les baux de provence edition 2013 TA B L E OF CONTENTS Heritage 6 Local produce 14 Art Galleries 19 Map 20 Shops 22 Hotels Restaurants 27 Restaurants 32 Bed and Breakfast 34 Self-catering accomodation 39 Nature & Leisure activities 42 Useful Information 43 One of the most beautiful villages in France The village of Les Baux-de-Provence, perched on a spur of rock, has an incredibly diverse architectural heritage including an extraordinarily beautiful citadel that towers over the surrounding countryside. The exceptional decor brings memories of the past back to life, upholds traditions, is home to the art of the people who lived here and plays host to prestigious events. It is not just a place steeped in history, though. It has much more to offer. The tradition of providing visitors with a warm welcome is as present as ever in its gourmet restaurants and delightful hotels that play host to celebrity guests. The Baux-de-Provence appellation is a symbol of quality. Its vines, grown on sun-drenched rocky soil, produce generous wines. Its olive oil is warm and fruity. Set in the heart of the Alpilles regional country park, Les Baux-de-Provence is a listed heritage site that has won titles such as “one of the Most Beautiful Villages in France” or “an Outstanding Centre for Flavoursome Food”. In fact, the village is unique because it is just that bit more famous than others, and just a bit more magical. And the essence that gives Provencal villages their very special atmosphere and fragrance is here too – small squares, well-shaded terraces, narrow streets and small shops. 5 H E R I TA G E The Castle Standing on a spur of rock in the heart of the Alpilles, the Castle of Les Baux-de-Provence covers an area of 7 hectares and is one of the most majestic natural and historic sites. A listed Historic Monument, the Castle offers a breathtaking panorama over the valley of the Alpilles and the whole region. The audioguide is available in 10 languages (F, GB, D, I, NL, E, J, R, C, P), so you can learn about the turbulent past of the Lords of Les Baux-de-Provence and discover their mediaeval fortress as you explore the keep, the Sarrazine and Paravelle towers, the dovecote, the castle chapel and the chapel of St Blaise, and the former Quiqueran hospital. Mediaeval Jousting (noon, 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm): A humorous historic display demonstrating the weapons and techniques of mediaeval warfare. Watch the spectacular confrontation between the knight and the lord of Les Baux-de-Provence. Chapel of Saint Blaise (12th century) An illustrated tour In the Chapel of St. Blaise, an example of Romanesque architecture, visitors can watch a film at any time of year entitled “A Bird’s Eye View of Provence” giving them a chance to see the most outstanding locations in Provence, a region that is unique for the wealth and diversity of its heritage. Events and entertainment in 2013 (every weekend, public holidays and school holidays from April to September) Siege machinery (11.00 am, 1.30 pm, 3.30 pm and 5.30 pm and 6.30pm in July and August): there is a demonstration of their huge firepower every day at the castle. The counterpoise and single-counterweight trebuchets, catapult, balista and battering ram are meticulous reproductions of the machinery used in the Middle Ages and they give visitors some idea of their effectiveness. Crossbow and archery demonstrations (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) Learn how to handle the famous weapons used in the Middle Ages for both hunting and warfare. Compete with a genuine archer to test your skill and strength! 6 Visitors to the castle can follow the route marked out by illustrations from the publisher, Castermann. Large panels have been set up to show what the buildings would have looked like and help children to use their imagination in comparing these pictures with the way the castle looks today. The treasure hunt Children aged 7 to 12 can delve into the Book of Riddles. A fun but educational way of learning about the history of Les Baux-de-Provence. Open every day all year round : Jan, Feb, Nov, Dec : 10.00 am to 5.00 pm / Mar, Oct : 9.30 am to 6.30 pm April, May, Jun, Sep : 9.00 am to 7.15 pm /July, Aug : 9.00 am to 8.15 pm Information and bookings: Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 55 56 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 55 00 message@chateau-baux-provence.com or groupes@chateau-baux-provence.com www.chateau-baux-provence.com ADMISSION FEES Adults : 8€/9,50€* Children under 7 years : free Families : free for the 2nd child in the same family Concessions (students, children aged 7 to 17 years, jobseekers) : 6€/7,50€* Joint ticket : Pass Provence Carrières de Lumières + Castle : 14,50€/16€* Pass Provence concessions : 11€/12.50€* Pass Balade aux Baux : Carrières de Lumières + Castle + Musée Brayer : 18€ Last admission with audio guide : 1 hour before the closure of the Château. *Additional 1,50€ from 6 April to 29 September weekends and public holidays, easter holidays and summer holidays. 7 H E R I TA G E The Yves Brayer Museum (1907 - 1990) À ne pas manquer À ne pas m The Yves Brayer Museum is housed in one of the most beautiful mansions in the centre of the village, the Hôtel de Porcelet. It presents a wide-ranging FONDATION LOUIS JOU MUSÉE YVES BRAYER (1907 - 199 retrospective of the works of this artist who was so The finest works of Louis Jou are exhibited alongfond of Mediterranean landscapes and who is one of side his furniture and collections – ancient books, the most representative exponents of figurative art engravings by Dürer and Goya, paintings sculptures 20th In his youth, Yves Brayer was atand ceramics – in the intiDansinlesthe 6 salles de century. l’hôtel Renaissance Le Musée Yves Braye Jean tracted de Brion sont exposées, rétrospective de l'œ by Spain then by Italy, and he powerfully exmacy of the 6 rooms of dans une ambiance de maison privée, attaché aux pays m pressed their specifi c characteristics in oils, gouaches the Renaissance Jean de les plus belles œuvres de Louis JOU parmi les plus repr parmiand ses monotypes. meubles et ses collections : contemporaine. Le Brion Mansion. incunables, livres anciens, gravures artiste dont l'œuvre, The tour is followed by de Dürer et de Goya, peintures, par des huiles, des a a visit to the workshops sculptures et céramiques. gravures et des litho R. Dufy Cette visite est complétée par celle containing the presses de l’atelier où sont installées les presses used by Louis Jou, Master à bras de Louis JOU, maître typographe, 29 imprimeur, April – 26éditeur. September 2013 typographer, engraver, graveur, FONDATION LOUIS JOU reconnue d’utilité publique As part of Marseille-Provence 2013, this exhibiprinter and publisher. Hôtel Jean de Brion LOUIS MATHIEU-VERDILHAN : 13520 Les Baux de Provence tion aims to give a different view of the COULEUR Region ET PUISSANCE Ouverture du Musée : by concentrating on the interior of towns seen Avril - fin août 2009 Sur rendez-vous 20th-century their enbytéléphonant auartists better known for L'œuvre puissante de Louis Mathieu-Verdilhan se 04landscapes 90 54 34 17 dans la lignée des fauves provençaux. Dans ses i.e. Ambrogiani, Bioulès, Buffplace et, Cariches en couleurs, les noirs construisaient La visite guidée. Dufy, Friesz, Korovine, toiles moin,est Chabaud, Laurin, les paysages et leur insufflaient une force dramatique. Ouvertures gratuites : Lelée, Lhote, Lombard, Manguin, Marchand, Ce solitaire, que Bourdelle encouragea, apporta sa Journées du Patrimoine. Marquet, Signac and Verdilhan. The villages exhibi-et paysages des environs d'Aix, d'Allauch et Opening the Museum Son nom reste attaché au Vieux-Port de Marseille, vi Le premier dimanche tion is, in fact, a selection of works depicting by appointment : bateaux s'entrecroisent et des quais où se déroule l' de chaque mois the hearts of towns such as Arles, Salon, Aix, + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 17 or d’octobre à avril Horaires : Marseille seen de 14 heures and à 17Toulon heures.in various ways, as + 33 (0)4 90 38 34 28 Avril à septembre ouvert tous les jours de 10h à 12h by many different painters. Some of theOctobre viewsà mars ouvert tous les jours sauf mardi 10h à 12h30 et de 14h à 17h ou 17h30. The tour is guided show the best-known features of thedetowns Fermeture annuelle de janvier à mi-février. but, more often, the artists have chosenTél. places 04 90 54 36 99 - Fax 01 46 33 41 18 Admission free : and views that are unusual and surprising. www.yvesbrayer.com Journées du Patrimoine Tarifs V. Bioulès Foundation Louis Jou Mediterranean towns "from Signac to Buffet" Tarifs Adultes : 3,00 € Adultes 4 € par personne Étudiants et enfants : 1,50 € Opening Groupes 2,50 € parhours: personne Enfants (- de 7 ans) : gratuit from 10.00 am April to September, to 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm to 6.30 pm Fondation Louis JOU Moins de 18 ans Gratuit October to March, except Tuesday, from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Billet joint Annual closure January and February. Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 17 or + 33 (0)4 90 38 34 28 Cathédrale d'Images + Musée Yves Brayer Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 36 99 - Fax + 33 (0)1 46 33 41 18 - www.yvesbrayer.com www.fondationlouisjou.org - morvan@wanadoo.fr Adultes 10,50 € Enfants 3,50 € Fondation Louis Jou, 13520 Les ABaux-de-Provence D M I S S I O N F E E S Cathédrale d'Images + Château + Musée ADMISSION FEES Adultes 15,50 € Enfants 7,50 € Téléphone : 04 90 54 34 17 morvan@wanadoo.fr Adults : 5€ per person Adults : 5€ Children and students : 2,50€ Under 18 years : free Children (under 7) : freehttp://perso.wanadoo.fr/fondationlouisjou/index.html Groups : 3€ per person Pass Balade aux Baux Carrières de Lumières + Castle + Musée Brayer : 18€ 8 9 H E R I TA G E H E R I TA G E Dream Carrières de Lumières Monet, Renoir... Chagall Journeys around Mediterranean Showing from 8th March 2013 to 5th January 2014 inclusive Created by Gianfranco Iannuzzi, Renato Gatto, Massimiliano Siccardi, A unique audiovisual programme tracing artists’ fascination with the Mediterranean: the light of Impressionism, the colours of Fauvism, the landscapes of Pointillism and Cubism. A Mediterranean journey through the artistic movements of the 19th and 20th centuries Showing from 8th March 2013 to 5th January 2014 inclusive Created by Gianfranco Iannuzzi, Renato Gatto, Massimiliano Siccardi. Between two screenings dedicated to painters, Les Carrières de Lumières offers a fascinating film that will take you, in just ten minutes, into the heart of matter, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. Enter a dream with your eyes wide open, and discover the depths of the abyss before being propelled into the cosmos, among the stars. Open from 8th March 2013 to 5th January 2014 : from 8th March to September 9.30 am to 7.00 pm from October to 5th January 10.00 am to 6.00 pm Information and bookings : Carrières de Lumières Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 47 37 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 55 00 message@carrieres-lumieres.com - groupes@carrieres-lumieres.com www.carrieres-lumieres.com ADMISSION FEES Adults : 9,50€ Children under 7 : free Families : Free entry for the 2nd child in the same family Concessions (Students, Children aged 7 to 17, Jobseekers) : 7,50€ Joint ticket Pass Provence Carrières de Lumières + Castle : 14,50€/16€* Pass Provence Réduit Pass : 11€/12.50€* Pass Balade aux Baux Carrières de Lumières + Castle + Musée Brayer : 18€ *1,50€ supplement for events from 6 April to 29 September, weekends and public holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays. 10 11 H E R I TA G E Le Musée des Santons Office de tourisme des Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 39 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 51 15 www.lesbauxdeprovence.com - tourisme@lesbauxdeprovence.com “Making a santon is like playing at being God the Father and, like Him, producing a man from clay.” The museum of “santons” (figures for the Christmas crib) contains a vast number of exhibits including some outstanding figurines made in Naples, scenes illustrating the traditions of Provence and Les Baux linked to the Nativity and a documentary film on the manufacture of these figures. The museum houses several different collections - Neapolitan figurines from the 17th and 18th centuries, 19th-century “santons” for churches whose painted papier mâché faces and glass sulphur eyes were made by the Carmelite convent in Avignon and figures by famous makers such as Carbonnel, Fouque, Jouve, Peyron Campagna, Toussaint, Thérèse Neveu, Louise Berger, Simone Jouglas etc. The traditional ceremony of the Shepherds’ Offering, known locally as the “Pastrage”, is staged against the background of Les Baux de Provence, in front of the village church. A traditional Provençal Christmas crib and the everyday life of a 19th-century family are shown in two large windows. For children, a crowd of small brightly-coloured, naively-painted santons is placed at a height that they can reach. “Making a santon is like playing at being God the Father and, like Him, producing a man from clay.” This beautifully-phrased sentence by historian Marcel Provençal summarises the work of the santon-maker very well and expresses all the magic of creativity. Open daily throughout the year. No admission charge. Tour designed and “E-Walk”, to explore Les Baux-de-Provence Making access to heritage a pleasure for all. The “E-Walk” is an entertaining, instructive and interactive way of exploring Les Baux-de-Provence. In addition to the tour designed for vision-impaired visitors, which has been Tourisme & Handicap accredited since 2010, the town of Les Baux-de-Provence will have a new mobile Apple and Android app in spring 2013, designed for all. The free app, provided by the Tourist Office, the Braille & Culture Association and the other sponsors, takes you on a sightseeing tour of the town’s heritage sites, in French and English. It is accessible to everybody. For the blind, the descriptive audio commentary is rounded off with sightseeing booklets in braille with drawings in relief, or with large-print booklets containing drawings in contrasting colours. As to the vision-impaired, they can use the “text” app with its large print function. Finally, for the deaf, the audio description has been translated into sign language and is available on video. If you can’t download this application, the Tourist Office can lend you touch pads containing the app. Information : Tourist Office Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 39 www.lesbauxdeprovence.com tourisme@lesbauxdeprovence.com 12 13 L O CA L P R O D U C E A . O . C . VA L L É E D E S B AU X - D E - P R O V E N C E O l ive g rowers Olive growers trade association The three “Vallée des Baux-de-Provence” A.O.C.s (appellations d’origine controllée) (guaranteed origin) labels for black crushed olives, pricked olives and olive oil were awarded on August 31, 1997, demonstrating the pure typicality of the fruits from the olive-trees from our Alpine foothills. Salonenques and beruguettes, crushed green olives flavoured with fennel uniquely express the “savours of the garrigue”. Ripe black pricked grossane olives are unlike any others and truly marry the ardour and aroma of Provence. The final expression of the olive tree, competing with the colour of the Provence sun, is olive oil - the quintessence of know-how, our land and the tastes and scents of Southern France. Typically, Vallée des Bauxde-Provence A.O.C. olive oils are characterised by a “Green Fruit” version, with flavours of raw artichoke, cut hay, wet grass, thyme leaves, fresh banana, citrus fruits, tomato, bitter almond, green apples and “Black Fruit” with flavours of mushrooms, truffles, cooked artichoke, crystallized tomato, red fruit, black olives, sweet pepper, almond, date, hazel nut, cocoa, toast, butter, pastry, tapenade… Contact : SIOVB Jean-Pierre Lombrage Coste Bonne 13810 Eygalières Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 95 90 24 or mobile + 33 (0)6 07 81 29 59 Fax + 33 (0)4 32 62 17 80 www.aoc-lesbauxdeprovence.com - siovb@aol.com MOULIN CASTELAS J.B. et C. Hugues - Mas des Oliviers D27A 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 50 86 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 51 68 www.castelas.com - info@castelas.com MAS DE LA DAME Mmes. Missoffe et Poniatowski Route de Saint-Rémy - 13520 Les Baux-de-Pce Tel.+33(0)4 90 54 32 24 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 40 67 www.masdeladame.com CHATEAU D’ESTOUBLON V. et R. Reboul-Schneider Route de Maussane - 13990 Fontvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 64 00 - Fax+33(0)4 90 54 64 01 CONFISERIE ARNAUD ZAC Roubian - 13150 Tarascon Tel. +33(0)4 90 91 57 80 - Fax +33(0)4 90 91 57 81 CONFISERIE ET MOULIN “LA CRAVENCO” Route d’Eyguières - 13280 Raphèle-les-Arles Tel. +33(0)4 90 96 50 82 - Fax +33(0)4 90 96 48 16 www.moulinlacravenco.com info@moulinlacravenco.com CONFISERIE R. GONFOND Mas Saint-Roman - 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel./Fax +33(0)4 90 47 54 83 CONFISERIE JEAN MARTIN 9 rue Charloun Rieu - 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 30 04 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 40 79 www.jeanmartin.fr DOMAINE VALDITION François Faure Route d'Eygalières -13660 Orgon Tel. +33(0)4 90 73 08 12 - Fax +33(0)4 90 73 05 95 LA FABRESSE Jean-Philippe Montagard Rue de la République - 13810 Eygalières Tel. +33(0)4 86 65 68 51 ou +33(0)6 03 61 49 37 Fax+33(0)4 90 73 18 50 - www.lafabresse.com LES DÉLICES DE CABRIÈRES Cathala frères Chemin de Saint Jean - 13990 Fontvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 75 25 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 56 72 lesdelicesdecabrieres.surinternet.com LE MAS DE LA TAPI Alain et Virginie Libérato 15, Cours Paul Révoil - 13890 Mouriès Tel. +33(0)9 53 73 55 83 14 LES DÉLICES DE L’OLIVIER ZA de Roquerousse 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 74 30 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 70 98 MAS DE BOUTONNET 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel.+33(0)4 90 47 50 08 - www.masdeboutonnet. com - marina.ambrogi@orange.fr MAS DE FLÉCHON Alain Bicheron Quartier Fléchon - 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 32 88 alain.bicheron140@orange.fr MAS DE L’ANGE M. A. Monnier CD17 Quartier Saint Jean - 13990 Fontvieille Tel./Fax +33(0)4 90 54 72 55 MOULIN COOPERATIF DU MAS NEUF 13890 Mouriès - Tel./Fax +33(0)4 90 47 53 86 MOULIN COOPÉRATIF JEAN-MARIE CORNILLE Rue Charloun Rieu - 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tél. +33(0)4 90 54 32 37 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 30 28 www.moulin-cornille.com MOULIN DE BÉDARRIDES M. Bellon Route de Tarascon - 13990 Fontvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 70 04 MOULIN DE LA COQUILLE M. M.J. Sirvent Route des Baux - 13990 Fontvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 65 57 marie.sirvent13@orange.fr www.moulindelacoquille.com DOMAINE DES PLAINES MARGUERITE L. Israelian - 13520 Maussane les Alpilles Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 50 97 http://dpm.maussane.free.fr domaineplainesmarguerite@orange.fr MOULIN DU MAS DES BARRES 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 44 32 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 56 99 www.masdesbarres.com MOULIN DU MAS DE VAUDORET M. et Mme. Watton-Chabert 13990 Mouriès Tél. +33(0)4 90 47 50 13 - Fax +33(0)4 90 47 63 72 MOULIN SAINT-JEAN 13990 Fontvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 72 64 - Fax +33(0)4 90 54 69 24 MOULIN SAINT-MICHEL Laurent et Christian Rossi Cours Paul Révoil - 13890 Mouriès Tel. +33(0)4 90 47 50 40 15 L O CA L P R O D U C E A . O. C . L E S B AU X - D E - P R O V E N C E Vignerons des Baux-de-Provence Les Alpilles simply follow the vines To reach the heart of the Alpilles and truly capture the many aspects of the Baux Valley, simply follow the vines and take the time to discover each of the twelve estates that have been associated since 6 February 1995 under the A.O.C. Without really discovering the vine trail, it is clearly difficult to truly understand and appreciate the countryside’s distinctive features and the reality of the Appellation. The Alpilles have so much to offer and definitely need more than a quick glance. The vineyards are more often than not lost in the countryside, hidden in the hillside, nestling in a cul-de-sac at the end of a narrow dirt track, a few kilometres long, which can be taken by car, bicycle or on foot. It is certainly worth the detour, especially as on arrival, after a delightful trip, you will have the pleasure of discovering a winegrower, a glass, some wine... A special memory that will stay with you for a lifetime. Contact : Les Vignerons des Baux-de-Provence www.lesvinsdesbaux.com Press : Rouge Granit - 4, rue d’Enghien - 69002 Lyon Tel. + 33 (0)4 37 65 08 59 - contact@rouge-granit.fr MAS DE LA DAME 13520 Les-Baux-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 32 24 www.masdeladame.com masdeladame@masdeladame.com DOMAINE DE LA VALLONGUE 13810 Eygalières Tel. +33(0)4 90 95 91 70 www.lavallongue.com contact@vallongue.com MAS SAINTE BERTHE 13520 Les-Baux-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 39 01 www.mas-sainte-berthe.com info@mas-sainte-berthe.com DOMAINE DE TERRES BLANCHES 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 95 91 66 www.terresblanches.com info@terresblanches.com CHÂTEAU DALMERAN 45, avenue Notre Dame du Château 13103 Saint-Etienne-du-Grès Tel. +33(0)4 90 49 04 04 www.dalmeran.fr info@dalmeran.fr DOMAINE GUILBERT Chemin du Trou des Bœufs La Haute Galine 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 32 61 18 89 domaineguilbert@orange.fr CHÂTEAU D’ESTOUBLON Route de Maussane - 13990 Fonvieille Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 64 00 www.estoublon.com chateauestoublon@wanadoo.fr DOMAINE HAUVETTE Voie Aurelia La Haute Galine 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 92 03 90 domainehauvette@wanadoo.fr CHÂTEAU ROMANIN Route de Cavaillon 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Tel. +33(0)4 90 92 45 87 www.romanin.com contact@romanin.com DOMAINE DE LAUZIÈRES 13890 Mouriès Tel. +33(0)4 90 47 62 88 www.balisiers.ch/balisiers-fr/provence mail@balisiers.ch L’AFFECTIF Jean-André Charial 13890 Mouriès Tel. +33(0)4 90 54 56 54 secob@free.fr 16 MAS DE GOURGONNIER 13890 Mouriès Tel. +33(0)4 90 47 50 45 www.gourgonnier.com contact@gourgonnier.com 17 L O CA L P R O D U C E A R T GA L L E R I E S WINE PRODUCERS Mas de la Dame GPS N 43°44’23.39 Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 24 E 4°49’23.64” Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 40 67 www.masdeladame.com masdeladame@masdeladame.com Les Baux-de-Provence producer of organic A.O.C. wines (white, rosé, red). First press olive oil and other olive products. Sale and tasting daily in the cellar. Closed Sundays only in January and February. Groups welcome with advanced booking. Mas Sainte Berthe Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 39 01 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 46 17 www.mas-sainte-berthe.com - info@mas-sainte-berthe.com Fragmentism OLIVE OIL PRODUCER Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 50 86 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 51 68 www.castelas.com - info@castelas.com Organic producer of extra-virgin olive oil AOP Vallée des Baux de Provence. You are invited to sample our olive oil and olive based products. Open every day for visit and tasting. Groups are welcomed upon reservation. 18 2, rue de la Calade - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 38 25 or + 33 (0)6 61 13 44 31 www.lefragmentisme.com - sola.m@wanadoo.fr GPS N 43°44'23.97 E 4°48'18.77 Les Baux-de-Provence A.O.C. wine producer (red, white, rosé). Sampling and sales in the winery. A.O.C. olive oil, tapenade. Walking tour of the vineyard at the foot of the cliffs of Les Baux. Open every day. Guided tours arranged with advanced booking. Moulin Castelas Atelier d’artiste Marie-Hélène SOLA GPS N 43°44'11.8" E 4°49'07.7" In her studio-gallery in Les Baux-de-Provence, artist Marie-Hélène Sola presents “Fragmentism”, a pictorial art movement that she founded in the early 1990s. It is a descendent of Cubism, a synthesis of two worlds (abstract and figurative art), a dialogue emerging from a use of form and colour. In fact, “Fragmentism” gathers up movement in space that goes beyond the dimensions of the canvas. Sola decided to displace the visitor’s centre of interest to provide an understanding of an entire composition and its particular features. Her own vision of the world is an excuse to fragment the composition, without any restrictions. She is very well-known in the modern art world and her works are intended as an open window, transcending the purely temporal world. Open from April to December 19 MAP OF THE OLD V I L L AG E O F L E S B AU X - D E - P R O V E N C E B&B “LA PART DES ANGES” Du Côté des Olivades NI ME B&B “LA BURLANDE” La Ripaille 1. Office de tourisme (Tourist Board) Maison du Roy - XVIe 2. Musée des Santons - XVIIe (Santons Museum) 3. Porte d'Eyguières (Eyguieres Gate) 4. Hôtel de Porcelet - XVIe Musée Yves Brayer (Yves Brayer Museum) 5. Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs - XVIIe (The Penitents'Chapel) 6. Eglise Saint-Vincent - XIIe-XIVe (Saint Vincent's Church) 7. Entrée du Château (Castle entrance) 8. Chapelle Saint-Blaise - XIIe (Saint Blaise's Chapel) 9. Machines de sièges médiévales Trébuchet, Catapulte, Bélier) (Siege warfare machines) PLACE PRINCE RAINIER III DE MONACO MARSEILLE 10. Fenêtre Renaissance “Post Tenebras Lux”, 1571 11. Hôtel de Manville - XVIe / Mairie (Manville Mansion) 12. Hôtel Jean de Brion - XVIe (Jean de Brion Mansion) Fondation Louis Jou 13. Pavillon de la Reine Jeanne (Queen Jeanne's Pavilion) 14. Les Tremaïe : stèle gallo-romaine (Memorial Stone) 15. Les Gaïe : stèle gallo-romaine (Memorial Stone) 16. Carrières de Lumières 17. Table d'orientation (Viewing Table) t LÉGENDES Hôtel Hôtel Restaurant CARRIÈRES DE LUMIÈRES Sentier pédestre 20 21 S SHOPS E S P L A N A D E C H A R L E S D E G AU L L E L’Epicerie des Baux Laurent BRONTE Esplanade Charles de Gaulle - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 30 24 (Nearby the parking payment) Come and see the range of products made and cooked in our shop. Sandwiches made to order throughout the day. Fougasses and other Provencal specialities, gingerbread, biscuits, special breads, Baux Valley wines, olives, tapenades, preserves, jams, marmalades, Arles sausage, bull sausages etc. 23 SHOPS Design and Manufacturing Bedspread, quilt, curtain, blind, tablecloth, napkin, small furniture... RUE DE L'ÉGLISE La Boutique de Provence Rue de l’église 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 48 87 You will find our two shops on your way to St. Vincent’s Church: Boasts a selection of the best regional products e.g. A.O.C. olive oils and wines from the Baux Valley, jam, honey, nougat, almond confectionery (calissons) and other sweets, tapenades, herbes de Provence, spices and a wide range of Pastis, pre-dinner drinks and liqueurs. Lou Pantaï M A N U FA C T U R E R O F L I N E N A N D D E C O R AT I V E I T E M S For more information 04 90 89 81 63 sudetoffedepot@gmail.com Rue de l’église - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 48 87 See : • The Arterra santons such as “The Farandole” • Marcel Carbonel • Escoffier • Fouque and the famous “Coup de mistral” Tablecloths, Provencal fabrics, ceramics and items made of olive wood. Open daily. 25 SHOPS HOTELS R E S TAU R A N T S R U E D U T R E N C AT La Treille - Roland Nardi La Treille - Rue du Trencat - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel./Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 42 76 roland.laurent.lesbaux@wanadoo.fr At the top end of the village, you’ll find a small sun-drenched boutique containing a selection of unusual, refined and highquality Provencal products. There are glazed pottery pieces from Le Mont-Rachat, santons by Didier and a thousand and one other gifts. Open all year. Goods can be delivered. Oustau de Baumanière ***** Val d’enfer - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 33 07 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 40 46 www.oustaudebaumaniere.com - oustau@relaischateaux.com Rue du Trencat - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 93 70 64 - www.lafabresse.com - lafabresse@neuf.fr 26 N 43°44’8’ E 004°47’7’’ Baumanière is one of those exceptional places that combine tradition and modernity in perfect harmony. The famous restaurant and light-filled bedrooms take you into the very heart of the contrasting landscapes of the Alpilles. Today, with its thirty rooms and three mansions (l’Oustau, la Guigou and le Manoir), Baumanière puts its own interpretation on the fine lifestyles of Provence. Gourmet restaurant, garden, swimming pool and tennis court, spa, car park. Golf course nearby. Disabled access. La Cave aux huiles – La Fabresse In a 12th-century cellar with vaulted roof at the top of the village near the castle, you can taste various delicious organic olive oils from the Valley of Les Baux-de-Provence, direct from the producers in La Fabresse who have been medal winners for several years at the agricultural show in Paris. You will also find regional products here, selected by the producer. Open from March to the end of October From 11:00 am to 6:00 pm in the low season and 10.30 am to 7:00 pm in the high season. GPS PRICES Rooms Suites Prices 220€ to 588€ 220 € 352€ to 945€ 352 Half-board (per day for two persons, excluding drinks) 520€ to 888€ 652€ to 1245€ 652 Continental breakfast : 26€ per person. Extra bed : 30€ per night (Free cot), Pets : 10€ per dayAl. Holiday tax (from 1st April to 30th September): 1.50€ per day and per person. All prices are inclusive of VAT and service. Gourmet restaurant : Menu at 99€ (lunch on weekdays)- Evolution - Tradition Menu at 160€ - Degustation Menu at 190€ (Prices per person excluding drinks). Annual closure: January and February (le Manoir remains open) Restaurant: Weekly closure: from Wednesday to Thursday afternoon in October and March, from Monday evening to Thursday afternoon in November and December. 27 H O T E L S R E S TAU R A N T S La Cabro d’Or ***** H O T E L S R E S TAU R A N T S GPS N 43°44’8’ E 004°47’7’’ 800 m from the village, on the Arles road Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 33 21 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 45 98 www.lacabrodor.com - cabro@relaischateaux.com Located in the heart of the Alpilles in the middle of a magnificent garden at the foot of the jagged rock topped by Les Bauxde-Provence, La Cabro d'Or is a Provencal farmhouse laid out by Geneviève and Jean-André Charial as an unspoilt, harmonious place in which to enjoy rustic charm. Two hectares of grounds for a stroll, a large pool where you can order your lunch during the summer, two tennis courts and now a spa. La Cabro d'Or is a hotel and restaurant just made for happiness. Disabled access. PRICES Prices Rooms Juniors Suites et Suites 200€ to 460€ 200 270 to 680€ 270€ Half-board (per day for two persons, excluding drinks) 340€ to 600€ 340 410€ to 820€ 410 Continental breakfast buffet : 26€ per person - Extra bed : 30€ per night (free cot), Pet : 10€ per day. Holiday tax (from 1st April to 30th September): 1.50€ per day and per person. All prices are inclusive of VAT and service. Goumet Restaurant : Menu Déjeuner at 55€ (from Monday to Saturday including 2 glasses of wine) - Inspiration of the Day Menu at 76€ - Sunday Menu at 80€ and 95€ - Discovery Menu at 99€ - Degustation Menu at 125€ (Prices per person excluding drinks) Open all year. Restaurant: weekly closure from Sunday evening to Tuesday afternoon from 1st November to 31st March Benvengudo *** NN Col de la Vayède - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 20 00 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 44 00 www.masdaigret.com - contact@masdaigret.com GPS N43.7448863966 E4.7998666769 This is an atypical charming hotel in a 17th-century farmhouse that was partially built into the rocks. It has one of the finest views of the Alpilles region, overlooking the castle and the Baux Valley. 16 bedrooms, including 2 troglodyte rooms and 1 family room. Most of the rooms have a balcony or private patio, and are equipped with air-conditioning, minibar, LCD television, and safety box. The hotel has a bar, restaurant, terrace, wifi, car park, garden and swimming pool. The Mas d’Aigret invites guests to enjoy fresh, typically Provencal cuisine full of local flavours on its terrace with panoramic views in the shade of the silkworm mulberries or in its troglodyte restaurant. PRICES Rooms Half-board for 2 people Low Season 125€ to 195€ 191€ to 261€ Hight Season 145€ to 240€ 211€ to 306€ Continental breakfast offered Weddings, seminars and groups catered for. GPS **** NN 1 km from the village on the Arles road Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 54 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 42 58 www.benvengudo.com - reservations@benvengudo.com N 43°44.129' E 4°47.030' Set in beautiful surroundings at the foot of the rocks, this delightful Provençal country house with its superb olive grove and tall pines is delighted to welcome you for a relaxing holiday with a chance to taste some Provençal specialities. The 20 bedrooms, 5 suites and 2 very spacious apartments all have air-conditioning and satellite channels with flat screen TV. Simple, refreshing dishes are served at lunchtime on the patio of the house, near the pool. Extensive grounds, swimming pool, tennis court, private car park with access code, boules pitch, golf course nearby and mountain bike available on loan. Our hotel also includes a fully-equipped seminar room and a restaurant. PRICES 20 double rooms Low Season* 130€ to 185€ Hight Season** 150€ to 210€ Junior suites et suites The main house and cottage (apartments) 165€ to 220€ 250€ to 335€ 190€ to 250€ 285€ to 405€ Continental buffet breakfast : 16€ - Additional bed : 35€ *LS from 22.03.2013 to 07.05.2013 and from 15.09.2013 to 02.11.2013 **HS from 08.05.2013 to 14.09.2013 28 Le Mas d’Aigret Fabian des Baux *** NN Jean Castaneda - 1.2 km from the village on the RD5 road Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 37 87 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 42 44 www.hotelfabiandesbaux.com- contact@hotelfabiandesbaux.com GPS N43.731508 E4.816037 Jean Castaneda is delighted to welcome you at Fabian des Baux to one of its 31 spacious, air-conditioned rooms, all with bath and shower, TV, free Wifi and, in most cases, a private patio or balcony. Guests can relax at the swimming pool then, in the evening, dine on the large patio or inside in the airconditioned restaurants. Groups and coach parties welcome. Free, private car park. Disabled access. PRICES Low Season Traditional room 95€ 95 Superior room 105 105€ Luxury room 125 125€ Prestige room 140 140€ Suite 195 195€ Additional bed 25€ - Continental breakfast 11€ Hight Season 105€ 105 125€ 125 140€ 140 165€ 165 225€ 225 29 H O T E L S R E S TAU R A N T S H O T E L S R E S TAU R A N T S La Reine Jeanne - Est. 1905 Situated at the entrance to the pedestrian area of the village. Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 06 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 33 www.la-reinejeanne.com - reine.jeanne@wanadoo.fr nearby GPS N43.731508 E4.816037 Charming hotel overlooking the Val d’Enfer and the mediaeval castle. Restaurant with panoramic view, lounge with period fireplace, shaded terrace. Traditional Provençal cuisine using local produce. Groups welcomed. PRICES 7 Bedrooms from 50€ to 80€ Breakfast 7€ L E PA R A D O U Du Côté des Olivades **** NN N 43.718275 E 4.7837509 In a park dotted with age-old olive trees stand two hotels. One is full of charm and Provençal styling with fairly plain interior; the other is a design hotel & spa decorated with designer Christophe Pillet. It has 15 superb suites from 48 to 88 m2 in area. There is a well-being and fitness complex with 2 pools, a seminar room and a restaurant managed by Nancy Bourguignon. Disabled access. 1 family room at 100€ per 4 persons Set menus from 25€ to 30€ + à la carte from 13€ PRICES Prices Rooms Suites H O T E L O N LY GPS Lieu dit de Bourgeac - 13520 Le Paradou Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 56 78 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 56 79 www.ducotedesolivades.com - ducotedesolivades@wanadoo.fr Half-board (per day for 2 persons, excluding drinks) 115€ to 295€ 198€ to 450€ 273€ to 453€ 356€ to 645€ Breakfast 21€ - Extra bed 30€ per day (free cot) Gourmet restaurant : Menu 58€ to 80€ per person + carte. Seminars. Le Mas de l’Oulivié **** NN 1 km from village, Route d’Arles - Les Arcoules Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 35 78 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 44 31 www.masdeloulivie.com - contact@masdeloulivie.com GPS N 43°44'00 E004°46'43 Pretty Provençal house with discreet and refined decor, set in the heart of an olive grove. Get away from it all and relax beside the fabulous landscaped swimming pool with rocks, beach and integrated spa. Copious salads and grills served by the pool at lunch time for residents only. The Mas de l’Oulivié has been awarded the labels “Hôtels au naturel” and “Accueil du Parc naturel régional des Alpilles” for its sustainable practices and for playing its part in helping to protect the environment in the Alpilles. 25 rooms and 2 apartments with terrace or private garden, steam room or jacuzzi (air-conditioning, satellite TV, free Wifi access, mini-bar, safe). Seminar room, secure parking with access code, tennis, boules pitch, beauty treatment and body sculpting, cycle hire. Disabled access PRICES Rooms from 140€ to 325€ Suites 495€ Breakfast 17€ per person and 9€ per child - à la carte lunch 35€ - extra bed 35€, free cot - pets 15€ per day 30 FONTVIEILLE La Ripaille ** NN GPS N 43°43'41.02 Located 3 km from Les Baux-de-Provence, on the main road E 4°45'31.22 Route des Baux - 13990 Fontvieille - www.laripaille.com hotel@laripaille.com - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 73 15- Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 60 69 In this delightful family hotel in the heart of the Alpilles at the foot of Les Baux-de-Provence, the Kieffer family welcomes visitors to warm, convivial surrounding. The meals are elegant and varied and all dishes are made in the hotel kitchen. You can savour our meals on the shady patio. The rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, TV, bathroom and WC, phone and free Wifi access. The private car park is free and locked at night. PRICES Hotel for 2 people Halfboard for 2 people Low Season 62€ to 72€ 130€ to 140€ Hight Season 80€ to 90€ 148€ to 158€ Breakfast 9€ per person. Children free up to 2 years. Pets 9€ per day. Restaurant : à la carte dining and set menus, set lunch menu Groups welcome with advanced booking, 18€ to 24€ per pers. 31 R E S TAU R A N T S R E S TAU R A N T S Café du Musée Rue Frédéric Mistral Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 21 47 Panoramic view and patio overlooking the valley. The museum restaurant serves well-prepared traditional fare and Provençal specialities. Children’s menu. Grill-room open afternoons. Selection of ices. Warm welcome. Groups of up to 50 people catered for. La Reine Jeanne Located at the entrance to the pedestrian precinct. Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 06 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 33 www.la-reinejeanne.com - reine.jeanne@wanadoo.fr Restaurant with panoramic view. Interior with fireplace or cool shady terrace for a relaxing meal. Provençal and traditional fare + grills on the terrace in fine weather. PRICES Set menus from 25€ to 30€ + carte from 13€ Groups welcome (120 people maximun) set menus from 18€ to 30€ Au Porte Mages Rue Porte Mage Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 40 48 auportemages@hotmail.fr Restaurant, salads, grills, pancakes, ice cream, drinks. Located at the entrance to the village of Les Baux-de-Provence, the restaurant has a magnificent garden terrace shaded by tall trees. Seated beneath the olive tree or cypresses, you can enjoy a range of salads (warm goat’s cheese, tapenade, preserved gizzards, chicken livers, home-produced foie gras etc.), our meats grilled with the herbs of Provence and our sweet or savoury pancakes. Or if you prefer, you can simply enjoy one of our ice creams or a cool drink. Groups welcome (35 pers.). Meals served non-stop from 11.30 am to 5.00 pm mid-season and 11.30 am to 9.30 pm in the high season. PRICES Set menu at 23€ - Credit card from 10€ “Chèques vacances” accepted. PRICES Set Menu 16,90€ et 22,90€ - Set Menu for children 8,80€ A la carte salads and main courses Café des Baux Rue du Trencat - Tel./Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 52 69 or mobile + 33 (0)6 20 63 70 14 www.cafedesbaux.com - cafedesbaux@live.fr Chef Pierre Walter (Champion of France in the “Desserts” category) invites you to the heart of Les Baux for a chance to taste delectable flavours in a lounge dug into the rock or al fresco on a quiet terrace. Taste the specialities made with foie gras smoked on site over olive wood and the “Duck Confit with Potatoes”. Pierre Walter also invites you to spend a magical moment savouring the desserts he makes with such love and enthusiasm. PRICES Lunch 19,50€ and large salad meals - Menus at 29,50€, 39,50€ A la carte, kids’ menu, group menus with advanced booking. Auberge du Château Rue du Trencat - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 50 48 A delightful restaurant at the top end of the village, with a room dug into the rock and alfresco dining. Traditional cuisine and Provençal specialities. Groups welcome, special group rates. Open all year round. PRICES Menus from 16€ to 23€ 32 33 B E D A N D B R E A K FA S T BED AND B R E A K FA S T L E PA R A D O U La Burlande L E S B AU X - D E - P R O V E N C E Le Mas de l’Esparou Route D5 - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 41 32 or mobile + 33 (0)6 70 80 01 76 www.lesparou-lesbaux.com GPS N 43°43’ 47.2’’ E 4°49’ 02.6’’ In the heart of the Valley of Les Baux, surrounded by pine and olive trees, set in grounds of 3 hectares with an outstanding view of the Castle of Les Baux and the Alpilles. Nice rooms with private patio and bathroom, swimming pool and parking. PRICES Rates from 74€ for 2 persons, breakfast included. Mas Derrière Château Route D5 - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 50 62 or + 33 (0)6 82 17 84 43 www.masderrierechateau.com - marie-laure.vincenti@wanadoo.fr N 43°,73.322' E 4°81.789' PRICES Rates 60€ for 2 persons staying for several nights, breakfast included, 70€ per night for 2 persons for one night. extra bed 15€. Cité Haute - Rue de l’Orme - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 39 57 Web site & online booking : http://www.leprincenoir.com contactez-nous@leprincenoir.com GPS N 43.743452 E 4.795237 The only B & B in the historic part of Les Baux. In one of the most beautiful houses of the old village, nestled in the heart of the Castle site, le Prince Noir has three unique rooms, built into the rock face. This artist’s house, whose decoration reflects almost a century of encounters and friendships, overlooks the Val d'Enfer and the Alpilles with panoramic views from its 150 m2 terraces. Rooms with independent access. Wifi ADSL. The secret to Les Baux is sleeping there. You do your own sightseeing throughout Provence during the day and then come back to Les Baux, feeling as if you are the only people in the village in the evening and morning. PTA R IR C IEFSS From 105€ to 184€, 2 breakfasts and holiday tax included. Extra bed & breakfast 25€. 34 Only 3 kms from Les Baux-de-Provence stands this unspoilt family home that opens its doors to visitors. An oasis of greenery deep in the countryside. Quiet. Superb position. Two bedrooms and one suite, each with full en-suite and private patio. Air-conditioning, Wifi, large pool, dinner with advanced booking. English spoken. PRICES The suite costs : 160€ per 2 person. 170€ pour 3 pers, 170€ for 3 persons and 180€ for 4 persons. Breakfast is always included. The two bedrooms are priced at 95€ for 2 persons, 85€ for 1 person. One additional person (bed and breakfast): 30€/night. Dinner is 28 €/person. GPS A real Provençal farm (18th-century “mas”) in the heart of an olive grove. There are 3 large bedrooms with private en-suites. TV, breakfast included, kitchen and dining room available for the 3 rooms. Exterior includes car park. Le Prince Noir GPS Jenny Philip Fajardo N 43.727143 Chemin du Pastresson - 13520 Le Paradou E 4.777065 (3 kms from Les Baux and from the D78f road) Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 32 - www.laburlande.com - jp.fajardo@hotmail.fr La Part des Anges GPS N 43°43'13.76" Annie et Jean Ledieu - chemin de la Burlande E 4°46'47.91" 13520 Paradou Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 97 91 76 or + 33 (0)6 12 48 33 54 www.lapartdesanges-alpilles.com - contact@lapartdesanges-alpilles.com Affiliated to Guides Charme Located in the village of Paradou at the foot of Les Baux-de-Provence, the house opens onto a garden dotted with trees, providing welcome coolness during the summer months. There is a patio shaded by an arbour and leading on to the summer dining room. Nearby are a rippling fountain, an 11 x 6 metre swimming pool (secured by shutters and heated from April to October) with its own gazebo and a wooden hut housing a home cinema. The house also has a lounge bar with open fire, a spacious dining room with open fire (where you can enjoy the latest table d’hôte recipes, with advanced booking), a 4 x 3 metre indoor pool and a steam room. On the roof, there is a solarium. The two suites and additional bedroom are all airconditioned. They look out onto the south-facing garden and have their own en-suites. They also have WiFi access, one or two TVs and a Sonos sound system. The dinner on reservation. Low Season Hight Season Room 110€, following nights 75€ 140€, following nights 105€ Suites 130€, following nights 95€ PRICES (for 2 persons) 170€, following nights 135€ 170 35 B E D A N D B R E A K FA S T L'Espelido B E D A N D B R E A K FA S T GPS Mireille Joly et Jean-Louis Duchéron - Route des Tours Gîtes de Castillon (CD 78 D) - 13520 Le Paradou de France Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 38 55 or mobile + 33 (0)6 88 10 03 03 www.lespelido.fr - lespelido@orange.fr N 43°43’07,40” E 04°47’18,20” Le Paradou is a small village in the Baux Valley, 3 kms to the south of Les Baux itself. The village is a tranquil spot with good-natured people. Our three guestrooms have been tastefully decorated in Provencal colours and all have their own en-suite. Swimming pool (11 x 5 m), access from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm between 01.05 and 30.09. Big garden, private car park (not enclosed), English spoken, no pets. PRICES Rates : 75€ for 1 or 2 pers, extra child’s bed 20€, extra adult 30€. Breakfast included. Lou Ventoulet N 43°42'01" E 4°51'14" A 3-hectare estate with a superb, breathtaking view of the Baux Valley, in the serenity and tranquillity of the Alpilles. Our spacious, delightfully-decorated bedrooms (25m2 with en-suite) are all on the ground floor with private patio and are separate from the owner’s accommodation. Private car park, air-conditioning, swimming pool TV, WIFI and refrigerator in each room. To see Lou Ventoulet, log into www.louventoulet.com PRICES For 2 people from 80€ to 95€ per night including breakfast. Table d’hôte with advanced booking only, in pleasant surroundings. MOURIÈS La Restanco ✻✻✻ GPS Fleurs de Soleil N 43°35.355 Alix et Cathie Guigue - Route de Férigoulas, Le Devenson E 4° 51.383 13890 Mouries - Tel./Fax + 33 (0)4 90 47 59 01 or mob. + 33 (0)6 30 58 33 25 - www.larestanco.com - guigue.alix13@orange.fr A spacious Provencal house in one hectare of grounds on the edge of the charming village of Mouriès, at the foot of the hills. Mouries is France’s primary oil-producing village. Rooms with en-suite, patio, owner’s swimming pool (6m x 12m), boules pitch, parking area. Le Temps des Olives Les Cigales Antoine et Marie-Paule Mazurek 19, Impasse des Plantiers - 13890 Mouries Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 47 63 34 or mobile + 33 (0)6 85 73 27 92 www.lescigales13.fr - lescigales@yahoo.fr N 43°41' 14.38" E 4° 52' 17.24" Two 30 sq. metre air-conditioned guest rooms separate from the owners’ accommodation. 6m x 12m swimming pool, Wifi access, refrigerator, washing machine, barbecue and crockery. 2 mountain bikes available for guests. Private parking. PRICES 80€ for 2 persons, breakfast included, 20€ per additional person. Table d’hôtes dinner 20€ with advanced booking. N 43°41'39.73" E 4°52'27.67" In Mouriès, in the depths of Les Baux Valley, flanked by the southern outcrops of the Alpilles range, “Le Temps des Olives” is an old shepherd’s house that seems inseparable from the environment around it – olive groves and grey rocks that, in the distance, stand out against an azure blue sky. Our 5 bedrooms (25 to 60 sq. m.) are equipped with satellite TV, Wifi, air-conditioning, and full en suite. The landscaped garden stretches out around the heated swimming pool (6mx11m). Private free parking. GPS Gîtes de France GPS Ligia et Mario Pena Costa 31 Avenue des Alpilles - 13890 Mouries Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 49 42 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 91 32 25 or mobile + 33 (0)6 48 64 16 72 www.letempsdesolives.com - contact@letempsdesolives.com PRICES Lavandes 75€, Olivades 70€, more than 2 nights 65€ and 60€, including breakfast 36 GPS Valérie Despeysse - Route de Férigoulas - 13890 Mouries Mobile + 33 (0)6 09 77 09 61 www.louventoulet.com - valy@failla.fr PRICES Low Season * Mid Season ** Hight Season*** Room 75€ to 150€ 95€ to 190€ 110€ to 240€ Breakfast included *LS from 02.01.13 to 31.03.13 and from 01.10.13 to 19.12.13 **MS from 01.04.13 to 30.06.13, and from 01.09.13 to 30.09.13 and from 20.12.13 to 01.01.14 ***HS from 01.07.13 to 31.08.13 37 B E D A N D B R E A K FA S T SELF - CATERING ACCOMMODATION S A I N T - R É M Y- D E - P R O V E N C E Mas des Figues and his Rose garden GPS N 43.7832870 Anne Marie & Philippe Michelot Gîtes E 4.7874534 Vieux chemin d'Arles - 13210 Saint Rémy de Provence de France Tel. + 33 (0)4 75 41 55 96 or + 33 (0)6 08 42 77 76 Fax + 33 (0)4 32 60 00 95 www.saint-remy-de-provence.fr - masdesfigues@wanadoo.fr The Mas des Figues (a guest house rated 4 épis by Gîtes de France) lies in the Alpilles Regional Country Park, 3.5 kms from Saint-Rémy and 6.5 kms from Les Baux de Provence. The setting is unique – very peaceful, with a wonderful garden full of colour and fragrance. The spacious guest rooms are decorated in a warm, convivial style ideal for curling up with a good book or having a rest. The produce from the vegetable garden provides culinary delights from breakfast brunch onwards. The patio, which is more reminiscent of a lounge, is located beside the heated swimming pool that languorously stretches out between olive trees, lavender bushes and roses. The Mas des Figues gives form to a whole new lifestyle in an untamed environment, with a botanic garden, vegetable garden, farm animals and olive trees in a private estate covering 10 hectares. PRICES Room Suites Low Saison * Mid Saison ** Hight Saison*** 95€ to 150€ 190€ to 250€ 120€ to 190€ 220€ to 300€ 140€ to 230€ 250€ to 350€ *LS 01.10.2012 to 31.03.2013 and from 01.10.2013 to 31.03.2014 **MS 01.04.2013 to 30.06.2013 and from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 ***HS 01.07.2013 to 31.08.2013 E Y GA L I È R E S Mas des Poulains GPS N 43° 46' 34,40" Andréa et Irène Pappaianni - 2 km from Eygalières -13810 Gîtes Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 90 65 96 or mobile + 33 (0)6 10 99 22 32 de France E 4° 57' 1,41" www.masdespoulains.com - info@masdespoulains.com In a quiet, typically Provençal house, 4 rooms with private bathroom & patio. Swimming pool, parking, horse riding, tennis court, refrigerator available for guests, animals welcome. Dinner for residents. English and Italian spoken. PRICES Rates 55€ to 60€ for 2 persons. Breakfast included. Extra bed : 15€ (10 to 25% reduction in mid and low season, except during holidays and school holidays). 38 L E S B AU X - D E - P R O V E N C E A Can Franc Isabelle Franch - A 3 km des Baux Tél. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 34 ou mobile + 33 (0)6 25 82 55 35 www.acanfranc.com GPS Gîtes de France N 43.743887 E 04.795495 In the heart of the Baux Valley is a property with 1 hectare of land surrounded by olive groves and pine woods, including 2 well-equipped detached gîtes. Les Alpilles: 60 m2 apartment on the 1st floor. Sleeps 2 to 3 people. View of the Alpilles Range from its balcony with garden furniture and deckchairs. Fully-equipped kitchen, lounge/ diner, 2 bedrooms, shower and WC, TV. Private car park. Les Lavandes: 50 m2 apartment on ground floor. Sleeps 2 to 4 people. Patio with garden furniture and deckchairs. Fully-equipped kitchen, lounge/diner, 2 bedrooms, shower and WC, TV. Private car park. PRICES Les Alpilles : LS 340€, MS and school holidays 440€, HS 490€ per week Les Lavandes : LS 360€, MS and school holidays 460€, HS 510€ per week. Electricity and heating costs extra. Pets welcome subject to certain conditions. Le Mas de Joseph Manuel Paradas Tel./Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 40 96 mobile + 33 (0)6 82 50 82 57 www.lemasdejoseph.com ** Gîtes de France *** Gîtes de France GPS N 43°44’55,6’ E 4°46’14,6’ Holiday residences at the foot of Les Baux-deProvence in an unspoilt, quiet rustic setting. A 4-hectare property, with private shaded parking, landscaped grounds, a common swimming pool and farm animals. Individual gîte with south-facing terrace, garden, shared laundry, superb surroundings. All the gîtes have their own private area and a private car park. Prefectoral rating, new standard 2012 TA R I F S Mimosas Gîte : 2/3 persons. From 252€ to 490€ per week : kitchen, living room, ** 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, terrace, arbour, barbecue Rosier Gîte : 5/6 persons. From 336€ to 890€ per week : kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, terrace, arbour, barbecue. ** Glycines Gîte : 6/8 persons. From 610€ to 1390€ per week : kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 WC, spacious terrace, private parking, very *** well-appointed. Arbour, barbecue. 39 S E L F - C AT E R I N G A C C O M M O D AT I O N L E PA R A D O U S A I N T - R É M Y- D E - P R O V E N C E Les Garrigues de la Vallée des Baux Chemin de Saint Eloi - 13520 Le Paradou Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 39 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 43 74 www.lesgarrigues-valbaux.com lesgarrigues@orange.fr Mazet de Jules GPS N 43.71572° E 4.77968° Holiday residence in the heart of Provence, 16 very comfortable charming Provençal houses in the countryside for 2 to 6 persons with private patio and garden furniture. The accommodation was fully renovated in 2012. From the pool, there is a breathtaking view of the vast landscapes that make up the Baux Valley. Swimming pool, enclosed landscaped grounds, free laundry. PRICES LS : 420€ to 640€ per week, weekend (min. 2 nights) 200€ to 300€ MS : 555€ to 990€ per week, HS : 780€ to 1115€ per week. Les Lauriers S E L F - C AT E R I N G A C C O M M O D AT I O N *** GPS N 43°43'14.63" Monsieur Ricaud - 13520 Le Paradou E 4°47'15.10" Tel./Answering machine : + 33 (0)4 90 03 29 83 or mobile + 33 (0)6 62 60 63 74 http://mas-provencal-sud-alpilles.site-pap.fr - vacancesricaud@aol.com A delightful 18th-century house that has been entirely renovated without losing any of its true Provencal character. It is a detached house in a real, lively village, an amusing, colourful and authentically Provençal location that may remind you of the village of your childhood or your dreams. Set in these surroundings are 100 sq. metres of living space close to shops. 3-bedroom house with all mod. cons, air conditioning, garden with trees, patio with well-shaded pergola, enclosed parking. GPS Anne Marie & Philippe Michelot Gîtes Vieux chemin d'Arles de France 13210 Saint-Remy-de-Provence Tel. + 33 (0)4 75 41 55 96 or mobile + 33 (0)6 08 42 77 76 Fax + 33 (0)4 32 60 00 95 www.saint-remy-de-provence.fr masdesfigues@wanadoo.fr N 43.7832870 E 4.7874534 The Mazet de Jules (rated 3 stars by Gîtes de France) is part of the Mas des Figues estate, a unique spot in the Alpilles with a wonderful garden, only 3.5 kms from the historic town of St-Rémy and 6.5 kms from Les Baux de Provence. The Mazet de Jules underwent a complete refurbishment in 2009 and is designed for families with 2 adults and 2 children. The cottage has a living area of 54 sq. metres, all on one floor. There is a bedroom, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, bathroom and WC. Appliances include a washing machine, dishwasher, cooker with oven, microwave, fridge-freezer, TV, DVD, Internet connection and air-conditioning. The 20 sq. metre patio has garden furniture. Unrestricted access to the swimming pool at the Mas des Figues. Household linen can be hired. All shops and other amenities at 3 kms. PRICES Week Fortnight Month Low Season* 600 600€ 1 050€ 050 1 700€ 700 Mid Season** 900€ 900 1 550€ 550 2 500€ 500 Hight Season*** 1 500€ 500 2 550€ 550 4 500€ 500 * LS from 01.10.2012 to 31.03.2013 and from 01.10.2013 to 31.03.2014 ** MS from 01.04.2013 to 30.06.2013 and from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 *** HS from 01.07.2013 to 31.08.2013 PRICES LS : 500€ per week - HS : 750€ per week Open all year round. 40 41 N AT U R E A N D L E I S U R E AC T I V I T I E S U S E F U L I N F O R M AT I O N Les Baux-de-Provence town hall Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 03 - mairie@lesbauxdeprovence.com Police Station Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 91 ou 17 Fire Service - Maussane-les-Alpilles Tel. 18 Ambulance service - Arles Tel. 15 Doctors G. Papaleonidas Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 32 46 C. Moniquet Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 42 32 P. Mouret - G. Thomassin Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 30 02 Dawson - Gudgeon Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 41 41 Pharmacy Maussane les Alpilles - Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 30 40 Taxi des Baux Laurent Delepierre Toutes distances jour et nuit, promenades. Tel. + 33 (0)6 80 27 60 92 – + 33 (0)6 80 26 29 17 Distances and transport Avignon 30 km - Arles 20km - Marseille 80km - Aix-en-Provence 70km Nîmes 50km – Nice 250 km - Valence 150 km - Lyon 250 km - Paris 750 km By road Le Spa Baumanière Tel. + 33 (0)4 90 54 24 67 - www.spabaumaniere.com infospa@maisonsdebaumaniere.com Where taking care of yourself is a voluptuous pleasure… Five hundred square meters bathed in light and tranquillity. A haven of privacy that opens onto a tree-shaded patio and a fragrant garden, mingling light and shadow; airy, light drapes contrasting with the dark wood of the walls and floor. Driftwood lamps discreetly light the corridor leading to the six treatment rooms. Some are intended for body and facial treatments and beauty care; others are reserved for massages and body wraps. Each space, each treatment, each massage offers a completely personalized experience. A different kind of voyage begins here, in the heart of Provence, one that is a first step on the road to self-discovery. Massages, facial and body treatments, beauty care, Hammam, sensory pool, fitness studio. Brands : [comfort zone], Une Olive en Provence, By Terry 42 • From Avignon (A7 motorway, exit No. 24 Avignon Sud) via Noves & Saint-Rémy-de-Provence • From Marseilles (A7 motorway, Lyon direction - A54 motorway, Arles direction, exit No. 11 Saint-Martin-de-Crau - via Maussane-les-Alpilles) • From Nice (A8 motorway, Cannes direction - A7motorway, Lyon direction - A54 motorway, Arles direction, exit No. 11 Saint-Martin-de-Crau - via Maussane-les-Alpilles) • From Nîmes (A9 motorway - A54 motorway, Arles exit No. 7 - via Fontvieille) By rail • Avignon high-speed train station (“TGV”, 2 hrs. 40 mins. from Paris) • Arles station (20 km) Airports • Nîmes Arles Camargue (36 km) • Marseille Provence (70 km) • Avignon “Cheval Blanc” (28 km). • Nice Côte-d’Azur (245 km) Tourist board - Opening times: Open all year Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.00 pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm Closed 25th December and 1st January May be closed on certain Sundays in the low season. 43 T O U R I S T B OA R D Maison du Roy - 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence GPS : N 43°44'42 - E 4°47'43 Tél. + 33 (0)4 90 54 34 39 - Fax + 33 (0)4 90 54 51 15 www.lesbauxdeprovence.com tourisme@lesbauxdeprovence.com la bonne etoile Copyright : CDT13/H. Hugues, Culturespaces, Henk Van Cauwenbergh, Ferreira, L. Martorell, S.S.C.B., CDT Scope, Gilles Garnier, Marc Dernesch, Fabien Novi, Fotolia