Brochure SVCET
Brochure SVCET
ICRISEM-16 ICRISEM-16 27th February 2016 27th February 2016 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management Chief advisory Chief Patron Prof. G.Tulasi Rao, Principal, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University Dr.B.Sri Rama Murthy Director, Vikas Educational Society Advisory Board Patron ICRISEM-16 27th February 2016 Abdul Raouf Khan, Professor, Faculty of Computer Sciences & Informa on Technology, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia Smt I. Jyothi President, VES Smt. B.Sowdamani Secretary, VES Smt. B.Lakshmi Treasurer, VES Dr Aeila Falaha , PhD, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia Dr. Ajay Singh, University of Hail, Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Allam Jaya Prakash,, Editorial Board Member of IJATES and IJARSE Journals Dr.B.V.A.Rao, Professor in Marine Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Dr. Ch.Srinivasa Rao, Professor & HOD, Dept. of ECE,UCEV, JNTUK, Vizianagram Conference Chair Dr. Ch.Srinivasa Rao, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University Dr. M.Govinda Raju Principal, Sri Venkateswara College of Engg & Technology C.Pradeep, Scien st 'F', ISRO, Sriharikota Sri.C.V. Rajulu, Vice President (Manufacturing), Nagarjuna Agrichem Ltd (NACL) Dr. D. Jone Stanley, M.S., M. Phil., Ph.D. , Texas A&M University, USA Convener Sri.R.V.L.S.N.Sastry Head of the Department ,CSE Dr. G.T.Rao, Re red Scien st 'F',ISRO, Sriharikota Dr. M.P.S. Ganesh Head of the Department,MBA Dr. G.Saraswathi, Professor & Head, Department of EEE, UCEV, JNTUK Dr.I.Sankara Rao, Principal, Govt. Junior College, Narasannapet Prof. I.Satyanaryana, Former Chairman, Ins tu on of Engineers (I), Visakhapatnam Local Center Co-Convener M.Priscilla Dinkar Asst.Professor Department of Electronics and Comm. Engg. Organizing Committee Dr. K.V.N.Sharma, Re red Professor of IISC, Bangalore Prof. (Dr.) K.K. Saini, Director-Principal, Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat Dr. K.Lakshminaryana, Principal, Sri. Venkateswara Polytechnic, Srikakulam Sri. K.Madhusudhana Rao, Scien st E( Re red) NSTL,Visakhapatnam Dr. K.Murali Krishna, Professor and Head, Department of ECE, ANITS, Visakhapatnam Dr. Neeraj Tyagi, Dy. Dean , University of Delhi, New Delhi Dr P. Corell, REU Program Director, Jackson State University Jackson, USA Sri.G.Nooka Raju, HOD/ECE Dr.P.Satheesh, Assoc.Professor Department of CSE, MVGR College of Engineering Sri. B.Gangadhar, HOD/ME Dr. T.V.Ramana, Associate Professor, Department of ECE, GITAM University Sri.K.Sa sh, HOD/CE Prof. T. Kamaraju, Dean & HOD, Department of Commerce and Management Sciences, Sri.P.Prasanna Kumar, HOD/BS&H Sri.A.Uday Kumar, Assoc.Prof. in ECE Sri.S.Bhaskara Rao, Assoc.Prof. in CSE Sri.L.Prasada Rao, Assoc.Prof. in MBA Sri.U.Sridhar, Asst Prof in CSE Sri. K.Govinda Rao, Asst Prof in ECE Sri.R.Jagadeeshwara Rao, Asst Prof in ME Smt.G.Santhoshamma, Asst Prof in EEE Kum.M.Prasanthi, Asst Prof in ME Sri. M. Avinash, Asst Prof in EEE Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Contact Us ICRISEM-16 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology NH-5, Etcherla, Srikakulam-532410 Andhra Pradesh Visit Us:, Mail your research paper: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada) NH-5, Etcherla, Srikakulam-532410 Andhra Pradesh Phone: 09759005373, 9540270460 Mail your research paper: Phone: 09759005373, 9540270460 What’s App: 7830301515 What’s App: 7830301515 ICRISEM-16 ICRISEM-16 27th February 2016 About the College 27th February 2016 Aim & Scope Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology ETCHERLA was established in 2008 by Vikas Educational Society(1997) with an avowed objective of accelerating the growth of science and technology in this industrially backward Srikakulam district. The institution aims at providing state-of-the-art technology to the student community to broaden their horizon for a better and prospective tomorrow in their own interest and also in interest of the society at large. We have extensive record in the field of education. The institution is endowed with highly qualified and seasoned faculty on its rolls. The 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management 2016 aims to bring together academicians, scientists, research scholars and students, to share and disseminate information on knowledge and scientific research works related to above topics and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The conference will provide the authors and listeners with opportunities for National and International collaboration and networking among the universities and institutions from India and abroad for promoting research and developing technologies. This conference will also create awareness about the importance of basic scientific research in different fields and matching this with the product market. Computer Science & Engineering M.Tech. (Power Electronics) Electronics & Communications Engineering M.Tech. (Control Systems) Electrical & Electronics Engineering M.Tech. (VLSI) Mechanical Engineering M.Tech. (CSE) Thrust Areas Civil Engineering M.Tech. (Thermal Engineering) The college is actively engaged in research .The efforts are directed towards reorienting the laboratories to establish close relation with industry. The college has been organizing a number of short term training programs, seminars , workshops, guest lectures by experts and student fests frequently . Faculty members are encouraged to participate in short term courses and work shops by the management of the college. College has a student ‘s society which organizes cultural &literary competitions for the students .Their activities are financially supported by the college. There is a Provision exists for the Government Scholarships. Location 1. Authors can personally Present their papers at the Conference. 2. Authors, who fail to attend the conference can send the power point presentation exceeding not more than 10 slides Awards Three Best Outstanding papers Three Oral Best Presentations Call for Paper Student Authors *(UG, PG, Ph.D) Academician & Corporate Foreign Authors Only to attend the Conference Delegates from all branches of Engineering, Science & Management can submit their Research Paper at Technical Session 1 (Science) Agriculture and Forestry, Applied Science, Astronomy Science, Bio Technology, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Food Chemistry, Food Science, Geology, Health Science, Medical Sciences, Materials Sciences, Mathematics, Measurement Science, Medical Biochemistry, Military Sciences, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Spatial Science, Statistics, Systems Science, Zoology Etc. Aeronautical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Architecture & Planning, Audio Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Biological & Bio-system Engineering, Biochemical & Biomedical Engineering, Chassis Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electro-mechanical System Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Food Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Gas Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geometric Engineering, Integrated Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mineral & Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Oil Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Production Engineering, Software Engineering, Sound Engineering, Structural Engineering, System Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Textile Technology, Water Resource Engineering Etc. Technical Session 3 (Management) Conference world is fast growing group which has already well organized number of International Conferences at Delhi University New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Rohilkhand University Bareilly, YMCA New Delhi, DAVIM Faridabad, Phd Chamber New Delhi and many more across the country. INR 1700 INR 2200 USD 100 INR 1000/ USD 50 * Maximum three authors in one research paper. * If More than three authors, each additional author will have to pay 500 INR. * Page Limit 12, INR 100 will be Charged for each additional page . * Hard copy of Proceedings will be provided @ INR1000/USD50. Important Dates Last Date of Submission Notification of status of paper Registration (Submission of publication fee) Date of Conference Technical Session 2 (Engineering) Banking Management, Business Management, Entrepreneurship Management, E- Business, Finance Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Information Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Management, Real Estate Management, Retail Management, Risk Management, Shipping Management, Human Resources Management & Finance. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology All the accepted papers in the conference will be published in the special Conference issues of the Associated international journals. All the papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceeding of with ISBN Each author will get hard copy of certificates (For both international journal Publication and conference presentation separately). Registration kit for Authors who present /attend the conference at venue Oral Mode of Presentation Poster Fee Details Postgraduate Courses [M.Tech] Master of Business Administration 27th February 2016 Author’s Benefits Undergraduate Course [B.Tech] Postgraduate Course [Management] ICRISEM-16 15th February 2016 Within 5 days after Receiving the paper Within 7 working days from the date of acceptance 27th February 2016, 10:00am to 5pm International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering Associated Journals International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, (IJATES, ISSN-2348-7550, Impact Factor- 1.012) IJEEE International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IJEEE, ISSN-2321-2055, Impact Factor- 1.6) (IJIRSE, ISSN-2454-9665, Impact Factor - 2.03) IJARSE IJSTM Mode of Payment : International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering (IJARSE, ISSN-2319-8354, Impact Factor- 1.142) International Journal of Science Technology & Management (IJSTM, ISSN-2394-1537, Impact Factor - 2.012) Indexed By: Registration Fee may be deposited through online banking / NEFT / RTGS /cash deposit as per following details: HDFC Bank. Account Holder Account No. Branch Code NEFT IFSC Account Type A.R. Research Publication 14602000001896 1460. HDFC0001460. Current Published By: Research Publication Organized By International Research Publication Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology NH-5, Etcherla, Srikakulam-532410.Andhra Pradesh
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