Nyhetsbrev_Norra länken_eng_december_ 2015_2
Nyhetsbrev_Norra länken_eng_december_ 2015_2
Norra Länken Project Newsletter, December 2015 Northbound tunnels of Norra Länken beneath Hagastaden due to open in spring 2016 This report by Project Director Lars Lilja informs about e.g. the progress of preparatory installation work on the ramp bridges, as well as about the ongoing installation work in northbound tunnels beneath Hagastaden. E4/E20 West of Hagastaden The ramp bridges have now been built all the way across to Karlbergsparken. We have asphalt paved the concrete steel. The asphalt paving of the bridge parallel to Essingeleden has been completed. Currently, bridge railings are being assembled and set up and we are preparing for installation works on and inside the bridge. The constructive of the gabion wall on the abutment of the bridges at Karlbergsparken/Pampaslänken, is still ongoing. The new ramp bridge parallel to Essingeleden will open at the same time as northbound tunnels beneath Hagaparken open up to traffic in spring 2016. The second bridge is scheduled to open by mid-2017. Along the E4 motorway, west of Solnavägen, the new trough structures and supporting walls are emerging. Here, earthworks as well as work with roadways and concrete, are underway. Gradually, as the trough structures are being finished, red-coloured design elements will be added. This is scheduled to be completed by late 2015, or early 2016. The foundation work of the slab bridge, which will give access to Solnavägen/Solnabron from the E4/E20 motorway, has begun. It is estimated that the construction of the ramp bridges, trough structures and the slab bridge will be finished by mid-2017. The sedimentation pond at Klarastrandsleden and the pond between Pampaslänken and Terminalvägen are almost completed externally. Work will now focus on the installation of pumps and control systems. The purpose of the sedimentation ponds is to clean the drainage originating from nearby roads. The tunnels of Hagastaden As concrete installations and asphalt paving were completed in October, Trafikverket finalised the construction of the tunnels beneath Hagastaden. Ongoing work is mainly related to wastewater and canalisation, some minor earthworks and installation of traffic equipment. At the end of the year we will start carrying out a number of tests, checking the compatibility of different operating systems used in the tunnels. This will be done before opening in spring 2016. Construction work with the railway tunnel begins when northbound traffic starts using the tunnels. The estimated timespan until completion of this project is two years. Reduced traffic Currently about 70 000 vehicles use the tunnels on a daily basis. Since Norra Länken was opened in November 2014, traffic congestion at Valhallavägen and Lidingövägen has decreased. Above all, heavy vehicle traffic has been reduced by approximately 80% and transport of dangerous goods by about 95%. — It is positive that Norra Länken has brought relief to the roads in central Stockholm, just how it was planned, Mr Lilja says. 15 minutes focus on safety The event has grown each year and is since 2014 one of 16 activities included in a joint action plan aiming to decrease the number of accidents - ”Together for zero accidents in the civil engineering sector”, is an agreement between Trafikverket, The Swedish Construction Federation (Sveriges Byggindustrier) and The Swedish Federation of Consulting Engineers and Architects (Svenska Teknik & Designföretagen). Ernst Billgren Open scenery in the tunnels of Norra Länken This autumn, the mirror-like parts of the artwork “Öppna Landskap” were manufactured and tested in the northbound tunnels beneath Hagastaden. The ceiling is painted in blue to resemble the tunnel at dusk where the lights of the cars replace the light of the sun and the moon. The artist Ernst Billgren expressed the following about his piece of art: — The intention of “Öppna Landskap” has been to create a driving experience, something that lasts during an extended period of time, in contrast to for example a sculpture, which you just pass by. That is why I wanted to create a kind of outdoor environment inside the tunnel. The artwork will be installed at the beginning of the New Year and can be seen and enjoyed when tunnels open in spring. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Swedish Transport Administration, SE-172 90 Sundbyberg, Sweden. Visiting address: Project Office, Norrbackagatan 47, Stockholm. Phone: 0771-921 921, Text telephone: 010-123 50 00 www.trafikverket.se/norralanken Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lars Lilja Project Director Contact person Communications coordinator: Cecilia Palm, email: cecilia.a.palm@trafikverket.se, phone: 010-124 28 18 TR AFIKVERKET. DECEMBER 2015. PRODUKTION: TR AFIKVERKET, GR AFISK FORM. TRYCK: INEKO. FOTO: MIK AEL ULLÈN SAMT MBP. At 1 pm on Wednesday the 30th of September, the Norra Länken project carried out a ”stand down” at the construction site by the ramp bridges. A ”stand down” is a manifestation for security and occupational health and safety, an initiative that Trafikverket has carried out across Sweden over the past 3 years. The event began with an account of a workplace accident and continued with current information on occupational health and safety. — It is important to take the time to discuss occupational health and safety, and workplace security. We should not forget the inherent risks of a construction site, says Project Manager Björn Johnsson.