case management - AIDS Foundation of Chicago
case management - AIDS Foundation of Chicago
POSITIVE MOMENTUM Our Mission The mission of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago is to lead the fight against HIV/AIDS and improve the lives of people affected by the epidemic. Founded in 1985 by community activists and physicians, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago is a local and national leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS. We collaborate with community organizations to develop and improve HIV/AIDS services; fund and coordinate prevention, care, and advocacy projects; and champion effective, compassionate HIV/AIDS policy. Get in touch AIDS Foundation of Chicago 200 W Jackson Blvd. Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312-922-2322 Fax: 312-922-2916 AFC Board and Junior Board Junior Board Jennifer Cheng, President Board of Directors J. Ben Stringfellow, Chair Craig Andree Deborah Ashen Ericka C. Baran Anthony Bruck Kimberly du Buclet Martin Cournane Gary Cunningham Edward W. Diffin, III Anne Feder Paula Friedman Terri Friel Neha Gandhi Larry Giddings Jeffrey Green Abbas Hyderi, M.D. Lori Kaufman 2 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago Nicole Kazee, Ph.D. Thomas Kehoe Anna Laubach Brian Lighty Condon McGlothlen Robert Neubert Exavier Pope, Esq. Hilda Richards, Ed.D., RN, FAAN DeJuran Richardson, Ph. D. Ernie Rodriguez Bradley A. Serot Joseph Stokes, Ph.D. Rev. Charles Straight Sally J. Stresnak Chad Thompson Chelsea Ducharme Lucas Fleisher Jacob Fyda Samuel Hoehnle Ashley Loomis Percy Major Kevin Moore Nico Rodriguez Joey Scheiber Paul Staisiunas D. Vincent Thomas, Jr. Jasmine Tucker Shawn Tumanov Chase Vedrode Amanda Wilkins Letter from the Board Chair and President/CEO Looking back on the brave and difficult history of the HIV epidemic — both in Illinois and around the world — it is remarkable that we have come so far. In the thirty years since the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) was established, the movement and our organization have changed dramatically. 2014 marked another year of dramatic change for the worldwide mission of ending new HIV infections and serving people whose daily lives are impacted by HIV and AIDS, and AFC was at the forefront of that change. With our allies and champions in Springfield and Washington, and with the support and expertise of our vibrant partner organizations, we are creating a world in which people’s lives aren’t dictated by a virus. Yet we are still so far from the time when new HIV infections are rare. We know HIV continues to have a disproportionate impact on all gay men, and particularly young gay and bisexual men of color, transgender women, women of color and people experiencing poverty or homelessness. We know that awareness of HIV and preventive tools like pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is low among these and other communities. We know that HIV apathy is a growing force that needs to be stopped. And with that knowledge comes the power to write the final chapter of our thirty-year struggle with HIV. This report highlights the ways AFC has charted its course along the Road to Health, our three-year strategic plan, to help those who are most vulnerable to HIV gain access to testing, treatment, housing and prevention. Thank you for standing with us, propelling the momentum forward and doing your part to seize upon this profound time in the history of the HIV/AIDS movement. John Peller President/CEO J. Ben Stringfellow Board chair 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 3 HOUSING Multifaceted housing program serves the needs of key populations A house is more than a home — it is a foundation upon which to build healthy, stable lives. AFC works with its vibrant network of partner agencies to provide safe and affordable housing for low-income people with HIV and other chronic illnesses so they have a better opportunity to flourish. 64% better Average decrease in reported health discomfort after six months in supportive housing: 64%. In 2014, AFC’s combined six supportive housing and housing stabilization programs offered 1,132 people in Illinois a home. Its two Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration programs ended in 2014 after serving a total of 367 people in Illinois. Looking ahead to 2015, AFC will partner with Vida/ SIDA to provide needed housing to youth experiencing homelessness and living with HIV. 6 programs 1,132 clients In 2014, six supportive housing and housing stabilization programs provided 1,132 people in Illinois a home. 4 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago 582 remained housed People served by one-time or emergency assistance to remain housed: 582. A lot of people who are HIV-positive want to be in the program I am in — it promotes well-being, happiness and love. When Scott Christian was connected with the Samaritan Housing Program four years ago, he was presented with an opportunity: to stop sleeping on trains, to start getting his HIV under control, and to pursue life goals he never thought possible. Every day presents challenges, but thanks to this vital housing program, Christian has taken classes at a community college, walks with his dog and teaches tennis lessons to youth through the Chicago Park District. Taking the question of where Christian will sleep every night out of the equation — and connecting him to care that keeps his HIV undetectable — means Christian can thrive, rather than just survive. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 5 It doesn’t matter who you are or where your district is — HIV affects everybody. And that’s why it’s so important to fund HIV services. Strong relationships between AFC and allies in the Illinois state legislature are the backbone for maintaining funding for the essential services AFC provides to thousands of people across the state. Two of those proponents, Representatives Thaddeus Jones (right) and Rita Mayfield (left), have a passion for the HIV/AIDS movement, and their records prove it. Working closely with AFC’s Policy team, led by Ramon Gardenhire (center), Jones and Mayfield led the fight to secure an additional $1 million in funding for HIV/AIDS services in the 2015 state budget. Their HIV work doesn’t stop in Springfield, though — Jones leads the Jones Foundation, which supports the HIV community in the southern suburbs of Chicago, and Mayfield works closely with Lake County Stands Against Stigma, which works to educate her district about HIV. 6 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago ADVOCACY Securing legislative support — and a nationwide network of advocates — for the HIV/AIDS community Through partnerships with the HIV/AIDS community, local service providers and statewide and national partners, AFC’s Advocacy team works to achieve legislative and policy support for the estimated 43,500 people living with HIV and AIDS in Illinois. $2.6M increase Secured $1 million increase in HIV/AIDS funding and helped secure a $2.6 million increase for supportive housing in 2015 Illinois budget. The work doesn’t stop at the state level, however — AFC leads nationwide and worldwide campaigns to promote new HIV prevention technologies, reduce HIV stigma and criminalization, expand access to female condoms, educate the HIV and housing communities about the Affordable Care Act and more. In 2014, advocacy efforts took members of the AFC staff to Cape Town, South Africa, to collaborate on prevention efforts and to UN offices in Geneva to report on inequities in the HIV epidemic. Locally, AFC staff conducted a statewide listening tour with partner organizations to solicit input on its policy priorities and amplified the demand for female condoms at its Global Female Condom Day rally. 170 advocates to Springfield Led 170 advocates from across Illinois in two lobbying and advocacy sessions in Springfield, resulting in conversations with over 100 state legislators. 2014 Annual Report | 7 PREVENTION 387 trained Awareness and testing can end new HIV infections AFC leads a comprehensive campaign to test thousands of individuals each year for HIV, link HIV-positive individuals to care, provide state-of-the-art HIV prevention barriers to those who need it most and advocate for statewide and international support for groundbreaking, new prevention methods. TE ST E unity organ m m iza co ns tio AFC increased awareness of new preventive measures, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a once-a-day pill that prevents HIV transmission by upwards of 90%, through workshops, a strong online and social media presence and key partnerships across Chicago. Provided trainings on PrEP to 387 health care providers in Chicago and downstate Illinois. 36 AFC doesn’t just build innovative programs that screen key populations for HIV, such as the MSM Testing Initiative, which tested 2,997 people in 2014. AFC goes one step further by providing resources to help other organizations repeat successful strategies, like the Bridge Project Toolkit, which outlines a strategy for offering HIV tests in conjunction with state-run services. D 96 postive 72 linked to care so far Partnered with 36 community organizations on 105 HIV testing outreach activities through Tested 5,022 people, 96 of whom were identified as HIV-positive, and linked 72 to care to date. 8 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago STEP UP. GET TESTED. AFC brings together some of the brightest minds and committed people to do the work we do collectively. Maurice Chapman has a wealth of experience in the HIV/AIDS sector in Chicago — but as a member of AFC’s Service Providers Council (SPC), a consortium of 34 key prevention, housing and case management organizations across the Chicago metropolitan area, his experience is magnified through the guidance he gets from his fellow council members. Chapman currently leads the South Suburban HIV/ AIDS Regional Clinics (SSHARC), and the experiences he has serving that community’s unique HIV needs are influenced by — and changing the direction of — his SPC members. For example, SSHARC’s focus on providing HIV services at non-traditional locations to reduce the impact of HIV stigma is a lesson that can be shared with other HIV organizations on the council. 2014 Annual Report | 9 The counselor was knowledgeable and patient. I am delighted with my new, lower health care premium! The opportunities provided to millions of Americans through the Affordable Care Act also come with a few challenges. For instance, how do you enroll in one of the many new insurance plans on the marketplace? AFC, in coordination with AIDS Legal Council of Chicago and Howard Brown Health Center, sends In-person Counselors to key community spaces around Chicago to enroll people like Karen R. Mazique, who owns and manages Mazique Design Services. Thanks to the support she received from an In-Person Counselor, Mazique found a health insurance plan that fit her needs — and her budget. 10 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago CASE MANAGEMENT 81% undetectable AND ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE A spectrum of needs served, including health insurance enrollment AFC’s case management system connects clients to the services they need. This program, in partnerships with community organizations across Illinois, identifies medical and social service needs and facilitates referrals to meet those needs; assists clients in applying for benefits, including housing, transportation, food and nutrition services; and facilitates access to emergency homelessness prevention funds in times of crisis. One measure of success for AFC’s case management program is the viral suppression of its clients. In 2014, 81% of AFC’s case management clients in Cook and the collar counties were undetectable, meaning their HIV count was extremely low, allowing them to better manage their health. An undetectable viral load also decreases the risk of transmitting HIV by 96%. 81% of AFC’s Case Management clients achieved viral suppression. Recent dramatic changes in health care and health insurance prompted AFC to offer enrollment assistance for people living with and vulnerable to HIV. The successful In-Person Counselor program, along with new medical benefits coordinators, helped 3,422 people enroll in Medicaid or Illinois health insurance marketplace plans in 2014. Peer Navigation 112 5,362 clients 225 822 Corrections Case Management Supportive Housing 1,938 Ryan White Part B 2,265 Ryan White Part A 5,362 clients received case management services in 2014. 3,422 3,422 people received asistance enrolling in Medicare and marketplace plans in 2014. 2014 Annual Report | 11 PARTNERS Strengthening Illinois’ network of HIV/AIDS organizations Ending the HIV epidemic and serving the estimated 43,500 people living with HIV in Illinois cannot be accomplished by one organization alone. AFC supports the efforts of esteemed community-based organizations in Chicago and across Illinois to prevent new HIV infections and serve people living with the disease. In 2014, AFC distributed $16.3 million to over 50 organizations through more than 65 grants and contracts. 12 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago New wheels take HIV tests across Chicago How can AFC support the Night Ministry, an organization known for its network of vehicles that bring health care, support and services to street corners across Chicago? By adding a new van to their fleet. Through AFC’s 29th round of Challenge Grants, this housing and health care organization was awarded a grant to cover part of the cost of a van for its new HIV Van program. A combined total of $220,000 was awarded through Challenge Grants to 18 organizations in December 2014. Don’t play games with your HIV status The Salud y Orgullo Mexicano (“Mexican health and pride”) project works to connect Mexican men to services at Erie Family Health Center’s Lending Hands for Life program in Humboldt Park, which offers a range of services from HIV testing and medical care to emotional support. In collaboration with AFC, the organization produced a vibrant, lotería-style marketing campaign to encourage Mexican men living in Chicago to know their HIV and STI status. 2014 Annual Report | 13 Thank you to our 2014 partners Prevention Care Housing Advocacy AIDS Run and Walk CommunityDirect Partners Access Community Health Network Agape Missions AIDS Legal Council of Chicago AIDS United AIDS Institute Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance American Foundation for AIDS Research Anixter Center – CALOR Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Memorial Hospital Asian Human Services Austin Health Center AVAC Beacon Therapeutic Diagnostic and Treatment Center Brothers Health Collective Canticle Ministries Catholic Charities of Chicago Catholic Charities of Lake County Center for Budget and Policy Priorites Center for Health and Gender Equity Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School Center for HIV Law and Policy Center on Halsted Chicago Department of Public Health Chicago House and Social Service Agency Chicago Public Schools Chicago Recovery Alliance Chicago Women’s AIDS Project Children’s Place Association Christian Community Health Center COC Netherlands Counter Narrative Project Deborah’s Place Drug Policy Alliance Erie Family Health Center Everthrive Illinois Families’ and Children’s AIDS Network Fifth Street Renaissance Fred Says Greater Full Gospel Pentecostal Church Haymarket Center Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc. HealthHIV/National Coalition on LGBT Health Heartland Health Outreach Inc. Heartland Health Outreach, Vital Bridges Center Heartland Human Care Services Housing Opportunities for Women Inc. Howard Brown Health Center HIV Medicine Association Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health Illinois Department of Public Health Illinois Public Health Institution Inspiration Corporation Interfaith House JH Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County JWCH Institute Lake County Health Dept & Community Health Center Legal Assistance Foundation of Metro Chicago (LAF) Making a Daily Effort Men and Women in Prison Ministries Mercy Housing Lakefront Michael Reese Research and Educational Foundation Microbicide Trials Network Midwest AIDS Training + Education Center Mount Sinai Hospital National AIDS Housing Coalition National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors National Coalition of STD Directors National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable National Women’s Health Network National Working Positive Coalition New Age Services New York City Department of Mental Health and Hygeine The Night Ministry North Side Housing and Supportive Services Open Door Clinic PATH Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative Peer Health Exchange Planned Parenthood Population Council CASE MANAGEMENT PROVIDERS Positive Justice Project Positive Women’s Network – USA Primo Center Project Inform Project VIDA Provident Hospital of Cook County Puerto Rican Cultural Center – Vida/SIDA RAND Europe Regional CARE Association Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center San Francisco AIDS Foundation Sarah’s Circle Season of Concern Sero Project Sex Workers Outreach Project Sex Workers Project, at Urban Justice Center Sister Love South Side Help Center South Suburban HIV/AIDS Regional Clinics Southern AIDS Coalition Southern AIDS Strategy Initiative Test Positive Aware Network Thresholds Transgender Law Center Treatment Action Group Universal Access to Female Condoms Joint Programme University of Chicago University of Illinois Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services U.S. Human Rights Network Women with a Vision Youth Outlook Service Providers Council, Executive Committee AIDS Legal Council of Chicago Alexian Brothers Housing & Health Alliance Anixter Center - CALOR Asian Human Service Austin Health Center CBC Initiative Catholic Charities of Lake County Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus Chicago Center for AIDS Research Chicago Department of Public Health Chicago House & Social Service Agency Chicago Women’s AIDS Project Christian Community Health Center Connect to Protect –Stroger Hospital and Cook County Haymarket Center Heartland Health Outreach, Vital Bridges Center Howard Brown Health Center Illinois Alliance for Sound AIDS Policy Illinois Public Health Association Legal Assistance Foundation of Metro Chicago (LAF) Michael Reese Research and Educational Foundation Midwest AIDS Training + Education Center (MATEC) Mt. Sinai Health Systems New Age Services Open Door Clinic Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative Puerto Rican Cultural Center - VIDA/SIDA Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center South Side Help Center South Suburban HIV/AIDS Regional Clinics (SSHARC) Task Force Prevention Services Test Positive Aware Network University of Chicago University of Illinois Medical Center It’s hard to find a safe environment, an accepting environment, an understanding environment. And T2 was exactly that. Nancy Khurana has crossed a lot of metaphorical finish lines in her life — but with TEAM TO END AIDS (T2), she was trained to cross a very real finish line at the Chicago Half Marathon in September. T2 wasn’t just a training program for Khurana, though. It was also an opportunity to be a part of a community that embraces people living with HIV — a community that has been hard for her to find since being diagnosed as HIV-postive in December 2013. With support from her coaches, fellow athletes and a very special running partner, Khurana felt equipped to raise money for AFC, perform on race day better than she’d ever imagined and be among people who embrace those living with HIV. 2014 Annual Report | 15 SUPPORTERS AFC is forever grateful for each and every supporter who made a donation. Without them, the HIV/AIDS movement would lose the momentum gained over the last three decades. 2013 and 2014 Giving Circle listings reflect annual gifts made between Jan. 1, 2013 and Dec. 31, 2014. FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE ($10,000+) Anonymous Anthony Bruck James Embrescia The Friedman Family Lori and Steve Kaufman Paul Ketz Lew and Laurie Leibowitz Charles P. McLimans and Dr. Richard Merrion Dr. Gerard F. Notario PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($5,000 to $9,999) Joanne P. and Joseph Armenio Deborah S. Ashen and Cara Meiselman Edward W. Diffin III Toby T. Eveland Charles R. Gardner and Patti Eylar John F. Gordon IV and Bill Salvato Eva M. Janzen Powell and Smith T. Powell IV Laurence M. Leive and Manuel Pererias Harrison McEldowney Condon McGlothlen Dr. Charles R. Middleton and John S. Geary Frank Morreale and Carolyn Neuman John J. Peller and David R. Jablonowski Michael and Paula Perlstein William Pry Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sharfstein Rich M. Stoddart J. Ben Stringfellow Howard A. Zaltzman LEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($2,500 to $4,999) Jill L. Allread and Pamela Freese Craig C. Andree and Frank Quinn Paul W. Besch, Jr. David Brown James M. Cartwright Jennifer Clark Martin Cournane Pamela L. Crutchfield Michel P. Desjardins and Pierre Desy Steven K. England and Robert L. Mink Anne Feder Gregory F. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fogel Frances F. Gecker Adam Geyer Rick Gomez 16 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago Martin J. Gorbien, M.D. Jeffrey J. Green Dr. Dane Hassani Mr. and Mrs. Ashfaq Hussain Nick Jankowski Andrew Kanfer and Kevin Janes Leslie J. Kenyon Vincent Kueffner Anna C. Laubach Michael A. Leppen Kevin C. McGirr Brian Murphy Robert H. Neubert and Barry Brunetti Tom O’Reilly Glen Pietrandoni Edward J. Potocek Dr. Thomas A. Rebori Curtis Reed Jr. and Tora Rangert Ernie Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ross Dave Samber and Darrell R. Windle Judy A. Saslow Joseph Scheper G. Scott Shatzer Dr. Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage LOYALTY CIRCLE ($1,000 to $2,499) Anonymous (3) Mark Ahern Victoria C. Alfafara and Angela Uribe Sandra J. Allen and S. James Perlow Michael J. Anderson Stacey G. Anewishki Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anzaldi Michelle Apodaca Nathan J. Aslinger Griselda Ayala Anna Baluyot Ericka Baran Lynn Barr Mary J. Basler and Doug Basler Sandra Bass Daniel S. Berger, M. D. Michael Black and Anthony Guerrero Adam M. Bogucki Brian Bongner Jeffrey M. and Heather Boulanger Catherine M. Bresler Kelly Brunick Frederic V. Buhrke and Jeff Sherman Cory Calvin Dennis Centorbi Frank A. Cesario William R. Chambers II Chris A. Coleman and Matthew A. Turner Foy Nelson Conway Chris Cooper Professor Daniel T. Coyne Susan D. Craft Jeffrey J. Crump Andrew Davidson Jeffrey P. DeJong and Ruth A. McBeth Anthony DiFiore Matthew Dixon Paul S. Djuricich Sabrina Downard Ruth Durchslag Dr. Rebecca Eary Thomas J. Feie Frances McCaughan and Nessan Fitzmaurice Craig R. Foley Gail Ford Brian D. Foy Martin Freeman Dr. Terri Friel Ron L. Fritz John Hennelly and Neha Gandhi Charles H. Garrido, Jr. David Gassman Jay Gassman Gary Gephart Matthew Gibbs Larry Giddings Stella H. Green Teddy Greene Jeffrey S. Gutierrez James Hagearty III John F. Hamilton Richard Hammell Marguerite De Lany Hark Jacquelyn C. Haynes and Robert E. Smyer Dr. Lisa M. Henry-Reid and Samuel Reid Rusty Hernandez-Sanfilippo Gregory L. Hillhouse Anne Holden Christopher Horton Abbas Hyderi, M.D. Anthony Iannessa Kenneth Jarvis Luis Jimenez Daniel Johnson Gary I. Kaufman Tyrus L. Kaufman Nicole Kazee, Ph.D. Tom G. Kehoe James P. Kelly Jennifer Kimmel Dr. Kathryn R. King Megan Kirkpatrick William L. Klatt and James M. McHugh Phyllis Kotin Lawrence Kuhn JoAnn Kunkel Marcia E. Lazar and Alan O. Amos Jody Lewis Jim Liakos Mark and Joni Light Brian C. Lighty and Andrew Bigelow Leonardo Linian Krista Linn George Lopez and Michael A. Phillips Gabrielle J. Loring Michael Lovell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lyman Carlene Mahanna Stephanie Pace Marshall, Ph. D. and Robert D. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin George McCabe Christian McGrath Bill Melamed and Jamey Lundblad Gary F. Metzner and Scott Johnson Pamela G. Meyer Steve Monaghan Richard Morey and Gene E. Morey Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Moser Dr. Arthur H. and Amanda Moswin David Ernesto Munar Vincent R. Narea Brandon Neese and David T. Wick Jordan and Jean Nerenberg Scot T. O’Hara and Dale W. Boyer Karl F. Otto Jr. Dr. Lawrence Ouellet Susan M. Patchin Armando Pedroso Jorge D. Perez James C. Perry and Robert J. Horton Kevin Jack and Jim Pickett Jeanie Pollack William Pritt Linda A. Pryce Keri L. Rainsberger Armando Ramirez Kevin Ray Barbara Reeder Andre Rehkopf and Kevin M. Ciacco-Rehkopf Michael Reimer Ahvia Reynolds Hilda Richards, Ed.D., RN, FAAN Jeff F. Richardson Laura Ricketts Melanie Rivera Mary Lu and Kenneth Roffe Shelley Rogers Billy Rosen Cathy Rosenberg Marilyn A. Rothschild Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz and Dr. Myron Rubnitz Hadley Rue Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Sack Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Meredith Schmitt Joseph Schroeder and Allan Tenorio Brad A. Serot and Lexis Serot Timothy C. Sherck Thomas G. Sinkovic Brooke Skinner Mark Smithe and William Forrest Elizabeth L. Snyder Jim Snyder Frank Sonntag Jason Southerland Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S. Spector Angela D. Spencer David Stanford John B. Stoltz Sally J. Stresnak Mary M. Styles J. Michael Trumbold Dr. Stuart R. Verseman and James F. Collier Paul D. Waas Pamala J. Walsh Tomoko Webb Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weisberg Aaron J. Weiss Matthew E. Wilcoxen Clifton Wilkow Terri A. Williams and Tim Drexler Casey Wooley Kasha Zbin ADVOCATES CIRCLE ($500 to $999) Anonymous (19) Douglas P. Abraham Michael L. Abrams Xochitl Acebedo Bosede Agbaje-Williams Benn Angon Kathleen Armstrong Patrick Ashley Pamela Atkinson Nicholas Augustinos Austin G. Baidas Todd Baisch Kandyce Baker Thomas G. Baker and Jennifer Urban Baker Alishja A. Ballard and Melissa Maclay Dr. Donna M. Barber Richard P. Barker Shawn J. Barley John Barry Brian Bartal H. Russell Bauer Peggy and Ron Beata John Becvar Jeff Berkson Heidy S. Best Thomas M. Betlej Christopher Biesack Kevin D. Billingslea Frank Blackston Judith Block Austin Both Mr. and Mrs. Kwame Bowie Carol C. Brashler Shimmy Braun Neal Breitenbach Catherine A. Brennan Kathryn L. Brown Ellen Buralli Peter J. Butler Thomas R. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cantlin Susan Carlins Joseph Casella David R. Casper Joseph D. Cassidy and Margaret L. Cassidy Jennifer C. Cheng and Caesar K. Lastimosa Gerald M. Cholewa William Clark Robert A. Clarke Robert Cohn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman Craig Colvard Shirley M. Combes Ronald C. Conner Timothy P. Cook Sabrina Cooper Jeff Cote Jerry L. P. Deese Doug A. Denenberg Dr. Richard Desecki Marcus A. Dodd, C.P.A., C.F.E. Marsha Dowd Alex Dube Dr. Steven B. Edelstein Michelle M. Eggert Ameerah Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Cody Engle Paul Eskew Eric Euting Lola J. Fahler David Ferrel Lynn Fesenmyer Eva Field Jane F. Fields Ben Finch Michelle Finch Joseph R. Forbes Dr. Christina M. Ford Bracken Foster Jeff B. Franzen Melanie Frazier Dalila Fridi Linda J. Fudacz Deborah L. Gallivan Gabriela Garcia Michael C. Geaney Sasha Gerritson Cher Gfeller Iliana J. Gilliland Ethel Gofen and Bill Gofen Lisa Gold Mitchel Gold Karen J. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Goldstick Jeremy H. Gottschalk Thomas Gramatis David R. Granger John P. Gray Christopher Green Margaret E. Grinnell Adam Grymkowski Norah Guequierre Dolores Guerrero James V. LoBianco and Anthony D. D’Amato Yelitza Guzman Jan M. Logan Peter F. Hammer Charles R. Lorenz Richard Hanviriyapunt Laura Lundin Andrew J. Hargitt John R. Mach Leslie J. Harris Neil Mack Thomas B. Hart Adan Madrigal James Hegarty Andres Maldonado Andrew W. Heitner Dan C. Maloney Sharon Henry-Walicek Christopher Marcelle Miss Jennifer Hilger Corey Marchetti Alan Hineline Michael J. Margelewski Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch Ronda Marr Ben Hladilek Jeffrey Marsh Stephen Hnatow Derek Martin Sarai Hoffman Jeanne M. Martineau Craig Hogan Jose A. Martinez Joe Hollendoner Robert F. Masuga Vicki and William L. Hood Michael T. McRaith Miriam U. Hoover Karl Meehan Carrie H. Hoye Jessica Meland Dan Hupe Richard A. Miles James Hurley Larry Mimms Greg Hyder Malon D. Mimms Susan M. Illing Anthony R. Miner Jason Ingham Paul Miner Sally L. Jackson Frederick Day and Leah Missbach Day Robert W. Jakubowich and Janey Jakubowich Aaron K. Mitchell Timothy S. James Wayne Mitchell Vanessa S. James Gavin J. Molloy Laverne w. Jankowski Joseph Montroy and Alexander Wild David M. Jones Charles R. Morcom Jared Jones Gerald Morrow Neil K. Jones Connie Mullinix Pamela Jordan Brian Murphy Douglas Joyce Jr. Jacqleen Musarra Chester Kelly Carolyn Neuman William Keroff Damon G. Newman Ronald R. Klimek Nancy A. Newman Frank W. Kocsovsky Joseph P. Ober Darrin W. Kolbet and Timothy R. Marlow Pamela A. Oettel Paula Kooperman Todd O’Gorman Dr. Donald M. Korn Ken O’Keefe Brett Kreisman Tim O’Keefe Rosemary Krimbel Dr. Carol A. Olson and Dr. Larry W. Hancock Mary Kunz Daniel Olsson Omar LaBlanc Greg Orbin Marvin L. Lader Eric L. Lamkins Bond T. Lammey Chris L. Laughery James Laur Winfred D. Lawrence Jr. Douglas A. Lee Steve Lempera Neal Lenhoff and Matt Kunkel Colm F. Leon Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi Nancy R. Levi Andrew Levin Kevin Lewis Matt P. Leyes More than 300 donors and guests joined AFC for its James Lin Joseph Linkous fiery cocktail gala, Ignite, in May. Ingrid Liu Patrick Livingston 2014 Annual Report | 17 300 donors Andrew Palmen and Jane L. Palmen Hetal Patel Amy Pearman James D. Petzing Michael A. Phillips Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Ph.D. James Pippen Justin Pittman Jordan Portillo Kim Portillo Marcia Preston Ari Pribadi Geoffrey Price E. R. Primm Frank Quinn Jennifer Quinn Broda William Ramsey Phillip E. Raskin Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Richards DeJuran Richardson, Ph. D. Derrick J. Robles Norma Rolfsen Carol Ronen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rosskam Robert A. Roth Stephen Roy and Lloyd L. Kohler Dr. Paul Rubinstein Peter Ruger Adnan Rukieh Marilyn Rutledge Anthony J. Ruzicka Jr. Patrick Ryan Alisha Salley Tim J. Sanker Kelly Saulsberry Joyce Saxon William Scanlan III Wilson Scanlan Chris Schmidt John Schmidt David Schoon and Lonny Glover Rick Schuch Thomas J. Schultz and Ann Schultz Quenten Schumacher II and Steven Geiermann Dr. Yvonne Shade-Zeldow and Peter B. Zeldow R. Brett Shaw Brittany Shepherd Dr. and Mrs. Renslow D. Sherer Jr. Richard H. Shoemaker Kristine Shontz $134,000 raised More than 1,100 attendees raised $134,000 (net) at World of Chocolate in December. 18 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago Rose L. Shure Veronica Siegel Ruth and Michael Sklar Chad Slaughter Reverend Stan J. Sloan Chester Slonina Mark Smaglinski Troy Smith Daryl K. Sneed Tom Snider Rebecca Spann Dara J. Sparella Edward C. Steele Daniel Stelter Christina Stevens Joseph P. Stokes, Ph.D. Aaron M. Strati Joseph R. Sullivan William Supan Stephen L. Swanberg Shila S. Tantra and Aspy A. Tantra Mr. and Mrs. John G. Terdich Sidney A. Thomas Terri Thomas Chad J. Thompson Lee Tkachuk Cynthia J. Tucker Richard B. Turner Modesto Tico T. Valle and Robert Smith Ernest Vasseur Ben Veach Jr. Brenda Vivas Natalie A. Ward Mark Wattley Richard G. Weinberg and Diane Weinberg Karrie Weinhardt Karl B. Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. White Allen Whitt Mr. and Mrs. Sean Wightman Robert Wiley Kevin S. Williams Greg Wilson Gregory M. Wilson Charles Wintersteen Arnold Wolff Anthony Woodson David E. Woolwine WPride & Allies - Walgreens Co. Dana Wright Carlye Wycykal Donnie Young Steven Young Richard Zepeda ALLIES CIRCLE ($250 to $499) Anonymous (36) Robert Abernathy Anna Ables David T. Adams Dr. James G. Adams Dr. Ken Adams Thomas Adamson Michael Albert Duke Alden Elizabeth Allen Robert E. Alletto Jose L. Alvarez David Ammann Courtney Anderson Geoffrey A. Anderson Michael Anderson Lorilyn Andor Mark Andrews Michael Andrews Andrea Antoniou Chukwuma U. Anyaoku L. Anthony Aranda Monica Arias Stephanie Armstrong Spencer Arnold Michael and Julie Baccash John Bagnuolo Christine, John, and Luke Bakalar Levell R. Baker Spencer Baker Kari Barrett Nicholas Barrett Christopher Barrett Politan Michael Barry Patricia Bass Sandra Bast Michael A. Bates Scott E. Baum David Baumgartner Jonathan Becks David K. Beecken Christopher Begy Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bellagamba Anthony Bellon Arjan Bendien Todd Berger Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bergland Mark Bernstein Kathy Bieganski Helen Bildires Robert U. Bill and Ann O. Bill Jordan Bisceglia Shawn Blakeley Dr. John Blandford Christopher Blish Adele Blom Christiane Bock Caitlin Body Vladimir Bolin Nancy J. Bolliger Victor Bone Allende Robert Borms Selma Bouhl Steve Bouwman Timothy Boyd Kent E. Bracken and Daniel Diem Lora Branch David Brandt Alberto M. Bravo Johnathon and Rhonda Briggs Linda Brigman Marc Broccoli Timothy Brodeur Bruce M. Broerman Craig Brookwell Sue Broverman Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brown Jodie Brown John Brown Scott Y. Brown Thomas Brusstar William F. Buchman Jeffrey Buczynski Tanzil Bukhari Michael P. Burke Maggy Burnes Staci Bush Amy Bushur Melissa D. Butler Sun R. Butuyan Brent Caburnay Michael G. Cainkar Elizabeth Calderon Frank and Amy Callea Michelle Cannon Elmer Carbajal Charles P. Carey Christopher Carli Bradley F. Carlson Leroy T. Carlson Jr. Sean Carmichael James L. Carter and James Schmettzer Jim Carton Justin D. Carvajal Jennifer Casia Thomas J. Catania Brad Chapin Sacha Chen Kenneth Cho Anita C. Y. Chow Martin Christian Mary Kay Christophersen Robert T. Cichocki and John Schussler Karyn Citti Kevin Clancy Dina Clark Michael Cleary Bryan Clemente Greg Cline Dennis D. Cole Nicholas A. Cole and Diane M. Pyle Robert Cole Marge Collens Valerie Colletti Shirley Z. Collins Todd Connor Michael Consalvo David Contois Julia Contreras Brent Cooper Phillip J. Cooper Christopher Corbett Mr. and Mrs. William D. Corbett Michael E. Corbin Dana L. Corman Louis K. Corso Mark Cosenza Troy Costlow Alfredo Cotto Craig E. Courter and Janet M. Courter Matthew Coy Dr. Bruce Critelli IV Michael Crosby John Cullen Brian J. Cunningham Gregory Dado Andrea L. Dakin Lauren Daluga Lopez Anthony D. D’Amato and James V. LoBianco Emy Darville Anne E. Daubney Christopher P. Daugherty Chanell Davis Todd B. Davis and Atanacio Garcia Philip E. Dawkins Thomas De Froy Christine De Lizer Joe DeCock James Deeds Joe Della Monica Ambrose Delpino Jr. Jeffrey Dembski Gordon R. Denboer Chandra M. Dennis Louise M. Dennis Bertha DePriest Richard Desecki Duane DesParte Joseph Di Giacomo Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dibblee Lance Dibblee Katherine DiClaudio Charles DiMaggio Stephan Dimos Lawrence T. Dinaso Meaghan Divane Ken Dix James Dolenc Drew Donatelle Robert Dorfman Jim Doust Chad G. Downie Beth Drinan Ryan Dufour Richard S. Dumbrique Sr. Deanna Dunagan Marvin R. Dunbar Mark A. DuPont Richard Dupree Hathai A. Eamrungroj Jose J. Enejosa Marc Engel Brittney Epley Hugh J. Epping Lucy J. Erikson G. A. Espinosa Colin Falco Stephen L. Farmer Don Felton Diana Ferguson Michael Ferro Jan Fields Steve J. Figg Evelyn Figueroa Bridget Fine Dr. Michael J. Fischer Cheryl Fisher Daniel P. Fitzgerald Pink Flamingo Bruce Fleisher and Laurie Regenbogen Brian V. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Frank Florence Maria T. Flores John Folliard Sean Foradori M Forbes Timothy Fortes Paula Foster Charles Foulkes Wendy Fox Dr. Lee Francis Martha R. Francis Kathy Franklin Marcia K. Franklin Miss Amy Frazer Neal K. French, M. D. Susan Fried Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Friedman Alexandra Frunzar Kyle Fuglestad Glenwood Fundraiser Elana Fundraising Party Maiya K. Furgason Mark F. Furlong Bryan Gailey Christopher F. Gallivan Amanda M. Garcia Corliss Garner Richard J. Geddes Dr. William Gerardi Ann Gerber Jason Gershman Lori E. Gersten Tommye Giacchino Mark GIbbs Joseph W. Giganti and Daryl J. Giganti Kenneth J. Gilberg Ami A. Gilkes Patricia F. Gilmartin Michelle Gittler Daniel Glapa, Pharm.D. Christopher M. Gliege Gerard A. Gliege Michael W. Goettsch Matt W. Goines Brenda J. Golden Dr. Gail Golden Joy S. Goldman Kurt Goodfriend Jeanette Gordon Rahul Goswami Beverly Grabow Ted Grady Annette M. Grant A.J. Graveline Christopher Gray Courtney S. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Greening Catherine Gregory Eugene Gribelsky Martin Grochala and Fred Reuland Spencer J. Gunkel Chris Gutchewsky Jeremiah S. Haas Drew Halbur Philip A. Hannema Kevin R. Hansen Christopher Harnack Joette D. Harrington Brenda J. Harris Representative Gregory S. Harris Jonathan Harris Richard D. Harris Miss Alicia Hart Barry Hart Wayne Harth Jeff T. Hartley Shannon Hartzler Stacy Hatch Lee Hatcher S. M. Haught and R. L. Stoner Harriet S. Hausman Kevin Hauswirth Susan Hauswirth Michael E. Heider Jordan Heinz Karl Heitman Richard Helldobler James Henderson Timothy Henney Leslie Henry Hector Hernandez Dr. Arielle Herndobler Barbara S. Herst Nancy R. Hessler Marlena Hetlet Rachelle Hickey Jeremy Hilborn Bill Hineline Bridget Hoare Heather Hodge Tony Hollenback James Holmes Donald S. Honchell and Susan K. Horn Maria J. Hondros Catherine A. Hopfner Richard M. Horwood Dr. Sybil Hosek Kevin Hough John Howard Angela M. Hubbell Michael Huesing Judy V. E. Huizinga Patricia Hunt Curt Hupe Ted Huth James A. Huttenhower Chuck Hyde Tiffany Irving Daniel Ishac Daniel Izquierdo Katy M. Jablonowski Kevin Jackson Elana R. Jacobs Runners and walkers $450,000 raised 141 teams raised almost $450,000 (gross) for 31 HIV organizations through AIDS Run & Walk Chicago in September. Thomas M. James Jaime Jamieson Bette Jane Crigger Joan S. Jenkins Andrea Johnson Chris Johnson Jennifer Johnson Maggie Johnson Ray Johnson Arthur L. Johnston and Pepe Pena Patrick Johnston Brooks Jones Tom Juffernbruch Bern D. Kachinsky Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kahn Kathleen G. Kallan Karen J. Kalliel Mary Jo Kanady Barry Kaplan and Sherry Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kaplan Deborah Kapp Jason Karel William F. Karnoscak Robert Kazel Scott Keator Greg Keehn Mary T Keehn Marianne Keele Michael Keele Amy T. Kehoe Mary L. Kennedy John Kerney Kevin Killerman Marie C. King Polly Kintzel Kerry L. Kipfstuhl Beatrice Kitchen Dr. Thomas E. Klarquist Carrie Klein Julie Koch Anne Kodama Raymond J. Koenig III Paul Koethe Nancy Kohn Betty Kritikos Justin Kruse James Kulekowskis, Jr. 2014 Annual Report | 19 Matthew Kurtzman Sarah Kwasigroch William D. Lachman Belinda Lai Michelle Laiss Amy Landecker Catherine R. Landers Reverend Frances Landfear Aimee Lang Bill Langley John A. Langley Desmond Lathan Frederick Latsko Jeffrey Lauterer Aaron L. Lawlor Anthony Lawson Gordon Leav Dr. Raymond Lechner Sebastian Leda Todd Leedy Kevin Lefurge and Ira Katzman Jorge M. Leon Stacey Leopper Jason Lesner Charles O. Lewis Dr. Ciuinal Lewis Sean Lewis Michael Libby Mark Liberson Dr. Robert Lloyd Renee Logan Leander Londres Kathy A. Long Leonardo Lorenzo Avery Loschen Joe Lotus Kelli Low Christopher D. Lueking Bill Lump Derrek G. Lyons Todd W. Macgillivray Joe F. Machado Lynn M. Mackenzie Raymond T. Madden Amy Maggio Elma Maksic Cori A. Malone and Michael Marin Vanessa Malone Thomas Manning Stephanie Mantis Anita Mark Jonathon Marquez David Marsey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marsh Denise M. Marthakis Kevin Martin Beulah Mathew John C. Matz Jerry Mauricio Brian May Phillip R. and Ann L. May Dr. Philip E. McAndrew Robert R. Mcbride Renetta E. Mccann Stephen Mccarthy 20 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago Lisa Mccord Thomas F. McDevitt, Jr. Sean McGill Suzanne McGivney Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McGowan Nancy McGowan Eric McKeeby Kevin R. McKelvie Milena McLaughlin James P. McNamara Jim Mcnamara Dr. Swarup Mehta April M. Meijer Helen Melchior Reed F. Melton Anthony S. Mendiola Gina Metelica Stephen M. Metro Daniel Meza Jay Michael Luisnieves Michaelrusso Julian Mickelson Susan Middleton Lauren Milani Christopher Miller Clark Miller Michael L. Miller Scott C. Miller Lauren Mimms Christine Mitchell Shawna Mitchell Tommy B. Mitchell Robert Modest Frederick Moore Elyse Moretti Dr. Frank C. Morgan David Morris Kino Mostany Zachary Mottl Eric Mullendore Jeanette Murphy Dorothy Murphy Swallow Karen Muzzall Alan Naragon Angelo J. Nardella Mark Natanek James J. Nawrocki Patricia B. Newell Thomas Newlin Agatha Newman Benji Newman Dr. Kevin Nguyen Craig Nichols Hope G. Nightingale Ansel G. Nisbeth and Dorothy W. Nisbeth John D. Nordwall Jr. Tom O’Brien Christian F. Ochsner Timothy O’Keefe Christine Olmstead Lydia Ontiveros Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oppenheimer Constance OReilly Greg Orr Damion D. Ortega Karen L. Osborne Dr. Go Oshima Cathal O’Sullivan Darci Outlaw Luke A. Palese David B. Panchisin Christina Pantaleo Michael Paonessa Dr. Paras Parekh Robert J. Park and Keith B. Halverson David Parker John Parker Liam Parker Kristie Paskvan Kal Patel Jason Patera Dr. Gail Patrick Jason Peer Ian Pelham Adam Pellegrini Dr. Lenin Pellegrino Suzanne M. Peller Mark W. Penn Dr. Hugo Perales Marilyn Perno Carol Petersen Jeffrey R. Peterson Spyros J. Petros and Jerry Sanfilippo William G. Petty Jr. Stephen E. Phelps and Allen Reed Mary E. Philipps Aliki Picologlou Denise N. Pike John Pintozzi Alex Pirogovsky Ronnie Plasters Adisak Pochanayon Dr. Nicolette Polite Benjamin B. Polk Mark Polyakov Scott Popp and Paul Grieshaber Jeffrey H. Port Kristina Portillo Cheryl A. Potts Christy Prassas Renee Prescan Elizabeth Press Diana F. Price Owen Priest David F. Prindable Jerry H. Proffit Keith Pulford John Puranasopar Patti A. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. William N. Anspach Armando Ramirez Amit Rana Salvador Rangel Suellen Ravanas Sally A. Regenbogen Erica P. Regunberg Karen Reitan Bindoo Rizzo John J. Roche Eloy Rodriguez II 8 companies 100 dancers 2,100 Dance for Life entertained nearly 2,100 audience members with over 100 dancers from 8 dance companies in support of AFC and The Dancers’ Fund. Susie P. Rodriguez David M. Roesler Marianne Rogers Jill and Ron Rohde Elisa Roman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rorich Robert Rosales Dr. Ralphi Rosario Cyndee Rose Rachel Rose Todd B. Rosin Bernadette A. Ross and Joseph M. Hernandez Renee Roux Scott Rowland Christopher Royal Robert Rupp Mr. and Mrs. William Ruppert William H. Russell Richard L. Ruzicka Jr. Faye Ryan Sara Sager Avis L. Sampson Jaime Santana Dr. Robert J. Saqueton Suzanne Savage Denise Scarpelli Verne Scazzero Linda Scharnhorst Dr. Conor Schaye Rebecca Schewe Niccole J. Schiemann Dan Schiff Sarah Schmidt Leon Schnayer Greg Schneider Jonathan Schulenberg David S. Schulz Brian Schutz Michael G. Scobey William Scullin Tom Segal Evangeline Semark Dr. Daniel Sentero Robert A. Sheehan John Sherwood Rick Sherwood and Dan Maloney Paul L. Shoun Ashley Shovlin Patrick Simoniello Susan Singer Dr. Ross Slotten Dolores Smagatz Elizabeth Smallbone Suzanne T. Smart Debbie Smith Derrick Smith Kevin C. Smith Michael Smith Brian Solem Kathy O’Donnell and Dr. Ellen Somberg Barbara Sosnowski Kelly Southard Katherine A. Southworth Christopher Speer Margaret Sperl Vincent Spurgeon Nathan Stalter Robert Stearns Susan Stein Amanda Stella Drew Stern David Stewart Laura Lee Stewart Lynn Stormon Patrick D. Strieck Tiffany M. Strietelmeier Michael Stroming Maureen Sullivan Howard S. Suskin Alan R. Swanson and Janet E. Rassenfoss Matthew Switzer John Syburg Timothy J. Tamer Deb Tamondong Dr. Laurent Tao Charley M. Taylor Margaret C. Telfer, M.D. Jeff Teschke Melissa Thodos-Johnston Trooper Jamie L. Thome Jarret J. Thompson Michael Thompson Peter Thornton Dr. Joshua Titus Dr. Christopher M. Tomaszkiewicz Ann Tomlin Anne Tomlin Laurie Toth Molly and Hale Towns Molly Towns Lisa Trajkovich Dac Tran David Trant Jon Trapp Therese A. Trauner Dr. and Michael Treister Sean T. Turner José Turrubiartez Kirk Twiss Terrill D. Tyler Margaret R. Unger Manuel F. Utset Alicia Valdez-Sandoval Muriel L. Vandenoever Barbara F. Vender Dr. Pamela T. Vergara-Rodriguez Patrick J. Vezino Daniel Villar Sam Vlahos Karl Vogel Margaret Von Glahn Edward Wagner and Jonathan Zeng Tasha Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Waldron Alexandra Wallace Blake Wallace Grace Wallace Michael Walsh Lee and Surrey Walton Lemont Watson Dr. Tabitha Watts Roger A. Wedig Melissa Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weiler Elliot S. Weisenberg, M.D. Krista Wennerstrom Terry L. Wethington Laurie A. Wettstead Dr. Patti Wetzel Greg Weyer Henry Wezeman Mr. and Mrs. Peter White Paul Whitson Jared Wile Bradley D. Wilks Ryan A. Wille Katherine E. Willhoite Aaron D. Williams Robert R. Williams Joel Winbigler Jay Wolfson Kenneth M. Woodman Dr. Ryan Wubben Cathy Yanda Thomas Yates Eric Yee Matthew Yoder Masumi Yoneyama Suzanne York Donald Young Shannon Young Jennifer Younker Roberta Zabel Denise Zavala Christopher F. Zerbst James Zimmer Ann L. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Zubek Nickolas J. Zubek Zachary Zulkowsky 2014 TEAM TO END AIDS TOP FUNDRAISERS ($3,000+) Dante Cervantes Lisa Daubney Travis DeRamcy Matt Goines Bill Hineline Curt Hupe John Paul Jewell Caesar Lastimosa Michael Lawrence Andrew Levin Dominique Lewis Lydia Ontiveros Marie Marasovich Amanda Moswin Jim Ritter Matthew Ryder Tim Sanker Joseph Scheper Brooke Skinner Anne Statton Emily Thies 2014 AIDS RUN & WALK CHICAGO SUPER STRIDERS ($1,000+) Nick Abbamonte Ryan Barrett Erica Bertrand Dan Bigg Arick Buckles Karen Brown Keishawnda Brown James Burns Daniel Dela Cerda Mike Checuga Ricardo Cifuentes Diane Claussen Jeffrey Cobb Hugh Cole Linda Coon Martin Cournane Ison Dampier Christofer Decker Jaime Dircksen Shelly Ebbert Dustin Erikstrup Evelyn Figueroa Ron Fritz Shannon Galvin Ken Gilberg David Granger Maya Green Gregory Gross Sue Hauswirth Michael Herman Ed Jeske and John Hern Brant Hewelt Deborah Hinde Khoa Ho Sherie Huber Nora Hughes David Jablonowski Daniel Johnson Peter Johnson Neil Jones Susan Jun Serette King Sandra Klein Korrey Kooistra Bennett Lawson Joseph Like Morgan Lougee Raymond Manasia Caitlyn Manfredi Andrew Martin Michael Martin Eric McKeeby Milena McLaughlin Michael McMillen Marcelle McVay Mark Mikula Kate Miller Scott Miller Kevin Mork Alyson Moser Arthur Moswin Kino Mostany Mary Ann Ornelas Chad Ozz Christopher Pazdernik Mark Pence Judith Perloff James Pomeroy Cheryl Potts Eva Janzen Powell Allison Precht Bridget Purdome Armando Ramirez Cree Rankin Rondi Reed James Rohrbacher Norma Rolfsen Ilana Rosen Doug Ryan John Ryan Avi Rudnick Barbara Sereda Bradley Setter Leslie Shook Kenneth Simpson Armando Smith Anne Statton John Stafiej Greg Thomas Tijana Timatyos Andrea Tipton Karen Trimuel 208 participants $325,000 raised Participants ran, swam and biked proud to raise more than $325,000 (gross) for AFC through TEAM TO END AIDS. 2014 Annual Report | 21 Donald Trumbull Lung-Chieh (Ronald) Tuan-Mu Richard Turner Gustavo Varela Julio Veaz Mark Ward Steven Young Susan Zeigler 2014 CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS ($1,000+) Anonymous AbbVie ACCO Brands USA, LLC Aetna Better Health of Illinois AIDS United Aligned Alphawood Foundation Chicago Athletico Auditorium Theatre Bank of America Foundation Barry Callebaut, LLC Bell Litho, Inc. Blommer Chocolate Company Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois BMO Financial Group/BMO Harris Bank Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Inc. The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Magazine Cigna — HealthSpring Comer Family Foundation The Conant Family Foundation Embassy Suites Exelon The Field Foundation of Illinois First Light Group Fitness Formula Clubs Fleet Feet Chicago Food for Thought Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Gilead Foundation Gilead Sciences Google Harmony, A WellCare Company Herbert and Jacqueline Lippitz Charitable Foundation Hilton Chicago HMS Media IlliniCare Health Illinois Tool Works Foundation Janssen Therapeutics Jewell Events John Gress Photography Kehoe Designs Kipper Family Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation Life Time Athletic Events Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Loraine Kaufman Foundation 22 | AIDS Foundation of Chicago M•A•C AIDS Fund Macy’s/ Bloomingdale’s Mariano’s McDonald’s Corporation McMaster-Carr Supply Company Merck & Co. Michael Reese Health Trust Michigan Avenue Magazine MillerCoors Northern Trust Charitable Trust Orbitz OraSure Technologies Paterno Group PepsiCo The Perlstein Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Pierce Family Charitable Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation Public Communications, Inc. Ravenswood Health Care Foundation Reichert Foundation Renaissance Blackstone Chicago Hotel Rivers Casino Robert R. McCormick Foundation See Chicago Dance Seyfarth Shaw LLP Shure Starbucks Stoli Telligen Community Initiative UBS Financial Services United Way of Metropolitan Chicago U.S. Concepts LLC ViiV Healthcare Walgreens WGN-TV 2014 MONTHLY DONORS Richard B. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Lorilyn Andor Richard P. Barker Duane E. Barnes John Becvar Thomas M. Betlej Bruce M. Broerman Scott Y. Brown William F. Buchman Peter J. Butler James L. Carter and James Schmettzer Debbie M. Cohen Denise K. Copening Michael E. Corbin Martin Cournane Kurt E. Dahl and Jeff F. Clark Bertha DePriest Edward W. Diffin III and Jeff Savage-Diffin Elaine L. Disch Matthew Dixon Jim Doust Mark A. DuPont Steve J. Figg Brian V. Fletcher Terri Gendel Michael W. Goettsch Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Greening Kevin R. Hansen James A. Harbaugh Jacquelyn C. Haynes and Robert E. Smyer Michael E. Heider David R. Jablonowski and John Peller Annie E. Johnson Robert C. Johnson William F. Karnoscak Regina Kaufmann Dr. Nicole Kazee Dr. and Arthur Kohrman Lesley C. Kordecki Pamela S. Lannert Arthur E. Leckner Kevin Lewis Ashley Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lopeman Adrian Lopez Corinne M. Lyon Margaret A. Matyaszek Guy M. Maurer Sarah C. Maza Condon McGlothlen Kevin R. McKelvie Charles P. McLimans and Dr. Richard Merrion Richard A. Miles Stuart W. Miller Helen T. Moag Gerald Morrow Craig A. Nadborne Rita Nessman Robert H. Neubert and Barry Brunetti Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichols, Jr. Karen Petersen James D. Petzing E. R. Primm Erica P. Regunberg Dr. Hilda Richards Stephen Roy and Lloyd L. Kohler Deborah J. Sandroff John H. Shindler Bette H. Sikes Kenneth Smith Mary M. Styles Nancy T. Trimble Muriel L. Vandenoever J. Richard West Katherine E. Willhoite Matthew P. Wukitsch MEDIA PARTNERS A&U Magazine BOI magazine Chicago Magazine Gay Chic Magazine GC Magazine GRAB Magazine Michigan Avenue magazine Positively Aware magazine See Chicago Dance Windy City Media Group SABLE SHERER LEGACY SOCIETY Anonymous Toby T. Eveland Mary Flinn* Ron L. Fritz Janet Goldberg* Roberta Hartnett Lori Kaufman Paul Ketz Robert H. Neubert James and Corrine Nieburger* John J. Peller Robert E. Schnuckel Joel S. Siegel* Joseph P. Stokes * Deceased The Sable Sherer Legacy Society offers AFC’s most passionate supporters the chance to make a donation through their estate plans. 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AFC is committed to transparency and informing the community, donors and funders about how we operate. To review AFC’s full audited financial statements from previous years, please visit 77% Public sources Revenues 23% Private sources TOTAL REVENUE 5% Private grants 4% General Development 4% Expenses Programs and Policy General and administrative Development Grants and awards: private Grants and awards: public $7,418,715 $4,175,693 $482,320 $600,479 $5,198,790 $1,012,002 $237,303 $19,125,302 $24,878,106 $5,881,847 $893,774 $872,066 $1,329,914 $15,013,996 $23,991,597 TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Fund for the Future (Board-restricted) Cash flow for subcontracting agencies 63% Public grants $3,131,335 $885,991 $559,437 $50,556 $1,125,485 $5,752,804 EXPENSES 4% General 24% Programs and policy REVENUES Private Sources Foundations/corporations Fee for service/other Individuals/memorials/bequests Direct mail (net) Special events (net) Total private sources Public Sources Chicago Dept. of Public Health IL Dept. of Public Health (Federal) IL Dept. of Public Health (State) IL Dept. of Human Services U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development U.S. Substance Abuse & Mental Services Administration Other Total public sources TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $47,350 $839,159 $886,509 July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 2014 Annual Report | 23 What I considered bad turned out to be good and gave me direction. 200 W Jackson Blvd., Suite 2100 Chicago IL 60606 GALA SATURDAY, MAY 16 HILTON CHICAGO
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