In this issue


In this issue
Issue: 2 Year: 18 June 2014
In this
An Odyssey
Football: a Discovery
Creative Traning-Report
Dear Readers,
We just crossed the 128th birth anniversary of Dr. Kurt Hahn, one of the pioneers
(along with The Duke of Edinburgh and Lord Hunt) whose contribution shaped the
Award Programme in 1956 and what it is today. He identified “Six Declines of
Modern Youth” listing how modernity limits the embedded potential in the Youth.
The four solutions he provided to the issues, for the development and enrichment
of the Youth experience, was moulded to take the shape of the four Sections and
the Residential Project in the Award Programme.
It was he who had said - “I regard it as the foremost task of education to insure the
survival of these qualities: an enterprising curiosity, an undefeatable spirit, tenacity
in pursuit, readiness for sensible self denial, and above all, compassion.” We the
Awardees, Award Leaders, Assessors, Volunteers and ALL who are young at heart know the truth in what Hahn
believed. We know how the Award Programme contributes to a crucial part of our education along with the academic
and other forms of schooling we receive to be equipped for life.
Hahn always asserted that he himself had no 'original' ideas as such, but liked “living” the ideas of great thinkers. That
passion made him what he was – to be able to contribute to education and the youth so immensely, not only in his
times but many decades later. That is precisely what keeps his contributions relevant even today – to passionately be
dedicated to what he believed in, to “live” his beliefs.
It is my pleasure to present this issue to you, which reflects the commitment of the youth today to “live” the Award
Experience, to “live” the four Sections of the Award, to “live” ones passion or an awakened interest, to “live” a newly
discovered latent talent…….to “live” LIFE the way it should be lived.
Read the Award journeys of four Gold Award Holders and live the experiences they share through the following pages
to realise how the Award still keeps transforming lives, keeps challenging people everywhere to bring out the best of
the Awardees, create Leaders of the society – a society led by the dedicated youth who never turn their back at any
challenge – a society that Hahn had dreamt of.
Read and enjoy how young people discover hidden talents in themselves, and how they found a platform to be
explored with the Award Programme, and how a new skill becomes a life-long passion. Along with it, it is never to be
forgotten the head & shoulders of the Award – the Award Leaders and Volunteers, whose innovative and creative
reports, of the training they received, cherished and enjoyed so much, are undoubtedly must-reads in the following
Above all, this issue is not only dedicated to Kurt Hahn as a token of gratitude, but also is a testimonial to his efforts
and philosophy which keeps empowering the youth forever. After all it was he who also said: “When the mind is
stretched with an experience, it can never return to its former dimensions.”
Rajarshi Banerjee, Honorary Editor
Award Programme Foundation Trust
National Director – Kapil Bhalla
Honorary Editor – Rajarshi Banerjee
Award India is published by Kapil Bhalla for The International Award for Young People,
This publication is the newsletter for operators, leaders, volunteers and participants and
meant for internal circulation only.
Mr. Himmat Kalsia - Chairman
Mr. Analjit Singh
Mr. Arunachalam Vellayan
Mr. Ishaat Hussain
Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal
Dr. Sanat Kaul - Managing Trustee
All rights reserved. No part of the newsletter is reproducible without prior permission.
For further information, please write to:
The Communications Manager / Programme Manager
The International Award for Young People, India
First Floor, 86/1 Shahpur Jat, August Kranti Marg, Near Asian Games Village
New Delhi - 110001
Although every care has been taken to avoid errors, this newsletter is published on the
condition and understanding that all information in this publication is for reference only. It
must not be taken as an authority or bind the authors, editors or publishers, who do not
owe responsibility for any damage or loss to any person as a result of this work.
Award Programme Foundation, India
Registered Charitable Trust No. TR/27951
Member: The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Association
This Newsletter is sponsored by The Shell Group of Companies, India.
Printed by: The English Book Depot, Dehradun
National Award Authority (NAA), India
Mr. Kapil Bhalla - National Director
Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty - Programme Manager
Mr. Srijan Sumeet Choudhary - Communications Manager
Mr. Priyank Kumar Gupta - Head IT & ORB
Mr. Chittaranjan Das - Office Manager
Ms. Tanushree Paul – Programme Assistant
Mr. Arun Pakal - OAC Project Assistant
Hon. Advisors
Mr. Yogender Chaudhry - Indian Revenue Service
Mr. Rajarshi Banerjee - Youth Representative
Ms. Devanjali Dutt - Youth Representative
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An Odyssey
an Award Journey of an Awardee
by Adrija Chatterjee, Gold Award Holder, Award Leader
Sarada Math Rasik Bhita
my experiences with my friends and found joy in
everything I did. To my amazement, I found others in a
worse shape than I was in and IAYP taught me social
commitments. Whether it was rock climbing or looking after the hapless in the streets, life took a different
meaning for me.
I realised a strange sense of satisfaction and happiness that taught me to disregard all that I did not have.
I started smiling and being happy as I was. IAYP had
taught me self respect. I took it up seriously and made
it my aim in life that I would bring others, students of
my institution in close contact with IAYP, so that, their
life also changes for the better. The Skill and social
Service section of this Award has helped me to sharpen my computer skills and reach out to other students
and Awardees like me.
The Adventure section has helped to uncover my hidden potentialities. I have learnt that I can accept challenges and keep my mind calm, and at the same time
it has helped me to courageously venture into new
avenues of work, hitherto unknown to me.
Presently, I am a teacher of Computer at Sri Sarada
Math, Rasik Bhita, Shiksha – O –Sanskriti Peetha
and an Award Leader of IAYP of the special project at
Rasik Bhita. Besides that, I am a trainer of TCS & M
Junction ( a joint venture of Tata Steel & SAIL). Nevertheless, like most journeys worth embarking on, this
journey of mine was not an easy one.
Today, when I watch my students caring for the old
lady sitting on the pavement, discarded by her family, I find, they have already adapted her as their own
and she and they have a bonding that transcends all
others. This belongingness and caring, I know, will
change the face of society one day - in fact with every
little step, it changes bit by bit; after all, brick by brick
was Rome built. The silent role that IAYP is playing in
transmitting this into the youngsters is commendable
and praiseworthy.
am blessed double-fold as God’s grace has given
me, a child of want, a home of love in Rasik Bhita
and the presence of IAYP in my life, that helped me
to dream, to have faith, to believe, to love and to feel
the need to live. To me, my life is no short of a miracle,
to have literally risen from the streets to play the role of
a teacher, a guide in the drama of life.
The years, 2000 to 2006, were fearful in every manner.
My family lost its shelter, known faces appeared alien,
studies took a backseat and I knew not what would
meet my eyes when I wake up. Amidst this hopelessness, I was told about Rasik Bhita, run by the nuns/
sannyasinis of Sri Sarada Math, and I found a ray
of hope. For the first time I felt, the presence of God
when I stepped inside its premises. The warmth and
love I received there, brought a new meaning to my
life. But that is another story.
I would like to highlight the fact, that it is here, I got
introduced to the activites of IAYP. I also found a new
‘me’. I learnt skills, recreated myself, reached out to
others and got back my confidence to live a meaningful life. All was not lost after all. Gradually, I shared
4 Award India
My joy knew no bounds when one day Chandan Sir
entrusted on me the duty to train 20 awardees, while I
myself was working towards getting my gold. This was
in 2008 and the story continues. Today there are 38
avid IAYP trainees. I am also responsible for the awardees of our respective centres in the remote villages
named Baladbandh and Kumrogori in West Bengal.
Today, I am the sole earning member of my family and
in work also, I single- handedly manage placement
section and assist others in other departments like
TCS training, M Jnction training, IAYP.
I heartily thank the Award Programme for touching and
enriching my life in such a way, equipping me with the
skills I require, as well as the mindset I must have, for
My Memorable Days in Darjeeling
by Monoswita Sharma
n 25th of April we started our journey in the
Himalayas. We thank our Principal Sir, Lipika
Maam, Monojyoti Sir for giving us this opportunity. Also, we were very lucky to have with us Mr.
Tarun Saikia sir, the first person from Assam to climb
Mt. Everest. From this Trekking we improved our life
skills. We always got all the comfort, facilities from our
parents, teachers but after starting our journey in the
Himalayas, we got the opportunity to step up from our
comfort zone and see the real life.
On 25th April at 07:00 p.m. we started our journey
from our school to Guwahati railway station. The next
morning we reached N.J.P. station. We had our breakfast in Siliguri Near about 10:30 a.m. we started our
journey again from Siliguri till Maney Bhanjan. After
reaching Maney Bhanjan we went for a walk. The next
morning we went to Tumbling by jeep. We reached
Tumbling at 09:30. We had our breakfast. At 11:00 our
real journey begins we started walking from Tumbling.
We walked fro 10 k.m. We enjoyed walking. On the
way we met with heavy rain shower and all of us put
‘barsati’ as we did not have raincoat. We all enjoyed
walking in the rain but also more effort and energy was
needed. Finally we reached Kal Pokhri at 05:00 p.m. It
was very cold and also we met snow falls. We played
in the snow. Next morning at 08:00 a.m. we started
our journey from Kal Pokhri to Sandakphu, though it
was 6k.m. less than the previous day but more energy
was needed and it was also very tiring as we had to
walk up the mountains. The temperature was near
about 20C or 30C. We reached Sandakphu at 03:00
p.m. we had our lunch went for light seeing. We were
staying in the border of India and Nepal. We stayed in
India and had our snacks in Nepal. It was very cold out
Next morning we started trekking at 08:00 a.m. We
walked for 22k.m. Up above the mountings there was
water scarcity, so we had to reduce our uses of water.
At 11:00 a.m. we stopped for our lunch in Gurdung.
That day we were walking in the mountains for the last
time. Again at 01:00 p.m. we started our journey of rest
of 10km. from Gurgund. In the evening we reached
Rimbick after walking for 22km. That was our last day
of trekking and we have completed it successfully. The
next morning we went back to Darjeeling. We stayed
there for one day. On 2nd May finally we reached back
to Guwahati.
In this trekking we learnt how to be self disciplined, determined and we have developed leadership qualities,
teambuilding capacity, adaptation, problem solving
capacity, resilience and also our inter personal relationship.
We would like to thank Tarun Saikia Sir (1st Assamese
to climb the Mount Everest) and all the team members
of his committee for guiding us and creating a sense
of discipline and consciousness about protecting our
environment within us. We brought back lots of sweet
memories, love towards nature within us.
Award India 5
It is said
that what
we choose
makes us
who we
really are...
It is also said
that practice
makes one
Let us read
about the
various skills
choose to
pursue and
hone them
first found out about calligraphy when I saw my cousin decorate a greeting card,
to me that card was the single most beautiful thing I had ever beheld in my life. I
then became curious about calligraphy and only got an opportunity to learn this
art when I became a part of the Award Programme and opted for calligraphy as
my skill. I asked my parents to obtain for me a calligraphy set. This desire of mine
was promptly fulfilled by my parents.
The next step was to actually learn the art of calligraphy and build my skills to a
level where I would be able to use calligraphy effectively in everyday life. I sought
the guidance of my uncle, who I knew held an interest in such matters. His penmanship, bolstered by the art of calligraphy, was exquisite.This led to my association with the broad tip pen and a bottle of ink. I knew that this was one journey I
would like as much as my destination, which was that of being the best I could be
at this unique form of visual art.In the beginning my instructions were clear, crisp
and concise. The duration of lessons too, was short. I was simply asked to make
different strokes on a plain white sheet, but as I progressed from a beginner to a
novice, the lessons and instructions both became harder and more elaborate.The
effort put into each class seemed too much in proportion to the time I was spending. It is often said that hindsight is perfect. I can completely relate to this upon
looking at the results all that effort has yielded. Soon enough, I was faced with
a deceptively easy decision. I use the words deceptively easy because I wasn’t
aware of the various different consequences of my choice. The choice faced by
me was which writing style to pursue, study and practice in order to be an expert
at it. I chose to learn the ‘Gothic Style’. On my 12th birthday I received a book on
calligraphy as a gesture of encouragement from my parents.
This book became my Holy Grail and nearly all of my free time was spent trying
different techniques and methods that I studied in this marvelous volume.. The
person who inspired me to keep on learning and practicing was my father who
convinced me and motivated me no matter what. Besides helping me become
more creative calligraphy has helped me increase my concentration as well as
hone my creative abilities. The Award Programme has helped me get recognition
in my class for the art of calligraphy, and am forever grateful for getting the opportunity to pursue something I am passionate about and hone my skill.
- Udeept Bhatnagar, Gold Aspirant, Delhi Public School, Gurgaon
6 Award India
ooking is what makes the world go round. Its simple pleasures can evolve passion and cement traditions; without which our life would be dull and tasteless,
which is exactly why I have chosen this area of skill to be covered by me for the
Bronze and Silver Levels offered by the Award Programme. The school cookery club
emphasizes on dishes and menus that are easy to cook, nutritious and appetizing to
During the course of the year my teachers, Mrs. Seema Upadhyay along with
Mrs. Shoba Dinesh have taught me various recipes of dishes right from simple foods
such as French fries and sandwiches to the complexities of Indian cuisines ranging
from ‘Dhokla’ and ‘khakra’ to the different Indian ‘chaats’.
We have been the taught names of varied utensils and their uses, maintenance of
electronic kitchen appliances, and the usage of the different knives and other instruments. During my coursework and cooking experience I have learnt and gathered a
lot. Cooking has become a passion for many boys, like me in my school for which I am
ever grateful to my school and the Award Programme.
- Shashwat Khemani, Sarala Birla Academy, Bangalore
Basket Making
Jewellery Designing
s a participant of the Award Programme we were asked to join any hobby
classes to develop our skills and we choose to be a part of Jewellery
designing and basket making. This is how we started our journey toward
the Bronze Award, by developing and improving on our creativity.
Jewellery is an essential part of our Indian culture and Society. Wearing and
gifting Jewellery has always been valuable for all the Indians, that was also one
of the reason for opting Jewellery designing. From the very beginning it was a
matter of excitement for us to make and design different type of Jewellery. One
of the special things was to work with the poor people and learn a lot of things
from them. The poor people are much more expert and self-satisfied and it made
us to realise that finally it's the ability and willingness to do something which
matters more than money. An item prepared by us gives us more happiness then purchasing it from the market. This is
quite interesting and fun learning. We are really very enthusiastic, as weaving a basket or designing an item with the
workers gives us a lot of satisfaction. Although it is a bit difficult but somehow in the starting we manage to do and now we
feel privileged to be a part of this group.
At the end I will like to thank to the Sagar School who gave us this opportunity to join this hobby class and to the teachers
like Ms. Negi and Ms. Khokran who motivated us and scolded us time to time to achieve our goal. Finally I extend my
gratitude towards the Award Programme for making us realise that nothing is impossible in life. Age does not matter but
the willingness and determination are really the keys to success.
- Muskaan and Khushboo, The Sagar School
Award India 7
Training Time
YES Centre Award Leader Training Workshop
12th - 13th April 2014 at Father LeBlond School, Siliguri
wo days Youth Engaging Society (YES) Centre Award Leader Training Workshop was held
for nine students from Father LeBlond School,
Siliguri and two teachers from Birla Divya Jyoti School,
Siliguri. Niranjan P.Datta, Director, Father LeBlond
School, Siliguri welcomed National Award Authority (NAA) India Programme Manager Bivujit Mukhoty
by talking about the excitement among the school
students who are part of The International Award for
Young People (IAYP) Programme and also talked
about the overall development he has witnessed
among the students taking IAYP Programme.
Rather than calling it a training workshop, Bivujit Mukhoty preferred calling it an experience sharing workshop. Over the span of two days at Father LeBlond
School, the participants were given in-depth knowledge regarding the four domains of the programme i.e.
Skills, Service, Physical Recreation and Adventurous
Journey and also the Residential Project for the Gold
Award Programme. Other than that the participants
were also introduced to the technical aspect of the
programme, which included Risk Management and
Branding. Before meeting the teachers, NAA Programme Manager also held an orientation workshop
for fifty students from Father LeBlond School to introduce them to the IAYP Programme. The workshop was
delivered by Bivujit Mukhoty & Ranjana Rai (Member,
National Training Panel & YES Centre Manager, The
Assam Valley School, Balipara). The programme concluded with the presentation of participation certificates
and badges to the participants by Mr. Datta.
10 Award India
11th March 2014
at Vidya Sanskar International School, Faridabad
The NAA organised a one day Award Leaders
training workshop at Vidya Sanskar International
School, Faridabad, on 11th March 2014. 20 faculty
members from different departments of the school
participated in the workshop. The training panel
welcomed by Principal Ms.Vasudha Neel Mani with
a bouquet.
Mr. Kapil Bhalla (National Director), Mr. Bivujit Mukhoty (Programme Manager), and Ms. Vijayashree
Pahal (Member, National Training Panel), conducted sessions covering an introduction to the Award,
its philosophy, its operational structures, each of
the sections and projects, and so on.
There was a Q&A session in which the participants
discussed different challenges which participants
face during their Award Journey. All the queries
were discussed and resolved by the National Director and the Programme Manager.
The workshop concluded with the presentation of
Certificates to the participants by Ms.Deepti Mahlotra, Vice Principal of the school.
Residential Project
Thangde Gatsal
Bhanu Tanwar, had an experience of a
lifetime being a part of the
Thangde Gatsal Thangka Studio
for his training to understand an ancient culture and its art forms - a first
step towards preservation of both.
The following is a brief reflection of
the four weeks...
10 Award India
fter attaining the Bronze Award in 2008, I decided to continue my Award Journey to accomplish
a Gold Award. As part of my Residential Project,
I decided to do something which would connect me to
new people and unique surroundings. I heard about
Thangde Gatsal Thangka Studio and School and
was very keen to join it during my summer vacations.
Thangde Gatsal painting studio and trust is located in
Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, and is a registered
trust with Government of India. Thangde Gatsal strives
to preserve the Himalayan Buddhist traditional art of
Thangka Painting. The objective of the training provided at Thangde Gatsal is to support Thangka Painters
through the preservation and dissemination of knowledge about Himalayan Buddhist cultural traditions.
Thangka Painting is a unique Himalayan Art that originated in India and has attained classical levels in the
Tibetan tradition. Being a part of our history and rich
heritage, it must be preserved and promoted worldwide. Thangde Gatsal has been conducting training
programmes to help develop an understanding about
the iconography, methods and techniques involved in
the process of creation of Thangka Art. A Thangka is
more than a work of art; it is an object of devotion, an
aid to spiritual practice, and a source of blessings to
those who meditate upon it.
I started my training at Thangde Gatsal from the 17th
of June 2013. My training included an understanding
of the drawings, iconography and the grids which are
involved in the Himalayan Buddhist Art of Thangka
Painting. Our classes started at 9 am in the morning
and ended at 5 pm in the evening. Weekends were
free. During the entire day all the students spent time
practicing grids which were taught to us by Master
Locho who is the founder of Thangde Gatsal Studio
and School as well as a Master Thangka Painter. The
students were taught in detail about the origin of this
incredible Buddhist art during the evening classes.
The theory classes as well as classes to clarify doubts
were taken by Sarika Ma’am who is also a Master
Thangka Painter. Ma’am ensured that all our doubts
were clarified and that we practiced enough to reach
perfection. It is unbelievable how everyone would
enjoy every bit of time spend at the studio, sketching,
learning grids and meditating upon the beautiful Buddhist chants.
The evening time was usually free when the students
of Thangde were allowed to go and explore the sur-
roundings. Thangde Gatsal is situated in a small
village, 4 kilometers away from the main city of Dharamshala. The evening walks included adventure walks
in the dense forests, visiting some nearby villages,
exploring the chilled streams and spending time with
the co-students of Thangde Gatsal who came from
diverse cultures and places. The painters at Thangde
Gatsal were always very helpful and told us real life
stories about Tibet and the life of TIbetan refugees in
Dharamshala. I got to learn so much about Buddhism,
Tibet and India’s political relations, Buddhist Art and
the life and work of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
On weekends we visited some of the most important
places in Dharamshala. Among them was Norbulinga Institute of Tibetan Culture, which is even today
keeping the Tibetan culture and values alive. I even
visited the Dalai Lama’s temple on various occasions.
The whole idea of these outings was to understand
the Buddhist culture and get a glimpse of the various
Thangka Paintings in and around Mc Leod Ganj as
well as those in the monasteries.
Four weeks of my training finally ended on 14th July.
This included not only the grids related to Thangka but
we were also taught how to make canvas. Making canvas was the most amazing process. This surely was
the experience I will always treasure. I would never
forget the small little things that I learnt from this training program. There surely are many things that I would
miss, this includes washing my own utensils after all
my meals, seeing snakes almost once a week, the
bright stars shining in the sky, fireflies, huge spiders,
the peace of Himalayas and the rich talented crowd
around. I thank everyone at Thangde Gatsal for such a
wonderful experience and the beautiful memories and
the Award Programme for providing me with a platform
for exploring new things.
Award India 11
ward participants of Dikshant International
School, Zirakpur have undertaken a project, in
the village of Nagla on the Old Kalka-Ambala
highway, towards their Service Section. The aim was
to undertake a cleanliness drive to clean the open
drains and prevent the spread of various communicable diseases. Initially, the team found the task difficult,
because the drains had never been cleaned after they
were made. They were stinking and choked with polythene and tall grass was growing all around. But with
the co-operation of Mandeep Singh, one of the villagers, the team managed to arrange sickles and baskets
to throw the garbage. Another problem that the team
confronted was to find a place to dispose off the garbage, as there was no bin kept around! Every house
threw the garbage in the open space. The Awardees
tried to convince people not to litter everywhere. The
next problem was pulling up grass roots - this was
quite a challenge because the filth from the drain came
out along with the grass; so the team got masks and
gloves for the job. Once the team started off, they
warmed to the task and the villagers helped by providing baskets, sickles and sticks etc. It took nearly two
months to clean the drains. It was a satisfying job to
carry out the project. The work was appreciated by
the village folk and the elected sarpanch of the village
promised to lay out the sewerage line
Man of Steel
Cleanliness Drive
A report from Dolly Arora (Award Leader),
Dikshant International School, Zirakpur
Leader Training
passes away
A creative report by J.David, Livingstone
Foundation School, Dimapur, Nagaland
ussi Mody, former chairman and managing director of Tata Steel passed away on May 16, 2014.
We at International Award for Young People
India would like to send our condolences to the Mody
family and Tata group for their loss. Not many know
The Man of Steel, as he was fondly known held an
integral role in developing the Award Programme in
India. He was among the first renowned individuals in
India who had helped the Award Programme to sprout
in the country and helped in spreading the importance
of participating in the Award Programme among the
youth of our country. We at IAYP India will always be
indebted towards Russi Mody for his support in helping
the Award Programme grow in India.
Bang we got up on a Sunday morn,
To hear how was IAYP conceived and born.
Like sleepy snails we crawled into the Chapel Hall,
Where the chairman ushered Mr. Kapil, his team and all
Mr. Kapil unleashed the history and dynamics,
Mr. Bivujit dug deeper into all the tricks,
Henry & Miss Chai flavoured with chart paper, pen and
glue sticks,
Now aghast, the participants listened like mystics.
Eight million youngs registered with their mentor,
Bronze, Silver and Gold, all ready for capture,
A Bronze in six months, indeed a marathon,
But a leisure time activity, a physical recreation.
All explained to us through chart work and game,
This is only to make us teachers of fame,
By leading all awardees into Bronze, Silver or Gold,
A sense of achievements, sure, we are told.
In the chart work of ‘Clean up’ and ‘Martial Arts’,
Mohan and Bipul were the notable wards,
With Khetomu the ideal coach, this could muster,
The Bronze in six months nodded Dr. Baruah the Mentor.
To develop personal skills, do Community Service,
Build character, launch into adventure, joy not amiss,
Gain a sense of achievement, confidence, self-esteem,
Is the essence of this program, so I deem.
The age most misunderstood is the teen,
Will become most constructive when they are keen,
To bag Bronze, Silver & Gold, International Award,
A self-fulfillment, when only fourteen, fifteen or sixteen.
Award India 13
YES Centres
Akshayah Matriculation Higher Secondary School,
Contact Person: Ms. Rachael
Tel.: +91.44.22432755
All Bengal Womens' Union Home, Kolkata
Contact Person: Sumita Roy
Tel.: +91.9831192286
Amity International School, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Sangeeta Sethi
Tel.: +91.124.2385110/112
Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Pratibha Singh
Tel.: +91.9711723689
Ashok Hall Girls' Residential School, Ranikhet
Contact Person: Sunita Meena
Tel.: +91.9639006461
Audacious Dreams Foundation, Vellore
Contact Person: Dinesh Gajendran
Tel.: +91.98405 51749
B.K. Birla Centre for Education School,
Contact Person: Gayatri Ayyer
Tel.: +91.9326460814
B-ABLE - Basix Academy, New Delhi
Contact Person: Sumiran Tandon
Tel.: +91.9873299941
Bal Bharati Public School, New Delhi
Contact Person: Satinder Kaur
Tel.: +91.8802142644
Billabong High International School, Bhopal
Contact Person: Virendra Kumar Sharma
Tel.: +91.9425372612
Birla High School, Kolkata
Contact Person: Poulomee Mukherjee
Tel.: +91.8902152965
Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, Mumbai
Contact Person: Molly Paul
Tel.: +91.9869562156
Calcutta International School, Kolkata
Contact Person: Chai Eng Dutta
Tel.: +91.8902166054
Cambrian Hall, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Hima Mahata
Tel.: +91.135.2753589
Cambridge International School, Phagwara
Contact Person: Jorawar Singh
Tel.: +91.1824.228107
Cathedral High School, Bangalore
Contact Person: Isabella Simon
Tel.: +91.80.2557262
Christ Church School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Rahul Thakur
Tel.: +91.22.23099892/23079745
Coorg Public School, Mysore
Contact Person: Teena Machaiah
Tel.: +91.8274.247011
Crescent School, Chennai
Contact Person: Sheik Muhideen Salih
Tel.: +91.9444454458
DBMS Liliput School, Jamshedpur
Contact Person: Suryajeet Singh
Tel.: +91.9905738317
Delhi Public School Megacity, Kolkata
Contact Person: Atanu Chatterjee
Tel.: +91.9830408446
Government of Punjab
Contact Person: Kamal Kumar Garg
Tel.: +91.9888836658
Livingstone Foundation, Dimapur
Contact Person: Andrew Ahoto Sema
Tel.: +91.9862556507
Delhi Public School, Ghaziabad
Contact Person: Vipul Deep
Tel.: +91.9990967011
Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Kaniyambad, Vellore
Contact Person: I. Umadevan
Tel.: +91.83446954836
M.C. Kejriwal Vidyapeeth, Howrah
Contact Person: Sangeeta Bannerjee
Tel.: +91.9836016385
Delhi Public School, Greater Noida
Contact Person: Raina Krishnatray
Tel.: +91.8527776555
Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Jharsaintly
(Sponsored by JCB India)
Contact Person: Neelam Singh
Tel.: +91.8377073812
Maa Anandmayee Memorial School, Raiwala
Contact Person: Arpit Panjwani
Tel.: +91.135.2484645
Delhi Public School, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Darshana Dahiya
Tel.: +91.9958291528
Delhi Public School, NTPC Vidyut Nagar
Contact Person: Rakesh Singh
Tel.: +91.9990512496
Delhi Public School, R. K. Puram, New Delhi
Contact Person: Atika Dayal
Tel.: +91.9910720929
Dikshant International School, Zirakpur
Contact Person: Dolly Arora
Tel.: +91.1762.508438
DLF Public School, Sahibabad
Contact Person: Charu Seth
Tel.: +91.8800438351
Doon International School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Mahesh Rawat
Tel.: +91.9837231222
DPS International, Saket, New Delhi
Contact Person: Neera Agarwal
Tel.: +91.9868282845
Dr. Grahams Homes, Kalimpong
Contact Person: Henry Simon
Tel.: +91.9474037192
DSB International School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Stuart Smith
Tel.: +91.8451053034
Ecole Globale International Girls School,
Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Mike
Tel.: +91.9557291888
Guru Nanak Public School, New Delhi
Contact Person: Rubinder Kaur Gambhir
Tel.: +91.9891137087
Hebron School, Ootacamund
Contact Person: Rachel Tattersall
Tel.: +91.423.2225820
Hollotoli School, Dimapur, Nagaland
Contact Person: Allin Benjamin
Tel.: +91.9862973320
Hopetown Girls' School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Praveen Uniyal
Tel.: +91.9917075866
Indirapuram Public School, Ghaziabad
Contact Person: Sudha Sivadas
Tel.: +91.120.4264427
Indus International School, Hyderabad
Contact Person: David Udry
Tel.: +91.8417302100
International School Aamby, Pune
Contact Person: S.P.Sharma
Tel.: +91.20.39102507
Jain International School, Bangalore
Contact Person: OMP Singh
Tel.: +91.9611055205
Jamnabai Narsee School, Mumbai
Contact Person: S Chatterjee
Tel.: +91.22.26187575/7676
Jaspal Kaur Public School, Delhi
Contact Person: Dr. (Ms.) Gurleen Sawhney
Tel.: +91.9911478344
Emmanuel Ministries, Kolkata
Contact Person: Timothy Barretto
Tel.: +91.9903133457
JMK International School, Pathankot
Contact Person: Pooja Bhatia
Tel.: +91.9915193691
Father LeBlond School, Madati
Contact Person: N P Datta
Tel.: +91.9932299798
Jodhamal Public School, Jammu
Contact Person: Trilok Singh Bist
Tel.: +91.9419797389
G D Goenka World School, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Vijayashree Pahal
Tel.: +91.9810575841
Karaumbiah's Academy for Learning & Sports,
Contact Person: Suma Kuttappa
Tel.: +91.8274.279456
GEMS Akademia International SchooL, Kolkata
Contact Person: Leesha Saha
Tel.: +91.9051888888
GEMS NPS International School, Guwahati
Contact Person: J N Das
Tel.: +91.8876502450
Goa Football Association, Panjim
Contact Person: Jason Monserrate
Tel.: +91.7507310605
Good Shepherd International School,
Contact Person: Jacob P Ajith Mathews
Tel.: +91.9442646660
Magic Bus, Noida
Contact Person: Pratik Kumar
Tel.: +91.9810634666
Mainadevi Bajaj International School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Ganesh Mishra
Tel.: +91.22.66812312
Manav Vikas School, Jamshedpur
Contact Person: M. R. Sarkar
Tel.: +91.9835950804
Maria's Public School, Birkuchi, Guwahati
Contact Person: Aparna Kharikar
Tel.: +91.9854010801
Mayo College Boy's School, Ajmer
Contact Person: Himanshu Kumar Pande
Tel.: +91.9001069851
Miles Bronson Residential School, Guwahati
Contact Person: Lipika Barah
Tel.: +91.9957571700
Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata
Contact Person: Saugata Banerjee
Tel.: +91.9831589399
Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi
Contact Person: Mena Mittle
Tel.: +91.11.27481119
Modern School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
Contact Person: Unman Kaur
Tel.: +91.9899311204
Navrachana International School, Vadodara
Contact Person: Ashvin Patel
Tel.: +91.9374452232
Naz Foundation (India) Trust, Delhi
Contact Person: Vivek Gaur
Tel.: +91.9818180362
O P Jindal Modern School, Hisar
Contact Person: Mahesh Mehta
Tel.: +91.9467293453
O P Jindal School. Raigarh
Contact Person: Sangita Christopher
Tel.: +91.9926121160
Olcott Memorial School, Chennai
Contact Person: Lakshmi Suryanarayanan
Tel.: +91.44.2491582
Kasiga School, Dehradun
Contact Person: Shipra Bahl
Tel.: +91.9917480112
Open Award Centre, New Delhi
Contact Person: Office Manager
Tel.: +91.11.41087062
Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad
Contact Person: Sabita Seth
Tel.: +91. 9810726609
P. G. Garodia School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Pradeep Panigrahi
Tel.: +91.9987180002
La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata
Contact Person: Dr. Tapti Das Gupta
Tel.: +91.9432224564
Pathways School, Noida
Contact Person: S. Indira
Tel.: +91.9810937482
Lady Khatun Marium School, Panvel
Contact Person: Priyanjan Tripathi
Tel.: +91.9969080050
Pathways World School, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Mansi Grover
Tel.: +91.9711688599
YES Centres
Pinegrove School, Solan
Contact Person: Surinder Mehta
Tel.: +91.9816155402
Sir Padampat Singhania Education Centre, Kanpur
Contact Person: Deepak Kumar Singh
Tel.: +91.9450268293
The Aryan School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Alok Virmani
Tel.: +91.9319142444
The Lawrence School, Lovedale, Tamil Nadu
Contact Person: Kuldeep Singh
Tel.: +91.9487429209
Purkal Youth Development Society, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Manish Chandel
Tel.: +91.9927193913
Special Olympics Bharat, New Delhi
Contact Person: Rati Misra
Tel.: +91.9811938889
The Assam Valley School, Tezpur
Contact Person: Ranjana Rai
Tel.: +91.9957577326
The Lawrence School, Sanawar
Contact Person: Ravinder Singh Kanwar
Tel.: +91.9882414585
Ramkrishna Mission Blind Boys Academy, Kolkata
Contact Person: Chandan Majumder
Tel.: +91.9433012614
Sri Kumaran Children's Home School, Bangalore
Contact Person: Rashmi Krishna
Tel.: +91.9980922076
The Sagar School, District Alwar
Contact Person: Jayshree Balasaria
Tel.: +91.9871098498
Raphael (Differently abled), Dehradun
Contact Person: Priyo Lall
Tel.: +91.9897297027
Sri Sarada Math, Kolkata
Contact Person: Adrija Chatterjee
Tel.: +91.33.25649824
The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School,
Contact Person: Baishali Dutt
Tel.: +91.33.40196666
Rashtriya Life Saving Society India, Pune
Contact Person: Ankit Wagh
Tel.: +91.9689587679
St. Mary's School, Dwarka, New Delhi
Contact Person: Anupama Sharma
Tel.: +91.9868131848
Rohini Educational Society, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Chaithanya Krishna
Tel.: +91.770220863
St. Mary's School, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
Contact Person: Jyoti Fotedar
Tel.: +91.9899275186
Saffron City School, Distt. Fatehgarh Sahib
Contact Person: Jasdeep Kaur Kahlon
Tel.: +91.9463602189
Summer Valley School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Sumit Sharma
Tel.: +91.135.2673383, 2678356
Sainik School Purulia, Dist.Purulia
Contact Person: Ravichadran
Tel.: +91.9679788294
Sunbeam School Lahartara, Varanasi
Contact Person: Aditya Choudhury
Tel.: +91.9721452302
Salaam Baalak Trust, New Delhi
Contact Person: S. K. Jha
Tel.: +91.7428715570
Sushila Birla Girls' School, Kolkata
Contact Person: Shashi Khanna
Tel.: +91.9830112451
Sanjeewan Vidyalaya, Panchgani
Contact Person: Deepak Gosavi
Tel.: +91.8806507778
Symbiosis International School, Pune
Contact Person: M Madan Mohan
Tel.: +91.20.26634550
Sarala Birla Academy, Bangalore
Contact Person: Santanu Das
Tel.: +91.80.41348261
SYNA International School, Katni
Contact Person: Dr. Aditya Kumar Sharma
Tel.: +91.9926481060
Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti, Guwahati
Contact Person: Jayashrita Shinghal
Tel.: +91.9435558252
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
Contact Person: Rajeev Behal
Tel.: +91.161.2522477
Sawan Public School, New Delhi
Contact Person: Rakesh kumar Saini
Tel.: +91.9650935829
Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior
Contact Person: Archana Saraswat
Tel.: +91.751.2322137
Shades of Happiness, Hyderabad
Contact Person: Natasha Garcha
Tel.: +91.9160063344
Singapore International School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Sharonee Mullick
Tel.: +91.9821357006
The British Co-ed High School, Patiala
Contact Person: Ranjit Singh
Tel.: +91.9814959219
The British School, New Delhi
Contact Person: Aparna Jaitly
Tel.: +91.11.40664166
The Cathedral & John Connon School, Mumbai
Contact Person: Noshir N.Engineer
Tel.: +91.22.24453460
The Cathedral Vidya School, Lonavala
Contact Person: Nagendra Singh
Tel.: +91.9923756980
The Daly College, Indore
Contact Person: Chetan Sharma
Tel.: +91.9406622064
The Doon School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Skand Bali
Tel.: +91.7895385308
The Emerald Heights International School, Indore
Contact Person: Nisha Ahmad
Tel.: +91.9893347019
The Galaxy School, Rajkot
Contact Person: Parag Fatehpuria
Tel.: +91.9978111041
Tagore International School, Delhi
Contact Person: Preeti Chadha
Tel.: +91.9818795558
Takshila Educational Society, Defence Colony, New
Contact Person: Prem Prakash
Tel.: +91.11.41555418
The Heritage School, Kolkata
Contact Person: Kavita Arora
Tel.: +91.9748558345
The Heritage Schools, Gurgaon
Contact Person: Kaye Jacob
Tel.: +91.124.2855124
Talent Enablers, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Rajiv Johari
Tel.: +91.9286557728
The Indian Public School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Mani. C. V.
Tel.: +91.9568012772
Thamarai International School, Thanjavur,
Contact Person: Kalidass Chokkalingam
Tel.: +91.98656 69997
The International School, Bangalore
Contact Person: Manoj K Agarwal
Tel.: +91.80.22634900-980
The Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad
Contact Person: Koel Ray
Tel.: +91.40.32587022
The Laidlaw Memorial School & Junior College,
Contact Person: Rachael Smith
Tel.: +91.8098613234
The Sanskaar Valley School, Chandanpura, Bhopal
Contact Person: Atul Chamoli
Tel.: +91.755.3255346-49
The Scindia School, Gwalior
Contact Person: Raksha Siriah
Tel.: +91.751.2480750
Trivandrum International School, Trivandrum
Contact Person: Priya K Nair
Tel.: +91.94470 41641
Unison World School, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Versha Sharma
Tel.: +91.9837022222
Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hisar
Contact Person: Sunita Dixit
Tel.: +91.1662.281000-4
Vidya Sanskar International School, Faridabad
Contact Person: Gyanendra Tewatia
Tel.: +91.9716713687
Vikash Bharati School, Gorakhpur
Contact Person: Sanjai Kumar Singh
Tel.: +91.9935147565
Vivek High School, Chandigarh
Contact Person: Rashmi Khanna
Tel.: +91.172.2698988
Welham Boys School Society, Dehra Dun
Contact Person: Laxman Singh
Tel.: +91.9837679566
Woodstock School, Mussoorie
Contact Person: K Krishnan Kutty
Tel.: +91.135.6615173
Wynberg-Allen School, Mussoorie
Contact Person: L. Tindale
Tel.: +91.135.2632526
Yadavindra Public School, Mohali
Contact Person: Jyotsna
Tel.: +91.172.2232850
Yadavindra Public School, Patiala
Contact Person: J K Saini
Tel.: +91.9815562090
for updated list kindly visit
Award Partners
| ASOP India | Bharti Enterprises | British Council | Civil Society | Culture Clothing Private Limited | Delhi University |
| Government of Punjab | HSBC India | JCB India | MAX India | RLSS, India | SEL Group | Shell India |
| TAJ Hotels Resorts and Palaces | Tata Consultancy Services Limited | World Wildlife Fund |
Service Partners
| Ecosphere, Spiti | Institute of Climbers and Nature Lovers |
Adventure Operators
| Adventure 1 Zone | Himalayan River Runners | Holiday Moods Adventures Pvt. Ltd. | Indian Camper | INME Learning Pvt. Ltd. |
| Jungle Lore | Juniper Wings | Magic Bus India Foundation | Nature Trails Resorts Pvt. Ltd. | News Travels | Pugmarks Eco Tours Pvt. Ltd. |
| Rocksport | RVentures Holidays | The Explorers | Trailblazers Adventure Travel Pvt. Ltd. | Youreka Outbound Services Pvt. Ltd. | Zlife Education |
The International Award for Young People
First Floor, 86/1 Shahpur Jat, August Kranti Marg,
Near Asian Games Village, New Delhi - 110049, INDIA
Phone: +91 11 41087062 Telefax: +91 11 26497164