production - Borderline Danza


production - Borderline Danza
Production (creation of works performing all over Italy and abroad: Armenia, Japan, Spain, Albania, Bosnia);
Promoting dance activities by festival and workshops;
Professional courses for dancers and actors;
Audience “education” activities by exhibitions, meeting/conferences
Artistic staff ( 1 artistic director, 4 dancers)
Technical staff (1 light designer, 1 video maker, 2 audio technicians)
Organization staff ( 1 organization manager, 1 international communication manager)
Commercial staff( 1 commercial manager, 1 tax consultant)
Multidisciplinary not hierarchical ( each member offers his professional skills to reach the aim )
Ministry of Culture ( since 2000)
Campania Region (since 2000)
District of Salerno and business companies sponsorships
From 2000 to 2001 Borderline Danza showed all over the country 15 performances and 360 contributory days
for all the staff;
From 2002 to 2006 20 performances;
From 2007 to 2009 34 performances;
in 2010 35 performances;
in 2011 38 performances;
in 2012 44 performances.
Since 2010, in collaboration with “Altre Parole”, Borderline Danza stipulated an agreement with “Salerno
Solidale” with the aim of the realization of the project “ Altri Orizzonti, Campania contemporary arts platform”
that offers educational courses, artistic residences, theatre festival and dance festival as Ra.i.d.
Since 2013 Borderline Danza has been taking part in the project “ C. Re. s. co. - Coordinamento delle Realtà
della Scena Contemporanea”, for the research and innovation in contemporary arts.
Claudio Malangone founded Borderline Danza in 1998.
Since 2000 the Ministry of Culture and the Campania Region has supported the company’s productions.
Borderline Danza presents about 30 shows each year in Italy, in international festivals and events all around the
The choreographic development of the form and its concepts are influenced by the study of the human mind and it’s
neurobiological process: the illness, the feelings, the fears, the sex, everything that makes a person a human being is
developing in unstable balances between brightness and darkness, movement and quiet, sound and silence, presence
and absence.
Video, music, body and voice, are all parts of the choreographic work, in order to give sense and therefore meaning to
the performance.
The Company has its venue in the Centro Sociale in Salerno, in which cultural events and performances are organized.
Since 2010 Borderline Danza has been taking part in “Altri Orizzonti”, a project and a platform for contemporary art in
Campania, South ofItaly, and promoter of Dialoghi di Ra.I.D, an event with partners from different Italian regions, and
international partners from Greece, Spain, Armenia and Japan.
Claudio Malangone
Psychiatrist, choreographer and dancer.
He received his education in classical ballet and in modern dance techniques with: Susanne Linke, Carolyn Carlson,
Birgit Cullberg, Nina Watt, Matilde Monnier, Doris Rudko, Alice Condodina, Simona Bucci, Andè Peck, Roberta Garrison,
Adriana Borriello.
After various experiences as a dancer in Italian contemporary dance companies, he became artistic director of
Borderline Danza in 1998.
From 2003 to 2005 he worked with Susanne Linke.
He also received special prizes for his works, (Beato Angelico, Danza Primavera, Salerno Danza, Agon Coreografia and
Premio Nureyev).
Besides choreographing and dancing, he organizes activities of promoting young independent authors and teaching
and dance education.
Claudio furthermore teaches winter and summer courses in prestigious dance centers in Naples and all Italy in
contemporary technique, choreographic composition, anatomy for dancers and music theory.
Vincenzo Capasso
Born in Naples. He studied classical ballet and modern dance techniques as Vaganova, Cunningham, Horton and Limón,
at Centro Regionale della Danza Lyceum directed by Mara Fusco, where he worked with: Mara Fusco, Margherita
Veneruso, Patrizia Manieri, Tamara Torres, Viktor Litvinov, Lino Privitera, Alessandro Molin, Fabio Morfesi, Riccardo
Nunez, Vladimir Vasiliev, Susanna Sastro and continuously contemporary dance, release technique and floor work with
Claudio Malangone, Simona Bucci, Susan Kempster, Mor Shani, Sandra Fuciarelli and Giuseppe Parente.
He worked for Il Balletto di Napoli di Mara Fusco, and joined Borderline Danza in 2010.
Marta Cinicolo
She graduated in classical ballet in 2010 at Centro Regionale della Danza Lyceum, directed by Mara Fusco, where she
studied with Mara Fusco (Vaganova Method), Riccardo Nunez, Fabi Molfesi, Vladimir Vassiliev, Susanna Sastro.
Later she studied with Simona Bucci, Susan Kempster, Sandra Fuciarelli, Claudio Malangone, Noriko Kato.
She also studied at “Laban Centre for Contemporary Dance” in London, and took summer workshops at “Greenwich
Dance Agency” with Omar Gordon and Lyndsey Mc Conville.
From 2010 to 2011 she danced with Il Balletto di Napoli. She followed CFP, dancer’s and actor’s professional education
for two years at Altri Orizzonti in Salerno.
Susan Kempster
Born in Wollongong, Australia.
Susan Kempster has received two first prizes for choreography – at the Madrid choreographic competition in 2002 and
the Burgos (Spain) competition in 2006.
Her work as a choreographer has ranged from narrative forms to more conceptual work, at times working with mixed
media and her works have been presented in Spain, England, Chech Republic, Chile, Italy.
As a performer she has worked with numerous choreographers in Australia, USA and Spain where she currently resides.
Her teaching credits include company classes for Norrdans (Sweden) where she is a regular guest, Skanes dansteater,
Giessen and Osnabruck Staatteatres (Germany), Metros (Barcelona – Ramon Oller) as well as in academies in Spain and
Europe such as Henny Jurriens (Amsterdam), SEAD (Salzburg), Borderline Danza.
Piattaforma Altri Orizzonti
In 2010 Borderline Danza and Altre Parole associations founded in Salerno Altri Orizzonti, a Contemporary arts
project, which intends to create a working process between artists.
It supports an artistic platform focused on the research and
experimentation of new languages in favour of the different
contemporary art disciplines.
It also wants to increase the value of local talents and support the meeting between national and international
Apprentice Agreement
Borderline Danza offers an internship for dance students with regular contemporary technique classes and
choreographic workshops, the possibility to watch the company’s rehearsals and take part in a performance that could
be included in Ra.I.D festivals.
15 October to 15 December 2010 Fabritia D'Intino
4th year student at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Nederland
7 January to 7 February 2013 Nadia Roccato
4th year student at Dance Department of The Danish National School of the Performing Arts (formerly The
Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance), Denmark
20 April to 6 May 2013 Minh Vu DAO
Institut supérieur Européen Charles Péguys, Belgium
Ra.I.D. Festival
R.A.I.D was founded in 2010 from an idea of Borderline Danza inside Altri Orizzonti platform to create a network
between festivals, theaters, performing spaces and Italian and foreign companies of Contemporary dance.
The project develops on the necessity of facilitating the interaction and collaboration between companies in festivals
and shows , but also creating new perspectives and communication platforms through residences, support for new
artists, audience and dancers’ education’s projects.
Until today Italian companies from Valle D'Aosta, Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania,
Sicily, Sardinia performed in the festivals, but also international companies from Armenia, Japan, Vietnam, Greece,
Spain, Bosnia and Albania.
Our project also intends to create an interaction between companies and dance
schools in our network. This happens thanks to a "dynamic" meeting in the theater,
where the audience after the artists’ performance, can also interact with them.
The presentation of paintings, pictures, videos and publishing shows during the
festival also give us the opportunity to introduce this fine art in a charming artistic
The Ra.I.D. calendar contains also some dates in the partner's regions and is from
2012 supported by the Circuito Campano della Danza directed by Mario Castro de Stefano.
Ra.I.D. stage-managing Claudio Malangone
Ra.I.D organization Maria Teresa Scarpa
Studio per t(r)e diary of bodies
It’s the first study of a project in which the focus is on the spectator’s point of view,
protagonist in the dialectic between image and gaze, in which the resultant goes beyond the language,
modifies and amplifies the action, gives a poetic form to the attention.
It’ s about giving an expanded area to the spectator, a reversal of sense and role,
in which the destiny of one matches with the destiny of many,
meant as submitted itself to the destiny of the world (James Hillemann).
So the image still stays inside even after its dissolution and, in the body showed, there is the synthesis of each subjectivity,
as a deforming mirror in which everybody identifies himself in the body of the other,
nothing more than the reflection of himself in his imaginary.
Concept and choreography Claudio Malangone
Dancers Marta Cinicolo, Vincenzo Capasso
Video and post-editing Ugo Petillo, Francesco Petrone
Music aavv
Production 2013 Borderline Danza, MiBAC, Regione Campania, Piattaforma AltriOrizzonti, Ra.I.D.
photo Anna Rulecka
Game Over
Sometimes things go too far and somebody ends up getting hurt.
That's when the game's over.
Game Over is about subtle cruelty, unfairness and jealousy.
It's about being on the outside wanting to get in, needing to fit in,
wanting to be loved.
It's about human nature, which can sometimes be a bit twisted.
What starts off seemingly harmless and all in good fun turns sinister
as these three characters all play their part
in this tragicomic drama of life.
Concept e choreografy Susan Kempster
Dancers Susan Kempster/Marta Cinicolo, Vincenzo Capasso, Claudio Malangone
Production 2013 La Katalitica/Borderline Danza, Mibac, Regione Campania, Piattaforma AltriOrizzonti, Ra.I.D. Festival
photo Maurizio Malangone
The Three Legged Race
The three legged race requires complicity and balance between the two that run together.
Like any relationship, if one pulls too much, or depends too much on the other then things get difficult.
Through different life stages the two personalities in this piece
push and pull each other in different directions,
sometimes depending on each other,
sometimes rejecting this dependence and looking for independence.
In the end the things that brought them together are stronger
than the things that pull them apart.
Concept, direction and choreography Susan Kempster
Dancers Vincenzo Capasso, Claudio Malangone
Costumes Susan Kempster made by Monica Pane
Lighting design Francesco Ferrigno
Organization manager Maria Teresa Scarpa
Production 2012 La Katalitica / Borderline Danza, MIBAC, Regione Campania
photo Maurizio Malangone | illustration
Brainstorming Studio n°2
In indefinite space and time, two dancers travel in unstable balances
between brightness and darkness,movement and quiet,
sound and silence, presence and absence.
Two dancers in unison, not simply synchronous,
but able to weave endless variations on the same movement,
to break and continuously find the symmetries again,
to appear as one and his double and to lose himself in the other,
through competition and sensuality.
Concept, direction and choreography Claudio Malangone
Dancers Vincenzo Capasso, Claudio Malangone
Music Dario Casillo, J.S. Bach
Videodance Ugo Petillo
Lighting design Francesco Ferrigno
Texts Federica Bruno, Cesare D'Arco, Marco Di Gregorio, Cristina Mazzaccaro
Organization manager Maria Teresa Scarpa
Production Borderline Danza, MIBAC, Regione Campania
photo Alessandro Pone | illustration
Stanza n°
An itinerary, a story that develops in a circular way
through images that follow one another, illusions, and memory traces,
really lived or just dreamt.
Stanza n°... is an unbroken balance between two spaces:
a narrow place (mental hospital – objective reality)
and the “other” place (imagination – subjective reality),
a space structured in a different way but still enclosed.
Choreography and dancer Claudio Malangone
Video and post-editing Ugo Petillo
Music Bela Bartok, Roberto Marino
Production 2007 Borderline Danza, MiBAC, Regione Campania, Department of Mental Health ASL SA
photo Simone Falteri | illustration
Cultural Association Borderline Danza
President and Artistic Director Claudio Malangone
+39 328 3388620 / +39 340 0963929
Organization Head Maria Teresa Scarpa
+39 338 3458136
Assistant organization Daniela De Bartolomeis
+39 380 4733097
Webmaster Marco Di Gregorio
Registered office Via Marco Polo, snc 84098 Pontecagnano (SA)
Tel/fax: +39 089 203185
Residence Auditorium Centro Sociale Salerno
V. Guido Vestuti Salerno, Italy