CC NEWS Sept 2013 - South Australian Photographic Federation


CC NEWS Sept 2013 - South Australian Photographic Federation
# 25 3
NOTICEBOARD . . . . . . . . . 2
u EDITORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SAPF Annual
u SAPF Annual cont . . . . . . . .
u SAPF Annual cont. . . . . . . .
u SAPF Annual cont . . . . . . . .
u SAPF Annual cont . . . . . . . .
u CLUB NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edwardstown PC
Port Adelaide CC
Pam Brock
Paula McManus
u WEEKEND NOTES . . . . . .
Paula McManus
Di Davies
u DENIS SMITH . . . . . . . . . .
Ball of Light Revisited
Graham Taarnby
Sarran Ravi
Photographic Wholsalers
Atkins Technicolour
u CENTURY IN FOCUS . . . . 14
SA Photo History
Camera in Australia
Julie Fletcher
Para CC Exhibition
Royal Adelaide Show
camera club news
a d d ressi n g the A C T I V I T I E S A ND E V E N T S O R G A N I S E D A ND
S U P P O R T E D B Y T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N P H O T O G R A P H I C F E D E R AT I O N .
SAPF Annual
Exhibition 2013
The 2013 SAPF Annual Exhibition was held on
Sat 13th and Sunday 14th July at the United
Eastern Masonic Complex in Tusmore. The
sub-committee organising this event was myself
(Edwardstown PC) as director, Janet Simpson
(Edwardstown PC), Alberto Giurelli (then Para
CC), Chelsie Bundock (Para CC), Lydia Strutton
(Pt Adelaide CC), Allan Griffen (Pt Adelaide
CC) and Howard Speed (Adelaide CC). There
were many other volunteer helpers from these
and other Clubs on sorting day, judging day,
set-up day and during the exhibition itself. The
committee felt however that a few clubs were
conspicuous by their non-participation, and are
recommending to the management committee
to request suburban clubs to nominate 1 person
each to the next Annual sub-committee.
A total of 37 individual entrants entered 195
prints, of which 125 (64%) were acceptances
or award winners, and 410 projected images,
of which 229 (56%) were acceptances or better.
In comparison, last year had 43 entrants with
267 prints (163 acceptances = 61%) and 390
projected (233 acceptances = 60%). Reasons
for reduced entries may be varied, including
cost of entry, and this committee is considering
a single entry fee per entrant to cover all
sections entered next year. Unfortunately some
30+ projected entries were disqualified for
not adhering to sizing requirements which is
disappointing to both the entrants and the
organising committee as these included some
very good images.
Judges this year included 4 from the SAPF
accredited judge’s list and 3 from the Australian
Institute of Professional Photography. I take this
opportunity to acknowledge their generous and
enthusiastic participation.
Financially the Annual is traditionally run at
a loss, however this year door takings were
marginally more than the cost of the premises,
with entry fees off-setting some other costs. This
is attributed to some increased publicity, an area
which needs further development in the future.
Congratulations go to all entrants whether or not
you achieved awards. Some very good images
were on display and feedback from independent
viewers of the exhibition was invariably highly
This report and top image awards continues on
page 4.
Peter Phillips [on right] - Director of the
exhibition introducing Scott Mossen from Photographic Wholesalers/Diamonds, who officially
opened the exhibition.
camera club news
Keith Seidel is seeking to correct all information
pertaining to judges listed on his database.
Emails and hard copies have been sent to all
judges and it is essential that all respond. Clubs
wishing to engage a judge should have the
assurance that all information is correct.
The SAPF management committee are eager
to finalise the ‘Registry of Speakers’ - members
who are willing to volunteer their time and
services mainly to regional areas but who would
also be happy to visit local clubs.
The list is gradually growing but further additions
would be welcome. If you feel you have
something to offer in this area, SAPF would
like to hear from you. Please send in a brief
CV, your availability [weekends or weekdays]
and state if you are prepared to travel both
to near and far regional areas. This initiative
will be based on ‘no out of pocket costs’ to the
speakers with the club contributing from their
side and SAPF providing travel expenses.
They are coming! Please be patient as final
preparations continue. There is a lot of work
involved in preparing the cards and Ian Leggatt
and his team have worked hard to make it
Date and time for the up-coming Delegates
meeting is Friday September 20th at 7.30 pm.
A venue for the meeting has still to be arranged.
Notice has gone out to all clubs via email and
club delegates will be contacted individually. If
the designated delegates cannot attend, could
proxies please be organised.
The event continues to grow steadily, and 2013 will
be no exception. All the stunning images on display
will be by South Australian photographers, and
include digital art, portraiture, black and white fine
art printing, underwater photography, and wonderful
scenes from Australia and beyond.
Trade displays and talks on the latest in camera
equipment and materials will feature as in previous
years, and once again Atkins Technicolour and
Photographic Wholesalers will be amongst the
main exhibitors. Check out the link below for details
of 2012 exhibitors. Do you or your club have
something special to offer? If so please get in touch.
Entry is free, with ample parking and light
Come along and be inspired by this showcase of
SA talent, talk to the professionals, and perhaps
take a little time to relax and enjoy the holiday
atmosphere of Port Noarlunga.
If you would like more information please contact
On Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of October the
Noarlunga and Southern District Camera Club are
once again hosting the annual Photography Expo at
the Arts centre, Port Noarlunga.
The management committee is looking at
revamping the annual exhibition and need a
strong team to look at and improve both how
the exhibition is conducted and possible venue
At present Alberto Giurelli, Janel Simpson and
Lydia Strutton are the only members on this
team and we would welcome some company!
If members cannot help out by joining the team,
we ask that input be provided as to how you
would like the exhibition to be conducted and
where improvements can be made.
The exhibition is a major event on the SAPF
calendar. Please send us your thoughts on what
you would like to see happening with this event.
South Australian Photographic
Federation Inc
affiliated with The Australian Photographic Society and
a member of the Photographic Society of America
PO Box 273, Park Holme SA 5043
Headquarters: 67 Payneham Rd, College Park SA 5069
PRESIDENT: Ph 0412 112 976
SECRETARY: Ph 0452 597 153
SAPF Management Committee
John Hodgson
Alberto Giurelli
There is still time to enter the Adelaide Law
School 2013 Photographic Competition. The
theme for this year is ‘Truth’ and closing date
for entries is 16th September. For competition
rules and entry form visit:
Allan Griffin
Lydia Strutton
Tina Hewett
Public Officer
Lew Brown
Howard Speed
Exhibition Co-Ordinator
Peter Phillips
Course Co-ordinator
Allan Griffin
Committee Members
Chelsie Bundock
Alison McDonald
Jim Fenemore:
Ph - 8384 6051 M- 0403 080 720
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
Lydia Strutton
Quarterly (Mar/June/Sep/Dec)
by email to club secretaries
Newsletter items to editor (in Word format) :
Images also welcome.
Please submit via email in compressed format (jpg).
Articles to be received by the 20th of the month
preceeding publication.
SAPF Newsletter Print Post approved 5000/800012
Newsletter design by 1bigpixel -
camera club news
The major focus of
this newsletter has
been on the SAPF
Annual Exhibition.
Many club members
would not have seen
the exhibition. and
this at least allows
them a glimpse of the display.
Most regular features have also been
suspended due to the submission date for
articles being brought forward to an earlier time.
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In the Spotlight - SAPF Annual Exhibition
Due to space retrictions an entrant’s Honours
were not listed in the individual awards tat follow.
In acknowledgement of these honours, they are
added here:
Cynthia Henley-Smith - LAPS
Suzanne Opitz - AFIAP, FAPS
Jan Pudney - AFIAP, FAPS
Terry Gooley - LAPS
Yvonne Hill - AFIAP, FAPS
Ron Jackson - AFIAP, FAPS
Keith Seidel - FAPS, SSAPS
Judith Hodgson - LAPS
However as the saying goes, ‘a change is
as good as a holiday’ and I trust that what is
presented is to your liking.
Merit - Open Pictorial Mono Print - Paula
McManus - ‘The Shyest Bird’
The Port Adelaide Camera Club also features
strongly with several items of interest and
Edwardstown PC has provided an update of
their activities.
Denis Smith has been busy on many new
projects not all to do with the ‘ball of light’ either.
Be sure to read about his adventures into the
Top Nature Print - Alberto Giurelli ‘Red Breasted Robin’
SAPF has procured a new book on the early
photographic history of South Australia and
there are some amazing stories to be told.
Acceptance - Landscape/Seascape Prints Vicki Easom - ‘Flinders Ranges View’
Graham Taarnby finally has multiple images of
his face published - an expressive face it is too.
Paula McManus and Di Davies keep us up
date with events and photographic experiences
which will be of interest to many.
Acceptance - Nature Prints - ‘Sweet Nectar’
Di Davies
There is a big question mark over the future
of the SAPF Annual Exhibition and I urge
all members to send in their views on the
subject. Alberto Giurelli and myself welcome
your thoughts.
As always feedback from readers on all aspects
of the newsletter are encouraged including any
points for improvement.
Lydia Strutton AAPS, AFIAP
the door
Top Landscape/Seascape Colour Print John Hodgson - ‘Last Light, Hancock’s Lookout’
Merit - People/Portrait Prints - Alberto
Giurelli - ‘Strength’
Acceptance - Open Pictorial Colour Print Helen Whitford - ‘Dewy Cactus’
A frustrated member who did not enter
the SAPF Annual Exhibition!
camera club news
SAPF Annual Exhibition
The top images and merits in each section were:
Top: John Hodgson: ‘Last Light, Hancock’s
David Dahlenburg: ‘Storm Brewing’
Alberto Giurelli: ‘Tuscan Panorama’
Top: Alberto Giurelli - ‘Scarlet Flamingo’
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Scarlet Flamingos - Alberto Giurelli
David Dahlenburg: ‘New York, New York’.
Alberto Giurelli: ‘Standing Out”.
John Hodgson: ‘Singapore Hotel’ and ‘Portrait
of Jade’.
Helen Whitford: ‘Family Photo’.
Top: Alberto Giurelli: ‘Red Breasted Robin’
Alberto Giurelli: ‘My Tree’
John Hodgson: ‘African Fish Eagle Fishing’ and
‘Elephant Weevil’
Gary Sawyer: ‘Shower Time’
Michele Sawyer: ‘Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoos’
Simon Slattery: ‘Reaching for the Sky’
‘Bricked’ - Paula McManus
Top: Alberto Giurelli: ‘Glamour’
Elephant Weevil - John Hodgson
Singapore Hotel - John Hodgson
Glamour - Alberto Giurelli
Alberto Giurelli: ‘Forest Beauty’ and ‘Strength’
Suzanne Opitz: ‘Two in Tutus’
Helen Whitford: ‘Little Angel’
Reaching for the Sky - Simon Slattery
Family Photo - Helen Whitford
Top: Alberto Giurelli - ‘Amy’
Merits: Alberto Giurelli: ‘Gondole’
Paula McManus: ‘The Shyest Bird’
Gondole - Alberto Giurelli
Top: Suzanne Opitz: ‘White Swan’
Cynthia Henley-Smith: Eidelweiss Rose’
John Hodgson: ‘The Big Picture’
Paula McManus: ‘A Surfers Dream’ and ‘Bricked’
Little Angel - Helen Whitford
Eidelweiss Rose - Cynthia Henley-Smith
Top: Jan Pudney: ‘Mr. Banks
Merits: Robert Armitage: ‘Storm A Piering’
Pam Barnett: Got my Eye on You’
Chris Carter: ‘Old Boot’
Alberto Giurelli: ‘Urban Kid’
Terry Gooley: Batur Sunrise’
Yvonne Hill: ‘Warhorses’
Jan Pudney: ‘Art and the Alien’ and ‘The Eye
has It’
Wolodymyr Sykala: ‘Bridge to Nowhere’
camera club news
SAPF Annual Exhibition
Top: Alberto Giurelli - ‘Morning Fog’
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Sun Baking - Dennis Wetherley
African Elephants - Judith Hodgson
Morning Fog - Alberto Giurelli
IMister Banks - Jan Pudney
Alberto Giurelli: ‘Point Lowly at Dawn’
Helen Lewis: ‘Yatco Lagoon’
Paula McManus: ‘Lake Wahapo’
Keith Seidel: ‘Toscana Panorama’
Wolodymyr Sykala: ‘Light over the Murray’
Top: Alberto Giurelli - ‘Florence’
Batur Sunrise - Terry Gooley
Lake Wahapo - Paula McManus
Top: Jan Pudney: ‘Maiden’
Yvonne Hill: ‘Holding Back Time’ and ‘The
Helen Lewis: ‘Industry Elder’
Christine Rowland: ‘Echinopsis Spachiana’
Keith Seidel: ‘Wind Shaped’
Jeffrey Venning: Crystal Ball
Toscana Panorama - Keith Seidel
Florence - Alberto Giurelli
Chris Carter: ‘Conoble Rail Siding’
Barbara Seidel: ‘Layers of Tuscany’
Keith Seidel: ‘Ponte Vecchio’
Top: Alberto Giurelli - ‘Fairy Blue Wren’
Maiden - Jan Pudney
Crystal Ball - Jeff Venning
Conoble Rail Siding - Chris Carter
Ponte Vecchio - Keith Seidel
Fairy Blue Wren - Alberto Giurelli
John Hodgson: ‘Great Egret’
Judith Hodgson - ‘African Elephants
Dennis Wetherley: ‘Sun Baking’
camera club news
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More from the Annual Exhibition
Top: Keith Seidel - ‘Portrait Noir’
Portrait Noir - Keith Seidel
Alberto Giurelli - ‘Reaching’ and ‘Green Eyed
Terry Gooley - ‘Hi’
Jane Pudney - ‘Saffron 5’ and ‘From the
Keith Seidel - ‘Tuck’
Wolodymyr Sykala - ‘Anthony’
Club sets this year were restricted to projected
images, with 9 clubs opting to submit a set of
10 images. Out of a possible aggregate of 150
points, Edwardstown Photography Club narrowly
won with a score of 97, with Adelaide Camera
Club 2nd with 93, Port Adelaide Camera Club
3rd with 91. It was gratifying that 2 of our newest
clubs, Barossa Photography Club and Adelaide
Hills Photography Club entered and acquitted
themselves well, with Barossa having their name
added to the Gilbert Valley Trophy for the top
regional club. One would hope for higher club
participation next year.
Adelaide CC - Scott Carr - Veil of Smoke
Port Adelaide CC - Denis Smith - Chosen
Because of lower numbers of prints on exhibit
this year we opted to include a section of
selections from our permanent collection. This
was well received by exhibition patrons and
is likely to become a permanent fixture for our
annual exhibition. It was considered that there
is not much point having such a collection if
nobody ever gets to see it!
In conclusion I would say that it has been a
privilege to be director of the Annual Exhibition,
and a pleasure to work with such a dedicated
team of co-committee members and other
volunteers. I have decided however that I must
pursue other priorities and hand over the baton
to someone else. If you are passionate about
amateur photography in our state I would invite
you to consider volunteering for the committee
and possibly directorship of the exhibition soon,
as planning for next year’s should get under way
particularly as we think the exhibition must be
held a couple of months earlier in the year.
Eastern Suburbs CC - David Smith Hazards
Dr. Peter Phillips
2013 SAPF Annual Exhibition Director
Saffron 5 - Jane Pudney
Edwardstown Photography Club
Adelaide Camera Club
Port Adelaide Camera Club
Eastern Suburbs Camera Club
Barossa Photography Club
Murray Bridge Int Photography Club
Adelaide Hills Photography Club Marion Church of Christ Camera Club
Clare Camera Club
Edwardstown PC - David Rowlands
Sticks, Sand and Sky
Anthony - Wolodymyr Sykala
Barossa PC - P. Grey - Locked Out
Murray Bridge IPC - Noel Speechley Good Enough to Eat
camera club news
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SAPF Annual - final images
p John Hodgson receiving his award as Top
Alberto receiving his multiple award plaque
Exhibitor in Monochrome Prints.
Marion Church of Christ CC - G. Holden Cobbled Lane-way
Keith Seidel receiving award as equal top
exhibitor with Yvonne Hill in Mono/Colour prints
Clare Camera Club - The Party’s Over
Suzanne Opitz receiving her award for Top
Creative Print - White Swan
Jane Pudney receiving her award for Top
exhibitor in Colour Projected Images
Three amigos at the opening night of annual exhibition - Alberto Giurelli, David Rowlands and Peter Phillips
Wonderful image from display of photographs from the Permanent Collection 2013
p First public appearance of SAPF banner
Edwardstown PC - Man at the End P Cheung
Checking out the Annual Exhibition
camera club news
Club News
EPC had its annual Interclub meeting with the
Blackwood Photographic Club at Blackwood’s
club rooms. On a cold winter’s night a good
number of members from both clubs attended
the evening. On this occasion EPC came out
of top of all sections in a tight competition.
Derek Mikolaj was the judge for the competition.
Thanks to Blackwood club for their hospitality.
In July we visited Atkins Technicolour on
Fullarton Road, where Paul Atkins gave us
a tour of their premises and explained how
they produce top quality prints for both the
amateur and professional markets.
thanks to Paul for a very informative night.
Intimacy - Peter Cheung - Edwardstown PC
Edwardstown has continued with its varied
program over the last couple of months.
Our program has included a very interesting and
informative presentation by Melissa Neumann,
a member of AIPP, on “Working a print for
Competition.” Melissa showed and explained
a number of her competition images, as well as
a book of proof prints of her work. Members
appreciated seeing her work and the type of
images that do well in the professional scene.
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
Last week we held the panel judging for our
annual Photo Essay, Photojournalism and
Annual Project competitions for prints
and projected images.
Results of this
competition will be announced at our Annual
Exhibition to be held on Friday 6th December
2013 in our Club rooms at Glandore.
Members at EPC are kept abreast of happenings
at the Club both through our website, http:// and also the Club Facebook
page which is proving popular with members.
We also held a set subject competition on
the subject of “Motion/Movement” in which
members presented their images in both
prints and projected images. It was great
to see the variety of images that members
were able to present on the subject.
Our Club outing for July was a visit to St Peters
Cathedral in North Adelaide. We were initially
given a tour of the Cathedral where aspects of the
building and history were explained. Members
were then permitted to photograph throughout
the building. Members found this an enjoyable
and challenging photographic experience.
White Ibis - David Rowlands - EPC
F111 rest stop!
The Port in bad weather!
Seat of Power
What does a photography club do in July? Port
Adelaide CC holds its annual ‘Christmas in July’
meeting of course!
Unless one arrives very early or stays late, it is
difficult to socialise properly at a club meeting.
If it is a competition night, an outing or speaker
presentation then it is serious business and
talking is kept to the essentials.
Not so at Christmas and when combined with
‘dress up in a Christmas thing” a pleasant
evening is enjoyed by all.
Following this adventure it was off to the Aviation
Museum. The display of aircraft, old and new,
was most interesting and informative with the
F111 attracting a lot of attention.
Following lunch a browse through the
‘Fishermans Wharf’ market was in order and
donuts and coffee made for a delicious dessert!
At 3pm it was time for the cruise up the river
with everyone hoping for a glimpse of dolphins
frolicking alongside our boat. It was not to be
unfortunately but one solitary dolphin popped up
occassionally just for a tease!
Photographically the PACC both as a club and
as individuals members, activities are constant
with always something afoot.
The ‘Big Day Out’ with the Noarlunga & District
PC was a great day of discovering the Port area,
indulging in a very generous pub luncheon and
then lazing up the river on a dolphin cruise.
It was decided to begin the day at the well known
carousel at Semaphore. We let out the child in
us and enjoyed the ride!
Despite rather coolish weather the day was kind
to us with the afternoon light bringing warmth
and life to what could have been a very drab
scene of the Port.
We thank those members
of the Noarlunga PC who
made the effort to join in ‘The
Big Day Out’ and may there
be many more such photographic escapades
between all clubs.
Lydia Strutton PACC
camera club news
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Club Member Activities
Paula McManus has put together a great collage of members from Port Adelaide Camera Club attending the 2013 SAPF Annual Exhibition.
Recently my husband and I did a trip up the
Oodnadatta track via Arkaroola, Marree, along
the old Ghan rail line to Coward Springs,
William creek, Marla, Cooperpedy, Woomera, Pt
Augusta then home to Aelelaide. It took three
weeks in all and was the most interesting trip we
have done in quite a while.
Arkaroola was rugged and beautiful and when
we arrived at Marree the old Ghan rail became
our map. Following the old rail from bore to bore,
ruin to ruin was amazing. We were rained in at
Marree for three days which was unexpected but
still very interesting as you can meet so many
different people, travellers and locals alike when
there is nowhere else to go. The old rail track
still exists in some places but mostly it has been
pulled up, leaving only a ridge where once it lay.
The Algebuckina rail bridge is something worth
seeing; two nights there gave me some lovely
photo opps. Under the bridge is an old Holden
that lies rusted and crushed and the story goes
that the owner tried to cross during a flood
(which happens from time to time) and did not
quite make it!. The train came twice a week
in those day and as luck had it this was one of
those days - it pushed the car back and off the
track and in doing so, destroyed it.
Overnight at William Creek we experienced
some of the wild life as tiny kangaroo rats came
to visit for a couple hours, hopping around our
feet totally unafraid, picking up any small morsel.
I could go on including more of our trip but I will
save that until next time so till then, cheers.
Algebuckina Rail Bridge - Pam Brock
The crushed Holden - Pam Brock
Pam Brock - Happy Snapper
More Club Member Activities
camera club news
What practical use do you make of your
photographic skills? Paula McManus has found
a way to combine both her love of photography
with a means of promoting our State’s hidden
secrets for both tourists and locals alike.
Paula explains the why and the how:
“I joined ‘Weekend Notes’ as a writer in July
2012 and enjoy having a place to show and tell
readers about some of the great events that
happen in Adelaide and South Australia.
SA really is a fantastic place to live and we more
than live up to the name “the Festival State”.
There are over 400 of them held in our state
each year! I try to get to as many as I can and
usually the camera tags along. With my hard
drive full of photos taken at events and places
all over Adelaide, why not write about them and
let others know what’s happening too? It just
seemed to be a natural partnership.
Tall Ship Rigging - Paula McManus
‘I was fortunate to win a weekend away in a
luxury penthouse apartment at Victor Harbor
and I invited Paula Mc Manus and Helen Lewis
to accompany me. Sara Underwood came
down for the Saturday.
I’m glad I joined the team of writers as they are
a very professional and friendly group. They
work hard and a readership of 1.5million views
a month is testimony to the quality of the work
A few months ago, Channel 44 featured one of
my articles about Greater the Flamingo at the
Adelaide Zoo, which was a little bit exciting!”
Here is a look at what Paula presents on
‘Weekend Notes’ together with an invitation to
join in an upcoming event. All welcome!
Three Dutch Tall Ships, the fishing lugger ‘Tecla’,
the bark ‘Europa’ and the three-masted schooner
‘Oosterschelde’, are sailing around the world;
wandering the oceans and following the old
trade routes of historic times.
Their epic voyage started in the Netherlands in
September 2012. The 3 ships were together to
see ‘Europa’ off to Antarctica. In May 2013 the
3 ships met again in Cape Town, South Africa
where they then sailed to Mauritius before
crossing the Indian Ocean to land in the port of
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
Fremantle in Western Australia where they are
due to dock on 3rd August.
The Tall Ships will arrive in Port Adelaide on
August 28th and stay till September 1st before
heading to Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and then
to Auckland in New Zealand.
South Australia’s very own Tall Ships - the Falie
and the One & All will join the trio at McLaren
Wharf (next to the lighthouse) in Port Adelaide
for a spectacular heritage maritime display. The
Falie was built in 1919 in the Netherlands and is
the same class of ship as the Tecla.
The ships will be open to the public on Saturday
31st August (times and costs were not available
at the time of publication) and there will be events
throughout Port Adelaide, including hands-on
and interactive demonstrations and displays at
the South Australian Maritime Musuem.
Paula McManus - PACC
While Paula is in the ‘spotlight’ at the moment
congratulations must be sent for her 2nd place
award in the Mitcham Council’s ‘Captured
History’ photographic competition.
One and All - Paula McManus
p 2nd place-Captured History competition
We spent most of our time whale watching,
talking and eating. Our apartment was absolutely
beautiful and we woke up Saturday morning to a
whale lazing out at sea in front of us – not a bad
sight while having breakfast!
time we visited Hindmarsh Falls, The Bluff, the
barrages for some tern & seal spotting and
Bashams beach where most of the whales
were. Even though they were quite a way out we
managed to get some reasonable shots.
Three days were spent in Victor during which
Those few days were so much fun that it felt like
we had been away
for a week. Came
home very relaxed
and on a high from
getting our ‘whale
Di Davies - PACC
‘A birth certificate
shows you were
A death certificate
shows you have
A photo album
shows you have
Denis Smith - The ‘Ball of Light’ Revisited
camera club news
Denis Smith came onto our radar mid 2012
when he presented himself as a speaker at the
Port Adelaide CC. Since then he has become
a worthwhile member of the club, entertaining
with his quirky humour and inspirational with his
creativity and enthusiasm for photography.
In establishing himself as a professional, Denis
is evolving into an ‘all-round’ photographer and
has kindly submitted a summary of his progress
since that first visit to Port CC.
Well it has been a super exciting 6 months
for me. In December 2012 I made the leap to
become a full time freelance photographer. It
was a long time in the making, and 6 months
later I am feeling like the decision was a great
one. I truly believe this has a lot to do with some
great planning, execution and support from my
amazing wife Kyrie. I made the clear decision
to not be a run of the mill photographer. I want
to push the limits and take my clients with me.
Its all about fun, great communication and a
passionate love for what I am doing.
The Ball of Light project is still screaming along
with a couple of exciting publications grabbing
the opportunity to show their readers something
a little different. May saw DSLR magazine carry
a full 12 page article about the project. It was one
of the most comprehensive and accurate articles
that has been done about me and my work.
Although this was an international issue that was
not sold in Australia, the article can be read on
my Facebook page. We are currently planning
the next international Ball of Light trip after the
success of Cambodia last year. At this stage it is
looking like either India, or a tour of abandoned
castles in Britain. We are going to be making a
documentary about the trip as a bit of a follow up
to the extremely successful documentary “Ball
of Light”.
There have been a few great projects I have
been working on as Denis Smith Photography.
The new Museum of Adelaide website is now live
and it is smothered with my work. Working at the
Museum has been amazing. I have been deep
into the collections and research departments
and have photographed a plethora of weird
and wonderful specimens, from giant sea lice
to fossils as old as life itself. It is a project I am
really proud of and I spent many days feeling
like a kid again. We recently completed the new
studio which has been a fantastic addition to
the business. It allows me to be super creative
at any time of the day or night. The bookings
have been ramping up and it is such an intimate
welcoming environment that clients have been
raving about it. It certainly makes it easier for
people to relax and be comfortable in a space
S E P T E M B ER 2 0 1 3
which is truly representative of me and my style
of work.
The Port Adelaide Camera Club has become
a great part of my life in the recent past. I am
often asked why as a professional, successful
photographer I attend camera club. What benefit
do I get from a camera club? Well I bought my
first camera 4 years ago, and am completely
self taught. My first introduction to photography
was with light painting, which there really isn’t
a rule book for, and traditional photography
came late to me, so I am like a sponge when it
comes to any information I can get. Very quickly
I realised the value from the judging nights at the
camera club. Where else do you get to see and
hear an experienced and giving human being
critique and give advice on scores of images in
a night. I always come away from those nights
having learnt so much. I passionately believe
that you learn constantly and the day you think
composition or exposure is something mastered
you may as well throw the camera away. We
live in a world that is technologically leaping
forward at warp speed but learning the basics is
so incredibly important. Oh and the folks I get to
play and laugh with are pretty special too.
Peace, Denis
The ‘big print’ hanging in the ‘hub’ area of
the Adelaide University with proud author.
Denis Smith home studio
p Denis was commissioned to prepare a ‘ball
of light’ print for the Adelaide University. Running late, Atkins came to the rescue with the ‘big
Below - one of the ‘weird specimens’ shots
taken for the Museum.
Graham Taarnby - a man of many faces.
camera club news
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
make initial adjustments and Nik Color EFEX
was used to bring out the details. Once done the
image was then converted to monochrome in
Lightroom and further processed in Photoshop
for fine adjustments of shadows, highlights and
For more photos with similar processing please
visit my Flickr page:
The face of Graham Taarnby is familiar to many.
He is a member of the Adelaide Camera Club
and his presence on the camera club scene has
been felt for many years.
Saran’s other portraits of Graham include the
Saran Ravi, also a member of the Adelaide CC
has used Graham as a model for club portrait
shoots. From a number of sessions, it can be
seen that Graham is a ‘man of many faces’.
Sherlock Holmes I presume?
Saran has enjoyed several photo shoots at
the Port and nearby areas including Largs
Bay. Living on this side of town, the Pier Hotel
is a favourite haunt of mine. Saran’s image of
the Pier is a great shot and the historical data
attached, makes it even more interesting.
Lydia Strutton with the kind help of Graham and
The ‘Swagman’ portrait above is the most recent
Saran has taken of Graham. In preparing for the
role Graham states:
‘I was watching something on TV the night
before the club portrait shoot. It was about the
song ‘Waltzing Matilda’ which was about to
celebrate the 150th anniversary of the writing of
the song. This reminded me I had a swagman’s
costume that I had put together. So I took it along
to the club for the portrait session that night.’
When the hotel opened on the same day as
the Largs Bay Pier and Railway, the area
immediately became a major port of call for mail
steamers and an important seaside resort for
South Australia.
Saran explains how he achieved the effects in
this portrait:
‘Every photo needs a different processing
technique to bring out the details and what we
want to express. When I shot this image the first
thing that flashed in my mind is to process it in
This particular photo was shot at a recent portrait
workshop at Adelaide Camera Club. There
was no proper backdrop set-up so I positioned
Graham in such a way so I could make use of
the projector screen.
This photo was processed in 3 different
softwares - Lightroom 4, Nik Color EFEX and
Photoshop CS5 to bring out the ‘grudge’ effect
that I needed. Lightroom was used to crop and
Largs Pier Hotel - built in 1882 by the
Largs Bay Land and Investment Company
Jack the Ripper!
For two decades, the hotel was the first primary
port of call – and first temporary residence – for
New Australians travelling from Europe to begin
their life in the “Lucky Country”.
The hotel also boasts the unusual place in
Australian history as having the country’s first
drive through bottle shop in 1953.
During the 70s and 80s the hotel began to
establish its reputation as an important Aussie
Music icon. Jimmy Barnes with Cold Chisel,
AC/DC, The Little River Band and The Angels
all played here during the early days of their
Bon Scott, who later became the lead singer of
AC/DC, even met his wife at the Largs Pier Hotel
after a gig in 1971.
camera club news
Organisation News
Notice of the annual APS
APSCON Convention has
been posted in the last
couple of newsletters. The
event is almost upon us and
South Australia will be well
One important item on the agenda at APSCON
is the AGM. NOTICE AND AGENDA of the 51st
Annual General Meeting will be held at 2.00pm
on Friday 27th September 2013 at The Quality
Hotel Lord Forrest, 20 Symmons St, Bunbury
WA 6230.
A direct download to the AGM Notice of Agenda
and other AGM reports are available from the
Downloads & Documents Centre on the APS
website but you must be logged in to view them
as they are restricted to “members only”.
Proxy voting forms will be available online this
year. Please visit the APS website and press the
“vote” button on the front page.
Of some significance at the 2013 AGM is the
motion to amend the Honours system - in other
words ‘change the rules’.
If this change in rules is important to any APS
member and you are not considering attending
APSCON then please send in a proxy vote via
APS website.
The First, Second, and Third place Awards
receive plaques and the Honorable Mentions
receive ribbons. Other Awards for Outstanding
Achievement in various categories (e.g., Best
Calendar Presentation, Newsletter with Best
Motivational Focus, Exceptional Articles) receive
certificates. All Clubs, Councils, and Chapters
that enter receive copies of the three judges’
worksheets and commentaries. The judges’
commentaries are a valuable aspect of the
contest as they indicate the good points of the
newsletter and provide useful suggestions for
The Arthur P. Henricks, Jr., Memorial Award
(the Best of the Best) and the Director’s
Choice Award are selected. These awards
are presented following the Club & Council
Competitions Program during the PSA Annual
Conference. All awards not presented at the
Conference are forwarded by mail to the winning
organizations with the judges’ commentaries. All
entered and judged newsletters are displayed on
a monitor in the Print Room during the Annual
Conference. Announcement of all awards is
made before the Conference.
Now the question remaining is - can the SAPF
Newsletter become the “Best of the Best’?
L. Strutton
S E P T E M B ER 2 0 1 3
Paul Atkins and his team
did a grand job organising
the judging of the SA AIPP
Awards in Adelaide. Held in July [over three
days] I went along to check out how things were
done and came away very impressed.
By chance the first image that caught my
eye when I walked into the Norwood Hotel
conference room, was Hilary Hann’s cheetah
family. As it happened, Hilary walked away
with several awards including ‘Illustrative
Photographer of the Year’ in which the cheetahs
took pride of place.
Cheetah Family - Hilary Hann
Another image which I also found captivating in a
quirky sort of way was this portrait of giraffes [or
it could be multiple portraits of one giraffe!
L. Strutton
APSCON 2013 will be held 21-27 Sept in
beautiful Bunbury WA.
The much anticipated discount card has not at
this moment in time eventuated but be assured,
the cards will be their way to members very
A glimpse of what the card will look like:
The most important news
from PSA this quarter, is the
result of the 2013 Newsletter
In 2012 the SAPF newly
designed newsletter won the best ‘Layout’
category of the competition. Now in 2013,
the newsletter has won the ‘Director’s Choice’
The process of judging this award is as follows:
There are three entry groups: Small Club (75
or fewer members), Large Club (more than 75),
and Council or Chapter. SAPF belongs in the
‘Council or Chapter’ group.
Three qualified judges independently review
the group’s entries. Awards are determined
based on content, layout, good use of space and
photos, neatness, ease in reading, simplicity,
and style are of basic importance.
Please take note: discounts for events,
equipment etc are being honoured until cards
become available.
The Fujifilm competition is also being finalised
and to make matters simple it has been decided
to send each club up to four disposable film
cameras. The decision of participating in the
competition will be made by the individual clubs.
Image by Hilary Hann
If you happen to be travelling to Melbourne from
now until the 15th September, try and drop in
to the Ballarat International Foto Biennale.
Paul Atkins and ‘Adelaide Photographic Artists’
have a showing of ‘Dark’ images by a variety
of photographers, Hilary Hann being amongst
Also on show at the Atkins Adelaide office is the
wonderful series of images by Marc D Bowden
winner of the 2013 SALA Contemporary Art
Prize - Hikari 505.
In closing congratulations go to Paul Atkins as
he begins his newly elected term as President
of AIPP in South Australia. Go well young man!
Together with the cameras will come full
instructions on the conditions of use, subject
matter and rules governing the competition.
Hopefully all clubs will choose to join in what
should be a fun exercise especially for those
members who have never used a film camera.
Hikari 505 [2-Trellis] - Marc D Bowden
camera club news
‘A Century in Focus’ -
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
SA Photo History
The whole book, compiled and written by Julie
Robinson, Senior Curator, Prints, Drawings
and Photographs, Art Gallery of South Australia
provides a fascinating and interesting insight
into the work of our early photographers, who
through their camera lens have left us with
images of life in SA, as we progressed from our
beginnings of settlement through to 1943.
Examples of some images presented in the book
Accompanying each of the images presented is
a biography of the photographer and an account
of the history behind the photograph.
After reading through the book I began to
wonder about the ongoing historical collection
of photographic work produced from 1943 to the
present. Howard Speed and SAPF through the
Permanent Collection have begun a process
whereby the gap can be filled at a future date.
According to the Art Gallery of South Australia,
our collection is ‘too young’ for them to consider
acquiring or exhibiting it at the moment.
In order for the collection to be seen and
appreciated by present photographers and
the public at large, it is hoped a part of the
collection will be displayed at every SAPF
Annual Exhibition from now on. In the meantime
the collection will be catalogued and sorted
and additions made to expand and include
more recent photographic work by our most
accomplished photographers.
Front cover - A Century in Focus’ and also
the last image in the book - ‘Pyrotechny 1945’
by Keith P Phillips
Self Portraits - Samuel Nixon c 1867
While on the subject of the SAPF book collection
I must also mention the APS photo-book,
‘Camera in Australia’ first published in 1970.
This book covers all Australian photographers
beginning with a small collection of images
from 1850 to 1950. The remainder of the book
presents images by well-known photographers,
both professional and amateur. The statement in
the forward proclaims -
The SAPF collection of photo books may be
small but they are interesting. Being an avid
reader, I rarely pass a book store without
enjoying a little browse.
‘Here is more than a book of pictures. It is
another expression of nationhood, of conscious
affirmation of achievement and of delight in
artistic presentation’.
The’ Seawitch’ store in Lipson Street, Port
Adelaide is a rare mix of many things,
including books and it was there I found a
copy of ‘A Century in Focus – South Australian
Photography 1840’s-1940s.’ It has now been
added to the SAPF book collection archive.
Of the 203 images displayed only 7 are by
South Australian photographers. Information
is provided re camera and film used, the
‘Murray Bridge’ - Samuel Sweet c 1878
The importance of this book, produced by the
Art Gallery of South Australia, is the strong link
it has to Douglas and Barbara Mullins. Doug
and Barbara provided the funding resulting in the
purchase of the R J Noye Collection, which then
led to an exhibition of the work in 2008. Further
funding was provided by Doug and Barbara to
produce the book ‘A Century in Focus.’
In the first few pages of the book this generous
contribution is acknowledged:
‘This book has been generously funded by Doug
and Barbara Mullins’
‘In memory of RJ Noye [1932-2002] whose
pioneering research and collection provides the
foundation of this book’.
Loose leaf cover image of ‘Camera in
Australia’ - ‘Loyalty’ by Murray Sheppard. Taken
at the Moomba Festival Parade Melbourne.
Pentax Sp camera 85/210mm zoom lens used
at 210mm. Kodachrome X film.
‘Adelaide 1946’ - Max Dupain
SAPF Photo History cont
camera club news
photographers name and the state he hails from.
In this regard it is closer to a coffee table style
photobook rather than what is presented in the
‘Century in Focus’ book.
S E P T E M B ER 2 0 1 3
In the June edition of this newsletter a mistake
was made re Julie Fletcher’s ‘People’s Choice’
award in last years ANZANG competition. The
image which won this award was ‘Graveyard’
and not ‘Remarkable Rocks’ as printed.
Technology has made enormous leaps in our
time and glossy, vibrant photo-books abound. Is
it necessary to continue the work of R J Noye?
From a historical and meaningful perspective of
recording South Australian photography, I believe
it is. In another decade the SAPF Permanent
Collection and the work Howard Speed has
already done, may be of significance to a future
R J Noye collector or perhaps Howard may
fill this gap himself or perhaps a reader of this
newsletter may take up the challenge! Stranger
things have happened, so give it some thought!
Example images from book follow.
‘The Learner’ - Lionel Howes Sydney. Pentax camera, 135mm lens, Agfa CT18 film.
Lydia Strutton AAPS, AFIAP
‘Graveyard’ - Julie Fletcher - runner-up in
the 2012 ANZANG ‘Wilderness’ section and
‘People’s Choice’ award.
Julie continues to produce a stunning array of
images which are posted daily on her facebook
page. She has again entered the ANZANG
competition and it is hoped she will do even
better than last year.
‘Half a Bowl of Fruit’ - Peter Hunter AFIAP
Melbourne. Mamiyaflex C3 camera, 65mm
lens, Pan-X film. Thin slices of fruit cut and lit
from both sides on a sheet of glass.
Dish is drawn.
‘Halluconation’ Nick Melidonis WA. Dimlylit Perth nightclub. Pentax camera 135mm lens,
FP3 film negative converted to line by Kodalith.
Prize winners in the 2013 ANZANG competition
will be announced in the Sept-Oct edition of
Australian Geographic. Prizes will be presented
at the South Australian Museum on 3 October
2013 when the exhibition and exhibition
catalogue are launched.
Julie is hoping to launch an exhibition of her
own in Adelaide in the near future and meantime
rumours of conducting a workshop at the end of
the year are also ‘in the wind’.
The Port Adelaide CC has booked Julie for a
presentation at the club rooms some time next
Julie Fletcher is set to make a big impact
photographically, both in Australia and overseas
and it will be an exhausting but pleasurable
journey to follow her progress.
Lydia Strutton
‘Impressionist’ - John Yates - Sydney.
Montage from two negatives. Bronica camera
and studio lighting. Tri-X film
‘No title - Athol Shmith EFIAP Melbourne.
Women singing hyms in Wesley Church.
Graphic camera, Tri-X film.
‘Billy Seal’ - Bob Bourne Melbourne. Nikon
F camera, 21mm lens, studio shots on Tri-X film.
camera club news
Thanks to Paula McManus and her ‘Weekend
Notes’ information for the next Scott Kelby world
wide photo walk is available. This walk is the
largest in the world; its free, its fun and its global.
S E P T EM B ER 2 0 1 3
This will be Paula’s 5th Photo walk and her
advice for enjoying the event is: firstly - go. You
wont regret it.
Introduce yourself to people. Photo walks are a
great way to make new friends.
Stick around afterwards for the coffee or meal
get together. It’s great to get to know your fellow
photo walkers.
Take lots of photos, ask lots of questions and
have a heap of fun.
Image by Paula McManus
There are prizes to be won including Lightroom
5 Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby,
the yet to be released Canon EOS 70D DSLR,
Wacom tablets, Westcott lights, ThinkTank
camera bags, photo gift cards and much more.
This year, in a Photo Walk first, there is a video
competition. While on the walk, create a video
and one person will win a great prize from
There are already walks in cities (including
Adelaide) that are open and currently taking
registrations. Registrations per walk are limited
to 50, so get your name in or risk the chance of
missing out.
To find and register for a photo walk in your area,
simply go to the Photo Walk website, click on
find walks at the top right of the webpage, type
in your city or area, and the walks currently listed
will be shown in blue. If you can’t see a walk in
your area or if you want to create an additional
walk to an already existing one, you can create
your own and invite your photographer friends.
When: Saturday 5th October 2013
Where: Everywhere
Cost: Free
SAPF’s contribution to the exhibition is the
South Australian Photgraphic Federation plaque
for Best Colour print depicting the Australian
Landscape/Seascape. Do go along and see the
result of a great national competition.
Paula McManus
Image by Paula McManus
The Para Camera Club held its annual Playford
Council Exhibition, running over three weeks in
The exhibition also allows the local community to
gain an insight into the creative work produced
by the Para Club members.
Members of the Para CC namely Brian
Guest, Dennis Wetherly and Tony Cave were
responsible for its success.
No judging was involved– members of the club
were simply asked to submit two images and the
local community was given the opportunity on
voting which image they liked best.
The Exhibition has been an annual event for
several years and was begun as a means
of show-casing and encouraging the work
produced by members of the Para Camera Club.
Judging for the Royal Adelaide Show 43rd
Exhibition of Photography is now completed and
Tim Newbery and his team will soon be busy
hanging up the images.
Chelsie Bundock
Images by David Lamplough
The Royal Show will run from 6th - 14th
FOR THE RECORD Annette Kellerman promoted women’s right to
wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit, 1907… She
was arrested for indecency.