Scope Of Work - Prime Technical Construction Co.
Scope Of Work - Prime Technical Construction Co.
A word from our general manager Dear Client, On the behalf of the firm and my colleagues, I would first like to express my appreciation for granting us this opportunity to introduce our firm as a specialized contractor for industrial, commercial, and residential development. We have been operating as a certified builder for Zamil Steel Co. since 1979. We have executed hundreds of projects in the western province and other parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Such projects are warehouses, factories, office buildings, wedding halls, and showrooms in which most were executed on a turnkey basis. Moreover, we have executed projects such as private villas and compounds where fine quality and experience play a vital role in satisfying our clients. We work alongside a highly qualified consultant department for designing, planning and development that helps in the assessment and evaluation of projects. Furthermore, this department is supported by a highly qualified technical team that has developed a level of expertise over the years. This long-term experience has been utilized and is available today to all our valuable clients, and our firm is at all times ready to place it under your service. You will find attached a list of the major projects that our firm has completed over the past 30 years since its establishment. We highly appreciate your interest in our services and always look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Abdul Nasser Ghazi GENERAL MANAGER COMPANY PROFILE NAME & ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY Name...................Prime Technical Construction Co. Postal Address.......P.O.BOX: 12769-Jeddah-21483 K.S.A. Telephone #.......... 02-661 5025 /02 - 682 2817 Fax #....................02-668 2962 EMAIL Website…………… COMMERCIAL REGISTRATION The Company is duly registered according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with commercial Reg. No. 4030162537 Jeddah & Chamber of Commerce Reg. No. 111050 per photo copy hereto attached. NOVA ANDALUCIA COMPOUND OWNER: M o h a mma d A b d e l W a h a b S o h a i b i & B r o t h e r s LOCATION: Al-Rawda District, Jeddah Execution Date: 1994/1996 SCOPE OF WORK: * Construction of 38 duplex villas. * 3 stories recreation building (gymnasium hall, squash court, bowling arena, tennis court & swimming pool ). * E x t e r n a l u n d e r g r o u n d u t i l i t i e s w i t h p a v e me n t & l a n d s c a p i n g . P.101/150 TAIF DAIRY FACTORY WORKSHOP OWNER: MR.TAYSEER AL DABET LOCATION: AIRPORT ROAD Execution Date: 1991/1992 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 7,250 M2 * U s a g e Fa c t o r y & W o r k s h o p P. 1/50 Projects in Progress… NAVAL BASE TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT’S PARKING OWNER: ROYAL SAUDI NAVY LOCATION: K I N G FA I S A L N A V A L B A S E - J E D D A H Execution Date: 1992/1993 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 4,200 M2 Usage Equipment Warehouse * Civil work & electromechanical. P. 102/150 LOCKS FACTORY OWNER: SHAMSAN AL SOHAIBI LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL CITY Execution Date: SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 12,400 M2 - Factory * Electromechanical works. * External Facilities. P. 2/50 MEDINAH CARPET FACTORY OWNER: M O H A M M E D A N D A B D U LLA H A L- S O B A I I LOCATION: MEDINAH INDUSTRIAL CITY Execution Date: 1994/1995 SCOPE OF WORK: * S t e e l B u ild ing : Ar e a = 8 , 3 4 0 M2 – U sa g e Fa c t o r y * E le c t r o me c ha nic a l w o r k . * E xt e r na l fa c ilit ie s. * T w o Flo o r c o nc r e t e O ffic e B u ild ing s. P. 3/50 S O H A I B I L AB O R H O USI NG OWNER: SHAMSAN AL SOHAIBI LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL CITY SCOPE OF WORK: * 3 Floor concrete building. * A turn key project. P. 103/150 AL - RAWDA VILLA OWNER: M R . FA H D A LG U T H A M I LOCATION: JEDDAH SCOPE OF WORK: Execution Date: 1998/2000 * 3 Flo o r c o n c r e t e b u i l d i n g . * A turn key project. P.104/150 G.S.F.M.O.WAREHOUSES OWNER: G R A I N S I LO S & FLO U R M I LL LOCATION: WAREHOUSE CITY-PHASE 3-JEDDAH Execution Date: 1994/1995 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area = 21,600 M2 – Usage Factory. * A turn key project: Including Electromechanical. * External work: Asphalt Road & Concrete pavement with underground utility. P.4/50 AL ZAIDY SHOPPING CENTER - MEKKAH OWNER: A LZ A I D Y T R A D I N G LOCATION: MEKKAH Execution Date: 1992/1993 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area = 6,000 M2- Shopping Centre. * Concrete works. * Electrical works. P.55/100 SHAMPOO FACTORY OWNER: U N I T E D FA C T O R I E S C O M P A N Y LOCATION: JEDDAH - WAREHOUSE CITY-PHASE 1 Execution Date : 1995/1996 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 4,400 M2 – Factory * A turn Key Project: including Electromechanical. * One Floor concrete Office Building. P. 5/50 JEDDAH GRAPHICS CENTER OWNER: U N I T E D FA C T O R I E S C O M P A N Y LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL CITY Execution Date: 1992/1993 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area = 27,000 M2 * Printing halls & warehouses. * A turn Key Project: Including Electromechanical. * T w o flo o r c o n c r e t e O ffic e B u i l d i n g . * External generators building. P. 6/50 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUP OWNER: OMAR RAJAB LOCATION: JEDDAH Execution Date: 1994/1995 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 3,900 M2 – Factory. * A turn Key project: Including Electromechanical. * External Work: Pavement with underground utility. P. 56/100 UNITED PLASTIC FACTORY OWNER: NATIONAL PAPER COMPANY LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL CITY Execution Date: 1997/1998 SCOPE OF WORK: * S t e e l B u i l d i n g : A r e a o f 1 1 , 0 0 0 M 2 – Fa c t o r y . * Fir e fig h t i n g a n d a l a r m s y s t e m. * C o n c r e t e O ffic e B u i l d i n g - 2 flo o r s o f 1 , 2 0 0 M 2 . P. 7/50 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF NAPCO FACTORY OWNER: N A T I O N A L P A P E R C O M P A N Y LT D . LOCATION: INDUSTRIAL AREA-JEDDAH Execution Date: 1994/1995 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 12,600 M2 – Factory. * A turn Key Project: including electromechanical. * External Work: Asphalt paving around the buildings. P. 8/50 REPAIR OF STORM DAMAGES AT JIZAN AIRPORT OWNER: M I N I S T R Y O F D E FE N S E A N D A V I A T I O N LOCATION: JIZAN AIRPORT Execution Date: 1991/1992 SCOPE OF WORK: * Termi n a l B u i ld i n g. * R oya l Ha ll B u i ld i n g. *Old Termi n a l B u i ld i n g. *S t a ff Hou s i n g. *R ep la c em en t of t h e p eri m et er fen c e. *C on t ra c t or C om p ou n d . P. 53/100 SUPER PUMA HELICOPTER HANGAR-JEDDAH OWNER: ROYAL SAUDI NAVY LOCATION: K I N G FA I S A L N A V A L B A S E - J E D D A H Execution Date: 1990/1991 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 4,600 M2 – Helicopter hanger. * A turn Key Project: including electromechanical. * Steel Mezzanine for Office Building. P.9/50 SUPER PUMA HELICOPTER HANGAR-JIZAN OWNER: ROYAL SAUDI NAVY LOCATION: JIZAN AIRPORT Execution Date: 1992/1993 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 4,600 M2 – Helicopter Hanger * A turn key project: including electromechanical. * External Facilities with underground utility. * Steel Mezzanine Offices. P.54/100 JEDDAH EXHIBITION CENTER OWNER: JEDDAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LOCATION: JEDDAH, MADINA ROAD Kilo 20 Execution Date: 1988/1989 SCOPE OF WORK: Steel Building: Area of 12,000 M2 – Exhibition. * A turn key project: including electromechanical. • External Work: Asphalt Road & parking. • Underground utility. • Landscaping. P. 51/100 CORRUGATED BOXBOARD PLANT OWNER: UNITED CARTON INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL AREA Execution Date: 2001/2002 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 10,450 M2 – Factory. * A turn Key Project: including electromechanical. * Fire fighting and alarm system. * 2 Floor Office Building. P10/50 SCECO CENTRAL WAREHOUSE OWNER: W E S T E R N E LE C T R I C C O . LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL AREA Execution Date: 1988/1989 SCOPE OF WORK: * Steel Building: Area of 21,000 M2 – Warehouse. * A turnkey projcet: including electromechanical. * External Facilities. * Two Floor of concrete Building. P. 52/100 Projects Executed between 1985 and 1999 NO PROJECT NAME & LOCATION YEAR 1 BAHLAS FURNITURE FACTORY– INDUSTRIAL 1994 2 ICE CREAM FACTORY EXTENSIONINDUSTRIAL 1992 3 HAJ HOUSING COMPOUND Makkah – RESIDENTIAL 1989 4 CAR WORK SHOP-INDUSTRIAL 1988 5 YANPET PETRO CHEMICAL – YANPUINDUSTRIAL 1987 6 BAWADI SHOPPING CENTER – COMMERCIAL 1986 7 AL NAGHI OFFICES – RIYADHRESIDENTIAL 1986 8 FINE PAPER FACTORY – YEMENINDUSTRIAL 1986 9 AL- MEDICAL STORES – JeddahCOMMERCIAL 1986 10 FINE PAPER FACTORY – JeddahINDUSTRIAL JAMJOUM FOREMOST WAREHOUSE – JEDDAH – INDUSTRIAL 1985 11 1999 Projects executed between 1983 and 1985 NO PROJECT NAME & LOCATION YEAR 12 BAHLAS FURNITURE FACTORY – Jeddah –INDUSTRIAL 84-85 13 AL NAGHI COMPANY’S WAREHOUSECOMMERCIAL 84-85 14 SOHBIAH TRADING – Jeddah – COMMERCIAL 1984 15 SAUDI RICE COMPANY – Jeddah – COMMERCIAL 1984 16 OMAR BA-DAHDAH – COMMERCIAL 17 JUICE FACTORY - Old M akkah roadKm 22 – INDUSTRIAL 1983 18 PLASTIC FACTORY- JeddahINDUSTRIAL 1983 19 5 VILLAS – JEDDAH –RESIDENTIAL 1983 Projects executed between 1979 and 1983 PROJECT NAME & LOCATION YEAR 20 ORIENT ELECTRICITY CO.INDUSTRIAL 1983 21 CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT ROADRESIDENTIAL 82-83 22 CONSTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY FENCE- RESIDENTIAL 82-83 23 12 NOS. OF CAR WORK SHOPS – Makkah Road- COMMERCIAL 1982 24 NAJRAN HEALTHY WATER FACTORY – INDUSTRIAL 1982 25 AL-SUB EAEI – Warehouses- Jeddah – COMMERCIAL 1981 26 SAUDI TELEPHONE – TAIF – COMMERCIL 1980 27 AL-SUB EAEI – Warehouses – COMMERCIAL 1980 28 VILLA – Jeddah. – RESIDENTIAL 1979 NO Projects executed between 1978 and 1979 NO PROJECT NAME & LOCATION YEAR 29 SAUDI TELEPHONE – M akkah Al Aziziya – COMMERCIAL 1979 30 SAUDI TELEPHONE - South of AL-AziziyaCOMMERCIAL 1979 31 AL-JEFRI COMPANY – COMMERCIAL 32 ABDUL-SALAM COMMERCIAL AL TAYIB – Jeddah – 1978 IBN RUSHD WAREHOUSE 1997 OWNER: IBN RUSHD LOCATION: YANBU INDUSTRIAL AREA Scope Of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 13,000 M2 * Usage Finish Product Warehouse. * A turnkey Project: Including electromechanical work. * External Work: Asphalt Road & Concrete Pavement with under ground utility. p.11/50 BIN LADEN WAREHOUSES 1999 OWNER: S a u d i B i n La d e n G r o u p O p e r a t i o n & M a i n t e n a n c e LOCATION: B i n La d e n I n d u s t r i a l c o mp l e x . Scope of Work: Steel Building: Area of 2,300M2 – Warehouse. P.57/100 Electric Socket Factory 2000 OWNER: SHAMSAN AL SOHAIBI LOCATION: INDUSTRIAL AREA–JEDDAH Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 10,000M2 – Usage Factory. * A turnkey Project: Including electromechanical work. * External pavements and asphalting. P.12/50 PANEL BOARD FACTORY 2000 OWNER: SHAMSAN AL SOHAIBI LOCATION: INDUSTRIAL AREA-JEDDAH Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 4,800 M2 – Factory. * A turn key Project: including electromechanical work. * External pavements and asphalting. P.13/50 AL AMRY WAREHOUSES 1999 OWNER: A B D A LLA A l A M R Y LOCATION: A L T A I F- S H A R A FI A Scope of Work: Steel Building: Area of 6,400 M2 – Warehouse. Construction of underground septic & water tanks. Construction of a perimeter fence. P.58/100 DURRAT AL FALEH VILLA 1999 OWNER: FA LE H A L M U T A R Y LOCATION: DURRAT AL AROOS RESORT Scope of Work: * Construction of private villa at Durrat AL Arous resort. * Two floor villa plus roof with a total area of more than 1,200m2. * External facilities * pavement & landscaping. P.105/150 MULTIPACK FACTORY Executed 1999 OWNER: U N I T E D P LA S T I C C O M P A N Y LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL AREA Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 3,000 M2 – Factory. * External Facilities with under ground utility. P.14/50 SALEM BALAHMER WAREHOUSES Executed in 2000 OWNER: S A LE M B A LA H M E R LOCATION: WAREHOUSES AREA MEKKAH RD. K8. Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 5,800 M2 – Warehouse. * Ground Floor Concrete. P59/100 PILGRIMAGE HOUSING PROJECT, MECCA PHASE 2&3 Executed in 2000 OWNER: M I N I S T R Y O F LA B O R & H O U S I N G MAIN CONTRACTOR: SAUDI OGER LOCATION: M I N A & M U Z D A LI FA Scope of work: * S t e e l T e n t s : A r e a = 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 M 2 – P i l g r i ma g e H o u s i n g . * Special design of tents. * C o n c r e t e Fo u n d a t i o n . * G a l v a n i z e d S t e e l S t r u c t u r a l Fr a me . * S p e c i a l t y p e o f me mb r a n e t e n t s . * E l e c t r o me c h a n i c a l . P.106/150 RED SEA MARINA Executed in 2001 OWNER: S a u d i B r o t h e r s C o mme r c i a l LOCATION: North Ubhur, Jeddah Scope of work: * Modification and renovation of existing concrete building. * Construction of a new boat Jetty. * Fu e l S t a t i o n . * A u t o ma t i c i r r i g a t i o n s y s t e m w i t h l a n d s c a p i n g . P.60/100 Paper Processing Company Executed in 2001 OWNER: SAUDI PAPER PROCESSING CO. LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL CITY Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 8,700 M2 * Production Halls & Warehouses. * T w o Flo o r S t e e l M e z z a n i n e fo r O ffic e s . P.15/50 Paper Mill Executed in 2002 LOCATION: JEDDAH KHUMRA OWNER : MIDDLE EAST PAPER COMPANY Scope of Work: * S teel B uilding: Area of 26, 000 M2 * Us age Factory & Warehous e. * Civil works . * E xternal facilities . * T wo Floor of concrete O ffice B uilding P.16/50 Bahlas Carpet Factory Executed in 2003 OWNER: BAHLAS NATIONAL CARPET FACTORY LOCATION: R E P U B LI C O F Y E M E N , A D E N Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 27,800 M2 * Usage Factory & Warehouses. * External work with underground utility. * Road & parking Asphalt. * 3 Floor of concrete office building. * 2 Floor of concrete building (Labor Housing). * Mosque * Boundary wall of 1260 Lm. Including main gate P.17/50 AL Azizia Steel Rolling Mill executed in 2002 LOCATION: B ahra–Old M ecca Rd. OWNER: AL Azizia Steel Co. Scope of work: * Steel Building : Area = 15,000 M 2 - Factory. * Construction of concrete building facilities) (Total area 2,000 m2) P.18/50 INDEX Groups Typ e o f P r o je c t s Pages A I n d u s tr i a l 1 -5 0 B Co mme r c i a l 5 1 -1 0 0 C Re s i d e n t i a l 1 0 1 -1 5 0 Bahlas Carpet Factory Executed in 2004 OWNER: S H E I K H A H M E D B A H LA S LOCATION: JEDDAH INDUSTRIAL AREA Scope of Work: • Steel Building: Area of 32,000 M2. • A turn key project including electromechanical work . • Mezzanine for administration building of 600 M2 with finishing P19/50 Tent Factory Executed in 2004 OWNER: S H E I K H A H M E D B A H LA S LOCATION: JEDDAH – INDUSTRIAL AREA Scope of Work: • Steel Building: Area of 9,800 M2. • A turnkey project with external facilities. P20/50 Madinah Plastic Factory Executed in 2004 O w n e r : A L M a d i n a P l a s t i c F a c t o r y. Location: MADINAH MUNAWARAH. Scope of Work: • S t e e l B u ild ing : Ar e a 0 f 1 5 , 0 0 0 M2 . • A t u r n k e y p r o je c t : inc lu d ing e le c t r o me c ha nic a l w o r k . • E xt e r na l fa c ilit ie s. P21/50 SALEM BALAHMER WAREHOUSES Executed in 2005 OWNER: S A LE M B A LA H M E R LOCATION: WAREHOUSES AREA MEKKAH RD. K8. Scope of Work: * Steel Building: Area of 2,520 M2. * A turnkey project: including electromechanical work. * External facilities. P 61/100 Hani Bahlas Villa Executed in 2005 OWNER: HANI BAHLAS LOCATION: JEDDAH - AL NAHDA DISTRICT Scope of Work: • Ar ea of 1,200 M2 of r ein for ced con cr ete. • Super structure. • High quality fin ish es. • A tur n key pr oject. P107/150 INDUSTRIAL Commercial Residential COMMERCIAL & OFFICES BUILDING 2005 • OWNER: MOHAMED&ABDULLAH IBRAHIM SUOBAI • LOCATION: • Comme r c i al B uilding • Sc ope of Wor k (Tur nKey Pr oje c t): • JEDDAH - AL T AHLIA STREET 8 t yp i ca l fl oor s . * Electro Mechanical. • 17,400 M2 cover ed ar ea. *Design & con str uct • Super structure. * High quality fin ish es. P 62/100 COMMERCIAL & OFFICE BUILDING (Project in Progress) • OWNER: MOHAMED&ABDULLAH IBRAHIM SUOBAI • LOCATION: • • Scope of Work 2 Addition al floor s. * Electro Mechanical. • Steel Structure. *Design & con str uct • Super structure. * High quality fin ish es. JEDDAH - AL T AHLIA STREET B a n k AL B i l a d 2005 • OWNER: Ban k AL Bilad • LOCATION: • • • Fit out pr oje c t • Ar ea of 2,762 M2 fit out. * High quality fin ish es. • Design & con str uct. * Electr omech an ical. JEDDAH - AL T AHLIA STREET Sc ope of Wor k (Fit out & Inte r i or Finishing ): P63/100 S t e e l H i l l S c r a p F a c to r y E x e c ut e d i n 2 0 0 6 OWNER: AL Azizia Steel Co. LOCATION: A l K h u mr a , J E D D A H Scope of Work: (Turn Key Project) • 40,000 M2 covered area. • Design & construct. • Super structure. • E l e c t r o M e c h a n i c a l. P22/50 COMMERCIAL & OFFICES BUILDING (Project in Progress) O W N E R : Mo ha mma d &Abd u lla h I br a him Al- S u ba i L O C A T I O N : Al- Ma a t ha r S t , R iya d h • Commercial Building • Scope of Work (Turnkey Project: • 3 le ve l u nd e r g r o u nd ba se me nt . 1 5 t yp ic a l flo o r s . • T o t a l bu ilt a r e a 6 0 , 0 0 0 M2 . • D e sig n & c o nst r u c t . • Super structure. • H ig h q u a lit y finishe s. Commercial Building: 3 level underground basement, 15 typical floors, Total built area 60,000M2 SOYABEAN FACTORY (Project in Progress) OWNER: SOYABEAN CRUSHING CO.& DERIVATIVES LOCATION: YANBU- SEA PORT Scope of Work: A - E r e c t io n o f st e e l bu ild ing p r e – E ng ine e r ing S t r u c t u r e 5 0 0 t o ns. • Ma c hine r y inst a lla t io n me c ha nic a l w o r k s 3 , 5 0 0 M2 . • S ilo s a sse mbling & fixing 2 , 8 0 0 t o ns. B - E r e c t io n o f c o nve nt io na l st r u c t u r e ( 1 8 0 0 t o ns) C - E r e c t i o n o f e q u i p m e n t t yp e A . B . C . D . ( 4 8 5 0 t o n ) SOYABEAN FACTORY B a n k AL B i l a d (P r o je c t i n P r o g r e s s ) OWNER: Bank AL Bilad. LOCATION: Abha • Commercial Building • Scope of Work: Stand Alone – TurnK ey Project • Area o f 2,400 M2. • D e sig n & c o nst r u c t . • Super structure. • H ig h q u a lit y finishe s. • E le c t r o me c ha nic a l. • Ext ernal wo rks. • P a r k ing a r e a . • La nd sc a p ing . Bank AL Bilad Executed in 2006 OWNER: Bank Al Bilad. LOCATION: Al Falak roundabout, Jeddah. Scope of Work(Fitout & Interior Finishing): • Area of 1,000 M2. • Design & construct. • High quality finishes. • Electromechanical. P 66/10 A.B.V. Rock Group Site – 3 Buraidah Projects. Executed in 2007 OWNER: A.B.V Rock Group. LOCATION: Buraidah Scope of Work: • Area of 10,000 M2. • Main Workshop • Supporting Services Buildings. P24/50 Bank AL Bilad Executed in 2005 OWNER: Bank AL Bilad. LOCATION: AL Sabiin Street South-JEDDAH • C o m m e r c i a l B ui l d i ng Scope of Work: (Fit out & Interior Finishing) • Area of 1,400 M2. • Design & construct. • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . • E l e c t r o me c h a n i c a l. P67/100 Roshan Mall 2006 OWNER: Roshan Mall. LOCATION: King Abdul Aziz Rd.-JEDDAH • C o m m e r c i a l C e nt e r Scope of Work: (Canam System & Sandwich Panels Erection) • Area of 10,000 M2. • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . P68/100 Al i a t M a l l 2007 OWNER: Aliat Mall. LOCATION: AL Madinah • C o m m e r c i a l C e nt e r Scope of Work: • Canam Asia System 62,000 M2 • Sandwich Panels Z purlin 62,000 M2. • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . P69/100 B i n Da w o o d M a l l 2007 OWNER: Bin Dawood Mall. LOCATION: AL Madinah • C o m m e r c i a l C e nt e r Scope of Work: (Canam System & Sandwich Panels Erection) • Area 10,000 M2 • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . P70/100 Bank AL Bilad ( P r o je c t i n P r o g r e s s ) OWNER: Bank AL Bilad. • LOCATION: AL Balad-JEDDAH • C o m m e r c i a l B ui l d i ng • S c o p e o f W o r k( R e no v a t i o n) : • Area of 2,000 M2. • Design & construct. • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . • C o mp l e t e E l e c t r o me c h a n i c a l B a n k AL B i l a d 2008 • O W N E R : B a nk A L B i l a d . • L O C A T I O N : A L T ha g e r - J E D D A H • C o m m e r c i a l B ui l d i ng • S c o p e o f W o r k( F i t o ut & I nt e r i o r F i ni s hi ng ) : • Area of 1,000 M2 . • Design & construct . • H i g h q u a l i t y fin i s h e s . • E l e c t r o M e c a h i n c a l. P72/100 Simpex Central Warehouse (2007) - OWNER : Sympex CO. - LOCATION : JEDDAH East Express Rd. *Scope of Work * Area 9,000 M 2. * 23/50 turn key project. Co n t S i mp e x Ce n t r a l Wa r e h o u s e (2007) - OWNER : Sympex CO. - LOCATION : JEDDAH East Express Rd. 23/50 Steel Melting Mill In progress - Owner : Hill Metal EST - Location: Jeddah – Al Khumra - Scope Of Work: A Special design of steel bldg - Turn Key Project - Area: 10,000 M2 Height: 28 M Cont. Steel Melting Mill Vi l l a s Al -Huda i thy ( Ri y a d h ) (P r o je c t i n P r o g r e s s ) O w ne r : L o c a t i o n: I b r a hi m A l - H ud a i t hy R i y a d h – K hur a i s S t r e e t R e s i d e nt i a l B ui l d i ng s ( 5 V i l l a s ) S c o p e O f W o r k: L a nd A r e a : T ur n K e y P r o j e c t 50,000 M2 B ui l t A r e a : 2 0 , 0 0 0 M 2 S ub e i i H e a d O f f i c e s ( H i r a a S t r e e t ) (Project in Progress) O w ne r : M O H A M E D & A B D U L L A H I b r a hi m S U O B A I I L o c a t i o n: H i r a a S t r e e t – J e d d a h O f f i c e B ui l d i ng s S c o p e O f W o r k: T ur n K e y P r o j e c t Area 2,500 M2 H i g h Q ua l i t y F i ni s he s A l - F o ua d T o w e r ( 2006 ) O w ne r : A b d ul na s s e r G ha zi L o c a t i o n: T r i p o l i - L e b a no n S c o p e o f W o r k: 8 F l o o r R e s i d e nt i a l T o w e r + S ho p s & B a s e m e nt
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