Chelton EFIS Brochure
Chelton EFIS Brochure
lntroducing The World's First and Only 3-D Synthetic Vision EFIS I t almost defies belief, but it's true. Your I aircraft can now have a flight deck more advancedthan the latest state-of-the-artairliner's.The FlightLogic'" SyntheticVision EFlSfrom Chelton Flight Systemsemploysbreakthrough technologyto deliver never-before-possible situationalawarenessand ground-breaking automatedflight managementcapabilities. And it's availablefor installationright now, not yearsin the future. The FlightlogicEFIScombinesadvancedHUD symbologywith real-timeforward-looking 3-D terrainto createa PrimaryFlightDisplaywith capabilitiesunmatchedby any other product in the world. The result is tremendouslyenhanced awareness,unprecedentedsafety,and dramaticallyreducedpilot workload. In testing this revolutionarytechnology over the courseof 945 flights, NASAdocumentedan 85% reductionin FlightTrainingErrors(FTE), which translatesinto a sevenfold improvement in safety. With the remarkablesituationalawareness of the Flightlogic SyntheticVision EFIS,never again will a momentarymiscalculation needlesslyexposeyou to danger.Neveragain will one of the leadingcausesof aviation accidents-spatialdisorientation-rob you of confidencein your instruments.Neveragain will darknessor weather causeyou anxiety as you fly an unfamiliarapproach. 3-D SyntheticVision . Enablesyou to always"see" the terrain ahead of and around your aircraftfor remarkable situationalawareness,command,control, and safety o Eliminates the uncertaintyof darknessand weather to make everyflight sunny VFR Highway-ln-The-Sky o Createsa virtual 3-D skyway "tunnel" for all enroute and instrument procedures-you simplyfly your aircraft through the boxes, which makesexecutingflight plansand proceduresalmost effortless o Easypush button flight planningto any destination . DesignateprecisionVFRapproachesto any landingarea Integrated System/HUD Symbology . Reducesinstrumentscanto a singledisplay, greatlyreducingfatigue . Simplifiespanelfor fastel more confident pilot responseunder all conditions . Flight instruments,GPSWAAS, moving map, terrain display,weather display,traffic display, fuel totalize4 mastervoice warning, timers, and more...allin one unified system r Multiple,flexibleviewsto suit any flight situation or pilot preference . Built-inredundancyand solid-statereliability o Fullautopilot support Cost-Effective . SatisfiesFAA TAWSrequirement for turbine-poweredaircraft . May actuallycost lessthan buying and installing stand-alone, sing le-function components FAA Approved . TSO'd . STC'dfor over 600 aircraft * 0s 1 0 0 -f f i* ; .He4ffi; =\F" t The FlightLogicsystem compiles data from the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) network, aircraft sensors,and onboard topographical databases to generateincredibly accu"views" of your rate, 3-dimensional aircraft's situation.Theseviewsaredisplayedin real-time on hardened, ultrabright LCD screenswith advanced HUDsymbologyoverlaid.This prespicture entsyou with a comprehensive of youraircraftand its surroundings. *{** drti tgL, .**qi#'w Primary Flight Display The cornerstoneof the FlightlogicEF|Sis the revolutionaryPrimaryFlightDisplay(PFD). The core conceptof the PFDis advancedHUD symbologyoverlayinga real-timeforwardlooking3-D terrain display.The PFDcombines input from an air data computer(ADC),a solid-state strap-downinertialAHR5 (Attitude/HeadingReferenceSystem),and a GPSWAAS receiver,all of which are included in the FlightLogicsystem.The PFDfeatures flight path markersymbologywith highwayin-the-sky(HITS)for all departure,enroute, and approachprocedures. The flight path marker,which displaysyour projectedflight path, allowsyou to guide your aircraft through the HITS(a 3-D seriesof "boxes" on the screen)easily,safely,and accuratelyto the destination. A ctua x 5.50"h x 4.50"d 5ze6.30"w F \-l }.A\g 3 ol T l,) 6 ? J;' ' .i*Trffii4 ,9 6 tr) E (UAR) Unusual AttitudeRecovery Mode HoverVector pitchexceeds (PFD) When +l 25degrees, thePrimary Flight Display Designed to eliminate whiteout / brownout accidents inrotorcraft, the (UAR) (patent automatically displays theunusual attituderecovery pending) mode.Tosrm- unique hover vector displays a "bulls-eye" ringed by plifythescreen andaidinthequickest recovery, andsurest allnaviga- concentric circles ground thatdelineate 15and30-knot speeds. A gray tion,tenain andobstruction symbology areremoved. Theflightpath dotindicates thehelicopters direction andvelocity. Thehover vector marker isremoved andthewaterline isexpanded. Theoitchlimitindica- appears inplace of theflightpathmarker whenhelicopters ainpeed torremains to provide lowspeed awareness anda horizon cue(asliver drops below 30knots. Bykeeping thegraydotcentered inthebulls-eye of brown) isalways shown to indicate theclosest direction forreturn thepilotneed onlylower thecollective to safely descend ina straight to straight andlevelflight.Thedisplay automatically returns to normal at vertical untiltheskids touch down. lt isalsoideal forprecision +l 5 deorees of oitch. lonqline work. Multi-Function Display The MFDcan show a varietyof functions includingmovingmap,trafficand weather (singlyor in combination), a conventionalHSl, flight display.The vector and a reversionary terrain, color-coded movingmap displays weather and traffic JeppesenNavDatal'water, data from a varietyof sources.A horizontal projectedpath symbolextendingfrom the noseof the aircraftsymbolshowsthe turning groundtrack of the aircraftone minute into the future.The map can be viewed in radar(full compassrose) sweepor position-centered format in either heading-upor North-up orientation.Map scalerangesfrom 0.5 to 400 glide area-corrected miles.The dead-stick for turns,wind, terrain,airspeed,altitude, and descentrate-is shown as a blue line aroundthe aircraft. A ctual S ze6.30"w5x50"hx 4 50"d o cn = .9 E o q o a o 6- B g J 6 F -i G 3 F Reversionary PFD Toprovide redundancy forenhanced safety, theMulti+unction (MFD) Display canalso function asa reversionary PFD in theunlikely event of a Primary FlightDisplay failure. Runway Incursion Protection Allrunways atthe current airport are shown onthemoving Traffic Withtheoptronal HSI/RMIiADF: MFD candisplay a conventional HSIw/GS aswellasdualRMi andADI RMImaybe overlard onmoving mapAutoiwitching forTAWS andtraffic proleclt0n en5ure whennotviewing the movrng map. +"^ g i . udilrL ..,.+^ ^ ) y>L e i l t, d- til- borne traffic isdisplayed onmoving mapa50ram0n05. Threatening traffic changes t0 anamber circle andgenerates a visual andvoice warnrng. m:n Prori<oCP( positioning and real-time mapdisplay virtually eliminate the possibility of a runway incursion accident. TSO'dlSTC'd For Over 4OO Aircraft Recognizing the urgencyof increasinggeneralaviationsafety,the FAA has issuedthe broadestTSO and STCcertificationfor any avionicssystemever introduced.Underthe FAACapstoneproject,the Flightlogic3-D SyntheticVisionEFIShas been approvedfor installationin over 400 aircraft-from singleengine pistonsto sophisticated light jets. FAA Certifiedfor Your Aircraft, including: Aerosta[ Baron,Bonanza,Citation501,King Air 90110012001300, all Cessnasinglesand twins, all Pipersinglesand twins, all Commanders, MitsubishiMU-2,all Mooneys,PiaggioAvanti, PilatusPC-12,TBM-700,and more. Digital EFISLinksto Analog Autopilots CheltonFlightSystemsFlightlogicEFISis fully certified to be connectedto a wide variety of analogautopilotsincludingSperry,Collins, Honeywell,Bendix,S-TEC and more. Experience a Streamlined and More lntuitiue Panel Citation 501 This4-screen systemintegrates all flightinstruments, movingmap, terrain,weatherand trafficdisplay, fueltotalizer. timers.and moreinto displays that canbe scanned with a singleglance.Flightlogic satisfies the TAWSand RVSMmandates. B ei c r e Eetofe King Air E90 This2-screensystemillustrates how Flightlogic seamlessly dovetails with package an existinginstrument whilegreatlysimplifying the panel. Cessna421 ThisCessna 421 panelwith four screens dramatizes the clean, uncluttered flightdeckyou get with EFlS the Flightlogic Befcre Bell 206 Forhelicopters, the simple, providereal-time intuitivedisplays conformalterrainand obstacles via 3-D Synthetic Vision,Helicopter TAWS,HITSnavigation and NVG compatibility. 3-D Synthetic Uision/Highway.ln.The.Sky Mt. Jefferson, Oregon Mt.Jefferon rises above thehorizon lineandthe flightpathmarker onrhePrimary Flight Display (PFD), warning thatit rshiqher thaniheairiraitS altitude. However; ontheMulti-Function Displav (MFD), theground tracklubber line(qreen dotted lineconnecting theaircraft symbol aMthegreen ground trackdiamond symbol) indicates thaithe flightpathwillpass safely to theleft.With accuracy tolerances of 7 meters orless, Flightlogic3 provides Synthetic Vision situational awareness that upuntilnowhasnever beenfeasibre. M-. Meigs Field (CGX), Chicago, Inaddition to terrain features, theSynthetic Vision of theFlightlogic system alsodepicts towers, slructuresandotherman-made obstacles. Intheexampleat left,youcanseehowaccurately theindrvidual buildings arerepresented-shown pillars asamber inthe3-Dimage (pFD) ontheprimary FlightDisplay andredobstacle symbols ontheNavigatron Display of theMulti-Function (MFD)--<onesponding Dtsplay precisely totheactual Chicago skyline. Theposition andpitch of thehorizon areakodepicted with remarkable accuracy onthepFD. TwolLSapproaches to Runway l7 werehandflown byanexpenenced, IFR-current pilot.Theleftimage depicts h6flightpathusing traditional mechanicil rnstruments. Therightimage shows hisHjghtlogic HITS approach. Bothapproaches began bysimular ingtheVOR transition andprogresed through the procedure turnlo a missed approach atminimums followed bya missed approach anda single circuit of theholding pattern. Compare thepre-ision and accuracy of theFlightLogic HITS approach to the Instrumenfonly path. Integrated Terrain Awareness and Warning (TAWSI System In an effort to minimizeControlled Flight Into Terrain(CF|T)accidents, the FAA has mandatedinstallation of TAWSon all turbine-poweredaircraft configuredwith six or more passengerseatsin the U.S.Extensive FAA and NTSBstudiesshow that the installationof TAWSgreatly improvesflight safety. The FlightlogicEFtSprovides TAWSfunctionalitythat meetsthe requirementsof the FAA mandate. The systemincludesClassC TAWSClassB and ClassA TAWSare availableas options.Additionally, Chelton'sEFISis the only system in the world that provides3-D terrain visualizationdirectlyon the PrimaryFlightDisplay. lf your aircraft is subjectto the FAA TAWSmandate,turn to Chelton for the most advanced integrated solution availabl e. "Terrain.Terrain. P u ll u p . P u ll u p . " Alert and warning functions provided by ClassB and C TAWS: . Displayof Terrainand Obstacles on both the PFDand MFD . Forward Looking Terrain Awareness(FLTA) o PrematureDescentAlert (pDA) o Excessive Rate of Descent o Sink Rate after Takeoff or Missed Approach o 500-foot Wake-up Call Additional alert and warning functions provided for ClassA TAWS: . Excessive ClosureRateto Terrain . Flightinto Terrainwhen not in LandingConfiguration o Excessive Downward Deviation from an ILSGlideslope