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Black College Monthly
Obama Nominates
Loretta Lynch As
Attorney General
Former Star Ricky
Says He
Skip The
Being Poor Brings
You Closer to God
Why Your Kid Is
Telling Lies
‘On the
FAMU suddenly fires
head football coach
Wildcats Still
in Hunt for
MEAC Title
Now at
Black College Monthly November 2014
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Black College Monthly
April 2014
An Open Letter to HBCU Graduates
by Charlie Nelms, Ed.D.Â
Dear HBCU graduates,
Although most of us have
never met, we share a
special bond as graduates
of one of America's
historically black colleges
and universities (HBCUs).
With few exceptions, these
are the places that
sprouted from sweatsoaked seeds planted by
the sons and daughters of
former slaves, sharecroppers and subsistence
farmers whose belief in the
power of education
confounded the plans of
plantation owners, straw
bosses and Southern white
politicians. HBCUs were
the places that accepted us
because they wanted to
serve us, not because they
were forced to do so or
wanted to "diversify" their
enrollment. They welcomed us with
open arms and did not need to
establish black culture centers or
persuade faculty and staff to accept
or embrace us. HBCUs never
characterized us as high-risk or
academically or cul turally disadvantaged; they chose instead to focus on
our assets. Thankfully, we were the
reason that HBCUs existed and not a
special project on diversity and
inclusion. Most of us would agree
that our alma mater enveloped us in
a culture of caring from which it was
nearly impossible to escape. As a
consequence, we developed the
intellectual, social and leadership
skills that allowed us to compete with
anyone in the world. All of this
HBCUs did with only a fraction of
the fiscal resources available to
predominately white universities
I am sure you must have read by
now that HBCUs are at a major
crossroads. Enrollment is declining,
in part because of increased competition from PWIs, online universities,
proprietary schools and community
colleges. In fact, according to the
Oct. 9, 2014, edition of Diverse
Issues in Higher Education, the
University of Phoenix Online Campus is the largest producer of African-American recipients of bachelor's
degrees in all disciplines. In addition,
leadership and fiscal instability,
problems with accreditation and
growing discord between presidents a
nd boards of trustees are affecting
even the strongest HBCUs. In all
fairness, I must note that many of
ing from HBCUs.
We must be willing to share
with our alma mater our
expertise -- without charge.
That expertise is just as diverse
as the careers that we have, or
have had, and can be used to
improve curricular offerings,
university operations, and
marketing and facilitate job
placement for graduating
students, among other things.
these same challenges afflict PWIs as
well. The difference, in my view, is
the fact that failure at HBCUs has
disproportionate implications for
African-American students, families
and the communities in which they
are located. The failure of HBCUs is
not an option; we have too much
riding on them to let that happen.
Fellow HBCU graduates, we can and
must come to the aid of our institutions while there is still time to make
a difference. Fiscal insolvency and
the loss of accreditation are two
insurmountable challenges from
which I have not known any institution, HBCU or PWI, to recover.
What follows are some concrete
steps we can and must take to
support HBCUs.
We must stop complaining
about the imperfections of HBCUs
and fretting about the few things that
didn't go as well as we would have
liked when we were students. There
are neither perfect schools nor
perfect people.
We must be willing to serve
as ambassadors for our alma mater
by referring prospective students,
including our own children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends, to
the admissions office. We shouldn't
be persuaded solely by the size of a
PWI scholarship or its marketing
prowess when making a student
referral. The ice at PWIs really isn't
any colder than it is at an HBCU! In
fact, many black students who
initially attend PWIs end up graduat-
Lowery, reminded his parishioners that
life is like a bank account: "You can't
make a draw unless you make a
deposit." Unless we as alums make a
deposit (invest), our alma mater cannot
offer competitive scholarships, purchase state-of-the-art equipment, hire
top professors, or offer study-abroad
opportunities for students, among other
During the course of my long career in
the academy, I made a lot of speeches
and listened to even more. There are
two comments that I vividly remember
We must be willing to
from the many speeches I've heard.
provide access to our vast
The first came from the late Dr. Elias
network of people, programs
and services that will allow our Blake, who served as president of
alma mater to achieve levels of Clark College. He opined that HBCUs
succeed in educating low-wealth, lessexcellence and responsiveness
well-prepared students because they
not otherwise possible. By
provide a psychologically supportive
activating our collective netenvironment. The second comment
works, we can do more than
came from Dr. Patrick Swygert, who
imaginable to strengthen
served for a decade as president of
HBCUs and enhance their
Howard University. He noted that there
competitiveness. The soul singer
is a difference between a graduate of a
Jerry Butler was correct when he
university and an alumnus. A graduate
proclaimed, "Only the strong
is one who simply holds a degree from
the institution, while an alumnus is one
We must be willing to invest
who holds a degree and is invested in
our money in the places that prothe institution's success and well-being.
duced us, and we must be commitAll of us who profess to love our alma
ted to doing so every month of
mater should ask ourselves, "Am I a
every year. I never quite understood
graduate or an alumnus?"
how HBCU alums expected their
We can all demonstrate our support for
alma mater to achieve and sustain
HBCUs by referring at least three
excellence without money! Have
prospective students to our alma mater
you ever noticed that there are no
poor schools on the U.S. News and or another HBCU for 2015 admission.
World Report's national rankings of One final piece of advice: Refer
excellent schools? Many years ago, students -- without regard to race, sex
or sexual orientation -- who are acato emphasize the importance of
demically prepared and can benefit
investing in what we value, my
friend and pastor, the late Dr. Robert from the opportunity to study in an
environment where caring still matters.
Most recently, Nelms served as chancellor of North Carolina Central
University (NCCU) in Durham, N.C., from 2007 to 2012. During his
tenure, Nelms intensified the university’s emphasis on student success,
setting ambitious goals for increasing student retention and graduation
rates. A few of his accomplishments included: raising the standards for
undergraduate admissions and progression; guiding the establishment
of the first and only Ph.D. program to be offered at NCCU in 50
years; initiating and completing a comprehensive academic program
review, which led to the merging or discontinuation of more than a
dozen academic programs; transitioning from NCAA Division II to
Division I and membership in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference;
and creating the Division of Research and Economic Development
which assisted the university in receiving the largest sponsored research grants in the university’s history (more than $100 million
flowing to NCCU researchers in five years). Under his leadership,
U.S. News & World Report ranked NCCU as one of the best public
HBCUs in the country for three consecutive years. In 2011
Black College Monthly November 2014
Why Your Kid Is Telling Lies
By: Krystle Crossman
Disney's High School Musical, Jr.
November 14 - 23
Fridays & Saturday 7pm
Matinee Saturdays & Sundays
Director: Tova Blasberg
It is Annie Desmond's sixteenth
birthday and her friends have
decided to help her celebrate in
style, complete with a brand
new tattoo. Before her special
night is over, however, Annie
and her friends enter into a life altering pact. When Annie tries to
make good on her promise to her friends, she is forced to take a
good look at the world that surrounds her. She befriend Malik,
who promises a bright future, and Keera, whose evangelical
leanings inspire Annie in a way her young parents have not been
able to do. In the end Annie's choices propel her onto an irreversible path in this story that combines wit, poetry, and hope.
by David Mamet
Directed by Steven H. Butler
AUDITION DATE - December 1,
2014 - Time: 7:00pm
January 23 - February 8, 2015
"Race" follows three attorneys, two
black and one white, offered a
chance to defend a white man
charged with a crime against a black
woman. The plot unfolds as the three lawyers and defendant
grapple with the evidence of the case and their own feelings about
race. Mamet has said that the "theme is race and the lies we tell
each other on the subject."
Cast Breakdown:
Jack Lawson - White male lawyer, forties to fifties
Henry Brown - Black male lawyer, forties to fifties
Susan - A black female lawyer, twenties
Charles Strickland - White male client, forties to fifties
Actors are encouraged to prepare a monologue (2 minutes max.)
Black Nativity
A Gospel Celebration
by Langston Hughes
Adapted & Directed by Jamaili Tyler
Dec.. 11 - 21, 2014
This gospel "song play" is a joyful retelling of story of the birth of
Christ in dialogue, narrative, pantomime, gospel song and folk
spirituals. The first half retells the Nativity story in the down-home
verse of the black poet Langston Hughes, in familiar carols like "Joy
to the World," in beloved black spirituals like "Go Tell It on the
Mountain," and through interpretive modern dance.
Steven H. Butler - Main Stage Artistic Director
Rhonda Wilson - Star Center Artistic Director
608 N. Main Street, Gainesville, FL 32601
Children tend to lie.
Sometimes they are big
lies and sometimes they
are small fibs. But what
we don’t realize is that
depending on their age
they may not realize
that what they are doing
is lying. When children
are babies and toddlers
they don’t really have a
sense of morals just yet.
They just know that
when their parents are
raising their voices it is
not good and they need
to say what they can to make it better. Once they are past that stage and are roughly
3 to 7 years old they live in a fantasy world. Everything is exciting and now and the
tend to let their imaginations run wild without realizing that they may be telling a
small lie. From there up until 10 years old they know what lying is but may not
realize the full extent of their actions once they have told a lie. After 10 years of age
they know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.
There are many different reasons that a child may lie including:
- They want to get out of doing something that they don’t want to do. For example if
they are asked to rake the leaves and they say that their back really hurts.
- They may have accidentally told a white lie but instead of owning up to it they
don’t want to get in trouble so they keep telling more cover up lies which never ends
- They may not realize that they are supposed to lie a little in certain situations. As
adults we know that sometimes people are just looking for validation and so we fib to
make sure their feelings aren’t hurt.
- Some kids lie to try and be with the “cool kids”.
- They watch their parents lie and imitate them thinking that it is okay.
- If a child has an abusive parent in the home they will say whatever they can to
make sure that they aren’t hit.
In order to help prevent your child from becoming a pathological liar you need to set
an example. Try not to lie as much as possible, especially in front of them. If you
catch them in a lie, call them out on it and act appropriately. Sometimes you have to
go beyond the lies and figure out why they feel the need to fib. Always make sure
that you take the time to explain to them that lying is bad and teach them that there
are consequences should they get caught.
Obama and Willie Nelson sing ‘On the Road Again’
The president showed off his
singing prowess again during
an event to honor the troops
before Veterans’ Day.
The program, “A Salute to
the Troops: In Performance
at the White House,”
included performances from
Mary J. Blige, Common,
Romeo Santos, and active
duty military members.
During this performance, in front of a live audience, President Obama joined in
with Willie Nelson and John Fogerty to sing “On the Road Again.”
This isn’t the first time POTUS flexed is vocal skills. During his 2012 reelections campaign, he briefly performed his rendition of Al Green’s ‘Let’s Stay
Together.’ What do you think? Should the White House start releasing an
Obama’s greatest hits record?
Black College Monthly November 2014
Author Says Being Poor Brings You Closer to God
by Nigel Boys
Obama Nominates Loretta
Lynch As Attorney General
Although most Christians believe that wealth and
prosperity are signs that God is blessing you, they
could be further from the truth than they realize,
according to Caryn Rivadeneira.
The author of “Broke: What Financial Desperation
Revealed about God’s Abundance,” writes that she
always believed God was multiplying her financial
situation in reward for being a faithful Christian, but
she found out how wrong she was when things turned
bad. She adds that it took her family going from
having too much profit pouring into their business to
nearly being evicted from their home for her to realize
that God may not work that way.
When Caryn’s husband came into the kitchen and placed a check on the counter that amounted to more
money in one quarter than they had made the previous year, she believed that God had rewarded them for
her husband’s hard work and ingenuity.
However, when their financial situation changed and they were out of money and just about to lose their
house, Rivadeneira questioned God why he would do such a thing. After being angry with the Almighty for
removing his “blessings” for a while, she finally realized that their current situation of poverty had actually
brought her nearer to her Creator.
“Before those days, I didn’t understand how Jesus could say the poor—in spirit and otherwise—were
blessed. Or why it would be so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom,” Rivadeneira wrote. She continued,
“Not when I grew up and lived in a leafy suburb and attended a church where the poor were pitied and the
rich were God-fearing. When I heard talk of being ‘blessed,’ it was usually about good health or promotions.”
The author then realized that when the money is rolling in, we don’t have to pray for our needs so much
because we believe that He is showering us with blessings. But when things turn sour and you find yourself
in desperate need, you turn to God to help you out of the situation.
When God helps you in these times of difficulties, you are more appreciative of His goodness which often
leads to you becoming closer to Him, according to Rivandeneira. She adds that just as the apostle Paul
praised God for his time in prison in 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, we should thank Him in times of difficulty
because it places our reliance more on Him instead of ourselves.
The Huge Difference Between Getting Pregnant at 37 and at 43
Women today are waiting longer and longer to
have children. For some it is because they are
trying to focus on their career before they settle
down and have a family. Others are waiting
because they want to be financially stable. Some
women just haven’t found the right person to have
a baby with yet. The problem is that the older a
woman gets the riskier it is for her to get pregnant
and it becomes much harder to conceive.
A new study that has been released by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine states that
after the age of 37 a woman’s fertility drops
considerably. After that the numbers become
worse. By the time a woman is 43 she will 10
times less of a chance of conceiving a child than she did 6 years before. Data was collected from over 200
women that were part of a study. They looked at how many eggs the women had to drop before they had
one that was healthy enough to become a baby.
At the age of 37 the researchers found that a woman would have to go through four egg drops before she
had one that may be viable enough to become an embryo. In a normal month a woman will drop one egg.
That means that there are only three times per year that a 37 year old woman may have an egg that is good
enough for fertilization. Just three times a year. Once every four months. The news is worse for women
who are over 42. At the age of 43 they found that women needed to go through roughly 44 egg drops
before they had a viable one. That equals out to almost four years of cycles before they may have one egg
that can be fertilized. One try in four years is not a very big window at all.
Due to these dismal numbers women are now taking to cryogenically freezing their eggs so that should they
want to become pregnant down the road they will have healthy eggs that they can use. The problem is
however that everything needs to be just right for an egg to be fertilized so it could still be a long time
before they are able to conceive. It is also very costly just to freeze the eggs. The price tag can range from
$6,000 to $15,000.
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama
intends to nominate the federal prosecutor in
Brooklyn to become the next attorney general
and the first black woman to lead the Justice
She would replace Eric Holder, who announced
his resignation in September. If confirmed by
the Senate, Lynch would be Obama's second
trail-blazing pick for the post after Holder
served as the nation's first black attorney
Obama had planned to wait until after a trip to
Asia next week to announce the choice but
then moved up the decision after CNN reported that she was his choice.
Lynch, 55, is the U.S. attorney for Eastern
New York, which covers Brooklyn, Queens,
Staten Island and Long Island, a position she
also held under President Bill Clinton.
"Ms. Lynch is a strong, independent prosecutor
who has twice led one of the most important
U.S. Attorney's Offices in the country," Obama
press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement.
Obama decided against the option of trying to
push Lynch's confirmation while Democrats
still control the Senate and instead will leave it
up to the Republican-controlled Senate to vote
on the choice in 2015, according to the people
who described Obama's plans. They spoke
only on condition of anonymity because they
were not authorized to speak on the record.
One lawmaker in particular — in the House —
is familiar with her work. Lynch filed tax
evasion charges against Rep. Michael Grimm, a
Republican accused of hiding more than $1
million in sales and wages while running a
restaurant. Grimm, who won re-election
Tuesday, has pleaded not guilty and is to go to
trial in February.
She also charged reputed mobster Vincent
Asaro and his associates for the 36-year-old
heist of $6 million in cash and jewelry from a
Lufthansa Airlines vault at Kennedy Airport,
dramatized in the movie "Goodfellas."
Lynch grew up in North Carolina, the daughter
of a school librarian and a Baptist minister. She
received undergraduate and law degrees from
Harvard, where Obama graduated from law
school seven years after her. Personally, she
goes by Loretta Lynch Hargrove, having
married Stephen Hargrove in 2007.
Black College Monthly November 2014
Active Listening Techniques For Effective Communication
By Barry Grimes
on what they’re saying.
Listening is a way to enrich your life
with knowledge, value and relationships. But, unfortunately it’s often
underutilized, and we miss out some
great opportunities.
#2. Look for Hidden Meanings:
Notice the speaker’s body language,
tone of voice and facial expressions.
People aren’t always able to express
their true feelings through words.
Being a good listener means recog-
There have been times when I failed
to listen to a person
talking to me,
because I was
already thinking of a
reply, even though
the person had not
yet finished their
I was simply not
accepting the value
being offered by the
person speaking.
This happened
because I was not
actively listening.
Life optimization
means being the best you can be, so
it’s extremely important to listen for
“Listening is one of the most
important skills you can have. How
well you listen has a major impact on
your job effectiveness, and on the
quality of your relationships with
others.” – http://
Active listening is simply the ability
to listen for value. To gain value
from the words of another person,
we have to develop our active
listening abilities.Among other skills,
active listening involves:
These are skills that can be learned
and/or improved upon!
When you are not a good active
listener communication suffers and
can lead to missed opportunities.
These may be valuable opportunities
for your life optimization journey
that you are missing out on!
Active listening encourages you to
open up, reduces the chance of
misunderstandings, helps to resolve
problems, build trust and allows you
to gain value from another person.
Here are some easy tips for sharpening your active listening skills!
#1. Maintain Eye Contact: Make
sure to have a comfortable degree of
eye contact when actively listening.
Look the person in the eye and focus
tively express themselves in the first
few words.
#9. It’s Not About You!: Try not to
interject stories about yourself into
the conversation, unless asked by the
speaker. This usually happens when
a speaker says something that
triggers a
memory of your
own experience.
#10. Silence is
Golden: Active
listening requires
that you take
time and soak in
what you’ve
heard. Think
about it, and then
nizing signs of when someone is
trying to tell you something deeper.
#3. Avoid Distractions: Trying to
listen actively when there are distractions is difficult. Turn off the TV,
switch off the radio, power down
your phone, stop reading, stop
writing and just pay attention to what
the person is saying to you.
#4. Show Interest: You can show
that you are truly interested in what a
person is saying by inserting a few
nods or other nonverbal cues.
#5. Focus Completely on the
Speaker: Fight the temptation to
think about what you are going to
say while someone is speaking to
you. Focus 100% on what’s being
#6. Stay Present in the Moment:
Concentrate on what’s being communicated to you and don’t let your
thoughts wonder. When you catch
yourself thinking of other things
immediately refocus your thoughts
on the speaker.
#7. Listen with Empathy: You can
show empathy by remembering a
time when your emotions were
similar to the speaker’s, and think
about how you felt. If you don’t
have a similar memory just show
your acceptance of the situation by
trying to understand what they are
going through.
#8. Keep an Open-Mind: Don’t
prejudge the speaker. Even when
they begin with a comment that you
don’t agree with, wait until they have
finished before making any decisions.
Some people are not able to effec-
#11. Practice EI:
Being aware of
your emotional
intelligence is an
important part of active listening.
While your emotions can aid in
active listening by creating empathy,
they can also hamper communication
if they cause you to have negative
thoughts and speak out of turn.
#12. Be Sure to Understand: Active
listening involves understanding what
is being communicated to you.
Demonstrate to the speaker that you
are really listening by making an
effort to understand their thoughts.
Asking appropriate questions will
help you genuinely understand what
they are saying.
Anyone interested in improving their
communication skills should work on
increasing their active listening
power. Active listening differs greatly
from normal listening and leads to
more meaningful and effective
Active listening is not some secret
power reserved for superheroes; it’s
a key life optimization skill. Anyone
can master it; if they are willing to
accept their need for improvement,
and make the effort required to gain
the skill.
Army Updates Regulation That
Sanctioned The Term 'Negro'
The Army updated controversial regulations Thursday that had said it
was acceptable to refer to African-American service members as "Negro."
As CNN first reported, the Army's Oct. 22 "Army Command Policy"
document contained a section on "race and ethnic code definitions,"
which read, "A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of
Africa. Terms such as 'Haitian' or 'Negro' can be used in addition to
'Black' or 'African American.'"
In a statement, Army spokesman Lt. Col. S. Justin Platt confirmed that
the Army updated its regulation and apologized for the old version.
"The U.S. Army fully recognized, and promptly acted, to remove
outdated language in Army Regulation 600-20 as soon as it was brought
to our attention," said Platt. "The Army takes pride in sustaining a culture
where all personnel are treated with dignity and respect. In fact, the
section in question outlined the Army's commitment to "provide (equal
opportunity) and fair treatment for military personnel and Family members without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, and
provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive
behavior. We apologize to anyone we offended."
On Wednesday, Platt had told CNN that the racial definitions were
"outdated, currently under review, and will be updated shortly."
The U.S. Census Bureau also announced last year that it would no longer
use the term "Negro" on its forms as of 2014. The term had been in use
since 1900.
The Army came under fire this year from many African-American
women service members when it issued updated rules regarding acceptable female hairstyles. Popular black hairstyles, such as braids and twists,
were called "matted" and "unkempt." In August, Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel announced the Army was revising the rules to once again
allow those hairstyles.
Black College Monthly November 2014
Is Farrakhan planning to take on record labels? I hope he does
My friend Chuck Creekmur runs Allhiphop.com, one
of the leading hip-hop news websites in the country.
I love remaining connected to the site because I truly
believe that if we are to critique hip-hop music, we
should be able to understand and appreciate it. It is
the lack of attention paid to the subtleties of the music
that can often cause people to throw the baby out
with the bathwater.
by Dr Boyce
One example is a debate that took place in England in
2012, where a seemingly simple premise was laid on
the table for evaluation. The premise was the
following: Hip-hop doesn’t enhance society, it
degrades it.
I loved the people in the debate, but I absolutely hated the question. To ask
whether hip-hop degrades society is like asking if fire burns children. Of
course it does, but that doesn’t mean fire is always a bad thing or that fire
should be banned altogether.
To assess a force as powerful as hiphop, you must show respect to the
complexity and power of the genre,
and not try to lump every artist into
one category. It’s like the difference
between police addressing crime in
the black community vs locking up
every black man who looks suspicious. Part of the logical resentment
of hip-hop artists toward those who
challenge the music is driven by the
fact that many of its greatest critics
don’t take the time to understand it.
That’s why people like Chuck D,
Dee-1, Vigalantee and others are so
important to the debate.
The enemy to hip-hop is not the
genre itself. The real problem is the bastardization of hip-hop that has been
taken over by major corporations and morphed into a tool of self-destruction
for young black teenagers. I received an email the other day from a Chicago
artist who was deeply frustrated by the fact that there is a great deal of diversity in the underground hip-hop scene of Chicago, yet violent coonery is always
being chosen for promotion by major corporations.
When you see this happening, you have to ask yourself, “Why do companies
choose to promote violent, ignorant music with weak lyrical content, instead of
brilliant artists like Immortal Technique, who has millions of fans with no major
You might also ask, “Who’s pulling the strings on this puppet? Is it the artist
himself/herself or the label?”
In fact, the recent minstrel show performance by the rapper Bobby Shmurda in
front of the (mostly white) staff at Epic records might be considered an epic
example of exactly how black men have become entangled in the lyrical noose
of corporations that love to promote the very worst of us and shun the very
best of us. A black man won’t get much attention from mainstream media by
being an intelligent, thoughtful and law-abiding citizen. He is typically going to
be rewarded for behaving like a stereotype.
According to Allhiphop.com, Min Louis Farrakhan may be taking on record
labels as well. I have yet to confirm this with the minister myself, and I’ll do
that as soon as I can. However, I thought that I might think out loud about the
gravity of Farrakhan’s presence in this conversation and how meaningful it
would be to so many people.
Farrakhan is one of the few strong black men left in the American public eye.
He’s not weighed down by an addiction to white-owned media outlets or
institutions, he makes his own money and he operates with a kind of political
sovereignty that doesn’t exist for most black public figures. He’s not trying to
get a TV show, teach at a university or get a corporation to sponsor him. As a
result, Farrakhan is allowed to express his manhood in ways that many famous
black men cannot. This is very important for the black community, because
nearly every famous black person in America has heavily depended on whites
to give him his/her power and wealth (stop and think for a second: How
many famous black people do you know who don’t work for white people or
depend on them to get their money/power? How does this affect their
Farrakhan has also shown, through a very consistent commitment to people
of color, a love for young black people that helps him to escape the standard
“Uncle Tom” criticism that might be thrust onto someone who challenges the
problems of hip-hop music. When you show love for black people, you’re
also allowed to criticize them. This is why Min. Farrakhan and Stephen A.
Smith can say the same thing, but the words would have an entirely different
interpretation. You shouldn’t be challenging black people if you aren’t willing
to confront white people too. Most black people on TV are afraid to criticize
white people.
All Hip Hop mentions Atlantic Records as one of the primary culprits in all of
this and I agree. There are also other
record labels that seek to harm young
black people by promoting destructive messages. There are the media
outlets that labels partner with to
dumb down the public with unproductive, harmful messages.
Shortly after the Million Man March
many years ago, there was a consistent effort by the Clinton Administration to shut down local urban radio
stations and allow them to be replaced by conglomerates like Clear
Channel who only mass produce the
same messages to every city in
America. As a result, black people
aren’t going to get relevant, thoughtful commentary on their
airwaves…..they will instead get
“The Breakfast Club” out of New York or the same 20 songs being replayed
in every city in the country. This has set our people back about 60 years.
If you want just one of many, many, many examples of all that’s going wrong
with hip-hop, consider this verse from the song 3-Peat by the rapper Lil
I might go crazy on these n*ggas I dont give a motherf*ck Run up in the
n*gga house and shoot his grandmother up, what! What? I dont give a
motherf*ck get cha baby kidnapped And ya baby motherf*cked
I don’t know about anyone else reading this, but I am personally sickened
with the idea of black males being mass marketed as brutal monsters who
might come into your house and kill your grandmother or your child. We
cannot disconnect the determined marketing of black men as thugs from the
fact that police often fear black men when they encounter them on the street.
If you’re brainwashed into telling the world that you’re some kind of a wild
animal, then don’t be surprised when people treat you like one. We have to
tell a different story.
Here’s another interesting point that Dr. Leah Gunning-Francis brought up to
me the other day. She mentioned that if a record label were to release a
song featuring a rapper who loved murdering dogs, the song would not be
allowed on the air. But if that same artist were to release a song about how
he loves to “shoot and murder n*ggaz,” that song might win a Grammy.
So, I ask you: At what point are we going to realize that these record labels
value the lives of black men less than dogs?
Maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the genocide. There is a consistent war
against black people, and much of it is based on propaganda.
Dr Boyce Watkins is a Finance PhD and author of the lecture series,
“Commercialized hip-hop: The gospel of self-destruction.”
Black College Monthly November 2014
Mia Love, the Obama of the Republican Party?
By Michael Thurston
She has also rapidly drawn
comparisons with Barack
Obama, not least since she
wowed her party's 2012
national convention with a
tale of rags-to-politicalriches, much like the young
Senator Obama did in
"Many of the naysayers out
there said that Utah would
never elect a black Republican LDS woman to
Congress," she said at her
victory rally, referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons.
"Not only did we do it, we were the first to do it," said the 38-year-old, who was
previously mayor of Saratoga Springs, a city 35 miles (56 kilometers) south of Salt
Lake City.
Born Ludmya Bourdeau in Brooklyn to Haitian-American parents, Love catapulted
herself into Washington's political spotlight by winning the Mormon-dominated
western US state's Fourth Congressional District.
Love's parents came from Haiti in the mid-1970s, and she recalls in interviews how
her father at times took second jobs cleaning toilets to pay for school for their three
She graduated from the University of Hartford, Connecticut with a degree in Fine
Arts. A Catholic by upbringing, she found the Mormon faith before finding her white
Mormon husband Jason Love.
Mia Love on what it means to win the election Play video
Mia Love on what it means to win the election
Love is a minority in both her state and church: barely one percent of Utahans are
black or African American, while only an estimated three percent of Mormons are.
Mormons make up about 60 percent of Utah's population.
She is fond of recalling what her father told her on her day of college orientation:
"Mia, your mother and I never took a handout. You will not be a burden to society.
You will give back," she notes on her own website.
Love made headlines when she took the stage at the 2012 Republican National
Convention in Tampa, Florida -- which nominated Mitt Romney, also a Mormon, as
its presidential nominee.
"My parents immigrated to the US with 10 dollars in their pocket, believing that the
America they had heard about really did exist," she told the crowd.
"When times got tough they didn't look to Washington, they looked within."
Damon Cann, politics professor at Utah State University, said Love is bound for
greater things in Washington.
"Since the election of Barack Obama, the Republicans have been more serious about
trying to showcase the diversity within the Republican Party," he told the Salt Lake
"And Mia Love is potentially the poster child for diversity in the party," he added.
Despite proclaiming her first-black-Republican-congresswoman credentials in her
victory speech Tuesday night, Love was keen Wednesday to downplay suggestions
that her race or gender won the election.
"I wasn't elected because of the color of my skin, I wasn't elected because of my
gender," she told CNN in an interview.
"Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they're not interested in
dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they
are electing people who are honest and who have integrity.
"That's really what made history here. Race, gender had nothing to do with it."
Law in the Library
Gainesville, Fla. - The Alachua County Library District is
partnering with the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association
to present Law in the Library: Bankruptcy on Monday, Dec.
1, 6 p.m. at Headquarters Library, 401 E. University Avenue.
Sharon Sperling, Esq., will discuss bankruptcy law in Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. She will
explain how debt reorganization or discharge of debts can
provide much needed financial relief, allowing people to
achieve economic stability. Law in the Library is free and
open to the public. No registration is required.
Law in the Library series also includes:
Restoration of Civil Rights Workshop - Attorneys from Josiah T.
Walls Bar Association and law students from the University of Florida
Levin College will provide one-on-one assistance to persons who
have been convicted of a felony and are interested in applying to
have their civil rights restored. If civil rights are restored an applicant
will have the right to vote, sit on a jury and hold public office.
Thursday, November 6, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Cone Park Branch, 2841A E.
University Avenue, Gainesville
Tuesday, December 2, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Tower Road Branch, 3020 SW
75 Street, Gainesville
Estate Planning - Parker Lawrence, Esq. will discuss estate planning
basics. His presentation will address titling assets, protections given
to homestead property, elective share for a disinherited spouse, wills
versus trusts, consequences of not having a will and probate.
May 11, 6 p.m., Millhopper Branch, 3145 NW 43 Street, Gainesville
During these free presentations experienced attorneys and professionals share their knowledge on a variety of pertinent legal issues.
Also, free legal resources are available in the John A.H. Murphree
Law Library located at Headquarters Library. Resources include the
Florida Bar Journal (2009 to present), Florida Cases, Florida Law
Weekly, the Florida Statutes plus the Nolo’s small business essentials
series and the WestLawNext (only available at Headquarters) and
Gale Legal Forms databases.
For additional information, please visit www.aclib.us/law or contact
Nickie Kortus, nkortus@aclib.us, or (352) 334-3909 or Jan Bendik,
Esq., at jan.bendik@trls.org or (352) 372-0519.
If a person with a disability needs an accommodation in order to participate in this event he or she is entitled, at no cost to him or her, to the
provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Alachua County Library District at 352-334-3910 at least three (3) days prior to the event.
TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
Black College Monthly
Editor & Publisher
Charles E. Goston
President and CEO - Charles E. Goston
National Offices Florida and Georgia
Advertising rates on request.
To Advertise or contact Black Colege Monthly
Phone # 1-352 335 - 5771
e-mail bcft2bcm@gru.net
“Its more than a College Magazine”
Black College Monthly November 2014
By Mayor Daisy Black
Floyd quits as
party's leader
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: "Voting is
the foundation stone for political action." This
was a rallying call for African Americans during
the civil rights era that led to African Americans
getting involved in the political process and being
heard. This was also the challenge given to them
to overturn voter suppression at its core.
Chuck Floyd has resigned as chairman of the
Alachua County Democratic Executive Committee, saying he is not up to the rigors of this
year's election season.
Can African Americans voters unite behind the Florida
Democratic Party?
The committee will meet on June 9 to pick a
replacement for Floyd, who was elected to a
four-year term in 2000.
Today, there is still talk of black voter suppression
in Florida. Some Blacks feel there is truth to this
and the suppression is not just from the republicans , but democrats as well.
The Florida Democratic Party relies heavily on its
clubs and caucuses to help get out the vote in
partnership with their respective county democratic executive committees. Statewide, there are
over 150 democratic clubs and caucuses chartered
under the Florida Democratic Party. The Florida
Democratic Party Clubs and Caucuses' committee
recertifies these groups every odd year so that
they can be ready for the even year elections.
One of the longest chartered caucuses is the
Democratic Black Caucus of Florida, which was
organized in 1981 at the Florida Democratic Party
convention in Hollywood, Florida, and chartered
three years later by the Florida Democratic Party.
Since 1984, the Florida Democratic Black Caucus
has been a staple in getting candidates elected in
Florida. African American voter percentages
average over 80% of the democratic vote in
Unfortunately, now, there is a serious issue and
political turmoil in the Democratic Black Caucus
of Florida's state caucus. The belief of some
blacks in the Democratic Black caucus is that the
Democratic Party is taking the African American
vote for granted. In order to reduce this turmoil,
the leadership at the Florida Democratic Party, the
new elected leadership in the Democratic Black
Caucus and the chair of Florida Democratic
Party's Clubs AND CAUCUSES have to realize
that they must sit down with the total Democratic
Black Caucus membership and regain their trust.
Many black caucus members from large counties
feel they are being ignored by these three entities
and in particular, the chair of the Clubs and
caucuses committee that charters the county
chapters. Numerous written correspondences and
phone calls to the Florida Democratic Party chair
and chair of clubs and caucuses have been ignored
and c omplaints dismissed when no clear action
has been put forth to resolve the turmoil.
There's also the concern that the Florida Democratic Party's support of the new elected Democratic Black Caucus president gave him an unfair
advantage when two other candidates were in the
Since the new Democratic Black Caucus president was elected on April 27, 2013, nine months
ago, not one Democratic Black Caucus county
chapter has been recertified to date. New roadblocks, in the guise of assessments, have been
implemented by the new Democratic Black
Caucus president to keep chapters that don't
support his new directives from being recertified.
Its ironic, that all of the other Florida democratic
party clubs and caucuses have been recertified
using the standard guidelines outlined in the
bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party. Only
the black caucus chapters are being denied
recertification. One assessment By the Black
Caucus President required county caucuses to
get their chapter's bank signature cards and turn
them over to the new him. What's that all about?
Is this even legal. Maybe a call to the FDLIC is
in order.
The new Democratic Black Caucus president
has told the Democratic Black Caucus executive
board he wanted to change the name and direction of the organization to handle civil rights
violations that investigate police misconduct. He
implemented a new program call the "Speaker's
Tour." GOTV (Get Out The Vote) has been
placed on the back burner and the goals of the
Democratic Black Caucus are not being addressed. I cringe to think of what the surviving
founding members of this organization must be
thinking after they fought so hard for African
Americans to have a voice in the Florida Democratic Party.
We are now eight months away from the 2014
primary election and the turmoil is still evident in
the Democratic Black Caucus. Complaints are
falling on deaf hears with the Florida Democratic
Party, Clubs and caucus committee chair and the
Democratic Black Caucus.
Die Hard members of the Democratic Black
Caucus stand behind a quote of President Nelson
Mandela: "What happens when differences
arise? We address them, discuss them on merit,
persuade one another and reach a consensus. If
the Florida Democratic Party does not want to
address the turmoil and distrust coming from the
members of the Democratic Black Caucus of
Florida against them, then we can answer the
question ourselves of can African Americans
voters unite behind the Florida Democratic
Party?. The answer will be a resounding NO!
Daisy Black was elected Mayor of the Village
of El Portal on November 2, 2010and is Past
President, Democratic Black Caucus of Florida
"I just don't have the energy level, and my
doctor said I don't need all this stress," said
Floyd, 69, a retired medical records director,
from Gainesville. "They need somebody that
has more energy to put into this than I have
because this is going to be probably the most
important presidential race of my lifetime."
Floyd said he timed his resignation to ensure
that no disruption will occur in the party as the
elections heat up in summer and fall. With the
June 9 vote for a new chairman, Floyd's
successor will be in place when the party opens
its election headquarters in downtown
Gainesville on July 1.
Alachua City Commissioner Bonnie Burgess is
vice chairman. She described Floyd as a
"dynamic leader" and said she is willing to
follow him as chair, but adding it will take a
vote of the committee to decide.
Among the accomplishments cited by Floyd
during his term is boosting the party's coffers.
The party now has about $30,000 in the bank.
He added he will remain a member of the
committee and active in the party.
"I've been involved with the (committee) for
about 10 years. I was treasurer for four years
and then elected chair. I think things have
worked out well. When I started as chair, we
didn't have a penny. Then we started those
wonderful fund-raisers and now we have quite
a lot of money," Floyd said. "I got the award as
the outstanding chair in the state in 2002. So
Alachua County is recognized as having one of
the best (committees) in the state."
Party activist Alex Patton of Gainesville, sales
manager for Cox Media, lauded Floyd for the
work he has done as chair. Patton said party
members have spoken to him about the
chairmanship, adding he will give consideration
to it during a vacation in Scotland next week.
"I'm very sad. Chuck has been recognized as
one of the best chairs in the state," Patton said.
"I've had a couple of people approach me
about it, but it is a time commitment and there
are other things I would have to pare down.
Somebody who does this is going to have to
have the time and get real geared up for the
presidential election."
African American Voters Guide July 2014
10 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
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14 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
GSU grateful of fan support, but goals remain the same
Tigers still have eyes set on SWAC title
haven't done in a while, and I think they are very
hungry," Ware said.
GRAMBLING – Grambling's football program has
an unwritten rule inside its locker room — don't
look at the standings.
There's still always some level of concern when
dealing with such young players as Fobbs alludes
to each week, which is why he'll never remove the
words 'trap game' from his vocabulary.
As far as the Tigers are concerned, they're 0-0
despite their name atop the Southwestern Athletic
Conference leaderboard with a 5-0 conference
"The mindset for me is always to be tough on
them and really help them to understand there's a
certain way we have to play and they have to
continue to reach that bar," Fobbs said.
Try telling that to the rapid fan base of
Gramblinites who spent the last week congratulating players and coaches on their season so far.
Internally, they've accomplished nothing until a
championship trophy sits in Grambling's case next
to the one from 2011.
"They understand it's not over and it's not going to
be over until we're standing there in Houston at
the end of the season with the SWAC Championship trophy above our head," Grambling
cornerbacks coach Bryan Ware said.
Grambling spent the last week on a bye, a time
during which the staff recruited and gave players a
long weekend off, maybe too long for their minds
to drift away.
Grambling coach Broderick Fobbs didn't seem too
worried Monday, though, making note to the
rigorous practice schedule the Tigers would be on
this week.
"We're going to make it very tough because we
want to make sure after a long vacation and a long
weekend of getting pats on the back, we want to
make sure they're sober-minded," Fobbs said.
The whole 'sober-minded' approach was Fobbs'
message Monday.
Fobbs' mentality serves Grambling's culture well
There's a fine line between embracing success and
distancing from it at the same time.
Fobbs said the outpouring of support and positive
feedback has almost been overwhelming at times,
but if there's anything he learned from his playing
days it's to always stay even-keeled.
"You start feeding into a lot of pats on the back
and then you become a different player and a
different person and a different coach," Fobbs
said. "For me, it's all about making sure we remain
humble and keeping our players at that mindset
and really continuing the path in which we are on."
That path contains four more regular season
games until a potential date in Houston for the
SWAC title. Grambling travels to Texas Southern
this weekend and Mississippi Valley State the
following weekend before returning back to
Louisiana for its final home game against Alabama
State on Nov 15. The Tigers wrap up the season
in the annual Bayou Classic against Southern on
Nov. 29 in New Orleans.
"Unless you're sneaking in looking at the overall
record, we're not talking about it. We're talking
about TSU. And after TSU we'll talk about
whomever is next," Grambling offensive line
coach Reginald Nelson said. "There's no sense in
it. The bottom line is the only way you're going to
end up in Houston in December is to win each
The strict discipline is what has transformed
Grambling into its current state. Players figuratively come hungry to the football complex in the
morning and leave hungry at night.
Ware even pointed to an example of his two senior
defensive backs — LeAndre Vallot and Tyree
Hollins — who stayed behind over the weekend to
watch extra film.
"They are on the verge of doing something they
GSU extends win
streak to six straight
Grambling State ran its win streak to six Saturday with a 35-7 win over Texas Southern at
BBVA Stadium in Houston.
The Tigers (6-3, 6-0 in SWAC) who won for
the first time at Texas Southern since 2008.
La-Lafayette 19, South Alabama 9: At
Lafayette, Elijah McGuire rushed for 116 yards
and a touchdown to lead the Cajuns to a win
over South Alabama.
McGuire extended Louisiana-Lafayette's 12-9
advantage with an 8-yard touchdown with 5:01
remaining in the game.
South Alabama went up 9-3 in the second
quarter after Brandon Bridge connected with
Jereme Jones for a 12-yard touchdown pass,
but Louisiana-Lafayette responded with three
unanswered field goals by Hunter Stover.
Terrence Broadway completed 16 of 28 passes
for 216 yards and rushed for 54 yards on 11
carries for Louisiana-Lafayette (5-3, 4-0 Sun
Belt). McGuire also caught nine passes for 90
Bridge was 16-of-27 passing for 177 yards for
South Alabama and Shavarez Smith had eight
receptions for 116 yards, including a 58-yarder.
Black College Monthly November 2014
Fobbs' mentality serves
Grambling's culture well
Grambling overcomes MVSU,
sprinkler malfunction for win
If a student were to take a
class at Grambling State
University, the last person
they'd want marking up their
papers is head football coach
Broderick Fobbs.
Grambling’s rise is in part due to Fobbs’ fixation on the firstyear head coach incorporating the many principles he learned
from the late Eddie Robinson – a man he played under in the
“There is not any secret formula,” he said. “We just believe in
doing the things the right way.”
“Everything we do comes from Eddie Robinson. Everything
that comes out of my mouth, quotes that deal with Coach
Robinson… the way we go about doing things is the way he
went about doing things.”
The first-year coach is a stingy
grader, to say the least, which
is further proof that he expects
top-notch quality from his
players in order to place a
successful product on the field.
After Grambling's first spring
game under Fobbs, he gave his
team a C+ grade. Then after a
28-21 win over Alcorn State,
the Tigers' biggest since 2011
when they won the SWAC title
over Alabama A&M, Fobbs
nonchalantly gave out a Bgrade.
The former Carroll High
School product took it even a
step further this past weekend after a 63-39 beatdown of Arkansas-Pine Bluff resulted in a 'B-/C+'
Fobbs had to stop for a minute, but then got back to business. The grade wasn't meant to be insulting, it was a mere indication his team can put up 63 points and he still won't be satisfied.
Grambling shrugged off a fast start by Mississippi Valley State and a delay to the game to
notch its seventh straight win of the season 3823.
The Tigers improved to 7-3 on the year and 60 in SWAC play, but it did not come easy as
MVSU jumped out to a 14-0 lead after one
quarter of play.
The game was delayed in the second quarter
after the sprinklers at Rice-Totten Stadium
unexpectedly went off with a little less than
five minutes left in the first half.
Grambling-Mississippi Valley State game
interrupted by ill-timed sprinklers
At the time of the delay, the Tigers had scored
their first
and took a
21-14 lead
into halftime
after scoring
two more in
the final five
minutes of
the second
the Delta
Devils 17-9
after halftime for the
"We don't look at what we've done," Fobbs said after Saturday's win. "We enjoy it for a day. After
the day, we focus on the next play and the next day. We haven't done anything at all. We have some
quality opponents up ahead of us and we gotta be ready. That's just the way it is."
When building a program, Fobbs is right. Win a game and move on.
His players have bought in, too.
"We have a bunch of players that are hungry who do not want to go back to what we have been
through from last year," said senior Tyree Hollins.
FCS Coaches Poll
It remains to be seen what performance will result in a solid grade from Fobbs, but it's safe to
assume it involves the word 'juice.'
Each week, Fobbs uses it to describe how his team plays from start to finish. If they give full effort,
the juice is 100 percent pure, not that kind of canned stuff from concentrate. If the effort is half
there, Fobbs wants no business tasting the juice.
"We have to play with energy and juice," Fobbs said. "To me, we have to play better. We have to
play harder."
As long as he sees the effort, he'll sleep a happy man.
After all, that's the type of coach it has taken to turn an ailing program into a contender for the
SWAC title.
There haven't been many secret recipes, there's no trick play and there's no All-American transfer —
these are the same players that finished 1-10 in 2013 yet took Fobbs' message and direction to heart
to realize their talent could be displayed in a much more effective way.
And it has.
"I say every week scratch where it itches and I'm a firm believer in that," Fobbs said. "I don't believe
in just practicing to practice. I'm a firmer believer in focusing on those mistakes because anytime you
have things that are glaring, it tells you what you need to work on. We set the bar real high and our
kids are trying to achieve that."
With Grambling on a bye this week, Fobbs will look for continued improvement on both offense and
defense before traveling to Texas Southern. Despite the outpouring of points, the Tigers' defense still
allowed 39 points and 570 yards of total offense.
"We just gotta corral these guys and continue to work," Fobbs said. "I'm tough on them. Our staff is
tough on them. These kids are really buying in. I'm really excited for them."
North Dakota State (9-0)
Coastal Carolina (9-0)
New Hampshire (7-1)
Jacksonville State (7-1)
Eastern Washington (8-2)
McNeese State (6-2)
Villanova (7-2)
Richmond (7-2)
Fordham (8-1)
Montana (6-3)
Chattanooga (6-3)
Illinois State (7-1)
Youngstown State (7-2)
Southeastern Louisiana (6-3)
Eastern Kentucky (8-1)
Montana State (6-3)
Harvard (7-0)
Bethune-Cookman (8-2)
Indiana State (6-3)
UNI (5-4)
Bryant (7-1)
South Dakota State (5-4)
Cal Poly (6-3)
Southern Illinois (5-4)
Black College Monthly November 2014
16 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
SU's "Human Jukebox" Marching Band will “March On”
to the 13th Annual Honda Battle of the Bands Invitational
"Honda congratulates the eight
bands selected to
participate in the
Showcase and
thanks all of the
schools, students,
alumni and fans
that participated in
the process leading
to Atlanta," said
Morikawa, Assistant Vice President, Corporate
Southern University's
"Human Jukebox" Marching Band will join a select
group of the nation's most
prestigious marching
bands representing
America's Historically
Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCU) to
participate in the 13th
annual "Honda Battle of
the Bands" Invitational
The eight participating
bands will take the
Georgia Dome by storm
on Jan. 24, 2015, when
they showcase their incredible
musical talent and electrifying showmanship in front of tens of thousands
in Atlanta, Ga.
Southern will receive a $20,000 grant
from Honda to support its music
education programs, plus travel to
and accommodations in Atlanta for
the Invitational Showcase.
The Southern's marching band has
long been considered one of the best
college marching bands in the country. In 2013 the NCAA selected
Southern as the second best college
marching band in America. Earlier
this year, HBCUDigest selected
Southern's band as best HBCU band
in the nation.
"This is another great honor for our
university, the marching band, our
dedicated students members and
band staff," said Director of Bands
Nathan Haymer. "To be included
among these great marching band is
humbling. We hope that our performance will be one that our make our
students and the Jaguar Nation
The eight bands performing at this
year's Invitational Showcase include:
Alabama State University, Mighty
Marching Hornets (Southwestern
Athletic Conference)
Bethune-Cookman University,
Marching Wildcats (Mid-Eastern
Athletic Conference)
Howard University, Showtime
Marching Band (Mid-Eastern
Athletic Conference); performing
at Honda Battle of the Bands for
the first time
Jackson State University, Sonic
Boom of the South (Southwestern
Athletic Conference)
North Carolina A&T University,
Blue and Gold Marching Machine
(Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference)
Southern University, Human
Jukebox (Southwestern Athletic
Talladega College, Marching
Tornado Band (Gulf Coast
Athletic Conference); performing
at Honda Battle of the Bands for
the first time
Tennessee State University,
Aristocrat of Bands (Ohio Valley
Tickets to the Honda Battle of the
Bands are available for purchase
now on
tickets, starting at just $10.
Southern's band will be facing east
at this year's performance.
This year's theme, "March On,"
serves as a reminder to students and
fans that life on and off the field is a
journey, and no matter the challenge, the dream or what may lie
ahead, learning never stops as long
as you commit to "March On."
Relations, American Honda Motor Co.,
Inc. "Honda is committed to supporting
education at HBCUs by investing in
their programs and providing a platform
aimed at helping students realize what
Honda calls The Power of Dreams."
The 2015 Invitational Showcase will
feature the first-ever Honda Battle of
the Bands Power of Dreams Award.
Southern will have the opportunity to
nominate an outstanding member of our
community who is working to help
students achieve their dreams. Honda
will then select a winner who will be
recognized in Atlanta at the 2015
Honda Battle of the Bands Invitational
Southern 28, Alabama State 21
Austin Howard threw two touchdown
passes and ran for another to lead the
Jaguars to a victory over Alabama
Howard's 9-yard touchdown run gave
the Jaguars the lead for good with
9:20 remaining. The Hornets couldn't
answer when three fourth quarter
drives stalled in their own territory.
Howard threw an 18-yard TD pass to
Willie Quinn, and connected with
Reggie Travis for a 23-yard score as Southern took an 18-14 lead with 9:29
to play in the third quarter. Greg Pittman kicked his third, 40-yard field goal
to stretch Southern's lead to seven.
Alabama State (4-5, 3-4 Southwestern Athletic Conference) tied it at 21 early
in the fourth quarter when Daniel Duhart connected with Wyndell Archie on a
31-yard touchdown pass.
Southern (6-3, 5-1) has won four straight, but couldn't gain ground on West
Division leader Grambling State.
Jersey of former Southern star Bobby Phills
returns to Charlotte rafters
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Bobby Phills’ retired No. 13 jersey has returned to Charlotte.
The Hornets raised Phills’ jersey to the rafters at their downtown arena during a ceremony at halftime of Saturday
night’s game against the Memphis Grizzlies.
His widow, Kendall Phills, said: “I’m humbled
and filled with unspeakable joy for all of you
bringing Bobby’s jersey back home.”
Phills’ jersey was originally raised at the Charlotte Coliseum on Feb. 9, 2000, following his
death in an automobile accident. When the
Hornets moved to New Orleans, his retired
jersey went with the team. Now that the Hornets are back, so too is Phills’ jersey.
Members of Phills’ family, his former coach
Paul Silas and former teammates David Wesley,
Todd Fuller and Chucky Brown were present
for the celebration.
Black College Monthly November 2014
Southern draws inspiration from young J.J. Walker
and his fight against brain cancer
Southern football coach Dawson Odums and
his players speak proudly of the team’s
ability to overcome adversity.
a brother, just letting him know that we’re
here for you and, whatever we can do to put a
smile on your face, we’re willing to do as a
The Jaguars have seen numerous teammates
sidelined — some temporarily and some for
the season — because of injury and academic certification issues
Odums assigned fullback Brian McCain, a
senior and team captain, to be J.J.’s big
brother on the team.
They overcame a 20-point second-half
deficit to win an important game by a point at
AlabamaA&M three weeks ago.
McCain said he enjoys “mentoring the youth
in general” and has “made sure I don’t take
that position for granted.”
They have navigated a road-heavy schedule to
enter November in control of their destiny in
an attempt to repeat as Southwestern Athletic
Conference champions.
McCain, Mosley and two more Jaguars went
to J.J.’s school, Bains Elementary, to
celebrate J.J.’s last day of chemo March 24.
But when the players run onto the field at
A.W. Mumford Stadium for their game
against Alabama State, they’ll be led and
inspired by 11-year-old James Leon Walker
Jr., who has overcome adversity that far
exceeds anything found on a football field.
Honorary member of the Southern University football team, James
“JJ” Walker, 11. left holds up a New Orleans Saimts jersey that was
given him Southern Alum Thomas Cain before kickoff against
Alabama State
Walker, known as J.J. to his family, friends, the Southern team and pretty much everybody in his hometown of
St. Francisville, isn’t quite 5-foot but stands much taller
than that in the eyes of his adoptive team.
At age 8, he was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic
pontine glioma (DIPG), an aggressive form of brain
cancer that affects children almost exclusively and
claims the lives of 90 percent of its victims within two
years of diagnosis.
“It opens up your eyes,” Jaguars offensive lineman
Anthony Mosley said, “because if this little man with a
big heart can handle one of the world’s deadliest
cancers, then we can overcome anything. We shouldn’t
have an excuse for anything because J.J. didn’t give up.”
J.J. was diagnosed with DIPG 2 years and 7 months ago.
He’s now symptom-free and not undergoing any
“It’s a remarkable story,” said Dr. Alberto Broniscer,
who has treated J.J. since his arrival at St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee,
in the spring of 2012.
The reality is that J.J. still has “an abnormality” that
shows up on the MRIs that he undergoes every three
months, including his most recent one Oct. 20. But so
far, it’s not getting bigger.
“If it starts to grow,” said Denise Freeman, J.J.’s mother,
“it will be more aggressive than it was at first.”
But so far, the degree of success in J.J.’s treatment as
been “very, very rare,” Broniscer said.
J.J.’s saga began in February 2012, a little more than a
year after he began playing linebacker on the West
Feliciana little league team. He developed a fever and
started vomiting. Freeman thought he had a virus, an
opinion J.J.’s primary care physician shared.
“Usually when J.J. gets sick, he’ll bounce back just like
that,” Freeman said. “But I started noticing there was
something different about his eyes. The teachers started
noticing. They said J.J. would just sit there and stare. He
had this glare in his eyes and he said, ‘Mama, I’m seeing
double. I can barely see the board at school.’ ”
J.J. also was becoming lethargic and lying around the
“That’s not like J.J.,” Freeman said. “We usually have
to call him in.”
When she took J.J. to the doctor a third time, and he
had J.J. put his arms out and try to take basic steps
without grabbing on to anything to aid his balance.
“J.J. couldn’t do it,” she said. “He tried four times and
each time he fell to the side.”
J.J. had surgery to insert a shunt that drained fluid that
was building up on his brain and affecting his vision
and balance.
The continued accumulation of fluid could have been
life-threatening, Broniscer said, but the shunt allowed
the fluid to drain through J.J.’s stomach.
At that point, J.J. was forced to give up football
because the contact could be devastating. After J.J.
recuperated for a few days at Our Lady of the Lake,
the family took him to St. Jude for treatment.
J.J. underwent six weeks of aggressive radiation and
began a two-year clinical trial with a chemotherapy
pill called Crenolanib. Freeman said the experimental
treatment was done to “buy us time.”
“They were saying anywhere from six to nine
months,” she said. “Even if a child makes it to a year,
the percent is low, so J.J. is truly a miracle.”
“We lived (at St. Jude) for two months,” said J.J.’s
father, James Leon Walker Sr. “And I kept telling my
son, ‘We’re not waiting in the dark. God is going to
make a way for us to see the light,’ and He has seen us
through. Look at J.J. now. I told my son this: You’re
my hero.”
When J.J. finished radiation at St. Jude, the family
returned to St. Francisville, and Freeman started
looking for ways to keep J.J. close to football. First
stop was West Feliciana High, where coach Robb
Odom and his players immediately welcomed J.J. as
an honorary team captain.
Last spring, Freeman and J.J.’s father went to see
Odums, who said he was “intrigued” by J.J.’s story.
Odums immediately made J.J. a part of the team,
going so far as to have a mock signing of scholarship
papers before spring practice this year.
“We were signing him to a commitment to being part
of the Jags,” Odums said. “We were signing him on as
St. Francisville held “J.J.’s Day” to honor him
May 25, just five days after his birthday, each
of the last two years. Odums brought his wife
and daughters to the celebration this year.
“It was like a birthday party,” J.J. said.
Freeman has been the catalyst for J.J. also becoming
an honorary member of the St. Francisville Police
Department, the West Feliciana Fire Dapartment and
the West Feliciana Sheriff’s Office and K-9 unit.
“All of these different organizations I’ve talked to
about J.J., it’s to lift his spirit up,” she said, “but it’s
also to get the awareness out there. That’s my main
thing — to get childhood cancer awareness out there
and let his story be known and let it be an inspiration
to others, because he’s definitely been an inspiration
to us.
J.J.’s family established the James Leon Walker Jr.
benefit account at Whitney Bank to help pay travel
expenses. The family already has made more than a
dozen trips to St. Jude.
Freeman’s crusade has brought her in contact with
several cancer support groups. Kim Bowman and her
husband, Trey, started the Bella Bowman Foundation
in honor of their daughter, who was diagnosed with
brain cancer in early 2011 and eventually succumbed
to a rare side effect — brain stem necrosis — from
the proton radiation she received. The foundation
helps families such as J.J.’s.
The foundation arranged for J.J. and his family to get
the red-carpet treatment at the LSU-Kentucky game
in Tiger Stadium less than 48 hours before J.J.’s most
recent trip to St. Jude. J.J. had his picture taken with
coach Les Miles and his family, several players and
the cheerleaders. He even scored a pair of wristbands
from quarterback Brandon Harris.
“To see that smile on J.J.’s face from beginning to
end,” Freeman said, “it was priceless.”
J.J., like any 11-year-old, can be shy, but his smile has
stuck with those who have met him.
“I’ve never seen J.J. without a smile on his face,”
Bowman said.
Now that J.J. has left his mark throughout West
Feliciana Parish and at Southern and LSU, Freeman
has set her sights on the Mercedes-Benz Superdome
for the Bayou Classic between Southern and
Grambling on Nov. 29.
“I’m just praying that he gets a chance to lead them on
the field at the Bayou Classic,” she said. “That’s one
of my wishes for him.”
Black College Monthly November 2014
18 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
FAMU falls on homecoming
Fans irked by coaching change
By Iliana Limón Romero,
the ball at the Rattlers' 5-yard line and Norfolk State
(4-5, 4-1 MEAC) recovered. The Spartans would
earn the game-winning score three plays later on an
8-yard touchdown pass. The team missed the extra
point, taking the 12-10 lead with 6:20 left in the
FAMU capped a tumultuous
week by falling 12-10 to
Norfolk State on homecoming
After FAMU leaders fired
coach Earl Holmes, late
miscues cost the Rattlers a
homecoming win
Florida A&M quarterback
Damien Fleming called the
firing of coach Earl Holmes
four days before the Rattlers’
homecoming game “a devastating loss.”
The game drew an announced crowd of 18,663
fans, with some voicing their frustration about the
abrupt coaching change.
Former state Sen. Al Lawson, a FAMU graduate
whose name is on the school's arena, called the
coaching change "disrespectful" during a booster
club meeting, according to the Democrat.
FAMU quarterback Damien Fleming and the Rattlers
have struggled this season.
The hits kept coming for Fleming and the Rattlers
(2-7, 2-3 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference), who
have little time left this season to earn wins and
positive momentum before their matchup with
rival Bethune-Cookman in the Florida Classic
Nov. 22.
FAMU was on the verge of securing a muchneeded homecoming win Saturday, but a quarterback sneak came up short to cap a frustrating
week for the Rattlers. The team rallied despite
FAMU athletic director Kellen Winslow making
the controversial decision Holmes Tuesday.
Assistant Corey Fuller was appointed interim head
football coach.
Holmes, a former FAMU player, finished with a 616 record at the school and was startled by the
timing of the coaching change.
"As a Hall of Famer – FAMU Hall of Fame and
MEAC Hall of Fame – on homecoming weekend .
. . I don't know," Holmes told the Tallahassee
Democrat shortly after addressing FAMU players
for the final time. "I'm amazed. Amazed."
The Rattlers (2-7, 2-3 in the MEAC) nearly won
Saturday despite the coaching changes, but
Fleming was stuffed at 1-yard line as time expired,
sealing Norfolk State's 12-10 win.
Fleming elected to dive forward on third down
with eight seconds left rather than spiking the ball
and attempting what would have been a gamewinning field goal.
Fuller told reporters after the game the coaches
called for Fleming to spike the ball, but the
quarterback didn't hear the play call. The interim
coach lamented not going for a field goal on
second down, giving FAMU more time on the
clock to run an additional play if anything went
"There's no way [Norfolk] was going to go down
the field and make a play," Fuller told the Democrat. "It really is blunder on me. I know better.
I've been a head coach. I've been in those situations in big games. I should have just took the field
goal on second down."
Norfolk State led 6-0 at halftime on two field goals
by Cameron Marouf before Fleming capped an
80-yard drive with an 11-yard touchdown pass to
Montavius Williams to put Florida A&M
ahead 7-6 with 2:16 left in the third quarter.
The Rattlers extended their lead to 10-6 on
Chase Varnadore's 42-yard field goal with
11:38 remaining.
Fleming was 19-of-27 passing for 181 yards
and one touchdown.
FAMU's defense slowed Norfolk State most
of the game, but Tysean Holloway fumbled
"There's no one – not even in high school – that
would interrupt homecoming," he said, according to
the newspaper."A competent athletic director would
have called someone in ... he wouldn't have sent a
FAMU hosts South Carolina State (6-3, 4-1 MEAC)
during the Rattlers' home finale and then plays at
Delaware State (2-8, 2-4 MEAC) before facing off
with Bethune-Cookman (7-2, 4-1 MEAC) in the
Florida Classic. The classic, which will be the first
game played in the renovated Orlando Citrus Bowl,
Former FAMU band member convicted
An ex-FAMU band member was
convicted this past Friday (Oct. 31) of
manslaughter in relation to a hazing
ritual known as “Crossing Bus C” that
resulted in the death of 26-year-old
Robert Champion in 2011.
According to prosecutors, Dante
Martin, 27, was known among the
group as “the president of Bus C,” and
was responsible for organizing the
initiation ritual that called for band
members to power through a chorus of
punches, mallets, and sticks. Two
fellow band members endured the
cruel hazing before Champion. Martin received misdemeanor convictions in their cases.
Champion collapsed and died shortly after complaining of having trouble breathing and vomiting in
parking lot.
Defense attorneys tried to paint the incident as more of an intense competition rather than cruel
hazing stating that Champion was not forced to participate in the act.
“You can’t take it in isolation and act like it was just any other band,” said defense attorney Richard
Escobar during closing arguments of the trial. “Brutal as it was, foolish as it was … it was competitive.”
“Tradition didn’t kill Robert Champion,” Prosecutor Jeff Ashton responded. “Tradition isn’t to
blame. Tradition is not an excuse … It’s not a defense to those that got caught.”
Sentencing for Martin is set for Jan. 9. He faces up to 15 years.
Martin's attorneys said they plan to seek a mistrial.
Martin, the percussion section president, was the first of 14 band members charged in the incident to
go on trial. Nine others received probation and community service in plea deals, and one was
sentenced to almost a year in jail.
Three others are scheduled for trial next year.
Black College Monthly November 2014
FAMU suddenly fires head football coach
FloridaA&M UniversityAthletic
Director Kellen Winslow, Sr.
unexpectedly fired Head Football
Earl Holmes, igniting calls for
Winslow’s termination just as
Homecoming events were kicking
off at Florida’s largest historically
Black college or university.
HBCU Standings
Mid-Eastern Athletic Coference
18 Bethune-Cookman
South Carolina State
Morgan State
North Carolina A&T
Norfolk State
North Carolina Central
Florida A&M
Delaware State
Savannah State
“This change was necessary at this
time to provide new leadership and
direction for our students and to
ensure that we can have a new
coach in place in time to build a
staff and begin recruiting” Winslow,
Sr. said in a press statement.
Southwestern Athletic Conference
Fuller in
Corey Fuller has been selected as
Former FAMU Head Football Coach Earl Holmes
interim head coach. Fuller has
served as an assistant coach at
FAMU since 2013. A Tallahassee native, Fuller was a standout player at Rickards High School for
three seasons, then played collegiate football at Florida State University and was a member of
FSU’s 1993 national championship football team.
Alcorn State
Alabama A&M
Alabama State
Jackson State
Mississippi Valley State
Grambling State
Texas Southern
Prairie View A&M
Arkansas-Pine Bluff
After leaving the NFL, Fuller served as an assistant coach at Rickards, then left to become head
coach at East Gadsden High. He came to work as an assistant coach at FAMU in 2013.
Rattler great
141031_front04bHolmes assisted for four years under Joe Taylor, taking over in 2012 for the final
two games when Taylor retired. He finished the shortened season 1-1, his inaugural head coaching
season 3-9, and was 2-6 to date this season.
Holmes, whose official FAMU bio lists as “one of Florida A&M’s greatest defensive players of all
time,” is a Tallahassee native. Known as “The Hitman” during his FAMU days, Holmes played for
the Rattlers from 1992 to 1995, finishing as the school’s all-time leader in tackles. He is also a
member of the FAMU Sports and Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Halls of Fame.
Holmes was drafted in the fourth round of the 1996 NFL drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers. He
played linebacker in the NFL for 10 seasons before retiring.
Fuller was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in the second round of the 1995 NFL draft and played
professionally for 10 years for the Vikings, Cleveland Browns, and Baltimore Ravens.
Fuller replaces lifelong Rattler Earl Holmes, whose three-year coaching tenure ended with a 6-16
SRN Football Poll
Hartly, DE — Winston-Salem State and North Carolina A&T
continue control of the Heritage Sports Radio Network
(HSRN) football polls in week ten of the 2014 football
In FCS-Division I, the top six teams held their positions with
wins this past week-end. The top two teams, North Carolina
A&T (7-2) and Alcorn State (7-2) were idle with number
three Bethune-Cookman (6-2) picking up a 34-20 win over
N.C. Central (4-4). Grambling State (6-3) rolled over Texas
Southern (5-4) and Southern (6-3) winning 28-21 over
Alabama State (4-5). Morgan State (5-4) spoiled the
Hampton homecoming, 38-35.
FCS – Division I
Commenting on Holmes’ termination, Winslow said, “I am appreciative of Earl’s work during the
past two seasons to help better the lives of the young men on our football team. He has been
wholly committed to their academic progress, as well as helping them become contributing members of society.
“I am pleased that Corey has agreed to take the helm as head coach. He will provide the team with
the leadership and stability needed as we move the program in a new direction,” Winslow said.
Alums upset
According to the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper, former state Sen. Al Lawson, called Winslow’s
move “disrespectful” during a meeting of the 220 Quarterback Club on Wednesday, and said
removing Holmes during the week of Homecoming was “wrong.”
“There’s no one – not even in high school – that would interrupt Homecoming,” he reportedly
said. “A competent athletic director would have called someone in … he wouldn’t have sent a
letter.” Lawson is calling for Winslow to be fired.
FAMU’s Board of Trustees chairman Solomon Badger also weighed in.
“I don’t think anybody expected there to be any kind of disruption during Homecoming,” he told
the Democrat. “I hope the students and alumni and fans still have a Homecoming experience.
Changing the coach the day before Homecoming. I guess I can understand, but I can also understand some disgruntlement by players and students.”
All eight assistant football coaches, including Fuller, have received notices that their contracts may
not be renewed after the season. A search committee has been formed to find a new permanent
head coach.
School (First Place Votes)
North Carolina A&T Aggies (8)
Alcorn State Braves (5)
Bethune-Cookman Wildcats (1)
South Carolina State Bulldogs (1)
Grambling State Tigers
Southern Jaguars
Morgan State Bears
Texas Southern Tigers
North Carolina Central Eagles
Alabama State Hornets
Record Pts
In Division 2, the only top ten team with a loss was Ft.
Valley State (6-2) who dropped a 28-21 decision at
Morehouse. Winston-Salem State (8-1) pummeled Shaw
61-10, Tuskegee (8-2) escaped 28-25 at Central State.
Virginia State (7-2) and Virginia Union (6-2) set up their
showdown battle with wins at Elizabeth City and Chowan
Division II
School (First Place Votes)
Winston-Salem State Rams (16)
Tuskegee Golden Tigers
Virginia State Trojans
Albany State Golden Rams
Virginia Union Panthers
Miles Golden Bears
Ft. Valley State Wildcats
Fayetteville State Broncos
Livingstone Blue Bears
10 Elizabeth City State Vikings
Record Pts
Black College Monthly November 2014
20 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
Wildcats Still in Hunt for MEAC Title
by Andreas Butler
Bethune-Cookman suffered a heartbreaking defeat
to South Carolina State, 20-14 in Orangeburg over
the weekend.
It hurts – there’s no doubt about it. However, the
Bulldogs took advantage of some Wildcats mistakes, and earned the win in dramatic fashion.
Give SCSU credit for taking took advantage of BCU mistakes and making more plays.
What makes the loss more significant is that it was
a conference loss.
The loss opened up the race for the Mid-Eastern
Athletic Conference championship as six teams
now have one conference loss.
They include North Carolina A&T (4-1), South
Carolina State (3-1), North Carolina Central (3-1),
Morgan State (3-1), Norfolk State (3-1) and, of
course, Bethune-Cookman (3-1).
Wildcats fans need not to feel despair because a
MEAC title and automatic FCS playoff berth is
still obtainable.
The good news is that many of these teams play
each other.
Unfortunately, B-CU doesn't play North Carolina
A&T or Morgan State, but the possibility of both
winning out is unlikely.
North Carolina A&T still plays Morgan State and
North Carolina Central. Morgan State still plays
South Carolina State, who still has to face Norfolk
State, who still has to play Bethune-Cookman and
North Carolina Central.
There are a few scenarios that could play out
that would get B-CU either the MEAC title
outright, or at least a share.
B-CU, North Carolina A&T and South
Carolina State could all end up tied with one
conference loss and share the title.
Last season, they went 7-1 in conference play and
shared the crown with South Carolina State. B-CU
got the automatic playoff bid and SCSU got an atlarge bid
First thing is first, B-CU must win its remaining
conference games against North Carolina Central,
Hampton, Norfolk State and Florida A&M, respectively.
On paper, the Wildcats appear better than their next
four opponents, and will be favorites heading into
those games.
B-CU hosts a good NCCU Eagles squad at home
on Saturday, which should give them extra motivation. It's also “Senior Day” at Municipal Stadium
(aka The Cage), and the last home game of the
The Cats next travel to Virginia to square off with
Hampton and Norfolk State in consecutive Thursdays, with both games being broadcast live on
Both games could be tough road match-ups in
cooler weather climates in November.
Then there is the annual Florida Blue Florida
Classic with rival Florida A&M in Orlando to close
out the season.
In rivalry games, anything can happen, but expect
the Cats to be up to the challenge.
So, see there is no need to worry for Wildcats fans.
There is still plenty of football to be played.
The Wildcats are still in the thick of the MEAC title
South Carolina State Beats
Florida A&M 34-17
TALLAHASSEE, FL – South Carolina State
quarterback Adrian Kollock, who has been
hampered by injuries since early in the 2014
campaign, completed 15 of 23 attempts for 224
yards and a touchdown and added two rushing
scores and Jalen “Scoot” Simmons galloped for
204 yards on21 attempts to power the Bulldogs to
a 34-17 win over host Florida A&M Saturday at
Bragg Memorial Stadium.
The win, the third in a row by the Bulldogs kept
Coach Buddy Pough’s team tied atop the MidEastern Athletic Conference standings, with two
games remaining – at Morgan State next Saturday
and home Nov. 22 against Norfolk State. The
Bulldogs climbed to 7-3 overall and improved to
5-1 in the MEAC and in a tie for first place with
North Carolina A&T and Bethune-Cookman.
“This win was a huge one for us and keeps us at
the top of the conference standings,” said Pough,
It’s nice to have your destiny in your own hands.
So, today’s win was special. We came in with
three to go and now it’s down to two to go.”
Kollock, who returned to the field last week in a
59-7 win over Savannah State, after missing two
games with an injury, had one of his best outings
of the year. The redshirt sophomore had a 10-yard
scoring toss to tight end Temarrick Hemmingway
and got into the end zone on two 1-yard scoring
runs in the victory. The Bulldogs also got a 16yard scoring run from backup runner Justin Tayor
in the contest
FAMU’s Damien Fleming, who has been a thorn
in the side of SC State most of his
career, connected on 23 of 35
attempts for 284 yards and two
scores in the contest for the
Rattlers who fell to 2-8 overall and
2-4 in the MEAC.
Norfolk State falls to
Bethune-Cookman 13-7
North Carolina A&T and B-CU could both win
out and claim a share of the title.
Then, Bethune-Cookman could win out and
have North Carolina A&T, Morgan State and
South Carolina State suffer another loss with
the Wildcats claiming the title outright.
It's all familiar territory for the Maroon and
B-CU has won at least a share of the MEAC
title and made the FCS playoffs in three of the
past four seasons.
Even if there is a share of the crown, or the
Wildcats lose out on a tie-breaker, the playoffs
are still within reach.
Bethune-Cookman could still get an at-large
In 2010, they shared the crown with South
Carolina State and Florida A&M as all three
went 7-1 in MEAC play, but the Cats received
the playoff bid.
In 2012, B-CU won the MEAC outright and
made the playoffs with an 8-0 conference
With less than two minutes left in the game, NSU
quarterback Terrance Ervin fights Bethure-Cookman
defensive lineman Rony Barrow in a failed attempt
to get our of the end zone. It was the Spartans
second safety in the final Quarter.
The Bulldogs, in earning the win,
capitalized on an interception and
two short punts that gave SC State
possession on the FAMU side of
the field, to break out to a 13-0
lead early in the second quarter.
Following a Antonio Hamilton
interception that gave the Bulldogs
a first and 10 at the Rattler 38.
State needed just four plays to find
the end zone.
Florida A&M came back to close
the gap to 13-10 at the half,
capitalizing on a Bulldog fumble
for their first TD, Fleming’s 13yard completion to Dennis Hall
with 8:46 left in the second. Chase
Varnadore added a 35-yard field
goal with 58 seconds left in the
half to close the gap to 13-10.
The Bulldogs got two scoring runs
from Kollock and one from Taylor
in the second half for 21 points.
FAMU’s second-half score came
on Fleming’s 10-yard toss to Zach
Black College Monthly November 2014
Former NFL RB Ricky Williams Says He
Would Skip The NFL If He Could Go Back T
BY: John “Hennry” Harris
Running back Ricky Williams will be featured on
NFL Network’s “A Football Life” Friday night
(October 31, 2014) at 9pm ET looking back into one
of the most enigmatic figures ever to come throught
the NFL.
Ricky Williams was drafted by the New Orleans
Saints with the fifth overall pick in the 1999 NFL
Draft. At the time, Ricky Williams thought that going
to the NFL was the next “logical” thing to do, but
now that he is out of the NFL, which was a controversy-filled career. Williams was asked what would
he tell himself if he could go back to 1999 before the
NFL Draft. His answer was candid and surprising.
“The career I had at Texas, I had so many doors open to me, you know, to finish up
school and pretty much go anywhere in the world and do whatever I wanted to do, I
had that open to me and I decided to play football because that seemed like the next
logical choice. But some people are
built for the NFL and some people
aren’t and I don’t think I was a person
that was built for success in the NFL.”
When running back Ricky Williams
began his collegiate career at the University of Texas in 1995, he made his email
address Heisman@UTexas.edu. Some
may have thought he was being cocky,
but he did win the Heisman Trophy in
1998 along with being named the 1998
College Player of the Year.download (2)
New Orleans Saints head coach Mike Ditka did the unthinkable to get Ricky Williams,
he traded all of the Saints’ 1999 draft picks to the Washington Redskins to get him, as
well as the first- and third-round picks the following year. This marked the first and
only time thus far that one player was the only draft pick of an NFL team.
Ricky Williams and Mike Ditka posed for the cover of ESPN The Magazine as bride
and groom with the caption “For Better or for Worse.” The controversial cover and
monumental number of draft picks involved to attain his services at running back
placed major expectations on his football output.
But, his legacy and reputation was and still is under
fire for his marijuana usage, suspensions for using
and refusal to be regretful for smoking the herb.
“That’s an issue that has come up lately in the NFL,
especially now that it is legal in two states, its not so
big of an issue as it was back then, which I think is a
good thing – I think there are bigger problems to
deal with. The concussion issue has been pretty
serious and the domestic violence stuff that has
come up as of late – because for me, it wasn’t like I
was pulled over and they found it in my car or I was
arrested for doing anything, it was just from checking my urine I got in trouble.”
Williams also noted that upon his retirement, his first and second retirements, he
realized that he gained a greater perspective about what he really wanted out of his
life.images (4)
Florida Blue Florida Classic
Saturday, Nov. 22
2:00 p.m. Kickoff - Orlando Citrus
Bowl - ESPN Classic
FanFare 9:00 a.m. - Free admission for game
Historic rivals Florida A&M University and Bethune-Cookman
University meet on the gridiron for the 35th time.
Florida Blue Battle of the Bands
Friday, Nov. 21
7:00 p.m. - Amway Center
Get ready for crowd-pleasing dance teams, high-stepping drum
majors, precision drumlines and roaring brass sections. Tickets start
at $16.
Florida Classic Consortium Kickoff Luncheon
presented by Florida Blue
Friday, Nov. 21
12:00 p.m. Doors; 12:30 p.m. Program - Rosen Centre
The Classic weekend gets started with players, pep bands, university officials and student leaders gathering to celebrate the season,
preview the upcoming matchup and show that Rattlers and Wildcats
remain divided on the field but united in the world. Individual
tickets are $55 (including lunch) while a table of 10 (eight guests
and two football players) is $550.
To purchase luncheon tickets, call Florida Citrus Sports at
Florida Blue Florida Classic Career Expo and
Diversity Job Fair
Friday, Nov. 21
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Amway Center
The Career Expo and Job Fair is geared to provide college students
and working professionals of all ages with both education and
opportunity. The event itself aims to stimulate hiring across Florida
by offering attendees with an opportunity to meet and greet with
top businesses and hiring companies throughout the state. Free
professional development and employment search seminars will be
offered as well featuring Recruiters and local career experts.
State of the Florida HBCU: Pathway to Preeminence on Retention and Graduation
Sunday, Nov. 23
10:30 a.m. - Rosen Centre
Historically Black Colleges and Universities are the stamping
grounds for creating conditions that encourage student success for
those who enter and exit with a credential. In light of the living
missions of these nuanced institutions, there is a growing concern
on the rate of retention, persistence and attrition at HBCUs. This
panel discussion will feature Florida’s HBCU presidential leaders
discussing best practices for common concerns as it pertains to
retention and graduation for the broader community.
The panel will include:
Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President, Florida Memorial University
“Football has opened tons of doors for me and given me the opportunity to pretty
The Honorable Nathaniel Glover, Jr., President, Edward Waters
much do whatever I want and I think that too many players think that football is the
best their going to ever have in life, especially in the NFL. And for me to understand
Dr. Edison O. Jackson, President, Bethune-Cookman University
that its just a platform its just given me more opportunity and now I am in a place
Dr. Elmira Mangum, President, Florida A&M University
where my body feels good enough, my mind feels good enough to take advantage of all
Dr. Rosa Cintron, Researcher/Lecturer, University of Central
of those opportunities.”
Dr. John Michael Lee, Vice President, Association of Public and
“So now I am back in school, finishing up my degree, which will create even more
opportunities and I am really loving my life. There are so many things that I can do
The event is free and open to the public.
that others can’t do because of what I’ve done with football.
Black College Monthly November 2014
22 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY
24 November 2014 — BLACK COLLEGE MONTHLY