Chart Booklet - McClellan Financial Publications
Chart Booklet - McClellan Financial Publications
Mc Cl e l l a nFi na nc i a l Pub l i c a t i o ns Advanc edT opi c s&I ndi c at or sSemi nar Apr i l 27, 2002 Char t book Advanc edT opi c s&I ndi c at or sSemi nar Cont ent s Par t1: Br eadt hI ndi c at or s 1 1Mc Cl e l l a nMa r k e t Ana l y s i s 1 2Os c i l l a t or s 1 7Mc Cl e l l a nOs c i l l a t or B a s i c s 1 1 2Ot he r ADL i ne s Par t2: Pr i c eI ndi c at or s 2 1E x pone nt i a l Mo v i ngAv e r a ge s 2 3Mc Cl e l l a nP r i c eOs c i l l a t or 2 5P r i c eOs c i l l a t or B a s i c s 2 8P r i c eOs c i l l a t or Unc ha nge dL e v e l 2 9Ra i nbo wCon v e r ge nc e s 2 1 1 T r e ndI ndi c a t or 2 1 3I ndi c a t or S umma r y Par t3: Sent i mentI ndi c at or s : 3 2Commi t me nt of T r a de r s( CF T C) 3 3F or ma t of COTR e por t 3 6P ut a ndCa l l Opt i ons 3 9Ry de xRa t i os 3 1 4CB OEV ol a t i l i t yI nde x McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 McClellan Market Analysis • Breadth & volume indicators • Price indicators • Sentiment indicators ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 1 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 400 1600 DAILY A-D DIFFERENCE 1200 10% TREND 5% TREND 350 800 300 400 250 0 200 -400 150 -800 100 -1200 50 -1600 0 -2000 -50 -2400 -100 McClellan Oscillator -2800 -150 941101 941201 950103 950201 950303 950403 950503 Oscillators: • Move up and down between extremes of overbought and oversold. • Have a neutral level. • May show divergences which indicate loss of trending strength. • Work great in sideways markets, suffer during trending markets. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 2 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 A B C D DATE ADV DECL A-D 930701 930702 930706 930707 1185 826 856 1016 825 1083 1128 908 E F 10% 5%T TREND TREND 112.248 59.039 137.023 74.087 97.621 57.533 60.659 41.056 65.393 44.403 360 -257 -272 108 G McC OSC 53.209 62.936 40.088 19.603 20.990 H SUMM INDEX 1111.507 1174.443 1214.532 1234.134 1255.124 Sample Calculations: 10%T(2) = 0.1 x (A-D) + 0.9 x 10%T(1) ce ll E130: +0.1*D 130+0.9*E 129 65.393 = (0.1 x 108) + (0.9 x 60.659) 5%T(2) = 0.05 x (A-D) + 0.95 x 5%T(1) ce ll F130: +0.05*D 130+0.95*F129 44.406 = (0.05 x 108) + (0.95 x 41.056) McC OSC = 10%T - 5%T Summ Index (Today) = SI (Yesterday) + McC Osc (Today) 20.990 = 65.393 - 44.403 ce ll G130: +E 130-F130 1255.124 = 1234.134 + 20.990 ce ll H 130: +H 129+G130 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 3 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 NYSE CU M U LATIVE ADVANCE -DE CLINE LINE -25 -30 Thousands -35 -40 -45 -50 CUM . A-D 5% TREND 10% TREND 1% TREND -55 28-Feb-01 30-Apr-01 28-Jun-01 28-Aug-01 01-Nov -01 03-Jan-02 06-Mar-02 06-May -02 DAILY CU M U LATIVE U P-DOWN VOLU M E LINE 58 55 M illions 52 49 46 CUM . U-V 5% TREND 10% TREND 1% TREND 43 28-Feb-01 30-Apr-01 28-Jun-01 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 28-Aug-01 01-Nov -01 03-Jan-02 06-Mar-02 06-May -02 4 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 -30000 2800 2600 DJIA -34000 2400 -38000 2200 -42000 2000 -46000 1800 -50000 1600 -54000 NYSE A-D LINE -58000 -62000 1400 Having the A-D Line make lower lows is not necessarily a sign of 1200 weakness. One must look at the strength of the moves. 1000 870105 870706 880104 880701 881230 890630 891229 870403 871002 880404 880930 890403 890929 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 5 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 100000 1100 DJIA NYSE A-D LINE PEAK 80000 1000 60000 900 40000 800 20000 700 0 600 -20000 500 -40000 400 -60000 300 -80000 200 530107 570103 601227 641223 690127 730119 550105 581231 621226 661220 710125 750116 60 40 . Chart courtesy of McClellan Financial Publications, Inc. (800) 872-3737 DJIA Thousands 20 0 -20 -40 ADVANCE DECLINE LINE -60 -80 280103 330525 380920 440110 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 490808 550729 611129 680401 740905 801229 870421 930810 991202 6 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 50 60 CUMULATIVE 40 UP-DOWN VOLUME LINE 30 50 20 40 0 Millions Thousands 10 -10 1% TREND -20 30 -30 -40 20 -50 -60 DAILY CUMULATIVE ADVANCE-DECLINE LINE -70 920102 931231 921231 960103 950103 980102 970102 10 000105 990105 020108 010105 McClellan Oscillator Basics • Divergences show loss of trending strength. • Trend line breaks show reversal. • Extreme low readings show conclusion. • Extreme high readings show initiation. • Complex structures indicate strength for that side of the zero line. • Simple structures imply weakness. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 7 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 675 NYSE COMP 750 675 650 600 525 625 450 375 600 300 225 575 150 75 550 0 -75 525 -150 -225 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR 500 -300 990202 990405 990603 990803 991001 991201 000201 000331 525 11500 DJIA 450 11000 375 10500 300 225 10000 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR 150 9500 75 0 9000 -75 8500 -150 Congestion zones are something to drop out of 8000 000202 000303 000403 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 000503 000602 000703 -225 000802 000831 001002 001031 8 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 400 2800 300 DJIA 2400 200 2000 100 1600 0 1200 -100 800 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR -200 -300 400 0 870505 870706 870902 871102 880104 880303 880503 880701 880831 881031 4100 400 DJIA 300 3900 200 3700 100 3500 0 3300 -100 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR -200 3100 2900 -300 930804 931004 931202 940201 940404 940603 940803 941003 941201 950201 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 9 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 11500 700 DJIA 600 10500 500 9500 400 8500 300 7500 200 100 6500 0 5500 -100 4500 -200 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR 3500 -300 980102 980305 980505 980706 980902 981102 990104 990305 990505 990706 500 11500 400 DJIA 300 11000 10500 10000 9500 200 9000 100 8500 0 8000 7500 -100 7000 6500 -200 6000 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR -300 5500 5000 -400 000601 000801 000929 001129 010131 010402 010601 010801 011005 011205 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 10 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 640 500 NYSE COMP 400 600 300 560 Complex 520 Divergence Simple 200 100 480 0 440 -100 400 Congestion Simple Complex -200 McCLELLAN OSCILLATOR 360 -300 320 -400 010703 010802 010831 011002 011031 011130 020102 020201 020305 020404 020503 Other A-D Lines • Can be used, but with caution • Groups too much alike will behave too much alike for A-D Line to be useful • Different rules apply for different indicators ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 11 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 12000 800 700 DJIA 11000 600 10000 500 9000 400 8000 300 200 7000 100 1% TREND 6000 0 -100 5000 -200 4000 -300 DJIA ADVANCE - DECLINE LINE 3000 -400 2000 -500 970303 971029 980701 990303 991029 0 000629 010301 011102 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 NASDAQ COMP LOG SCALE -20 -40 -60 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 -80 -100 Thousands -120 -140 2.8 2.7 -160 -180 2.6 2.5 2.4 -200 -220 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 -240 -260 -280 -300 NASDAQ DAILY A-D LINE -320 -340 730102 760105 790105 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 820107 850107 880107 910108 940106 970108 1.9 1.8 1.7 000111 12 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 112 38 DJ 20 Bonds Average 108 36 104 Thousands 34 100 96 32 30-year T-Bonds 92 30 88 84 28 80 26 76 CORP BONDS A-D LINE With 1% Trend 24 960105 970103 980102 990104 72 000103 010102 020108 50000 20000 NYSE COMPOSITE A-D LINE 40000 10000 0 30000 -10000 20000 -20000 10000 -30000 0 -40000 -10000 -50000 -60000 -20000 -70000 -30000 -80000 COMMON ONLY DAILY A-D -40000 -90000 -50000 -100000 960105 970103 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 980102 990104 000103 010102 020108 13 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 700 140000 120000 600 NYSE COMP 100000 500 80000 400 60000 Composite A-D Line 300 40000 200 20000 100 0 -20000 0 10/3/88 = 0 The "Pure Common" A-D data removes preferred stocks, warrants, and closed end funds. -40000 -60000 10/03/88 10/03/90 10/02/92 10/04/94 -100 Common Only A-D "Pure Common" A-D -200 10/03/96 10/06/98 10/06/2000 10/16/2002 700 7000 600 6000 NYSE COMP 5000 500 4000 400 3000 300 2000 200 1000 100 0 0 -1000 10/3/88 = 0 -100 Closed End Funds A-D Line -200 -2000 -300 -3000 10/03/88 10/03/90 10/02/92 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 10/04/94 10/03/96 10/06/98 10/06/2000 14 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 2.85 90000 NYSE COMP (LOG SCALE) 2.8 85000 2.75 80000 2.7 75000 2.65 2.6 70000 2.55 65000 "UNCOMMON" A-D LINE 2.45 2.4 55000 960105 970103 980102 990104 000103 010102 020108 5400 4800 2.5 With 1% Trend 60000 3.7 NASDAQ 100 INDEX 3.5 LOG SCALE 4200 3.3 3600 3.1 3000 2.9 2400 2.7 1800 1% TREND 1200 2.5 2.3 600 2.1 0 NASDAQ 100 DAILY A-D LINE 1.9 -600 960802 970403 971201 980803 990405 991201 000801 010402 011205 020807 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 15 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 28 3.4 NASDAQ 100 INDEX 24 LOG SCALE 3.3 20 3.2 16 3.1 12 3 8 2.9 4 2.8 0 2.7 -4 2.6 -8 NASDAQ 100 McCLELLAN A-D OSCILLATOR -12 010330 010531 010731 011004 2.5 011204 020205 020408 30 2000 28 NASDAQ 100 INDEX 26 24 1800 1600 22 1400 Millions 20 18 1200 16 10% TREND 1000 14 800 12 10 UP-DOWN VOLUME LINE 8 600 Nasdaq 100 Stocks 400 6 010628 010730 010828 011003 011101 011203 020103 020204 020306 020405 020506 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 16 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 40 550 RUSSELL 2000 INDEX 38 500 36 Millions 34 450 32 10% TREND 400 30 28 350 UP-DOWN VOLUME LINE 26 NASDAQ ex-NDX 24 300 010628 010730 010828 011003 011101 011203 020103 020204 020306 020405 020506 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 17 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Price Indicators • Unlike A-D numbers, no limit on how far prices can move in one day • Indicators behave differently for different categories, e.g. stocks, bonds, commodities Exponential Moving Averages • Weights recent data more heavily than older data • Smoothing constant determines how “fast” the moving average reacts to data. • Some people refer to EMAs by a time component, e.g. 39-day EMA 2 Smoothing Constant = --------------- n + 1 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 1 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 10%Trend (19-day EMA) • 10%T = 0.1xPRICETODAY + 0.9 x 10%TPREV • Each preceding day’s data becomes less important 1300 SP500 1200 1100 10% TREND 1000 19-DAY SMA 900 980102 980305 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 980505 980706 980902 981102 990104 2 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 McClellan Price Oscillator • Like McClellan A-D Oscillator, it is the difference between 10%T and 5%T of closing prices. • Trending price moves cause 10%T to move faster than 5%T, increasing the separation between the two. 360 8400 DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS 10% TREND 8200 320 5% TREND 280 8000 240 7800 200 7600 160 7400 120 7200 80 40 7000 0 6800 -40 6600 McCLELLAN PRICE OSCILLATOR -80 -120 6400 970702 970801 970902 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 971001 971030 971201 971231 3 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 80 3.2 SP500 3.1 70 Log Scale 60 3 50 2.9 40 2.8 30 2.7 20 2.6 10 2.5 0 2.4 -10 PRICE OSCILLATOR 2.3 2.2 -20 -30 Price Oscillator amplitudes rise as price level goes higher 2.1 -40 -50 2 930106 940105 950105 960104 970102 971231 981231 991231 001229 020107 030107 3.2 0.07 SP500 3.1 Log Scale 3 0.05 2.9 2.8 0.03 2.7 2.6 0.01 2.5 2.4 2.3 -0.01 PROPORTIONAL PRICE OSCILLATOR 2.2 2.1 2 -0.03 Dividing the standard Price Oscillator by the closing price corrects for price rise, making long term comparisons more meaningful. 930106 940105 950105 960104 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 970102 971231 981231 991231 001229 -0.05 020107 030107 4 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Price Oscillator Basics • Direction gives indication of price trend • Extreme levels show extended price conditions • Smooth Price Oscillator shows strength of trend • Bumpy Price Oscillator means weak trend • Watch out for fishhooks! 485 8 SP500 7 470 6 5 455 OT H SM O PY M U B 3 2 H OT 425 BU MP Y O SM 440 SM OO TH 4 BUM PY 1 0 Price Oscillator 410 -1 -2 395 -3 930401 930602 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 930802 930930 931201 940131 940331 5 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 1000 950 900 850 800 30 FISHHOOKS: 1. Usually seen following smooth decline from a high Price Oscillator peak. SP500 27 24 2. Can lead to very serious declines once Price Oscillator turns down again. 21 18 750 700 15 650 12 600 9 550 6 500 3 450 0 400 -3 350 PRICE OSCILLATOR 300 250 -6 -9 960201 960402 960603 960801 961001 961129 970130 970402 970602 970731 970930 6000 680 NYSE Comp 5000 650 620 4000 590 3000 560 2000 530 500 1000 470 0 -1000 NYSE A-D Summation Index 440 Fishhooks also appear in chart of McClellan A-D Summation Index. 410 -2000 01-Nov-00 03-Jan-01 06-Mar-01 04-May-01 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 380 05-Jul-01 04-Sep-01 01-Nov-01 03-Jan-02 06-Mar-02 6 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 1500 70 SP500 60 1400 50 10% TREND 1300 40 1200 30 PRICE OSCILLATOR C 1100 20 D A 10 B 1000 0 900 -10 Not all fishhooks lead to tragic declines, but they do bear watching. 800 -20 990104 990305 990505 990706 990902 991102 000103 40 340 35 320 30 SP500 300 25 280 20 260 15 10 240 5 220 200 180 0 Sometimes fishhooks don’t matter. But other times they really do. 160 -5 -10 -15 Price Oscillator -20 140 -25 870102 870304 870504 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 870702 870901 871030 871231 880302 880502 880630 7 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Price Oscillator Unchanged Level • The closing price needed for the Price Oscillator to be unchanged from one day to the next. • If price is above that level, Price Oscillator rises; below that level, it falls. • Acts as support/resistance line, like a moving average. • Calculated as 10% Trend + Price Osc. 1200 CASH SP500 1170 OSC UNCH 1140 1110 1080 1050 011031 011130 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 020102 020201 020305 020404 8 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 1200 CASH SP500 1170 1140 1110 1080 OSC UNCH When lines all come together, we call that a “Rainbow Convergence” 1050 10%T 5%T SUM/10 1020 011003 011101 011203 020103 020204 020306 020405 Rainbow Convergences • Occur when moving average lines come together on the chart. • Also mark point when Price Oscillator crosses below zero (by definition). • Usually mark end of short term move. • In a small percentage of cases, prices retrace toward the point of the convergence then resume trend. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 9 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 9400 DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS 9200 9000 8800 8600 8400 8200 8000 OSC UNCH 10%T 7800 5%T 7600 SUM/10 7400 980402 980504 980603 980702 980803 980901 981001 2100 NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2000 1900 1800 1700 OSC UNCH 10%T 5%T 1600 SUM/10 1500 011003 011101 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 011203 020103 020204 020306 020405 10 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 120 119 DOLLAR INDEX 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 OSC UNCH 111 10%T 110 5%T 109 SUM/10 108 107 000828 000927 001026 001127 001227 010129 010228 Trend Indicator • Calculated using Summation Index of Price Oscillator values • Initial Summation Index value set at 10 times initial price in data series • Trend Indicator reflects how far price is away from Sum/10. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 11 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 30 11500 DJIA 11000 25 With SUM/10 10500 20 10000 15 9500 10 9000 5 8500 0 8000 -5 7500 -10 TREND INDICATOR 7000 -15 WITH ITS 5.8% TREND -20 6500 010129 010329 010530 010730 011003 011203 020204 020405 50 3.5 3.4 40 NASDAQ COMP 30 3.3 20 3.2 10 3.1 0 3 -10 5.8%T 2.9 -20 TREND INDICATOR 2.8 -30 010129 010329 010530 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 010730 011003 011203 020204 020405 12 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 122 20 DOLLAR INDEX 18 118 16 14 114 12 10 110 8 6 106 4 2 102 0 -2 5.8% TREND 98 TREND INDICATOR 94 -4 -6 -8 000828 001026 001227 010228 010430 010628 010828 011101 020103 020306 020506 Indicator Summary • Price indicators are not “better” than breadth indicators. Each has a story to tell. • During trending markets, follow the trend. • During sideways markets, buy oversold and sell overbought. • Key difficulty is figuring out which is which. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 13 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Sentiment Indicators • Watch the smart money • Sometimes what should be smart money is not so smart • Two types: what they say, & what they do. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 1 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 2 120 1.8 Univ of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey 1.6 Offset 29 Months Forward 110 100 1.4 Inflection point 1.2 90 1 80 0.8 0.6 70 0.4 60 0.2 50 0 -0.2 40 Nasdaq Composite -0.4 -0.6 30 12-Month Rate of Change Persian Gulf War 20 -0.8 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 Commitment of Traders (CFTC) • Reported each Friday, reflecting prior Tuesday’s positions • Commercials (big guys, smart money) • Non-commercials (smaller traders) • Non-reportables (small-time speculators) ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 2 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Format of COT Report SP500 Open Int 04/16/2002 509566 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 Non Commercial Long Short 32213 Spreading 43651 4246 Commercial Long 322578 Short Total Long Short 411245 359037 459142 Nonreportable Positions Long Short 150529 50424 330 320 CASH GOLD 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 COMMITMENT OF TRADERS (COMMERCIALS) NET SHORT POSITION (SHORTS MINUS LONGS) AS % OF TOTAL OPEN INT 990504 990901 991231 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 000502 000830 001229 010502 170 010830 011231 020502 3 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 0.25 115 Near Month T-Bonds 110 0.2 105 0.15 100 0.1 95 90 0.05 85 0 80 COMMITMENT OF TRADERS: "NON-REPORTABLES" NET LONG OPEN INTEREST (Longs minus Shorts) AS % OF TOTAL OPEN INT -0.05 000103 000503 000831 010102 010503 010831 75 020104 240000 1600 200000 SP500 1400 160000 1200 120000 80000 1000 40000 800 0 600 -40000 400 COMMITMENT OF TRADERS: COMMERCIALS -80000 NET LONG OPEN INTEREST (Longs minus Shorts) 200 -120000 970103 970703 980102 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 980706 990104 990706 000103 000703 010102 010703 020102 4 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 800 120000 110000 700 Notice what the smart money was doing in 1994, ahead of the big bull market. 100000 90000 80000 SP500 600 70000 500 60000 50000 400 40000 300 30000 20000 200 10000 0 100 COMMITMENT OF TRADERS: COMMERCIALS -10000 NET LONG OPEN INTEREST (Longs minus Shorts) -20000 0 910108 910709 920107 920707 930105 930706 940103 940705 950103 950703 960102 960701 961230 1600 200000 1500 150000 1400 SP500 100000 1300 1200 50000 1100 1000 0 900 -50000 800 700 -100000 5-week SMA 600 COMMITMENT OF TRADERS: COMMERCIALS -150000 NET LONG OPEN INTEREST (Longs minus Shorts) 000103 000403 000703 001002 010102 010403 500 010703 011002 020102 020404 Going above the 5-week moving average gives a 1-2 month warning ahead of price bottom ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 5 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 Put and Call Options • Put options are a bet on the market going down. • Call options bet on prices going up. • More call trading is a sign of trader optimism, which occurs more at market tops. • Option “writers” provide different view. 2 1200 SP500 1.9 1150 1.8 1100 1.7 1.6 1050 1.5 1000 1.4 1.3 950 1.2 PUT/CALL VOLUME RATIO 1.1 CBOE - Sum of All Products 1 900 850 0.9 800 0.8 5SMA 0.7 750 0.6 700 0.5 650 0.4 010904 011008 011105 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 011204 020103 020201 020304 020402 020430 6 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 750 3 700 SP100 INDEX (OEX) 2.5 650 600 2 550 500 1.5 EXP OVERBOUGHT: M ore Puts Open 1 EXP EXP EXP 010205 400 OEX PUT/CALL EXP OPEN INTEREST RATIO 0.5 001205 450 EXP 010404 010604 010801 011004 OVERSOLD: M ore Calls Open 350 300 011203 020201 020403 2.4 4500 4200 2.2 3900 3600 2 3300 3000 1.8 NASDAQ COMP 2700 1.6 2400 2100 1.4 1800 1500 OVERBOUGHT: M ORE PUTS OPEN 1200 1.2 1 900 600 0.8 300 CBOE MINI-NDX PUT/CALL 0.6 OPEN INTER EST R ATIO OVERSOLD: M ORE CALLS OPEN 0 -300 0.4 -600 000801 001030 010131 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 010502 010801 011105 020206 020508 7 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 25 600 RUSSELL 2000 INDEX 550 20 500 450 15 400 10 350 CBOE RUSSELL 2000 PUT/CALL OPEN INTEREST RATIO 5 300 250 0 200 000301 000731 001228 010531 011102 020408 Not all Put/Call data is worthwhile in terms of its insights. 112 1.8 Continuous Near Month T-Bond Futures 110 10% Trend 108 1.5 106 104 102 1.2 100 98 OVERBOUGHT: More Puts Open 0.9 96 94 92 0.6 90 0.3 30-YEAR CBOT T-BOND OPTIONS PUT/CALL OPEN INTEREST RATIO 001229 010302 010502 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 010702 88 OVERSOLD: More Calls Open 86 010830 011101 020103 020306 020506 8 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 112 3 Continuous Near Month 30-Year T-Bond Futures 2.8 110 108 2.6 10% Trend 106 2.4 104 2.2 102 2 100 1.8 98 1.6 T-BOND OPTIONS PUT/CALL VOLUME RATIO 1.4 8-DAY MOVING AVG 96 94 1.2 92 1 90 0.8 88 0.6 86 84 0.4 000928 001128 010130 010330 010531 010731 011001 011130 020201 020404 Rydex Ratios • Rydex Series Trust reports asset levels on its mutual funds daily. • Comparing asset levels in bullish vs. bearish funds provides sentiment indication. • High cash level (money market fund) is a sign of investor nervousness. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 9 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 6 1500 1400 5 1300 SP500 4 1200 3 1100 1000 2 900 UPPER BAND 200 MA 1 800 LOWER BAND RYDEX NOVA/URSA RATIO 0 09/27/00 12/27/00 03/29/01 06/28/01 10/03/01 01/03/02 04/05/02 700 07/05/02 2.6 113 2.4 NEAR MONTH T-BONDS 110 2.2 107 2 1.8 104 1.6 101 1.4 98 1.2 95 1 0.8 92 0.6 89 0.4 86 0.2 0 83 -0.2 RYDEX BOND TO JUNO RATIO 80 -0.4 LOG SCALE 77 -0.6 04/05/00 07/05/00 10/02/00 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 12/29/00 03/30/01 06/28/01 10/02/01 12/31/01 04/02/02 10 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 2.5 1600 1500 2 1400 1.5 1300 SP500 1 1200 1100 0.5 1000 0 900 TITAN/TEMPEST RATIO -0.5 Log Scale 800 07/03/00 08/31/00 10/31/00 01/02/01 03/05/01 05/03/01 07/03/01 08/31/01 11/06/01 01/08/02 03/11/02 05/09/02 Titan (bull) and Tempest (bear) are 200% beta funds tracking the SP500 2100 1.5 2000 1900 1.2 NASDAQ 100 1800 1700 1600 0.9 1500 1400 0.6 1300 1200 1100 0.3 1000 900 0 RYDEX VELOCITY / VENTURE RATIO Log Scale 800 700 600 -0.3 04/27/01 05/29/01 06/27/01 07/27/01 08/27/01 10/02/01 10/31/01 11/30/01 01/02/02 02/01/02 03/05/02 04/04/02 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 11 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 80 150 140 75 XAU 130 70 120 65 110 60 100 55 90 50 80 45 70 40 60 35 50 40 30 30 25 RYPMX Assets In $Millions 20 20 09/29/00 11/29/00 01/31/01 04/02/01 06/01/01 08/01/01 10/05/01 12/05/01 02/06/02 04/09/02 280 525 RUSSELL 2000 500 240 475 200 450 425 160 400 120 375 350 80 325 40 300 RYDEX MEKROS FUND ASSETS 0 12/29/00 03/02/01 05/02/01 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 07/02/01 08/30/01 11/05/01 01/07/02 03/08/02 275 05/08/02 12 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 2 1400 1.9 1350 1.8 1300 1.7 SP500 1.6 1250 1.5 1200 1.4 1150 1.3 1100 1.2 1050 1.1 1000 1 RYDEX MONEY MARKET TO BULLISH FUNDS RATIO 0.9 0.8 950 900 0.7 850 0.6 800 0.5 750 0.4 700 0.3 650 0.2 0.1 600 12/29/00 24 03/02/01 05/02/01 07/02/01 08/30/01 11/05/01 01/07/02 03/08/02 0.6 Dow Jones Industrial Average 12 Month Rate of Change 0.5 0.4 21 0.3 0.2 18 0.1 0 -0.1 15 -0.2 5.3% as of Feb. 2002 Source: Investment Company Institute, 12 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 9 -0.7 -0.8 6 Mutual Fund Cash Position % All-time low was 3.9% in May 1972 3 -0.9 -1 -1.1 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 13 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 0.7 0.6 Dow Jones Industrial Average 0.5 12 Month Rate of Change 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 0 0.4 -0.1 -0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 -0.5 -0.6 0.1 -0.7 -0.8 0 Money Supplies -0.1 12 Month Rate of Change Money Market Fund Assets ( -0.9 M2 Money Stocks -1 -1.1 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 CBOE Volatility Index • Does not measure actual volatility. • Instead, measures “implied volatility” priced into OEX options. • Low readings indicate complacency, a sign of a price top. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 14 McClellan Seminar, April 27, 2002 1400 82 Arrival at lower band precedes price tops 78 74 70 1300 SP500 1200 66 1100 62 58 1000 54 900 50 46 42 CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) 800 38 UPPER BAND 34 50 MA 30 LOWER BAND 26 700 600 500 22 400 18 010130 010330 010531 010731 011004 011204 020205 020408 85 1600 80 1500 75 SP500 70 1400 1300 65 1200 60 1100 55 1000 50 900 CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) 45 800 40 700 35 600 30 25 500 20 400 300 15 980203 980804 990203 990804 000202 000802 010201 010802 020207 Price bottoms can come at varying VIX extremes, but the 20 level is important for price tops. ©2002, McClellan Financial Publications 15 Mc Cl e l l a n Fi na nc i a l Pub l i c a t i o ns mc os c i l l at or . c om P . O. Box39779L a k ewood, WA984963779( 253) 5814889 Copy r i ght2002Mc Cl el l a nF i na nc i a l Publ i c a t i ons