Reaeaera es I ns : al I a ` " roirs I nspecto : . a : e , H l { S 0 , I 9 7 9 . 2
Reaeaera es I ns : al I a ` " roirs I nspecto : . a : e , H l { S 0 , I 9 7 9 . 2
Reaeaera es . rq:.,r v uv \r,..g4. I n s : a l I a ' " r o i r sI n s p e c t o : . a : e ,H l { S 0 ,I 9 7 9 . 2 'rDesl8nsa:ety c.ite.ia foa CEGB nuclea-- poBe. stationsri, CECBHealth a n d S a a e t yD e p a . t o e n t , H S / R 1 6 7 / 8(1R e v i s e d ) , 1 9 8 2 . $rr *.- -,,, -.:r'i..' i-d-J.C-'*j1--!+,:!- :4i >nq !E; 'nr's'&1*ri.6lb$r€ft9i;di,titiie*stAi*&6' DESCRIPTIoN0F T'JE 8Bl{K RIACToRS SECTIoN2: The Che.ncbyl platt i:F p.essute has RBMKboiLiaS !.ate., The combinatrot of a p: essu:'e tube coclart o o d e a a t e da e a c l c a s , a gaaphite nodeaato:- ln a coooercj.a.L nuclea:'po*er u.ique to the Soviet ljnion. .eacto.s bullt The chief Ir piessriJ'e tubes rllh orload .efuellln8. Vertical b FueL asseEbl.ies eobodyinS l8-pin pellets iuef c I gaaphite oode.ato. d Acllirg Sectioil the sleae goiilg lo the t!.:'bines. oi'the RBMKdesigi adequacy aSairst Tables 1 ard 2, Hith a.e desc.ibed pa:'ticulaj' UK saaety p:'ac!ice Hith .efe:'ence io NII Safety Assessnenl Piillciples a-e sunm6--i9ed lr tube- and aeflecto.. sa:'ient featu-es the!. c]'.rste:'s, each pin coop.isecl of i:l a zi.corlj.rrlll alioy Hater coolant, comneits .egaadi.g statloal 13 a, plutoniuD. a this \,Jith of the RBIINreactoas a--e: features u.65i-Jn dioxide ciacui! paaertage can be taaced to the ea:"]y Its to paoduce loilita:.y deslgr lube,, S.aphite- (nef 2). Relevani pa.a.oeters U:il.ess clhe:.Hise slated the iifo.nation is fron Ref 1. 2.1 Ove.vieir o! the RB K The rDai:lfeat,.L-eso: lhe RB|.{X a!"e show:1i. Fig 1. is the.eactoa The.eactc. At the ceit.e of the u'iii cc.e lrith its suppoalix8 structu:'es and btol.ogical shieldlaS. cool,a:it ci:'cult, conslstlng of a coeplex aaray of pipeso.k and valves, strpplles Hatei- to the fuel .char.els and t.ansports stean/water Eixtuae to the sleae cLr"!Ds. Above the .eactc:. 1s the reacto. hal1, ccrlai!1i:r8 the fuelllrg oachine. the .eactc. a-nd p!.ida-.y ci..cuit. A coltaia]lellt buildtnS pa.tially slraolarcls Aa inhe:'eit featu"e of the desiSn ls that the geieratlon of steaE ln the fuel cha:inels oakes a positive, .eaa:ivity of the co.e. deglabilisi:rt, cohtalbutic:r to the I n n o a E a lo p e . a t i a r t h i s e f f e c ! i s c o l ! . l t e . e db y ihe .eeative Doppe. :uel teope.atur-e coefficient, These chaaac!e.istics aad of ope.ation aequlred tc etsLr-e a stable reaatoa opeaati.agaegime the lioi!s a r e d i s c u s s e di a t e : ' i r t h i s S e a t i o r 2.2 Reacto:' aad SrrDpor" The aeactoa and lts suppo.till8 structL!-es aj-e aho{n ta Fig 2, The aeacto:" co:'e is cyllndaical ln shape, elth a dlarete!- Of 11.8o a-'lda heiSht of 7@ exciuditg t"effecto.s. It conslsts of g:"aphite blocks asseEbledinto coluBns, yith vertlcal, cylindalcal openings rhich holrse a total of 1661 fuel channels, 211 coitaol chaineLs and l2 axial detecto. st.lngs. The oarj.EirE teoper atuie of the gfaphlte is repo.ted to be abcut ?00oC. coHl{Er{t Thls 8t'aphlte teoperature ls s@er.hat hl8hea thatr thote ot the Ul( ha! expeplence. It 1! not knoyn vhether the USSfihave qualllled the Iraphlte blocks for the ful.l .ange ol telpe.ature, hlildlty and i.rradlatton condltl.or)! oyea the destgn Ilfe of the Feaetoa. the RBHKcondltlons UK expeflence suSgeats that a.'e very onerous for the 8raph1te. T h e w h o j . eo i t h e . e a c t o r i s i o c a t e d i n a l e a k i l g h t c a v l t y ( f o : l e d b y t h e uppe. aad love. shie1ds and a cylind.ical steel sheil), Cesigaedto { i i h s t a t d a . : i r l e . r a l p . e s s r r e o f 0 . 0 8 M P a( 1 1 . 5 p s i ) . T h e c a v l t y i s f l ] ] e d v i l h h e l i u , l ! / ! i i t . c g e re i x t u - e ( 8 5 - 9 0 i H e , 1 5 - 1 0 t N , ) w h i c h i l l h i b l t s o x i d a l i o n cf the 6.aphiie 6-id i6p:'oves heat t.aisfe. f.oo the g.aphite to the cooli:lg chan:iels. The HelN2 mlxiu-e is ci.cuLated th:'ough a ci.eaa-upeysteo whe:'e 1t 1s rlotito.ed fo:' teege.atuie aid eoistur"e colltert. CoHXEIII The relatlyely hlgh Sraphlte teEp€rature edds to the -.'l f l- llportarce of excLudllrg ala troo the t'eactoa caylty. J cavlty ls a ]atepal ghie1d rhlch takes the fo!.e of a :'eseavoi:- (annulai' i! c:oss-gection) 190 outslde dianetea and outside the.eacto. cylind.ical 16.6m irslde diaEete.. The tank is fabalcated faod 1or a.]1oysteel, aald is -':i divlded inte.naLj.y into llatef. 16 ve.tical ieak_iight l.1iih coopa.tments fllled The tank is suppoi"ted f:'on beiovr by the b.rilding st.uctur e. shield is a fabi'i.'aled steel st:'uct(l:.d, l?i! in di3.1lete. The uppe. biofogicai the -auei It is p€.fo.ated by standpipes Hhich acco@Eodate and 3I! in helght. and cant:"ol channel asseobl.ies. The space betlreen the slandpipes is filied se.pentlnlte conc:-ete. The uppe. shield suppo.ts the Loaded fuei channels, the floo. outLel ha]l above, and the:"eacto. coolant of the.eacto. This enti:"e st.uctuj'e 1s In tLrn suppo.ted on .oLLe.-type suppo.ts by the shleld tank. i n d e s i 8 n t o t h e u p p e as t . u c l i ! - e , b u t 1 4 . 5 m1 n The lovea shleid 1s sloilaf dranetea and a! hi8h. .eacto. coofart lniet The stauctu'e suppoats the gaaphite stack and ihe piping, ard is pe.:o:aled by steel tubes which accon')odelethe lowe. ends of the :-,rel and cont.ol channels. The i oHe:' shieid !s auppo.ted laom beiow, by a fab:'icaled steel st.uctu.€, vhich l : ' a n s m i t s l h e H e i g h i o f t h e g . a p h i ' " es t a c k l o t h e b u i l d i n g . lbove the uppe. shieid is a gaile.y standpj.pes ard the .eacto. Hhich fo.E biolo8icai insuiation. outlet containing (o. .isej the uppe:" ends of the ) pipes. shieiding io:. the.eacto. Above this hail, 6j'e slaEs 6rd act as heat on the standgipes and can be :'etloved to pe.nil The si.abs.est ac.es3 to the st6id2ipe fo: ._efue:lin5. T5e luel channel. ii-ust:ated alloy (z|. 4o!r. Steel,/zi.coni,iri 2.5tr Nb) tube, uppe. ancl Lore. steel to the steel st.uctu-^e. ti!-ough lA consisls p.ina:i]y in:rg 88on exte.nai alloy t.ansi!!on end-pieces. di6rete| vith o: zj.conjuo a wa]] thickness pieces laciliiate the attachnent The irppei. end piece is.i8ldly of oi attached standpipe Hhich and ia sealed to the uppe. shieLd The lowe" end piece is a bello!{s unj.t l{hich expaision betHeen lhe fuel Bea]ed to the loea- shiel.d st.uct(re ccoperuates fo. the diffq.ence channel and the .eactoa cavity in the:'Ea-i st.uctrlre. The fuel asseobfy, FiS 3A, is oounted in ard suspendedf.oo the top oi the channel tube by a bal.l-type plu8 that seal.s the top of the channei tube. THo fuel sub-asseoblies, each 3.5o iong 6.:e held togethe" by a sep6.aie suppo.t .od and suspendedf:.ofi the pl,rg. Each sub-a3senbly coEp.ises 18 :-JeI pi.s spaaed by 10 stainless steel cellul6j: spacea lattices The fuel ls.eplacecl on load. (see TabLe The cha-ge nachiie ca:aies out the seal.iag a.i1dursea-l1r9 ope.ation .eooteIy. The contaol. aod channel heads ar.e deslgned to accept the attachbent of actlEtoas and also the lnlet cooling lrat e- supply fr@ a coollng system that i3 Sepa:ate taoD the oain fuel cha-'Ine] cool.lng. The fuel. chaineLs a--e lhe palliclpal oeans of heat relooval f.od lhe g!^aphlte blocks. Graphtte nplston .1'lgsn flt a-owrd the p.essee tube, alte"nately ri coDtact el.lh the p:"essrr-elube and the gaaphlte block, as lliustaated i:,i Fig 38. The cooii!18 of the 8:.aphite depeids upo:1the heai coiduction palh ttl'ough the plsto5 rirg aaaaigellert. c0ul{E}fr the aap betreen the fuel charnel. sad the graphite ls lcall, so that fallure of the prelsure tube rouLd re!d.t blocks. pressupe loads on the 8raphlte Thls rould tend to ttlt the bt.lck! a-'rd 1n slgnl.flcant roul.d be ltkely tg d,aDaSetheE, partlcularly aftet l.radlatlon. CoEequentLy the Srapblte stack appears tA be yuLoeable tA pl'elsute tube falllrre, and tbere 1r a ltkel.lhood to othe. tubes, of propatatlon Taken together, desl8n-paessrl'e ol the ieectd the .elatlyely cavlty, lor the ]ack of alrd the pressu.e tsoderatoa deslgD appear yulnerabte contalnDent above the.eactor tube/&.aphlte and could lead to r slgnlllcant radloactlvtty release ol ln ar accldant that lDcluded D..essurc tube fatlse. the.lsk reacte ot lallqre ppopatatlon.Dd breach ot the aavlty ar'c contrary to XII PrlEctplq! t52.espectlYelt. 2,4 ev .. ot tallu--e 91 aad Ltl !iicar y Coolaii Ci.cuii The (rliust.etec 2,3 bottol! of the fuel top. It cansists independently; ia aigs . a.d i) s i r p p ii e s ' { a t e j ' l c : i i e channeLs End.eooves ihe ste6-e/vate. o: t\ro siaila-. in pa.ailei loops, uhich function each loop.efioves heat f|q! ha]f f.cxi tre olxtire 6,id auel of asseobl ie3. In each loop, heade. paases th.ough lorr Hate:. f:"co the sucllon eain ci.culating p-dnps. Under" no: oai ope.atinS at hiah poHe., conditions th:'ee oi the foui' Bain ci.c',11atln8 puE_rsaj'e !n ope'atlon :' aid a p."essu-e of 8.q MPa (1218 psl) ard floes valve 6nd a tlrottle vaLve, in sequence: each of the 1661 iuel channeis. cont.oiieC by Eeans of lsoiating th.ough the fuel to sat.!'ation and the eteao/rate. HPa (1015 psl) vhe:'e il fiors rixt,!-e iniets. in an isciaiion the dain ciacijiating the 22 An individuaL and .egul.airng vefves. iine heade.s, ieads into As !t D6sses su:".ounding the fuel, eieoents is heated par.tiaj:.y evapo.ates {1/1.5t by reight at a tsnpe:ati:j'e of th.i"oirShthe individuaL is Sepaaated inlo valve, pipes, The fiorr :.ate tir.^o\rgh each channei rs channels, the wats tempe.atrre, a non-aetrrn passes into whicb have non--'.eln-n vaives at lheia one heid in til-ough p.essrre CooLant then flo',rs inio puop piessur e heade., f.oE whe:e it rith puops at a teope.aluJ.e of 270oC llat e:. leaves th€ 6ain ciaculatlng each ol Hhich aae instai.ied pipes !o the ste6m and vatea. .!se. 28\.5'C sepa.ated out is E:xed ai the dr",ln outiets {ith !h.:.ou8il 12 downpipes (:.on the suction €ach di.Js) inio 6nC a p.ess,:'e of 7 p!pes into The ljate" or ave.age) rhich feed vate., the stee,r d.u.ts has bee:1 6nd fiows I headea. The tempe.alu^e of ihe rate. iLorin8 inio ihe suction heade:' clepencls on the .ate ol stea.o p.odiictlon o: the .eaato.. lhen this dec.eases, the teEpe:'alu:e lnc.eases s@eHhal becairseof lhe chaaging aatlo of ratea faom lhe d.uE sepa.alo:.s, a! a teope.aluie of 28lt.C, and feed u6te-, 6t a teoperatu.e ol 165"C, Consequentiy, phen Lhe:"eactoa povea ls belor 5OOHW le du-ia8 slai.t-up ca ehut-do-,rnope:ailorls, the fLor iate t}!-ou8h the p.irda--yci.c\lj.t is cont.olied by using fi!-ottLe-type clntaol vaLvea and I .educlng the nurDbe.ol puDps ope:'ating to.eduCe the flcra f.oo the noaba.l fate of 8000 E'llu. pe. pirDp, to the.ange 6000-7000o!/tl-. This 13 necessa.:'y !o ensui'e lhat th€ tedpeaatrfe at the oaj.o ci.culatlnS 2,5 puBp tilet I I is low enoughlo ensFe thai aavliatlon cloes not occu:. in the pu;ips aid to $ain:ain slean paoduction in th€ co:"e. c0l.rlc[T The paess8e tube concept €oployed ln the RBIX aesu.lts ltt a luch Dcre cooplex aaran8eoent than ha! De@oe qustooa-"y l!! the UK. Pa:'t1cu1ar dltllcuLtles a the potentl al le lallrFe gf the c@p1er ar.ay ot plpeeork; the potentlal lo. p.opagatlon of luch fal.l[[.eg one plpe to anothe!", Ln vlee of the close pFox!.lll.ty ol the ptges to ooe anoth€a and the dltllculty of p.ovidtng .estial.nt of, o. tr@ seSregatlon betreen plPes; the cmplexlty Cee coollna of the Elegency Supply (ECCS)Deeded to cate!. le bleaks ln any pa--t of the cl.cult. The!t.!.e cl.cult ,.s knorn to have llttle by r.ay ot aestaatnt oa seg!'egatlon. The ECCS1s deslgDedonl.y to:. sin8le fallE-es of pipe, of spectlled 91zeg The M.l].ne-abll lty o! the palEa.y cl.cult !s @nt.a--y to NII P.lnclple 91. It pould afso Eake c@pllance ylth P.lnclple 109, on adequacyot coollng at all tlEes, dtfllcuLt to deooNt.ate. lnsDectlon rould b€ dlfllcul,t 2.4 P.tncl,ple 46 f€ to Eeet. EEe.gencyco.e cooltng systeE (EccS) The ECCSi8 designed to Ealntain co.e in the event of pipe-faiiu: es in the oain cooLant systeo 6nd in scoe fintact clacultn faults in Fhich the suppl.y of nate'to the i'uef channels is inte..upted to. othe. .easons, [lo. exanple: loss of feedwatea oa Loss of poHe. suppliesl. 'CCS is no.naily initialed autoEatically, Actuatlon oj'the al.though it is knoun thal the ope.atoas biocked ECCSope:"ation to the accident at Che:"nobyi. Becar$e lhe -'.eacto. cooiant systen is a-':'angedin tHo sep6--ate, lndependeni loops, the ECCSEuBt be 6i.an8ed !o Ineet lhe diafeaing fqnctlonal .equl.enents a3soclaled rJllh lhe b.eached and intact halves of lhe aeacto.. The Chernobyl SCCSconsists of ttL-ee sub-syslens (see Fig 5) al.i connecreo to the dist.ibutlon heade.a of the coolant systeo. one sub-systeo paovides fLov to the dareSed half only, dualng the ea.:'ly stages of a b.each, du.-lng wlrich tloe, cooilng of the undaDagedha]f ls via the notuai RCSroute. The othea tvo ECCSsub-systeos tr-ovide long teao cooling fo. the aeactoJ", one sub-systeo fof each ha]f. Sho.t tem cooltng of the b.eached haif 1s p.ovided by tll-ee t.a.tns of ECCS equipEenl, coopaising tHo accufiuLa!o)^taains ancl one puop€dtfain. Each consists of s1x accurlulato. tankg, satea yith a nit.ogen gas blanket, E:aj.ntainedat 10 MPa (1450 ps!), and is capabie of acci.rrDul,ato:. l.ain deiive:ing 50t oa the oaxlnuo fLoH requi.ement !o the daoagedhalf of the :'eactoa, io. not iess than 100 seconds afte- the inillation ot the baeach. ECCSfiow ',rithin 3.i seconds of the The thi.d taain utiiises the feed puops, Fast acling valves aFe used to initiate b.eak in no.oal vate. suppiy. $hich a.e electaicaliy a,r Haie. f:" oo the deae.atoas. The d.!ven and rhich cL^ p u B p sa a e a e a l l g n e d t o f e e d d i . e c t ] y t o the ECCSheadeas. Thls :.oule i.s capable of deilveaing 50t of the oaxiduo fioll .equlaeoent to the danaSed haia of the :.eaclo.. Long te:t cooiing of the d6Da8edhal.f of the.eacto:. taains oi ECCSequiFlent. is pr.ovlded by thj'ee Each t.ain consists of t{o puops connected ln pa.j-a1]el and is capable of delive:ln8 50t of the oaxiEuE fioe. The putps drav pate. f.oo lhe p!'es3i!-e suppa€slon pools beneath the aeacto., the Hate. being cooied by se:.vice lrate. ln heat exchange.s in the puEp suctlon LonS te:'a cooLlng of the lntact haif of the aeactoa ls paovlded by thaee t.aiN of ECCSequlpoent. Each traln conBists of a slngle puEp d.arlng natea faoo a condensate stoaage tank, ard ls capable of 50t of the aequi.ed f1oe, I The iCCS is !.lgge:"ed by the colncidence of a high p.*su.e sj.gnaL f:'oc cqlpaat&ents contalnlng the llain cool ant plpeHo:"kand eithe:' a iolJ level. si3na1 f:"o@the steao daubs o:. a si3nal lndlcating a clec.easein ci..cuit P.e33[-e d-op. ?he iatter identiiy the dariagedha]f of the .eactc!.. It ls a .equi.€oent that the ECCSEu3t iulfi1 its fr.nction in lhe event of a Ioss of noaEaLpore- supp1les coincident elth the ndestgn basls accident". The no.oal pover. supplles foa pudps and va.Lves ln the ECCSaae dealved f.oo the 8:"id, but in the event that the is losl then powe.Fcan be obtalned fa@ the aunnlng tc-bo-gene-ato. ( s ) . Du:'lng trrbine .un-ctoyn, the tu"boSene^atoa autinues to suppo.t the ae€dpuops ehich cont.lbute to sho.t te.o ECCSduty foi 45-50 sec\cnds. Subsequently, dlesel gene.atois a:'e b.ouSht ln' to pone- the pdDpsin those sub-systeEs l{ contalbLlte to longea te"m cooilng. ECCSvalves rhich cannot aacepi intear-uption in suppj.ies aj'e suppo:'ted by i,atte.les. The eteagency syste@sp.ovlde l50t .edlJndancy. The desiSn is claided to take account of unp.oductlve loss o: cgoiant thaoilgh the b.eaqh, ancl a 51n8l,eactlve o. passlve failu"e col.rltEltT UDavellablllty wlthln o:. outside the ECCS. ot pa--t of the systeo due to EalDtenaDce doer not appea.. to be taken lDto rqcount a! yould b€ fequlred ln the UK. l|hllst detaued .e1tablllty the colpLerlty a assessent hes noi Ueenoaire, ol the systeo and 1ts dependenceon valYe aLlstEent rould p!.obably rerqlt ln lot e. fellabi].lty than yould be requlred 1n the UK, Ptlnclple! 37 .nd 121 and Ref l. cater. !o!. staglatlon The ECCSdoe! aot accldarta althouSh such oqcl!'icnClat ar.e deared to be polslble tube reactocar PrlnclDle lo piersrae 109 eould thet"efee Dgt b€ ect. 2.5 Contal.nnent Systeo3 The Che:"noby1butldlnS stauctu-e 13 desiSnedto contaln and conflne the aeLease of J.aclloacttvity folloHtng fal1,J:"esln ce|taln parts of the .eacto:' coolant cl.cult. The contalrutent st.uclu.e and assoclated syslens oitlgale 2.5 the effects oi p.6sur:e-pa.t failu-es in the iorea paats of the dorncooe., the pi:ops, lhe p:.ess,!-eheade.s, dls!.ibution heade:'s and inlet pipeHo.k. Hcjveve), faif , in the uppe:' pa: ts of the fuel, channel, the .lser. pipes, the sleaE aepa--alo.s lheoselves ancl the uppea poatlons of the not cate.ed foa. The bounda.les of the containdent stauctuaes toRethe. e.ith the p:.ioa:'y ci.cult a--e sbo'rn 1n Flgs 5 and 6. The palncipal leatrl].es of the contalrEent systed araeshorn and nuobe.ed in F i s 6. These a.:"e Leakt!ght ccopa.tfierts encloslng the p\rEps (labe11ed "1n) designed foa a n o v e . p . e s s J . eo f o . ! 5 H P a ( 5 5 p s l ) . Connectedto lhe leaktiSht Ccnpa:"tdents:a Ste6a dist.ibutlon (4) and a tro-sto:.ey p:'ess',!Fesupp.ession pool (5), pa.ttaity Hith Hale., The pe.titions co.ridoa ailied aae by non-.etu.n vaLves and venli n8 channeiS. cctnpaatTents (2) enclosing the distaibutlon piPing vhich {iji tofe'6te heade:.s and aeacto:. inlet an oveapaess.r.e o! 0-08 HPa (11.6 psi) ,h1ch a--e v€nted to the steaE di,stribution and co:.,iido:. via non-.etu-n valves. the :"eacto. cavity (3) shich lriil tole.ate an ove:'p:"ess\!.eof 0.08 MPa (11.6 psi) is ventecl to the pi"essu.e supp:.ession pooL. the:'ise. pipe gaLLe.y (6) and the slear d..r.r cqlpai"t$ent (7), which a:e not desi3:red to rlithstand ovq'pFessrFe 6--e noaoaliy oaintaloed p.essr"e slightly belov that in the .eacto. hai1. FolloirlnS p.esslre cl!.cuit lailures at a ln the puop coopa:"toentsoi the g.oup header cgEpal.teents, steaE/vatea 6nd a1. a:e vented to the supp:"esslonpools via non-:'el,-!-n vaives and ventlng channeis as ghorn in Fig 7. The ae6Jl'ts of calqulations paesented by the Sovtets shoe that the coDpaatdent p.essuaes .eoaln beloH the desl8r] values fo. the cases of fa1l\L-e ol a puop p.essu.e header, e dist:"ibutlon heade. o. a sligle 2.9 iuel channei vithin Lhe .eacto. cav:iy. A sepa.ate ventinS : oute is p: ovtded foa the r'eacto. cavity, as iil$t.ated in Fig 8. The'e is pi'ovlslon fo:'heat.eooval faor! the contairhent cdlpa:"toents and aaoE lhe paessJ:'esuppaesslon poo1s. Su!face condenseasln the stean co:".ido. .@ove heat onLy du.lng accldent condttions. A spalnkle:'systeo ope.ales Lloth dL-lng noaEal. ope:.at1on ard duaing accldents. lJate' ls cl'asn faco the supp.esslon pool anc! ir cooied in a se:'vlce uatea heat exchan8e.' The Ha!e! is then dlaected to the a!. space above the supp:"esslonpool, Hhe'e it olxes and cools the a1., and to let cool ei.s ln the upp€:' (hottest) pa:'t of the containEent c\oopa.tEents. The Jet coole.s ent.ain ai., the.eby cooiirg the enviaonbent and aeEovlng aadioactlve aerc€o1s and stea!, The wate. is coilected and .et[-ned to the sJpp]"essionpooL. P.ovision is madeto maintain the concentJ'atlonof hyd.ogen belos 0.2t (by Hyd:'ogenis present in the cantaldnent voluEe dsing no:'@ai ope:'aiion oHlng to cooiant Leakage (assrred to be at a .ate of up to 2 voiuEe). L/hr). Dlring accidenl conclitions hyd:"ogenoay also a:'ise i.ool a zi.clniJn_ watei aeactlon. To catea foa thls, ala 1s d:'avn faq[ the @ntai lent vol'Jrne at tl're.ate of 800 ro!/hL-dL!.ing no:"eal.ope.atlcn, and is dischaaged to atocsDhe.e via fil.t:"alion plant. The plr 8e is autcoatically discontinued inneiiaiel.y aciloHlng a faii'J:.e of lhe coolant ci:^cuit 6nd is lhen .einsiated nanuaiiy a-lte. a pe:.iod of 2-3 houas, as hyd.oSen acc,hufates. coHt{EhT Frovtllon of a the ieactoa and Lts prlDary NII P:.lnclp1e 152 @ntal.Boent aro$d cool6nt clrcult protectlon unl.ess 1t can be lhoYn that adequate has been echlered bt s@e othcr DCaD!. The RBI{KF.actoa ha! pErtleL contalrEent ot the coolent clpcult 8Dd thls yould probebly fall to leet gX reqrli.!.nts ot the Btv.n thc Yuln.rabtllty p.lB.rt cl.r'cutt (sc. Sectlon 2.3 .bov!). 2.5 !g9i-$rrlLg!!9g9 The che.nobyl po(ea systens fo:. liJlobea4 reactoa aae ll1ust.ated in Figs 9 The statlon has tvo Ealn Beneaatoasconnected to the 750 kV gaid via a eingLe gene.ato.-taansfo:'ae . Tl{o geneaatoi svttches aae tnstalled in end 10. 2, 1C seaies wilh each Bain Sene:'ato:'and a cainecf,lon:o]. a unit taansfoanea is olade between each pai:" of gene.atoa sr.itches, The plant also has a 330kV c\cnnectlon lo the vla a statlon t:.ans:oaoe., al.thouSi,this .oute is isolated I'or! the oain elect.ical systeo. Theie powe. gupplies feed the maln dist:ibutlon bo6:"ds (io {hich loads such as :'eactoa cool.ant puEps alrldfeed punps, a:e connected) and the es€entlal dist:ibution boa.ds (to vhich essentlal dalves, such as ECCSpuEps o. clntalnnent spaay puEps, a:"e connected), o.oal poeea supplies foa house Loads a.e obtained via lhe unit taansfo:lea. The follor.lng pore. sou-Fcese:.e aleo aval.lable in va:.!ous ope.at1n8 dodes: folioring a .eacto. o:' tu.bine trip, suppLies can be obtained f:'oo the 750kV gai.d via the gene:.atoa taa-rsfo:'oea. fol1owin8 loss of the 75okv g:'id o:' Seneaato. t.ansfo:'se. supplies can be obtained ::"oG the 33okv via the g:atlon taans:o.tle:'. This route i.s no:maiiy lsolated and i! it is noi cleaa undei vhat ciacu.astelnces Hould be conlected, no:' how long the connection eould take. folloring faults lnltia:ed by .eacio. cooiant ciacuit faiirl:'e eith coincident ioss of no.mal pove: sup_Dliesa,:ld+-u-"binetalp, the aunning donn tuabogeneaatorscan be used to suppo.t eiect:icai a liDilect tine. systeo loads foa Thjs oode of ope.ation is used to su.opo.t the leed purp in its ECCSnode fo. a peaiod o: 4i-50 seconds. foiloHlng loss of aI1 ofl-alte, essential loads can be daiven f.o6 diegei Sene:atoas. Folloelng a loss of off-3lte porer, any.utrning *sentlal loads a.e t.ipped, the die-sel geneaato.s aae sta: ted autooatlcally and connect€d to the syster Hilhln 15 seconds, Essential d.lves .equi.ed by the incident a.:e sequence8ta:ted f:.oE the aval1ab1e pore:. sorrce (gald oa elect.ical dieael. geneaatoa). Auxll1a.ies rlhlch cannot accept the lnteaauptlon of supplles aae suppoatedby batte.les. The thiee g:"oupso: essentlarl safety equlplrent and thei. contaols have lndependent polre. supp1les, aB !llust.ated iir Fi8u.e 9. cor{l.Ettr - Ihe Eslentlal. Electalcal. Systeo playa a lreJor' tole 1!l enlualn8 cofe @ollng foUoilnS faults such as braache! of the p.essrre cl.cult. Unavatlabtlltt E]ect:.tcai Po.e. orlns to Eal.nten.nce, 1n c@blnatl,on a shgl,s lalfrDe of onc t.a1n ol Esscnttel a ac@nd tt altr, r,oufd r.sllt coollnS crpacltt !|(E ltl l dequate @re the oo. fdrtllDg Thc stst€o rould not Deet III 121 or the CE(E crlte.l8, ln 50t tt.ln. Prlnctples 37' 112, het {. 2.? Isg!i9!-+L!st!sl'!s The neulaon fLux detectoas aeeuiaed foa Eonlto.lng, cont:"ol and plotectlon a.e located in-Co.e and ex-coae a3 d*cfibed beios. detecto.s (KNT 31) 6r"elo!.e.ed inlo lhe .efi.ectoa fo. eta.t :'6i8e ls .eached. Th€y they aae withd:.awnehen the next me63!!-emenl ! lisgion up. cove. the aange 8 x 10-t2 to 3 x 10-' of fJIt po{e.. 4 sensitlve i.on chanbe.s (KNK55)located in the shieid tank Sive Pe.iod p.otectlon clring sta.t up f.oo 3 x 1O-! to 5 x 1o-2 oi fuil povea. 4 ion chaEbe.s (KliK56)located in the shield tank slrpply the signals to (systa,r!AR2) in the.atSe 6 x lo-t cont.ol the io'r- i.o!r poHe- autolallc.ods to 1.5 x 10-'of f.,rlI poeq'. 8 lon chaDbe.s (lClK53M)located in the shield tank supply the siSnals to cont:'oi the teo 3e!5 of fou. autooatic contr^ol aods (systems ARl and an2) in the:.ange 5 x 10_2 to 1.2 of fuli poHea ove:.shoot paotection. powea. The slSnais a.e also used foa 4 ton chasbe:s (XIK53H)Located 1n the shlei,d tank supply slgnal.i fo. poHe:' Eoaitoflng and pe.iod p.otectlon.ln the !'arge 10-5 to 1.2 of fuLl po!.ea. 2 lon chaDbe.s (KNK53M) located in the shleLd tenk 3uppiy 518rai.3 toa llneai pove- readlng in the aange 10-z to 1.2 of fu.l1 porea. 2.12 Paoteetlon1evel 5 is activated by: A poweaoveashoot of '0t of nominal 'ul,l, poue: A .eduction in the .eactor" peaiod to 10 secldds D.uo sepa--atoalevel high o. lot{ LoH feedHate. floIJ Excess paessu.e in leaktight coGpaatsenls; d.un sepaaatoas, aeactoa cavity oa foFea nate: 1ines. Low contaol-aod cootant-aeseave oa cool an!-f1oH Taip o: tvo trrbogene.ato.s T.ip of the oniy ope.ating tlrbogene'ato. T.ip oi 3 out oi 4 ope:atirg, dain pr.ltps in eithe. pLxlp aocro. in the plait voitage loss Fai:u.e to .espond :o p:'o:ection alixili6.y-poHe. suppiy-syster leve.l 3,2 o:' 1 deoEnds I'ianual t.ip. Paotectlon level 5. is actlvaled by 6n eoe.gency pollea oYe.shoot, 8ene.a!ln8 a paatia-] t.ip, stopping the:'ods vhen the oveashoot signa] clea:"s. The dtstj.ncbion betveen a poHeaoveashoot actlvating level 5, aid an ele:'gency po{e. ove.shoot actlvatlng level 5t, is not cfer. With such heavy:eLi6nce on the opeaato. to Eaintain a stable configlration nanual .od adjustoents, lt and lo ce.ay out so oany is believed that ievel 5r is the do.oa]iy- activated Level ln:.esponse to polreaoveashoot, sith lul1 taip by ievel 5 as the Eoae ex:aeme backup- ?.15 I t P.otection ievel. 3 is activa:ed by: Load :"ejectlon by both tFboaeneaalo.s Load aejeation by the only ofJ€:'atingtrboSeneaato:" P : ^ o t e c t l o nl e v e 1 2 l s activated by: outa8e of one of teo tlFboSene:"ato.s Load aeJectlon by one of tro turbogeneaatoas Paotectlon level 1 ls activated by: Loss of I of 3 opeaating Ealn cl.culation Reduction o: nalea flor putaps ln eitbe. p-tlnp:'oo{n. in the paina--y ciacuit. Reduction oi feedratea ::or. Reduction of ]evei in the d.un sep6aato:'s. Actuation of the goup key fo. the coolant ci.cuit .egujatirg COII EMI valves. - P.lo- to the Cheanobyl accl.dent a nuober of trlp pa:'aDcte.s res'e blocked shoslng that the paotectlon 38 atrd 131 on unauthoals€daccess. Prlnclple 38, 1n paj'tlcula., says iuBautborlseal acces! to and lnteaference 91th systeo i.ould not oeet NII P:'lnclples gtfuctrses, lysteos and c@poDentg lafety-related llle should be pFerentetl bt rultable !ea!tae!t. Drotactton ststa! ts theaefc,r'c not adequate (PrlnctpLe 107). Detalled lntcrdatl on and analvsls rould be requlrcd to l!!e!! c@pllaDce ylth total 121 and 122 rhlch lay that tg cat€r fe feults - o. oalope!.aEloE the p!'otectlon €obody dlveaslty and aedrmdancy. 2, 16 lylter lhould +"haottie 2. r0 3999j!:_.Q.9is!_i!! T h e d e t a i l . e d s a f e t y d e s i g n p h i l . o s o p h yo f t h e R B M K . e a c t o a a i s n o t a v a i i a b i e . Howeve , lhe physics cha:acte:.istlcs the no.Baf ope:.atiig .egioe positlve void coef:icient outlined Eust be constaained by the :'equlaement :hat ts llolted *iy in the Appendix iLlust:'a:e ln dagnitude, leading the to a negative value Of the po\rea coefficient, These aequlaenents a:e affected by poxe:' leve1 and a coobination of cont:"o1 .od ro.lh and inse:'tlon. Hence: The Hoath oi cont:'ol. :"ods lNe:.ted should be suJ:icient to.est:'ict nollaL porea ope.ations the.eacto. v o i d c o e a a i 3 i e n tt o a ievel consistent with a negatlve pove. coefficient. An on-line r o p e . a t l n g : . e a c t i v i t y c o i l p u t a t i o no f l h e o a - - 8 i n r i s a v a ! i . a b l e! o t h e o p e a a t o ao n d e o 6 i d . I f h e s e e s l h a t i t t i e s o u i s i d e a i . l b i t ( s i a t e d t o be at least 30 equivalent :'ode lnse:'ted in the coae) then he is srlpposedto t:"ip the :.eacto.. The ope.ating aeectivlty ma.8ii is also quoted as nlt of inse:.ted :.ods,,- The enfoaceneit oi this iimit is the:'espoisibiiity of the opeaatoa and no specific design p.ovisions E:'e fiade to easr::e coBpiianc€. Suslained po!re:'ope:.atiod 1s peaeltted only above a ioHea limit oi 201 ot fuii posea (Bei 3) and opeaa:lon beioir this 1evel is subject to special .estaiations. A g a i n e n f o a c e m e not f t h i s 1 l m l t i s i n t h e h 6 n d s oi the opeaato: and again theae aae no speci:'ic desiSin paovisiois to ensuae cqDDfi:nce. col.rr{Elo - In the UK, the lntentlon ls tbat the sa.fety case should be e-stabllshed for the edtl!'e .an8e ot .eacto- ch.-ractet.lstlc3, by !od!.fylD8 the d6ttgn and/o. the fuel Lgadln8 so that onl.y acceptabla cha--acte.-Istlca arc bullt lnto the .eacto.. olnlErE requlreoent, 1t eouLd be necerlary to enslrie, by the froylllon of lnte.locks e protectiotr, that th€ opeaate could not 2.17 As a lnadvealentl.y altea the iaactor. che.aacte--15tlc! so that they serlou!1y devltted faco the assr.EptloDs paescnted ln the satety anal.ysl!. lbe RBXXde!l8!e!.s d1d not de.!.gn or p.otect aSalist ol uIEat€ nalop.iatloDs. They lett to tflp the r.eactoa lanually that tha poear coelllclant FII Pilnclple 57 fcqulres characterlsttca the posslbl,ltty the op.rata thafe r.a! a tllk vould bacooe posttlre. ll that thc de!18n lhoul.d ba ltable and haye no slddeD changc outslde tha specltlad pattlcuLsr P.lnctpIe PrlnclDte 43 fequl... opeaattt!8 LlElts. In 58 rdd.Fes!es cool art yotdlna. that the d.s18n .lbuld any ope:.at1ng Eode etceedlnS lafe l,intts. preveot P.lnclpl,e 57 t eg\rl,!.es that Dov€oent ol coie c@poaenta that could 1nc!'ee!e aeactlvlty lhould be controlled by deslSn. The R9l{Kdesign voufd not Eeet ant of these aequlieoents. To tr'ip the:eacto:', the conti"ol:'ods a.e d:.iven into the co.e eiect.icaiiy at 0.! oetaes pea seconcl, takiig sc,$e i8 semnds to taave:"sethe co:.e I e n g t r . T h e i ' e s t . i c t i o n i n ( a ) a 5 o v e: s s t a l e d t o e n s r e t h e . e q J r . e o initiai t:'ip Lro:'th of B pe. second, eheae I is the.eactivity the deiayed neut:'on iraction, COHTEIT about 0.55t at equiLib.iuo fuel cycl.e. The RBHKp.otectton lnclude! stop lf It equivalent o: sylteo ls t|rllsual sllrcc lt a 1eyel r.hlch a]lol.s entry oa the aods to the ln1tia.l trlp condltlon clears. seeo! p.obebl a that tha cdDh.sla on EallltalnlDg reactoF ayallabllttt attttqd. he! Intluenced the opetrtofts to the lDDort&c! ot tt'10 furctlotE. Beaclingsffor! the 130.ad1.e.1and 12 axla] ln-coae detecloas a".e p.ocessed in a centr.aljsed rdonlto.lng syste6, knorn as SKALA,r.hlch cooblnes the detecto:' :'eadi:18stith :^eacto. calculations p:.ovlded pe:"lodically by links to an exte.nal. cooputer to der"ive the integaated porea of each fuel assenbly and poHe. paofiie. the associated axiai ylth oeasured assecbiy flos oa.-gln to c.itical nucleate bolllllg, These poee. dist.lbulio$ aate! atd l!1let heat flux co.ditio.s a."e combitled to caicu.late ihe 1t each assembly, to exslre ib departuae f.on r'hlch iJould lead to fuel oveaheatj.:18. Unacceptably lov Eaaglns to ct'1t1cal heat flux ln any asseEbly a--e dlspLayed to the ope.alo. on a.eacto. olo1c plan eYe.y 5 to 10 Elnutes, togethea Hith a !"ecooEeidation oi floe adjugtoent to Ehe asseobfy, Hhife the autdatic cont:"ol systeo lniiiates a local oa r.eactoa pose. seiback at zeao !la--8i'l. The florl to each asseBbly cai be adjusted by the opeaatoa a'ld, ln equtllbaiuE fuel c''cle, an adj'JatDert ls oade at least teice i.l the life of each of the 1661 :.Jef assemblles, !o optiolse the reactoa outp\rt. Stablllty of the |eactor'povea ard power"distaibuliol ln nomal operation is co:ltao]led autqDaliaally by lHo dlscaele 8.oups o: .ocs: the autcoatic eean poee. aeSulatirg 8aolr9. iithea of teo 8:'oups of forr coit.oi lhe .eacto. powea !n :"espoa.seto siSials f.oo detecto.s the lateaaf'{aie:" shieLd outslde the co.e the ioca] automatic coit|ol gioup of aods divi.ded iito 12 slngie.od zoies, co:1!.o:i1!1a illstabi.lities lt lhe .acj.aL azioulhal posea j.n .espolrse to 918nals ioca:. detecto$. This dlst.ibutlon, co!1taol.fu.rciion is backed up by a local ede.Seatcypaotectlon system, nhich eithea:.eezes the autooalic:"od vithdrawai oa inseats local eEefSescyproiection .ods. The opeaatoa 1s exp€cted to tal! the .adial aziEuthal. povea distalbuttoo ooveoent of a'ly ol 139 Danual aod! to optleise hai'oonlc ln any axlal poee. outPut and allo ellEioate the lnstablllty .ods lito tbe toD oa the co.e o.t 21 shorteted tocls lrto by to by ooveoent of aa-'lual the bottocl of the co!.e, as app.op:"iate. The SKILI lorltoailrg systeo contput4 the total .eactivlty contj ol aods inseated into the co.e, by axiaf statistical the axlal paofiles :.oo the axial. detectoa staiiSs. r.o!"!h of a]l velShtlng usiig The .*ult is c@pai'ed eiih lhe ope.atoa of any shoatfali. so lhat co..eclive saoe aesul,i ls used to assess the iaitiaL aeactot talp, l s p r - o v i d e dt o 6a.gin of 1i ard ar irdicatior the ope.etive.eactiviiy foa Ccopa:"1soneith ieaclirity the.equiaed The actio!1 ca:1 be laken. avaiiable fo. oiniouE Of 0.55t pea seclnd. The .ole of the opeaato:"ln high poHeaopeaation ls the.efo.e to: adjust coola-')t fLon through j.rdlvidua] fuel asseobl!e5. 11 cont:.ol axlaL lmtabtLltj.€ by ooveoe.t of tt.o types of absofber, 11t Ea-'rual.lytalE the aadial-aziEuthal po\.readlstaibutloil to optiBlse polrea output, consistert eith the autooa:ic corlaol by the locai autoaratlc iv ope:'ate such that the opea6live r"eactlvity Ba.gln is oaintained a'id ihe.efoae ihe void and pollea coef:icieat 6r e rithin the safety deslgn lio-its. in conj,!',c11on rj.lh lhe auto.:atlc vi ii corj,r'ictior cort.ol trith least 0.55i.eactivity COMEhT (iv), ensuae ei:ective :"ods Lrithj.r o.ese'ibed (iv), laiatbair actior contaoile. the iniiial inse.iio!1 l.lmits. .equiaene.,t taip eoath pe. seco.,d- Fa€6 the above lt can be seen that the deslSn places an uFeasonable onu! on the oDeratoa to eisure that the plant 1! rlthln safe op€ratlng 1l!1ts. a]loys accass to lEportant It aLso pnotectlon ltsteo! o! the satety tbe Fosslblllty of llyalldatlon fuactloa. Ielthcr ot thele aspects roul.d be a9ceptable ln the UK. by holditS elth of at neae:ences 1 rThe accldent at the Che:.nobyl nucleaf pove. plant €nd lts congequencestr,infoaoatlon cloplIed foa the IAEA Erpeats Ueet!n8, 25-29 August 1986, vlenna, by the USSBState Cooolttee on the uti.I lzation o: Atcric 'Safety assessent I.Etailatlons palnqlples foa nucleaa aeactors', HH llucleaa InsDectoFate, HllSO, 1979. nI SACarbE6.y :.epo.t on the post-accident aevier DeetlnS on the Chernobyl accidettn, Vienna 30 August - 5 Septeober 1986. nDeslgn safety c.ite.ia fo:" CEGBnuclea. powe. stationst, and Se-:ety Depaitoent, tls/R167/81 (Revised), 1982. CE@ Health E & TABLE1 SPecification Theanaf po{er', l{J 3200 Elect:"lcal. pove. (at Sene-atlng te.Dinais, MH) 1000 Actl ve co.e dlarlete., ! 11,8 Actlve co.e height, E 7 25o x 250 1661 Nuobet"of fueL chainels Nunbe!. of controi iod channels Constant u-aniJD dloxide cha38e, t 20\ U!"anlun, en.ich[ent, 2.O t Maxl&uE desigr che,nnel.polJe:., klJ PoHe. of lrost hl8hLy !.ated chennel, k|.l 27AO Cooiant floH in Baxlouo poFer channel, t/tr 28 Cooiant flor 37.i x 10r t/ho'..F Maxlalro stead content wt I 20.1 MeanbuLk steao conlent ht t 14 . 5 Sat'J'ated stean tedpeaatFe, de8 C 28t Cooiant tedpe.atse at fuei channel lnLet, deg C 270 satuaated steao paessu.e in ct uE sep6iators kgflco2 Feedi.ate:" teope.atu.e, deg C Maxi.E',.bpeanissibl,e Staphlte t€opeaatuae, deg C Bu-n-up Hm/kE lfanir! 165 750 Key '| Reactor standplpes 2 Fuel-channel 3 Steam/waterrlser plpes 4 Steam drumg 5 Steam headeF 6 DowncomeB 7 llaln clrculatlng Pumps(MCP) 8 Gmup dlstrlbuilon headers 9 Fesctor Inlet w'ter PlPes 10 Burlst-candetectlon system 11 Upper blologlcalshleld 12 Slde blologlcalshleld 13 Lower blologlcsl thleld '14hrrdlated fuel Elolage Pond 15 Fuelllngmachlne 16 Brldge c.ane -- .-* F-1s.,! 9ECTIONA- VIEW OF RBMK - rOOOBEAGTOR Charge face Coolant outlel s""d_____--l-._l- Helium/Nilrogen Nitrogen Upper & lowel neulron shields --- Graohilemoderator Water shield Coolanl + lnlet Supporl sleelwork-- l lt I 1[ Concrete (Biologicalshield) FIG. 2 SECTIONTHROUGHRBMK REACTOR Plle cap (Floorot refuellinghall) Removableshleld block Bottom blologlcrl shleld and corc suppon slruclure Fuel channel seal plug Upper tuel assembly Coolant Top lhermal shleld (Steel) Zr - SS joint Channel shroud lube Upperblologlcal shleld and channel supporl Lower luel assembly Bollom retleclor slruclure Boltom lhermal shleld Zr - SS lolnt Neulron shield plug (Helical) Channel feede_rpipe Coolant inlet FlG. 3a FUEL CHANhiL ( W, ti k; h | A; ftl Hq k 80 mm Inslde diameter. I -_-+l K ffi ["d Bi p,{ Pressurclube 4 mm wall thlckness.(Zr-2lrNb) Graphlterlng (lnner) ffi ffi Graphltemoderalor stacl( Graphlterlng (Outer) Preaaurelube FIG. 3b ARBANGEMENTOF PRESSURETUBES F'iDE IN IIEAFTftI' Fuelllngmachlne Rerclor Pi€3sum h€adar Malnclrculatlngpumps Oowncometplpea Sucllonheader Reactorinlet waterplpes Sleam drums Prcssurcsuppresslonpond Cenlre llne of reaclor FIC. 4 GHERNOBYL 4 ,{ ECCSaccumulatorstor short term coollngof breachedclrcult Steamdrums ECCSpumpsfol long term coollng of inlact circuit ECCSpumpsfor long term cooling ot breached circuil ii | || , - it L_._.r_._.r._ tl | Cooling seavice water Suppresslonpoots Feedpump alignedto ECCSfo. short term coolingol breachedcircuit FIG. 5 SCHEM-ATICDIAGRAM REACTORCOOLIITIG a^n..t'r^' CIRCUIT AttlD Ft|FltnElr4irt FIG. 7 VENTING ROUTES I?I THE cr'rN-f a I rrl/| E llrF |srrQrrF rt TEM. OTEOTTHE REACTORCASING FFCIF rlltEcGl rhF APPENDIX2.] A2.1 . PijYSICSCHAR.ACTERISTICS OF REMK In!roduction The object of this appendix is to aevier in a sinple lda.rlnea the pe:"foaoance cha-"acteai s tl cs of the 8!HK aeactoa Fhich a:e felevant to an undeastandlng of the Che!.nobyl accident. tt Hl.]l. be shorn that, as in othe:' .eactoas cooled by bolllng watea, the hyd.ogen atcrts ln the coolant have an iapo.tant lnfluence on the cou-se of the neulaon chain aeaction. If theae ls s@e dlsttrbance to the steaE p.oduction 1n tha coae theae sil.l be a feedback effect on.the pore!'output which can in painctple be poeltlve (destabil1s1o8) o. neSatlve (stabilistlg) dependlngon the details of the co.e desiSn. Tbls appendix the:.e:oae p.esents a quafitative discussion of the physics of the neut:'on cycle ard of the heat .edoval paocesses in the boilinS coolant, so that the facto.s intluenclng the 6ign and magnilude of the feedback effect can be unde:"stood. It irtl] be shown that the aeactoa vas in a pa:.tlcula-1y unstabie s+,ale iordedialely to the agcident. 42,2 The ope:.atin8 Pllnciple of a the.mat Reacto. The eleoent t!.anj.ue is found in naluae as a oixtrre oj" lsotopes Hith the app.oxiEate p.opoations 99-3" U"., 0.7i U,'3. Iuclea. flsslon can orly be induced in U"t by.eiativ€l.y iast mov:ng nelt:.ons Hith en€:-Eies oi aboLlt 1 MeV and upwa:.ds. The doFinant effect of Ur!. is the absoaptioa of neut:^ona. On the othe. hand fissio, can be induced i.n Urrr by neutaons of aLt eneagies ancl indeed lhe paocess is pa:"ticuiaaly e6sy to induce elth slow lloving neut:'ons. A the:'da.l.:.eacto. is desl.gnedto €xploit the above cha.actealstics by a.: enging foa the fast neutaoN eEitted tn fisslon to be sloeed doyn to an ene!'8y rhe e the.e ls a sutficj.entiy hlgh p.obabllity of tnduclng suffi.cient ner| iissions ln U"5 to paoducea seLf sustainlng chain !^eactlon. The (ie dovn l.s p!"oduced by alloi.1rg the neut.ons to colltde elalticatly to Eake bil11a--d baLl type collislons) ,ith the atoos ol a light eleoent in a nediur! knourn as the ,,hocle.atoa'. This paocess t€ continued untlL the neutaorls co&e lnto a state pheae thela ootlons a-e Ln app:oxlEate theaEal equllibaiuD rith the atoEic notions of the at@s of the oode.ato.. neutaons a.e desc.ibed as ,ithe.6a: reut.onsr and tbeia p.obability captFe by U2r5 oust- be su:licien::.y hlgh:"elatlve Such of to the charces of