 Demographics The population of Ghana is approximately 23 million (July 2008 estimate) with the Western Region having approximately 2.5 million people. The Western Region has experienced accelerated population growth over the years likely linked to in-migration resulting from increased economic activity, particularly between 1984 and 2000, when the region experienced a boom in both the mining and the cocoa industries. Over one third (36%) of the Western Region is urbanised with the remaining 64% being rural. The population of Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis (STM) was reported as approximately 370,000 in the year 2000. It is the most populated area in the Western Region, comprising about 15% of the region’s total population and approximately 80,000 people from neighbouring districts commute to the area for work. The population of the Western Region is relatively young, with approximately 43% of the population 15 years old or younger and 5% of the population are more than 64 years old. STM has the largest proportion of the population (58%) in the working age group (15 to 64 years) in the region likely due to migration of young adults to the commercial and mining towns. 6.5.3 Economic Activity Overview Ghana’s domestic economy currently revolves around agriculture (which includes fishing). This accounts for about 45 to 50% of GDP and employs about 55% of the work force, mainly small landholders and fishers. Other major sources of employment include mining and quarrying (employing approximately 15% of the population), and manufacturing, employing approximately 11% of the population. The major economic activities in STM are related to the port. The STM is the third largest industrialised centre in the country and there are other significant industrial and commercial activities in the manufacturing sector (food processing, spirits production, textiles, metal fabrication) and resources sector (timber, clay). The area has a large food and goods market which is a centre for small and medium size trading enterprises. Fisheries and tourism are the two most important activities in relation to the project and are discussed in further detail below. Other economic activities include agriculture, mining, forestry and coastal salt production. The poverty incidence in the Western Region of Ghana ranked third highest in the country and contributed about 6.5% to the national poverty level. The levels of unemployment in the Western Region are also considered to be high. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-21 Agriculture and Processing of Agricultural Products In the Western Region both commercial and subsistence farming is practiced. The region is the largest commercial producer of cocoa and timber and has the largest rubber plantation in the country and its only rubber-processing factory which processes the rubber into a semi finished product for export. Coconut and oil palm are cultivated on a large scale for commercial production of vegetable oil. Subsistence farming is practiced to produce food crops such as cassava, maize, rice, cocoyam, plantain, pepper and tomatoes, and rice is grown in some low-lying areas. Mining Mineral mining is extensively practiced in the Western Region. Minerals mined, include gold, manganese and bauxite. The Western Region is the second highest producer of gold in the country. There are five major gold mines in the Region namely AngloGold Ashanti Iduaprem, Golden Star Resources Prestea and Bogoso, Tarkwa Gold Fields and and Aboso Gold Fields. Mining is undertaken by multinational companies. There are also some artisanal miners operating in the Region. The country’s only bauxite mine currently in production is located at Awaso in the Bibiani-AhweasoBekwai District. There are other potential deposits in the Region however these have not as yet been fully explored for exploitation. Deposits of alluvial diamonds in the Bonsa River Basin were exploited by small-scale miners in the 1940s and 1950s. There is, however, potential that the river basin could still be prospected for diamonds in the future. Salt Production It is estimated that salt production occurs in approximately 14 coastal lagoons along the Ghanaian coast and provides employment opportunities to coastal villages. Salt is collected from lagoon flats in the dry season when salt crystallises out of the super-saturated lagoon water. In addition, dedicated man-made saltpans with low dikes are used (Armah et al, 2004). Salt production is not widely practiced in the coastal Districts of the Western Region. Import/ Export The deep-water port at Takoradi handles about 62% of total national export and 20% of total national imports annually. The main exports are manganese, bauxite, cocoa beans and forest products (mainly sawn timber). The main imports are clinker (for cement production), containerised cargo, lime products, petroleum products and wheat. Tourism and Cultural Heritage According to the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (2010), Ghana’s tourism sector is expected to grow at an average rate of 4.1% per annum over the next TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-22 two decades. Since the late 1980s tourism has received considerable attention in the economic development strategy of Ghana. The number of tourist arrivals and amount of tourists’ expenditure has steadily increased, while both public and private investment activity in various tourism sub-sectors have expanded (GIPC, 2010). Ghana has a wide range of natural, cultural and historical attractions, which provides the basis for the growing tourism industry. The tourism potential in the Western Region is related to the number and extent of pristine tropical beaches as well as wildlife parks and forest and game reserves featuring tropical rainforests, inland lakes and rivers. Some of the most popular recreational beaches along the western coastline are located at Biriwa, Brenu Akyinim, Busua, Butre, Cape Coast, Egyembra, Elmina, Komeda, Sekondi and Takoradi (GTB, 2010). Hotels are generally located at popular beach destination and at commercial centres. 6.5.4 Other Marine Infrastructure Oil and Gas Exploration and appraisal drilling activities in the Deepwater Tano and West Cape Three Points concession blocks are ongoing during 2011. In the Jubilee Field subsea equipment (wellheads, manifolds, umbilicals and flow lines) has been installed since January 2010 and the FPSO Kwame Nkrumah is currently located on site at 4°35’47.930” north, 2°53’30.934” west. Production started in November 2010 and by November 2011, Phase 1 well completions should have finished, comprising a total of 17 wells. Crude oil stored on the FPSO is transferred to an export tanker approximately every five to seven days at peak production. A 1 km safety exclusion zone centred at the FPSO turret and a further 10 km radius advisory zone covers the entire Jubilee Unit operational area. Pipelines and Cables There are several existing and planned submarine cables and pipelines offshore Ghana although none are in the vicinity of the DWT Block. Ports and Harbours The Port of Takoradi was built as the first commercial port of Ghana in 1928 to handle imports and exports to and from the country. The port currently has a covered storage area of 140,000 m2 and has an open storage area of 250,000 m2. It has a wide range of vessels supporting its operations including tugboats, lighter tugs, a water barge and a patrol boat. The port handles both domestic and transit cargoes and currently handles about 600 vessels annually, which is 37% of the total national seaborne traffic, 62% of total national export and 20% of total national imports annually. Almost 160,000 tonnes of cargo are handled annually at the port. The Port of Takoradi also has a fishing harbour TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-23 located at Sekondi, which has an ice plant that can accommodate vessels with up to 3 m draft. Shipping and Navigation Figure 6.5 presents data from commercial vessel movements off West Africa during 2005 showing the general shipping lanes. It can be seen that most commercial shipping approaches Ghana south of the DWT Block. Figure 6.5 Shipping Lanes off West Africa Source: TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 6-24 7 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS 7.1 INTRODUCTION Scoping in EIA serves principally to identify those impacts most likely to be significant and therefore need to be addressed in the EIA. The main project activities associated with offshore oil field developments are well established and the main potential issues are generally well understood. Scoping also includes elements of consultation with stakeholders to identify specific sensitivities and key issues, resources and receptors that may be affected by the project. In undertaking the EIA Scoping phase, the EIA team has drawn upon: 7.2 its knowledge of sources of potential impact associated with offshore oil and gas development and production; its experience gained through undertaking the Jubilee Phase 1 EIA and reviewing further operational monitoring data; an identification of the main environmental and social resources and receptors from the preliminary baseline data collection work; and the results of the initial scoping consultation. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESOURCES AND RECEPTORS For this project the following main resource / receptor types were identified. 7.3 Physical Environment: including the seabed, sediment quality, water quality, hydrodynamics and air quality. Natural Environment: including plankton, benthic communities, pelagic and demersal fish, marine mammals, turtles, birds, ecosystems (marine and coastal). Human Environment: including coastal communities, fishing (artisanal, semi-industrial and industrial), navigation/shipping, tourism/recreation, land use, infrastructure/services, the economy, including employment and business opportunities and occupational health and safety. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL INTERACTIONS The interactions of project activities with resources and receptors that might occur during the project are shown in Table 7.1, Table 7.2 and Table 7.3 for TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-1 drilling, construction and installation/commissioning, and operations respectively. Interactions that may occur as a result of decommissioning will be similar to those of installation and commissioning. Potential significant interactions have been indicated in green. The probable environmental impacts associated with an oil and gas development are generally narrower in scope that the possible interactions identified in these tables due to the mitigation measures that will be built into the project design but this identification process is intended to be broad at this stage so as to consider the wide range of possibilities. 7.4 IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACTS Based on the interactions between project activities or aspects and environmental receptors or resources discussed in Section 7.3, development of the project will result in associated impacts (ie those that will occur to some degree) and in the potential for impacts (ie those that might occur). The impacts that will be assessed in detail in the EIA can be grouped as follows. Physical footprint (physical presence, noise and light). Routine discharges. Non-routine discharges. Air emissions. Waste management. Oil spill risk. Socio-economic impacts. T.E.N. project activities onshore. Cumulative and transboundary impacts. No importance should to be given to the grouping of the issues into these categories or to the order in which they are presented. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-2 Table 7.1 Drilling Interactions TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-3 Table 7.2 Construction, Installation and Commissioning Interactions TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-4 Table 7.3 Operations Interactions TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-5 7.4.1 Physical Footprint The key impacts identified include the following. 7.4.2 Physical impact on the seabed and benthic communities through placement / presence of subsea infrastructure. Interaction from vessel or helicopter movements and underwater sound and potential for impact on marine fauna (marine mammals, turtles, fish, birds). Potential impact on fish ecology due the presence of the vessel and its fish attracting quality. Installation of subsea infrastructure may disturb deepwater species. Presence of subsea infrastructure will provide new seabed habitat. Presence of surface installations and vessels may impact fishing and shipping activities. Routine Discharges The key impacts identified include the following. 7.4.3 Discharges from drilling vessels, FPSO and project vessels contaminated with traces of hydrocarbons could affect water quality and cause secondary impacts on marine fauna. Black, grey water and food waste discharges from drilling vessels, FPSO and project vessel could affect water quality with secondary impacts on marine fauna. Discharge of ballast waters (from export tankers and other vessels) could impact on water quality and marine fauna and introduce invasive species. Discharge of produced water containing hydrocarbons could impact on water quality and cause secondary impacts on marine fauna. Hydraulic fluid from daily subsea valve activation could impact on water quality. Non-routine Discharges Discharge of cuttings and residual drilling fluid could impact on water and sediment quality and cause secondary impacts on marine fauna. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-6 7.4.4 Discharge of completion fluids and occasional discharge of workover fluids from the drilling vessels could impact on water quality and cause secondary impacts on marine fauna. Chemically treated hydrotest waters discharged during commissioning and could have a detrimental impact on water quality and secondary impact on marine fauna. Potential leaks or accidental releases from tanks, pipes, hoses and pumps, including during loading and unloading from the shore base could impact soil and groundwater quality. Air Emissions The key impacts identified include the following. 7.4.5 Emissions from flaring during well testing and completion operations have the potential to impact air quality. Exhaust emissions from drilling vessel and support vessels and from power generation from gas turbines on the T.E.N. FPSO have the potential to impact air quality. Emissions from gas flaring during commissioning, maintenance shutdowns and from process vents have the potential to impact air quality. Waste Management Non-hazardous and hazardous wastes will be generated that will require to be transported and disposed of in a manner protective of the natural and human environment. 7.4.6 Oil Spill Risk An oil spill has the potential to impact marine and coastal habitats and animal species (seabird, coastal birds, marine mammals, marine turtles and fish) and livelihoods depending on the coast and marine environment impacted. 7.4.7 Socio-economic Development Key positive and negative socio-economic impacts on human receptors include the following. Macro-economy Revenue generated by the project through oil sales, taxes and royalties will be a source of income for the government. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-7 Livelihoods and Local Economy Procurement of goods and services has the potential to result in positive impacts by stimulating local small and medium sized business development and generation of profits. Direct employment by the project and indirect employment in the supply chain by contractors and suppliers will have a positive impact on those people employed, their families and their local communities from wages and other benefits. Similarly, skills development and training in the oil and gas sector will benefit those involved. Project demands for goods and services have the potential to lead to shortages and price increases placing greater financial pressure on the local population. Infrastructure and Services There may be increased strain on the capacity of the public infrastructure (eg roads) and services (eg water supply) due project related activities. Fisheries and Navigation Loss of access to fishing grounds (through safety exclusion zones), attraction of fish to the drilling vessel and FPSO and disturbance and damage to fishing gear from project support vessels have the potential to impact fishing activities. Additional vessel movements associated with the project has the potential to disrupt existing commercial shipping. Health and Safety The presence of non-local workers and other project- related workers could introduce communicable diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. The may be health impacts to nearby communities from onshore operations if unmanaged project discharges or emissions result in reduced local air or water quality. The presence of non-local workers and other project- related workers may lead to an increase in social pathologies such as prostitution and the potential influx of job seekers and associate unemployment may lead to an increase in crime levels. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-8 CSR Investment and Community Relations 7.4.8 There is the potential for increased grievances and tension within communities and between communities and the government, TGL and third parties caused by expectations not being met. For example, in employment opportunities, investment in local infrastructure and the level of CSR investment. Differential benefits received across the six coastal districts may result in increased grievances and tension in the Western Region. T.E.N. Project Activities Onshore In addition to the social-economic impacts described above, a range of activities likely to be undertaken at the onshore bases and yards can result in disturbance or damage to the health and wellbeing of local communities. The key impacts identified include the following. 7.4.9 Elevated noise levels from shore base operations and increased traffic on local roads. Storage, handling and transport of solid and liquid wastes at onshore bases can lead to loss of containment and spillages which could give rise to ground and ground water contamination. Air quality impacts from emissions, for example from combustion of fuel (eg NOx / SOx), dust from ground disturbance and transportation or smoke from hot works. Cumulative and Transboundary Impacts An EIA requires consideration of the direct effects and any indirect, secondary and cumulative effects of a project. A cumulative impact is defined as an impact that results from incremental changes caused by other past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions together with the proposed project. The following categories of cumulative impacts will be addressed in the EIA: • • • • biodiversity; environmental quality; infrastructure and services; and socio-economic effects. The resources and receptors that may be subject to cumulative impacts include those that have been identified as potentially impacted by the T.E.N. development at the offshore project location, the onshore logistics bases and the transit routes between these, and coastal areas that could be affected by routine discharges as well as accidents events such as an oil spill. The T.E.N. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-9 EIA will, in particular, consider cumulative impacts from the Jubilee development. The project is located near the border with Cote d’Ivoire and ecological systems are connected so some interaction may occur. Transboundary impacts will therefore also be addressed in the EIA. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 7-10 8 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA 8.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides the proposed Terms of Reference for the EIA and in structured as follows. • • • • • 8.2 Next steps required to complete the EIA process. Proposed baseline studies. Stakeholder engagement. Outline structure of the EIS. Provisional schedule for the EIA process. NEXT STEPS TO COMPLETE THE EIA PROCESS Following submission of the Scoping Report to EPA, the EIA team will undertake the following tasks. The project description will be updated and finalised as further engineering details become available from the FEED studies. The EIA team will work with TGL’s drilling, FPSO and subsea engineering contractors and confirm parameters for the modelling studies and impact assessment. Baseline data collection and specialist studies (including modelling studies) will be completed and reported in an environmental and social baseline chapter as part of the EIA report (see Section 8.3 below). Impact assessment will be undertaken to determine significance ratings according to predefined impact assessment methodology. The proposed impact assessment methodology is attached in Annex E. Mitigation and monitoring measures will be developed and an outline Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as part of the EIA (see Annex E). Stakeholder engagement will continue throughout the EIA process (see Section 8.4 below). The findings of the EIA will be reported in a comprehensive EIS will be EIS for regulator review and public comment. A final EIS will be submitted addressing regulator and public comments. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-1 8.3 PROPOSED BASELINE STUDIES During the EIA, information will be collated and reviewed and studies will be undertaken to provide additional information on the current environmental and socio-economic baseline against which the identified potential impacts will be assessed. Specialist studies will also be undertaken to assess key issues identified during the EIA Scoping study. The scope of these specialist studies are presented below. Spatial data collected or created during the EIA will be stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS) for subsequent combination and analysis and the graphical presentation of the results in the EIS. 8.3.1 Environmental Baseline The EIA team will obtain and review existing data and primary data being collected by TGL as part of the T.E.N. project and from previous studies in the area. The EIA team will update secondary data sets with new data that may be available for those sources. In particular, results from the following studies will be used to update secondary datasets. CSA (2011a) T.E.N. Environmental Baseline Study. The EBS involved sampling at 15 sampling stations within DWT block as shown in Figure 8.1. The EBS included water and sediment sampling, and seafloor photography. The water column was sampled for chemical, hydrographic and biological parameters. Sediment sampling included analysis of chemical, physical and biological parameters. The T.E.N. EBS results, together with previous Jubilee and regional EBS studies, will provide sufficient data to characterise the offshore benthic environment in the vicinity of the T.E.N. development including the pipeline route between T.E.N. and the Jubilee FPSO. CSA (2011b) Drill Cuttings Study. The aim of the study was to verify the Jubilee Phase 1 drilling discharge modelling predictions and the effects of drill cuttings discharge in terms of environmental impacts. The study included desktop review of drilling discharges in deepwater environments and a marine survey and analysis of sediment samples to determine the level of contamination from cuttings (if any) and the extent of impact. The results of this study will provide additional information on regional sediment quality and baseline conditions. TGL (2011b) Fisheries Study. This study, prepared by ERM and ESL for TGL updated information on fish resources and fisheries off the Western Region of Ghana using published data from Ghanaian and international sources and from consultations with fisheries regulations and fisher associations. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-2 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W 2°0'0"W KEY: DWT Block ! (GW2 ! ( ! !GP1 ( E2 E1 ! ( ! ! ! ( Axim Agona Nkwanta Takoradi ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (GE2 ! ! ! ! ( ! MH4 (LM3) ! ! ( T5 T4 ! (GE3 ! ! ! T6 ! ( ! ! ! ! J9 ! !GE4 ( ! ! !GE5 ( . ! ! ( TDI Brooks 2008 Survey Stations EAF Nansen 2009 Survey Stations ! ( ( ! ! (GE1 ! ! ! (GP3 ! (GP4 (9 ! (7 ! (GP5 ! J2 J4! (8 ! (GW6 J1 J6 ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ! (6 5 ! ( J3 ! (2( ! (J5 J7 !3 ! ( ! (1 ( J8 ! ! (4 ! ( MH1 (LM2) CSA 2011 Survey Stations ! ! ! (10 4°30'0"N ( ! ( ! !GP2 ( ! ! !GW3 ( ! (C3 GW4 ( ! (C4 ! ! (GW5 ! (C5 ( ! ! (!( Sekondi Nkroful ( ! ! ! (C2 E3 ! ( ! (C1 West Cape Three Points Block Jubilee Unit Area ! (GW1 5°0'0"N ! Half Assini ! ! ( ! ! 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !GE6 ( 20 Kilometres TITLE: Figure 8.1 Benthic sampling station locations in relation to DWT block CLIENT: 4°0'0"N Tullow Ghana Limited DATE: 22/12/2011 CHECKED: ADJ PROJECT: 0142816 DRAWN: KM APPROVED: MI SCALE: As scale bar DRAWING: Surveys.mxd ERM Norloch House 36 King's Stables Road Edinburgh EH1 2EU United Kingdom Telephone:+44 (0) 131 478 6000 Facsimile: +44 (0)131 656 5813 SOURCE: PROJECTION: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_30N 3°0'0"W 2°30'0"W 2°0'0"W SIZE: A4 REV: 0 8.3.2 Gardline Environmental (2011) Marine Mammal and Turtle Observation Report. The report presents the findings from incidental and ad hoc sightings of marine mammals and turtles between 17 November 2009 and 31 January 2011. All observations were conducted by TGL personnel onboard various vessels operating in the Jubilee Field, including the MV Orient and MV Oceanix Orion. This data will augment secondary data that is available on these topics. Socio-economic Baseline Socio-economic data collection will be undertaken by ERM, ESL and SRC and supported by TGL. Data will be collected using a range of methods, including review of secondary data and supplemented with primary data collection through, for example, key informant and focus group interviews. The primary baseline data will be used to ground-truth available secondary data and characterise the communities, as well as to contextualise the socioeconomic, socio-cultural, political environment and overall quality of life. The data collection process will focus on gathering information based around several data categories including the following. Demographics (eg total population, age, gender, ethnicity, language, religion, household size and structure). Economic overview (eg contribution to GDP, levels of employment/ unemployment, poverty). Economic and livelihood activities (eg fishing, farming, commercial) specifying the nature, extent and capacity of these activities. Social organisation and community governance, including socio-political context and relevant governmental institutions. Health and education overview. Economic/ development trends and context. Cultural and religious practices/sensitivities. Vulnerable/marginalised people. Availability and quality of infrastructure and services (eg housing, water, energy, transport). The data collection work will focus on providing a description of the socioeconomic status and condition of potentially affected communities and stakeholders. Findings of the consultation process will also inform the TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-4 assessment of socio-economic impacts. The study area will focus on the six coastal districts in the Western Region. 8.3.3 Baseline Reporting Following completion of the baseline studies, the EIA team report the finding in the EIS. This will provide a description of the existing environmental and social conditions in the main EIS supported by more detailed information in annexes as required. The aim of the baseline reporting will be to provide sufficient information to undertake the following tasks. 8.3.4 Identify the key environmental and social conditions in areas potentially affected by the project and highlight those that may be vulnerable to aspects of the project. Describe their characteristics (nature, condition, quality, extent, etc) now and in the future in the absence of the project. Provide sufficient data to inform judgments about the importance, value and sensitivity/ vulnerability or resources and receptors to allow the prediction and evaluation of potential impacts. Quantitative Specialist Studies Modelling studies will be undertaken to provide quantitative information on drilling discharges, produced water discharges, oil spills and air emissions to inform the EIA. These studies will include the following. Modelling of oil spills potentially resulting from accidental events (ie collisions, ruptures, blowout, etc). Aquatic dispersion modelling of operational discharges, including drill cuttings discharges and produced water discharges. Atmospheric dispersion modelling of project emissions to air will be undertaken to determine the extent of possible impacts on air quality under prevailing meteorological conditions. Marine Modelling Studies Oil spill and aquatic discharge modelling will be undertaken by Applied Science Associates (ASA) which undertook similar studies for the Jubilee Field Phase 1 Development EIA. The following activities will be undertaken for the modelling work. Input Data and Hydrodynamic Modelling An assessment of the hydrodynamic field and the dominant wind patterns in the study area will be undertaken to determine the best hydrodynamic data TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-5 available to suit the local and regional circulation features and utilise these currents for the modelling tasks. Additionally, data from previous studies will be gathered and integrated, including any in situ or remote measurements provided by TGL. Drilling Discharge Simulations ASA’s MUDMAP model will simulate the drilling fluid and cuttings discharges, reproducing the dispersion and sea bottom sedimentation of bulk discharges during the drilling programme. Each modelling scenario will assume a particular discharge from a site location (eg single well or combination) and can reproduce different drilling sections and their corresponding disposals on the seabed or on the water surface accordingly to a single drilling program. Drilling discharge dispersion modelling outputs will provide: a description of sea bottom deposition at the end of the assumed drilling programme, expressed as accumulated bottom thickness; and water column concentration (time series and iso-contours) of drilling fluids. Crude Oil and Diesel Surface Spill Simulations The modelling study will include several surface (two dimensional) oil and diesel spill simulations. Scenarios will reproduce different spill conditions, products, volumes, locations and seasonal periods. A realistic combination of scenarios will be confirmed with TGL. ASA’s OILMAP model will be used in both stochastic and deterministic mode to compute sea surface and shoreline contact of surface oil for releases from the specified spill sites, as well as weathering calculations. Crude oil and diesel spill model results will provide probability of surface oiling and spill travel-time contours. For each (stochastic) spill scenario, a representative or ‘worst case’ will be determined, typically the shortest time to shore. Blowout Spill Simulations Three-dimensional blowout simulations will be performed including a near field analysis, describing the oil/gas plume generated by the blowout and the far field long term transport and weathering of released hydrocarbons. The near field analysis will be performed using a plume model that will describe the vertical and horizontal extent of the oil/gas/condensate mixture plume. Depending on the blowout conditions, the far field analysis can be completed using a surface two-dimensional or full three-dimensional approach. The output from both options provide surface oiling probabilities, spill travel-time contours and trajectories of representative cases. TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-6 Produced Water Discharge Simulations ASA’s CHEMMAP will be used to model the dispersion and fate of the release of produced water from the site. The produce water continuous discharges will be simulated as a conservative constituent. Concentrations of produced water as it is transported throughout the receiving waters will be tracked to a concentration or dilution factor. The results of each simulation will be presented in figures presenting a characteristic spatial profile of the produced water concentration field. Assessment of Emissions to Atmosphere and Dispersion Modelling Atmospheric dispersion modelling will be undertaken to support the assessment. The aim will be to assess the additional impact of the T.E.N. on regional air quality and, in particular focus on potential impacts on coastal communities as these are considered to be the most significant potential receptors that could be exposed to long term impacts as a result of the prevalent wind directions in the area. The assessment will also consider cumulative emissions with simultaneous production operations at the Jubilee Field. The assessment will utilise the AERMOD dispersion model. This model utilises a number of parameters including details of emissions, emission point characteristics and meteorological information to predict the dispersion of emissions and subsequent impacts at ground level. AERMOD is promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and is widely recognised as being suitable for this type of assessment. Emissions to atmosphere from the T.E.N. development will arise primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels, but also from the cold venting of hydrocarbons. The dispersion modelling study will therefore focus on the parameters below. Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ). Nitric oxide (NO). Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2 ). Carbon Monoxide (CO). Particles <10µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM 10 ). Particles <2.5µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM 2.5 ). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The dispersion study will be carried out to international standards, such as IFC EHS guidelines. Where appropriate, reference will also be made to other international air quality standards and Ghanaian air quality standards. 8.3.5 Fisheries Impact Assessment Section 93 of the Fisheries Act stipulates that if a proponent plans to undertake an activity which is likely to have a substantial impact on the fisheries TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-7 resources, the Fisheries Commission should be informed of such an activity prior to commencement. The Commission may require information from the proponent on the likely impact of the activity on the fishery resources and possible means of preventing or minimising adverse impacts. As such, the Fisheries Commission has been consulted as a key stakeholder in the EIA and potential impacts on fisheries resources will be assessed as part of the T.E.N. EIA. The fisheries study (TGL, 2011b) will provide an up to date baseline on fish ecology and fisheries activities against which potential fisheries impacts can be assessed. Potential impacts that will be assessed are outlined in Chapter 7. 8.3.6 Tema Fabrication Yard Consultations and Baseline Data The existing Tema shipyard has been identified as a potential site for an onshore fabrication facility. Information on TGL’s proposals for investing in Tema port is provided in Section 2.7.5. Consultations will be undertaken to inform relevant stakeholders about the proposed developments at the Tema fabrication yard and to obtain their views. Consultation meetings will be held with the GPHA as well as the Tema metropolitan assembly. The EIA team will undertake a site reconnaissance and review of existing information on the baseline environmental and socio-economic conditions of the site and surrounding area. No primary data collection is envisaged at this stage as the development is within an established industrial zone. 8.4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Having completed scoping consultation, as discussed in Chapter 5, further consultation will be undertaken during the following stages: Disclosure of Scoping Report; Baseline Studies; Draft EIS Disclosure, Public Hearings and Final EIS Disclosure. Disclosure of Scoping Report The Scoping Report has been submitted to the EPA for review. Following approval of the Scoping Report the EPA will issue a letter to inform TGL that the process can proceed to EIA phase. The letter will also include comments on the Scoping Report and proposed Terms of Reference for the EIA. The Scoping Report will be disclosed by EPA to Ministries and by TGL to the general other stakeholders subsequent to the EPA’s approval. An advertisement announcing the release of the Scoping Report for comment will be published. Copies of the Scoping Report will also be placed at central TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-8 locations for public review. Copies of the Scoping Report will likely be placed at the following locations (subject to EPA advice): • • • • EPA library, Accra; Tullow Offices, Accra; Tullow Offices, Takoradi; and Sekondi Public Library. More copies will be distributed to key stakeholders, including the six coastal districts in the Western Region. A website will be created with up-to-date information on the T.E.N. development and the EIA process. Copies of the Scoping Report and BID will be available for download from the project website. Baseline Studies Further, local level engagement activities, will be undertaken during the socioeconomic baseline studies. This will involve focus group meetings with representative of coastal communities and consultation with District leadership. The primary aim of these consultations will be data collection, however, stakeholder views and concerns will continued to be gathered during these engagements. Draft EIS Disclosure, Public Hearings and Final EIS Disclosure Disclosure of the Draft EIS will provide detailed information about the proposed project activities, an assessment of the potential impacts and the planned mitigation and monitoring measures. The Draft EIS will be issued to EPA and advertised. Copies of the Draft EIS will be made available at a number of locations for public review and comment. The Draft EIS will include a non-technical summary which will present the EIA findings in a non-technical format. TGL will support the distribution process as required and directed by the EPA. Given the nature and scale of the proposals it is expected that Public Hearings will be required which will be organised by the EPA and attended by TGL and members of the EIA team as required. Following the Public Hearings the comments received on the Draft EIS will be addressed and a Final EIS submitted to EPA for decision-making on the Environmental Permit application. 8.5 OUTLINE STRUCTURE OF THE EIS An outline of the proposed contents of the main volume of the EIS is provided in Annex F. The proposed contents follow previous EPA guidance on EIS report structure. The content may altered during the evolution of the project or based on the findings of on-going consultation, however it is anticipated TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-9 that the contents of the EIS will align broadly within the suggested framework. 8.6 PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE FOR THE EIA PROCESS A provisional schedule for the EIA is provided in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 EIA Schedule Activity Start EPA Review of Scoping Report Disclosure of Scoping Report Baseline and Specialist Studies Compile Draft EIS Submission of Draft EIS EPA review of Daft EIS Disclosure of EIS and Public Hearings Decision on Final EIS February 2012 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 TWENEBOA, ENYENRA NTOMME (T.E.N.) DEVELOPMENT SCOPING REPORT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Timing Finish January 2012 February 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 00002-E78-ES-RPT-0005 – REV0 20/1/2012 8-10 9 REFERENCES Alder and Sumaila (2004). Western Africa: A Fish Basket of Europe Past and Present. Journal of Environment & Development, Vol. 13, No. 2. Amiteye B T (2002). Distribution and ecology of nesting sea turtles in Ghana. Unpublished Thesis University of Ghana. Anderson DM, Andersen P, Bricelj VM, Cullen JJ, Rensel JEJ (2001). Monitoring and management strategies for harmful algal blooms in coastal waters. APEC #201-MR-01.1, Asia Pacific Economic Program, Singapore and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Series No. 59, Paris. Armah A K, Biney C, Dahl S O and Povlsen E (2004). Environmental Sensitivity Map for the Coastal Areas of Ghana Volume II – Coastal Environment. UNOPS/UNDP, Accra. 80p. 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