Toloba Newsletter – Jumadil- Ula 1434
Toloba Newsletter – Jumadil- Ula 1434
Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter Dear Toloba, Secretary’s Message I immensely thank each and every single member for their support, efforts and hard work during the Meelad Un Nabi (SAW) procession, majlis and niyaaz jaman, 102 Darees preparation, also for the arrangement done for procession route cleaning, stage preparation, light decoration and Aqa Maula (TUS) Meelad programme. It is our privilege to render khidmat in Yemen as per the farman mubarak of Aali Qadr Maulaya Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) for environmental awareness by removing of qaat from the roots. We Toloba under the sadaarat of Aamil Saheb Janaab Shabbir Bhai Saheb Nomani thanks whole heartedly Anjuman e Mohammedi for their guidance and support in each and every endeavor of ours. May Allah grant long and healthy life to Aqa Moula (TUS) and his Mansoos (TUS). Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS M. Fakhruddin Hakim Dear Readers. Editor’s Message On this Auspicious Occasion of 102nd Salgirah Mubarak of our beloved Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS), it gives me pride and honour to pen down few words to the Mumeneen of Chennai. Aqa Moula (TUS) is our Father, Mother and Guardian in our life throughout. Right from the child who takes birth, attends school, does Ibaadat, matam-e-hussain, his selection of subject, the course and field in education, the college – universities, the country. Then the business venture, formation of family and to do Khidmat to any possibilities, till last breath and thereafter till the day of Qayamat. On our beloved Aqa Moula's (TUS) strong foresight, we are the fruits of his guidance and blessing, as said “ to sustain and conduct a successful business one requires learning the in-depth requisites and tactics of modern business, diversify and expand accordingly and take advantage of Technology and Science” Encouraged us to thrive in the economic field to leap ahead, to be brave enough to take calculated risks, and commands and urges that our trade be free of interest, implementing the concept of “Qardan Hasanah “ of interest free loans. On the current phase of environment the latest project launched worldwide was the “Save Our Sparrows” project, which distributed 52000 bird feeders free of cost. Saifee Hospital a landmark of Aqa Moula’s (TUS) promotion of quality healthcare facilities under the service to lakh of people of all faiths and beliefs. “Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust” SBUT a project of magnitude and the first of its kind in India will provide quality housing, modernized infra structure and civic facilities to nearly more than 4000 families residing in Bhendi Bazar, area of south Mumbai. These Mumeneen will have the privilege of living under the shelter of the divine Roza Mubarak Of Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb (AQ). Aqa Moula's (TUS) guidance and advice to all the Mumeneen to abide by Islamic social values and patriotism is of “which ever country we may originate, contribute towards the overall economic, cultural and educational development as the members of human community to sustain and improve our nation” In the light of vision of Aqa Moula (TUS )' Mansoos Syedi Aali Qadr Maulaya Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) has initiated the coordination of FMB, by which we mumineen are witnessing the holy rains of barakaat and noor in our day to day life. Also bestowed the Sharaf and Raza Mubarak to us to contribute towards Qardan Hassanah. Maula (TUS)'s emphasis on the perfection of Dua and Arkaan in Wudu and Namaaz cleaned our souls and made the Mumineen of all ages to march towards flawlessness. In order to safeguard our Mother Earth and the Enviroment from pollution and global warming, Mufaddal Maula (TUS) has guided us to maintain our surroundings clean and green. Through the initiatives by the Burhani Foundation, now every Mumineen is given Raza to plant atleast one sapling. May Allah grant Long and Healthy Life to our Beloved Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS) and his Mansoos Aali Qadr Mufaddal Moula (TUS), and may we participate in many many Salgirahs of both our Moulas (TUS). Ameen Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS Khuzema D Lokhandwala Page 2 Madras Toloba Newsletter Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue contd., Page 3 Madras Toloba Newsletter Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Page 4 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter FROM THE PEN OF THE SECRETARY: ANJUMAN E MOHAMMEDI – CHENNAI Grand Procession celebrating 102 Milad of Dai Zamaan (tus) was taken out in all its grandeur. Sehzada Qusai B.S. (DM) presided over the function seated on the grand stage erected in Errabalu Chetty st. Our executive members along with Murakebeens of MSB were seated amongst VIP Dignitaries seated to witness the grand spectacle. The Procession lead by smart young mumeneen riding Motor Bikes, followed by Elephants, gaily decorated Camels, the trotting Horses, the colourful Horse Carriages, decorated Bullock cart with mumeneen marching in orderly manner, all in focus with brightly lit lights, that lightened up the entire atmosphere to an electrifying level. Soon the function started at Saifee Masjid with cake cutting by Sehzada saheb, Khushi majlis followed by Sehzada saheb bayaan mubarak. We were blessed with Aqa Maula’s (TUS) Noorani Kalemat. The programme ended by Sehzada Saheb performing Nikah's followed by Niyaz Jaman. On behalf of Anjuman E Mohammedi my deep gratitude to all members of Toloba, Burhani Guards, Hizbe Vazhi, Shabab, Abbasi Sabil, PRO…..and all Khidmat Guzars for their dedicated Khidmat in arranging and executing all the programmes conducted in celebration of 102 Milad of Aqa Maula(tus). My Friends, these Celebrations reached the level it did, because of the guidance and encouragement from our ever energetic Aamil Saheb Shabbir Bhai Saheb Nomani… My deep hearted shukuran to our Aamil Saheb. Vas Salaam, Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS Sheikh Abbasbhai Ragib 102 MILAD EHTIFALAAT PROGRAM - CHENNAI..... a brief overview Jan 22nd A Grand Mokib (Procession) was taken out on the ocassion of Milaad un Nabi followed by Khushi Majlis and Fakhir Niyaaz Jaman. Jan 24th, 28th, 31st, Feb 4th, 11th, 13th, 21st - Darees & Muzakera. Jan 25th 152 zabihat were done on niyat of tul ul umr of Aqa Maula (TUS) and Aali Qadr (TUS). Feb 3rd Medical camp at Kamakchi National Hospital. Feb 10th 118 kgs cake in shape of Milad Logo was made and delivered in 102 Darees Program. 102 Dares were conducted in a single day on 10th Feb 13 in 102 Houses (Centres) with the aala niyat of tul ul umar of our beloved Aqa Maula (TUS). Feb 17 th 140 zabihat were done on niyat of tul ul umr of Aqa Maula (TUS) and Aali Qadr (TUS). Khatmul Quran Program with Salawaat Niyaz on Niyat of Tul ul Umar of Aqa Maula (TUS) and Ali Qadr Maula (TUS). Feb 21st Darees, Muzakera and Madeh Competition. Feb 23rd Grand Procession of 102 Milad of Dai Zamaan (TUS) was taken out in all its grandeur and Sehzada Qusai BS (DM) presided over the function. Feb 24th FMB was inaugurated and tree plantation done near Saifee Masjid by Sehzada Qusai BS (DM). Feb 27th Maatam Majlis. Feb 28th Live relay of Darees in Saifee Masajid presided by Aali Qadr Maula (TUS). Felicitation to Hussain M Quilonwala for becoming Quran Hafiz, Others for ... siparas and Students scoring 90 and above percentage in +2 exams. Mar 1st Live relay of Muroor Program. Mar 2nd Live relay of Milad Waaz by Aali Qadr Mufaddal Maula (TUS). ¶ Womens functions were conducted of Mithi Sitabi, general program on stress management and presentation on world dignitaries visiting in the hazarat of Aqa Maula (TUS), khatmul Quran, Master Chef program. Drawing and painting, hand writing, arts and craft, pot painting, madeh competition were conducted. Page 5 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter You calm my soul . . . Have you ever seen a feather falling? Aimless and clueless of its direction, blown by the slightest bit of breeze, it's an embodiment of unrest and confusion. If only there was a weight to be placed on the feather, it would find some calmness. Syedi Sheikh Saifee Saheb (QS) in His book, Kitab al Najaah has used the comparison of the falling feather to describe the human soul, and Awliyaullah AS grace these troubled souls with peace and calmness like the weight on the feather by placing Their hands on them; granting them with the sharaf of Qadambosi. Everyone would recall the moment of eternal bliss and tranquillity experienced when Aqa Maula TUS has graciously placed His Hand Mubarak on our hands. The fact that the world suddenly comes to a standstill and the feel of having lived a lifetime in just a few seconds is what everyone would vouch for. Just thinking of that moment absolves all of our troubles, calmness engulfs our hearts and we are blessed with peace of mind; a rare entity in this world. Amongst the many distinctive shaanaat of Aqa Maula TUS that we have witnessed in this golden era is that the unprecedented number of Mumineen who have received sharaf of Qadambosi. Aqa Maula TUS, even at this age, spends hours a day to bless our souls by placing His Hand on ours. Syedi wa Mawlaya Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin TUS in his many bayanaat has guided mumineen towards the priceless sharaf of Qadambosi. The following bayan of Mufaddal Maula TUS explains how Maula's TUS Qadambosi, salam and ziyafat gives calmness to our souls May Allah grant all of us the invaluable sharaf of Qadambosi once and again. May Aqa Maula and His Mansoos, the saviours of our souls, forever live a healthy life. Aameen Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS Mustafa Colombowala – Muraqib – MSB Chennai Page 6 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter SHANAAT – E – DAUR – E – BURHANI BARAKATO – MATAMIL – HUSSAIN What else one could seek or ask from the almighty; the omnipotent, who has answered all our prayers by gifting us emaan (i.e.) to be born as a mumin. With such a magnificent AAGAAZ (beginning) and with one act done in its purest form (i.e.) Maatam .e. Hussain will lead us to everlasting life (ie) Jannat. The path and destiny shown to us by all prophets (sa) who have walked on earth. Ÿ Maatam-e-Hussain the path to Jannat was shown to us only because we beseeched & obeyed our Maula (TUS); such is the importance of this medicine; the medicine of shifa. That our Maula (TUS) has preached us; that even a child born of one day should do maatam & on our last breath too, be it celebration or mourning and also to seek forgiveness from all sins; even development of social or economical life can never be achieved without this act of matam e Hussain (SA) so much so that after all farizat namaz maatam is done. Hussain !!! The saviour of Islam and emaan; martyred mercilessly in the holy land of karbala with 71 martiares including a six month old infant. We bow our head in reverence to those super enlightened souls who taught this world what courage, perseverance, bravery, nobility, humility all characteristics truly those of angels, who visited earth in this place called karbala, where generations after generations of pious carved to be, Imam Hussain (AS) the protector of Islam from the shackles of evil out to destroy the very source of light which enlighten the universe. We pray that one day our destiny takes us to this holy land with our Maula (TUS) his Mansoos (TUS) as a reward for Maatam-E-Hussain to this place which is on pinnacale of values & trust. Aameen Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS S.Shabbir Shk. Abbas Shakir Page 7 Madras Toloba Newsletter Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Milaad 102 Tahani Nazam Page 8 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter Tehniyat We the mumineen of Burhani era are very lucky to celebrate 102nd milad of our beloved Aqa Moula Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(T.U.S) the first Fatemi Dai to reach this age and also the fifty years of Takht e Nasheen. We mumineen celebrate this occasion from our hearts/ mind and souls and the joy which will be reflected on our face making it no doubt noorani On the auspicious occasion how will I do araz of my tehniyat to our beloved aqa moula (t.u.s)? by sending birthday cards, cutting cakes, joining in celebrations like muzakera, darees, khatmul quraan, procession etc yes I will do all this and I will also try to gain our moula's happiness (no doubt we all reside in moula's heart) by doing these things which his Mansoos Aali Qadr Maula(TUS) has preached in Ashara mubaraka at Surat ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Do Vuzu in the perfect manner Pray all five faraz Namaaz on time every time Recite Quraan majeed daily with ahkham u tajweed Do bussines without any mention of interest Give my children deeni taalim Do Tarbiyaat of my chidren as per Maulas (TUS) wishes Keep my self away from facebook and all other social websites Take pledge to never forward Maula and his mansoos images on any medium without raza and also to check and recheck the news, mojiza or any other matter before forwarding to any one. I will give Qardan Hasanah when ever possible I will keep my surrounding clean and keep my heart clean Do purjosh matam of Imam Husain(a.s) in each and every miqaat especially in ashara mubaraka I resolve to live my life as per my beloved Maula and his mansoos wishes This will be my humble tehniyat on the kadam Mubarak of my beloved Aqa Maula(TUS). I pray for long and healthy life of our beloved Aqa Maula Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhannudin (TUS) till the day of Qayamat and under his saaya long live his Mansoos Aali Qadr Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin(TUS) Aameen Abde Syedna TUS wa Mansusehee TUS, Hatim Y Kagalwala Work Demand Success Success demands singleness of purpose. The only way to succeed in anything is to give it everything. The road to accomplishment, it is said, beckons only those who can persevere and persist. It would be germane to narrate some interesting incidents that happened in the lives of some great personalities like Napoleon Bonaprte, Thomas Alva Edison, in that order. As a soldier, Napoleon used to spend the available leisure time by doing some useful things like reading, writing, planning and so on, unlike his colleagues, who spent their time drinking, playing, etc. During one such time, a lady vendor asked Napoleon: “Why don’t you, being so young, go and enjoy with others?” Napoleon preferred to keep quiet than to answer her. Ten years later, he became the emperor of France. He distinctly remembered the lady and the question. When she arrived, Napoleon politely told her that he had the answer for the question she voiced 10 years ago. He continued, “When the soldiers were playing and drinking, I worked hard. Now, I’m the emperor and they still remain as soldiers.” Thomas Alva Edison, who invented the electric bulb, worked for nearly 18 hours a day. While doing research work, he noticed to his astonishment and dismay that many filaments did not burn. At last one burnt. But, it must be noted that he didn’t give up his attempt till he succeeded in the invention of electric bulb. To quote Edison: “I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my invention come by accident, they came by work. Nothing comes to us on a platter in this world. One has to labour and earn anything he needs, be it knowledge, or money or fame, As Ruskin had correctly put it: “If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. If food, you must toil for it, as toil is the law.” By Agencies Page 9 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter MSB MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL THE ARTS & SKILLS OF PARENTING Dear friends, it is a great privilege and honor for all of us training and upbringing our little ones. Yes, parenting being wonderful and rewarding yet working painstakingly for the development of noble character in our children. I would like to start my write up inspired by the keynote address of Shehzada Aliasgar Bhaisaheb Kalimuddin Saheb (D.M.) when he was once addressing the leaders and Teachers. He states that parents and teachers cannot teach unless they themselves demonstrate in four areas of learning for a child that begins from his home (Manzil) his school (Madrasa) the Masjid and the society (Mujtama). Demonstrating good behavior, and moral virtues are the key factors of parenting. These have to be inculcated, and exemplified with consistency and conviction by the parent first before making any attempt to instruct their children. Love, patience and concern being our foremost precedence, there are a few other factors that we should keep in mind as parents. Know where your child is, who is in charge and when will he be home? Where does he spend the time and with whom. Make sure your child knows if you promise consequences for good or bad behavior that you will deliver it – every time. Just don't say if you aren't going to do it. Expect the same from your children. Insist on respect. Respect for yourself and respect for others. Teaching your children good coping skills and communication is one of the best things you can do for your child. Again demonstrate good traits in front of them then only you can expect that transformation in them. Limit television watching and usage of mobile phones. Children need to be active. Give them other activities that will help them learn and grow. Aali Qadr Mufaddal Maula TUS also states that parents should refrain themselves from watching TV serials at home, which radically has an adverse impact on their children. Again demonstration is the key note. Develop transparency with your children. Ask them often how they feel about things and keep open discussions. What are their hopes, dreams, passions ? Refrain from expecting your child to adopt what you think is important to pursue in life and really get to know where their heart is. Encourage them to pursue their own passions in life, this is one of the greatest things you can do for your child. Finally, you need to be the person you hope your child will become. It just doesn't work to expect them to be one way if you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. For example, if you want an honest child, you MUST be honest. That means with everyone. Showing them it's okay to lie to others will give them the message that it's okay to lie to you. Be really honest with your own personal inventory and make sure you are leading by example. Over the years of my learning, I would take this time to review this list of parenting skills with you and shall make any necessary adjustments whenever needed. I am also very happy and thankful to our MSB parents who explicitly demonstrate good traits towards the institute and co operate with the school in all endeavors. Our Aqa Maula TUS is a living legend, who guides us for parenting. May Allah Taala grant this 'Abb e Mushfiq” and “Umm e Atoof” Maula TUS and his Mansoos TUS a long and healthy life until Qayamat (Aameen) and may Allah grant us taufeeq to fulfill this enormous responsibility of parenting bestowed upon us. Amate Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS Tasneem Murtaza bhai Lokhandwala Vice Principal – MSB Chennai Page 10 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter Madeh Page 11 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter The Flight of Imagination into Mysterious Future The rapid advance of science and technology has changed the scenario of man's life. Its effect is visible in every field of human life and the field of education is not exempted too. Easy availability of knowledge has brought about great transformation in the field of education. School is no longer the only place to acquire knowledge and teacher, the only authority to impart knowledge. Educational perspective is changed from not only acquiring knowledge but also application of knowledge. Memorization of facts is replaced by intelligent application of facts. In the coming next three decades, school will no longer exist and teachers will no longer be academicians. Languages, mathematics and sciences will no longer be compulsory subjects. Degrees, diplomas and certificates will hold no value. The paradigm of education will shift to a new concept of discovering latent talents that lie dormant in each child and developing it in a different controlled environment. The child, at first is introduced to different subjects and basic knowledge is given to him in a place called “child's observatory centre”. Observatory centres will discover talents and potentials in each child and then the child will pursue knowledge in that field alone. Schools, colleges, universities, research centres, laboratories, workshops, factories and industries will no longer remain different bodies but a part of one whole that is responsible for ushering a new era never ever perceived before. By the discovery of hidden talent and its growth, a new man will be born who will try to experiment the depth of the secret of life. Our Aqa Maula (T.U.S) and his mansoos started Faiz E Mawaid Al Burhaniyah, a concept that was never ever thought before. It has benefits but the most relevant one is that it has liberated women from drudgery and empowered them to take better care of family especially children as it is said that hands that rock the cradle rocks the civilization. A vigilant mother will never be ignorant of the various shades of her child's personality which will definitely pave ways for future growth and progress of her child. We may sit on wings of imagination but the future is always mysterious. But for our visionary Bawa Saheb, the future is not at all hidden. He lifts us and transforms us and we at times remain unaware of his immense blessings. May Allah grant our Aqa Maula and his Mansoos a long and healthy life till the day of qayamat. Aameen!! Amate Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS Nisreen Najmee Teacher – MSB Chennai Page 12 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter POEM ON AQA MAULA My Maula (TUS) My maula (tus), my strength, my support, in times disturbed, Shanaat of pak panjatan you enshrine Mohammed, ali, fatema, hasan & hussain Rahmat, shuja-at, shafa-at, sakhawat & qurbani Qualities that make you one with malaaekat noorani Your meelad, O Maula ,ment to rejoice Not worldly but spiritual joys Which take us on the path Of allah's choice As the clouds of rahmat thicken And burst on us in this meelad season A day, never before witnessed by any momin Filling our hearts with pride for a million reasons. A glimpse of our Maula, to catch, Every opportunity we snatch And on his qadam our heads we shall bow May god to us, this day bestow Our message to all, is loud & clear In this whole world, none is more dear Than our Maula, our guardian, our guide Our doas are heard with his vasila on our side With hands in matam & tearful eyes Hadiya of naaraa-e-hussain we raise From every corner of world we unite Meelad mubarak, o Maula- we recite. May years pass & centuries go With your noorani radiance, the kainath glow May our generations continue to reap This golden harvest in stacks & Abde Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS. Ilyas A Haidari A source of joy and happiness on earth: Thy magnanimity unsurpassed by any, Thy charishmatic personality attracting many Thou art a being, heavenly and celestial, Allah’s(T.A) favourite, on earth an angel. A true devotee of Allah art thou , Leading all mankind on the path of love, Serene and divine in all undertakings, Allah’s(T.A.)wish always upholding. Thy knowledge of the world here and hereafter, Makes thou our accepted lord and master; To thee we offer our love and service, Thy feet in deep gratitude do we kiss. Thou art so great and I so small, Protect and guide me through every fall. Who art thou so far, yet so near – Thy soothing thought driving away all fear? O One! from the abode heavenly – Descended to purify and make us saintly; To thee our humble souls we present, Take us to Jannat, guiding our ascent; The universe echoes with songs of thy praise, Thy divine glory puts all in a daze. Thy heart-rending discourses on Imam Husain ,(A.S.) Move eyes to tears, fill hearts with pain; Thy 102 Milad is an occasion to rejoice, O Moula Mubarak! echoes every momin voice; One hundred and another and another and so on, Our prayers carry through to evening from morn, The heart cries out in fervent prayer, May thou live on forever and ever. And Moula Mufaddal(T.U.S.) be always with thou, To shower momeneen with blessings and love. Amate Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS Shehrebanu Feroze, Chennai Page 13 Madras Toloba Newsletter Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue VALUES AND VISIONS, DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR RIGHT REASON. Internal Motivation Maulana Ali A.S.has said that do ibadat keeping ALLAH in your mind as he is present in front of you.All Awliya ul Allah are showering NAZARAT on each mumeen from Jannat.We should keep this in mind while doing any work of Deen or Dunya.That will be a true motivation for our betterment of both life.This will also stop us from doing any type of wrong deed.Other people of world need different type of motivation.There is a heart touching story which will help us in understanding our concept of NAZARAT. There was a young boy who came regularly to soccer practice but never made it to the starting team. While he was practicing, his father would sit at the far end of the field, waiting for him. The matches began and for four days, the boy didn’t show up for practice or the quarter-or semi-finals, He appeared for the final game, went to the coach and said, “coach, you have always kept me in the reserves and never let me play in the games. But today, please let me play. “The Coach said “Son, I’m sorry, I can’t let you. The reputation of the school is at stake and I cannot take a chance on you.” The boy pleaded, “Coach, I promise I will not let you down. I beg of you, please let me play.” The coach had never seen the boy plead like this before, He said,” Okay son, go play. But remember, I am going against my better Judgement and the reputation of the school is at stake. Don’t let me down.” The game started and the boy played like a house on fire. Every time he got the ball, he shot a goal. Needless to Say, he was the star of the game. His team had a spectacular win. When the game finished, the coach went up to him and said , “Son, how could I have been so wrong? I have never seen you play like this before. What happened? How did you play so well?” The boy replied, “Coach, my father is watching me today.” The coach turned around and looked at the place where the boy’s father used to sit. There was no one there. He said, “Son, your father used to sit there when you came for practice, but I don’t see anyone there today.” The boy replied, “Coach, there is something I never told you. My father was blind. Just four days ago, he died. Today is the first day he is watching me from above.” In the end we pray to ALLAH to grant Our MAULA (TUS) and his MANSOOS long and prosperous life.NAZARAT of both MAULA is the real motivation for us in both life. Abde Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS REDEFINING PHYSIOTHERAPY: NEURO- PHYSIOTHERAPY… Physiotherapy is known as a profession that relieves pain and improves function. All are aware of the fact that joint and muscle pain can be treated by physio, but not much is known about is other branches. Yes, physiotherapy is now used to treat other problems like heart and lung problems, post surgical problems and even gynaecological problems. Physiotherapy has now developed into a healthcare system with more than 9 specialties. One of them is “NEURO-PHYSIOTHERAPY”. These days neurological conditions like STROKE (lakwa), CEREBRAL PALSY, PARKINSON'S DISEASE, PARALYSIS OF HANDS AND LEG, NERVE INJURIES, HEAD INJURIES following accidents is quite common. Such cases are usually almost completely treatable by giving extensive physio in the form of exercises for balance, walking and hand rehabilitation. Physiotherapy in the early stages of paralysis can help to reverse back the problem and can also prevent other complications. Even in the late stage of the disease, specific exercise can help maintain circulation and vital functions like breathing, walking, swallowing etc. By the use of exercises and electrical muscle stimulation, correct and useful movement in any part of the body can be restored, thereby allowing the person to lead a near normal life. Neuro – Physiotherapy can be provided in the hospital, at home, or in the community. Recovery in a neurological patient is time dependent and patient dependent. It is a slow process but it improves the patient's quality of life and his will to live.To live a quality life with the least of problems is what neuro – physiotherapy aims for. Remember health is a gift from Allah, and how we take care of it is our gift to Allah. Amate Syedna TUS va Mansusehee TUS Rasheeda Muslimbhai Vadnagarwala, neurophysiotherapist., Page 14 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter Health Tips CURE FOR ACIDITY Acidity, it is said, is worse than Cancer. It is one of the most common disease people encounter in their daily life. The home remedy for Acidity is Raw Grains of Rice. The Process: 1. Take 8-10 grains of raw uncooked rice. 2. Swallow it with water before having your breakfast or eating anything in the morning. 3. Do this for 21 days to see effective results and continuosly for 3 months to eliminate acidity from the body. The cure: Reduces acid levels in the body and makes you feel better by the day. CURE FOR CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol problem accompanies with Hypertension and Heart Problems. This is also one of the common problems in people who have high Blood Pressure and Diabetes. The home remedy for Cholesterol problem is RAW SUPARI. The Process: 1. Take Raw Supari (Betel Nut that is not flavoured) and slice them or make pieces of the same. 2. Chew it for about 20-40 minutes after every meal 3. Spit it out. The Cure : When you chew the supari, the saliva takes in the juice that is gemnerated and this acts like a Blood Thinner. Once your blood becomes free flowing, it brings down the pressure in the blood flow, thereby reducing Blood pressure too. By Agencies Action Plan ¯ Stay away from negative influences. Don’t give in to peer pressure ¯ Regularly and systematically commit a portion of your time and/or money to charitable activity without any expectations in cash or kind. ¯ Read Life Stories of people who have turned negatives into positives. Make reading good books or listening to Inspirational audio tapes part of your daily routine. Burhani Engineering & Allied Products Largest stockist of Safety Shoes, Safety Helmets, Safety Gloves and all safety related accessories. 132 / 163, Broadway, K - Sons Complex, Shop No: 3, Chennai - 600 108. Mobile:098406 63852 Page 15 Jumadil- Ula 1434 March 2013 10th Issue Madras Toloba Newsletter Receipe Kesari chicken Ingredients : ½ kg chicken 2 medium sized tomato 2 medium sized onions 1/4 tip turmeric powder 1 tsp dhania powder 1 tsp red chiili powder ½ tsp jeera Salt to taste INFORMATION Ÿ Management & Editors reserves the right to edit and print or not the articles received. Ÿ All the articles are printed on informations and materials brought in by individuals & agencies. It is an Individual opinion and not of the society. Ÿ Management & Editors are not responsible for any consequences. Ÿ All correspondance to be mailed to and communications regarding the articles, etc to be contacted to Hatim Y Kagalwala 9840350856 Process : Grind to paste & keep aside Marinate chicken in ginger garlic paste, salt, & peper powder for ½ hour. Heat 1 tsp oil , add chicken & cook till done. EDITOR INCHARGE: 1.Khuzema D Lokhandwala JOINT EDITORS: 1.Hatim Kagalwala 2.Juzer Haji 3.Mustafa Gandhi In another pan, heat 1tbsp oil, add few kalonji seeds and 3-4 whole and red chillies followed by the ground masala. . Fry till oil separates. Add the cooked chicken & required amount of water . 1.Mustafa Khokhar (+919840158037) In half cup of curd, add i tbsp cashew powder, kesar and 1tbsp powdered kasuri methi, LISAN-UD-DAAWAT ARTICLES: 1. Sheikh Yusuf bhai Hamid Now add this to the chicken gravy, and cook for a while. Garnish with kothimir. Serve hot with parathas or roti. By Agencies ADVERTISEMENT: CLASSIFIED 1. SAMINA CALICUTWALA 09940351219. ROTI, SAMOSA, CUTLET, DAHIWADA. 2. RASHIDA TUNDAWALA. 09841912376. GAKHER, ROTI. FOR DAWOODI BOHRA COMMUNITY PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY AND NOT FOR SALE Page 16
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