directions 2007


directions 2007
May 6–9, 2007
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio, TX
DIRECTIONS 2007 is designed to give financial and equity
compensation professionals the insight and information
they need to stay abreast of the latest regulatory and
compliance trends. This year’s conference will arm you with
the knowledge you need to be confident—in your numbers,
your organization and yourself.
BUILD KNOWLEDGE. Whether you need a review of essential
fundamentals or want to learn more advanced strategies,
Directions 2007 covers a variety of important topics—everything
from stock plan design and administration to regulatory
compliance and executive compensation. And it’s all centered
around intensive, hands-on sessions designed to get you
up to speed quickly.
The Torch of Friendship, San Antonio.
BUILD CONFIDENCE. Meet experts from some of the world’s
leading legal, consulting and accounting firms—and network
with over 500 other industry professionals. You’ll see firsthand
how your peers are handling many of the same challenges
you face. And you’ll build the confidence you need to take
your organization forward in 2007.
Keynote Speaker
Early Bird:
$995 through March 23, 2007
$1195 (March 24–May 5, 2007)
$1295 after May 5, 2007
Register Today
If your company has purchased
a Gold Bundle, please contact
for your registration code.
San Antonio
Marriott Rivercenter
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Tel: 210.223.1000
Ron Insana
Financial Journalist
Mr. Insana offers rare insights that help business decisionmakers at all levels. Nominated for an Emmy for his coverage
of the September 11th attacks, Ron Insana is a senior analyst
at CNBC and has been a contributor to NBC’s Today, NBC
Nightly News with Brian Williams, Imus in the Morning and
other programs on MSNBC including Market Wrap.
In light of the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley—not
to mention a new wave of corporate scandals that included
everything from outright fraud to overcompensation to
serious ethical lapses in the use of stock options—it seems a
new paradigm is afoot in the world of “pay for performance.”
Mr. Insana will discuss whether or not options still create the
best incentive for aligning the interests of management,
employees, shareholders and other stakeholders. And he’ll
provide insight on potential next moves from Wall Street
and Washington.
Compliance & Controls
Tax Accounting Update under FAS 123(R)
Year-End Reporting: 30 Tips to Survive Year End
Section 16 and Rule 144 Bootcamp
Executive Compensation Disclosure: Lessons Learned from Year 1 of the SEC’s New Rules
The Backstory on Options Backdating—Going Beyond the Headlines
FAS 123(R)—One Year Later
Leveraging Equity Edge to Construct Your Financial Audit Trails
Current U.S. Tax Developments in Equity Compensation
Global Stock Administration: 30 Nuggets in 75 Minutes
How to Protect Your Company from Unnecessary Global Audits of Equity-Based Awards
Taxation of Equity Compensation in Western Europe
uropean Equity Tour: Making Your Way Through Tax, Securities and Labor Issues
in the EU and Enjoying the View
Equity Compensation in Asia Pacific: Challenging Regulatory and Tax Environments
Strategies for Optimizing Global Equity Plan Tax Expense
Reporting & Withholding for Global Equity Programs—What Does My Company Need to Know?
How Not to Trip on Labor Laws While Crossing a Border
Chargeback Arrangements in the Wake of FAS 123(R)
Trends in Plan Design
Myths and Missteps: Debunking the Shareholder Approval Process
Portfolio Approach to Equity Compensation Planning
Top Trends in Stock Plans for Overseas Employees
Long-Term Incentive Practices at FORTUNE’s Most Admired Companies
The Design, Valuation, and Administration of Performance Equity Plans
New Trends in Executive Compensation
Market-Based Restricted Stock: Using Valuation to Design Your Plan
Trends in ESPP Design Post—FAS 123(R)
Performance-Based Equity Compensation: Past, Present & Future
Best Practices
Best Practices and Trends in FAS 123(R) Assumption Development and Valuation
Working with Others Can Work: Best Practices in Communication and Teamwork
Effective Practices in Stock Plan Outsourcing
FAS 123(R) Behind the Scenes: Financial Reporting from a Data Perspective
Best Practices for 10b5-1 Plans
Equity Compensation in the Aftermath of FAS 123(R)
Changes in Equity Edge 7.0 & 7.1
What’s New in Stock Plans?
Changes to the Expected Term and Forfeiture Rate Reports
SOX, Security and Audit: Protecting Your Data
The Equity Edge Diagnostic Utility
Tax, Accounting and EPS Report Updates
Restricted Stock Dividends: From Equity Edge to
SEC Proxy and FAS 123(R) Disclosure Reporting
Equity Edge Break-Out Sessions
Advanced Reporting with Equity Edge
How to Import/Export from Equity Edge
Equity Edge 7.0 FAQs
Expense Allocation-Recognition
Compliance & Controls
Tax Accounting Update under FAS 123(R)
Ellie Kehmeier, Deloitte
APIC pools, deferred tax assets, shortfalls and
windfalls — what does it all mean? The world
of tax accounting for stock options continues
to develop, and there are several new details
that you need to know about. This workshop
will provide a brief refresher on basic tax
accounting options and cover some of the key
implementation issues that companies continue
to struggle with.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Year-End Reporting:
30 Tips to Survive Year End
Emily Cervino, CEP,
Certified Equity Professional Institute
Barbara Baksa, CEP, NASPP
Tami Bohm, CEP, Radian Group
Stacy Fox, CEP, eBay, Inc.
Do you dread year-end reporting? Learn how
to streamline your year-end procedures from
this panel. In lightning-round fashion, you’ll
hear tips for tax reporting, financial reporting,
year-end updates, audits and controls and other
critical year-end tasks. You’ll walk away with
30 practical tips.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Section 16 and Rule 144 Bootcamp
Michael Andresino,
Posternak Blankstein & Lund LLP
Tami Bohm, CEP, Radian Group
Christine Zwerling, CEP, Dolby Labs
Section 16 and Rule 144 are specific securities
law provisions that every stock administrator
must deal with. Learn about current best
practices, practical tips and traps for the unwary
that will enhance your company’s compliance
program. This session will provide the necessary
legal background with a focus on practical
guidance for compliance.
Level: Beginner
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
xecutive Compensation Disclosure: Lessons
Learned from Year 1 of the SEC’s New Rules
Michael Andresino,
Posternak Blankstein & Lund LLP
Ronald Mueller, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
This session will examine the requirements
imposed by the SEC’s New Executive
Compensation Disclosure rules and consider
how companies are attempting to comply.
This introductory seminar will cover the basics
of the new rules, highlight some of the issues to
consider and offer practical compliance advice.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
The Backstory on Options Backdating—
Going Beyond the Headlines
Matt Ward/Brett Harson, Radford Surveys+
Consulting, A business unit of AON
The stock options backdating scandal was one
of the most scrutinized corporate governance
issues of 2006, impacting over 150 publicly–
traded companies. While the accounting and
legal aspects of this issue have dominated most
headlines, the fallout from backdating is much
more far reaching. This session will provide an
overview of options backdating and discuss its
implications and present remedies for avoiding
backdated options in the future.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
FAS 123(R) — One Year Later
Don Nemerov, Grant Thompson LLP
This presentation will cover the key findings
from a recently completed study on the
implementation challenges associated with
FAS 123(R) as it relates to equity incentive
practices, stock option valuation and important
reporting requirements. It will illustrate how
recent regulatory guidance impacting the use of
equity incentives, including Section 409A, 2007
Proxy disclosure rules, and ongoing guidance as
provided by the SEC and the PCAOB, interacts
with and reinforces the principles underlying
FAS 123(R).
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Leveraging Equity Edge to Construct
Your Financial Audit Trails
Barrett Scott, Stock & Option Solutions, Inc.
Joanne Norgart, CEP, Altera Corporation
With the heightened investigations by the
SEC, the Department of Justice, and the
IRS unearthing a host of questionable grant
practices, now is the time to maximize Equity
Edge’s capabilities to help you construct a solid,
dependable grant process going forward. In this
session you will learn about the nature of Equity
Audit, the goals behind the financial audits, how
to build the appropriate audit trail, and how you
can harness the reporting strengths of Equity
Edge, including the Equity Audit software,
Power User functionality, and System Backups,
to construct and manage financial audit trails.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Current U.S. Tax Developments
in Equity Compensation
This presentation will cover current federal and
selected state tax developments in share-based
compensation. Expected topics will include tax
issues in connection with backdated options
and lookback-period options, the interplay
of Section 162(m) and equity compensation,
employer tax planning in light of FAS 123(R),
and selected state tax developments regarding
equity compensation.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
The Alamo, San Antonio.
Global Stock Administration:
30 Nuggets in 75 Minutes
Carol Rutlen, Rutlen Associates
Danyle Anderson, NASPP
Nancy Dwan, Oracle
Lisa Murzic, Qualcomm
This seminar will present practical tips on dealing
with local tax requirements, working with local
HR and payroll personnel, complying with data
privacy laws, tracking globally mobile employees
and the many other challenges involved in managing
a multinational stock plan. You will walk away with
30 practical tips that you can implement in your
own plans.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
How to Protect Your Company from Unnecessary
Global Audits of Equity-Based Awards
Cheryl Spielman/Lisa Alexander, Ernst & Young
This seminar will focus on best practices to protect
your company from a potential audit related
to equity-based awards. A range of topics will
be covered, including countries where recent
developments and/or significant audit activity
related to equity-based awards increase the risk
of an audit for your company. Specific case studies
will be used to cover the do’s and don’ts
to avoid noncompliance and audits.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Taxation of Equity Compensation
in Western Europe
Mark Miller, CEP, Deloitte
This session is a technical tax review of stock
options, restricted stock, restricted stock units
and stock-settled SARs in major European
countries where U.S. multinationals do business.
Updates to tax laws will be highlighted, and you’ll
hear one company’s explanation of how they
manage this complex process.
Level: Beginner
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
European Equity Tour: Making Your Way
Through Tax, Securities and Labor Issues
in the EU and Enjoying the View
Valerie Diamond, Baker & McKenzie
What do I need to know about EU directives,
including the Prospectus Directive, the AntiDiscrimination Directive, and the Data Privacy
Directive? This session will provide a road map
for navigating the tax and legal issues in offering
options, ESPP and new restricted stock or other
programs in the EU. It will highlight special tax
withholding/reporting issues and tax-favored
programs in France, Italy and the UK.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Equity Compensation in Asia Pacific:
Challenging Regulatory and Tax Environments
Cheryl Spielman/Lisa Alexander, Ernst & Young
Companies doing business in Asia Pacific are
seeking ways to minimize corporate risk and
exposure to penalties resulting from changes in
law and regulatory interpretations. This session
provides a road map to equity usage and best
practices in this part of the world—a must for
companies contemplating expanding global
equity use in the Asia Pacific Rim.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Strategies for Optimizing Global
Equity Plan Tax Expense
Edward Burmeister, Baker & McKenzie
This seminar will review basic FAS 123(R) tax
accounting and tax expense issues. A range of
topics will be covered, including strategies to
minimize tax expenses, non-tax ramifications
of chargeback agreements, and transfer
pricing implications.
Level: Basic/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Reporting & Withholding for Global Equity
Programs—What Does My Company
Need to Know?
Rive Rutke/Maureen Flood, Deloitte
Companies are constantly facing challenges
in identifying compensation reporting and tax
withholding requirements for their global equity
programs, based on the plan operation in each
local country. This session will focus on the
implications that a company’s decisions about
plan optimization, corporate recharge and plan
administration can have on the compensation
reporting and tax withholding obligations
outside of the U.S.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
How Not to Trip on Labor Laws
While Crossing a Border
Jon Doyle/Craig Tanner, DLA Piper Rudnick
Workforce issues are some of the most complex
and important matters facing any organization,
as they can impact productivity and undermine
a workplace culture. This session will focus on
the impact of local labor laws on multinational
companies and what should be considered
with a global workforce. It will also address
the employment issues that are regularly faced
by multinationals.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Chargeback Arrangements
in the Wake of FAS 123(R)
Jill Hemphill, CEP, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
FAS 123(R) has changed the strategic and
process issues surrounding chargeback
arrangements. In today’s world, it is crucial
to have a greater understanding of the new
IFRS accounting requirements that impact
global chargeback arrangements. This session
will cover the technical accounting rules, the
country-specific tax issues and the U.S. tax
issues under Section 1032.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
The Riverwalk Bridge at night, San Antonio.
SUNDAY, May 6, 2007
6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception: Marriott Rivercenter
Monday, May 7, 2007
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast & Registration
8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.
Kick-off Presentation
9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m.
Keynote Presentation: Ron Insana, Senior Analyst at CNBC
Compliance & Controls
10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Year-End Reporting:
30 Tips to Survive Year End
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Trends in Plan Design
Best Practices
Taxation of Equity
Compensation in
Western Europe
Myths and Missteps:
Debunking the Shareholder
Approval Process
Best Practices and Trends
in FAS 123(R) Assumption
Development and Valuation
Changes in Equity Edge
7.0 & 7.1
Section 16 and Rule 144
How to Protect Your Company
from Unnecessary Global
Audits of Equity-Based Awards
Portfolio Approach to Equity
Compensation Planning
Working with Others Can Work:
Best Practices in Communication
and Teamwork
SOX, Security and Audit:
Protecting Your Data
3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Leveraging Equity Edge to
Construct Your Financial
Audit Trails
Global Stock Administration:
30 Nuggets in 75 Minutes
Top Trends in Stock Plans
for Overseas Employees
7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Texas Rodeo and Dinner: The Knibbe Ranch (transportation provided)
Changes to the Expected Term
and Forfeiture Rate Reports
Equity Edge
Break-Out Sessions
Advanced Reporting
with Equity Edge
TUESDAY, May 8, 2007
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Executive Compensation
Disclosure: Lessons Learned
from Year 1 of the SEC’s
New Rules
European Equity Tour:
Making Your Way Through Tax,
Securities and Labor Issues in
the EU and Enjoying the View
Long-Term Incentive Practices
at FORTUNE’s Most Admired
Effective Practices in Stock Plan
10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
The Backstory on Options
Backdating—Going Beyond
the Headlines
Equity Compensation in Asia
Pacific: Challenging Regulatory
and Tax Environments
The Design, Valuation, and
Administration of Performance
Equity Plans
FAS 123(R) Behind the Scenes:
Financial Reporting from a
Data Perspective
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
FAS 123(R)—One Year Later
Strategies for Optimizing
Global Equity Plan Tax Expense
New Trends in Executive
What’s New in Stock Plans?
3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Tax Accounting Update
under FAS 123(R)
Reporting & Withholding
for Global Equity Programs —
What Does My Company
Need to Know?
Market-Based Restricted Stock:
Using Valuation to Design
Your Plan
Restricted Stock Dividends:
From Equity Edge to
How Not to Trip on Labor Laws
While Crossing a Border
Trends in ESPP Design
Post – FAS 123(R)
Equity Compensation in
the Aftermath of FAS 123(R)
SEC Proxy and FAS 123(R)
Disclosure Reporting
Chargeback Arrangements
in the Wake of FAS 123(R)
Performance-Based Equity
Compensation: Past, Present
& Future
Best Practices for 10b5-1 Plans
The Equity Edge
Diagnostic Utility
Tax, Accounting and EPS
Report Updates
How to Import/Export
from Equity Edge
Equity Edge 7.0 FAQs
WEDNESDAY, May 9, 2007
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Current U.S. Tax Developments
in Equity Compensation
This is a preliminary schedule of events.
Expense AllocationRecognition
Trends in Plan Design
Myths and Missteps: Debunking
the Shareholder Approval Process
Paula Todd/James Kroll , Towers Perrin
Equity compensation plans have to be voted
in by shareholders, but gaining approval gets
harder every year. This session provides practical
suggestions to help companies design equity
incentive plans that shareholders support, including
specific ways to deal with institutional investors
and proxy advisors.
Level: All
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Portfolio Approach to Equity
Compensation Planning
Sean Trotman/Gregg Kopp, Deloitte
While the merits of aligning company and
employee interests are clear, the regulatory
landscape has changed beyond all recognition
over the past few years, leaving companies facing
greater challenges in terms of stock plan design.
This presentation will review a portfolio approach
to long-term incentive planning whereby the
use of diversified equity vehicles is emphasized.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Top Trends in Stock Plans
for Overseas Employees
Barbara Baksa, CEP, NASPP
Marlene Zobayan, CEP, Deloitte
How competitive is your stock plan? Find out in
this up-to-the-minute presentation highlighting
results from the 2007 NASPP/Deloitte International
Stock Design Survey. This is the industry’s most
comprehensive survey on stock plan design and
practices. The panel will present results from
the international module of the survey, which
covers the use of stock options, stock appreciation
rights, restricted stock and units, ESPPs and
performance-based plans by U.S. companies
for overseas employees.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Long-Term Incentive Practices at FORTUNE’s
Most Admired Companies
Brian Tobin/Dave Wise , Hay Group
In this workshop, participants will learn what
FORTUNE’s Most Admired Companies are doing
to tie top executive value creation to long-term
company performance. This workshop will review
recent data to identify the long-term practices
these companies have employed to become the
Most Admired, as well as the practices they’re
adopting in light of the changing executive
compensation landscape.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
The Design, Valuation, and Administration
of Performance Equity Plans
Scott White, Applebee’s
Terrence Adamson, Aon Consulting/Radford
Valuation Services
Performance equity awards are gaining favor in
the marketplace in a FAS 123(R) world. Companies
are looking into an array of equity vehicles such as
SARs, Restricted Shares, and Performance Equity
in an effort to maximize their accounting dollars.
Learn about the HR strategies that use these plans
and the effect of the market conditions on the
financial reporting valuations.
Level: Basic/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
New Trends in Executive Compensation
Jeffrey W. Joyce, Frederic W. Cook & Co.
Executive compensation programs are expanding
due to worldwide scrutiny. This session will give
an overview of emerging trends and competitive
practices in executive compensation. In addition,
the presenter will examine SEC Disclosure Rules
and their impact on executive compensation
design and practice.
Level: All
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Market-Based Restricted Stock:
Using Valuation to Design Your Plan
Stacy Powell, CCA Strategies
Awards that vest based on market conditions
(stock price targets, total shareholder return)
present some exciting opportunities under FAS
123(R), but also present challenges in valuation and
design. Attendees will explore opportunities, risks,
and sensitivities of a simulation-based approach to
designing Market-Based Restricted Stock Plans.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Trends in ESPP Design Post–FAS 123(R)
Renee Deming, Heller Ehrman LLP
This session will present and analyze trends and
design details of employee stock purchase plans
since implementation of the option expensing
rules of FAS 123(R). The presentation will cover the
applicable tax and accounting rules, and will look
at what companies have done with respect to
the adoption of new plans and the amendment
of old ones.
Level: All
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Performance-Based Equity Compensation:
Past, Present & Future
Alexander Cwirko-Godycki, Equilar
As a result of radical new Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) compensation disclosure
regulations, the 2007 proxy season promises to
deliver an unprecedented level of clarity on the nature
and value of executive pay. Areas covered by this
presentation will include the prevalence of equity
compensation vehicles, an analysis of performance
metrics and a review of innovative compensation
practices. Together, these lines of research will
provide a quantitative and qualitative overview
of performance-based equity pay trends.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Best Practices
Best Practices and Trends in FAS 123(R)
Assumption Development and Valuation
Terrence Adamson/James Lecher ,
Aon Consulting/Radford Valuation Services
Daniel Abrams/Peter Suzman, FAS123 Solutions
Daniel Kahn, Ernst & Young
Best practices are beginning to form for
assumption development and the valuation
of traditional service-based stock options.
This session will focus on a wide range of
valuation needs from three of the largest
valuation providers in the marketplace. Learn
what different weightings are being applied
toward developing expected volatility and
what assumptions are being applied for
developing exercise behavior.
Level: Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Best Practices for 10b5-1 Plans
Geir Fjugstad/Jorge Martin/Shaun McLaughlin/
Anthony Altobelli, E*TRADE FINANCIAL
Under Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, corporate insiders can trade if
they can prove that the transaction was part
of a predetermined systematic trading plan,
established before the insider became aware
of any “material, non-public information.”
This session will explain the basics of 10b5-1
Plans, examine large block trades, and discuss
liquidation strategies for concentrated stock
option and ESPP positions.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Working with Others Can Work: Best Practices
in Communication and Teamwork
Joan Matlack, CEP, Matlack Consulting
Stacy Fox, CEP, eBay, Inc.
Stock Administration is unique because our
“customers” are employees whom we also
deal with in their specific job capacities, such as
payroll, accounting, finance, CFO, HR, etc. This
presentation will entail a discussion of what we
need from other departments, what they need
from us, how our job affects others, and how
what they do (or don’t do) affects us.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Peter Suzman/Daniel Abrams, FAS123 Solutions
Restricted stock or options? 10-year or 7-year
options? ISO or NQ options? Service-based,
performance-based or market-based options
or restricted stock? These and similar decisions
will be analyzed from various perspectives
including FAS 123(R) accounting treatment and
cost to your company—including forfeitures,
distribution of expected payout to the employee
and more. This session will have a particular
focus on the design of market- and performancebased awards for mid- and high-level executives.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Equity Compensation in the Aftermath
of FAS 123(R)
Effective Practices in Stock Plan Outsourcing
Donna Meeks/Scott Timko, E*TRADE Financial
Have you ever wondered if outsourcing your
stock plan administration would benefit your
company? This session will review the questions
you should ask yourself when determining whether
or not to outsource, as well as provide guidance
on establishing and managing an outsourcing
Level: All
FAS 123(R) Behind the Scenes:
Financial Reporting from a Data Perspective
Carine Schneider/Daniel Moody , Global Shares
Sarbanes-Oxley, the increased use of “blackbox” technological solutions, and shortened
timelines to meet reporting deadlines are
all putting pressure on financial reporting.
This session will cover critical components of
handling data and the risks associated with thirdparty vendors, and show us how to bring all the
pieces together.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Credits: 1.5 CPE, 1.5 CEP CEU
Changes in Equity Edge 7.0 & 7.1
Barbara Richley, CEP/Laura Verri, CEP,
This session will discuss the various changes and
enhancements made to the software since last
year’s conference. The session will start off with
an introduction to the services (online trading for
Stock-Settled SARs, online exercise confirmations
and consolidated account statements) that will soon
be available to your stock plan participants. Some
of the features specifically discussed will include the
new Company History Table, the ability to import
individual taxes on the Exercise and Release Import
files and the new Share Verification process in
the Exchange Manager.
Level: Beginner
What’s New in Stock Plans?
George Brewster/Andy Chan/Brian Um,
This is your opportunity to hear directly from the
Product Management team about the recent and
upcoming changes to the stock plans tab.
The session will start off with an introduction to the
services (online trading for Stock-Settled SARs, online
exercise confirmations and consolidated account
statements) that will soon be available to your stock
plan participants. It will then move on to describe
the process for prioritizing the changes made to the website and an explanation of how you
can make sure your voice is heard.
Level: Beginner
Changes to the Expected Term
and Forfeiture Rate Reports
Terrence Adamson, Aon Consulting/
Radford Valuation Services
Stacy Powell, CCA Strategies LLC
Substantial changes have recently been made to
the Expected Term and the Forfeiture Rate reports
in Equity Edge. This panel will discuss the changes
to the calculations. In addition, the compensation
consultants on the panel will explain the rationale
behind the changes and discuss strategies for using
the data provided by the reports to conduct your
own, more extensive analysis.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
SOX, Security and Audit: Protecting Your Data
Laura Verri, CEP/Jim Vincent, CEP,
Heightened password and data security is on
everyone’s minds these days. This session will
provide a detailed discussion of the various changes
(e.g., Row-Level Security, Audit Trail, Password
Enhancement) that have been made in Equity Edge
to help you protect your data.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
The Equity Edge Diagnostic Utility
This session will explain the new Equity Edge
Diagnostic Utility, which was introduced in Equity
Edge 7 to help troubleshoot and potentially fix
common technical problems. The utility analyzes
a “snapshot” of the current system, identifies
inconsistencies and attempts to correct the fixable
issues. In cases where you need to send your data
to Corporate Support for analysis, the utility also
allows you to scramble identifying participant
information before sending a back-up file.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Tax, Accounting and EPS Report Updates
Ellie Kehmeier, Deloitte Tax LLP
As the implementation of FAS 123(R) continues
to change the way accounting firms audit equity
compensation calculations, it’s important to
make sure you understand the calculations.
This session will explain the recent changes to
the Tax Benefit Reconciliation report, the Expense
Allocation – Recognition report and the WOO NQ
Tax Benefit report — including a tax accountant’s
perspective on the logic behind the changes
and the calculations.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Restricted Stock Dividends:
From Equity Edge to
Barbara Richley, CEP/Brian Um, E*TRADE FINANCIAL
Does your company issue dividends on unvested
restricted stock? This session explains how to use
the new Dividends functionality. We will walk you
through the entire process of issuing dividends
in Equity Edge, displaying accrued dividends on, releasing dividends in Equity Edge
and sending dividend reinvestment shares to the
participants’ accounts.
Level: Beginner
SEC Proxy and FAS 123(R) Disclosure Reporting
Recent enhancements to reports in Equity Edge
provide you with the information you need to meet
the FAS 123(R) Disclosure Reporting and the updated
SEC Proxy Disclosure Reporting requirements. We’ll
cover the changes to the Valuation Disclosure Recap
reports and take you on a column-by-column tour of
the SEC Proxy Disclosure Tables, explaining which
reports to run to get the information you need.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Equity Edge Break-Out Sessions
Equity Edge Break-Out sessions provide an opportunity to experience hands-on training and practical
problem solving with Equity Edge. Sessions will answer many frequently asked questions and demonstrate
how to use the software’s features successfully.
Advanced Reporting with Equity Edge
How to Import/Export from Equity Edge
Equity Edge 7.0 FAQs
Expense Allocation -Recognition
The Riverwalk, San Antonio.
Continuing Education
We offer Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) credits for many of the sessions at our
conference. The number of CPE credits
available for each session is noted in the
session description.
E*TRADE FINANCIAL Corporate Services, Inc.,
is registered with the National Association of
the State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor
of continuing professional education on the
National Registry of CPE sponsors. State boards
of accountancy have final authority on the
acceptance of individual courses for CPE credits.
Comments about registered sponsors may be
addressed to NASBA, 150 Fourth Ave. North,
Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219.
This conference also offers continuing education
credits through the Certified Equity Professional
Institute at Santa Clara University. Qualifying
workshops will list the number of Continuing
Education Units (CEUs) available. For
further information, visit their website at:
Walkway in San Antonio.
Post-Conference Training
The following Equity Edge product training
sessions are offered at the conclusion
of the conference.
Getting Started with Equity Edge
Thursday, May 10: 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Cost: $695
Insider Reporting with Equity Edge
Thursday, May 10: 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Cost: $695
Beyond the Basics with Equity Edge
Friday, May 11: 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Cost: $695
Financial Reporting with Equity Edge
Friday, May 11: 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Cost: $695
Product training sessions will be held at:
New Horizons
8200 IH – 10 West
Suite 500
San Antonio, TX 78230
Registration and payment for post-conference
training are separate from the conference
registration. To register:
1. Visit:
2. S
elect: “View Course Schedule” and
then select “May, 2007, San Antonio, TX”
Welcome Reception
Airport: San Antonio International Airport
Airport shuttle service is available to and
from the downtown San Antonio area.
The SATRANS shuttle is located outside
of the terminals and tickets are sold curbside.
The cost is $14 each way. For further
information, please visit
Taxi service is also available outside of
all airport terminals, and the fare is
approximately $20 each way.
Date: Sunday, May 6, 2007
Please contact our Registration Coordinator
by phone at 646-521-4386 or email us at
The suggested conference attire is business
casual. Name badges (received at registration)
must be worn at all conference events.
Location & Time: Marriott Rivercenter,
6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Details: Join us for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
music and networking with old and new
friends. The Welcome Reception promises
to be a lively kickoff to Directions 2007.
Walkway in San Antonio.
Join us for a real Texas rodeo.
Date: Monday, May 7, 2007
Time: 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Place: The Knibbe Ranch
Details: Join us for an unforgettable evening
at a sixth-generation historic hill country
ranch — and experience an action-packed
Texas rodeo, hayrides and fireworks while
enjoying cocktails, dinner, music and more.
Located amongst rolling hills and beautiful
meadows, the Knibbe Ranch offers plenty of
opportunities to experience the native food,
culture and abundant wildlife of Texas.
Guest Tickets: Guests are welcome to
accompany conference attendees. Tickets
may be purchased for $100 each.
Stay in the heart
of the world-famous
San Antonio Riverwalk.
Nestled in the heart of downtown, the
Marriott San Antonio Riverwalk is located
across the street from the Rivercenter Mall
and one block from the Henry B. Gonzalez
Convention Center. The hotel offers sweeping
balcony views of the city and the San Antonio
Riverwalk below.
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
Tel: 210.223.1000
Book your room today to receive the
conference rate of $209 single/double
per night. To reserve your room, call
800.648.4462 and mention the E*TRADE
FINANCIAL Directions 2007 Conference.
To ensure availability and the discounted rate,
reservations must be made by April 2, 2007.
After this date, rooms are subject to
availability at regularly published hotel rates.
Corporate Services
4005 Windward Plaza Dr.
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Register today!