The Checkered Flag - Competition Corvette Association
The Checkered Flag - Competition Corvette Association
The CheckeredFlag z EI I F F bJ IL E TJ 6'*"."r?B@ A" 3 q '/ ..a, o".J Welcome Back to a New Year pointsresulfs tor2007hosBrett compelition HoppyNewYeorlo oll.ThefinolEoslOhioRegion secondfor the Rebolfinishing firstfor lhe menwilh 583 pointsond his wife,Pot,finishing Theclubogoinfinished /h wilh283points. womenwith579points,olsoDionoFultzfinished lo oll.Foro complele fourthoutof 17clubswifh36 members eorningpoinls.Congrotulotions go lislof resulls ondtenlolive schedule for2008 lo linkson ourwebsiteondclickon EoslOhio. Letshopeforo sofeyeorogoin. if Wedidnofdo thechority corshowlosfyeor.Thisyeorwe willbe hovingonebulcombining 'Wolk Diseosell will be heldon June6 ot with wilh Mory' to find o curefor Porkinson Diseose Reseorch. Thewolkwill Penitenliory Glenin Kirtlond. Allproceeds willgo forPorkinson prior Community be fo thecorshow.TheroindoleforlhecorshowwillbeJune2l ol Lokelond in helpingor in gettingdoorprizes College. PhilShroutis choiringthe evenls.lf inleresled goto pleoseconloclPhil.Formoreinformolion . Goryond SueModdlewill ogoinbe doinglheirworldfomousl{ysfery DinnerCruisesfhis yeor on the lostThursdoy We will olso of lhe monlh,slorlingin MorchthroughOclober. (Rick, picnic/meefings, Jim,Kenlthisyeor continue lo hoveour wilh ourworldrenownchefs of o lolerdote.Let'shope fromJunelhroughAugust(roinor shine) ol ploceslo be determined lheweother cooperoles. Gleaning that #@"/"$n" windshield part 2 using lholI hovebeensuccessfully Another solution forcleoning theinsideof yourwindshield forforlyyeorsis GlossWox. outo smollpuddleof thepink l. lt comesin o pinkrecfongulor conwitho snopcop.Squeeze liquidontoo dompsponge. 2.Whenusingglosswoxo littleisgoodo lotis bod. 3. Usinglhespongespreodlheglosswoxovertheenlireinsideofyourwindshield. 4. Lellheglosswoxdrycompletely. 5. Oncelhe glosswox hosdriedsimplywipeofflhe whileresiduewitho cleonterrycloth lowel. onlheinside. 6.Thot's ollthereistooot yourwindshield willglislenwithnomoreoilystreoks 7.ll workseverylimewilho singleposs-- enioy. or surrounding 8. Tokecoutionin ovoidingopplyingonythe glosswox on lhe doshboord oreososwhenit driesto thewhileresidueit is difficult to wipeoff. FronkVolgslodl December 2007 meeting minutes Meetingwoscolledlo orderbyShoronBurk fromtheprevious lo woivelhe reodingof theminutes MotionwosmodebyFronkVolgstodl meelingondseconded byKenPekor to occeptlhetreosure/sreporl, reportgivenbyJockLiles.BobbieDekenmofioned Treosurer's seconded themofion. PhilShrout portywillbe ot Ken& Bobbie reporlwosgivenbySueondGoryModdle- Chrislmos Aclivities sofegroup. Thebirthdoy Deken's house. Pleosebringgiftcordslo donoteto fheWomen's portywillbeJonuory 26thflyer in newsletler. lotolfor2008is 8.|. - Membership reportgivenbyDebiFounce Membership hosbeen Dugoch- Website forDecember.Fred - KenDonch- NoNewsletler Publicolions .|7,000 '15,500 hod hits, October gettingo lotof hils,Seplember woso bigmonth,therewere hod10,000 hits. hitsondNovember governor's meeting,BretfRebolwenl - DonBurkwosunobleto otlendtheDecember Governor Rollye willbe in hisploce.Thespeedeventfor2008willbeAug2 ondtheHolloween tholJimFultzis bonnedfor lifefrom meelingif wosonnounced November l. Atthegovernor's evenls(highspeed,Lowspeedondeventhovingto do wilhfheclubl.Letteris onfile oll NCCC isMorch8'h. Bonquet wifheochclubondNCCC.Regionol byclubmembersfor Big - Weroised$375forthelreethotwosdecoroted OldBusiness Sisters. Brothers/Big willbe Lizord upoboutthecorshowJune7h.Winking brought NewBusiness - PhilShrout ontheomounfoffoodsold.Weoreon depending fheeventondwillgiveo donotion cotering flyersol thecorsshowseorlyin theyeor.DCSounds BigAl'slistwebsile,hewillbe disfribuling Chevyis in thetolksto Times,Clossic in Cruising willbe DJforusondheis doing2 freelistings hoveo new206of thecorshow. drowingApril26ol the Convertible, foro 2008Corvette hosfickelsfromNCCC JimWendorf ore Bowling Green. Tickets museum in $.|0. themolion. KenPekorseconded lo odiournlhe meefing, motioned FronkOrtoloni January 2008 meeting minutes due woscolledlo orderbyShoron Burkondslotedthotil wouldbeo shortmeeting Meeting wouldlikelo go thefunerol lhedeolhof Denise Koehle/s folherondthottheclubmembers ondRickKoehler homelo poytheirrespects.Ourthoughts ondproyers orewith Denise duringthisdifficult fime. fromlhe previous MotionwosmodebyBretlRebollo woivethereodingoflhe minufes meeling ondseconded byJimWendorf lo occeptthelreosurer's reporl, Treosurer's reportgivenbyJockLiles.BretiRebolmotioned DonBurkseconded themolion. portywosol Ken& Bobbie Aclivilies reporfwosgivenbySueondGoryModdle- Christmos porty people greol Deken's house. Therewere42 ondeveryone hodo time. Thebirthdoy 26rh 11'h.Pleose comeondto hoveo greoltime.Thefirst willbeJonuory moneydueJonuory Mystery dinnerwillbefhelosfThursdoy in Morch. on order - Membership is 81.Debiolsois getting Membership reportgivenbyDebiFounce logelher if onyoneneedsclubopporelembroidered. - KenDonch- lfyouwonfonything hoveit lo Kenbyfhe17th. Publicotions inthenewsletler, -BrettRebolonnounced withfhefomilyhe Governor tholduefo personol ondheolthreosons down,SueModdle wouldbeslepping Afterocceplonce of Brettstepping downosgovernor. Donoccepled DonBurklo begovernor ogoin.ll wosseconded byJimWendorf, nominoted postion. the Allin ottendonce wereinfovor. Bonquel for2009.Further Breltolsorequesled lholfheclubconsider doingfheregionol ond&fett discuss onthismottertolokeploce.JockLilesbroughlupoboutfheporksforpicnics porks yeor. going get lhis Picnics will be lo tryto somemetro in Geougo County soidheis June, JulyondAugusl. - Bobbie fromthegiftcordsotfheChrislmos OldBusiness Dekensoid$450woscollecled portyforWomen's SofeGroup. foro 2008Corvette Convertible, drowingApril26ot lhe JimWendorf hoslicketsfromNCCC ore$10.Jimolsohoso chilicookoff ol lhePoinesville museumin Bowling Green,Tickets Senior cenleronJonuory 26th froml-4 BrettRebolmotioned to odjourn themeeting. seconded lhemotion. JimWendorff |V,rnk &O/eSSuz* t.t .*a Z i{ Ot)Cg 77e cluJ /V/ laazU /-ssue,s 4.*r &e'saat 8es7 P"szf.a rlzs '2ts'"*L 4s 7a '& *a/*z/ .uzT *oor/ zz/t 4J"2ry a/ a 4uo'z/ cLuJ, ou/ .? /erre-,aar 2at7 fu //a 7*T fcTrtsof,o* Seraazzy' //.aze -/ 7a ve a 6a//.}r2r 7 #**- "hr? Zrl Cazt/zl 2t4*zz o{ 7)e fl,/le,r LOOK 2e 4oo. Eor 4e'e zfuc d 2+7 Jfss?l.r ,/2/c TD y'/'?u*, P/3 {orr-ou -4^ Ee //a''r 2 o/zaTuarr/ 7e- lau s*zoats 7T 6ou*o., ///aat m*r/zz5 C-aouefefu/ Uru/affrn /'/ 277t/t/Ve r47zz .ftn*S '#az 'ac Zcaz 2.2/,6u /2ts *k'<s'-s: Faa'%-a Next GGA Meeting When: February13,2008 Where: QuailHollow Time: 7:30 Competition Corvette Association (Adult SocialEvent) DATE: Saturday,|anuary 26,2008 TIME: 6:00p.m. to LL:00p.m. LOCATION: Cappelli's Comfort Inn & Suites 7701Reynolds Road Mentor, OH 44060 (M0)e51-7333 COST: $ 30.00per PersonClub Members $ 41.00per PersonNon-Members (Middle ShelfOpenBar,Beer,Wine & SoftDrinks included) JWRruL Selndion qrcrn QnlipaatoDiaplag., Sprn* Salad, thnamadn furnad. ghnd eatutedfop frnud. o( funl, 9o& &oin d"Stu$4ing 9aata. Station wl 9eoto, Aqnede f," .tl4atha,qn Saune Sugat Sna flenpodo *l Sfr&ted earuu O ar kieo ( n*AaUe cartea, tanb, p etit (4rrx,6,moua6ea d" t itlza ) -S.:-----)...-----8<,----F.:----S<----$"j----[}<l----h<----S<..----S<.-----h<----$<---$<.-----P<.--- RSVP: Name Pleasemail your check made payable to CCA on or before: Friday, fanuary L1.,2008 Gary & SusanMaddle 9833JohnnycakeRidge Concord, OH 44060 (440)357-6346 Name Resourcesfor Victims of Domestic Violence Ohio44O24 P.O.Box656. Chardon, the llt Ph:44O-286-7154 Fax' 440-286-1037 -Lireen House D e c e m b e r1 8 .2 OA 7 BobbieDeken CompetitionCorvetteAssociation.Inc D e a rB o b b i e& F ri e n d s: On behalfof the countlesswomenand childrenwho flee to WomenSafefor safety and support,we thankyou mostsincerelyfor the largequantityof gift cardsfrom alongwith childr en' sitem s , G i a n tE a g l e ,K o h l 's,JC P e n n eys,W alMar t,Tar get, pair Christmasdecorations. of dog mugsand an assortmentof groceries. Communitydonationslike yoursprovidewomenwith the opportunityto free themselvesand theirchildrenfrom domesticviolence. WomenSafe'sgoal is to makea full rangeof free servicesavailable,includinga 24 hour hotline,emergencyshelter, therapy.advocacyand peer support servicesto domesticviolencevictimsforcedto flee their own homesin searchof a safe environment. We are gratefulfor your interestand generosity.Thankyoufor takingan activepart i n t h e e l i mi n a ti o on f d o me sti cv iolence. t$lamtu Si n c e r e l v. l, tA n pnaqtcotr rpr*n*xSh a y naL . Ja ckso nMS , S A ,L ISW ExecutiveDirector SJlmg ./t" MrcrY I**tr -*\i'r-to " .-f,oL'rkrr'l)uwu;,'uY "r*rLq/O{/Lt t{ fio goodsor serviceswere providedin consideration for the contribution describedabove J*.-;f.."*d ^^?ry -// g&t-l.-rlan rwu'cl"'t |rtJ-trur1,.irl NationalDay of Recognitionfor Corvette A Pushfor June 30 To Be DeclaredNationalDay of Recognitionfor Corvette Mid America Motorworks Behind GrassrootsMovement To Celebrate TheBirthday of America'sSportsCar EFFINGHAM, lL - Longa supporterof the Corvettehobbyand creatorof "DriveYour CorvetteTo Work Day", Mid America Motorworkshas petitionedthe United States for Corvette- America's Congressto declareJune 30th a NationalDay of Recognition FirstSportsCar.The Corvettefirstrolledoff a Flint,Michiganassemblylineon June30, 1953. John Shimkus(RThe petitionis being presentedby UnitedStatesCongressman lllinois).All Corvetteenthusiastsare urged to contact their U.S. Congressional to passthisresolution. Representatives "As the longestrunning,most widelyrespectedproductionsportscar in UnitedStates history,the ChevroletCorvetteis morethan a is trulya symbolof Americanpride.For this reasonMid AmericaMotorworksis launchinga grassroots said TrueSportsCarwitha NationalDayof Recognition." movement to honorAmerica's world's Motorworks, the and founderof Mid America Mike Yager,ChiefCheerleader leadingsupplierof Corvettepartsand accessories. has a historyof creatingnationalmovementsto honor the Mid AmericaMotonryorks Corvette.In June of 2001, Mid AmericaMotorworkscreatedDrive Your CorvetteTo WorkDay as an annualeventto celebrateCorvette'sBirthdayon the Fridayclosestto June 30. On Friday,June 27n 2008, thousandsof Corvettelovers will drive their in the 8tnannualevent. Corvetteto workto participate ln Septemberof 2001, Mid AmericaMotorworksorchestrateda massivegrassroots movement,calledthe CorvetteStampede,to petitionthe UnitedStatesPost Officeto createa CorvetteStamp.The stampwas to honorof the 50thAnniversaryof Corvette. Finallyreleasedin 2005,the USPSdebutedthe stamp at Mid AmericaMotorworks CorvetteFunfest. in 2008,a NationalDayof Recognition its 100th Thisyear,as GM celebrates anniversary to the automotiveindustry. is a fittingtributeto Corvette- GM'sgreatestcontribution representative petition his her congressional or EveryCorvetteowneris encouragedto for Corvette. to passthe resolutiondeclaringJune30'nas a NationalDayof Recognition go to or call For moreinformation 800-500-1 500. 1953 1964 2006 GGA Embroidered Apparel Below are prices for CCA embroideredapparel.Pleasemake checkspayable to KAY MARTINI. Orders will be turned in at the end of January. You are welcome to supply your own apparelto be embroidered. For more information pleasecall Debi. Debi Faunce MembershipCommiuee 36201ReevesRoad Eastlake,OH 44095 440-951-8572 Priceseffective: September 2007- June2008 !f !f * *,f rf ,r * * * * {. {. * rF rf * * r$ rt * !N.,1.* *. !t {. rF !f rfi rf {r !f rf !S rf ,F Satin,flannellinedJacket(#602) Redw/whitestripes.. . . $30.00 w/lettering $8.00 Jacket BackCCAlettering . i;i, tffif' Availablein sizesS - 6XL XL - XXL Add $2.00 XXXL - 6XL Add $4.00 JerseyPolow/pocket(#400) SolidRed L/C CCA logo w/lettering. . $17.00 $8.00 Total: S25.00 Optional:First Name Availablein sizes S - 5XL XL - XXL Add $2.00 XXL - 5XL Add S4.OO . $4.00 Hats:Twill 100%cottondCCA logo. Backbuckleclosure(#5049) . $10.00 Brushed cottondCCA logo. Onesizefits most(#1016) Wo o l b l e n d d C C A l ogo. Onesizefits most(#1,029) $10.50 ... $11.50 100%cottonw/CCA logo.. . . $9.50 Brassbuckleclosure 100%Heavybrushedcottonw/CCA logo.. . . . . $10.50 Velcro closure Oval patches(whitetwill dred border& number) . . . .$4.00 L/C CCA logo E tc?.fiF EAll1r,? 0}|10 i.r - +'s firretown Coruette Club Invites you to attcnd the 2tX)[-F+gtOhio ResionalA$'ards Banquct Satunlay,March 8. 200S HolidayInn F.xprcss 231ParkCei$reLlr Wadsworth Ohio44281 (330)334-7666 $chcdulc of Events (lriday March 7): 7:00p.m. RoomOpen PoolParty& Hospitalily - l3:00a,m. Schedulc of Eventr (Srturdey Mench Ell Governor Mceting 9:30a.m, ??? l2:00p.rn-4:00p.rn, l{ospitalityRoom Banquet Check-in & CockuilHour(CrshBar) - 6:00p.m. -5:00p.m. Dinncr/ GuestSpeaker 6:00p.m" - 8:00p.m. AwardPrcscntations 8:00p,rn, - 9:00p.m. Dancing & 9:tl0p.rn, - l2:00a.m, Block of Rooms Recervsd (wirhEostohio Rcgion): RoonrRescrvalion DcullincFriday,February8, 2008 89.99 ExcculivcSuitcS 99-00 Queeillfing$ WhirlpoolSuiteS109.!19 ( all + lut) BANQLIE'I'ICalaxyRcstaurant ?0| ParkCerrtreDr Wadsworth Otl4428l (330)334.3663 (E77)659-0054 rvu'w.tltr$a lar) rrstaurunt.curl BanquetReservationDcadlinuis Fcbruary'2-1,2008 lintree Choice:ChickenPiccata$27.00 SeaEass$ 3l,00 PrimeRib $ 31.00(no refundsaflcr Fcbrurry 26. 2008) palable Makc chcck.s to the Erst,.qhio Rcsion ond mail to PcgQuinc 70 S Alling Rd., Tallmadge,OII 44278 ContactKarenStamm(130)673-3913or vetteg.irlS I r{,hotrrrail sorlr DOOR PRIZE DONATIONSARN WELCOMED NAME: NAME: CI,T]B: CITJB: BGcf Chiclren Ssr Bacs l:ntcr the numherof mealsordered: A Little Humor The Joy of Being Retired ask retiredpeoplewhattheydo to maketheir Workingpeoplefrequently Well,for example,theotherdayI wentdowntownand daysinteresting. wentintoa shop.I wasonlyin therefor about5 minutesandwhenI came outtherewas a copwritingouta parkingticket. I wentup to himandsaid,"Comeon,man,howaboutgivinga retired persono breok?" Heignoredmeondconlinued writinglhelicket.I calledhima "Nazi." He glaredat me andstartedwritinganotherticketfor eatingGestapo."He havingworntires.So I calledhima "doughnut withthe first. finishedthe secondticketand putit on thewindshield Thenhe startedwritinga thirdticket.Thiswenton for about20 I didn't minutes.The moreI abusedhim,the moreticketshewrote.Personally, on the busandthe carthathewas puttingthe care.I camedowntown I try to ticketson hada bumperstickerthatsaid"Go Michigan." to my health. havea littlefun eachdaynowthatI'm's important Elderly People gentlemon... heoringproblems foro numberof yeors.Hewentlo lhedoctorond Anelderly hodserious lo heor100%. lhedoctorwosobleto hovehimfittedforo setof heoringoidslholollowedthegenllemon genllemon Theelderly wenfbockin o monlhlo lhedoclorondlhedoclorsoid."Yourheoringis perfecl. tholyouconheorogoin." Yourfomilymuslbe reollypleosed "Oh,I hoven't replied, toldmyfomilyyel.I iuslsiloroundondlislenlo lheconversolions. Thegenllemon l'vechongedmywillfhreelimes!" froma retirementcenterweresittingon a benchundera tree whenone Two elderlygentlemen turnsto the otherand says:"Slim,I'm 83 yearsold nowand I'm just full of achesand pains.I knowyou'reaboutmy age.Howdo youfeel?" Slimsays,"I feeljustlikea newbornbaby." "Really!? Likea newbornbaby!?" "Yep.No hair,no teeth,andI thinkI just wet my pants." A senior citizen said to his eighty.year old buddy: "So I hearyou're getting married?" 'Yep!" "Do I know her?" "Nope!" "This woman,,s stre good looking?" "Not really." "ls she a good cook?" nNaw,she canTcooktoo well.* '?oes she have lo|s of money?" "Nope! Pooras a church mouse." "Will she do your laundry?" "l doubt it." "Whyin theworld do you wantto marryherthen?" "Becausesfie can still drive, especiallya Coruette.