Posti`s year - Posti Vuosikertomus 2014
Posti`s year - Posti Vuosikertomus 2014
Posti’s year 2014 Posti Group in brief President and CEO’s review We are your first choice in postal, logistics and e-commerce services. We manage the flow of commerce and everyday life in 11 countries. The year 2014 has been a time of major changes for us. In Finland, we operate under the name Posti Group and in other countries of operation under the name Itella. In 2014, our net sales were EUR 1,859 million. Our customers are served by 23,000 professionals. Our history spans nearly 400 years. The State of Finland is our sole shareholder. Our operations are divided into four business groups: Postal Services, Parcel and Logistics Services, Itella Russia and OpusCapita. Net sales EUR 1,859million The year 2014 has been a time of major the volume of mail accelerated as digital aims at internationalization. The digitiza- changes for us. We were involved in imple- communications became more common, tion of services was clearly evident in 2014. menting our new strategy, which aims and transport volumes in heavy traffic OpusCapita delivers nearly 200 million to adapt our business operations to the continued to decrease in Finland for third electronic messages per year. The growth of profound transformation in the postal year in a row. Nevertheless, the operating cloud services continued strongly, reaching and logistics industry, renew the company result before non-recurring items improved the level of 150%. so that it becomes more agile, ensure to EUR 50.8 million. In Finland, we reformed domestic line customer experience while seeking new haul production and continued the exten- Due to the difficult economic situation and growth areas. sive groupage logistics integration, which the transformation of the industry, we have generated significant benefits and flexibility had to make changes that have, unfortu- customers was the change of the compa- in operations. In Scandinavia, business has nately, also entailed extensive personnel ny’s name from Itella to Posti. I believe that been unprofitable and consequently, we reductions. Every effort has been made to this will further improve the customer expe- had to trim our operations in these countries carry out the reductions in as responsible rience and clarify the company’s identity as drastically. In the Baltic countries, the logis- and controlled manner as possible. a Finnish postal, logistics and e-commerce tics business developed favorably during service provider. the year. A respected Finnish brand a profitable result even though the Russian were achieved on schedule. This year, the Posti is a traditional and respected Finnish crisis has influenced business indirectly improvement of operational efficiency will brand with which Finns have a very strong through the weakening of the ruble and be continued with a new EUR 75 million emotional and trusting relationship. At the consumer purchasing power. During the program. In order to safeguard employment beginning of this year, Posti adopted a new year, the Russian ruble weakened by over and services, it is of critical importance to visual outlook that was inspired by logistics 59%. It is extremely difficult to forecast the ensure the profitability of business opera services and parcels. development of the Russian market accu- tions and, in line with our strategy, seek rately due to significant exchange rate fluc- growth for the Group in new services, such as our organization significantly and stream- tuations and the duration and scope of e-commerce and local logistics. lined the corporate structure. By merging our sanctions. One of the changes most visible to our Operating result (non-IFRS*) EUR 50.8million The Itella Russia business group achieved Operating result EUR 5.8million As part of our new strategy, we renewed Number of personnel 23,000 *) excluding non-recurring items Aiming to improve profitability the company’s profitability and improve services easier for our customers to use. improvement program, the targets of which Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our personnel, customers and subsidiaries Itella Logistics and Itella Posti into one business company, we make our In addition, savings have been sought with a EUR 100 million performance OpusCapita aims at internationalization partners for their excellent cooperation during the year. The Group’s cornerstones include Opus- A challenging economic situation Capita that offers financial accounting Heikki Malinen The business environment continued to outsourcing services and automation solu- President and CEO be very difficult in 2014. The decline in tions and has a strong growth strategy that President and CEO's review | Posti’s year 2014 3 Strategy Our Vision 2020 Your first choice in postal, logistics and eCommerce services MEGATRENDS • • Our vision and strategic goals extend up until the year 2020. Customer focus guides our operations. Our vision is to be your first choice in postal, logistics and e-commerce services. Our mission is to manage the flow of commerce CASE • • STRATEGIC GOALS • Postal industry turmoil eCommerce explosion, while consumer decides Russia as a growth market An era of slow growth in Europe • Warehouse and delivery services CUSTOMER PROMISE MISSION Easy, fast, reliable and responsible Toys for Tallinn Children’s Hospital Our mission is to provide smooth flow of trade and ease of everyday life • • • High value solutions for customer Market leader with profitable growth in Finland and in Russia The engine of eCommerce Step ahead in postal industry transformation Best workplace and everyday life. The Uuele Ringile! initiative collected toys for the patients Our primary goal for the coming years is to ensure a sustainable at the Tallinn Children’s Hospital. Itella participated in foundation for profitable operations in order to secure funding for the initiative by making SmartPOST parcel points avail- our services that fall under the universal service obligation in accord- able for the initiative. ance with the Finnish Postal Act and make sufficient investments in growth areas. Services for senders BUY - No child dreams of spending a long time in hospital, the doctors is very important, but it is equally important to offer the patient a cozy and attractive environment, We have defined five key strategic goals: we provide our customers says Lenna Kuurmaa, Campaign Manager. with solutions that create added value for them, we reach market toys through SmartPOST parcel points to the Aarete enable e-commerce, we lead the way in the transformation of the Laegas organization, which sorted the toys and delivered postal industry and we are the best workplace. them to the Tallinn Children’s Hospital. In the campaign, ence and supply chain, and we develop new service and business FOCUS AREAS People could take part in the campaign by sending leadership in Finland and Russia through profitable growth, we We offer the best overall management of the customer experi- VALUES Succeeding with the customer Driving for improvement and innovation Taking responsibility Winning together but sometimes it is necessary. The treatment provided by Strategic goals Services for receivers • • • Safety Customer experience Operational efficiency thousands of toys were delivered to more than 500 children. models that create added value in the outsourcing of logistics and During the campaign, it only cost one euro to send in other business areas. In e-commerce, key factors include ensuring parcels with a SmartPOST parcel point. With the fees, a fast and reliable deliveries and reducing the amount of capital tied toy post office was acquired for the hospital. to logistics. Consumers appreciate reliable and quick services that - The summer is a quiet season for parcel points, are easy to use. In our business, we have strong synergies that tran- making it possible to organize this kind of campaign. scend national borders. The campaign also made the sending of parcels with Corporate Responsibility a parcel point familiar to the participants. In previous Taking stakeholders’ expectations into account constitutes service network covers the entire country, and we offer the best route years, we have utilized the SmartPOST parcel point the core of responsibility and the foundation for the conti- covered by quality and environmental certificates. In addi- from Finland to Russia. We intend to double our net sales in Russia by network to collect sports equipment for families with nuity of our business operations. Our corporate responsibility tion, the occupational health and safety certificate OHSAS 2020. We are the most important logistics partner in retail, and we many children, school supplies for a children’s home and principles, such as the UN’s Global Compact principles, define 18001 covers more than 20 freight terminals. secure the flow of logistics to Finland and Russia from Central Europe footwear for the homeless, says Risto Eelma, Managing our key areas and commitments. We divide our corporate and the Nordic countries. We ensure profitability through perfor- Director of Itella Estonia. responsibility into four areas: financial, social, people and of 4,000 commercial vehicles represent 80% of the total environmental responsibility. carbon-dioxide emissions of our company. We reduce fuel We are the leading partner for logistics services in Finland. Our mance improvement programs and synergies. For us, 2014 was a year of changes, and operational effi- In terms of enabling e-commerce, we are the leading service Veritas, all logistics operations in Finland are now fully Our goal is to reduce emissions by 30% by 2020. Our fleet consumption and carbon-dioxide emissions by planning provider in Finland. In addition, we are the first choice of Finnish and ciency was improved through various means. We made major routes efficiently, combining deliveries and driving in an envi- international e-commerce outlets. In Finland, we provide comprehen- changes to both the organization and the operating model. ronmentally responsible manner. sive transport, warehousing and product delivery services as well as a significant role in society by offering multi-channel postal services direct marketing solutions and customer data management services. in Finland. In addition to warehousing services, we provide corporate and consumer delivery services in Russia. The structural transformation of the postal industry requires We also renewed premises, fleet and subcontracting. We revised our sourcing policy that defines how sourcing During 2013–2014 we installed driving habit monitoring devices into our delivery and transport vehicles in Finland. and supplier cooperation are managed and handled in Posti The driving habit monitoring devices help to reduce fuel mation of the postal industry will change our competence needs, Group. According to our strategy, we focused on customer consumption and drive down carbon-dioxide emissions. number of personnel and career paths. We need new types of relations and we also improved our tax footprint reporting. What is more, it will be possible to set and monitor regional We are the best and most responsible employer. The transfor- Key corporate responsibility achievements also included targets for both consumption and emissions. This will also cut us to be flexible and able to predict changes, so that our opera- competence in commerce and the transport of goods, for example. tions remain profitable. Letter and publication delivery volumes are We support professional development through training, job rota- the awarding of the Green Office label to Posti’s headquar- down vehicle costs. With the devices, we can also invest in the decreasing steeply, while e-commerce is growing. We listen to our tion and on-the-job training. Our occupational safety vision is: Safely ters and the expansion of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 improvement of occupational safety. customers and invest in business and service development. We play together every day. systems in logistics. As a result of the audit by Det Norske 4 Posti’s year 2014 | Strategy Strategy | Posti’s year 2014 5 Key events in 2014 In 2014 we renewed our brand and our organization. According to our strategy we focused on e-commerce and customer relations, for example. We also increased the number of our service points and improved the efficiency of our operations in many ways. The best customer experience and making our customers happy are important to us. Our services are available where they are needed. Product-specific delivery experiment Logistics services renewed in Scandinavia 3,300 seasonal assistants for the began in six localities in September Posti renewed its logistics services in Scan- Christmas season In the fall, Posti carried out a three-month dinavia. With regard to the service offering, Posti prepared for the Christmas season by product-specific delivery experiment in Posti will in the future concentrate on road hiring 3,300 seasonal assistants in different Korso (Vantaa), Kivenlahti (Espoo), Porvoo, transport between its countries of opera- parts of Finland. The need for additional Riihimäki, Varkaus and Leppävirta. During tion. Another goal is to develop the road employees was highest in the sorting of the experiment, products referred to in the transport service offering in selected market Christmas greetings and parcels as well as areas in Europe. mail delivery. Most of the seasonal assis- Posti started the home deliveries of 2,000 summer employees at Posti Varusteleka voted the best Postal Act as universal service products, purchases made at the online grocery Posti provided summer jobs for approxi- online store in Finland as well as newspapers and parcels, were store Kauppahalli24 mately 2,000 people in Finland. Many of In the fall, Varusteleka, an online store delivered five days a week, whereas letters, air and sea freight in Scandinavia as well The busiest weeks were the two weeks Kauppahalli24, an online consumer goods the seasonal employees were students. The specializing in military goods, won the advertisements and magazines sent by as service warehouses in Denmark and before Christmas, as a result of the dead- store operating in the capital region, and duration of summer jobs varied from a few competition for the best online store in companies were not delivered in the experi- outsourced the distribution logistics within lines for sending Christmas greetings and a Posti started cooperation early last year. weeks to a few months, with most of the Finland. The competition organized by Posti ment areas on Tuesdays. Scandinavia. Service warehouses in Sweden peak in mail volumes. Posti delivers the purchased goods home work being available between June and and SBS Discovery Radio Oy continued during the two-hour time frame selected by August. Most of the seasonal employees throughout the summer, and the competi- the customer. In addition to basic products, worked in mail delivery, sorting and trans- tion participants included 250 online stores the store’s extensive and high-quality selec- port. A total of 7,300 applications were of different sizes and from various fields. tion includes fresh meat and fish as well as received for the summer jobs. As part of the renewal, Posti gave up tants started their work by mid-December. and Norway will be given up in 2015. freshly baked bread, for example. ISO 9001 ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001 All logistics operations in Finland covered The company name changed Mediabank to Multiprint OpusCapita acquired Norian Group The Green Office label awarded to Posti’s Itella Posti and Itella Logistics merged by quality and environmental certificates from Itella to Posti In September, Posti sold its Mediabank busi- OpusCapita acquired Norian Group, a headquarters Itella Logistics Oy merged with Itella Posti Posti’s logistics business expanded the ISO In August, Itella Corporation announced ness to Multiprint. The personnel employed Norwegian financial accounting outsourcing In November, Posti’s headquarters in Helsinki Oy on January 1, 2015 and the name was 9001 and ISO 14001 systems in April. As that it will change its company name to in the Mediabank business, its accounts and company. Norian has eight locations was awarded the Green Office label. WWF’s changed into Posti Ltd. a result of the audit by Det Norske Veritas Posti Group Corporation as of January 1, the Mediabank information system were in Norway and employs 175 people in Green Office is a practical environmental (DNV), all logistics operations in Finland are 2015. Since the beginning of 2015, Posti merged with Multiprint. Mediabank EMMi is Norway, Sweden and Lithuania. The acqui- management system targeted at offices strategy. The simplified corporate struc- The change is part of Posti’s vision and now fully covered by quality and environ- has served both consumer and business the market leader in digital asset manage- sition made OpusCapita one of the major that aims to reduce the ecological footprint ture improves customer focus and gener- mental certificates. In addition, the occupa- customers under one service brand. The ment services (DAM) in Finland. Its clientele financial accounting outsourcing service and greenhouse gases. ates savings in operations and administra- tional health and safety certificate OHSAS change will further improve the customer consists of Finland’s most prominent compa- providers in Norway. 18001 covers more than 20 freight termi- experience and clarify the company’s iden- nies engaged in the retailing business, environmental impact will be continued Corporation (former Itella Corporation), nals. tity as a Finnish postal, logistics and e-com- media and industry, and the public sector. in line with the Green Office criteria. The which continues as Group’s parent company. merce service provider. Posti’s long-term efforts to reduce its tion. The merger did not affect Posti Group headquarters of OpusCapita, part of Posti . Group, in Keilaranta in Espoo has also been awarded the Green Office label. 6 Posti’s year 2014 | Key events in 2014 Key events in 2014 | Posti’s year 2014 7 Parcel and Logistics Services The Parcel and Logistics business group is in charge of comprehensive supply chain solu- Growing e-commerce Growth of e-commerce, one of our key focus areas, continued. In the spring, we started a EUR 10 million automation and building project tions, parcel and e-commerce services, trans- at the Voutila logistics center in Vantaa. port services, international road, air and sea cooperation with Balmuir, we are developing an e-commerce solu- freight services as well as warehousing and tion in which Finnish companies are offered a new way of selling and supplementary services. E-commerce is growing in Russia at an annual rate of 20–30%. In delivering their products directly to Russian consumers. E-commerce is also growing strongly in Estonia. Itella’s SmartPOST network in Estonia consists of 83 parcel points. During the year, CASE The market situation in logistics continued to be challenging the number of items delivered to the parcel points was 30% higher throughout the year. In Finland, transport volumes in heavy traffic than in the previous year. In October, we introduced the new Express have decreased for nearly three consecutive years. In Scandinavia, service targeted at online stores in Estonia. Customers who order the competitive situation is still very challenging. products from an online store before noon receive them in a parcel We continued the extensive integration of the groupage logis- Postal Services The smart locker makes the customers’ everyday life easier in Kalasatama in Helsinki tics business operations acquired in 2012. The systems of the two completely new kind of e-commerce cooperation. The cooperation ating model and subcontracting revised. Measures generated offers online retailers an opportunity to get’s far-reaching and significant benefits and flexibility in operations. We also reformed well-functioning market platform and Posti’s logistics services as a domestic line haul production in the spring. single solution. In Scandinavia we will concentrate on road transport between our on logistics services for the Hämeen Sanomat online store involves port service offering in selected market areas in Europe. We also more than 200 vendors. experiment in the Kalasatama district of Helsinki. The houses in Denmark and outsourced the distribution logistics within idea is to install a smart locker in at least one residen- Scandinavia. Service warehouses in Sweden and Norway will be of mail, press and marketing services. The tial building in the area, in order to enable residents to given up in 2015. Postal Services professionals focus on product purchases. The experiment combines existing technol- development, product management, and ogies in a brand-new way for the first time. customer relationship care and sales. service use and reading habits, and services are Web services and digitization change people’s Our new cooperation with the media company Hämeen Sanomat countries of operation. Another goal is to develop the road transgave up air and sea freight in Scandinavia as well as service ware- receive not only day mail but also groceries and online We agreed with mitä (MSO), owned by Sanoma, on a companies were merged, inventories consolidated and the oper- In early 2015, Posti launched a new mail delivery The Postal Services business group is in charge point the same evening. In the Baltics the market developed positively during the year. Market has been stable and the business has been profitable. Operations and retail network expected to offer flexibility, independent of time or As the volumes of traditional mail decrease, we are constantly place. For this reason, Posti participates in the Smart investing in product and service development. One of our fastest Kalasatama project coordinated by Forum Virium, the At the beginning of 2015, we combined production growing services is meal services. We deliver meals to schools, day first pilot project of Tekes’ Witty City program. operations into a single unit called Operations which care centers and home care meal service customers in some 80 - Kalasatama is a new kind of urban residential serves both Postal Services and Parcel and Logis- area, and one of the starting points in its construc- tics Services. Operations is at work 24 hours a day – tion is smoothness of everyday life. That is also our something is always on the move in transport, sorting, online consumer goods store, in the capital region. We deliver the main mission at Posti. We want to be involved in devel- delivery or early-morning delivery. This is indeed neces- purchased goods home during the two-hour time frame selected by oping smart urban construction and improving services sary so that we can reach a total of 2.8 million homes the customer. We also expanded express deliveries of online store offered by Posti together with residents and other and companies in the best possible manner each goods ordered in the evening. With express delivery, the products players, says Vice President Anu Punola. weekday. We have the best and most comprehensive locations. Early in the year, we started cooperation with Kauppahalli24, an retail network in Finland. ordered in the evening are delivered to the recipient the following In addition to postal outlets, our service point day. We introduced a new web service with which it is possible, for example, to check in your parcel, in other words, to pay the postage network includes parcel points, pickup points, corpo- fee and print out an address label for the parcel online. rate service points, home-delivery services, 3,200 stamp retail locations, 7,000 letterboxes and the New types of delivery experiment Since the beginning of March 2015, households have received Netposti electronic mailbox. Postal services are also In the fall, we experimented with product-specific delivery in six cities advertisements and other unaddressed items in a separate available online at and with the Posti mobile around Finland. During the experiment, products referred to in the wrapped bundle twice a week. Previously, unaddressed items were application. At the end of the year, the number of Postal Act as universal service products, as well as newspapers and delivered unwrapped among addressed mail. Direct marketing service points was nearly 1,450. During the year, we parcels, were delivered five days a week, as usual, whereas letters, items are delivered in a bundle of their own, making it possible opened 152 new parcel points. At the end of the year, advertisements and magazines sent by companies were not deliv- for senders to use the paper wrapping as a new kind of marketing the number of Netposti users was 587,000. ered in the experiment areas on Tuesdays. tool in the advertising and media markets. 8 Posti’s year 2014 | Postal Services Parcel and Logistics Services | Posti’s year 2014 9 Itella Russia Itella Russia has offered comprehensive logis- goods in air and sea freight. All things considered, we can be fairly tics services to both Russian and international satisfied with our result in Russia. companies for more than 15 years. We are and competition has intensified in the warehousing business, too. the market leader in warehousing in Russia. In However, our warehouse fill rates remained at a good level in addition, we offer road, air, sea and rail freight The volume of international freight declined during the year, CASE Russia. During the year, we also significantly increased the efficiency services, customs clearance services and logis- of our ICT operations and established a new CRM unit. The results tics services for online retailers. this year. We signed new customer contracts with IKEA, P&G, SONY OpusCapita signed a new contract with Ahlsell of the customer satisfaction study developed favorably in Russia and the fashion house CentroObuv, for example. Our customers come from many different industries. We have extensive experience in pharmaceutical, electronics and automotive indus- Recognition for Itella Ahlsell signed a five-year contract with OpusCapita in tries and fashion logistics, for example. By turning to us, our interna- EALA (European Asian Logistics Association) awarded Itella Russia the spring, transferring the processing of its purchase tional customers entrust their logistics in the hands of a professional, the title of the Best Transport and Logistics Service Provider. All of invoices into a next generation workflow system with the efficient and reliable partner. the largest logistics service providers in Russia were included in the aid of OpusCapita’s Invoice Manager solution. This is rating. one of the largest purchase invoice processing assign- A challenging market situation ments in the Nordic countries, with an annual volume of OpusCapita Throughout the year, the market situation remained challenging in Russia. Due to the weakening of the ruble, growth was negative when measured in euros. The result is affected by decreasing GDP, weak- CASE A joint delivery contract with breweries At the beginning of 2015, we started extensive cooperation with Sinebrychoff, Hartwall and Olvi. We deliver with services, products and outsourcing all over Northern We provide our customers with the full range Europe. We are very happy and proud that Ahlsell has of financial processes, from single processes to Country Manager at OpusCapita Sweden. comprehensive outsourcing. Our goal is to offer our customers solutions for the development of the entire scope of their business operations with the help of automation and outsourcing. the products of these breweries as joint delivery to the chosen to take this next step with us, says Per Åberg, Many large corporations will be facing the same challenge as Ahlsell – upgrading to the next generation system. - OpusCapita has been a reliable and trustworthy partner from the beginning of our cooperation. The great thing is that they have been willing to develop together with us. We chose OpusCapita because they agreed locations throughout Lapland. There are alto- We develop order-to-cash and purchase-to-pay processes, in which have kept their promises and delivered on a daily basis, gether 550 delivery points. software, subcontracting and services are combined in the market- year after year. Further, we are delighted that they have leading delivery model. We help our customers improve the effi- proven to contribute to our development by proac- and returns. The driver delivers the products to a jointly ciency and quality of their business operations so that they can focus tively approaching us with development suggestions. agreed location and picks up empty cans, bottles and on their core operations. Our strategy for the future requires us to have a reli- The contract covers terminal work, delivery, display wrapping for returning them. We have a total of over 11,000 corporate customers and software able partner who understands our needs and who also users in approximately 50 countries. We deliver nearly 200 million has the drive to continue evolving, says Pär Eriksson, largest individual contract signed by Posti in Finland. electronic messages, more than 43 million scanned documents and Manager, Accounts payable department at Ahlsell. Cooperation also entails the development of the almost 415 million traditional letters per year. According to our service together with the partners. Another goal is to new strategy we will focus on generating growth and improving our collect information about and investigate advantages, market position in the Nordic countries and elsewhere in Europe. In terms of net sales, this two-year contract is the disadvantages, opportunities and challenges related OpusCapita had a successful year in terms of service sales. In the to the joint delivery of brewery products in sparsely current business operations, those with the most substantial growth Financial processes to an entirely new level populated areas. were software cloud services and e-invoicing. According to a corpo- In September, we signed a contract with SWIFT (Society for World- rate image survey of the ICT sector carried out by Taloustutkimus, wide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) on cooperation with page flows: brewery delivery has been combined with OpusCapita is one of Finland’s most highly regarded and best regard to SWIFT’s Alliance Lite2 banking connections. We are the products to be delivered to shops and restaurants, known software providers. only provider of this new SWIFT service in the Nordic countries. Delivery has been partly combined with other grou- such as bakery products and alcoholic beverages. Posti’s year 2014 | Itella Russia - We have been cooperating with Ahlsell for over ten years now. We have evolved from being a local service provider to a regional partner that can provide Ahlsell ening consumer demand, increasing inflation, and lower volumes of 10 more than 1.1 million invoices and 3,000 users. The key events of the year included the acquisition of Norian In early 2015, we published a new kind of solution for compa- Group, a Norwegian financial accounting outsourcing company, nies’ payment time challenges in Finland. This payment system will which strengthens our position as a Nordic financial accounting help SMEs to receive their payment in a matter of days, if neces- outsourcing company. Along with the acquisition of Norian, we got sary. Known as supply chain finance, this solution will help SMEs to approximately 175 new colleagues working in Norway, Sweden and improve their liquidity and competitiveness by taking advantage Lithuania. of their large corporate customers’ financial position. OpusCapita | Posti’s year 2014 11 Contact information Posti Group Corporation Postal address P.O. Box 1 FI-00011 POSTI, Finland Street address Postintaival 7 A FI-00230 Helsinki, Finland Switchboard +358 20 4511 (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Emails: The contact information of our other countries of operation are available at Call Center For business: +358 200 77000 Mon–Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. For consumer customers: +358 200 71000 Mon–Fri 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. OpusCapita Keilaranta 13 FI-02150 ESPOO, FINLAND +358 20 452 3000