2010 donor report
2010 donor report
2010 donor report table of contents 1 Cumulative Giving Societies 8 Individual Donors 12 Corporations and Organizations 14 Foundations and Charitable Trusts 15 Bridge Builders 17 Shepherd Center Circle of Giving 18 Shepherd Center Foundation Advisory Board 19 Phase III Campus Renovation Campaign Donors 26 Campaign Cabinet 28 Leadership COVER PHOTO BY GARY MEEK On the Cover: Spinal cord injury patient Alex Dye learns about birdwatching with therapeutic recreation therapist Debi Cziok. Below: Former spinal cord injury patient Joan Hope Latiolais lives on a horse farm in Newnan, Ga. cumulative giving societies The Shepherd Center Foundation extends sincere thanks to its contributors for their support of the many programs that enable our patients to regain independence and improve their quality of life following a catastrophic injury. From the beginning, Shepherd Center has relied on contributions from individuals, foundations and companies to grow its mission. The following list highlights those donors who, through years of financial support, have made a tremendous impact on the lives of our patients and their families. PHOTO BY RENE LATIOLAI S n founders’ society humanitarian society pacesetter society Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is $5,000,000 and above. Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $500,000 and $999,999. Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $50,000 and $99,999. chairman’s society philanthropist society cornerstone society Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $2,500,000 and $4,999,999. Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $250,000 and $499,999. Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $25,000 and $49,999. president’s society benefactor society Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $1,000,000 and $2,499,999. Recognizes donors whose cumulative giving level is between $100,000 and $249,999. Names listed in blue indicate members who have moved to a higher level. n Names in green indicate new members. founder’s society president’s society $5,000,000 + $1,000,000 - $2,499,999 The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Marcus The Marcus Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jane Woodruff Mr.* and Mrs. Andrew C. Carlos Mr. Roger Dann* Mr. Robert N. Hagemeyer Mrs. Frances F. Jones* Mr. Ben D. Mills* Mrs. Alice Richards* The Shepherd Center Junior Committee Mrs. Frances Hoyt Shropshire Mrs. Mabel M. Shropshire* Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Slade C. Young* humanitarian society $500,000 - $999,999 chairman’s society $2,500,00 - $4,999,000 Mrs. Virginia C. Crawford* Mr.* and Mrs. J. B. Fuqua Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Gordy* The Shepherd Center Auxiliary Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Carleton F. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Anderson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Tazwell L. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Philip J. Bongiovanni* Callaway Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carlos Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caswell, Jr. The Coca-Cola Company Foundation James M. Cox Foundation of Georgia, Inc. Continued on Next Page *=deceased CUMULAT I V E G I V I N G S O C I E T I E S s h e p h e rd .o rg 1 P HOTO BY GA RY M E E K Continued from Page 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Crawford Mr. Marion Troy Davis, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs.* William B. Erb Felburn Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Isobel A. Fraser* Genuine Parts Company Georgia-Pacific Corporation Georgia Power Company Foundation Mrs. Reunette W. Harris* The Home Depot, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. D. Scott Hudgens, Sr. The Kresge Foundation Mrs. Helen S. Lanier* Livingston Foundation, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Mrs. Judy Fay Phelps* The Hellen Plummer Charitable Foundation The Rich Foundation, Inc. RTM Restaurant Group Mrs. Deen Day Sanders Mr. James S. Smith* Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith* Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. The UPS Foundation Frances Wood Wilson Foundation David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund Yancey Bros. Co. Anonymous philanthropist society $250,000 - $499,999 Airline Antitrust Settlement The Arnold Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Evelyn Barr* BellSouth Corporation Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Carter’s, Inc. James Glenwell and Clara May Dodson Foundation ERB Industries, Inc. Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Mr. Earl F. Geiger* Mr.* and Mrs. Frank S. Goodman Mrs. Elizabeth S. Green* The Hodgson Charitable Trust Bobby Hogg Foundation, Inc. John Anschutz, left, manager of Shepherd Center’s Assistive Technology Center, demonstrates a new sip-and-puff interface to patient James Brown. benefactor society ING / ING Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jewell Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Julian LeCraw & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton D. Looney Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Manderson, Jr. McCormick Foundation Mrs. Morris I. McDonald Mrs. Joan McGourty* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moderow Mr. and Mrs. George A. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moran, Jr.* Mr. Charles A. Overcash* The Phoenix Society of Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. John C. Portman, Jr. The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation Mr. and Mrs.* Emory A. Schwall Shepherd Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Shepherd Albert Steiner Charitable Fund Mrs. Ruth R. Stewart* SunTrust Bank, Atlanta Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ed Voyles* Vulcan Materials Co. Mr. and Mrs.* Jennings E. Watkins The Wuliger Foundation, Inc. Delores Ann and Goodloe Yancey Anonymous $100,000 - $249,999 Aaron Rents, Inc. Mr. Fred V. Alias Mrs. Elkin G. Alston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Anthony Dr. and Mrs. David F. Apple, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Arnold Ashland Oil Company AT&T Atlanta Charity Clays Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bartenfeld Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard Better Brands of Atlanta, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Blank Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bowen* Bradley-Turner Foundation British Airways Mr. and Mrs. James D. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brown Mr. Chris G. Carlos Mr.* and Mrs. Michael C. Carlos Choate Construction Company Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Clare Mr. and Mrs. David R. Clare Club of Hearts, Inc. (Georgia Power Company Employees) Edna Wardlaw Coker Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Frederick E. Cooper and Helen Dykes Cooper Charitable Foundation, Inc. Courts Foundation, Inc. *=deceased 2 shepherd.org SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Thomas H. and Mabel Dorn Reeder Foundation Mrs. Katherine M. Riley* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Rowan II Saks Fifth Avenue Shea & Company Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* W. Clyde Shepherd, Jr. Mrs. J. Lucian Smith Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Smith E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc. Ms. Mary L. Strohmeier* Synovus Financial Corporation/ Foundation Teva Neuroscience, Inc. Ms. Sharon S. Umphenour Volkswagen of America-Southeast Region Wachovia Mrs. Anise C. Wallace* Gertrude and William C. Wardlaw Fund The West Foundation, Inc. Weswood Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. White J.W. and Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation WXIA-TV, 11Alive Yates Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. P. Dan Yates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Zaban The Zaban Foundation Anonymous PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Crawford & Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cruikshank Delta Air Lines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Dinos SunTrust Directed Fund: Florence C. and Harry L. English Fund Foxhall Farm Mr. Richard E. Gager* Georgia Employees’ Charitable Contributions Program Georgia Health Foundation, Inc. Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund Lenora and Alfred Glancy Foundation Dr.* and Mrs. John T. Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Goot Dr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Green Emily Bourne Grigsby John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatcher Mr. Bobby Hogg Ms. Elizabeth R. Holt The William C. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hoyt, Jr. Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The Imlay Foundation, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Hugh M. Inman, Sr. Invesco Capital Management, Inc. Mrs. Alton F. Irby, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Knobloch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Korn Mr.* and Mrs. Charles E. Landreth The Lanier Brothers Foundation Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation The Lattner Family Foundation Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lore Malone Law Offices, P.C. Ma-Ran Foundation Mattie H. Marshall Foundation Mrs. Vance H. Mauldin* Mr. and Mrs.* James B. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. Julian B. Mohr & Family Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morris Murphy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. McKee Nunnally, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Patterson-Barclay Memorial Foundation, Inc. Pittman Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Louie A. Pittman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ratcliffe Milton M. Ratner Foundation Staff members in Shepherd Center’s Intensive Care Unit undergo specialized training in both acute care and rehabilitation. pacesetter society $50,000 - $99,999 94.9 The Bull The AFLAC Foundation, Inc. Akers Foundation, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. William J. Alexander American Society of Magazine Photographers Amoco Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Ansel Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Atlanta Foundation Mr. Fred G. Barnet* Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bashor, Sr. Bear Claw Condominiums Beloco Foundation, Inc. Berlex Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Boring Mr.* and Mrs. Gene L. Boyd Branch Banking & Trust Company/ Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brandon H.C. Brill Company, Inc. Buckhead Life Restaurant Group Ms. Marnite B. Calder Andrew and Eula Carlos Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Ann A. Cetrino Chubb Coggins Granite Welfare Foundation Coloplast The Edward Colston Foundation, Inc. The Jim Cox, Jr. Fund Crawford Communications, Inc. The Creel Foundation Curb Specialists, Inc. DATAMATX Mr. and Mrs.* John M. DeBorde III Deloitte R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. DuBose Mr. Ray T. Ducharme Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duggan Mrs. Catherine W. Dukehart Dr. Melissa T. Durand and Mr. Bert Durand Mrs. Martha M. Dykes Mr.* and Mrs. Robert S. Eldridge SunTrust Directed Fund: Nell Warren and W. Simpson Elkin Foundation Dr. and Mrs. David O. Ellis Dr.* and Mrs. Cherry L. Emerson Mr. Claude Epps Equifax, Inc. Everest & Jennings, Inc. Fidelity Bank Continued on Next Page *=deceased CUMULAT I V E G I V I N G S O C I E T I E S s h e p h e rd .o rg 3 Continued from Page 3 *=deceased 4 shepherd.org Mr. Michael A. Morris Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Dillard Munford National Service Industries Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Neiman Marcus Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough Ms. Norma Noble Nordson Corporation Foundation Panoz Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Solon P. Patterson Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas V. Patton Peterson, Dillard, Young, Self & Asselin Piedmont Center Ms. Sara Piem* PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pruett Radiology Associates of Atlanta Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reynolds III SunTrust Directed Fund: Walter and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Richards Miriam and Max Rittenbaum* Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack Robinson The Rotary Club of Buckhead The Travis Roy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Rubel Ruby-Collins, Inc. Mr. Thomas Ruffin, Jr.* Ida A. Ryan Charitable Trust Sandestin Beach Hilton Sandy Springs Urology Helen and Harry Saul Foundation Schreeder, Wheeler & Flint, LLP Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church Selig Foundation Serono, Inc. Shapiro Capital Management Co. Shepherd Construction Co. Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd III Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smithgall III Southwire Company Mrs. Laura Smith Spearman Spina Bifida Association of Georgia Staples, Inc. Ms. Margaret A. Staton John D. Stephens, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sterling, Jr. Mr. Frank P. Stevens* Taylor Memorial Foundation Evelyn S. Thompson Trust Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Thornton Kate and Elwyn Tomlinson Foundation Ms. Sally G. Tomlinson Tractor & Equipment/Stith Division Travis & Company Jane and Gary R. Ulicny, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Umphenour III United Distributors, Inc. Mike Utley Foundation The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc. Volkswagen, USA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ward Mr.* and Mrs. Milton Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Winn-Dixie Charities, Inc. Charm and Goodloe Yancey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Yancey* Anonymous PHOTO BY GARY MEEK First Union National Bank of Georgia Mr. and Mrs. David H. Flint Ford Motor Company Philip and Irene Toll Gage Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Garr Mrs. Clara May Godshall* Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray The Leonard and Jerry Greenbaum Family Foundation SunTrust Directed Fund: GreeneSawtell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Groome Mr. and Mrs. Bill K. Hamlin Mrs. Susan Petty Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hazel Hennessy Automobile Companies The Home Depot Supply (formerly APEX Supply Co.) Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Hopkins, Jr.* The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. John P. Hunter, Jr.* A. and M.L. Illges Memorial Foundation John P. and Dorothy S. Illges Foundation Invacare Corporation Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Ivester JALS Family Foundation The J. M. Foundation The Jones Group Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kahn Kappa Kappa Gamma Mrs. Thornton Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerns Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Land, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Lanier Mr.* and Mrs. Sartain Lanier Ms. Anne Lattimore Mr. and Mrs. Julian LeCraw, Sr. The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation Mr. Robert B. Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Malone SunTrust Directed Fund: Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust MAX Productions, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Bart A. McLean MedWay Air Ambulance BYN Mellon Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation Momar, Inc. Alfred Moore Foundation Volunteer Mike Stephens, left, administers communion to a patient at Shepherd Center. SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 P HOTO BY M E LON IE WIGGIN S cornerstone society $25,000 - $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Abreu The Abreu Charitable Trust AGL Resources, Inc. AirTran Airways, Inc. Allied Security, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Alston, Sr. Americo Manufacturing Co., Inc. Ameriserve of Atlanta Mrs. Leila Louise Arnold* Arrow Exterminators, Inc. Atlanta Hawks Foundation Atlanta Magazine Bank South Corporation Barge-Wagener Construction Bates USA Law Offices of Timothy A. Baxter, P.C. BBC Foundation The Beck Group Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beiser Bell Capital Management, Inc. Diane M. Biggers Dr. Gerald S. Bilsky and Dr. Judith Tolkan Biogen, Inc. Black & Decker Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Blandford Mr. and Mrs. W. Houston Blount Blount-Sanford Construction Co. Dr. and Mrs. J. Don Brock Broyhill Family Foundation, Inc. Cable Advertising of Metro Atlanta Mr. James R. Calise Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Camerio, Jr. The Carefree Fund The John Huland Carmical Foundation Carter Barnes Hair Artisans Mr.* and Mrs. Frank Carter Mr. William Carter* Mr. and Mrs. David Center* Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Chapman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Chapman Chatham Holdings Corporation Chatham Valley Foundation, Inc. The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Chick-fil-A, Inc. The Citi Foundation Ms. Carol Clare CMS Endowment Foundation Mr. Herbert Cohen Colonial Hill Foundation The Columns Group The Convex Group Cooper-Atlanta Transportation Services, Inc. Volunteer Brenda Wiggins prepares food and serves it to patients at Shepherd Pathways. Cousins Foundation, Inc. Credit Suisse Volaris Volatility Management Crested Butte Mountain Resort, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton Mr. Peter A. Dames Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson III M. Austin Davis Foundation Inc. Mr. Gerald F. Davy Mrs. Maggie A. Dobbs* The Dole Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Dorman Eastern Airlines, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Eiland Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Elsas* Empire Distributors, Inc. EMSA Fund, Inc. Ernst & Young LLP Mr. Patrick Farrah Mr. R. Keegan Federal, Jr. Ferrell Scruggs Foundation First Marketing Services The Flagler Foundation, Inc. Florida Rock Industries, Inc. Folio Z Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Foreman Foundation for Neurological Diseases Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fowler Friedman Billings Ramsey & Co., Inc. Gallagher Electric & Engineering Co., Inc. Gibbs Landscape Co. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gibson Mr. William H. Glenn, Jr.* Global Imports, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellis Godshall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Godshaw Greenberg Traurig Mr. Larry Greenwood GTE Ms. Louise Gunn Mr. and Mrs. David F. Haddow Mr. and Mrs. Claus M. Halle* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hanger Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Harrison* Harry Norman Realtors Hartman, Simons, Spielman & Wood Hasbro Children’s Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hawn Headhunter.Net Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Henry Heritage Bag Company Mr.* and Mrs. M. Durward Hodges Holder Construction Company Mr.* and Mrs. Lindsey H. Hopkins III Mrs. Telside “Tatty” Howard C. Tycho and Marie Howle Foundation The Sara and Fred Hoyt Charitable Trust John Hunsinger & Co. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunsinger Mr. Barry V. Hutner IBM Corporation The Norman S. and Emmy Lou P. Illges Foundation Infinity Outdoor Advertising Mr.* and Mrs. Sam C. Inman Iris Garden Club Jerzees Continued on Next Page *=deceased CUMULAT I V E G I V I N G S O C I E T I E S s h e p h e rd .o rg 5 P HOTO BY LOUIE FAVOR IT E MS patients Dorothy and Win Jackson of Atlanta met in Shepherd Center’s ProMotion fitness center. They married on Valentine’s Day 2008. Continued from Page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson Dr. Fleming L. Jolley* Mrs. Valery Voyles Jordan David and Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Z. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. Mr. James G. Kenan* Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Cecil F. Key Mr. E. Culver “Rusty” Kidd III Kimberly Clark Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. King The Kiwanis Club of Atlanta KPMG LLP The Kroger Company James R. Kuse Foundation Helen S. Lanier Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lanier II Lanier Worldwide, Inc. The Lehman Brothers Foundation Lenox Square Merchants Association Mr. Paul Liebman Dr. and Mrs. John Crawford Lipman Ms. Bess Livingston* LL Building Products, Inc. Lufthansa German Airlines Mrs. Myree W. Maas* Mr. Charles A. Machemehl, Jr. Mr. Martin D. Marchman Marsh USA Mr.* and Mrs. Roy A. Martin MasterCard Worldwide Mr.* and Mrs. Charles W. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McCague John and Margaret McCarty Foundation McDonald’s Corporation Ms. Helen B. McDuffie* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McGinnis The Charles E. Merrill Trust Mighty Distributing Systems of America, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. John O. Mitchell Jeanette and Lafayette Montgomery Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. The Moran Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Davis K. Mortensen Dr. and Mrs. H. Herndon Murray Myers Carpet National Distributing Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Newton III Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicklaus Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Nunnally III Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oliver Mr. Robert C. Oliver* Overstreet Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Owens* Paces Properties, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Paller Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Parker Ms. Natalae W. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William C. Payne PBD Worldwide Fulfillment Services Ms. Elizabeth R. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Piedmont Hospital Plant Improvement Co. Post H.O.P.E. Premier Benefits Group Premiere Global Services, Inc. Publix Super Markets Charities Realan Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Reeves *=deceased 6 shepherd.org SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Mrs. Jane S. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William B. Turner United Waste Service, Inc. The United Way The United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta Philip L. Van Every Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vogelstein Ed Voyles Automotive Wachovia Insurance Services William C. Wardlaw Trust Fund Mr.* and Mrs. J. David Webb Mrs. Mickey McQueen Webb WestPoint Stevens, Inc. Mr. Glenn C. White* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Whitney John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods Williamson Bros. BBQ Mrs. Betty A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Wilson J. E. Wilson Construction Co. Wolf Camera and Video Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Womack Mrs. Joan Woodall Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Mr. John B. Woodruff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wright, Jr.* WSB-TV, Channel 2 Mr. and Mrs. P. Daniel Yates III Anonymous PHOTO BY LOUIE FAVORITE Resource Real Estate Marketing Mr. Philip A. Rhodes* The Charles and Catherine B. Rice Foundation Mr. Robert C. Rissanen The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead RJR Nabisco, Inc. H. English and Ermine Cater Robinson Foundation Rugs by Robinson Sales Managers, Inc. Mrs. Lois W. Sanders* The Sapelo Island Research Foundation Dr. and Mrs. William M. Scaljon Selig Enterprises, Inc. Warren P. and Ava F. Sewell Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Seydel William F. Shallenberger Trust Fund The Ron Shapiro Charitable Foundation, Inc. Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. John J. Shea ShepCo Paving, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Dan P. Shepherd Shepherd Urologic Associates Siemens Medical Solutions Healthcare Services Mr. and Mrs. Dell B. Sikes Mrs. John Q. Sineath Singapore Airlines Mr.* and Mrs. Alex W. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Boynton Smith Henry Howard Smith, AIA Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snell Mrs. H. B. Snelling, Jr. The Solstice Foundation Spa Sydell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spiegel Mr. Ernest M. Steen Mrs. Helen H. Sterne Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Sturm Sunrise Medical, Inc. Mr. Stephen D. Susano George P. Swift, Jr. Family Foundation Symbol Magazine Telephone Pioneers of America Mr. and Mrs. Mack Tharpe II Dr. Karen Thrower and Dr. Ben W. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Thrower Tiffany & Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Towles, Sr. The Travelers Companies Foundation, Inc. Trico Equipment Company Brain injury patient Danny Diaz participates in Beyond Therapy® led by exercise specialist Mark Bowen. *=deceased CUMULAT I V E G I V I N G S O C I E T I E S s h e p h e rd .o rg 7 individual donors Individuals listed gave $1,000 or more in cumulative donations for fiscal year 2009-2010. A Mr. and Mrs. F. Duane Ackerman Mr. James A. Adams, Jr. Mr. Samuel Alexander Mrs. William J. Alexander Mr. Fred V. Alias Mr. Shaler Alias Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele Alphin Mr. and Mrs. Charlton H. Ames Mr. and Mrs. Bristow Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Anderson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Anderson, Jr. Mr. Clyde B. Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Anker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Anthony Dr. and Mrs. David F. Apple, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Arnold III Ms. Cyndae A. Arrendale Mr. Gus Arrendale Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Ashkouti Mr. Eugene F. Assaf, Jr. Anonymous (6) B Dr. Evis Babo and Mr. Steve Weizenecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Bagwell Mr. Glenn D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Q. Ball III Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Barry Ms. Ruth A. Bartlett Mr. and Mr. David M. Batchelor Ms. Eugenia S. Battle Mr. and Mrs. William R. Battle III Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berto Dr. Gerald S. Bilsky and Dr. Judith Tolkan Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Blackney Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Boggs Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Bollman Ms. Lisa Boone 8 shepherd.org Mr. Jeremy Borak Mrs. Frank C. Bowen, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Brock Bowman Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Breland Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Brenner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Brown Ms. Jessica Burrell C Ms. Marnite B. Calder Ms. Lynn M. Caldwell Mr. James R. Calise Ms. Jennifer P. Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carlos Mrs. Andrew C. Carlos Mr. and Mrs. Rives Carter Dr. and Mrs. George Rives Cary, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caswell, Jr. Mr. C. W. Caughman Mrs. Ann A. Cetrino Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Chapman, Jr. Mr. Robin Chism Mr. and Mrs. Neil Christman Mr. and Mrs. David Clapperton Ms. Carol A. Clare Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Clare Mr. and Mrs. David R. Clare Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Coco Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Coddon II Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Coleman Mr. Thomas B. Coleman Dr. Richard S. Colvin Mr. and Mrs. O. Gordon Cope Mr. and Mrs. John Costello Mr. Tyler Courtney Mrs. Nancy Coverdell Mr. Charles L. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cunningham Mrs. Grant R. Curtis D Mr. Peter A. Dames Mr. and Mrs. John M. Darden III Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson III Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Davis Mr. P. J. Davis Mr. Gerald F. Davy Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Dawkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. deMayo Mrs. Gwyn Dennard Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Sandy H. Dlugozima Dr. and Mrs. Keith Dockery Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doeffinger Senator Elizabeth Dole and Senator Robert J. Dole Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donaldson Ms. Sally Dorsey and Mr. Herb Miller Dr. Beverly D. Douglas and Mr. Frank Rodriquez Mr. and Mrs. Lance Doyal Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Dozier Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Drake Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dryman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. DuBose Mr. Raymond T. Ducharme Mr. and Mrs. John E. Duggan Mrs. Tammie Dunlap Dr. Melissa T. Durand and Mr. Bert Durand Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer E Dr. and Mrs. David O. Ellis Mr. Richard Emkey Mr. William B. Erb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Escott Mr. David M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Evert, Jr. Dr. Payal Fadia and Mr. Rohit Chopra SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 F Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Eli Flint Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Frey Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fryer G Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gambrell Mr. and Mrs. Jere V. Garde Mr. Phillip E. Gee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Geller Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gibson Dr. and Mrs. Bert Glaser Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellis Godshall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Godshaw Mrs. John T. Godwin Mrs. Roberto C. Goizueta Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Goot Mr. Alexander M. Graham Mrs. Dorothy F. Granberry Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Gray Ms. Beverly L. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Tucker E. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Grizzard Mr. and Mrs. Nick Guillaume Mr. Earl W. Gunn Mr. Joe N. Guy Mr. and Mrs. Clark Howell Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hoyt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hunsinger I Ms. Christine Iannucci Mrs. Betty Ann Inman J Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Jamison Mrs. Betty Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Tom O. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Joiner Mr. and Mrs. Justin Jones Dr. and Mrs. Mark M. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones K Dr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Kaelin Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kahn Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael Z. Kay Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kennedy Mr. Patrick Kerney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerns Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. King Dr. Michael Klein and Dr. Mary L. Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Korn Mr. and Mrs. Hilton I. Kort L Mr. David J. Lambrecht Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Land, Jr. Mrs. Gloria Landreth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lanier II Dr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lanier Mr. and Mrs. Rene’ L. Latiolais Ms. Anne Lattimore Ms. Jennifer Lautenschlager Mrs. Lois Lazaro Mr. Daniel C. Lee, P.C. Dr. Dorothy E. Mitchell-Leef and Mr. Forrest Leef Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Ms. Geraldine Liady John L. Lin, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lindauer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lindauer Mr. Bart Lindstrom Dr. and Mrs. John Crawford Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Ian Lloyd-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lore Ms. Donna W. Loupus Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lucht Continued on Next Page H INDIVIDUA L D O N O R S PHOTO BY LEITA COWART Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hall III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. Mark Hammad Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hanger Mr. William Hanson Mr. Doug Harbert Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Harhai Mr. and Mrs. T. Rudy Harrell Mr. Robert H. Harris Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harrison Mr. Nathaniel C. Harrison III Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hazel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heller Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Holleman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holt Ms. Elizabeth R. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Hooks Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Hoskinson Brain Injury Peer Visitor Association founder and director Ann Boriskie trains volunteers, such as Allen London, as peer visitors for brain injury patients at Shepherd Center. s h e p h e rd .o rg 9 P HOTO BY GA RY M E E K Continued from Page 10 M O Mr. Charles A. Machemehl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maguigan Major and Mrs. Bill Makepeace Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Manderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Marcus Mr. John Barton Marks, Jr. Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mathews III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McCague Mrs. Morris I. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGovern Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGrew Dr. J. Roland McKinney Ms. Marianna McLean Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. McLeod III Mr. and Mrs. J. Hays Mershon Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Mescon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Michaelis Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Millians Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mills, Jr. Mrs. Margaret L. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Mock Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Moderow Mr. and Ms. Julian B. Mohr Mr. and Mrs. George A. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Abner G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Morris Ms. Sarah A. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Duane M. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Gil C. Mucher Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mullen Dr. and Mrs. H. Herndon Murray Mr. and Mrs. Tony Musarra N Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. O’Donnell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Oliver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus B. Orthwein, Jr. Mrs. William A. Ott Mr. and Mrs. Clint Owens Dr. and Mrs. David S. Owens P Mr. Ray Padron Mrs. Frances W. Parish Mrs. Carolyn R. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Solon P. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Patterson Ms. Anne W. Pearce Ms. Elizabeth R. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Mr. and Mrs. Steve Penley Mr. and Mrs. Hal K. Peters Mrs. John Peurifoy Mrs. Shannon B. Pingley Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Louie A. Pittman, Jr. Mr. Gary Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Pollock Mr. and Mrs. John C. Portman, Jr. Mr. Jack H. Powell III Mr. David Preston Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Pruett Mr. Sean Pruett Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. V. Thomas Purcell Dr. Jane Puskas and Dr. John Puskas Q Mr. and Mrs. Ron L. Quigley and Mrs. A. A. Neese and Mrs. Floyd C. Newton III and Mrs. Jack Nicklaus and Mrs. Christopher W. Nilan Ben E. Noble and Mrs. Charles T. Nunnally III and Mrs. McKee Nunnally and Mrs. Charles N. Nutter shepherd.org R Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and and and and and and and and and and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Bradford T. Ray Warner Ray Jeff Raymond Daniel E. Reeves Samuel T. Reeves Barry Regal Erwin C. Reid Hal J. Rhoad II Bill Richardson John H. Ridall, Jr. Ken Clayton, 27, of Atlanta sustained a traumatic brain injury in 2001 while pitching in a baseball practice game with the Auburn University Tigers. He underwent extensive rehabilitation and later returned to playing baseball for Auburn. Today, he enjoys playing recreational league softball with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Rodbell Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Rogers Mr. Christopher C. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Rowan II Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Rubel Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rudder Mr. and Mrs. John Rumble Ms. Melinda Russell S Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sadler Ms. Cynthia M. Sanborn Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Sands, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Saul Mr. John D. Saunders Mr. Jack Sawyer, Jr. and Dr. William E. Torres Dr. and Mrs. William M. Scaljon Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scalley Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Schindler Mr. and Mrs. James D. Schloss Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schnipper Mr. and Mrs. Milt Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schumacher Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Selleck Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sessions Mr. and Mrs. John R. Seydel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Shaginaw Mr. and Mrs. John Sharple Ms. Deborah Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Erik T. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Shea SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 U Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Ulicny Mr. and Mrs. Russell Umphenour III Mrs. Mary F. Unruh Ms. Sandra J. Unruh V Mr. and Mrs. Jim Varda Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Vawter Mr. W. Jerry Vereen Mr. and Mrs. David M. Vickers Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vogelstein Mr. and Mrs. Bill Voyles Mrs. Valery Voyles and Mr. Rob Jordan W Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Wahlen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Walker Mr. and Mrs. James K. Walton Ms. Adelaide C. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ward Mr. Jennings E. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. John Watson Mr. and Mrs. Davey Weakes Mr. Travis E. Weatherly Mr. and Mrs. Den Webb Mrs. Mickey McQueen Webb Mrs. Milton Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells III Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. West Mr. Wayne J. West Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. White Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Whitney Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Wilks Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Mrs. Thomas R. Williams Mr. Charles Willingham Ms. Elizabeth W. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Wood Mrs. Joan Woodall Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff Ms. Jane Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woodruff Mrs. Ruth E. Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard Worsham Y Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and and and and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Goodloe H. Yancey III P. Daniel Yates III Robert A. Yellowlees William D. Young Z Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Zaban PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Ms. Dana Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd III Mrs. Frances Hoyt Shropshire Mr. and Mrs. Dell B. Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sikes Mr. and Ms. Ronald J. Silber Ms. Jana P. Simmons Ms. Ann P. Sims Mr. and Mrs. William D. Skinner Mrs. Alex W. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith Mrs. Edward D. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Smith Mrs. J. Lucian Smith Mr. and Mrs. K. Boynton Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Ferle G. Snell Ms. Cynthia Sokolic Mrs. Laura Smith Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Moses Spence Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Stanley III Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stargel Ms. Mary Jane Starke Mr. Ernest M. Steen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sterling Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Stewart Ms. Gloria Stone Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sullivan Judge and Mrs. Charles D. Susano, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Susor T Mr. W. R. Tanner Mrs. Margaretta Taylor Mr. Timothy Tew Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton Dr. Karen Thrower and Dr. Ben W. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Tolleson Ms. Sally G. Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Towles, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Tracy Mr. Anthony Trott Mrs. Elizabeth Troy Ms. Erin Troy INDIVIDUA L D O N O R S Shepherd Center counselor Cheryl Linden chats with former SCI patient Jared Coppola of North Reading, Mass. s h e p h e rd .o rg 11 corporations and organizations 94.9 The Bull A Legendary Event Aaron’s, Inc. Acquisitions AirTran Airways, Inc. Allergan, Inc. Amelia Island Plantation Amerigroup Corporation AmWINS Brokerage of Georgia, LLC Arby’s Restaurant Group Arrow Exterminators The Art House Atlanta, Inc. Art Plumbing Company Atlanta Beverage Company Atlanta Braves Atlanta Charity Clays Bad to the Bone Archery Club Baker Audio, Inc. Bank of America Batchelor & Kimball Bear Claw Condominiums Beard-Shuford Financial Group Bell Capital Management, Inc. Bennett Thrasher, P.C. Bickers Consulting Group, LLC Biogen Idec Bloomingdales BNY Mellon Boiling Springs High School Faculty and Staff Brainjogging, Inc. Branch Banking & Trust Company The Brookwood Development, LLC Bulleit Bourbon Butler, Wooten & Fryhofer, LLP C.R. Bard, Inc. The Capital Group Companies Capital Lighting Fixture Company Carithers Wallace Courtenay Carroll County Nephrology PC Carter & Associates, LLC Carter Barnes Hair Artisans Carter Barnes on Paces Cartier Catering by VanTrece Chappell Bryan Chi Phi Fraternity at Cornell University Chic Abode Interiors Patients Sharon Eckert, right, of Nashville, Tenn., and Daniel Smith, center, of Hampton, Tenn., chat with Sharon’s husband on the 7th floor terrace at Shepherd Center. Chick-fil-A, Inc. Choate Construction Company Clarus Photography Clement Dennis Custom Clothing Clogging Connection Club of Hearts, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. Coloplast The Color Spot Consulate General of Switzerland Cooper-Atlanta Transportation Services, Inc. Correctional Medical Associates Crawford & Company Crawford Communications Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. Daniel Corporation DATAMATX Davis, Matthews & Quigley, PC Diversified Investment Advisors Diversified Metal Fabricators, Inc. Dixie Ice Company The Dryman Team DSH Firearms CORPOR AT I O N S A N D O R G A N I Z AT I O N S Morrison Pines Plantation Mr. Transmission Mutual of America NCCU Neiman Marcus New England Construction Products, Inc. Nielsen Business Media Olsen Management, Inc. Orthopaedic Technology Specialist, Inc. P Inc. Palmetto Bluff Parc Monceau Ltd. Patterson, Flynn & Martin Petits Tresors The Phoenix Society of Atlanta Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Piedmont Center Piedmont Hospital Pittman Construction Company Plant Improvement Co. Primerica Financial Services ProFloors, LLC The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program REPAY Realtime Electronic Payments Resource Real Estate Marketing Reynolds Plantation The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead Rock-Tenn Company Rogers Bridge Co. Rooker Co. Schreeder, Wheeler & Flint, LLP Sea Island Company Seaboard Construction Co., Inc. Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church Sewell Printing Services, Inc. Shapiro Capital Management Co. Shaw Industries Group, Inc. The Shepherd Center Auxiliary The Shepherd Center Junior Committee Shepherd Construction Co. Six Degrees Magazine Smith & Howard, PC Snapper Industrial Products, Inc. E. R. Snell Contractor, Inc. Speaker Law Firm Speckhals & Cora, PC Sports Art, Inc. The St. Regis Atlanta Stites & Harbison, PLLC Structor Group Sunbelt Glass & Aluminum, Inc. SunTrust Bank, Atlanta Thomasville Employee Charity Fund Tibi Tobler Creek Lodge & Preserve Toco Hills, Inc. Stan Topol & Associates Travis & Company Troutman Sanders, LLP Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Urban Body Fitness/Urban Body Studios Vulcan Materials Company, Southeast Division Vulcan Materials Florida Rock Wachovia WaterHaven Restaurant Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign Woo Skincare & Cosmetics WXIA-TV, 11Alive and WATL-TV Yates Insurance Agency, Inc. PHOTO BY GARY MEEK PHOTO BY GARY MEEK ERB Industries, Inc. Excel Electrical Technologies, Inc. Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Felicity Hair Design Fidelity Bank Fifth Third Bank Forever Forests, LLC Forward Models & Talent French Wolf & Farr Gables Residential Gallagher Electric & Engineering Co., Inc. Genuine Parts Company George F. Richardson, Inc. Georgia Aquarium Georgia Employees’ Charitable Contributions Program Gifts in Kind International Gleneagles Capital Management Goldman, Sachs & Company Gyn Care Inc. Harry Norman Realtors Heery International, Inc. Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa HIMformatics The Home Depot, Inc. Hooters of America Hydro Properties, LLC IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program ImagineAir Infratec Consultants Iris Garden Club Jackson Oats Shaw Corporate Real Estate Jerry Dilts & Associates JLC Southeast, LLC John Willis Homes JSD Holdings, Inc. Kellogg’s Kimberly-Clark Corp. The Kiwanis Club of Atlanta Lanier Chiropractic & Rehabilitation LCG Associates M & A Ventures Malone Law Offices, PC Man’s Best Friend McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Georgia, Inc. Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead Midtown Oral and Facial Surgery Milner Document Products, Inc. Momar, Inc. Money $hott Monterey Wealth Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Chaketa Brittain, R.N., checks on brain injury patient Jeff Sweet of Asheville, N.C. s h e p h e rd .o rg 13 foundations and charitable trusts 14 shepherd.org Saba Abdullah, 20, from Iraq, sustained a T-1 to T-4 spinal cord injury when she was shot by a gunman aboard a bus near Baghdad in December 2007. She underwent rehabilitation therapy in Shepherd’s Day Program in early 2009. PHOTO BY GA RY M E E K Anonymous (2) Akers Foundation, Inc. AMGEN Foundation, Inc. The Arnold Foundation, Inc. AXA Foundation BBC Foundation Robert Blair Foundation Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Broyhill Family Foundation, Inc. Callaway Foundation, Inc. The John Huland Carmical Foundation George S. & Edna L. Cobb Foundation Coggins Granite Welfare Foundation Edna Wardlaw Coker Fund The Edward Colston Foundation, Inc. Communities Foundation of Texas The Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia Courts Foundation, Inc. James M. Cox Foundation of Georgia, Inc. The Jim Cox, Jr. Foundation Overton and Lavona Currie Foundation M. Austin Davis Foundation Inc. Nell Warren and W. Simpson Elkin Foundation Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund Felburn Foundation, Inc. Ferrell Scruggs Foundation Fickling Family Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Foundation Fulton School Employees’ Charitable Fund The Roderick S., Flossie R. and Helen M. Galloway Foundation GE Foundation Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. The Leonard & Jerry Greenbaum Family Foundation John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation The Hodgson Charitable Trust Bobby Hogg Foundation, Inc. C. Tycho and Marie Howle Foundation, Inc. The Sara and Fred Hoyt Charitable Trust The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The Imlay Foundation, Inc. JDT Foundation The JALS Family Foundation Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Inc. David and Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation Lanier Goodman Foundation The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation The Lipman Foundation The Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation, Inc. Lubo Fund, Inc. Ma-Ran Foundation The Maddox Family Private Foundation The Marcus Foundation, Inc. Mattie H. Marshall Foundation The Moran Family Foundation Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Katherine John Murphy Foundation Thomas Neal Foundation, Inc. The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Peachtree Planning Foundation The Hellen Ingram Plummer Charitable Foundation Publix Super Markets Charities The Ray Family Foundation Resurgens Charitable Foundation The Reveas Foundation The Charles and Catherine B. Rice Foundation The Rich Foundation, Inc. H. English & Ermine Cater Robinson Foundation The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation G.B. & Charlotte A. Saunders Foundation, Inc. Schneider National Foundation Seda Vale Foundation, Inc. Warren P. and Ava F. Sewell Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation Shepherd Foundation, Inc. Albert Steiner Charitable Fund Tharpe Foundation Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. The University Financing Foundation, Inc. The UPS Foundation Mike Utley Foundation The West Foundation, Inc. Weswood Foundation Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. The Woodcrest Foundation J.W. & Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation Inc. The David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Bridge Builders Bridge Builders are friends who have generously included Shepherd Center in their financial planning through bequests, charitable trusts, insurance policies or retirement plans. They help our patients build their own bridges from present adversity to a future filled with hope, dignity and independence. Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Abell Mr. Charles S. Ackerman Ms. Mary Kaye Ackermann Ms. LuRae N. Ahrendt Mrs. William J. Alexander Mr. Shaler Alias The Honorable Charles L. Allen II* Mr. William Edward Andrews Mrs. Thomas D. Anthony Dr. and Mrs. David F. Apple, Jr. Mrs. Leila Louise Arnold* Mr. Fred G. Barnet* Mrs. Evelyn Barr* Mr. C. Duncan Beard Mr. and Mrs. John R. Benesh Ms. Jodi Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bennett Ms. Mary B. Bickers Ms. Doris Blair Ms. Mozelle Blair Dr. Jack K. Bleich* Mrs. Bertha G. Bloch* Mr. James C. Blythe* Mr. John T. Bohlayer Mr. Philip J. Bongiovanni* Mr. Paul A. Bowen* Mrs. Cindy H. Bridges* Ms. Phyllis Brooks Mr. Brian S. “BB” Brown Mr. J. Coleman Budd Ms. Dorothy Magina Bullock Ms. Marnite B. Calder Mr. James R. Calise Mrs. Andrew C. Carlos Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Carter Dr. and Mrs. George Rives Cary, Jr. Mrs. Emily H. Cay Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Center Mr. John B. Chapman Mrs. Martha M. Church* Mr. L. Massey Clarkson, Jr.* Mr. Tully J. Cloud Mr. Peter Collman Mrs. Thomas Conner, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Coverdell Ms. Betsy B. Cozine Mrs. Virginia C. Crawford* Mr. Peter A. Dames Mr. Roger Dann* Mrs. Hampton L. Daughtry* Mr. Marion T. Davis, Sr.* Mrs. Myrtle R. Davis Mr. William H. Dean* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deeks Mrs. Marie S. Dillard* Mrs. Maggie A. Dobbs* Mr. Justin D. Dolan Mr. and Mrs.* George B. Dunbar, Sr. Mrs. Martha Dykes Mr. and Mrs. Solon W. Elliott David O. Ellis, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Elsas* Mr. R. C. Eriksson Mrs. Dorothy K. Fierst* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fitts Mrs. Henry Florance Mrs. Edmund L. Fortier Mr. J. Lester Fraser Mr.* and Mrs. J.B. Fuqua Mr. Richard E. Gager* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gallagher Ms. Sara L. Garner Mr. Earl F. Geiger* Dr. Arthur B. Gill* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gilleland Ms. Sara Jackson Gillum* Ms. Charlene Gober Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Goot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Gordy* Mrs. Elizabeth S. Green* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Griffin III Mrs. Emily B. Grigsby Mr. and Mrs. James H. Groome Mrs. Bonnie Hardage Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatcher Mrs. Margaret M. Haverty Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Heidecker Mrs. Martha Hurt Heinz* Ms. L. Gay Henry Mrs. Susan G. Hogg* Mrs. Robert J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William L. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hoyt, Jr. Mr.* and Mrs. D. Scott Hudgens, Sr. Mrs. Lesley M. Hudson Ms. Patricia Huettner Mr.* and Mrs. Henry A. Huettner Mr. John P. Hunter, Jr.* Mr. Stephen Imler Ms. Anne P. Jackson* Dr. Benjamin H. Jenkins, Jr.* Ms. Judith E. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones Mrs. Frances F. Jones* Mrs. Lillian Jones* Mr. E. Culver “Rusty” Kidd III Mr. and Mrs. John T. Killebrew Ms. Jeannine L. Kirkland Mrs. Robert H. Klass Mr.* and Mrs. Charles E. Landreth Ms. Susan B. Langhorne Mrs. Helen S. Lanier* Mr. Robert Lanier S. Robert Lathan, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lathrop Mrs. Joanne A. Leahy-Lagi Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Dr. Edward L. Lewis Douglas and Catherine Lindauer Mrs. R. B. Lippincott, Jr. Mr. Kevin Lipscomb Mrs. V. Jack Lisenby Mr. W. W. Lively* Ms. Bess Livingston* Mr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Long, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Lonon Dr. Carlos E. Lopez Mr. Curtis Lovejoy Mr. Richard H. Lowe Mr. John W. Lundeen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Charles A. Machemehl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Manderson, Jr. Mr. Irving Manes* Continued on Next Page *=deceased BRIDGE B U I L D E R S s h e p h e rd .o rg 15 Continued from Page 15 Mr. Marty Marchman Carol A. Marston Mrs. Jane Kerr Mathews Mr. Robert E. Mathis Mrs. Theresa M. Matt Mr.* and Mrs. Clayton Mauldin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McCague Mr. Allen P. McDaniel Allen P. McDonald, M.D. Mrs. Morris I. McDonald Ms. Helen B. McDuffie* Mr. Cary McFalls Mr.* and Mrs. Henry F. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McGinnis Mrs. Joan C. McGourty* Ms. Tiffany Miller Mr. Ben D. Mills* Mrs. John O. Mitchell Mr. George E. Moore, Jr. Mr. Duane M. Morrow Patrick G. Mullen, M.D.* Mr. Henry Munford Dr. H. Herndon Murray Mr. and Mrs. H. McKee Nunnally, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Mrs. Susan Pegram O’Gara* Mrs. Gwin Anderson Oliver Dr. Charles V. Ouzts Mr. Charles A. Overcash* Ms. Anne W. Pearce Mr. Leland E. Pettit III* Mrs. John Peurifoy Mrs. Judy Fay Phelps* Ms. Sara Piem* Mrs. Hellen I. Plummer* *=deceased 16 shepherd.org Mr. Mark C. Pope III Mr. James E. Prickett Mrs. Mary Anne Richardson Quin Mrs. Sharon Reed Mr. Lee W. Richards Mrs. Katherine Murphy Riley* Max and Miriam Rittenbaum* Mrs. Walter Rowson Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Rubel Mr. Thomas Ruffin, Jr.* Mr. Zachary B. Sank Mr. David H. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs.* Emory A. Schwall Drew Seibert, M.D. Dr. James A. Settle, Jr. Mr. Richard P. Sewell, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Shepherd Mrs. W. Clyde Shepherd* Mrs. Frances Hoyt Shropshire Mrs. Mabel M. Shropshire* Mr. Dell B. Sikes Mr. James H. Skelton Mr.* and Mrs. Alex W. Smith, Jr. Mrs. J. Lucian Smith Mr. James S. Smith* Ms. Julia A. Smith* Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith* Mrs. S. Jeanette Smith* Mr.* and Mrs. Richard E. Snell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dominick V. Sollecito Mr. Doug W. Southern Mr. William E. Speaks* Mr. Harold T. Spears, Sr.* Mr. Patrick Starr* Mr. Albert Steiner* Mr. Frank P. Stevens* Mr. J. Hampton Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Preston Stevens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strihafka Ms. Mary L. Strohmeier* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sugarman Mr. Theron C. Teagle Ms. Cheryl L. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs.* Randolph W. Thrower Mr.* and Mrs. Paul H. Timmers Mr. J. Tyler Tippett Ms. Pamela L. Tremayne, J.D., Ph.D. Jane and Gary R. Ulicny, Ph.D. Ms. Sharon S. Umphenour Mr. and Mrs. William T. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Chris Villa Mr. Ed Voyles* Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walker III Mrs. R. William Wallace* Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Walsh III Mr. Thomas F. Ward Mr. and Mrs.* Jennings E. Watkins Mrs. Mickey McQueen Webb Mrs. Katherine Weeks* Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jay Herbert West Mrs. Fran Whitaker Mr. Joe T. Wood, Sr. Ms. Jane Woodruff Mrs. Ruth E. Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard Worsham Mrs. Margaret S. Yates* Mr. and Mrs. Slade C. Young* Khaliq Gant, 24, of Norcross, Ga., sustained a C-5 to C-6 incomplete spinal cord injury during basketball practice at Cornell University in 2006. Though he did not return to play, he continues to stay physically active. SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2 010 Shepherd Center Circle of Giving The Shepherd Center Foundation’s Circle of Giving supports the hospital’s Annual Fund, which provides funding for vital patient care and services that are not typically paid by insurance. Programs such as therapeutic recreation, temporary housing for out-of-town patient family members and assistive technology have proven vital to the positive outcomes of Shepherd patients. The Circle of Giving is comprised of three membership levels: the Circle of Healing recognizes donors at the $2,500 level; Circle of Hope donors are recognized for $1,000 to $2,499 gifts; and the Circle of Friends donors support the Annual Fund at $500 to $999. CIRCLE OF HEALING CIRCLE OF HOPE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Drake Ms. Beverly L. Greenberg Mr. John A. Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lucht Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Martin Mr. Ray Padron Mrs. Catherine T. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Barry Regal Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd III Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Byko, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Flint Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hodo Mr. and Mrs. James C. Killebrew Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell McGrew Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pare Mr. and Mrs. David Park Mr. and Mrs. John Payne Mr. and Mrs. Mark Petkovsek Ms. Veronica Sheehan Mr. William T. Shiverick Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Stielow Ms. Stephanie Sundheim Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuravle, Jr. and and and and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Tom Johnson Charles A. Raper James K. Walton PHOTO BY JIM FITTS PHOTO BY ROBERT BARKER Shepherd Center volunteers and donors Cyndae Arrendale, Heather Flint and her mother, Sue Carole Hall, are some of the many who support the hospital’s mission through their gifts. SHEPHER D C E N T E R C I R C L E O F G I V I N G s h e p h e rd .o rg 17 shepherd center foundation advisory board FISCAL YEAR 2010 GEORGIA MEMBERS CHAIRMAN James R. Calise 2004 VICE-CHAIRMAN Jayne Lipman 2005 EMERITI MEMBERS PHOTO BY LOU IE FAVORI TE Marvin S. Arrington 1987 Dennis E. Cooper 1991 Martha M. Dykes 1985 Dorothy C. Fuqua 1987 Jane L. Gibson 1995 Rebecca K. Harrell 1983 William C. Hatcher 1993 Robert H. Hogg 1977 Katharine Jones 1981 Emily C. Knobloch 1981 Billi Marcus 1995 Jeannette W. Peterson 1982 S. Stephen Selig III 1986 Sally G. Tomlinson 1991 Loraine P. Williams 1985 Jane Woodruff 1985 Erwin Zaban 1993 Cookie Aftergut 2003 Elizabeth M. Allen 1995 Ruth D. Anthony 2002 Kendrick P. Armistead 2007 Cyndae A. Arrendale 2009 Diane Ashkouti 2008 Richard A. Bennett 2002 Amanda Brown-Olmstead 1985 Lynn M. Caldwell 2008 G. Rives Cary, M.D. 2008 Joseph W. Chapman, Jr. 1988 Charles L. Davidson III 2004 Stephanie C. Davis 2004 Michael A. Dawkins 2007 Sally Dorsey 2008 Sheila Eads 2005 David O. Ellis 2000 Joseph F. Farrell 2006 Lora G. Fishman 2003 Thomas C. Gallagher 1997 Mary B. Gilbreath 2006 R. Ellis Godshall 2008 Joseph W. Hamilton, Jr. 1981 Peg Hoogs 2007 Leah H. Humphries 2008 Barry V. Hutner 2004 Jerry M. Hux 1998 Lauren D. Imber 2008 Valery Voyles Jordan 2003 Patrick M. Kelly 2002 E. Culver “Rusty” Kidd III 2003 Tish Lanier 2006 Jeff Leonard 2006 Bertram L. Levy 2002 Robert Lipman 2009 Curtis Lovejoy 2004 Angie F. Marshall 1997 Thomas J. Mazziotti 2007 Georgeann McGrew 2007 James B. Miller, Jr. 2009 Philip W. Millians 1995 James T. Mills, Jr. 2004 Beverly Mitchell 1997 Julie I. Mitchell 2004 Elizabeth Morris 2009 Carl Nelson 2009 Cynthia Odomes 2009 G. Alexander Panos 2005 Sunny K. Park 2009 Solon P. Patterson 1991 Elizabeth R. Pearce 2007 Sean Pruett 2007 Lois W. Puckett 2004 Erwin C. Reid 2007 Meredith Repp 2008 Brian D. Rogers 2007 Vickie S. Scaljon 1997 Stacy O. Scott 2008 Dana Shepherd 2009 James Harold Shepherd III 2007 Rebecca S. Shepherd 2009 Thomas C. Shepherd 1997 Marvin H. Shoob 1998 Stephen R. Slade 1998 Brenda Smith 2008 Rebecca R. Smith 1995 David E. Snell 2009 Karen E. Spiegel 2005 W. Dennis Summers 2002 Jessica Toney 2007 Russell Umphenour 2009 Robert J. Walker 2003 June H. Weitnauer 1995 Fran Whitaker 2009 Stephen M. Wilks 2008 Gregory Worthy 2009 P. D. Yates III 2004 NATIONAL MEMBERS Hunt Broyhill 2005 Emily H. Cay 2008 Hollis M. Gunn 2004 Tiffany Miller 2007 Travis Roy 1999 Margaret A. Staton 1998 Charles D. Susano, Jr 1999 M. H. “Woody” Woodside, Jr. 2003 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Shaler Alias Cyndae A. Arrendale Lauren Hooks Ryan Hoyt Erin Jernigan Shepherd Center Marcus Community Bridge Program case manager Shelley Mitchell, left, advises patient Latesia McIntyre of Valdosta, Ga. 18 shepherd.org SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Phase III Campus Renovation Campaign Donors CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS Akers Foundation, Inc. The Arnold Foundation, Inc. Bank of America BBC Foundation BlackRock Matching Gifts Program Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Brent Family Foundation Broyhill Family Foundation, Inc. C. R. Bard, Inc. Callaway Foundation, Inc. The John Huland Carmical Foundation Coggins Granite Welfare Foundation Communities Foundation of Texas The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Courts Foundation, Inc. John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Gannett Georgia Dermatologic Surgery Centers, Inc. Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. The Leonard & Jerry Greenbaum Family Foundation John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation The Hodgson Charitable Trust Bobby Hogg Foundation, Inc. The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The Imlay Foundation, Inc. Lanier Goodman Foundation The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation The Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation, Inc. Mallory Mathison, Inc. Malone Law Offices, PC The Marcus Foundation, Inc. The Moran Family Foundation North Side Woman’s Club Parc Monceau Ltd. The Phoenix Society of Atlanta The Hellen Ingram Plummer Charitable Foundation The Rich Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation The Shepherd Center Auxiliary E. R. Snell Contractor, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Mike Utley Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Westwood Foundation Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. The David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund WXIA-TV, 11Alive and WATL-TV Yancey Bros. Co Ms. Sarethia Andrews Mr. John Anschutz Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Antonisse Dr. and Mrs. David F. Apple, Jr. Ms. Angela Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Arnold III Ms. Tamara Arnold Ms. Cyndae A. Arrendale Ms. Enoma Asemota Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Ashkouti Mr. Eugene F. Assaf, Jr. Ms. Tricia Atlee Mr. and Mrs. Walker E. Atrice Mrs. Sally C. Atwell Ms. Mary R. G. Ballard Ms. Denise Barber Mr. Jospeh Barber Ms. Kimether Barlow Ms. Amy Bartlett Ms. Caitlin Barton Ms. Cheri Baumgartner Mr. Phillip Baxter Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard Mr. James Beirne Mr. Ernesto Beltran Ms. Anneke Bender Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bennett, Jr. Ms. Tiffiny Benton Ms. Veronica Berluche Ms. Jennith Bernstein Mr. James Berry Ms. Julia Berry Ms. Erica Beter Ms. Rachel D. W. Betzler Dr. Gerald S. Bilsky and Dr. Judith Tolkan Mr. Jeremy C. Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bitterman Ms. Angela C. Black INDIVIDUAL DONORS A Anonymous (9) Ms. Corrie Abegglen Mr. Adam A. Abell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Abernethy Mr. Matthew Abisamra Ms. Rebecca Acevedo Ms. Agnes Achiaa Ms. Paula Ackerman Mr. Kirk Adams Ms. Alison Akard Ms. Afolabi Alase Mr. Andy Albert Ms. Jacuelyn A. Alexander Ms. Patrice Alexander Mr. Rolando A. Alexander Ms. LaShannon Ali Mr. Fred V. Alias Mr. Shaler Alias Ms. Sherlette Allen Ms. Regina Allen-Kinnell Ms. Pamela Amerman Ms. Amber Anderson Ms. Teresa R. Anderson Mr. Craig Andrews B Dr. Deborah Backus and Mr. Gerald Backus Ms. Wanda Bagley Ms. Joy E. Bailey Mr. Michael Bailey Mr. Steve Bailey Ms. Sarah Baker Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Q. Ball III Continued on Next Page PHASE II I C A M P U S R E N OVAT I O N C A M PA I G N D O N O R S s h e p h e rd .o rg 19 P HOTO BY JIM F IT TS Continued from Page 20 Dr. Bert Blackwell Ms. Katie A. Blair Ms. Brenna Blocker Ms. Kathleen Bloom Mr. Andrew Bogenschutz Ms. Amy S. Bohn Ms. Susan Boney Ms. Jacquelyn Boone Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bowen Mr. Larry Bowie, Jr. Mr. David Bowlin Dr. and Mrs. Brock Bowman Ms. Donna Bowman Ms. Marion Bracewell Ms. Brandi Bradford Ms. Lauren Bradley Ms. Amy Brake Mr. William R. Brakebill Mr. Danny Branch Mr. Karl Brandt Mr. Frank Brawley Ms. Deborah Breaux Mr. Spencer M. Brent III Ms. Coleen Bridges Ms. Sara Brockman Ms. Rebecca Brougham Ms. Allison Brown Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Brown Jamie Brown Ms. Laura J. Brown Ms. Sandra Brown Mr. John Browne Dr. Robert W. Browning Ms. Joy Bruce Mr. James L. Bryan Mrs. Desiree Buchanan Ms. Olivia Buckner Mr. Henry Burkard Mr. William Burke Ms. Monique Burnett Ms. Sheila Burson Ms. Dianne Busenbark Mrs. Barbara Butkus Ms. Dianne Butler C Ms. Marnite B. Calder Ms. Lynn M. Caldwell Mr. James R. Calise Mrs. Jill T. Campbell Ms. Raven Campbell Ms. Jana Candia Mr. Rocco J. Cannistraro Ms. Kathryn Cargile Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carlos Ms. Ann Carlsen Ms. Ruthann Carlton 20 shepherd.org 2009 Legendary Party Committee members left to right: Terri Vawter, Steve Lore and John Woodruff pose with Chairman Cyndae Arrendale and Chairman-elect Dorothy Mitchell-Leef, M.D. Ms. Edith Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Carroll Ms. Leslie Carter Ms. Loraine Carter Dr. and Mrs. George Rives Cary, Jr. Mr. Aaron Casey Mrs. Marti Casper Mr. Matthew Casper Ms. Kristen Casperson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caswell, Jr. Ms. Angela Cater Ms. Marilyn Cauley Mr. Joshua Cauthen Ms. Allison Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Chapman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Christian III Mr. Greg Clark Ms. Audrey E. Clarke Ms. Jeanette M. Clarke Mr. Macon H. Clarkson Mrs. Amy M. Clavijo Mrs. Mary Ellen Clear Ms. Ismari M. Clesson Ms. Teresa Cloud Ms. Betsy Cohen Mr. Blake R. Cohen Mr. Nate Collier Mr. and Mrs. Pete Collman Ms. Gloria Compton Ms. Gloria Cooley Ms. Deborah Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cooper III Ms. Terran Cooper Ms. Dawn Corbin Mr. Thomas Cosby Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Costner Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Cotton Mr. Jeffrey Couch Ms. Elise Coulson Mrs. and Mr. Jennifer Cowhig Ms. Joycelyn Craig Ms. Tanseishia Crawford Ms. Cynthia Cruz Ms. Glenda Culpepper Ms. Erin Cunning Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cutchnis IV Ms. Joyce Cuthbert Ms. Debra A. Cziok D Ms. Rebecca Dail Mr. Vu Dang Ms. Shenita Daniel Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davidson III Ms. Patricia Daviou Ms. Kimberly A. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Dawkins Ms. Marlaine Day Ms. Nymia De Luna Ms. Ann B. Deal Ms. Theresa Defilippis Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deloach Mr. Steve Delong Mrs. Mary E. DeNiro Mrs. Gwyn Dennard Ms. Jennifer Dennard Ms. Leanne Dennis Ms. Plushette Dennis Ms. Mary Dent Mr. Shep Dinos SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Ms. Michele Dipetrillo Ms. Adrianne Divito Dr. and Mrs. Keith Dockery Mr. Terry D. Dockery Mr. Colby Doepel Ms. Mary Donnan Ms. Helen H. Donnelly Ms. Marie Dorleus Ms. Sally Dorsey and Mr. Herb Miller Mr. Ralph Dougherty Mrs. Jennifer Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dozier Ms. Suzanne Drake Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Drake Mrs. Catherine Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dryman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. DuBose Ms. Diana Duemig Ms. Linda Dufour Ms. Catherine Dugger Ms. Sharlene Dukes Ms. Patricia Duncan Ms. Marianne Dunn Dr. Melissa T. Durand and Mr. Bert Durand Ms. Etta Durr E F Ms. Mildred Fair Mr. and Mrs. John Fairey Mr. Robert Farinholt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Farrell Ms. Kathryn Farris Ms. Elizabeth A. Farrow Ms. Nancy Fendler Mr. Charles Ferrell Ms. Katharine Field G Ms. Stacey Gaines Mr. Curtis Gaither Miss Meg Gammage Mr. Manuel Garcia Ms. Elizabeth J. Gardner Mr. Muscoe Garnett Ms. Erica Garofalo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Garr Ms. Hannah Garswah Mrs. Jessica L. Gary Ms. Monica M. Gaskin Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gauntt Ms. Robin Gehrke Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gibson Ms. Mary B. Gilbreath Lieutenant Colonel Jim Gillis IV Ms. Amanda J. Gillot Ms. Sandra Gimblet Ms. Keisha J. Gissendaner Ms. Brittany Giudice Ms. and Mr. Jacqueline Glowacki Dr. Robert E. Godsall Ms. Cami Godsey Ms. Paulette Golaub Mrs. Patricia P. Golub Ms. Mariela Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goodwyn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Goot Ms. Cathy Gragg Ms. Carole A. Granato Ms. Denise Gray Ms. Pamela Gray Mr. Huston Green Ms. Latoya Green Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Greene PHASE II I C A M P U S R E N OVAT I O N C A M PA I G N D O N O R S Ms. Jennifaye Greene Ms. Lauren Greenfeld Ms. Christy D. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Gregory Ms. Jacquelyn Grice Mr. Billy J. Griffin, Jr. Ms. Sonja Griffin Mr. Kendrick V. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grogg Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Grosch Ms. Tamatha Gunnells H Mr. Trevor Hackney Mrs. Brenda S. Hall Mrs. Susan A. Hall Ms. Amy Hall-Shalvoy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hamilton Ms. Debra Hammonds Mr. Lewis Haney Ms. Jamie Hannafin Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Hardage Ms. J. Cole Harding Ms. Julie Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Hardy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Rudy Harrell Ms. Allison Harris Ms. Tameka Harrison-Dennis Continued on Next Page PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Ms. Lisa Eagen Mr. and Mrs. Matt Edens Ms. Kari M. Edmond Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eichenberg Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Eitel Mr. Charles Elander Ms. Alesha Elliott Dr. and Mrs. David O. Ellis Ms. Linda Ellison Ms. Rachel Emery Ms. Clemmie Epps Mr. William B. Erb Ms. Marion Espino Ms. Dorothy Eubanks Mr. Kevin Evans Ms. Naima Fields Ms. Ruth T. Fierman Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. Fillhaber Mr. Robert P. Fiscella Mrs. Emily Fishburne Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Fishman Ms. Kelly Fitzgerald Ms. Tanis Flagg Ms. Janis Florendo Mr. George Fontaine Ms. Lisa Foster Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. James Fox Ms. Teresa Foy Ms. Erma S. Freeman Mrs. Marilyn M. Freeman Ms. Wendy Fritz Ms. Megan E. Fuller Mr. Glenn Fulwiler Bob Hagemayer is both a Shepherd Center patient and a donor. s h e p h e rd .o rg 21 Continued from Page 21 Ms. Renee Hart Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Hartigan Ms. Cynthia Hartley Ms. Lora Harvey Mr. and Ms. Jeff Hatala Ms. Danyale Hatfield Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hazel Miss Lauren Head Ms. Theresita Heaggans Ms. Sarah E. Heaner Ms. Sarah L. Heaton Ms. Rim Hendi Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Henley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hennessy Mr. Richard Henry Ms. Eugenia Herbst Ms. Patricia Higgins Ms. Julie Hill Ms. Jennifer Hilley Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Hitch Ms. Melinda Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hodo Ms. Latonya Hodo Mr. Nick Hoffman Mr. Paul Hogg Ms. Pauline Hogue Ms. Paula Holderfield Ms. Sabrina Holland Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Holleman Ms. Katie Holloway Ms. Barbara Holt Mr. Keith Holt Mrs. Minna Hong and Mr. Wayne Ware Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoogs Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Hooks Ms. Sheryl Hope Ms. Polly Hopkins Ms. Jennifer Houlder Mr. Darryl Housworth Mrs. Robert J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hoyt Ms. Debbrena Hucey Ms. Jane Huckeba Mrs. Lesley M. Hudson Ms. Julie Huerbin Ms. Jennifer Huggins Mr. Billy Hughes Ms. Dorothy Hunt Ms. Sandra Hunter Ms. Esther Hurston Ms. Sarah C. Hussey Ms. Lisa G. Huthmacher I Ms. Violeta Insenga Ms. Elizabeth Iski 22 shepherd.org J Ms. Adrian C. Jackson Ms. Evelyn Jackson Mr. Frederick H. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Hardie S. Jackson, Sr. Mr. Maurice B. Jackson Ms. Tara Jackson-Lyons Ms. Dee Dee Jacobs Ms. Dorriska D. Jacobs Ms. Deborah James Dr. Gary James Ms. Kathleen Jarvis Ms. Marie Jean Ms. Carla Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jenkins Mr. Stanley Jennings Ms. Gena R. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Tom O. Jewell Ms. Candace Johnson Mrs. Cynthia Johnson Mrs. Cynthia M. Johnson Ms. Debra Johnson Ms. Delores Johnson Ms. Dyan Johnson Ms. Jane A. Johnson Mr. Johnathan C. Johnson Ms. Keren Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Johnson Ms. Mary Johnson Ms. Shawn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson Ms. Diane Johnston Ms. Barbara J. Jones Ms. Brenda Jones Ms. Dorothy Jones Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones Ms. Janice Jones Mr. and Mrs. Justin Jones Ms. Kaitlin Jones Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones Ms. Maurnice Jones-Crowley Ms. Shaunda Joseph Ms. Sonji Josephs K Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kahn Ms. Yong Kang Ms. Carlyn Kappy Mrs. Deborah A. Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Kelley Ms. Charmica Kelly Ms. Debra Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Kelly Mr. Terrence P. Kelly Ms. Carolyn Kemp Mrs. and Mr. Susan S. Kendall Mr. James L. Kennedy Ms. Sue Kenner Mr. Patrick Kerney Mr. and Mrs. James C. Killebrew Ms. Ashley Kim Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. King Mrs. Tamara King Ms. Conekia M. Kinsey Ms. Sharron Kirby Ms. Marta Kirchman Ms. Nell Klein Dr. Urszula Klich Mr. and Mrs. David Kloberdanz Ms. Dana Kobler Ms. Catherine M. Koerner Ms. Terri Kohn Ms. Ashley Koontz Dr. Jill M. Koval Ms. Courtney Kovanis Ms. Kathy Kreger Mr. David Kreutz Mrs. Andrew Kromis Ms. Erin Kromis Ms. Kathie Kurtz-LaPlume L Mrs. Gloria Landreth Mr. Alexander Lane Ms. Kristy Lane Ms. Paige Lanier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lanier II Dr. and Mrs. Willis E. Lanier Mr. Willard Lariscy Ms. Cora Laster Ms. Roswitha Lawrence Ms. Ann B. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lawson, Jr. Mr. John Layton Ms. Darlene LeBoeuf Ms. Tiffany LeCroy Ms. Sylvia Lee Ms. Julie Leighton Ms. Sue Lemaire Ms. Sherryl Lenzy Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Ms. Sara Levis Mr. David Lewis Mr. Jeff Lewis Ms. Neko Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lindauer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lindauer Ms. Cheryl A. Linden Ms. Patricia Lingefelt Dr. and Mrs. John Crawford Lipman Ms. Kate S. Lipton Ms. Colleen Lobban Ms. Cecilia Locke SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Mr. Mark Lockridge Ms. Sarah Logan Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Logue Ms. Fatima Lombay Ms. Jennifer Long Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lore Ms. Sarah B. Lottes Ms. Donna W. Loupus Mrs. Megan R. Lowden Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Lufkin Ms. Lisa Lundy Ms. Michele Luther-Krug M Ms. Tara Maccaughelty Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Macciocchi Ms. Donna Mack Ms. Rhonda Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Carter P. Maguire, Jr. Ms. Anne Malueg Ms. Christine Manella Ms. Nora Mangrum Ms. Neile Manning Ms. Kelly Mansulich Ms. Juanita Manuel Mr. John Marson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Ms. Virginia Martin Ms. Erma Mathews Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mathews III Ms. Cynthia Mathewson Ms. Anastasia Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Matthews Ms. Erin O. Mattingly Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Mattox Ms. Christine L. Maurer Mr. Robert L. Mays Mrs. Barbara J. McArdle Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McCague Ms. Rebecca McCallum-McWalters Mrs. Shaun C. McCarthy Ms. Briana McCarty Ms. Colleen McCrory Ms. Tiera McCullough Ms. Constance McCullough-Walden Mr. Jeremy McDaniel Mr. John McDaniel Ms. Tamara K. McDonald Ms. Shari McDowell Mr. Chris McGourk Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGovern Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGrew Ms. Karla McNulty Mr. Michael McNulty Ms. Allison Mee Mr. and Mrs. Dean Melcher Dr. and Mrs. Eric Melzig Ms. Robyn Melzig Mr. John Merrick Ms. Karen S. Merritt Mr. Tyrone Merritt Ms. Amanda L. Miller Ms. Paula Miller Ms. Thomas Miller Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Millians Mr. Heath Milligan Mr. David Mills Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mills, Jr. Ms. Jeanette Mills Ms. Shirley Millwood Mr. and Mrs. George Mirgorod Ms. Chiketta Mitchell Mrs. John O. Mitchell Ms. Shelley Mitchell Ms. Virginia Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Moderow Mr. and Ms. Julian B. Mohr Ms. Lindsey Montagnino Ms. Susie Montgomery Ms. Kendra Moon Mr. and Mrs. Spencer L. Moore Ms. Taylor Moore Ms. Velma Moore Mr. John Morawski Ms. Crystal Morgan Ms. Kimmeone Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Morris Mr. John Morris Mr. Joseph A. Morris Ms. Lauralee Morris Mr. Michael Morris Mr. Tyson Morris Ms. Claudette Morrison Ms. Sarah A. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Duane M. Morrow Mr. Stanlishio Moss Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mullins Miss Helen Mundin Ms. Nacola Munford Ms. Amy Murphy Ms. Kathleen D. Murphy Continued on Next Page PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Occupational therapist Melinda Hodgson works with MS patient Ophelia Gregory of Roswell, Ga. PHASE II I C A M P U S R E N OVAT I O N C A M PA I G N D O N O R S s h e p h e rd .o rg 23 Continued from Page 23 P N Ms. Laurie Nash Mr. Gregory Natvig Ms. Kristin Ndiaye Ms. Nancy Ndure Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neal Ms. Donna Neff Mr. Joseph Neilson Ms. Lundri Nelson Ms. Patricia A. Nelson Ms. Michelle Nemeth Mr. Christopher Nesbitt Ms. Sary Newman Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Newton III Ms. Rhea Newton Miss Natasha Nichols Ms. Lauren Nieves Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Nunnally III Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Ms. Hong Eng Ny Ms. Liv Nyankori O Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Odegard Ms. Wanda H. Odumade Ms. Osana Ogunnowo Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Oliver, Jr. Mr. Ibrahim Olokodana Ms. Karla K. Orr Mr. Drew Oswald Ms. Ashley Oswalt Ms. Elizabeth Owens Mr. Michael E. Owens Ms. Ivy Oxendine Ms. Shauntelle Pitts Ms. Kristi Poltrack Ms. Shannon Ponsell Ms. Heather Powers Mr. Glenn Prescott Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prickett Ms. Renee L. Prince Mr. Sean Pruett Ms. Cara D. Puckett Mr. and Mrs. William M. Puckett Ms. Melissa Pullia Ms. Hadley Puntereri Ms. Linda Putnam Mr. Matt Pyles Ms. Nakuma Pack Mr. Randy Padgett Mrs. Wendy Pagan Ms. Deborah Page Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Panos Dr. Anna Pare and Dr. Richard E. Pare Mr. Brian B. Park Mr. and Mrs. David Park Ms. Barbara H. Parker Mr. James Parker Ms. Karen Parks Ms. Kawanda Parks Ms. Monica Parra Ms. Lelia Parris Ms. Mitaben Patel Ms. Karen Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Solon P. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. John Payne Ms. Anne W. Pearce Ms. Kathryn Pender Ms. Dawn Pennington Ms. Darci Pernoud Ms. Ginger J. Perritt Ms. Ashley Peters Mrs. Charles H. Peterson Ms. and Mr. Heather C. Petkovsek Ms. Mary Petrush Ms. Elizabeth Pharo Ms. Nancy A. Phillips Ms. Shanika Pierce Ms. Chantale Pierrepaul Ms. Angela Pihera Ms. Pamela Pinkins Q Ms. Beverly Quarles Mr. Jerry Queen Ms. Kimberly Queen R PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Ruth Fierman, center, an occupational therapist in Shepherd Center’s Assistive Technology Center (ATC), evaluates whether the Eyegaze Edge system is appropriate for patient Julius Singleton of Burnsville, W. Va. 24 shepherd.org Ms. Susanna Rains Ms. Brenda Randolph Ms. Mansi Raval Ms. Kathryn Rawlins Mrs. Tina Raziano Ms. Jeanne G. Reagan Mr. Shyam Reddy Ms. Danielle Reed Ms. Joan Reed Mr. Timothy Reese Mr. and Mrs. Barry Regal Mr. Daniel Regenstein Ms. Angela M. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Erwin C. Reid Mr. Kenneth Remoe-Doherty Mr. Ryan T. Reynolds Ms. Glorie Rice Ms. Cecilia Rider Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ridgeway Mr. and Ms. Chandler W. Riley Ms. Lisa Ritson Ms. Rachel Roback Mr. and Mrs. Brad Roberts Ms. Dalise Robinson Ms. Shirley Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rodgers Mr. Anthony Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Rogers Mr. Willie Rollie Jamie Romas Ms. Sylvia Ronco Reverend Alan Roof Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rooker Mrs. Marion Roques SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 P HOTO BY L E ITA COWA RT Ms. Tammy Rowe Ms. Dorothy Rudolph Mrs. Elizabeth Rueedi-Murchison Ms. Lisa A. Ruger Mrs. Ann Ruple Ms. Rebecca Russell S Mr. Ralph Salandy Ms. Adrienne Samaritan Ms. Jane Sanders Mr. Martin Sargent Ms. Beth Sasso Mrs. Tricia Sauer Ms. Tiffany Schader Ms. Bonnie Schaude Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schickel Ms. Laura Schmeier Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. Rob Scott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scott Ms. Anita R. Seamster Mr. J. K. Searcy Dr. and Mrs. Ron Seel Ms. Michelle Semrad Ms. Tami Severs-Pachal, RN Mr. Gary Sewell Mr. Randolph Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Shackelford III Ms. Jane Sharman Dr. and Mrs. Erik T. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shepherd III Ms. Julie Shepherd Mr. Thomas C. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde Shepherd III Mr. and Mr. John Sherman, Jr. Mr. William T. Shiverick Ms. Stephanie Short Mrs. John T. Siegel Ms. Amanda Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Dell B. Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sikes Ms. Heddi Silon Ms. Stacy M. Simmons Ms. Jaime Singletary Mr. Brett Sirockman Ms. Robin J. Skolsky Mr. Stephen R. Slade Ms. Earnestine Slaughter Mr. James Sledge III Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Slonaker Ms. Agatha Smarte Ms. Betsy G. Smith Brenda and Dick Smith Shepherd Center co-founder Alana Shepherd, center, visits with Spinal Cord Injury Day Program patients Natalie Shinn of Rockledge, Fla., and Michael Bruist of Kokomo, Ind. Mr. Bronson D. Smith Ms. Catherine Smith Mr. Charlie Smith Ms. Cheryl Smith Ms. Danielle Smith Ms. Jennifer L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. K. Boynton Smith Mr. Larry Smith Mr. Oscar Smith Ms. Patricia Smith Ms. Sandra G. Smith Ms. Stacy Smith Mr. Trenton Smith Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sneed Ms. Judeth Spaulding Ms. Amanda Spooner Ms. Ingrid Spychalla Ms. Christy Stackhouse Mrs. Jackie Stackpole Mr. and Mrs. William Steele III Ms. Angela Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stephens Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stephenson Ms. Antoinette Stewart Mr. Jurgen Stielow and Ms. Posy Stielow Ms. Andrea Stiff Ms. Yolanda Stinson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Stone Ms. Kathleen Strauser Ms. Yvonne Strozier-McFadden Ms. Kristie Summers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Summers Judge and Mrs. Charles D. Susano, Jr. Ms. Kelly Sutton Mr. Andrew Swan Ms. Jennifer K. Swindall Ms. Linda Swinney PHASE II I C A M P U S R E N OVAT I O N C A M PA I G N D O N O R S T Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Tant Dr. Rhonda Taubin Ms. Marilyn Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teague Mr. Monty Telford Mrs. Dorothy J. Terry Ms. Ansley D. Thomas Ms. Margaret Thomas Ms. Amy Thompson Mrs. Courtney Thompson Mr. Frederick Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson Mr. John P. Thornton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton Ms. Brenda Thorpe Dr. Karen Thrower and Dr. Ben W. Thrower Mr. Jason S. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Tippett Ms. Jennifer Tommasello Ms. Jessica Toney Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Tracy Mr. Andrew Tritt Ms. Nancy Trivett Mr. John Tucker Ms. Faith Turner Ms. Sherry D. Turner Mr. Douglas Tuttle Continued on Next Page s h e p h e rd .o rg 25 Continued from Page 25 Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Ulicny Mr. and Mrs. Russell Umphenour III Ms. Elizabeth Upshaw-Jones Ms. Theresa Uritsky V Mr. and Mrs. Brian VanHiel Ms. Sheri Vassell-Billings Ms. Melissa Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Marcelo Vazquez Ms. Joan Ventresca W 26 shepherd.org Y Mr. and Mrs. Goodloe H. Yancey III Mr. and Mrs. P. Daniel Yates III Mr. and Mrs. Presley D. Yates IV Ms. Tammy Young Mr. and Mrs. William D. Young Z Ms. Nancy Zamora-Miller Mrs. Rachael L. Zichella Ms. Jessica Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zimmerle Mr. Joshua Zottnick Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuravle, Jr. PHOTO BY GARY MEEK Ms. Jenna Walker Mrs. Joseph Walker Mr. Kent I. Walker Ms. Diane R. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wallace Mrs. Tracey D. Wallace Mrs. Tracy L. Walling Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walters Mr. and Mrs. James K. Walton Ms. Ronda Walton Ms. Halli Cohn and Mr. Richard J. Warren Mrs. Rebecca Washburn Mrs. Deanna L. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Webb Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Weed Ms. Mary Weems Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells III Mrs. Debbie Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Weston Ms. Phoebe K. Whisnant Ms. Meredith Whitaker Mrs. Allison L. White Ms. Dawn M. White Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. White Ms. Joann Whitney Mrs. Nancy Whitney Ms. Carol Whitter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wiesen Mr. Hubert L. Wilcox Ms. Amanda Wilcoxson Ms. Kendra Wilkerson Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Wilks Mr. Emerson Williams Ms. Hobby Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Williams Jr. Ms. Lydia B. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Mason M. Williams Mrs. Perry Ann Williams Ms. Sandra L. Williams Mr. Charles Willingham Mrs. Christine Willis Ms. Patricia Willis Ms. Tuwanyo Willis Ms. Bradley Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton E. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Matt Wilson Mrs. Sheila J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Zachary M. Wilson Ms. Pam Winter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wirth Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Withers Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wolf Ms. Tamara Wolliston Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Woodside, Jr. Ms. Jane Woodward Ms. and Mrs. Tom Woollen Mr. Gregory Wright Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wright, Jr. Darryl Kaelin, M.D., medical director of Shepherd’s Acquired Brain Injury Program, chats with patient Lauren Rushen of Hartselle, Ala. SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 PHOTO BY LEITA COWART U Talbot Kennedy, 23, originally from Memphis, Tenn., is a member of Shepherd Center’s quad rugby team. He took up the sport after completing rehabilitation for his spinal cord injury. PHASE II I C A M P U S R E N OVAT I O N C A M PA I G N D O N O R S s h e p h e rd .o rg 27 Board of Directors Fiscal Year 2010 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OFFICERS James H. Shepherd, Jr. David F. Apple, Jr., M.D. Julian B. Mohr Brock Bowman, M.D. Chairman Chairman/CEO, Plant Improvement Co., Inc. James M. Caswell, Jr. Charles T. Nunnally III Wilma Bunch Gary R. Ulicny, Ph.D. Shareholder Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Martin Vice President of Facility Services Shepherd Center Sally Nunnally Mitchell J. Fillhaber Vice President of Marketing and Managed Care Shepherd Center President/CEO Shepherd Center Emory A. Schwall Vice President Senior Partner Law Offices of Emory Schwall William C. Fowler Treasurer Private Investor Stephen B. Goot Corporate Secretary Retired Alana Shepherd Recording Secretary Co-Founder Shepherd Center Medical Director Emeritus Shepherd Center General Partner PC Associates Sara Chapman Teacher The Westminster Schools Fred V. Alias CEO Sandcastle Resorts, Inc. Greg Anderson Community Volunteer Community Volunteer Clark H. Dean J. Harold Shepherd Senior Managing Director Studley, Inc. Retired Shepherd Construction Co. John S. Dryman W. Clyde Shepherd III President The Dryman Team President Plant Improvement Co., Inc. David H. Flint James E. Stephenson Partner Schreeder, Wheeler & Flint, LLP Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Medical Director Shepherd Center Douglas Lindauer MEMBERS President Momar, Inc. Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. President Yancey Bros. Co. Chief Financial Officer Shepherd Center Michael L. Jones, Ph.D. Tamara King, RN, MSN, CCM, CRRN James D. Thompson Retired President ING Life of Georgia Chief Nurse Executive Shepherd Center Scott H. Sikes, MBA, CFRE, CFP® Vice President of Development Shepherd Center Executive Director Shepherd Center Foundation DIRECTOR EMERITI Goodloe H. Yancey III Retired Chairman Yancey Bros. Co. C. Duncan Beard Principal Beard-Shuford Financial Group Board of Trustees Stephen B. Holleman, MBA, CPA Vice President of Research and Technology Shepherd Center Bernie Marcus Chairman The Marcus Foundation Associate Medical Director Shepherd Center Fiscal Year 2010 OFFICERS Douglas Lindauer Scott H. Sikes, MBA, CFRE, CFP® John A. Carlos Stephen R. Hennessy Chairman Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Vice Chairman & Treasurer National Distributing Company, Inc. Hennessy Automobile Companies Mark C. Dawkins, Ph.D. Cynthia McCague Executive Director Vice President Shepherd Center TRUSTEES Associate Professor J.M. Tull School of Accounting University of Georgia Vice Chairman Senior Vice President of Human Resources The Coca-Cola Company Claire “Yum” Lewis Arnold Alana Shepherd Beard-Shuford Financial Group Executive Director State Bar of Georgia Diversity Program Brian S. “BB” Brown Vivian N. DuBose President and Chief Executive Officer Noble Properties, Inc. Secretary Co-Founder Shepherd Center David F. Apple, Jr., M.D. Treasurer Medical Director Emeritus Shepherd Center 28 shepherd.org Chief Executive Officer Leapfrog Services, Inc. C. Duncan Beard Retired Marnite B. Calder Executive Director The Halle Foundation Stephen B. Holleman Chief Financial Officer Shepherd Center Betty F. King Community Volunteer Molly Lanier Marian Dockery Thomas M. Garr Managing Director Mastholm Asset Management, LLC Community Volunteer Donald Peck Leslie, M.D. Medical Director Shepherd Center Stephen M. Lore Partner Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough Billi Marcus Community Volunteer SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Auxiliary Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Marla Bennett Membership President Buck Rogers Maureen Escott Peach Corps President-Elect Stacy Scott Susan Marchman Peach Corps Treasurer Karen Mathews Juli Owens Pecans on Peachtree Recording Secretary Marla Bennett Gloria Stone Pecans on Peachtree Corresponding Secretary Maureen Escott Diane Ashkouti Special Mailings Immediate Past President Bart Marks SC Board Liaison/Honorary Life Board Member Alana Shepherd Honorary Life Board Member Cookie Aftergut Honorary Life Board Member Angie Marshall Honorary Life Board Member Claire Smith SC Foundation Liaison Scott H. Sikes Volunteer Services Liaison Midge Tracy Special Projects COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Lois Puckett Historian Polly Bowman Special Projects Mary Kay Howard Peach Corps Special Projects Carol Olsen Hospitality Beverly Mitchell CO-CHAIRS Sunshine Nancy Dilly Hospitality Denise Cohen Stacy Scott Karen Mathews Sunshine Barbara McArdle Legendary Party Cyndae Arrendale Telephone Jeannine Kirkland Legendary Party Dorothy Mitchell-Leef, M.D. Telephone Doris Shelton Membership Gloria Stone SC Advisory Board Liaison James Calise Robert L. “Bobby” Mays Emory A. Schwall Gary R. Ulicny, Ph.D. President and Chief Executive Officer Shepherd Center Retired Officer SunTrust Bank, Atlanta Floyd C. Newton III Partner King & Spalding, LLP Law Offices Emory Schwall James H. Shepherd, Jr. Chairman and CEO Plant Improvement Company, Inc. McKee Nunnally Dell B. Sikes Retired Executive Morgan Stanley Special Advisor Shepherd Center Foundation James E. “Ernie” Prickett Boynton Smith Senior Vice President McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Georgia Prickett & Weitnauer Larry L. Prince Chairman of the Executive Committee Genuine Parts Company Frederick J. Rowan II Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Carter’s, Inc. LEADERS H I P Charles A. Smithgall III Chairman and Chief Executive Officer SEI/Aaron’s, Inc. Karen Sturm Community Volunteer Jane Woodruff Community Volunteer Campaign Cabinet Fred Alias David Apple, Jr., M.D. Diane Ashkouti Marla Bennett Brian S. “BB” Brown Marnite Calder Jim Calise Sally Dorsey Tom Garr Bonnie Hardage Donald P. Leslie, M.D. Douglas Lindauer Cynthia McCague Duane Morrow Floyd Newton Talbot Nunnally Ernie Prickett Lois Puckett Emory Schwall Alana Shepherd James Shepherd Dell Sikes Scott Sikes Boynton Smith Gary Ulicny, Ph.D. s h e p h e rd .o rg 29 the legendary party 2009 CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE AT LARGE Cyndae Arrendale Carol Abreu Mo Akbar Cathy Allen CHAIR-ELECT Jane Apple Dorothy Mitchell-Leef, M.D. Gus Arrendale Diane Ashkouti Lou Bailey HONORARY CHAIRMAN Crystal and Jeff Baker Ruth Bartlett Jane Woodruff Shellie Beard Melanie Birchfield Kendall Boggs STEERING COMMITTEE Polly Bowman Rebecca Brodnan Elizabeth Allen Marnite Calder Ruth Anthony Beth and Rives Cary Dave Apple, M.D. Cindy Chapman Sherri Crawford Sara Chapman Sally Dorsey Nina Cheney Bill Fowler Denise Cohen Carol Goodman Laurie Coleman Anne Hux Janet Costello Valery Voyles Jordan Pam D’Andria Jayne Lipman Faye Donaldson Angie Marshall Beverly Douglas Ruth McDonald Eileen DuBose Beverly Mitchell Kevin Esch Juli Owens Diane Evans Lois Puckett Kathy Fincher Vickie Scaljon Heather and Eli Flint Emory Schwall Susan Forehand Alana Shepherd Cindy Fowler Harold Shepherd Mary Frances Garrett James Shepherd Kristen Gibbs Claire Smith Judi Gilsdorf Rebecca Smith Debbie Goot Karen Sturm Joanne Gross Sally Tomlinson Tami Gross June Weitnauer 2009 COMMITTEE PH OTO BY JIM FITTS Zoe Haugo Kathy Hunsinger Kimberley Ichter Barbara Joiner Anne Jones Brenna Kaelin Don Leslie Steve Lore Leslie McLeod Herb Miller Elizabeth Morris Linda and Tom Morris Suze Nicholas Colleen Nilan Sally Nunnally Talbot Nunnally Deborah O’Connor Mary Portman Jane Puskas Holly Rhodes Harrison Rohr Jack Sawyer Diana Sharple Deborah Shaw Becca Shepherd Linda Shepherd Sarah Shepherd Neil Shulman Dell Sikes Jane and Dan Skinner Donna Slappey Pam Smart Brenda Smith Karen Spiegel Melissa Stang Patricia Thomas Carol Thompson Liz Troy Terry and Wes Vawter Julie Vickers Cindy Voyles Clare Walker Gil Watson Jody Weatherly Rebecca and Den Webb Susan White Winston Wiant Robin Williams Kim Willis Cecilia Wright June Weitnauer and Emory Schwall dance to Doc Scantlin and the Imperial Palms Orchestra at The Legendary Party 2009. 30 shepherd.org Shepherd Center Cup CHAIRMAN Shaler Alias SPONSORSHIP CHAIRS William Brakebill John Stewart Bradley Wilson SPONSORSHIP COMMITTEE Hunter Amos Duncan Beard Jeremy Borak Andrew Bouton Allison Brown Reg Buzzell Jim Caswell Jay Cohen Hamilton Dickey John Dryman Paxton Head Krunch Kloberdanz McKee Nunnally Jason Powell John Rooker Kevin Sessions Frank Spears AUCTION CHAIRS Juli Owens Lois Puckett Winston Wiant AUCTION COMMITTEE Shannon Battle Charles Beard Duvall Brumby Michelle Crenshaw Tammie Dunlap Doug Lindauer Jayne Lipman Steve Lore Philip Mize Duane Morrow Jamie Reynolds Amy Salloum Dana Shepherd Bronson Smith William Stallworth Kate Stewart Jennifer Tommasello SHEPHERD CENTER DONOR REPORT 2010 Derby Day 2009 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE junior committee 2008-2009 CO-CHAIRMEN Ryan Hoyt Erin Jernigan DERBY DAY CO-CHAIRS Ryan Hoyt Erin Jernigan SPONSORSHIP CO-CHAIRS Annie Evans Stuart Griswold MEMBERSHIP CO-CHAIRS BEVERAGE CO-CHAIRS Miller Jackson Kirk Martin Bobby Norwood Hunter Ross AUCTION CO-CHAIR TREASURER Reagan Michaelis Lauren Tucker Shannon Shipley FIELD OPERATIONS COMMITTEE SHEPHERD CENTER EVENT MANAGER Anne Pearce Hamilton Bridges John Simpson Wesley Snapp Trey Weatherly COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS FOOD TICKETS Allison Escott Bettina Hall Mandy Blackmon Nadine Helal DECORATIONS T-SHIRTS Monica Beeson Lindsay Griswold Amanda Kimbrough Brynn Lorenzen Scott Tucker PUBLICITY RACE DAY GAMES Adam Bell Marc Wheeler Nancy McKee Nandi Thorn SOCIAL/HOSPITALITY GAMES Jami Hanzman Ross Stallings BAND AND ENTERTAINAMENT Andy Mitwol D I R E C TORY LEADERS HIP Jenn Gay Laura Menaquale Lindsey Licata Linsey Star MEMBERS Marisa Abernethy Craig Adams Logan Adams Morgan Akers Sabrina Altenbach Taylor Arnold Judd Asbill Ashley Ashkouti Joseph Ashkouti Michael Ashkouti Ryan Avery Alex Bach Kelly Backus Elizabeth Balentine Emily Balentine Erika Bandy Bryan Barton Erin Beasley Katie Beasley Victoria Beasley Jay Beckner Jessica Bedsole Monica Beeson Adam Bell Lindsey Benedict Thomas Benton Michael Berson Mandi Besecker Mandy Blackmon Dana Bolnick Clary Bosbyshell Heath Boucek Maggie Bowden Brittney Bowen Michael Bowler Blair Brading Alice Brennan Hamilton Bridges Mary Ann Bridges Demaris Brooks Elizabeth Broome Emily Rose Brown Duvall Brumby Leila Brumby Gena Bryant Katie Buice Daniel Buran Julia Burdell Laura Burdine Anne Russell Calvert Nick Cameron Meghan Campbell Quint Cannon Kari Carlos Erin Carlsen Jeff Carter Karen Carter Liz Caskie Jim Caswell Taylor Chamberlin Holly Cheek Jeremy Chick Reid Childers Beth Christian Martha Christopher Jane Christovao Leslie Christy Ian Clark Ashley Coker Beth Coop Brian Cooper Quinn Copeland Carolyn Cordtz Brian Cosgray Laura Cosgray Tyler Courtney Betsy Cowart Lelvin Crowe Jeffrey Crumbley Emily Curnin Katie Cyphers Elizabeth Daniel S.W. Dawson Thomas Day Robert Decosimo Amy DeFer Joey DeHaven Callie DeVore Harry Dixon Andrew Dorman Stokes Doster Erin Doyle Ginger Drake Dan Dunavant Kate Dunaway Sara Dunphy Carrie Dunton Brian Earp Chris Eddy Kristina Eden Holloway Egan Adam Eichholz Will ElLaissi Ally Escott Annie Evans Caroline Evans Hunter Evans Melissa Evans Nick Everly Kevin Ewalt Scott Farmer Kathleen Farr Bret Feingerts Keri Fleming Ridey Foster Continued on Next Page s h e p h e rd .o rg 31 Junior Committee Continued from Page 31 P HOTO BY CL A R IUS P HOTOGRA P HY Jackie Fryer Alexandra Futch Jennifer Gay Amanda Gerhardt Corinne Gersten Hannah Gibbs Courtney Gillon Rob Glenn Christopher Godfrey Lauren Godwin Jenny Gold Erika Gongola Meredith Gould Bill Gourley Elizabeth Gray Stephanie Grear Mikaela Green Lindsay Griswold Stuart Griswold Christie Groome Louis Gruver Anthea Gulas Hayden Gunn Sarah Gwaltney Bettina Hall Brandi Hall Kristen Hansen Jami Hanzman Lauren Harley Brenden Harper Kelly Harwell Nick Haughey Meghan Hawthorne Rebekah Hay Ashley Hayes Leah Heald Emily Hedrick Nadine Helal Catie Helms Claire Hennessey Shannon Hennessy Dabney Hopkins Donald Houser Katie Houser Hayley Howell Kadee Hoyt Caroline Hunter Miller Jackson Risha Jackson Meg Jacobs Robert Jameson Jennifer Jenkins Austin Johnson Lindsay Johnson Ashley Johnston Shannon Johnston Harrison Jones Kurt Jones Justin Kanitz Joanna Kerr Robert Kerr Amanda Kimbrough Jesse King Joshua Kuder Mary Langsfeld Robert Larsen Cheryl Lassiter Andrea Lee Elizabeth Lemberger Dan Lenahan Lauren Leverette Lindsay Licata Caitlin Lighter Bob Livingston Katie Long Edmund Lord Brynn Lorenzen Callie Lowe Kristin Macaluso Jennifer Maceyak Madelyn Mansfield Lauren Mansour Derby Day isn’t just a chance for the ladies to show off their derby fashion. Arriving in style was the objective for these guys, and they certainly did achieve their goal. PHOTO BY JONATHAN CH ICK Shepherd Center supporters attend Derby Day 2009 to help the Junior Committee raise funds to support the hospital’s therapeutic recreation programs. 32 shepherd.org Patrick Marshall Hutch Martin Kirk Martin Christy Maxwell Joe Mays Alex McArthur Haley McCabe Brian McCarthy Dennis McClelland Tippa McClure Sanders McCown Kevin McKane Meg McKane Nancy McKee Lesslie Meier Laura Menaquale Cambey Merritt Reagan Michaelis David Mikush Emily Miller Stephanie Milne Katie Mingo Andy Mitwol Philip Mize Bridgett Molony Jay Moody Abby Moore Melissa Morgan Maggie Morris Laura Morrison Melissa Moss Marion Mozley Caroline Murphree Kevin Murphy Meghan Murphy Meredith Murphy Jenny Neuhart Patrick Neuman Grantham Nicholson Julie Nickel Bobby Norwood Erin Papka Carla Paschke Sara Pheasant Courtney Phillips Kate Phillips Lauren Phillips Shepperd Phillips Michael Power Lauryn Prattes Caeser Pruett Elizabeth Prusiewicz Cara Puckett Dustin Ramsey Mike Ramsey Kelly Redding Katie Redeker Joe Revnes Charlotte Rigby Steve Rittle Tom Rittle Graham Roberts Caldwell Robinson Kay Rogers Orin Romain Hunter Ross Jennifer Rowan Amy Salloum Brooke Sapp Morgan Sapp Woodrow Sapp Lauren Schaper David Scherer Mary Schoerner Colleen Schrader Lindsey Selleck Continued on Next Page SHEPHERD CENTER DONO R R EPORT 2010 Christina Setser Robert Shaw Jeff Sherman Shannon Shipley Anna Sibley John Simpson Charles Slick Leslie Smith Sarah Kathryn Smith Scott Smith Elizabeth Smithgall Jason Smithgall Wesley Snapp Blake Spencer Scott Springfield Jackie Stackpole Mary Jane Stacy Ross Stallings Linsey Star Laura Strickler Liz Strickler Lindsey Striplin Samantha Strowbridge Lauren Sullivan Maggie Temple Jay Thaw Jessica Thomas Hagan Thompson Nandi Thorn John Thornton Megan Tinkler Rebekah Todd Jennifer Tommasello Lauren Toth Sonya Truman Lauren Tucker Scott Tucker Lisa Tyler Louise Unti Zack Usilton Marzanne Venter Jeffrey Viscomi Erin Vogel Taylor Ward Trey Weatherly Meredith Webb John Webster Jenni Weigel Kate Welch Marc Wheeler Tom Whitehead Sarah Wideman Elizabeth Williams Ellen Williams Ryan Willingham Alexis Wimberly Aaron Wise Dena Woodhams Jill Woodruff Allison Wright Eddie Wynn Christian Young Emily Young Sarah Zeeman Adam Zuckerman Lindsey Zuckerman LEADERS H I P Shepherd Center Society 2008-2009 FOUNDING MEMBERS Lauren Hooks Leah Humphries Lauren Imber Mike Imber Meredith Mansfield Alex Panos Caeser Pruett Meredith Repp Daryn Schwartz Jamie Shepherd Sarah Shepherd Jessica Toney Albie Whitaker CHARTER MEMBERS Erin Abernethy Patrick Abernethy Mandi Besecker Wynne Bolton Ashley Bowling William Brakebill Jim Calise Sarah Cyphers Thomas Cyphers Andrew Day Jennifer DeLoach Mark DeLoach Richard Deriso Suzanne Deriso Julie Donaldson Robert Fell Anne Fleming Mindy Glass Jason Godwin Mimi Godwin Svea Hall Sarah Hawkins Jill Henke Hudson Hooks Margaret Hopkins Christina Horten Mora Hostetter Robert Hostetter Kadee Hoyt Ryan Hoyt Nick Humphries Elise Jacobs Kellie Johnson Jessica Jones Justin Jones Lucy King Kate Lovein Will Lovell Kate Lowe Stacey Lucas Courtney Lundeen Kirk Martin Berkeley McAfee Edward McAfee Laura McAlister Natalie McElveen Brandie Miner David Moreland Sarah Moreland David Nagel Heidi Nagel Christopher Nunn Nancy Nunn Alden Potts Carter Potts Alan Redding Kelly Redding Elizabeth Rogers Christopher Rollins Hunter Ross Sarah Kathryn Smith Stacy Smith Wesley Snapp Anna Stephens Kurt Stephens Anne Weaver Price Weaver Taylor Weitz Beth Wetzler Ernie Wetzler Jennifer Widener Mary Kathryn Williams Jessica Ziegler GENERAL MEMBERS Justin Arpey Judd Asbill Steven Benjamin Jim Bethea Ashley Brown Duvall Brumby Brian Cosgray Laura Cosgray Katie Cunningham Erin Darcy Jim Darcy Adrian Davis Ellie Davis Byron Deen Laura Diamond Richard Diamond Mina Elmankabady Amy Gaines Angela Griner Stephen Griner Kelle Hahn Hilliard Hardman John Hardman Lauren Harley Sally Jackson Thomas Kane Lindsey Licht Fran McLeod Suzanne McRobbie Eduardo Mejia Duane Morrow Melanie Paidipalli Vinod Paidipalli Ansly Paulk Khette Plyler Walt Plyler David Redding Jennifer Reid Julia Richardson Shannon Rucks Amy Salloum Julie Sellers Elizabeth Smithgall Jason Smithgall Stephanie Stevens Liz Strickler John Sugg Kelsey Surbaugh Jessica Thomas Jennifer Tommasello Josh Van Mieke van Leeuwe Olivia Willis Gretchen Worthy shepherd.org 2020 Peachtree Road, NW l Atlanta, GA 30309-1465 l give@shepherd.org 404.352.2020
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