Section 1 - Volusia County Economic Development
Section 1 - Volusia County Economic Development
Volusia County, nty, Florida 2014 DATA Report updated May 2014 14 Table of contents Section 1, county data - Volusia map and population projections - demographic and income data - population by age - banks as of June 2012 - top employers - labor force - single family home sale prices - 2012, 3rd quarter - manufacturers by NAICS code in Volusia County Section 3, county workforce section 1, page 1 section 1, page 2 section 1, page 3 section 1, page 4 section 1, page 5 section 1, page 6 section 1, page 7 section 1, pages 8-14 Section 2, individual city data - Daytona Beach/Daytona Beach Shores - DeBary/DeLand - Deltona/Edgewater - Holly Hill/Lake Helen - New Smyrna Beach/Oak Hill - Orange City/Ormond Beach - Pierson/Ponce Inlet - Port Orange/South Daytona - Volusia County versus all of Florida - The United States of America section 2, page 1 section 2, page 2 section 2, page 3 section 2, page 4 section 2, page 5 section 2, page 6 section 2, page 7 section 2, page 8 section 2, page 9 section 2, page 10 - available unemployed workforce - average wage by occupation - average private sector wage by industry - average private sector employment by industry - private sector business by industry - labor force statistics - non-agricultural employment H]HPSHISL\ULTWSV`LK^VYRMVYJLWYVÄSLK - quality of workplace - skills of 26,700 unemployed workers actively seeking work - experience of 26,700 unemployed workers - workers by reason of unemployment - 12 month median earnings, population 25 years + - educational attainment, population 25 years and older - unemployment by education, all U.S. - hospitals in Volusia County - federal government procurement contracts section 3, page 1 section 3, page 2 section 3, page 3 section 3, page 4 section 3, page 5 section 3, page 6 section 3, page 7 ZLJ[PVUWHNLZ section 3, page 10 section 3, page 11 section 3, page 12 section 3, page 13 section 3, page 14 section 3, page 15 section 3, page 16 section 3, page 17 section 3, page 18 UPDATED: These pages were updated in May, 2014 to include available January, February and March 2014 information. Every effort is made to include the latest, most reliable statistics available. In some cases, the best data is released more than a year after the fact. Expected publication schedules are noted on the bottom of each data page. This data has been compiled by Volusia County Economic Development for the use of anyone who might need research or planning data pertaining to the County of Volusia, Florida. The County assumes no liability for the correctness of the data shown or errors that may have occurred. Please advise us of any errors or incorrect data. Published and updated by Published Publis s b Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: Section 1: Volusia County data Volusia map and population projections Volusia County demographics Volusia County, Florida, is bordered on the west by the historic St. Johns River, and by the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Roughly the size of Rhode Island, Volusia County is about 50 miles northeast of Orlando, 60 miles north of the Kennedy Space Center, and 90 miles south of Jacksonville. DeLand is the picturesque county seat of Volusia, and Daytona Beach is one of its best known cities. Volusia has 16 cities: Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, DeBary, DeLand, Deltona, Edgewater, Holly Hill, Lake Helen, New Smyrna Beach, Oak Hill, Orange City, Ormond Beach, Pierson, Ponce Inlet, Port Orange and South Daytona. For comprehensive information about Volusia County, visit sit ^^^]VS\ZPHVYN-VYZWLJPÄJPUMVYTH[PVUHUKKH[HHIV\[ K [ LJVUVTPJKL]LSVWTLU[]PZP[ÅVYPKHI\ZPULZZVYN YN Volusia County population 497,145 State of Florida population 19,074,434 Population and projected population growth, 2015 through 2040 Volusia County Florida 2015 507,700 19,750,600 2020 530,500 21,141,300 2025 550,500 22,434,000 2030 567,200 23,601,100 2035 580,900 24,639,500 2040 592,700 25,583,200 Source: University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR), “Florida Population Studies “, Bulletin 165, March 2013” Beach, Florida 32114 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beac Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on an annual basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 1 - Demographic and income data: Volusia County Table of contents Summary population households families average household size owner-occupied housing units renter-occupied housing units median age 2010 494,593 208,236 130,386 2.31 150,443 57,793 45.3 2013 500,081 210,664 131,201 2.31 146,337 64,327 46.1 2018 509,138 214,680 132,848 2.31 151,153 63,527 47.6 Trends by percent: 2013-2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied housing units median household income Volusia 0.36 % 0.38 % 0.25 % 0.65 % 3.80 % Florida 0.99 % 0.98 % 0.87 % 1.32 % 3.47 % U.S. 0.71 % 0.74 % 0.63 % 0.94 % 3.03 % 2013 $41,064 $56,574 $24,115 2018 $49,476 $66,127 $28,160 Income median household income average household income per capita income Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 7000 Catalina Caattaaliin na Drive, n D Dr Dri riv riv ri ive ve, Suite ve SSu ui e 200, uit 2 0 Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: org updated February, 2014 (new data anticipated on an annual basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 2 - Population by age, Volusia County 2013-2018 80,000 Q 2013 Q 2018 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 ages: 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-85 85+ :V\YJL!,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on an annual basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 3 - Banks in Volusia County, June 30, 2013 :[H[L-LKLYHS VMÄJLZ KLWVZP[Z_° THYRL[ JOHY[LY =VS\ZPH =VS\ZPH ZOHYL :\U;Y\Z[)HUR :[H[L >LSSZ-HYNV)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS )HURVM(TLYPJH5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS 75*)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS ;+)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS )YHUJO)HURPUNHUK;Y\Z[*VTWHU` :[H[L 9LNPVUZ)HUR :[H[L .H[L^H`)HURVM-SVYPKH :[H[L 4HPUZ[YLL[*VTT\UP[`)HURVM-SVYPKH :[H[L -PM[O;OPYK)HUR :[H[L 0U[YHJVHZ[HS)HUR :[H[L -SVYPKH*VTT\UP[`)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS 9L\UPVU)HURVM-SVYPKH :[H[L 174VYNHU*OHZLIHUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS -SVYPKPHU)HUR :[H[L 7PUUHJSL)HUR :[H[L -YPLUKZ)HUR :[H[L 7YVZWLYP[`)HUR :[H[L /HUJVJR)HUR :[H[L :\YL[`)HUR :[H[L -SVYPKH*HWP[HS)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS <YIHU;Y\Z[)HUR -LKLYHS *LU[LY:[H[L)HURVM-SVYPKH5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS )HUR-09:; :[H[L ;Y\Z[*V)HUR -LKLYHS -PYZ[:V\[OLYU)HUR :[H[L -PYZ[.YLLU)HUR :[H[L :V\[OLYU*VTTLYJL)HUR5H[PVUHS(ZZVJPH[PVU -LKLYHS 28 total institutions in market 177 $9,476,346 100% :V\YJL!-LKLYHS+LWVZP[0UZ\YHUJL*VYWVYH[PVU-+0*+LWVZP[4HYRL[:OHYL9LWVY[I`4:( Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on an annual basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 4 - Top Volusia employers, January 2014 business/organization number of employees type of business Volusia County Schools 7,503 education Halifax Health 4,709 healthcare Volusia County Government 3,341 government Florida Hospital – all divisions 3,256 healthcare Publix Supermarkets, Inc. 3,029 grocery Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 2,275 grocery/retail State of Florida 2,112 government Daytona State College 1,568 education Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 1,423 education U.S. Government 1,270 government total employees 30,486 Source: Total labor force in Volusia County: 250,403 per Department of Economic Opportunity Local Area Unemployment Statistics. Note: The above list ranks the largest employers in the county by the number of workers employed. It is based on a telephone survey by Volusia County Economic Development to area businesses and organizations. Only companies responding to this survey are included on this listing. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February, 2014 (new data anticipated on an annual basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 5 - Labor force: 1st quarter 2014 versus 1st quarter 2013 average Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach MSA and selected Volusia County cities 1st quarter 2014 labor force employed unemployed % unemployed 253,797 237,609 16,188 6.4 Daytona Beach 31,915 29,826 2,090 6.5 DeLand 12,167 11,367 800 6.6 Deltona 46,335 43,230 3,104 6.7 Ormond Beach 19,571 18,565 1,007 5.1 Port Orange 30,590 28,897 1,692 5.5 labor force employed unemployed % unemployed 249,203 229,049 20,154 8.1 Daytona Beach 31,429 28,751 2,679 8.5 DeLand 11,977 10,958 1,020 8.5 Deltona 45,487 41,673 3,815 8.4 Ormond Beach 19,198 17,896 1,302 6.8 Port Orange 29,793 27,856 1,937 6.5 MSA 1st quarter 2013 MSA Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated May 2014 (new data anticipated on a quarterly basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 6 - Median single-family home sale prices, 2013, 4th quarter Deltona - Daytona Beach - Ormond Beach FL MSA $123,400 Philadelphia - Camden - Wilmington PA - NJ - DE - MD $214,300 Denver - Aurora CO $279,300 Los Angeles - Long Beach - Santa Ana CA $423,100 Boston - Cambridge - Quincy MA - NH $371,300 San Diego - Carlsbad - San Marcos CA $476,800 New York - Northern New Jersey - Long Island NY - NJ - PA $386,300 San Francisco - Oakland - Fremont CA $682,400 Honolulu HI $670,800 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 Source: National Association of Realtors Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on quarterly basis) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 7 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code Product and service description with NAICS 6U[OPZWHNL`V\JHUÄUK[OL5(0*:JVKLMVY[OL JSHZZPÄJH[PVUVM[OLTHU\MHJ[\YPUNYLSH[LKI\ZPULZZ segment you are seeking. Cross reference by NAICS code The cross references in section 1, pages 9 - 14 will help `V\\ZL[OLZL5(0*:JVKLZ[VÄUK=VS\ZPH*V\U[` manufacturers and related businesses by name. Product and service description with NAICS code Aircraft products and parts Alternators Amusement games (Y[PÄJPHSSPTIZ Automotive parts and accessories, distribute (wholesalers) Automotive parts and accessories, manufacture Boats Box springs Braces Business card holders Cabinets, commercial and residential Cremation urns Dairy products Edge welded bellows ,TWSV`LLZ[HMÄUNZLY]PJLZ Filling equipment for beverages, medicine and pharmaceuticals 33614 33632 33993 42312 33630 33661 33791 33911 33995 33711 32799 31151 33399 33399 Floral arrangements Grocery distributors Heat treating Honey Hurricane shutters, metal Ice Industrial machines Juice products, citrus Literature displays Machine shops Marble products Mattresses Medical billing services Medical devices/products Metal tubular parts for aviation, medical and industrial products Molds, industrial Motorcycle helmets Motorcycle parts/products 33999 42449 33281 31199 33232 31211 33329 31142 33995 33271 32799 33791 54121 33911 33121 33351 33911 33699 Orthopedic devices Parachutes Plastic injection molding Powder coating Printing Renal disease testing laboratories Septic tanks, concrete Signs Silk trees Simulation equipment Soil testing laboratories Starters Sunglasses-distribute (wholesalers) Sunglasses-manufacture Suntan lotion Welding services 33911 31499 32919 33281 32311 62151 32739 33995 33999 33331 33451 33632 42346 33911 32562 81131 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 8 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code Cross reference by NAICS code ;VÄUKTHU\MHJ[\YLYZI`ZWLJPHS[`[OLMVSSV^PUN reference section includes Volusia County manufacturers categorized by NAICS code. NAICS is an acronym for North American Industry ClasZPÄJH[PVU:`Z[LT0[^HZKL]LSVWLKHZ[OL standard for use by federal statistical agencies classifying business establishments for the collection, analysis and publication of statistical data related to the business economy of the United States. 31181 Bread and bakery product manufacturing Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shop 31193 Flavoring syrup and concentrate manufacturing Golden 100, a division of Jogue Inc. 32191 Millwork All Pro Door and Trim Inc. Allstar Building Materials LTD Florida Door and Supply Inc. Island Shutter Company Inc. M&M Enterprises 31199 All other food manufacturing Tropical Blossom Honey Company Inc. 32192 Wood container and pallet manufacturing The Pallet Exchange For more detailed and most current information, visit JVTWHU`^LIZP[LZVYÅVYPKHI\ZPULZZVYNHUKNV[V[OL section on ‘business growth’. 31211 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing Reddy Ice 32222 Paper bag and coated and treated paper manufacturing Label Associates 31491 Textile bags and canvas mills True North Sails & Rigging LLC 23731 Highway, street and bridge construction Halifax Paving Inc. P&S Paving Inc. 9VVÄUNJVU[YHJ[VYZ R&R Industries Inc. 31132 Chocolate and confectionery manufacturing Angell & Phelps Chocolate Factory 31142 Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying Ardmore Farms Division, Country Pure Foods Inc. 31151 Dairy product manufacturing T.G. Lee Dairy LLC 31499 All other textile products A.V.O.T. Industries Inc. Complete Parachute Solutions Inc. DeBary Embroidery Studio Hot Action Sportswear Inc. Mirage Systems Parachute Laboratories Inc. Performance Designs Inc. United Parachute Technologies LLC 31599 Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing Fabra USA Inc. Merlin’s Suits 31699 Other leather and allied product manufacturing Chaps and Bags Leon Leather Company Inc. 32229 Other converted paper product manufacturing Joe Cool Inc. 32311 Printing Associated Printing and Graphics Browning Communications Copy Cat Printing Centers Inc. Couchman Printing Company Cubco Screenprinting, Embroidery & Uniforms Custom Graphic Designs Digital Press Inc. DME E.O. Painter Printing Company Inc. Express Printing Florida Graphic Printing Company Inc. Independent Printing K&S Printing Co Inc. LMN Printing Company Inc. Mid-Florida Sportswear Inc. One Hour Printing Pharmex, Division of TimeMed Labeling Systems Inc. Proforma Corporate Images Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 9 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code Pro-Tech Printers Inc. PS Printing and Marketing Inc. South Daytona Instant Print Speedway Press Tip Top Printing Inc. Universal Designs Inc. VIP Printing Wright Printery Inc. 32521 Resin and synthetic rubber manufacturing Rezolin LLC 32541 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing Gambro Renal Products Inc. Kool-Down Inc. 32551 Paint and coating manufacturing Color Wheel Paints and Coatings Palm Paints and Wallpaper 32562 Toiletries preparation manufacturing Concentrated Aloe Corporation (CAC) Energizer Personal Care, Ormond Beach Product Quest Manufacturing Inc. Tropical Seas Inc. 32599 All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing Adsil Inc. ECO-WOLF Inc. 7SHZ[PJZWHJRHNPUNÄSTHUKZOLL[ (including laminated) manufacturing KTE Plastics Piedmont Plastics Inc. 32614 Polystyrene foam product manufacturing Imperial Foam and Insulation Manufacturing Company 32619 Other plastics product manufacturing American Industrial Plastics ConSol Bermuda Ltd. K&M Plastic Products Polymer Fabrication Inc. Southern Plastic and Rubber Company Strasser Enterprises Inc. Team Plastics Inc. 7V[[LY`JLYHTPJZHUKWS\TIPUNÄ_[\YL manufacturing Libby Ware Studios 32721 Glass and glass product manufacturing Hogan Glass Corporation Oceanariums 32731 Cement Manufacturing Cemex 32732 Ready-mix concrete manufacturing Tarmac America Inc. - DeLand 32739 Other concrete product manufacturing Bailey-Sigler Inc. CDR Systems Corp Dixie Septic Tank Inc. Hanson Pipe and Precast Seminole Precast Manufacturing Inc. 32799 All other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing Cardinale Marble Inc. Eterna Urn Company Inc. Letter Memorial Studio 33121 Iron and steel and tube manufacturing from purchased steel Custom Tube Products 33131 Alumina and aluminum production and processing Ideal Aluminum Products Porta Products Corporation 33151 Ferrous metal foundries Sewer Equipment Company of Florida Inc. 33211 Forging and stamping FloMet LLC Hudson Technologies 33231 Plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing Advanced Welding Inc. Aerotec Aluminum Atlantic Central Enterprises Inc. Central Modular Systems Inc. Extreme Welding Works Inc. Fabco Metal Products LP Steelmaster Industries Inc. Superior Sheds Inc. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 10 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code 33232 Ornamental and architectural metal products manufacturing Architectural Ornamental Metals Inc. DeLand Metal Craft Company Eddy Storm Protection Inc. Independent Glass and Door Service Inc. Modern Screen Products S&B Metal Products Weather Guard Inc. 33281 Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities Braddock Metallurgical Inc.-Daytona Decorative Electro Coating FBI Systems Inc., Specialty Coatings Division Mil-Spec Metal Finishing Inc. PJR Enterprises Inc. Powder Coating by Coolrides Powder Tek Innovations Inc. 33261 Spring and wire product manufacturing AAA Fence Company of Daytona Beach 33299 33271 Machine shops Advanced Machining Inc. AO Precision Manufacturing LLC Custom Machine and Design Daytona Tool and Die Company Inc. Delta Machine and Tool Inc. Falcon Industries Inc. Fore Innovations LLC Hall Machine Works Hosack Engineering and Developing Organization Inc. Insight Precision Tooling Inc. Jenzano Inc. Magga Products Company Inc. Mark Gerard Machine Inc. Ormond Machine Prime Machining Inc. Universal Packaging Machinery Corporation All other fabricated metal product manufacturing Almar Metals Inc. Better Barricades Inc. Kingspan Insulated Panels Inc. Miller-Leaman Inc. Southeast Fabricators 33329 Other industrial machinery manufacturing Creative Form Products Daytona Systems LLC MAT-VAC Technology Inc. Sparton Electronics Florida Inc. Viking Industries Inc. 33331 Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing Aqua Pure Solutions LLC Ceiltech M.C. Mieth Mfg. Inc. Pure Solutions Inc. Raydon Corporation RealSims, LLC 33341 Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing AiReed Filter Products Solar-Fit 33351 Metalworking machinery manufacturing Ameritech Die and Mold South Inc. 33361 Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing and Power Systems Inc. Alturdyne Power Systems Inc. Speedmasters Inc. Technetics 33391 Pump and compressor manufacturing Complete Dewatering Pumps and Wellpoints Inc. Delta P Carver Lucas Technologies QuantumFlo Inc. Thompson Pump 33392 Material handling equipment manufacturing CartTech Superior Handling Equipment LLC 33399 All other general purpose manufacturing AC Hydraulics Inc. Bellows Tech LLC Custom Filling and Packaging Systems LLC Lean Engineering Inc. Pall Corporation/DeLand Rotomation Inc. Sen-Pack Standard Bellows Inc. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 11 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code 33429 Other communication equipment Speedcom Communications Inc. 33441 Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing Intellitec Products LLC RAF Tabtronics LLC - Florida Operations Teledyne, ODI Inc. 33451 Navigational, measuring, electromedical and control instruments manufacturing Allied Time USA Inc. Alti-2 Inc. CO2Meter Inc. Custom Laboratory Equipment Inc. Eltec Instruments Inc. Power Plus Inc. 3PNO[PUNÄ_[\YLTHU\MHJ[\YPUN Sunset Lamp and Shade 33531 Electrical equipment manufacturing Contec Electronics and Assembly Inc. Entech Controls Corporation KVAR Energy Savings Inc. L&S Enterprises LLC M&M Systems Inc. Tel-Tron Technologies Corporation 33593 Wiring device manufacturing Thomas & Betts/Homac 33599 All other electrical equipment and component manufacturing Deltran Corporation Gamma High Voltage Research Inc. 33621 Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing AMP Trailers Southeastern Truck Tops Inc. 33631 Motor vehicle engines and engine parts 4PJYVÅL_0UJ 33632 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing ARK Daytona British American Auto Repair Inc. Metra Electronics Corporation 33637 Motor vehicle metal stamping Florida Production Engineering Inc. 33639 Other motor vehicle parts manufacturing MMG Inc. 33641 Aerospace product and parts manufacturing Advanced Composite Solutions Babfab Inc. Laminar Flow Systems Inc. Tara Technologies Corporation 33661 Ship and boat building Boston Whaler Inc. Brunswick Commercial and Government Products Inc. EdgeWater Powerboats Everglades Boats by Dougherty Mystic Powerboats Inc. 33699 Other transportation equipment manufacturing Crane Performance Products Daytona Twin Tec LLC Eurosport Daytona Inc. FinishLine Racing School Mooring Products International Inc. Naarden Inc. Ultimate Seats 33711 Wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing A Creative Touch AdaLite Cabinet Manufacturers Inc. Advanced Interior Concepts Inc. Carter’s Cabinetry Inc. Counter Solution Inc. Creative Design Lifetime Cabinets and Interiors Inc. Masterpiece Cabinetry Inc. New Kitchen Concepts Unlimited Inc. Spruce Creek Cabinetry Inc. 33712 Household and institutional furniture manufacturing Mediatech Inc. Miles Manufacturing Co. Something Different Cabinets The Cole Shoppe 33791 Mattress manufacturing B.A.B. Bedding Manufacturing Fox Mattress 33792 Blind and shade manufacturing Florida Plantation Shutters U.S. Blinds 33911 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing American Ortho-Tech Labs Avancen Inc. Command Medical Products Inc. Costa Covidien Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 12 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code Daytona Helmets FHT Inc., a subsidiary of Baxa Corporation Florida Manufacturing Corporation Germfree Laboratories Inc. Video Dental Concepts Inc. W.R. Kershaw Inc. 33992 Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing CN Screening Inc. Fusion Fitness Designs Orion Surfboards 33993 Doll, toy and game manufacturing Bob’s Space Racers Inc. 33995 Sign manufacturing Al’s Sign Company Inc. Ambo Design Architectural Building Specialties B&C Signs Inc. Brochure Displays Inc. Central Florida Street Signs Inc. Daniel’s Wholesale Sign and Plastics Inc. DeLand Sign and Design Dolphin Signs Don Bell Signs LLC East Coast Signs and Awards Inc. Federal Heath Sign Company Gano Signs and Graphics Kenco 2000 Inc. Luma Brite Technologies LLC Magic Brush Morris Sign Company Inc. MX Services PJ Sign Systems Inc. Sign Power Southeastern Lighting Solutions Speedi Sign Speedway Custom Photo Lab Towsend Signs Inc. 33999 All other miscellaneous manufacturing Shoreline Silks and Floral Supplies Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare The Ward Company UCP of Central Florida 42312 Motor vehicles supplies and new parts merchant wholesalers Brothers Performance - East 42322 Home furnishing merchant wholesalers ProSource of Volusia County Wholesale Flooring Company 42346 Ophthalmic goods wholesalers StyleMark Inc. 42369 Other electronic parts and equipment merchant wholesalers Sato Labeling Solutions of America Inc. 42449 Grocery and related product wholesalers Captain Foods Inc. US Foods 44122 Motorcycle, boat and other motor vehicle dealers Carl’s Speed Shop US-1 Marine Parts and Dyno Service Inc. 44211 Furniture stores Palm Casual Pipe Furniture 44419 Other building material dealers Overhead Door Company of Daytona Beach 44529 Other specialty food stores Moore Fine Foods Inc. 45399 Miscellaneous store retailers Daytona Trophy Inc. 51111 Newspaper publishers Daytona Pennysaver Inc. Halifax Media Holdings The Observer Newspaper Volusia Pennysaver Corporation West Volusia Beacon West Volusia Pennysaver 51711 Wired telecommunications Deltacom Inc. 54121 Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services DuvaSawko 54138 Testing laboratories Pace Analytical Services Inc. 54151 Computer programming services Merge Healthcare 56132 Temporary help services Daytona Employment Vision HR Inc. 56149 Other business support services Sligo Systems Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 13 - Volusia manufacturers by NAICS code 56161 Investigation services MacData Background Screening 56191 Packaging and Labeling Services Co-Packers of America Inc. 56292 Materials recovery facilities Makarios Scrap Metals 62151 Medical and diagnostic laboratories Accord Clinical Research Avail Clinical Research DaVita Laboratory Services 81131 Commercial/industry machinery and equipment repair and maintenance Electron Beam Solutions Inc. Published and updated by Volusia Co County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina atalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: April 4, 2012 (new data currently being assembled for publication) - Volusia County data: section 1, page 14 - Section 2: Volusia County cities, Florida and U.S.– comparable data Volusia County cities: Daytona Beach and Daytona Beach Shores The City of Daytona Beach The City of Daytona Beach Shores 58.4 square miles 0.9 square miles 2010 census population 61,005 households 27,314 families 12,688 average household size 2.05 owner-occupied housing units 12,583 renter-occupied housing units 14,731 median age 39.8 2013 62,223 27,818 12,899 2.05 12,006 15,813 40.6 2018 63,741 28,498 13,144 2.06 12,638 15,860 41.1 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income 2010 census population 4,247 households 2,428 families 1,277 average household size 1.73 owner-occupied housing units 1,758 renter-occupied housing units 670 median age 64.8 2013 4,299 2,461 1,308 1.73 1,774 686 62.5 2018 4,392 2,513 1,324 1.73 1,838 674 63.0 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate area 0.48% 0.48% 0.38% 1.03% 2.61% median household income: 2013: $29,073 average household income: 2013: $41,179 average home value: $139,724 (2013 est.) 2018: $33,070 2018: $47,681 population households families owner-occupied households median household income area - 0.43% 0.42% 0.24% 0.71% 4.66% median household income: 2013: $44,817 average household income: 2013: $68,135 average home value: $235,189 (2013 est.) 2018: $56,269 2018: $84,875 contact: City of Daytona Beach Planning City Hall, Room 240, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 telephone: 386.671.8120, web: contact: City of Daytona Beach Shores, City Manager 2990 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida 32118 telephone: 386.763.5373, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 1 - Volusia County cities: DeBary and DeLand The City of DeBary The City of DeLand 19.0 square miles 17.6 square miles 2010 census population 19,320 households 8,065 families 5,656 average household size 2.38 owner-occupied housing units 6,901 renter-occupied housing units 1,164 median age 47.8 2013 19,293 8,060 5,651 2.37 6,639 1,421 48.0 2018 19,377 8,098 5,645 2.37 6,738 1,360 49.5 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.09% 0.09% - 0.02% 0.30% 2.86% median household income: 2013: $54,484 average household income: 2013: $66,972 average home value: $152,380 (2013 est.) 2010 census population 27,031 households 10,746 families 6,159 average household size 2.29 owner-occupied housing units 6,033 renter-occupied housing units 4,713 median age 39.1 2013 28,292 11,249 6,640 2.31 6,328 4,920 40.3 2018 29,304 11,659 6,848 2.32 6,723 4,936 41.2 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate 2018: $62,748 2018: $77,967 population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.71% 0.72% 0.62% 1.22% 3.70% median household income: 2013: $37,624 average household income: 2013: $52,921 average home value: $140,417 (2013 est.) 2018: $45,123 2018: $62,089 contact: City of DeBary, City Manager, 16 Colomba Road, DeBary, Florida 32713 telephone: 386.668.2040, web: contact: City of DeLand, Community Development Director 120 South Florida Avenue, DeLand, Florida 32720 telephone: 386.626.7023, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 2 - Volusia County cities: Deltona and Edgewater The City of Edgewater The City of Deltona 22.2 square miles 37.5 square miles 2010 census population 85,182 households 30,223 families 23,046 average household size 2.81 owner-occupied housing units 24,623 renter-occupied housing units 5,600 median age 37.8 2013 85,762 30,431 23,110 2.81 24,171 6,260 38.8 2018 86,945 30,850 23,322 2.81 24,780 6,071 39.4 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% 2013 20,829 8,827 5,855 2.36 6,816 2,011 47.9 2018 21,063 8,929 5,890 2.36 6,986 1,943 50.0 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income 2010 census population 20,750 households 8,786 families 5,849 average household size 2.36 owner-occupied housing units 7,003 renter-occupied housing units 1,783 median age 46.4 area 0.27% 0.27% 0.18% 0.50% 2.22% median household income: 2013: $48,789 average household income: 2012: $56,412 average home value: $112,926 (2013 est.) 2018: $54,438 2018: $64,217 contact: City of Deltona, City Manager 2345 Providence Boulevard, Deltona, Florida 32725 telephone: 386.878.8100, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ESRI Business Analyst Online, Demographic and Income Profile Report population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.22% 0.23% 0.12% 0.49% 3.62% median household income: 2013: $41,700 average household income: 2013: $51,297 average home value: $123,654 (2013 est) 2018: $49,818 2018: $59,171 contact: City of Edgewater, City Manager 104 North Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida 32132 telephone: 386.424.2400, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 3 - Volusia County cities: Holly Hill and Lake Helen The City of Lake Helen The City of Holly HIll 4.6 square miles 3.9 square miles 2010 census population 11,659 households 5,435 families 2,775 average household size 2.12 owner-occupied housing units 2,952 renter-occupied housing units 2,483 median age 44.3 2013 11,989 5,585 2,842 2.12 2,805 2,780 45.1 2018 12,428 5,784 2,921 2.12 2,976 2,808 46.3 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% 2013 2,626 1,131 739 2.32 882 249 48.3 2018 2,646 1,139 737 2.32 898 241 50.6 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2012 - 2017 annual rate Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income 2010 census population 2,624 households 1,128 families 724 average household size 2.33 owner-occupied housing units 903 renter-occupied housing units 225 median age 47.5 area 0.72% 0.70% 0.55% 1.19% 2.37% median household income: 2013: $28,474 average household income: 2013: $39,387 average home value: $103,484 (2013 est.) 2018: $32,015 2018: $45,281 population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.15% 0.14% -0.05% 0.36% 3.15% median household income: 2013: $43,817 average household income: 2013: $52,524 average home value: $118,743 (2013 est.) 2018: $51,162 2018: $59,875 contact: City of Holly Hill, Economic Development Coordinator 1065 Ridgewood Avenue, Holly Hill, Florida 32117 telephone: 386.248.9444, web: contact: City of Lake Helen, City Administrator 327 South Lakeview Drive, Lake Helen, FL 32744 telephone: 386.228.2121, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ESRI Business Analyst Online, Demographic and Income Profile Report Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 4 - Volusia County cities: New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill The City of New Smyrna Beach The City of Oak Hill 34.6 square miles 2010 census population 22,464 households 11,074 families 6,322 average household size 2.01 owner-occupied housing units 7,887 renter-occupied housing units 3,187 median age 54.4 10.9 square miles 2013 22,877 11,252 6,467 2.01 7,970 3,283 55.5 2018 23,239 11,438 6,534 2.01 8,260 3,177 57.4 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income 2010 census population 1,792 households 797 families 497 average household size 2.25 owner-occupied housing units 638 renter-occupied housing units 159 median age 51.2 2013 1,818 810 497 2.24 637 173 53.0 2018 1,856 831 506 2.23 660 170 55.0 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2012 - 2017 annual rate area 0.31% 0.33% 0.21% 0.72% 4.17% median household income:* 2013: $43,566 average household income:* 2013: $62,221 average home value: * $213,813 (2013 est.) 2018: $53,429 2018: $73,897 contact: City of New Smyrna Beach, City Manager 210 Sams Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 telephone: 386.424.2108, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.41% 0.51% 0.36% 0.71% 4.18% median household income:* 2013: $34,844 average household income:* 2013: $51,168 average home value: * $125,392 (2013 est.) 2018: $42,767 2018: $63,652 contact: City of Oak Hill 234 South U.S. 1, Oak Hill, FL 32759 telephone: 386.345.3522, web: VHROPSSÅJVT Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 5 - Volusia County cities: Orange City and Ormond Beach Orange City The City of Ormond Beach 7.1 square miles 31.9 square miles 2010 census population 10,599 households 4,909 families 2,754 average household size 2.11 owner-occupied housing units 2,740 renter-occupied housing units 2,169 median age 47.5 2013 10,624 4,899 2,805 2.14 2,980 1,919 49.9 2018 10,691 4,920 2793 2.15 3,044 1,876 50.8 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03 % Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.13% 0.09% - 0.09% 0.43% 3.21% 2010 census population 38,137 households 17,062 families 10,781 average household size 2.21 owner-occupied housing units 13,496 renter-occupied housing units 3,566 median age 50.7 2013 38,340 17,220 10,741 2.20 12,845 4,375 51.2 2018 39,081 17,630 10,921 2.20 13,237 4,393 53.3 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate median household income: 2013: $30,061 average household income: 2013: $42,504 average home value: $122,500 (2013 est.) 2018: $35,199 2018: $49,613 population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.38% 0.47% 0.33% 0.60% 3.51% median household income: 2013: $45,557 average household income: 2013: $68,765 average home value: $187,258 (2013 est.) 2018: $54,122 2018: $81,071 contact: Orange City, City Manager 205 East Graves Avenue, Orange City, Florida 32763 telephone: 386.775.5408, web: JPVYHUNLJP[`Å\Z contact: City of Ormond Beach, Economic Development Director 22 South Beach Street, Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 telephone: 386.676.3266, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 6 - Volusia County cities: Pierson and Ponce Inlet The Town of Pierson The City of Ponce Inlet 8.8 square miles 6.6 square miles 2010 census population 1,736 households 486 families 381 average household size 3.44 owner-occupied households 336 renter-occupied households 150 median age 30.8 2013 1,762 494 358 3.52 358 135 37.5 2018 1,801 506 365 3.51 380 126 37.6 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income 2010 census population 3,032 households 1,535 families 1,022 average household size 1.98 owner-occupied households 1,323 renter-occupied households 212 median age 60.8 2013 3,050 1,547 1,025 1.97 1,302 245 61.8 2018 3,090 1,571 1,035 1.97 1,332 239 63.2 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate area 0.44% 0.48% 0.39% 1.20% 4.25% median household income: 2013: $39,862 average household income: 2013: $55,516 average home value: $142,292 (2013 est.) 2018: $49,095 2018: $66,436 contact: Town of Pierson, Pierson Town Hall 106 North Center Street, Pierson, FL 32180 telephone: 386.749.2661, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ population households families owner-occupied households median household income area 0.26% 0.31% 0.19% 0.46% 3.51% median household income: 2013: $72,460 average household income: 2013: $103,167 average home value: $306,989 (2013 est.) 2018: $86,086 2018: $120,089 contact: Town of Ponce Inlet, Town Manager 4300 South Atlantic Avenue, Ponce Inlet, FL 32127 telephone: 386.236.2150, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 7 - Volusia County cities: Port Orange and South Daytona The City of South Daytona The City of Port Orange 3.7 square miles 26.7 square miles population households families average household size owner-occupied households renter-occupied households median age 2010 census 56,048 24,841 15,444 2.25 18,641 6,200 46.8 2013 56,499 25,062 15,564 2.25 18,242 6,821 48.4 2018 57,284 25,441 15,698 2.24 18,791 6,650 50.3 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% 2010 12,252 5,532 3,189 2.20 3,515 2,017 43.6 2013 12,400 5,616 3,168 2.20 3,364 2,251 45.1 2018 12,683 5,746 3,210 2.20 3,478 2,267 46.8 area 0.45% 0.46% 0.26% 0.67% 2.62% state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income population hous eholds families average household size owner-occupied households renter-occupied households median age area 0.28% 0.30% 0.17% 0.59% 3.63% median household income: 2013: $42,741 average household income: 2013: $58,422 average home value: $147,843 (2013 est.) 2018: $51,074 2018: $67,953 contact: City of Port Orange, Community Development 1000 City Center Circle, Port Orange, Florida 32129 telephone: 386.506.5600, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ESRI Business Analyst Online, Demographic and Income Profile Report population households families owner-occupied households median household income median household income: 2013: $34,172 average household income: 2013: $44,751 average home value: $136,200 (2013 est.) 2018: $38,891 2018: $52,217 JVU[HJ[!*P[`VM:V\[O+H`[VUH6MÄJLVM[OL*P[`4HUHNLY 1672 South Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona, Florida 32119 telephone: 386.322.3010, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 8 - Volusia County versus all of Florida Volusia County The State of Florida 2010 census population 494,593 households 208,236 families 130,386 average household size 2.31 owner-occupied households 150,443 renter-occupied households 57,793 median age 45.3 2013 500,081 210,664 131,201 2.31 146,337 64,327 46.1 2018 509,138 214,680 132,848 2.31 151,153 63,527 47.6 state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income median household income: average household income: Florida price level index: 2010 census population 18,801,310 households 7,420,802 families 4,835,475 average household size 2.48 owner-occupied households 4,998,979 renter-occupied households 2,421,823 median age 40.8 2013 19,203,613 7,567,530 4,908,382 2.48 4,876,989 2,690,541 41.5 2018 20,174,703 7,945,376 5,126,139 2.49 5,206,540 2,738,836 42.1 Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate area 0.36% 0.38% 0.25% 0.65% 3.80% 2013: $41,064 2013: $56,574 95.78 (2012) 2018: $49,476 2018: $66,127 population households families owner-occupied households median household income state 0.99% 0.98% 0.87% 1.32% 3.47% national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% median household income: average household income: Florida price level index: 2013: $44,894 2013: $64,456 100.00 (2012) 2018: $53,253 2018: $75,229 Contact:[OLVMÄJPHSWVY[HSVM[OL:[H[LVM-SVYPKH Contact: Volusia County, Thomas C. Kelly Administration Center 123 W. Indiana Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 telephone: 386.736.2700, web: Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 9 - The United States of America United States 2010 census 308,745,538 116,716,292 77,538,296 2.58 75,986,074 40,730,218 37.1 population households families average household size owner-occupied households renter-occupied households median age 2013 314,467,933 118,979,182 78,699,566 2.58 75,657,200 43,321,982 37.6 2018 325,843,774 123,464,895 81,194,164 2.57 79,274,885 44,190,010 38.1 Trends: 2013 - 2018 annual rate population households families owner-occupied households median household income median household income: average household income: national 0.71% 0.74% 0.63% 0.94% 3.03% 2013: $51,314 2013: $71,842 2018: $59,580 2018: $83,667 Source - U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census. ,:90)\ZPULZZ(UHS`Z[6USPUL+LTVNYHWOPJHUK0UJVTL7YVÄSL9LWVY[ Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County individual city data: section 2, page 10 - Section 3: Volusia County workforce Available unemployed workforce Volusia County has a total of 28,000 skilled unemployed workers available for new or expanding businesses. The civilian labor force in Volusia County is composed of 251,400 actively employed workers. unemployed but would consider seeking work There are 26,700 individuals in Volusia County actively seeking work. Of the 26,700 individuals actively seeking work, - 69% were laid off their most recent jobs or their jobs were eliminated, - the median desired pay of these available workers is $15.50 per hour, [OL^VYRWYVÄSLVM[OLZLPUKP]PK\HSPUJS\KLZOPNOSL]LSZVML_WLYPLUJLHUK unemployed and seeking work skill in customer service and maintenance/installation/repair, and - a full 23% of these workers have a bachelor’s degree or higher. In Volusia County, there are 1,300 individuals who are unemployed and not actively seeking work but who would consider entering or re-entering the workforce. civilian workforce employed This group’s median desired pay rate is $18.89 per hour. Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 1 - 2013 average wage by occupation - Deltona, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach MSA occupation total all occupations assemblers and fabricators, all other computer and information systems managers electrical and electronic equipment assemblers electrical engineers general and operations managers NYPUKPUNSHWWPUNWVSPZOPUNHUKI\MÄUNTHJOPUL[VVS setters, operators and tenders, metal and plastic industrial engineers industrial machinery mechanics industrial production managers machinists mechanical engineers molding, coremaking and casting machine setters, operators and tenders, metal and plastic packers and packagers, hand procurement clerks production workers, all other purchasing managers sales managers secretaries, except legal, medical and executive sheet metal workers ZOPWWPUNYLJLP]PUNHUK[YHMÄJJSLYRZ team assemblers tool and die makers welders, cutters, solderers and brazers average annual wage $ 36,858 $ 22,360 $116,126 $ 24,814 $ 73,195 $ 98,093 $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,608 65,083 42,016 99,902 33,342 74,298 $ 35,173 $ 17,992 $ 36,858 $ 26,083 $ 85,342 $120,515 $ 29,307 $ 26,811 $ 26,416 $ 46,467 $ 30,971 Source: Department of Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Labor Market Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics and Wages, February 2014 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 2 - 2012 average private sector wage by industry industry 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. average annual wage utilities management of companies and enterprises ÄUHUJLHUKPUZ\YHUJL wholesale trade manufacturing information WYVMLZZPVUHSZJPLU[PÄJHUK[LJOUPJHSZLY]PJLZ health care and social assistance educational services construction transportation and warehousing other services (except public administration) real estate, rental and leasing admin. support, waste mgt., remediation services arts, entertainment and recreation retail trade HNYPJ\S[\YLMVYLZ[Y`ÄZOPUNHUKO\U[PUN accommodation and food services average private sector wages, all industries age of all pr $ 81,258 $104,836 $ 44,696 $ 44,687 $ 47,159 $ 42,004 $ 38,469 $ 35,039 $ 34,028 $ 35,188 $ 31,257 $ 26,861 $ 25,842 $ 24,474 $ 16,573 $ 33,493 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Labor Market Statistics Center, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, June 2013 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated August 2013 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 3 - 2012 average annual private sector employment by industry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. industry average monthly employment health care and social assistance 26,541 retail trade 23,517 accommodation and food services 18,957 admin. support, waste management, remediation services 7,660 construction 7,371 manufacturing 8,306 professional, scientific and technical services 6,147 other services (except public administration) 5,274 educational services 4,902 wholesale trade 4,170 finance and insurance 4,088 arts, entertainment and recreation 3,595 real estate, rental and leasing 3,253 information 1,914 agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,487 transportation and warehousing 1,450 management of companies and enterprises 994 utilities 278 total private sector employment 129,970 Source: Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation, Labor Market Statistics Center, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, final data 2012 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina ina Drive, D Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated August 2013 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 4 - 2012 Volusia County private sector businesses by industry industry number of businesses 1. retail trade 1,997 2. construction 1,693 WYVMLZZPVUHSZJPLU[PÄJHUK[LJOUPJHSZLY]PJLZ 4. health care and social assistance 1,332 5. other services (except public administration) 1,229 6. accommodation and food services 1,154 7. admin. support, waste mgt., remediation services 940 8. real estate, rental and leasing 673 ÄUHUJLHUKPUZ\YHUJL 10. wholesale trade 568 11. manufacturing 436 12. arts, entertainment and recreation 240 13. transportation and warehousing 231 14. information 171 15. educational services 141 HNYPJ\S[\YLMVYLZ[Y`ÄZOPUNHUKO\U[PUN 17. management of companies and enterprises 63 18. utilities 21 \UJSHZZPÄLK total 13,216 Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Labor Market Statistics Center, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated August 2013 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 5 - Average labor force statistics – fourth quarter, 2013 not seasonally adjusted Volusia Florida U.S. civilian labor force 250,076 9,392,333 154,790,667 employment 234,322 8,804,667 144,447,333 15,754 587,667 10,342,667 6.3% 6.3% 6.7% unemployment unemployment rate Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program civilian labor force: Volusia County Florida U.S. 250,076 9,392,333 154,790,667 Q employment Q unemployment 6.3% unemployment rate 6.3% unemployment rate 6.7% unemployment rate Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 6 - Non-agricultural employment Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach MSA December 2013: 12 month average 10.3% professional and business services 4.9% financial activities 20.5% education and health services 1.3% information 15.0% 19.9% leisure and hospitality trade, transportation and utilities 4.8% 5.4% manufacturing 4.9% 12.9% other government (federal, state and local) mining, logging and construction Note: Not seasonally adjusted. Percents may not add up to 100.0 due to rounding. Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Employment Statistics Program, December 2013. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on quarterly basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 7 - 9ROXVLD&RXQW\âVDYDLODEOHXQHPSOR\HGZRUNIRUFHSURðOHG age weeks out of workforce median age - 41 years median 17 weeks not reported 60 and older 9% 55-59 years 6% 20-24 years 19% 10% more than 27 weeks gender 5-14 weeks 24% 29% 24% 28% 25-34 years 45-54 years less than 5 weeks 19% 15-23 weeks 35-44 years 23% 9% female 29% male 71% Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 8 - 9ROXVLD&RXQW\âVDYDLODEOHXQHPSOR\HGZRUNIRUFHSURðOHG miles willing to commute median 24 miles education over 40 miles graduate degree less than high 9% school bachelor 10% degree 4% 31-40 miles 5% 0-10 miles 10% 14% some college, no degree 19% high school graduate/ GED only 48% 21-30 miles 11-20 miles 43% 29% most recent area of employment union preference union job 5% construction, trades,utilities non-union job 15% other 35% 14% 55-59 years 10% no preference finance, insurance, real estate 10% 55-59 years 55-59 years 81% 10% 10% Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 9 - Quality of workplace, Volusia and Flagler counties not quite as good This chart reflects data compiled through telephone interviews with companies in Flagler and Volusia counties during April and May, 2011. According to the final report, 58% of the employers interviewed stated their companies had operations in other regions of the United States. Of those employers, those familiar with the workforces in those other locations reported their Flagler/Volusia Counties area operations were comparable or better than the other regions in terms of profitability and production. 11% about the same 33% better 56% Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 10 - Skills of 26,700 unemployed individuals actively seeking work Individuals normally have experience in multiple categories; therefore, the number of individuals will not total to the total number of unemployed, actively seeking work, nor will the percentages equal 100%. government/education call center medical/health sciences information technology/computer administrative/management office operations maintenance/installation/repair manufacturing/assembly/fabrication warehouse/distribution/transportation business/professional services customer service 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 11 - Experience of 26,700 unemployed individuals actively seeking work government/education call center medical/health sciences information technology/computer administrative/management office operations maintenance/installation/repair In a continuation of the preceding chart, the same 26,700 unemployed individuals actively seeking work were polled to determine the average number of years of experience they had in their areas of work experience. manufacturing/assembly/fabrication warehouse/distribution/transportation business/professional services customer service years of experience 0 5 10 15 20 25 Source: Center for Business Excellence, Assessment of the Unemployed Workforce - June 2011. Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 12 - Workers by reason of unemployment, all U.S., December 2013 10.1% are new workers 27.2% hope to re-enter the work force 54.7% were laid off or completed temporary jobs 8.0% voluntarily left the workforce Source: U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table A-11 Unemployed Persons by Reason of Unemployment Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on a quarterly basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 13 - 12 month median earnings, population 25 years and older Q Volusia County Q all Florida Q U.S. less than high school graduate high school graduate (including equivalency) some college or associate’s degree bachelor’s degree graduate or professional degree 0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 Source: U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey: 2012 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 14 - Educational attainment, population 25 years and older Q Volusia County Q all Florida Q U.S. less than 9th grade grades 9-12, no diploma high school graduate (including equivalency) some college, no degree associate’s degree bachelor’s degree graduate or professional degree 0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Source: U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey: 2011 Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: page updated August 2013 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 15 - Unemployment by education, all U.S., 2012 median yearly earnings in 2012 unemployment rate in 2012 (by percent) 12% 9% 6% 2.5% doctoral degree $84,448 2.1% professional degree $90,220 3.5% master’s degree $67,600 4.5% bachelor’s degree $55,432 6.2% associate’s degree $40,820 7.7% some college, no degree $37,804 8.3% high school graduate $33,904 12.4% some high school, no diploma $24,492 3% 0 0 $20 $40 $60 $80 Source: U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: updated February 2014 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 16 - Hospitals in Volusia County 1. Florida Hospital, DeLand (156 licensed beds) 701 Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Telephone (386) 943.4522 2. Florida Hospital Fish Memorial (139 licensed beds) 1055 Saxon Boulevard, Orange City, Florida 32763 Telephone: (386) 851.5000 3. Halifax Health Medical Center (80 licensed beds) 1041 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, Florida 32127 Telephone: (386) 254.4000 4. Florida Hospital Oceanside (119 licensed beds) 264 South Atlantic Avenue, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176 Telephone: (386) 231.3909 5. Halifax Health Medical Center (654 licensed beds) 303 North Clyde Morris Boulevard, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: (386) 254.4000 6. Bert Fish Medical Center (112 licensed beds) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 Telephone: (386) 424.5000 7. Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center (277 licensed beds) 301 Memorial Medical Parkway, Daytona Beach, Florida 32117 Telephone: (386) 231.6000 Source: compiled by Volusia County’s Division of Economic Development Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data on as needed basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 17 - Federal government procurement contracts through 2010 Actual numbers $250,000,000 Volusia County Volusia County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $126,027,707 129,891,728 97,713,288 162,386,091 215,795,826 164,907,750 2010 $20,000,000,000 Florida Florida 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 15,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $14,295,825,079 14,829,719,374 15,757,394,594 16,624,627,666 18,530,929,024 17,980,741,911 2010 $600,000,000,000 United States United States 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 500,000,000,000 400,000,000,000 300,000,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $380,984,449,056 408,664,580,105 440,377,448,855 514,116,500,222 550,802,721,892 516,713,547,473 2010 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, “Consolidated Federal Funds Report: 2010” Published and updated by Volusia County Division of Economic Development, Daytona Beach International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, Suite 200, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Telephone: 386.248.8048 or 800.554.3801 Web: original publication date: March, 2012 (new data anticipated on annual basis) - Volusia County workforce: section 3, page 18 -
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