1 ABO0281 ABO0402 ABO0445 ABO0446 ABO0320 ABO0444
1 ABO0281 ABO0402 ABO0445 ABO0446 ABO0320 ABO0444
WEST COAST 800. 457. 1728 MAIN LOCATION 800. 328. 5454 EAST COAST 855. 214. 0712 August 2012 N E W R E P L A C E M E N T A L T E R N A T O R S, S T A R T E R S , , A N D C O M P O N E N T S ABO0281 For Mercedes Benz IR/IF; 12-Volt; 115 Amp; Lester 13818, -19; PIC 220-5020, -21, 282-279; Used on: 1998-00 Mercedes Benz C Class w/2.8L 1998-02 Mercedes Benz CLK Class w/3.2L 1998-01 Mercedes Benz E Class w/3.2L 2002 Mercedes Benz G Class w/5.0L 1998-01 Mercedes Benz ML Class w/3.2L Replaces: BOSCH 0-123-510-068, -079, -081; MERCEDES BENZ 010-154-07-02, --32-02, --81-02, 011-154-07-02; ABO0320 ABO0402 Lester 11130; PIC 220-5112; Used on: 2005-06 Porsche 911 w/3.6L, 3.8L 2005-06 Porsche Boxster w/2.7L, 3.2L 2006 Porsche Cayman w/3.6L Replaces: BOSCH 0-124-525-057; PORSCHE 997-603-012-01, -03, -07; Lester 11254; PIC 220-5534; Used on: 2005-09 Volkswagen Jetta w/2.5L 2006-09 Volkswagen Rabbit w/2.5L Replaces: BOSCH 0-124-525-102; VOLKSWAGEN 07K-903-023A; For Porsche IR/IF; 12-Volt; 150 Amp; For Volkswagen IR/IF; 12-Volt; 140 Amp; ABO0444 ABO0445 ABO0446 Lester 11279; PIC 220-5113; Used on 2005-09 Saab 9-3 2.0L (w/AT) Replaces: BOSCH 0-124-425-056; SAAB 12762730; Lester 23883; PIC 220-5296; Used on MAN Trucks Replaces: BOSCH 0-124-655-009; MAN 51261017246, -70; Lester 23513; PIC 220-5318; Used on MAN Trucks and Buses Replaces: BOSCH 0-123-525-501; MAN 51261017232, -34, -42, -47, -65; For Saab IR/IF; 12-Volt; 120 Amp; For MAN Trucks IR/IF; 24-Volt; 110 Amp; For MAN Trucks IR/IF; 24-Volt; 100 Amp; 1 ADR0428 For 19SI Series IR/EF; 12-Volt; 105 Amp; Lester 8099; PIC 240-4002B; Clock Position 6 3-Wire Hookup Used on Cummins Engines Replaces: DELCO 10459316, 19009957; CUMMINS 3675256RX, 3934778; AMO0038 For John Deere IR/EF; 24-Volt; 42 Amp; Lester 7483, 7587; PIC 210-405, -A; Used on John Deere Industrial Equipment and Marine Engine Replaces: MOTOROLA 8EM3002GA, -B, -C, 8MR3301G; JOHN DEERE AT115049, -25430, RE28186, TY6679, -80; PRESTOLITE 110-376, -486; AND0453 For Arctic Cat ATVs IR/IF; 12-Volt; 40 Amp; PIC 290-338; Used on 2007-12 Arctic Cat 700 Diesel w/686cc Diesel Engine Replaces: DENSO 101211-3720; ARCTCO 3206-303; LOMBARDINI 1157326; AVA0023 For GM IR/IF; 12-Volt; 125 Amp; Lester 11023; PIC 208-726; Used on: 2005-06 Buick Terraza w/3.5L 2006-07 Buick Terraza w/3.9L 2005-06 Chevrolet Uplander w/3.5L 2006-08 Chevrolet Uplander w/3.9L 2005-06 Pontiac Montana w/3.5L 2006-07 Pontiac Montana w/3.9L 2005-06 Saturn Relay w/3.5L 2006-07 Saturn Relay w/3.9L Replaces: VALEO TG13S012, -17, -20, -29; GENERAL MOTORS 15201679, -15547, -51756, 15784560, 15863715; SBO0166 For Saab PMGR; 12-Volt; CW; 9-Tooth; Lester 17782; PIC 120-354; Used on: 1999-01 Saab 9-3 w/2.3L 1998-01 Saab 9-5 w/2.3L Replaces: BOSCH 0-001-108-171, -84; SAAB 46-11-497, 46-70-428, 49-66-842; AHA0002 For Honda Motorcycles IR/IF; 12-Volt; 90 Amp; Lester 12527; PIC 204-190D; Special 90A Upgrade to AHA0001 Used on: 1990 GL1500 GoldWing 1520cc 1991-00 GL1500A GoldWing Aspencade 1520cc 1991-96 GL1500I GoldWing Interstate 1520cc 1990-00 GL1500SE GoldWing 1520cc AMT0250 For Lift Trucks IR/IF; 12-Volt; 50 Amp; Lester 12564, 12566; PIC 203-143, -190; Used on Nissan Lift Trucks Replaces: MITSUBISHI A7TA3371, -77; MITSUBISHI INDUSTRIAL 91H20-03270; NISSAN 23100-AM610, --FF110, -FU410; APM0007 For Perkins Engines 12-Volt; 20 Amp; Used on Perkins Engines With a Permanent Magnet Alternator Replaces: PERKINS 185046160, 550185046160; NIKKO GP9150; AVA0064 For GM IR/IF; 12-Volt; 100 Amp; Lester 11047; PIC 208-730; Used on: 2004-06 Chevrolet Colorado w/2.8L, 3.5L 2004-06 GMCâCanyon w/2.8L, 3.5L 2006 Isuzu I-280 w/2.8L 2006 Isuzu I-350 w/3.5L Replaces: VALEO SG10S039, -49, -51; GENERAL MOTORS 15831639, 97241516; SBO0266 For Mercedes Benz Trucks DD; 24-Volt; CW; 11-Tooth; Lester 30110, -1; PIC 120-6225, -A; Used on Mercedes Benz ACTROS Trucks Replaces: BOSCH 0-001-372-001, -006; MERCEDES BENZ 004-151-88-01, -94-01, 005-151-50-01, -64-01; 2 SDR2169 SCH0040 D/E Housing PIC 5640-1342; For Delco PG260L Series Starters For China Built Powersports PMDD; 12-Volt; CW; 9-Spline; Lester 6490 Lester 19628; PIC 199-058; Replaces: REFERENCE NUMBER 51-1142; SDR6164 SHD0004 Grounded Base Battery Terminal 3/8 - 16 Motor Terminal 3/8 - 16 Switch Terminal 8-32 Post (RH) Relay Terminal 8-32 Post (LH) All 4 Mounting Holes Elongated For Version With 2 Front Mounting Holes Elongated, See SDR6003 Lester 17632, 18200, 18477, 18477C; PIC 190-341, -414, -459, -459C; Black Finish For Harley Davidson OSGR; 12-Volt; CW; 9-Tooth; Solenoid 12-Volt; 4-Terminal; Used on: 1993-08 XL Series w/883cc Replaces: 2000-08 XLC Series w/883cc 1981-92 XLH Series w/883cc DENSO 2005-08 XLL Series w/883cc 128000-8450, -1, -3, -6; 2007-08 XLN Series w/1200cc HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002-08 XLR Series w/883cc 1981-03 XLS Series w/1000cc 31390-86, 31533-81, 31391-91, -A, -B; 1982 XLSA Series w/1000cc 1983-85 XLX-61 Series w/1000cc 1983-84 XR1000 Series w/1000cc Used on Delco 30MT, 35MT Starters Replaces: REFERENCE NUMBER 66-173; SHI0011 For Harley Davidson DD; 12-Volt; CCW; 10-Tooth; Lester 18300; PIC 104-159; Black Finish Used on: 1983-84 FLH Series w/1340cc 1982 FLHC Series w/1340cc 1983-88 FLHS Series w/1340cc 1983-87 FLHT Series w/1340cc 1983-88 FLHTC Series w/1340cc 1985-88 FLHTP Police w/1340cc 1984 FLHX Series w/1340cc 1986-88 FLST Series w/1340cc 1988 FLSTC Series w/1340cc 1983 FLT Series w/1340cc 1982-87 FLTC Series w/1340cc 1975-78 FX Super Glide w/1200cc 1980-82 FXB Sturgis w/1340cc 1983 FXDG Disc Glide w/1340cc 1975-80 FXE Series w/1200cc 1981-84 FXE Series w/1340cc 1979 FXEF Fat Bob-Series w/1200cc 1979-85 FXEF Fat Bob-Series w/1340cc 1987-88 FXLR Low Rider w/1340cc 1983-88 FXR Series w/1340cc 1985-87 FXRC Low Glid w/1340cc 1986 FXRD GT w/1340cc 1984 FXRDG w/1340cc 1985-88 FXRP Police Series w/1340cc 1982-88 FXRS Series w/1340cc 1983-88 FXRT Sport Glide w/1340cc 1977-78 FXS Series w/1200cc 1979-82 FXS Series w/1340cc 1983-85 FXSB-Series w/1340cc 1984-88 FXST Softail Series w/1340cc 1986-87 FXSTC Softail w/1340cc 1988 FXSTS Springer w/1340cc 1980-86 FXWG Wide Glide w/1340cc Replaces: HITACHI HARLEY DAVIDSON 31570-73, -B, -T; S108-41; SMT0126 SIA0003 For JCB PLGR; 12-Volt; CW; 11-Tooth; Lester 30230; PIC 182-742; Used on JCB Engines Replaces: ISKRA IS1105, AZF4181, -6, -224, -576, 11.131.292, -.697, -.711, -.848; For Ford Tractors, Gehl OSGR; 12-Volt; CW; 11-Tooth; Lester 17244; PIC 103-331, -352, -352A; Used on Ford Tractors, Gehl, Perkins Replaces: MITSUBISHI M2T54083, -85, -91, -8981; FORD SBA18508-6410, -6510; ISHIKAWAJIMA 18508-6291, -6410, -6510; NEW HOLLAND SBA18508-6410; SMT0323 SND0283 Lester 18538, 18971; PIC 103-311, -457; Lester 18418; PIC 190-487; For Mitsubishi Fuso PLGR; 12-Volt; CW; 9-Tooth; Used on Mitsubishi Fuso Trucks Replaces: MITSUBISHI M8T55071, -3, M008T55073; MITSUBISHI INDUSTRIAL ME015766, ME215097; For Kubota PMGR; 12-Volt; CW; 9-Tooth; Used on Kubota Tractors Replaces: DENSO 228000-5590; KUBOTA 6A100-31150, -1; 3 SND0698 SND6544 PIC 190-9100; PIC 6790-911; For Denso 2.5kw Gear Reduction Starters For Cummins Engines OSGR; 12-Volt; CW; 15-Tooth; Used on Sweepers With Cummins Type A 2300 Engines Replaces: POONG SUNG 03101-3180; REFERENCE NUMBER 4900574; Contact Kit Contacts in Kit are Identical, and Include the Black Insulator Shown Replaces: REFERENCE NUMBER 66-82753; SNK0055 For 28MT Series OSGR; 24-Volt; CW; 9-Tooth; Lester 6605; PIC 140-946; Used on Mercedes Benz Trucks Replaces: DELCO 10461470, 10479626, -50; MERCEDES BENZ 004-151-84-01, 005-151-20-01; NIKKO 0-23000-2590; Main Location NATIONAL: (800) 328-5454 LOCAL: (763) 255-2555 FAX: (763) 255-2530 3787 95th Ave. Blaine, MN 55014 East Coast Location NATIONAL: (855) 214-0712 FAX: (508) 857-0586 145 Bodwell St. Avon, MA 02322 West Coast Location NATIONAL: (800) 457-1728 FAX: (209) 537-2856 821 Oates Court Modesto, CA 95358 The information herein is based upon data which we believe to be correct and believe to have been obtained from reliable sources, but no representation is made herein, nor should any be implied, regarding the accuracy of any such information and we assume no liability for any errors or omissions in any such information. Any original equipment manufacturers or other manufacturers or distributors, whose names, numbers, pictures, symbols, products and/or descriptions are, or may be, listed or shown herein are used for reference purposes only and there is no representation made or intended, nor should any be implied, that any item reference herein is the product of, or was manufactured and/or distributed, by, the referenced manufacturer or distributor, as the case may be. This brochure is intended for reference purposes only. For pricing or terms and conditions, please refer to your price sheet. www.arrowheadep.com info@arrowheadep.com 4
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